ff / tS ‘ ‘ KANSAS CITY JOURNAL ORVILLE 5. McpHERSON DAILY AND SUNDAY CELEB VICE ehaisgnne 5 anita niicsieds aera ores MISSOURI Yau caper BREWSTER P. CAMPBELL ovem er EXECUTIVE EDITOR Dr, F.C.Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kanse Dear Dr. Allen: Thanks for yours of Nov. 27 regarding the K.U. vs. A.-l. basketball series, I regret that I will be unable to officiate in this important series because it will be necessary for me to report at the Bluest Spring training camp beforé the March 11 date. However, I am open February 17. It was a fine series last year and I enjoyed working the games in Lawrence and Stillwater as much as any that I handled all year. Thanks again for the opportunity and with best regards, Sincerely, A oP? iwnon