UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS May 28 th Lg 4 0 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education and Recreation University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: In line with your letters of May llth, I am giving you herewith an excerpt from the Minutes of the meeting of the Big Six Directors at Lincoln, May 17th, which I pelieve will give you the action taken by the Directors on the points set forth in your communications. Excerpt - MEETING OF THE DIRECTORS OF THE MISSOURI VALLEY INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHIE TIC ASSOCIATION, Hotel Lineoln, Lincoln, Nebraska - May 17, 1940. Basketball Coaches! Requests "The Directors voted to request the Faculty Representatives that twenty (20) games be allowed each year with the under- standing that at least two be played during the Xmas Holidays. Motion by Ahearn, second by Henry. Passed. NOTE: The Faculty Representatives denied this request. The Directors voted that permission to play basketball games on so-called neutral courts be denied. Motion by Veenker, second by Ahearn. Passed. NOTE: In joint meeting with the Faculty Representatives this matter was discussed. The sense of the group seemed to indicate that in all sports the floors and fields habitually used by the home team should be considered their home court or field. The Directors voted that trip limits of basketball players be kept as per previous action. Motion by Veenker, second by Faurot. Passed." This information is given you merely for your records. | Gwinn Henry Director of Athletics GH: IW