Sep 1 At home looks like rain At night rained quite a little and the wind blew Terrible Sep 2 Mr. Ward came over this morning and told us Buddie Butts was dead and wanted us to go after the coffin at the grove we went 7 miles of the 10 and was informed they did not keep coffins there we went to the office no mail Cleo got cast on her stomach while we were coming up the creek we got her up all right for Mr. Ward was with us and she was not hurt- anyway I dont know when the funeral will be Sep 19th Sunday all at home mamma still away toiling for bread for her children. We are out of flour and have to eat rice corn. Last week we tended to sorghum on Uncle Henshaws (?) timber [PAGE BREAK] claim cutting and carrying it to mill 4 miles from sorghum field. We have been to the post Office Mon Wed Fri every time for 5 weeks. Uncle Louis has wrote a spell ago and promised to send $150.00 by express. We have had hot winds that turned the (unreadable) we have got no one to cut the millet Oct. 15th It has been a long time since I have written in this diary I have been away working for six weeks at Larned something I never had to do before but it seemed best at the time I worked hard and had some unpleasant things to put up with besides being away from Father and the dear children but I think it will be an experience in my life that will be for the best I have been home nearly three weeks and worked out in the field with father and the little ones every day except this week 3 days. We had rainy weather then yesterday we worked but today the wind has blown and it rained some and was very cold and snowed a very little just enough to call snow or it was sleet The 20th of this month we received $50.00 from Louis