February 17, 1940. 4 : : tab} your two gemes in Lawrence, I believe the best plan would be to ask you to outline what detes you think wuld be helpful to yous I md in mind the detes any time after the first week in December's ule, ant beeen pa | ian 0b edad ek De Xap on the definite yeah os Sete oe Your boy Crane certainly made the nati spotlight. But that is usually the case when the 30 or 40 other boys who have played just as hard and who do not have the ability to scintillate, consequently do not get the play that one or two of the boys ~ gete I will be watehing your develomment with much interest. Mo are in sevond place in the Big Six, with Itissourt ‘State eway from home, with Kansas playing at Norman their last gemée Missouri is playing ransas State tonight and they are badly erippled, and then they play Iowa Stete and us. ‘So if they can win those three they have got the championshipe