May ll, 1940. lize Ed Olle, Business Manager, Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, University of Texas, ah Austin, Texmmse Dear Eds I find thet I om in administrative difficulties. I dates of our two basketball games with the Uni ty of Texms Jast Sunday before the Christmas holidays, is always given over to the Christmas vesperse The School of Fine Arts puts on a. wonderful denonstration on Sunday afternoon and Sunday night, and in thet connection they use the auditorium three days prior for preparation of their tableaux end other necessary practice _ periods. So we find & serious conflict. In this case, they stated, it would be hardly possible to have our basketball games the two nights before the vesperse i have just talked with Dean De Me Svarthout, of the School of Fine Arts, and he says they regret it very much, but since this is the Sunday prior to the Christmas holiday dismissal for the students here he camot do otherwisee Our Christms recess begins on Friday night, December 20. i was looking at your letter you wrote me on April 19th, and note that it is your plan to play the 'miversity of Kansas, the University of Oklahoma and Olkdahoma Ae & Me on the same tripe I am wondering if you could arrange to play the University of Oklahoma and Ollehoma Ae & Me on December 15 and 14, andplay us on the 16thand 17ths I regret this necessity for a change, but when we wrote you the chancellor's office approved the dates, but the secretary in the chencellor's office did not imow of the administrative conflicte Only yesterday we received word from thet office that we would not be able to pleye ‘Won't you let me mow if you can make this change? : 3