We are anxious to sell Lightning to fix our house and barn and relieve us of present necessities We received a letter from Calli W a good little girl I have written one letter to Louis since I came home I am glad to be at home with my dear family again 16th Father Etoile Collie and I worked on Drs timber claim cutting cane. The weather was cold and rain but we felt we must work Julia Louis and Grace stayed at home kept house and gathered cow chips to burn Julia got dinner for Elder Newcomb 17th Today is Sunday we all staid at home as usual pleasant and warmer Today is the 63rd anniversary of my Dear fathers marriage so well remembered by him. Julia went to the office but got no mail I forgot to say that the 15th in the middle of the storm Collie discovered a skunk in the barn and was much frightened for fear he would bite something or somebody Father took a pitchfork and went after him into the privy where he had taken refuge Stuck the fork into him and then we could kill him no other way than to heat water and scald him which we did until he was most dead then father chipped him into while Collie held him with the fork 18th Worked in the cane weather cool Elder Newcomb called staid to dinner also Mrs. Butts. Glad to see them but felt sorry to leave my work. Father came from the mill and saw them a short time brought two letters one from sister Belle one from Mr. Barto glad to hear of Ors prosperity and Mr. Barto wished me to come and [PAGE BREAK] take care of his sick wife as he could get no one around there very difficult for me to leave as I work every day in the cane 19 Pleasant Father went to the mill We worked in the cane 20 Father went to mill with one load Etoile and Collie worked with me Julia and Gracie kept house and gathered stuff for fuel (unreadable) buffalo chips lovely day we got dinner for a man from Col He paid me 40 I told him it was too much but he said no then I went into the field and worked until after dark. I am thankful for the blessings I have life and health for myself and family although we all work very hard hope the dear children and father will have it easier before long Nov. 8th Most eleven oclock over two weeks since I have written in my journal I have worked about every day since I wrote before in the field up to last Thursday when I gathered fuel with father and the children Then Friday had Mr Acritit (?) family here I used(?) them well though they are not much company for me last Saturday father got some folks to partition the barn as our stock stay out most every night because we have not our barn fixed no hay but came (unreadable) then the weather is nice For this time of year. Mr. Robinson fixed in three windows for us which made it very pleasant after waiting so long to have it done. It cheered me very much to have them fixed for it has been pretty dark the same night a man and boy with some cattle stayed overnight and bed their horses I charged .90 which I wish wishing someone would come that I might buy my girls some calico dresses which will only cost .8 � for 16 yards last Sunday we spent quickly as usual and I could hardly see where the day had gone to Some of the past two weeks I have felt