THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AUSTIN DEPARTMENT OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS OFFICE OF THE BUSINESS MANAGER April 19, 1940 Dre Forrest C. Allen Athletic Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dre Allens I spoke with Jack Grey this morning regarding dates for the Kansas-Texas basketball games to be played at Lawrence sometime during this coming December. It is our plan to play Kansas, Oklahoma A & M, and the University of Oklahoma on the same trip. We hope to arrange, subject to approval of the three schools, the following schedule: Vecember 13 University of Kensas at Lawrence 14 University of Kansas at Lawrence 16 Oklahoma A & M at Stillwater 17 University of Oklahoma at Norman I shall appreciate your writing me if the dates mentioned above for Kensas are satisfactory to youe With best wishes and regards, I em Very sincerely yours Ed Olle Business Manager