December 26, 19396 Mre Jack Gardner, Basketball Coach, Kansas State College, Menhattan, Kansease Dear Jacks Please find carbon copy of the letter that I have written to Lomie : I imegine you will heve to write a Heniehs ad-Gus Ga Waatie Abuatton thaws the game teteees I have a sneaking notion that these fellows are collaborating with each other in putting on these double-headers, but I had no lmowledge whatsoever when I was dealing with Sachs that you were playing the same night in Chicagoe I have checked up with the railway company and they are wiring for more spcific informtion es to train schedules. I will let you know what I learn from theme Trusting that you and your boys have a very enjoyable ending of the old year and a happy begiming of the new, I an, with kindest regards, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach.