[English translation] [Page 1] [Blank.] -------- [Page 2] [Blank.] -------- [Page 3] One name inked out. *Di frate Angelo Biogi... 1 -------- [Page 4] [Blank.] -------- [Page 5] One ounce is the same as 8 drams and it is written viij and also is written j. A dram is only a part of an ounce and is written j and weighs 60 grains. A scruple is the same as 20 grains which is one third of a dram. Three scruples make one dram. An aureus or an exagium contains one and a half drams. A sextarius contains 2 pounds.... 2 NATURE SPEAKS TO MANKIND In me, merciful mother, loving nature, Following the rules pleasing to the great power, Natural love and desire were born Toward every living creature. My wisdom can cure each man And provide to him the herbs and beneficial waters Which Galen and Hippocrates described, Whence life lasts a long time. How many serious pains, how many accidents Besiege the wretched human body And make the legs weak, sick and weary. All pains are extinguished equally When the herbs bring infallible remedies For the liver, the spleen and pain in the sides. -------- [Page 6] [Blank.] -------- [Page 7] [Blank.] -------- [Page 8] [Blank.] -------- [Page 9] [Blank.] -------- [Page 10] JESUS My rule was always to serve each Well from my kind nature, But, as the proverb says, if to cure one It makes a hundred ill, I say I do not want this. I have proven it to my misfortune In lending books expecting security. I say that I am a martyr for lending them. Sometimes certain people Remove pages or mark them. They respond to a favor with destruction. Since they speak in my language, I hope to be understood by them, So that friends are not rejected. My heart seems to speak to me, ‘Take care, my companion, what you say So that you do not lose the book and the friends.’ -------- [Page 11] Excellent rules for preserving health for a long time.... 3 Because the state of human life is affliction and change, art and care are necessary through which nature and the body will be able to preserve health. Therefore, my friend, if you greatly desire to live in this world for a long time, freeing yourself from the many indispositions and dangers to your mortal body, give attention with diligence to this, my short list of rules. Viz.: When you get out of bed in the morning, stretch all your limbs well, because their natural warmth is the state from which they take much comfort. Cleaning. With a comb clean your head, because rubbish and dirt that is between the scalp and the brain is removed and this cleaning greatly aids the head. Wash your hands and face with fresh water because that will give you a good color to aid nature, and blow your nose well and clear your chest by spitting, because the chest and the brain become more cleansed and purified and the speech more clear. Clean your teeth and gums well with sage or with orange rind which gives the breath a good odor and the teeth and gums are better preserved. Perfumes. Take some time to make odorous perfumes for the brain. When it is warm use cool things, such as roses, sandalwood and similar things, and during the cold use warm things, such as cinnamon and cloves, in effect the same, because such odors greatly benefit the brain. Garments. Dressing with respectable and good-looking clothes of light wool improves the heart. Eating sweet fennel or cloves some time in the morning results in good breath that comforts the stomach and greatly increases the desire to eat. Electuary. Use this electuary at all times, that is diamargariton , or an electuary with amber, borage, bugloss and similar components. Then do moderate exercise up to the first sweat because such exercise strengthens the body and augments the natural heat while the excess of bad humors is diminished. If, near the hour of taking a meal, you will empty the belly of the excess of the body, that increases the appetite and lightens the body. Thus the stomach begins to digest those foods with which your nature is familiar. Such food is better and more suitable for the stomach and is digested more easily.... 4 Meats. The foods that better preserve the nature of man in greater health are meat of castrated goat, veal and lamb; of birds, meat of gray partridges, pheasants, quail, Greek partridges, hens and capons. Birds of the swamp are bad and are never digested. Eggs. Fresh hens’ eggs, given to drink, assist the brain considerably and help produce good blood. Herbs. The green stems of herbs, not cooked too much, are good and fine and their broth is better to relieve the abdomen. To provoke urine in an orderly way, beets, borage, balsam, mint and spinach are good and are suitable at meals. Bread. Bread should be well fermented and well cooked and not eaten warm which makes the stomach and the body worse. Wine. Wine should be pure and small in amount. Eat without too much speed so the food can be well masticated. Drink with moderation because too much wine and food kill many. Your food and wine should be very simple and of a single kind in a course, otherwise in using very diverse foods, illness is produced. After the meal, wash your hands well and your mouth and teeth, so that bits of food do not stay in the teeth to damage them, as often happens. If one walks enough so the the food is arranged in the bottom of the stomach, it is digested better. When you sleep, do so with the head covered and well elevated. The first sleep should be on the right side. Get up at dawn because the mind is aroused and sharpened and the body is strengthened and health is maintained. -------- [Page 12] In the spring, take a purge. That is what preserves your health and drives away every sickness that may come. Be careful with garlic, onions and similar sour plants that are harmful to the stomach and to the brain. On other things, do not indulge in coitus too much and especially after meals. From that develops corruption of the blood and weakness of the disposition. Fruit. Abstain from raw fruit. That causes most serious sickness. Do not be too melancholy which is most harmful and only makes you fall into grave indisposition and madness. Likewise, watch out for things harmful to the mind and body. By avoiding these and being careful, you will live a long time while one waits to reach the eternal life that the omnipotent and merciful God in His grace reaches out to give. This is all. Be well! -------- [Page 13] [Blank.] -------- [Page 14] [Blank.] -------- [Page 15] [Blank.] -------- [Page 16] [Blank.] -------- [Page 17] [Blank.] -------- [Page 18] Sonnet for preserving human life for a long time. Viz. If you want to stay healthy, observe these rules. Do not eat until hungry and eat lightly. Chew the food well that you take in. It should be well cooked and simple. It is not wise to take medicine. Keep yourself from anger and everything sad. Get up quickly when the meal is over. Do not sleep at midday. Drink moderately and promise The stomach not to drink between meals. Do not hold in urine nor force it out. Exercise and do it with care, With the body relaxed and the mind calm. Shun lust and keep to a good diet. To make your life happy, Do the first sleep on the right side, Never let it find you on your back. Three things are good without a doctor, ‘Diet, quiet and a happy life.’ -------- [Page 19] [Manuscript Title Page] LIBRO DE I SECRETTI CON RICETTE Aposto per frate Giovanni Andrea de Faare de Bressa Del horden d’i Frati Jesuatti de Santo Girolamo... 5 Addorno de altre cose per me Frate Antonio di Plasencia de Spagnia di detto horden il qual libro hereditai dal detto defunto ut supra. Nel 1562 in Lucca in Santo Girolomo -------- [Page 20] JESUS Jesus Christ, the supreme physician who heals all our infirmities, is the leader of all the faithful and he will use his means as the physician who created medicine from the earth. If, as they say, the old and modern philosophers equally have tested these secrets of nature, they are all to be found in the books of our elders. It is human nature not to be healthy, beginning from the top of the head down to the tips of the toes. I do not speak so much of the interior parts of the body but of illnesses of the exterior, beginning with the top of the head and going to the eyes, ears, nose, teeth and tongue, then to paralysis, the throat, catarrh, indisposition of the stomach, liver, abdomen, spleen, illnesses of the womb, the distress of kidney stone, difficulty in urination, boils and growths, wens, abcesses of the nipples, problems and swelling with the legs, corns, dislocated joints, broken bones, and damaged nerves. These remedies are discussed: unguents, plasters, oils, medicinal powders, the power of every herb, distillation of all waters, a remedy against the French sickness, the best elixir of life, laxatives, syrups, juleps, pills and how to make them with wine for each infirmity, and the power of the dead, not the living, wolf, and the remedies for some infirmities of horses. These you will understand in reading this. Through a gift of God, I, a faithful Christian, have considered the usefulness and value that each remedy has. As a wise pilgrim, I have gathered all these secrets now to be found in this, my little book, in which is included the many powers created by nature, the merits of which until the present have not been generally noticed. But take those that please you in their action and have confidence in the living God who created all from nothing. By working with these, not once but often, you will see it manifest that these are for the most part tested as things produced by nature and preserved with divine aid, for which should be rendered glorious and eternal praises for the origin of all created things. Jesus Christ lives and reigns for all eternity. So be it.+ -------- [Page 21] [Manuscript Table of Contents] JESUS A table of contents for this book of remedies to find quickly all the above-mentioned secrets pertaining to human nature, alphabetically, with a short legend. A Folio Universal water for the eyes, according to the method that is used in our shop... 1 Water for cloudy eyes... 1 Water for sickness of the eyes... 1 Water of celandine or swallow wort for bad eyes... 1 Water for an eye that was hit... 1 Water of swallows more wonderful than can be believed and how it is made for epilepsy... 15 Water that whitens teeth... 9 Water that whitens teeth, removes trick letters from parchment and also warts and corns and breaks iron... 9 Water for ringworm and for the legs... 17 Water for an itch of any kind, oily or dry... 32 Water to remove hair, warts, corns and skin eruptions... 20 Water for blockage of the veins... 26 Water for the liver and to cause urination... 26 Very perfect water for tuberculosis... 27 Tested water to drink for quartan fever... 31 Water for pain in the sides and helpful in stone... 40 Water that is squirted in the penis for those who have dripping... 47 Water that removes the signs on the edges of wounds... 76 Very perfect strong water, according to Aristotle, with its virtues... 101 Water of Queen Isabella is powerful for all the body and makes it healthy... 102 Water of fresh walnuts that has many uses... 140 Water to cure wounds, fistulas, cankers, bad growths and old sores, provided that the illness is external... 158 Odoriferous waters to use to compound Water of Angels... 135 Odoriferous waters to use to make noble and high class water of musk... 136 Water of orange rind distilled in the sun... 136 Ordinary distilled waters and some of their tested uses... 137 Water of tamarind flowers has many excellent virtues... 161 Celestial water is very wonderful to preserve health for a long time... 128 To clear up the vision quickly... 4 Most perfect remedy for one who is deaf... 6 To remove a tooth without implements using the root of celandine... 8 For one who may have loose teeth through sickness... 8 For one who has a bad problem in the mouth... 9 For one who has bad breath caused by the stomach... 10 For one whose head shakes and also the hands... 11 For one who has asthma and tightness in the chest... 23 For one who has cardiac arrythmia or may be frightened, sleeping or waking... 28 For one who is not able to urinate, very great and quick acting secrets... 42 -------- [Page 22] For one who suffers from difficulty in urination... 42 For one who is not able to urinate, be it man or woman... 43 For one in whom the intestine falls out of the inguinal region... 51 For one who spits blood through a broken vein in the chest... 27 Tested aid for one with ejaculation during sleep... 61 To cure one who has been bitten by a rabid dog... 79 To know if a person is under a spell or hurt from having eaten charms... 139 For flesh hurt or bruised from a fall without breaking the flesh... 16 To remove a wen quickly and well and to heal it easily... 92 For the pain of the top of the stomach, not the chest... 16 For curing fever, wounds and irritation of the penis with highly approved water... 30 For pain of the womb... 28 Perfect poultice for pain in the body... 34 Most rare remedies of several kinds for colic pains... 39 Wonderful poultice for colic pains... 39 Tested and good enema for pains in the side... 40 To cure kidney pains rapidly... 41 To break stones in the bladder... 45 Tested way to cause menstruation in women... 50 For those who are not reconciled with a spouse, a prayer to say and carry with you... 52 To remove hardness of the teats when they have been cut and to cure them when they are cut... 56 To domesticate an animal so it acts as desired... 79 To end a bad time... 140 To restrain involuntary ejaculation... 48 For fissures of the lips with cracks... 77 A powder to make the stomach and breath good and to expand the chest... 21 For coldness of the stomach and to aid digestion... 23 To make the voice good and firm for singing... 139 To rewarm the liver and diminish pain from the spleen... 28 Ointment for the edge of the kidney for quartan fever... 29 Best beverage for quartan fever... 29 To stop discharge from the body rapidly... 36 To restrain any kind of flow from the body... 36 To restrain discharge from the body little by little... 38 To retain urine... 41 To cause urination of much gravel quickly... 44 To break a stone in the bladder... 45 To make a wine against the illness of stone... 46 To return an inguinal hernia inside or swelling in the groin... 51 To make a boil open up quickly... 51 To resolve a swelling in the groin quickly... 52 -------- [Page 23] To bring to a head a swelling that comes in the thighs and on the mammaries of women... 52 To break hemorrhoids inside and out and to take out blood... 63 To make troches of cinnabar to open wounds... 74 To extend a nerve that has been retracted through illness... 76 To make a dog like you always and always come with you... 80 To make an adder or serpent come to you when you call it... 80 Several ways to make the hair beautiful... 18 To make white hair dark... 18 To make white hair become dark... 19 To make the hair or beard grow... 19 To remove body hair, beard or hair where you wish... 19 Washing with this distilled water prevents the beard, hair and eyelashes from falling out... 28 Distilled water for bathing the head and beard where there is a condition of hair loss, to make the hair regrow quickly... 28 Many tested ways to cure one who is deaf from many infirmities but not congenital deafness... 51 To cure the lump in the throat that is goiter, or enlarged throat... 11 With the aid of God to cure the falling sickness, that is one who falls from this bad sickness... 15 Several ways to cure ringworm on the head and remove hair without pain... 16 To cure teats broken open through humors or abcesses or canker and to bring out the material... 57 To cure the tip of the teats when they may be indurated or with some cracks... 57 To cure swollen testicles and the member of a man where the foreskin cannot be retracted and other infirmities of this... 58 To cure the member of a man that is infected and ulcerated from several causes... 59 To cure the member where the foreskin cannot be retracted and that has pus in the tip... 59 To cure swellings in the groin, scabs in the groin, warts and abcesses and other incurable illnesses... 60 To cure a fleshy growth in the penis of a man, even if it is old... 60 To cure the itching or pruritis that comes around the testicles... 60 To cure the penis of a man with these remedies and quickly by observing this rule...... 61 To cure hemorrhoids inside and out and piles... 61 To cure hemorrhoids and piles in several ways... 62 To cure piles, that is severe hemorrhoids... 62 Plaster to cure and dry hemorrhoids... 63 To cure sores on the legs... 64 To cure a rupture in the groin when the intestine has descended into the scrotal sac or is in a position to cause pain from hernia... 83 To cure a rupture that has descended into the scrotal sac... 83 To cure a rupture with a decoction and a fomentation... 85 To cure little children of the water that develops in the scrotal sac or a hernia..... 85 To cure the red spots or burning agues that develop in little children... 80 To cure arthritic pains or gouty arthritis... 90 -------- [Page 24] To whiten hair in the shade without sun so it becomes white and lustrous as silver...... 18 For pain in the testicles and other illnesses and swellings... 79 Tor the pain that comes on the eyelashes of the eyes... 1 For pain of the teeth and every other distress caused by dryness or from the stomach..... 7 Best remedy for headache... 13 For the pain of parturition or one who has a dead baby in her body... 54 To remove any spot or cataract from the eyes... 2 To remove the bad flesh that grows in the nose, that is polyps... 7 To remove pain and misery from the teeth quickly... 10 For the swelling or mass that comes behind the heels... 77 Ointment for cold pains of the joints... 99 To remove a birthmark or a blood spot that is on the face or body... 158 For white discharge flowing from the penis of a man or from a woman... 48 For serious deafness... 5 For pain of the teeth after eating something sour... 9 Best remedy for the sore throat, that is quinsy that comes in the throat... 9 For headache with fever... 13 Best remedy for tightness in the chest and in thick cough... 22 Most approved remedy for pleurisy... 23 For the woman whom pregnancy has sickened and to restore her to health... 24 For the dropsy caused by the spleen... 25 Most approved remedy for one who is swollen with dropsy... 25 For blockage and swelling... 26 For dryness of the mouth caused by fever... 32 Strong poultice for intestinal rupture that miraculously cures it... 81 Very strong poultice for intestinal rupture... 81 Useful and tested poultice for intestinal rupture... 82 Poultice that rapidly cures recent intestinal rupture... 82 For coldness in the joints, that is in cold gout... 97 For the uvula that has fallen in the throat... 9 Wonderful water for catarrh... 11 Best remedy for dry cough... 22 For burning in the penis when urinating... 43 For the intestine that comes far out of the body... 52 For the intestine coming out of the body from damage... 52 Wonderful unguent for inflamed eyes... 2 For dropsy caused by the spleen... 115 Tested remedy for swelling of the legs... 65 For paralysis of the tongue, hand and other members... 10 In parturition and against quartan fever... 34 To rewarm the vagina... 49 To cure rapidly the deafness, ringing and hissing that comes in the ears... 5 Plaster for closing up the womb... 24 -------- [Page 25] For the problem of baldness on the head... 16 For illness in matrons and the sickness of pregnancy in women... 21 For the sickness of sharp pain, that is stomach pain and serious vomiting... 21 For sickness in the body caused by worms... 37 To urinate stone and gravel rapidly from the kidney or the bladder... 44 Several methods to cause urination in sickness from stone and gravel... 46 Approved prayer for the sickness of pregnancy... 28 To cure quickly the abcess that comes in the fingers... 79 Precious unguent to cure the sickness of excessive hunger quickly... 80 For the illness of shingles which makes many blisters that break, and for any bad growth... 80 Perfect water for the illness of shingles... 80 Various medicines to cure illness of the spleen in several ways... 113 To make the abcessed and swollen spleen mature... 114 Wonderful ointment that quickly removes illness of the spleen... 115 To kill lice, crab lice, fleas and nits and it is effective against bugs... 164 Very true and tested for the illness of pleurisy... 23 Very good remedy for sickness of pregnancy... 23 For sickness of pregnancy and sickness of matrons... 23 To remove the chills of fever... 34 Several ways to remove the red signs and spots from wounds... 73 To bring peace and concord between 2 persons, that is husband and wife... 54 To soften the teats and remove pain... 57 To soften the milk in the teats and make it come out... 57 To get rid of an ulcer and cure it quickly... 78 Several ways to cure a fistula... 78 A water to remove a fistula and cure a canker... 89 For pain from a venomous bite or from eating some poison or from worms or poisonous animals and in pain of the body... 79 To mitigate the pain of fissures... 85 Several ways to mitigate the pain of gout... 93 To remove redness of the face wherever you want... 162 To remove an abcess... 163 For a retracted nerve that is not able to be extended from irritation or other cause... 91 Perfect and useful water for a retracted nerve in the finger... 92 To remove a scrofula with water... 77 For the ulceration or other sickness of the legs... 77 For any bad growth in the throat caused by coldness... 10 To prepare for cold feet... 77 To pick up serpents or adders without being harmed... 80 -------- [Page 26] For a rupture in the nose caused by descending humors... 7 For a rupture or wound in the head... 13 To restrain flux from the body or other discharges... 38 Several ways to restrain the white flux in a woman or man... 49 To reduce the white flux of a woman rapidly... 49 To reduce the red flux of excess menstruation in women... 50 Several ways to break a stone in the bladder... 44 To stop blood that comes from the nose which has not been stopped by other remedies... 6 To stop the flow of blood from wounds or veins that have been ruptured, broken or cracked in the chest... 90 Several kinds of remedies for the stomach that does not retain food... 20 To dry the rheum from a tooth... 8 To digest food in the stomach... 22 To know if a woman may give birth to male or female... 55 For a human to stay healthy all year... 125 To dry sweat and to clean the skin under the arms or wherever you want and to keep a good odor permanently... 152 Beverage for cold sciatica and for any other bad condition... 97 To distill by downward distillation... 111 To distill herbs or flowers and whatever you want in the bain marie with several receptacles and the tower of the philosophers... 133 To distill several kinds of odoriferous waters with the bain marie... 134 To distill mixtures of flowers, herbs and roots to compound odoriferous waters... 135 To distill brandy and rules to observe to make it perfect, and with its virtues... 141 To distill wine to make brandy for drinking and for bathing, with some of its tested virtues...... 144 To distill good brandy in an improvised method designed as a test... 147 To stop blood from hemorrhoids quickly... 48 To heal a wen... 92 To cut a limb without pain to the patient... 76 For one who is beginning not to hear... 5 For a scrape or other malady of the leg... 64 For one who has frozen teeth and cannot eat things cold or warm... 96 -------- [Page 27] B Synthetic balsam, very good for every illness of the eye and ear and for ringworm... 4 Bath or poultice to cool the kidneys... 25 Bath to warm the womb... 25 Beverage for epilepsy... 14 Beverage against itching... 33 Beverage against pain in the body from having retained urine... 36 Beverage for those who drip excessively from the penis... 48 Beverage against gravel, to make abundant urine... 48 Beverage against the French sickness and for sciatica and catarrh... 116 Beverage for every incurable illness in every member of the body... 116 Beverage for illness of the spleen... 115 Prayer against witches and demons... 140 To maintain good feet to walk with... 151 C To make hair, beard or body hair regrow when it has fallen out from sickness... 18 To remove corns between the fingers or wherever they are and to kill the root... 150 To cure quickly a head broken by a fall or other blow as long as the bone is not broken... 128 To prevent cracking of the mammaries of women... 58 So a man goes securely on a dangerous journey... 151 One whose brain is wandering... 17 One who questions if it is tuberculosis... 25 One who questions if it is tuberculosis, use this powder... 25 One who has a yellow countenance... 26 One who has cardiac arrythmias, especially if one is frightened and cannot sleep... 27 Very elegant cerate for the head... 13 The primary cerate... 13 Cerate which is put on the head for sickness from a blow and from humidity... 14 Cerate for epilepsy to put on the head... 14 Cerate against coldness of the stomach... 54 Very valuable cerate to clear up... 67 The Grace of God Cerate of highest virtue... 77 Against fever of any kind... 37 Confection for coldness of the stomach... 53 Confection for worms in adults and children... 37 Confection to lift the heart and take away melancholy... 101 Quince laxative against cold gout and pains in the sides and to strengthen the stomach... 97 Escharotic for bad flesh... 74 Against the venom of the bee, wasp, hornet and scorpion... 79 Against the pain of warm and cold gouts... 93 Best beverage against the pain of the gouts, especially when they are warm in nature... 93 Best and complete laxative against the gouts... 93 Most perfect electuary against the pain of the gouts, a wonderful secret... 94 -------- [Page 28] Valuable pills against the pain of the gouts and a most true secret for all considerations... 94 Wonderful and very powerful ointment against the pain of the gouts... 94 Most worthy unguent to rub against the pain of the gouts wherever they are... 94 Most excellent oil against the pain of the gouts and worthy of every test... 94 To cure the pain of the gouts with this water of guaiac wood. This is tested... 95 Wear this ring continually on the finger against gouty sciatica... 95 Cerate against gouty sciatica of a hip, even if it is old... 96 Bath and ointment that rapidly cures gouty sciatica and cold gout... 96 Very useful beverage and enema against gouty sciatica... 97 Very useful enema against gouty sciatica... 97 Against the swelling of the vein after withdrawing blood... 125 Against every malign nocturnal spirit... 140 Horse or ox or other animals that urinate blood which only comes to bovine beasts through overheating and bad food... 154 Horse or other beast that has colic pains or aliaci... 154 Horse that has a cough or may be cold... 155 To cure quickly a horse or other beast that has sickness from large or small worms or retains worms in the body... 155 To cure a horse that has sickness on the back or sores on the shoulders... 156 A horse that has swelling around the ankles and feet... 156 To cool down a horse that is down through overheating or too much exertion... 156 A horse that has swollen glands behind the ears, that is under the jaw... 156 To cure a horse rapidly that has a spot in the eyes... 156 A horse that is not willing to let itself be shod and is restive... 157 To give a white horse some green spots... 157 Best beverage for fleshy growth in the penis... 48 D For the gassy hernia that comes in the bottom of the scrotal sack... 85 Digestive... 74 Protective... 74 E Very aromatic elixir of life to preserve health and youth and remove bad humors... 129 Elixir of life according to the method of the studio of Bologna to preserve human nature... 129 Electuary so women can have babies... 55 Plaster against the debility from a cold stomach... 20 Herbs that quickly restrain a flux... 38 The herb primula cures rupture... 82 The herb mouse ear cures rupture in the sack or in the groin... 82 The herb ground pine put on a rupture cures it... 84 The herb sea bindweed cures a rupture and purges the body and has other virtues... 85 The herb verbena aids the intestinal parts... 85 Some of the virtues of the herb dittany are that it aids in a rupture and aids the spleen and the cold stomach... 86 -------- [Page 29] The herb calamondin, that is germander or wall germander, is powerful for the stomach, for the womb and in fever... 86 The herb balsamina, that is balsam apple or mormordica, is called by some the wild vine because it has leaves like the wild grape and its fruits are pointed and at maturity are yellow in color or orange red and spiny... 86 The herb rusty fern, that is Asplenium, and some of its virtues... 87 The herb dodder that grows in the grain and is appropriate to use to cure ulcers... 87 The herb wild sage with its good virtues... 87 The herb double tongue, that is pagan tongue... 89 The herb adder’s tongue, that is serpent’s tongue... 89 The herb ox-tongue that has a white spot in the center of the leaf and grows around hedges... 90 The herb scabiosa and some of its virtues... 90 The herb rue and some of its virtues... 90 The herb marjoram and some of its virtues... 139 The herb holy thistle, that is Turk’s thistle, and its virtues... 132 A method to try in the French disease. First purge the body in this way... 117 Best remedy to try for the French disease... 119 F Fomentation for the ears to remove deafness caused by sickness... 5 Fomentation for the womb when it comes out of the vagina... 49 G Very best and perfect julep to make... 122 For the legs... 54 I Plaster that matures and softens quickly... 53 Plaster to mature an abcess quickly... 76 Golden plaster that is powerful for wounds... 76 Plaster for a sore throat that has become wormy... 76 Plaster to cure fissure or fleshy hernia... 83 Plaster for hardness of the swollen spleen... 116 Tested plaster for burns from water or fire... 38 L Electuary for watery and dripping eyes and for weakness of the stomach and to strengthen the memory... 2 Very good and excellent electuary for the memory... 17 Electuary against every impediment of the stomach and it purges bad humors... 21 Electuary for the stomach that supports digestion... 23 Electuary for the bad stomach caused by the spleen and by humors from bad blood... 26 Electuary for distress in the stomach and tuberculosis and for the hardened spleen... 28 Electuary for the memory with many other notable uses... 138 Very excellent electuary against catarrh... 11 Electuary to rewarm the stomach and the kidneys to incite venery... 54 -------- [Page 30] Electuary for the falling sickness... 14 Electuary for blockage or dropsy or tuberculosis or for one who has a bad stomach... 26 Electuary for those who have leakage from the penis... 47 Electuary to shrink and cure the spleen... 115 Electuary for those with fissures below or open under the groin... 84 Electuary for the sickness of gout and arthritis... 95 Electuary of buckthorn, a tested laxative to remove the pain of gout... 95 Lavage for the womb when it has come out of the vagina... 51 Very perfect lavage for illness of the legs... 66 Lavage to heal and clean sores on the legs... 67 The woman who has this prayer on her will soon give birth without pain... 54 Human nature has four complexions: cold, dry, warm and melancholy... 127 The four kinds of nature are: sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic... 127 The four digestions of food that are made in the stomach... 24 The four digestions in nature... 128 To know some things about the urine... 128 Nature shows through external signs the distress that is inside... 126 Through phlebotomy man removes blood to be healthy... 126 The value of human blood converted into water by distillation... 91 The virtues of celandine that are contained in the elixir for humans... 132 The virtues of some distilled waters... 137 To remove bad nails quickly... 150 To cure split lips of the mouth, and the hands... 7 To color white hair, beard or body hair dark brown quickly... 18 Liquor to draw torn nerves together... 91 The egg that is layed on the day of Ascension is said to cure fissures... 85 The wolf has many tested medicinal powers, I say when it is dead and not alive... 153 Angelic electuary or electuary of buckthorn, very laxative... 96 Electuary of rosemary; unguent of rosemary; wine of rosemary... 164 The virtues of water distilled from strawberries, that is from the mature fruit... 163 M To make the best and good rose honey... 121 Good and complete laxative of red sugar... 121 Remedies of several kinds for epilepsy... 24 O Oil that is powerful in paralysis and contraction of nerves, in transient spasm and in all cold infirmities... 10 Oil for the sickness called ugly... 15 Most true oil for the sickness of pleurisy and sickness of matrons and colic pains and contracted nerves... 22 Oil against spasm of the nerves in several tested ways... 72 Oil to cure fissures from an accident... 83 Oil made of rosemary flowers with their tested values... 88 Oil against all cold infirmities... 96 Oil of sage flowers for any swelling of cold gout in the elbows, hands or knees... 98 -------- [Page 31] Warm oil to straighten limbs contracted or drawn out through coldness... 102 Oil to heal a cut quickly... 102 Oil that draws fresh wounds together... 103 Oil to heal and soothe any sore... 103 Very excellent oil for cuts or wounds... 103 Precious oil that heals any wound in 24 hours... 105 Lateran oil called oil of the philosophers and some of its virtues... 103 Synthetic oil of yellow sulfur... 103 Oil of yellow sulfur and some of its virtues... 104 Special medicinal oil of sulfur... 110 Oil of St. John’s wort in precious mixtures, with its virtues... 105 Oil of egg yolks with some of its virtues and the way it is made… 73,... 105 Oil of tartar to whiten flesh... 105 Oil of tartar, that is tartar from wine casks, with some of its virtues… 106,... 126 To convert oil of tartar to a liquor... 109 Oil of Roman vitriol, true and perfect, with its virtues... 106 To solidify synthetic oil of vitriol... 109 Oil of talc prepared to whiten flesh... 108 Oil of talc made according to the alchemists... 109 Best and complete oil of pure wax... 109 Oil of turpentine or oil of honey... 109 To make clear and beautiful oil of laurel berries... 110 To make true and complete oil of antimony... 110 Oil of antimony made in the distilling flask... 111 Tested oil against venoms, poisons and worms, in sacred memory of our lord, Pope Clement VII... 112 Oil similar to that above, tested in the time of our lord, Pope Paul III, in 2 prisoners in the Tower of Savella by Monsignor Diomede, the Neopolitan, who was responsible for not cutting off their heads instead. This is the way to make this oil, viz... 112 Synthetic oil against venoms like that above and also useful in hip pain... 113 Oil of scorpions which was made by Saint Bernard against venoms... 113 How to make oil of antimony... 110 Oil of juniper is composed in this way... 111 Ointment for split lips and cracks on hands and feet... 7 Ointment that removes an itch... 33 Ointment for an itch... 34 Ointment to make the body go by rubbing the umbilicus... 34 Ointment for pain in the shins, weakness of the loins and for illness of the kidneys... 47 Ointment for the kidneys for those who are draining from the penis... 47 Best ointment against retracted nerves... 72 Ointment with gargle for those who have the French sickness with 3 syrups to be given before the medicine... 118 Prayer for bad teeth... 8 Prayer against the malady of scrofula and swollen glands... 12 -------- [Page 32] Prayer for headache... 14 Prayer against epilepsy to be carried on you... 15 Prayer against sickness in pregnancy... 24 Most devout prayer for any fever and to carry around the neck... 30 Prayer against every kind of fever... 30 Prayer against gout to say every morning and to carry with you... 95 Prayer to cure gouty sciatica wherever it is and quickly... 96 Prayer against pestilence... 101 Prayer against all the dangers of the world... 152 Prayer against worms for everybody... 37 Simple oxymel, complete and good... 124 Oil of camphor that is powerful for redness of the face and also for more things... 163 P Distress from serious vomiting from the stomach... 20 Cloth processed to strengthen the diseased leg... 67 To heal the vagina of a woman inside and out... 50 For the milk crust that comes on the head of little children... 17 For bones dislocated or injured in the feet or hands or anywhere that at times hurts or is swollen although the wound has healed... 91 Best and holy remedy for dislocated and loose bones... 91 To hold loose bones in the joints... 92 To bring broken bones together and mitigate the pain... 92 Pills of turpentine powerful in sciatica, gout and any bruise or internal distress... 100 Imperial pills and some of their uses... 100 Tested pills against dizziness... 100 Pills to cure ringworm... 17 Pills for the head after meals... 18 Pills for the sickness of matrons... 21 Pills against fever... 29 Pills of aloe to evacuate the bowels... 36 Odorous pills made of wild cucumber that are laxative and work against fever... 34 Decoctions for the overheated liver... 27 Decoction for the overheated and defiled liver... 27 Decoction against hardness and inflammation of the spleen... 114 Decoction against illness of the spleen... 115 Tested little prayer against worms... 37 Powder to make the memory good... 17 Powder for those who are draining from the genitals, be it man or woman... 48 Powder for dripping from the penis... 48 Powder to grow flesh on wounds... 75 Powder to close old wounds and draw new ones together... 75 To remove warts with their roots and also to heal corns... 150 Oil for the stomach to cure one who may have developed tuberculosis... 25 -------- [Page 33] To remove warts or corns quickly with dilute nitric acid... 151 Apple for a bad memory... 17 For epilepsy... 16 Odorous apple that, after eating it, causes sleep... 161 Q When you have water in the ears or other humidity... 6 When a marriage has been damaged through incantations... 56 R Wonderful drying ointment for erysipelas... 63 Cooling unguent for erysipilas, that is rash with fever... 68 Most certain remedy to alleviate the pain of warm gout, most approved and true with an ointment... 93 Remedy against the plague... 101 Escharotic made quickly for cold burning... 75 Quick and very excellent escharotic... 74 *Remedy for animals that have swollen tumors from the saddle or bit... 166 *Remedy for animals with a rupture... 166 *Remedy for one who may be swollen... 165 S Wonderful, tested secret for the eyes... 4 Enema to make the body go... 36 Scrofulas, that is swollen glands, and bad growths removed in several ways... 12 Water that removes scrofulas, growths and warts... 12 Wonderful unguent for scrofulas or swollen glands... 12 Laxative for dropsy and good in gassy hernia... 26 Laxative of tartar and of other kinds to make the bowels go... 35 Treated bandage powerful against open, corroded, malignant, poisoned or infected ulcers that are difficult to cure... 77 Juice of the herb of Saint John, that is burdock, that is powerful against spasms... 92 The method by which a simple syrup is made with some of its virtues... 124 Syrup or beverage of great value that maintains health... 125 Soporifics of several kinds used according to the person and they have been tested for the most part... 160 V/U Wine of eyebright, wonderful for the eyes... 1 Wine of rosemary is powerful against every cold infirmity caused by humidity... 87 Wine of sage for contraction of the nerves and in lunacy and it is very powerful in paralysis... 147 Wine good to drink for hardness of the spleen, and other beverages... 115 Wine made of fennel is powerful for cough, for the lungs and for weakness of the eyes... 147 Wine of long birthwort is powerful against fistulas as long as they are not on the bone... 148 Wine against cold gout... 148 To know how to transmute turbid and sour wine that has a bad odor... 148 How to make wine last all year without spoiling... 149 To remove quickly a musty or bad odor from wine... 149 To transmute wine to preserve it sound all year... 149 To make spoiled wine return to its original state and nevermore be spoiled... 149 -------- [Page 34] Wine good for making strong vinegar, I say very strong, in several ways... 149 To make the dark spots of a leopard on skin with white fur... 20 A gambler who does not play any more... 152 One who becomes mad through something eaten or through sickness... 140 Wonderful unguent for the eyes... 3 Primary and worthy unguent... 13 Unguent against vomiting and relaxation of the stomach... 20 Unguent of Galen, cooling for the kidneys and for any warm malady... 27 Best and complete unguent for itch... 33 Laxative unguent to make one go in both ways, up and down... 36 Unguent to grow flesh to put on sores... 53 Unguent to cure hemorrhoids quickly... 62 Unguent of white lead effective on irritated skin, used for excess bile and salt phlegm and for dry itch and burns from fire and for erysipelas and foraccidents with fire... 64 Unguent for every illness of the body... 65 Unguent to cool and heal every sore... 68 Triapharma unguent, very cooling... 68 Unguent of lead, cooling and drying for infected legs... 66 Unguent of lead for the legs... 67 Unguent of litharge to close up sores... 67 Very precious unguent for the legs... 64 Unguent for the legs with warm humors... 65 Dark unguent to increase and close up flesh... 68 Unguent that heals in 12 days as long as the sore or wound is not fatal, but it is not good for wounds or maladies on the head... 69 Unguent from a monarch of Greece that is useful in any wound on the head or body and is powerful against cut muscles and nerves... 69 Unguent from the above that is powerful for any wound, bruise or blow and works without stinging... 69 Great Egyptian unguent powerful in old sores and fistulas that need to be cleansed. This cleans and purges them of dead flesh and of their putrefaction... 69 Cleansing Unguent of the Apostles... 69 Green unguent that cures and grows flesh in every wound... 69 Gold unguent cures, grows flesh, closes and heals every new sore... 70 Unguent of white lead for decaying flesh and bad fistulas... 70 Unguent of Avicenna, called unguent of venery... 70 Unguent of lesser basil, good and complete. Also of greater basil... 70 Unguent of oil to cleanse wounds that are hard to close and it cures fistulas and bad sores... 70 Related unguent that is powerful in all putrid wounds and grows flesh in them and heals and does not allow corruption... 70 Unguent of turpentine to put on wounds to grow good flesh... 70 Very excellent unguent to clear up sores... 71 Unguent for places where nerves are infected... 71 -------- [Page 35] Unguent that extends nerves that are contracted either by cold or warmth, that is through blockage of the nerves by humors that descend from the head to the nerves in such a way that the natural warmth is impeded. When they lack this they are retracted with weakness or paralysis... 71 Best unguent for cuts or wounds... 71 Unguent for cleaning the nerves... 72 Unguent from the Master Apothecary Bonino, the Florentine. With this unguent he medicated only one time a day and cured every large sore... 73 Unguent that resolves the swelling and hardness that remains after a wound is healed... 73 Unguents of several kinds to extract iron, wood or spines rapidly out of the flesh... 74 Pine tar unguent; Yellow unguent; Rose unguent to refresh the legs... 75 Unguent for inflammation of every kind... 75 Unguent of mummy that grows flesh, consolidates any sore and cleans well... 75 Unguent without wax from the Master Apothecary Ganfredi, who called this ‘Grace of God.’ It is powerful to heal all new and old sores and generates good flesh and does not permit any corruption to enter nor permit bad flesh. It is powerful for all cut or shattered nerves and is powerful against any kind of venomous beasts and in scrofulas and in the malady of Saint Anthony. Many have seen this also through testing it... 77 Unguent Grace of God that cleans, generates flesh and heals any serious wound... 77 Unguent for ulcers in several forms... 78 Unguent made by the Venerable Bede to heal broken bones... 92 Unguent that is powerful in sciatica, cold gout, retracted nerves, sickness of pregnancy, kidney pain, quartan fever and pain from the spleen... 97 Unguent for burns from fire or water... 99 Unguent for burns of any kind that cures them wonderfully and leaves no signs... 100 Unguent for burns from oil, fire or water or from other things. It is tested... 100 Unguent of alabaster for several illnesses... 14 Tested unguent for salt humor of the legs... 77 Z For knees or hands that are swollen through running humors, from the Master Apothecary Pellegrino... 76 To remove the redness from knees or legs that are swollen... 76 Good and beautiful red sugar with some of its virtues... 123 -------- [Page 36] [Blank.] -------- [Page 37] [Blank.] -------- [Page 38] [Blank.] -------- [Page 39] [Blank.] -------- [Page 40] [Blank.] -------- [Page 41] [Blank.] -------- [Page 42] [Blank.] [The Remedies] -------- [Page 43] JESUS Universal water for the eyes according to the formula that is used in our shop, viz: Take 1 lb. each of rose water, water of fennel, water of strawberries, water of bramble, water of eyebright, water of celandine, and dry malvasia wine. At times from all these waters I do not make only one flask. I put in it enough zinc oxide, 1 ½ ounces, for preservation, and aloe, ½ ounce, and fine sugar, 2 ounces, and make all these things into very fine powder. I put everything in a flask and shake it well, turning it upside down so that everything is well incorporated. Then cover it and put it in the sun for 20 days or more and every day turn it once upside down so that everything is well mixed, and in this way it is confected by the sun. By this method the most perfect water will be made for every illness of the eyes, especially for dryness. When the cloudy eyes are bathed, see that a little of it enters in the corner of the eye. Protect yourself from the early morning air and the evening air to preserve health and, with the aid of God, soon you will be cured by this treatment that has been tested many times by me, Master Apothecary Andrea from Farre in Brescia.... 6 Excellent wine of eyebright for the eyes. Take the herb eyebright in an amount at your discretion and put in some grape must before it is boiled for bottling, and when it is clarified, use it to drink and you will always have very good vision and good eyes. If it should be too strong, temper it with mild things. By continuing to use it you will have good vision always. Water for cloudy eyes. Take tips of bramble, plantain, burdock, rue, spirea, fennel and celandine, one handful each, and half a handful of red poppy. Put all these herbs in a glass still and sprinkle on them these powders: zinc carbonate, cloves and hepatic aloe, ½ ounce each, and with ½ glass of malvasia or good white wine begin squirting these herbs with this and then with rose water, alternately. Put on the cover and with temperate fire, little by little, barely be able to distill. Preserve it in a glass bottle and leave it for several days in the sun and it will be made. Then 2 or 3 days of the week, especially in the evening when you go to sleep, bathe the eyes so that it enters the corner of the eyes well.... 7 Another. Take quicklime and put it in well water for one day and one night without touching it. Then lift it out with a card on which you will have put it carefully with a feather. Then put this water, very well filtered, in a bottle and put therein a little sal ammoniac and make it dissolve in the water. Then when your eyes are bathed with it, it will make your vision wonderfully clear.... 8 Another for a warm humor that may involve the eyes. Take fresh cheese, cut finely, and wash it very well as if making a paste. Then with rose water and the white of one fresh egg, mix everything together very well, and when you go to sleep make a little plaster on a cloth and put it on the bad eye and, especially if the eye shows any spotting of blood through dryness, it will make that disappear and go away without any distress.... 9 Another for pain in the eyes. Take 3 apples and extract the juice and take the white of a fresh egg and incorporate them together. Then rub it around the eyes and soon the pain of the eyes will stop. Another for pain in the eyes. Take one carafe of malvasia or vernaza or other excellent white wine and 6 drams of rose water, 1 ounce each of hepatic aloe and fine sugar, 2 quatrini each of camphor and zinc oxide and make everything into very fine powder. Put the carafe, covered, in the sun for 8 or 10 days and 2 or 3 times a day shake it well upside down. Put it in the eyes. Doing this several times will help you.... 10 Another for the above condition of the eyes. Take 2 or 3 lizards and cut them up. Throw away the head, feet and tail. Dry the rest and make very fine powder and this, put in the eye, purifies it. Another for bad eyes. Take 4 to 6 fresh eggs and cook them very hard and take the white and put it in a handkerchief, first wetting it with rose water. Then press it well and the water that comes forth, put therein zinc oxide and fine sugar and wash the eyes and it will make your sight good. -------- [Page 44] Water for bad eyes. Take one handful of rue and put it in a glass vessel and put thereon good white wine. Then put in a large amount of silver and put it in a bowl, uncovered, for 3 days and 3 nights. Remove it and strain it carefully and wash the eyes thoroughly with the decoction and it will make you very pleased. Take rue boiled with white wine and put in a little sugar and zinc carbonate and put it in the eye. Another for bad eyes. Take 3 lb. of honey and 6 ounces of fine sugar and one handful of the herb celandine and some white bread crumbs soaked in juice of rue or in distilled water of rue and water of celandine. Mix everything and distill it in glass and bathe the eyes with this water. Another for the eye that may be bloody. Take 6 ounces of rose water, 1 dram of zinc oxide and ½ dram of camphor and 6 ounces of good white wine and mix these things carefully and put them in a flask and shake it well upside down and put it in the sun for 8 to 10 days or boil it on a bain marie, and with this water bathe the eyes repeatedly and, by continuing it, the signs of blood will go away.... 11 A very good remedy for the eye that has been wounded. Take juice from red clover with the dark mark and put some of the juice in the wounded eye and do not touch it for 24 hours and this will help you.... 12 The best remedy for every painful eye. Take absinthe, pennyroyal, laurel and cumin and grind everything together and make very fine powder. Then compound it with purified honey and boil it slowly so that it is thickened a little. Then put it in the eyes and soon it will remove the pain. Water of celandine or swallow wort for bad eyes. Take the herb celandine, that is swallow wort, which has the same power to heal cloudy vision. Take it in flower and cook it in pure water in which is well-cleaned honey. Afterwards, strain it through linen cloth and distill this decoction in a glass still. Put this distillation in the eyes repeatedly and it will relieve you quickly. Another water for the eyes. Take rose water and burdock, rue, rosemary, flowers of broad beans, celandine, agrimony, fennel and sage in equal amounts and distill all the herbs and collect the water. Leave it in the sun for 10 to 15 days. Then bathe the eyes in the morning and the evening and, if you have a serious sickness, drink half a glass in the evening when you go to sleep. Take care that you do not eat unhealthful things and be careful to drink only a little wine and this will help you considerably. Another to clarify the vision. Take juice of cottonweed and let it soak one night. Filter it and leave it for one night in a bottle and put therein a little zinc oxide and fine sugar. Then rub the eyes with it for 15 to 20 days, 2 or 3 times a day, and you will be cured. Another water for bad eyes. Take one soldo ofzinc oxide in rose water, and one glass of rose water and one quatrino of fine sugar and one glass of racese wine or other strong white wine and incorporate everything together and put it in a covered bottle in the sun for 8 to 10 days and turn it upside down often so that it mixes well. Bathe the eyes repeatedly and see that some enters around the eye and if you feel it a little do not doubt that this is the best sign that you can have of a quick cure against the illness and the need may disappear and you will be cured.... 13 Another water for bad eyes. Take 8 ounces of good malvasia wine, 4 ounces of rose water, 1 dram of verdigris and cloves and tie them up in a piece of cloth and put them to soak in the malvasia. Then boil everything for one miserere and remove the cloth and squeeze it very well into the infusion. The stronger you want the water, the more you should squeeze the button of cloth. Let it clear and put this water in the eyes and soon you will be cured. This has much value for blurred eyesight and is very well tested.... 14 Another water for the eyes. Take a clean pot and put therein 6 pounds of cistern water and put it on the fire and when it begins to boil put in verdigris, white sugar and ordinary salt, everything in fine powder, and let it boil for one-half hour. Remove it and when it is cool, filter it and let it clear well. Then put it in a bottle and wash the eyes with it and you will see wonderfully. This is a praiseworthy thing. -------- [Page 45] For the pain that comes on the eyelashes. Take half a handful each of the herb burdock, sage and nightshade and grind everything and extract the juice and put therein a fresh egg white, well beaten, and mix it. Then wet a stupe in it and put it on the forehead with a bandage and the pain will soon pass away. This is a very worthwhile secret.... 15 Electuary for tearing and everted eyes and for debilitated stomach and to preserve memory. Take the seed of samphire, that is sea fennel, of parsley, of fennel and of bastard lovage, 1 ounce each, and make a fine powder. Then take flowers of rosemary, of borage and of bugloss, 2 ounces each, and cut them very finely. Then take 20 pounds of cleaned honey and put it in a pot and put everything in and boil it slowly on a charcoal fire. Lightly skim it and let it reduce one third. Then remove it and put it in a bottle and put in 2 carats of musk and be sure that this is well macerated and incorporated into the warm electuary. Cover it with good parchment and leave it in the sun for a month and it will be made. If you have any of these infirmities, that is debility of vision with runny and dripping eyes or a debilitated stomach or if one has a poor memory, this augments and preserves even this. The electuary is taken for 30 days continuously, one spoonful every morning, more or less, according to how the patient responds to the electuary, and you will see wonderful results. Many prelates of the holy church use this electuary to their benefit.... 16 Another electuary, excellent for the eyesight. Take seed of fennel, bastard lovage, celery seed, parsley and anise seed, 2 ounces each, and some juniper berries, very mature, and also these herbs: eyebright, rue, burdock, celandine, burnet, betony, agrimony, horehound, pennyroyal, rosemary and borage flowers, 3 ounces each, and all these herbs should be made into fine powder, mixed carefully, of which you should take one scruple each time with good wine or broth early in the morning in the form of a syrup. If you should wish to make it into an electuary with good sugar, take ½ ounce on an empty stomach which will make your eye appear wonderful and clear by continuing it. Keep yourself from adverse things. Another electuary to clarify the sight and also to recover that which may be lost, and approved for other uses. Take 1 lb. of fennel seed, 6 ounces each of bastard lovage and germander, 3 ounces each of celandine, cumin, celery, anise, parsley, pennyroyal, dill, hyssop, flower of dill, juniper berries and eyebright, and 2 ounces each of ginger and cinnamon. All these things should be made into very fine powder and confected with pure white honey and saved for your use. In the evening when you go to sleep and also in the morning, take an amount the size of a chestnut, because it will restore the lost sight, comfort the stomach, purge excess humors, modify the kidneys to break any stones, and reduce any flatulence. A wonderful unguent for irritated eyes. Take lizard dung and snails with shells, white incense and myrrh, 2 ounces each, lard scraped from male pig, 1 ounce, and white wax, 1 ounce, and camphor, ½ ounce, and make an unguent with all these things on a slow fire and it will be made. In the evening put it on the irritated eye and put on a piece of sandalwood and do it several times and, through God's grace, you will be cured. Another for everted eyelids. Take one or more gall bladders from rabbits and a packet of zinc oxide and incorporate these things well and leave them in the sun for 3 or 4 days. In the evening when you go to sleep, bathe the eyes several times and they will recover from their symptom with ease. Refrain from wine. Another for dryness of the eyes. Take the herb marjoram and make it into fine powder and, in the evening when you go to sleep, drink half a spoonful with wine. Then place a little ginger root under the tongue and, sleeping thus, in a short time you will recover from dryness of the eyes. -------- [Page 46] To remove from the eyes any spot or cataract. Take 1 ounce of zinc oxide in solid and in powder form and put it in a bottle and mix it with a little fresh verjuice that is neither too hard nor too sweet but is very liquid. Cover it and put it in the sun for 15 days and each day add a spoonful of the verjuice and at the end of 15 days add a spoonful of rose water. Let it stay again in the sun for 15 days. Then at this time take 3 ounces of old lard of male pig that is clean and grind it finely. Then take strong white vinegar, 1 lb., and put therein the lard to boil in a clean pot until it reduces in half and let it cool and remove the fat congealed on the top. Wash this very well with rose water until nothing remains of the vinegar. Take the zinc oxide and incorporate it very well with this grease until the mixture becomes like an unguent and it will be delicate and it will be made. Save it as something dear in a delicate vessel. When you wish to use it, put a little on the streak or spot that is in the eye in the morning and the evening. Following this you will see the effect take place from day to day and soon you will see improvement because this has been tested many times. Watch what you eat and you will be cured. Another for spots that are in the eye. Take some spearmint that has in the center of the leaf a spot of brown color. Grind it and extract the juice, then strain it and put therein the white of a fresh egg, well beaten, and incorporate well with the juice. In the evening when you go to sleep, wet a piece of linen in the juice and put it on the eye and it will help you a great deal, through God's grace. Another powder that removes cloudiness that is in the eye. Take fennel and rue, each the same amount. Grind them and extract the juice. Then put it in a covered bottle in the sun until it is dry. Remove it and pulverize it and put this powder in the cloudy eye several times and, through God's grace, you will soon be cured. Another powder for cloudiness that is in the eye. Take one gall bladder of a rabbit and throw away the skin that is around it. Then take juice of fennel and white sugar and incorporate them together and put it in a bottle in the sun for 4 or 5 days. With a feather from a chicken, lightly put this in 2 times a day and, little by little, the cloudiness will be removed. Another for the eye that is cloudy and does not see. Take zinc oxide, 2 drams, yellow litharge and camphor, each 1 scruple, and hepatic aloe, 1 scruple, and fine white sugar, 1 dram, and incorporate with everything finely pulverized. Put in enough good white wine to barely cover it and leave it in the sun for 8 days. Then add these herbs, all pulverized finely, viz: eyebright and agrimony; then add these waters, viz: rose water, water of fennel, of rue, of tips of gooseberry, of agrimony, of eyebright, of celandine and of burdock, each 3 drams, and incorporate all these waters with the powder. Leave it in a bottle, well corked, in the sun for 15 to 20 days. Then strain it carefully and bathe the eyes inside and out, 2 or 3 times a day. By continuing to bathe them, you will be cured. This is remedy number 5.... 17 To sharpen the sight of those who may have problems. Take the herb celandine in the spring and dry it in the shade. Then make very fine powder. Eat this powder many times in food and also rub it in the eyes and little by little you will begin to improve the sight and to sharpen it wonderfully. Know that this blessed herb has such virtue that the swallows pick it and rub it in the eyes of their nestlings and soon they can see. If you will do the test you will see the effect is true. Another similar powder to restore the vision. Take leaves of betony, rue, celandine, eyebright, lovage, pennyroyal, seeds of fennel and of parsley, anise, ginger, grains of paradise, cardamon, bastard lovage, hyssop, oregano and seeds of celery, each 1 ounce, and make fine powder of all the aforesaid things and incorporate them, and use some of this powder in your foods like a spice before and during meals and put it in bread. Soon it will restore the vision. This is tested. Another for shortsightedness. Take a quantity of rue and strong vinegar and cook the rue in it and when the pot boils, put a basin over it and some steam will adhere under it. Collect this in a glass and with this bathe the eyes repeatedly and it will help greatly to make the vision long and you will see nearly as well as at first. Take care of the way you live. -------- [Page 47] Water for an eye that burns. Take white lead and wash it with 2 drams of rose water, and take sarcocol gum washed with asses' milk, and tarragon and celery, each ½ dram, and make very fine powder of everything and incorporate it with water distilled from strawberries until it becomes liquid. Then put in a little mother's milk. Then put some of this water in the eye with a feather, 2 or 3 times a day, and soon you will be cured of the stinging in the eye. This is tested. Another for irritation in the eyes. Take 2 ounces of rose water, 1 ounce of white wine and ½ dram of cherry plums. Boil everything together and as it comes to a boil, lift it from the fire and add 1 dram of flowers of copper and let it stand for 2 days. Then strain it and save it in a bottle and bathe the eyes frequently.... 18 Another, a collyrium which removes the cloudiness that is in the eye, lifts pruritis, removes blood and reduces tears. Take ½ ounce of zinc carbonate from Alexandria in very fine powder and 1 lb. of dry white wine and boil them together until it reduces in half. Then take 2 ounces of hepatic aloe and boil this. Then strain it carefully and make a collyrium for the eyes and add 2 drams of camphor and put it in a mortar and grind it well in the mortar and add 3 ounces of rose water and it will be made. You can bathe the eyes in the evening and morning. Another for the eye that has a mesh inside. Take snails with shells and dry them in the oven and make very fine powder and incorporate juice of plantain and celandine, each the same amount, and put it in the eye. By continuing it, soon the spot will go away. Another to remove a spot from an eye. Take a gall bladder from a dead man and dry it and make powder and put it in the eye. Do this several times and soon the mark will be gone. It is tested. Another to remove a spot of blood from the eye. Take juice of wormwood or burdock and the white of one fresh egg, well beaten so it becomes like water. Then mix it with the juice. Then put it in the eye several times and soon it will remove the spot of blood. This is a good secret. Another to remove the web that is on the eyes. Take rock salt, tartaric acid from the best wine and cuttlefish bone, each 1 ounce, and make powder as fine as possible. Then with a little reed above the eye, drop it on the spot twice a day and soon it will be cured. Another to dry running eyes. Take 1 ounce of zinc oxide, ½ dram of hepatic aloe, rose water, water of agrimony and of gooseberry, of fennel, of myrtle, of strawberry, of rue and of celandine, each ½ ounce. Put everything together in a bottle, well closed, and put it in the sun for 8 days. In the morning when you get up, bathe the eyes and also during the day, and you will see a wonderful effect from this water. It has been tested many times. Another for dryness of the eyes. Take incense and make smoke from it in the face, eyes and nose and put the smoke in a stupe in your nightcap and put it on your head when you go to sleep. Do this for three evenings and soon you will be cured. Another for any dryness of the eyes. Gather all these herbs in the first week of May, viz.: celandine, burdock, rue and fennel, each the same amount. Grind them and extract juice, each one by itself, and of each kind take 3 ounces and put them together and put in a few rose leaves and 3 ounces of white sugar and 2 ½ [ounces] each of dragon's blood gum and zinc oxide. All these things should be pulverized very finely. Put them together to distill in glass on a slow fire. Then leave it for 10 to 15 days in the sun, tightly closed, and it will be made. Use it at your pleasure in the morning and evening and soon you will be cured, through God's grace. Another for the eye that tears. Take whites of 2 fresh eggs, layed that day, and beat them so that they become like water, that is into foam, and let them settle so that all the foam is reduced. Then strain it. Put in rose water from white roses and as much fine or white sugar as equals a hazel nut and incorporate it well and, with a feather, wet inside the eye and let it stay. Then put it in again and you will be cured. Water for the eye, wonderful for dryness and use nothing else. Take 2 lb. of Greek wine, 6 ounces of white sugar and distill in glass. Then add 1 lb. of water distilled from eyebright and leave it in the sun for 20 days and it will be perfect for dryness of the eyes. -------- [Page 48] Marvelous unguent for the eyes. Take 2 ounces of fresh, washed butter, 2 drams of zinc oxide, ½ dram of camphor, 1 dram of hepatic aloe and ½ scruple of amber and pulverize everything. Then put the butter on the fire and when it is melted, put therein the above-described powder and at once remove it from the fire and mix it until it becomes like an unguent. Rub the eyes with this in the evening and the morning and soon you will be cured. It is tested. Another for the eye that has milkiness or cataract. Take 2 or 3 handfuls of fennel, rue, burdock, celandine, clary, tips of brambles and pine nuts, enough that each one makes a glass of juice. Also take enough so that each one makes one glass of water extract in the glass still. Do not distill them in lead because that is bad. Then take as much rose water as one of these parts. Put all the juices and the waters together. Then take one pound of Alexandrine zinc plaster already prepared. Heat the zinc plaster well and cool this composition and do this for 7 times. Let it dry in the shade for 8 days. Then grind it very finely in a mortar of bronze. Put the zinc powder in a bowl and put thereon the water previously prepared and mix it one more time and let it dry in the shade. Grind it finely on a slab of porphyry until no more roughness or graininess is seen. Save it in a vessel of glass or well-baked clay, well covered. When you wish to treat, take a stylus of silver and wet the tip and put it in the powder and that much of it put in the eye under the palpebra in the evening when you go to sleep and also in the day when you will be able to stay in repose. Using the powder in this way has the property of removing that heavy humor that is the milkiness or cataract that descends in the eye caused by the heavy humors. During this time take care of yourself. (Two remedies are crossed out here.) Another for sickness in the eyes. Take some ivy picked when it has a reddish color throughout the month of May and grind it very finely and put it together with raw honey and incorporate well. Then put it in a bottle, well covered, in the sun for 15 days and it will be made. Then put some of the medicine in the eyes. It dries up any bad illness and makes the sight marvelously healthy and clear. -------- [Page 49] Marvelous, tested secret for the eyes. Take juices of all of these, viz.: of celery, fennel, burdock, rue, betony, agrimony, strawberry, germander, burnet saxifrage, eyebright, and savin, each the same amount, and mix all these juices together and take 12 grains of pepper ground very fine and put the juices with the powder in a mortar with 2 spoonfuls of honey and some urine from a little baby and incorporate everything together and it will be made. Then rub your eyes with this in the morning and evening and if, by chance, the juice has dried, add some of the said urine. Otherwise, add some juice of these herbs, viz.: ground ivy, fennel, celery, burdock, germander, sage, clover and rue and make juice of these herbs and incorporate it with the above and with this continue to bathe your eyes and soon you will be cured. Another juice for the eyes. Take the herb plantain with the roots when is is mature. Wash it well, grind it and extract the juice and with this rub the eyes morning and evening and soon you will be cured and the eyes will be sharpened. Another water for the eyes and to remove pain. Take juice of celandine, rue, fennel and plantain, 1 ounce each, zinc oxide prepared 9 times in rose water and bile of a bull, ½ dram each, and 3 ounces of cleaned honey and enough rose water. Put everything in a bottle and put it in the sun for 8 days. Then use it to treat at your pleasure and it helps you greatly, not just a little. Another water for the eyes. Take fennel, rue, burdock, rose and celandine, each the same amount, and of these herbs make water in the glass still and with this water wash the eyes thoroughly and it will give you good vision. Another water for sick eyes. Take ½ dram of zinc oxide, 4 scruples of camphor and grind them together finely. Then take half a handful of rue and put everything together to boil in a clean pot in sweet white wine until it reduces one third and when it is cool, strain it carefully, put it in a closed bottle and reboil it in a pot of water on a bain marie. Then leave it in the sun for 8 to 10 days and it will be made. Treat with it in the morning and evening to bathe the eyes. Be careful in your way of living and keep from things unfavorable to you. Another unguent for the eyes. Take earthworms, wash them with white wine, and cook them in ordinary old oil. Then press them well and add into this oil some marrow from the front feet of a ram and with wax make an unguent and rub yourself with this and soon the eyes will be cured and will have recovered from being everted. But note these things that are very harmful to the eyesight, viz.: too much over-eating, too much staying up at night, too much dust, too much writing, crying, smoking, too much drinking wine excessively, luxury, and eating beans, pepper, garlic and onions and many other things. Note that these things make the sight young, that is, juice of strawberry cures the web, fennel, rue, burdock, rosemary, celandine, honey, aloe, fennel, zinc carbonate, myrrh, good wine, mother's milk, rose water and dove's blood and many other things that I do not write down. Know that all these things are used to brighten the vision of clouded and dim eyes for us to see. Keep these in mind if you want to cure quickly. These are the herbs that are good for our sight, cooked in water. With this water wash your face and it will help you greatly to maintain good sight always and without any impediment: celandine, eyebright, verbena, rue, fennel and pennyroyal. If you use these herbs cooked in water and wash your face with them, know that from day to day you will find yourself much more satisfied through using these tested things. -------- [Page 50] To clarify the sight rapidly. Take juice of cottonweed and let it stand for one night. Then strain it and put it in a bottle and put therein a little zinc oxide and fine sugar and with this rub the eyes three times a day and you will be cured. Artificial balsam, very good for any illness of the eyes, the ears and for ringworm. Take 6 ounces of turpentine, 6 ounces of white incense, 1 ounce of Succotrine aloe, mastic, galingale, cloves, cinnamon, citron, cubeb, nutmeg, 1 dram each, and 6 ounces of milk of fig as fresh as you can get it, and make this composition into fine powder and mix it together in the form of dough. Then put the dough in a glass still with its cover and underneath put its collector and distill the dough with very little fire. Be aware that you will extract 3 kinds of water and collect each in its place and when you see the still change color, change the collector and keep the top well covered so that no steam comes out, and of this be very vigilant because this is of much importance as you will see in the result. Note well that the first water that comes out is called 'water of balsam,' the second is called 'oil of balsam' and the third is called 'artificial balsam,' a liquor that is powerful for abcessed wounds and for infected legs, and cures them quickly. It is powerful in scrophulas, in swollen and tearing eyes and in dizziness. Know how to use this water; these are some of its virtues, viz.:... 19 Note that the first water has these virtues: it cures the eyes with swollen eyelids, rheum and tearing and any other infirmity or swelling of the eyes. By wetting some fine cloth in this water and putting it on the eye in the evening and the morning, you will soon be cured. Another. It clears ringing in the ears. Put it in with a little cottonwool in the evening when you go to sleep and again in the morning and you will be cured. Another. It is powerful for ringworm and scabies. Bathe yourself with it in the evening when you go to sleep. Another. I tell you that this blessed balsam is powerful against venomous bites and for pains from cold, putting it on with wet cloths. It is very powerful for blows and for paralysis, through its warming and penetrance. It cures the bad blood between flesh and skin that is putrefied. Certainly this is the best balsam by this great and manifest proof. Do this experiment: take a chicken, plucked and clean and well dried. Then scald it very well in the fire. Then smear it very well with the balsam water 2 or 3 times. Let it dry in the sun and it will never spoil at any time. The balsam even has many other virtues that are not written here. Be very diligent to know how to distill it and it will bring you honor. [One remedy crossed out here in the MS] -------- [Page 51] To cure one who is deaf but not from birth, and even many other infirmities relating to this deafness, approved in several ways, viz.: Take a fat eel of 5 or 6 pounds, cut it in little bits and thread them on a spit and cook them without anything else and collect the fat that is extracted. Then add 1 ounce of fresh bitter almond oil and incorporate it well on the fire and it will be made. Save it for your needs. When you wish to use it, heat it and wet cottonwool and put it in the ear. Then put thereon some leaves of greater sedum and fasten them on with a bandage. Do this several times and it will help greatly. Another for those who have roaring in the ears. Take the herb house leek and make some juice and boil it until it is cleared. Then in the evening when you go to sleep, put it in the ear as warm as you can stand, with cottonwool in the ear where one hears the roaring. Do this several times and you will be cured of such roaring. Another for the roaring in the ears. Take a root of cyclamen and make a hollow in the form of a little bowl and put therein almond oil and lily oil, ½ ounce each, with a little saffron. Then put it on warm ashes to boil. Put it warm in the ear with cottonwool, well bandaged and warm. The same is very powerful to break open an abcess that may be on the head. This is a unique remedy.... 20 For one who is beginning not to hear. Take the herb rue and extract juice and put it in a bottle, well closed. Then make bread dough and put the bottle in the middle, well covered. Put it in the oven and cook it with other breads and when it is cooked, remove the bottle from the bread and put this juice in the ears 2 or 3 times a day and soon you will be cured. Another for the illness of deafness. Take the sap that comes out of the ash tree and place it in the ears with cottonwool. It makes the pain go away and makes the hearing good. Another. Take some cyclamen root, extract the juice, and take an equal amount of asses' milk and boil these. Put it in the ears as warm as you can on cottonwool so that it does not leak and bind it on, and soon you will be cured, through God's grace. For serious deafness. Take a gall bladder of a rabbit and aged ordinary oil and a little cleaned honey with saffron and mix everything together and boil it a little, not too much. Then remove it from the fire and when it is cold put in a little mother's milk. Then put some in the ears, warm, 2 times a day, and it will have a very good effect. By continuing it you will make your hearing much more acute, so that soon you will hear. Another for deafness of the ears. Take 1 ½ ounces of bitter almond oil, 1 dram of bile from a bull or an ox, and 2 grains of ground black hellebore and 5 drams each of musk and vinegar, and boil everything together until the vinegar is used up. Then strain it through a fine cloth. In the evening put it in the ears, warm, with cottonwool, and through God's grace, soon you will hear. Another when an ear commonly exudes matter. Take some rind of pomegranate and extract juice and make it hot and put it in the ear with cottonwool and soon it will clear it and make it healthy, because it has been tested. To cure rapidly the deafness, ringing and hissing that comes in the ears. Take 6 ounces of old olive oil and half a handful of house leek and boil until it is thickened. Then strain it and press it very well between 2 boards. Then take 1 dram each of brandy from the third distillation and mineral oil and incorporate the pressed house leek with this oil and put it on a slow fire until it boils and is thickened, stirring constantly. Then it is made. Save it and when you need it, use it in this way, especially in the evening when you go to sleep: make it warm and wet it in piled up cottonwool and put it in the ear for 8 to 10 evenings and you will soon be free of such ringing and hissing that comes at times after sickness or with the difficulty of motherhood with women. You will be cured of it rapidly because it is tested.... 21 -------- [Page 52] Another for ringing and roaring in the ears. Take fresh sweet almond oil and heat it well and wet some cottonwool in the oil and put it in the ear. Do this several times in this way and it will help you greatly with the roaring. For one who may have ringing and blowing enough that he would seem to have a windmill turning in the ears. Take a vessel for oil, that is a jug or pot where oil has been standing for a long time. Take 2 ounces of fresh coriander and grind it and put it in the vessel of oil. Then put the vessel on warm ashes, which vessel has nothing in the oil except the powder of coriander and make it very warm. Then put the ear to the mouth of the vessel so all that warmth is received in your sick ear or receive the fomentation in one ear after the other, each time at least a half hour. Do this for 4 or 5 days and it will help you greatly as you will see at the end of 4 days. If you are not freed, do this other best remedy, that is, take coriander and make juice according to our method and put therein 3 quatrini of tinting saffron. Then make it very warm and wet cottonwool in it and put this warm in the ear and in this way, through God's grace, you will be cured. Fomentation for the ears to remove the roaring caused by illness. Take one handful each of wormwood, good mint, marjoram and camomile and cook them in good wine. Then put a smooth stone in the middle, that is on the pan, but not in the wine. Place yourself with the bad ear on the stone that is very warm and take the fomentation in the ear so that it is well heated inside. Put in 3 drops of oil of rue or of bitter almond and put them on a little dry cottonwool, several times, and soon you will be cured. Another for sickness in the ears. Take juice of rue, of white onions, of leeks and of wormwood and woman's milk, each the same amount, and ordinary oil and boil everything together until it reduces one-fourth. Then rub from the ears to the wrists and also put a little in the ear with cottonwool. Do this for 3 days in a row and soon you will be cured. Put the juice of mallow in a little pot and cover it with a very dry crust of bread with an opening in the middle and boil it slowly and hold your bad ear over the opening of the pot until it is very warm and do it several times and you will be cured. For one who has lost his hearing. Take a squash that has been standing for a long time in oil and roast it and collect the oil that is extracted and put the shed skin of a snake in it and boil it. Put the warm oil in the ear with a little cottonwool and keep it warm. By continuing this, you will be cured. Wash your head with water in which has been cooked roses, camomile, laurel leaves and sweet clover, and when you have washed and dried your head, take bitter almond oil distilled in a glass still and one ounce each of muscardine oil and beaver marrow and put everything together and put some of this warm oil in the ear with piled up cottonwool and soon your deafness will be helped. Another for problems with the ears. Know that when the spiral of the ear is too full of wax, the result is tinnitus and ringing. At this time one wants to take a loaf of white bread that is just removed from the oven and open it in half and put this on the ear, warm, and then take oil of bitter almonds and warm it and put it in the ear with a stupe or cottonwool and it will be cured. Another if the ear has boils inside. Put therein wool dipped in the said oil and it will bring out the boil. -------- [Page 53] Another for one who does not hear. Take the herb savin and common juniper, each the same amount, and cook them in good white wine until they reduce two-thirds and remove them from the fire and hold the ear to the warm steam, because it has such power that the hearing soon opens and it is a great help. When you have water in the ears or other dampness. Take a new tile and heat it well and put the ear on the tile and the heat will draw forth the water or other dampness that impedes the hearing. All these are approved. Note that if you put brandy in the ears, it draws out the rheum and helps the brain. If you wash the posterior part of the head, it strengthens the powers of the memory. Most perfect remedy for one who may be deaf. Take mint, sage, pennyroyal, rosemary, hyssop, artemisia, horse mint, mountain mint, camomile, tansy, burdock, wormwood, southern wood and centaury, 1 handful each, and boil them with wine in a clean pot, reducing the wine from 4 fingers to 3, reducing 1/3. Then take 2 ounces of old oil, oil of leeks and of almonds, each 1 ounce, juice of rue 1 ounce, malvasia wine 1 ½ ounces and put them in a vessel. Then refill it with the above wine in which the herbs have been well pressed under the press. Put this vessel to boil in front of the fire until it reduces the juice and the malvasia. Then remove it from the fire and put therein these things, finely pulverized: lavender, colocynth, musk and mastic, each 1 ½ grains, and cork the vessel well and put it in a pot full of water and boil it for nearly 3 hours. Then remove it from the fire and let it stay in the sun until it becomes clear. Strain it through fine cloth and press out the substance well. Then take 3 grains of fine musk, well cut up, and incorporate with the oil. So that all will be well incorporated, shake it upside down. Then save it in a suitable vessel of glass, well covered with wax and parchment. Take the pot with those herbs and the wine that is remaining and heat it and when it is very hot put a funnel on the pot with the large end on the pot and make the narrow end enter the ear and take that steam for one half hour. From the fomentation that was made, take that oil very warm, and put 2 or 3 drops in the ear and cover it with heaped up cottonwool and at once go to sleep. When you use the fomentation, hold some dry beans in the mouth and break them up with your teeth and chew them well and spit them out. This is done to open all the porosity of the ears. And with the grace of God, soon you will be cured if it is possible that through medicine it can be cured. Many are cured in this way. If by chance the illness is not cured or there is no improvement, do not do anything else since this is the ultimate remedy. And do not marvel that any roaring comes in the ears not present before, only following the ointment, because this is a good sign of beginning to open the porosity, and do not doubt him who has suffered such infirmity for 30 years. I do not say from birth. Know that in a short time, through God's grace, you will see a great miracle. Use the pills plentifully that purge the head and eat good food and stay warm, nothing else. Another to heal an ear that gives out pus. Take 2 ounces of urine of a healthy child, 4 ounces of white wine and 2 ½ ounces of white honey and juice of mint and of rue, each one ounce, and put everything together and boil it very slowly. Then remove it from the fire and strain it and add ½ ounce of mother's milk and with this, tepid, repeatedly wash the ear when it exudes pus and put in some cottonwool and be confident that soon you will be cured. Another for one who does not hear well. Take 1 handful of marjoram, cut and well ground, and boil it with malvasia wine and ordinary oil on a bain marie until the malvasia is given off. Then strain it and put this oil in the ears that have difficulty in hearing. Do it in winter and not in summer, for that will make you sick. Put it on warm with cottonwool and soon you will hear. It is tested. -------- [Page 54] To stop blood that comes from the nose, which has not been stopped by other remedies. Take 6 ounces of heated gypsum, 3 ounces of dragon's blood gum, 2 ounces of Armenian red clay, 1 ½ ounces of clay from Lemnos, juice of nettle, white bread crumbs, soot and juice of cinquefoil, each 2 ounces, and whites of 3 fresh eggs and strong vinegar and rose water, and finely pulverize everything and then mix everything together very well. Then spread it out on a little cloth large enough to cover the forehead. First write these 3 words on the forehead with the patient's blood, that is, ' gibel, ghoe, gabohr,' written with a little stick. Then put on the plaster and let it stay at least for 3 days before you remove it, if it can stay that long. Also if it was a wound and the blood has not been stopped, write around it the 3 words already mentioned and put on this plaster and leave it for 3 days and the blood will stop. More will not come. It has been tested.... 22 Another to stop blood that comes from the nose. Take some of the herb shepherd's purse and grind it and make juice and wet some cottonwool and put it in the nares of the nose. Do this several times and you will cure. To stop blood from the nose. Take the herb cinquefoil and crush it between 2 stones. Then put it in the openings of the nose and change it frequently and you will cure this. Write with the patient's blood on the forehead the name of A[----]o and as the blood dries, that from the nose is stopped.... 23 Another to stop blood from the nose. Take knot grass, that is polygonum, grind and extract juice and then take some eggshells and make very fine powder and mix with the juice. Then wet some cottonwool and put it in the opening of the nose and hold your breath. Do this several times and soon you will be cured. You can be certain that this is a good remedy. [One remedy rubbed out in the MS] Another, better way to stop blood from the nose and also from wounds. Say these 4 words, that is: 'In Bethlehem a child was born. Constrict vein and stop blood. + Father and Son + and Holy Spirit + Amen' and when you say them, hold your hand on the head or on the wound and say it 3 times, with a Pater Noster at the end each time. Know that if this is learned by heart on Christmas Eve, then it is more powerful at any other time, because this has been tested many, many times and do not marvel that it is true. [Three remedies rubbed out in the MS] Another to stop blood from the nose. Take copper sulfate and heat it and make fine powder and take pulverized dragon's blood gum, each the same amount. Take the white of an egg, beaten, and wet a stupe in it and put the powder on it. Then put it on the forehead, bound firmly, and soon the blood will be stopped. Tested.... 24 -------- [Page 55] For a break in the nose caused by descent of humors. Take 1 handful of rue, cut minutely, and put in the rind of an onion and put in ordinary oil and a little butter and cook it on warm ashes until it becomes like an unguent. Then take a feather and smear the nose carefully, several times, and soon you will be cured. Another to stop blood from the nose. Take the root of rue and grind it and make fine powder and draw it up in the nose several times and it will be clotted. Also, ashes made of rue and incorporated with the urine of a healthy man and put on the forehead, stop the blood rapidly. [Three remedies inked out here in the MS] Another to hold back the blood. Take ½ dram each of mummy, saccharine alum, Armenian red clay and tragacanth gum and some spider web and a little soot and compound them. If this does not suffice, take egg white and incorporate it and put it on and soon it will be stopped, I say rapidly.... 25 [Three remedies inked out here in the MS] To remove the bad flesh that grows in the nose, that is polyps. Take leeks that are young and have not been transplanted and extract their juice and with a little new wax make it into an ointment and add in a little very fine powder of tartaric acid from the wine cask and mix them well together. Then with this ointment, rub the nose inside and soon you will be cured of the polyps. Most perfect water for curing ulcers and polyps in the nose. Take a glass vial full of cistern water, about a half ounce, and disperse in it ½ ounce of dried rock alum as well as natural saltpeter, half a handful of rue and a little less than an ounce of pomegranate rind. Boil everything together until one-third part is consumed. The more the water is concentrated, the better the water will be. For one who has the nose broken inside. Pound a white onion and make juice out of it and draw it up in the nose and it will cure. Unguent for rubbing the nose between the eyebrows and inside, evening and morning. Take sesame oil, violet oil, oil of sweet almonds, each ½ ounce, 6 drams of linseed oil, strained chicken fat, washed rancid butter, water of marjoram and white wax, each 3 ounces. Mix them and make an unguent. -------- [Page 56] To cure split lips around the mouth. Take roasted ox hooves and make powder of them and roasted leaves of leeks, all in very fine powder, each the same amount, and incorporate them with sufficient drams of honey and rub it on in the evening and soon you will be cured. Another to cure hands damaged from cold. Take mastic, incense, clean wax and rose oil, each the same amount, and make an unguent and rub the hands and you will be cured rapidly. Grease for split lips and cracked hands and feet and other developing soreness, viz: Take 1 ounce each of goat fat and beef marrow, 2 ounces of clean wax, 1 ½ ounces each of rose and violet oils, ½ ounce each of oils of St. John's wort and balsam and 4 scruples of camphor. First cut the fat finely and put it on the fire with the marrow and when it is melted, strain it through cloth. Then put it again in the pot with the cut wax and all the oils and stir well so everything is incorporated together. Put in a very little salt ground like flour because it does not melt. Then remove it from the fire and put in the camphor, cut up, and stir until it is cold, and it will be made. If you want to strain it again when cold, do this before you put in the camphor. Afterward, save it carefully for your needs. The older it is, the better for all these infirmities: first in all developing sores, boils and fistulas, for pain from hemorrhoids, for choler with fever, for cracks in the lips around the mouth, for cracks on hands and feet and for the swelling on the knees. It has many other virtues that you will learn daily. It removes pain rapidly in all these infirmities, reduces them and warms them. Continue to rub with it cold in the evening and morning and for hemorrhoids it should be tepid. It has been used many times for chilblains. For pain in the teeth and any other distress caused by dry mouth or from the stomach. Viz. Take ½ handful each of sage, hyssop, myrtle, mastic and olive leaves. The herbs should be fresh. Cut them coarsely and add two cut dry figs and 20 grains of pepper, broken coarsely. Put everything to boil in a clean pot with white wine until it is reduced in half. Strain it carefully. Then hold this wine in the mouth as warm as you can bear. This kills the decay, strengthens the gums and teeth and makes the breath good. If you want to extract a tooth without implements, say, 'In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. Dodo machabeo baruto o grassbii.' Draw the tooth and it will come out without pain. This has been shown. Another to make the teeth firm. Take 2 drams each of male incense, dragon's blood gum, that is the tears from the tree, hematite stone, myrtle seeds, roots and seeds of peony, lavender, cubeb and cloves, 5 drams each of whole red roses, Armenian red clay and cinnamon and 1 dram each of mace, nutmeg and red coral. Mix everything with myrtle syrup, rose honey and sugar. Then put it on the gums and on the teeth and it will restore you to health. Another for teeth that may have a hole or may have a worm in them. Take dilute nitric acid and put a little cottonwool on the tip of a fine iron rod and wet it in this acid. Then with dexterity put the wet cottonwool into the opening in the tooth and let it stay there well pressed in for an hour or more. Do this 2 or 3 times a day and soon it will kill the worm. If it is on an upper tooth, make the patient turn with the head down so that the nitric acid can penetrate more easily. It will soon free one from such distress.... 26 Another for pain of the teeth which have made the jaw swell. Take rosemary, sage, wormwood, pepper and ginger, each the same amount. Then boil them in good, strong wine and hold this wine in the mouth as warm as you can and do this several times in the day and soon you will be cured. Also to remove this suffering caused by the teeth: take strong vinegar and a little ground camphor and put it in a bottle and heat it. Put this warm in the mouth and soon it lifts your pain. Also for this pain from the teeth. Take betony and boil it with strong vinegar and put therein a little honey and boil it enough so it reduces 1/3 and hold this boiled liquid in the mouth as warm as you can and soon it will remove your pain and you will be cured. -------- [Page 57] To remove a tooth without implements using a celandine root. Take the root of celandine, that is swallow wort, and touch the tooth that you want to remove and no others. Do this 3 or 4 times and it will fall out from its place, little by little, but no others. [Eight remedies are inked out here in the MS] Another for one who has decayed teeth. Take 1 ounce each of the juice of the root of bryony and of its leaves and 6 ounces of the root of white lily and incorporate them and cook them sufficiently. Then wash your teeth with this warm and do this in the month of May. Continue it for 8 to 15 days and you will be cured of tooth decay. -------- [Page 58] [Seven remedies are inked out here in the MS] Another for pain in the teeth. Take ½ ounce each of brandy and rose honey and root of Roman pellitory and 10 grains of pepper and heat every thing together and put it in your mouth at the place of the pain and hold it for ½ hour and it will lift your pain. Do it several times and you will feel no more pain. It is tested. -------- [Page 59] Water that makes the teeth white. Take 1 lb. each of ordinary salt and white rock alum, and 2 ounces of sodium nitrate and make everything into fine powder and incorporate well together* and put it in a glass flask and distill it on a bain marie and extract all the water that can come out of it and save it in a bottle, well stoppered. Then when you want to make your teeth white, first clean them with some paste that removes any tartar that you will find there. Then take a little stick of mastic tree (or of any other kind, it does not matter) and wet the tip of the little stick in this water and touch only the teeth and you will see the teeth become as white as the tooth of a dog and you will be very satisfied with it. If you touch the gums with it you will feel a little sharp sting, delicate and gentle, but you will feel nothing more than that. This will please you greatly and the teeth will stay very white. It has been tested many times. *with sufficient lemon juice and leave it to infuse for 24 hours and distill it in a glass still on a slow fire.... 27 Water that makes the teeth white, removes trick letters from parchment and also warts and corns. Take copper sulfate, cinnabar, emery, ammonium chloride, eyebright, ordinary salt and native sulfur, each at your discretion, and grind everything finely and incorporate well and distill it in a glass still on a slow fire and you will make water of 3 kinds. The first will be white, which will be good to make the teeth white with a small stick and to remove trick letters from parchment. The second is somewhat yellow and removes warts and corns from flesh. The third is red, when the fire is increased, and this water heats up iron and breaks it and it cannot be kept except in thick glass. This water will bring you great honor. Do not alter the rules. Another to make teeth white for your pleasure and to give a little entertainment. Take a husk, that is a shell of a chestnut that is ripe, dry it and make fine powder, and take the same amount of nettle seeds, and incorporate them together. With this powder rub the teeth and also touch a little on the gums, first cleaning the teeth of everything unsightly as is described above, so they become very white. But it heats the gums so much that it seems one has a fire in the mouth and it takes so much water that one is amazed at how great is the heat that is felt in the gums. When you want to end the joke, make this remedy in a moment. Take a little rose water and a little ground white sugar and put them together and put this water in the mouth and at once it removes the heat and nothing else and the teeth remain white and you will have had this entertainment. Another to make them white with this powder. Take shavings of deer horn and grind them finely and rub into powder. Put this in a little linen cloth and make a button. Then rub your teeth. By continuing this they will stay very white, almost forever. For the pain in the teeth after eating sour things. Take some purslane, that is fresh portulaca, and when your teeth are on edge and it worries you that you will not be able to eat sour things, rub the teeth very well and it will go away. Also with a little salt or a crumb of cheese masticated very well by the teeth, the problem goes away at once. This has been tested many times. [One remedy inked out here in the MS] -------- [Page 60] Best remedy for quinsy, that is soreness that comes in the throat. Take barley water and diamoron and make a gargle with it. Then take oil of camomile, oil of white lilies and chicken fat, each the same amount, and boil them on a slow fire until they are incorporated. Then with this ointment, rub the sore place under the throat and around to the ears, rubbing well for a while. Then put on a layer of good warm stupe and wrap it and do this in the evening when you go to sleep. Then take the root of Roman pellitory and hold it in the mouth and hold it open, that is under the tongue. If by chance the teeth may have closed, so that through distress the mouth cannot be opened, open it by force and take a leek and roll it in rose honey and put it almost in the throat, forward and back 2 or 3 times and do it quickly and then let him spit out as much as he can and soon you will make a cure. Do not let him drink wine at least for 2 days and eat only bread soup and refreshing things and he will be cured.... 28 Another for sore throat. Take yellow amber, about 8 pieces, and break it coarsely and place it on burning charcoal in a flat pan onto which is a funnel of tin with the large end on the flat pan so that smoke cannot go any other way than up. Put your mouth to the hole from above and in this way you receive all the smoke. Swallow it in the throat and in a short time you will be cured. It is tested. Another to cure sore throat quickly. Take an apple of the green kind and cook it on the fire. Then peel it and mix the pulp with enough raw honey and put it warm on the gullet in the front of the throat where it hurts you and do this in the evening and morning and soon you will be cured. Observe the rules below. This has been tested by a Reverend Carthusian Priest in Lucca in 1561. Another very good remedy for sore throat. Take a handful each of parsley root, fennel root and pellitory of the wall, and 3 fresh egg whites. Boil these roots enough to extract them and crush them in a mortar. Then fry them in a frying pan with oil of camomile, not too much. Then extract them and put in a little barley flour and those 3 egg whites and incorporate well in the form of a poultice and, as warm as one can stand, put it on the sore place where it aches in the throat. Do this several more times, first extracting blood where it is needed and you will cure rapidly. [One remedy is inked out here in the MS] Another for choking. Take 4 or 5 cloves of garlic and peel them and put them intact in a little pan with as much chopped pork lard as a walnut and fry it some and put it in a little dish and make it very warm and rub under the throat and on the arms over the wrists and wrap the throat with a warm stupe and do it 2 evenings and soon you will be cured. But do not drink wine for 2 days. Another for the quinsy that comes in the throat. Take some chantarelle mushrooms, well pounded with yeast from wheat, and put it on the chest and behind on the shoulders opposite, so that it does not touch the neck. It will make certain delicate blisters that break open and give off water which is the malady of the sore throat, so in this way it is cleaned. [One remedy is inked out here in the MS] For falling of the uvula in the throat. Take some of the herb hyssop, fresh or dry, and heat it in a little pan and put it warm on the forehead or on the head. This is powerful against cold catarrh and in depression of the uvula. For this falling, take this herb and cook it in very strong vinegar and gargle with it several times and soon it will be cured. Stay warm.... 29 -------- [Page 61] For one who has bad breath caused by the stomach. Take 1 ounce of powdered sage, 3 ounces of flowers of tamarind, 5 drams of powdered cloves, 2 drams of fine cinnamon, one nutmeg and 2 grains of musk and make everything into fine powder. Then take as much purified honey as suffices to incorporate this powder on a slow fire. Leave it for 3 or 4 days in the sun until it is made into a confection by the sun. Then keep it in a glass vessel for your needs. Take as much as half a chestnut in the morning, during the day and in the evening when you go to sleep . By continuing this you will have good breath and you will feel the smell from the stomach no more. Also it is a protection in time of plague, from which God guard us, to take in the morning before you leave the house, because it is very antagonistic to the bad odors which hurt our heads, for which this confection is very useful. Another for the bad smell of the breath caused by the stomach. Take 1 dram each of dry citron, sedge, fragrant lavender, cloves, nutmeg, aloe, cinnamon, mastic and cubeb, and make them into very fine powder. Then make a paste with pomegranate wine and make little balls like beans and dry them in the shade. Put one in the mouth in the morning and hold it there a little and then swallow it. You will feel it give a little of its comforting odor which will comfort your mind and will give you good-smelling breath, and dispose the stomach to have good digestion. Another to dispose the stomach to send up good breath and to clear up flatulence. Take 2 drams of cinnamon, 3 drams each of nutmeg and cubeb, 1 dram each of ginger, grains of paradise, galingale and cloves, 1 scruple of cardamon and 4 ounces of fine sugar. Make fine powder of everything and incorporate them together and save it for your needs. When you have a bad stomach, take a little of it in the morning with broth or warm wine and soon the trouble with the stomach will pass away. It removes flatulence and gives you good breath for all day. These are tested. Another for removing bad smell from the mouth. Take cinnamon and ginger and cook them in strong vinegar and frequently wash the mouth with this. It is not harmful to drink this vinegar, and you will be cured of the bad odor of the mouth. Another for one whose breath smells bad. The unfortunate one drinks a glass of his urine early every morning. It will help a great deal, and again if you wash the mouth with vinegar in which some mint has been cooked, the bad breath will be gone quickly. It is tested. To remove pain and suffering rapidly from teeth. Take very strong vinegar and put one glassful on the fire in a little pot and put in three quatrini of ground pepper and boil it a little. Then take it from the fire and put therein 1 ounce of rose honey and incorporate well. Then put it in the mouth, warm, several times and also heat the cheek from the outside and soon the pain of the tooth will go away. Another for one who may not be able to speak or may be impeded because of dry mouth. Take root of Roman pellitory and hold it in the mouth under the tongue and it will remove the dryness. Spit it out and you will be cured rapidly. [Two remedies inked out here in the MS] Another for bad breath. Take mint and boil it with vinegar and wash the mouth with this several times and it will help you greatly. And if the bad breath comes from the stomach, take brandy, powdered nutmeg and cloves and incorporate them and drink it any time that you want to talk and it will cure you at once. When you go to sleep, gargle with vinegar and eat some pennyroyal or thyme and it will rapidly cure bad breath caused by the stomach. It is tested. -------- [Page 62] For paralysis of the tongue, hand and other members. Take 1 handful each of powder of musk, and lesser, middle and greater nettles with their roots and sage and roots of burdock, betony, savin and lovage, and wash them and mince them minutely. Then put them in a suitable vessel and put in some wine to the depth of 2 fingers and let it stand at least 4 to 6 days, well covered. Then begin to drink it every day for 10 to 12 days and when this is finished, add more wine and by continuing this, with God's grace, you will be cured quickly.... 30 Another for one whose hands or head tremble. Take leaves of sage and chop them very fine and put them to infuse in white wine. Then give one glass to the patient to drink every morning, warm, in the form of a syrup and he should not eat for at least 3 hours. This will help him greatly. Then make this ointment. Take juice of wormwood and boil it in ordinary oil until all the juice is used up and with this oil, very warm, rub the member that is paralyzed, that is one that has a tremor, and do it several times and it will aid you a great deal. Another for one whose hands tremble. Take wild sage, grind it and extract juice and make a paste with a little flour. Then put therein the same herb and make a pancake and eat it warm. Do this several times and it will help you greatly for paralysis of the hands. Another for one who may have difficulty speaking from some infirmity Take a leaf of lovage with a little musk and put it under the tongue and in a few days you will speak as fluently as before, through God's grace. Oil that is powerful for paralysis and contraction of nerves and spasm and epilepsy and for all cold infirmities. Take 6 ounces of galbanum gum and 3 ounces of ivy gum, finely ground, and mix together and distill in a glass vessel and at first water will come out. On increasing the fire you will have oil. Put them together. Then put in 1 ounce of laurel oil and 1 lb. of turpentine and 3 ounces of brandy made with flowers of tamarind and again distill the water and the oil. Separate the water from the oil and keep the oil as a balsam which will be very white and is equivalent to balsam in all its virtues, viz: a drop of this oil was put on the forehead of a paralytic and another drop on his navel, and at once he raised himself and was freed. Another was dosed in the place where he had pain from a wound with contracted nerves; those places were rubbed warm and soon he was freed. And in other diverse or very different infirmities, it was proved that this oil is miraculous and has great power. Rub the occiput in the evening with this warm oil on going to sleep and in the morning eat ½ ounce of raisins of the dark kind and this improves the memory greatly so that it makes one remember even things past and makes the memory very good and the intellect clear. It is powerful against frigidity and other infirmities caused by coldness. For every ache developing in the throat caused by heating. Take lesser sedum, grind it and extract as much juice as you can and give it to the patient to drink and wet some cloths in this juice and put it on the throat where it is feverish. Even if it is caused by dry heating, it will soon be cured. Another to make the speech fluent. Take two leaves of mint and when you go to sleep or at daybreak, rub your tongue with these leaves and shortly it will make your speech fluent. -------- [Page 63] To cure goiter, that is a bulge or enlarged throat. Take 1 ounce each from sea urchin, sponge, gall from wild roses, that is bedeguar, and dry them in the oven in a pot well covered so no steam escapes. Take 2 scruples each of long and round pepper, starfish and cuttlefish bone, ½ ounce each of cardamon and tartaric acid from red wine and 1 scruple of powdered cloves, and make all of these things into very fine powder and incorporate with a little strong vinegar. Then take flower of wheat and a little fine sugar and make a paste of everything together and make wafers and cook them in a baking pan. In the evening when you go to sleep, take one of these little discs under the tongue and sleep on your back. In the morning drink a drop of vinegar and continue this sequence for several days. Do this in the spring or in the autumn. Take care of yourself. Do not eat legumes nor pork meat nor any kind of acid fruits. Use watered wine reasonably and with boiled water. Continuing this also makes thin those who are too fat. By continuing this you will cure the lump or goiter and it reduces the enlarged throat. Be certain that this has been tested.... 31 Another to remove the goiter with a powder. Take 1 dram each of long pepper and saffron, 1 ½ drams each of ginger, cinnamon and cloves, 3 drams of roasted sponge made into fine powder and 2 egg yolks and everything should be made into fine powder and incorporated well. Use a mold to cook and bake it in the oven. Then grind it and make a fine powder and when the patient is going to sleep he takes a little in his mouth under the tongue. Do this several times and soon the lump will go away and he will become as at first. Another to remove the goiter that comes in the throat. Take 8 grains of long pepper and 8 grains of sorghum that is white inside and as much clean and fine sponge as an egg. Have in mind when the moon begins to wane and in that first Friday of the waning, begin to toast all the sponge and as it is browning, scrape it up little by little in the pan. Then brown the grains of millet, that is of the common millet or Turkey millet or sorghum, and put it together with the sponge and the powdered long pepper and grind it finely and put everything together. Then take a little fine flour and 2 fresh egg yolks, layed on that Friday, and incorporate everything together and put in a little fine sugar and mix everything into a dough. Make it into a little pancake and cook it on the grill. When it is cooked make it into six parts and in one evening yes, the next no, take one of these parts in the evening and go to sleep with that in your mouth. Do all these thing in the same way on the first Friday of the waning moon, that is do the cooking, and the goiter will disappear, of this do not fear. And if, by chance, the goiter may not go away completely this first time, do it a second time and even, if needed, do it a third time and, if not all then, you may do it again and keep to the rules, neither more nor less, than you did at first. So not fear anything and with the aid of God, soon it will go away. This recipe has been tested many times by those who are worthy of belief.... 32 Another to remove goiter that comes in the throat. Take 6 ounces of laurel oil, 3 ounces each of white frankincense, mastic, gum arabic, and clear turpentine and incorporate everything in a mortar and distill all this material in glass and extract the water. Then put a bowl of ashes in this water and redistill it and save this water as something dear. Then with this water, rub the goiter on the outside several times and soon it will disappear into nothing, through the power of this water. -------- [Page 64] Wonderful water for cattarh. Take one quatrino each of hepatic aloe and raw honey and a little Roman pellitory, licorice, hyssop and barley, each the same amount. Then put everything in a large pot full of water and boil it at least until all are cooked. Then remove it from the fire and strain it and press it very well to get all the substance. Then take a little of it warm, one evening yes, the next no, and you will see a wonderful effect in cleaning out this infirmity by spitting out a large amount of catarrhal material which is very hard on the stomach. The spitting out that you will do will cure you quickly. It is tested. Another for catarrh in several ways. Take some absinthe and wear it on the head and it will not allow the catarrh to descend. Take powdered ginger and compound it with hyssop, licorice and gum arabic and put everything into wine and use this to drink and you will be helped greatly. Take 1 ounce each of galingale, mace and nutmeg, 6 ounces each of ginger and cinnamon, 4 ounces of cultivated cubeb, 3 ounces each of saffron, cloves, lavender and cardamon, 2 ounces of long pepper, and 1 ounce of grains of paradise and make fine powder of all these and use it several times and the catarrh will give you no more trouble. Use powdered rosemary in your beverages. For one who has much rheum in the head or may spit a lot, put some camomile in lye and with this repeatedly wash your head and it will help a great deal. Very fine electuary against catarrh. Take ½ ounce each of cumin, prepared coriander and flowers of rosemary and half a dram each of pepper, cinnamon and saffron, 3 drams of tartar from white wine, ½ ounce of juice of rue and as much cleaned honey as needed. Everything should be ground and finely pulverized. Then mix everything together and you will make a good electuary. Then at supper take a dose and you will see a wonderful effect in a few days.... 33 For one who has tremor of the head and also the hands. Take roots of peony and roots of erba bona and of parsley and dill seed, each the same amount, and boil all these things in well water in a clean pan until it reduces in half. Then strain it and press the herbs well and use this decoction to drink in the morning as a syrup and soon you will be cured. Also take the center of a loaf of bread and make toast and put this warm to soften in very strong vinegar and soak it well. Then put it on the paralyzed or shaking member and you will see a great improvement. Another. Take some sage and boil it and with this decoction wash the arms and hands and let it dry on them. Then take the juice of this sage and with this rub your hands repeatedly and do this at least 2 or 3 times a day and soon it will cure you. Also take this sage and cook it with wine. Then put this herb, warm, on the wrists and it will help you greatly. Another to restore one who becomes paralyzed. Take bile from a bull and dry it and make very fine powder and give the sick one some of it to drink every morning and he should eat it in all ways and in a few days he will recover. Another for tremor of the limbs. Take juice of wormwood blended with ordinary oil and rub it, warm, repeatedly on those limbs that tremble. It will be of great benefit and, by continuing this, you will cure. Another remedy for paralysis. Take sage, betony, rue, cinquefoil, roots of fennel, parsley and celery, each the same amount, and triturate everything and incorporate it with very good wine and boil until it reduces ¼. Then strain it and press well and give the one who trembles 4 ounces per dose to drink early in the morning, warm in the form of a syrup, for 30 days. With the aid of God soon he will be improving and will not tremble any more, if the sickness is recent. -------- [Page 65] Scrofula, that is swollen glands, and bad growths arising in several ways. Viz: Take 5 pounds of laurel oil, 3 ounces each of mastic, frankincense, gum arabic, turpentine and egg white and mix them together and distill in a glass flask. Then put into the distillate, 6 pounds of strong ashes of oak and incorporate well and redistill it. Save the water that comes out in a bottle as something valuable which is very good for scrofulous lumps or swollen glands. These often appear near the Adam's apple, that is around the throat and also on the body. With this water you should bathe them repeatedly. Then take some lentils and cook them very well with vinegar and put this warm on the sick places in the form of a poultice and do it several times. With God's grace soon it will cure the scrofula, and rapidly. Another for scrofulas. Take ground salt and vinegar and ox dung and urine of a child 6 years old and mix everything together in the form of a poultice and put it warm with a stupe on the scrofulas in the evening when you go to sleep and it will help you considerably. Another for scrofulas that are not broken open. Take the root of wild squash, that is bryony, and distill water from it in the glass still. Give 3 ounces to the patient to drink every morning as a syrup. Continue for one month and you will help him greatly. Another for scrofulas. Take the herb pellitory that grows on the wall. Pound it between 2 stones and make juice, and wet pieces of finely-woven linen in this and put them on the sore spots. Continue the medication for a month, 2 or 3 times a day, and you will cure. Another to make the scrofulas break open. Take the root of marsh mallow, that is altea , and make powder and take smooth pork fat and mix them together. Then rub the bad area of the scrofulas with it, warm, and shortly it will be broken open. Another for those that are not open. Take 9 live lizards and put them alive in a pot and put in oil of dill, salt and old ordinary oil. Boil this until 1/3 remains and with this oil, warm, repeatedly rub the swellings of scrofula and they will give you no more trouble. Another for those scrofulas that are open. Take a large pot full of white wine, the oldest that can be found is the best, and put in 1 handful each of sage and rosemary, 4 cyclamen roots and 1 ½ ounces of saccharine alum and 1 handful each of dill and salt, and boil everything together until it reduces one third. Then strain it and with this wine, very warm, bathe the sores repeatedly and dry them. Then grind the herbs finely. Take lard or fat that should be old, the amount as much as the herbs in weight or volume, and grind everything together finely. After the sores have been washed, put on this plaster and do this 2 times a day and, through God's grace, you will soon cure. Water that removes developing scrofulas and warts. Take 5 pounds of old laurel oil and 3 ounces each of white frankincense, mastic, gum arabic and turpentine and compound everything and distill it into a glass bowl and put in this water 5 pounds of ashes of the strongest soft cheese that can be found and return it to the still and save the water that comes out. When you want to remove the scrophulas, carefully bathe them repeatedly and as they dry up do this again to the swelling. To remove warts, make them bleed a little with a needle. Then wet them with this water and it wears away the roots of the wart and it will dry up and soon it will go away. Another to remove scrofulas that are closed over. Take 4 ounces each of the urine of a young child and strong vinegar and one spoonful of salt and with this wet pieces of linen and put them on the glands in the evening when you go to bed. By continuing it, they are consumed little by little and you will be cured. Do not eat pork. -------- [Page 66] Wonderful unguent for scrofulas or swollen glands. Take 1 ounce each of clean wax, rose oil and bear fat, 1 ½ ounces each of turpentine and mutton fat, 2 dinari of Greek pitch, 6 dinari of male incense. Then add a little juice of hemlock and mix all these things together in a clean flask. First cut the fats minutely and the other things should be in fine powder and well mixed and cook these on a slow fire. Then remove it from the fire and save it for your needs. Then in the morning and the evening rub it on. By continuing this, you will be cured quickly. Take care of yourself.... 34 Another unguent for scrofulas. Take juice of celery and raw honey, each the same amount, and one egg yolk and a little wheat flour and put everything in a pot, well covered, in the sun for 10 to 15 days and it will be made. Keep it for your needs and rub it on in the evening and morning. Soon you will be cured. Another perfect electuary against scrofula. Take some green lizards and cut off the heads and tails. Then put them in very strong vinegar for 3 days. Then dry them in the oven and make very fine powder. Take 2 pounds of well purified honey and incorporate this with the powder and make an electuary of it. Take one spoonful in the morning early, diluted with very good wine, and wait for the space of one hour. Then take another dose and do this again one more time, that will be 3 times in the morning. Continue this at least for 8 days and, little by little, the scrofulas will be drying up and, through God's grace, soon you will be cured. Keep a good life and do not eat harmful things. [Two remedies inked out here in the MS] Another to cure scrofulas rapidly using a root. Take the root of lesser serpentaria, that is the herb wake robin, wash it well and make it into 3 or 4 pieces, cut with wood not with iron. In the evening when you go to sleep, put one of these pieces in your mouth and with that in your mouth, go to sleep if you can. If not, roll it in a little starch and swallow it like a pine seed. Take it one evening, yes, and the next, no. Do not take too much by mouth because it is hot in the third degree, so it makes your tongue sore. By swallowing it, this root breaks up, erodes, and consumes all the excess humor and if you should have some scrofulas on your back, that skin will all be drying up little by little. When you feel much better, do not take more of it. Know that the roots should be fresh. If they are dry they do not have as much potency. When you have removed the swellings, take the root 3 or 4 times and put the rest underground in a place where they remain fresh and take them from time to time. Be careful what you eat. Do not eat pork meat, nor sour fruit. Do not drink fresh water. Do not use women. Keep your body warm and eat light things. Do not wrap youself up in your problem. Be certain it is true that soon you will be cured. This has been proved many times by persons worthy of trust. Another to cure scrofulas or swollen glands in 40 days. Take a cyclamen root and cut it into 40 slices and dry them in the shade and every morning make a powder of one and give it to the patient to drink with wine or warm broth as a syrup early in the morning. In 40 days you will have made a cure. This has been tested by a well-known anatomist of Pisa. -------- [Page 67] A major and very useful unguent. Take 1 ounce each of oil of fir and turpentine, rose oil and rose honey and compound them with a slow fire and put in this composition ½ ounce of honeysuckle poultice or betony poultice, stirring continuously until you see that everything is well mixed. Then remove it from the fire and at once strain it carefully and continue stirring afterward until it is completely cool, and a major and perfect unguent will be made. Very fine poultice for the head. Take 1 handful each of the herbs burnet, betony, verbena, honeysuckle and St. John's wort. Cut them well and crush them minutely in a mortar. Then put them to soften in good white wine for 3 whole days. Then boil it until it is reduced in half. Put it in a canvas cloth and strain it and press out the juice very well. Then put in the gums that are written below, viz: 6 ounces of pine tar, 1 lb. of turpentine, 1 ½ ounces each of gum arabic and gum ammoniac, 2 ounces of opopanax gum, and 1 ounce each of white wax, sarcocol gum, juniper gum and bdellium. Then add 3 ounces each of juice of plantain and of absinthe. Then incorporate everything together and boil it on a slow fire, stirring continuously. Regarding the gums, it may not be known when this is ready. When you want to know if it is cooked, take a little of it on a spatula and let it cool and if the edge stays firm so it can be spread like diaquilon , then it is ready. Note that you want it to be more hard than soft. Then take some very fine soot and incorporate it in so that it becomes very dark and put in more at your discretion until it is enough. When it is partly cold, put in these other things written here, viz: 1 ½ ounces each of mastic, male incense, myrrh and ivy gum. Then add ½ ounce of mother's milk, wetting the hands to mix it very well. Then make a medicated paste of it, that is in little plasters. It lasts a long time.... 35 [Two remedies inked out in the MS] A major poultice. Take 1 ounce each of flowers of camomile, absinthe and rose, betony, mountain mint, cumin and barley flour and make a plaster with white wine. At the end add rose oil and it will be made. Another for headache. Take white wine and in this wine boil some absinthe and some betony. Then with this wine, wash your head and soon you will be cured. Another for headache. Take 1 handful each of flowers of laurel and rue and dry stalks of garlic and boil them in white wine and water, 1 jug of each. Then wash your head with this well and soon you will be cured of the headache. -------- [Page 68] Best remedy for headache. Take 1 handful each of good marjoram and rosemary and make fine powder of them. In the morning take half a glass of good white wine and put therein a tablespoon of this powder, heat it and drink this early in the morning and soon you will be cured. This is also powerful to save the teeth so they will not decay and it will give you a good breath. It is the thing used by gentlemen. Another for headache. Take some rue and peach leaves and fry them with oil in a pan until they are well cooked. Then remove them and mash them very well and with this warm oil rub the temples and soon you will be cured. Another for headache. Take the herb savin and cut it finely and compound it with rose oil and strong vinegar and cook it and do as above, rubbing the temples, and you will be cured. Another for the aforesaid headache. Take some hemp in green leaf and grind it finely. Then compound it on the fire with strong vinegar. Put it warm on the forehead, and soon you will be cured. Also it is good for one who may have a migraine headache. It is useful for one who is not able to sleep. Grind it with vinegar and put it on the forehead and it will cure. Also make a plaster with some poison hemlock and put it on the forehead. You will see a good effect and it will remove your headache. Plaster to put on the head. Take white resin, cloves, ginger and nutmeg, each in the same amount, and make them into powder, compound them on the fire and put this on a piece of leather and on the top of the head.... 36 For a cut on the head or a wound. Take some of the herb scabiosa and betony and make fine powder. Then put it on the cut or on the head or on wounds and soon they will be cured. If you wish to prove this, take a chicken or other animal and cut open the head. Then put some of this powder on it and you will shortly see a wonderful result that it will be cured neatly and well. [One remedy inked out of the MS] Another for the same as long as it is not fatal. Put these 3 words on something edible and eat it and soon you will be cured: '+ Gibel + Goth + Gabel.' Then take the herb shepherd's purse and put it on the chest so it touches the flesh or grasp it in the hand and, holding it, soon through God's grace, you will be cured. ' Gimel, Goe, Gabor. ' Another for a hurt from a blow. Take rosewater and dove dung and incense, each the same amount, and powder everything and incorporate them together with water and egg white and compound it. Then put it on a stupe and put it on the forehead so it extends from one side to the other and soon you will be cured. Another for a hurt from a blow. Take the herb scabiosa and extract juice. Then strain it and take half a glass of it and add 3 ounces of strong vinegar and one ounce of rose oil and one fresh egg and mix everything together. Wet a fine cloth in it and put it across the forehead and as it becomes dry, put on another and do this until the pain is gone and in this way you will cure. Another for a hurt from a blow. Take a fresh egg and cook it enough in a pan like a pancake with a little rose oil with a little fresh marjoram mixed into the egg. Do not make it too hard. Then put it on the head, that is on the brain, as warm as you can stand, and cut the hair in that part so it is not plastered. Do this 3 or 4 times and you will be cured rapidly. Live with sobriety and stay warm. For one who may be out of his head, that is who may lose his balance. Take rape seed and good marjoram and grind them finely and have the one who is dizzy drink them several times. By continuing to drink this, one will soon be cured and steady. To cure headache rapidly. Take juice of marjoram and draw it up in the nose and at once it lifts your pain. -------- [Page 69] Plaster that is put on the head for pain from a blow and for edema. Take mastic, frankincense, sarcocol, opopanax, galbanum and ivy gum, each ½ ounce, 1 ounce of tar, 1 ½ ounces each of colophony and yellow wax and 3 drams of spurge. First take the gums and cover them with vinegar and leave them to soften for 24 hours. Then grind them in a mortar and make a plaster, well formed. Put it on the head and let it stay thus and it will help you greatly. [One remedy inked out here in the MS] Remedies of several kinds for epilepsy. Take opopanax, dragon's blood gum, musk, antimony, each the same amount, pulverize all finely and incorporate them well and use this powder in food in all ways, in wine, in broth, in soups, and use as much as half a tablespoon of it every day for 2 months. Another powder for epilepsy. Take a pair of live pigeons and put them in a clean pot, not vitreous, with its cover and put dough around the cover so that no gas can escape. Then put it in the oven long enough so it becomes in a form that you can make into fine powder. Then take some bone from the head of a dead man, bake it and grind it into fine powder and incorporate it with the above, or file it and then grind it but it will take more effort. Give ½ tablespoon each time to the patient and give it with 3 ounces of holy water in the morning in the form of a warm syrup for 2 months and you will see recovery, through God's grace. [One remedy inked out here in the MS] Beverage for epilepsy. Take marjoram, peony seeds, goat's rue, musk, opopanax and antimony, 4 ounces of each pulverized finely, and ½ dish of earthworms washed with wine, dried and made into powder. Incorporate everything well and give one tablespoon of it every third evening to the patient with juice of marjoram in the evening when he goes to sleep. If this is done at the beginning of the illness, he will be freed quickly. The juice of Roman mint, given with ½ glass of wine for 3 days, helps greatly. Another for epilepsy. Take musk, peony, Roman pellitory, black dittany and valerian, each the same amount, and make a powder of them and give it to the patient to eat several times in His Name and it will cure. It is tested. -------- [Page 70] Electuary for epilepsy. Take nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, long pepper and white pepper, marjoram and betony, each ½ ounce, 1 ounce of peony root, 1 ½ ounces each of fine sugar and fine theriac. Make powder of everything and put all together and make an electuary as usual. Compound it with clean honey sufficient to incorporate and give this electuary in the amount of a hazel nut for six days in a row, thereafter freely, and especially at the time when the patient starts to feel dizzy as epilepsy or other cerebral changes come on, he should begin the electuary before and after and he will be cured quickly. Another tested remedy for epilepsy. Bring the epileptic and the father and mother and take them to the church on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday and there they hear all the mass and also on Sunday and then at the end of the mass the priest binds on the epileptic's head the gospel precept on which is written, 'This kind of demon will not be cast out except by prayer and fasting,' and soon it will cure the mad and demonized epileptic. This is very true. And he should carry near him the names of these 3 kings: '+ Caspar brought myrrh +, Melchior brought incense +, Balthasar brought gold, +' and do this on Thursday or on Sunday and say over him the Mass of the Three Kings and offer on the altar coins of 3 kinds. The note should be kept under the Bible. Do not ever go without this and you will not suffer from epilepsy, that is from the falling sickness. Do these things and do not be negligent. Another for the falling sickness, the best remedy that can be made. If the patient is a man, take 3 pieces of the head of a dead man, and if a woman from a woman, who does not have epilepsy, and grind them finely. Then take 4 ounces of peony water or sage water and a spoonful of this powder and incorporate them and give it lukewarm to the patient to drink in the form of a syrup for 2 months continually, more or less, according to how you see improvement. Then the patient should take care of his way of living and life and in a short time, with the aid of God, soon he will be cured of this infirmity, because this has often been tested. Another for epilepsy. Take the herb dragon root or its seed or root or some of its berries and some of its juice and give it to the patient to drink several times and he will see the effect. Then take some peony root, gathered during the half-moon in autumn and also some of its seed gathered in the waning moon and make very fine powder of all. Take some of the powder you have made above from the head of a man or a woman and also take some fur of a white dog and cut it very finely and blend everything together. Give the sick one a spoonful of this powder in broth or in soup or in any way as long as he takes it and, with the aid of God, shortly you will see him cured. See that he does not know the composition of the powder so that he more willingly will take it and, through the faith that he has to be cured, he will be cured without fail. Also when you are at mass, always say the Pater Noster when the priest says it. When the patient falls, say the Pater Noster in his ear and at once he will get up and be able to walk. Again when one falls to the earth, say these words in his ear, viz: 'The spirit is indeed strong, however the flesh is weak,' and at once he will get up and walk, for these facts are certain and tested many times by men of faith. Another for epilepsy. Take one branch of the herb that is mistletoe that grows on the pear tree or on the tree that has apples and is large and make the branch square and 4 fingers or less in length. Write on the first face '+ Jesus Maria +' , on the second 'Gaspar +', on the third 'Balthasar +' and on the fourth 'Melchior +' and put it on the altar and say over it these 4 masses, first of the Holy Spirit, of the Epiphany, of Saint Bertinus and of the 5 wounds of Jesus Christ, and fasten it around the neck of the patient with a new ribbon with 5 Pater Noster, kneeling, and 3 other Pater Noster for the 3 Nails and when you attach it you say 'I touch the bone of the neck' and leave this on. Another, an electuary for epilepsy. Take 1 pound of red sugar and 6 ounces of flowers of ivy gathered during the half moon, and grind them in a way that makes the sugar rosy and put it in the sun in a clean, covered vessel for one month. Then give the patient one spoonful in the morning and he will not fall as much. -------- [Page 71] Epilepsy. Another to cure epilepsy. Take one dram of deer horn made into fine powder and give it to drink every morning with 2 ounces of warm good white wine with ½ dram of raw anise in fine powder. Give it in the form of a syrup. This beverage will be of great help to the epileptic. Another plaster for the falling sickness. Take 1 ounce each of myrrh, nutmeg, white incense and mother's milk from a woman nursing a boy if the sick person is male and, if female, from a woman nursing a girl. Mix the herbs together, make them into fine powder, make a well-formed plaster and spread it on chamois leather. Then shave the top of the head up to the forehead and put on this plaster, very warm, and let it stay on at least for 6 months and, with the aid of God, he will be healed. But do keep shaving the head every 8 to 10 days so that it holds the plaster and you will see a good result, with God's grace. Another, a different, very good remedy for the falling sickness. Take lees of good wine and first shave the top of the head and with these lees rub the commissure of the head, rubbing until the area becomes blistered. Then take a sharp nail that has a good silver coating and heat it very well. Then press it on this blister and it will break open and all of the sickness will be alleviated and soon, with the aid of God, it will be cured, little by little. These secrets are very useful for falling sickness. When a headache in women lasts a long time. Rub the forehead and the temples with marsh mallow and soon she will be cured. Another. Cook dill seed in oil. Rub the forehead and temples with this and it lifts the pain. Another. Creeping thyme cut and cooked with vinegar in rose oil, confected and put on the head, lifts the pain. Another. Juice of ground ivy, oil and vinegar mixed together and put on the top of the head with wool or cotton. Another. Juice of celandine, taken up in the nostrils, clears the head. Another. Take hepatic aloe and grind it finely and mix it with olive oil. Then spread it on a linen cloth and put it on the forehead and the temples in the evening. Another. Wash the head repeatedly with lye made of cinders and ashes of stalks and roots of large nettle and white grape and this will be found wonderfully efficacious against headache, especially migraine. Another against migraine. Take laurel oil and rub it on the temples 2 or 3 times. It is a wonderfully powerful ointment and takes away the pain. Another for headache. Take rue and grind it with olive oil and then sprinkle into it rabbit bile so that it is mixed smoothly, and the same amount of pork fat, and rub the forehead and the temples and all the pain will be alleviated. Another. Grind pennyroyal and its flowers together and give it to drink with wine or warm water and you should fast right up to the nones and it will clear up the head.... 37 Another. Take juice of rue and rub it on the forehead and over it put cotton. Another. Pennyroyal may be cooked with vinegar and put in your nostrils so you feel the odor, and from the pennyroyal make a wreath for your head. Another. Take a fresh hen's egg and cook it hard in the ashes. Then divide it in half and bind it warm on the forehead when you go to sleep. Soon you will be freed. Do this when your head hurts. Another for ache of the forehead. Take stonecrop and cumin cut together with egg white and bind it on the forehead. Arabian pills for every headache. Take 4 ounces of aloe, 5 each of bryony and cherry plum, 1 ounce each of citrus, Indian plum, Kabul cherry plum, mastic, scammony, wild spikenard and roses, 1 dram of crocus, 3 drams of musk and mix together with the juice of culrage or absinthe. Another pill for headache. Take 4 drams of fine mastic, 10 drams of hepatic aloe, 3 drams of fine white mushrooms and make pills with juice of artemisia. They can even be taken with syrup of French lavender after a light meal without stopping their action. Against the swelling of the eyes in a headache. Take rose water and rose oil and ground salt and mix with a stick and put in a drop of vinegar. Then wet cloths in it and put them on the forehead and soon the pain will lift and make you sleep. Tested against headache. Take juice of plantain and a little rose water, a little vinegar, a little mother's milk and the white of one fresh egg, each the same amount, only more or less milk at your discretion. Then wet some cloths in this mixture and put them on the forehead so they reach from one ear to the other and the pain will go away. -------- [Page 72] When a man has fallen from a high place and has been bruised or hurt inside. Take 10 drams of senna with waters of endive, violet, plantain and bugloss, each the same amount, and put in them ½ dram of mummy and a scruple of madder and give it in the morning on an empty stomach and one should not eat for 3 hours. If it should be a little child, give only ½ dram of senna and add only 4 grains of mummy and 4 grains of madder and it should be taken in the morning, as above. It clears and refreshes and makes the blood return to its place. Then this is followed with other restorers: unguents, poultices, cupping glass or lancet with bleeding either from the common vein or from the liver to draw 6 ounces of blood. For the same. Take 6 drams of senna, freshly extracted, 1 dram of pulverized rhubarb, 4 grains of mummy, 4 ounces each of water decoctions of spleenwort, of white maiden hair fern, of black maiden hair fern, of liverwort, of barley, of maiden hair fern, of mint and of nutmeg, with which the senna, rhubarb and mummy are incorporated. Give it to the sick one to drink one hour before daybreak in the form of a syrup. Plaster for the same. Take ox dung equal to a thousand herbs, horse dung and ass dung and boil them in good vernaza wine until they become in the form of a plaster and put this on the sore place and soon you will cure. Enema as above. Take urine of a virgin child and mild lye and the same amount of thick broth, so that each equals two good bowls, and put in 3 ounces of honey and 2 ounces of rose oil and a very little salt. Use it one hour before daybreak or at the 20th hour. Plaster to put in the center of the head to dry up all the humidity and when things may have fallen on the stomach. Take 1 dram each of male incense, musk, mastic, coral, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, dragon's blood gum, spruce gum, myrtle, and dry roses and make this into very fine powder and incorporate it on a slow fire and when you remove it from the fire, add a little mother's milk and mix it well until it is cold and it will be made. Then spread some on chamois leather the size of a wafer and pierce it with the tip of a knife so that it may have an opening and cut the hair in the center of the head and attach it warm. Do not remove it so it may detach by itself. If the person is not sufficiently cured, put another on again. By Master Apothecary Antonio Brag[--]ti. -------- [Page 73] To cure the falling sickness, that is one who falls from that bad sickness, with the aid of God. Take the herb called burdock, and some rue. For 15 to 20 days in a row the patient shoud eat this herb at meals or before meals with bread or in fritters or in whatever way he wants to eat it. Begin to do this 15 to 20 days before the full moon and watch carefully, if you can, to learn the day, the hour and the place where the moon rises. On that day, hour and location of the moon, draw blood from the patient from the vein under the tongue. Do this 3 times in a row, that is for 3 moons. This is verified and tested and greatly praised by experienced doctors who say that at that point the moon stirs all our blood and doing this bleeding under the tongue may diminish the bad blood which ascends to the brain, and so free the body of this kind of sickness, little by little. Warn the patient not to cohabit with women because that has very adverse effects. That is said to me by one who tested it. Another for falling sickness. Take leaves and seed of the herb dragon root or the root or some of its berries and give it to the sick one to drink. Also take some peony made into powder and take bone from the head of a dead man who has been in a coffin and scrape it with a knife or file it, and the fur of a white dog, cut finely. Put everything together and give it to the patient to drink with 3 ounces of red wine with broth or soup. If it is a little child make it smell rue repeatedly. Then rub some bread with roasted oil and give it to eat. It helps greatly. Then take a nail from the coffin of a dead man and make it into a ring and put it on the marriage finger and it greatly helps in this falling sickness. Have the patient wear around the neck this little charm, viz: '+ Amen + treat + your + old age + gently + remove + fevers + disease + and also repel + sudden + death'. Soon you will be cured, through God's grace. Oil for the sickness called ugly. Take 2 ½ lbs. of old ordinary oil and 1 ½ lbs. of malvasia or other potent wine, 1 handful each of rosemary, hyssop, ave lustro , marjoram, sage, rue and southern wood. All these should be washed and clean and cut finely and boiled together until the malvasia is reduced in half. Then add two thirds of the items written below, viz.:1 ½ ounces each of galingale and musk and 1 ounce each of cloves, cinnamon and ginger and let all these items cook on a very slow fire until the rest of the malvasia is used up. Then strain it through a fine cloth and put the remaining third of the items into the pure oil that has been strained and add 1 lb. of ordinary oil to the above. Then it should be put in the sun, well-covered, for several days and it will be made. With this oil rub the sick person all over the stomach and the back up to the head, going down as far as the kidney and the edge of the kidney. Through God's grace soon he will get better. Prayers carried on the back against the falling sickness. Write these prayers and carry them on the back or around the neck as a note, saying 5 Pater Noster with faith and devotion. The one who does this will no longer fall from this sickness, through God's grace. Viz: 'Jesus of Nazareth, King of Judea, in your name make me whole and by your compassion free me, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.' We pray, 'God who directed the archangel Raphael to aid your servant, Tobias, in this life of variety and danger, you made him the guardian by whom we are protected and aided in the present life, for we live in danger and we look forward to come to joy in heaven. + + +.' We pray, 'Gracious and most high omnipotent God as we honor the holy day of your Saints Cosmas and Damian, may we be free from all threatening evils by their intercessions, through our Lord, Jesus Christ. Gaspar brought myrrh, Melchior brought incense, Balthasar brought gold.' Do this on Thursday or Sunday and say the Mass of the Three Kings and make 3 gifts of 3 kinds with this second prayer. -------- [Page 74] Another prayer for the falling sickness to carry with you. Viz.: 'God was, God is and God will be. So as the body is lifted, God on high who is the Lord, the consecrated host and the living flesh, as you are the Son of the Virgin Mary, free me, your servant (name), in the name of God and of the Virgin Mary and of Saint Bartholomew and of the Holy Trinity. So be it. Father + Son + Holy Spirit +, Amen.' Let us pray: 'God who through your Apostle Bartholomew in the temple of Astaroth freed the weak daughter of king Polum from being harassed by demons, may we be worthy, through the merits of his passion, to be freed from the incurable falling sickness and also from all evil, through our Lord, Jesus Christ, your Son.' Prayer for falling sickness. This sign of the Holy Cross is powerful against the falling sickness, viz: first draw this cross with these letters as you see on the page and when you want to put this around the neck say, and have said, 3 Pater Noster and 3 Ave Maria to honor God and the Holy Trinity and the 3 magi and carry it always around the neck and with the aid of God soon you will be cured. It is tested. Also add to this note, 3 peony roots and 3 peony seeds and 3 castor bean seeds and put them together and say over them the Mass of Saint Cornelius and write the prayer for Saints Cosmas and Damian and for the Angel Raphael. Carry this near you with devotion and you will be cured. [There is a large cross with writing that has been inked out in the MS] Most marvelous water of swallows, more than can be believed. It is made in this way for falling sickness. Take young swallows and dry them and pulverize finely the quantity that you will want. Then take the same amount of musk and mix together. Then pour in enough good vinegar and distill it in glass and keep this water. Its virtues are written below, viz: First, taken on an empty stomach it is the right medicine against the falling sickness, chosen because it is effective even if the person may have been suffering for 40 years. Another. Taken on an empty stomach it cures delirium in nine days.... 38 Another. Above all other medicines, it makes the head good, cleans the stomach, soothes and comforts the nerves of the chest, removes nerve paralysis, increases natural acts and warms anyone with chills. Another. Taken on an empty stomach with hyssop it cures the dropsy that is caused by cold and drives away quartan fever. Another. Taken with hyssop it cures headache and makes persons sleep, eat with appetite and digest food. It helps if a pregnant woman takes it because she may avoid losing a baby in the womb. Another. The juice of rue pushed up the nose when there has been an accident, heals it at once. Insufflate the juice in the nose. The membrane within which kittens develop, when pulverized and given in a potion to the patient, is useful for the tissue of the womb. Another. Also it is useful to have one of those nails that hold the candles when the church is consecrated. Carry it with you. Then, when the patient falls, drive this nail in where he hits his head and he will get up cured. [One remedy is inked out in the MS] Be advised that when you gather the root of the peony, it must be picked in the autumn in the waning of the moon and its seed is gathered when the moon is full so that when it is wanted for the falling sickness, you will use this water with certainty for this sickness. It has been tested many times by Monsignor Ber[----]o. -------- [Page 75] [One remedy is inked out here in the MS] For the falling sickness. Take a nutshell full of brandy and put it in a glass of wine and take a little theriac and give it to the patient to drink for 15 days and soon he will be cured. It has been tested. For the falling sickness. Take 6 ounces of a human skull, male for a man, female for a woman, and take care that the skull did not stay for a long time underground, nor from a person who was sick for a long time, nor was wasting from consumption. Take 3 ounces of the finest white sugar, one nutmeg, mace, cinnamon, oriental spice, cloves, white incense, peony seeds (male for a man, female for a woman), each in the weight of a nutmeg. All should be pulverized very finely and should be sifted through a hair sieve. One spoonful of this powder should be taken by the sick person early in the morning and in the evening in chicken broth. He should hold the peony seed under the tongue before he is purged. Meanwhile he should abstain from coitus, from eating pork, from all goat meat, from leeks, garlic, onion and other pungent herbs and from celery and parsley. Through the grace of God, he will be cured.... 39 For the problem of baldness on the head. Take parched maiden hair fern and make fine powder of it and mix it with vinegar and oil and make it in the form of an unguent. This is good for alopecia which is a condition in which all the hair falls out with sores. This is the treatment to cure it. Take oil of myrtle, wine and lye and parched goat hoof made into fine powder. Wash your head repeatedly with this and it stops the hair from falling out. This ash with lye is valuable in overheating of the head. It uses up, dissipates and removes the wet sores. For pain in the head, stomach or chest. Say: '+ The Angel Michael sustains me +. The Angel Gabriel restores me +. The Angel Raphael frees me + from all suffering.' For flesh cracked or bruised or a fall from a height without breaking the flesh. Say over the hurt place this devout prayer several times. Viz: “Saint Peter was seated on the sea shore and Jesus came along and Jesus said, 'What are you doing, Peter, that you are not resting?' Saint Peter said, 'Lord, I cannot because I have a cut in the flesh on my back.' Jesus said to Saint Peter, 'Go to the house and take linen fiber and fat from a young pig. Rub with the fat and the flesh joins. Rub and the flesh mends. Rub and it is cooled and the flesh binds.' In the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.” Flax is the fiber that should be used to tie. Take 3 threads and lard fat, bind around it with these 3 threads and with it, cold, rub the hurt place that is bruised and sore if the flesh and bone are not broken, but only bruised or cut. Rub in the way described above and soon you will be cured. It has been tested many times and it is effective without doing anything else. -------- [Page 76] To cure ringworm on the head in several ways and to remove hair without pain. Take 3 lbs. of male pig lard, as old as you can find, and put it to soak in very strong vinegar, well covered, for 2 whole days. Then remove it and wrap it well in 4 to 6 cabbage leaves or good parchment. Then dip the package in water and remove it quickly. Clear off the hearth and put it in the center. Cover it with embers and warm ashes so it is protected from the fire and let it stay for 2 hours, more or less, according to how hot the fire is. Watch that it does not burn or it will be consumed. Then remove it, unwrap the coverings and clean off the ashes as best you can. Put it between two chopping boards or two little planks and press it as hard as you can and also put it under the press to extract the last juice, as much as you can. Put in 3 quatrini of verdigris, cut very finely, and incorporate it well. Then strain it, still warm, through a fine cloth and save it in a little pot, continuing to stir it until it becomes cold so the verdigris does not go to the bottom but stays distributed. When you want to use it on the head that has ringworm, do it in this way: rub the head with ringworm every other evening, gently rubbing well into the scalp and put on a leaf of cabbage or parchment and a nightcap over that. Wash the head 2 or 3 times a week with mild lye boiled with roots of dock. When you wash it put in a fistful of very fine bran and then dry it very well. When you wash it, pull the hair lightly, so each time those which are most affected will improve some, so little by little you will remove it. When the hair is dry, rub the skin well with the grease so it penetrates and in this way the roots of the hair are aged and removed because the root is what holds the sickness. Then when the head is clean it will regrow all the hair more beautiful than it was at first and in greater amount, and you will be cured. Then rub the head with this oil: take 2 or 3 live lizards, that is Ligurian green lizards, and drown them in a pot full of ordinary oil and boil it in front of the fire until they are well broken apart. Remove it from the fire and leave it in the sun for 15 to 20 days. Rub it in carefully every evening where you want the hair to come and it will grow again thick and long. This recipe has been very, very effective many, many times. Tested by me Master Apothecary Andrea. Another to remove ringworm, no less good than the one above. Take pork lard, as above, and cut it into thin slices. Thread on a skewer one slice of lard and one leaf of climbing ivy. Then put it on the fire and turn it very slowly. Put a dish underneath that has some very strong vinegar in it and let it cook that way. When the pork is nearly cooked, remove it from the fire and put the tip of the skewer in the dish and hold it upright and move the fire away from the bottom and drain all the fat into the vinegar. Then put the vinegar and the fat together in a little pot and save it for your needs. When you rub the head of a ringworm sufferer, rub it in the evening and rub it well on the scalp and cover it as described above. Then make some lye to wash the head 2 or 3 times a week. When you have made your lye and strained it, boil it again with a little rock alum, grape leaves, savin and roots or leaves of danewort, one handful each, and a jug of good white wine. Then wash the head with this lye. When it is dry rub it with the grease. In the morning rub the head with warm oil of juniper and, through the grace of God, soon you will cure the greasy ringworm. -------- [Page 77] Pills to cure ringworm. Take 1 dram each of agaric, senna, pulp of colocynth and mastic and 3 drams of aloe and make pills with juice of leeks. The dose should be three pills. This method will cure the wet ringworm and dry it. Using these pills helps to cure the problem of ringworm rapidly. Ointment to remove ringworm rapidly. Take male pork fat in the amount you want and one third part of strong vinegar and set it on the fire and put therein ½ ounce of salt and make this boil very slowly until all the vinegar is gone. Then remove it from the fire and put in these powders, viz: verdigris, sulfur, dried rock alum, soot and dove dung, the amount of these things at your discretion, and all should be pulverized very finely. Then incorporate everything together, warm, and it will be made. Save it for your needs. Make mild lye to wash the head and boil in it some root of dock and wash with this on alternate days and rub the head in the morning and evening, pulling well along each hair. In 10 days it will be nearly cured, through God's grace. Another against ringworm. Take celandine roots and grate them. Then boil them in 6 ounces of rose oil and as it begins to boil, put in 6 ounces of finely minced yellow litharge and a very little of the precipitate, that is, 1 dram as it is prepared. Remove it from the fire and continue to stir it until it is cold and it will be made. Then rub the head that has ringworm and put mixed flour of fava beans and of lupins on it like a spice powder. Rub it carefully in the morning and evening for 3 days, as if washing the head, pulling it through the hair. Then continue to rub once a day for 10 to 15 days and after that it will be cured and the hair will grow very slowly more beautiful than before. This is true.... 40 Another to cure ringworm. Take equal amounts of sage, rosemary, spikenard, camomile and celandine, cut in little pieces, and boil them in white wine and a glass of vinegar until this reduces a third and all the herbs have given up their virtues into the wine. Then strain it and wash the head with this filtered liquid while it is very warm so it cleans well. When the hair is dry take a bit of dried salt beef and make it into fine powder. Put it on the head with a leaf of cabbage on it and tie on a night cap. Do this once a day in this way and afterward you will see a good result and you will be cured. Water for ringworm and for the legs. Take 3 jugs of cistern water and a bowl of very clean barley and boil it for ½ hour. Then add a bundle of dry bark of pomegranate and 1 handful of dry roses and let it boil for ½ hour. Add 4 ounces of crushed rock alum and let it again boil a little. Remove it from the fire and strain it at once, pressing the bark well. While it is still warm put in 2 ounces of chopped white lead and incorporate it well. Then put in 2 scruples of powdered camphor and quickly stir so that it incorporates and does not dissipate in fumes, and it will be made. Save it for your needs. Then wet some pieces of linen in this decoction and put them on the head and also on the legs and continue this for several days and you will be cured. Take care of yourself. For the crust that comes on the head of little children. Take 1 handful each of mallow, sweet violets and fine flour and boil them with enough water and reduce it 1/3 and with this liquid wash the head very well. Then smear the head with this liniment: take butter washed in the decoction described above and an unguent of camphorated white lead and incorporate them using a lead mortar with a lead pestle for ½ hour. Then remove it and rub the head carefully with this and put on pieces of fine linen cloth and do this in the morning and evening and the crusst will be cured quickly by following this prescription. Another. Take old lard, wrap it in a stupe wet in urine and heat it under the ashes and with this rub the head of the little child who has a crust. -------- [Page 78] Powder to make the memory good. Take 1 dram each of caraway, anise, bishop's weed, celery, cumin, mountain mint, cardamon, Indian leaf, galingale, costmary, betony, fennel, marjoram, sweet basil, licorice, pennyroyal, pepper, lavender, parsley and hyssop and make everything into very fine powder, each one separately. Then incorporate them all well and use this powder in all your foods like a spice. But know that in the winter it is better than in the summer for the excess of phlegm. This powder was made by Emperor Fredrick. It is good for continual use by one who has lost his memory through some excessive humor. This powder is active against scotoma, dizziness, defective sight and hearing, and against apoplexy, gout and paralysis and mitigates pain from the kidney and lower parts.... 41 Amulet for bad memory. Take 5 ounces of cistus gum, 3 drams of amber, 2 drams each of cloves and nutmeg, 1 dram of storax and 2 scruples of musk and make fine powder of all these things. Then mix with tragathanth gum melted in rose water and make a ball with a hole through the center and let it dry in the shade. Put it on the back or around the neck with a cord of gold or of silver. Know that this comforts the brain, the nerves and the spirit and it will bring a good fragrance to all your thoughts. Very good and complete electuary for the memory. Take 2 drams each of flowers of rosemary, of borage and of bugloss and the heart of a swallow and take 1/2 dram each of fine cinnamon, nutmeg, mace, cloves and long pepper, 2 grains of musk and 1 ounce each of fine sugar, rose sugar and violet sugar. All these things should be finely pulverized and made into a mixture with one ounce of rose syrup. On an empty stomach take the amount of a hazel nut every morning. Take this electuary for the period of one month and it will give you a wonderful memory that will be maintained. Keep yourself from bad odors and use it in the wintertime to help you keep warm. By using it you will keep your memory perfect. Another to maintain the memory. Take a piece of the root of cyclamen or sow bread and chew it each day. This is the best thing for the memory.... 42 For one whose brain is disordered. Take 2 handfuls of the leaves of cultivated celery and cook them in water. Make a poultice of this herb and put it as warm as one can stand on the head which should be shaved first. Put it on all over the head thickly and do it at least 2 or 3 times and it will help greatly. This is a tested method. In addition you should use this wine: take 1 ounce each of good wine and ginger and 2 ounces each of long pepper and galingale and 1/2 ounce each of cloves, cubeb and nutmeg. Everything should be made into fine powder. Put this powder, incorporated with a little of that wine, in a small linen sack and put it in a vessel with 7 lbs. of good wine and cover it well so it is not able to evaporate and boil it some. Then let it clear with the sack in it and use this wine to drink, but a little each time. This wine is also good in chills and for flatulence and you will be warmed and it will help you greatly. Another for one whose brain is disordered. Take seeds of rue and grind them finely. Drink them with sharp, that is sour, wine and soon you will recover the health of the brain. -------- [Page 79] Pills for the head, after meals. Take 2 drams of giera dough with mushrooms and 1 dram of plain dough and mix them together with water of fennel and make 9 pills. Then take 3 of them at a time and it will make you go very easily.... 43 To make hair on the head, beard or hair on the skin regrow when it has fallen out through sickness. Take raw honey and urine of a young child of 5 to 8 years, each the same amount, and put therein some bees, that is roasted bees, and make fine powder of it and incorporate it with ordinary oil and mix everything together. Then rub the bald place on the head or beard or skin and, by continuing it for a few days, the hair will grow shining and beautiful as before. This mixture should be made fresh, a little at a time, at least every 2 or 3 days because of the putrefaction that occurs from the urine. It will work for you very well. Another to make hair and beard grow. Take as much linseed as you want and toast it in a frying pan and make fine powder and also some roasted bees and use as much of one powder as the other and incorporate it with oil of lizard, that is the green lizard, in the form of a soft unguent. Then rub the bald spot carefully in the morning and evening and soon the hair will grow on the head, beard or skin. Powder of roasted frogs works the same way. First rub with the oil described above and then put on the powder like a spice and hair will grow quickly and in large amounts. It has been tested. Another to make the hair or beard grow long. When you make lye for washing your head, take ashes of grapevine and no other ashes and 1 handful each of the herb agrimony, climbing ivy and maidenhair fern and boil them all together until it reduces 1/3. Then filter the lye and save it and with this wash your head 2 times a week and soon you will see the wonderful result. To make hair beautiful in several ways. Take 5 lb. of white honey and distill it in a glass still with pebbles, that is large and well-washed sand, mixed with the honey and put this in a distilling flask just as it is, with a lively fire so that it distills oil. Then take this oil and when you have dried the head, rub the hair carefully. By continuing this, the hair will become beautiful, I say most beautiful. Another to make beautiful hair. Take oil of poppy and ox gall, each the same amount, and a little white wine and incorporate them as a liquid unguent and when you have dried the head well, rub the hair with this carefully. Then stay in the sun and the hair will become most beautiful. Another to make the hair beautiful. Take 1/2 dram of oriental saffron and the yolks of 8 cooked eggs ground in a mortar. Add the saffron in very fine powder and enough white honey to combine everything in the form of a liquid unguent. Then when you are in the sun, oil the hair and rub it well and when combing the hair first smear the comb with oil of bitter almonds. Continue this for a month, at least 2 or 3 times a week, and if you do it repeatedly your hair soon will become the color of gold and as fine as you would like it. Another to make the hair beautiful. Take roots of endive and cook them with lye. Then when they are cooked, remove them and strain them. Then put this to boil again and put in cumin and crushed licorice, the amounts at your discretion, and boil it a while. Then strain it and with this wash your head 2 times a week and when it is dry sprinkle it with yellow sulfur, wrapping up the hair in a cover so you will not smell the odor. By doing this several times the hair will become the color of gold, pure and shining in a way that will please you. This secret is used by the ladies of Genoa and it is seen there. -------- [Page 80] To whiten hair in the shade, without sun, so that it will be as white and shining as silver. Take 4 ounces of the root of greater centaury, 3 ounces each of gum arabic, tragacanth and rock alum, 2 ounces of white Damascene soap, 1 lb. of white precipitate of alum and 25 lb. of running water from the river. Take the root of the centaury and the same amount of its leaves and cut it very finely and boil everything together until it is reduced 1/3. Then let it stand in the sun for 15 days to become clear. Strain it and save it for your needs. To make the hair blond, rub it on your hair in the morning and wrap your hair in a kerchief and at noon wash the head with ordinary lye in which was boiled 1 handful of pellitory of the wall. Dry it where you wish, by the fire or in the sun, and continue in this way until finally you see your hair white and blond. Also at the same time it will take on a most beautiful shine that lasts for a long time. Know that this blond color is used a great deal in and around Venice and happy is the lady who knows such a secret.... 44 To make the white hair of the head, beard or hair on the skin become dark brown. Take ordinary lye and wash the head and when it is completely dry, rub the hair, beard or hair on the skin with well-warmed oil of tartar with a sponge. Do this at least 2 or 3 times a day and in 3 or 4 days the hair will have changed color to brown and the color will last several days. This secret was used to please the lover of a spruced-up Venetian lady who was 60 years old and she used only this oil and her hair was very shining. If this secret does not seem to have produced the right color for hair or beard, in the last combing with a comb of lead, rub with oil of benzoin gum which will give it a sweet odor. This secret is to be held dear. It has been tested by me, Master Apothecary Andrea, many times. Another to make the hair or beard white. Take 1 and ½ handfuls each of flowers of mullein, French lavender, celandine and ashes of white grape vine and make lye and put 2 lb. of white soap cut finely into 8 lb. of lye and put it in a glass vessel in the sun for 20 days and each day stir it up with a stick so all is suspended. Then wet the hair with this many times with a sponge while standing in the sun. The hair will become most beautiful and lustrous by following this method of the great Venetian ladies. This is a secret that many ladies know. Another to make the hair become long, down to the ground. Take some maiden hair fern and dry it in the shade and make fine powder of it and put it in myrtle oil and when the hair is dry, rub the hair and the scalp with it. Do this several times and it will become long. It has been tested. To make the hair black when it is white. Take 1 ounce each of liquid storax, storax in canes, benzoin gum and sedge, ½ ounce each of cloves and orris root, and 1 lb. of oil of sweet almonds. Then take the benzoin gum, cloves, orris root and sedge and make them into fine powder and incorporate with the other things and distill them in a glass still on a slow fire and collect the liquor that arises and save it in a glass vessel. In the evening when you go to sleep, rub your hair or beard very well and wrap it in a linen cloth until morning. Then rub it with another dry cloth. Two times a week wash your head and when it is dry, rub it carefully. Continue this for several days and you will see it become dark, very dark, and every 2 months or more you can rub it to maintain it in that color and it will have a very good odor. Do it and this will succeed well for you.... 45 -------- [Page 81] To make gray hair dark. Take equal amounts of soft dark soap and quicklime and yellow litharge and incorporate them in the form of an unguent and with this rub the gray hair several times and it will become dark. Continue this rubbing according to how you see the need as it turns from being white to dark. Another for the aforesaid and also good. Take the juice of beets mixed with ashes made of chicken feathers and boil them together a while. Rub yourself with this in the evening when you go to sleep. Another to make gray hair red. Take the leaves and tips of the walnut tree when they are tender and pomegranate rind and distill water from them in a glass still. With this wet only your hair and do not touch the skin and continue for 15 days or more. This color will last more than a month and it will make the hair a beautiful red-brown color, clear and beautiful. Another to make the hair dark. Take earthworms and leaves of black figs, the amounts at your discretion, and parch them and make fine powder and incorporate it with oil of sweet almonds. Then rub the gray hair several times and it will become as dark and beautiful as you wish. Another to make the hair on the head or skin dark. Take leaves of the black fig tree in the month of May. Dry them in the shade and make a fine powder of them. Then take oil of camomile and make an unguent, incorporating it on the fire. Rub the hair on the head, skin or beard several times and it will become dark. Adding a little milk from a bitch makes it very good. By combing with a comb made of lead, smeared with juice of sage and oil of benzoin gum, it will become a beatiful black. Tested. Another method to make hair dark. Take 5 lb. of rain water, 2 ounces of yellow litharge made into powder, and 2 lb. of strong ashes that are carefully sieved. Put everything together and boil until it is reduced in half. Then let it cool and strain it carefully and with this decoction wet the hair, body hair or beard several times and the gray will become as it was in your youth. This has been tested. To make your hair or beard grow. Take some bees when they are inactive in the month of October and put them on an iron plate and put it on the burning embers to dry them. Parch them until you can make them into fine powder. Parch some linseed and make fine powder of it and take the same quantity that you want of each. Then have oil of Ligurian lizards, drowned alive in oil and boiled in a pot on the fire until they have fallen apart, and leave them in the sun for 15 to 20 days and this will be ready. Make lye with ashes of grape vine and boil in it a handful each of agrimony, climbing ivy and maiden hair fern. Then wash your head or beard where it is hairless with this lye at least 2 times a week and when it is dry rub the place of baldness with the oil. Then sprinkle on the powder like a spice. Do this anointing every evening and soon your hair, beard or body hair will regrow. What may have been falling out through sickness or baldness, as you begin to bathe it, will be falling out no more and soon will regrow. This has been tested and is approved. I give you the complete true information. Another to make your hair and beard grow. Take hens' eggs, in the quantity that you wish, and cook them in water so they become hard and take out the yolk from the center. Put the yolks in an iron frying pan and fry until the oil comes out. Then put this warm in a little sack and put it under the press and extract all of the substance that can come out. Take 2 horns and the roasted dung of a goat and make them into fine powder and mix all together. Rub the place where hair is needed and soon it will grow on the head, beard or body. -------- [Page 82] To make body hair, beard or hair fall out where you wish. Take 4 ounces of fresh quicklime and 1 ½ ounces of orpiment, both pulverized very finely, and put them in very strong lye. I say the prime ingredient is the lye with which soap is made. Put these in a little pot on a slow fire so it boils very slowly until it develops a little body. If you would like to know when it is cooked, dip in a duck feather and remove it at once and if the feather is bare it is cooked. Remove it from the fire and it will be made. Save it for your needs. When you would like to remove body hair, beard or hair from the head, first rub the place with oil of sweet almonds and you will not feel any burning. Then as soon as you have greased the spot, put thereon this composition and let it stay until you do start to feel it. Wash it away with tepid water and rub the irritated place with another unguent made in this way, viz: take pork fat, cut finely, and melt it on the fire and put in rose oil and the white of an egg and incorporate everything well together. Rub with this where you feel it and soon the irritation will pass away. Then wash with rose water and plantain water and soon it disappears where you felt it and in that place neither hair nor beard ever grows. This has been tested by me.... 46 Another to remove body hair or hair on the head. Take the root of the herb celandine and extract the juice and take a little cottonwool and wet it in this juice. Then wet the body hair or hair on the head that you want to remove and the hair will go away rapidly and if it returns, do it again one more time after which the hair will not return. Another to remove body hair. Take 2 drams each of colophony and new wax, 1 dram each of gum ammoniac, mastic and gall of goat, and mix everything together well. Rub the place that you want and let it stay on for a little while. Then wash it away. By doing this several times the hair will go away rapidly by itself. Another so that it will not return. Take the juice of climbing ivy and orpiment and ant eggs and strong vinegar at your discretion and incorporate them on a slow fire. Then rub it on, warm, and do this several times and the hair will go away and will not return. Also, only the ant eggs mingled with the milk of a bitch and juice of psyllium will do the same, so the hair will fall out soon. This is tested.... 47 Another to remove hair where you want. Take a flask of fresh urine and put therein a bowl of quicklime made into powder and boil it so it reduces in half. Then take 3 ounces of finely ground yellow orpiment and boil it for a bit. Put in one glass of juice of horse mint and ½ glass of strong vinegar and several ant eggs and let it boil a little, stirring it well and it will be made. Save it in a bottle and when you wish to use it, warm it up and rub where you want the hair removed and soon it will fall out and will not return for a long time. This has been tested. Another to remove hair where you wish. Take white henbane, ant eggs, orpiment and ivy gum, each at your discretion, and mix this powder with very strong vinegar in the form of an unguent and put it where you want a few times and you will see a wonderful result. Another if you do not wish hair to regrow. Take 2 ounces of ivy gum and 4 ounces of strong distilled vinegar and mix with a little Greek pitch, mastic, gum ammoniac and orpiment and incorporate this well. Rub it on and the hair will not grow back. -------- [Page 83] Water to remove body hair, warts, calluses and scabs. Take 2 lb. each of strong ashes of Turkey oak, well-burnt, and litharge, 1 lb. of quicklime, 6 drams of copper sulfate, 8 jugs of the strong lye that is the primary ingredient from which soap is made, and 1 dram of ammonium chloride. The things that are to be ground should be ground separately and put them all in the lye and boil it very slowly until it reduces so there remains only one jug, and it will be finished. Save it in a large glass vessel, covered so that it does not evaporate and it stays good always. Then use it at your pleasure, always bathing lightly and thoroughly only that exact spot that you wish to free from hair. Another, you can make powder of egg shells and bile from a bull and mix them. But first make the spot smooth with pumice and then it will go away. Another way, take some fresh horse manure and put it on for 10 days, changing it 3 times a day. Dilute nitric acid does the same, by leaving it on the wart, wetting it and doing this for 9 days, 2 or 3 times a day. To make a spot of white hair dark like leopard spots. Take 1 ounce of white litharge and 2 ounces of quicklime and 3 ladles of water and boil everything in a clean little pot on a slow fire until the material thickens. Then remove it from the fire and stir it well with a small stick and it will be made. Save it for your needs and when you want to use it, take a brush made of pig bristle and with this stain the hair where you wish to treat it and stain it well so it penetrates. Then let it dry in the sun and knock out the powder with a rod and you will see that spot of tan color. If you wish it darker, do it another time and it will be more or less dark according to your pleasure. This is a secret very well tested for things most beautiful to do, such as this spot of dark tan. This is the finest secret that I give you of this mixture for your hair or beard to make them dark tan. Remedies in several ways for the stomach that does not retain food. Take one or more quinces and cook them in very good white wine and then eat them before meals and it will do you much good. But first rub the top of the stomach with warm oil of mastic and take a slice of toasted bread and wet it in very strong vinegar and when it is warm put on a little powdered cloves and put this very warm on top of the stomach and bind it on and it will help greatly. Do it several times and it will cure. Another for the stomach that does not retain food. Take as many quinces as you want, peel them and cook them in very strong vinegar which is the best way and grind them in a mortar and put in a little well-ground mustard and incorporate with the quinces. Then put this warm on a linen cloth and put thereon powdered mastic and powdered cloves, each the same amount. It should be as warm as one can bear and put it on top of the stomach and soon it will give comfort so that the upset stomach will retain food. This is tested. Also you can do it in this way. Put some horse mint on a warm, clean brick and squirt good white wine on it. Then put thereon cumin and powdered mastic and put it on top of the stomach as warm as you can and you will feel improvement before it is all cold.. Another for distress from vomiting. Take 2 ounces of yeast from wheat, 1 dram each of cloves, mastic and myrrh and enough very strong vinegar to make a cataplasm for the stomach and put it warm on the stomach on a linen cloth as large as the stomach one hour before the meal. You should know that nothing so improves the stomach that does not retain food. It comforts it very wonderfully. Another for the distress of vomiting. Take ½ ounce each of oil of citron, rose oil, mastic oil, spikenard and mint oil, 1 dram each of cloves, mastic, mint, cinnamon, bran dust and red coral and 2 drams of wax. Mix and make an unguent and rub it warm on the stomach and you will cure quickly. It is true. -------- [Page 84] Distress from serious vomiting from the stomach. Take 3 drams each of fine mint, wormwood, laurel leaves, nettle, myrtle, dry roses, cypress berries, cumin and sandalwood, and 1 dram each of powdered coral, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, saffron, mastic and nutmeg, and ½ dram each of myrrh, lavender and sedge. All these things should be finely pulverized. Then take a slice of bread and toast it and dip this warm into 4 ounces of very strong white rose vinegar. Add 1 ounce each of oil of roses, of mastic and of citron and enough barley flour to thicken all of the above things and make a good plaster and put it as warm as can be borne on top of the stomach. Keep it there very warm and, through God's grace, soon the stomach will be cured. Unguent against vomiting and discharge from the stomach. Take 1 ounce each of mastic, oil of roses and oil of mint, ½ dram of frankincense, and ½ scruple each of fine dry mint, red coral, acacia, clay from Lemnos, and red roses. They should be cut so that all are chopped up and with wax make an unguent on the fire following the usual method and rub it warm on the stomach one hour before the meal. It will help greatly to retain food. Decoction against debility of the cold stomach. Take 1 handful each of wormwood, fine dry mint and pennyroyal, ½ dram each of lavender and camels' hay, 1 dram each of powdered cloves, galingale, cinnamon, mace and nutmeg and make a decoction in 8 lb. of pure water so that it is reduced in half. Then wet a sponge in this warm decoction and apply the expressed sponge very warm to the stomach. Do this several times to take away much of the cold so the stomach will be well restored. An ointment for the cold stomach. Take 1 ounce each of wormwood oil and lavender oil, 1 ounce of camomile oil and 4 grains by weight of powdered cloves, galingale, mace and nutmeg. Pulverize those that can be pulverized and with a little wax make an unguent with which the cold stomach should be rubbed one hour before the meal. Aromatic sachet to put on the cold stomach. Take 1 scruple each of fine dry mint, marjoram, rose and wormwood, and 6 grains each by weight of powdered cloves, nutmeg and bedstraw. Mix and pulverize coarsely and make a little sack which should be sprinkled with water of wormwood. This is applied tepid on the stomach. Keep it warm and it should continually touch the flesh. Usually all these 3 remedies are made for one who has great debility of the stomach through cold so that he retains food with difficulty. These remedies are very powerful. Another for vomiting from the stomach that spurns food. Take Armenian red clay and egg white and a little very strong vinegar and make a plaster of it. Then put it warm on top of the stomach and soon it will be comforted and will retain food. It makes the stomach good and makes it digest. Another to make a bad stomach good. Take 1 handful each of southernwood, rue, pennyroyal and fine mint, and a little honey and boil them in good white wine until they are well cooked. Then strain it and save it in a glass vessel for your needs. When in the morning you feel you have a bad stomach, drink 2 or 3 fingers of it warm which comforts the nerves greatly, clarifies and comforts the stomach and purges it. It also helps much in gout since one who eats this herb before and after a meal will not feel pain in the body during that day. It prevents swelling. This is true and tested. -------- [Page 85] Powder against indigestion from coldness of the stomach. Take 2 drams each of galingale, cassia wood, rhubarb, zedoary, lavender and willow gum and 1 dram each of cinnamon, ginger and cumin and 1 ounce of sugar and make a powder. Another powder for the stomach and it is a cure. Take 1 ounce of white tartar, ½ ounce of turbith gum, 1 ½ drams each of choice cinnamon and cloves, 1 scruple of prepared scammony and an appropriate amount of white sugar. Note that one does not take more of this powder than 1 or 1 ½ drams with broth of red chick peas cooked without oil and without salt or cooked in chicken broth. Take this with care. For those who cannot retain food. Take 2 parts of juice of fennel and 3 parts of honey and boil until it is thickened and give it to the sick person to drink in the morning and evening and he will be cured. To retain food, as above. Take wormwood and grind it with its stems and fry them in a frying pan with olive oil and with this warm anoint from the stomach all the way to the femur and tibia. Thereafter one should rest. Do this two or three times. Another for catarrh and cough of any kind. Take hyssop and dry the leaves in the sun and then make powder and eat this in the morning or drink it with wine or water while fasting up to the tierce. In this way you will be helped.... 48 Another for cough. Take 1 lb. of juice of red cabbage and boil it and skim it and take ½ lb. of skimmed and strained honey and put everything together to boil and put in 1 dram of saffron and 1 dram of tragacanth gum and boil all together until the juice is consumed. The amount of a bean is taken on an empty stomach and it should be allowed to melt in the mouth. Syrup for catarrh. Take 6 ounces of rose honey, 1 handful of dried hyssop and one nutmeg. First boil the hyssop with the nut in an amphora full of water and boil away a third part of the water. Then strain this water and take again about as much rose honey and boil again. Every morning take one cyathus, warmed.... 49 Most perfect oil for the stomach. Take 1 handful each of fine mint, fine marjoram, young thyme, young basil and sage and the same amount each of nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, mastic, cubeb, mace, galingale, cardamon and grains of paradise or, in place of them, sweet spices may be taken. Put everything in a pot and cook it on a bain marie. For stricture in the chest. Take 3 or 4 roots of fennel and as much parsley and a good fistful of clean barley and boil all these things until they are cooked and drink it when you go to sleep and it will help you greatly. For one who is not able to keep food on the stomach. Take 2 ounces of anise and 1 ounce each of fennel and caraway and boil them together. Early in the morning drink a spoonful and it will help you greatly. Best electuary for the stomach. Take the same amount each of gentian, cedar bark, laurel berries and nettle seeds. Put everything together and confect it with honey or sugar and make an electuary. Take a little in the morning and evening and it will give you a very good stomach. It has been tested. To stop vomiting. Take wormwood with vinegar and make a poultice and put it warm on the top of the stomach and it will help you greatly. -------- [Page 86] Confection for the upset stomach which comforts it greatly. Take 3 drams of cistus gum, 1 ounce each of nutmeg, cloves and wormwood, 3 ounces each of galingale and roses, 2 ½ ounces of the flowers of wild grape, ½ ounce each of red and white coral, 5 drams each of aloe wood, mastic and bedstraw and 1 ½ lb. of white sugar and make this powerful confection in the usual way. Take a dose early in the morning on an empty stomach. It will help you greatly to lighten the pain of the stomach and will give you a good appetite. Another for coldness of the stomach and distress in the chest and for dry cough and in flatulence and it improves the appetite. Take 1 dram each of peeled white ginger, cinnamon and basil, 2 ounces each of large dry figs and raisins and 1 ½ ounces of anise, and everything should be well ground. Boil all these things with very good vernaza or the best white wine until it is reduced one third. Make 4 jugs of it. Take 3 ounces of it early in the morning, tepid with a slice of toasted bread, making soup of it. Do this for several mornings and soon you will be cured. Another, an ointment for the upset stomach. Take 1 handful each of fine mint and young marjoram and grind them in a stone mortar and put them in a glass bottle and put therein 1 scruple each of ordinary oil, as old as you can find, powdered cloves and powdered mastic and cover it with parchment and leave it in the sun for 15 days. Then rub the top of the stomach with this composition, warm, and wrap it well with unwashed wool and this will cure you rapidly. Another for the seriously upset stomach. Take quicklime and the same amount of honey and make it in the form of a poultice and put this warm on the stomach and soon you will improve. Make juice from fine mint and drink it warm with powdered cloves and soon it will make a cure. Another for one whose stomach may not be able to digest and who may not have an appetite, put this salve on the stomach. Take 1 ounce of mastic, ½ ounce of bedstraw, 1 dram of a kind of aromatic rose and 1 scruple each of red sandalwood and ground coriander and make a salve with a little oil of mastic. Hold it on top of the stomach and it will help a great deal in digestion and in appetite. For one who may have severe coldness in the head. Take some ivy and prepare it and cook it in water and make lye of it and wash your head with it and do not wash too hard because you will make your head too warm and dried out. It makes the head warm rapidly and also takes away pain in the head. Put in a few ashes when you make this lye and soon you will be cured. Another to cure coldness of the head and every onset of catarrh. Take 2 ounces each of brandy and water from stalks of cabbage and incorporate them. Put a little in your hand and draw it up in the nose and do it 3 or 4 times a day and you will be cured. Then for 3 days in a row, once a day, take beet juice mixed with white hellebore so that it makes you sneeze. But before you do the above things, perfume your head with incense 3 times a week and you will be cured. Another for coldness of the stomach. Take hyssop, marjoram, sage and white wine and boil them in water. Then strain it and drink it warm and it will reduce the coldness. Another for tightness in the chest. Take one quatrino of root of good mistletoe and boil it well in water until it is well cooked and grind it and pass it through a sieve and with a pound of cleaned honey make an ordinary electuary. In the evening and morning take a spoonful of it and hold it in your mouth and it will dissolve and it will have a good effect. Lozenge for coldness of the stomach. Take 2 ½ ounces of the best cinnamon, 1 dram of galingale, ½ dram each of long pepper and ginger, 2 scruples of cardamon and mace, 3 drams of anise and 2 ounces of white sugar. Mix this and make a lozenge. For one who has the nose stopped up through coldness. Take flowers of rosemary and cook them and make perfume of it for the nose and soon you will be cured. Another. The water of fine marjoram drawn up in the nose is best. For the malady from the womb. Take berries of laurel and of ivy and make very fine powder and give it to drink with warm good white wine. She should stay in bed very warm to sweat and soon you will cure her. -------- [Page 87] Electuary against every distress of the stomach and to purge bad humors. Take cinnamon, ginger, cloves, galingale, rhubarb, Celtic spikenard, scammony, seeds of rue, anise, fennel and celery, each at your discretion, and all these should be pulverized very finely. Then confect them with boiled honey in the form of an electuary. Take this before and after a meal and it will help you greatly for distress of the stomach caused by bad humors. It is very good. Another for pain in the stomach. Take 1 handful each of camomile, sweet violets, roses and bran and boil them in good white wine until it reduces in half. Then put these herbs on the stomach and on the kidneys on both sides and they should be as warm as can be borne and it will help you greatly. Then take agrimony and grind it and incorporate it with an egg and eat this warm and you will be cured. Another for weakness of the stomach. Take 1 dram of camels' hay, 1 ounce each of dry wormwood, mint and feverfew, 1 ounce each of mastic oil, quince oil and lavender oil and one glass of fragrant wine. Boil everything together until the wine has evaporated. Then filter it and add 3 drams each of the kind of diarodon from Abatos and aromatic roses and with sufficient white wax make a liniment. Rub the top of the stomach, warm, morning and evening and soon you will be cured.... 50 Another for the pain in the stomach. Take one glass each of juice of wormwood and of southernwood or take 1 handful of each herb and boil these in 4 glasses of malvasia or in other good white wine and oil of camomile or equivalent. Put everything in a pot to boil on the fire without steaming until it reduces two thirds. When your composition is cooked, strain it. Then take 2 ounces each of male incense and mastic and powder them. Put in these powders and incorporate them well. Save it in a glass vessel, well covered. Rub the top of the stomach with this when it is very warm and keep it warm and soon you will be cured. Eat your food well cooked. If you drink some warm juice of agrimony it will soon lift the pain in the stomach. Another for pain in the stomach. Take saffron, pepper, cinnamon and laurel berries, each at your discretion, and make very fine powder of them and incorporate them together. Take one spoonful of honey and one of this powder and mix them. Then mix it with half a glass of good white wine and give it warm in the morning in the form of a syrup and soon it will cure. This has been tested. Another for pain in the stomach. Take myrrh and powder it as best you can and put it in a glass of good white wine and drink it warm. You should take a spoonful of the powder. Stay warm in bed and at the end of half an hour you will be freed and do not fail to do this because it is the way to health. Also take the herb water germander and make 2 pancakes and eat these warm in the morning early and soon you will be cured. Another for pain in the stomach caused by cold. Take wormwood cooked in ordinary oil and rub the stomach repeatedly with this warm oil and put on warm cloths, and soon you will be cured. Do not touch the liver. Also rubbing oil of laurel berries on the stomach helps it greatly. Drinking the powdered berries with warm red wine may cure it quickly. This helps greatly in sickness of the womb. It is tested. This powder makes a good stomach and good breath and opens up the chest. Take 1 dram of long pepper, 1 ½ drams each of ginger, cinnamon and cloves, ½ dram of crocus, 3 drams of roasted sponge and 2 egg yolks and all should be powdered. Mix all together and then put it to dry in the oven and make fine powder. The infirm one should take a little every morning with a fresh egg and soon the stomach will become good and the breath good and the chest is expanded wonderfully. -------- [Page 88] Pills for the malady from the womb. Take 1 ounce each of musk, Roman pellitory, henbane, crocus, lavender and round pepper, ½ ounce each of good opium and white poppy and 4 ounces of Persian filone . All these things should be made into fine powder and incorporated together carefully in your bronze mortar. Make the firm dough into pills. In the evening when you go to bed take one, and the second evening 2, and the third evening 3, and soon the pain of the stomach will go away. Be careful that the stomach is not upset by bad things. Watch that you do not eat those things that are difficult for the stomach such as pork meat and chew your foods well and you will be cured.... 51 Unguent for the stomach. Another for stricture of the stomach. Take 1 dram each of oil of turpentine, of lily and of sweet almond, violets, mucilage, fenugreek, linseed, hyssop, marrow of ox shin bones, human fat and oil of spikenard, 4 drams each of powdered incense, barley flour, laurel berries, 2 drams each of saffron and butter and a little clean wax and make powder of those things that need it. Compound them all together in a crucible on a slow fire and make an unguent in the usual way. In the evening when you go to sleep, warm it and rub the top of the stomach and put on a piece of warm wool. Do this oiling every day and through God's grace soon you will be cured. Take care of yourself, eating little and that well cooked and well chewed, and stay warm. Another for stricture of the stomach and for cough. Take dry figs and hyssop and pound them together and boil with raw honey. Then in the morning take a little of it, drinking it in any way, and make it warm as you can so it works rapidly. Do this for several days and it will make you well. Another for stricture of the chest. Take 4 dry figs and add some mustard seeds and licorice seeds and cook them in white wine and press them and drink the wine and soon you will be cured. It has been tested. For the malady from the womb and for the sickness of pregnancy in women. Take 3 ounces each of old ordinary oil and oil of camomile, one soldo each of powdered mastic and male incense, 2 scruples of clean wax and butter and a handful of the herb ground pine dried in the shade and made into fine powder. Add a root of greater comfrey, cut finely, and ½ glass of vinegar. Then boil everything in a clean pot on a slow fire until it is reduced 1/3 and it will be made. Save it for your needs and when you want to treat the stomach, warm it and rub it. It should be well wrapped with warm cloths.. Also rubbing with this mixture cold is valuable in sciatica and in kidney pain and you will soon cure these illnesses.... 52 Another for the malady from the womb and in pregnancy. Take some cumin and boil it with wine until it is reduced 1/3 and then strain it and save it. Give 2 fingers of it to the patient to drink in the morning early in the form of a warm syrup and she will be cured rapidly. Also you may do this for ladies with illness in pregnancy. For sickness with sharp pain in the stomach and severe tenesmus. In the evening when you go to sleep, rub the stomach with rose oil that should be very warm, rubbing downward very well and put thereon a warm cloth. While you rub downward, you or another who rubs you, says this prayer 3 times for 3 mornings in a row. First say the Pater Noster and then say, viz: “Saint Sixtus was not able to walk to Jesus Christ on the way to meet Him. Christ said to Saint Sixtus, 'What is wrong, Saint Sixtus, that you are so troubled?' 'I am ill from a sharp pain, so I am not able to walk.' Then Christ said to the sharp pain that it should go from him into the sea and nevermore return.” In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. You should do this rubbing confidently and closely with the prayer for great pain of the stomach and very soon you will cure. This has been tested by me and by others. Another for the tightness in the chest through catarrh. Take one glass of water and put it in a little pot and put therein 1/3 part of clean barley flour and in a little piece of linen put pieces of fine cinnamon and as much grated licorice and boil this slowly. Skim it well and boil it until one glass remains. Then strain it through a sieve and add well-ground almonds with 1 ounce of sugar and again make it boil. In the morning at dawn take it in the form of a syrup for 40 mornings and you will be cured. It has been tested. -------- [Page 89] For the digestion in the stomach. Take the root of lappola , that is ground furze, and clean it carefully and scrape it well and separate the center and take the softer part and eat that with salt and pepper before the meal and it will warm up the stomach and comfort it completely, helping you digest without difficulty.... 53 Another to help the stomach of one who has lost appetite. Take 6 to 8 grains of pepper and cut each grain in 2 or 3 parts. Do not crush them; it is better so. In the evening infuse it in two fingers of racese wine or other great wine like corso or malvasia. Early in the morning drink it and swallow the pepper and rest for a while or walk in a closed room for 2 hours and you will feel movement in your body and a good stomach. Do this for 3 mornings in a row and you will be cured.... 54 Another to provoke the appetite. Take 2 ounces each of sumac, acacia, mastic and roses and to these add oil and wax enough to make a poultice and put it warm on the top of the stomach and as the stomach is warmed your appetite will return at once. *To make the stomach good and to cure headache. Take well-cleaned roots of marsh mallow and cook them throughly in water. Then grind up pistachios to make ½ lb. and take ½ lb. of Venice turpentine and recook everything together. Then save it in a vessel for your needs. In the morning take an amount the size of a nut and it will give you a very good stomach. It is tested. Dominick.... 55 Best remedy for dry cough. Take 1 ounce of ground licorice and 12 dry figs and 2 ounces of barley sugar and boil these things in a flask of very good white wine until it reduces 1/3. Then strain it and put therein a little tragacanth. Drink this beverage warm and, by continuing it, you will soon be cured of the cough. Also it cleans out your chest. This has been tested. Another for the new or old cough. Take some gum that forms as tears on cherry trees and dissolve it with good wine and a little water and heat it and drink it in the form of a syrup. Keep yourself warm. That wine cures every old or new cough when you drink it and rest. Another, an electuary for cough. Take seeds of watercress, myrrh and clean honey and compound them in the form of an electuary. In the evening give it to the patient and soon he will be cured. The best remedy for stricture of the chest and heavy cough. Take 6 ounces of dry, fat figs and hyssop leaves dried in the shade and made into fine powder, and cut the figs finely. Then take 2 lbs. of honey and put these things together and boil and skim it very well. When it is cooked, strain it carefully and it will be made. Save it for your needs. In the evening, eat very little and you will be able to take an ounce of it. In the morning take a little more and it should be warm. Soon it will work well and it will help you a great deal. For the heavy cough make this beverage without fail. Take clean barley flour and cook it in a little pot with a little water so that it is a broth and put therein 1 ounce of clean honey and incorporate well. Then empty this liquid into a bowl and put in enough sugar and make it as warm as the patient can drink it and soon he will be cured. If he has a great cough give him a bowl of it to drink also in the evening. This beverage matures the coldness that is in the stomach so it makes you spit out a large amount through the mouth. Be the person young or old, he will soon be cured. The body and the head should be kept warm. Drink white wine and eat some licorice and soon you will be free of the cough. Another for the man or woman who may be chilled. Take old male pork fat and ordinary oil and chicken fat, each at your discretion, and a little saffron. First dissolve the fats and strain them. Then put in the oil and the saffron and incorporate them well on a slow fire. Rub the top of the stomach and the soles of the feet with this warm oil. By keeping the stomach and all of the body warm you will soon cure. It is tested. Another for flatulence from the stomach. Take parsley and rue and make juice of them and drink a glass of it and soon you will be cured. Remedy for stomach pain. Take 3 ounces each of juice of mint and of rue. Make it hot and drink it and the pain goes away at once. Another for the above pain of the stomach. Take gentian root and cook it in good white wine and eat the root and drink the wine and it will help you greatly in stomach pain. -------- [Page 90] Most effective oil for pain of pleurisy, sickness in the womb, colic pain, retracted nerves and for old pains. Take the oldest light olive oil that can be had. Then take a flask or bottle according to the quantity that you want to make and nearly fill it with true cyclamen flowers. If you can get them, those from the mountain are better. Fill the flask that has the flowers with the oil. Boil it for one hour on a bain marie and let it cool. Then leave it in the sun for a month, well covered, and it will be made. Save it because it is always good, but the older the better. When you want to use it, make it very warm for all infirmities and wrap with warm cloths. Do not fail to rub 2 times a day and when you rub for the pain of pleurisy, rub the place that hurts. The oil should be very warm, as hot as can be borne, and rub 3 or 4 times following the pain or rub along the back, keeping it warm. Blood may be drawn from the sick person as needed. Do not drink wine, but eat bread soup without salt and do not eat heavy things or things weakening and cooling and eat little. Use one or more enemas so that the body is cleared. With these and other good remedies, with the aid of God, soon you will be cured. Know that this oil has been tested for all these infirmities. This is one of the most precious oils among all other treasures. There is not found another like it that can be put among the balsams. Whoever has this oil near him will never be a poor man because it has been proved by use. Once in the case of a woman, a drop of this oil fell on her by chance. It was on her private parts and miraculously cured her, almost a thing not to be believed, but it is true. Another to cure the pain of pleurisy, a most healing remedy. Take half a handful of the herb bear's claw, and 1 handful of the herb wild wormwood. Heat a fire shovel on the fire or a frying pan and put the herbs to soften, squirting them with wine or with the urine of a little child. Then put this herb mixture, as warm as one can stand, on the painful pleurisy and follow the pain where it goes with this poultice, always very warm, and as the pain starts to leave, this is a good sign of a cure, through God's grace. But first draw blood from the side where the pain is. The patient should not drink wine and should rest, stay warm and you will cure him. He should eat bread soup without salt and with boiled water or with barley and nothing else. Perfect remedy for the illness of pleurisy. Take flowers of red poppy and dry them in the shade and make very fine powder of them. Then take 2 parts of this powder to one part of fine powder of hazelnut shells and give it to the patient to drink with a little cinnamon with warm broth or water distilled from camomile. First draw blood from the arm where the pain is and be careful what is eaten and soon it will be cured. Another very good remedy for pain of pleurisy. Take camomile and boil it with water until it is reduced one third. Then drink this water warm and put the herb in the form of a plaster as warm as one can stand on the pain and keep it warm. By doing this and observing the rules given above, through God's grace, soon it will be cured. Another for pain in the chest. Take linseed and fenugreek, cut finely, and bring them to a boil and throw away that water and add a little more water and a little butter and let it boil and take the fat from it and heat it and with it rub the painful place and you will cure. For the best remedy, take blood from the common vein where the pain is. Then take dry figs and grind them with fat and oil of camomile and put this on the pain in the form of a warm poultice. Another to cure pain in the chest. Take a greengage apple and cut away all the center and make it in the form of a cup. Then put therein a little male incense made into fine powder and cook it on the grill. Give it to the patient to eat and soon, through God's grace, he will be better. It has been tested. -------- [Page 91] For the sickness of pleurisy, very true and tested. Take a quantity of red poppy and dry it in the shade and make very fine powder and save it for your needs, and may God let one escape that need. Take a spoonful of this powder and put it in a glass with 2 ½ ounces of very warm water of camomile and give it to the patient to swallow all at one time. In a short time it will help him. Do not neglect drawing blood from his arm and making there an ordinary cut. He may eat bread soup without salt and may drink barley water. He should stay warm with low light and little speech because this sickness is very dangerous and goes through 4 changes where it lies between life and death. These are, from the start, at 3 days, at 5, at 7 and at 9 days. If he survives for 9 days you will have good hope of health, with God's grace, if he is treated during those days in which he needs good care. Then from time to time he will be able to broaden his life but should not drink wine soon. In this way you will save him with good care and good remedies and quickly. Do not doubt that he will soon be cured. Another for the pain of pleurisy. Take mallow, fenugreek, linseed, wheat and butter and mix them together and make it very warm and put it in the form of a poultice on the pain and you will help the pleurisy greatly. Another for the pain of pleurisy and to purge the stomach. Take one and a half handfuls each of rue, southernwood, pennyroyal, mint and hyssop and extract juice and drink a little warm in the morning and the evening and it will help you considerably. Say 3 times over the pain in the chest, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord + + +' with 3 Pater Noster. For coldness of the stomach and the suffering it causes. Take white bread made of wheat as soon as it is removed from the oven and, still warm, remove all the crust and put the loaf to soak in the juice of celery. When it is well soaked, reheat it. Then press out the juice and put this warm loaf on the stomach and keep it warm. Do this 2 or 3 times and soon you will cure. It is tested. To improve digestion. Take honey and ground pepper and mix them on a slow fire. In the morning and also during the day, take a little of this by mouth and it will comfort your stomach and will make you digest food well and you will eat with appetite. For one who may have asthma and tightness in the chest. Take the root of tamarisk, washed and very clean, and cut it in fine slices and eat it before meals in the morning and the evening. Likewise, make a decoction of it and use this to drink and it will help you greatly. In all the ways that you eat it, it will be very good to help you recover your breath with greater ease and without harm to your body. Be careful in your way of life and especially keep from anything restricting and by keeping the stomach warm, through God's grace, you will be strengthened. Another. Hyssop, tamarisk, burnet saxifrage, maiden hair fern, root of sea holly and fennel, each as you please, and distill this and drink this water. It is useful for asthma. Very good remedy for sickness of pregnancy. Take 3 ounces each of galbanum gum, and opopanax gum, 1 ounce of male incense, 6 drams each of cinnamon and cloves and 2 drams each of nutmeg and musk. Grind those which can be ground and make pills with white wine and give 3 to 5 each time and, because they are harmless, give it at any hour and it will cure rapidly. -------- [Page 92] For sickness in pregnancy and malady from the womb. Take a pine cone, fresh or dry, that has within it pine seeds and grate it and grind it very finely and in the evening give a spoonful of it in warm broth or white wine to the woman when she goes to sleep and, if she arises early, also early in the morning, although that is not important. And if she lacks a strong digestion caused by malady from the womb give her a good spoonful, warm, in the morning with warm wine or chicken broth. She should stay warm and take this powder when she feels distress because it acts rapidly. It has been tested by me for both men and women and especially it has worked wonderfully in nuns. Most approved remedy for pleurisy. Take some shells of wild hazel nuts and make very fine powder of them and give a good spoonful to the patient with a pain in the chest to drink with chicken broth or an appropriate water for 2 or 3 mornings. It should be warm. This powder has this property that it breaks those blisters of blood that gather around the heart. But first draw blood following the usual method. The patient should not drink wine, stay warm and you will cure him. Also the tooth of a wild boar, that is the tusk, filed and finely ground, and given to drink with a little linseed oil does the same. Take 1 ounce of linseed oil with a little ground tusk and boil it and give it to drink. It may cure the pleurisy soon. It has been tested. For sickness in pregnancy caused by coldness. Take 1 lb. each of juice of Mercury's herb, of borage and pellitory and 6 ounces of malvasia or very good white wine. Put everything together and boil until it reduces in half. Then strain it carefully and divide it in 7 parts and give it to the patient to drink in the morning in the form of a warm syrup. Before she takes it, first she should urinate and empty the body if she can and you will see a wonderful effect that the pain will leave and she will give birth at her time. Another for the sickness from the womb and in pregnancy. Say these words 3 times in the left ear in the morning early, viz., 'May I be accepted as a vessel of the Lord and I will call for help in the name of the Lord.' Say 'Amen' 5 times in honor of the 5 wounds of Jesus Christ and say it for 3 mornings with 3 Pater Noster and you will cure her rapidly. Another, the best beverage for sickness in pregnancy. Take ½ ounce each of fresh coriander and laurel berries and 2 nutmegs and grind them all into very fine powder. When the woman feels pain within the womb she should take a spoonful of this powder with warm broth, 2 or 3 times a day. Also she should take it with a fresh egg and soon you will cure the pains of pregnancy. Furthermore, if you take the powdered the seed pods of laurel and mix the powder with wine, it will help greatly in the sickness of pregnancy. Another, a fomentation for sickness of pregnancy. Take some dry pine cones and make a fomentation of it from below, keeping it well covered so that the vapors are not lost and it will be of great help to you. Electuary for the stomach and to aid the digestion. Take 4 ounces each of galingale and ginger, 2 ounces each of nutmeg, cloves, cut and cleaned licorice, 1 ounce each of mace and cinnamon, ½ ounce each of long pepper, grains of paradise and cardamon, and 1 lb. of cleaned honey and make these things into fine powder and then incorporate everything together and you will make a perfect electuary of it. Then every morning take 2 ounces of it, more or less according to how you feel the need, and do this 2 hours before a meal and it will give you a very good stomach, comforting the digestion and your feelings. -------- [Page 93] The 4 digestions that the stomach makes of food. First note that if you drink brandy in the morning and the evening with wine, it removes the phlegm from the top of the stomach and improves the appetite, soothes the stomach and cures bad breath, as much through an effect on the stomach as through the action on the brain. Note that the first digestion is made in the stomach and it digests the food and the substance of the food is passed to the liver through certain veins which transfer the mixture. The second digestion is made in the liver and the substance which the stomach has sent to the liver is converted into blood and the liver sends it through the veins. The third digestion is done in the veins which nourishes the limbs. The fourth digestion is made in the limbs through the capillary veins. The excess of the first digestion is the feces which nature sends to the bowels. The excess of the second digestion is urine which the liver sends to the kidneys. Then the kidneys distill it to the bladder through 2 pores which come from the ureters which are suspended in the flesh. The excess of the third digestion which is made through the veins is sweat. The excess of the fourth digestion is the nails and the hair. This is enough for you to know about the secrets of digestion of the stomach. Prayer against sickness during pregnancy. 'Lord God of the angels before whom the angels stand in great fear, + Amen + Amen + Amen +. Womb of sorrow, womb of flesh, womb of blood and pain, may it go away. It is calling unendingly, just as the pig roars, as the bear murmurs, as the deer jumps. I implore you, womb of sorrow, by the Holy Virgin Mary that you gather up your strands and return to your place where God brought you without hurt to the body. I implore you, womb of sorrow, by the seat of majesty and the throne of heaven. I implore you, womb of sorrow, by the God who causes rain and drops to fall in the days of the world. I implore you, womb of sorrow, by the God who was crucified and his side transfixed with a spear and from his side came blood and water. I implore you, womb of sorrow, by the 9 levels of angels and by the 12 apostles and by the thousand martyrs and confessors and also the virgins and by the four rivers of Paradise, Phison, Tigris, Euphrates and the River Jordan, that flow from Eden. I swear to you by the blessed Mary for health to make your servant well who is not able to continue. Amen + Amen + Amen + Agios + Agios + Agios + Otheos + Otheos + Otheos + Sanctus + Sanctus + Sanctus + Hervanus + Serphanus + et Qiriacus + End. ' First make the sign of the cross, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. Know that this prayer has aided many gentlewomen who have read it every morning and then have carried this continually near them and have stayed free always so the womb has never given them sorrow, through the power of God.... 57 -------- [Page 94] For the woman whom pregnancy makes ill and to restore her to health. Take fine mint, hyssop, corn poppy that is red poppy, each the same amount, and make fine powder of them and save it for your needs. When you want to use it take one ounce or an ounce and a half of this powder and put therein 3 scruples of ground saffron and incorporate everything together. Then give it to the sick one in a fresh egg. She should take it early in the morning and should stay in repose one hour or more. But in the evening, rub all the body with 1/2 ounce each of oil of camomile and of white lily, 1 ounce of oil of berries and 10 threads of saffron. Make it very warm and rub the body and wrap on a warm cloth and she should stay warm. In the morning she should take an egg as described above and soon it will make her contented and without pain. If this does not work the first time, do it again the following evening and you will have the desired result. Another for sickness of pregnancy when there is pain. Take laurel berries and make fine powder and give the patient a spoonful in warm red wine in the evening or the morning, according to the hour when the pain assaults her. When she takes it, she should stay in repose. Do this once or twice or more, according to when you find that it works, and soon you will cure her. Make a fomentation under the nose with an old shoe and soon you will cure the sickness of pregnancy. Another, a prayer against sickness of pregnancy, viz. 'I implore you, womb of flesh and blood, womb of sorrow, by the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen, by the seat of majesty, by the holy birth and by all the glory of the heavens, by the day of judgment and by the four rivers of Paradise, the Jordan, Phison, Tigris and Euphrates, return to your correct place in the servant [name]of God, and by the blessed Virgin Mary. The Lord disposes. Without pain, the spirit overcomes, the spirit rules + Amen. + So be it. + So be it. + So be it. +, in the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.' Another to cause the period in women and also for one who may have a fever. Take lesser comfrey and grind it. Then put it in a little sack, as long and wide as a finger, and carefully put it in the vagina in the evening when you go to sleep and it will cause the period wonderfully. Eat some pennyroyal and other aromatic herbs for 8 days and soon you will be cured. It is true. Another to cause menstruation immediately in some women. Take one dram each of musk, sweet flag and celery seed and pulverize it well and at night when the woman goes to sleep she should take half with warm wine. From the other half make a suppository to be put in the vulva of the woman and menstruation will start. It is tested. Another to cause the period. Take the herb savin and extract juice and give it warm to the woman to drink and the period will come. Also take equal amounts of powdered savory and powdered creeping thyme and incorporate with clean honey. She should drink it with warm wine. It provokes the period rapidly in the ordinary way. Another to cause the period. Take water distilled from orris root. She should drink it with sugar. It cleans sickness within the womb. Also oil of iris is effective if the womb has come out. This can be resolved in some women if they eat 6 drams of this oil and when there is sickness in the womb it will be cured. Give 5 pills in the evening and it will do her good. Another to cause the period of women immediately. Take 3 tips of Mercury's herb and 3 of mallow and boil them in a jug of good white wine and put therein as much yeast from wheat as a chestnut and 2 scruples of whole saffron and boil it for ½ hour. Then strain it and press it well and give 4 ounces of it to drink in the form of a syrup early in the morning. In the evening wash between the legs downward with lye boiled with roses and camomile and in the same evening rub the body with a mixture of 2 ounces of laurel oil, 1 ounce each of oil of lily and camomile and 2 scruples of saffron and keep it warm and soon her period will come. Do this in the rising of the moon in its first, second, third or fourth quarter. -------- [Page 95] If it is thought that one is tubercular, use this powder. Take some large snails in shells in whatever amount you want, and wash them carefully and thoroughly. Then cook them in good vernaza or the best white wine. Remove them from the shell and dry them in the oven in a pan so they do not brown and make very fine powder of them and save them in a clean bottle. Then give a spoonful to the patient to drink with this water, that is with 2 ounces each of water of chicory, of borage and of betony. Give it tepid in the morning at dawn in the form of a syrup. The patient should sleep thereafter for at least an hour. Continue this for 9 mornings and it will give them much sustinance and will also help cure them. Another to cure one who may have refractory tuberculosis. Take one or more glasses of juice of root of elecampane and a glass of purified honey and put them together in a clean little pot on a slow fire and when you have it well skimmed and cleaned, put in a glass of the above-described powder of snails and mix it well and make it in the form of an electuary and save this. Give a spoonful of it to the patient to eat in the evening when he goes to sleep and also in the morning when he gets up. By continuing it for a few days you will see the wonderful result that there will be a rapid improvement. Another to aid in curing one who has developed consumption. Take some goat's milk and put therein some powder made from tamarind or cook some finely-cut tamarind in the milk. Then strain it and fill a bowl and put in a spoonful of the above-described powder of snails and give it warm to the patient to drink early in the morning. Then he should sleep for an hour or repose as long. Continue this beverage for a least 15 days and soon you will see great improvement. Another electuary to cure refractory tuberculosis. It is tested. Take ½ ounce each of cinnamon, cardamon, ginger and cloves and 4 scruples of saffron and some of the powder of snails described above and powder made from turtles in the way that you made that of snails and take one full bowl of each, and one bowl each of flowers of rosemary and borage, ½ bowl each of flowers of broom, of nettle and of mallow, and 1 handful each of white roses, blue violets, rosemary, hyssop, sage, marjoram, mint, melissa and root of couch grass, half a handful each of white dittany, horehound, celery, southernwood and rue, and root of elecampane, scabiosa and root of asparagus, each at your discretion, and ½ ounce of laurel berries. All these things, except the flowers, should be dried in the shade, not in the sun, and made into very fine powder. You can make more or less of it, according to how difficult it seems to you to make it. Use this powder at your discretion. Then take 1 lb. of fresh butter and 2 lb. of clarified and clean honey. Put the honey and butter on a slow fire and when it is well clarified put therein the powder described above, little by little, while it boils and incorporate it well. At the end put in the powdered spices with the saffron and mix them very well on a slow fire until it becomes in the form of an electuary and save this in a suitable bottle in a cool place. Give the patient one dose in the evening when he goes to sleep and also in the morning and he should rest for one hour. By continuing this electuary for one who needs it, soon he will feel and improvement and increase in strength. He should take care of how he lives, keeping to a good life and not being intemperate. That will be sufficient for you to cure him with the remedies described above. -------- [Page 96] Oil for the stomach to cure one who has tuberculosis. Another oil to rub the stomach of one who has become thin with consumptive illness and to cure quickly. Take 1 dram each of flowers of rue, of dill, of marsh mallow and of broom and put them in a pot in the oldest ordinary oil that you can find and cover it with parchment. Boil it for one hour on a bain marie and let it cool there. Then let it stay in the sun for 10 to 15 days and it will be made, the most perfect oil for this consumptive illness. Take a little of it in a small bowl and make it very warm and rub the stomach well in the evening and morning and put on a stupe of tow with a warm cloth on it and wrap it well so that it stays warm. This application will help greatly with the remedies given above. After lunch do some exercise so the blood is rewarmed and, with the aid of God, and refraining from anything intemperate, you will be better and better and will be cured of this illness and will become as fat and young as before, through God's grace. Also if you sometimes use the following beverage, it will help you greatly in the above sickness. Take clean roots couch grass and rosemary, each the same amount, and make very fine powder and take one spoonful and drink it with goat's milk with a little purified honey added. Do this in the evening or in the morning and it will greatly help the stomach. These are tested. -------- [Page 97] Bath for warming the womb. Take 1 handful each of mugwort, savin, red madder and flowers of camomile, ½ handful each of wormwood, mountain mint and oregano, ½ ounce each of sweet flag, lavender, camels' hay, rue, anise and Sicilian fennel. Make a decoction of all of these herbs in 4 pails of water and boil until it reduces one third part or one half. Then put it in a basin or other vessel made so the woman can sit there for warming below and while she is on the bath, one can make her a sachet with these herbs to smell them there and she should stay there for a good hour. She should continue this bathing according to how she sees the need for it. Bath for cooling the womb. Take 1 handful each of leaves of endive, lettuce, red roses, flowers of water lily, white poppy, teasel, leaves of willow and leaves of white grapes, ½ handful each of mallow and marsh mallow with the roots and sweet violets, and ½ ounce each of seeds of melon, of lettuce, of squash, of endive, of citron and of escarole. Mix and make a decoction with 4 pails of water and boil until it reduces one third. Then with the tepid bath in a suitable vessel and with the stomach empty, the woman should sit uncovered, without clothing, so that she does not sweat. She should stay for an hour. It will be necessary for her to continue this for many days. This bath with other things will help greatly to discharge part of the warm nature caused in the womb. Bath or poultice for cooling the kidneys. Take 2 ounces each of rose water, water of endive, of lettuce, of house leek, of stone crop, of water lily and of squash, 3 grains of camphor and 3 egg whites well beaten in these waters. Then, with this warm, bathe the kidneys with a sponge or linen cloth, continually bathing the kidneys for the space of an hour, more or less, according to how you feel. Do this in the evening and the morning and soon you will feel better. Then rub yourself with the following unguent, viz., take 2 ounces each of oil of rose and violet, 1 dram each of red and yellow sandalwood, 1 ½ drams of vinegar and 4 grains of camphor and incorporate with wax on a slow fire. When you have removed it from the fire, put in the camphor and not sooner, because everything might go up in smoke. Mix it until it becomes cold and the unguent will be made for cooling the heated kidneys. Use this unguent after the bath and soon it will free you from every pain of the kidneys. For one who may be tubercular. Take 5 large dry figs, ½ ounce each of sweet fennel, maiden hair fern, celery seed and licorice, and half a handful of hyssop and horehound. Grind all these things coarsely and boil them in 30 lbs. of cistern water until it is reduced in half. Then strain it and save it and take 3 ounces in the form of a syrup in the morning and it will help you greatly. -------- [Page 98] For dropsy caused by the spleen. Take some leaves of dwarf elder that grows around ditches, that is wild elder. Dry it and make fine powder. Then take some rose honey and incorporate this powder well and make 3 pills and take them in the evening when you go to sleep. This will make you go from the body. Then you should make oil from its berries which should be well ripened. Take the oldest olive oil you can find and put in it these seeds that are very ripe and boil them in a glass vessel on a bain marie for an hour. Put it in the sun for a whole month. After you have taken these pills, rub the body in the evening with this oil and it should be very warm. Do this rubbing every evening and especially on the hard spleen which is responsible for the serious dropsy. Do that several times with this ointment and if it is not helping you, do this other method. Take some of the ground leaves of dwarf elder and make juice of it and heat it very warm and with this rub the body and you will see a wonderful result. Also bathing areas of warm gout several times with the juice of this herb will make the great pain cease. But be advised that in the evening that you take the pills, do not rub the body, but in the morning you can rub with the warm juice and you will feel the greatest benefit. Note that on the day you rub the hard spleen you may want to take 3 pills of colchicum for 4 days before the moon is rising and this will do you very great service. Also take those elder berries that are very ripe, dry them and make powder. Use it to eat like a spice in soup. Also eat a large amount of lemon balm which is well suited to put our body in order, that is the spleen receives the above things for its health. Using the remedy described above and keeping youself from many adverse things and, with the aid of God and also with good self-governance, you will be cured quickly, because many persons who use this medication are completely cured of the blockage of dropsy and the spleen is returned to its good state. Most approved remedy for the person who may be swollen with dropsy. Take orris roots, as many as you wish, clean them and wash them well, cut them and grind them in the mortar. Put them in a pot and put therein a little water and also a little vinegar and heat it well until it comes to a boil. Then put it again in the mortar with a little of the broth and regrind it very well. Press it and extract as much juice as you can with the press. Strain it and take 6 ounces of this juice and 2 ½ ounces of raw honey and put them together and return it to the fire in a little pot. Make it barely start to boil and skim it well. Then strain it again, warm, through fine cloth and save it for your needs. When you want to give it to the swollen patient, give him 2 ½ ounces as a warm syrup for 3 mornings in a row. He should stay in bed in repose with enough covers on his back to sweat and when he is sweating, rub him thoroughly and let him sweat. Soon there will be a bowel movement. He should not eat before there are at least 2 bowel movements from the body. Then he should eat lightly and little and well cooked and not eat any fruit nor other watery things, nor sour things and, through God's grace, soon you will cure because this has been tested many times and through God's grace people are cured. -------- [Page 99] For blockage and swelling. Take 16 lb. of malvasia or good, lively white wine and put therein 1 handful each of these herbs: horehound, sage, hyssop, fennel, endive and bugloss and put everything in a clean vessel without odor and boil it until it reduces in half. Then strain it and press the herbs in the little press and extract the substance, incorporating it with the wine. Then put it again in the pot and put in 6 ounces of clean honey and reboil it for a quarter of an hour. Strain it again so it is very clear. Save it in a glass flask, well covered, in a cool place for your needs. In the morning give the patient 6 ounces to drink as a warm syrup and put in one-half tablespoon of very fine powder of tartar from white wine. Do this for 8 to 10 mornings in a row. Then stay in bed to sweat. Dry yourself very well. Afterward get wrapped in a robe and walk in the room so that the blood is rewarmed and eat when you feel some appetite. Eat things good for you and well cooked. Drink little and stay warm. Continue with this beverage as described and soon, with God's grace, you will be cured. This has been tested by many persons and they are cured and well, through God's grace.... 58 Crush some roots of fennel and celery and extract juice and take an equal weight or measure with a little good white wine in the form of a warm syrup. By continuing this for several days you will soon be cured of the swelling. It has been tested. For one whose face has become yellow. Take the herb betony and dry it and make very fine powder of it and drink it warm with good white wine early in the morning as a syrup. The good color will return soon to your face. Also boil some of this herb in malvasia with 1 handful each of southern wood, horehound, burnet saxifrage, chicory, absinthe, marjoram and rosemary, and give 2 ounces of this as a syrup. Use this beverage to drink and the color of your face will return to the way it was before. If you will do this you will be cured rapidly. It has been tested. Water for blockage of the veins. Take 1 handful each of the herbs scabiosa, bugloss, sage, fennel, hyssop and horehound and distill all these herbs in a glass still with a jug of good white wine and when it has been distilled, take all that water and redistill it. Then save it in a glass vessel and give 2 ounces of it to the patient every morning in the form of a warm syrup. It should be taken early and it will help the person greatly. Electuary for stomach problems caused by the spleen and humors from bad blood. Take 2 ounces each of fresh roses and rue, 4 ounces each of roots of endive, of chicory, of betony and fennel and 6 ounces each of borage and verbena. All these things should be cut and ground finely and, if desired, they can be candied in 3 lbs. of honey. Then put in these spices: 1 ounce of cloves, 1 dram of saffron and 2 ounces of nutmeg, and incorporate them well and cook it a little and use it and it will help you. -------- [Page 100] Electuary for blockage or dropsy or consumption or for one who may have a bad stomach. Take 1 ounce of steel filings and clean them of roughness in this way, viz: take the steel filings which should be filed finely and put them in a clean pot and put thereon some strong white vinegar, as strong as possible. Cover it well and put it in a warm place. Every evening remove all the vinegar and replace it with new and do this for 5 or 6 days in a row. The last time leave it in and boil this on a slow fire until the vinegar is all consumed. Then remove it from the fire and grind it on porphyry or hard marble until it is almost impalpable and it will be made. Know that this is the true secret of preparing steel and do not prepare it if you do not need it because it soon becomes rusty and is not good. Therefore make a little at a time. You should know that this is very good for blockage of the liver. This preparation has been tested by use. Then take one quatrino of fine cinnamon, 2 q uatrini each of saffron and cloves, and grind everything finely and incorporate with 1 lb. of cleared and clean honey and make an electuary in the usual way. In the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening when you go to sleep, take one spoonful of it and wait ½ hour before you go to sleep and you will see a wonderful effect. It has been tested. One who has been blocked for 9 mornings should go before sunrise to a hedge of the plant called God's flower and on his knees say, 'God save you, God's flower.' He should say 3 Pater Noster and Ave Maria. Then he should urinate on the plants, saying, 'Do what the Lord ordered you to do,' and he will free himself from the blockage and be cured. Another for dropsy. Take juice of bedstraw, nutmeg, fennel and absinthe, each the same amount, and give it several times to the patient to drink and he will be cured. Again grind rue with wine or with beer and drink it several times it will help greatly in swelling of the body. Eat some betony with honey and soon one will be cured. Laxative for the dropsies and to help in flatulent hernia. Take 1 ounce of juice of greater comfrey, 10 drams of iris juice, 6 drams of radish juice and 1 lb. of Syrup of Five Roots and boil them in enough water of endive and fennel and make a thin syrup in the usual way. The dose should be 2 or 3 ounces and it draws out the yellow water rapidly and heals the dropsy quickly.... 59 To make you urinate take 2 drams of tartar and 6 drams of turpentine and wash it well with 4 to 6 waters. Incorporate everything together with a little rose honey and a very little mastic. Then take some during the evening into the morning and during the morning into the evening and it will make you go several times from your body without distress. Water for the liver and to cause urination. Take celandine, juniper, henbane, spurge and peeled elecampane, each the same amount, and grind all together and distill in a glass still and save the water in a well-stoppered flask. Note that this water is very good for the liver when it is bathed repeatedly to remove heat. Bathing the pubic area repeatedly causes urination of gravel. For one who falls from epilepsy, bathe the ears and the nostrils and he will soon recover. It also helps one who has a headache. By bathing inside the ears the pain will soon cease. -------- [Page 101] Treatment for the heated liver. Take 1 lb. of water of endive, 4 ounces each of chicory, of waterlily, of nightshade, of wormwood and of liverwort, ½ scruple of camphor and 2 ounces of rose vinegar. Put everything together in a clean pot. Then heat it and make a decoction in the usual way, that is wetting a piece of wool or a sponge, wetting it well. Press it out and put it warm on the right side of the liver. Keep it warm and as it cools rewarm it again. Do this 3 or 4 times in the evening and in the morning and soon you will feel much better. Each hour when you use the decoction, rub the top of the kidneys with sandalwood unguent and it will help greatly. The unguent is made in this way, viz.:... 60 Galen's unguent for cooling the kidney and for every overheating. Take 4 ounces of rose oil, 2 ounces of white wax, ½ dram of yellow sandalwood and ½ scruple of camphor. Put the oil and the wax in a little pot and put it on a slow fire. Then put in the sandalwood made into very fine powder and continue stirring until it has developed a little body. Remove it from the fire and put therein the cut camphor and stir quickly until it is cold. Then wash it in a bowl with water of roses, of violets and of plantain, each the same amount, 3 or 4 times and the last time leave in a little of this water. Save it in a covered bottle as the powder and it will always be useful for heated kidneys and for every other overheating. Rub with it in the evening and in the morning and you will cure. Another unguent for cooling the kidneys, also from Galen. Take 2 ounces of rose oil, 1 ounce of white wax, put it on the fire in a pot until it is completely melted and incorporated. Remove it from the fire and put in 4 scruples of cut camphor and one egg white, well beaten, and stir it continuously until it is cool. Then wash it with water of roses and of plantain 4 or 5 times and at the end leave a little of the water and keep it for your needs. Rub the kidneys with this in the morning and evening and it will help you greatly and also will help remove the cause of the infirmity. This is a universal and tested remedy. Also if you need to improvise you can take a fresh egg white and incorporate it with a very little rose vinegar and bathe along the kidneys and it will help at once. Another cooling and white unguent. Take 6 ounces of rose oil, ½ ounce of turpentine, 3 ounces of veal fat, 2 ounces of white wax, 1 ounce of rose water, 1 dram of camphor and 2 fresh egg whites. Put the oil and the turpentine on a slow fire. When this has decreased by ¼ or 1/3 put in the fat. Remove it from the fire and put in the egg whites and the camphor with the rose water and keep stirring until it is cool. Then use it to rub where the kidneys hurt. Also sometimes it is used in scabies and it is very helpful in this serious irritation and may cure it. *For one who may be spitting blood caused by a broken vein in the chest. Take powdered coral and give it to the patient to drink with powdered egg shells. *Another. Take 1/3 of a glass of betony juice every day in the morning on an empty stomach and in 2 months you will be healthy. *Another for expectorating bloody sputum. Take 1 handful each of endive, liverwort, hops, maiden hair fern and plantain, 2 ounces of licorice, 1 ounce each of raisins, hulled barley and violets, 3 drams each of white poppy seed, red sandalwood and barberry, 3 drams each of tarragon and licorice juice, 6 jujubes, 3 ounces of plantain water, 6 ounces of white sugar and 4 ounces of barley sugar and make a syrup.... 61 -------- [Page 102] Physic for the heated and damaged liver. Take 3 ounces of water of liverwort and give it to the patient to drink in the morning in the form of a warm syrup with a little sugar for 9 mornings. This greatly strengthens the liver and helps the lung and helps in cholera caused by blockage. This herb is also good for one who is impaired by this infirmity when the herb is used for eating or drinking. A drink of it made into powder will help you greatly. Also the juice of fumitory is very good to drink cold and also in syrups with sugar. If these beverages are used often in the springtime, a man stays healthy all year. They have been tested. For one who may have arrythmia of the heart, especially if frightened, so he may not be able to sleep. Take some clove basil and some of its seeds, ginger, tamarind and fresh anise, each the same amount, and make fine powder of everything. Then mix it with rosewater and water of cherry plums. If you drink a half glass of it in the morning and evening when you go to sleep, it will help you greatly in such distress. If you do not have such waters, take some white wine and boil these herbs in it and drink this wine in the same way as the water. By continuing it, through God's grace, soon you will be cured. Most perfect water for phthisis. Take snails in shells and wash them carefully and well with fresh water. Then boil them as much as needed. Remove them from the shells and wash them very well with salt until that thick foam goes away. Then with fresh water skim it well and let them soak a while. Distill them in a glass still on a slow fire so they do not burn. Also put in some fresh cypress nuts, finely cut, 1 handful of cut rosemary, 1 lb. of borage flowers, 6 ounces of bugloss and for each pound of snails put in 4 ounces of sugar and incorporate everything. Save the water that comes out of the distillation in a covered glass vessel. Take it at your pleasure in the morning when you arise, in the evening when you go to sleep, before meals and after meals and make the effort to drink it as warm as you can because it serves you better than it will if it is cold. The more of it you will drink the sooner you will be cured. Taken a little and repeatedly, it will give you great sustenance and will give you a good and active stomach and, through God's grace, you will soon be cured. It has been tested. Another for phthisis. Take some of the herb coltsfoot and pork lard and beat them together and incorporate a fresh egg in the form of a pancake and eat it warm. Do this for 9 mornings in a row and you will see a wonderful result. It is useful to fatten a person who is thin. For one who spits blood through having broken a vein in the chest. Take some mouse droppings and make them into very fine powder, about half a spoonful, and put it in a half glass of plantain juice with a little sugar. Give the patient some of it as a tepid drink in the evening when he goes to sleep and also early in the morning. In a few days you will be healthy. Take care of yourself. Eat things well cooked and well chewed and stay warm and you will be cured. -------- [Page 103] For the heated liver and to diminish pain from the spleen. Take the leaves and flowers of tamarisk, as much as you wish, and dry it in the shade and make fine powder of it. Then give the patient one spoonful of it in a fresh egg or in wine early in the morning. Then give him a few raisins with a finger of wine for 15 to 20 days. He should take care of himself by not eating things bad for him and soon he will be much better. Also you can take half a handful each of buds of the rose before they are open, betony, valerian, sage, mint, horehound, rue and leaves and flowers of tamarisk. Dry them in the shade and make fine powder of them. Give a spoonful every morning in a fresh egg to the patient who is sick from over-heating of the liver and to diminish pain from the spleen. Also if he eats the powder in any fashion, it will help him greatly and soon he will be cured. Another to cure the liver. Take 3 ounces of juice of chicory with 1 ounce of sugar for 3 mornings and the liver will soon be cured. Electuary for distress of the stomach, for tuberculosis and for the hardened spleen. Take well-washed mallow roots and remove the central part and take 1 lb. of that and cook it in water. Grind it and pass it through a cloth sieve. Then return it to the pot on the fire and add 1 ½ lb. of clean honey and boil it until it is well incorporated and add a sparrow, cleaned and finely ground, and incorporate it well with your spatula. Remove it from the fire and let it cool a little. Then add ½ ounce of cinnamon and 1 ½ ounces of powdered licorice and mix very well and it will be made, the best electuary for all the above infirmities. Take a spoonful of it in the morning and one in the evening, one hour before meals. If this electuary is used for impairment of the spleen and for distress of the stomach, over time you will be cured. Take care of your way of life, and especially refrain from fruits and from other green plants and sour foods and legumes. Do not drink cold water and most of all do not touch pork meat, nor women, and exercise temperately and stay warm. Observe this and in a short time you will be cured through God's grace. Prayer for sickness of the womb. '+ In the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. Womb, which through many roots has possessed wrongly the whole body of this servant (name) of God, I swear to you by the Father + and Son + and Holy Spirit, by the Blessed Virgin Mary, by the angels and archangels, by the cherubims and seraphims, by angels at the throne of God, by the prophets and by the twelve apostles, by the 24 elders, by the hundred and forty-four thousand innocents, by the holy virgins who stand above the heavens, that you should return to your place, just as he came forth from the womb of Hannah dedicated to God. May he who in heaven reigns constrain you that you may not continue the pain in this way. I implore you by our Lord, Jesus Christ, that you return to your place, that he who lives in heaven and reigns may constrain you and sustain your servant (name), Amen.' + Christ conquers, + Christ rules, + Christ orders +. A grea + otheos + agios + reschiros + agreos + athanatos , Amen. Carry this with you and you will be cured soon. Another prayer for the same. 'In the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. I implore you womb of sorrow, by the Father + and Son + and the Holy Spirit + and by the Holy Trinity + one indivisible +. I implore you womb of sorrow by the Messiah + omnipotent God +. I implore you womb of sorrow by the twelve apostles of God +. I implore you womb of sorrow by all the saints of God +. I implore you womb of sorrow by the 4 Ecclesiastics of God +. I implore you womb of sorrow by the 4 evangelists of God + . I implore you womb of sorrow by all the angels, archangels, cherubims, seraphims, angels at the throne of the all-powerful God + who ceaselessly proclaim praise and exaltation of the omnipotent God. I implore you womb of sorrow.... -------- [Page 104] by all the names of the omnipotent God, that furthermore you may not harm nor should you harm the woman (name) who is a servant of God, nor the man (name) who is a servant of God. I implore all the roots of the womb that you do not harm, nor molest, nor disturb the woman or the man who is a servant of God (name). Pater agla helii o emanuel adonay, alpha e omega. So God was crucified for the redemption of the world and suffered on the Cross and on the third day was resurrected from death. He set free Enoch and Peter from the sea and the three boys from the fiery furnace, Shadrach, Mesach and Abednego +, so may you think your servant worthy to be set free from all burning and heat of the womb. + Christ conquers, Christ + rules, Christ + orders. + May Christ from that pain defend you. Amen + + +.' Another for pain from the womb, to Saint Bridget. 'God who allowed the blessed virgin Bridget to overcome harm, do this for your servant, you who are increate Father +, increate Son +, increate Holy + Spirit. Christ, son of the living God, free this, your servant, from all pain. Christ, son of the living God, free this, your servant, from burning and pain. Caspar brought myrrh +, Melchior incense +, Balthasar gold +.' Who carries with her these three names, their power will free her from sickness by the presence of the compassion of the Lord. Amen. 'Jesus of Nazarus, King of Judah, + Jesus Christ, son of the living God, have pity on your servant (woman or man) +. Jesus passed through the multitudes. + Christ conquers, + Christ reigns +, Christ rules +, Christ is God made man. + Jesus Christ the King comes in peace and God is made man +. Asto, agato, alpha et omega + tetragramaton +. Merciful creator, my God, all tremble before you. All the angels and archangels worship the word of the eternal Father.' A tested prayer for pain in the womb. Say: 'O illness in the womb, with as many as a hundred roots, it moos like a cow, jumps like a deer, howls like a wolf, barks like a dog, roars like a lion, stares like a fish, hisses like a serpent. In the body a baby cries. O illness of the womb, + I implore you by the God + of Abraham, by the God + of Isaac, by the God + of Jacob, by the God who confines the roots of the fern, may he restrain you from this wretched servant. Again I implore you womb, by the angels and archangels, by the prophets and innocents, by the virgins, by the saints and by Saint Gregory, and by the wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ, and his holy birth. God restrain you to your place where you belong. Holy Mary aid and set free your servant (name) from the illness of the womb so that it does not have power to harm your servant (name) of God (name) neither by day nor night, neither sleeping nor waking, neither drinking nor eating, neither walking nor sitting. Return to the place from which you came, from skin to skin, from foot to foot, from flesh to flesh. Amen. Agios, agios, agios, kirie eleison, kirie eleison, kirie eleison. Lord God who freed Susanna from false crimes, and Saint Agnes from torments, and Saint Catherine from the hands of the Emperor Maximian, and Saint Margaret from the hands of the Devil, so free your servant (name) from the sickness of the womb as you freed the Virgin Mary and her women. Amen.' Know that the mother of Saint Gregory was much tormented by many sicknesses and pains of the womb and she said this prayer as a remedy from these illnesses and at once she was freed from them. This prayer should be read in bed every morning and carried by the woman for 5 mornings. With a consecrated candle burning, she should say 5 Pater Noster with 5 Ave Maria, kneeling, and, through God's grace, soon she will be freed. For one who has a trembling heart or may be fearful both sleeping and waking, say this prayer in the evening with the Pater Noster, viz., “In the name of God and the Virgin Mary and the Holy Trinity. Madonna, the Holy Mary, was standing a long time by the sea and a sad lady came to her. 'Why is it, sad lady, that you weep and sigh?' 'I have only my son and I am losing him from scorbattulo .' 'Come away, sad lady, and take the fruit of the bee, a white comb for the head and risen bread and put it on the chest of your son.' At the end of 3 days he will be cured and free, if it is pleasing to God and the Virgin Mary and the Holy Trinity. So be it. + + +” Say this 3 times and you will have no more fear. You will be cured. -------- [Page 105] To reduce the flow of menstruation when it is too heavy. Take 3 plantain roots with the leaves and cook them in river water and give some of that to the patient to drink and soon menstruation is checked. For illness of the womb. Take equal amounts of roasted deer horn, incense and mastic, all pulverized, and put that in the private place of the patient. Electuary to take by the stomach against womb pain. Take 1 dram plus 1 scruple each of cloves, cinnamon, crocus, nutmeg, long pepper, zedoary, mace, cubebs, galingale, cardamon and ginger, ½ ounce each of rosemary leaves and flowers, 2 drams plus 2 scruples each of mint, sage, thyme, hyssop, betony, mugwort, marjoram, anise seed, fennel, coriander, red coral and ground pine and make an electuary with honey. First take herbs that are well matured with aroma and many flowers and when making the electuary, always mix with a wooden spatula. Another electuary for comforting the womb. Take 2 drams of choice cinnamon, ½ ounce each of mugwort and nutmeg, and 1 dram of laurel berries. Mix them and pulverize them finely and make an electuary with 6 ounces of honey. *Remedy to make hair grow after a disease causing baldness, tested in Lucca, 1559. Take a pound of clear and good honey, an ounce of ground pepper and a quantity of fresh roots of reed and distill them. First put enough washed gravel to cover the bottom of the still. Bathe yourself in this water in the morning and evening for 8 days and you will be cured, that is it will make the hair grow and if you continue it, the hair will continue to grow. *Remedy for one who has no hair, to make it grow as soon as you have begun. Take a pound of malvasia wine and ground long pepper and distill these in a glass still or vitreous decanter and wash with this water in the morning and evening for 4 to 6 days and you will be freed. Tested in Ferrara in 1566. *Take 2 handfuls each of mountain hyssop and southernwood, 2 lb. each of fresh malvasia wine and fresh milk, and 6 ounces of mustard seed. Infuse these for 3 days and then distill in a still as above and bathe where needed. -------- [Page 106] [Blank page.] -------- [Page 107] Ointment for the ridge of the kidney in quartan fever. Take 1 handful each of sage, rosemary, rue and mistletoe, and put them in a clean pot and put therein one glass each of ordinary oil and oil of rue and malvasia or strong white wine and boil it covered on a slow fire until one third or a little more remains. Then remove it from the fire and strain it through cotton cloth and press the herbs in the press and extract all the substance. Put these together in a little pot and again on the fire and put therein ½ ounce of ground white mastic, 1 ounce of clean wax and 1 scruple of male incense and let it boil very slowly so it reduces one third and it will be made. One hour, more or less, before the day of the fever comes, rub along the backbone, beginning above and ending below. The ointment should be very warm and rub well downward and keep the patient warm and you will cure. Another for quartan fever. Take 1 ounce each of old theriac and brandy distilled 3 times and make it into 3 parts, and heat one of these parts and rub along the backbone, beginning at the neck down to the coccyx and also across. Do this 3 times in a row when the fever comes and soon you will cure it. Another for quartan fever. Take 6 ounces of good brandy and put it in a little carafe and put therein one ounce of whole cloves and a little root of dwarf elder of the white kind, well washed and clean. Then cover it and let it stay in the sun for 2 or 3 days. As soon as you feel that the fever is coming, take 2 ounces of it. It should be rather tepid and drink it at once. Always keep it well stoppered because it will lose its substance. Stay warm in bed and take this 3 times before the fever assails you and, through the grace of God, soon you will be cured because this has been tested. Another for quartan fever. Take 1 handful or more each of wormwood, rue, southernwood and mugwort, so that you extract 3 ounces of each kind totalling in all 1 lb. and 8 ounces of aged ordinary oil and 4 ounces of laurel oil and incorporate everything. Put it in a small pot on a very slow fire until it reduces in half to obtain all the juice. Then strain it and return it to the fire and put therein 1 ounce of new wax and as it melts remove it from the fire and it will be made. Then a half hour before the fever is near, turn the kidneys to the fire and rub along the backbone well downward and put a warm cloth there and go to bed so you stay warm. Do this 3 or 4 times and the quartan fever will not come again. Take care of yourself and you will be cured.... 62 Another. Take an apple, not too ripe, and divide it in 3 parts and each morning of the fever eat one piece of it. Say 3 Pater Noster and 3 Ave Maria and write on one piece these holy words, viz., 'Jesus Christ died on the wood of the true cross.' On the second day say 6 Pater Noster with 6 Ave Maria and write this, “ At the hour the earth trembled, Jesus Christ said, 'Why do you shake, earth? You do not have chills or fever.' ” With the third piece say 12 Pater Noster with 12 Ave Maria and write, viz., 'Who says these words will have neither chills nor fever.' At the end say 24 Pater Noster with 24 Ave Marie with devotion and the quartan will go away quickly. It is tested. Another for quartan fever. Take a large loaf of bread warm from the oven and at once plunge it in a basin full of very strong vinegar and let it soak, well covered. Then distill it in a glass still with all the vinegar that remains. Give one ounce of it to the feverish one to drink before the fever comes. It will make the bad fever go during the attack and afterward and he will soon be cured. -------- [Page 108] Best beverage for quartan fever. Take 1 handful each of betony and ground pine and 2 jugs of good white wine and boil it until it reduces one third. Strain it and press the herbs in the press and extract the substance and save it together in a clean vessel. When the quartan comes, drink one glass of it warm and at once go to bed in order to sweat, well covered, and if you sweat it is a good sign of rapid cure. Do this 4 to 6 times when the fever comes and you will be cured. Another for quartan fever. Two to 3 hours before the quartan fever comes, for 3 times in a row that is for 3 mornings, take the herb cinquefoil, that is potentilla, and eat it in the form of a salad with a slice of bread and make 7 little pieces of it and not more nor less. Be certain that the quartan will go away rapidly and without other distress. Be careful what you eat and soon you will be cured. Another tested remedy for quartan fever. Take ½ dram each of gentian and peony root and make very fine powder of and make it into 5 parts and when the hour of the fever comes make a good fire and give one of the parts of this powder to drink with good warm wine. Then rub the ridge of the kidneys with laurel oil. Do this 5 times. Then put him warm to bed and in a few days he will be free. The first time you find a little improvement, this is the best sign that you can have of a cure but you know he must take care of himself and stay warm. To get rid of quartan, tertian or quotidian fever rapidly. Take the head of one femur and make very fine powder of it. One spoonful should be given to the patient in a drink or in food and he will be freed. In three to five times he will be freed quickly. It is tested. Another for quartan fever. Take a clean pot and fill it with dried holy thistle. Then fill it with water and boil it until it reduces in half, keeping it well covered. Remove it from the fire and strain it with care, removing the herbs. Then give 4 ounces of this liquid to the feverish one before the paroxysm comes. He should go to bed at once, well covered in order to sweat, and soon he will be cured of the quartan because all the heat will be expelled. It is tested. Another medicine for quartan and tertian fever. Take half a glass of vinegar and put in a fresh egg and let it stay covered for one whole day. Then the next morning break this egg in the same vinegar and drink everything together in good spirits. When you have drunk it you will feel great agitation in the stomach which is a good sign because the vinegar in this way breaks the scorching heat that is in the stomach that is the fever. It will make the fever disappear both above and below the stomach. Know that for a year the fever will not come because this is reported by good testimony. You will be cured. Pills against fever. Take 1 dram of lapis lazuli and 2 drams of pills of India and incorporate them with rose syrup and make 3 pills. Take one, one hour before the fever comes and repeat this 3 times until the end of the fever and soon you will be cured. Be careful to keep warm and eat lightly. For a little child who has a swollen abdomen. Take seeds of heliotrope and give it to drink with wine or broth for 3 or 4 days and soon the child will be freed. -------- [Page 109] Most devout prayers for every fever and to carry around the neck. 'Omnipotent immortal God who through his mercy gave his grace to his most holy apostle, Saint Peter, so may God give to this being (name) or to this one (name) that neither fever nor other malign spirit may vanquish them nor have power over them. I implore you, fever, that you rise up from this being, by the 7 names of Christ, which names are these, viz., saladon, hasitolan , the third name, the fourth sattolia , the fifth hanaii , the sixth cielo , the seventh zuampiero . I implore you, fever, without any question, that you must come forth from this being (name), by the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, by our omnipotent God, by his holy birth, by the baptism, by his passion, by his holy resurrection, by the joy when he arrived in heaven, by the majesty of the Holy Spirit, by the virginity of the glorious Virgin Mary and by all the holy angels and archangels of God who tell of the day of birth, by the virtue of the princely cherubims and seraphims, by the hundred thousand delegates who stand always at the seat of God, by the 12 apostles, by the 4 evangelists, by the martyrs, by the virgins, by the heavens, by the moon , by the sun, by the earth and by all the stars of God, to remove its power over this being (name), if it is the wish of the Lord God to free this being (name) from every fever, secondary, tertian, quartan, sextan, or septan, in the name of God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit.' “Before the gate of Galicia, Saint Peter fell with the fever and Christ turned and said, 'Why do you stop, Peter?' Saint Peter answered and said, 'Lord, I have the fever.' Christ said, 'Say this prayer and at once you will be freed.' Saint Peter, giving thanks to God, was satisfied.” So each person who will read or will have it read will be freed of every fever as said above, in the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Note that this prayer is done in bed for 5 mornings over the sick person with devotion, with 5 Pater Noster and with the blessed candle burning and, with the aid of God, you will cure. It is tested. Another prayer against fever. Viz., Saints Gosimo and Damian prayed to the Lord that whoever carried these names would be cured of fevers 4, 3 or 2 and in the future: 'Lord Jesus + Christ free your servant (name) of all fever through these sacred names of God, Agios , Yschiros , Athenatos, E leyson , Amen. Pater Eleyson + Yscheros,... 2 Eleyson + Athanatos,... 3 Eleyson , Amen. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.' Write this down and below write the name of the sick person. Over this say a mass for these saints and say 5 Pater Noster and attach it around the neck. It is certain you will cure. Another prayer against fever. Viz., “When Christ put his foot on the wood of the holy cross all the world trembled +. The unbeliever said, 'What ails you, Christ, that you tremble? + Do you have a fever?' + 'Never do I have it.'” Say these words with devotion + and carry them on you, 'Through my love + you will never have fever +, neither quotidian + nor tertian + nor quartan +. Christ is born +, Christ suffered and was resurrected from death +, Christ conquers +, Christ rules +, Christ commands +, Amen +. Lord Jesus Christ, free your servant (name) from all fever and from all evil of the body, Amen. So be it. So be it. So be it. Amen.' Memorize and say it in the ear of the patient and write it down on a little paper and put it around the neck. This is powerful in women's sickness and for mother's ills. With 5 Pater Noster attach it to the father or the mother of a little child and soon you will cure the sick one. It is tested. Another to remove fever very quickly. You who have the fever, get up at dawn and go out in the clear air and on your knees say the Pater Noster with the Ave Maria and say this, viz., 'Tertian fever, quartan fever and fever of any day, you must leave me as the dawn becomes the day + + +.' Say it 3 times in the morning and for 3 mornings in a row. It is tested. -------- [Page 110] For curing fever and wounds and dripping from the penis, with tested water. “In the name of the holy and indivisible Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. In the name of the most holy night in which the Virgin Mary gave birth when Christ was born. Christ died and Christ rose again and commanded that those with wounds be healthy and well cared for without putrefaction and chills, without fever and without vomiting blood, without broken bones and without any pain or illness. So Christ orders and the blessed Virgin Mary prays. Just as the foreign unbeliever pierced the side of our Lord Jesus Christ with a spear and the blessed wound healed and did not lead to putrefaction but healthy flesh grew in honor of the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, such wounds will be healed well without any scar by the seven words which he said on the cross to God, Father omnipotent, 'Forgive those who know not what they do.' Amen. ' I say today you will be in Paradise.' ' Ely, ely lama zabatani.' ' Woman, behold your Son.' 'I thirst.' 'Into your hands I commend my soul.' 'It is finished.' In the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. Ghet, ghimel, igbabil.” Then the patient should say the Pater Noster three times in honor of the most Holy Trinity. Then take the water and say, 'I bless you water through Jesus Christ, the Son of him who is our only Lord, who in Cana in Galilee, as a sign of his miraculous power, changed you into wine, who walked over you with his feet and was baptized by John in the Jordan, and you are all in one with the blood coming forth from his side. He said to the disciples that it cures all wounds. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.' Again, 'I bless you, water, in the most holy name of the Virgin Mary +. I bless you + water + in the name of all the holy works of God. I bless you + water + in the name of that most holy night when the blessed Virgin Mary gave birth to his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. I bless you, water, by the most cruel death of our Lord Jesus Christ. I bless + you by the resurrection and by the decree that he made when he ordered that without any impurity, danger, pain, chills, any cut nerves will be well healed and clean and without any illness the wounds will be healed. In this way also wounds upon which will have been poured out this water for all maladies be healed, in the name of the Father + Son + and Holy Spirit. Amen.' These words are said as an invocation over a dish full of water with a Pater Noster and an Ave Maria. First wet the clothes that you place on the wound and the patient should tell the circumstances and say 3 Pater Noster with the Ave Maria. Put the cloths on in the form of a cross. Treat 2 times a day and put the soiled cloths on the fire and no cloths from women. You know what that means. Also this water is powerful for the person who has white menstruations or problems with the kidneys, by drinking one glass in the morning early in the form of a syrup with 3 Pater Noster. Continue this for 10 to 15 mornings and you will cure. If one who has quartan fever drinks it, he will be cured quickly. Prayer against any kind of fever. 'Lord, free your servant from the pain of tertian or quartan fever, just as you freed Peter and Paul from imprisonment and Susanna from false charges. When Jesus was coming out of the temple and was entering into the house of Simon, the mother-in-law had a great fever and they implored him for her. Standing over her, he sent the fever away and she recovered immediately and attended to them. Jesus is the king. So be it. Jesus + Jesus + Amen.' Carry this prayer with you and it will cure you rapidly. Another. Take the gall nut from the oak and see that you find therein a spider. Attach the gall nut to your neck with the spider alive and when the spider is dead, the fever will go away and will not return.... 63 -------- [Page 111] Prayer against fever. 'May the power of the Father, the wisdom of the Son, the excellence of the Holy Spirit free your servant (name) from all fever through the intercession of the Virgin Mary and through the merit of the holy martyrs, Cyprian, William, Albert, George and Sigmund, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. Christ who was born is the Father. Christ who died is the Son. Christ lives again in the Holy Ghost. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.' Carry this with you. Prayer against fever. 'Christ was born, Christ suffered, Christ was crucified. Free your servant (name) from the fever to the honor of the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph, Saint Peter, Saint Gismond, Saint Anne, Saint Bartholomew and Saint Honofry and all of the saints of God, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. + + + .' Prayer for quartan fever, to carry around the neck. '+ Lord Jesus Christ lamenting with your holy tears which you shed when you revived Lazarus, so may you deign to free your servant (name) from quartan fever and from any other. Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ rules. + Satan bound, the angel loosened. Christ freed. Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Amen. + + + .' Write this on fresh parchment. Prayer for quartan fever. ' + One Father + One Holy Spirit. Aflam Dei , Amen . Sanet orem , + cum dabram + biacum + drabam + cum dabma + adabram + bia + + + manfon + bafoc + deraram. Lord free your servant (name) from so many cares, Lord, Amen. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.' Write this on parchment from an unborn lamb. Carry it with you. Prayer against fever. 'The power of God the Father, the wisdom of God the Son, the goodness of the Holy Spirit free me, your servant (name), from all fever, quartan, tertian and quotidian at once and from all illness, Amen + + + .' Carry around your neck and you will be cured. Tested prayer against tertian fever. Take 3 leaves of sage and eat one each morning and on the first have written these words, 'Christ is peace,' on the second 'Christ is rest,' and on the third 'Christ is the perfect remedy. It is done.' Say 3 Pater Noster each morning and eat the leaf with devotion. Keep yourself from irregular ways and the tertian fever will not come again. Likewise you can write these other words, that is, on the first leaf, 'Christ is born,' on the second, 'Christ conquers,' on the third, 'Christ suffered.' Or another time when there may be tertian, write on the first leaf, 'Christ rules,' the second, 'Christ was resurrected,' the third, 'Christ orders,' and all the tertian fever will go away. This is tested. Prayer against fever. “Saint Peter was sitting in front of the gate of Galilee and he had fever. Lord Jesus came and said to him, 'Peter, why are you lying here?' 'Lord, I am full of fever.' 'I constrain you fever at once, tertian, quartan, quotidian, by the living God and by him who has power over all things, so you do not have power to harm this person, the servant (name) of God.' Lord, in your name, heal me, and by your goodness free me, your child (name), from this fever and from every other illness. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.” Prayer against fever to wear around the neck. First say a Pater Noster, in the name of God, Amen +. “When the unbelievers were leading Jesus Christ to be crucified, + + + , Christ began to tremble + and the unbeliever said, + 'What is the matter, Christ, that you tremble? + + + Do you have fever?' + Christ said, 'No, I have no fever + and never will I have.' ” One who will say these words or will carry them on him + + + to the honor of God and the Holy Trinity + will never have fever + and if he has it, he will be freed quickly. 'Christ died + and was resurrected. Amen.' -------- [Page 112] Prayer against fever to carry on you. '+Christ was born. + Christ suffered. + Christ was raised on the cross. + Christ was placed in the sepulchre. + Christ who was set free from death, free your servant (name) from the rigors of quartan, tertian and quotidian fever. + Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Chirst orders. Amen. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.' Prayer to carry around your neck. Write, ' Abricholaus + Abricholau + Abrichola + Abricol + Abrico + Abric + Abri+ Abr + Ab + A +.' Attach it around the neck for 3 days and not more. Then remove it and burn it and the fever will go away and rapidly. It is tested. Prayer for fever and headache, to carry around the neck. '+ Jesus, son of Mary. + The power of the Father, the wisdom of the Son, the virtue of the Holy Spirit, save and protect your servant (name) from all fevers and headache, to the honor of Saint Honofry + . Have mercy + on us + + +.' Put it around the neck with 5 Pater Noster, and you will cure. Prayer against fever. Say 3 masses in honor of God and of Saint Vincent and stay to hear these masses and for each mass say the short credo 12 times and say these 4 words, viz., 'Peace in heaven, Peace on earth, Peace in my time.' Say nothing more and soon, with the aid of God and the Virgin Mary and Saint Vincent, you will be cured. Water to drink for quartan fever. Take a pot that holds 3 glasses and fill it with clean water and say over it 3 times this devotional prayer, with 3 Pater Noster in honor of God and the Holy Trinity, viz., “When our Lord was martyred the air, the sky and the earth shook. The unbeliever said, 'Are you afraid, Christ, or do you have a fever?' 'I am not afraid and I do not have a fever, and who drinks this water through my love and through my charity, the fever will go away and never return.' Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.” At the blessing take a little of this water in your mouth and spit it on the wall. Do this 3 times and what is left over from the 3 glasses, throw on the fire, and you will be cured. Prayer for fever. “Saint Peter was sitting before the gate of Jerusalem. Then the Lord came and he said, 'What are you doing here, O, Peter?' He responded, 'Lord, I am cast down with my fever.' Jesus said, 'Arise, Peter, and send away this fever.' He rose up and at once was healthy and followed him. Peter said, 'I implore you Lord, great and good Lord, that whoever will have carried these words with him, fever will not be able to harm him.' Jesus said, 'So be it, just as you have asked.' ” Carry these words with you and they will free you. Amen. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You will be cured. Another for fever. 'Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is peace and life and the remedy for all fever. Lord God omnipotent, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, one God ineffable in three persons, who is and will be. Free your servant (name) from all chills and fever, quotidian, tertian, quartan and from all pain. Amen.' Carry it with you. Another for tertian fever. Make a pot of juice of wormwood and put therein these ground spices, in the amount of one julius , that is, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and mace, and boil it a little until it has the body of an unguent. Then rub the ridge of the kidneys. In four days you will cure. -------- [Page 113] Against fever of any kind. Write these 3 words on wafers and give them to eat, one each morning. On the first, 'The Father nourishes,' the second 'The Son is wise +,' the third 'The Holy Spirit cures.' Another. Write these names, ' Maphorum + Myphorum, + Muphorum + Hysamuel +,' and give it to the patient. Another. Write, '+ Christ sustains,' on the second '+ Christ died,' on the third '+ Christ was resurrected +. Free your servant (name) from every fever and pain.' And soon you will be cured. Another. Write these words on whatever you wish so that you can eat it, '+ Christ was born' ' + Christ was crucified' '+ Christ was resurrected from death, +' with 3 Pater Noster each time, and you will be cured. Another for the quartan and tertian fevers. Write these words on a crust of bread and give them to the patient to eat, and soon he will be cured, '+The Father is peace + Onetoy +,' on the second '+ The Son is life, Sabaoth + Adonay ,' and on the third '+ The Holy Spirit is the remedy + alpha and omega , Jesus Christ + Amen. + + +.' Most devout prayer for all sickness. Viz., 'My Lord God, el eloy, eli sabaoth, elion, ele adonaya, tetragramaton, sadai , Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Holy Trinity, one God, have pity, have pity on me, agios, otheos, agios, ischiros, agios, athanatos, eleyson, gracious God, on me a sinner. Incline your ears to me and hear, open your eyes and see my weaknesses, tribulations, infirmities and misery. Succor me and aid me in my necessity through the reverence and love and the most holy name of your holy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and through the reverence and love and intercession of the most holy Virgin Mary, your mother, and all your saints, to you who live and reign in the world of men. Amen. Eiot et vau, tetagramaton, Lord God aid me and pity me and free me from all anguish and from all fever. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.' Prayer against fevers. 'God who liberated Daniel from the lions' den and Mary Magdalene from 7 faults and Susanna from false charges and Jonah from the belly of the whale and Peter from the sea and Paul from bondage and the three boys from the fiery furnace, so free your servant (name) from quotidian, tertian and quartan fever and from all other infirmities. + Christ conquers, + Christ reigns + Christ orders +. Lord hear my prayer and my cries that come to you + in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, + Amen. Lord God is alpha and omega. Through the Holy Trinity and through the blessed Virgin Mary, you, fever, must go and leave this servant of God (name) through thoughts of saints in honor of God and set free the servant of God (name) from all quodidian, tertian and quartan fevers. + The power of God the omnipotent Father + the wisdom of the son of God +, the virtue of the Holy Spirit defend and free your servant (name) from all fever and pain of the body and head, through the virtue of the Holy Trinity and Saint Honofry and the blessed Job, Amen. So be it. + Free your servant of God (name) from all fever and pain of body and head + through the grace of the Father + through the compassion of the Son + and through the mercy of the Holy Spirit +. Abricolaus + Abracolau + Abracola + Abracol + Abraco + Abrac + Abra + Abr + Ab + A + + +.' Say 3 Pater Noster with the Ave Maria and through the grace of God, soon you will be cured of all fever and pain of the head and body, because this has been tested many times. For dryness of the mouth caused by fever. Take quince seeds and sorrel seeds and tie them in a little piece of fine linen and put this to soak in fresh water until the water becomes a little viscous. Put some of this water on the tongue and it will take away much of that great dryness in the sick person and he will have great relief. It is tested. -------- [Page 114] Water for a rash of whatever kind, oily or dry. Take a large flask for the fire with a wide neck and fill it full with 15 pounds of cistern water, or with rose water or other odoriferous water if you will make it as some great master apothecaries do. Put in 1 ounce of sublimate, 2 ounces of rock alum and 1 ounce of salt. This is the principle preparation and everything should be finely ground. Put this flask in front of the fire on a brick and let it boil uncovered until it reduces down from the neck. Remove it from the fire and let it cool. Then put therein the juice of 6 lemons and of 3 or 4 sour oranges and the whites of 4 fresh eggs, well beaten, and shake the flask very well upside down so that everything is incorporated well. Then strain it through fine linen cloth and return it to the flask and put it in the sun, covered, for 3 or 4 days and it will be made, a noble, high class water for itch, perfect for any need. It lasts a very long time and never spoils and will be very odorous and white. When you want to use it, shake it up and wet a little sponge in this water and squeeze it out a little and bathe only the joints of the wrists carefully instead of the whole body, alternately on one evening and not on the next. Rub yourself with this for 3 or 4 evenings, according to how much rash you have and the last time that you do not want to do any more, wash all your body with good lye and change to other clothes and all the itching will go away. Where you have sores, that is oily scabs, wet around and around, but do not touch them which will make them irritated. You should know that this water has such virtue that after you have bathed the first time you will not feel such itching again because it clears away that corrupt blood that flows with the thin humor through the flesh. This pulls water out from the joints and makes them dry, without harm to the rest of the body which remains free and healthy. Also where this water does touch, it will make the flesh white and fade the dark signs on the body and make the flesh very sweet smelling and spotless. This has been tested. When you would like to bathe some little child, do not shake the water but take from that on top that is clearer and less strong and gentler and the child will be pleased and soon will be cured. You should know that the escort of our Lord, Pope Clement VII, and also his steward of the holy palace who were both treated by me were healed and cured more quickly than one would believe possible by this water which was made with musk roses. This water was much praised by them without knowing the composition. If you do not make it with rose water, make it with plain water from the cistern and it also will take on the odor and will have the same effect. In either form it has been tested many, many times.... 64 Another water for simple itching. Take a little carafe full of cistern water and put therein 2 ounces of rock alum and ½ ounce of salt with everything finely ground, and boil it on a brick facing the fire until it reduces one fourth. Then remove it from the fire and when it is cool, strain it through a piece of fine linen and save it for your needs. In the evening when you go to sleep, wash carefully all the joints of the arms and legs and the wrists on alternate evenings. When all the itching has stopped on the body, on the last evening, take a bath and change clothes. In these days be careful of your diet. Do not eat harmful things, not green vegetables, nor fruit, nor pork meat, but for 6 to 8 days drink cooling fresh waters with ½ ounce of rose honey added which will help your stomach greatly and will cool the liver so that all this material will be dried up and will go away and you will not notice it. This has been used many, many times on various persons and it has worked wonderfully in poor and rich persons. Be well. -------- [Page 115] Best and perfect unguent for a rash. Take 2 lb. of ordinary oil, 6 ounces of new wax, 2 ounces of strong white vinegar, 8 ounces of washed turpentine, 1 ounce each of laurel oil and salt, 2 ounces of white sublimate, 6 ounces of rock alum, 1 lb. of white lead, 4 ounces of Alexandrian clay, 6 ounces each of yellow sulfur, butter and yellow litharge and the yolks of 4 fresh eggs. Take the oil, the vinegar, the wax and the turpentine and put them in your ladle or bowl and put it on the glowing coals without flame and leave these to melt well but then at once stir with your spatula and do not let them boil. Then remove it from the fire and do not return it. Put in all the other things very finely powdered, beginning with the rock alum, salt, white lead, clay, sublimate, sulfur, butter, litharge and the yolks go in last. One by one incorporate them well with your stick until when you put in the last thing it should be cold and everything should be incorporated equally and with great diligence. At the end put in a little rose water and it will be made, unguent for itch, best and perfect for every requirement and wherever it is needed. All the rash will be gone if, in the evening when you go to sleep, you rub the wrists carefully and the joints of the arms, hands and legs. Do this for 3 or 4 evenings. Then wash all your body and you will remove all the greasy scabs. Change your clothes and all the rash will be gone and you will remain clean and clear. But first of all you must be careful what you eat. Do not eat pork meat which is contrary to health at this time. Do not be surprised that I have given you the procedure, weight and measure for a large amount. In our shop in Lucca I keep about 7 or 8 pounds of it, putting it in jars for 9 to 12 quatrini each, according to the size. Each little container cures one or two persons quickly. It is very true that one can make it without a few of the ingredients and it will do almost the same if more is put on the rash. Another for rash. Take 1 lb. of ordinary oil, 3 ounces of white wine or rose water and put them in a pot on a slow fire and boil it very slowly. Take 4 ounces of white sulfur and wrap it in a little cloth and make a button of it and boil it in this oil until it is reduced one third. Then remove it from the fire and strain it at once and put therein these things, warm: 3 ounces of white wax, 4 ounces of finely ground white lead and ½ ounce of liquid storax and continue to stir until it is cold so that everything is well incorporated together. If it does not seem sufficiently white to you, add another bit of white lead with ½ ounce of salt ground like flour. Then at the end wash it with rose water and you will have a very fine and elegant unguent. With that rub carefully in the evening and soon you will cure. This has been done many times. Another for rash. Take 1 lb. of white wine, 2 ounces of vinegar, 3 ounces of white sulfur, 1 dram of liquid storax, and 2 ounces each of rose water and clean wax and if the rash may be oily add these: ½ ounce of laurel oil, 2 ounces of turpentine, and ½ dram of myrrh. Incorporate all these things in a little pan or in a little pot on a slow fire and continue stirring until it is done. Remove it from the fire and stir until it is cold and it will be made, an admirable unguent. Save it like powder. When you go to sleep, use it to rub yourself carefully and, through God's grace you will soon return to health. It is tested. Another to remove a rash. Take liquid storax and wash it with rose water and then incorporate it with the juice of lemons and pomade. Rub the rash and soon it will go away. This is something elegant and tested.... 65 Water for a rash. Take 2 lb. of dried tartar, ½ lb. of rock alum, ½ lb. of ordinary salt, 1 ounce of sublimate and 10 lb. of well water. Powder everything and boil it and with this wash yourself in the evening and soon the rash will go away. It is tested. -------- [Page 116] Beverage against a rash. Take as much root of black hellebore as will fill ½ a shallow pan and put it to soak in water of scabiosa for 2 whole days, changing the water 2 times a day. Then remove it from that water and soak it in a half glass of honey for one night. Add half a glass of white wine to this honey. Boil everything in a pot for a half hour on a slow fire and it will be made. Take a finger of this liquor warm in the morning and it will help you greatly. Unguent that removes a rash. Take 6 ounces of laurel berries and crush them coarsely and boil them with clear water until it reduces two thirds. When the water boils put in a little good salt. Then remove the cooking pot from the fire and let it cool and collect the fat that is on top and save that. With this ungent rub the wrists in the evening when you go to sleep and soon you will be cured. Another to remove a rash. In the evening when you go to sleep, take the oil lamp with a little oil and put in one quatrino of white sulfur and put it on the hot ashes until it is melted. Then when it is cold, rub the wrists carefully for 3 evenings and wherever you have the rash you will be cured. Another, a universal remedy for a rash. Take 3 ounces of olive oil, 2 ounces of powdered white lead, 1 ounce of yellow litharge made into fine powder, 2 drams of sublimate in powder, ½ ounce of ground salt and the juice of 2 lemons or sour oranges. Then take a little pot and put therein the oil and the salt and boil them. Put in the litharge, the sublimate and the white lead and let it cook so that it takes on a little body, always stirring. Lift it from the fire and put in the juice of lemons and stir with the spatula until it is cold and it will be made. Save it like a powder for your needs. In the evening rub where you have the rash and especially around the greasy crusts. Do not go to bed at once because they should dry by themselves and they will go away and you will be cured. Take care of yourself. This unguent does not hurt the body at all for any use. It has been tested. For a rash. Take 3 ounces each of old butter and turpentine and wash them with water of scabiosa 7 or 8 times. Then add 1 ounce of ground salt, 6 ounces of ordinary oil, 1 ½ ounces of ground rock alum and put them in a pot on a slow fire and put in 2 ounces of clean wax and as it begins to thicken, remove it from the fire and put in the juice of lemons or oranges and the yolks of 3 fresh eggs, 4 ounces of rose water and 2 scruples of finely cut camphor and stir with the spatula until it is cold and very well incorporated, because that is important. Then rub only the joints in the evening, one evening yes, the other no, and you will see it works well and will have a good odor. -------- [Page 117] Ointment for rash. Take 5 ounces of olive oil and 1 ounce of laurel oil and put them in a little pot on the fire and when it boils put therein 2 ounces of crushed white lead, ½ ounce each of clean wax and rock alum and a pinch of ground salt and boil it until it thickens. Then remove it from the fire and stir until it is cold and put in the juice of 2 lemons and it will be made. In the evening rub the rash throughly and soon you will cure it. This is an easy ointment. Ointment to remove a rash. Take 1 ½ lb. of white wine, 3 ounces each of white sulfur and incense, 1 ½ ounces of ground salt, 2 ounces of lard and 1 ½ ounces of clean wax. Boil it on a slow fire until it reduces more that one half of the wine and remove it from the fire and add 1 ½ drams of liquid storax and stir until everything is well incorporated and it will be made. Then rub the rash thoroughly and soon you will be cured. Wash yourself and change clothes and you will not have any more sickness. You are cured. For parturition and against quartan fever. Take a baby swallow in the nest on a day in March and remove the eyes with a needle or stylet and then bind a thread of silk on one foot. Return it to the nest and let it stay there for 4 days and at the same hour that you removed the eyes, take it and kill it and you will find in the stomach 3 little stones, one red, one white and the third green....[Comment: The rest of the remedy is censored with a marginal note: 'I do not advise that this be done. It is a superstition.'] Odorous pills against fever made of wild cucumber and they are laxative. Take the quantity that you want of wild cucumbers and let them stay piled up together so that they are warmed up. Then grind them and press them on the press. Extract the substance well, filter it and let it stay in a basin in the sun until it becomes firm in the way that one might be able to make a dough of it, in order to make these pills. When you wish to make them, put in a little rose honey and a grain of salt and a little powder of sweet fennel and incorporate these well together. Then form your pills. These are given to evacuate the body vigorously. Give one or 2 or 3 each time but not too much because they have a strong action and take into account the person to whom it is given. If he is robust stop at 3 and not more and you will see a good effect. To send away chills with fever. Take 2 scruples of euphorbia and steep it in 1 ounce of brandy. Then take 2 ounces of wormwood juice and incorporate these together. Give 1 ½ ounces to the patient to drink two hours before the chills and fever may come and the chills will not come. Then give one of the pills above and no more sickness will come, through God's grace. -------- [Page 118] Perfect poultice for pain of the body. Take ½ glass of boiled wine and 2 egg yolks and 1 handful of wheat bran, 1 handful of the flowers of camomile from those lees that stay in the flasks of oil of camomile, 2 ounces of old chicken fat and 2 scruples of powdered saffron. Put all these things in a pan and incorporate them together on a slow fire. Then, as warm as one can bear, put it on the body of the sufferer and as it cools rewarm it and replace it on the body. Do this several times and soon the pain will lift so it will not be felt any more.... 66 Another for pain of the body. Take the juice of centaury and give it to the patient to drink. Alternatively, give wine in which this herb has been boiled. This herb mitigates pain of the body. Note that if the juice of this herb is given to drink to one who may have blood polluted from a blow or by a fall or bruising or in any other way whatever, he may soon be cured. Another for pain of the body. In the month of May take 1 handful of spearmint, that is Roman mint, and put it in an ampule with ordinary oil and put therein 1 ounce each of powdered cinnamon and mastic. Cover it and leave it in the sun for one month or more and keep it for your needs. When you want to use it, make it very warm and rub the body and put on warm clothes and soon it will remove the pain of the body so that you will not feel it any more. Another for constipation. Take the herb cinquefoil, that is potentilla, crush it and extract juice and then incorporate it with the same amount of good white wine. Drink this warm in the morning before eating and soon you will be cured of the constipation. Salve to cause a bowel movement by anointing the umbilicus. Take 2 or 3 gall bladders from oxen and distill them in a glass still on a slow fire. First will come out water which is good only to wash sores. Then will come out oil which you set aside. Take a little brandy and put in a little colocynth and let it infuse for 3 days in a row, well covered. Add this brandy to the oil made above in the amount that you want. Cover the ampule well and keep it thus for 3 days and each day shake it upside down so that the brandy is well incorporated because it is very hard to incorporate. Then boil this ampule on the bain marie very slowly for a quarter or a third of an hour and keep it covered so that it does not lose steam because the effectiveness would disappear. Remove it and save it for your needs. When you wish to use it, make it very warm and rub your umbilicus with it and put thereon a walnut shell so that the nightshirt does not touch the umbilicus and in a short time you will see it work well to evacuate the body without harm. Keep this for a simple and valuable secret which has been tested. Another for one who may be constipated, to cause a movement. Take a half shell of walnut and fill it with butter. In the evening when you go to sleep, bind it on the belly button and leave it there all night and in the morning you will have a bowel movement. Remove it and do not leave it on for it will make you go too much. This is a useful secret. Another ointment to rub the umbilicus to cause a bowel movement. Take some young canes of elder wood. Scrape away the outer bark lightly and take the inner bark..... -------- [Page 119] Cut it, grind it and extract juice with force in the press. Put the juice in one or more stems of hollow reed and close the ends well with cork so that no water can enter. Then boil them in a pot of water for at least an hour and a half or more. Remove the tubes from the water and when they are cold you will find the juice completely congealed in the form of an unguent as long as the water did not enter the tubes. When you want to use it, heat it in an egg shell and rub around the belly button very well and put on a warm cloth. Soon you will have a bowel movement. By rubbing repeatedly, as said above, it softens your constipation and removes that swelling. I have done this many times and it has brought me honor many times. Laxative of tartar and other kinds to relieve constipation. Take some tartar from white wine and grind it very finely. Then wash it with a warm decoction of Mercury's herb 4 or 5 times so it is reduced at least in half. Drain it well and put it in a clean pot and put therein 2 parts of beet juice and one part of honey and boil it very slowly until it becomes in the form of an electuary. Remove it from the fire and save it for your needs. Give the patient one spoonful of it early in the morning and it will have a wonderful effect. Another to cause a bowel movement, a tested laxative. Take the cores from the soft tips of danewort, the wild elder that grows on the edge of ditches, and eat it in any way you wish and soon it will cause a bowel movement. Likewise take some of its seeds when they are fully mature and dry them and make them into very fine powder and give it to drink in broth or wine and soon there will be a bowel movement. Another laxative. Take the root of the white lily, cut it, grind it and extract juice with the press and take 3 ounces each of the juice of spurge and savory and put everything together to boil. Put in about as much cleaned honey and make it boil slowly until it becomes in the form of an electuary. Then give the patient ½ ounce per dose and it will do much good. Another laxative. Take the juice of the mulberry in the way described above and drink it with broth or wine. It will make you go with a bowel movement very easily and quickly. Another laxative to cause a bowel movement. Take 2 ounces of senna in leaf, 1 ounce of tartar and ½ ounce of red sugar and mix everything together. Take one spoonful of it early in the morning and soon you will go. It removes melancholy and poor spirits and similar infirmities. Another laxative. Take 1 ½ ounces of senna from Levant in fine powder and add a bowl of broth and put it in a pot and put therein a little whole cinnamon and boil it a little. Then give it to drink to one who has constipation through not being able to have a bowel movement and soon he will go and it will not take long. It is tested. Another powder that causes a bowel movement. Take 2 ounces each of turbith, autumn crocus, tarragon, cubebs, buckthorn, cloves, fine sugar and ginger. Make fine powder of everything and put it together and save this. One takes a spoonful of it in broth or wine and soon it clears up the body. Another for flatulence in the body, a rapid remedy. Take 1 ounce of spotted cumin and eat it. Next drink half a glass of good malvasia and stay in repose and in less than ½ hour you will feel no more pain in the body and soon you will urinate. It is tested. -------- [Page 120] Additional laxatives to relieve constipation. Take 4 large, dry figs, 6 jujubes, one spoonful of honey and as much yeast as a walnut. Put all these things into a large pot full of water and put it before the fire to boil so it reduces a little less than one half. Then when it is cold, strain it and save it for your needs. Early in the morning take one half glass of it in the form of a syrup and it will do you very good service. Again, take as much white soap as one fava bean and boil it in an ampule with ½ glass of good white wine and give it to the patient to drink and he will be cured well. Other varieties of laxatives. Take spurge and boil it in strong vinegar. Then let the vapors escape and it will be made. Take 8 to 10 drops of the boiled liquid and ½ ounce of rose honey and combine them in the form of a syrup and drink it. You will see a good effect on constipation. Again, take some broth from cabbage that has been well cooked so that the substance remains in the broth. Then take one half a spoonful of tartar from white wine, made into very fine powder, with this broth in the form of a syrup in the morning and it will make you go 3 or 4 times from the body, gently and without distress. Again, take Mercury's plant and boil it with water and oil together and drink a bowl of this boiled liquid and soon it will put your body in order. Another laxative. Take 2 ounces of flowers of cassia, 3 ounces of red sugar, 1 ounce of mucharo roxato , ½ ounce of laxative preparation of prunes and mix everything together in the form of an electuary. Take a dose early in the morning and it will greatly refresh the intestine and you will go easily without any distress.... 67 Again, take 4 drams of violet sugar and 1 dram of the laxative preparation of prunes and mix them together and give ½ ounce of it in the morning and it will have the desired result. Another laxative. Take 1 ounce of cassia obtained in canes, 1 ounce of mucharo roxato , one ounce of violet syrup and a drop of rose water and mix them in the form of a syrup. Take it early in the morning but do not go out too much at the time. It will give you a good result, I am not worried about that. Another wonderful laxative. Take 1½ drams of the prune preparation, 6 drams of cassia flowers, ½ ounce of barley sugar, ½ scruple of scammony, 1 ounce of musk roses and incorporate everything well together. Then take the regular dose as usual and you will see a wonderful effect. It is tested. Another for one who is constipated. Take some betony and cook it in water and drink this water warm and soon it will cure. Another powder that relieves constipation. Take 1 ounce of senna leaves, 2 drams of cinnamon, 7 drams of cloves, 6 drams of tartar, 5 ounces of scammony and make very fine powder of everything and put them together. In the morning take 1 ½ drams in broth in the form of a syrup. It will make you go and it will cleanse the phlegm from the stomach. Again, take 2 drams each of the small and flat roots of turbith, ginger and cultivated bishop's weed and 2 ounces of white sugar and make powder. A 1 dram dose of this is equal to 4 of the other powder. It has great efficacy, especially for those who suffer the distress of weak nerves. -------- [Page 121] Enema to cause a bowel movement. Take 2 ounces each of fennel, anise, fenugreek, rue, camomile, dill and centaury and 2 drams of colocynth and boil all these things in good white wine and when they are well cooked, put them in a canvas cloth and press them under the press. Take that substance and put therein 3 ounces each of oil of camomile, of dill and of rue. Then make your enema, taking as much of this material as is needed and you will see it cures very well and it will help you. Another enema. Take 1 handful each of honeysuckle, mountain mint and nettle and enough white wine and make it boil until it reduces one third. Then make an enema of this boiled liquid in the usual way and it will help you greatly. Another enema for excessive flatulence. Take the usual decoction to make an enema, that is 1 handful of beet, mallow, sweet violet and Mercury's herb. When it is well cooked, strain it with care and return it to the fire and put in fennel, pepper and saffron at your discretion. Then restrain it through a linen cloth and take a portion and put it in another pot and put in a pinch of ground salt and a yolk of an egg, beaten in a bowl with some of the decoction. Empty it into the pot and add ½ glass of olive oil. Give this, tepid, to the patient, as you know how to do. As soon as you have made the sick one take it, put the feet up and raise them a little so that the enema can work better. It lifts the distress rapidly. Laxative unguent that causes vomiting and defecation. Take white and black hellebore, autumn crocus and the roots of henbane, each the same amount. Cut them and grind them finely. Then incorporate them with old lard from a male pig. Boil it on a slow fire until it becomes like an unguent. After it boils, strain it under the press so that all the substance comes out and it will be made. Save it for your needs. When you wish to cause a bowel movement, rub only the soles of the feet and soon you will have a bowel movement with violence and haste. If one wants to evacuate the stomach by vomiting, smear the palms of the hands and soon you will have a beneficial effect. Note that when you wish to stop its action, either above or below, rub the part described above with the poppuleon unguent and soon the action will be stopped. This has been tested. To reduce flux of any kind from the body. Take some acorn caps from the oak and grind them and make very fine powder. Give half a spoonful of it to the sick one early in the morning in the form of a syrup with red wine or with water distilled without anything added. He should repose for a while. Do this for 3 mornings and, through God's grace, soon he will be freed. Another unguent which causes a bowel movement when put on the navel and causes vomiting when rubbed on the stomach. Take 1 ounce each of powdered aloe and turpentine and enough ox bile to knead them together and make an unguent of this and rub it on as described above and it will have its effect and quickly. -------- [Page 122] Pills of aloe to evacuate the body. Take aloe with the infusion of rhubarb and make pills of it. Take them at your pleasure, especially when you need them and take 1, 2 or 3 of them in the evening according to how you feel because they are not harmful. Also they have this property: by easing the stomach the pills relieve headache, make the body work easily, benefit the vision, reduce swellings in the intestinal parts, purify the lungs and even have many other good effects that I do not write here. Another for pills to evacuate. Take ½ dram of juniper gum, 2 drams of autumn crocus, 5 drams each of colocynth and scammony, 1 dram of rock salt with rose honey and make paste for pills. Take one of them a week and walk and then do not eat for 5 hours. This paste keeps a year. It will make you go from the body and helps you for that day. Another medicine for purging the bowel. Take 2 drams of rhubarb, pulverize it and confect it with 2 drams of rose syrup and 4 drams of decoction of polypody fern. Take it in the morning with a little rose water and it will make you go so that you will be cleaned out. Take it by mouth. Beverage for distress of the body from having retained urine. Take some roots of couch grass of the white kind, wash them and cook them well and press them under the press. Drink 6 ounces of this boiled liquid in the form of a syrup. Do this 3 or 4 times in the day when you expect the pains to come or as soon as they have come and they will go away rapidly and you will urinate considerably. This beverage also helps greatly to break stones in the kidney and in the bladder. It has been tested. For stopping diarrhea quickly. Take 1 handful of rosemary and boil it in very strong vinegar for a bit. Then take the cooked rosemary and put it on a cloth in the form of a plaster and put it on the body very warm. Do this several times, rewarming it and putting it on, and soon the diarrhea will be cured. This has been tested. Another beverage to reduce diarrhea as much as is desired. Take the rind of the poppy and make very fine powder of it and take 1 ounce of it and 1 ounce of ground cloves and boil these in red wine until it is reduced 2/3. Give 4 ounces to the patient to drink in the morning in the form of a syrup and then he should sleep at least 2 hours and then he will be freed from the flux. It will be stopped quickly. It is tested.... 68 Another. Toast a slice of bread, that is the crust, and soak it in warm strong vinegar. Then put on it powdered cloves, cinnamon and mastic, each the same amount, and bind this warm on top of the stomach and soon the patient will be cured. He should stay in repose for a while. Another to restrain diarrhea rapidly. Take 1 ounce of powdered dragon's blood gum and put it in strong vinegar with plantain seeds and the whites of 2 eggs. Make it into a plaster and put it on the kidney and on the pubic region and it restrains the flux. Another, an ointment to rub the body to restrain the flux. Take 1 dram each of rose oil, myrtle oil, quince oil and mastic oil, 1 scruple each of white and red sandalwood and stems of giant reed, ½ scruple of camphor and enough white wax to make an unguent on a slow fire. Then rub the body with it and soon the flux will be restrained. Another to restrain flux from the belly. Take a slice of cheese of cow's milk and toast it on the fire. Then put on it some plantain seeds like a spice and eat this 2 or 3 more times and soon the diarrhea from the body will be stopped. It has been tested. Another for restraining the flux. Take wild wormwood and cook it with a fresh egg in the form of a pancake and eat this early in the morning for 2 or 3 mornings and it will help you greatly. Another. The herb primula, green or dried, eaten with an egg may help you greatly. Another for simple diarrhea. Viz., take leaves of rosemary and boil them in very strong vinegar and make a plaster of it on a cloth on the body as warm as you can bear. Soon you will be cured. It is tested. -------- [Page 123] For destroying worms. Write on the toenail of the child these characters, J.O.B. First you should say the Pater Noster in the right ear of the sick person and then you should say, 'Saint Job had worms and then did not have them. They died through the intercession of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So be it. + + +.'... 69 Another also powerful not only for humans but also for animals. Viz., take a pail or vessel full of water and make three signs of the cross + + + over it, saying 'May this be consecrated in the name of the Father + and Son + and Holy Spirit, + Amen.' Then take a little knife with a white handle and make the sign of the cross + with the handle over the water, saying, 'In the name of the Father + and Son + and Holy Spirit, + Amen, I exorcise this water through the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, Amen, and by the living God, by the true God, by the only God, by the patriarchs, by the prophets, by the angels, by the archangels, by his dominion, by his supremacy, by his power, by the four evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, by the 24 elders who daily praise God and by the 144,000 innocents and by the most blessed Holy Mary, mother of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and by all the saints of God, so whichever man or woman or horse may have worms and may drink this water, quickly will be freed and the worms will degenerate and die.' You should say 3 Pater Noster with 3 Ave Maria with the words which follow which should also be said three times, 'In the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. Job, Job, Job had worms and they died and he was freed, thanks to God, thanks to God, thanks to God. As he was truly liberated so this man or woman or horse will be freed from worms. Amen. So be it. Agios.' Give him this water to drink and keep this blessed water always in your house to use it for these purposes. Another, a marvelous ointment against worms. Take ½ ounce each of mastic and hepatic aloe and 3 drams each of colocynth and myrrh and make very fine powder of them. Then take 1 handful of this and dry it in the oven when bread is removed. Grind it and make fine powder. Then take 1 lb. of ordinary oil, the oldest you can find, and half a glass of absinthe juice and 2 ounces of petroleum oil. Put the petroleum oil with the olive and boil this for the space of 3 Pater Noster and then put in the above powder, little by little, always stirring, and let it boil for ½ hour. Then put in as much clean wax as a nut and it will be made. Then rub the patient who suffers from worms. It should be warm and rub the top of the stomach and the chest as far as the navel and do not miss it. Rub the kidneys, all the wrists, the temples, the nares of the nose and soon, with the aid of God, the patient will be cured. It has been tested. *Another for round worms or worms. Make the sign of the holy cross on the forehead of the infant and say three Pater Noster and these words in the right ear of the infant, 'Saint Job had worms and Saint Job was freed and the worms were dead. Man was created and brought forth. The Lord God is strong and powerful.' In the ear or in the mouth say 3 times, ' Galba, gabella, gabellatum est jospes mortes vermes,' and you will cure this sickness immediately. *Water for scabies. Take 10 lb. of cistern water, 1 lb. of lees from a charred barrel of yew which held dyes for tinting glass, 3 ounces each of salt and rock alum and ¼ ounce of sublimate. Grind everything and boil them in a clean pot or carafe. At the end of one hour it will be made. Remove it from the fire, let it cool and strain it. With a sponge bathe with this water for 4 evenings, one yes and the next no, and on the alternate evenings wash with warm lye and change your clothes. Use a clean blanket and you will be cured. When this water is used to bathe it becomes turbid and so when you use it that will happen. -------- [Page 124] [This page is blank.] -------- [Page 125] For illness in the body caused by worms. Take 2 fingers of good white wine in a glass and put in a piece of sulfur the size of a bean and not more to infuse. In the morning strain it through fine cloth. Then give it to the sick one to drink and at once he will be cured and many worms will go out. It is tested. Another for sickness from worms. Take 1 lb. of old olive oil, 4 ounces of ginger root, 3 ounces of peach kernels and 1 ounce of juniper berries. Grind everything and make very fine powder. Put everything in the oil and boil it on a slow fire until it reduces in half and becomes like an unguent. Incorporate it well with a stirrer and let it cool. Save it in a clean place. The older it is, the better to treat your needs and the needs of others. When you treat with it rub only the wrists, the hollow of the throat and the navel and do this rubbing 2 or 3 times in a few hours and soon you will be cured by the action of this medicine. Much has been said of how well it works. Another to cure sickness from worms very quickly. Take 4 or 5 cloves of garlic and bruise them in a bowl and put in a little strong vinegar and mix it well. Then rub the wrists, rubbing them well, and especially the body, and as you have finished one time, begin to rub hard one more time and do this 2 or 3 times and at the end of ½ hour you will be cured and little by little you will feel better. Then rub with the ointment that you have made above and, through God's grace, there will be no more of this sickness. Another, a bandage for little children when such children are upset because their movements are bothered by pain from the worms. At once take some peach leaves and put them on the body where they are needed and wrap on the leaves and soon the child will be soothed and without distress. Another one for everyone, large and small. Take 1 handful each of peach leaves and well-washed roots of white couch grass and boil them to reduce in half. Strain and press them under the press. Give the patient as much of this decoction to drink as he can drink. The more he drinks, the sooner he may be cured. Also you can give patients water distilled from peach, couch grass and holy thistle, as much of it as one can drink because by drinking all this water, it is as if it makes the worms burst and they are all defecated as water. The child may soon be cured, by the grace of God and Saint Job. Another for worms. Take 1 dram each of saffron, aloe, cloves and incense and 1 ounce of laurel oil. Then take a sour orange and make a hollow in half of it by removing the center. Then put in all the above things made into fine powder, but do not put in the oil. Put the orange on the warm ashes. Then put in the oil mixed with the juice of one orange and let it cook on the ashes. Rub the child with this ointment, rubbing the wrists, the temples, the navel, the fontanelle of the stomach and the nose and soon you will see it work well. All the worms will go out from below and you have succeeded. To cure worms rapidly. Say, “Fever and worms which are in this body, as Jesus Christ said on the Cross, 'It is finished,' in the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit +, Amen.” Say it 3 times in the morning for 3 days and hold your hands in a cross on the body and, through God's grace, soon the person will be cured. It has been tested. -------- [Page 126] Confection against worms for adults and children. Take 1 ½ drams of scammony, 3 drams of turbith, 1 dram each of cinnamon, cloves, herb bennet and ginger, 2 drams each of dittany, myrrh and holy wormseed and 6 ounces of fine sugar. Compound all these things and make a good confection and save it for your needs. When the person feels pain in the body because of worms, at once give him 1 dram if he is an adult and if he is small give him ½ dram and the pain will cease at once and the worms will all go away through the bowels. This is a rare secret. Tested charm against worms. Make a little note and attach it to the neck of the child and let it stay until it falls off by itself. When it is attached to the neck, say 3 Pater Noster and 3 Ave Maria and bind it 3 times to the patient. This charm has been tested repeatedly, that is, write this, viz., 'Job was freed of worms. Just as they were dead and he was freed, may these be dead, may they be gathered, may they go out, may they be turned to water through the incarnation and compassion of our Lord, Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.' Be confident that this will cure rapidly and they will not return again. Another for worms. Say, “Fever and worms that may be in this head, in this chest and in this body, you are finished, as Christ at the end on the wood of the holy cross said, 'It is finished.' ” Say it 3 times in the ear of the sufferer and you will cure rapidly. Carry it with you. It has been tested. Another medicine against worms. Take 1 lb. of ordinary oil, 8 to 10 cloves of garlic ground between 2 stones and 1 handful each of leaves of peach and of absinth, ½ a handful of goat's rue and 2 or 3 nails that are rusty and put them in 2 ounces of white wine and put everything in the oil and boil it until it appears that all the wine has been dissipated. If you want to know when this is ready, put a drop of it on a hot grill and if it sizzles, the wine is not used up. When it is finished remove it from the fire and strain it at once and press the herbs on the press and when it is still warm put in 3 ounces of clean wax and stir with a wooden spatula until it is cold. Save it in a bottle for your needs. When you wish to treat, rub the wrists and the fontanel of the stomach and it will cure. Prayer against worms for every person. First say and have the patient say 3 Pater Noster with 3 Ave Maria. Then say these 3 verses in the left ear of the patient and attach them around the neck, viz., 'Increate Father, + Increate Son, + Increate Holy Spirit, + Infinite Father, + Infinite Son, + Infinite Holy Spirit, + Eternal Father, + Eternal Son, + Eternal Holy Spirit, + in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen + + + .' Another prayer against worms for everyone. Say and have the patient say 5 Pater Noster with 5 Ave Maria. Then say these words in the right ear and also in the left, viz., “Night and Day were walking on the road and they met Jesus Christ, the little son of the Virgin Mary, and he said to them, 'Where are you going, Night and Day?' They said, 'Lord, we are going to the mountain to find the herb to kill worms.' Christ said to them, 'Go to my house, Night and Day, and you can say that you have found Jesus Christ, Son of the Virgin Mary and soon you will be cured.' + In the name of the Father + Son + and Holy Spirit. + Amen, + + + .” Another to cure worms. Put your 2 forefingers on the forehead of the patient in a cross and do this 3 times early in the morning with 3 signs of the cross. Then say these holy words, viz., 'Christ made Job. Job had worms and through the grace of Jesus Christ, Job killed the worms. + Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.' Then say three.... -------- [Page 127] Pater Noster with 3 Ave Maria in reverence to God and the Holy Trinity. Attach this amulet around the neck with a thread twisted by a virgin young girl on which is written the following prayer, and when you attach it to the neck of the patient, say and have the patient say 3 Pater Noster with the Ave Maria in reverence to God and Saint Job and Saint Honoffry. This is the holy prayer, vz., '+ Power of the Father, + wisdom of the Son, + compassion of the Holy Spirit + free your servant (name) of God + from all illness and worms and convert them into water, to the honor of the blessed Job and Saint Honoffry, martyrs of God, in the name of the Father + Son + and Holy Spirit +, Amen.' To shut down diarrhea from the body little by little. Take 4 ounces of water distilled from oak leaves and give it to the patient to drink warm in the form of a syrup. Give 3 ounces of it at 2 hours, 2 ounces of it one hour later and then give 1 ounce. In this way it will reduce the flux so that it will stop. If this kind of water alone does not help sufficiently, add a mixture of water of sorb apples and of knot grass, each the same amount, and give it as you have given the first. If this also does not work as rapidly as needed, add more kinds of waters, that is water of pine cone, of liverwort, of cornelian cherry, of quince and of myrtle or rose water, each the same amount, and give 3 ounces of it to drink each time in the form of a warm syrup, 2 or 3 times a day. You should know that this beverage reduces the flux admirably because there are 3 kinds of illness of flux, that is from fat, from bile and from the liver, which the greater number of times is fatal. But be warned that you should take care of yourself with great diligence, so that soon, through God's grace, you will be cured. Also this last composition is useful in red menstruation of women when it does not stop. Give 4 glasses in the day, that is 3 ounces each time to the patient and in 2 days you will cure through God's grace. It is tested. If by chance at the end of the 2 days the body has not responded it may be beneficial to use an ordinary enema with camomile and it should have a good effect and will cure. Another for diarrhea. Take some mint, powdered cloves, mastic, nutmeg, strong vinegar and malvasia wine, all these things at your discretion, and make a poultice of all these things and make it warm and put it on the body. If you suspect there are worms, put therein ½ ounce of powdered aloe and you will cure rapidly. Be confident since it is tested. Another enema to cure diarrhea rapidly. Take the shin bone and parch it and make fine powder of it and cook it in water. Then take some of this boiled water and put in one ounce each of rose and violet oils and mastic oil and add the yolk of a fresh egg and make the enema. If this helps, do it again until the body has had a good result and feels good and, through God's grace, soon you will cure. Herb that reduces diarrhea rapidly. Take that herb that grows in the gardens and in other household places which is called sparrow tongue or toad flax and grows 3 fingers high from the earth and grows as a little bush, that is densely, and has little leaves of light green color and little flowers like little white tips and spreads adventitiously ..... -------- [Page 128] on the earth in dry places with little rootlets fine and winding, Pick this herb during the half moon. Wash it well and dry it in the shade and make very fine powder of it. Then cook a fresh egg to drink and put in one spoonful of this powder and incorporate it. Then drink it and do this in the evening when you go to sleep and also early in the morning and rest for an hour. Do this 3 or 4 times until you see that the flux begins to stop. Do not give more which overdoes the action and soon it will cure. Know that this herb is very powerful to reduce diarrhea and especially it is very suitable for that from the liver. Also it is powerful for the women who discharge excessive blood. This has been tested many times. To reduce diarrhea from the body and other fluxes. Take 3 ounces each of urine of a healthy man, fine ashes of turkey oak and yellow litharge and mix them and make little balls of it and dry them in the shade. When you wish to use them, mix them with plantain juice, one or two each time, and put this warm on the navel in the evening when you go to sleep and soon it will restrain the body so you will not go too much, and soon you will be cured. Another, tested pills for diarrhea. Take 2 ounces each of dragon's blood gum, mummy, opium, myrrh, acacia and frankincense bark and 1 ounce of gall. Prepare it with plantain juice or knot grass juice and make a dough in the usual way and see that the sick person takes 3 pills in the evening when he goes to sleep and soon the flux will stop. It has been tested. Another for the sickness of dysentery. Take the herb cinquefoil, grind it and make juice and mix it with good red wine and give to the sick one to drink on an empty stomach. Do this several times and soon you will cure. Also if you take a clove of garlic and make several holes in it and fry it a little in ordinary oil and put it in the anus and do this several times, soon you will cure. Again, take the herb called ave donna and make a fomentation to put on the buttocks. Then put on a tent with the same herb over the opening of the anus. Another. To remove the burning sensation in the posterior, make this fomentation. Take a jug of malvasia or a very good white wine and put in yolks of 3 fresh eggs. Boil this in a pot on the bain marie with 3 cabbage leaves in it. Then with this warm, make a steam bath for the sick one for his rear from below through a stool or a little chair that is perforated in the center. It should be well sealed around so that the fumes are not lost but all are received from below. This will remove the pain quickly. Another for the burning sensation of the rear from whatever causes the heat. Take 1 handful each of pomegranate rind and bark of wormwood and cook them in ordinary oil and make a poultice and put this warm on the anus and do it several times and soon you will cure. Again, if you are in the forest and feel serious itching, at once take some mud or muddy water and smear your rear and soon you will be cured. Another, a fomentation for fluxes from the body. Take Greek pitch, Armenian clay, mastic, incense, dragon's blood gum, pea pods and pennyroyal, all at your discretion, and put all these things in a pot and boil with violet oil. Put a very large funnel on the pot and put the narrow end in the anus and take the fumes in this way as much as you can and you will be cured. *For burns from water or fire. Take peeled onions and grind them in a mortar, however many seem to be enough, and put them on a piece of cloth in the form of a plaster and at once put it where you are burned. Do this until you are cured. *Another. Take snow and fill a pot and bury it at a depth of half an arm's length in the ground outside, that is in the garden, and at the end of three months it will be made. Remove it and use it until one is cured. Medicate 3 or 4 times a day with wet cloths. -------- [Page 129] Several kinds of very rare remedies for painful colics. Take 6 ounces of the oldest olive oil that you can find, 3 quatrini each of saffron, incense and powdered cloves, 20 laurel berries and 1 ounce of clean wax. Pulverize everything and put them together in a little pot on a slow fire for the period of one miserere. Remove it from the fire, stirring continuously until it is cold and it will be made. Save it for your needs. When you want to use it, warm it and rub the body well and put on warm cloths and turn on your back. In the space of one hour you will begin to get improvement and, with the aid of God, soon you will be freed of the painful colic and you will not feel more distress. Another. Take sifted flour and flour of millet and boil them with oil of rue and of camomile, the same amount of each, and with this warm rub the body and soon you will be cured. Another against painful colics. Take 2 handfuls of elder flowers, 1 ounce of sweet flag, 3 ounces each of pulverized peach kernels and cherry stones, 2 ounces of pulverized medlar stones, 1 ounce of mullein root and 6 lb. of table wine or malvasia. Put all together in a well-stoppered glass vessel for 3 days. Then distill it and save this distillation for your needs. Give the patient 2 or 3 ounces at a time in the form of a warm syrup and soon he will be cured. This was proved in a gentleman who was given up for lost. Another against painful colics. When you are at mass, when the body of Christ is lifted, say 'Pure host and holy body, Lord Jesus Christ, free me from the pain of my side.' When the blood is lifted, say 'O worthy body, O holy blood, Lord Jesus Christ, free me from the sickness in my side.' At the end say one Pater Noster and soon you will be cured. Another against painful colics. Take some of Job's tears planted this year, break them up and extract the good, dry it and make fine powder of it. Give one spoonful of it to the patient to drink with ½ glass of good warm wine and soon the pain will stop. It is tested. Another for these illnesses of the side. Take galbanum gum and make a round plaster of it and put thereon powdered cloves and heat it well and put it on the navel and do not move it but let it detach itself from its place and you will see a good effect. It is tested. Another. Elder flowers given to drink with warm wine help the pain in the side greatly. Do this several times and soon it will be cured. It has been tested. Another against pain in the sides. Take 6 ounces of water distilled from elder flowers and put in 2 ounces of ground sugar, heat it and give it to the patient to drink as soon as he feels the illness. At the end of one hour he will begin to improve. This was tested by a bishop who was on a journey and in the morning he rode without impediment. Another for this pain in the sides. Take some milk vetch and boil it well. Then make an enema of this decoction and soon the pain will cease. Another for this sickness of the sides. Take 4 drams each of melon seeds, squash seeds and ground pine and 3 drams each of spices for an electuary, theriac and sandalwood, 3 ½ drams each of anise and asparagus seed, 1 ½ lb. of fine sugar and 1 dram of cinnamon and make an electuary of it in the usual way. Take it early in the morning and you will see the good result that the pain will soon lift and you will be cured. *Another. The root of hyoscyamus, that is henbane, carried on the back on bare flesh, is powerful against the pain in the sides. *Another. Well-ground parsley seed, as much as will stay on a julius , given to drink with warm wine, acts powerfully in the pain of colic.... 71 -------- [Page 130] Wonderful poultice for the pain of colic. Take 1 handful of horehound, 2 ounces each of linseed flour and barley flour, 4 ounces each of olive oil and camomile oil. First cook the horehound. Then remove it from the fire and put in the flours and incorporate them well and put it warm on the body where it hurts. Do this several times and soon the pain will cease. Then give powder of parched deer horn to drink with warm wine and it will lift the pain. Also make this. Rue cooked with butter and oil will work wonderfully and it lifts the pain quickly. Also stir celery in the frying pan with oil of dill and of camomile and put it warm on the painful place after first rubbing with scorpion oil. Do this several times and you will cure rapidly. Another for pain in the side. Take 2 drams of round birthwort, 1 dram each of cloves, cinnamon and saffron, all in powder. Give it to the patient to drink with good warm wine, one hour before the meal. Do this 4 or 5 times and soon he will be cured. Another for the above. Take some betony, dry it and make powder and give the patient one spoonful with wine or with water of camomile and soon you will cure him. Another for the above. Take laurel berries and climbing ivy root, each the same amount, and make powder and put them together. When the pains come, give the patient one spoonful of it with good warm white wine and he will be cured. Another for back pain. Put your hand where you have the greatest pain and press it as hard as you can. Say these 4 words with 3 Pater Noster and say them 3 times. That is, 'Maker of man. Redeemer of man.' and soon the pain will go away. Another for back pain. Take 1 ½ drams each of rose sugar, of diambre and filonio , mixed with warm wine, and take it 2 or 3 times and you will be cured rapidly.... 72 Another for back pain. Take some ivy seeds when they are mature at Christmas time, dry them and make powder. Then take white onions and distill them in a glass still and save this water for your needs. When it is needed, take a glass of this water, put in a spoonful of the powder described above and make it warm and give it to the patient to drink early in the morning for 5 or 6 mornings and, through God's grace, soon the pain will be cured. Another for the above. Take linseed flour and barley flour, each the same amount, and 1 handful of camomile with oil of rue or camomile and make a poultice of it and, as warm as can be borne, put it on the pain and soon it will pass away. Another to cause urination. Take 1 handful each of pellitory, marigold, horehound, parsley and corn poppy and fry them slowly in a pan with butter and oil. Then put it on the pubic area in the form of a warm poultice and part of it also behind on the rear, well bandaged, and stay warm and soon you will urinate and will be cured. Another for back pain. Take 3 jugs of malvasia or good white wine. Then take 1 handful each of parched cherry stones, peach stones, apricot stones and elder flowers and grind everything in a bronze mortar and make into fine powder. Put everything in the wine and distill it on a slow fire in a glass still. Save this distilled water as something dear. Keep it well plugged so that no gas escapes. When a person feels a pain in the back, give him a glass of it to drink warm and then in 2 hours give another glass. Do this and the pain will cease soon and will not give you more trouble. This is a good, tested secret. Another for back pain. Say, 'Pains do not return any more and be fixed there firmly as Christ was at his death. Pains stay by yourself as Christ did by himself. Pains go away in the name of God and the Virgin Mary and Saint Laurence. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen + + +.'... 73 Another for back pain. Take lard from a male pig and boil it in a little pot with oil and place it on a linen cloth and put it warm on the navel. You may be cured soon. -------- [Page 131] A confection most approved and effective for pain of colic. Take equal parts of rose sugar, diambre and filonio , totalling ½ ounce, and add these alternately to wine and boil it. When the pains come, take this electuary at once and soon you will feel better. It is tested. -------- [Page 132] (This is an empty page). -------- [Page 133] Tested and good enema for back pain. Take 3 or 4 heads of garlic and boil them in ordinary oil until they are well cooked. Press this oil well and when the oil is tepid, make an enema of it and soon you will cure. Another enema that may cure painful colic rapidly. Make a bowl of saba , that is new wine cooked one or 2 times, and the colic will go away at once. Another enema for pain in the side. Take one glass each of oil of camomile, of dill and of laurel and urine of a healthy man and make an enema of it in the usual way. When this pain comes from not being able to urinate, take one dram each of the red seeds of the winter cherry, well ground, and ground seeds from cherry stones and mix this powder with good white wine. Heat it and give it to the patient to drink once and then again, one after the other, and soon it will cause a lot of urine and the pain in the side will soon cease and go away at once because you will have urinated. This is a tested secret. Another for sickness in the side. Take 2 or 3 white onions and cut them crosswise and wet them with camomile oil and rose oil and let them cook well on the grill. Then grind them and put in 2 ounces of strong yellow spices and incorporate very well. Then put these very warm on a cloth in the form of a poultice and put it on the painful place on the side, 2 or 3 times, one after the other. At the end of 2 or 3 hours the pain will lift with the urge to urinate and you should feel somewhat better. Also you can take 3 or 4 white onions and cut them finely and boil them in a clean little pot with some of the above-described oil and let them cook well. Then grind them in a mortar and put on the above spice. Do as you have done above. Put it on your painful spot as warm as you can stand it and it will relieve it shortly and soon you will urinate and be healed. It is a thing tested and most true. Another for the pains of colic. Make a ring or a double ring either of gold or silver, that does not matter, and always carry it with you on your finger. On the ring write, ' HCEBEZ + DIA[ -- ]M + N [--] orum + SATBERU +' and nothing else and the pains will not come again. This was developed by a worthy person. Another against the above-described pains. Say, '+ When Christ was born all pain had been suffered. Flee pain, flee pain because the Lord pursues you. + Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen + + + .' Say these words with devotion and with 3 Pater Noster. Also it is useful to say them over a beast that may have pains and it will be freed quickly and will urinate, through God's grace. It is tested. Another for pains in an animal. Say these words in the right ear. That is, 'Flee pain, yield pain to Christ. He follows you with the cross and the words by which you and the pain in my heart must leave in the night.' Be well. Another for the pains in a horse. Take the root of wild cucumber and give it to the horse to eat and quickly, quickly, it will be cured. This is tested and it will block pain well and cure it. Another for pain in the sides or pain in the body and this has been shown to lessen the pain rapidly. Take a bowl with some warm ashes within and put on 1 ½ ounces of strong fennel and put them on a little cloth. Then squirt it with good malvasia wine and put this warm on the pain. Repeat it in 2 hours and know that soon it will be cured. -------- [Page 134] Water for pain in the side and it helps in the stone. Take 1 lb. each of water of asparagus, of sea holly and flowers of elder and of pellitory and roots of parsley and of fresh lemon. Then take a full basin of kernels of peach stones and as many kernels of cherry stones and grind them very well together. Put them to soak in a pot full of malvasia or good white wine for 2 days in a row. Then put everything together and distill it in a glass still on a slow fire or on the bain marie. Leave it, well-stoppered, in the sun for at least 20 days and it will be made. Put it away for your needs. When you feel pain or ache from the stone, take 2 ounces or even 3 if needed, with ½ ounce of sugar and take it warm. Do this 2 or 3 times in the space of 2 hours and, through God's grace, soon you will be cured. It is tested and true. Another for pain of colic. Take the head of a wether and boil it with enough water until it reduces nearly in half and boil it with these herbs: 1 handful each of camomile, dill and sweet clover, 2 ounces of fenugreek and ½ ounce each of coriander, anise and cumin. Then remove it from the fire and wet a sponge in this boiling liquid and, as warm as one can stand, put it on the afflicted part and as it cools, rewarm it and soon the pain will leave. Also with this decoction you can make a remedy with one ounce each of oil of camomile, of dill and diafinicon and you will see a wonderful result, because this has been tested. Also you can make it with pure good wine and it will cure rapidly.... 75 Another. A decoction and powder for pain in the sides caused by stone or gravel. Viz., take a pot with 4 bowls of rain water or water from the cistern and put in the following things, viz., take one bowl of chick peas, 1 handful each of roots of parsley, of marsh mallow, of mallow, of nettle and of pellitory that are well washed and clean. Cook them well and boil until it reduces in half. Then strain it and keep it in a clean vessel, covered, to use for your needs. Then make this powder: take the sponge-gall that grows on the branches of the wild rose that is called the bedeguar gall. They should be well matured so they have worms inside. Dry them and make fine powder and again take kernels of peach stones and medlar stones and bark of the long kind of hazel nut and make very fine powder. Then take 3 drams of the powder of the bedeguar gall and 2 drams of powdered cinnamon and 1 dram each of medlar and hazel nut. Take a bowl of the decoction described above and put in a spoonful of oil and incorporate this well with the powder. Early in the morning take it in the form of a syrup and do not go to sleep and soon, through God's grace, the pain will cease and you will urinate much gravel. This has been tested. If you do not have some of the above decoction, take some broth of red chick peas or other appropriate broth and add this powder or use warm good white wine and stay in repose and keep warm. Another for pain in the side. It also helps in pain of stone and pain in pregnancy. Take some crayfish from the river and from springs when they change their eyes or their exoskeleton and dry them in the oven after the bread is removed or in a covered baking pan on the fire until you can grind them and make very fine powder of them. Then in the evening when you go to sleep, take a spoonful of it in good, warm white wine, 6 to 8 times and you will see a good effect on the pain of the sides from stone and in the pain of pregnancy. This is very true.... 76 Another for pain in the side and pain from stone. Take 2 ounces each of roots of dragon root made into juice and good white wine and 8 cloves made into fine powder and incorporate these and warm it and give it to the patient early in the morning. Do this for 4 or 5 mornings and it will help greatly and rapidly in pain in the side and pain from stone. -------- [Page 135] To cause retention of urine for one who suffers from flow. Take pomegranate rind and boil it in water and give that to the patient to drink. Then dry the rind and make very fine powder or instead roast the rind and make fine powder. In the evening when he goes to sleep, give the patient one spoonful to drink in a glass of the boiled liquid or wine. It should be very warm. Do it several times and he will not urinate as much. It is tested. Soft tips of oak boiled with red wine, ground and put several times in the form of a warm plaster on the pubic region keeps the urine from coming out. Another to cause retention of urine. Take the insides of the scaly skins of the leg of the chicken and wash them with vinegar and string them on a thread and dry them in the shade and make them into fine powder. In the evening when the patient goes to bed, give ½ spoonful of the powder with the above-described boiled liquid or with wine or warm broth and soon the urine will be retained. Tested. Another to cause retention of urine in one who cannot. Take 4 ounces each of roots of wild elder and betony, fennel and horehound and 1 ½ drams of mullein flowers, 2 drams of white roses and 6 ounces of cleaned honey. Put everything in a pot and boil it very slowly on a slow fire and add 3 jugs of ordinary water and boil it until only one jug remains and not more. Then strain it and press the herbs very well, extracting the substance and save that for your needs. Give 5 ounces of it to the patient to drink 2 hours before daybreak each time for 4 mornings in a row. In the evening of the same days, rub the area of the kidneys with unguent of sandlewood. Then give 1 dram of finely-powdered rusty fern, that is erba dorata , to drink in distilled water, with 2 ounces each of water distilled from over-ripe jujubes and water distilled from the head of a goat and these should be tepid. Continue this drink until you are cured or nearly. By continuing this, through God's grace, you will be cured. This is a rare and great secret. This malady, where the urine is not retained, comes from dislocation of the neck of the bladder and the anatomy of this has been studied and it is all seen very clearly. Another who urinates during sleep in the bed. Take some goat hoofs and ox hoofs. Dry them and make very fine powder. Then take 1 dram of each, and 1 ½ drams each of acorn caps, myrtle and shepherd's purse all made into fine powder, and put these powders together and give them to the patient to drink with very warm broth or red wine, one glass each time in the evening when he goes to sleep. Do it several times and keep the stomach warm. By continuing this, through God's grace, soon you will cure so that he will not urinate in bed. It It is effective even for one who may be a hermaphrodite, that is a man who may include the genitalia of a woman or a woman those of the man, being created that way by nature. This secret has been tested by many and has helped, through God's grace, many who are cured completely and others who are helped considerably. Another for one who urinates in bed and does not feel it. Take 1 ounce of nettle seeds made into very fine powder and ½ ounce of powdered mastic and put them together and take some dough as large as a fist and knead therein these powders. Then form it into a loaf and cook it in the oven. Then divide it into 3 parts and each morning take one part for 15 days in a row and, through God's grace, you will regain health.... 77 Another for one who may urinate too much through coldness of the kidney or may not be able to retain urine. Take a quantity of bladders of fish from the river, a bladder from a sow, a bladder from a wild boar and half a lung from a kid. Dry everything and make them into very fine powder together. Then take a little galingale and galbanum gum, each the same amount, and carefully make them into fine powder and incorporate everything together. Then in the evening when the patient goes to sleep, he takes one spoonful of it in broth, wine or water and it should be tepid. Do this when the moon is in the first quarter and in a few days the meatus for the urine will be reduced so that one will not urinate too much. This has been verified. For those who urinate in bed. Take some of those flowers that remain on the plant all winter and pulverize them finely and give them to drink as you wish and one will not urinate again in bed. Water of pine nutsdistilled when green will help hold urine wonderfully. -------- [Page 136] For one who urinates blood, either man or woman. Take some purslane, as much as you wish, and boil it in water until it is well cooked. Then strain it and press it very well so that you extract the substance. Take 5 ounces in a glass and put therein a spoonful of powder of yarrow dried in the shade and a spoonful of juice made from climbing ivy. Mix these well together and heat it and give it to the patient to drink early in the morning. Continue this drink until the blood begins to stop and at once stop. Do not take more because this much will soon cure, with the aid of God. Again take the horn of deer made into very fine powder and give it to the patient to drink with 1 ounce of mother's milk early in the morning and soon he will be cured. It is tested. Another to cure rapidly one who urinates blood. Take some fresh betony and eat it and also make very fine powder of it and take a spoonful early in the morning with red wine in the form of a syrup for 15 days and, through God's grace, you will be cured rapidly. Another for one who urinates blood. Take maiden hair fern, grind it and make fine powder and put half a spoonful of it in a fresh egg to drink. Drink this for 3 or 4 mornings and soon it will help you greatly. Also take the whites of 2 eggs, well beaten, in a bowl. Incorporate 1 scruple of camphor and make a cotton stupe and soak it in the bowl and put it all across the loins. Do this in the evening when you go to sleep at least for 4 evenings in a row and soon it will be cured. Take care of yourself. Another for one who urinates blood. Take rosemary, grind it and extract the juice and place it in a glass vessel and in the morning give the patient 2 ounces of it to drink with 1 ounce of pomegranate wine, fairly warm, for several mornings and soon the urine will change color so there is no more blood. You should know that these secrets are from several persons and have been tested in many persons, but the amount needs to be adjusted, as for all medicines. Another for one who urinates blood. Take 1 ounce each of mallow, olive leaves, celandine, roses, sweet violets, willow leaves, sage, barley, betony, pomegranate rind, scabiosa, plantain and bugloss, 3 drams each of saffron and hepatic aloe, 4 ounces of raw honey and sufficient white vinegar and put everything together in a little pot and boil it a little. Then put some of this boiled liquid in a one pint pitcher and warm it sufficiently and put it into the penis or keep bathing it repeatedly. Soon you will be cured of urinating blood. For pain of the kidney, to cure it rapidly. Take the whites of 2 fresh eggs, 1 ounce of plantain juice, ½ ounce each of oil of violets, oil of water lily and rose unguent and 2 scruples of finely-cut camphor and incorporate everything together very well. Rub the kidneys very well with this unguent in the evening and in the morning and soon the pain will cease. This is a tested remedy and it acts in a few days. Another for one who cannot urinate and who has pain in the kidneys. Take golden rod and make very fine powder of it and give one tablespoon of it in a fresh egg to drink early in the morning. The patient should stay in repose at least 2 or 3 hours and soon it will cause urination and the pain of the kidneys will cease. Continue it for 12 days and soon you will cure. Another for pain in the side. Take 6 drams of liquid storax, 5 drams each of chicken fat, goose fat and duck fat, 4 drams of rose oil, 2 ½ drams of red wax and 1 dram of butter. Liquify the fat, the oil and the butter together. Then strain them so thay are well incorporated and put in the storax and it will be made. Spread it on a cloth and put it on the pubic region and soon you will urinate. For one who urinates blood from the penis. Take cinquefoil with the roots, well cleaned, and put it in a little pot with very good light red wine and boil it for one hour. Stopper it well around when you put it in the pot. Then strain it carefully and in this wine put a little brandy and give 1 ounce of it, warm, to the patient to drink in the morning and evening for 4 to 6 days and soon you will cure. Another. If a sick person urinates without knowing it and and wants to restrain this, put into the decoction above some powdered acorns and have him drink it in the evening. -------- [Page 137] Most excellent and rapidly-acting secrets for one who cannot urinate. Take some of those little animals that are called porcelets or sow bugs that roll up in a circle like a rosary and stay in the moisture under bricks. Take an amount that are clean and put them between two pans and dry them in the oven after the bread is removed. Grind them and make very fine powder and save it for your needs. Then give the patient a spoonful of it to drink with broth or wine and also with 3 ounces each of water distilled from pellitory and celandine with 1 ounce of ground sugar. Give it warm in the form of a syrup. Then make the patient draw near to the fire so that the warmth feels good and soon the desire to urinate will come and he will urinate. This medicine is most appropriate for one who has not been able to urinate for a day or more and where the urine has been going between flesh and skin and for one who may be turning yellow and swollen from not being able to urinate. Whether it is a man or a woman, soon either will be freed, through God's grace. This has been tested many times by men worthy of belief.... 78 Also give repeatedly to drink 3 ounces each of tepid water distilled from pellitory and celandine with sugar in it and soon the patient will urinate. Also put on the pubic region a sachet with some warm ashes in it and you will provoke urine rapidly and the patient will urinate at his pleasure. Another for one who is not able to urinate. Take some roots of reed, of broad beans and of asparagus, each the same amount, wash them well, cut them and distill them in a glass still. Then give a glass of it with ½ ounce of fine sugar to the patient to drink early in the morning in the form of a syrup and as much again when he goes to bed. He will soon urinate with much gravel. Another. Take a radish or a white radish and grate it and put this, very fresh, on the pubic region and soon it will provoke urine. First take some warm and suitable beverage by mouth and you will urinate abundantly and you will urinate much gravel. Another to cause urination freely. Take 1 handful each of celery seed, endive seed and fresh anise seed and crush all these seeds, not too finely, and make 2 small bags with an amount the size of the hand and have a clean pot with good malvasia or the best white wine in it. Put it on the fire to boil until it is ready. Then put in one of these little bags and immediately remove the pot from the fire. Take out the sack and press it well and put this very warm on the pubic region but first shave the region and rub it with equal amounts of warm sweet almond oil and scorpion oil. Then put on the warm sack and when it is cold, remove it and put on the other from the wine that should be very warm, always rubbing first with the warm oils. Keep putting on one after the other and do not let the flesh chill. By doing this good remedy, at the end of 2 hours one will urinate as much as one wishes. Know that this is a rare secret to cause urination. Another to cause urination in a large amount and also a lot of gravel. Take one large, fat young cockerel, clean it well and carefully and put it in a large cooking pot with water enough so there is no need to add any more and cook it well so the bones detach from the flesh and leave it there. Then put in, to boil together, 1 handful each of roots of celery, of parsley, of mallow, of marsh mallow and of sweet fennel and boil until they are well cooked in the broth. Strain it finely and keep it in a cool place and every morning, as long as it lasts, drink a cup with ½ ounce of finely-ground sugar. First put a little sack full of warm ashes on the pubic region and soon it will make you urinate and with much gravel. If you may be undergoing the pain of stone, by continuing this beverage, it will soon break up the stone and you will urinate it little by little, through the virtue of these herbs and roots. -------- [Page 138] For one who urinates with difficulty. Take 1 handful of greater nightshade, that is winter cherry with those red cherries that are in pods. Boil them in good white wine until they are well cooked and cracked. Then strain them finely, pressing well. Drink some of that wine warm in the evening when you go to sleep with a little sugar in it. Do this for 8 to 10 days and you will see a wonderful result with the amount of urine that will come. This is tested. Another for one who has difficulty in urinating. Take the testicles of one rabbit or more, dry them and make powder of them and take bark of cinnamon, of senna and fine cinnamon made into very fine powder and take at your discretion one spoonful or more in good white wine or in mutton broth with a little sugar in the form of a syrup in the evening or in the morning, as it is convenient for you. This beverage is very appropriate for opening the porosity for urine and by using this beverage, nature will cause urine naturally where there is no other impediment. Another to cause urination. Take some parsley with the roots, pellitory on the wall and watercress and boil them until they are well cooked. Then remove them and press them well. Put this in the form of a warm poultice on the pubic region and as it cools, rewarm it and soon you will urinate, if there is no impediment. Another for one who is not able to urinate. Take 1 lb. each of melon seeds, good white wine and coarse sugar and crush the seeds and put everything together and distill it in a glass still on a slow fire. Continue to drink this water early in the morning in the form of a warm syrup and you will see a wonderful effect and you will urinate a large amount. This is a tested secret. Another, a plaster for one who has difficulty urinating. Take cow dung and incorporate it with some raw honey and heat it and make a plaster and put this very warm on the pubis. Do this repeatedly, keeping it warm, and soon you will urinate. This is a good secret. Another to cause urination, a wonderful secret. Take 6 ounces each of kernels of cherry and peach stones, 3 ounces each of medlar stone and medlars, 2 lb. of ribolla or malvasia wine and 3 ounces of white sugar. Put them in a bottle, well closed, for 3 whole days. Then take 6 ounces each of water of flowers of elder, broom, melon, barberry, pellitory, watercress, parsley and agrimony and 3 ounces each of water of winter cherry, samphire and maiden hair fern. Mix all these things together and distill water from them in a glass still and save it carefully. It is precious. The dose is from 1 ½ ounces to 2 ounces. Keep the patient well covered in bed and when he will have sweated, wipe him well with warm cloths. It is helpful to repeat this again once or twice and he will be freed. This is effective in the difficulty of stone and distress of the kidneys. I have tested this.... 80 Also, make the kernels of cherry stones into fine powder and give ½ ounce of this warm to the patient to drink in a glass of good white wine. Do it several times and soon he will urinate. Another for one who is not able to urinate. Take the hard gallstone that is in the gall of the old ox and dry it and make powder of it. Also make powder of the shells of the wild hazel nut and take as much of one as the other and give the patient who is not able to urinate this to drink with 1 ounce each of water of pellitory, of asparagus, hound's tongue and hops. Give it warm with sugar. -------- [Page 139] For one who is not able to urinate, be it man or woman. Take 2 handfuls of the herb chervil and 2 ounces of crushed licorice and boil it in a clean pot, covered, with 8 lb. of water of hops until it reduces 1/3. Then remove it from the fire and strain it and save it carefully. Give the patient one good glass of this water to drink with a little sugar in it and it should be warm. Put the warm chervil in the form of a plaster on the pubis and across to the penis. Also give another glass of this warm water to drink. The more of it he drinks, the sooner he will urinate freely and with much gravel. This herb is well tested. Continue this for 3 days in a row and reheat the plaster at least 4 or 5 times a day and he should drink enough of this water. Do this more or less according to how you see the need. Do it with confidence that it is tested. Another to cause urination with ease. Take roots of radish, well minced, and put them in 2 little bags of cloth as large as the hand. Then boil them in very good white wine until it reduces ¼ . Then give one glass of it warm to drink early in the morning to the one who is not able to urinate because of some pain or other infirmity. Then put on the 2 little bags, well pressed and warm, one on the pubis and the other on the rear and replace them frequently to keep them warm and it will make him urinate very, very much. This is tested and helps also with gravel. Another to cause urination rapidly. Take olive oil and warm it so that you can hold the relaxed penis in it and as it cools down, rewarm it and soon the desire to urinate will come and this will help you greatly and rapidly. Also in this illness it is a great help to drink some warm juice of betony with some sugar in it. It breaks the stone and little by little you will urinate the gravel and soon, with God's grace, you will be cured. Another to cause urination, very well tested. Take seed of greater burdock, that which is round and attaches itself to clothes, and make very fine powder of it and also take the lining that covers the inside of the gizzard of the chicken, wash it carefully and dry it in the shade, and make very fine powder of it. Early in the morning take ½ spoonful of each with a little sugar early in warm good white wine or broth. Do this 4 or 5 times and stay warm and soon you will urinate well. Tested. Another to cause urination. Take a handful of the herb called pellitory and cook it very well in water. Remove it and press it. Then wet this herb with juice made of mallow and put on 2 scruples of ground cinnamon. Put this plaster, very warm, on the pubis of the patient who should stay in repose and let it stay on as long as you can. If the urine does not come, rewarm it and he will urinate. For one who is not able to urinate. Take some nettles and make very fine powder. Then take ¼ ounce of it in a glass of wine and boil it a little before the fire and let it cool a little. Give it to the patient to drink on an empty stomach. Do this in the evening when he goes to sleep and take 2 or 3 leaves of bear's claw, warm them and put them on the pubis and tie them on and let them remain all night. In the morning remove them and soon, through God's grace, he will urinate. Another to cause urination. Take 1 handful each of camomile, pellitory on the wall, that is paritaria , and absinthe and 1 ounce each of fenugreek and flax seed and boil everything in white wine. Then put this plaster on the pubis, warm, and do it several times and soon you will urinate enough. Do it and you will be satisfied. -------- [Page 140] For the burning in the penis during urination. Take oil of roses and rose water, each the same amount, and the white of a fresh egg and mix them together. In the evening and the morning, rub along the kidneys and put over that a linen cloth. To squirt in the penis take rose water and plantain water, each the same amount, with a little fine sugar and squirt it in the penis with a syringe. If this does not help enough, use some good white wine to squirt in and it will help you and soon you will be cured. Take care of yourself. Eat all things refreshing and do not drink wine. Use barley water and bread broth with melon seeds and stay chaste and soon you will be cured. It has been tested. Another for burning in the penis and for gravel. Take agrimony with its roots and wild tansy. Dry them in the shade and make very fine powder of them. Then give one spoonful in a glass of warm white wine to the patient to drink in the evening when he goes to sleep, for 4 or 5 evenings. Rub the kidneys with the oil described above. The patient should not eat warming things that are not good in this illness. By following this he will urinate soon and without burning in the penis and there will be much gravel and it will remove this warming material. Again, the wild radish is good, that is its ground seed. Giving a spoonful to drink with warm white wine in the evening will help him greatly. Also it is said that a dose of the powered berries of climbing ivy, given to drink with warm white wine every 2 days for the space of 15 days, causes much gravel to be urinated and even breaks the stone, little by little, so the man does not feel it and he will urinate abundantly and without distress. This is a great secret. Do not ignore the rules given above. To cause urination. Take 3 ounces each of water of fennel, of asparagus, of butcher's broom, of celery and of hound's tongue and 2 ounces of wine of sour pomegranates, 6 ounces of Syrup of 2 Roots and 1 ounce of minced licorice. Boil everything together with 2 ounces of fine sugar in a glass vessel until it is reduced one third. Then strain it and early in the morning give a glass of it, warm, and also in the evening 2 hours before supper. By continuing this one is able to urinate at pleasure and without any distress.... 81 Again, one finds some men who have narrowing of the opening of the penis and who, almost without any other infirmity, are having difficulty in urination. One of these was guided into my hands. This was his cure and it was the best and worked for him. In the month of May, I took some roots from beets germinated one or two months earlier and growing in rich soil. I took the longer of these roots, not too thick but slender, being smooth without other little roots around. I washed and cleaned these carefully, wrapped them up straight in a sheet of white parchment and left them to dry in the shade. When they were dry, they were polished and smooth. Then I took one of these roots and smeared it with honey and put it into the tip of the penis until it was into the penis for 4 fingers' depth with a thread hanging out right in the flap of the breeches. When the desire to urinate came, he drew out this root and urinated a lot and easily. This root was enlarging and keeping the opening of the penis large. Then another root smeared with honey was put in again. The first root was washed and cleaned carefully and again wound up in parchment, and as it dried it was as good as at first. By keeping on with this method for several days, the opening of the penis was enlarged by the continued practice and he was urinating easily without this treatment. The man always remained obligated to me by this favor that I did for him and I give you this secret from my own hand. -------- [Page 141] For illness from stone and gravel in the kidneys or in the bladder, to urinate it rapidly. Take as much chervil as the fresh herb as you wish, grind it and extract juice and let it clear. Give 4 ounces of it to the patient with stone or gravel to drink with a little sugar and it should be warm. Give it in the evening when he goes to sleep and he should eat little, that is lightly. Then cook 1 handful of this herb in water of hops and when it has just begun to boil, remove it from the fire and put it warm in the form of a plaster on the pubic area, fastened on for the night, and in the morning you will see a good effect and it is cleansing. Do this at least 4 to 6 times and be confident that soon he will get better. Make this powder: take some snails without a shell, especially those that stay in fields, and dry them and make very fine powder of them and give 2 drams to the patient when he goes to sleep with 4 ounces of good white wine with sugar in it and it should be tepid. He should take these beverages on alternate evenings so that each evening he takes one beverage. In a few days, through God's grace, he will feel such improvement that he will be able to wake up cured and will urinate freely and without distress because the gravel will be pushed out and the stone will be turned to nothing, that is it will be broken and shattered and be urinated little by little without harming the patient and he will be freed. It has been tested. Another to break up gravel. Take 2 drams each of water distilled from lemons, from pods of broad beans and from radishes and 2 ½ drams of seeds of climbing ivy picked during the half-moon of January, 1 dram each of seed of fox tail grass, of broom and of gromwell and make very fine powder and incorporate all together and mix these powders with 5 ounces of the above boiled liquid of chervil. Take ½ ounce of this beverage early in the morning in the form of a warm syrup for 15 days and soon, with God's grace, you will feel no more pain from gravel and less from stone and you will urinate freely. Another for the above-described pain of stone or gravel. Take 2 lb. of the herb saxifrage, 1 lb. each of tansy and parsley, 9 lemons cut finely and 8 lb. of very strong white vinegar and put everything together and distill it in a glass still with a slow fire. Save this water in a glass vessel, well stoppered, for your needs. Give 1 ounce to the patient to drink in the evening and morning, warm, in the form of a syrup. In the evening he should eat little and keep the stomach warm so that it can digest well. When you feel that the stone may bother you in exiting in the urine, take one glass of distilled water of Alexandrine celery, warm with sugar. Know that very soon the pain will lift from you and you will urinate freely. This has been tested. Another to cure the pain of gravel quickly. Say 3 Pater Noster with 3 Ave Maria and then say these holy words, touching with your hand the kidneys of the patient. These are, “In the name of the Father + Son + and Holy Spirit + Amen. + Jesus. I invoke you, stone, by him who first said, 'I am the stone. + I am dead and wrapped and buried in stone. +' As by his death the stone is broken, + so these stones that are in these kidneys must break and splinter so nothing remains, neither stones nor gravel to give the infirm one more pain +. So be it. + Amen. + Atta .” Repeat these words in the evening and morning and soon you will see a result. Through the grace of God and your good actions he will feel no more pain. Another to cause urination with much gravel. Take seed of nettle and boil it in oil of camomile and white vinegar until it reduces one third. Then in the evening when you go to bed, make it very warm and rub the pubic area and all the penis and bind it with warm cloths and soon you will urinate a great deal of gravel. This preparation is also effective in women. It will bring you much honor. -------- [Page 142] To cause a great amount of gravel, and quickly. Fill a large pot suitable for putting on the fire with very good white wine. Take 2 or 3 radishes and grate them and put them in this wine. Put this in the sun covered for 4 days and each day shake it upside down two times. Then let it rest to clear. Give 3 ounces of this wine to the patient to drink before the meal. By continuing to do this several times, the patient will urinate abundantly with much gravel. This is very, very true. Another to urinate gravel. Take 6 ounces each of the herb saxifrage, celandine, sage, saxifrage and seed of gromwell, 3 lb. of raw honey and make very fine powder of these herbs and boil them in the honey until it is thickened in the form of an electuary. Then give it to the patient several times and much gravel will come out with smarting of the penis. Then make this plaster to put warm on the pubic area. Take the herb wild panic grass and grind it well with pork lard and incorporate it on a slow fire and put it on warm. Do this several times and soon the patient will urinate much gravel. Have confidence that this has been tested.... 82 Another to cure the stone that is in the kidney. Take wild mallow and make a decoction of it and blend it with honey and butter and a little mallow seed and winter cherry seed and give it in the form of a syrup to drink warm. It is very powerful to cause urination of much of the gravel that is in the kidney and it will help greatly. To cause abundant urination with a great quantity of gravel. Take one half bowl of red chick peas and 2 rootlets of mallow, well washed and cut, 2 ounces of raisins, 1 ½ ounces of white sugar and 2 ½ ounces of minced licorice. Put everything together in a large pot on the fire with water of hops and boil it on the fire until it reduces 1/3. Then strain it and save it for your needs. Give 4 ounces to the patient to drink early in the morning in the form of a syrup. Do this for 9 mornings in a row and you will see a wonderful effect. Mix the following poultice to put warm on the pubis. Take 1 handful each of mallow and pellitory and cook them in water and in the evening put it on warm so it stays on for the night and you will see a wonderful effect in causing excretion of gravel. If by chance the infirmity is chronic, which many times causes loss of function in the loins, the patient may be unable to urinate normally but does not complain of this. Take watercress, mallow and celery and cook it in ordinary water. When it is cooked put it in the rear on the buttocks and it should be warm. Do this in the morning and evening and by continuing it for several days, you will see a wonderful result in urination. Keep all the body warm and soon he will be cured of such infirmity. Many persons have tested this. Another for gravel and also helps with the stone. Take the skin of a rabbit and the blood of 2 or 3 rabbits and put the blood in the skin and dry everything in the oven when the bread is removed. Then make very fine powder of it and give a spoonful of it to the patient in warm wine or chicken broth early in the morning. By continuing it for several mornings and taking care of himself, the patient will see a good result and will put out a great deal of gravel and the stone will not give him trouble. This is a great secret. -------- [Page 143] To break the stone in the bladder in several ways. Take the blood of a fox and its testicles and make this tepid and put it in the opening of the penis and also bathe under the testicles. Do this several times and the stone will be broken. Also give this blood to be drunk or make it into powder with warm white wine. By using these remedies repeatedly, the patient will soon be freed. Also, smear your fingers with this blood and rub it on the body, that is on the pubis, on the kidneys and under the testicles where the neck of the bladder is. Do all these things in one treatment, that is the beverage, smearing the penis and the other rubbings. Do not live in a disorderly way and do not go out when you do this and very soon you will bring out the broken stone. Another to break the stone when first found in the bladder. Take 1 lb. each of juice of saxifrage, of tansy, of parsley and of celery and 9 ounces of strong white vinegar and mix these together and distill them in a glass flask on a low fire or on a bain marie and give 4 ounces of it to the patient to drink in the evening and the morning and soon he will urinate the stone. Another to break stone in the bladder. To make this remedy, first you should kill a hare or leveret by putting it in the oven when the bread is removed. At once throw it in and stop up the mouth and leave it to die in this way by smothering. Then remove it from the oven and draw out only the intestines and nothing else, not blood and not liver. Then put this as it is in a pot or pan of clay with the feet, the head and everything. Cover it and block around the top with cloth and dough so that no air can escape and let it stay in the oven until it is over-cooked and fallen apart, but not burned, so that you are able to make powder, grinding it many times. Put in all that you will grind and reduce it to powder, all the bone, skin and flesh and save this powder in a bag of chamois leather to use as needed. Then make very fine powder of the seeds of climbing ivy and save this. Also distill some white onions in a glass still and take 4 ounces of this water and put in one spoonful of the first powder of the rabbit and one spoonful of this second part made of seeds of ivy. Warm it and give it to drink in the morning at dawn. The patient should sleep for an hour. Do this for 7 mornings in a row. The patient should stay warm and, with the aid of God, he will urinate much gravel and soon will be free of this distress. Another to cause urination freely when it has been prevented because of gravel. Take galbanum gum and grind it finely and make fine powder of it and warm it and, using your ingenuity, put it in the opening of the penis and on the prepuce and let it stay on and soon you will urinate. Also take watercress and boil it with good white wine for 2 miserere and put it warm on the pubis in the form of a poultice and when it is cold, rewarm it and soon you will urinate abundantly. It has been tested. For provoking urination. Take the seeds of broom and dry them and pulverize them finely. Then take a spoonful of it early in the morning with white wine and also take the same amount of warm water of saxifrage. It has been tested. Another. Take ½ ounce each of seeds of fennel, of anise and of caraway, 1 ½ ounces of gromwell, 2 ounces each of broom, saxifrage, celery, parsley and peony, ½ ounce of cumin seed, 1 dram each of lavender and cinnamon, 3 drams of grated licorice and 1 ½ ounces of white sugar. Make fine powder of these and drink as above. To reduce urination. Take 4 ounces each of juice of plums, service tree berries and cherries and enough sugar and honey to compound these. Use this on an empty stomach in an amount the size of a chestnut and it will reduce urination. -------- [Page 144] [Blank page.] -------- [Page 145] To break stones in the bladder. Take verbena and grind it and extract the juice and give one dose of this juice to the patient to drink on an empty stomach while bathing and at once the stone will be broken and the sick person will be restored to health. If you wish to prove the power of this juice, take some of this juice and put it in a stone mortar in the evening or during the day and on the following morning the mortar will be broken. This has been proved. Another to cure gravel and to cause urination of it freely. Take 1 ounce each of distilled water of lemons, of red mulberries, of asparagus, of pods of broad beans, of pellitory and of roots of giant reed and ½ ounce of sugar. Warm it and give it to the patient to drink early in the morning. Do this for 6 to 8 mornings and you will see a wonderful urination that will have much gravel with burning of the penis and soon you will cure the patient. Another, the best and blessed remedy for the illness of gravel. It has been tested. Take the skin and blood of a hare, roast it and dry it and make fine powder of it. Then in the morning take 1/4 ounce with warm good white wine on an empty stomach and it will make you urinate much gravel. This result has been tested by many talented men. If you would like to test this beverage, put a stone in a bowl and put on some of the wine made up here for drinking. Leave it for one whole day and the next day you will find the stone broken by the power and strength of this rabbit blood. This result has been demonstrated several times. Another to cure gravel. Take the soil from the nest of a swallow and make it into fine powder. Take mallow and boil it and take a glass of the boiled mallow with a spoonful of this powder. Give it to the patient to drink warm in the morning in the form of a syrup for 5 or 6 mornings and the stone or gravel will be urinated and you will cure him quickly. Another to cure the stone or gravel. Take1 handful each of the herb saxifrage, asparagus root and the corn poppy that grows in fields, that is the field poppy, and take 3 flasks of ordinary water and boil everything together until it reduces one third. Then strain it carefully and give one glass to the patient to drink with a little sugar in the evening and early in the morning in the form of a syrup and he will feel it have a good effect, causing the urination of a lot of gravel. If you wish to know a very rare secret, take some blood of a fox or a hare and touch it to the penis and also touch the pubis and soon it will make the stone in the bladder break into very minute pieces and in a little time you will urinate and will feel it come out. This is tested. Another to break stone in the bladder. Take a living hare, kill it and do it so that not a drop of the blood is lost. Cut it open and remove only the intestines, carefully, so that you do not draw out blood and do not wash it. Cut the hare in pieces and fit it in a clean pot with the cover closed around with dough that does not allow air out and put it in the oven after the bread is baked and leave it in long enough so it will be very dry, so by crushing it you may be able to make very fine powder. Pass it through a sieve and save it for your needs in a leather pouch. When you want to give it to a man or woman, give it warm with 3 ounces each of water of saxifrage and of lemons and a good spoonful of this powder with a little sugar in the evening and early in the morning in the form of a syrup. Do this for 8 to 10 days in a row. You should live conservatively, do not cohabit with women, drink fresh and unwatered white wines but not too much. Eat some fresh butter before meals and do not get chilled. By continuing these rules with this beverage, you will feel the stone break in the bladder and you will urinate it little by little and sometimes you will feel it when a large piece wishes to come out. In this way you will be cured rapidly. -------- [Page 146] To break a stone in the bladder. Take a live fox and a rabbit and cut off their heads and with care collect all their blood. Then put it in a clean pot with a cover and close it up with dough around so it cannot leak any steam and put it in the oven until everything is dried so you can make powder of it, very fine and sifted. Put in the head, all the blood, the feet and the skins and the livers of both. The flesh you can eat. Follow the method described above and care for this powder as if it were a great treasure and more to those who have need of it. If you do not believe it, observe this test. Take a spoonful of this powder and put it in a bowl or clean little pot with wine or water or broth and also vinegar and put in a stone and cover it well and keep it in a warm place for 6 to 8 days and you will find the stone broken in several pieces. In this way you will be satisfied and certain. Then for the person with a problem, take a spoonful of this powder and give a good bowlful of it in warm wine, chicken broth or with lemon water in the form of a syrup early in the morning and also you can give it some times when the patient has eaten only a little in the evening. When he takes it, he should take care of himself and keep all the body warm and in a few days, through God's grace, he will urinate the stone. When he feels the stone, have patience that soon he will be cured. You should know that this has been proved. If by chance a man may suffer from a serious cough, he should drink this powder in the morning with wine or warm broth and also eat it on his food. He should stay warm and soon he will be cured and will not cough any more. You should know that this water has great ability to break the stone in the bladder and make it come out rapidly. If you will do this the patient will be cleared of the stone. Another to break the stone. It is a great secret. Take some white onions and distill them in a glass still and give 6 ounces of it warm with a little sugar. Make fine powder of those little bones that are found in groups in the feet of the hare and put in 1 dram of it. And if you have drunk it for 3 or 4 mornings and do not feel any movement, add ½ dram of powder made of climbing ivy seed and it will have a more rapid effect and shortly you will feel a stirring up in the bladder and you will urinate profusely and soon you will be cured. Another to break the stone and in bladder and in the kidney. Take a goat of 2 years in the month of August and at the half moon and kill it after it has eaten nothing for a month before except climbing ivy. Collect all the blood and distill it in a glass still with a slow fire and save the liquor that comes out as something valuable. In the morning early, drink 4 ounces warm with sugar in it and also bathe the pubic area, the penis and the rump and stay in repose for 2 hours but do not sleep. Do this for 6 to 8 mornings and you will see a very good effect. It will break the stone in the bladder and even in the kidney and you will urinate very copiously in a short time. If you wish to test this distillation, make it warm and put therein a stone and leave it in this stew for 6 to 8 days and you will see the result that the stone is in very minute pieces. Similarly it breaks a diamond that is put in this liquor and if one did drink a little of it he would survive but he should be careful of it. If you take the stone that is in the head of the snail without a shell and make fine powder of it and give it early in the morning to drink with warm white wine and sugar and continue this for 8 mornings, the stone will be broken. Even if it may have been old and hard, you will urinate it soon. This has been tested. -------- [Page 147] To cause urination in several ways for illness from stone and gravel. Take 3 drams of orris root made into fine powder and mix it with the raw yolk of a fresh egg and have the sick person swallow it with warm good white wine and with a wafer Do this several mornings in a row. It softens all the body around in back and in front so that one will urinate until all the gravel goes out. You will be cured rapidly. Another for the above malady of the stone. Take some blood of a goat in the month of August and distill it in a glass still and drink 3 ounces of this distillation with ½ ounce of sugar. Make it warm and take it early in the morning and do it several times and you will see a good result with urination of much gravel. Likewise, if you are having great pain from the stone and can feel it by placing the finger in the anus, in this case take 4 ounces of this distillation and 1 dram each of very fine powder made of the blood and liver of the goat and of blood a hare and its liver. Put everything into this distillation and heat it. Then in the morning at dawn, first urinate and then inject all that you can of this composition into the penis with a pump if you can. Stay in repose for 3 or 4 hours and hold it in the bladder longer if you can and you will feel the stone break apart. In order to urinate it, take some rose water and plantain water with sugar and it should be tepid. Inject it into the penis several times and do not hold too much in the bladder but let it come in its time. Do it this way until the burning has been relieved but do not stop doing the first injection every morning. If the penis gives out urine, do not interfere. If it does not give out urine do this second injection and continue the first until you feel free of the stone with the assistance of God. Take care of yourself, eat lightly and keep warm. Do not touch women on the days that you medicate or you may do harm to yourself. Make a vow to God and to Saint Cosmas and to Saint Damian to make a benefaction on their holy day to the praise and glory of God and of these saints and by the faith that you have in God of a cure and of urinating the stone. Know that through God's grace soon you will be cured. It is tested.... 83 Other secrets for malady of the stone. Take 1 lb. of juice of saxifrage and 8 ounces of strong white vinegar and mix them together and distill them in a glass still with a slow fire. Give 1 ounce of this water to the patient to drink early in the morning with a little fine sugar. Continuing this will help you greatly. Drinking the warm juice of St. John's wort in the morning with sugar aids much in breaking the stone. Also cook a scorpion on the grill and give it to the patient to eat in any way that you can so that he does not recognize it and rub all the pubic area, the penis and around to the rear with scorpion oil that should be very warm. He should put on warm clothes and stay warm and it will have a good result. Again, take a bowl of lentils and a good handful of rue and put it to soak in 1 ½ lb. each of water of hops and of hound's tongue and of pods of broad beans and let it stay for 3 days to soak and then give 6 ounces of it to the infirm one to drink in the morning with ½ ounce of sugar. It should be warm. He should stay in repose but not sleep for 3 hours. This beverage aids in breaking the stone and he will urinate all of it. Also take the roots of young elder, wash them and clean them. Then bruise them with a stick and cook them in good white wine with ½ bowl of red chick peas. When this is cooked, strain it and save the boiled liquid in a glass bottle. Give a glass of it early in the morning to the patient to drink warm and it will help him greatly with the stone and with gravel and he will urinate profusely. If you wish never again to feel the pain of the stone, take 1 handful each of cinquefoil, couch grass and fennel roots. Dry them and make powder of them. Give a spoonful in a glass of warm white wine, one morning yes and the next no. Continuing this will help greatly in removing the pain. -------- [Page 148] To make a wine for use against the malady of the stone. Take 3 handfuls of cinquefoil leaves with the roots and 5 handfuls of the roots of couch grass, well washed and clean, 2 handfuls of saxifrage, a full bowl of whole red berries of winter cherry and 2 cut lemons. The herbs should be cut finely. Put everything in a little bag of fine, loosely-knit linen tied with a thread to the top of a wine barrel and fill this barrel with must of good, pure white wine that has not been fermented and let it ferment for 1 month or more in the barrel with the little bag in it and every evening fill it up with some must so that it heats better and purifies itself and throws down all the bad lees. When it will not ferment any more and becomes cold and clear, remove the little bag and strain the wine carefully so it does not become turbid. Then return it to the barrel and stopper it well at the top so it keeps better. When it seems to you that you feel the pain of the stone in the bladder or in the kidney or have some other difficulty with urination, drink a glass of this wine early in the morning, staying in bed and reposing for at least 2 hours. Depending on the improvement that you feel, drink it for 2 or 3 mornings and not more because it will overheat the liver. If you think that you may be drinking too much, drink it one morning and not the next so that it has less effect on you. This wine aids greatly in breaking the stone in the bladder and in the kidney and causes copious urination. You will feel the stones going out of the penis. If the effect is not rapid enough with the remedies above, it is appropriate to use some poultices or ointments on the pubic region or on the penis or kidney. Take care of yourself and eat things suited to the desired result. By doing this you will help nature recover to pristine health, with the aid of God and of Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian. You will not be the first to achieve this and you will be cured. Another to break a stone in the bladder or the kidney and to urinate it little by little. Take 2 drams each of cloves, galingale, millet and cinnamon, all powdered, and parsley, asparagus and saxifrage, dried and powdered, and ashes made from scorpions, and blood of goat and of hare, everything powdered and mixed. Then give one spoonful of it to drink early in the morning with white wine with sugar in it and it will help you greatly to break the stone and it will make you urinate copiously. Another. Take one glass of the following water in the morning and in the evening when you go to sleep. It should be warm with sugar in it and it will make you urinate a lot of gravel. Take 1 ounce each of water of radish, of butcher's broom, of asparagus, of fennel, of celery, of couch grass and of goat's rue. When you drink it, drink it rapidly and soon it will work to make you urinate the gravel gently without distress. Another for the pain in the kidneys caused by the stone. Take a large flask for the fire, fill it with good white wine and put therein these herbs, cut finely, that is half a handful each of mallow, watercress and pellitory and one grated radish, 1 ounce of ordinary oil and 10 cherries of winter cherry. Let the flask boil before the fire for a little. Then remove it carefully so it does not break and when it is cold strain it carefully. Give 4 ounces of it warm to the sick person with a stone or with gravel to drink early in the morning. He should stay in repose. Do this several mornings. Make more of this beverage as you have made this and if you will continue it, be sure that it will cause urination when you want and in excess. Another, an unguent for this malady of the kidneys. Take 3 ounces each of oil of roses and violets and myrtle, 1 ounce each of clotted goat's milk, powdered deer horn and butter, ½ ounce of camphor and 2 ounces of clean wax. Mix everything thoroughly in a pot on a slow fire and remove it from the fire before it boils too much. Put in the camphor cut finely and stir it continuously until it is cold and it will be made. Rub the kidneys in the evening with this cold and it will help you greatly. It has been tested. -------- [Page 149] Ointment for back pain and weakness in the hips and for malady of the kidneys. Take a quince and grate it all minutely and take 2 ounces each of oil of roses, or violets, of camomile and of water lily and put everything together in a little pot and boil it until the fruit is well cooked on a low fire so it does not burn. Then strain it through canvas and press it well so everything comes out that can. Put it again on the fire and put therein ½ ounce each of powdered incense and yellow litharge and 1 ½ ounces of clean wax. When it is well melted, remove it from the fire and put in ½ ounce of camphor cut up and stir it in with a stirring rod of wood until it has cooled and it will be made. Save it for your needs as it is good for 10 years and more. When your back hurts you through weakness or from pain of the kidneys, rub the kidneys in the evening and in the morning, always downward, and soon, through God's grace, you will be cured. Be careful what you eat. Do not eat things warming as they are unfavorable. This has been very well tested. Approved ointment for pain of the kidney. Take 1 ounce of myrrh, one egg white, 2 ounces of rose oil and ½ ounce of white wax. Mix them together and rub down the kidneys. Another for heated kidneys. Take 1 handful each of the herb nightshade, lesser sedum and plantain. Grind them and make juice and put in a fresh egg white, beaten, and a very little rose vinegar. Mix well together, and in the evening when you go to sleep, rub the kidneys and wet some cloths and put them on the kidneys. Also rub in the morning and by continuing this juice, soon you will be cured. Ointment for the kidney for those who are draining from the penis. Take 2 ounces each of oil of roses and violets, 1 dram each of red and yellow sandalwood, 2 ounces of white wax, 1 ½ drams of rose vinegar and 1 scruple of camphor. Put the oil and the wax in a pot and incorporate them well. Then put in the sandalwood and incorporate well on a slow fire. Remove it from the fire and put in the vinegar and the camphor, cut up, and stir continuously until it is cold. Then wash it in 3 waters and at the last one leave a little in and it will be made. Save it for your needs. Take 3 ounces each of rose water, plantain water and portulaca water and in the evening rub the kidneys very well upwards and the pubis and put on a linen cloth and soon you will be cured. Do not eat heating things. Use 1 ounce of red sugar early in the morning as you are getting up and drink at least one glass of fresh water and also 2 ounces each of distilled water of endive, chicory and plantain with ½ ounce of julep. This beverage will refresh all your insides, even the liver, and it helps the blood greatly. Use it for 4 or 5 mornings in a row. If you wish to be cured, do not fail to do these remedies for the draining from the penis. This ointment is also good for women with heated kidneys, even one who may have a white drainage. It is tested. Another water to bathe the kidneys in anyone who has dripping from the penis that inhibits coitus. Take 2 ounces each of rose water and water of plantain, of squash, of water lily, of lettuce, houseleek and sedum and whites of 3 fresh eggs and 4 scruples of camphor and incorporate all well together. In the evening and morning, bathe the kidney well and the front of the body. Then rub with the above unguent as was described and soon you will be cured. This was proved by tests. Another. Wet some cloths in fresh water and put them on the testicles and the penis. Do it several times and soon you will be cured of the dripping. It has been tested. -------- [Page 150] Water that is injected into the penis for those who have dripping. Take 2 ounces each of water of plantain, of squash, of verjuice, of pine nuts, of shepherd's purse, of burnet saxifrage and rose water and 6 ounces of good, clear white wine. Put them together in a clean pot and put them on a slow fire and put in 1 handful of dry roses and 2 drams of powdered coral and raise it barely to boiling. Then remove it from the fire and strain it and save this water. When you wish to treat with it, make it warm just barely above cold. Take it up with a little sugar in a syringe that should be clean inside. Put it in the opening of the penis and hold your hand firm and inject it with force. Do it in this way 4 to 5 times in the morning and the evening and you will cause urination. By protecting yourself from adverse things, through God's grace, you will be cured because one who has tested it renders true testimony. For 9 months he tried but never found anything that might help him and a large swelling like an egg came under the penis near the testicles and material was going in that place whenever he moved his bowels or urinated. Much material gathered there in such a way that a fistula formed and it broke open and through that opening everything exited and nothing through the penis. He was thought to be lost to illness and never more to be a man. Now, with the aid of God, having him obedient to the doctor and using on him the above-described water and the electuary written below and with the good care of the doctor, he was cured but it took many days. But at certain times he was feeling again some pricking within and this was at certain months. It is true that when he was urinating or when the material was coming out, he was constrained to press the penis which by itself was not able to make anything come out. When so much had been fixed for him, he was very content to have received such comfort from God and from men. He would watch and know that, when this material was burning him it was not cured, and if by chance it would happen, he would at once look to his first remedy, to refrain from coitus, to wash himself, to take the beverages, to use the ointments, to take the electuaries and other appropriate powders, because in truth all these remedies have been tested. I give them all to you, for in truth no others have this power. Electuary for those who have dripping from the penis. Take 1 handful each of the herb knot grass, shepherd's purse and plantain, half a handful each of the bark of the service tree and of medlar and boil all these herbs and bark together in pomegranate wine and in 5 lb. each of distilled water of unripe grapes, of pine nuts and well water. Boil it until it is reduced 1/3 and remove it from the fire and strain it and press everything in a little press and extract all the substance. Put all this boiled liquid again in a pot and put in a young fowl to cook, dressed as usual, and let it cook well until the meat is detached from the bone. Then remove it and clean it well from the bones and grind it very finely in a mortar and put in fine sugar so that it appears to you that it is made in the form of an electuary. If needed add some of the boiled liquid to distemper it when you give it or otherwise with chicken broth or with red wine. Give it early in the morning. Then at once give a glass to drink of the water written below when it is cold. Through God's grace you will see a very good result. This is a very rare secret and few persons at this time are not healed by this electuary which is effective in a few days so a person might wish to test this electuary alone. It heals freely, quickly and without taking other appropriate things. It is true that I did many tests and I cured many persons. Through God's grace, they were cured completely and quickly and I tell you this from observing it. -------- [Page 151] Beverage for those who have excessive dripping from the penis. Take 2 ounces each of rose water and water of quince or of myrtle and break in a fresh egg or put in the white of the egg and as much fine sugar as a nut and beat everything well so they are incorporated. Make this mixture in the evening and put the bowl outside in the clear air so the dew falls on it. In the morning, before you drink it, say over it this devout prayer or have it said, viz., 'God was born, God was taken and bound, betrayed and hurt, crucified and died for us miserable sinners. God was resurrected on the third day according to the scripture. As this is true, so this, my sickness, can neither decay, nor putrefy, nor cause any pain, if it is the pleasure of God and the Virgin Mary.' Make the sign of the cross over it with a Pater Noster and an Ave Maria. Then be of good spirits and drink all the water, cold, and repose for an hour. Make this beverage for 4 or 5 mornings and be certain that soon you will be cured. Take care of yourself and do not use women bcause it will be your ruin. Drink well-watered wine and have faith and you will be cured. Beverage for one in whom the penis is dripping, a blessed remedy. Take 6 ounces each of water distilled from sour grapes, water of greater and lesser sedum, of portulaca and of pine nuts and 2 ½ ounces of hepatic aloe made into powder and put it into this water. Redistill it in a glass still with a slow fire or on a bain marie. Put in this water 2 scruples of camphor cut minutely, 1 scruple of yellow litharge and 4 scruples of yellow sandalwood. Put it in a flask in the sun, well-covered, for 8 days. Then in the evening when you go to sleep, wet a linen cloth and put it on the kidneys and across to the hips and another on the pubis and on the tip of the penis. Keep wetting it repeatedly and the material will not come forth as much. In the morning drink a cup of the water made in the way described above and be sure that soon you will be cured. Do not be intemperate nor have too much exertion on those days that you take the medicine and you will see a good result. Powder for those who are dripping from the genitalia, be it a man or a woman. Take 2 drams each of seeds of lettuce, of poppy, of purslane, of hemp, of rue, of plantain and of endive, 4 drams of chaste tree, 3 drams each of roses, mint and water lilies. All these seeds and herbs should be made into very fine powder. Then every morning put 1 dram into a bowl of broth in which the feet of a calf or a cow have been cooked with half a bowl of lentils. They should be well cooked and falling apart. Then strain this broth and save it and give it early in the morning warm in the form of a syrup with a little sugar. Do this for 4 or 5 mornings and, by continuing it, soon you will cure. It has been tested. Another to check the said draining. Take prepared carob and make it into very fine powder and put in a fresh egg from a black hen. Drink one spoonful in the morning on an empty stomach 3 or 4 times and if the illness is recent, you will be cured quickly. Another for one who may be draining from the penis. Take 2 ounces of rose water and incorporate well the white of a fresh egg with a little yellow sandalwood and mastic, the amounts at your discretion. Incorporate everything well together. Then drink it early in the morning. Do not go back to bed, that is not important. Take this for 4 to 6 mornings and soon you will be cured of simple draining of the penis. Another to reduce the draining and quickly. Make milk from seed of musk melon and give 6 ounces to drink warm with 1 ounce of red sugar in the form of a syrup for 5 mornings in a row and soon he will be cured. In the evening, rub the kidneys with rose ointment. This has been tested. -------- [Page 152] Powder for dripping from the penis. Take 1 handful each of fresh almonds, the centers of lettuce and the centers of radishes. First dry them in the shade. Then put them in the oven when the bread is taken out. It should not be too warm. Grind them and make very fine powder and take 3 drams of powdered mastic and incorporate everything well together. Then take a fresh egg and put in a spoonful of this powder and drink it cold. If you do not want to drink it raw, make it barely heated and drink this on an empty stomach in the morning. Do this for 5 or 6 mornings and you will be cured rapidly of the drainage. But be warned that you should not have other sickness as well such as fever because it will not have as good a result. The one who has tested this gives good testimony for it. For the white discharge flowing from the genitalia of a man or a woman. Take some of the herb burdock and eat 2 or 3 bites of it with the dew on it early in the morning. Then make some powder of the seed of this herb, burdock, gathered during the half moon and give one spoonful of it in a bowl of warm chicken broth and give it directly after one has eaten the herb. The flux is reduced either in a man or a woman. If it is an old illness, it takes a few days to cure it and if it is a recent illness, it may be cured rapidly. If you wish to cure rapidly, take a bowl of clean barley and cook it well. Then take a bowl of this broth and beat in 2 egg yolks and half a glass of rose oil. Do not put in any salt and make 3 enemas, using it one day yes, the next no. Observe the rules for good health that are described in the paragraphs above and soon you will be cured. It has been tested. Beverage against gravel and to urinate it abundantly. Take 3 flasks of cistern water and put it in a clean pot and put therein a bowl of husked millet that is cracked and clean and 1 ounce of licorice cut and ground. Put it on the fire and boil it on a slow fire until it reduces one third. Remove it from the fire and strain it carefully, pressing the material very well. Then put this boiled liquid in another clean pot that has no odor. Put in ½ lb. of good honey. Reboil it for a bit and skim it carefully. Then remove it from the fire and save it in a glass vessel to use for your needs. When you go to sleep in the evening drink a glass of it and it should be tepid and you should eat lightly. If the illness is serious, also drink it warm in the morning when you get up. If you do not have any other sickness than gravel, this beverage will work wonderfully. You will urinate so much gravel that it will concern you because you will feel burning of the penis when the urine is going out. If you will use this gentle and glorious beverage repeatedly, be sure that you will be cured rapidly. It has been tested. Another water to drink to cause urination of a good amount of gravel. Take cistern water and boil in it licorice, well cleaned and cut, 6 ounces of honey and half a handful of celery. Boil it until it reduces 1/3. Then strain it and save this and drink this water warm early in the morning for several mornings. Do not eat unsuitable things and soon you will be cured. When you feel the pain of the gravel, drink a generous amount of this water and you will be cured. It has been tested. -------- [Page 153] *For restricting the involuntary flux of sperm. Take one pound each of distilled water of sweet balm, rose water, plantain and endive and infuse 2 ounces of seeds of the chaste tree, one ounce each of follicles of rue seeds, juice of lettuce seeds and cinnamon. They should be put together for a day and a night. Then boil it, remove it from the fire and strain it. One and a half ounces should be taken early in the day with a little warm water. *Unguent for the same. Take one ounce each of plantain juice, sedum juice, solanum juice and teasel juice, 3 ounces each of populeon unguent and rose oil, and ½ dram each of oil of water lily and camphor. Mix and make an unguent. *Syrup for the same. Take 4 ounces of plantain water, 1 dram each of cleaned melon seeds and squash seeds and they should be cleaned and well ground. Then mix them with the water and add 1 scruple of a troche of carob. The sick one should receive this syrup for 7 mornings and he will be cured. Rub the kidneys every evening with sandalwood oil or chicken fat or with the unguent described above. The sick person should eat good meat and dilute the wine well and you will cure him. *For reduced libido. Anoint the penis with juice of catmint and it will bring so much pleasure to a woman that she may neglect others. *The same. Make saliva by chewing cubebs and anoint the penis. *The same. Take powdered ash of goat skin and dry lupins softened with warm oil and rub the penis. *Best beverage for the fleshy growth in the penis. Take 4 drams of newly-cut flowers of senna, 1 dram of licorice juice, 2 drams of the milky juice of roses and 4 ounces of water of hops. Make a beverage of these and take it at dawn for 10 to 15 days. The dose should be 8 ounces, warm. *For the same. Take 1 handful each of grated licorice, mallow root, small plums and raisins, ½ dram each of seeds of marsh mallow, celery, parsley and ordinary seed, 12 lb. of spring water or cistern water. Boil it as described above and reduce to half. Take this as described above.... 84 *To put in the penis for fleshy excrescence. Take water of juniper distilled in glass and the patient will urinate at once and it will remove the growth with blood and without risk. The dose of this water to use is 2 ounces each time with 3 ounces of water of hops. Note that if you wish to help more rapidly, put in a reducing and softening medicament with a candle. *To cool the penis. Take 1 ounce each of rose unguent, unguent of camphorized white lead and use it on the candle as above. *For a fleshy growth. Take 2 ounces of heated rose oil, ½ ounce of white lead, 1 dram each of camphor and zinc carbonate and 1 ½ drams of white litharge. Incorporate everything together and make an unguent of it in a mortar of lead following the usual method. *For the same. Take ½ dram of precipitated antimony, 2 drams of sief bianco without opium, 1 ½ scruples each of mastic, incense and pulverized hepatic aloe. Incorporate everything together and make an unguent in a mortar of lead.... 85 *For the same, to make one urinate. Take water of coltsfoot distilled in glass and give 6 ounces of it to drink in the morning at dawn in the form of a syrup, or give the root to eat or give the seed made into powder to drink with white wine with a little sugar and soon one will urinate. *For the same, to cause urination of gravel. Take the milky juice extracted from the kernels of peach, of hazel nuts, of cherries and of almonds with a decoction of saxifrage and gromwell. Give it to the patient to drink and soon he will urinate much gravel. It is tested. Best secret for the stone for either man or woman and whether it be in the bladder or in the kidney and be it large or small. Viz., Take mille erbe or bovine dung during the month of May from a red ox that runs in the fields and distill it on a slow fire in a still of glass or of pottery that does not have a bad odor. Also this water has the power to remove the cloudiness that is in the eyesight. Note: take some wine made with wild radishes that are cooked in the sun or on the fire. Then take 1 ounce of this wine and 6 ounces of the above water and ½ ounce of water of strawberries and 4 drops of water of little lemons. Put everything together, in all it will be about 4 or 5 ounces. Add a little sugar and rose honey, these both serving to flavor and add to the usefulness of the preparation. Put in some powder made of burdock, as much as will be on one dinaro and also put in some powder of hare dried in the oven and another little bit of powder of saxifrage and of laurel berries, as much of each as stands on one dinaro . Give this beverage to drink with good, warm white wine with sugar. Continue this beverage for several mornings until you see good results. It is true that in illness of the stone a little more of it is given, and for gravel a little less.... 86 *Another to break up gravel. Take juniper berries made into powder and drink it with broth or warm wine with sugar. Otherwise, grind and extract the juice. Drinking that warm has much power to break stone in the kidneys. It is a good and tested secret. -------- [Page 154] To stop the blood from hemorrhoids rapidly. Take 1 ounce each of flour of lupins and egg shell pulverized very finely, 2 ounces of honey and 1 ½ ounces of linseed oil and incorporate them well together on a slow fire and it is made. When you have removed it from the fire, put in 2 scruples of camphor, cut minutely, and stir continually until it is cold and it will be made, the best and gentle remedy. With this rub the hemorrhoids several times and the blood will stop and the pain will go away quickly. Also this is another ointment you can make which is good to reduce blood from hemorrhoids when too much blood is coming out. Take 1 ounce of oil of mastic and boil it just a little and rub the hemorrhoids with this as warm as you can bear. Then put on some powdered gall, made as fine as spice powder. Do this several times and, through God's grace, the blood soon will be stopped. -------- [Page 155] To stop the white flux of women and men in several ways. Take white beans and grind them and make flour and take 1 ounce of it, 2 drams of powdered coral, 3 drams of parched, powdered deer horn, 1 dram of powder made of seeds of yellow violets, 3 leaves of sage cut very minutely and leaves of oak made into powder. Stir everything together and give the patient a spoonful of it in half a glass of warm red wine early in the morning. The patient should repose for an hour. Do this for 3 or 4 mornings. The flow will be stopped quickly by making this binder: Take 1 ounce each of dragon's blood gum and Armenian red clay, the whites of 3 fresh eggs and 2 ½ ounces each of rose water and soot from the chimney. Make everything into fine powder and incorporate together in a bowl. Then make 2 strips of hemp fibers and dip one end in this poultice. In the evening put one strip on the pubis and the other on the opposite side on the rear and let it stay this way, well bound on, and soon you will cure the white flux because it has been tested. Do not have coitus during this period. Another to make the white flux of women and men stop. Take 1 handful of the plant and seed of burdock, half a handful of ripe seeds and leaves of ivy and 1 ounce each of seeds of red poppies and of plantain. Boil everything in a flask of wine until it reduces 1/3. Then strain it and press the herbs well. Give 4 ounces of this wine every morning in the form of a warm syrup. Continue this for 6 to 8 mornings. If the patient takes care of herself as described, the flux will soon be decreased and will stop. Another to stop the white menstrual flow. Use 3 wafers and take one each morning and say a Pater Noster with the Ave Maria and make over them the sign of the cross. On the first one write these holy words, viz., '+ Pater agios + Pater athanatos + Pater eleyson + Pater ymaon.' On the second morning with 3 Pater Noster, write: '+ Pater Deus + Pater fortis + Pater inmortalis + Pater miserere + .' On the third, write with 5 Pater Noster: '+ Pater quies + et quid novenus + est. Free your servant (name) from sickness +.' Do this remedy for 3 mornings in a row and you will see the effect of holy words. To make her sleep, take the gall bladder of a hare and give it to her to drink with red wine and soon she will sleep for 2 hours and it will help her greatly. Another to stop white menstruation. Take 1 ounce of seed of amaranth, that is the velvet flower, the red kind, ½ ounce each of dragon's blood gum and Armenian red clay, 2 ounces of burdock seed, 2 ½ ounces of the yellow flower that is in the center of the vermilion rose, 4 ounces of the seed of sorrel picked on the day of Saint John the Baptist or the day of Saint John the Beheaded and 4 ounces of fine sugar and this will be all. Make very fine powder of all these things and incorporate them together. Preserve this in a packet of leather for your needs. When the woman needs it, she should take one spoonful of the powder in the evening when she goes to sleep with good red or white wine or broth that should be warm, otherwise with a fresh egg. Also in the morning she should take some in the form of a syrup and repose for 2 hours. She should continue it for 6 to 8 days, keeping herself from every pollution and should not eat things warming but all things cooling. I tell you that soon, with the aid of God, you will cure her, since many knowledgeable persons have tested it and they have cured.... 87 Another to reduce the white flux. Make this lavage and put on these tents. Take water distilled from milk vetch and wash the vagina 4 to 6 times a day and it will help greatly. Then take juice from the best valerian and make some tents as long as the little finger made with the usual rules. Wet them very well with the juice and put them on the opening of the womb and you will see a good result. Change them often. Give this syrup: 2 ounces each of plantain juice, knot grass juice and portulaca juice, 1 ounce of rose water, ½ dram of powdered ginger and 1 dram of powdered coral with sugar. Give it warm in the evening and the morning for 7 days and you will cure her rapidly. It has been tested. -------- [Page 156] To stop the white discharge of women quickly. Take 2 ounces of the core of the stems of one-year-old elder, 6 ounces of fine wheat flour, 3 ounces of fine sugar, 3 drams of yellow sandalwood and 5 drams of parched deer horn and make everything into very fine powder. Mix and make it into a dough with enough clean honey and make little fritters cooked in a covered frying pan. In the evening when the patient goes to sleep, she takes one in her mouth and with that goes to sleep. Be careful about those things described above or you will accomplish nothing. Early in the morning give her a bowl of chicken broth to drink, or broth in which a calf's foot has been cooked with ½ dram of powdered coral, 1 dram of parched deer horn and 1 ½ drams of yellow amber. Alternatively these may be put in either good red wine or in a fresh egg. After this beverage, she should rest for a while and very soon, through God's grace, she will be cured. Keep this as certain. First attach around her neck this prayer written on clean parchment with 3 Pater Noster and say 14 times, 'In the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, Amen +. The Lord, the Father and the Holy Spirit are merciful. Amen. The blessed Virgin Mary and [Jesus Christ, Amen. Amen. Glorious mother of God].' Say this 2 times or 3 a day, continuing for 7 days. Then in the evening make this warm broth. Take 1 handful of milk vetch, 4 cypress nuts, crushed, 1 ½ drams of powdered incense and 2 scruples of powdered cloves and boil everything in dry red wine until it reduces 1/3. Then strain it and put in the powdered cloves. In the evening when she goes to sleep, she should wash the vagina very well with this warm wine and should not dry it but let it dry by itself and go to sleep leaving that manis christi in her mouth. In the morning she should take the beverage described above, taking care of herself as described above. It is very certain that she will be cured rapidly because I say I have made it work many, many times and have achieved effects when it was truly desired. They are cured by observing the rules that have been put in place.... 88 Also you can put a band of linen in a box of camphor for one night and gird that around the kidneys and it will help you to restrain the white menstruation. For warming the vagina. Take 4 drams each of crushed white lead, roasted lead and rose oil, 2 drams of white rose vinegar and, if there are festering sores, add 3 drams each of roasted parchment and squash. Mix everything well together an make it in the form of an unguent and medicate with this. But first the sore place should be washed with barley water, plantain water and water of cypress nuts with a little white wine and 2 ounces of honey made in the form of a hot lavage and washed 2 or 3 times a day and then medicated. She should eat refreshing things and soon you will cure her. I give you this as certain through hearing of it. Fomentation for the womb when it has come out of the vagina. Take some lodestone that has been under the earth so it has not seen air and put it in a great fire and make it very hot. Then put it in a tub and sprinkle it with strong vinegar. The woman should stand over it and receive all those fumes. This is done in the evening and at once she should go to bed. Then have some rue and extract the juice. Then make a ball of cotton and attach a thread that can be attached to the thigh. Wet the ball in the juice of rue and put it in the opening of the womb and at once the woman should take the ball and push it in and the womb should go back to its place. However, make a good tie for the ball so it does not remain inside. Then make this ointment to rub the kidneys. Take cyclamen and rue, each the same amount, and grind them very finely and put them in a little pot to boil with old oil until it reduces 1/3. When it is cold, press well until you extract the substance. Then put it again in a clean pot with a little clean wax and incorporate it well. Rub the kidneys and put on warm cloths and wrap them well. Make the woman stay with the kidneys lowered and with the head and buttocks raised. Do this one evening yes, the next no. Do this 3 times and she will be cured. She should eat warm things: doves, hens, cockerels with spices and good wine and soon she will be cured even if the malady is old. -------- [Page 157] To reduce the red discharge of excessive menstruation of women. Take these kinds of distilled waters: water of oak leaves, of sorb apples, of knot grass, of pine nuts, of liverwort, of cornelian cherry, of myrtle or rose water, each the same amount, and heat it and give 3 ounces of it to the sick person to drink, then 4 ounces, then 5 ounces and at the end give 6 ounces when the flow is so severe that it does not want to stop. Do all this 4 times in one day and you will see a marvelous effect. This beverage will reduce the red menstruation marvelously so that no more will come. It has been tested faithfully. If by chance the flow may not have stopped from the body, give it for 2 days and do the usual enema with oil of camomile. If she takes care of herself you will cure her soon, with the aid of God. Be sure of it. Another to stop the red menstruation of a woman. Take some hair from the sick one and bind it around any tree that you wish with a Pater Noster. Then make this beverage: take 3 ounces each of parched deer horn and fresh anise, both made into very fine powder and give one ounce of it to drink in the evening in warm red wine for 5 or 6 evenings and she will soon be cured and put in ½ ounce of broad beans. It has been proved that it stops the flow. Another to reduce red menstruation. Take linen fiber used for thread and cook it in the usual way, that is on the ashes, and in the evening when you go to sleep steam the vagina with the vapors and put one of these skeins as warm as you can bear on the pubis and the other opposite on the buttocks and wrap them well. Then go to sleep. Do this 2 or 3 evenings and soon you will be cured. Take care of yourself and you will be cured. Another to stop the red menstruation of a woman. Make a powder of deer horn and of her hair, ½ ounce each, and incorporate them with 3 drams each of powdered mastic and myrrh. In the morning give it to her to drink with 4 ounces of warm red wine in the form of a syrup for 4 or 5 mornings. Do not doubt that very soon you will cure her. For the rest you know how to care for her and it will bring you honor. Another to stop the red menstruation of a woman. Take 3 ounces of burdock juice, 2 ounces of plantain juice, 3 quatrini of powdered cloves and 2 ounces of endive water. It should be drunk cold early in the morning and should be done several more times. I tell you that soon you will cure her. She should not eat warming things. Another to stop menstruation. Take 4 ounces each of juice of plantain and of knot grass, 3 ounces of rose water, 2 ounces of myrtle water and boil them and add 2 drams of [ ] and 1 dram of fine powdered cinnamon and make it into a syrup. Give it early in the morning and in the evening when she goes to sleep. Do this for several days and soon you will cure her so that too much menstrual fluid will not come.... 89 Another to stop menstruation so that too much does not flow. Take 2 ounces of the stone hematite, crush it and grind it very finely on porphyry and mix it with 2 ounces of plantain juice. Add ¾ of a pound of tansy and divide it into 3 parts and have her take one of these parts every day for 3 days and soon she will be freed. If this medication does not please you, take ¼ of a pound of dragon's blood gum and shells of hazel nuts ground into powder, mix them together and give it to the sick one to drink with dry red wine and cover her well in bed and do this for 5 mornings and if she has not recovered, continue to the end of 9 mornings and she will be cured. She should be careful what she eats, not eating things that are cooling. *Also to the above, one can add roasted bark of pomegranate made into powder and give it to drink with mutton broth and it will stop the menstruation rapidly. It has been tested.... 90 To cure the vagina of the woman both inside and out. Take rose oil washed nine times with five pounds of fresh water, 2 drams of camphor and 1 dram of white wax. Melt the wax with the oil on a little fire and when you have removed it from the fire, put in the camphor, cut finely, and stir until it is cold and it will be made. With this rub the vagina and soon you will cure her. First wash it with rose water and fresh water. Another to cure it inside. Take 6 ounces each of mucilage of tragacanth and kernels of quince seeds, 2 ounces of flax seeds, 2 ounces of oil of sweet almonds and 1 ½ ounces each of oil of lilies, of camomile, of violets and butter and boil them on a low fire and you will have a soft unguent. Rub with this in the morning and evening and soon you will cure her. Another for this illness of the vagina. Take 1 handful of rue and grind it very finely and compound it with laurel oil and wet cloths in it and put them in the vagina and soon she will be cured. Otherwise you can use all three of these treatments together and they will do the work and quickly. She is not to eat warming things and you will cure her soon. It has been tested. -------- [Page 158] To cause the period of a woman. This has been tested. Take 1 handful or more each of fine mint, hyssop and corn poppy, that is red poppy, and dry them in the shade and make very fine powder of them. Then give a dose of 1 ounce or 1 ½ ounces to the woman, each time according to the person, if one is more affected than another. Incorporate 2 scruples of saffron in the dose and give it with 4 ounces of water of maiden hair fern or good white wine or mutton broth or with a fresh egg and it should be warm. Give it early in the morning in the form of a syrup and she should lie down for at least 2 hours and be careful. She should take this beverage for at least 3 mornings in a row. Soon she will have her period and even one who has never had one. In the evening when she goes to sleep, she should rub the body, the vagina and the stomach with the following oils that should be well warmed and she should be well wrapped with warm cloths. Take 3 ounces of laurel oil, 2 ounces of oil of camomile and 1 ounce of white lily oil and add ½ ounce of sweet almond oil and 1 scruple of whole saffron. Heat all together well until the oil takes up the odor of the saffron and she should rub the body with this very warm from the throat down to the bottom and she should stay very warm. You should know that very soon, with divine aid, the menstruation that you expect will come. This secret has worked very effectively in some nuns, giving thanks always to God and observing the rules given above. You will not seek other medicine because this one is the most approved. Another to cause the period of a woman. Take 1 handful each of the herb juniper, maiden hair fern, burnet and nettle seeds. Then take 3 flasks of very good white wine and boil everything together until it reduces one third. Then strain it and press the herbs well on the press. Then return this boiled liquid to the fire and put therein 1 dram of crushed saffron and ½ dram each of myrrh, mastic and incense and let it barely boil. Then remove it from the fire and let it cool and strain it. Save it in a glass flask in a cool place, well covered. In the evening when you go to sleep take 4 ounces of it, tepid, and in the morning take 3 ounces in the form of a syrup. Continue this for 3 or 4 days. Those persons who have tested this give true testimony of having attained the desired outcome in great part, if not fully, and the women have been satisfied. Another to cause menstruation in several ways. Take a root of white lily and roast it. Then crush it and add 1 ounce of laurel oil and ½ ounce of rose oil and incorporate them well together. Then in the evening when you go to sleep, make it very warm and rub all the body and wrap on cloths and it soon softens the hard body and helps the spleen wonderfully and causes menstruation when it is done several times. Another for causing menstruation. Take 1 ounce of nettle seeds and 1 dram each of myrrh and mastic. Make everything into fine powder and give it with grape must or white wine to drink. It makes menstruation return rapidly. Another for causing menstruation. Take seed of masseroni , seed of yellow violet and also the true yellow violet, making everything into powder. Incorporate 2 scruples of saffron well. Then give it to drink with broth or white wine several times and you will see that it brings out the menstrual material. Another for causing menstruation. Take 1 ounce of yeast, 1 ounce of peony root, ½ ounce of madder, ordinary oil that is old and 2 scruples of saffron and mix everything and make it warm and give it to the sick one to drink in the evening and soon the menstruation will come. Take artemisia and boil it and take that fomentation and put it on the pubis. Take some juice of the same herb with myrrh and saffron and make a tent soaked in this juice and put it in the vagina and it will bring the menstruation quickly. Furthermore, take 3 ounces of roses and boil it in 2 lb. of sweet white wine and reduce it 2/3 and give it warm to drink with saffron. Give the juice of the climbing vine that grows in the hedges to the sick one to drink with honeyed water and soon the menstruation will come. Another to cause the period of the woman. Take dried rock alum and mix it with strong vinegar and put it warm on the navel in the evening and soon the period will come. -------- [Page 159] Lavage for the womb when it may be coming out from the vagina. Take one and a half jugs of good white wine and put therein 1 handful each of flowers of camomile, dry roses and flowers of blue violets, 1 ounce of powdered incense and 2 drams of mastic. Boil everything together until it reduces 1/4. Then strain it and with this tepid boiled liquid wet a little fine linen cloth and very gently bathe the cervix of the womb that is coming out and especially those fine crusts that are attached to the part outside that are made by exuding blood. Then when you have bathed it and cleaned it well and dried it with another very fine linen cloth, push it up the cervix very gently and at the same time have a good fragrance under her nose so that she draws the good odor in and she breathes at the same time you push inward. Then make a fomentation from below. So that none of it is lost, take a bowl with a few embers in it and put on them incense, solid styrax, lodestone and powdered yellow sandalwood, at your discretion. It will mix with her breath and as she draws it in this will help you greatly so that the womb will quickly go into place. Do this lavage 2 times a day or 3, depending on whether the infirmity is serious and old and, with God's grace, soon you will cure her. This has been tested in several persons and they were cured quickly and well. She should be careful of what she does and should eat good things, and little and well cooked, and should stay warm, not have much exertion and should sleep alone. Another to soften the womb that descends out of the vagina. Take some old lard from a male pig and the same amount of goose fat, cut them up, melt them and with this slightly warm the womb should be rubbed very well and with care. But first take some roots of dwarf elder, wash them well and cut them finely and cook them very well in water and before the woman rubs herself, first make this fomentation closed below so nothing is lost. Then rub with great care and soon the hardness will be softened and the womb will go into its place rapidly without pain, using dexterity to push it up very slowly. Smelling good odors continuously will help her by having her inhale the odors strongly. Do this several times and you will cure her quickly. Another for one with prolapsed womb. This remedy has been tested. Take some seeds of henbane, that is Hyoscyamus , and make very fine powder of them. Then take a basin with hot ashes in it and put this powder on them and make a fomentation from below so that nothing is lost. But first make this lavage. Take good white wine and boil it with dry roses, cinnamon, nutmeg and camomile. Then bathe the womb well and with great dexterity and it should be dried. Do this fomentation and soon it will return to its place. She should also be smelling something fragrant and take care of herself. Another for the womb that descends out of the vagina, to make it return within. Take 1 handful each of pennyroyal, tansy, camomile, sage, flowers and leaves of tamarind and boil them with good white wine until it is reduced 1/3. Then with this wine, tepid, wash very carefully the cervix of the womb that has dropped out and push it up very slowly with a fine linen cloth and soon you will cure her. It has been tested. Another to cure the womb when it has descended and also the intestine that comes out from behind which is something very bothersome. Take tepid goat's milk and repeatedly bathe the womb or the rear of the man. Then put this powder on it, made very fine like a spice. Take equal amounts of parched deer or goat horn and Greek pitch and add an equal amount of mastic and put it on the womb. Then press it back in very slowly with a fine cloth. Do this several times and soon you will cure. She should take care of herself in all the things as has been said above for 6 to 8 days and you will cure her rapidly. It has been tested. For one in whom the womb has prolapsed make this fomentation. Take mutton fat, grapevine leaves, Greek pitch and pine tar, the amounts at your discretion, and put all these things on the embers and make a fomentation that the woman receives from below so the sick area receives it. Do this several times and soon the womb will return to its place. Another fomentation for the womb that has come out. Take fenugreek, incense and myrrh, each the same amount. This gives a heavy perfume and the womb will return to its place. -------- [Page 160] For one in whom the intestine falls out of the rear. Take the same amounts of raisins, cleaned honey, cumin and incense. Everything should be well ground and incorporated very well in the mortar and made in the form of a soft unguent. Then rub the intestine gently with the unguent and push it up with a fine cloth. Smelling good odors draws in the breath and soon this will cure. You should take care of yourself and not do too much exertion. Stay warm, eat little and of substance and you will be cured. Another to make the intestine return inside from the rear. Take white lead, wild pomegranate, rock alum and antimony, each the same amount, made into very fine powder. Then wash the intestine with white wine in which roses, cinnamon and camomile have been boiled. It should be very tepid. Then when you have washed and dried it gently, rub it with rose and violet oils with a feather. Put on this powder like a spice and push the intestine inside very slowly with the hand using a fine linen cloth. Then put on a thick cloth on the outside and bind it so that the intestine is not able to come out of the body after you have treated it. Then do it again and continue to medicate 2 or 3 times a day until it is cured. The patient should take care of himself and not exert himself too much, so soon, with the aid of God, it will be cured. It is tested. Another to make the intestine return inside when it has come out because of flux. Take rosemary, sage, mint and parsley, 1 handful in all, cut finely with a knife. Take a little hard cheese of sheep's milk and stir everything together with 2 eggs and make a pancake of it and put it between 2 rose leaves, one on top and the other below. Sweep the hearth clean and put this pancake in the center with the leaves until it gets very warm. Then cover it with very warm ashes and let it cook. Then give it to the sick one to eat in the morning and afterward he should sleep. Do this 3 or 4 or more times, according to the need and soon, with God's grace, he will be cured. He should take care of himself and not eat warming things and soon he will regain health. To resolve an inguinal swelling or boil inside. Take galbanum gum and spread it on chamois leather in the form of a plaster and put only this on the inguinal swelling or boil to make it disappear. It will resolve itself quickly and you will be cured. Another to resolve a swelling before it fills up greatly so it will be forced to come to a head. Take one or 2 leaves of savoy cabbage and pork fat and grind them well together and put it on the sore place or swelling. Do this 3 or 4 times and if it wants to go away, it will go away to nothing and will be dissolved. If it wants to form a head, it will mature and may be incised without pain and soon it will be cured. Another for the above-described infection. Take mallow, sweet violets, marsh mallow and linseed flour, the amounts at your discretion. Cook them in water. Then grind this and put in pork fat and make a plaster and put it on warm. To open up boils quickly. Take flax seed and boil it in cow's milk until it is well cooked. Then put this on the boil in the form of a very warm plaster. Soon it will open, whether it is an abcess or whatever it may be. Another to make a boil open. Put thereon dog's dung as warm as you can and it will soon be opened. Another to make it open and quickly. Take cyclamen roots and old lard, well ground and incorporated, and put it on in the form of a very warm plaster. No matter how swollen it is, it will break open quickly and you will be cured. Another to resolve swellings on the groin. Take 1 ounce of lily oil and 3 ounces of camomile oil, 2 drams each of Armenian clay and dragon's blood gum. Boil all these things together on a slow fire and put it on the groin in the form of a very warm plaster. Do this for 3 days and it will be resolved. Another to resolve or destroy it. Take goat's leaf and oil and grind them and put this on and it will remove a carbunculus. Another to cause maturation. Take rose oil, oil of egg yolk, mother's milk and wheat flour and compound them and put it on warm. The same. Take garlic cloves and pepper and chew them in the mouth and put it on the carbuncle and this will work within 3 days. It has been tested. Another. Take some feathers that are on the rump of a live pullet and at once bind them on the sore place and the sick person will be cured and the chicken will die at once. You recognize a carbuncle when it develops with great pain and is very red and inflamed. Another. Take self-heal, grind it between two lodestones and put it on the sore place and it will open in one night and you will be cured. -------- [Page 161] To resolve a boil rapidly. Take one orange and divide it in half and squeeze it into a bowl. Soak therein a cotton stupe, press it and put it on the warm ashes. Press it again and let it stay until it is warm. Then remove it, clean off the ashes, put on a little well-ground salt and put it warm on the boil or swelling. Put that half of the orange on the stupe and bind it well so that it does not fall off. Change it in the morning and evening and soon it will resolve the boil and it will go away. This has been tested. To make a boil come to a head that is on the rib and on the breasts of women. Take crumbs of white bread, raisins or dry grapes, all well ground, and butter, pork fat, bread yeast and cows' milk and incorporate everything on a slow fire and add a little powdered saffron. Then put this warm poultice on a cloth and put it on the swollen sore. Do this in the morning and the evening and soon it will come to a head and break open. Then treat it with rose oil and egg yolk for one day and then with unguents that draw out matter. If you see that there is infection or irritation, then treat with unguent of aloe and of zinc carbonate and others that are binding. Another to cause maturation. Take half a handful each of flowers of camomile, sweet clover and dill and some Florentine iris. Boil them in water and put in barley flour and lupin flour and rhubarb, each at your discretion. Then make a poultice of it and put it warm on the bad swelling 2 or 3 times. If the swelling does not want to resolve or come to a head, add the cooked roots of marsh mallow, pork fat, fenugreek flour, flax seed, oil of camomile and saffron. Put that on and soon it will maturate and open. Another to cause maturation. Take roots of marsh mallow and cook them in water with a lily bulb, linseed flour and pork fat with saffron. Mix everything together and put it warm on the swelling and soon it will draw out to a head. Another to cause a sore place to maturate. Take olive oil, wheat flour, flax seed flour, 2 scruples of saffron and lard and boil these on a little fire, stirring continuously so that it does not stick or burn. Then put it on a cloth and put it on the sore or on the swelling and you will make the sore maturate rapidly. Another to cause maturation and relieve the pain. Take violets, ordinary oil and butter at your discretion with the best wheat flour and put everything in a little pot and boil it on a slow fire, stirring continuously so that it does not burn. When you see that it is well cooked, spread it on a linen cloth and put it warm on the swelling and you will see a wonderful result, either that it breaks open or disappears. Another to make an abcess break open. Take 1 ounce each of dove dung and ashes of woody vines, ammonium chloride, powdered lead and oil and incorporate these together and make a poultice and put on the sore place.... 91 Another to resolve abcesses and scrofulas. Poison hemlock has sharp and flatulent actions. Do not give it by mouth in any form. But if it is cooked in wine with the dung of the ass and with linseed and made into a poultice, it dissolves abcesses and scrofulas. The root with its bark is effective in such illnesses.... 92 For the navel coming out too far from the body. Take purslane and dry it. Then boil it with lard and a little water until it becomes in the form of an unguent. Remove it and reboil it in very strong vinegar. Remove it and press it well between 2 boards. Then rub the navel several times with this paste. It should be warm. When rubbing it, press the navel in very gently and it will go in as you wish. This is used when the baby has had bad nursing from the wet-nurse. This is a good remedy. -------- [Page 162] For the navel coming out from the body from damage. Take 2 drams each of new wax, butter, native sulfur and Greek pitch and incorporate them together on a slow fire and put it on the umbilicus and bind it tightly. Take care of yourself and soon you will be cured. Another to make the navel draw in when it is coming out. Take dried portulaca and cook it in water. Then take lard and grind them together and boil it to a pastille in strong vinegar and express the juice. Rub the navel with the juice. Then bind the pastille on the navel and it will be healed quickly. For those who are not able to be satisfied with their wives, say this prayer and carry it with you. + In the name of the Father + Son + and Holy Spirit. + Amen. We pray, 'God of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, God who from the rib of the first man created woman, a helper to him as one heart and one spirit and two in one body, so men should leave behind father and mother and cling to their most gentle wives. God of the Holy Trinity, the true God, truth itself, I swear to you, I entreat you in your most holy name, which is ineffable, alpha and omega. Just as you removed the boys from the flames of the furnace, saved Shadrach, Misach and Abednego, so extinguish ire, anger and discord between me (name) and my husband (name). If you would restore us to concord and bind us together in my love, do not allow anything harm my striving for his love (name). My husband should love me and hold me in such affection as was between Adam and Eve and between Abraham and Sarah. So may God give true love and affection between me (name) and my husband (name). Amen.' You should know that this is effective without the Mass. However the husband and wife ought to have it said over this prayer and they ought to be beside the altar when Mass is said, especially in honor of the Holy Mary and the Mass of the Holy Trinity and the Mass of the Holy Spirit. After the masses have been said, the wife or husband in private should cook bread for her husband or his wife and God will aid them. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. Another to reconcile the wife with the husband or the husband with his wife or other persons. Say this holy prayer in the morning with a blessed candle and devotedly and in a few days you will see a good effect. First make the sign of the cross, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. 'Holy Mary, mother of our God, Jesus Christ, Saint John the Baptist, Saint John the Evangelist, Saint Adon and old Saint Simon, strict and crowned, whom God much loved, Saint Leonard, Saint Helen who came to the cross of our Lord, Jesus Christ, on Mount Calvary, bring back my husband (name) to my love, Amen. God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, bring back (name) to my love, Amen. The right hand of the Lord is virtue. The right hand of the Lord has raised me. May the right hand of the Lord bring back (name) in virtue to my love. Amen. All the holy angels and archangels, all the holy patriarchs and prophets, all the holy virgins and all the saints of God bring back (name) to my love. Intercede with him. May his father or his old teacher, speaking of his honor, intercede between (name) and (name). Amen. Lord Jesus Christ, son of the living God, who sent the love and passion of the Holy Spirit into your disciples, through your holy intercession send honest love between (name) and (name). So (name) has said to (name) that he loves her with all his heart, with all his mind, so he can love no other person except (name) said above. Amen. Amen. Amen. So be it. So be it. So be it. +Agios + hotheos + agios + ischiros + agios + athanatos + heleyson + ymas +. Holy God, holy power, holy and immortal, pity this sinner (name). Amen. Come forth, Lord, and hear me (name), a sinner calling to you. Just as you hear all prayers, so hear me (name). Hear me, Lord Jesus Christ. Send your righteous love between me (name) and (name) whom I love as myself in good faith, so that it is not possible for me to stand nor walk, eat nor drink, neither by day or night, nor do or have anything good unless he will love me with all his heart and with all his mind (name). Christ conquers, Christ rules, Christ orders. Amen. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.' Say one Pater Noster and one Ave Maria and be sure that you will have God's grace.... 93 Another for the above. Write these on an unconsecrated wafer. 'Peace to you and from you my peace. I give peace to you. Alpha and omega is the first and foremost. (Names of husband and wife). Eat this and you will have the peace that you desire. Another for the above. Take powder of valerian and give it to the husband to eat or he may carry it near him and the husband will love his wife. Another for the above. Write on an unconsecrated wafer, 'Abraham loved Sarah, Isaac Rebecca, Jacob Laban, Joseph the blessed Virgin Mary. So each esteems each other over all things in the world.' Then put it under the altar while 3 masses are sung and make it into powder and eat it and it will happen. *Another to remove hatred and malice. If anyone may have hatred against you or your wife or your husband, take 3 burning coals and extinguish them with your urine, saying, 'As I extinguish these coals with my urine, so is removed any malice or hatred a man or woman may have against my person +.' As you do this, step over the coals. Do this 3 times with a Pater Noster. -------- [Page 163] Poultice that maturates and softens quickly. Take 2 ounces each of oil of camomile, of dill and of lavender, 1 ½ ounces each of fenugreek flour and linseed flour, 4 ounces of turpentine and 1 ounce of new wax. Put the oil, wax and turpentine together on a slow fire until they are well melted and mixed. Then remove this from the fire and put in the flours and incorporate them well. When it is tepid, put it on the abcess in the evening and the morning. Rewarm it and keep putting it on and keep it very warm. Do this several times and soon the abcess will be resolved either from within or by opening and it will be gone. Another poultice for maturating. Take 6 ounces each of tar and honey and ½ ounce each of incense and fenugreek flour. Put the tar on the fire to melt, then put in the honey, then the incense and the flour and remove it from the fire and mix everything well. Then, as warm as you can stand, put it on the abcess that hurts and is not ready to maturate and is developing. Put this poultice on enough times so the abcess will be excellently maturated and it will give you no more pain and soon you will be cured. Another poultice for reducing the open sore of an abcess without necrosis. Take the yolks of 3 eggs and enough barley flour or dust from the mills to knead the yolks into a poultice. Then put it on twisted yarn with little disks of the poultice and put one on the open abcess. This closes the abcess and makes tissue grow and removes the pain. It will cure you rapidly. Another poultice for closing sores, very well tested. Take 6 ounces of turpentine, 4 ounces of rose honey, 1 ounce of myrrh and enough barley flour. Melt the turpentine on a slow fire, then mix in the rose honey. Remove it from the fire and put in the myrrh and put in as much of the flour as needed to knead into a soft paste. Then it will be made, your good and perfect poultice that you will be able to use at your pleasure on any sore or open abcess in the way described above, putting twists of yarn on the little disks. It will bring you honor. Another poultice for closing all open sores. Take 4 ounces of rose honey, 6 ounces of turpentine, 1 ounce each of sarcocol gum, myrrh and fenugreek flour and enough flour of rye and of lupins to thicken the poultice. Melt the turpentine on a slow fire and then mix in the rose honey. Remove them from the fire and at once put in the sarcocol gum and the myrrh made into fine powder and the fenugreek flour and then the other 2 flours as needed until it has enough body. Always mix until everything is well incorporated and it will be made to perfection. Use it to treat at your pleasure in the way described above and you will cure quickly. Another poultice for maturating any abcess. Take clean marsh mallow roots, cut finely and well ground. These are then prepared. Incorporate very well with 3 ounces each of pork lard and butter on a low fire. Put it warm on the abcess and soon it will be cleared up. Another maturating poultice. Take 3 white onions and cook them on the grill. Then take the yolks of 3 eggs and as much butter as half of everything else and mix well together. Put it warm on the abcess and it clears up rapidly. Also you can add wheat flour and rose oil and this will work well. Another poultice for maturating quickly. Take 2 ounces of marsh mallow roots, 1 ½ ounces of yeast for bread, 1 handful each of sweet violets and absinthe. Boil all these things in water so they are well cooked, grind them in a mortar and put in 2 ounces of powdered dry roses. Then mix all these things with the water and put it warm on the sore spot and soon it will maturate and you will be cured. It is tested. -------- [Page 164] Unguent to put on sores to make flesh grow. Take 3 ounces of tar, 2 ounces of clean wax, 1 ounce each of incense and fenugreek flour and 1 lb. of ordinary oil. Boil the oil and melt the tar in it. Then remove it from the fire and put in the other things and continue to stir until it is cold and it will be made and save it for your needs. This unguent is put on top of a sore on a plaster and not into the sore. This generates good flesh. You do not need more than that, but sometimes other unguents are used. Another unguent for resolving and maturating Take 3 ounces of camomile oil, 1 ounce each of clean wax, fenugreek flour and flax seed flour and incorporate everything on a slow fire. Then remove it from the fire and stir until it is cold and it will be made. This unguent maturates and resolves very wonderfully the infirmity described above. It will bring you honor. Confection for coldness of the stomach. Take the root of sea holly, which is similar to the parsnip, wash it and clean it carefully and cook it in honey, not too much, so that it is softened. Then grind it and put it in a bottle and put in appropriate spices, sugar and cinnamon and save it for your needs. In the evening when you go to sleep and in the morning when you get up, take a dose each time. By continuing it, it will give you a warm stomach and good breath and it will make you urinate a good amount. It has been tested. Another for one who may have coldness of the stomach. Take some roots of the bee orchid, that is the fox stone orchid, in the month of March. Wash and clean 1 lb. and boil them with a flask of good white wine until they are well cooked and at the end add a little rose water. Then place them in a clean basin and add 2 ounces of starch from flour, 1 ounce each of finely powdered cinnamon, cloves and ginger, 4 ounces of fine sugar and 4 grains of finely chopped musk. Incorporate everything well and make small wafers of it and cook them in a covered frying pan or put the pan in the oven. When they are cooked, save them, and when you go to sleep, take 2 or 3 according to the size that you have made. After sleeping you will have the very best stomach and it will augment you in coitus, I tell you, in greatly enjoying coitus. By continuing it, you will see a very worthy result so that your wife will be content. Another to augment intercourse. Take climbing ivy that is pilose on the reverse side of the leaves. Grind it and make juice and rub this juice well on the testicles and shortly you will feel that your generative powers have been greatly increased. Another. Take laurel berries and powder them and mix them with powder of diasatirion , that is the root of the bee orchid made into fine powder. Rub as described and it will have the desired effect. Another. This ointment is powerful. Take 2 drams of native sulfur and 1 dram of pepper. Macerate them finely on a marble slab and distemper them with honey. Then rub all the prepuce and under the member and you will feel great warming. When you wish to go to your lady, wash yourself with tepid water and you will do very enjoyable work. If you wish to please your lady more, rub the prepuce with oils of nutmeg and of wild civet and you will see a wonderful thing in the great love that you will bring your wife. She will not know what you did that she never felt this kind of contentment in similar acts before. This is what men do if they want to give women the best in the world. To make the woman love her husband. Write the psalm, 'Hear my prayer, O God,' and he should carry it on him and she will always love him faithfully.... 94 For a man who does not want to stay with his wife. Take lodestone and white lead and say a mass over them. Then make fine powder of them and give it to him or to her to eat and shortly they will love each other very warmly. To make a man leave a woman and attend to his wife. Take a bean and divide it and write on one part the name of the one who has the power to be discordant and on the other part the other name and throw them apart and they will dislike each other. Doing this and redoing it will be holy work. Keep faith that it has been tested several times. -------- [Page 165] Electuary to rewarm the stomach and the kidneys to incite venery. Take 1 ounce each of the bulbs on the root of the greater and lesser bee orchid, 2 drams of ginger, ½ ounce each of Indian nut and rabbit blood, 4 ounces each of man orchid, sea holly and penciolani , 1 ounce of bran dust, 2 drams each of cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, cardamon and carrots, ½ ounce each of seminis buli , ½ dram of Indian leaves, ½ dram of the best musk, ½ ounce each of cleaned pirnea , pistacia kernels, rooster testicles, fox testicles, red chick peas, shelled beans, cleaned crocus, 1 ounce of mandrake root and white sugar and clean honey enough to compound the electuary. This is wonderful to improve coitus and to retain sperm so it will not come forth quickly when the male rod stands erect and strong in battle and it will please you well. It especially improves the sperm ducts and it is a powerful medicine overall for which opportunities are found. Another unguent as above to rub in the evening. Take one gall bladder of a boar and put in this 1 ounce of very fine powder of galingale and mix these together. Dry it and make very fine powder and incorporate it with oil of nutmeg and make it in the form of an unguent. With this rub the penis and, being with your lady, you will give great delight. Another unguent as above to rub the kidneys in the evening. Take 10 large and fresh nutmegs, 3 drams of ground coriander, 4 drams each of long and round peppers, 2 drams each of galingale and Roman pellitory, ½ ounce each of white ginger, cloves and cinnamon and 1 ounce each of mustard, native sulfur and laurel berries. All these things should be made into very fine powder and add 3 ½ ounces of washed and clean bee orchid. Then take 1 lb. of clean honey, 6 ounces of malvasia or other very good white wine, 2 ounces each of oil of mint, laurel oil and juice of catmint, 1 ½ ounces of goose grease and 3 ounces of white wax. In a vessel that has no odor, put on the fire the honey, wine, oil, juice, wax and the bee orchid and boil it until the wine is consumed. Then put in the above powders and incorporate them very well. Remove it from the fire and put in 4 grains of musk, 1 dram of civet and 6 grains of ambergris. They should all be macerated very finely to be almost impalpable and combined with fine sugar. Then incorporate all the composition very, very well and it will be made in the form of a soft unguent and it will be complete. Save it with care in a covered bottle for you and your related friends to use. In the evening when you go to bed, rub the kidneys throughly and the penis and the prepuce. Then stay with your dear wife and take your contentment together until there it will grow again. It is tested. Plaster against coldness of the stomach. Take 1 scruple each of the kinds of unguents made with musk, with amber and with aromatic roses, 1 scruple each of cloves, nutmeg, galingale, ginger, red coral, red roses and mint, 1 ounce of mastic, 3 drams of incense and as much oil of lavender and oil of spermaceti as needed to make this poultice. Then when it is made, spread it on a napkin or on a red, scarlet or cochineal red cloth. Put this warm on the stomach and keep it warm with a red cloth on it. Continue this and it will rewarm your stomach as much as you would wish and as it feels to you to be near, you will be able to raise it. This is tested. To put peace and concord between two people, that is husband and wife.* Say this prayer for 9 mornings and 9 times per morning with a blessed candle burning. When you have finished, say a mass of the Annunciation and you will have the grace you will have so urgently requested. This is the prayer, viz., 'I come to you, Angel Gabriel, and beseech you through your compassion and mercy and through the annunciation of the Virgin Mary and through that peace that you brought to the house of the Lord. May Caspar take you (name) to me, may Balthasar bind you to me, may Melchior lead you to me. So lead me to you and you to me (names). Angel Gabriel, who descended from heaven and brought peace and unity in the house of God, so put this peace between me and (name) that nevermore we are divided. I send the Angel Gabriel to you with honey in the mouth and with roses in the lap, so you can deny to the Virgin Mary that I ever did ill. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen + + + .' *(Above this prayer is written in a different hand, 'It is a superstition').... 95 Another. On a new parchment or from an unborn lamb, write and carry with you. 'O Alpha and Omega, first and foremost, I promise to my man (name) that my love may always be most sweet as was between Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Rachel, Eustace and Theopista, and Jesus with the Church and with his disciples. So may love and peace be unbroken between me (name) and my man (name). + Christ conquers +, Christ rules + Christ orders +. Christ it is who orders that my love of my man and my man of me be made unbroken and inseparable. So be it + + + .' -------- [Page 166] The woman who has this prayer on her will give birth rapidly and without pain. 'In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. + Now, child created in heaven on high, infant come out in the name of the Father who created you. Come forth infant in the name of the Son who died for you. Come forth infant, in the name of the Holy Spirit who protects you. I bear you. Come forth in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. Anna gave birth to Mary. Elizabeth gave birth to Joan, the ancestor. Mary gave birth to the Savior. O little child, in the name of the true Christ, O baby, whether alive or dead, come forth from the womb as Christ calls you to the light. He invites you toward the fountain of life so you may see the splendor of living. Come forth because Christ calls you, just as he called Lazarus from the sepulchre. So be it. God who freed Sarah and gave her a son and likewise who made Rebecca the wife of Isaac, do this through your compassion for your servant (name), in the name of the Father, + Son + and Holy Spirit, + Amen.' Note that when the woman begins to give birth, then the woman attendant or other person says a Pater Noster and Ave Maria and also others in attendance. Then you read this prayer so that she hears it. Then she puts it on her back. As soon as she has given birth, remove it from her and give thanks to God that she has given birth without pain. For the pain of parturition or for one who may have a dead baby in her body. For the woman not able to give birth, take 2 scruples of saffron and mix them with good warm wine and give it to her to drink and it will help her greatly. Also say these holy words so that she hears them, viz., 'The heavens tell the glory of God and the firmament proclaims the work of his hands. Day to day his word comes forth and night to night his wisdom is revealed. They are not discourses nor utterances. The voices of these may not be heard within the bounds of earth. He has placed his tabernacle in the sun. Come forth as a bridegroom coming from his marriage bed. Elizabeth gave birth to Joan, Anna gave birth to Mary, Mary gave birth to the savior. This mother will give birth without pain, in the name of the Father, + Son + and Holy Spirit, + Amen.' Then do this, take half a glass of milk of a bitch and likewise good wine and a little honey and mix them well and give this warm to her to drink. If the baby should be dead in the body, take powdered myrrh and give it to her to drink with warm wine and with juice of burdock, of sage and of mallow and purge the woman and she will give birth at once without distress. Another for the pain of parturition. When the woman begins to feel the pains, look for a stone impregnated so that it has a kernel inside. These are found in the nests of eagles. She should bind the stone to one of her thighs and at once she will give birth. Be advised that as soon as she has given birth, the stone should be removed because the inside may all come out and this results in great danger If you think that the baby is male, tie the stone to the right thigh and if you believe that the baby is feminine, the stone should be bound on the left thigh and parturition will be almost without pain. If by chance the woman is not able to carry the child to its time and that during this time it may be lost without much cause, the woman should carry this stone on her back so that it touches her flesh and she will carry the baby, through God's grace, to its time. Then if the stone is removed as she begins to feel the pains, make it hang on one of her thighs, as described above. If the woman may know that she may have too much heat or warmth and this is the reason that she may not carry the baby to its time, she should eat almost all things cooling during this time. This aids in carrying the baby so it is not detached from the kidneys and stays to the end of its time. You should know that warm things in such a person deplete and weaken the strength and cause fever. -------- [Page 167] Another for one who feels the baby is dead in her body, to make her give birth in a short space of time. Take some of the herb savory cooked with cleaned honey and give it to the woman to eat. In a few days the baby will come forth without pain. If the pains should come after this delivery, make this remedy. Take equal amounts of cabbage leaves, mallow and Mercury's herb and cook them in oil. Then make a poultice and put this warm on the pubis, close to the vagina. The pain will lift soon and the vagina will be cleansed. Another. Take the washed root of elecampane and cook it in water and give this to the woman who has a dead baby in her body. It will make it come out without any danger to her and will stop the red menstrum and will make her urinate a great deal. This medicine is safe and without danger because it has been tested. To know if a woman may give birth to a male or female. Splash a drop of milk from the right breast of the woman in a glass of clear, cool water and another drop from the left breast in another glass at 5 months, 7 months and 9 months of pregnancy. If you see that the drop that falls in the first glass goes to the bottom and the center part stays in a clump and then floats up but stays tightly together, you will judge that the baby will be male. When the milk splits apart or spreads on the water smoothly, judge that the baby will be female. Then do the same with the second glass of cool water with milk from the left breast. See if the 2 signs are confirmed. If the drop goes to the bottom you will say male and if the drop spreads you will say it is female. Try this other sign. If the gravid woman is upright on her feet, call her and watch well which foot she puts first before the other. If she puts the right foot forward first, it is a male in her body and her body will be pointed toward the front. If she puts the left foot first, judge the baby to be female and she will not be as pointed in front but will be greater toward the sides. These tests have been tried many times and for the most part have come out correctly and it holds that they are tested. Another. This is true and tested. When you see a pregnant woman, make the sign of the cross, look her in the face and say together the Pater Noster and the Ave Maria. Then say these 3 little verses, looking at her while she is silent. 'Increate Father, increate Son, increate Holy Spirit, one without creation. Infinite Father, infinite Son, infinite Holy Spirit, one infinity. Eternal Father, eternal Son and eternal Holy Spirit.' Then note well if she puts her hand to her waist to make some adjustment or to arrange something around her neck. If that happens, judge it and say to yourself that she will deliver a male. If she makes a sign from the waist downward, judge the baby to be female. If by chance the woman does not make the sign clearly, say the above words one more time. At the end of 3 times you will see some of these signs appear. If she makes them above the waist, it is judged to be male and if they are made below the waist, it is judged to be female. This sign has been used many times and I have never been in doubt when it is made. It is a simple and straight-forward method and it is true and tested. -------- [Page 168] Electuary so a woman may have sons. Take 1 handful each of sage and fine marjoram and boil it in a large carafe with very good malvasia wine until it reduces nearly by half. Then grind these herbs and put in 6 ounces each of very clean honey, fine sugar and fine powdered cinnamon and incorporate everything well together in the mortar and it will be made. Save it in a covered bottle and when the woman goes to bed, she takes an ounce or more, but first is purged. In the morning before she gets out of bed she will feel a warming movement and then she should have intercourse with her husband and soon the result will be seen. Another potion to have sons. Take some betony picked in the month of May during the waxing moon and dry it in the shade and make fine powder. Take 1 lb. of honey, boil it in a clean little pot until it is well cleared and foamed. Remove it from the fire and strain it and put therein ½ ounce each of nutmeg and fine cinnamon, 2 drams of powdered cloves and 2 ounces of powdered sugar and enough of the above powder to thicken it. Mix everything warm, stirring continuously until it is cold. Then put it away in a bottle in a cool place. In the evening and the morning an amount equal to a nut should be taken for 10 or 12 days. Then she should stay with her husband early in the morning and she will see a marvelous result. Also she should use some in the morning, drinking a fresh egg with a spoonful of this powder of betony in it and relax a while in bed. But if the woman may be too sanguine, remove 3 ounces of blood every month from the common vein and she should eat things cooling. By using the above electuary and staying with her husband and with faith in God and knowing how to take care of herself, soon she will conceive. Every evening she should use this fomentation written below. Viz. Another fomentation for the woman from below in the evening. Take pennyroyal or wild horsemint and boil it well with water. The woman should sit over the steam and receive it from below. She should do this 10 to12 times and stay with her husband and have the womb in a position to become gravid. Afterward she should keep quiet and calm for 3 hours on the right side and she will feel nausea and pain in the body. On observing this she will know she is pregnant. It is tested. Another to know if the woman will deliver a male or female. First you need to know the month when she retained the seed and also the month that she expects to deliver and her name and that of her husband. Take the names and latinize them and count all the vowels, that is a, e, i, o, u. For example, in September there are 3, in May there are 2 and in the name Petrus there are 2 and in Katerina there are 4 for a total of 11. Because this is an uneven number, you should say she will give birth to a male. If the number is even, say it will be female. This is an infallible rule drawn from astrology many times by men of every faith and it has been tested. Also if you may be told that the child, either male or female, is blind in one eye or crippled or lame, only ask the name and look at how many vowels are within the name. If they are even it is fated that it will be on the right side and if they are odd, the left side will be imperfect. If you have not seen it and have learned its name, do this in Latin. To know if a woman loves a man or not. With your hand raised, go to her and say these words in the form of three statements, viz. ' Oracha minor fulgor,' 'Giabat gael rafphael,' Sada minium remuit.' Watch her and if the woman puts her hand to her chest, she does not love you. If she loves you she will put her hand quickly to her face and as your spouse she will come to love you and you will have your desire. For one who is not able to have intercourse with a woman. Take incense from the Easter candle, myrrh, gold, silver, wax and a blessed palm leaf and put everything in a reed tube and say over it the Mass of the Three Kings. Attach it to the left arm on bare flesh and if you try it you will see the result. -------- [Page 169] When a marriage may be troubled by discord. Say to the husband and wife that in the evening when they want to go to bed, they should say devoutly on their knees these two psalms, 'Judge me, O Lord, for I am innocent.' The second, 'The hymn is raised for thee, O God, in Sion.' and all the short creed with 3 Pater Noster and 3 Ave Maria. Then the husband or other person should say this prayer, viz., 'As the 3 magi were to go together to visit Jesus Christ, so we can enjoy holy matrimony together. As Jesus Christ received the milk from the Virgin Mary, so may I be received by my wife in holy matrimony, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So be it.' At the end they say a Pater Noster and soon, through God's grace, they will be unbound and freed from discord.... 96 Another for the man who is not able to fulfil his legitimate marriage with his wife and wants to use her, do this. Take some blessed white wax, enough to make 4 wafers and melt it on an iron shovel on the fire and pour this wax in a bowl with clean water in it. Then make a plaster and cut across it to form 4 parts and make them round in the form of a wafer. Then write on the first of these parts these words, viz. 'God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob,' on the second, 'Caspar, Balthasar, Melchior,' on the third, 'Michael, Gabriel, Raphael,' and on the fourth, 'Shadrach, Misach, Abednego.' Take the four written pieces and say over them 5 masses in reverence of the 5 wounds of Jesus Christ. Then take the four wafers and put one in each corner of the bedroom where the patients sleep. They should have faith in Jesus Christ that they will soon be freed because others have proved this. Another to remove evil deeds. Write on 3 unconsecrated wafers these words and for 3 mornings take one with devotion each morning with a Pater Noster and drink it with a little blessed water and soon, through God's grace, you will be free and cured of the evil. On the first wafer write, 'I (name) am innocent of any transgressions. In my Lord God, Jesus, I trust and I will not be weakened. + Jesus conquers, + Jesus rules, + Jesus orders. + Jesus defend me from all spells and charms, Amen.' On the second, 'You Lord Jesus Christ will not withdraw from me. Give assistance to me. Amen. Jesus conquers, + Jesus reigns, + Jesus defend me from all spells, Amen.' The third morning say, 'Break my bonds, Lord, and the evil against me. Praise to you. Jesus conquers, + Jesus rules, + Jesus from all spells and evil defend me, Amen.' Do this with devotion and, with the aid of God, soon you will be free. Another to remove any spells and charms. Write on 9 unconsecrated wafers and give one each morning and say 5 Pater Noster and 5 Ave Maria in robes for 9 mornings. You will see much improvement from the sorcery. Viz., the first morning, 'Peace. The Father is power. +' The second, 'The life of the Son is the highest knowledge +,' and on the third, ' The Holy Spirit is the true being and the remedy for humans.' Another to free a charmed man or woman quickly. Take a glass of wine in your hand and say over it these words three times in a row with a Pater Noster. Continue this for 3 mornings and each time when you have said it 3 times with the sign of the cross, have the man or the woman drink it all. These are the words, viz., 'I exorcise you wine by him who divided the Red Sea for the flight of Israel, by the 140,000 innocents taken from earth, by the 9 orders of angels, by the 10 holy words, by the 5 books of Moses, by the 4 evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and by the Holy Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, so our Lord may undo every charm and all spells and all evil that was done to you as God did through the power of our Jesus Christ who judges the living and the dead of the world. In the name of the Father + Son + and Holy Spirit + Amen. Christ conquers, + Christ reigns, + Christ rules, Amen + + +. So be it, Amen.' Then bind this little prayer on the right thigh of the woman, viz., 'They came out of the belly and they said lies.' If you will do this, soon it will free you. It has been tested. To go on a journey and be secure from dangers. When you go on a journey say the Pater Noster and the Ave Maria and say, 'I would go on the way with Christ before me and with peace. The Holy Spirit be with me +. I commend myself to Christ and the Virgin Mary and Saint Jerome. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.' -------- [Page 170] To remove hardness of the breasts when they may break open and to cure them when they have been cut. Take 3 ounces of flax seed flour, 2 ounces each of fenugreek flour, ordinary flour and pork lard. Take a pot and put therein one carafe of wine and one of water and put in all the above flours and strained lard and put it on a slow fire until it thickens, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula so that it does not stick. Remove it from the fire and stir until it is cold and it will be made. Save it for your needs. Then with this medicate the breast without a tent and without other unguents and you will see a fine cure. If it is put on the breast a little warm, it will do better. Another unguent for the trouble described above with the breasts. Take 6 ounces each of marsh mallow, mallow juice and flax seed flour, 5 ounces of washed turpentine, 3 ounces of rancid butter, 2 ounces of thick tar and 7 ounces each of rose oil and white wax. First cook the roots of marsh mallow well until little water remains. Then press them on the press until all the substance comes out. Put the flour, juice, turpentine, tar, butter, oil and wax in this boiled liquid and return it to a slow fire and mix it well and stir continuously. After it is thickened, remove it from the fire and stir until it is almost cold and save it for your needs. When you wish to use it, spread it on a linen cloth and put it warm on the painful place on the breast, in the morning and in the evening and you will cure it soon. Another unguent as above for pain in the breasts of women. Take 1 ½ ounces each of crushed white lead, rose oil, goat fat and marrow of ox bones, 2 ounces of washed old butter, 1 ounce of clean wax and 1 ounce of lard, ground and washed. Cut up the fat and the marrow, melt them and strain them. Then return them to the pot and put therein the cut wax, oil, butter and lard and mix well on a slow fire. At the end put in the white lead and it will be made. Save it in a bottle for all your needs. Rub the breasts with this. It is good for all the maladies of the breasts and even for a bad accident and for the warm salt humor and even for scabies. This unguent will bring you honor. It is tested.... 97 Another salve for a swollen breast. Take some beet leaves and cabbage leaves and make juice separately and oil of violets, each of these in equal amounts. Mix everything together on a slow fire and let it boil only a little and keep stirring until it is cold. With this medicate in the evening and morning, putting it on fine linen cloth. Soon you will cure her and it will work well for you and you will be honored. Another salve for swollen breasts. Take equal amounts of strong vinegar, mastic, frankincense and bull dung and put them in a little pot and boil it until it is incorporated and it will be made. When you wish to use it, warm it and spread it on a linen cloth and put it warm on the sore place of the swollen and painful breast. Do this twice a day and soon it will be cured. Another salve for pain in the breasts. Take 6 ounces each of clean honey and old washed butter, 3 ounces of cumin and 1 ounce of powdered cloves and put everything together and boil it a little until it is well incorporated and it will be made. Then spread it on warm cloths and put them on the breasts and soon you will cure them. Adding a little musk to this soothes all the limbs. Another to remove the pain in the breasts. Take lard from a male pig and the same amount of white horehound and pound them together and incorporate them on the fire and make a poultice and put it on warm and it will cure the breasts. Another to remove pain from the breasts of women. Take 5 or 6 grains of seeds of broom, make fine powder of them and give this to drink with warm white wine and soon the pain will cease. Also the root of the dwarf elder, ground and put on, will remove the pain quickly. All these remedies are tested and are effective. -------- [Page 171] To cure breasts that may have broken open from a humor or an ulcerated abcess that may discharge matter. Take roots of the herb that is called dropwort which has leaves that draw back like those of burnet saxifrage and has white flowers like those of wild carrot but a little larger and has roots that grow like those of peony but smaller and all attached one behind the other in the shape of a ring. The time to pick it is in the beginning of June when it is blossoming perfectly. Take as much of this root as you wish, wash it well and dry it in the shade if you can and make very fine powder of it. Save this for all your needs. When the woman has an illness in the breast caused by running humors she may have pain more in one place than another and if you see some signs of red and hard swelling there may be an opening from which material continues to leak out. So that this woman may be cured rapidly, do this. Every morning take ½ spoonful and not more of this powder and have her drink it with white wine or warm broth as a syrup early in the morning and she should rest for an hour. If the breast is not broken open, do nothing more. Rub only with violet oil and if the soreness is increasing it will break open by itself and if the abcess is small it will be resolved from within. If the breast has broken open and matter leaks out, do not put anything on it except 3 or 4 folds of white cloth, one on the other, because this powder has the property that by itself the medicine cleans all the matter inside and sends it out through the opening and gently cleans without pain. When a lot of matter comes out that is a good sign that it is curing quickly because all the matter is gathering and coming out. Then, so that this illness will be well healed, she should follow all the rules you give her and it will heal easily and well. Even if the breast was swollen but it came to a head that was not broken open, continue just the same with this powder alone and the illness will be resolved little by little. You need to do nothing more. She should take care of herself for a few days and will be cured. It is tested. This powder is also useful in epilepsy. If you take the flowers of dropwort that are white and put them in a little carafe with pure olive oil and cover it and put it in the sun for 20 days or one month, the oil will take on a very wonderful and pungent odor. This oil has many virtues, especially for pain of the stomach and also for those who may be ill from pregnancy and if it is rubbed on warm it is powerful in pains of the body. It stimulates urine and it may cure leaking of urine. It is useful for pain in the kidneys and it removes flatulence from the stomach, when it is rubbed on very warm. It removes the burning and signs of a burn and leaves the flesh soft. This oil has been tested many, many times by many gentlewomen of the Piedmont.... 98 To soften the breasts and to remove pain. Take 1 ½ lb. of cows' milk and bread crumbs and boil them together and put therein 12 threads of saffron to boil. Then put it on the breast as warm as you can stand in the form of a poultice. Do this in the morning and evening and it will reduce the swelling quickly and remove your pain. Another to remove pain in the breasts. Take the herb cinquefoil and with pork fat, dove dung, honey and wax, each at your discretion, and incorporate everything on the fire. Then in the form of a poultice, put it on the swollen and sore breasts. Keep it on warm and soon it will lift the pain. Another for pain in the breasts. Take 2 ounces of the inner bark of elder, 3 ounces of rose oil and ½ bowl of earthworms well washed with wine, and boil it a little. Then press it well under the press. Put in 1 ½ ounces of clean wax and when it is melted, put in incense and aloe, each 1 ½ ounces. Mix it well and it will be made. Rub the breasts with this several times and you will cure them. -------- [Page 172] To cure the nipples of the breasts when they may be hardened or with some cracks. Take 1 ounce each of violet oil and white wax and ½ ounce of ground incense and mix everything together and stir well and with this rub the nipples of the breasts or the cracks and soon they will be cured. Another for pain in the nipples. Take 1 handful each of dry roses and mallow and cook them. Then cut them finely and put therein rose oil, unwashed butter and barley flour, the amounts at your discretion, and mix it well and put it warm on the breast. If by bad luck a nipple was broken open, medicate first with unguento basilicone and then put on this warm poultice. Do this several times and soon you will cure. Even if they may discharge matter or may be swollen and red, you will cure them soon. Another for cracked nipples. Take brandy, rose oil and powder made from the soles of old shoes that are roasted. Put equal amounts of the oil and powder on the fire and incorporate these and with this salve, rub the nipples of the breasts and soon will you cure them. It should be warm. Another for hair of the nipples of the breast caused by having eaten some hair inadvertently. First say 3 Pater Noster and 3 Ave Maria and also have someone near say them. Where it may be appropriate to the sickness, do it this way or do this in a circle, as you prefer, with the cross in the middle and say these 4 words, ' Rex, Lex, Lux, Pax .' That is enough and soon it will be cured without anything else.... 99 Another for cracks on the breast and also good for lips and hands. Take 1 ounce each of marrow of veal, oil of sweet almonds and clean wax and put everything in a little pot and mix it well and it will be made. With this salve rub the cracks several times and shortly you will cure them. To increase the milk in the breasts and to make it come forth. Take marsh mallow, well cooked and well ground with pork lard, and flaxseed flour and well ground fenugreek, the amount of everything at your discretion, and incorporate them on the fire. Put it on the breasts and it will work well for you and the milk will be increased. Another for one who may have lost milk. Take a hoof of a cow, roast it and make very fine powder and give it to the woman who has lost her milk to drink with wine or warm broth with sugar and soon her milk will return. Another in whom the milk has been lost. Take some of the herb burdock, grind it and extract the juice and give 2 or 3 ounces to drink warm, with sugar in it, to the woman who has lost her milk and she will have it in abundance. Another for the woman who has lost milk either through fear or through other mishap. Find a plant of burdock, and, kneeling, say the Pater Noster and the Ave Maria and say, 'Holy plant, through the power that God has given you, so may you give me some milk as you wish and not as much as you can.' First make over it the sign of the cross. Then pick 3 leaves and eat them. Then uproot the plant and let it dry. At once there will be so much milk that you will not know what to do with it. It has been tested. Another to make milk come and increase in women. Take the green leaves of fennel and boil them with wine or with water. The woman should drink it at meals and before meals, as much as she can, and her milk will be plentiful. If she still suffers from retention of flow or has only ordinary flow, this is the usual medicine. Another to make enough milk. Take 1 ounce each of mouse droppings and long pepper and make very fine powder and give it to the woman to drink with broth or wine with sugar and soon there will be as much as she will want and she will not need more. Another for an illness of the nipples of the breasts. Take the yolks of 2 fresh eggs, 2 quatrini of clean wax, a little rose oil and a packet of zinc carbonate prepared with rose water. Incorporate everything on the fire in a clean little pot and when it is cool, spread it on a cloth and put it on the sore place. First wash it with white wine in which roses, plantain and leaves of the green olive have been cooked. Then dry the sore place and put the poultice on and you will heal it quickly. -------- [Page 173] So the breasts of women do not grow. Take acacia juice and wet some fine cloths in it and put them on the breasts in the evening when you go to sleep and they will become smaller in a few days. If by chance you are not able to get some of this juice, take powdered frankincense and distemper it with strong vinegar and wet cloths in this and put them on the breasts and they will not grow any more and will always stay firm. Another to make the breasts of women stay small and firm. Take seeds of poison hemlock, grind them and make fine powder and put this in strong vinegar. Wet linen cloths therein and in the evening put them on the breasts and they will stay small and firm. Likewise, take the hemlock juice made in the month of May and strong vinegar, each the same amount, mix them and in this wet the cloths and put them on. If you use this and wet them frequently, they will always be firm and white. It has been tested. Another, a water to tighten the vagina and for breasts that show up too long on the chest and wanting them to be firm and not soft. First take 1 handful each of sorb apples or its leaves or bark, pine nuts, wild plums, cornelian cherries, quinces, medlars or leaves and myrtle, half a handful of pomegranate flowers or rind of pomegranate, 3 ounces of rock alum, 4 ounces of pomegranate wine, 1 ½ handfuls of dry roses and 4 fresh eggs cooked in their shells. Put together the herbs and the pine nuts cut or bruised and do one incorporation of everything. Distill this in a glass still and save the distilled water in a glass bottle. This water has all the properties that nature can give to reduce all the external parts such as the vagina, by wetting some cloths and putting them in and out and binding them there. Also for lacerated breasts wet the cloths and put on 2 or 3 double folds. Also for wrinkles of the face, bathe in the evening and the morning. By treating heavily the wrinkles will be seen no more. Also wetting other parts of the body stiffens all the flesh. This is tested. To tighten the vagina make powder of medlar leaves, incense and rock alum, 1 ounce of each, and put everything together in a little linen cloth, somewhat thin or yielding, wrap it and make a little ball and when you go to sleep put it in the vagina. Do this 6 to 8 times and you will see a good result, very likely with no more problem and your husband will be very content. Another to draw milk quickly out of the breasts of women. Cook some mint in wine with some dill, each the same amount, and make a poultice and put it very warm on the breasts and soon the milk will come. Another. If the breasts may be swollen with too much milk, put on a poultice only with mint and it will reduce the swelling. Another to reduce any hardness and swelling of the breasts. Take 1 handful each of mallow and sweet violets and cook them in water. Then beat this with lard on a chopping board and put it warm on the abcess or soreness of the breasts or on any other place. Do this several times and soon the soreness will be reduced and go away. Another to keep milk that is not being used so it will not come out of the breasts. Take cooked, minced beans and put them as a poultice on the breasts. They do not let the milk fall out from the breasts. Another to break down a bad growth on a breast or in other places without cutting. Take flax seed and grind it well with 2 or 3 dry figs and make a poultice with honey and put it on in the morning and evening and soon the pain lifts and the place will break open by itself. It should break open or be resolved and go away and you will be free and cured of this illness. -------- [Page 174] To cure swollen testicles and a man's member that cannot be reversed and other infirmities of these. Take 2 ounces each of old pork lard, laurel oil, camomile oil and rose oil and incorporate these things on a little fire. Then take crushed beans that are well cooked and well broken up and incorporate all the above things and make a poultice. Spread it on a leaf of cabbage and put under it a linen cloth and put it warm on the testicles or penis that is swollen and soon one will see a good cure. Also good for swelling of the testicles is to put on freshly ground rue. It helps considerably. Another to reduce swelling of the testicles or penis resulting from any cause. Take equal amounts of flour of beans and rose oil with a little white wine and compound them together on the fire. Make a poultice in the usual way and spread it warm on a cloth and wrap it on so that it stays all night. Do this also in the morning and stay in repose and soon the swelling is reduced and the pain lifts and you are cured. It is tested. Another for swelling of the testicles that has not been cured. Take some branches of elder and remove the outer bark. Then take the inner bark that is green. Then take a new brick that has not touched water and make it very hot and squirt it with good wine with this bark on it. It should stay until it is very flexible. Put this warm on the testicles and do it several times. Stay in repose and soon you will be cured. Another to reduce swelling. Take 10 ounces of bean flour, 3 ounces each of chick pea flour, cumin, myrrh and coriander, all in fine powder, and as much rose oil and violet oil as suffices to make a poultice on a slow fire. Spread it on a cloth and put it on the testicles. Another, a lavage to make for a man's swollen member. Take mallow, roses and violets and boil them with water and make a poultice with lard and put it on warm. If the penis may be broken open, put thereon this powder, viz. Take hepatic aloe and high quality myrrh pulverized finely and incorporate them with mother's milk. But first rub it with oil of violets and then put on this powder. Another for the above illness, swollen and broken open. Take hepatic aloe and zinc oxide in fine powder and put it on the sore. Then put on a cloth with this unguent, viz. Take ordinary oil, clean wax, mastic, incense and goat fat, each the same amount made into powder, and make an unguent on a slow fire. Then strain it and at the end put in a little woman's milk that is very suitable for illness of the member. Medicate in the evening and the morning and soon you will cure. To help it heal, take equal amounts of white lead and yellow litharge and incorporate them with rose or violet oil and put it on and soon it will be cured. Do not change any of the above rules which are very good. Another to reduce swelling of the member. Take ½ handful each of dry roses, camomile and barley flour, and 3 ounces of rose oil and boil them in white wine and make a poultice and put it on warm and the swelling will soon be reduced. Another lavage for the penis when it is swollen or has broken open. Take the same amounts of the herb shepherd's purse, wild pomegranate and cypress nuts and boil them in white wine and wash yourself with this warm. Then put on this unguent. Take equal amounts of hepatic aloe, incense, zinc carbonate, mastic, myrrh, Armenian red clay, cypress nuts, sarcocol gum, dragon's blood gum and litharge. They should all be made into very fine powder and incorporated together. Then wet the sore place with mother's milk and put on some of this powder, thickly, and soon you will be cured. If you do not wish to make this lotion, you could make this other. Take white wine and boil in it roses and the same amount of violets and wash the penis well with this warm wine. Then take white lead and sarcocol gum and incorporate them with rose oil and rub the sore place several times and soon you will be cured. If the bad place may become ulcerated, take dried rock alum and put it on and in the opening of the ulcer. Do it several times and soon you will heal it and you will be cured. -------- [Page 175] To cure the member of a man that may be sore and ulcerated from several causes. Take equal amounts of powdered aloe and clay from Lemnos and boil them with linseed oil until it is thickened and use that. Again, take squash, pomegranate rind and cypress nuts and boil them in white wine and wash your penis in this warm wine. Then put on powdered cypress. Again, take 4 ounces of rose oil, 1 ounce each of litharge and wax, ½ ounce of white lead and ½ dram each of mastic and verdigris. Make everything into powder and make an unguent of it on a slow fire. When it is cooked it becomes a tan or red-brown color. Put in a little powdered incense. Then remove it from the fire and it will be made perfect and good. Another for the aforesaid sickness of the penis. Take turpentine washed in 9 waters, powdered tartar and red sugar, each at your discretion, and the yolk of an egg. Incorporate everything together and make it in the form of an unguent. First wash your member with warm rose water. Then rub it with this ointment several times. Likewise you could rub with this other salve. Take turpentine, incense, hepatic aloe, myrrh and clean wax and incorporate everything with rose and violet oils. Treat by medicating with this and soon the penis will be cured. Other treatments of several kinds for illness of the member. First take 1 ounce each of Armenian red clay, litharge, white lead and clay from Lemnos, nightshade water, a little vinegar and 3 drams of camphor made into powder. Put them together and make them in the form of a liquid unguent and use this to medicate yourself. Again, take the white of an egg, rose oil and 2 scruples of camphor and mix everything together and with this bathe the penis. Then as you medicate yourself, take care of yourself and soon you will be cured. Another lavage for the penis. Take 1 handful each of camomile and milk vetch, 1 lb. of honey and 4 lb. of well water. Boil everything together until it reduces in half. Wet some cloths or a sponge and put it on the sick place. Do it several times and you will be cured quickly. Another to cure the virile member that is irritated. Take 2 ounces of tartar from white wine, 1 ounce of dried rock alum and 2 drams each of dragon's blood gum, mastic, red sandalwood and incense and they should be made into very fine powder. Put this powder on the bad spot that is raw from inflammation or from other problems and soon it will be cured. For an inflamed penis, take ½ ounce each of litharge and incense, ½ dram of camphor and ½ ounce each of rose oil, rose water, violet oil and mother's milk and make an unguent of it and treat with this. Again, take sage and boil it in white wine and wash yourself with this. Then put on powder of hepatic aloe and soon you will be cured. Again, for the aforesaid illness, take 2 drams of rock alum, pomegranate rind and dry roses in the amount that you want, 2 spoonfuls of honey and 2 glasses of red wine and boil it in a little pot very slowly until it reduces 1/3 and wash yourself well with it warm. Then put on powder of tartar, cypress nuts and camphor, the amounts at your discretion, and soon it will be cured. Another unguent for the inflamed penis. Take 1 ounce each of rose oil, white lead, litharge, burnt lead and rose water and incorporate everything in a lead mortar and do not heat it on the fire and it will be made. First make this lavage. Take 1 handful each of roses, long plantain and pomegranate rind, 2 drams of goat's rue, 5 drams of white tartar, 2 drams of rock alum, 5 ounces of rose honey and 1 dram of verdigris. Then take 3 lb. each of rose water, plantain water and nightshade water and boil all the above things until it is reduced 1/3. Then wash the inflamed or ulcerated penis with this tepid lavage. Then medicate with the above unguent. Do this in the morning and the evening and it will be cured rapidly. -------- [Page 176] To cure the member in which one is not able to reverse the foreskin and has pus in the tip. Take 3 lb. of fresh white wine, 2 ounces of rose honey, ½ handful each of dried roses, camomile, mallow and myrtle, and 1 ounce of incense and boil everything together. Then squirt some of this boiled liquid, tepid, in the penis. Then wet a linen cloth in rose and violet oils and put it on the sore place in the tip. When you wish to reverse the skin, put on it this powder, viz., take ½ ounce of hepatic aloe, 3 drams of parched rock alum, 1 ounce of myrtle powder and make everything into fine powder and put it on the prepuce. By continuing this you will be cured. Another lavage for the sore penis. Take 4 glasses of malvasia or good white wine and put in 1 dram each of dried rock alum, verdigris and saccharine alum. They should be finely pulverized. Wrap them in a thin linen cloth and put this to soak in the wine for at least 3 days and do not move it at any time until the end of the 3 days. Then remove it and hold the penis in this tepid lavage to soak for at least ½ hour. Then wet some cloths and bandage the penis and stay in repose. Do this in the morning and the evening and soon you will be cured. To make a warm bath to relieve a spasm of pain, take a glass of white wine, a spoonful of honey, 2 drams of copper sulfate, ½ handful of dried roses and half a bowl of fine bran. Boil all these things in the wine and when they are thickened, put them on the sore place of the penis as warm as you can stand and soon it will lift the pain. Another for the penis that has pus in the tip. Take equal amounts of pomegranate rind and myrtle and make very fine powder. But first wash the tip with warm wine with 1 ounce of rose water in it. Then put on some of this powder and it will help to remove the pus and the bad odor. A lavage for illness of the penis with pus in any part. Take 1 ounce each of milk vetch, borage flowers, dried roses and dried violets, ½ ounce each of copper sulfate, verdigris and rock alum, 1 ½ ounces each of camomile flowers and myrtle, 6 ounces of raw honey and 3 jugs of good white wine. Boil everything together until it is reduced in half. Then strain it and save it for your needs. Bathe the penis in it several times with it tepid. Wet some cloths in it and put them on the sore place and soon you will be cured. Another powder that is put in the opening of the penis. Take 1 ounce of incense, 3 drams of parched parchment and 2 drams of hepatic aloe and make very fine powder of them. Put it with skill in the opening of the penis and you will be cured. Another preparation for the inflamed and infected penis. Take 6 ounces of rue seeds, 8 ounces of cumin, 2 ounces each of pepper and purslane. Make all of it into very fine powder and incorporate it with as much clean honey as needed on a slow fire and save it in a suitable bottle. When you go to sleep and early in the morning when you get up, take an amount the size of a chestnut and it will comfort the stomach and soon it will cure the illness of the penis. Another for illness of the penis. Take flowers of God's flower and make fine powder and put it on the sick part several times and soon you will be cured. To reduce swelling, put on a leaf of cabbage with lard and the yolk of an egg. Another to cure the penis of a man from any sickness. Take hepatic aloe, zinc oxide and burnt rock alum, each at your discretion, incorporate them and put this on the sore. Then put on Unguento bianco on a plaster. Another powder that restores flesh on the penis. Take 1 ounce each of burnt copper and incense bark, ½ ounce each of mastic and zinc oxide and make very fine powder of it, well incorporated. Then put it in the cavities of the sores of the penis. By continuing this in the morning and evening, be sure you will soon be cured. You should know that these remedies have been tested, either a little or a lot. -------- [Page 177] To cure swellings in the groin, ulcers, warts, abcesses and other incurable sores. Take 3 parts of ammonium chloride, 2 parts of hepatic aloe and fine sugar, and 1 part each of dried rock alum, verdigris and zinc carbonate and make everything into very fine powder. Incorporate it well and put some of this powder carefully in the opening of the swellings and do not touch other parts around because it will hurt you. You can use this in the vagina. Treat every morning and evening and soon this pain or smarting goes away and it is not felt any more. This powder has the property of breaking the root of the swelling so that it dies and it cures rapidly. Another for the ulcers which usually come around the anus, the vagina, in the nose and on the tips of the fingers. Put on some of the above powder in the morning and in the evening and soon the ulcers will be cured. Also this powder is effective in removing all warts wherever they are found on the body. First make the wart bleed a little. Then put on some of this powder and the wart will go away. Also the powder destroys and cures any cancerous fistula, when it is put on in the morning and evening. It is true that in the beginning it does somewhat burn but that soon goes away and you will be cured rapidly and nevermore will suffer such pain. Also ammonium chloride works by itself alone. Another to cure swelling in the groin and to remove warts on the penis. Take 2 ounces of tartar from white wine and ½ ounce of verdigris. Make fine powder and put it on the swellings or warts several times and they will go away. Another to cure ulcers. First say 3 Pater Noster and 3 Ave Maria and this prayer for 3 mornings in a row and 3 times each morning. Say this, 'Go away ulcer, go away unfortunate thing. Go back ulcer. For the love of the Holy Mary, Mother of the saints and of the Holy Trinity, you must not return again.' Each time make the sign of the cross and say, 'In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.' Another to cure ulcers. Take 1 lb. each of Roman vitriol and strong vinegar and cook them together until it is thickened. Then remove it from the fire and add 3 ounces of native sulfur, mix them together and make a powder. Put this on the canker or ulcer and it will be healed. Another for canker. Take garlic with the skin on and crush it. Then put in a quantity of ground pepper and a little pulverized soot from the oven and incorporate them well. First wash the canker with tepid wine. Then put on the poultice which is the main medicine that works on canker and you will be rid of it. Another to cure swellings on the groin or in whatever part it is wanted. Take 2 ounces of ordinary brandy for drinking, ½ ounce of ground fine sugar and as much flower of verdigris as will stand on a quatrino , and it should be in fine powder. Then put everything in a bottle and boil it in front of the fire for one miserere and it will be made. Then treat by bathing the swellings with a little cotton wool on the tip of a little stick of wood. Bathe them in the evening and the morning and wherever they are, they will disappear.... 100 Another water for swellings on the groin or inflammation that comes in the private parts. Take 1 ½ drams of powdered verdigris and 2 ounces of powdered rock alum. Then take a vessel for the fire and fill it with the water that blacksmiths use to quench tools from the forge. Put in these powders and boil it for one hour. When it is cold, strain it finely and with this wash yourself very well with a little cotton wool where it hurts. It is true that it may make you begin to hurt again but that very soon disappears and you will be cured. Another for pruritis in the penis of a man. Wash repeatedly with a decoction of wine wherein has been boiled sage, tamarind and myrtle and it will help you greatly. Also, ashes made of dried squash heal the sores of the infected penis. Also a decoction of wine wherein 1 handful each of olive leaves and dry roses have been boiled is used to wash the member carefully and repeatedly. Very soon it should be cured, wherever the pruritis is. Above all, live carefully and you will be cured. -------- [Page 178] To cure a fleshy growth on the penis of a man, even one that has been there a long time. Take the dregs of distilled honey or, not having such dregs, take a quantity of honey at your discretion and put it in a pot to roast. Then take these dark dregs and put them in another pot, well closed, and put it in a kiln for glass or pottery to calcine for 3 or 4 days and it should have a good fire. You will have a material as yellow as gold which is the best to use on every sore. It destroys the afflicted flesh and then alters and heals the good flesh and it does not hurt. Therefore it is much better to use for sores than the escharotics commonly used by the surgical doctors. Take some of this powder at your discretion and take 2 ounces of dog dung, ½ ounce of tartaric acid from white wine, 3 drams of fine sugar, and 1 dram each of dried rock alum and zinc oxide. Everything should be ground separately and made into very fine, almost impalpable, powder and incorporate everything together. Then have fronds of green olive. Grind them in a stone mortar and squirt them with white wine. When they are well ground, extract all the substance in the press and collect that and add again as much juice of plantain and put both together in a pot on the fire and put therein the powder made above, little by little, continually stirring. Finally add a little fresh wax and a little rose honey and make it like a liquid unguent and it will be made. Save it for your needs. This is very valuable for removing fleshy growths in the delicate eye where strong things that cause pain themselves are not needed. Also use it for the virile member, the vagina and the nose. When you wish to treat a fleshy growth in the penis, first wash into the virile member 2 or 3 times with the syringe filled with a lavage of white wine in which dry roses and plantain leaves have been boiled and mixed with a little mother's milk or goat's milk. To assure that it is washed well inside with this wine, the penis should be relaxed. Then have a little candle of wax of such size that it can enter the penis and on the tip of the candle make a little duct and put therein some of the unguent described above and send it in very slowly until it reaches the fleshy growth and there turn the candle so the unguent remains on the bad part to break it up without distress. Do this several times until it feels better, that is in the morning and evening, and stay quiet with the body upright. In a few days you will find yourself healed and content. Another, a cold unguent for soreness of the member. Take 3 ounces of white lead washed with rose water, 2 ounces each of zinc carbonate and hepatic aloe, 6 grains of camphor, 3 ½ ounces of oil of roses and 2 ½ ounces of mutton fat and make an unguent of all these things without heating. If you use this you will not feel any sensation of burning and it will warm you well and cure you. To cure the itching or pruritis that comes around the testicles. Sometimes between the thigh and the skin of the testicles a rash develops from a scratch with a scab in this skin that is very uncomfortable and you want to cure it. Take 2 ounces of washed turpentine, 3 ounces of crushed white lead, 1 ounce of washed butter, 1 ½ ounces each of juice of purslane and of nightshade, 2 scruples of camphor, 1 ounce of oil of roses, and ½ ounce of white wax and make a very soft unguent. In the evening when you go to sleep, rub yourself well between the legs with linen cloth that should stay on and you will see a good result. Before you rub it, you want to put cups on the buttocks. Follow the rules and soon you will be cured. You know that you should not eat warming things, nor pork meat, nor sour things, nor legumes if you want to be cured rapidly. Doing this you will be cured. It has been tested.... 101 -------- [Page 179] To cure the penis of a man and soon by observing the rules given with these remedies. Take 1 handful each of mallow, dried roses and myrtle and cook them in wine and put it on the penis in the form of a warm poultice and you will cure this rapidly. To treat and cure the penis if it is broken open, take hepatic aloe and pulverized myrrh and put this on but first rub with rose and violet oils. If there are warts or swellings in the groin, take some cabbage juice or some cabbage water. Washing with that helps greatly. If the penis is cankered, ulcerated or fistulous, take 1 dram each of pepper and aloe and ½ dram of ammonium chloride made into very fine powder and incorporate these and put this on and it will soon remove this illness. If the penis is inflamed, rub with laurel and violet oils. Although it may make you smart a little, do not stop rubbing for that reason because the ointment is very perfect. First purge the sick person each week completely with pills of agaric because it breaks up the humors so they cannot run in the penis. Sometimes the penis of man becomes swollen, ulcerous, abcessed, festered and fistulous from various causes such as those that come from one's own daily actions that cause damage because the young man does not consider what may arise from his daily pleasure. Note that the man who has sickness in this member must want to be cured completely, quickly and well. Know that it is expedient for him to live his life more or less as if he had a continuous fever, because the member is very excitable. It senses immediately what you have eaten and that affects its action. If you eat things harmful, it feels that at once and you will be aware of it because you will feel the pain. Therefore you need to eat all things cooling and do not drink wine, nor eat fruit, nor sour things, nor legumes, nor wheat, nor pork meat, nor make use of women because all these things are very harmful. Eat broth with eggs, bread soup with almond milk or melon seeds, fresh eggs, young chickens and other delicate meat and barley water or boiled water with nothing added until it begins to cure. If you do otherwise, you will have trouble. Another for smarting of the penis and for one who urinates blood. Take 1 ounce each of mallow, leaves of olive and of willow, violets, celandine, dried roses, sage, scabiosa, plantain, bugloss, barley and pomegranate rind, 2 scruples each of saffron and hepatic aloe, 4 ounces of honey and enough white vinegar and boil these things until it is reduced 1/3. Then press all the herbs well under the press and extract all the substance and put everything together and make a least a jug of this boiled liquid. Put one part warm in a little bowl and soak in it the relaxed penis of one who has a sore place and of one who urinates blood and it will soon stop. When you go to sleep, wet some cloths in the liquid and wrap the penis. Do this several times and soon you will be cured of smarting of the penis and urinating blood. But do not eat harmful things, but eat all cooling things. Do not eat salted vegetables nor salted meat and do not drink wine and you will be freed. You should know that sickness comes to a man's member sometimes through the misery of any rash around the prepuce that is scratched and that becomes a nodule developing infection. If the man does not clean himself well, in that case boils and irritation arise and the man rubs them and the humor moves in and makes the illness arise. This also develops in the vagina of the woman more easily than in the man because she cannot clean herself as the man can. Therefore she should be prudent in everything regarding similar matters. Be advised to use the above boiled liquid in the way said above and you will always stay clean and will live without fear and be content. Tested aid for one who defiles himself in sleep. Take betony and burdock and make juice of them and drink it and you will not suffer from polluted sleep. If you wish to test this, give a rooster a taste of the juice and he will not tread on hens for 8 days. Against nocturnal ejaculations. Write on the right arm these words. 'My death has saved the people whom Eve has bound,' and make a cross on the chest. This is tested. Do not eat warming things and you will not stumble. -------- [Page 180] To cure hemorrhoids and piles from within and without. Take 1 handful each of the herb greater sedum, agrimony and leaves of the balsam apple and boil them in ½ lb. of oil of roses with 3 ounces of plantain water on a slow fire until it reduces 1/3. Then strain it and squeeze the herbs under the press and extract the substance as much as you can and put that with the oil and it will be made, a precious oil to cure hemorrhoids at your need. When the hemorrhoids give you trouble, take a little in an egg shell and make it very warm and with a chicken feather rub them very well inside and out 2 or even 3 times a day and you will be cured. If you wish to be cured rapidly, before you oil yourself, take a laxative the day before and it should be the ordinary kind to drink and it should be cooling. You should take this kind of laxative for all problems of hemorrhoids and also in piles. Take care of your life and do not eat things that are warming, nor sour things, nor salted meat, but all things cooling. Then after your ointments, I say that, with the aid of God, soon you will be cured. They will not give you more trouble and by following the prescriptions and the rules above, you will soon be cured. Another to cure hemorrhoids. Take 4 ounces of oil of roses, 20 sow bugs, 3 cockroaches and ½ bowl of earthworms washed with white wine. Put everything in a little pot and boil it on the warm ashes very slowly until it seems ready to you. Put the little animals in cold oil because otherwise they will burn. Then it will be made. Rub the hemorrhoids with this oil inside and out with a feather. The oil should be warm. Soon you will be cured. If you wish the cure to be quick, do not drink wine nor eat things that are preserved in salt and you will be cured. Another to remove hemorrhoids. Take the dung of a female cat if the patient is feminine and from a male cat if the patient is male and put it in an oil lamp with ordinary oil and boil it a little on the fire. Then with the warm oil, rub the piles. Do it several times and you will cure them quickly. Another to cure piles. Take a turtle and put it in a pot that is tightly closed and put it in the oven to dry until you can make fine powder. Then wash the hemorrhoids with warm wine and put on them this powder several times and you will cure them. Another to cure hemorrhoids. Take 2 ounces each of clean roots of marsh mallow cut finely, camomile, mallow and cypress nuts and 3 ounces each of flax seeds and fenugreek and cook these well in water from the blacksmith until it reduces in half. Then wash yourself 2 or 3 times a day and you will be cured. Take some roots of figwort, which is similar to dead nettle, grind it and make a pancake and eat it for 4 or 5 mornings and you will be cured quickly.... 102 Another to cure hemorrhoids very quickly. Take some of the green branches of elder and boil them in water from the blacksmith and when they are about cooked, spread them on a smooth cloth of rose-red as large as a hand and with the sick person lying down on his back, put this warm on the hemorrhoids and say a miserere and put on another of the poultices and put on a little rose or violet oil. Do this change every half hour for the period of 3 or 4 hours. I tell you that very soon they will be cured. Maintain it on always very warm. Do this in the evening when the patient goes to sleep and as soon as he goes to sleep the pain will cease. He will find himself already healed and will not feel pain, if he will not do anything disorderly, that is eating anything harmful. You will cure him quickly by doing this. *Another to cure rapidly the piles that come to women after giving birth. Take 6 scruples of camphor ground very finely and one or 2 quatrini of Unguento bianco and incorporate them together and rub in the morning and evening and soon you will cure. Antonio. (One remedy not readable here.) -------- [Page 181] Unguent which heals hemorrhoids quickly. Take 2 drams of zinc oxide, ½ dram of saffron, 1 ounce of rose honey and 2 ounces of rose water. Make all these things into an unguent carefully with a slow fire and save it for your needs. When you wish to treat with it, warm it and rub gently with cotton wool on the outside. If they are inside, make a little tent and put it on. You will soon be cured if you will watch what you eat, do not drink wine or eat things salty and especially things brined, and take a cooling purging enema or a cooling laxative and you will be cured rapidly. Another to heal hemorrhoids in several ways. Take a quantity of kernels of peach stones and clean them so that they are white and grind them very finely. Then compound them with old, washed butter. Heat this and rub with it several times and you will be cured. Further, take roots of celandine, washed with white wine, and make fine powder of them. Wash the hemorrhoids with warm white wine and put on some of this powder and you will be cured quickly. It is said that the herb knotgrass, ground between 2 stones and put on the back, holds back the hemorrhoids so they do not come out and do not hurt. Again, take mature nettles and make powder of them. Take a spoonful with wine or warm broth in the form of a syrup for 9 mornings and you will be cured quickly. Another, a fomentation for hemorrhoids. Take some nettles and the core from the center of a cabbage and cook these well in the water from the blacksmith. Take that fomentation by itself in the rear end and the hemorrhoids disappear. Another to cure hemorrhoids. Take clean roots of the herb pilewort in which the roots seem precisely like the top of a row of piles stuck together. Cook these very well in rose oil. Then distemper them with this rose oil and a little butter and make this in the form of an unguent. Rub yourself with this warm, several times and soon you will be cured. Another to cure hemorrhoids well and quickly. Take old butter, 2 cockroaches and enough rose oil and boil it very slowly until nearly one-half remains. Rub with this very warm and soon it will lift your pain and you will be cured. It is said that one should take 3 lb. of verjuice and 1 lb. of copper sulfate and boil this until it reduces 1/3 and wash repeatedly with this as a warm bath and soon the hemorrhoids shrink and are cured. Another to reduce the bleeding from hemorrhoids. Take oil of mastic and boil it a little and anoint with this and put on powdered oak galls. Another to cure hemorrhoids. Take 1 lb. of rose oil and put it in a little pot on the fire and put therein absinthe, horehound and southernwood, each the same amount, and boil this a little. Then at warm temperature, put these herbs on the hemorrhoids in the form of a plaster. Do this 3 or 4 times a day and put on a warm stupe. Do it several times and you will cure them rapidly. Also take some marrow from the shin bone of veal, an equal amount of butter and some mallow and incorporate these together with powdered incense. Rub the hemorrhoids with this and soon you will lift the pain and you will be cured. Also take some purslane and grind it between 2 stones and put it on the hemorrhoids that exude blood. It stops this soon, removes the pain and cures them. Another to cure hemorrhoids in several ways. Take raw honey and the same amount of liquid varnish and incorporate these on a slow fire and when it is tepid, rub the hemorrhoids inside and out with a feather and soon your distress will cease and you will be cured. Take care of yourself and do not eat warming things but all things cooling and you will be cured. *Another to cure hemorrhoids quickly, remove the pain and break the blisters and then heal them. Take 2 ounces each of fresh white lead and yellow litharge and mix them with rose and violet oils. Grind this finely and make it very warm and rub the hemorrhoids several times and you will be cured. -------- [Page 182] Ways to cure hemorrhoids and piles completely. Take enough old lard from a male pig and cut it in thin slices and string it on the skewer with some leaves of climbing ivy, alternating a slice of lard and a leaf of ivy. Then put it on the fire and turn it very slowly and give just a little fire and when it seems to you cooked, remove it from the fire and put the tip of the spit in a little pot or plate and heat it with the fire from below and keep all the flame away from it and all the fat will strain onto the plate and collect it with care. Take 2 ounces of this fat and 1 ounce of marsh mallow and incorporate them together. Then take a head of garlic and roast it and make fine powder. With this grease rub the hemorrhoids well, outside and inside. Then put on some of the garlic powder. Do this several times and you will cure them quickly. Another to cure these hemorrhoids and lift the pain quickly. Take 4 ounces of the above-described lard, strained, 1 ounces of powdered male incense, 7 ounces each of violet and rose oils, 1 ounce of clean wax and half a handful each of sage, plantain and dried roses. Boil the herbs with the oil and the fat with 2 ounces of butter until it reduces a good third. Then remove it from the fire and strain it and press the herbs well in the press and extract all the substance and incorporate it with the oil. With this warm, put in the powdered incense and the wax cut finely and stir until it is cold so that it is well incorporated and it will be made, a most perfect and worthy ointment which will serve all your needs. When you wish to use it, make some of it warm and with a feather rub the hemorrhoids in and out and soon you will see a very excellent cure. Soon you will be cured. Also take rose oil with the white of a fresh egg incorporated well, and this will do the same. To cure piles, that is large hemorrhoids. Take a good group of snails, that is snails that are large and good, and put them in a pot and put it in the oven and dry them thus completely until you can make very fine powder of them, both the shells and the flesh. Then take 2 ounces each of water of roses, of myrtle, of plantain, of nightshade, of purslane and of house leek and 2 ½ ounces of old, washed butter. Make ashes of one head of garlic and put in 1 ounce of this and ½ ounce of powdered incense and a little ground salt and incorporate these with 6 ounces of the above powder. Then wet some linen cloths and put them on the piles 3 or 4 times a day and by continuing this, soon you will be cured. But you will not be cured so rapidly if first you do not purge yourself and cool yourself well with distilled waters or syrups with muccaro rosato , although senna is better. Be careful of the way you live for 3 or 4 days. Do not drink wine but drink barley water. Do not eat salted vegetables, nor wheat, nor salted meat and all those things that are harmful. Take care of yourself and you will soon be well. You should know that the sickness of piles is called the greater hemorrhoids because they are harder to cure and are not the ordinary hemorrhoids. These piles are of minute appearance and grow around the rear area and around the vagina and always stand out and become a color between red and black. They give very great distress and pain and through the bad blood that nourishes them, they itch. When they are touched by rubbing them they cause you pain. Therefore do not deviate from the rules given above so, with the aid of God, you will soon be cured. (One remedy not readable.) -------- [Page 183] Poultice to cure and dry up hemorrhoids. Take 1 dram each of flour of oak galls, cypress berries, mastic, Armenian red clay and myrtle leaves and make them into very fine powder. Then boil this in very strong vinegar until it is thickened in the form of a poultice and, as warm as one can stand, put it on the hemorrhoids, binding it well so that it does not fall off. Do it several times warm like this and in a few days they will be dried up and you will not feel them any more and you will be cured. Another to remove the pain of hemorrhoids. Take 4 drams of oil of roses, 1 dram each of native white lead and henbane, 2 drams each of clean wax and celery seed, 1 ½ drams of opium, 3 drams of white poppy and ½ dram of mandrake bark. Make everything into very fine powder and incorporate them together on a slow fire with the oil, the wax and a very little vinegar and with 2 drams of yellow litharge. Compound this following the rules and treat with it and you will cure the pain. Another to remove the pain of hemorrhoids. Take flax seeds and boil them with mallow that has been well washed. When it boils and makes viscous foam, then pour in a little oil of white lilies. When the herb is about cooked, take all this material and put it on a linen cloth and, as warm as can be borne, put it on the hemorrhoids and bind it so it does not fall off. Do this several times and it will remove the pain. Also, take the juice of henbane and an equal amount of oil of sweet almonds and have the well-beaten yolk of an egg and put this mixture warm on a linen cloth and put it on the hemorrhoids. Let it stay on and it will remove the pain quickly. Do this several times and you will cure them. To make hemorrhoids, either inside or out, break up and let out blood. Take 2 clean onions and 4 heads of garlic and cook them and incorporate them together with lupin flour, a little vinegar and 1 scruple of saffron. Put it warm on the hemorrhoids and soon it will open them and it will bring out blood. In this way nature will cleanse herself and they will not give you any more distress. Another to break up hemorrhoids both within and without. Take equal amounts of honey and liquid varnish, 2 drams of fresh butter and ½ dram of fine theriac and boil the honey, varnish and butter on a slow fire until it is thickened. Then remove it from the fire and put therein the theriac and 2 scruples of saffron and incorporate these well and it will be made. Save it for your needs. When you wish to treat with it, warm it and rub the hemorrhoids well with a feather inside and out and soon they will be broken and let out blood. Nature is cleaned in that way and you will not feel any more distress from the hemorrhoids and, through the grace of God, you will be cured if you observe the prescriptions and the rules already given above, especially to purge and cool yourself inside with distilled waters and rose honey or syrups and then a pure laxative to drink to cool you. Take care also that your living be regular in everything. Do not eat warming things which rapidly stimulate hemorrhoids, but use all things cooling which retard the hemorrhoids. If you wish to learn better how to take care of yourself, test this and you will learn at your expense as some have done. If you will follow what has been said above, you will always stay healthy of such infirmity. It has been completely tested. *To cure the illness of ulcer or carbuncle. Say, “When Christ was born, the plant and water asked Christ for a gift. 'I ask that you give me grace so I can cure the illness of ulcer or carbuncle.' Christ said, 'You have said it.' + In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. + + +.” And you want to say these words 5 times for 5 mornings over the ulcer with a Pater Noster and it will be cured. *To cure the ulcer. Say 3 Pater Noster and say this 3 times a morning for 3 mornings, viz., 'Go away sickness of ulcer, go away unfortunate thing. Turn back sickness of ulcer, for the love of the Holy Mary, mother of all the saints and of the Holy Trinity. So you must not go on any more.' + + + . Take agrimony and lard and put it warm on the ulcer with 3 Pater Noster and say the prayer above and soon you will be cured. *Another for hemorrhoids. Take 9 fresh crayfish from the river, grind them and put them in a pot with 1 lb. of rose oil, 2 scruples of incense and ½ ounce of clean wax. Boil this until it is reduced one third. Then strain it and press it well and save it. Use it warm and rub inside and out and soon you will be cured. It has been tested. *Another to cure the illness of an ulcer. Say a Pater Noster over the sick place and say, '+ The ulcer has grown but was not planted. God lives. Die ulcer. + Father, Son and Holy Spirit.' -------- [Page 184] A wonderfully drying ointment for erysipelas. Take 2 ounces of rose oil, 1 ounce of rose water, ½ ounce of rose vinegar and 3 ounces of mother's milk. Put everything together and wet some fine linen cloths and put them on the erysipelas and soon this will lift the pain.... 103 Also, you can do this other. Take 2 bowls of barley and boil it in a scant 3 flasks of water from a river and put therein 1 ounce of rock alum and 1 handful of dry red roses and reduce it in half. Then strain this water. First rub the erysipelas with rose oil and wet some cloths in this water and put them on the sick place 2 or 3 times a day and soon you will cure the erysipelas. Take care of the way you live. Another to remove erysipelas rapidly wherever it is. Take the center of a loaf of white bread and cook it in water. When it is cooked, remove it to a little plate and mix it wht rose oil and the yolk of a fresh egg. Do this 3 times a day and before you put it on the inflammation, spit 3 times in your hand and say a Pater Noster with the Ave Maria to the patient and take a little stick of wood or of broom and write with the spit 3 times around the erysipelas, 'Jesus of Nazareth, King of Judea,' with the sign of the cross. Then put on the bread crumb mixture, very warm, and let it stay on for 24 hours. Do this for 3 days and it will be clean and cured. It has been shown by me that as soon as the mixture was on the sick place, it removed my pain, but I did not drink wine and ate very lightly and I was cured. Another, a perfect remedy for choler. Take equal amounts of rose and violet oils and ordinary oil and elder bark of the white kind. Boil everything together on a slow fire. Add ½ ounce of clean wax and 1 ounce of powdered white lead and incorporate everything together until it forms and unguent and it will be made. Add 2 scruples of camphor and rub with this in the evening and morning and soon you will be cured. Take care of yourself, do not eat warming things and do not drink wine for 3 days and you will be cured.... 104 Another, a wonderful ointment for salt phlegm. Take 1 dram each of male incense, white lead, sulfur and hepatic aloe and 2 drams each of rose oil and white vinegar. Put the oil and the vinegar on a slow fire and as it begins to boil, put in the above things, all made into fine powder and ½ dram of clean wax, and when it has acquired enough body, remove it from the fire and stir until it is cold and it will be made, a marvelous ointment. Use it to rub the sore places of the phlegm in the evening and morning and soon you will be cured of it.... 105 And say over them this prayer, after a Pater Noster, 'God was born, God was taken, bound, betrayed, afflicted and crucified and died for our miserable sins. God was resurrected on the third day, according to the scripture, and as this is true so this illness cannot decay, nor putrefy, nor cause any pain if it is the pleasure of God and of the Virgin Mary.' Make the sign of the cross over them and soon you will be cured. Another, an oil for every developing growth. Take a squash that has been in oil, roast it and collect the oil that is distilled through the heat of the fire. Then put some bitter herbs of any kind in this oil and a little bunch of squill bulbs and a few earthworms washed in white wine and a little mastic. Boil everything on a bain marie. Then strain it and press the herbs in the press so that it gives up all the substance into the oil. Hold this oil dear because as it ages, it gains greater power. When you want to rub the developing growth, make it very warm and rub several times and the growth will decrease and truly not progress. You will soon be cured of this illness. Another to cure the sickness of erysipelas. Say over the sickness the Pater Noster and the Ave Maria and this prayer, viz. + 'In the name of the good Jesus may this sickness not grow more. In the name of Saint Angeletta this sickness is ended. In the name of Saint Anastasia and the glorious Virgin Mary this sickness must go away. Amen.' *Another good remedy for the salt phlegm. Take 1 ounce each of strained butter and turpentine, the yolk of one fresh egg, juice and pulp of one orange, 10 grains of saffron and make an unguent. Rub the sick person with this in the evening when he goes to sleep, using the unguent warm. -------- [Page 185] White lead unguent effective in skin irritation caused by choler adust and salt phlegm and for dry scabies, burns from fire, for erysipelas and for serious burns. Take 6 drams each of white lead and litharge, 3 drams each of burnt lead and slag from silver and 2 ½ drams each of mastic and frankincense. Then take 1 ½ ounces of rose oil and 1 ounce of rose vinegar and make the solid things into very fine powder and incorporate everything in the mortar, grinding well so they are well mixed. This unguent should be neither too hard nor too soft but sufficiently soft for all the above infirmities. If you wish it for scabies, add in 5 drams of sublimate of mercury made into powder and this removes scabies rapidly. If you will put in 2 ounces of verdigris it will work better for all these infirmities.... 106 For an itch or other irritation of the leg. Take 6 lb. of good white wine and put it in a pot and put therein 1 handful each of dry roses, pomegranate rind and fine bran, half a loaf of bread crumbs and 5 ounces of old butter and boil this very slowly until it becomes in the form of a poultice. Then place it carefully on a cloth. But first rub the itch or other irritation that you may have with warm rose oil. Then put on this poultice, very warm. Do this several times and soon you will be cured. Another for a sore developing on the leg or a swollen sore. Take 2 handfuls of the herb nervarola , that is goat's rue, and a bucket of fish bones from the head and boil with the herb until it is reduced 1/3. Then with this boiled liquid, warm, wash the leg and keep the leg in the warm bath not less than an hour and the longer you hold it soaking the sooner it will be cured. Do this bathing at least 2 or 3 times a day and with longer times it will be cured sooner. Dry the leg with a fine cloth and do not handle it roughly and put on some of this herb cooked in the form of a warm plaster at least 2 times a day. When you wish to medicate with this digestive, this is the unguent: take 3 ounces of raw honey, 2 ounces of turpentine, the yolks of 2 eggs and enough rose oil to make an unguent. Then spread it on cloths or on threads and put it on the sore place. If by chance the tissue is growing, take some powdered sage and burnt rock alum and incorporate them and put this on the sore and it will break away the fleshy growth because this powder is the most appropriate to remove excess flesh. Also you should continue to medicate with this digestive until the sore has recovered well and is clean. Then put on your excellent poultice or a poultice of diapalma which draws tissues together and heals them and soon you will be cured. But do not eat things that are harmful, such as sour things, wheat or pork meat. Drink little wine and eat things that cool the liver. You should know that the herb goat's rue in a case like this will bring you great honor. It has been tested. Another to cure the leg of any infirmity, even if it is old. Take 2 scruples of saltpeter and a flask of water from turbid rivers or streams and boil until it reduces 1/3. Remove it from the fire and let it clear. Then strain it and save it in a clean vessel. First wash the leg with red wine wherein sage was boiled. Dry it lightly. Then wet 2 or 3 linen cloths in the liquid and put them on the sore place, one on the other. Put thereon a poultice of powdered lead that is bigger than the sore place and bind it on. Do this 2 times a day and soon you will be cured. If the sickness is serious, you want to regulate your life well. Know that, with the aid of God, soon you will be cured. This has been tested. *This white unguent of white lead is powerful for blows and swelling of the eyes and for a bruise. Take equal amounts of white lead and turpentine and 1 part of mercury to 3 parts of pork drippings and incorporate everything in a pottery vessel with a spatula and without fire and it will be made. Then rub it on and put on nothing else and soon you will be cured. This has been tested.... 107 -------- [Page 186] Very precious unguent for the legs. Take 3 drams each of yellow litharge and white lead, 1 dram each of Armenian red clay and clay from Lemnos, 2 drams each of white wax, nightshade juice and strong white vinegar, 1 ½ drams of camphor and 1 ounce of fresh rose oil. All these things should be made into very fine powder. Incorporate them together with the oil, vinegar, wax, white lead, Armenian clay, litharge, clay from Lemnos and the juice. Let it cook until it is perfected, stirring constantly. Then remove it from the fire and put in the camphor and stir until it is cold and it will be made, a perfect unguent to cure any illness of the leg. You will cure with it rapidly. To cure the legs where there are sores. Take 6 ounces of twice-distilled brandy and 1 ounce of finely cut camphor and put them in an ampule, well stoppered, and melt the camphor in the sun or on the fire, keeping it well stoppered with cotton wool and parchment. When the camphor is melted, wet a little linen cloth in this water and bathe around the sore very gently and clean it inside well. Then wet another little cloth in this water and press it out and put it on the sore. Put on a poultice of powdered lead, large enough so the sore is covered. When you medicate, clean the sore well inside and out and you will soon cure it. Another to cure the legs. Take 2 ounces of oil of egg yolk, 2 drams of active sulfur and 1 ounce of pork lard and incorporate everything together in the form of an unguent and put it on the sores and you will cure them. If the sores are old, take 1 ounce each of hops, betony, scabiosa, cinquefoil, greater and lesser comfrey and old wine or strong vinegar and grind everything together and put it on warm in the form of a poultice. By doing this several times you will cure the leg. Put on this unguent: take 4 ounces of clean wax, ½ ounce of turpentine, 3 drams of incense, 2 drams of white lead and 2 ounces each of oil of roses and of violets and ordinary oil. Incorporate these with a slow fire and you will have made the unguent. Treat with this and you will cure. If the sore or wound may or may not be fatal, say and have the patient say 5 Pater Noster with the Ave Maria. Take some fine linen cloth and make it in the sign of a cross on the sick place and say these holy words, 'In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. Christ was born the night of the virgin birth. Christ was lost. Christ was found. Jesus Christ died and was resurrected. Lord Jesus Christ, heal this sore so that it cannot putrefy nor increase. As were the wounds that were made in his precious leg and in that precious side, so may mine be delivered from any fever.' In praise and reverence, make the sign of the cross. 'In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.' Do this twice a day until it is cured. Another for a developing sore breaking open with pain. Take 1 handful each of mallow, sweet violets, leaves of elder, rue and plantain. Make juice of these herbs and put it in a pot and cook it on the fire and strain it carefully. Then put in 1 ounce of new rose oil, 4 drams each of mallow, turpentine and white tar, 1 dram of saffron and as much wheat flour as needed with a little melted lard to make a poultice. Put this warm on the developing sore on the leg or on the body wherever it is. Change it frequently and very soon your pain will be relieved and you will stay free of it and healthy. Another for sickness in the leg. Take a flask of sweet white wine, half a flask of lye and a bowl of husked and clean barley and put these in a pot and boil until it is reduced 2/3. Then strain it and mash the barley and mix it together. Put therein 2 ounces of ground rock alum and 2 drams of camphor mixed with almond oil. That is, take 3 or 4 almonds, blanch them and grind them between 2 stones and press them. Extract as much oil as you will require to mix it because if you were to use more oil, the camphor would go up in fumes and be lost. When you want to treat, warm it and wet cloths and put them on the sore place. Do this several times and soon the legs will be cured. -------- [Page 187] Unguent for every malady of the body. Take 2 ounces each of oil of violets and of sweet almonds, butter, chicken fat, fat from badger and goose and ox marrow and white wax, 1 ounce each of laurel oil, theriac and mutton fat, 1 ½ ounces each of oil of lavender, of dill, of camomile and of mastic, and 2 drams each of nutmeg, cloves, fine cinnamon and cubebs. Note that all the fats should be cut, melted and strained and then incorporated with the oils. Make all the other things into very fine powder. First put the oils and the fats on a slow fire, then the butter, theriac and the spices and last the wax and incorporate everything on a little fire for a half hour. Then remove it from the fire and continue to stir until it is cold, and it will be made. Hold it as something dear because the unguent is good for many illnesses, especially for nerves retracted by cold and for blows and bruises and stabs and other ailments of the body. When it is rubbed on it should be warm and soon you will have a cure. Another very worthy unguent for the legs. Take 1 ounce each of white lead and litharge, ½ ounce of white coral, 2 drams each of zinc oxide and camphor and 1 ½ ounces each of white wax, rose oil, strong white vinegar and plantain juice. Put the oil, vinegar and juice in a pot on the fire and boil it on a slow fire until the juice is consumed. Then put in the wax and as it melts, remove it from the fire and put therein, little by little, all the other things that were made into fine powder and incorporate them. Then stir continually until it is cold and it will be made. Save it for your needs and it will bring you honor. Another unguent for the legs. Take ½ ounce of chicken fat, 1 ounce each of butter, goat dung and oil of camomile, 3 ½ drams each of oil of St. John's wort and ground cinnabar, and some spider web. Incorporate everything on a slow fire and let it boil a little and it will be made. Strain it and save it and treat with it. Unguent for legs with hot humors. Take 4 ounces of washed turpentine, 2 ounces of thick pine tar, 3 ounces each of mallow and butter, 5 ounces of burnt lead, 2 ½ ounces of zinc oxide, 1 ½ ounces of white incense, 5 ½ ounces of white wax and 8 ounces each of rose oil and strong rose vinegar. Take the oil and the vinegar and put them in your pot and put in half a handful each of rue, celandine, elder and goat's rue and boil until it reduces 1/3. Then strain it and press the herbs well, extracting the substance. Put them back in the pot and put therein all the other things, little by little, stirring constantly. Remove it from the fire and incorporate things well, stirring until it is cold and it will be made. Use it at your pleasure. Another unguent for the legs. Take 8 ounces of fat of male goat, 3 drams of turpentine, 4 drams of rose honey, 2 ½ drams of clean wax, 1 dram each of sarcocol gum and incense and 2 ounces of rose oil. Compound everything on a slow fire, as you have made the above unguents. When you have medicated the leg, put on a linen cloth wet with warm red wine. Do this several times and you will have a rapid cure. Another, a noble unguent for many infirmities. Take 2 lb. of powdered human blood, 4 lb. of hepatic aloe, 6 ounces of sarcocol gum, 4 ounces each of juniper resin, gum ammoniac, galbanum, lard, pitch, mastic, bdellium, glue, tartar, incense, turpentine, Armenian red clay, dragon's blood gum, ordinary oil and clean wax. First clean the gums and make powder of those things that can be made into fine powder. Make the unguent on the fire in the usual way, incorporating well all the above things. When you remove it from the fire, stir until it is cold and it will be made. Use it at your pleasure. It will bring you honor when you use it because great effectiveness is in it and it will work well for you. -------- [Page 188] [One remedy is not readable]. Tested remedy for swelling of the legs. Take 3 ounces each of juice of sage, of nettle, of absinthe and of betony, and rose oil, 2 ounces each of flour of spelt, naval pitch and new wax, 1 ounce each of fat from an ass and Armenian red clay and compound all these things with a little fire and stir continuously so they are well incorporated. It should not be too hard, and it will be made. Then use it to rub the legs in the evening when you go to sleep. Do not get overtired and you will be cured. Be careful of what you eat. Do not eat salted food, nor sour things, nor pork meat. Eat all things good for you and soon you will be cured. This has been tested. Another for a malady from fracture of the leg or in other places. Take a leaf of dock and put it on the sore place and bind it on so that it will stay there, because this herb has the effect that it always draws out matter and cleanses the sore. After several days, if the sore is clean, now it needs to join. Take a quantity of these leaves and grind them and extract the juice and put it in a basin and let it rest a while and it will develop on top a kind of colored water. Throw this away and save the dregs and dry them and make fine powder of them. Put this on the sores that are clean. It also helps many other sores greatly. Put on a little each time and soon they will be cured. If you will put on the sores of the legs some of the herb hound's tongue or some of the erba ciciliana, that is a kind of honeysuckle, and continue to treat 2 times a day, soon the wound of the leg will be joined. Drink wine very temperately and you will be cured quickly.... 108 Another unguent to join sores on the legs. Take 6 ounces of ground white lead, 1 lb. of rose oil, 4 ounces of litharge, 5 ounces of white wax and 3 ½ ounces of powdered hepatic aloe. When the oil begins to boil, then put in the white lead, the litharge and the wax and, when it is cooked, remove it from the fire and put therein the aloe. Continue to stir until it is cold so that everything is well incorporated and it will be made. Another unguent for any sore on the legs. Take 1 ounce each of oil of wormwood and of laurel, pine tar, incense and elemi gum and ½ ounce of white wax. Put the oil, the tar and the wax to boil and when they are well incorporated, strain it and put it again to boil for ½ hour. Then put therein the powdered elemi gum and let it boil very slowly. Then put in the incense and at once remove it from the fire and with a stick or rod stir until it becomes cold and it will be made. (One remedy here is not readable.) Another, a perfect and good unguent for maladies of the leg. Take 1 ounce each of rose oil, fir tree oil and yellow litharge, ½ ounce of powdered white lead and 2 drams each of mastic and incense. Then take 4 ounces of butter and wash it in 9 waters and also wash the fir oil and make the other things into fine powder. With a little fire, make an unguent with ½ ounce of new wax and it will be made, a most perfect unguent. Save it. The first thing, wash the sore with tepid red wine and when it is dry, use your unguent to cool and close the sore. Many doctors use this unguent. Another universal unguent for the legs. Take l lb. of rose oil, 6 ounces of strong white vinegar, 2 ounces of new wax and 3 drams each of white lead and white litharge. Make the oil and the vinegar boil very slowly until the vinegar is reduced. Put in the wax and as it melts, remove it from the fire and add the white lead and litharge. Then return it to a very slow fire and stir continuously with your spatula until it is sufficiently cold and it will be made. Then store it. *Another to cure a leg judged impossible to cure. Take 3 ounces of the leaves of dwarf elder and make juice, 1 ounce of strong white vinegar and wheat flour and incorporate in the form of a sauce. First wash the sore with wine boiled with oily herbs and wet some cloths in this composition and treat the sore leg 2 times a day and soon you will cure it. This is tested. -------- [Page 189] Very perfect lavage for maladies of the leg. Take 4 flasks of good white wine and put therein one bowl of clean barley and boil this for ½ hour. Then put in 1 handful each of pomegranate rind and dry roses, 2 scruples each of chopped white lead and powdered zinc carbonate and let it boil again for ½ hour. Remove it from the fire and put in 1 scruple of red sugar, 4 scruples of cut up camphor, 2 ounces of powdered rock alum, and 1 ounce of yellow litharge. Stir continuously until it is cold. Then strain it, pressing the dregs well and the lavage will be made. Save it in 2 glass flasks. When you want to treat with it, warm it and wet therein a linen cloth and wash the sore on the leg and dry it well. Then put on the brutto bon plaster, that is diaquilon , with a pad of dry threads on the sore. Medicate in this way 2 times a day and in a few days you will be cured, if you will watch what you eat. Especially do not touch pork meat because it is bad for illnesses of the leg. Use very little wine, well-watered, and do not eat salted things and few sour things and in a short time you will be cured. Make this beverage to cure the legs. Take 2 flasks of water and 1 handful of goat's dung and boil this until it reduces 1/3 or a little more. Remove it from the fire and let it cool. Then strain it finely. Take 4 ounces of the decoction and put in 1 ounce of theriac and incorporate it. Make it hot and give it to the patient with the bad leg early in the morning and let him repose one hour. You know this beverage is very good for the liver from which comes all maladies of the legs. Use some of this beverage every morning and soon you will be cured. Drink watered wine and be regulated in all other things and you will be cured. For the leg that is swollen. Take white dove dung and boil it with strong vinegar and put this warm on the swollen leg. Do this 2 or 3 times and soon you will cure it. Another water that may cure sores on the legs. Take water from a pure fountain and say over it these words. Also it may cure a wound. Wet some cloths in it and put them on the sore in the form of a cross. Then say the Pater Noster and the Ave Maria. 'In the name of the Father, + Son and + Holy Spirit + , Amen. The day of our Lord when he was born, the day of our Lord when he died, the day of our Lord when he was resurrected, the day of our Lord when he went to God, purge, take or remove this sore, heal and stop the bleeding so it will not develop pus, nor infection, nor any other bad illness. God grant that it be so and his mother, the Virgin Mary +. Father, Son and Holy Spirit +. Amen.' Say this 3 times, one after the other, and you will cure the sores. Lavage for the legs. Take a flask of good white wine and put therein all these things made into fine powder, viz., ½ ounce each of myrtle leaves, wild pomegranate flowers, leaves of long plantain, red roses, cleaned barley, tips of bramble, olive leaves and rock alum. Boil all with the wine until it reduces 1/3. Wash the bad place of the leg with this warm and let it dry in place and treat with the unguent written below. Another unguent for malady of the leg. Take 2 drams each of oil of rose and myrtle, 4 drams each of litharge and burnt lead, 5 drams of powdered agrimony, 1 dram each of incense and white wax and 1 scruple of camphor. Put the oils and the wax on a slow fire and let them incorporate well. Then put in all the other things, made into powder, and let it take on some body, stirring continuously. Remove it from the fire and put in the finely-cut camphor and stir until it is cold and it will be made. Put it away in a bottle until needed. First wash the bad place on the leg with the above lavage and then use the unguent and soon you will be cured. Watch what you eat and you will not suffer any more. -------- [Page 190] Unguent of lead, cooling and drying, for infected legs. Take 1 ounce each of burnt lead, antimony and litharge, 1 dram each of zinc oxide and camphor, 3 ounces of rose oil, 6 ounces of long plantain juice and 2 ounces each of butter and clean wax. First take the oil, the juice, the butter and the wax and boil it a little. Then put in the lead, antimony, litharge and zinc oxide and let it boil until it is thickened, stirring repeatedly. Remove it from the fire and put therein the camphor, cut minutely, and stir continuously until it becomes cold, and it will be made, a very cooling and drying unguent of lead for sore legs. It will bring you honor. Another, an unguent for old sores of the leg. Take 4 ounces of old lard from a male pig, 3 ounces of brown laundry soap, 1 ounce of very fine white sulfur, 2 ½ ounces of raw honey and 1 ounce of clean wax. First take the lard and melt it and put in the soap, the honey, the wax and the sulfur and incorporate everything together well on a low fire and stir continuously for a half hour. Then remove it from the fire and strain it through coarse cloth and it will be made. First wash the sore with warm wine in which is boiled rose and sage and dry it. Then medicate it and soon you will cure. Over it say this prayer. First make the sign of the cross. Say, ' + Christ conquers, + Christ rules, + Christ orders +. Christ defend you from all ills. God in his name may save you and in his compassion free you. From the side of our Lord Jesus Christ came blood and water. I entreat you, blood and wound, by the side and spear with which the side of our Lord Jesus Christ was pierced, that blood may not go forth and it may be stopped. + Agios + Sanctus fortis + Sanctus immortalis + Otheos + Yschiros + Athanatos + Eleyson + Imas. Sanctus dominus + Sanctus fortis + et Sanctus immortalis + Thetragramaton + . O, may the Son, Jesus Christ, have compassion and clean and heal the side, who well may do it. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, + Amen.' Say the Pater Noster and soon it will be healed. It has been tested. Another for infected legs. Put the herb smart weed on the sore leg but first wash it with white wine in which has been boiled some of this herb. Wash it with the warm wine and dry it carefully and bind on some of the leaves of the herb. Treat it 2 times a day and soon you will cure. Also put the leaf of milk vetch, ground between two lodestones, on the cut or other malady of the leg or on the body. Treat 2 times a day and soon it will heal because this has been tested. Also for old sores. Put on the sore place the back of the leaf of the wild cucumber and you will cure it rapidly, first washing the sore with warm white wine, as described above. Also to dry up sores. Take 1 ounce or more each of rose honey and powder of white lead, according to the size of the malady, and incorporate them well together and put it on the sore place, simply with some yarn, and soon you will cure it. Another unguent for the legs. Take 6 ounces of olive oil, 2 ounces of turpentine, 1 ounce each of red lead, white lead and white litharge and ½ ounce of aloe. Make everything in very fine powder. Put in the oil, turpentine and ½ ounce of clean wax. As it begins to boil on a slow fire, put in the powders, little by little, always stirring with your wooden spatula. When it appears to you that it is cooked, according to the rules, remove it from the fire and it will be made perfect. You can use it to treat at your pleasure. Another, a white unguent for the legs or other sores. Take 6 ounces each of oil of roses and violets, 1 ½ ounces of white wax and newly-slaked lime washed with clear water. Dry the lime and make 2 ounces of very fine powder from it. Boil the oil and wax until it is well melted and stirred together. Then remove it from the fire and put therein the powdered lime and stir until it becomes cold and it will be made to serve your needs. It will bring you honor in every sore of the leg and even on the body. Doctors often use this for treating. -------- [Page 191] Unguent of lead for the legs. Take 2 lb. of clean lead and put it in a crucible and put in some sulfur. Put it in the fire to heat until it becomes powder. Then take 4 ounces each of rose oil and yellow litharge and put the litharge in strong vinegar for one night to soften. Put it with the oil in a pot with ½ ounce of powdered soot and 3 drams of white wax and then put in the powder. Make it barely hot in the pot and at once remove it from the fire and stir until it becomes cold. Then put it one more time on the fire and do the same and it will be made. Another of lead, also for the legs. Take ½ ounce each of mastic and incense, 1 ounce each of litharge and burnt lead and 3 ounces of white lead. All the above things should be in fine powder. Put them in a mortar with 4 ounces of rose oil and 3 ounces of strong vinegar and incorporate well with the pestle. As you continue to mix around in the mortar, the unguent will develop. If needed, add oil and vinegar as above and you will have a good and wonderful unguent. Another unguent for fracture or bruise. Take 3 ounces each of white lead, incense and mastic and 1 ounce of litharge and make an unguent of everything in the mortar. First they should be made into powder and then compounded with enough rose oil and vinegar. Use the pestle well, as is customary, and it will be made. Another for a heated condition. Take 6 ounces of white lead, 2 ounces of litharge, both reduced to powder, and 1 lb. of rose oil and 2 ounces of white wax. Compound these on a slow fire and when it is cooked, remove it from the fire and put therein 2 scruples of camphor, always mixing until it is cold and it will be done. Another unguent for an infected leg and it heals any sores difficult to cure. Take 2 ounces of zinc oxide, 1 dram each of white litharge, white lead and sarcocol gum, 1 ounce of rose oil and as much wax as is needed to give it body. Reduce the above things to powder. Put the oil, the gum and the wax on the fire and when these are melted, put in the other things. Let it stand for a little and remove it from the fire and it will be made. More for this malady of the leg. Take 3 ounces each of oily tar and myrrh, 1 ounce of oil of mastic and 2 ounces each of rose oil and clean wax. First melt the tar and the myrrh and then put in the other things and compound this on a low fire, stirring continually and you will make an unguent which will bring you honor, especially for fistulous conditions. Unguent of litharge to close up sores. Take one ounce each of litharge, mummy, mastic and myrrh, 2 ounces each of dragon's blood gum, fenugreek flour, tragacanth and gum arabic, and 2 ½ ounces each of oil of rose and oil of violet. Put the oils and the wax on the fire and melt them. Then remove it from the fire and put in all the other things made into fine powder. Return it to the fire and cook it a while, stirring continuously, and it will be made. Another for every sore on the leg, old or new. Take 1 handful of the herb agrimony and grind it and boil it in white wine and also add 1 handful of dried roses and boil it for one miserere. Wash the sore inside and out with this warm wine. Take 1 ounce each of mummy, long birthwort, round birthwort, mastic, myrrh, dragon's blood gum, hepatic aloe, zinc carbonate and braised squash and 2 drams of Armenian red clay. Grind these as finely as you can, and put it on the sore like a spice powder. First wash the sore with the herbs that were boiled in wine and put the powder on the sore in the form of a warm plaster. Bind it on so that it stays and stays warm. Do this 2 times a day and you will see a wonderful result. Even if the sore shows the bone, you will cure it soon. *Another to treat a sore without festering and without pain. Take rose oil and fir tree oil, that is the tears, as much of one as the other, and distill them together in a glass still on a slow fire. Then save it in a glass bottle, well closed, and use it when there is need. This oil never allows festering and does not cause pain and the sore may be cured rapidly. -------- [Page 192] Lavage to heal and clean sores of the legs. Take 2 flasks of water from a stream or fountain and put therein a bowl of barley and boil it until it reduces in half. Put in 2 ounces of rock alum and 1 ounce of crushed white lead and boil for at least one miserere. Then remove it from the fire and strain it and press the barley well so that the substance goes into the decoction and save this in a glass bottle. When you want to treat, take a little in a small pot and warm it and wet some linen cloths in it and put them on the sores of the leg. Do this several times and you will cure the sores quickly. It even helps those sores that come on the head, wetting them with the cloths. Another lavage for sores of the legs. Take 2 glasses of the urine of a healthy man or child, 2 ounces of raw honey and ½ ounce of rock alum and put everything together in a small pot and make it boil very slowly. Wash the sores of the legs with this lavage and let it dry in place. Then take clean marsh mallow roots and first remove the heart from the center and dry them and make very fine powder. When the sore has been well dried after lavage, put thereon enough of the powder, like a spice. Then put the medicated cloth on the sore in an appropriate size for the sore on the leg. By continuing this, you will cure it soon. Medicated cloths to heal sore legs. Take 6 ounces of fresh rose oil, 1 ½ ounces each of cinnabar and litharge and 1 ounce each of incense and burnt rock alum. Put the oil on the fire in a pot and put therein the cinnabar and when it wants to boil, put in the litharge and after it boils a little it will become dark. Then put in the incense and the rock alum. When you see it has incorporated well, put in your cloths to dress sores, as many as you want, and stir them well with a stick in this unguent until they are soaked. Then remove them, still warm, and spread them to dry in the shade and they will be made, medicated cloths. Put these cloths on all sores of the leg and they will comfort greatly and cure them rapidly. Another medicated cloth to make easily. Take 1 lb. of rose oil, 4 ounces each of yellow litharge and white lead and 2 ounces of clean wax. Pulverize and incorporate everything and cook it well on a low fire. When it is well incorporated, soak your cloths well therein. When they are cold, use them to treat. To make a medicated cloth. Take 3 ounces each of beef suet, crushed white lead and clean wax and when it is melted, dip in your cloths and they will be made and dry them. Another medicated cloth. Take 6 ounces each of ordinary oil and rose oil, 5 ounces of white lead and 1 ounce each of diaquilon and powdered St. John's wort. Put everything in a pot to compound them and when it becomes dark, that is a sign that it is cooked. Then put in your cloths for medicating and soak them well in this composition. When they have picked it all up, remove them and put them to dry in the shade so that the powder does not all shake off and they will be made. Use them as you wish. Very fine plaster to clear up sores. Take 1 ounce each of wax, black pitch and colophony, 2 ounces each of elemi gum and turpentine, ½ ounce each of mastic and sarcocol gum, 3 drams each of rock rose gum and eyebright, 5 drams of myrrh and 3 ounces of rose oil. Put all these things in the pot and with a slow fire compound them well, stirring continuously with the spatula so that they do not stick. When they are well cooked in the usual way, remove them from the fire and continue in the usual way for plasters and it will be done. Preserve the powder for your needs and it will bring you honor.... 109 -------- [Page 193] Unguent to cool and heal every sore. Take 1 ounce of litharge, 1 ½ ounces of fresh white lead, one quatrino of male incense, 1 ½ drams of rock alum, 1 lb. of pork lard, 4 drams of the best turpentine, 1 dram of hard pine pitch and 3 ounces of clean wax. First cut up the lard and strain it. Then return it to the fire and put in the rock alum and dissolve it and put therein the turpentine, the pitch and the wax. Wait a little and put in the litharge, white lead and incense. Let this boil very slowly on a slow fire, stirring continuously so that it does not stick or burn. Then remove it from the fire and have ready a thin pointed sack and put it in so that it will strain out and with 2 sticks take the little bag and move your hands from here to there. Squeeze and pull downward and in this fashion you will make it come out by force. Do this quickly. When it has been pressed out, stir with your rod until it becomes cold and it will be made. Save it in a glass bottle and keep it in a cool place. It will keep for a long time and use it for your needs. Another unguent for general use. Take 1 ounce of ox marrow, 6 ounces of ordinary oil, 10 ounces of rose oil, 1 lb. of strong vinegar, 5 ounces each of litharge and white lead, 4 ounces each of turpentine and good pitch and 3 ounces of clean wax. Put the pot on a slow fire and put in the oil, wax, marrow, turpentine and pitch and leave them on the fire until they are melted and incorporated. Then remove this from the fire and strain with the pointed sack as described above. Put the empty pot back on the fire and put in the vinegar and rose oil and boil them a little. Put in the litharge and white lead and make it boil slowly, stirring continuously with your spatula so that it does not burn and let it boil until it is hardened so that you can make fine powder of it. Then return the first composition to the fire, that is to the pot, and when it begins to boil put in the powder that you have made above, little by little, incorporating it well with your spatula. Do this for a quarter of an hour. Then remove it from the fire and make medallions of it. Note that if you want, you can make a plaster, unguent or medicated cloths with it as you wish. This unguent is for cleaning sores because it cools, breaks down, draws down and joins sores and is universally the first choice of everyone who treats patients. It is very well tested. Another unguent for every sore. Take 3 ounces each of white wax, pine pitch and turpentine, 1 ounce each of incense, mastic, Syrian storax, and round birthwort, 2 ounces of elemi gum, 6 ounces each of juice of betony and of tansy and fresh rose oil. First put in the pot the oil, juices and wax and incorporate them. Then put in all the other things, made into powder in the usual way, little by little and incorporate well with your rod so it does not burn and let it boil enough so that you know it is cooked. Remove it from the fire and continue stirring while it cools and it will be made and perfect. Another unguent for sores. Take equal amounts of celery, rosemary, sage, rue, tansy, plantain, lorenzana , marigold, wormwood and honeysuckle and make juice of all and take as much of each one as the other and put them together and take 2 lb. of olive oil and incorporate with the juices and before you put it on the fire, put in 2 drams of galbanum gum and 1 ounce of verdigris. Then put it on the fire and boil it a little with care and put in 6 ounces of clean wax. Remove it from the fire and continue to stir until it is cold and it will be made, a very worthy unguent that will bring you honor. -------- [Page 194] A cooling unguent for erysipelas, that is the burning rash, or other rash. Take 2 ounces each of rose oil, strong white vinegar, chopped white lead and juice of rue, 1 ounce of goat fat and ½ ounce of white wax and compound these on a slow fire and make a soft unguent and it will be done. Wet some fine linen cloths in this and put them on the sore places and by continuing this, the rash will soon be resolved and you will cure it. This has been tested. Another for the burning rash. Take 1 ½ ounces each of juice of fumitory, of dodder, of hops and of spleenwort and roots of elecampane and boil them in good white wine. When they are well cooked, extract them and grind them. Then incorporate them with the above juices. Put this again on the fire and put in 1 ounce of pork fat and ½ ounce of clean wax and let it boil very slowly until it begins to have a little body. Remove it from the fire and it will be made. See that it is rather soft and use it in the way described above. It is powerful not only in the burning rash but for every salt humor, if it is that kind of humor. Triaparma unguent, very cooling. Take strong white vinegar and litharge, the amounts at your discretion, and put them on the fire until they are thickened enough and continue stirring until this is cold and it will be made. Know that this unguent helps greatly in those festering sores that are very red around the sore and cause pain. Put this unguent on little plasters and soon it will remove the pain and the redness so it will not be seen and will not pain you. Soon you will be cured of this sickness, if you will take care of yourself. Another unguent of white lead for consolidating inflamed sores. Take 4 ounces of rose oil and 1 ounce each of finely crushed white lead and clean wax and dissolve the wax on the fire in the oil. Then remove it from the fire and put in the powdered white lead and stir until it is nearly cold. Then put in 2 fresh egg whites, well beaten, and incorporate them well in this unguent with a spatula and then it will be perfectly made. Put it away for your needs. This unguent is very powerful in removing the redness that is around every sore and cools it, cleans it and makes flesh grow. It cures rapidly. Another unguent for making flesh grow. Take 2 ounces each of olive oil and fir tree oil, 1 ounce each of galbanum and pine resin, 3 drams each of incense, mastic and myrrh and 1 ounce of clean wax. First put all the gums in the olive oil and when they are dissolved, strain them carefully. Then put them back on the fire and put therein the wax, the fir tree oil and the powdered incense and let it boil until it seems cooked to you. Remove it from the fire and stir very well and it will be made. This is powerful to make flesh grow and it does not irritate. Dark unguent to close and increase flesh. Take 2 ounces each of naval pitch and clean wax, 3 ounces each of incense, cypress nuts and fenugreek flour and 1 lb. of olive oil. Put the oil, the wax and the pitch on the fire and incorporate well. Then make all the other things into fine powder and put them in and incorporate well together and boil it enough on a slow fire and it will be made. Do not forget to stir as usual. This unguent closes and grows flesh in all sores on any place in the body. Another to heal a sore in 5 days. Take some of the herb that grows on the bark of the willow tree that looks like velvet and is called by the name 'moss' and grows on the shady side of the tree. Put this herb on the bleeding sore and if it is not bleeding, make a little blood come out so that the herb is able to stick to it. Do not remove the herb. The herb has the property that it does not detach itself until the sore is healed. It has the ability to stop blood and it cures rapidly. -------- [Page 195] Unguent that heals in 12 days, providing that the sore or wound is not fatal. It is not good in wounds involving the head. Take 1 lb. of oily pine tar, 2 ounces of laurel oil or mastic tree oil and 4 ounces each of sage and elemi gum. First put the tar on the fire until it clears well on a slow fire. Then put in the gum and the other things and incorporate them well on a little fire, always stirring until it is cold and it will be made. Use it at your pleasure in the way you use other unguents, medicating twice a day. But do not medicate the head. Another unguent similar to the above. Take 4 ounces each of white wax, rose oil and turpentine and ½ ounce of fava bean flour. Incorporate everything on a slow fire, stirring continuously until it is cold and the unguent will be made. With this medicate twice a day. Unguent from a monarch of Greece which is powerful for every wound of the head and body and is also powerful against cut muscles and nerves. Take 1 handful each of pimpernel, betony and burdock, all in leaf. Grind them together and put them to soften in a flask of good white wine for 3 days in a row. Then boil this very slowly until it reduces in half. Strain and press the herbs firmly and extract all the substance. Take half a glass of juice of ribwort plantain, one glass of juice of wormwood, 1 lb. of good turpentine, 6 ounces of thick pine tar and 1 ounce each of gum arabic, mastic and white wax, and all these things should be pulverized. Boil them in a pot until nearly cooked. Then put in a glass of mother's milk from a woman who is nursing a male child. Continue stirring it as usual and, when it is removed from the fire, until it is cold. Do not remove it from the fire until it has made a good body and then it will be made, an unguent with which to medicate wounds in the head and cut muscles and nerves. It will cure these quickly. Unguent from the above that is powerful in any wounds, bruises or blows and does not hurt when used. Take 1 ounce of betony, ½ handful of burnet saxifrage, 1 handful of burdock, 3 ounces of good turpentine, 2 ounces each of thick pine tar and clean wax, 1 ½ ounces of tragacanth, 1 ounce each of liquid storax and mastic and 1 ½ ounces of mountain mint. Take all the herbs and cut them very minutely and then grind them very well and put them to soak in 4 lb. of good white wine. Boil this until it reduces in half. Then restrain the wine. Those herbs that are large and are not able to pass through the strainer, regrind very finely until they can. Then return this to the fire and put in the tar, wax, tragacanth and mastic. Everything should be powdered and the tar should be well cleaned. Make it boil enough, slowly, and stir continuously so it does not burn. Before you remove it from the fire when it is cooked, put in the storax and the turpentine and at once strain it one more time and do it at once so that it is hot, in a pointed sack, pressing with 2 sticks back and forth, or use a slotted cane and grasp it with the hands, one at each end, and draw downward very slowly. Soon all will come out so that nothing remains in the sack. Continue stirring with the stick so all is well incorporated and when it is cold it will be made, the most perfect unguent, good for any wound, bruise or blow on the leg or on the body. It does not sting at all and where it enters, it cures rapidly and you will use it with honor. It has been tested. -------- [Page 196] The Egyptian unguent, powerful for old sores and fistulas that have need of assistance. It cleans, removes dead flesh and putrefaction at the same time. Take 4 ounces of rose honey, ½ ounce of verdigris and ½ ounce of strong rose vinegar. First put the vinegar on the fire and then put in the rose honey and heat until it is well incorporated, stirring it in. Then put in the powdered verdigris and let it boil until it comes to be a reddish color and it will be made. Remove it from the fire and stir with a spatula until it is cold and it will be finished. Put it in a cool place and then use it. The Apostles' unguent for healing. Take 6 ounces each of white wax, pine tar and oil, 3 ounces each of incense, bdellium and milk vetch, 1 [ounce] each of opoponax gum and aloe, 2 ounces each of gum ammoniac, myrrh and galbanum, 4 ounces of litharge, 1 ½ ounces of turpentine, 2 ½ ounces of sarcocol gum and 2 ounces of verdigris. First put these things to soak in vinegar: the bdellium, opoponax and gum ammoniac and they should be coarsely broken up. Then put the oil in the pot and put in the tar, galbanum, sarcocol and turpentine and make these melt. Then strain it with force. Return it to the fire and put in the 3 gums that you put in the vinegar and add the vinegar itself and bring this to a boil. Then put in these other things, all made into fine powder: litharge, myrrh, aloe, milk vetch and incense and incorporate them well with your spatula. Strain this one more time with a pointed sack with 2 sticks or a split reed, drawing downward so that it quickly extrudes out. Return it to the fire and put in the cut wax and boil slowly until it comes to perfection. Put in the verdigris, finely chopped, and at once remove it from the fire and stir it continuously until it is cold so that the green color is well incorporated and it will be well made, the Apostles' unguent. It will be green. It will rectify fistulas and scrofulas and other sores and it is powerful in ulcers. It removes dead flesh from sores and consolidates them. This is powerful above all other unguents. Green unguent that heals and closes every wound. Take 1 lb. of olive oil, 4 scruples of fir tree oil, 3 ounces each of turpentine, pine tar and Greek pitch, 2 ounces of clean wax, 5 ounces of goat fat and ½ ounce of verdigris. Put the oil, the fir tree oil, turpentine, tar, pitch and the cut-up fat in a pot and melt them completely. Then strain them in a pointed sack, pressing firmly with the sticks. Return it to the pot and put in the cut-up wax and make it boil enough to be cooked. Put in the verdigris, chopped finely, and let it incorporate well on the fire, stirring continuously. When it is cooked, remove it from the fire and stir until it is cold and it will be made, a wonderful and worthy unguent that can be used to treat every wound. If you want to make it stronger to eat away dead tissue better, add more verdigris and also a little rock alum and add it in the way described above and it will be made. Another strong unguent. Take 3 glasses of malvasia wine, 3 ounces each of saltpeter, rock salt, dried rock alum, one glass of strong vinegar and 2 ounces of fine verdigris and make this boil until it reduces in half. Then take 5 ounces of oil of balsam with powdered orris root and compound them with 1 dram of pine tar, 1 ounce of turpentine, 1 ½ ounces of clean wax and enough fine powder of balsam leaves, that is the balsam apple, so the composition becomes somewhat green. When it seems to you to be cooked, take it from the fire and stir until it becomes cold and it will be made, a perfect and good unguent. Few know its virtue. -------- [Page 197] The golden unguent cures, grows flesh, consolidates and heals any fresh wound. Take 1 lb. of rose oil and 1 glass of very good wine and put it in a pot with 3 ounces of turpentine and put in these 3 clean herbs, cut and ground very finely and boiled in this oil until they are well cooked and strained thoroughly through muslin: 1 ½ handfuls of tansy, 1 handful of tamarind flowers and tips, and ½ handful of lesser centaury Then take 6 ounces each of calf and sheep fat, cut minutely, melted, strained and mixed, 1 dram each of frankincense and saffron, 1 ½ drams of pine tar and colofony resin, 2 ½ drams of incense, sarcocol gum and myrrh, 3 drams of mastic and 3 ½ ounces of clean wax. Make powder of all these other things using force and compound them together until everything is well incorporated. Strain it one more time, pressing the sack well so that nothing remains. Return it to the pot and make it boil on a slow fire, stirring continuously so it incorporates well. Before it is cooked, put in the wax and the saffron and remove it from the fire. Wash this warm with milk 3 times and cool it and it will be made. Put it away for your needs, because it is in name and in fact the golden unguent. White lead unguent for broken flesh and bad fistulas. Take 1 dram of gum ammoniac, 3 drams each of bdellium, frankincense, mastic, milk vetch and sarcocol gum, 2 drams each of myrrh and galbanum, 1 ½ ounces of yellow litharge, 2 ½ drams each of aloe and opopanax gum, 2 drams of verdigris, 2 ounces of pine tar and 2 ounces of white wax. First soak the ammoniac, bdellium, galbanum and opoponax in strong vinegar, enough to barely cover them and leave them for 6 hours and not more. Put 1 lb. of ordinary oil in a pot and put therein the litharge and make it come to a boil on a slow fire. Then put in the gums that were soaking in vinegar, straining them first. Boil it until the vinegar is consumed. Then put in all the other things, made into fine powder, and at the last the wax and let it boil very little, always stirring so it does not burn. Remove it from the fire and stir until it is cold and it will be made for your use. Unguent of Avicenna, called the unguent of Venus. Take 1 ½ ounces of white wax, ½ ounce each of pine tar and gum ammoniac, 2 ½ ounces of turpentine, 2 drams of opopanax, 1/2 ounce of verdigris, ½ ounce each of bdellium, milk vetch, incense, myrrh and galbanum, 1 ounce of yellow litharge and 1 ½ lb. of olive oil. Put the oil and yellow litharge in a pot and boil it a little on a slow fire. Put the gums, broken up, to soak in vinegar and strain them when you put them in the pot. Then put in the other things made into powder and let this cook sufficiently, using your ladle, on a slow fire so it does not burn. Before you remove it from the fire put in the verdigris, made very fine, and the wax, cut minutely. Then remove it from the fire and stir until it is cold and it will be made, a perfect unguent. Note that this unguent needs 2 pounds of oil if it is made in the wintertime and 1 ½ pounds in the summer. Some call this the Apostles' unguent. Use it. Little basic unguent, good and perfect. Take 3 ounces each of Greek pitch and thick pine tar, 2 ounces of turpentine, 1 ounce of clean wax. Put 6 ounces of ordinary oil in the pot and put therein the above things made into powder and boil it on a slow fire, always stirring. When it is cooked, put in the wax and at once remove it from the fire and stir until it is cold and it will be made. You can use it at your pleasure. -------- [Page 198] Unguent of oil to fill up wounds which are hard to reflesh and to cure fistulas and bad sores. Take 1 ounce of opopanax gum, ½ ounce of lint shavings from old and clean linen cloth, 1 ½ ounces each of good white wine, rose oil and myrtle oil and ½ ounce each of litharge, aloe, sarcocol gum and myrrh. Make an unguent in the mortar without fire, grinding each well by itself. Then put all together, incorporating with the oil and the wine until it is sufficiently in the form of a good unguent, blending now wine, now oil. Some add 2 drams pulverized copper sulfate, compounding this little by little in the mortar until it is really the way you wish and it will be made. A related unguent that is powerful in putrid wounds, grows flesh in these and heals and does not allow corruption. Take 1 ounce each of myrrh, hepatic aloe and sarcocol gum, 3 ounces of cleaned honey, ½ glass of good white wine and 2 drams of copper sulfate. Make powder of everything and mix it on a slow fire, always agitating it with your spatula until it is thickened in the form of an unguent. Remove it from the fire and stir and it will be made. Save it to use for your needs. Major basic unguent. Take 6 ounces of rose oil, 3 ounces of cooked naval pitch, 4 ounces of turpentine, 2 ounces of rose honey, 3 ½ ounces of clean wax and one quatrino of saffron. Put the saffron to soak in vinegar until it falls to the bottom. Put the oil and the turpentine on the fire to incorporate, then the rose honey and the pitch in the pot and boil for one miserere, always stirring on a slow fire. Then put in the well-soaked saffron with the vinegar and at once put in the wax and as it melts, remove it from the fire and stir until it is cold and it will be made, perfect and good. Save it for your needs. Unguent of turpentine. Putting it on wounds regrows good flesh. Take 1 lb. of old olive oil, 3 ounces of turpentine, 2 ounces of thick pine tar, 1 ½ ounces of clean wax, 1 ½ ounces each of varnish, incense and mastic, and 2 ounces of fenugreek flour. Put the oil, wax, turpentine and the tar on a slow fire and boil enough to incorporate them. Then put in the incense and mastic made into powder and the varnish and cook it so it does not burn. Lastly, put in the flour, as much as you need so that it makes an unguent in the usual form. Remove it from the fire at once and stir until it is completely cold and it will be made. This unguent, put on wounds and sores, cleans them and refleshes nerves and increases tissue and soon cures. Another unguent to regrow tissue. Take 3 ounces of rose oil, 1 ounce of clean wax, 2 drams of saffron, 2 ounces of fir tree oil, ½ ounce of mastic and 1 ½ ounces of myrrh and make fine powder and put all these things in the pot and make them melt so they are incorporated. Strain this warm at once through the strainer. Then put it again in the pot on a slow fire and so it cooks enough but does not burn. Remove it from the fire and stir it for a piece and it will be made. This grows flesh on sores. Say over a sore or wound. ' God was born, God was taken and bound, betrayed and suffered crucifixion and died for us wretched sinners. God was resurrected on the third day, according to the Scripture. As this is true, so this illness can neither become corrupt, nor putrefy, nor cause any pain, if it is pleasing to God and the Virgin Mary.' Make over it the sign of the cross. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. Another. Say, + 'Christ was born. + Christ died. + Christ was resurrected from death. +' Let us pray, 'We have received warnings for our health and we hear divine instruction that has been made for us to say the Pater Noster and say it all. Lord, free your servant from all present and future illnesses.' Put some cloths on the sore in the form of a cross and in 2 or 3 days you will be cured. + + + -------- [Page 199] Very worthy unguent to clear up the legs. Take ½ ounce of bear fat, 2 ½ drams each of vulture fat, chicken fat and mutton fat, 4 ounces of rose oil, 2 drams each of wild olive, mummy and marsh mallow, 2 ounces of clean wax, 4 drams each of pine tar, linseed oil, Armenian red clay, white lead and rotten stone, 10 seeds of round pepper, 1 ½ drams each of camphor, mastic and incense and 1 dram of dragon's blood gum. First take all the fats and cut them finely, melt them and strain them through muslin. Return them to the pot and put therein rose oil and linseed oil and incorporate them well with the fats. Then remove the pot from the fire and while it is warm put therein the mummy, the dragon's blood gum, tar, Armenian red clay, white lead, incense, rotten stone, pepper, wild olive, marsh mallow and at the end the wax. All the above things are made into fine powder. Return it to the fire and reboil very slowly and stir continuously with your spatula. When it is cooked, restrain everything with care, passing it warm through muslin. Then put in the camphor, cut minutely, and stir until it is cold and it will be made. Put it away for your needs. You will be able to use this on strips of leather or chamois and let it stay on the sore place for 3 or 4 days. Then change it and do this for 10 to 12 days and you can use other unguents that will make flesh grow rapidly. Watch what you eat. Do not eat harmful things and soon, with the aid of God, you will be cured. Unguent for an infected place involving the nerves. Take 1 ounce each of goat fat, earthworms and clean wax. Put 4 ounces of rose oil in a little pot and put therein the fat, cut minutely, and the earthworms washed with vinegar and the cut wax. Melt everything together on a little fire. Then strain it finely and put the composition again in the pot and finish cooking slowly, stirring continuously until it has made enough body. When it is cool and well blended, preserve it and use it for your needs. Best unguent for cuts or wounds. Take 1 handful of roots of marsh mallow, well washed and clean, and boil them in 2 lb. of olive oil on a slow fire until it reduces ¾ and until the roots become dark in the pot. Then remove it from the fire and strain it through muslin, pressing the roots well. Then put it back on the fire and add 3 ounces of turpentine and 1 ½ ounces of clean wax and compound this in the form of an unguent and it is done. Spread it on little plasters and treat the sore or wound and it will bring you honor. Another for sores or cuts that spurt blood. Take some dung from the ass and some rabbit fur and cut everything finely and pulverize it and put it on the sore, firm and thick, so the blood that is not able to stop flowing will soon be staunched. Then medicate it as usual with unguents and it will be cured. Say over it these words, 'Cross of Christ aid me. + Blood stay in yourself as Christ did in himself. Christ save me. Blood stay in your vein as Christ did in his grief. + Christ protect me. Blood stay fixed and strong as Christ did in his death. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.' Carry it with you and say it 3 times in a row and the blood will be stopped. More to staunch blood from sores, wounds or veins. Take sarcocol gum, mummy, Armenian red clay and dragon's blood gum, each the same amount, and make everything into very fine powder and incorporate them together and put this on sores, wounds and also on a vein from which the blood is not able to stop flowing. Put on enough and soon the blood will be staunched. Then medicate with unguents. -------- [Page 200] Unguent that distends contracted nerves, be it either from cold or heat, that is through obstruction of nerves through humors that discend from the head to the part of the nerve in such a way that they may impede the heat and the nerve fails and is contracted, debilitated or paralyzed. Take 4 drams each of the fats of bear, horse, duck, goat, badger, ass and mutton, 2 drams each of gum ammoniac, juniper gum, bdellium, incense and ivy gum and 1 dram each of powder of mountain mint, pennyroyal, catmint, gratiana , St. John's wort, white dittany, cut-up lemon rind, lavender cotton, white iris, amber and French lavender. First cut up all the fats, melt them and strain them, dissolve all the gums and strain them and make all the herbs into powder and mix them. Incorporate the above 3 groups together and put all of it to fill a male cat or a duck. But in truth, it is better to put them in a young, male red dog, because a Carthusian friar told me that a gentleman's son who was much crippled was cured and one of the friars received 40 dinari from that gentleman for having freed his son, through God's grace. He told me that he had cleaned a young red dog for roasting and he filled it with aromatic things. He said that he had not recorded the things that he put in but he knew well that he cured him with the fat that he collected from that dog roasted specifically to aid that youth. Then after this he had them say a mass of the Holy Spirit. However, it seems to me that it will be best to take a red dog and put in all of the above ingredients and roast it on a spit and when it is well cooked, to collect all the fat that drains from the back because in this exists all the virtue. Value it and save it in a clean glass vessel. Then incorporate this fat with these unguents, viz. Take 1 ounce each of Marciaton unguent , Aragon unguent and Agrippa unguent and 2 ounces each of marsh mallow and laurel oil. Incorporate these unguents with the strained fat on a very slow fire. When you have incorporated them well, you will have made your ointment, perfect and good, and this is the preparation from the Reverend Priest himself. When you want to treat the above infirmity, heat it and rub the sick person in front of a good fire. Then wrap it with unwashed wool with other warm cloths around it and put it to stay on and do this with the ointments several times and you will see a wonderful effect. This is very true and it is tested. Another oil powerful for the above, tried and true for retracted nerves with pain and spasms. Take flowers of privet, that is vistrici , and fill a pot. Then fill it with ordinary oil and boil it before the fire until it reduces one half or more. Strain it and press the flowers well and keep it for 3 or 4 days in the sun and it will be made and keep it with care. When you want to treat, make it warm to rub the nerves that have pain and spasm and put on unwashed wool. Soon you will be restored to health. Another unguent for the nerves. Take 2 ounces each of oils of mastic, of myrtle, of quince and of lavender, 1 ounce of mastic, ½ ounce of celery seed, 3 drams each of hypocistis and acacia, 5 drams of liquid storax and enough clean wax to make an unguent. Rub the painful nerves using warm, unwashed wool and you will be cured. Another similar unguent. Take 1 ounce each of laurel oil, of oil of fox, of camomile and of eyebright, 1 ½ ounces of bear fat and enough clean wax to make an unguent. Incorporate everything together on a little fire, stirring continuously so it does not burn. Then rub the painful nerves.... 110 -------- [Page 201] Tested oil for nerve spasms in several forms. Take 2 lb. or more of clean wax and distill it in the usual way with a glass retort. Oil will come out for use in the way described below. Put into this oil 1 ounce of mastic, 3 drams of saffron and 2 drams of camphor, all made into fine powder. When you have incorporated them, again distill it in the retort or other glass vessel. A very odorous oil will come out which you should save in a glass bottle, well closed at the top, because the gases might escape and its power would be lost. This oil has many very great virtues, especially against nerve spasm. It is powerful for every bruise, blow or kick that has clotted blood. It should be very warm when you use it and rub with it 2 times a day and keep the sore places warm with unwashed wool which is very appropriate in such a problem. While you are rubbing you will feel the pain alleviate and this comes from the soothing odor. Many experienced men have approved of it. Another oil for spasms of nerves or from blows. Take 1 ½ ounces each of rose oil and oil of dill, 3 ounces of Venetian turpentine, ½ bowl of earthworms washed in white wine and 1 ½ ounces each of thick pine tar and eyebright. Boil this in a little pot on a slow fire, but not too much. Then strain it carefully, pressing well so the substance comes out and it will be made. Save it for your needs and when you want to use it, put it on very warm with unwashed wool and you will be cured rapidly. More to comfort the nerves. Take 2 ounces each of juice of rue, oil of dill and chicken fat, 1 ounce of oil of tartar and ½ ounce of powdered mastic. Cut the fat minutely and put everything together in a carafe in the sun, well covered, for 15 to 20 days and then it will be made. Make an ointment of this. It should be warm when you use it. By continuing this, you will be cured quickly. Another very useful oil for nerves, spasms and sores. Take 3 lb. of the oldest olive oil that you can find, 6 ounces of malvasia wine or other good white wine and 1 handful each of flowers of camomile, sage, rosemary, wormwood and rue, cut finely. Put everything together to boil until it is reduced in half on a slow fire. Strain it and press the herbs in the press and extract all the substance by force. Return the oil to the pot and put therein ½ bowl of earthworms washed with white wine, 2 ounces each of sulfur and the white wine described above and reboil it a little. Strain it again through muslin and while it is still warm add 3 ounces of clean wax and then add 1 ½ ounce each of cloves, incense, mastic and laurel berries, all made into very fine powder, and 1 dram of saffron. Stir well with your spatula until everything is well incorporated. When you want to use it, make it warm and rub and soon you will cure, with God's grace. Another unguent for nerves retracted and drawn up by infirmity. Take 1 ½ lb. of earthworms washed with white wine, 1 ½ lb. of fat from the horse and 1 lb. each of bear fat, marmot fat, badger fat, oil of balsam and sweet almond oil, 5 lb. of old butter, 4 lb. of old olive oil and 1 handful each of wormwood and sage. First cut all the fats and melt them and then add in the oil and the herbs, cut minutely, with the butter and the earthworms. Boil everything for a piece. Then strain it finely under the press and extract all the substance and put it again in the pot and put therein 3 ounces of clean wax and as it melts, remove it from the fire and it will be made. Continue stirring until it is cold and it will be done. Save it for your needs for drawn and retracted nerves. It should be warm when you rub with it and put on warm unwashed wool and continue in this way and soon you will cure. -------- [Page 202] Best ointment for retracted nerves. Take a goose, and it should be fat, pluck it and clean it as if you wanted to eat it and cut off the neck and the feet. Then take a live cat that should be fat, kill it, skin it and clean it as if you wanted to eat it and cut off the head and the feet. Then cut it up minutely including the bones. I say, very minutely. Grind this together with one pound of lard from a male pig, 1 ounce of powdered cloves and 2 ounces of finely-ground clean wax. Grind and incorporate everything well together. Then put everything inside the body of the goose and cook it. Tie it up on the spit and bind it so it stays firm. Then roast it and keep the fire very low until it is cooked or over-cooked, but not burned, until the bone is seen. Collect all the fat so that nothing is lost, not a drop, into a bowl of strong white vinegar. Because you will want the fat that is above the vinegar, save this as something dear. It is the fat which has this property, when retracted nerves are rubbed with it warm, using it several times softens them and makes them return toward their pristine state. Keep them warm with unwashed wool, which is very appropriate. Observe the rules and soon you will be cured. More for retracted nerves. Take some fat from a sheep and some of its marrow and cut each minutely. Then fry these in good white wine. Then wash the sick place with this wine, very warm, and bathe it for a while and do this several times and you will cure. A cleansing unguent for the nerves. Take 1 lb. of Venetian turpentine, 1 ounce each of sarcocol gum, myrrh, flour of lupin, of flax seed and of fenugreek and ½ ounce of clean wax. Dissolve the turpentine and the wax on a good fire. Then remove the pot from the fire and put therein all the other things made into powder and stir with the ladle so it is well mixed until it is cold and it will be made, an unguent good to cleanse those sores that are on the nerves. Another to cure cut nerves. Take 2 ounces each of these five kinds of oil, that is laurel oil, petroleum, oil of mastic, of dill and of tartar, and badger fat and 1 ounce of clean wax. Incorporate everything on a little fire and make a soft unguent. It should be warm when you want to use it. Do this several times with warm unwashed wool on the cut place and it will help you greatly. Another for nerves retracted through cold. Take ox dung in the month of May and boil it in good white wine. Bathe the painful nerves with this wine and it should be warm. Do this several times and you will help greatly. Keep the nerve very warm and soon you will cure. More to cure these sores on nerves and other diverse sores. Say over the sore, first making the sign of the cross, “O highest wisdom and power, O eternal light, O creator of heaven and earth, O you who saved human nature and were placed on the cross + for us, wretched sinners, to save us. Remember, Lord, when you said, ' Hely, hely, lama zabatani. Hoc est corpus meum, Agios, Agios, Agios, Ischiros, Athanatos, Adonay. ' As you, Lord, were freed from the wounds of your side on the most holy cross + which you bore to Mount Calvary, as you, Lord, were wrapped in white cloth, as the wounds did not bleed with either fever or decay, so these will not, if it please God and his Son. Suffering of Christ, may these be healed. Suffering of Christ, may they be healed in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.” Say this over the wounds when you pray. Then take a little cloth of a man's shirt and put it in the form of a cross on the wounds and they will be healed quickly. -------- [Page 203] Unguent from the Master Apothecary, Bonino, the Florentine. He treated with this unguent once a day and cured every serious sore quickly and well. Take a carafe of vernaza or other very good white wine and put therein a handful of ground betony and let it infuse for 3 whole days. Then boil it in front of the fire until it reduces in half. Strain it and press the herb under the press until you extract all the substance and put them together. Then put in all these gums which should be clean and well washed, that is, 6 ounces of thick pine tar, 4 ounces of galbanum, 3 ounces of juniper gum and 2 ounces each of gum ammoniac and Armenian red clay, 1 ounce each of ivy gum and hepatic aloe and ½ ounce of dragon's blood gum. All these should be melted and strained carefully and incorporated with the above decoction. Return it to a slow fire until you incorporate them and they become like honey. Then remove it from the fire and stir until it is cold and it will be made, an noteworthy unguent which will cure any wound rapidly. It has been tested. Another unguent for the above from the Master Apothecary Bonino. Take 6 ounces each of ordinary oil and thick pine tar and 3 ounces each of rose oil and clean wax. Put everything in a pot to melt on a slow fire. Then strain it and add 2 ounces of powdered turpentine and boil it for the time it takes to say an Ave Maria. When it is cold, wash it with water and let it stay to soften for the night. In the morning, drain it well of the water. Then incorporate 3 ounces of betony juice and stir until it is well mixed and it will be made. Use it at your pleasure for all wounds. It will bring you honor, and quickly. Unguent that resolves the swelling and scab after the wound is healed. Take 2 ounces each of dregs of oil of lily and of linseed, bdellium, clean wax, liquid storax, galbanum, opoponax gum, chicken fat or goose fat and pig lard, each at your discretion. Take the bdellium, galbanum and opoponax and grind them in a mortar and take the storax and the wax and grind them together and add the gums. Then put in the strained fats and the oils and incorporate very well with the pestle and do not spare the labor and you will make a wonderful unguent to remove the swelling and hardness that remains after the wound is healed. But first you need to wash the healed wound with wine that has been boiled with marsh mallow, mallow and flax seeds and when it is washed this should be very warm. Dry it and use this unguent and you will see a good cure. It is tested. Another alterative to remove the scab of a healed wound. Take 6 ounces of good pine tar, 2 ounces each of clean wax, linseed flour and fenugreek flour, 1 lb. of camomile oil, 1 ounce each of goose fat, chicken fat and goat fat and 6 drams each of mastic and incense. Put the tar and the wax to melt on the fire and strain it through muslin. Return it to the fire and put in the powdered mastic and incense. Then put in the fat, strained and clean, and let it boil a little. Then put in the flours and remove it from the fire and stir with your spatula until it is cold and it will be made. Use it at your pleasure as described above. Another to remove the signs of wounds and other marks rapidly. Take oil of tartar and human semen, the same amount of each, and incorporate them together and heat this in an eggshell and rub the red signs 2 or 3 times a day and soon the signs will disappear. This is very well tested and truly proved. -------- [Page 204] To remove the red marks and scars from wounds in several ways. Take 30 fresh eggs layed on the same day and cook them in water so they become very hard and take the yolks and put them all in a little frying pan or other little pan and do not put in anything else and make them fry slowly on a low fire. Then mince them and put them in a bag of strong cloth and put them under the press and tighten so that the liquor comes out and save this as something dear. If by chance little or nothing comes out, put the press tightly closed as it is in a humid place and soon the oil will come forth. Collect it and when you have it, preserve it. Use this warm to rub on the red marks and the edge around the wounds so when they are cured they soon fade so that little by little they will disappear. Another to remove the red marks from wounds or other scars on the body. Take fresh and clean shin bones from animals. Put them to soften in white vinegar as strong as you can find for 10 to 12 days, keeping them covered and in a warm place. Then break or cut them as minutely as you can and distill them in a glass still with a very low fire. Save the water that comes out as something valuable. First heat this distillation and bathe the red marks from wounds or scars and by continuing this for several times they will be faded so they will hardly be seen. If the illness is fresh, soon it will disappear so it is seen no more. This has been tested. Another ointment for the above, to make the signs of wounds, cuts or scrapes go away. Take some bulbs of white lilies and cook them in water. Then grind them in a mortar and take 1 ounce of pork lard and add 3 drams each of powdered mastic and incense, 1 dram of camphor, ½ ounce of powdered white lead and some rose oil and make the unguent on a slow fire. Repeatedly rub this unguent on the red edges caused by wounds, scrapes or other scabs and continue it and soon they will go away. It is tested. Another water that removes the red marks and edges and even warts and rashes quickly. Take 1 ½ lb. each of oak ashes or other strong ashes and pulverized litharge, 6 ounces of powdered quicklime, 3 ounces of copper sulfate, 1 dram of ammonium chloride and 8 lb. of strong lye that can float an egg and is the kind used for soap. Put everything together in a covered pot and boil on a slow fire until one third remains and stir several times and it will be done. Put it in a vitreous vessel and keep it well covered so that it does not get too much air because it may lose much of the substance and effectiveness. Then with this composition, rub where you have red signs or other marks or warts or rashes. By doing this several times, they will go away. If it causes burning or irritation, take as much as you can of such irritation and when you cannot bear it, just put on a drop of rose water or plantain water or other water and at once the burning will stop as if you never felt it. You will be cured quickly because it has been tested. Another to take away the marks on the flesh and also other scars from scratches. Take some urine from a healthy man and distill it in a glass still on a slow fire. First water will come out and later, by increasing the fire a little, oil will come out. Collect each one separately. You should know that continued use of the oil is what removes large spots and grows new flesh and makes them flesh color. The water that comes out first makes beautiful flesh. -------- [Page 205] Unguents of several kinds to draw out iron, wood or spines from the flesh. Take 6 drams each of yeast from frumenty and honey and 1 dram each of mistletoe from oak and ammonium chloride and dissolve everything in water and add 2 drams of fenugreek flour and enough old oil and incorporate everything together on a little fire and make the unguent. With this, warm, rub the sore place in the morning and evening and it will draw out the material that is inside or will put it forth with pus at the same time and you will cure quickly. Another for the above illness. Take some leaves of heliotrope and grind them between 2 stones and put them on the afflicted places and it will help you remove the discomfort rapidly. Another for the above illness from iron, wood or spines thrust in the flesh. Take roots of marsh mallow, washed and very clean, cut them finely and boil them in ordinary oil in a pot until they become dark. Then strain them and press them through cloth and put therein 2 ounces of clean wax and 3 ounces of turpentine and incorporate everything together close by the fire and stir until it is cold and it will be made. Treat with this, warm, and soon you will cure. Another for the above illness. Take the roots of giant reed and powder of mountain mint and incorporate them well, grinding everything together with a little honey and yeast from frumenty and some galbanum. Then put this on the sore place several times, warm, and soon it will draw out the splinter and you will cure. Another to make flesh grow rapidly in the wounds . Take powder of Florentine iris and incorporate it with the white of an egg. Then dry it and make very fine powder and put it on the wound. If iron is in the wound, put on agrimony mixed warm with ground lard and soon it will draw out the splinter. Do this several times. It has been tested. Another to withdraw iron that may be fixed in the flesh. First say, with reverence, a Pater Noster and an Ave Maria. See if it possible for you to touch the iron with 2 fingers where it is in the flesh or with the tip of the finger, and as you feel it, say with reverence, 'Longino was a Hebrew, son of a Pharisee, who wounded Jesus Christ and wounded him in the right side. We beseech Jesus Christ just as the iron wounded him, so may this iron that I touch come forth from here.' Say this 3 times in a row, touching it with your fingers, and say a Pater Noster and soon the iron will come out and you will cure it, with God's grace. Another, a water to treat and cure the above wounds. Take clear and clean water and bless it three times in a row. Say the Pater Noster first each time and say it without deadly sin and without a weapon on you and when you treat the patient he should have forgiven the offense and have said the Pater Noster and the Ave Maria. Wet some cloths in this water and put it on the wound in the form of a cross and treat it twice a day until it is cured. This is the prayer that is said over the water, viz., 'In the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. In the name of God and the Holy Trinity and by that holy night when the glorious Virgin Mary gave birth to the blessed Jesus Christ. Christ was born, died and was resurrected and ordered that all these wounds should be well healed and well cured without cold, without heat, without blood, without pus, without cut nerves, without rotted bones, without fever, without death and without any other illness. So the glorious Virgin Mary ordered for this pure water and for every water which makes every liquor and precious unguent which may have been used as did Jesus Christ and his sweet mother, the Virgin Mary. By these and those words that you have said over the wood of the holy cross, so the true power will come from Jesus Christ in this blessed water that should cure your servant (name), in the name of the Father + , Son and Holy Spirit, Amen + + +.' Do not change the orders said above and save this water that is always good to cure any wound or cut, through the power of Jesus Christ. It is tested. *Another to draw out a thorn from the flesh. Take fresh roots of giant reed and lard and grind them together and put this warm on the puncture and the thorn will come forth onto the plaster. Do this several times. It has been tested. -------- [Page 206] Pine tar unguent. Take 6 ounces each of rose oil, clean wax and thick pine tar, 4 ounces of turpentine, 1 ounce each of incense, mastic and galbanum and 2 ounces of honey. Put the galbanum, mastic and incense to soak in strong vinegar for one night. Then put these in a pot without the vinegar and put them dry on the embers until they are melted. Put in the tar to melt, then the oil, the turpentine and the honey and incorporate them very well with your spatula. Put in the wax, cut finely, and let it boil a very little. Remove it from the fire and strain it warm through bunting cloth and stir until it is cold and it will be made. It will serve your needs and bring you honor. Yellow unguent. Take 6 ounces of rose oil, 5 ounces of clean wax, 4 ounces of turpentine, 2 ounces of marsh mallow and 1 ounce each of incense, mastic, galbanum and opopanax gum. Put all the gums to soften in strong vinegar that barely covers them. Then remove them and liquify them alone in the pot, stirring until they are melted. Then put in the oil, turpentine and marsh mallow and incorporate them well and let it cook. Lastly put in the wax cut into little pieces and, as it melts, remove it from the fire and strain it still warm through bunting and stir until it is cold and it will be made, to use at your pleasure. Know that for all unguents it is necessary to stir until they are cold, using your stirring rod or spatula, and this rule holds in making all kinds of unguents. Digestive. Take 1 ounce of turpentine, the yolk of a fresh egg, rose oil, fresh barley flour, saffron and dried rock alum, each at your discretion, and a little rose honey. When these are heated, compound them together and it will be made. Then use it to treat at your pleasure and it will bring you honor. Protective. Take 3 ounces each of rose water and nightshade water, 2 ounces each of oil of roses and oil of myrtle, 1 ounce each of Armenian red clay and dragon's blood gum and 1 ½ ounces of white wax. Compound all of the above things on a slow fire, stirring continuously until it is cold, and it will be made. Use it and it will bring you honor. It has been tested. Caustic for afflicted flesh. Take fresh honey, skimmed, and put therein 1 ounce each of rock alum and verdigris, both pulverized, ½ ounce each of turpentine and rose oil and a little strong vinegar. Mix everything together on a little fire and it will be made. Use it as needed. Another escharotic. Take 2 ounces each of male pig lard and turpentine and ½ ounce of mercury and compound them in the usual way described above and add ½ ounce of clean wax. Then have prepared ash of grape vine and add as much ash as can be taken up by the unguent. Compound all these well and it will be made, pleasant and beneficial. To make troches of red lead in order to open sores. Take 4 ounces of white flour bread dough, uncooked and well risen, 1 ounce of red lead and ½ ounce of mercuric chloride, well ground, and compound everything with rose water. Then make your troches with care and dry them in a warm oven, but do not let them burn. You can form as many troches of different kinds as needed. A quick and very fine escharotic. Take ½ ounce each of saccharine alum, rock alum, litharge, white lead and mercury, 1 ounce of mercuric chloride and grind everything finely and rub them through a fine sieve. Then compound them with butter the size of a nut, and lastly put in the mercury and stir this with a stick until it is well incorporated with the other things. When you put it on the afflicted flesh, it breaks it open and it is good when this happens though cautery.... 111 -------- [Page 207] *Another escharotic. Take 6 ounces of the master ingredient described below, 1 ½ drams of copper sulfate and 1 scruple of opium. Boil this until thickened and when it is done, remove it and put in the opium and incorporate that and it will be made for cauterizing abcesses and removing excess flesh. It works in ½ hour, more or less. Cautery for cold burning quickly. Take lye strong enough to float an egg, made from oak ashes and lime, that is the master ingredient from which soap is made. Fill a pot and put therein 6 ounces of powdered quicklime, 2 scruples of fine orpiment and 1 lb. of fresh honey and boil it very slowly in a vitreous pot, well covered and wrapped so that no air comes out or all will be destroyed and turn to liquid and have no strength. Boil it with a low fire until it becomes hard when it is cold. Save it and when you wish to treat, that is to open the flesh by cautery, put a little of the above material or powder in a ring suitable for the place where you want to make the opening in the flesh and put in the ring something round that presses on the flesh. Bind it on in the evening and in the morning you will find an opening as large as the ring and you have your cautery there which you can wash without any distress. Put on a single chick pea or little ball of wax and on this a leaf of hellebore that draws out much material. Clean this 2 times a day. In this way you will make an opening without giving distress to the patient and you will have good success. Another to make a simple escharotic. Take 2 bowls of oak ashes and one bowl of quicklime and boil them in a pot for a bit. Then extract out the clear water, as much as you can, and boil that in another little pot and boil it very slowly so that it thickens. Let it cool down by itself and when it is cold it will be firm and hard. If you are able to reduce it to powder that is better. Preserve it in a vitreous vessel, well covered so it does not see air because it will become very liquid. This powder is called 'cold fire.' If you put it on the flesh it ulcerates where it touches. Do the cautery in the way described above. Also, if you take the leaf of clematis and put it where you want to cauterize and put on one bean and bind it on tightly with a bandage, the flesh will be broken and you will make the little opening easily. All these are tested. Powder to regrow tissue in sores. Take 1 ounce each of incense, Florentine iris, mastic, fenugreek flour, aloe and juniper tears and make very fine powder of everything and incorporate them together and take powdered roots of marsh mallow, washed and clean, and mix everything. Pass it through a hair sieve and it will be made. Use this powder to put on sores. It generates good flesh and cleans the sores without any stinging and cleans the dirt and quickly heals the sores.... 112 Also this other powder regrows flesh on sores. Take ½ ounce each of clear frankincense, hepatic aloe, dragon's blood gum, sarcocol gum and myrrh and make very fine powder of them all. Pass this through a hair sieve and put it on the sores and soon good flesh will grow and you will cure the sore. Powder to consolidate old sores and unite new. Take ½ ounce of dry cypress nuts, 1 ½ drams each of mastic, sarcocol gum and Armenian red clay, 3 drams each of dragon's blood gum and Florentine iris and 2 drams of litharge. Make very fine powder of all and pass them through a hair sieve and use it for your needs. First clean the sore and put thereon some powder and you will cure it. Another powder to consolidate all sores. Take 3 ounces of powdered bugloss and 1 ½ ounces each of dragon's blood gum, tragacanth and gum arabic. Make fine powder of all of the above things and pass them through a hair sieve and incorporate them well. Then put it on old or new sores and soon they will be healed. It has been tested. -------- [Page 208] Rose unguent to cool sore legs. Take 6 ounces of oil of roses, 1 ½ ounces of white lead, ½ ounce of white wax and make an unguent in the usual way. When it is cooked, wash it 4 times with rose water. Then add 4 ounces of yellow litharge and incorporate in the usual way and you will have a well-formed unguent. Treat every illness of the legs with this. You should know that in this illness you need to be careful of your eating. Do not eat harmful things and it will be cured. Another unguent for the above illness of the legs when they may be difficult to heal. Take male pork lard and grind it finely and melt it and take the same amount of turpentine and incorporate these together on a slow fire and it will be made. Rub the legs and the sore with this ointment as required and you will cure them rapidly. Make this powder for the above illness of the legs. Take hepatic aloe and betony and make very fine powder. Put this on the sores and soon it will cure them. It has been tested. Another unguent for the legs. Take 1 ounce each of litharge, burnt rock alum and burnt saccharine alum and incorporate them together with very good white wine. Add powder of plantain, of yarrow, of chervil and of hepatic aloe, the amounts at your discretion, and make the unguent. Use it for every illness of the leg and it will bring you much honor. It has been tested. For the above illness of the legs. Take the herb hound's tongue and boil it in good white wine and wash the sore place with this warm wine in the morning and the evening, if you can, and let it dry on it. Then put 3 or 4 leaves of this herb on the sore and you will cure it quickly if the leaves are green. Unguent for inflammation of every kind. Take 1 ounce each of white lead and burnt lead, 1 dram each of bone of deer horn, rock salt and dragon's blood gum and 1 ounce of violet oil and mix these well in the mortar until they are well incorporated. Then add 6 grains of camphor and incorporate well and make the unguent in the usual way. Use it to medicate. First wash the sore with a decoction of fumitory and snails. Rub the sore with this unguent and soon you will be cured. Be certain that this has been tested. Do not eat pork meat. Unguent of mummy for growing and consolidating flesh. It is good for every sore. Take 2 drams each of mummy, dragon's blood gum, fenugreek flour, mastic, tragacanth and gum arabic, 3 drams of yellow litharge, 1 lb. of rose oil and 1 ½ drams of clean wax. First dissolve the wax in the oil. Then remove it from the fire and put in the above powders, little by little, with a little rose water. If it needs it, return it to the fire briefly and continue stirring until it is cold and it will be made. Its effect will bring you honor. The virtues of the mummy. Mummy is warm and dry in the fourth degree and it helps considerably in a cold and phlegmatic abcess. It restores bone. It removes the internal pain from every blow. It is of great help for intestinal rupture by putting it between the thighs in the form of an unguent and binding it on tightly. It will cure rapidly. Complete the cure by taking a dose of one dram of syrup several times.... 113 To cleanse sores. Take 6 ounces of strained rose honey, enough fenugreek flour and barley flour to thicken, and with this treat the sores. This will bring you very wonderful honor. It has been tested. Another for cleansing. Take 1 ounce of strained rose honey, 1 dram of turpentine, 1 ½ drams of myrrh and barley flour to thicken. First mix the turpentine and rose honey on the fire and then put in the myrrh and thicken with the flour and it will be made, the best unguent to clean perfectly. By using it you will see the proof of this. Another for cleansing. Take 6 ounces of turpentine, 1 ounce of rose honey, 1 dram each of sarcocol gum, myrrh and fenugreek flour and enough rye flour. Make the unguent in the usual way and save this for your needs. When you use it, you will see its effect. -------- [Page 209] To extend a nerve that has been retracted by illness. Take equal amounts of marsh mallow root, dried violets and flax seeds and boil everything with mild lye until it reduces 1/3. With this warm liquid bathe the painful place with a sponge several times and soon you will see improvement. More to make retracted nerves return. Take some marsh mallow flowers and put them in a glass ampule and fill it with ordinary oil, the oldest that you can find. Cork it well and put it in the sun for one month. Rub the painful place with this warm oil and you will cure it. Another unguent for retracted nerves. Take 2 ounces each of laurel oil, mineral oil, mastic oil, dill oil, oil of tartaric acid and badger fat. Incorporate everything together on a little fire with sufficient clean wax and make the unguent. Make it very warm and rub the painful place and soon you will cure it. It has been tested. Poultice to mature an abcess quickly. Take marsh mallow roots, white lily bulbs, butter, lard from a male pig, mallow, fenugreek flour, flour of flax seeds and saffron, the amounts of each at your discretion. Make a good poultice and put it on the sore very warm. Do this several times and you will cure it rapidly. This has been tested. Golden poultice, powerful for wounds. Take equal amounts of Greek pitch or colophony, which is the same thing, sulfur and white incense, all of which are well ground, and incorporate them with egg white. Rub a piece of parchment well with this mixture and press it on the wound tightly with the finger, cleaning out the blood well. Put on the little piece of parchment and bind it on with a bandage and the wound will heal most rapidly. This secret is from one who never wanted to teach it to anyone. By chance he was wounded and was constrained to teach it to one of his friends to treat his own wound, so he revealed it and soon he was cured. Poultice for a wound that may be infected with worms. Take 1 ounce each of bdellium and juniper gum, ½ ounce of musk and 2 ounces of turpentine. Dissolve the bedllium and the juniper gum in strong vinegar and strain this. Put in the turpentine and the musk. Then put in 2 ounces of oil of white lily. Cook this on a slow fire for a reasonable period, stirring continuously, and remove it from the fire. Thicken it with flour of lupins and of fenugreek and it will be made. Use it as you please and it will bring you honor. To cut a limb without pain to the patient. Take 3 ounces each of mercuric sublimate, arsenic, realgar and cinnabar and 4 ounces each of turpentine and naval pitch. Pulverize everything finely and distill them with a glass tube and extract water and save this. Then make a knife of dry olive wood, cut as thin as is possible. When you want to cut a limb, first wet the knife in this distilled water and the more often you wet the knife with the water, the better you will cut without great pain to the patient. This secret was used by Master Christopher from Norsia, renowned in such acts of surgery, and he was said to have made excellent cures.... 114 -------- [Page 210] Water that removes the signs from the edges of wounds. Take some water that stands in the little blisters that form on elm trees, that is the liquor inside. Otherwise, take a quantity of these blisters and put them in a flask with a long neck and close it well. Put it in a place that stays warm for 15 days. Remove it and put it in the sun for 15 days. That totals one month, day and night. Then distill it in a glass still on a slow fire. Save the water that comes out very carefully. When you wish to treat, dip the tip of the finger in it and rub well around the edges or the sign as much as you can. Do it this way 2 or 3 times a day. Soon the mark will no more be seen because this water tones down the red sign and makes it white as the flesh so it is not distinguishable. This has been tested. This water removes scabs much better when mixed with water that drips from grape vines. *Another for the above. Take roots of Florentine iris and boil them to reduce in half. Then strain and press well and wash with this and soon the mark of a wound will disappear. By Master Apothecary Pellegrino. Knee or hand that is swollen from humors that run down. Take the center of a loaf of white bread and put it in a little pot and put therein mild lye and 1 ½ ounces of oil of roses and a little pork lard well ground and a little whole saffron. When it is well cooked, break up the bread with a ladle and add a very little fine wheat flour so this will hold together better. Then spread this very warm on one or 2 leaves of cabbage and put it on the swollen knee or hand. Doing this very warm very soon lifts the pain and removes the matter and the swelling is much reduced. It will not cause more distress and the area will be rewarmed. To resolve one that does not come to a head. Take mallow and sweet violets and cook them in water and crush them on a cutting board with a little lard and put this very warm on the swollen knee or hand or other sore place. It will lift the pain. Do it several times in the morning and evening and you will soon cure it. If you take a stupe of carded cotton and wet it in urine and put it on the warm coals and put this warm on the swelling, wherever it is, it will soon lift the pain. It brings the matter to a head without distress and it makes a head that you can cut open. Medicate with egg yolk and turpentine for 2 or 3 days, morning and evening, and rub around with rose oil and soon you will cure it. To remove the redness of a knee or leg that is swollen. Take a piece of skin the size of a palm from each side of a dog. Take 1 lb. of pine resin, 3 ounces of galbanum, 5 drams of mastic and 5 grains each of musk, amber and civet musk. Melt the resin and the galbanum and as they melt add the powdered mastic. Watch that it does not burn and mix them well. Then spread this warm on the dog's skin to the thickness of ½ a finger. Then have prepared 15 or 20 sow bugs that curl up like little balls and grind everything together in the mortar with a little pork lard to form a soft unguent. Rub this well on the plaster and put it very warm on the knee or on the flesh of the leg and bandage so it stays on and if there is hair, it should be cut. Leave the bandage on for 2 or 3 days and then remove it. If it has made blisters, break them and press out that water. Wash the leg with wine in which has been boiled olive leaves, agrimony, rose and plantain and dry it. In the evening replace the warm plaster. Continue this one or 2 times every week. All the moisture will be resolved into water and the redness and swelling will be removed. If there is a sore, treat it as usual and soon you will cure it. This is tested. Take care of yourself. -------- [Page 211] Unguent or poultice from the masters Ganfredi which is said to be powerful, by the grace of God, truly to cure all new and old wounds and to grow good flesh. It does not allow any corruption to enter nor permit any bad flesh to develop and it is powerful for all cut or shattered nerves and it is powerful against all venomous beasts and draws out the venom, and for scrofula and Saint Anthony's fire and many other ills that you will discover through more experience. Take 1 ounce each of galbanum, opopanax gum, olibanum, bdellium, verdigris, mastic, myrrh, frankincense, long birthwort and colophony, that is Greek pitch, 1 ounce of gum ammoniac, 1 dram each of lodestone and tragacanth, 2 drams of hematite, 6 ounces of clean wax and 1 lb. each of olive oil and fine litharge. Make all into fine powder except the wax, galbanum, gum ammoniac and opopanax gum. First put the three gums to soften in strong vinegar for one whole day. Melt them in a pot with the vinegar on a slow fire, stirring continually so they do not stick and boil until the vinegar is consumed. Then mix with a little odoriferous wine and strain it and set it aside. Put the oil on the fire and make the wax melt in it. Put in the above powders and the litharge and stir continuously because it readily sticks to the bottom. Then the gums, little by little, then the verdigris, the myrrh, the birthwort, the mastic, the incense and the other things are put in little by little, always stirring so that it does not attach to the pot and with a little fire. Continue this until you see it change to a dark color. If you want to know when it is cooked, let a drop fall in cold water and if it becomes hard, it is cooked and if not, leave it a while on the fire and do not stop using the stirring rod. When it is cooked, remove the pot from the fire and put it in cold water until it is cooled in the water to a form that you can handle. Rub it with ordinary oil and when it is done, preserve it as a paste in a bottle. It will last 100 years and is always good. This has been tested. These are its virtues. As is said above, it is powerful to heal every sore, old or new. It is precious above every other unguent. It joins better, modifies, generates and consolidates good flesh more in one day than others do in a week and still does this wonderful work without corrupting anything where it is used and will not generate putrefying flesh. It is powerful against every cut or swollen nerve and is powerful against every bite of venomous animals and even draws out the venom. It is powerful against any developing abcess, fistula, cancer and Saint Anthony's fire and for those abcesses that develop inside the body or in the head. When this unguent is put on, it immediately starts to resolve the infirmity. Doing this several times is approved for all the above infirmities with this, that the infirm one is kept from all things adverse to him. By observing the rules, he will be cured rapidly, through God's grace. The cerate of optimum value, called God's Grace. Take 1 handful each of burnet saxifrage, betony, burdock and valerian, all cut finely, and put them to soften in an earthenware basin with good, fragrant white wine for 4 whole days and boil this in a clean pot until it is reduced in half. Then strain and press the herbs in the press. Put in 1 lb. each of turpentine and strained pine tar, 6 ounces of white wax and a glass of urine from a little child. Return it to a slow fire for ½ hour and stir continuously because it may boil over. Remove it from the fire and stir until it is cold and can be made into a brick. Then put it again in a container and melt it on a slow fire and at once put therein 1 ounce each of well-pulverized mastic, olibanum, and myrrh and 3 ounces of mother's milk and put these together and stir until it has thickened. Shape it very well with the hands and you will have made the best cerate which has these virtues. It is powerful for cuts and for nerves, for any swellings and to draw out iron or wood from bad flesh, for dog bites or bites of venomous animals, to bring abcesses to a head, to clean up ulcers, fistulas and carbuncles and for every developing growth and for scrofula. It even has many other great tested virtues. -------- [Page 212] The unguent, God's Grace, to heal and clean every serious wound. Take 2 handfuls each of greater and lesser centaury, honeysuckle, wood sorrel, plantain and ribwort plantain, 1 handful each of comfrey, self heal, mouse ear, clary and tansy, ½ handful each of dill, wormwood and feverfew, 2 ½ ounces each of roots of red madder and ground wheat and 1 ½ handfuls each of flowers and leaves of St. John's wort, agrimony, burdock, toadflax and horsetail. Cut everything as finely as possible, then add in these fats, which are 1 lb. of unsalted pork fat, 2 lb. of fragrant rose oil, 1 ½ lb. each of clear turpentine and beef suet and 1 lb. of mutton fat. Regrind everything together from the beginning and incorporate with 3 lb. of very fragrant wine. Let it stay all together in the sun for 9 to 10 days. Then put it in a pot on a slow fire until the wine is consumed and stir with your rod so that it does not stick on the bottom. Then strain this warm under the press and extract the substance well. Then put it again in the pot on a slow fire. Put therein 8 ounces of very clear turpentine, 3 ounces each of mastic and fresh pine pitch, 2 ounces of elemi gum and enough white wax and make a firm unguent that you can soften with fragrant wine and then with cow's milk or goat's milk and at the end with a little brandy to make a wonderful secret remedy to heal all wounds from the head to the feet, because this unguent has been made from much testing. Healing bandage powerful against corroding, malignant, poisonous, tingling ulcers that are difficult to cure. Take 6 ounces of unguento populeone , 3 ounces of rose unguent, 1 ½ lb. of rose oil, 8 ounces of veal fat, 2 ½ ounces of pork lard and 3 ounces each of juice of plantain and of nightshade. Boil everything together on a slow fire until the juices are consumed. Then strain it at once. Then add 6 ounces of white lead and 2 ounces each of yellow and white litharge and 1 ½ ounces each of red lead and clay from Lemnos. Reboil everything from the beginning very slowly and continue stirring with the rod until it becomes dark and put in a little white wax, enough to thicken and 1 dram of cut-up camphor. Make a healing bandage in the usual way and this will bring you very great honor. For the swelling or mass that comes behind the heels. Take some brambles and burn them and make 1 ounce of very fine ash and incorporate with ½ ounce of powder of burnt shoe leather. Then wash the sick place with warm wine in which has been boiled equal amounts of rosemary, cypress nuts and dried roses. When the feet are dry, put on some of this powder thickly in the morning and the evening. Bind it on so that it does not fall off and very soon you will cure them because this has been tested many times.... 115 To care for cold feet. Take 1 handful each of the herb gooseberry, which is called ciese de prete , sage and nettles and boil them together with water, with which the feet are then washed and dried. Then rub the feet with laurel oil. Do this 5 to 6 times and you will not feel as cold. This has been tested. *Another to protect from cold. Take ground eyebright and mix it with laurel oil and fat from a fox and rub the feet and hands. Cook nettles with laurel oil and rub the body and you will not feel the cold. The nettles should be gathered before the sun comes up. To remove a ring from a finger that is swollen. Take bean flour, vinegar and salt and mix everything together. Thicken it a little on the fire and put it on a cloth in the form of a poultice. Put it warm on the swelling and soon it will be reduced and the ring will come off. This has been tested. -------- [Page 213] Healing bandage that is only treated cloth. Take 2 scruples each of rose oil, white lead, turpentine, clean wax and lard from a male pig and put everything together in a pan or pot, the oil, turpentine and wax, and as they melt put therein the lard and continue stirring. Lastly put in the white lead and when you see it increase in height, put in one cloth at a time, always stirring top to bottom so that everything becomes incorporated well. Then put in the others until all the material is used up and the pieces of cloth become dry. If you wish to make less, put in less cloth. You will have made a bandage to cure the leg. For problems with the knee or other illnesses of the leg. Take 3 lb. of ordinary oil, 1 lb. each of yellow litharge and clean wax, 3 ounces of red lead and 4 ounces of white lead and incorporate everything on a slow fire and make an unguent in the usual way and treat with this. Also make this other unguent. Take 1 ½ lb. of rose oil, 2 lb. of yellow litharge, 8 ounces of white lead and 6 ounces of clean wax. First put the oil and the wax on the fire and melt them, then the finely-powdered white lead on a slow fire and continue stirring with the rod and when it has boiled enough, put in the litharge and incorporate well until it is cooked. Remove it from the fire and put in 6 scruples of camphor, cut very minutely, and stir until it is cold. The perfect unguent will be made, good for every illness of the knee. It has been tested. *For fissure or cracks of the lips. Take hairs from the tail of a horse and bran and put them in a heated iron pan and stir until it reduces to powder. Then take equal amounts of egg white, tragacanth and gum arabic and mix them with the powder. Bring it into the form of an unguent and rub the fissures or cracks on the lips. Putting on this unguent also restores the down of the beard or hairs that appear white among the gray. *Oil extracted from the kernels of roasted nuts heals wonderfully. Also powdered egg shells mixed with honey heal best. *Take litharge, fresh butter, washed turpentine, bovine marrow and mastic. Mix them together and rub them on. *Melt oil of white lilies and clean wax and rub it on. *Take equal amounts of gum arabic, tragacanth, oil of roses, oil of violets, chicken fat and clean wax and make an unguent. *Against swelling of the lips. Take juice of parsnip leaves and make an unguent with litharge and anoint the lips. *For fissures of the lips. Barley sugar dissolved in water of tragacanth heals fissures of the lips. *For fissured and cracked heels and hands. Take washed turpentine, salt, fresh butter and egg yolk and mix them together. Rubbing with it joins the cracks firmly. It is tested. Butter and clean wax, melted together and put on cracks, will heal them quickly. *For fissures or cracks of lips, hands or nipples. Take 3 drams of marsh mallow, 1 dram of oil of juniper. Mix them and make an unguent and anoint the cracks. *Unguent for the mouth. Take 2 ounces of rose oil, 1 ounce of white wax, 2 ounces each of male frankincense, orris root, fat from a horse and sepi bircini and make an unguent. *For cracks in the hands and feet. Take nettle juice and a little salt and incorporate with ordinary oil and rub the cracks and soon they will be cured. Rub goose fat thickly on the lips. Also boil the seeds of myrtle with white wine and wash yourself with this and it will help you greatly. *For a salt humor in the legs. Take the herb red sow thistle, also called crespini , make it into juice and mix with an equal amount of rose oil and enough clean wax. Add the yolk of one egg and make the unguent in the usual way. Use it and shortly you will be cured without using anything else. It has been tested.... 116 -------- [Page 214] *A water to take away a scrofula. Take cyclamen roots and roots of arum and of bryony in equal proportions and put everything to distill in a glass still. Wet some linen cloths in this water and put them warm on the scrofulas for 10 to 15 days and it will help your health greatly. Another to take away a scrofula in 40 days. Viz. Take 2 cyclamen roots, washed and well cleaned, and cut 20 slices from each one, in all it will be 40 slices. Dry them in the shade and each morning take one slice, made into fine powder, with 2 fingers of very good white wine. It should be taken in the form of a warm syrup and early. At the end of 40 days you will be cured of the scrofula. It has been tested. *To make ambergris ointment. Take 1 ½ ounces of sarcocol gum, 1 ounce of Florentine iris, 1 ounce of punice stone, ½ ounce of benzoin gum, 2 drams of Syrian storax, 1 dram of ash from a willow tree and ½ scruple of fine civet musk. Pulverize everything to impalpability. First put the sarcocol gum in a box of brass with a little water of dried roses on a slow fire and as it softens, as it will quickly, divide this gum into 4 parts, little by little. First knead one part with storax and benzoin gum together into a wheel of dough, making 3 parts as large as a knife handle. Then with another part make 3 parts with powdered pumice. Then make another part into 3 parts with orris root and make the fourth part into 2 little ones with powdered carbon. Take one of these pieces and rub it with a little civet musk, carefully in the dough. Put it on one or the other color, turning them as if making a rosary of mixed colors of dough. Then put them on a piece of cloth and bind it so that it takes on the shape of a mushroom and put it in a little box with cotton wool. Carry it in the chest or similar warm place and it will be made.... 117 -------- [Page 215] Unguent for ulcer in several forms. Take 1 ounce each of galbanum, white diaquilon , Spanish pitch, clean wax, white tar and old lard, 2 ounces of ordinary oil, 3 ounces of white incense, ½ ounce of powdered cloves and 3 ½ ounces of well-ground powder of fresh water crayfish. Make all of the above things into an unguent in the usual way. This will bring you honor in all your treatments. Another, a marvelous powder to cure an ulcer. Take the head and feet of a crane and dry them in the oven and make it into powder. Take flax seed, dregs of ink, pomegranate rind, betony and shepherd's purse and make powder of all. Roast the seed, the dregs and the pomegranate rind very well and incorporate them. Mix half of the above powder in fresh oil and save the other half, well covered. But first put some powdered litharge and verdigris on the ulcer, according to whether the ulcer is old or new or if it has eaten away some flesh. If it is new, put a little powder on it and if it is old, put on more. Both before and after wash the sore inside and out with very good warm wine. Dry it well with fine linen cloth. Then put therein some of this powder made with oil and fill the sore well. Treat one day yes, the other no, and with the aid of God, you will soon cure it. This has been tested. Another to cure an ulcer so it grows new flesh. Take the head of a rabbit with the skin and everything and dry it in the oven and make very fine powder. Take the feces of a healthy man from 20 to 30 years in age and dry it in the oven and make very fine powder. Incorporate both together and put it on the ulcer and have prepared some juice made of rosemary and put it on the sore, that is on the powder. When you want to treat, first wash the sore with warm white wine in which was first boiled ivy, cypress nuts and tamarind, in equal proportions. Then put on the powder and then the juice and bandage it carefully. Do this twice a day and soon you will be cured, with the aid of God. Be careful what you eat. This has been tested. First say over it these 4 words, viz. 'In the beginning and the end there is God. There was the ulcer. God lives and the ulcer dies. In the name of the Father +, Son + and Holy Spirit +, Amen.' Say this 3 times with 3 Pater Noster. It will bring you honor. To remove an ulcer and cure it quickly. Take a large live toad, a live turtle, a mole that stays underground and some human feces. Put all these things in a pot with a cover. Then lute it well around with lute of wisdom or with dough and when it has dried, put it in the oven after the bread is removed. See that the pot does not leak anywhere. From the amount that you put in, you can judge when to bring out the pot so you can make very fine powder of everything that you have put in the pot. Then take filings of steel, the finest that you can get, or 12 to 15 drops of extract from thin steel. Grind them and make very fine powder and in addition as much ground glass and a little ground pepper and make very fine powder of each by itself. Then take an amount at your discretion and mix them together and incorporate the powder with some fresh honey until a firm dough is made. Then let it dry and make a very fine powder and save this for your needs. Put some of the powder on the ulcer or rub it in the abcess and it will be removed quickly when the illness is new and not too deeply rooted in the bone. Then it will be difficult to cure, being so deeply rooted. Keep to this rule that has been tested by very worthy men.... 118 *Tested unguent to cure a carbuncle. Take 2 drams of large dry figs, ½ dram of true senna, 1 dram of gum ammoniac, 3 drams of turpentine and equal proportions of flour of fenugreek and of flax seed. Distemper this with rose honey and make an unguent. -------- [Page 216] To remove a fistula in several ways. Take tartaric acid from a cask, heat it and make fine powder, and an equal amount of long-leaved plantain, that is ribwort, and make fine powder and incorporate them together. Then put some of the powder on a tent and put it on the opening of the fistula. Otherwise make a tent of ribwort leaves and put on some of this powder and treat with this. Alternatively put one powder on and then the other to see which works better. But take care how you live, because these fistulas may come in several kinds. That is, some are warm and some cold and you should know that the cold fistula of gout makes its opening little and minute. To cure them, take ribwort juice and an equal amount of egg white and the best quality rye flour and incorporate everything together in the form of a poultice. Put it on the sore place and let it stay until it comes off by itself. When it comes off, do it again and soon you will be cured. Continue this until you are cured. If you wish to remove the bad tissue of the fistula, take copper sulfate made into very fine powder and distemper it with butter in the form of an unguent and put it on the fistula. It is said that in 24 hours it will be cleaned up and you will soon be cured. Keep yourself from adverse things. When you treat the fistula, say this prayer over it with the sign of the cross, viz. '+ Christ conquers, + Christ rules, + Christ orders, + Christ protect you from all evil. God, in his name, may make you well and through his power free you. From the side of our Lord, Jesus Christ, blood and water came out. I implore you, blood and wound from the side and the lance which pierced the side of our Lord, Jesus Christ, may blood not come out. + Agios + otheos + ischiros + athanatos + eleyson + ymas + sanctus + dominus + sanctus fortis + et sanctus immortalis + thetragramaton + ha filii david miserere. + Clean and heal the tissue. Jesus Christ may do it well. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen + + +.' *Prayer against ulcer and fistula. Viz. 'In the name of the holy indivisible Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. He conquers and destroys the root. Atta, Atta. I implore you ulcer or fistula, by the omnipotent Father, by the holy Virgin Mary, by Saint John the Baptist and all the saints of God which are in heaven who in the name of Christ stand in the book of life, by the twenty-four elders, by the twenty-four martyrs who in the name of Christ have suffered, by the cherubim and serafim who daily before God incessantly proclaim, saying holy, holy Lord God, Sabaot, king and Lord God, Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ. This is as true as the heavens are firm. All power is God's. Dry up ulcer or fistula or mark which is in this servant of God. Lord, holy Father, omnipotent eternal God who made heaven and earth and placed them in the orbit of heaven. The Lord is King of kings. I beg that this ulcer or fistula or mark dry up. Merciful Lord, heal your servant as you healed Christ, the Son of God, who suffered through you. Holy angels and archangels of God, patriarachs and prophets, apostles, martyrs, confessors, virgins and all the saints of God, remove all tribulation and pain of ulcers, fistulas and marks, through Christ, our Lord, Amen. I implore you, ulcer or fistula, by the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen, by the dread day of judgment, by the four evengelists, by the twelve apostles, by the twelve prophets, by the twenty-four elders who daily praise and adore the Lord, by the ruler of the world, our Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God who was crucified on the holy cross for our sins. I implore you by the blessed Christopher to whom God gave the power to heal ulcer or fistula, and I implore you by the blessed Blasium, by the blessed Claudius who has the power to cure this infirmity. By those I implore you that the ulcer or fistula does not have power over him or her. Amen. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.' Say this prayer. 'Let us pray. Omnipotent, everlasting Lord, eternal health is belief in you. Hear me for your servant for your mercy. Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son who lives with you, we implore you to return him to health soon.' Then say the Pater Noster. 'Free your servant from ulcer or fistula and all illness. Be well. Be well. Be well. So be it. So be it. So be it. Amen. So be it through the grace of God.' Say this 3 times and it will be cured quickly. -------- [Page 217] Another for healing an ulcer or scrofula. “ In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. God of Abraham, + God of Isaac, + God of Jacob, + have pity on your servant (name). So be it. So be it. So be it. Amen. Amen. Amen. + Christ conquers, + Christ rules, + Christ orders. + Amen. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. Our Father who is in heaven. + In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. Holy, Holy, Holy. Lord God, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosannah in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosannah in the highest +. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. I implore you, ulcer or scrofula, by the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, by the Virgin Mary and by these, by all the holy angels and archangels, by cherubim and seraphim, by the beginning and the power, by the throne and authority, by the patriarchs and prophets and the twelve apostles, by the four evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, by the twenty-four elders who are before God, by all the saints of God, by the seven sleepers, by the sun and moon, by the heaven and by all who are in heaven, by the paradise of God and all who are there, and by immortal God, by the holy resurrection and holy ascension and by the number given up at birth to the altar of God, by the seventy angels who are before God where there is no better nor higher place, by Saint John the Baptist, by Saint Luke the Evangelist, dry up you cursed creature and wither and lessen as I touch you. Dry up you cursed creature. Lord Jesus Christ, you who told your disciples, 'In my name they will throw out demons, they will speak with a new tongue, they will remove serpents and if they drink something deadly, it will not harm them.' He will place his hand on the illnesses and they will go away completely. I put my hand on that ulcer or scrofula in your name, not with merit for I am not worthy, but for the honor of your name. Lord, as you freed Daniel from the lions' den, the three boys from the burning fire, Sidrach, Misach and Abednego, and Susanna from false charges and opened the eyes of the blind and revived Lazarus four days after death, I entreat you sovreign, most clement Father, so may you think this, your servant (name), worthy to be set free from ulcer or scrofula which he has. Again, I implore you by the 72 names of Christ, by the 318 fathers who determined the laws of the world, to remove this illness, just as you destroyed the one who sinned with his mother and two sisters. Eternal Father, eternal Son, eternal Holy Spirit, God in your name cure your servant (name) of all ills and, in your power, free him. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.” Say this most holy prayer for 3 mornings over the sick place of ulcer or scrofula and carry the written prayer with you. Do not eat things that are not good and avoid all things adverse, especially fruit and pork, and with the aid of God you will soon be cured, because this has been tested many times. To cure quickly the abcess that comes in the finger. Take 3 tips of elder and each tip should have 3 leaves. First say 3 Pater Noster and 3 Ave Maria and say the prayer written below once for each tip. Then put them on the sore place in the form of a cross. Be confident that this sore will be cured in good time because it opens up. It may have indurated and made a head and it may have a long root. Use these leaves until the root has come out. If you want to put a little fat or lard together with the leaves when the root begins to come out, soon it will come out without pain. When the root comes out you will be able to medicate with an unguent and soon you will cure it. This is the prayer, viz. 'God cures you. Twelve are the apostles whom God blessed, four are the evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. In the name of God and of the blessed saint and Saint Fabian and of the healing saint, Amen.' A prayer to cure the abcess. When you have such an illness as an abcess in the tip of the finger, say over the sore the Pater Noster and the Ave Maria. Then say, 'The abcess is destroyed by God and by Saint Mark and Saint Matthew and the 12 apostles and the 4 evangelists and those who stand before Christ and by the blessed Fabian and Sebastian and Cosmas and Damian and the blessed healing saint. Amen. + Father, Son and Holy Spirit +, Amen.' -------- [Page 218] For a venomous bite or having eaten something venomous or worms or venomous animals and for body pain. First say 3 Pater Noster and 3 Ave Maria with devotion. Take a pot of clean water in whatever amount you want, that is not important. Say, 'Let us pray. Having been advised in healthful rules and having been prepared in divine instruction, we venture to say the Pater Noster.' Say all of it. 'Lord, hear my prayer and may my cry come to you.' We pray, 'God, who conferred great power on the blessed Patrick, your confessor, miraculously expelling venomous serpents, give this to us who are your faithful servants, as you grant favors to the faithful, so grant this to whomever will have received a bite of a serpent-like poison, whether from a dog, wolf or worm, by this sacred name, Holy, Holy Savior, to the credit of the blessed Patrick, may he be strong to free us. Amen. In the name of the Father + Son + and Holy + Spirit, Amen.' Give some of this blessed water to the person to drink who is sick from the venoms described above and he will be cured rapidly. If the venom is of the kind that can be cured with the aid of God, it will soon be cured by means of this fervent prayer of Saint Patrick and with 3 Pater Noster and 3 Ave Maria. Amen. To cure one who was bitten by a rabid dog. Take 1 handful of lesser centaury, cut finely, and boil it with new wine until it becomes thick as a syrup. Remove it from the fire, strain it carefully and give 3 ounces to drink early in the morning in the form of a syrup and it will cure this quickly if, as is said, it can be cured. Otherwise, write these 4 words on a crust of bread and give it to the patient to eat and also make another and give it to the rabid dog, vz. ' Crona bis, crona si nobis, crona decida ardere. + + + Amen.' With the aid of God, he will soon be cured. *To cure on who was bitten by a rabid dog and has the mania. Viz., take the flower of the wild thistle, dried in the shade, and make powder of it and give ½ spoonful to drink in warm white wine and in 3 times he will be cured. Against the venom of bees, wasps, hornets and scorpions. At once, or as soon as you can, take some purslane, that is portulaca, in whatever amount you can get and grind it between 2 lodestones. When you feel the sting, draw out the sting with the venom and put on the ground purslane. Change it 3 or 4 times in the space of an hour and soon the pain will stop and you will not feel it. But the hard spot that remains also will be resolved in 2 days. If the sting is from a scorpion it is urgent to repeat this several times and this also will be cured. If you are not able to have the above herb, take the juice of a green apple or other sweet apples and do the same thing. This has been tested many times by me, Master Apothecary Andrea. *Another against venomous animals. As soon as you feel the venom, put on the sting some milk from branches of figs. Do this several times and soon you will be cured. Mustard with vinegar will do the same. Prayer against all venoms from rabid dogs, serpents or other venoms. Write these words on a plain wafer and give it to the patient to eat, with 3 Pater Noster and 3 Ave Maria, in reverence to God and to Saint Peter and to Saint Vitus. Do this for 3 mornings in a row and, through the power of God, soon you will cure him. These are the words, viz. '+ Peace + Father + Word + Son +. He is the remedy +. Holy Spirit + through whom all + things are done, + free your servant (name). So be it. Amen. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.' To domesticate an animal so it does what is wanted. Say these word in the ear of the animal that you want to domesticate and it will become quiet and more docile than at first and be the animal you want. First say the Pater Noster with the sign of the cross and say, 'God was taken and he was not offended. I wish the same to you. You do not want to offend me. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.' *Another to domesticate a pair of bullocks. Say this prayer 3 times in the right ear, viz. 'Saint Job was on the Mount of Olives and he was taming young animals. Jesus Christ was passing and Jesus Christ ordered the beast to behave, so he must not paw the earth, nor hit, nor make any trouble as did the friend of the Nestorian priest on the way to the inferno.' So these animals may be tamed at the pleasure of God.... 120 -------- [Page 219] *For pain in the testicles and other illnesses and swellings. Take the white of an egg and incorporate it with barley flour or bean flour and make a poultice. Put it on warm and soon your pain will be relieved. *Another for one who has swelling there. Take fresh celery and fry it in ordinary oil and rub the testicles with this and bind on the herb and soon you will be cured. *Another for the above. Take bean flour, violet juice, rose oil and bran and make a poultice and put it warm on the swollen testicles and soon they will be cured. If only one testicle is swollen, take equal amounts of goat, dog and dove dung and make a poultice of all these and put it warm on the testicle with a little oil of roses and you will cure it rapidly. *Another for the above. Take fenugreek and make powder of it and mallow and cook these and grind them with lard and butter and make a poultice. Put on some of this powder and put the warm poultice on the testicle and the pain from the swelling will soon disappear. Also take some parsnips and make a plaster and put it on warm and it will soon remove the pains. *Another in swelling of the testicles. Take oils of white lilies, of elder and of roses. Then take mashed beans cooked in wine or lye and fry them in a pan very well with the oils and then put this very warm on the sore places. *Another poultice for swollen testicles. Take turpentine, bran, fenugreek flour and powdered cumin, each the same amount, and incorporate them on a slow fire and put this warm on the sore place and you will certainly cure it. *For excoriation of the penis because of coitus or other overheating. Take 1 ½ lb. of cistern water in which is boiled 2 ounces each of wild pomegranate, cypress berries, myrtle leaves and house leek until half of this water is consumed. Then add 6 ounces of rose honey and boil this in the water again to half. Bathe the head of the penis in this water. Also human saliva and plain wine boiled together will have a similar effect. *For one who has a problem with the penis from overheating. Take 4 dinari of hepatic aloe, 1 scruple of zinc oxide and enough rose oil to make an unguent. Then spread this on a linen cloth and put it on the penis. When it is irritated inside add a little burnt rock alum. *Lavage for the penis swollen and excoriated within. Take half a glass of fine white wine and 1 handful each of pomegranate rind, ordinary rosemary and dry roses, a piece of rock alum the size of a nut, ½ handful of camomile, a little less than half a handful of sweet clover and 1 ounce of coarse sugar. Boil everything together. Then wash the outside of the penis. When the sickness is inside the penis, add a little fresh water to this boiled water and with a syringe or pump put it in the penis. *Another lavage. Take 4 ounces of barley water, 1 ounce of roses, 1 ounce of mother's milk or goat's milk and 1 dram of zinc oxide. Mix everything together and push it in the penis. *Bath for washing and strengthening the member. Take 3 drams of myrrh, 7 ounces of malvasia wine and ½ ounce of dried roses and make a lavage without boiling. *Powder for regrowing tissue in the member. Take 1 dram each of myrrh, aloe, incense, wild pomegranate, fine sugar and burnt rock alum. *Decoction for the same. Take 1 handful each of red roses and wild pomegranate, 2 handfuls each of myrtle leaves and olive leaves and 1 dram of verdigris. Grind everything together coarsely and boil it thoroughly in ordinary water. Take ½ ounce of sugar and 2 ounces each of verdigris and zinc carbonate and boil everything in a carafe of good wine until it reduces down the neck of the carafe. Then add 1 dram of verdigris and wash the penis. Then medicate it with the Apostles' unguent. Using a third of the decoction, put it warm on the swelling on the outside, so the member is washed.... 121 *Plaster for the swollen and infected penis. Take 1 handful of marsh mallow and enough ordinary violet oil and camomile and make the plaster with barley flour. First boil the mallow well and strain it well. Grind it and make the plaster of it as above. *Unguent for the ulcerated penis and infected tibias. Take 1 lb. each of lard from a red pig, pine tar, turpentine and Armenian red clay, 6 ounces of clean wax, 2 ounces of dragon's blood gum and 3 ounces of rose oil. First put the tar on the fire and melt it. Then add the wax, turpentine, the ground lard and the oil, then the powders. Incorporate them well on a slow fire for a quarter of an hour and it will be made and it is ready for use. -------- [Page 220] To restrain a snake and make it stay quiet. First make the sign of the holy cross. Then say as follows, ' Os, os, osia. Stop, you most worthless serpent, by the power of these holy names of God, + Tettagramaton , Lord Jesus Christ, and by the milk of his mother, the most blessed Virgin Mary, because you are subdued and constrained by me as the dew is by the sun. As you will go away from fire, so you cannot harm me nor any Christian and your venom is lost, in the name of the Father +, Son + and Holy Spirit and in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Amen.' Then say this, 'Like the water of the River Jordan, when Saint John the Baptist baptised our Lord, Jesus Christ, so I charm you serpent by the true and living God, by the holy God, by the God who expelled you from paradise. So in this world I believe that you cannot do harm to me nor to any other person, nor to any Christian creature. He will walk on the asp and the basilisk and will trample underfoot the lion and the dragon and put out your venom. I touch you and will touch you and restrain you with my right foot.' Then say 3 Pater Noster and 3 Ave Marie and let the serpent go with confidence that, in the name of God, of the Virgin Mary and of Saint Paul, he will not hurt you in any way. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. *Perfect water to cure every illness of the leg. Take green and fresh pine nuts and cut them in half or in 4 parts and distill water from them in the glass still. Then take cypress berries and cut them similarly and put them to soften in a bottle with olive oil that barely covers them and leave them for four days. Make oil from the nuts by distilling them on a low fire and at the end increase the fire and the material will come out more quickly although it will have the same power. Also distill water from the root of the wild squash, that is bryony. Then take a quantity of each of these three waters and mix them together and distill it one more time. This water will be perfect and good to treat and cure legs rapidly. Save it in a glass bottle for your needs. To use it, wet in the water fine cloths the size of the sore place and no larger. Do not put on any other unguent because this alone will cure every old sore on the legs. [Folio 80 is missing.] -------- [Page 221] For intestinal rupture, a plaster very strong and wonderful to cure it. Take 1 ounce each of mummy, fir tree oil and elm oil, 1 dram each of parchment glue, colofony, cypress nuts, hepatic aloe and rabbit skin, ½ dram each of Armenian red clay, greater comfrey, dragon's blood gum, gum ammoniac, myrrh, galbanum and juniper gum, 2 drams each of mastic, incense, tragacanth, gum arabic and lodestone, 5 drams of naval pitch, 1 ½ drams each of rabbit blood and Solomon's seal, 2 ounces of clean wax and ½ ounce of femoral bone. Melt all the gums in strong vinegar and make all the other things into very fine powder and incorporate everything well on a little fire with great diligence and it will make a plaster in the usual form. Save this for your needs. When you wish to treat, spread it on chamois leather and shave the place and put it on the pubic region on the side where the illness is felt. Wrap it well and tightly with a truss of fustian and when you put it on, extend it around the body. Reassure the sick person to have much patience and not do too much that is fatiguing and not eat too much. He should watch what he eats and not eat things that cause flatulence, nor pork meat and eat food well cooked, not legumes nor sour things. You should know how to care for yourself in everything so that soon with the aid of God you will be cured. Also you will improve even if, by chance, you have had such an infirmity for many years. If this plaster does not help, try these others written below, viz. Another plaster for rupture. Take 1 ½ drams each of black tar and Greek pitch, 3 drams of mummy, 2 drams each of tragacanth, gum arabic, dragon's blood gum, mastic, Armenian red clay, cypress nuts and parchment glue, 1 dram of incense and 1 ounce of clean wax. First melt the wax and then the pitches. Then put in all the other things made into very fine powder and put them in little by little, stirring continuously with the rod until it is cooked according to the usual method. Then remove it from the fire and when it is cold, rub the hands with oil and knead the dough well until you can make it into a medallion. Then smooth it on the chamois to put it on the rupture. Put it on very firmly with a belt of fustian or belt of hemp so it is well closed and firm. Stay in repose as much as you can if you want to be cured quickly. Take care of yourself, do not eat things adverse as they will make you ill. Every morning use some of the powder written below with wine or warm broth. Viz. Take 1 dram each of cypress nuts, mummy, galingale, Indian leaf and myrtle, 2 drams each of cinnamon and dragon's blood gum and make very fine powder of all. The dose is 1 ½ drams early in the morning and repose yourself for ½ hour and soon, with the aid of God, you will be cured. Take care of yourself. Another plaster for rupture. Take 3 drams of colofony, 2 drams each of naval pitch and gum ammoniac and 3 drams of parchment glue. Cut up the gums and soften them in 3 drams of strong vinegar with 2 drams of oil of mastic for one whole day. Then dissolve it on a slow fire with 2 ½ drams of clean wax and strain it while warm and put into the strained liquid the powder written below, viz. Take ½ dram each of mastic, tragacanth, incense, fenugreek flour, Armenian red clay, mummy and dragon's blood gum and incorporate them very well with the spatula on a slow fire. Then remove it from the fire and stir until it is cold and the plaster will be made. Then spread it on chamois and put it on the pubic area that should be shaved. Bind it on firmly with more wrappings with a band, well fastened. Do little that is fatiguing and stay in repose, if you can, so you will be cured more quickly. Preserve yourself from all those things that you know are adverse to you and you will be cured. Take care of yourself. -------- [Page 222] A very strong plaster for intestinal rupture. Take 1 ½ ounces each of Greek pitch and fish glue, 1 ounce each of naval pitch and gum ammoniac, 2 drams each of mastic, tragacanth, incense, fenugreek flour, 1 ½ drams each of Armenian red clay and dragon's blood gum, 1 ½ drams each of cypress nuts, mummy and elemi gum and Indian leaf, 2 ounces each of roots of greater comfrey and myrtle, 3 drams each of cloves and galingale, 2 ½ ounces each of oil of mastic, powder of Turkey oak and of coral, 1 handful each of the herb rusty fern, adder's tongue fern and hepatica, 1 ounce of lodestone and 2 ounces of clean wax. All of the above things should be of high quality. First melt the wax, pitch, fish glue and gum ammoniac and put the tragacanth to soften in 1 ounce of vinegar. Make as fine a powder as you can from all the other things. Cut the herbs as minutely as possible so that they are powdered if you can. Then first put the herbs in the pot together with the wax and the other melted things and put in the tragacanth. Then put in the other powders little by little and continue stirring well, incorporating with your wooden spatula on a slow fire. When it is cooked, remove it from the fire. When it is nearly cold, rub your hands with ordinary oil and knead it between the hands for ½ hour. That helps this mix because it comes to be refined and incorporated and it lasts longer. Then spread it on chamois, as usual, not too thickly. Shave the pubic region when you want to put it on. Then say the Pater Noster and the Ave Maria and touch the place of the rupture that hurts with your finger and make the sign of the cross and say this devotional prayer over it three times in a row and each time say the Pater Noster so that there will be 3 reverences to the Holy Trinity. Say this for three mornings in a row, touching the plaster with the finger. Viz. 'We pray. Blessed be the place and hour that God was born and was baptized in the River Jordan. How much pain this rupture does or will do is at the pleasure of God and the Holy Trinity and the everglorious Virgin Mary. So the sickness can go and disappear and the sick one can be cured and restored to health as before, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.' Then wash the place and put on the prepared plaster and when you put it on, make it stay stretched with the legs straight so that the intestines do not stay in the bag of skin. Then put on it more packing with a belt of hemp or fustian that should be very tight and well tied and firm, both day and night. If a rapid cure is desired, try to stay quiet, do not be fatigued nor go about wrapped up too much. Do not eat unhealthy things, such as pork meat which is too harmful, nor sour things, nor legumes, but all the things that you eat should be well-cooked. Chew food well so that it does not generate gas in the body and is sooner digested and gives nourishment to the body. Refrain from women for this time, that is for at least a month to a month and a half. By observing the rules above, you will be cured even if you have borne it for a long time because others have been cured with this. Another plaster to cure rupture. Take 6 drams each of valerian, snails, madder without the tops and mummy, 3 ounces each of juice of butcher's broom, turpentine and clean wax, 2 ounces each of Armenian red clay, mastic, tile, Solomon's seal, 4 ounces of starfish, 1 ½ ounces each of colofony and resin and 2 drams of diamonds. Make a plaster in the usual way. Bind it very tightly on the rupture and renew it 2 or 3 times in a month or more. Keep yourself from all adverse things, as is described above, and be confident that you will be cured with the aid of God. -------- [Page 223] For intestinal rupture, a useful and approved plaster. Take 1 ½ ounces of Greek pitch, 1 ounce each of naval pitch and gum ammoniac and 2 ounces of fish glue. Put these 4 things to soften in strong vinegar for one whole day that lasts the day and the night. Then strain it and put it in a little pan on a slow fire. Put therein 1 ½ ounces of oil of mastic. Then put in these other things that are written below and make all into very fine powder. That is, 2 ounces each of mastic, tragacanth, incense, fenugreek flour, Armenian red clay, mummy and dragon's blood gum. Each should be select and good. Put them in little by little, stirring continuously with a rod until it is well incorporated and cook it into the form of a firm plaster. Then when it is cold, knead it for ½ hour with greased hands. Then spread it on chamois and put it on the rupture that has been shaved first. It should be warm when it is put on and say over it this prayer, 'Blessed be the place and the hour when God was born and was baptized in the River Jordan. How much pain this puncture or rupture does or will do is at the pleasure of God and of the Holy Trinity and of the glorious Virgin Mary, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.' Say it with the Pater Noster. When you put on the plaster, put on the truss with more padding and tighten it well. Every morning take ½ spoonful of this powder each time in the form of a warm syrup with wine or broth and stay in repose and sleep if you can. Viz., 2 drams each of myrtle leaves, cypress nuts and mummy, ½ dram each of cloves, parsley, ginger and Indian leaf, 1 dram of dragon's blood gum and 1 dram of elemi gum. Make very fine powder of all of the above things, well sifted and incorporated. Continue to take this as described early in the morning and continue for a month or more while you wear the plaster. It will be useful to you to take the usual laxative during this time so that the body stays soft, without hard effort to go from the body. So for the first 3 days stay in bed and stay with the back straight and with the head lowered. Have great courage in these 3 days that it will help you greatly when the relaxed parts of the abdomen are freshly adhered together and more easily one regains health and is cured. During the time that you will stay in this condition, it is to your advantage to keep from all those things that are adverse, not too much activity that is fatiguing, especially to your back. Do not be with your wife while wearing the truss and do not go without it. Observe all the rules listed above and, with the aid of God, you will be cured. Another plaster to cure a rupture. Take equal amounts of consonubili and roots of greater comfrey, and amounts in your judgment of mastic, mistletoe on oak and roots of bramble, with clean wax and powdered myrtle at your discretion. Make a firm plaster of everything in the usual way and spread it on chamois or leather and put it on the rupture in the shaved pubic area. Put thereon a truss of iron made in this way, that is with discs of iron of the size not more than a wafer and inside put a flat stick in the center against the hernia the size of a little finger, well enclosed. This should fit very tightly and closely and do not ever go without it. At this time you will need to drink this powder in the morning, viz., take 3 ounces of ordinary lodestone and mix with ½ ounce of citroniaci . In the evening take half a spoonful with wine or water when you go to sleep. Keep yourself from every adverse thing and you will be cured. -------- [Page 224] For the fresh rupture of the intestine, a plaster that cures it quickly. Take about 10 snails with shells, that is snails collected in the month of September when they begin to make the white lid. Grind them in a mortar with the shells and their lids, everything as they are. When they are well ground, add 1 handful of dittany roots and grind them together so they are well incorporated. Then add 3 ounces of cherry gum, which first should be dried and made into fine powder, and incorporate this with the other things in the mortar until it seems to you that everything is united well together. If it seems to you that they are not well ground or that they cannot be ground, cut them on a slab as is done to beat lard so that they become well ground and incorporated together and the plaster will be made in this way. Then spread it on a smooth cloth or a little smooth sheepskin. Put it on the rupture in the pubic area with several layers and bind with a truss of fustian or smooth cotton cloth so it stays tight and close. Stay in repose as much as you can and do not do much that is fatiguing and do not partake of things that are adverse, such as women, legumes, sour fruit and pork and be careful of all things causing gas. By taking care of yourself, through God's grace, soon it will be cured. This remedy is intended for those who are ruptured recently, in a year or so, and especially it is very appropriate to use with little children. It is said that they are cured, if they have no other sickness, at the end of 2 months or less, according to whether the infirmity is large or small. Change the plaster at least every 10 or 15 or 20 days because the plaster will heat up and turn bad and develop odor because the snails will begin to putrefy. For this reason you should change it a little each time. This plaster will last longer in the winter than in the summer in this respect, because you will need to change it every 8 days in the summer. Follow the rules and you will be cured. Another plaster similar to the above which is no less good. Viz. Take one basket or hamper of the above snails with shells and remove them from their shells and cut out the inside and collect that fat until you have a full glass of it. Then take barley flour and mix them together in a little pot and boil this a while on a low fire, stirring until it hardens. Then put in 1 ounce of good theriac and incorporate well together until it hardens and watch carefully because, when it begins to boil, it seems that it wants to bubble over. It thickens as you stir until it pulls away at the bottom. Then remove it from the fire and will be a perfect plaster. Use it in the way that you have the one above and it will work well. Do not ignore the rules given above and, through God's grace, soon you will be cured. The herb primula to cure a rupture. Take the herb that is called primula and use some of the powdered herb in everything, in bread and in all your foods and broths and stews. Likewise, you can make a poultice and put it on the rupture and bind it well and tightly and soon you will be cured, because the name of this herb, arteticha, in the Greek vocabulary means nothing other than 'shrinking'. That is, it draws up each humor which in Greek is said ' sirta,' which is to say 'drawn up', because it draws up the humors and the intestine that came out and the rupture is cured.... 122 -------- [Page 225] To cure a rupture in the groin when the intestine has slid into the scrotal sac or is in a position to cause pain from hernia. Take 1 handful each of the herb pagan tongue, that is bonifacia , the herb Adder's tongue fern, that is serpentina, the herb long plantain, that is centonervi or lanzola, the herb ground pine, the herb hepatica, the herb myrtle and the root of greater comfrey, 6 ounces each of lard from a male pig and ordinary oil, 4 ounces of new wax, a bowl of beans ground between 2 lodestones and 2 jugs of great and good red wine. Break up the lard very minutely with a cutter and put it in a little pot or pan and put therein the oil and the wine. All the herbs should be clean and cut very finely and put in with the root of comfrey. Boil everything together on a slow fire so it does not burn and let it reduce 1/3. Then extract and strain everything and press the herbs under the press and extract all the substance and put everything together. Then return it to the fire and put in the wax and 2 scruples of saffron and in addition as much powdered cloves. Compound these in the form of an unguent and it will be made and save it for your needs. When you wish to treat, spread it on a red cloth. First, since you want to cure him within a month or more, depending on whether the infirmity is old or new, say and have the patient say a Pater Noster and Ave Maria and touch the sore place with your hand, making over it the sign of the cross. Say this prayer over it 3 times, viz. 'Blessed be the place and the hour when Jesus was born and was baptized in the River Jordan. What this ointment does or will do for the pain of this puncture or rupture is at the pleasure of God and the Virgin Mary and the Holy Trinity and Saint Gosimo and Saint Damiano, so the illness can go and disappear. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. So be it. +' Say this prayer 3 times over the sick one each time that you wish to treat him and you can treat in the morning and evening, as needed. See that the sick person is well bandaged and firmly tied and usually wears the truss, is careful of exertion, of eating and of the other things that are very adverse. By continuing the above rules and regulating activity, know that with the aid of God, soon he will be cured. This has been tested.... 123 Poultice to cure a rupture or fleshy hernia. Take 2 handfuls of roots of greater comfrey and the front hoofs of veal and cook them with plenty of water until they come apart and do not add water. Then take all the other things written below and make very fine powder and incorporate them with the broth, viz., 1 ounce each of mastic, gum arabic, cypress nuts and pine nuts, 2 ounces each of the herb hepatica and myrtle and 3 ounces each of Armenian red clay and dragon's blood gum. Incorporate everything together and make it in the form of a good poultice and divide it in 2 parts, putting it on a cloth or leather belt. Make it very warm and put it on the rupture or fleshy hernia and put several layers on with the truss. Fasten it very closely and have him stay with the body straight. At the end of 2 or 3 days change it and put on the other half that was reserved, again making it warm. So put on now one, now the other, and do this for one month or more until you know there is improvement. During this time, the patient should keep himself from all adverse things and, with the aid of God, he will be cured. This has been tested. -------- [Page 226] To cure the rupture that descends into the scrotal sac. Take some of the herb that is called primrose that blooms in spring and grows in the meadows and along the banks of streams and puts out white flowers. The herb is good to eat in salads. Grind the herb and extract as much juice as you can and put this in a clean pot on the fire. When it begins to boil, remove it from the fire and strain it through bunting and it will be made. Save it in a glass vessel, well covered. Then early in the morning, take 4 ounces of it in the form of a syrup and put in one half spoonful or more of powder of the herb mouse ear and also some of the herb primula with a little powder of rusty fern that is an odorous herb very good for this purpose. Take this for 15, 20 or 30 days, more or less, according to how you feel the pain of the rupture improve, having first observed the good rules. Put this poultice on the rupture, fastened closely. That is, take some of this juice and roots of poison hemlock ground between two lodestones and mix them. It should not be too liquid. Put this on the rupture in the usual way, well wrapped and tight. If this poultice helps you little or not at all in your opinion, leave it and make this other plaster, viz. Take cypress nuts, pine nuts, valania that is little acorn caps, myrtle and incense resin, each at your discretion, everything pulverized finely, ½ ounce of powdered mastic and as much fir tree oil as needed to mix the above powders on a slow fire and make it firm enough to make a poultice. Then spread it on chamois and put it on the rupture on the groin and put on thick layers with a truss, tight and close. Keep from everything fatiguing as much as you can and do not remove it until it has dried up. Then make another and put it on with the same method as at first. Continue this for a month and a half or more. If you desire to be cured quickly, know that repose is its mother. Be careful that you keep from eating things causing gas and chills and in a short time you will recover health and be as you were before because such a remedy has been proved by many persons, especially by one who had it 50 years or more and is in good health, through God's grace, and so will you be if you observe the rules. Oil to cure a rupture made by damage. Take 5 and not fewer lizards, that is Ligurian green lizards, that are fat and alive. Take ½ lb. of the oldest olive oil you can possibly find and put it in a pot on the fire and put in the live lizards and let them die in the oil and cover it so they do not escape. Then put it before the fire on a brick and let it boil until it reduces 1/3 so the lizards are well cooked and all in pieces. Then remove it from the fire and let it cool and cover it and leave it in the sun for 15 days and leave in the animals which do not putrefy but stay clear as water. Save this and hold it dear. This oil helps greatly in ringworm, makes the hair grow long and lustrous, and helps in scrofula and has other virtues. Take 2 ounces each of oil of the herb adder's tongue fern, that is the herb senza costa , oil of the herb mouse ear and ½ ounce of mastic oil, incorporate these together and heat well and rub the place of the rupture.... -------- [Page 227] in the groin. Then have prepared some skin and fur of a rabbit cut and made into very fine powder and incorporated with powder of myrtle. Then so that you will have a very good, warm ointment, put on it some of this powder like a spice and spread the ointment to the thickness of half a finger. Put on warm cloths of wool or linen and on that the truss that should be tight, close and well fastened so the powder does not fall out. Stay in repose if you can for the action of the powder. Observe those things that have many times been said, not too much fatigue, do not eat things causing gas or chills and no women. By observing the rules of the treatment and with the guidance and your faith in God you will be cured because this oil by itself is sufficient to do the work but in a longer time. When all 4 are put together in one with the skin and fur and powder, they have greater force in that part of the illness that is due to relaxation. It makes a thick callous from inside out that is stronger than it was before. By the end of a month, more or less, if the person takes care and is medicated once every 2 or 3 days, you will cure him. The herb mouse ear to cure rupture in the scrotal sac or in the groin. Take the herb called mouse ear that grows in harsh and wild mountainous places. This is the true and real hawkweed which is very suitable for infirmities such as rupture. When the moon is waning, take the amount of the herb that you want, wash it and when it is clean, dry it in the shade. Then make it into very fine powder, passed through a sieve, and save this to give to the sick one who is ruptured into the scrotal sac or where the abdomen has broken into the groin or one who has a gassy, fleshy, irritated, watery or intestinal hernia. Give a spoonful of the powder early in the morning to drink warm with 2 fingers of vinegar in the form of a syrup and he should repose for an hour. In the evening make an infusion of it and continue this for a month or more, one evening yes, the other no. When you wish to start drinking this powder in the morning, the evening before put this plaster on the rupture in the groin, made in this way, viz. Take ½ ounce each of incense and mastic, 2 drams each of mummy and cypress nuts, 1 ½ ounces each of greater comfrey and naval pitch, 1 ounce each of myrtle, mouse ear, dragon's blood gum and clean wax and 1 ounce each of myrtle oil and oil of adder's tongue fern and of mastic. Put the oil on a slow fire and the wax and the ground root of comfrey. Put in the incense, mastic, cypress nuts, myrtle, mouse ear and dragon's blood gum, all made into fine powder. Add the pitch and the mummy, finely ground, and incorporate everything well and continue stirring until it is made firm enough. Then spread it on chamois and put it on the rupture on the side with pain in the groin, first shaving the hair well. Put on the truss well-fitted and tight and when the truss is put on, the patient should be on his back with the body upward so that the humors are drawn back in. You should do little strenuous activity for a month. Stay in repose if you can. Remember to do everything carefully and do not remove the truss either day or night. Continue every morning with the powder and do not miss a dose. Take care of yourself. Do not eat adverse things, nor cold, nor gas-causing, nor pork meat. If you help cure yourself, you will be cured as others have been in 50 days. They did penance and, through God's grace, they have been restored to health and no longer wear the brace because they do not feel the problem any more, through God's grace and they render glory to God omnipotent. -------- [Page 228] Electuary for those who are ruptured below or opening into the groin. Take 6 ounces of the root of greater comfrey, cleaned and mashed, 1 ½ ounces each of cypress nuts and myrtle, ½ ounce each of Greek pitch, gum arabic and tragacanth, 1 ounce each of Armenian red clay and dragon's blood gum, 5 drams of mastic, 2 ounces of mummy and 3 lb. of cleaned honey. Make all of the above things into very fine powder and incorporate them with the honey and put in a little rabbit skin, cut very finely, and boil these and incorporate on a slow fire, stirring continuously with a ladle so it does not stick to the bottom. When it has body enough to be in the form of an electuary, remove it from the fire and save it in a vessel for your needs. When you want to use it for one sick with a rupture, give the amount of a nut in the evening when he goes to sleep and in the morning ½ hour before he arises. Give not less than a nut but rather more, especially in the morning. This will aid you greatly in curing. Do not stop wearing the truss with the plaster on and watch carefully how you live and be careful of all the other things described above, if you wish to be cured soon. Another electuary for this rupture, which is very perfect and good. Take the heart, skin and fur of a rabbit. Dry everything, cut it and make fine powder of it, in all 8 ounces, and 1 lb. of rind of pomegranate or wild pomegranate, ½ lb. of cypress nuts, 3 ounces of myrtle, 4 laurel berries, all in very fine powder, 30 heads of leeks and 10 dry white figs. Cut the leeks and figs finely and grind them well in a mortar with 2 ounces of mastic oil. Take 3 jugs of the best red wine that you can find and put it in a clean pot and put it on the fire. When it begins to boil, put in the above powder, little by little, and continue stirring. Lastly add the oil and let it boil very slowly so it does not start to smoke. Boiling it on the grill is better, until it reduces in half. Remove it from the fire and it will be made. Save it in a vessel for your needs. When you give it to the sick patient who has a rupture, give 2 spoonfuls early in the morning and if he is not able to take it because it is too sour, give it in the form of a pine nut rolled in flour and do not take it any other way. Then take 2 more spoonfuls and heat this well and rub the place of the rupture. Then put on some warm cloths and then wrap with a belt of fustian which should be firm and tight. Do this in the evening when he goes to sleep and in the morning give him some of this electuary to eat. Continue this for a month or more. Keep yourself from all those things that are adverse. Know that with good care and primarily with the grace of God, you will be cured. Make another as you have made this electuary and continue until the rupture is cured. The herb ground pine put on the rupture cures it. Take 1 handful of the herb ground pine and put it in a little sack of linen cloth and put it on the rupture and bind it on tightly with a belt of fustian. This is done so it does not burn the flesh through its warmth. Continue this method for a month and stay in repose as much as you can. Refrain from things that are adverse and that make you sick. Before you make this medicament, first say a mass over the linen sack and over the herb in honor of God and of Saint Antimo whose day is the 20th of May. He is found in the list of martyred saints, which see. Change the herb every morning and you will be cured. *Electuary for rupture. Take 4 lb. of clean honey and put therein to boil 6 ounces of roots of greater and lesser comfrey. Boil them very slowly until they are cooked as shown when a drop on marble stays firm. Then put in all the things written below, made into powder and the roots ground. That is, 4 ounces each of the herb pagan tongue and the roots of dittany with some leaves, 3 ounces of burdock seeds, 3 ½ ounces each of myrtle leaves and hepatica, 1 ounce of mastic, 3 drams of mummy, 1 ½ ounces of cinnamon, ½ ounce of cloves and 6 ounces of fine sugar. First put in the herbs, then the roots, the mastic and the mummy and let it boil a little. Then put in the cinnamon and cloves and remove it from the fire. Put in the sugar and stir until it is cold and it will be made, the perfect electuary. Give a dose in the evening and the morning and you will help the poultice work. With good care you will be cured in 30 days. It has been tested. -------- [Page 229] The herb sea bindweed cures rupture and purges the body and has other virtues. Take some of the herb that is called sea bindweed which grows along the seashore and has leaves almost round. Eat some of this herb for 15 to 20 days in all the ways that you find comfortable, as long as it is cooked. It is said that it purges the body and pulls up the intestine and heals the rupture. Also it is said that he who eats 2 or 3 mouthfuls of it early in the morning with the dew on it is secure from having plague or almost any other infirmity in that year. Many persons say that if you make a powder the herb sea bindweed and drink one spoonful with warm broth early in the morning, you will make the body go as much as you wish and when you do not want to go any more, put the hands in cold water and at once it will stop. If you put some of this powder on a sore or wound or ulcerated leg, it cures carefully and well and without burning pain. Tests have been made of this with good results. The herb verbena helps the intestinal organs. Take 1 handful of the herb verbena, cook it in very good light red wine and eat and drink some of this warm wine early in the morning in the form of a syrup for 8 days in a row or more according to how you see the best results. By using it several times you will stay healthy. If a woman who is nursing has lost her milk, she should eat 3 leaves and at once it will return. This has been tested. Another. Make a little bag of skin with holy thistle, so that it is sturdy, and put it on the groin on the side of the infirmity and leave it on continually, tight and close, day and night, and do not go without it. It is suitable for healing rupture. Avoid eating adverse things and too much exertion and you will be cured. To cure a rupture with a decoction and a fomentation. Take 1 handful each of cypress nuts and its leaves, 1 ½ ounces each of pomegranate rind and wild pomegranate, 2 ounces each of greater comfrey and rock alum and 6 drams of Armenian red clay. Mix and boil with good wine and do the fomentation with a clean sponge, several times. And put on this plaster written below, viz. Tested poultice to go with the decoction to cure a rupture, viz. Take 6 drams each of Greek pitch and naval pitch, 6 drams of mummy, 3 drams each of dragon's blood gum and Armenian red clay, ½ ounce each of rabbit skin and bone from the dead, 3 ounces of root of greater comfrey, 1 ounce each of myrtle, knot grass and wild pomegranate, 1 ½ ounces of new wax, 2 ½ ounces each of oil of myrtle and oil of scorpion and ½ ounce of oil of mastic. On a slow fire, put the oils, the wax, the comfrey, well-bruised, the broken up pitch, the dragon's blood gum and clay in powder, the skin cut finely, the myrtle, wild pomegranate and knot grass cut and ground very finely. Incorporate everything on a slow fire and you will have a well-made poultice. Put it on chamois and put that on the rupture in the usual way. Take care of yourself and you will be cured. It has been tested. -------- [Page 230] To mitigate the pain of rupture. Take the root of the herb sweet clover, cooked in strong vinegar, and powder from a pine nut, grated or ground, and put it in the form of a plaster, as warm as one can bear, on the painful place of the rupture, binding it thereon and wrapping very tightly. Do this for 15 to 20 days and it improves health greatly. It is said that the egg layed on the day of Ascension cures rupture. Take 2 eggs layed on the day of Ascension and on the day of Easter say over them a mass of the Holy Spirit and bless them on that day. Write on them these words, viz. 'Just as it is true and I believe that Jesus Christ ascended into heaven on the day of Ascension, so may this sickness be freed through his power and his most holy merit from suffering.' Say this and touch the egg three times and save it and when it is dry you will be freed. It has been tested. Be sure that these 2 eggs are layed on the correct day and write on them the words above. First say the Pater Noster and the Ave Maria and on the day of the Holy Spirit say a mass and bless them. Mark the rupture or hernia with these 2 eggs and first say the Pater Noster. Then say over them the above words 3 times in a row for 3 mornings and on the third morning, break one of the 2 eggs and drink it raw with a Pater Noster and the sign of the cross. Then urinate in the egg shell and close it up with wax or glue and put it in a hole in the wall and let it stay until it becomes dry. Tie the other egg with a thread and make a hole in the earth, at least as deep as an arm, where the east wind blows or where the sun reflects well. Lower it in the pit and put over it a little bowl so it will not be broken and do nothing more. Then cover it with earth and continue as before. Let it stay and when the egg is completely dry, you will be cured of the rupture. If the egg rots, it is that God has not cured you. This test has been done three times that I know of and two were well cured of the rupture. For the gassy hernia that comes low in the scrotal sac. Take equal amounts of cumin, bishop's weed, honey and salt and cook them with enough rose and violet oils and put this on warm. But first rub the place with oil of lavender and of dill, in equal amounts. Then put on this poultice, viz. Take 1 dram of cumin, 1 dram each of bishop's weed, German parsley, fenugreek seed, sedge, carrot, cistus gum, and cooked oil, 1 lb. of flour of laurel berries and 1 ½ ounces of vinegar. Put the flour and the vinegar with a little wine and boil it slowly and continue stirring with a rod and make it in the form of a poultice. Put in the other things and incorporate them well and it will be made. Then spread it on a cloth and put it on the testicles as warm as can be borne. Do this in the morning and evening, staying in repose a while, and in 15 to 20 days you will be cured. Do not eat bad things and do not do excessive activity and do not do things harmful to you so that soon, with the aid of God, you will be cured. To cure little children of the water that comes in the little scrotal sac or a hernia. Take 3 ounces of mastic oil, 1 ounce of lavender oil and 2 drams of Armenian red clay and 1 dram of dragon's blood gum in powder. Heat the oil and put in the powders and leave it on the grill for a little and it will be made. When you use it, warm it and rub the groin and wrap on a stupe and a warm cloth well. He should be careful of activity and he will be cured. (Folios 86 and 87 are missing from the manuscript). -------- [Page 231] Oil made of rosemary flowers with its tested virtues. Take the oldest olive oil that you can find in whatever amount you have and take as many rosemary flowers as you have and put them in the oil and let them stay for 2 days in a warm place or in the sun in a covered vessel. Then take some pieces of brick or of earthenware jars that are new and have not touched water and heat them very hot. Put them to cool down in the oil with the flowers. Then remove them from the oil and grind them finely in a mortar so that nothing is lost. Put everything together, the powdered brick, the flowers and what is left of the oil. Distill everything on a slow fire into a glass flask, following the usual method, and do this with skill. Save this blessed liquor in glass, well stoppered, and cherish it because we will say below some of its virtues, viz. The virtues of the oil made with rosemary flowers. Here we will deal with some virtues of the oil of rosemary made with flowers as you should have learned to make it above. First it is powerful to remove cold from all the members chilled through some accident to the head, the hands, the feet and the chest, if the place is rubbed with the very warm oil. Another. It is powerful for all the cracks in the feet and hands caused by cold, especially for use in the wintertime when they usually come. Another. It is powerful to heal all the sores of the flesh in every place on the body, even for any animal, by rubbing with very warm oil. Another. It is effective in rewarming every chilled nerve in whichever place on the human body or of other animals, through cold gout or other causes of cold. One of the many powers that it has is that the tremor of the hands or head that occurs through great coldness is diminished by the heat it develops. It is very powerful against cold. Another. It is very powerful for those who have lost hands or feet through cold who have not been helped very well, that is to say for those who have damaged the neck and the nerves of any limb through cutting or bad medication. Another. It is powerful for those who have gout, who are not able to walk because of this infirmity or are not able to support themselves on their feet when this has happened through chilling of the nerves. Another. It is powerful for those who have a stiff neck or sore throat and who, through natural causes, are not able to turn the head well. Another. It is powerful against kidney and bladder stones, By drinking the oil and rubbing it warm on the neighboring parts, it corrodes them and breaks them, turning them into gravel which is purged through the meatus in the usual way. It is powerful for cleaning the bladder inside and out. You should know that when the gravel moves, it stings. . Another. It is powerful when urine flow is suppressed. Drinking a little of it provokes a great quantity of urine in one in whom it is reduced by stricture of the meatus and in one who is able to urinate only with much difficulty. Another. It is powerful for each inflamed and swollen limb or head or forehead, that is for one who has what is called the French sickness or by other names. Another. It is powerful for every distress in hearing, which comes from every kind of great coldness and flux of these bad humors with sharp pains and deafness. Another. It is powerful against worms in the ears that bite or do not bite and against the cracks from these and from every other malady. Another. It is powerful in paralysis and in every joint pain including the joints of the fingers, hands and feet. Another. It is powerful for torsion of the mouth caused by plague when it is used as an ointment and also when it is drunk. Another. It is powerful for every ache in the abdomen which is a sharp pain, because it mitigates and draws up all such pains by warming and heating the interior of the abdomen. -------- [Page 232] Another. It is powerful for pains of the uterus in women. In whatever condition they are, either healthy or sick, they are soon cured. Another. It is powerful in coldness of the uterus because anointing with it and drinking it causes menstruation at its normal time. Another. It is powerful in prolapse of the uterus caused by coldness. If the uterus is rubbed with cotton wool many times it will be retained and cured. Another. It is powerful in kidney pain and backache in any person or animal when the place is rubbed with the oil and when a poultice is made by adding ammonium chloride to the oil and some warming herbs, flowers and roots, such as male wormwood, hyssop, creeping thyme, southernwood, mint, sage, flowers of pennyroyal, laurel, gentian root and basil seed. Another. It is powerful in fistulas or abcesses that do not come to a head, by adding roots of white lily, rue, egg yolk and white onions cooked under the ashes and incorporated as a liquid. It rapidly helps them and may cure. Another. It is powerful in spenetics, that is those who have hardening of the spleen through too much coldness, because it increases humidity and reheats the spleen gently when it is rubbed and the warm oil is drunk. Another. It is powerful in congestion of the head and nose caused by coldness wherever there is impediment and if the eyes are watering and the nares are full of thick matter. The patient should be rubbed and should drink the oil. If the patient eats a great deal of salt without anything else, little by little, and afterwards drinks this oil, soon he will be freed. If the patient sneezes when eating the salt or if he simply eats it, he will be cured. It is better if the salt is drunk with theriac. This is tested and true. Another. It is powerful in coldness of the head. Rubbing the head with the oil wonderfully rewarms the brain and comforts it. Another. It is powerful in amnesia. The lost memory is recovered if the oil is rubbed directly on the parts of the head where the power of memory is located. If you first put a little rose vinegar with this oil, it is said that it is more powerful but it must be rubbed before and after the vinegar is added. Another. It is powerful against toothache in all ways because the pain is given up through its heating when the gums are rubbed with this. Another. It is powerful in congestion of the lungs because it purges the congestion that causes the chest cough. It helps the person who is coughing, whether it is a dry or soft cough, so one should drink this oil and rub the chest with it very warm. Another. It is powerful in the dry or soft cough in what is called stricture of the chest. Therefore it helps wonderfully in such distress because if enough of this oil is drunk tepid, it resolves the congested humors and comforts the interior parts and opens the channels of the lungs very effectively. Another. It is powerful in tearing of the eyes. Rubbing the eyelids with it dries them. It is more powerful in swelling of the eyes and the pain and redness through swelling and excess of blood. Another. It aids the eyesight of every person or other animal, either old or young. Mix this oil with some bastard lovage and fennel seed and drink it repeatedly and soon you will have good eyesight. Another. It is powerful against scrofulas by rubbing it on warm. If they are broken open, press this oil therein. Another. It is powerful against every poisonous bite, that is of scorpions, wasps, bees or spiders. Rub the bite with the warm oil. Another. It is powerful against syncope, that is against the weakness of the heart and stomach, if it is drunk, although in this distress one may want theriac and good wine. Another. It is useful for fishermen who fish in the sea, pond, lake or rivers, if the nets are rubbed with the oil with a little musk because as they smell such a sweet odor many fish will be taken. Another. It is powerful for those who have dysentery with diarrhea. Drink some of it and eat it with knot grass mixed with flour and cooked on the grill or in a pan. It is powerful for those who spit blood and urinate it and for those where the blood is collected in the head because of an abcess or blow. The place should be rubbed well with warm oil. Another. It is powerful for blood which has come in the eye. Put juice of dill with the oil and rub both temples and on the head where through too much coldness the brain has lost the power to see from the eyes and they are tearing heavily. Therefore, who drinks this is known to have a good head that is warm and dry and not humid with excess coldness. Another. It is powerful against cracks and fissures when it is applied frequently to the place. Also it is very powerful as a poultice with juice of dill. Another. It is powerful against the dry itch. Rubbing with warm oil sends it away rapidly. Another. It is powerful against sores or scabs in men or women. By rubbing with the warm oil in the morning and evening you will soon be cured. Be careful what you eat. -------- [Page 233] Another. It is powerful against every fistula wherever it is. This is the way. Take juice from cabbage leaves and mix it with the oil and put it on as a poultice with juice of wormwood and the substance from ground snails. It helps greatly and will cure rapidly. Note that many of the above virtues of this oil are nearly the same as those of balsam and in practice you will know its great power by testing it and becoming an expert. Some make this oil in an easier way but I do not believe it to be of such great virtue. They take old olive oil, the oldest they can find, and as much pure and clean tamarind flowers as can be put in the oil. Put it in a pot and let it stay in the sun, day and night, for 20 to 30 days, well covered. Then put it underground for a month in a warm place where the sun beats on it. Then bring it out and strain the oil carefully through a double thickness of cloth and put it again in the sun for a month to purify and it will be made, very odorous and rich. When you use it for all your needs, make it warm and you may even tell the patient to drink it because its virtue is to warm and comfort human feelings. A wine to open a fistula and cure an ulcer. Take 1 ½ jugs each of strong vinegar and sharp white wine and put in 8 ounces of slaked lime in powder and boil it until it reduces 1/3. Remove it from the fire and let it settle. Strain it so it is very clear. Then put in all these things made into very fine powder, that is, 1 ounce each of rock salt, ammonium chloride and saltpeter and 3 ounces of ash from burnt feathers. Let it stand for one whole day in a well-covered vessel in a warm place so they are well incorporated. Then distill through felt or strain it finely. Then put 1 ½ ounces of iron rust into the wine and it will give the color red to all the wine and it will be made. When you use it, wet some cloths well and put them on and in the sore and treat in the evening and morning. This wine has the strength to remove bad flesh and induce good. It even cures the scab that comes in the rear. If you make some copper become red hot in the fire and extinguish it in this wine, the copper will become white in color and will appear like silver. This has been tested. In this wine you have a cure for the above infirmity.... 124 Another. Garlic and sage cooked with rose oil and ground and rubbed on an ulcer remove the pain. Another powder against fistula and canker. Take 1 lb. of quicklime, 1 ounce of copper sulfate, ½ ounce of sulfur, 4 ounces of powdered orpiment, 6 ounces of barley flour, 8 ounces of white honey and 3 ounces of strong vinegar. Incorporate everything together and make a paste. Make little balls and dry them thoroughly in the warm oven. Then regrind them and make very fine powder and save this for your needs. When you wish to use the powder in the illness of fistula or canker, put a little in the top of the tent that you put on the sore and treat once a day or twice a day. Know that the powder eats, corrodes and consumes all the bad flesh and makes the good grow. Another against fistula. Take branches of green ivy without leaves, cut them minutely and distill them in glass. Wet some cloths and put them on the sore but first it is purged. Then put on some leaves of bramble. Another for the above. Take 3 or 4 live lizards and boil them in a little water. Then dry them and make very fine powder and give it to drink, if the fistula is inside. It will be removed by vomiting. If it is outside, put on some of this powder and it will be cured. Another for the above illness. Take flour of red chick peas and mix it with raw honey in the form of a warm poultice. Put it on several times and it will cure a fistula. If the fistula is open, take roots of the herb toadflax, grind them well with male pork blood and make an unguent. Put it on warm and it will cure fistula and canker. Another. If the powder of orpiment is too caustic, put in a little of this honey and it will decrease its action. -------- [Page 234] The herb bonifacia, that is pagan tongue. Bonifacia is called by many 'pagan tongue' because it has a leaf in the shape of a little pointed tongue placed in the midst of the large leaf. For this it is said that it aids stutterers, those born in great numbers in the mountains of Genoa and in the Duchy of Urbino in the mountains. You should know that this herb is most powerful in sickness of the womb, especially in prolapse. Giving a spoonful of the powder to women to drink in warm broth or wine at the time of the displacement of the womb, rapidly relieves and cures the sickness of the womb. Also it is powerful and wonderful for those who have hernias in the scrotum or in the groin. Make a powder of its roots or of the herb or both mixed, and give a spoonful to the patient to drink in the morning at dawn with warm broth or wine in the form of a syrup and again in the evening. Continue this drinking for a month or more, until at the end you feel cured. It may seem to you that in the first days all the intestines want to come out of the body through that sick part and you are advised to put on a band or truss and wear it continually, day and night, with it thick and well-wrapped and tight. If you are able to stay a while in repose, you will be cured more quickly of the fissure or rupture. Watch what you eat and keep from adverse things and, with the aid of God, you will be cured quickly because this has been tested. For those who do not have fluent speech, holding some of the herb in the mouth and eating it helps greatly. For little children who do not have fluent language, placing these little leaves on the tongue will make the tongue flexible. This is very well tested and true. The herb adder's tongue fern or argentina that is ribless. This herb has different names in different locations, that is, adder's tongue fern or silverweed or ribless fern, because it does not have veins as have other leaves. This herb is well known in Lombardy and especially in the Piedmont. It is found beginning in the month of May and continues until the first half of June. Then it is no more to be seen. This herb is soft and flexible to touch and oily and its leaf is similar to plantain but smaller. It does not make a stalk and grows adventitiously in the meadows and it is very beautiful to see there. But it is more beautiful for its virtues because it has marvelous efficacy in healing wounds and especially new ones and also those made by stabs. You make oil from its leaves in this way. Take ordinary oil, the oldest that you have, and put it in a vessel with the herb. Cover the vessel well and leave it for a month or more in the sun. Then boil it for an hour on a water bath. In this way the herb is cooked and amplifies its power. Leave it in the sun for 8 to 10 days and it will be made. Save it as a treasure. This oil is powerful, when rubbed on warm, for all difficulties of the eyes and is especially powerful in fresh wounds and in all stabs where the wound is narrow. Put it on with a tent and soon it will heal without distress. It removes the pain and removes muscle spasms especially effectively in old wounds. The herb can be made into powder, otherwise the herb itself is eaten with a fresh egg or broth. Continuing it heals hernias marvelously when the rupture is rubbed with very warm oil. It is put on thickly and tied very tightly and carefully and, with care and with the aid of God, the rupture will be cured. Do this with confidence that this has been tested. It has many other virtues.... 125 -------- [Page 235] The herb milzara or dead nettle that has a white spot in the middle of the leaf and grows around hedges. This herb is called milzara because it readily cures the spleen and is also called lataiola because in women who eat it and are nursing it increases the milk as does the herb burdock in those who have lost it through an impediment. In the Greek vocabulary it is called galiopsi which is to say 'milk'. It has been shown many times to cure the spleen. I tell you that you should gather some of this herb in the half moon and dry it in the shade and wind and make very fine powder of it. Take one spoonful in a fresh egg early in the morning and continue for 15 to 20 days. Do not do anything intemperate. You should know that in the section on curing the spleen, I say first purge the spleen and soon, with the aid of God, you will be cured. If you will eat the plant raw, you will be cured sooner. This has been tested.... 126 The herb scabiosa and some of its virtues. Take the herb scabiosa in the waning of the moon when it is nearly mature and dry it in the shade and make very fine powder of it. Put it on a sore or ulcerated leg that first should be washed several times with warm wine. It heals this wonderfully. If you put it on a gall on the back of a horse with powder of a burnt old shoe, very soon it makes a cure so that the skin returns. Likewise, if you grind the herb between two lodestones and put it on warm, it soon cures. It is good in either way, in herb or in powder. Also it is powerful in distress of the stomach and especially in catarrh that is in the lungs or in heavy cough. Eat the herb or drink some of its distilled water. It is of great help in removing any kind of itch. With the powder one makes a good unguent and it has many other properties that I do not write down. The herb rue and some of its tested virtues. Rue of the gardens is warm and dry in the third degree and the wild rue in the fourth degree. Taking some of the cultivated variety removes flatulence and increases the humidity of the body and greatly helps the lower intestine. Drinking a decoction of it takes away the flatulence and the tortion and pain in the body caused by viscous humors. Cooked in oil and made into suppositories, it dissolves the excessive flatulence that accompanies excessive humors that envelop the intestines. It is also powerful in cloudiness in the eyes and in poor vision in any way that you eat it, either as the herb or in powder or cooked. Also bathing the eyes with some of its distilled water alternately with rose water in the morning, clarifies the vision greatly and also has many other virtues. To stop the flow of blood from wounds or veins that are pierced or broken or have burst in the chest. Take the same amount each of sarcocol gum, mummy, Armenian red clay and dragon's blood gum and make them into very fine powder. Mix them and put this on sores where the blood flows from the vein and it will be stopped at once. If it is a wound, say over it this holy prayer that has been tested many times and all have been cured through God's grace. Viz., '+ Cross of Christ aid me. + Blood stay fast in yourself as Christ did in himself. Cross of Christ save me. Blood stay in your vein as Christ did in his pain. Cross of Christ defend me. Blood stay fast and strong as Christ did at his death. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. + + + .' Say it three times over the wound with 3 Pater Noster and 3 Ave Maria and have the patient say them also. Then attach the little prayer around the neck and say it for 3 mornings in a row and, through God's grace, the blood will be stopped. It is tested. -------- [Page 236] Another if the vein may be letting out blood. Take some well-ground rue, incorporate it with rabbit fur and put this on warm. Bind it well and soon the blood will be stopped. Also you can take several grains of wheat and chew them, but do not have eaten garlic, and put a very thick layer on the vein that spurts blood or on the wound and soon the blood will be stopped.... 127 Another. Take an egg white and spider's web and burnt linen cloth and rabbit fur cut finely and mix these together and put this on a stupe on the wound and wherever the cut is, this will soon stop the blood. Another for a cut or broken vein. Grind some long plantain and put it on and soon the blood will be stopped. Another. Take burdock with well-ground pork fat and put it warm on the vein and soon it will clot. Another to stop a vein in the chest. Take fresh egg shells that are clean and grind them and make very fine powder and take equal amounts of rabbit fur and down of holy thistle, cut very finely, and equal amounts of mummy and dragon's blood gum and incorporate everything together. The patient should drink a spoonful with water of long plantain and water of betony, each 2 ounces, warm. Give this to drink in the morning and evening and soon, through God's grace, the vein will stop. The sick one should speak little, stay very warm, eat lightly of well-cooked food, not go too much in the fresh air and stay in repose as much as he can so he will be cured rapidly. This is tested. *Another to stop bleeding. Write these 3 words on parchment and put it in the mouth of the patient. Viz., ' Agios, Otehos, Athanathos .' At once he will be cured. Another to heal breaks or cracks in the vein of the chest that do not spurt blood. Viz. Take fern rootlets and wash them in 9 waters. Then boil them in the best white wine until that is half consumed. Give 3 ounces of this decoction to the patient to drink every morning in the form of a warm syrup and soon the bleeding will be stopped. Have the patient say 3 Pater Noster and 3 Ave Maria. You say these holy words 3 times, touching the chest and making the sign of the cross over it. Say, 'Blood stand + as our Lord, Jesus Christ, stood in his torment. + Blood stay strong as our Lord Jesus Christ stood at his death +. Blood stay as our Lord Jesus Christ stood in his faith. + In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, + Amen. + + + .' Every time you treat it, say this and, through God's grace, soon it will be cured. Powder that stops the blood from every wound and cut vein. Take copper sulfate and heat it well and make fine powder. Do not let it stay open too much to the air because it may draw up too much humidity and lose some of its effectiveness. Take 1 ounce of this and of pulverized dragon's blood gum and 2 drams each of finely-cut rabbit fur and holy thistle down and incorporate these well together. Then put some of this powder on the wounds or cuts where the blood does not want to clot. Put enough on and wrap very tightly so the bleeding will soon stop without fail. Another. This powder is powerful to stop blood from bleeding piles, that is when leeches have been attached around the anus and they have sucked blood from the hemorrhoids and then the blood does not want to stop. Putting on a great amount of powder and binding it tightly makes the blood clot again. This is a good secret, proved many times. If by chance blood is coming from the nose, take an egg white and beat it in a bowl. Then spread it on a cotton wool stupe and put some of this powder on the egg white and put it on the forehead and also on the broken vein and soon it will be stopped. Also inhale some of this powder up the nose and at once it will be stopped. This has been tested. -------- [Page 237] The virtues of human blood converted into water in the still. Take human blood that is freshly drawn from a young, healthy man and put it at once to distill in the glass still. Save all the water that comes from it with great care. Also some take this blood and distill it 7 times and some 3 or 4 times. Some take this blood and put it in a large, well-covered container. Then they put it in warm horse manure and let it stay for 9 days in a row. Then they distill it which, they say, aquires more power by being distilled 7 times on a slow fire. These are the virtues of the water from human blood. Viz. The water has many virtues in medicine, especially in fainting fits. Drink it warm during the morning in the form of a syrup. It is powerful for the memory. It is powerful in poisoning and in pain of the heart. It is powerful in weakness of the chest. It heals every infirmity of the lungs and purges the blood more than any other thing. It is powerful for every flux from the body and in pain of the hips. It opens the veins and strengthens the nerves and all the body. If you put a piece of glass in this water it will become soft as wax. If it is distilled 7 times, as described, it becomes a kind of perfect balsam and has this property that if one who may be near death and has lost speech is given a little of this water, tepid, he will speak at once. Also it may do as much for one who has lost his sight, if the eyes are bathed repeatedly with this water. Made in the designated way it will render very great benefit in all the above infirmities. It has been tested. For retracted nerves that are not able to stretch through damage or other cause. Take 3 ounces of marrow from the shin bone of the ox, 1 ½ ounces of goat fat, 2 ounces each of chicken fat and powdered incense, 1 ounce of clear, white turpentine and a good handful of marigold flowers, cut very finely. Every other thing should be cut minutely and put everything together in a little pot. Boil it enough on a slow fire so that everything is cooked. Then put it in a little pointed sack and strain it into a basin of cold water and press it well so that all the substance is forced out of the little sack. Regather the fat that is on top of the water and save it in a flask for your needs. It should be well covered. When you want to treat the retracted or painful nerves heat it very well and rub always downward. Do this several times and you will cure every debility of the nerves. It is tested. Another to comfort every nerve and to remove pain. Take 1 handful of wormwood and boil it in very good wine. Wash the sore place with this wine and let it dry in place. Then put on some other wormwood bruised on a hot brick and soon it will lift the pain. Another to comfort nerves. Take unwashed wool and put it in a pan to soak with a little honey until it is well warmed. Then put in powdered cumin like a spice and put this warm on the painful nerve and soon it will be cured. Also the leaves of the herb castor bean, cooked in wine and put on warm, will soon remove the pain. Another to lift the pain of any swollen nerve. Take 2 ounces of leaves and flowers of tamarind, 1 ounce of flowers of camomile and a little white bread flour and put it to soak in camomile water with a little ordinary oil and put everything together. Then mix it with white wine and rose water. Then boil it until it becomes fairly thick. Put it warm on the sore place and the afflicted part of the nerve or the swelling. By continuing this you will soon cure the nerve. -------- [Page 238] Liquor to join nerves that are shrunken. Take ½ bowl of earthworms and wash them well with good white wine so that no earth remains. Then empty an egg and put them all in the egg shell and put in the egg white and a little oil of tartar. Cover it well so that nothing can go out and seal it all around with clay and let it dry. Then put it in horse manure for 20 days. Remove it and empty it into a bowl and with a rod mix everything well together, the earthworms, egg white and oil, so that it forms a liquid unguent and it is made. Save it in a bottle, well covered, and when you use it make it hot and rub the painful place in the drawn and swollen nerves and put on very warm unwashed wool. Bind it on and, through God's grace, soon they will be cured. It has been tested. Another for one who has damaged a nerve and it is swollen. Take young leaves of elder and mallow, each the same amount, cut finely, and 6 to 8 leaves of sage, cut similarly, and boil everything together in strong vinegar until they are cooked. Put them on the sore nerve in the form of a plaster and it will soon remove the pain and the damage from the swollen nerve. You will soon cure it. For dislocated, painful or injured bones in the feet or hands or whatever place that at times hurts or swells although the wound has healed. Take wormwood, rue and cumin in equal amounts and a white onion and cook everything together in rose oil or ordinary oil until it reduces 1/3. Then spread it on a cloth in the form of a warm poultice and put it on the sore place. Put on a warm stupe and bandage well and tightly and keep it quiet. Do this in the morning and evening and soon it will be cured. Another for broken bones. Take equal amounts of arum roots and lard from a male pig and grind them together finely. Make this very warm in the form of a very warm poultice. Put it on the fracture in the morning and in the evening, well bandaged and tight, and soon it will be cured. The best and holy remedy for dislocated bones and bones out of place. Take new rose oil and fine powder of myrtle or its seed. Then have prepared 2 or 3 layers of stupe of hemp fibers and a large bundle or two of them. Heat the rose oil very well and the powder if you can. Then with your hands take the limb that is injured and touch it with skill to judge to bind where the bone can be coming out and over this place where the bone comes out, put your two index fingers, one over the other in the form of a cross. Say 3 Pater Noster and 3 Ave Maria to the sick person and as you treat say a prayer of thanks to God. Then say in secret these holy words 3 times with 3 signs of the cross, viz. 'In the name of God, the Virgin Mary, flower and seed, and the Son of God, go back bone. Nerve and flesh return inside as his did for the Virgin. Amen.' Make the sign of the cross 3 times. Do not press too hard with the lower finger in joining the bone that has come out and over this make the sign of the cross. Rub it with this rose oil very warm with a feather. Then put on the warm powder of mrytle and over that put the warm stupes closed very firmly around the injury and over that put a warm double cloth and bandage it closely across so that the bone comes little by little into place by the warmth and the other dressings with the good ligature. Do this for 3 days and not more. The patient should stay in repose so that soon, with the aid of God, he will be cured. This has been proven many times. *For dislocated bones or torn nerves. Say over the injury, viz. 'Our Lord, Jesus Christ, was nailed on the cross. Bone, blood, nerve. He was wounded. Our Lord, Jesus Christ, was raised on the cross. Bone, blood, nerve. He was restored. So may this be restored as our Lord, Jesus Christ, was restored to the arms of his glorious mother, the Virgin Mary. + + + . In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.' -------- [Page 239] To hold a dislocated bone in place in a joint. Take the white of an egg and 1 ounce each of turpentine and rose oil and incorporate the turpentine and the oil together on a little fire. Remove it from the fire and put in the egg white and stir well. Then put it on a warm stupe of carded flax and put that on the sore and swollen injury. Tie it well and tightly with a bandage. Do this for 2 days, morning and evening, and soon you will cure it. But first when you have been made ill or have fallen or received a blow or other injury, at once draw out that limb, arm or leg so that the bone goes in place. If it is a damaged foot, pull it and put the foot on a round board and press it on. Even if it hurts you, use force so the bone goes in its place and soon it will be cured, because as the injury is cooled, the swelling and pain from the humor goes away. Do this above described treatment as soon as you can and soon the pain will lift and you will be cured. I have proved this on one foot. Another for a damaged nerve. Take milk of a red cow and put therein 1 handful of dry roses and let them infuse all night. In the morning remove them from the milk and save them. Then put a scant 1 handful of wheat bran in the milk and boil until it becomes in the form of a poultice. Take out the bran and put the removed roses in the warm bran and mix it well. Put this warm on the painful and damaged nerve. Do this several times and soon you will cure it. Another to cure a broken bone rapidly. When you are in front of the sick one, ask if he wants to be cured. Have him say 3 Pater Noster and 3 Ave Maria and then you take the damaged limb in your hand and touch it where it is sore in that place where the bone is coming out and make over it the sign of the cross and hold your 2 index fingers in the form of a cross over the injury and say these holy words 3 times, viz. 'In the name of God, the Virgin Mary, seed and flower, Jesus Christ died on the cross. So may the bone, flesh, nerve and blood return to its shape just as Jesus Christ returned to his. In the name of the + Father, + Son and Holy Spirit, +. Amen.' Say it for 3 mornings in a row and put on a stupe of carded flax well wet in urine. Heat it on the warm coals and put it on the injury and on it another stupe, fastened well and tightly because in the binding lies the cure. Soon you will cure it. For broken bones, to bring them together and reduce the pain. Take 1 ounce each of Armenian red clay, aloe, clay from Lemnos and dragon's blood gum and make fine powder of all these things. Then incorporate the white of a well-beaten egg. Wet your pads made of finely carded flax in that and put them on the injury, dressing the bones well in the usual way, putting the bones in shape. Bind it well with bandages so the patient keeps the injured limb quiet and soon it will be cured. Unguent made by the Venerable Bede to heal broken bones. Take 2 lb. of human blood or blood from a red pig, 3 ounces of hepatic aloe, 1 lb. of sarcocol gum, and 4 ounces each of juniper gum, gum ammoniac, galbanum, pitch, glue made of scrapings from parchment, fish glue, incense, mastic, turpentine, Armenian red clay, dragon's blood gum, rose oil and new wax. Compound these in the way that other unguents are made, that is all the gums are well melted and incorporated with the blood and the oil. Then put the whole composition on a slow fire and cook it in the usual way and finally put in the wax and remove it from the fire. Stir until it is cold and it will be made. Save it for your needs and when you wish to treat a fractured bone or other joint injury, make it warm and you will quickly see a good result, for it is composed from that which was said by that holy man, the Venerable Bede, and is held as the greatest secret. It is powerful.... 128 -------- [Page 240] For retracted nerves in the finger, a complete and good water. Take 1 ounce of rose water, 3 ounces of brandy distilled 3 times, 2 ounces each of water of cow dung and water made from bread. Mix these waters together and when you want to treat retracted nerves, make it very warm. It should be kept well stoppered. Then wet some pieces of fine linen and put these warm on the injury and put on other warm cloths and fasten them well. Do this in the morning and evening and you will cure it. To remove a wen quickly and heal it with facility. Take the yolk of an egg and some finely-ground salt, enough to make a paste of the yolk, and work it until it becomes like an unguent. Then spread it on cloth or chamois and put it on the wen, well-covered. Change it 2 times a day. Do this for 3 or 4 days in a row and all the wen will be broken down. But be warned that some are harder than others to remove so it may be better to follow the method given above for more days until the patient will feel the wen loosen. Then take old male pork lard and elder leaves and grind them well together and make it in the form of a poultice. Put it very warm on the wen 3 or 4 times in a day and the night and do this for 3 days in a row. When you have done this, take galbanum and spread it on chamois and put it on the wen in the form of a diachylon plaster. Have it cover all the wen and change it 2 times a day until the wen comes out. Then you will be confident of curing rapidly and soon the flesh will be cured. Do not use other medications because the galbanum breaks down the skin that is above the wen and it remains pure white and broken down. If you cannot remove it intact, draw it out in pieces, little by little, and the sick person will not feel it because all is deadened. Then continue with the galbanum as above until the flesh returns to its place without any other treatment and, through God's grace, you will be able to cure. This has been tested. Another to resolve a wen. Take 1 dram each of gum ammoniac, Roman pellitory and eyebright and 1 ½ scruples of saltpeter. Mix them together with wax and and a little strong vinegar to make a plaster and then put it on the wen. Another. Take a green lizard, large and alive, and put it in a flask with olive oil and put it before the fire and boil it until it is cooked and put therein 4 pellets of goat dung. Then remove it from the fire and put it in the sun for 15 to 20 days. Heat this oil well in an egg shell and rub the wen with it warm and put on very warm unwashed wool and other warm cloths and wrap well. By continuing this sequence, the wen will soon be resolved. But be warned that if it is too old it will not go away but when they are young they will go soon. Juice of the herb of Saint John, that is burdock, against a spasm. On the morning of Saint John's day, before the sun rises, gather the soft tips of burdock and fill a pot, pressing them in. Cover it well with parchment and leave it at the threshold of the room for 1 or 2 months and all will be converted to juice from its state without doing anything else. Then strain it and save this juice for these uses, viz. When you have a blow on the legs or they are bruised or on the shoulders or other injury with very great spasm and wounds with great suffering, wet some cloths in this juice and put them thickly on the blow or fracture or cut, especially in the beginning so the pain does not go to the heart. Also doing this for warm gout alleviates the pain. If you bathe the testicles with it, do not make use of women. This has been tested many, many times in all of the above conditions.... 129 -------- [Page 241] Oil for painful nerves. Take 1 handful each of dill, wormwood, rue and sage. Cut them and boil them in 3 lb. of the oldest olive oil that you can find. Boil everything together in a pot on a slow fire, well covered so that nothing can escape, until it has reduced one third. Remove it from the fire and let it cool and save this oil with the herbs in it. Rub the nerve with this very warm in the morning and evening and soon it will be cured. Alternatively, rub the painful nerve with this ointment. Take 2 ounces each of some sheep fat and some marrow of its shin bones or other bones of the same animal and some ox marrow. Cut them minutely and mix everything together on a little fire and in the evening rub the damaged place of the nerve with this ointment, very warm. Do this several times and soon you will cure it. *To heal a wen, viz. Take 2 ounces of lead filings and let them stand in strong vinegar for 4 days, changing the vinegar each day, 2 ounces each of hepatic aloe and sulfur, 3 ounces of clean wax, 1 ounce each of fine sugar and turpentine and 4 eggs. Incorporate everything together and make a plaster. Then take a thin sheet of lead and hollow out an opening over the wen and put on it some of this warm plaster and medicate twice a day. If the unguent does not have a good texture, add a little more turpentine and it will cure. *Another to heal a wen, viz. Take 1 ounce of dried rock alum and make very fine powder of it and ½ ounce each of soap, hepatic aloe and lead filings. Incorporate everything together in a little good strong vinegar and a little egg white and leave this for 4 days. Do this 3 times, that is it will be 12 days in all. When you want to use it, take a little of this paste and wrap it as before and put it on the wen. Cover it with a thin sheet of lead made to the size of the wen and every day change the unguent. As the wen shrinks, reduce the lead cover. Continue this for at least a month and you will cure it. *To remove a wen. Take equal amounts of diachylon , saltpeter and galbanum. Incorporate them and put this on warm. Do this several times and it destroys the wen. -------- [Page 242] To mitigate the pain of gout and other pains. Take 3 ounces of olive oil, the oldest that every you can find because the older it is the better it is, 1 ounce of male incense, 3 drams of flowers of dill, ½ ounce of old lard from a male pig and 1 fresh egg white. The incense and dill should be made into very fine powder and the lard cut finely and everything mixed, barely warm, and hold it about an hour to incorporate and it will be made. Then wet therein some little linen cloths and put them several times on the pain of the gout or on other joint pains as well and soon it will lift a great part of the pain. Also, if you will rub the sore place of the gout with some cut-up cassia it will remove the pain quickly so you will not be aware of it. This has been tested. -------- [Page 243] Remedy most certain to lift the pain of hot gout with one ointment, very well tested and true. Take 3 ounces of olive oil, the oldest and most antique that you can find because the older it is, the better it works. It penetrates better and acts more quickly. Also take 2 ounces each of yellow litharge, dill, incense, mercury and washed white lead, ½ ounce of ordinary salt and one fresh egg white, well beaten. All the other things should be made into very fine powder. Then take a clean little pot and put therein 4 ounces of very, very good white wine and the above oil and put them on the burning coals in a frying pan or put the little pot in a little warming pan with hot ashes. When it starts to boil put in the dill, the incense, the litharge, the lead and the mercury. But first soak the mercury with saliva or with the juice of a sweet apple in a bowl for a half hour. Then put it in and stir continuously with your rod so everything is well incorporated and so it does not burn. Let it boil until the wine is used up and in this way it will take on the form of an unguent. When it has boiled very slowly for an hour or more, remove it from the fire and stir for a piece and if, by chance, the wine was not all used up it will come on top of the unguent and throw this out and keep only the unguent and it will be made. Keep this as something dear and the older it is the better and more penetrating it is and it works more quickly. When the gouts come to visit with the usual pain in the joints, quickly apply this ointment from the grace of God, rubbing the sore place, and soon the pain will depart and go to another place. You will then rub the place to where the pain has gone and at length it will be reduced to the extremities, the hands or the feet, and will no longer hurt but there will be swelling in the extremity without pain. In this way you will remove the pain of gout and this is the most certain result and has been tested many times. If you want to reduce the swelling in the hands or feet, make this comforting bath of wine, roses, camomile, rosemary and bran boiled so it is reduced 1/3. Wash with it and let it dry by itself and soon the swelling will be resolved. By continuing with this ointment in this illness and protecting yourself from everything adverse and living sparely and being restrained and temperate with your wife, you will be cured, with the aid of God, as was Monsignore Albergotto, citizen and rector of the city of Rezzo, who gives good testimony that he is alive and healthy.... 130 To mitigate the pain of gout in several ways. Take some millet flour and make a dough with very good, very warm white wine and put it on a cloth in the form of a plaster and put it very warm on the gouty pain. Renew it as it becomes cold. Continue this and soon it will mitigate the pains. When they move, follow them with the plaster. It has been tested. Another to mitigate the pain of gout rapidly. Take enough leaves of henbane in the month of May to fill a large pot with its cover luted so that nothing can escape. Make a pit in the earth before your door or where enough people pass and let it stand until the August harvest of Saint Maria at the half moon. Then lift the pot and the cover and remove the leaves which are converted into liquid and press them very well on the press and extract as much as you can. Save it in an ampule, well stoppered. With this liquid rub only the inflamed area of the gout which gives you pain and where there is redness and in no other place for a good result. This blessed liquor mitigates and lifts all the pains of the gouts. Wherever they are on the body, it will cure them all. It has been tested. Another to mitigate the pain of the gouts. Take the oldest olive oil that you have, powdered incense, egg white and male pork lard in equal amounts and beat everything together and mix it on a slow fire. Make it into a plaster and put it warm on the sore gouty places. It will soon lift the pain. Do this with rewarming time after time so the pain goes away and you will be cured. -------- [Page 244] Against the pain of the gouts, warm and cold. Take 2 lb. of the herb swallow wort, or celandine, early in the morning when it has the dew on it, during the half moon, and cut it minutely and take 1 lb. of clarified honey and put them together in a vessel and seal it well. Put it under warm horse manure for 20 to 30 days. Then remove it and pour out carefully the little water that is in the vessel and save it. It is good for fistulas and cankers. Wet some cloths and put them on the sores, but first wash the sores and then put on some brutto bon ointment, that is the dark diachylon , and you will cure this sickness. Then take the remainder that is in the vessel and distill it in a glass flask on the bain marie with a slow fire and extract from it limpid and clear water and save this. Wet fine linen cloths in this water and put them on the painful place with the warm or cold gout. By continuing to put on wet cloths the pain is greatly reduced. After this you can give the patient his meal which should be moderate. He should be conservative in everything and not disorderly and, with the aid of God, the pain from gout will soon cease. In this way you will cure gout or fistula or canker. Another to mitigate the pain of gout. Take 1 handful each of elder leaves and leaves of the herb that is called 'Christ's eye' and boil them in good white wine. Put this warm on the painful place of gout in the form of a poultice and keep it as warm as you can, changing it several times and soon you will lift the pain of gout wherever it is. Another. It is said that if you take 3 sprouts of elder and 3 of nettle and the same amount of horsemint and cut them up and make a pancake and give it to drink or eat with very good white wine, you will help greatly in the pain of gout. Another. If you drink a glass of betony juice, in that day you will not feel gouty pain. The best beverage against the pain of gout, especially when the gout is hot in nature. Take 3 pounds of each of the following: water distilled from fumitory, from endive and from bugloss, and 3 ounces of hepatic aloe. Put the waters in a clean pot with its cover well-sealed so that nothing escapes and boil it very slowly until it is reduced in half or more. Then strain it through a fine sieve and save it for your needs. When the pain of gout comes, give 3 ounces of it to drink warm early in the morning in the form of a syrup. Give it each morning as long as the pain of gout lasts and for those other pains that will come later. Do this little by little and, with the aid of God, soon one will be freed so no more pains will come and one will not be crippled. Against the pain of gout, the best and perfect laxative. Take ½ dram of good quality turbith, 1 dram each of colchicum and ginger, 3 drams of dwarf elder and 1 lb. of sugar. Dissolve everything together and reduce it to the form of a confection or electuary. If you want it to be more laxative, add 1 dram of purging bindweed. Take about 3 drams of this in the evening or in the morning. It will make you go easily and without discomfort. Also you know from this that it will help you greatly. Note. To lift the pain of gout take the green wood of willow and put it in the fire and collect with care the water or foam that comes out of the head of the stick. Rub the sore place, that is where it is red, and soon it will lift the pain of gout. This has been tested.... 131 -------- [Page 245] Against the pain of the gouts, perfect electuary and a wonderful secret. Take 1 ounce each of cold diadraganti and juice of quince, 2 drams each of autumn crocus and ginger, ½ ounce each of excellent turbith, excellent manna and rose honey and 1 ½ drams of agaric. Then take 1 lb. of fine sugar and mix everything together and these things should be finely pulverized. Make it into an electuary or into a solid form. The dose is ½ ounce depending on the effect. By continuing it for a time, it will greatly relieve the pain of gout. Take the pills written below at least 4 times a year, that is in spring, summer, autumn and winter. Take more or fewer according to how you feel and when you take them be careful for that day because they debilitate the body greatly. These are the pills, viz. Take 2 scruples of asafoetida, 1 ½ scruples of troches of agaric, 2 ½ scruples of pills of autumn crocus and 2 drams of excellent rhubarb. Mix these with water of ground pine and make a dough from which form the pills as you wish and save them in a wooden container and you will find them wonderful for you. Another, the best confection for gout. Tke ½ dram each of mace, galingale and cardamon, 1 1/2 drams each of cinnamon and nutmeg, 2 ½ drams of ginger and 1 lb. each of white sugar and sea grapes and enough rose water. Incorporate everything together following the rules to make other aromatic confections. Give this confection to the patient when he goes to sleep and early in the morning. Reposing for a while in the evening is very helpful in alleviating gout pains. Also these help him to retain some appetite. He should put off sleeping with his wife and he will find himself much improved. Sometimes he will feel the pains but they will always be diminishing. Against the pain of gout, excellent pills and a most true secret from a judge. Take 1 dram each of high quality myrrh, betony, Armenian red clay, primula and ground pine, 2 drams each of burnet saxifrage, germander and hepatic aloe and ½ dram of crocus. Mix each with sage or ground pine water, rose honey and primula water and compound everything together and make a paste from which one makes three pills the size of a chick pea to take by mouth before eating either in the morning or the evening. This is effective. Another, very worthy pills for gout. Take 1 ounce of hepatic aloe, 1 dram of saffron, ½ ounce each of myrrh and mastic and 2 drams of incense. Compound all these things with fennel water and make a paste and form your pills as usual. In the evening when you go to sleep take a dose of ½ dram and you will see very wonderful relief of the pain of gout especially if it is the warm gout. A wonderful and most effective ointment against the pain of gout. It has been tested. Take a fat, uncastrated cat, kill it and skin it and throw away the head and the insides and nothing else. Then cut it up very minutely with 2 lb. of old lard from a male pig. Grind everything well together and combine with these herbs: take 1 handful each of betony, primula and burnet saxifrage, 1 dram of saffron, 1 dram each of cinnamon, incense, ginger and nutmeg, all cut and incorporated well. Then take a fat goose, plucked and dressed whole and put all the above in the body. Fill it and tie it to a skewer...... -------- [Page 246] or spit and put it on the fire and turn very slowly and do not have the fire too lively, but very slow, until in 4 hours it will be well cooked so that no more is extracted. Collect all the fat that collects below with the greatest care and save it as something dear and valuable. When you want to rub the painful gout, wherever it may be, make it warm and rub the painful place and stay in repose. Do it in the morning and evening and soon your pain will lift for that time and it will not be as serious at other times and, by continuing it, you will be cured through God's grace. Against the pain of gout, a most worthy unguent to rub wherever the pain may be. Take 2 ounces of Venetian turpentine, 1 ounce of ground ordinary salt, 2 lb. each of ground tartaric acid from the wine cask and the oldest olive oil that you can find and 1 handful of dill. Boil all these things together until it is reduced one third. Then strain it through a fine strainer and put into this strained mixture 1 ounce each of strained goose fat and bear fat, 1 ½ ounces of marrow from deer and 2 ounces of clean wax. Incorporate all the above things warm and make an unguent and seal it carefully. Rub the painful gouty place, heating the palm of the hand and rubbing the sore place lightly with this ointment because the oil penetrates more easily through the natural warmth of the hand and it will help greatly in serious pain so you will not feel it. Another, a very perfect ointment to lift the pain of gout. Take a neutered, live bitch that is very fat. Kill it and remove the skin, head, feet and the insides. Boil it in a cauldron of water, large enough so that water does not have to be added, until it is well cooked and falls apart. Remove the cauldron from the fire and let it cool. Then collect all the fat that is on top as something precious and save it. Take 2 ounces of this fat and 1 ounce of fine rose water and reboil the fat and the water together on a slow fire until it forms an unguent. With this ointment rub the place that has gouty pain 3 or 4 times a day and rub with the warm palm of the hand. This makes it penetrate more easily and it helps the patient and the pain is soon gone. Again, the ointment above may be made with a dead fox and boiled in a large cauldron with enough water. Do not remove anything, neither skin, nor head, nor feet, nor the insides. All these things are good and helpful, as is said above. Collect all the fat that forms on the water when it is cold and save it. It keeps for a long time and is firm and very penetrating. Use it as above or put it together with the other which works better to remove the pain and even has some other virtues for other suffering and pain. This has been tested many times. Most excellent oil against the pain of gout and for any requirement. In the springtime take at least 6 large live ramarri , that is green lizards, and put them in a large caraffe with a large neck. Fill it with the oldest olive oil you can find and drown them alive. Then put it before the fire and boil it until these lizards are all broken apart. Remove the caraffe from the fire and put in the things written below, that is, 2 drams each of Roman pellitory, musk, mastic and rock rose gum and they should be finely ground. Distill it in a glass still on a good fire. Preserve the liquor that comes out as a precious thing. Rub the place of painful gout with this warm liquor or oil. Soon, with the aid of God, it will lift the pain and will delay greatly its return and you will be able to cure it in a short time. Also this oil has many other properties which are described in the section on ringworm and in the section on cracks in the skin and on the hair. -------- [Page 247] Electuary for the pain of gout and arthritis. Take 5 drams of scammony, 4 drams of fine turbith, 2 drams of autumn crocus, 3 drams each of rhubarb, cinnamon, cloves, frankincense and spikenard and 1 scruple each of anise, rock salt and lesser centaury. Mix the above with 1 lb of honey and make the electuary. It ought to be taken in the morning in the amount of 1 nut in a glass of tepid water. During the morning the patient must watch himself carefully while this electuary does its work. Say this prayer, viz. “O greatest wisdom, O eternal light, O creator of heaven and earth, O you who saved human nature and were placed on the cross for our sins to save us when you said on the cross, ' Hely, hely, lama zabatani. Hoc est corpus meus.' Agios, agios, agios, ischiros, atanathos, adonay. So you, Lord, were freed from the wound in your side with the most holy cross which you bore to Mount Calvary and so you, Lord, were wrapped in white cloth and this wound did not bleed nor become inflamed nor infected. So this illness will not cause pain if it please God and his Son. May the suffering of Christ remove this pain. May the suffering of Christ free him. In the name of the Father, + Son, + and Holy Spirit, + Amen.” Say this over the pain at your chosen time and then take a bit of a man's shirt and place it in the form of a cross on his pain and at once he will be freed. Against the pain of the gouts, a tested cure with water of guaiac. Take some guaiac wood, carefully turned into shavings, and soak it in 33 lb. of cistern water in a clean pot with a cover that has a hole in the middle and let it soak for 24 hours. Then boil it very slowly until it reduces 1/3 and the cover should be well sealed so that no gases can escape except through the hole in the cover. When it is well cooked, remove it from the fire and let it cool. Strain it finely and save this in a glass flask. Then put other water over the boiled wood and reboil it as above to reduce 1/3 and strain it and save it in a vitreous vessel. Take as much of the first water as the second and mix them and drink these waters at all meals and before meals and do not drink any wine until you are cured of gout or other infirmity. Be careful about other harmful things as is said above and, with the aid of God, soon you will be cured. This is a modern and rare secret among men.... 132 Prayer against the gouts to say every morning and carry it with you. 'This is the name of the great power, my Lord God, El, Eloy, Ely, Sabaoth, Elyon, Ele, Adonay, Iathetagramaton, Saday. + Father, Son and Holy Spirit, + Amen. Holy Trinity, one God, have pity, have pity on us. Agyos oteos, agios yschiros, agyos atanatos, eleyson, imas. God be gracious to me a sinner. God incline your ear to me and hear me. Open your eyes and see my trials, pains and infirmities and save me in your mercy. Help me and aid me in my necessity through the reverence and love of the most holy name of your most holy Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ, and by the reverence and love and intercession of the most holy Virgin Mary, his mother, and all your holy saints who live and reign in the world. Amen. Et iot es uau tetagramaton . Lord God save me from the pain of gout and pity me and free me from all my anguish and infirmities, in the name of God the Father, + Son, + and Holy Spirit +, Amen.' Say this in the morning with a Pater Noster. -------- [Page 248] Electuary of buckthorn or the Angelic electuary, a laxative suited to remove the pain of the gouts with fruit that is called buckthorn in the Apothecaries’ shops. Take the berries of buckthorn at the end of the month of September when they are very mature and dark and have had cold, that is a frost, at least one time because they gain more laxative value. Take the amount that you want and put them in a heap, that is, stack them up together in a warm place for 8 to 10 days. Then put them in the press in a sack and press them and extract all the juice. Take 1 lb. of this juice and 1 lb. of cleaned honey and mix them together. Then put everything in a clean pot and when it is very warm strain it through muslin and put it back in the pot and boil it slowly, stirring well so it is incorporated. Let it boil until it takes on body such that when you take a little on the end of a knife and let a drop fall on a card, it stays firm on the card as a hard button. Then it is made. Remove it from the fire and while it is still warm, put in 1 ounce of cinnamon, 2 ounces of ginger and ½ ounce of nutmeg, all made into very fine powder. Mix everything well together and when it is cold, put it in your bottle and keep it for your needs. When you want to use it, before you go to eat take a spoonful of it rolled into the form of pine nuts. Then eat them slowly on your lunch. In that morning that you take them, you should take care that you do not go outdoors. Stay in the room, if you wish, so that it will work well and give aid to the body. Soon it will lift the pain of gout and purge the body and help greatly in other problems with debilitated nerves. There is a story of this electuary that an angel taught it to a holy father and he called it the 'Angelic electuary.' It has been tested. Another laxative of buckthorn, the Angelic electuary. Take 1 ½ lb. of the juice of buckthorn passed through muslin and boil it slowly until it is reduced 1/3. Then put therein 1 lb. of cleaned, strained honey with 4 ounces of fine sugar made into powder and incorporate these well on a slow fire with stirring. Let it boil until it takes on some body and it will be made unless you want to do the test described above. Save this for your needs and take a spoonful in the evening when you go to sleep, more or less according to how you see the need. That greatly helps in podagra and in other warm illnesses. It has been tested. A ring against gouty sciatica to wear continually on a finger. Make a ring of gold or silver and wear it continually on a finger if you have gouty sciatica or if you are very weak and, with the aid of God, soon you will be cured. Engrave these letters on the outside, viz. '+ Christus abiel, + Christus abiel, + Christus abiel + ' and nothing else. On the inside of the ring, engrave these in the way that you see, viz. '+ Dio +Birem +Sabuc + Hexeber +' and nothing else. Say over it a mass to Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian and the first time you put the ring on, say 5 Pater Noster with 5 Ave Maria in honor and glory of the 5 wounds of Jesus Christ. Wear it with faith and devotion and you will no more feel pain from gouty sciatica. This is true and most true. Also I do not know the appropriateness of this for women. I do not remember at this time that I have heard enough said, so it has been kept to this. Another to lift the pain of gout. Take 3 pills of autumn crocus the first time 4 days before the full moon and for 4 days before the 5th day of the waning moon. On these days take one spoonful or a little more of powder of gorse and mix it with broth or warm wine. Use powder of sweet balm on your food. You should do this continually and, with the aid of God, the pain will soon go away. It has been tested.... 133 -------- [Page 249] A poultice against gouty sciatica of the hip, even if it is old. Take 6 ounces of fine quality pine tar, 1 ounce of galbanum and ½ ounce of mastic. First melt the gums. Then put in the finely powdered mastic and compound your poultice and spread it warm on chamois or leather and spread it thinly. First, before you put on the plaster, take a cloth of red or rose-colored wool and warm it well and rub it very well on the thigh with sciatica while lying down. Then put on the plaster. Continue this for 10 mornings and it then stay on. Do the same for the knee, rubbing with warm red cloth and putting on another plaster. Let it stay for 10 days and every morning lift it and do the rubbing as above. Then do so again on the foot with the rubbing and with the plaster for 10 days. At the end of these three 10-day periods, remove the 2 lower plasters and leave only the one on the sciatica. Do not ever remove that from its place until, with the aid of God, you feel yourself cured. Take care of the way you live. Prayer to cure gouty sciatica wherever it may be, and rapidly. Say, and have the patient say, 3 Pater Noster and 3 Ave Maria. Then say, 'In the name of God and the Holy Trinity and the always glorious Virgin Mary, free me of this sickness early in the morning and lead me early to the clear water. There we will go and 3 good deeds will be recorded. God save me from 3 evils, that is from running water, from burning fire and from powerful lords. I swear to God omnipotent and to the Virgin Mary, give me strength for one month and to be patient, not to eat garlic, nor lentils, nor head nor tail of animal, in the name of the Father, + Son + and Holy Spirit, + Amen.' Say this for 3 times each morning with the Pater Noster and continue for 3 mornings and each time that you deliver it, spit in running water if you can. Stay a whole month without eating legumes of any kind, nor sour fruit of any kind, nor head nor tail of fish. Eat bread of plain wheat without any other blend and drink wine and not water and stay away from women. Do this in the morning as early as one can. If the person is completely crippled so he is not able to move from bed, take a bowl of clear water and make him look at it and deliver the prayer and he spits in it and this is thrown away. The first night he will feel very troubled and this is a good sign of rapid cure. At the end of 6 to 8 days, little by little he will attain a cure even if the illness is old and wherever it is on the body, so with the aid of God, soon you will cure. If, by chance, he breaks the vow, the serious illness will return to him anew and he must return to the beginning of the prayer. Five persons have been cured in this time without doing anything else of whom 3 were elderly and were not able to move from bed and the other 2 were carried to a little running water when the prayer was delivered, spitting in the water 3 times in the morning before the sun came up and these were cured without taking any other medicine. You who want to say the prayer, get up in the morning at dawn and make the patient get up if you can. If not, do as is said above and of this be sure that all may be healed of the gouty sciatica which is caused by humidity and may be from coldness. Wherever it be in the body, all will be healed through God's grace by observing completely the things said above and with no other treatments. -------- [Page 250] Against gouty sciatica, lavage and ointment that will cure it rapidly. Take 1 ounce each of sage, tamarind, betony, burdock, valerian, burnet saxifrage, rue, holy thistle, wormwood, wild wormwood, mint, sweet balm, catmint, mountain mint, pennyroyal, artemisia, celery, creeping thyme, hyssop, box tree, fresh anise and laurel berries, all of good quality and collected at the right time. Boil all in 3 flasks of good and potent red wine until it reduces 1/3. Then strain the wine through linen cloth and press the herbs well and save them apart as you still have to use them. Put in the collation the fats written here, viz., 2 ounces each of donkey fat, fox fat, badger fat, old chicken fat and goose fat and 1 lb. of ordinary oil, the oldest you can possibly find, and 1 ounce each of rock rose gum, bdellium and myrrh. All these should be coarsely cut. Put everything together in the boiled liquid and put it again on the fire and boil it for one half hour or more. Then remove it from the fire and let it cool and collect all that fat on the top and save this in a glass bottle as something valuable. Put the herbs that you have boiled again into the wine and let them stay there as long as you wish. When you want to use this lavage with the herbs in it, warm it well and wash the thigh or the leg on the inflamed and painful place of the sciatica, wherever it is. Wash the place well so it becomes very warm. Dry it well with warm cloths. Then anoint it with the warm oil that you have saved. Wet stupes in this lavage, very warm, and put them on the ointment where it is painful. Cover them with warm cloths and wrap well. Do this 2 or 3 times a day, because the more times you do it, the sooner you will be cured. Continue this for at least 15 days. If you want to put some of these warm herbs on the sore place in the form of a poultice, it will help you when you are rewarming the stupes time after time. If you do this repeatedly, you will achieve a cure sooner for this lavage above all is comforting, restorative and drying. By keeping to the rules described above and by means of divine aid and with faith you will soon be cured. Watch what you eat. Do not eat things bad for you such as pork. One man was cured through God's grace who for 5 years had gone on 2 crutches with sciatica in both legs and he kept to the rules and was cured and freed expeditiously and walks joyously. Another, a beverage for sciatica. Take 1 ounce each of flowers of tamarind, of borage, of bugloss and of St. John's wort, picked at the right time and dried in the shade, 2 ounces of the herb St. John's wort, 2 drams each of mastic and turbith and 2 ½ drams of cinnamon. Boil all these things in 5 flasks of good white wine and boil it very slowly until it reduces 1/3. Then strain it carefully and let it stay in the sun for 4 days. In the evening when you go to sleep and in the morning before you get up, drink 3 ounces, warm. This will make you feel very youthful. When you strain it, be sure it is clear and save it in a glass flask, well sealed. Every morning say this prayer, viz. “ '+ Today you will be with me in paradise. My Lord why have you forsaken me? Mother behold your son.' Then you said, 'Disciples here is your mother. I thirst. I commend my spirit, Lord, into your hands. It is finished.' In the name of the Father, + Son + and Holy Spirit +. Amen. He who was freed from all iniquities to him, he is the one who heals all your infirmities. Amen.” -------- [Page 251] Against the cold gouts. Take 1 handful of rue and grind it well. Then mix with a decoction of cumin so it is well cooked and make it in the form of a plaster and, as warm as you can stand, put it on the painful area of gout and soon it will lift the pain and greatly dry this cold humor. Also this other plaster is very good to remove the pain of cold gout, viz. Take 1 handful each of sage, rue and dill and boil them well in good white or red wine until it reduces 1/3 or in half. Then grind it well and put this warm on the gouty pain in the form of a poultice and it soon dries it and lifts the pain. *Perfect and tested oil against all cold infirmities. Viz. Take 1 handful each of 4 kinds of mints, that is, lesser mint, greater mint, horsemint and pennyroyal, picked during the half moon in the month of May. Cut them finely and put them in the oldest olive oil you can find. Let them stand for 4 to 6 days in the sun. Then boil them on the water bath. Then put them back in the sun for 15 days or more and it will be made. Save this oil for all your needs. It is powerful for all the painful cold that comes in the joints. Rub with this oil, well-warmed, and put over it warm unwashed wool and soon it will lift the pain, by rubbing in the morning and evening. The older it is the better. This oil has been tested many times and it has cleared up all the above infirmities from coldness. *The Angelic electuary or buckthorn electuary, very laxative. Viz. Take very mature fruit of buckthorn at the end of September, early in the morning, in whatever amount you want. Put them in a sack and with force press them and extract the substance in the press. Weigh out 3 pounds or more and put it on the fire in a clean vessel without odor and make it boil very slowly with skimming until it reduces one third so that it is nearly cooked. Then put in 1 ½ pounds or more of good cleaned honey, the amount at your discretion, or put in red sugar which makes it more laxative, this amount or more according to whether you want it sweet or not. Reboil it one more time until everything is cooked to its usual thickness, that is, it stays firm on the fingernail or on a card. Then it will be cooked and well made. Remove it from the fire and put it in your bottle for 3 or 4 days in the sun and it will be done and save it for your needs. The dose is 1 ½ spoonfuls, more or less according to the person. Take it after lunch or dinner and at the end of an hour or more, it will make you go 2 or 3 or even 4 or 5 times, according to the hardened material in the body. This electuary always works better the older it is. The Carthusians of Veduta use this electuary often. *For the pain of frozen teeth. Take rootlets of nettle, grind them a little and then boil them with red wine in a clean little pot until it reduces in half. Then take some of this wine in the mouth as warm as you can bear and soon the pain will be cured. -------- [Page 252] [This page in the manuscript is blank.] -------- [Page 253] A beverage and enema very useful against gouty sciatica. Take 1 handful each of lesser centaury, honeysuckle and cat mint. Take 3 jugs of very good white wine, not sweet nor weak, and put the herbs therein to infuse and take a bone of salt pork with a little very old and rancid meat and break it in 2 or 3 places so that the marrow comes forth better and put this in the wine and boil everything together until it reduces 1/3. Then remove it from the fire, strain it and press the herbs well so the substance comes out and save it in a glass flask. Give this wine as a warm syrup to the patient to drink, 4 or 5 ounces in one morning and not in the next, alternately. You can also make it an enema. With the following ointment, very warm, rub the sciatica with very warm unwashed wool. The ointment is made with 1 handful of rue. Bruise it a little between two stones and put it in a little pot and put therein olive oil, the oldest that you can find, and a few earthworms, well washed with white wine. Put everything together and boil it slowly so that it does not burn. Then strain it very carefully until all the substance is out and with this ointment, very warm, rub the inflamed place with very warm unwashed wool and then bandage well. Continue all the above things until you feel yourself much better. With the aid of God soon you will be cured if you continue to live carefully. A chaplain of the Queen of Naples used this remedy in Ferrara and through God's grace he was cured and freed quickly and walked as if he had never had the illness of sciatica. Very useful enema against gouty sciatica. Take 1 handful each of honeysuckle, cat mint and roots of bryony. Then take a flask of good light red wine and put in these herbs to infuse for 1 whole day. Put the little pot on the fire and let it stay on the fire until it wants to boil but do not let it boil. Remove it from the fire and cover it very well until it has cooled. Do this 3 or 4 times. Then put it back on the fire and boil it until it reduces in half and it will be made. Take a bowl of this boiled liquid and 4 ounces of ordinary oil and compound the enema. Give one every 2 days. This lasts for 15 days. Before you use this medication, purge the patient first and then make this ointment and also the enema and you will cure the illness quickly. Beverage for cold sciatica and for every other developing malady. Take 1 handful each of the inner bark of the ash tree, burnet saxifrage, maiden hair fern, spleenwort, rusty fern, liverwort and chicory roots and 2 ounces of raisins. Mix them and make a decoction. Put everything in a clean pot and put therein 4 jugs of good white wine and put on its cover and seal around with dough so nothing escapes except through the center opening. Then put it in a warm oven or in the center of the fireplace until it boils gently and reduces in half or by 2/3. Strain it and press the herbs well so the substance comes out and it will be made. Save it in a glass flask. In the morning take 4 ½ ounces in the form of a warm syrup. Continue to take it more times until you feel much better. Take care of yourself and, with the aid of God, soon you will be cured. -------- [Page 254] For coldness in the joints, that is for cold gout. Take the leaves, stem and fruit of wild cucumber. Grind them and extract the juice with force and put it on the fire until you have skimmed the foam off but do not let it boil. Then strain it through the strainer. Take again as much rose oil and boil them together until this reduces 1/3 or ¼ and it will be made. Save it for your needs, that is when a person may have been in some humid place and have taken up humidity in his joints so he is not able to move, take some of the juice and make it very warm and rub the painful place very well and put on a stupe of hemp or unwashed wool which is better. It should be very warm and well wrapped with a warm cloth and keep it warm. Do this 2 times a day. Do not eat humid things and in 10 or 15 days you will be cured because the ointment draws out all the humidity that was converted into water and soon you will be freed. Another. The root of wild cucumber described above is useful to give a horse to eat that has pains and soon that will cure it. It is tested. Laxative of quinces against the cold gout and hip pains and it comforts the stomach. Take whatever number of quinces that you think fit and peel and clean them, rubbing them gently back and forth well. Boil them in good white wine until they are very well cooked and broken apart. Then take 3 lb. of this paste and 2 lb. of cleaned honey and reboil them together, stirring continuously because it tends to stick. Remove it from the fire and when it is half cooled, put therein the things written below, all made into very fine powder. Viz. Take 2 drams each of cloves, red ginger, mastic, long pepper, nutmeg and cinnamon, ½ ounce of autumn crocus, 1 ½ drams of turbith and 3 drams of purging bindweed. Incorporate these well together while the paste is somewhat warm and it will make a good and perfect electuary. In the morning at dawn take the amount of one nut which will be about half an ounce and go to sleep at least for one hour. If you will continue this you will see a wonderful effect. Unguent that is powerful for sciatica, cold gout, retracted nerves, pain of the womb, kidney pain, quartan fever and pain from the spleen. Take 2 lb. of olive oil, the oldest you can find because the older it is the better it is, 1 handful each of rosemary, sage, rue, wormwood, tips of the sprouts of jebuli , that is wild elder, and put them in the oil and put in 3 ounces of malvasia or good white wine and boil everything together with a slow fire until all the wine is gone. You can test this by putting a drop of the oil on the grill of the fire and if it sizzles, the wine is not all consumed and let it boil a little more until it is all used up. This wine is used because the herbs would be burnt well before they would be cooked to extract their power into the oil. Then remove it from the fire, strain and press the herbs in the press and extract all the substance well. Put in a bowlful of earthworms that have been well washed 3 or 4 times with white wine. Put these in a little pot with good white wine and boil it very, very slowly on a little fire so that they do not burn and when it is well cooked, the wine will be dried up. Then put in 3 ounces of ground active sulfur and let it barely boil. Strain it through loose linen cloth with force so all will come through. Put this together with the oil and put everything again on the fire and incorporate it well. Then add in the things written below, all made into very fine powder. Viz. -------- [Page 255] One-half ounce each of cloves, incense and mastic, 1 dram of saffron, 1 ounce of laurel berries and 3 ounces of clean wax. Cut up the wax and put it in last with everything well incorporated. Stir until it is cold so that the powder does not go all in one place and it will be the best, well-made and perfect unguent. Save it in a bottle for your needs for all of the above infirmities. When you wish to use the above unguent for sciatica, cold gout, nerves, eschars, sickness in pregnancy, kidney pain and all these other pains, use it cold and not hot and you will see a wonderful result. Use the ointment repeatedly. Another. When you want to treat the spleen, make it very warm and put on warm cloths. Do this only in the evening. Be careful to avoid all adverse things and you will be cured. Another. When you want to treat pains, make the unguent very warm and rub the body with very warm cloths. Do this several times and soon the pains will cease. Another. When you want to treat quartan fever, make the unguent very warm and rub only the edge of the kidney. Cover yourself well in bed and do this 3 or 4 times before the fever comes and you will be cured quickly. Eat some rosemary often and eat good meals and you will see an excellent result in all of the above infirmities when the unguent is made as is described above. It has been tested in all the above infirmities and it has cured almost all. Oil of sage flowers for swelling from cold gout of the elbow, hand and knee. Take the oldest olive oil that you can find. Then take a bottle or curet and make it more than half full or full of flowers of sage gathered in the full moon. Fill it with the oil and let it stay in the sun for 8 days, well covered. Then boil it on a bain marie for a half hour and return it to the sun for a month or more and it will be made. With this oil, very warm, rub all the cold pains caused by cold humors and especially in cold gout. Put it on all the joints and put on a very warm stupe of hemp or unwashed wool and on that another cloth and bind it well. Do this 2 times a day and soon the pain from bad coldness will cease. Many persons have tested this remedy and have been cured, by God's grace, through continuing it. To cure arthritic pains or gouty arthritis. Take the herb called a rteticha which has leaves as long as a large palm and straight like the onion but slimmer or like chives and which grows wild in the mountains. When you want to cure gouty arthritis, go before the infirm one and ask if he wants to be cured of the gout. If he says yes, tell him to say 5 Pater Noster with 5 Ave Maria in reverence to the 5 wounds of Jesus Christ. You should collect 9 leaves of the herb arteticha and show them to the sick one. Begin to medicate the first time on a Friday during the waning moon. The sequence is to say the prayer written below 9 times for 9 mornings and the sick one will say one Pater Noster with the Ave Maria each time that you will say the prayer. Then after you have said it, cut the herb up finely and take a fresh egg and incorporate them together and cook them in a frying pan in the form of a pancake without oil and without any other things. Make 9 morsels of it and give it to the sick one to eat and with each morsel he should say a Pater Noster with the Ave Maria. On the second morning do the same with 8 leaves and read the prayer 8 times and he will say 8 Pater Noster with 8 Ave Maria. Do this on the third morning with 7 leaves and say the prayer 7 times and he will say 7 Pater Noster with 7 Ave Maria.... 134 -------- [Page 256] Do this on the fourth morning with 6 leaves and he will say 6 Pater Noster with 6 Ave Maria and make 6 morsels. Do this on the fifth morning with 5 leaves and he will say 5 Pater Noster with 5 Ave Maria and make 5 morsels. Do this on the sixth morning with 4 leaves and he will say 4 Pater Noster with 4 Ave Maria and make 4 morsels. Do this on the seventh morning with 3 leaves and he will say 3 Pater Noster with 3 Ave Maria and make 3 morsels. Do this on the eighth morning with 2 leaves and he will say 2 Pater Noster with 2 Ave Maria and make 2 morsels. Do this on the ninth morning with one leaf and he will say one Pater Noster with one Ave Maria and make one morsel. Do not omit this if you want to cure the arthritis soon with the herb arteticha . When you read this prayer, have a blessed candle lit and with this make the sign of the holy cross over the sick one and also over the herb. This is the holy prayer, viz. “In the name of the Father, + Son, + and Holy Spirit, + Amen. Three angels were on Mount Cedron on Friday and they met Arthritis and they said, 'Where are you going?' He responded, 'I am going to the servant of God (name).' The angels said, 'We conjure you, Arthritis, that you should not stay in the servant of God (name), by his son, Jesus Christ + and by the Holy + Spirit + and by the most blessed Virgin Mary + and by the blessed Archangel Michael + and by the blessed John the Baptist and by the evangelists + and by the blessed Apostle Peter + and by the blessed martyr Blaise + and by all the saints of God which are in heaven and on earth, that you do not have power over the servant of God (name).' Your faith has made you well. Christ conquers +. Christ rules +. Christ orders +. Christ protect you from all ills. + In the name of the Father + , Son +, and Holy Spirit +, Amen.” This prayer is ended and do not forget it and through the grace of God, soon you will be cured. It is tested. Another. Say this other prayer, reading it 3 mornings in a row and 3 times each morning with a blessed candle lighted. First say 3 masses over the prayer, the first of Saint Leonard, then of Saint Christopher and Saint Blaise. At the beginning of the third morning say 3 Pater Noster with 3 Ave Maria. Carry it always with you. When you read it say, and have the patient say, the Pater Noster and Ave Maria and read it with devotion, viz. “In the name of the Father, + Son, + and Holy Spirit, + Amen. Three angels were walking on Mount Sinai and they met the illness of gouty sciatica or arthritis and they said to him, 'Where are you going, Arthritic Pain, where are you going?' 'I am going to the house of your servant (name) to torment the nerves and dry up the marrow of his bones and waste the flesh of (name).' 'We invoke the Father + and the Son + and the Holy Spirit + and, by the living and true God who created all creatures, by the 4 Evangelists, Luke, Mark, Matthew and John, by the holy Virgin Mary, mother of God, by Saint Peter bound and imprisoned, by the prophet Jonah who was in the belly of the whale for 3 days, by the holy Moses who escaped from the hands of the pharaoh and crossed the dry Red Sea, this sickness of arthritis is afraid and with this holy prayer this servant (name) is cured so this sciatica or arthritis does not have power or authority over him to torment the nerves, nor waste the marrow of his bones, nor dry up his flesh, nor his limbs and by the terrible day of judgment which one fears. So from this hour forward arthritis has no mastery over my servant (name), so it does not torment his bones, nor dry his flesh, nor hurt his marrow, by virtue of the the holy, holy, holy, holy Immortal.' In the name of the Father +, Son + and Holy Spirit +, and of his always glorious Virgin Mary, mother of the Son of God, and in reverence to Monsignor Saint Leonard, to Saint Christopher and to Saint Blaise and to all the saints of God who are crowned in heaven and adored in earth and canonized in Rome and by this devoted and holy prayer, free your servant (name) from this evil arthritic infirmity and from all other illnesses, if it is the pleasure of the Father, + Son + and Holy Spirit +, Amen.” .... -------- [Page 257] “Saint Leonard on Mount Sinai met and said to that evil beast, 'Where are you going?' It answered, 'We are going to the house of your servant (name) to torment his limbs and afflict his family.' Saint Leonard said, 'Leave siatica, do not go there, do not stay there.' So I have made a vow to God and to M[onsignore] Saint Leonard to do all in my power for one month not to eat legumes, nor lentils, nor head of buffalo, nor of barzo because you will leave, cursed sciatica, and go to disperse at the bottom of the sea, if it is the pleasure of God and of the Virgin Mary and of Saint Leonard and Saint Christopher and Saint Blaise. In the name of the Father, + Son + and Holy Spirit + Amen.” Another prayer to say against arthritis. Viz. “Christ was walking with the Virgin Mary and on the way they met arthritis and they said, 'Where are you going, pain? Where are you going, you cursed arthritis?' 'I am going to the house of your servant (name) to drink his blood and eat his flesh and afflict his family.' They said, 'You must not go to the house of (name). He is such a good person that you cannot go there but must go to the sea and gnaw rocks and brine that will break you up and remove you before it is tomorrow morning.' In the name of the Father, + Son + and Holy Spirit. + Amen.” Another prayer against painful arthritis. Viz. “Three angels were walking on Mount Sinai and they met the sickness arthritis and asked and said to it, 'Where are you going?' It answered, 'I am going to torment the nerves and dry and diminish the flesh and reduce the medulla of your servant (name).' 'We invoke through the Father and through the Son and through the Holy Spirit, through the living and true God who is the creator of all creatures, by the 4 evangelists, Matthew, Luke, Mark and John, by the holy Mary, mother of God, by Peter held in bonds, by the person who stayed 3 days in the belly of the whale, by Moses who escaped from the hands of the Pharaoh and by the day of judgment that causes so much fear, that from this hour you will have no mastery over my servant (name) neither to torment his bones, nor dry his flesh, nor even reduce his medulla. Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Immortal.' In the name of the Father, + Son, + and Holy Spirit + and of his glorious Virgin Mary, mother of the Son of God, and of Saint Christopher and Saint Cosimo and Saint Damian and M[onsignor] Saint Leonard and of all the saints of God who are crowned in heaven and adored on earth and canonized in Rome, free your servant (name) from arthritis and all other infirmities, if it is your pleasure, Jesus Christ.' In the name of the Father, + Son + and Holy Spirit. + Amen.” Say 3 masses over this prayer, first of Saint Christopher, Saint Cosimo and Saint Damian and of Saint Leonard and read it 3 times each morning for 3 mornings with the blessed candle burning and with it make the sign of the cross + on the sore place and carry it always with you. Take care of your life. Eat well and little and keep warm and soon, with the aid of God and good care, you will be cured. This has been proved. Ointment for cold pain in the joints. Take 1/2 ounce each of oil of St. John's wort made according the the rules and oil of roses and of camomile and of lavender. Then add 1 ounce each of goose and duck fat and turpentine. Cut the fat up finely and incorporate everything with care on a little fire and it will be made. When you want to rub the sore place, make it very warm and put on a stupe of wool or of hemp that is also very warm. Wrap it well and do this several times and soon you will be cured. -------- [Page 258] Unguents for burns from fire or water. Take 4 drams each of turpentine and washed butter, 3 drams of white wax, 8 ounces of oil of roses and 1 ounce of juice of elder. Boil everything together until the elder juice is consumed and remove it from the fire and it is made. When you want to use it on burns from fire or water, spread it on a large enough cloth and put it on the burn. Do this several times and soon you will be cured. Another unguent that heals well burns from fire or water. Take 2 ounces of quicklime, washed in 9 or 10 waters, 1 ounce of Alexandrian zinc, ½ ounce of clean wax and 6 ounces of rose oil. Make the unguent as usual on a slow fire and when you have removed it from the fire, continue stirring and put in 2 fresh egg whites. Stir until it is cold and it will be made. Medicate with this 2 times a day and you will cure rapidly. This heals burns well. Another, very delicate unguent for burns. Take 2 handfuls of climbing ivy, cut it finely and boil it in white wine until it is well cooked and pass it through a very fine sieve. Then take the expressed juice and mix it with 6 ounces of rose or violet oil and 3 ounces of new wax. Incorporate everything together and when it is almost cold put in 2 fresh egg whites, well beaten, and it will be made. To use it rub the burned place with it and do it several times and you will soon cure. Another unguent for burns from fire or water. Take 2 ounces of powdered yellow litharge and boil it with 1 lb. of strong white wine until all the wine is gone. Then go back and make very fine powder. Then take 3 ounces each of butter and oil of roses and wash them in 4 or 5 waters. Take 1 ounce of burnt white lead and the yolk of a fresh egg and 1 ounce of fine sugar and mix everything together with 2 ounces of rose water and it will be made. Wet some linen cloths in the liquor and put them on the burn and soon you will lift the pain and you will cure the burn rapidly. Another unguent for burns. Take ½ bowl of quicklime and slake it with ordinary oil and when it is dry, that is when it has imbibed the oil, mix it with rose or violet oil in the form of an unguent and spread it on the burn or put it on cloths. In 3 or 4 days you will be cured and it will remove the pain and not leave any sign. This has been tested. Another unguent for burns from water. Take an onion cooked in the fire and grind it while warm and, as warm as can be borne, put it on the burn and very soon the pain will stop. Another that is similar and quicker. As soon as the person is burned, wet the burn with ink or put that on some cloth. But if you are able to put the injured part into ink immediately you will lift the pain and greatly cool the burn and it will be cured quickly. Many persons have been tested with this and in has been found perfect and good.... 136 Likewise, as soon as you are burned, touch the spot with your tongue and with your warm breath on it, say over and over, repeating this word, ' Sabaot ', and make the sign of the cross on the spot with your mouth. 'In the name of the Father,+ Son + and Holy Spirit. Amen.' Soon you will be cured. Likewise you can say this 3 times over a burn from fire or water as well as from any other thing. 'When Jesus was born, he was first anointed and then washed as much as was needed, so much this burn will need from God in its cure. In the name of the Father, + Son + and Holy Spirit +, Amen.' Take a glass of fresh water and say over it this holy prayer with a Pater Noster and Ave Maria each time and with 3 signs of the cross, + + + . Then pour all of the water on the sore place but do not rub it. Do this 3 times in a row and for 3 mornings but do not do anything else. It will heal by itself by saying this first over the sore place 3 times every morning and then put on the water. Be confident that very quickly you will be cured. It has been tested. *Another to cure a burn in 8 days from any fire. Do not put on anything else but little cloths wet in the juice from cabbage leaves including the center part. Do it several times and the burn will be cured quickly. This has been tested. -------- [Page 259] Unguent for burns of all kinds. It cures them marvelously and leaves no scar. Take 1 or 2 or more lb. of old lard from a male pig and grind it finely and boil it in a flask of strong white vinegar in a little cauldron for 2 hours. Then remove it from the fire and let it cool. Gather all the fat from the top and save it as something dear for your needs, from which God save you. Press it well with the hands so the vinegar comes out. When someone is hurt by fire, wherever it is, rub it very well with the grease and put over the grease some finely-cut fur of a rabbit like a spice. Do this in the evening and in the morning, rubbing always first. Do not remove the old grease, but always add one grease on the other and always, when you have put on the grease, put over it some of this fur cut very finely and it will make a large crust. Do this for 4 or 5 days and not more. At the end of 8 to 10 days you will see the scab lift up from its place and it will all be cured. And if by chance or accident the scab is removed before it is well matured, return to rubbing a little longer and no mark will be seen and very soon it will be cured. You will feel almost no pain as soon as it is put on the first time. This is a most rare secret and has been well tested many times. Be well. Another. Other unguents against burns made in diverse ways according to the regions where they have been tested. Take 1 ½ lb. of ordinary oil and 1 lb. of great and good white wine and put them in a pot to boil. Put in 1 handful each of house leek and bark of elder, cut finely, and let it boil until the wine is all consumed. Then strain it in a pointed little sac, pressing it well so you extract all the substance of the herbs. Then return it to the fire and put in 1 ½ ounces of powdered white lead and 1 ounce of white wax. As the wax melts, remove it from the fire and it will be made. Save it for your needs for it is always good to rub on burns. Another. Take white vinegar and put in a little ground salt and wet some fine linen cloths and put them on and at once this will lift the pain. Distilled vinegar has the property of stopping pain when some cloths are wet in it. Plain pork lard also has this property. As soon as the person is burned, scrape a little lard with a knife and immediately put it on the burn, I say immediately. It will stop the pain of every kind of burn. These have been tested. Another for burns. Take 3 ounces of juice of rue, ½ ounce each of pine resin, powdered incense and honey, 1 ½ ounces each of rose oil, turpentine and juice of burnet saxifrage and 1 ounce of white wax. First put the oil, the turpentine and the resin on a slow fire and when they are liquified, strain it. Then return it to the fire and put therein all the other things and let it boil a while and remove it from the fire when it is done and stir until it is cold. Use it at your pleasure. It will bring you honor. Another for burns. Take 4 ounces each of strong white vinegar and juice made from elder bark and the white of a fresh egg. Incorporate these together and wet therein some cloths and put them on the injury and the pain is removed. When you want to make a burn heal well, treat with the unguent in the recipe above. Another for burns. Take 1 lb. of rose oil, 1 ½ ounces of clean wax, 2 ounces of red lead and 4 ounces of yellow litharge. Put everything on a moderate fire to cook, stirring continuously until it is somewhat firm. Then spread it on chamois carefully and it will heal the burn well and you will cure the burn quickly. Another, a quick remedy for burns from fire and water. Take house leek and extract the juice and compound it with a fresh egg white. Wet some cloths in it and put them on the burn. Do this several times and soon the pain will lift. This is a delicate remedy and tested. *Another. Say over a burn, 'Blessed be the hour that God was born, was first anointed and was baptized in the River Jordan. As Jesus Christ did not suffer, so this burning does not cause pain to this creature who is burned. Amen. In the name of the Father, + Son + and Holy Spirit +. Amen.' -------- [Page 260] Tested unguent for burns from oil or fire or iron or water or from any other thing. Take 2 ounces of rose oil and 1 ounce each of juice of nightshade, of plantain and of sedum and 2 fresh egg whites and incorporate everything together very well with a rod. Rub the burn with this in the morning and evening and your pain will quickly be relieved and you will be cured. If you are quick before the blister rises, when it is cured you will see no edge or mark. If the burn makes a large sore, add in quicklime slaked with ordinary oil as is said above with powdered incense and white wax, the amounts at your discretion. Compound an unguent on a little fire and treat the sore with this and it will cause no more pains and will be cured quickly. If you have these remedies always in your house, and in this way near to God, you will never be a poor man. Pills of turpentine, powerful in sciatica, in gout and in every bruise or internal distress. Take 1 ounce of good white Venetian turpentine and wash it 6 to 8 times with borage water or sweet balm water, or with good white wine, otherwise with other waters appropriate to this infirmity. When you have washed it well, incorporate 3 ounces of fine, pulverized sugar and 1 ounce of good cinnamon in fine powder and put in as much as it can take so the paste does not stick to the hands and it will be made, paste of turpentine. Save it in a delicate little jar in a cool place and it will last a year or more. When you want to take the pills, in the evening detach some from the mass and roll them in the fashion you prefer, large or small, and take one large or 3 to 5 small, at your preference. You can wet them in water or in wine and then roll them in powdered sugar. In this way the pill can easily be taken without difficulty. You can take it in the morning or at all hours but it is better in the evening because it works better. Take it one evening yes, the next no, and you will see a wonderful result. These are its approved virtues, viz. If a man falls from a height and feels bruised or injured inside, beyond needing an enema and phlebotomy, use these pills as described and soon he will be cured. If a man has pain from gout or other pain in the joints, either old or new, use some of the pills and for a long time he will not feel the pain. If a man has sciatica or is subject to some humidity in the joints, use some of the pills and soon, with the aid of God, he will be restored to health. If a man has any weakness or distress in the stomach, use some of the pills at least 2 times a week and soon the distress will pass away. If a woman will use some of the pills in all her feminine difficulties, this will help her greatly and will remove some of the fumes that rise to the head and soon she will be freed. Even if she has lost her reason through some impediment, it will return quickly.... 137 If a man has a need, these pills are good any time. But a man should use them more in the winter than in the summer. In winter they are always better because by themselves they are very warming. The one who needs them uses them correctly. When using these pills you will find other properties that I am not writing down because the above list has been many, many times tested by me, Master Apothecary Andrea from Farre in Brescia, and by other persons worthy of belief. Be well. -------- [Page 261] Imperial pills with some of their virtues. Take 1 dram each of grains of paradise, anise, mastic, cardamon, ginger and fine rhubarb, and take succotrine aloe in weight to all of these. In winter these are compounded with syrup of eupatorium and in summer with violet syrup. Make a paste and from this make little pills in the form of chick peas. Take 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 a week without fasting or any preparation. Those written here below are the spices that are mixed in. Add 5 cherry plums and 1 scruple each of cinnamon, long pepper, zedoary, mace, senna, nutmeg, cloves, agaric, saffron, jujube, galingale, aloe wood, white turbith gum, fine manna and oak fungus. Grind everything together and mix carefully. These pills were composed by Monsignor Marsillio from Saint Sophia in Padua and are very laxative and have the great virtue that they can be taken at any time by anyone for any kind of condition. It makes no difference if they are taken before or after meals. Here are some of their virtues and properties, viz.: They wonderfully sharpen the intellect, act against every illness and, if they find excess humor in the body, they remove it without effort. Another. They comfort weakened limbs and strengthen them. Another. They slow down graying of the hair. They heal whatever may be broken by a salt or viscous humor. Another. They prepare the stomach and comfort the viscera. They preserve the sight and reduce cataracts and keep away the lumps that arise in the throat. Another. They remove every vapor that has risen to the head from which a headache follows that obscures the intellect. They kill worms and improve tired, weak and sluggish nerves wonderfully. Another. They stop decay in the teeth and stop belching and other annoyances. Another. They strengthen the heart and protect against the plague. They rejuvenate. Another. They give great aid in gouty arthritis and joint pain. Another. They make you sleep well and they remove the bad choler. They make the breath good. Another. They are good for anyone where there is bad air and bad waters and they have many other great virtues. I have tested this when I was worn out from gouty sciatica. I took water of [aloe] wood and it did not help me much. Since I began to use the above pills and I have felt no more pain. If at any time I was hurting from a humid period, I took it and I was restored to health immediately, and for every other trouble I found myself well prepared. Tested pills against dizziness. Take 2 scruples of pills of assaiaret with agaric and 1 scruple of gold. With syrup of French lavender make 5 pills which should be taken at bedtime. One who suffers from dizziness should take these two times a month and, with God's grace, soon he will be cured. To cure dizziness. Take 1 handful each of agrimony and house leek and cut them finely and grind them well. Cook them in rose oil until they make an unguent. In the evening put it over the eyes before you go to sleep. This cures the sickness of dizziness that comes in the head. It has been tested. -------- [Page 262] Pills against many infirmities and especially against plague. Take 3 scruples of myrrh, 1 ounce of saffron and 4 ounces of hepatic aloe and incorporate these, finely powdered, mixed with white wine. Likewise take 1 ounce of hepatic aloe and a quarter ounce of myrrh and ½ ounce of saffron and mix as above and make pills. Another. Pills for the stomach and the head. Take some hepatic aloe, roses, cloves and saffron, the amounts at your discretion, with juice of absinth or of cabbage, mix them and they will be perfect pills. Prayer against the plague. 'God destroy you + and remove you + at last from your place and your root in the world of the living.' Write this and say it every morning and carry it with you and you will be safe. Remedy against the plague. Carry with you in your mouth a little piece of zedoary root and then you will go safely among those sick with plague and have no fear. With the aid of God you will not catch the sickness. You will be even more secure if you will carry some good odorous things with you and continually smell them. Confection to lift up the heart and dispel melancholy. Take 6 drams of dry roses, ½ dram of sedge, 3 drams each of cloves, mastic, lavender and plowman's spikenard, 2 drams each of cinnamon and crocus and 1 dram of lesser cardamon. Make very fine powder of everything and incorporate them. Put 1 lb. of fine sugar on the fire and melt it in rose water into which 3 grains each of musk and ambergris have been chopped. Make a confection as usual and keep this to use 2 or 3 times a week, especially early in the morning and you will see great improvement in your health. It has been tested. Very perfect nitric acid according to Aristotle, with its properties. Take 2 lb. of ground Roman vitriol, 1 lb. of very fine saltpeter, 6 ounces of chopped up cinnabar and 1 lb. of fine strong ash. Incorporate these 4 things together well and distill them in a glass retort luted well around and on a little, slow fire. When you see the cap of the retort becoming yellow, the first water has been made and be quick to remove the receptacle below and put there another collecting flask and seal it well around so the fumes do not leak out. Continue with a slow fire with dry wood and take the second water from its position below and keep it well sealed so it will not give off all its spirit. Do not ever let the fire get too hot and continue until the cap is no longer very yellow and then all will be made. Save this.... 138 These are its approved powers, viz. First, take a little of the water and put therein some cleaned quicksilver. Then put some of this water on a developing malignancy for 3 or 4 days and soon one will be freed from such infirmity.... 139 Another. If you will put some fine silver in this water and then put some of this water onto cleaned mercury, it will soon become firm and hard and it cannot be distinguished from the progenitor. This is a beautiful thing to see. -------- [Page 263] Another. If you wish to adorn any work of iron, first paint your iron with liquid varnish and let it dry by the fire in the usual way. Then mark the design on it with your little iron tips that you have prepared. Then put this water on the design, putting wax from a candle around so that the water does not drip onto any other place. Let it stand for one hour, more or less, according to how you see the work well incised or not. Then wash it with fresh water and this water will not bite in any more. Take some filings of iron with a little cork or soft wood and rub away the varnish and the iron will be bright and clean with the design that you have made. Another. If you put some copper beaten thin into this water it will dissolve. If you should put some of this water on a person it will distroy all the flesh that it touches and it will be difficult to heal. Another. If you put into this water all kinds of metals they will be dissolved in a short time. If by chance you want to break a piece of iron, wet some cloths and put them on the place where you want it to break and in 3 or 4 or more times it can be broken in that place but do not wet other places. Another. If you put some lead in this water and bathe with it where you have some hair, the hair will go away miraculously and quickly and will not return again. Another. If you want to cure warts or bad flesh, break open the wart with the tip of a needle so there is a little pocket that brings out blood. Put thereon a little of this water 3 or 4 times and the wart will go away. Another. If you wish to remove fistulas or any abcesses, wet some cloths in this water and put them on and soon you will be cured. Another. If you wish to cut or break the flesh in any place, that is to cauterize, make a little plaster and cut an opening in the middle the size that you want it on the flesh and put the plaster so it stays on the flesh. Then bathe several times with this water where you have cut the plaster and the flesh will be broken open in exactly that place. Another. If you wish to remove letters that are on parchment, wet it lightly with the water with a brush. Then with your little knife, shave carefully and lightly and it will go away so nothing will be seen. Another. If you wish to make a medium blue color, put calcined tin in this water and as it settles to the bottom, remove the water that is on top and at the bottom it will be azure. Another. If you want to make a bright vermillion color, put burnt copper in this water and it will make a beautiful red. Another. If you mix the first water with the second and put in red coral and it will become soft as wax. Then you can do what you wish with the coral while it is warm and where it was wet with this. Another. If you put some ordinary salt in this water and then put in a grossone of silver, you will be able to remove a scab without a scar.... 140 Another. If you will put fine silver into this water and touch the flesh or any other place with this, at once it will become dark, and especially hair that is white. If all these things are true, they are the most beautiful secrets. I have not tested all of them yet. Water of Queen Isabella, powerful for all the body and to make it healthy. Take 3 parts of brandy distilled four times and 2 parts of whole flowers of rosemary and put them in a well-sealed flask and keep it for several days. Then distill it in the flask and you will have clear water. Drink some of it early in the morning and it will renew life. That is certain. -------- [Page 264] Warming oil to straighten out a limb bent or retracted by cold. Take 1 handful each of agrimony, wormwood, wild nard, mugwort, barba silvana , betony, Aaron's beard, white and dark laurel berries, celandine, ground pine, sedge, white dittany, rusty fern, adder's tongue fern, elecampane with flowers, myrtle flowers, cyclamen flowers, gentian, juniper berries, flowers and seeds of St. John's wort, orris, sea holly, marjoram, horehound, mugwort, mint, horsemint, catmint, cypress berries, large and small nettles, polypoly, cinquefoil, holy thistle root, rue, Arabian lavender, sassifras, sage, tamarind, potentilla, yellow trefoil, maiden hair fern and zedoary. Take more or less of all of these herbs at your discretion. Put them all, coarsely cut and broken up, into a clean kettle or pot and put thereon some malvasia or excellent white wine, pressing them down until they are barely covered. Put in some ordinary oil, as much as you want, and put in these spices, that is cloves, cinnamon, ginger, incense and mastic, the amounts as you wish. Stir and incorporate everything well top to bottom. Cover it well and let it stand in the sun for 4 days. Then boil it on a low fire until it reduces ¼ or 1/3. Distill all this material in a glass flask on a little fire and a liquid will distill in the form of a water which works in the above infirmities. It will bring you honor and give you a reputation in these infirmities and it will make you known over all the world. And it also has many other virtues. Oil to heal a cut quickly. Take 5 ounces of rose oil, 2 ounces of thick pine tar, 1 handful of flowers and seeds of St. John's wort, and boil these together on a low fire until the tar is well melted. Then remove it from the fire and strain it, pressing it well in the press until the seeds give out all of their substance, because the power of this oil resides in these seeds. Put it in the sun for some days and it will be made. Use it warm. It will bring your honor. -------- [Page 265] Oil that draws fresh wounds together. Take the same amounts of ordinary oil and ground myrrh and mix them together. Then take a root of bryony and make an opening in the middle and put therein the above material. Cut a cover from the root that fits well and let it stay in the sunlight for one month continually and it will be made. Save it for your needs. Oil to heal and ease every sore. Take an amount of good turpentine and put in 1 handful of tamarind flowers and as much incense as you wish and let this stay to infuse for 2 whole days. Then distill it in a glass still on a slow fire and you will extract a most precious liquid with which you will treat all the above infirmities. Many persons have used it to rub aound sores and also this oil has been used to put in unguents instead of ordinary oil and it also removes the pain of every sore. Very excellent oil for a cut or a wound. Take 4 lb. of the oldest olive oil you can find and 4 ounces of yellow sulfur packaged in a reed and boil them until the sulfur is well dissolved. Then put in 4 ounces of Venetian turpentine and boil it until it appears to you that the oil has become somewhat reddish. Add these powders, that is 1 ounce each of eyebright, mastic and incense. Reboil it very slowly until all is well incorporated, stirring continuously with your spatula. When you see that it has become somewhat stiff, remove it from the fire and it is done. Save it for your needs and when you wish to treat with it, make it warm. It will bring you wonderful honor. Olio laterino , called oil of the philosophers, and some of its virtues. Take some pieces of brick, that is square tiles or flat roof tiles or cap tiles that are well baked and old. Put them in the fire and make them red hot in a charcoal fire with a little bellows so they do not take up the smoke. When they are red hot, push them into olive oil that is the oldest you can find in a basin of clay that you have prepared. Do this 3 or 4 times. Then let them dry and grind them and make very fine powder. Put the powder in a glass retort and seal it very well and let the seal dry. Then put it in the alchemist's furnace fitted with a cover and a receptacle with the fitting tight so it does not let out gas from any side. Then start the fire, very slowly at the beginning. Increase the fire little by little and notice that 3 kinds of oil will come out. The first will be clear, the second red and the third dark. You should know that almost all the virtue is in the first oil, the virtues of which in part are written below, as you see. -------- [Page 266] The virtues of this oil of the philosophers. First it is useful for all distress from cold or phlegm. Also it is valuable in all problems of the ears and kills worms in children when the wrists are bathed with it. Also it is useful in paralysis by drinking some of it and bathing the limbs of the patient. Also it is useful in cold sciatica by rubbing with it very warm. Also it is powerful for the spleen when prepared gum ammoniac is added. Then rubbing repeatedly with this oil very warm in a short time takes out distress and clears up the spleen quickly. Also it is useful to resolve all hard abcesses. Also it is effective in a seizure, placing some in the mouth or in the nose. Also it helps the memory when the fontanel of the head is rubbed with it. Also it is powerful to draw out a dead baby by putting this oil with wet cloths in the vagina and also on the private parts. It kills the worms inside. And also it has many other virtues that I do not write here through not having more knowledge, and this is enough. Prepared oil of yellow sulfur. Take some pieces of tiles or of flat tiles, paving tiles or curved tiles that have not touched water and make small pieces of them like chestnuts or beans. Bake them hot so they become very red. Then quench them in ordinary oil at least 2 times. Then grind them and make very fine powder. Put it in a retort in a large still and use it in the usual way and distill oil with a slow fire. This oil according to the philosophers is called plain olio laterino . Put this oil in a pan of iron or a frying pan and if the oil is up to one pound, add another pound of powered yellow sulfur and stir well together with a rod of wood until it becomes like honey and put this liquor on a marble slab. Cut it up as finely as the size of beans. Then put it back in the retort and let it putrefy for 3 days. Distill it with the retort of the still on ashes and first keep the fire low. Begin increasing the flames little by little until all has distilled and it will be made. Then distill it on a hot bath and in this way you will have oil of sulfur and at the bottom of the pot it will be ruby red. Distill it in the retort with a very hot fire and you will have oil of sulfur like a ruby in all its perfection. Another way to prepare oil of sulfur. Take 12 lb. of good quality salt and grind it finely and put it in a stone vessel and put thereon some warm water so it is all dissolved. Then pour it through felt until it becomes clear. Then thicken it on a slow fire and use enough fire so it precipitates. Then form it into a rod and grind it anew and make it into very fine powder. Again put it in a stone vessel and dissolve it in water and collect this in a glass vessel. Take powdered yellow sulfur and soak it 7 times in this water, mixing and drying it in the sun 7 times. Put this in a retort and distill it with a slow fire into a large receptacle. The first distillation will come out as clear water and does not have much power. Then the red oil will come out and you should increase the fire until all of this comes out and it will be made. But first put your distillation to age for 6 days and you will have prepared oil of sulfur. -------- [Page 267] Oil of yellow sulfur and some of its virtues. [Drawing on page.] Take yellow sulfur and break it up coarsely. Then put it in a little vessel, as you see in the drawing, and if you have too much sulfur you will need to do this several times because this does not make more than one ounce per pound of sulfur. Put the vessel in the center of a glass bowl, as you see. Put on its glass cap, luted below the thickness of a thumb, or a large funnel that receives all the fumes so that nothing is lost. Then start the fire under the sulfur with a candle. The cap should not touch the bowl by the distance of half a finger and the vessel should not touch the bottom of the bowl so the oil that falls out does not touch it. If it does, it will dry up and you will have nothing. Set it on a little piece of glass and in this way you will be able to collect it. You can lift up the cap when you want to kindle the fire and then lower it and hang it on a nail or tie it with twine. Heat it very slowly and the oil will fall down and you can collect it, little by little. Save it in a large glass bottle. Do it well so that nothing escapes as gas and in this way you will have made oil of sulfur, true, perfect, pure and also simple to make and it meets every comparison. Using it will bring you honor. I put here below for you some of its tested virtues. Viz. First. For one who has epilepsy, give a little of this oil to drink with a decoction of peony and betony. It will help greatly in this illness. Another. For one who has lost his appetite, give it to drink with water of wormwood and it will help him greatly. Another. It cures all fevers, given to drink with wine in which has been boiled wormwood and rosemary. Do this at the onset of the paroxysm. Another. It cures all sores, old and new, by putting some of the oil in wine in which has been boiled powder of querzola , that is ground pine, and powdered burnet saxifrage, greater comfrey root, St. John's wort, leaves of myrtle, centaury and powdered acorns. Wet cloths in the boiled liquid with the oil and put them on old or new sores and soon they will be cured. Another. It kills worms in young children and in any other person, given as a drink with a decoction of agrimony and rye. It causes urination when it is given to drink with wine in which the oil has been cooked. Another. It is powerful against plague when it is given to drink with wine in which radish has been cooked with a little theriac and mithridatum. Rub the place that aches with the warm oil and it will be cured quickly. Another. It cures melancholy when given to drink with wine in which has been cooked rosemary, celandine, sweet flag, basil and saffron. Wash the hands, feet and head 3 times with wine in which rosemary has been cooked and this makes the person cheer up rapidly. Another. It is powerful against the flux of blood. When given to drink with wine in which some bark of rosemary has been cooked it will help greatly. -------- [Page 268] Another. It is powerful in asthma when given to drink with wine where agrimony has been cooked. Another. It gladdens the heart when it is drunk in a glass of 2 fingers of malvasia on an empty stomach, given each time with 6 drops of this oil. It preserves the natural humidity and augments and fortifies it. Another. It is powerful in lepra when given to drink with water of fumitory or of spiced cherry plums. It removes gray hair when given to drink with water of endive and of betony.... 143 Another. It cures every problem of the head and kills lice when used with water of marjoram. The lice will not return. Another. It cures every headache, migraine, dizziness and scolomia with water of bugloss and of sweet balm. It also cleans the swelling, called lethargy, that comes in the head. When given with water of purging lily, it purges the head. Another. It improves memory when given with water of fennel and and enhances the intellect and makes one sleep when given with water of the juice of white poppy. It removes melancholy when given to drink with water of borage or of bugloss. Another. It is powerful in apoplexy when given with brandy, first after the usual purgation. Another. It is powerful against weakness of the sight with water of fennel or bastard lovage. Another. It is powerful against vomiting with water of quince. If there is vomiting of blood, it is given with water of plantain and of shepherd's purse. Another. It is powerful in every venomous bite, given with water of wormwood. Another. It is powerful in piles and in other distress of the rear, with water of mullein or tansy. Another. It is powerful in all abcesses of the liver and in dropsy, with water of endive. It is more powerful for the spleen with water of tamarisk. Another. It is powerful in the illness of the stone and in kidney problems, with water of radish and of caltrop. Dropsy may be cured better when it is given with water of orris root and honey. Also this oil has many more virtues that are not named here. But note well that this oil is very valuable in the above-mentioned infirmities and it cures all kinds of fevers, quartan, continuous and quotidian and even all sores, ulcers and fistulas. It removes scrofulas and one can cut off swellings with this oil without a knife and also every bad growth. Note that when you wish to give this oil for quartan fever, dip a feather from a hen in it and rinse it in a glass of water of bugloss and give that to the sick person to drink before the paroxysm. But with the sores, they need to be bathed with a feather dipped in the oil. Then put on an unguent and it cures every sore rapidly. When you wish to rub for pain of the head, rub where it hurts with the tip of the finger and rub it as much as the patient can stand. Then give a dose of this oil on an empty stomach with good malvasia wine or with a water appropriate for headache. This is enough to have said, imparting some of the virtues of oil of sulfur which have been tested as true by worthy physicians. These are secrets that are not among the common people, so the profit is not removed for one who knows these secrets. However, if they are kept only in one little place, they are not of any value to you. *Another. To make teeth clean and white use one part of this with one part of water of mastic or of myrtle. -------- [Page 269] Precious oil that heals every wound in 24 hours. Take a full bowl of flowers of St. John's wort when they are well matured, 1 lb. of the oldest olive oil that you can find, 1 lb. of strained male pork lard, 4 ounces of clear turpentine and 1 dram of ground saffron. Put everything together in a large kettle and cover it. Then boil it on a water bath for 1 miserere. Then leave it for 4 days in the sun and if you want to make it good and complete, find a place to put it in horse manure, covered at least 2 feet deep where it is safe, and let it stay there for at least a year without touching it. When you remove it you will find a firm oil in the form of a balsam which you will hold dear and near to you and it will work to bring you honor. When you remove it, strain it and press the dregs in a little sac under the press and extract all that substance because that contains the greatest virtue. When you want to use it, make it warm for cuts or wounds or all other cold maladies of the person. Do not use other unguents. You will cure these maladies rapidly. Oil of St. John's wort with valuable additives and its virtues. Take 1 handful each of the leaves, flowers and seeds of St. John's wort in the month of July or August because at this time they are well matured. Then take 6 lb. of the best good wine and put it in a clean pot with the herbs and let it stand for 3 days in the sun, well covered. Put everything in a large glass vessel and add 3 lb. of Venetian turpentine, 6 lb. of the oldest olive oil that you can find and 2 drams of ground saffron. Seal the vessel well with lute of wisdom until all the opening is coated so nothing can leak out. Then let it dry and when it is well dried, put the vessel in the middle of warm ashes for 2 hours. Remove it and boil it on the water bath for 2 ½ hours. First put the vessel on and then put in the water that comes up near to the neck as it boils. Let it cool in this. Then make a pit in the earth in the full sun and put the vessel in there and cover it carefully and let it stay for 3 or 4 days continuously. Remove it and let it stay in the sun for 8 days in the open air. Then strain it and render the herbs in the press and put everything together and throw away the dregs. Let the oil stand for a little while and remove the oil that is in the middle because this is the good, true and perfect oil on which you can rely. Save it in a vessel or bottle. That from the bottom is of little worth. Hold this oil to your heart as a great treasure because below we will speak in part of its virtues, not just in men but in women, not just in wounds but in many other infirmities, bruises and blows from outside as well as within. Here are its virtues. Viz. These are the virtues of the above-described oil of St. John's wort. First I tell you that it acts as a true balsam and shares the virtues. It is good in all infirmities that come from coldness or humidity. It is most perfect against pestilence when it is rubbed warm around the sick places and also on the edge of the kidneys. -------- [Page 270] If you give 1 dram of it to drink, before 6 hours have passed it will help greatly in this pestilence and soon you will cure it. Another. It is powerful for rubbing malignant fistulas. When it is warm it will cure rapidly all sores, old and new, and fractures or damaged bones and also irritated nerves. Another. It is powerful when rubbed warm on all cold swellings. It cures gouty siatica by rubbing it very warm with a stupe or very warm cloths. Another. It is used to rub on the face. It removes all moles and dark spots that are found on the face and also on the body. When a pregnant woman drinks 2 drams a week it will protect the baby in her body from every blemish and also if it is dead in the belly it will be expelled. Another. It is very powerful against quartan fever when a little of it is drunk when the fever begins and also by rubbing the kidneys downward. It also removes clotted blood that is on the body. It also has many other virtues that I do not write here because you will find all these by using it if you keep to the rules above. It is also powerful in the sickness of matrons, that is for stomach pain. When it is used, rub well in the evening with it very warm. By drinking a little warm, it will free you rapidly of stomach pain. A few days ago I made a test of this and at the end of one and a half hours everything was cured. Use it and you will see. Oil of egg yolks with many of its virtues. It is made in this way. Take whatever number of hens' eggs you have that are good and not spoiled and cook them in water so they become very hard and firm. Then remove all the yolk and take nearly one pound. Put them in a frying pan by themselves and brown them slowly. Then put them in your retort that is well sealed and put on its cap and its receptacle underneath. Make the fire very slow and the precious oil will come out. Many alchemists after cooking the eggs put the yolks in a pot or in a flask and put it underground in the full sun or in manure, which is better, for 15 days so all will be converted into yellow oil that looks like liquid gold. Here below we will tell some of its virtues. Viz. It has special power to remove the pearls that develop in the eye so they are like new-born in less than a year. It is powerful to remove freckles from the face. Used repeatedly it kills lice. Another. It is powerful to stop the spasms of the twitching eye when incorporated with oil of turpentine. Another. It is powerful in burns from fire. It helps greatly. Another. It is powerful in piles when they are rubbed warm several times. Another. It is powerful in cicatrices, when they are freshly joined. These written down are some of its virtues. By using it you will find others close to these. This oil is called in medicine, Olium vittellorum . Oil of tartar to whiten the skin. Take 6 lb. of tartar, that is the lees of white wine, and wash it with good white wine. Then dry it in the shade. Then put it in a clean pot, sealed, and put it in the pottery kiln until it is well calcined. Then put it in a pointed little linen sack and put it in a humid place. If you wish to use it to clear up the face, put in at least 8 to 10 fresh egg whites. Preserve this oil and you will have the means to make your skin white. -------- [Page 271] Oil of tartar, that is tasso, with some of its virtues. Take 5 or 6 lb. of tartar, that is lees from white or red wine, more or less according to what you have. Clean it and put it to heat, that is to calcine, in a kiln for pottery. When it is cold, remove it. Then put it in a large glass flask and also in a little sack of cloth pointed at the bottom. Put it in a humid place, fenced or underground, so animals or other bad things or air or wind cannot get to it and it will soon become wet and will yield the oil at the end of 20 to 30 days, sooner or later according to whether it is settled in a suitable place to receive humidity easily. Tie the sack in the air so it does not touch the glass on any side. Strain it into a glass flask and little by little empty it into a bottle. It will be clear and transparent and will look like clear water. Save this as something dear. When it will not give out more oil, take the substance that remains in the sack and reboil it in a a pot of water, that is with 3 lb. of water to 1 lb. of this material, and boil until it reduces 1/3. Wash all the body with this water and it will remove all itching and all dark or red marks or moles and it will make all your flesh white as it used to be. If you will wash the face and chest with it it will make the skin lustrous and clear and stretch out every wrinkle and it will make you appear younger than you are. If you add a little dried rock alum in this water and wash out a spot made by wine or ink, wherever and whatever it is it will soon be removed and will be seen no more. The virtues of the above-described oil of tartar. First, it is useful for removing all marks or the edges of wounds when it is rubbed on warm several times and it even removes all black marks on the body. Another. To remove spots made by ink on any cloth, wet the spots and let it stay a little until the oil has penetrated well. Then wash it with fresh water, rubbing it a little, and if the spot does not go away at first, do it two times and it will disappear, be the spot made from ink, wine or grease. If the spot is on cloth or fabric of silk, apply this oil 2 or 3 times but do not rub it and wash with clear water and it will go away. Another. This oil is powerful to brighten the painted figure, that is by bathing with a fine, clean sponge, otherwise with a soft brush. Put it on the drawing or other painting in the same way as a liquid varnish. You should know that this helps brighten all the colors and all the painting seems to be renewed as soon as it is dry. This has been tested many times. Another. It is powerful to aid all nerves which have been torn or retracted by any infirmity. When it is used very warm it soon helps and cures. I have tested this on my own hand twice, only the ointment was very cold and I am more than half cured. The alchemists use this oil often but they redistill it and make it into a solid. Then they make whitening and other things. This oil has many other virtues that I have not written but by using it you will discover them. Keep it always near you because the older it is, the more power it gains. When you want to calcine it, do nothing but leave it intact because it calcines better and when it is calcined, it is dark and can be made into fine powder. When you do it this way and keep to the above rules, it will work well for you. Do these tests and you will agree. -------- [Page 272] Oil of Roman vitriol, true and perfect, with its virtues.... 144 [Drawing on page.] Take not less than 12 lb. of good, clean Roman vitriol. If you take less you may not recover the expense because it yields not more than one ounce of oil per pound, or about that. Grind it finely because it works better. Then put it in a clean large pot and fill it and push it in as well as you can but do not break the pot. Put on its cover and lute the cover on the pot so nothing can escape and make it so the seal sticks out about the thickness of a finger. Let it dry well in the sun. Then make an oven of bricks walled up with clay in a corner of the fireplace under the flue of the chimney and do it in the way that you see here. Fit your pot in the middle and close up around it with bricks that are vented only by one little hole behind. Make a fire of dry wood underneath and burn it very slowly for one whole day, that is 24 hours and let it cool. Then open the oven and draw out your pot. Be careful, before you break the pot in order to remove the vitriol, to have first prepared a large bronze mortar and a sieve covered as it is for spices and a large curved retort as you see. As before, it must be well sealed with lute of wisdom and the neck of the retort hangs out of the oven through an opening. First break the pot which otherwise you would not be able to empty because all has been made into a hard mass of red that looks like powdered brick. Be quick to grind it and sieve it and put it in the retort. This is done so that it takes up little air because it is affected greatly by air so that it does not render the oil sufficiently and if the powder was coarsely sifted it renders less oil. You are warned about all these things. When you have put all this powder in the retort, place it in the oven as you see, so it lies along the length of the oven. The bricks that are used underneath are unbaked and are one finger apart, one from the other, and all the way around it is walled well with bricks and clay and it has a narrow little opening behind and a small opening in the front. At once put the largest receptacle you can find in respect to the great outburst of vapors that comes suddenly at the end. If it is small it would be broken from this sudden outburst but it works the way I tell you. Make the fire in the middle of the oven and be advised that the fire controls everything. Make the fire very slow and with dry wood. If it is not dry, do not use it and, if possible, it should not be one stick each time but at least 2 if you can put them there. Always stir it up one at a time, continually if you see them touching. Never leave the fire and never let it stop burning and keep it always steady. Be warned about this because it is very important. Never leave the fire to burn by itself and at night one must always watch because it must not lack care for 6 days to make it perfect and good. With all this care it will never show you a sign except on the fifth day the spirits will begin to come forth and to come out into the receptacle with great force...... -------- [Page 273] [Drawing on page.] because having closed the opening of the receptacle securely with luted cloth all around, the gases cannot escape. Also it is better if the receptacle is large. Here is an ingenious secret so that the receptacle may not be broken by the great heat when the gases are entering. Devise a way that cold water is always dropping on the receptacle and in this way it or any other receptacle will never crack. Be advised that if you do this dropping of water, in 4 or 5 days you will have oil more quickly. If you do not do this dropping of water, you must wait to the fifth and sixth day and then all the gases will come at once. It is a frightening thing to see such dark smoke fill up all the receptacle which then condenses below and soon is reduced to oil. This oil is blackish in color or dark tan and take this, with the aid of God and with speed and dexterity, and extract it from the receptacle and put it in a large glass bottle and secure it because this oil is a very fiery and active spirit. Keep it covered with great care with new or white wax and with 2 or 3 layers of parchment doubled and well tied, because in truth all the spirit may be lost quickly in fumes and be gone. At the end I will tell you some of its virtues. But first I want to advise you to make this other oil of ruby-colored vitriol which is red in color, resembling the element of fire. It is made in this way as you will learn. Viz. First take some Roman vitriol in the form that you have made before and when you have ground it, put it in a glass vessel and close it well and put it in warm horse manure in the full sun for 15 to 20 days. Then remove it and do as you have done at first, having prepared the retort sealed with lute. Grind the mass and sieve it finely and put it in the retort. So the air does not hurt it, do this quickly and follow the rules above. Then place it in the oven as you see the retort placed above and with as large a receptacle as can be found. Seal the joint so it does not leak. -------- [Page 274] Make the fire at the beginning very lively and draw off the first water from the top. Be advised that when you see the gases coming, quickly change the receptacle and put under another to receive these gases which are converted into reddish oil. Wrap the joint of the flask so it does not leak, using very good plaster, because in this consists all the importance of your work. Do not let the gases escape, neither by love nor force. Make the fire more temperate and gentle, always continuing it steady with dry wood and you will see these gases coming as was done at first but not as much because they are issuing from water at the top. At first it will be a little less and it will be very reddish red and of the greatest potency, more than all other oils. It is used in medicine and outside of medicine. The philosophers in the works of alchemy call it the 'Green Lion' and it congeals mercury and has the most potent virtues, almost incredible, and in all its actions it is wonderfully potent.... 145 Now we will speak of the virtues of the first oil of copper sulfate, first described above. I say that this oil has so much potency that it consumes everything and it is not burned. Another. If you put iron, copper, tin, lead or wood in this oil in a short time you will see it consumed and converted to vapor, except olive wood and ivory. These two are not consumed and they are made resistant. Another. If you put a drop on a cape or clothing that was in 4 or 6 or even in 10 folds, it consumes all in this way. At first you do not see any sign but if you examine the garment, all the holes are seen where the fabric was consumed completely. Another. If you put a single drop in the middle of your hand it will pass quickly from one side to the other without pain and you will feel nothing. Another. If you put 2 drops in a glass of sweet wine, it will remove the sweetness at once and give it a certain burnt flavor very appetizing to taste. It gives you a very good stomach and will make you look younger and with very good breath. It clears the eyesight and preserves the memory. It removes corns rapidly. This has been tested. Another. It is powerful against plague, given to drink with water of marigold and with water of burdock, if it is given before the humor is polluted and before it arrives at the heart. Another. It is powerful to cure epilepsy when half a dram is given to drink on a empty stomach in half a glass of water of decoction of betony with a little round birthwort and with a little Arabian lavender and a little musk. When it has been taken, then take ½ ounce of a decoction of wormwood to restore the appetite. Another. It is powerful in pain in the hips, given with a little water of broom. Another. It is powerful in sickness of the spleen when a little is given in the morning with water of ash tree. It cures sickness of the liver when it is given with water of endive and of agrimony and of the herb liverwort, each the same amount. Give it in the morning on an empty stomach at an early hour and in a short time the spleen will be healed. Another. It is powerful to cure sickness from worms in any person, young or old, by giving 1 scruple with 1 ½ ounces of water of couch grass. Another. It is useful in curing a bloody flux when given with a wine decoction of rosemary. Another. It is useful to cure all kinds of fever when given before the paroxysm with a decoction of centaury and of rosemary cooked in wine. It cures the quartan fever when it is boiled with myrrh. -------- [Page 275] Another. It is powerful to cure every sickness of pregnancy by giving the mother one scruple to drink with 2 fingers of waters of betony and feverfew. Another. It is powerful to cure irritation in the bladder by giving it with water of honey. It is also powerful for those who are not able to urinate when it is given as a drink with a decoction of garlic. Another. It is powerful in toothache. Put 8 drops with as much garlic juice and put it warm on the tooth that hurts. Another. It is powerful in cough. Give it with a wine decoction of mallow or of hyssop and of nettle seed. Another. It is useful for asthmatics when it is given with water of orris root and honey. It is effective in scrofulas when given to drink with a little water of scrophularia. Another. It is powerful to cure canker when given and mixed with water of the herb cancharina and this oil. If it is given to drink by mouth, it should be tempered until it has a sour taste and then it can be drunk. It cures the plague when 1 dram is given to drink with 3 ounces of water of burdock. Another virtue of this oil. It heals all sores, old and new in this way. Boil in wine all these things, that is, oak leaves, burnet saxifrage, root of greater centaury and of crushed greater comfrey. Sieve this and put in some of this oil and mix these carefully together. Take some fine white linen cloths and wet them in this composition and put them on the sores in the evening and morning and the wounds and sores will be gone quickly. This oil is used for drinking in medicine and in surgery. It is called the 'Green Lion.' When you want to make it, use all your diligence in preparing it. Grind the Roman vitriol finely and place it in the retort and make the fire very temperate and low. Learn to collect the distillate quickly so that you do not lose the gases which are easily exhaled. Learn to save it when you change receptacles and to be quick and keep it well covered. You have in it a cure that will bring you honor in all the above infirmities. It has been tested. Note that the first oil contains part of the elements of water and of fire, but the second which is reddish contains nothing of water because you have removed that first and have left all of the element of fire. The major virtue for all things is not in the first oil and you should be aware of this in treating with it. In hardening the red oil does not have equal and does its work quickly and effectively. This has been shown. Some say that if the fire is strengthened under the first retort, then the element of fire may come out in the first oil that is extracted, but the fire would need to be lively. I have not tested this and I leave it to you to research more about that. I have done all that I have said to you and have given the rules. We were 3 companions and we made this oil together. Oil of talc prepared for a white complexion. Take 6 lb. of talc and 6 ounces each of saltpeter and tartar from white wine made into fine powder. Put everything in a non-vitreous pot, making layer on layer of talc and the powder. Then put on the cover and tie it with iron wire and seal it on very well above and below. When it is dry put it to calcine in the furnace for bricks or the oven for calcining. When it is cold, remove it and grind the talc in a bronze mortar and make fine powder. Then put it on a marble slab and put it in a humid place where animals and wild beasts are not able to go and let it stand until it is converted to water. Then distill this water in a glass retort on a slow fire and the oil will come out. This will make you esteemed because its virtues are not all obvious but a great treasure is found in this oil. Men are rare who have such a secret. In all the beauties of the body and the hardening to which you put it, it will bring you honor.... 146 -------- [Page 276] Oil of talc, made mysteriously. Take not less than 12 lb. of talc stone because no more oil than 1 ounce per pound is extracted. Flake it all finely. I think you know what talc is and if you do not know, I tell you that it is a white stone, shining and lustrous, that appears like silver and is hard and cannot be ground but it cleaves into very fine flakes. Fill a non-vitrious pot with these flakes and tie it with iron wire and seal well around and let it dry in the sun. Then place it in a furnace for bricks or a calcining oven in a secure place where the fire is steady and leave it until the oven is stopped. Then draw it out and you will find your talc is calcined. Grind it in a bronze mortar and powder it finely on marble and let sit on this rock or put it in a large bowl or on a glass plate and put it in a safe humid place where neither animals, nor dust, nor dirt, nor wind can harm it. It should stay hanging over a bowl to collect the oil and it should stay there at least 20 days. Once it begins to yield oil, it will yield all in about one month. If it may not be willing to render the oil, put it in a pointed sack of cloth and assemble it with a glass vessel to collect what comes out. Lower it near the water in a well or at least an arm's length down the well and see that no one removes water there in order not to interfere with the action. Alternatively, make a large hole in the earth in a place where neither air, nor sun, nor moon beats and place this sack so it does not touch any side and cover the opening with some board and let it stay for the space of 20 to 30 days until the oil is given up to you. Know that as it begins to give out the humidity it does not stop until nothing more can come out. With the first that comes out on the marble, you need to do nothing more and you will have oil of talc which will be white and lustrous and appear like silver. Save this to use for your needs because whoever has this oil will not be a poor person. This oil treats all the great lords. The illustrious Duchess of Savoy used no other thing on her body, only this oil, and she was held to have the most beautiful flesh on earth.... 147 I do not tell you about solidifying alone because it solidifies and joins at the same time. Here below we will put some of its approved virtues, viz. First, if you put a drop in purified mercury, at once it hardens and precipitates all at once and it stays solid to fire, to any test and to the hammer. Another. It is powerful to take away all the marks that are on the body, even if the mark is dark or of any color and all marks and scars from wounds. Another. It is powerful to rejuvenate everyone. It takes away all the wrinkles and makes the flesh very white and soft. Another. It has power to purify the eyes and maintain vision and it aids and augments the memory. Another. It is useful for the stomach. Rubbing with this keeps the stomach free from choler and renders the breath good and keeps the teeth always very white. In addition, it is powerful in giving luster to pearls and coral and to other precious stones. It is also powerful for many other things that you will learn as you work with it. This is enough for now. Do not make less than 12 pounds so that you may satisfy the expenditure that you have made and with the honest amount of profit that is customary. -------- [Page 277] Oil of talc made according to the alchemists. Take some talc as described above, clean and not less than 6 lb. Flake it into fine particles and let it stay in olive oil for one whole day. Then touch it to the fire and dry it completely. Grind it in a bronze mortar. Then macerate it on porphyry and make very fine powder. Put it in a glass flask, uncovered, and boil it for 2 hours on a bain marie and then cover it. Distill it in a glass retort, beginning with a slow fire. Augment the fire to lively and it will distill oil. Uusually one puts in some well-washed and clean little stones. In this way you will have oil of talc extracted by distillation. If by chance it does not want to come out, put it in a humid place for some days until it will come out. In this way you will have an oil which does not lack the virtues described above. Use it with great care and hold it dear because I have sold an ampule of a quarter of an ounce of it for one scudo of gold and this was for an unknown illness. If you have enough of it, you will never be poor a man. Synthetic oil of vitriol that solidifies. Take 12 lb. of Roman vitriol and put it in a large pot and cover it well so that gas does not escape and put it in a tub of water so that the water does not enter the pot and with the cover well sealed around so the vitriol does not escape. Boil the tub of water with the pot in it and boil until all the water is reduced in the boiling tub. Then let the pot cool before you touch it. Remove the vitriol from the pot and grind it finely and sift it with a covered sieve so that the air does not affect it and the power is not lost. Be quick to put it in a glass retort, well sealed with strong lute of wisdom and it should be well heated and dried. Put it on good warm ashes and keep it thus for 2 days. Then put it in your oven fitted with its receptacle and with the joint well closed with cloth and luted and well wrapped so the fumes do not escape. Make a moderate fire for 2 days. Do make sure that drops of fresh water continually fall on the receptacle. When the first water comes, it comes with some white fumes and when you have these, you must change the receptacle quickly and seal it well. Then on continuing the fire some other spirits or fumes will soon come out which on going to the bottom are soon converted into oily liquid. You should know that this red oil and this clear water are called permanent because these are permanent things which cure every serious infirmity, as you know from above. Also the oil has in it very great power to stiffen, solidify, precipitate and fix. The true potable gold is made from this material, perfected with purification into the best gold from its ferment of gold. It is made from the water described above. It is true potable gold that cures lepra, ulcer, fistula, epilepsy and prevents an apoplectic stroke. You make it by this simple sequence and the cures are worthy and strong.... 148 Note that on soaking the cinnabar of the philosophers in the fermented oil for 3 days and distilling it, through the power of this oil it takes, precipitates and fixes the mercury and modifies it into the best gold. This secret is rare among men. -------- [Page 278] To convert oil of tartar into a liquor. [Drawing on page.] Take 3 or 4 lb. of tartar from white or red wine and put it in a large pot and cover it with its cover and seal it well around so that gases cannot escape and put it to calcine in a kiln or other furnace. When it is cool, remove it, grind it and triturate it on marble. Then put it in a clean and well-washed bladder and tie it well with strong twine and send it half-way down in the well so that nothing can hurt it and let it stay for at least 15 days or less and all will be converted into oily liquor. It will have properties different from the other in this respect that it does not give off gas and stays more united as a body. Its powers will be more potent. It will give identical effects and has the same virtues as the previous remedy of oil of tartar. Draw it out of the well and let it distill, bringing it forth little by little from the neck of the bladder. You will have a liquor from the oil very perfect for every use. Save it well closed. It can remove all the marks made on iron or glass and especially from silver. It has many other virtues such as are contained in the chapter above on oil of tartar. Best and perfect oil made from virgin wax. Take 2 lb. of good, new wax that has the odor of honey and cut it into very little pieces. Then take a good handful of little rocks as large as beans, neither more nor less, and wash it very well with pure water. When it is dried, put it with the wax and incorporate well together. Then put everything in a retort as you see in the diagram, very well sealed with lute of wisdom, made with trimmings from cloth or other appropriate things, to the thickness of a finger and let it dry well. Then place it on the little tower base with a grid of iron put in between and closed well from above, leaving there only its opening to let out smoke. Put on its receptacle well-closed with a cloth sealed around the opening so that nothing can escape from any side. Then make up the fire from charcoal or from dry wood, continuing it slowly for the space of half a day. The oil and the wax will come forth into the receptacle and in the retort will stay only the little rocks which are of no value. With your ingenuity, separate the oil from the wax in the receptacle because the oil stays below and the wax above. If you cannot extract it then break the receptacle and remove the oil first from its position and then remove the wax. Save this oil by itself in a double ampule, well-closed and it is done, oil of virgin wax in all its perfection. It has many properties and virtues, especially in fistulas. I have not seen a good miracle from it and for now I do not say more about it to you. Note that if you redistill this oil one, 2 or 3 additional times, it is certain that it is reinforced greatly in its power and becomes perfect. This is the way in which oil of turpentine is made with these little stones well washed and with this retort, base and receptacle and with all the same rules which you must not vary and you will make oil of turpentine or oil of honey.... 149 -------- [Page 279] Excellent and healing oil of sulfur. Take 10 lb. of urine and put therein 5 lb. of quicklime and dissolve it in the urine. Then put it on the fire until one third has disappeared. Let it cool and trickle it through felt and save it. Then take 1 lb. of finely-powdered yellow sulfur and put thereon 4 lb. of this urine and incorporate them well. Put it in the retort and place it in the oven with its cover and put the receptacle in place and make a slow fire until you draw off half of the water. Then put it again on the dregs and do this 2 times. The third time make the fire very low until you draw off all the water. Then increase the fire and the oil will come out, but change the receptacle after the water and close the opening very well around so that nothing escapes and the most beautiful yellow oil will come out that appears like streaming gold. It has many virtues, especially against retracted nerves and paralysis and it removes this illness. Another. It heals every fistula from salt humor, both old and recent. If you will put this oil with oil of pears and oil of egg yolk and extracted ox marrow and mix them in the form of a poultice or unguent and with this unguent rub near the fire or in the sun those with itch, sciatica or gout caused by cold, you will see the body purged in a wonderful way. I swear to you by God that there is not on the earth such a secret remedy like this that hardens mercury into perfect gold. I do not wish to declare to you the countless, wonderful effects especially on the human body and likewise on the bodies of metals. To make clear and beautiful oil of laurel berries. Take whatever quantity of laurel berries that you have and crush them and put them in a large boiler with enough water. Boil it very slowly until it reduces more than 2/3. Then remove it from the fire and let it cool. Collect the fat that is on top of the water and this will be the true oil of laurel berries. Save this for your needs for which it has many tested and excellent virtues as here in part you will learn. First this oil is warm in the third, some say in the fourth, but I say in the third degree. It is very powerful in removing the itch both when given alone and with other oils. When the spleen is rubbed repeatedly with this warm oil and with oil of capers, it is cured. Also with oil of lily, of camomile and saffron, this oil is powerful when it is rubbed on the body of a woman for 3 or 4 evenings to cause the period to start. If a man rubs his member and uses it, he will feel an effect out of the ordinary. It is powerful in many cold infirmities and cures marvelously. To make oil of antimony. Take 1 lb. of ground antimony and 2 lb. of mercuric sublimate and rub them together carefully and distill them in a retort on ashes with the mouth of the receptacle sealed. The distillate will be made in 12 hours. It will be just like ice when distilled again in the retort. If it is distilled for the third time it will give out water that is clean and pure. Take 3 ounces of dregs of this antimony and put 1 lb. of this water in the retort. When it boils a little it will distill out water the color of gold. Then increase the fire and you will have oil of antimony. -------- [Page 280] To make the true and perfect oil of antimony. This is a rare secret of the fifth essence. God, the creator of heaven and earth, is my witness that now I wish to reveal to you such a secret that has been revealed to very few men on earth and this is one of the greatest that is on earth. This is the way, viz. First take antimony and powder it as much as is possible and put it in very strong distilled vinegar. Put it in a vitreous vessel and close it well so that no gases can escape and let it stay thus until you see the vinegar becoming red. Put this vinegar in another vessel, also vitreous, and make sure it stays well covered. Then put more distilled vinegar again on the antimony so that it is well covered as before and let it stay until this vinegar becomes red like the first. Then put the two together and keep it covered so that its power does not escape and again put other vinegar onto the previous antimony. Continue in this way until the vinegar takes on all the red color. Keep on in this way and always cover both so that the odor does not go away. When the antimony does not dye more red, do not put on more but let the vessel with the antimony in it stay in a place that is warm all the time so the red color comes out of the base. Then take all this red vinegar that you have nursed from the base of antimony and distill it in a glass still with its cover and its receptacle with a slow fire. First will come forth the vinegar converted into water as it was at first. Then you will see a stupendous miracle that will come miraculously from this blessed antimony. Red drops will fall like blood which you will collect in a suitable glass vessel and seal it well. In this way you will have the Quintessence and know that you will have such a thing that all the treasure of the world is not its equal. I see this as such a special miracle that its sweetness compares with sugar or honey. I tell you most certainly that human intellect is not able to comprehend, nor understand, nor believe the value of the stupendous power of this thing. I tell you especially that Aristotle in his book of secrets called this his lead although he did not mention the name of antimony. Believe me that most certainly never, never did nature make such a secret as great as this. Note well that I tell you every man has been worn out and troubled through wishing to find this Quintessence of antimony. No one in this world has the littlest knowledge to know how to make it in the way I have taught you. I tell you that this secret is above all secrets. I am certain that a thousand, thousand periods of time would not be sufficient to tell half of the secrets which are in this blessed Quintessence that miraculously removes every sore and heals it. Its virtue is incomprehensible and miraculous when it is made in the above way. Note then that when the Quintessence is made you need to put it in an amphora, well closed, and put it in manure underground for 4 days so that it stays warm and is putrefied. Remove it and it will be made and then use it. Never will you find that this is the lead of the philosophers which is said to be the fifth essence. Briefly, know that it may give color to everything except only mercury. Praise God for such a secret. I do not tell you of its virtues but I advise you that if you put in vinegar distilled from white lead and let it boil for 2 hours, the vinegar will be consumed and the white lead remains thick as oil. This is called oil of lead. This is enough for you.... 150 -------- [Page 281] Oil of antimony made in the distilling flask. [Drawing on page.] Take antimony from the mine, not adulterated, as much as you wish and grind it into very minute powder. Put it in a pot that is well sealed and put on it enough distilled vinegar to cover it to a depth of 2 fingers and put on its cover with the receptacle below and bind well around the joint and let it stay on the warm ashes putrefying for at least 2 days in a row. Then build up the fire brightly until all this vinegar that you have put on rises out. It will come out all yellow and fiery. Do this process 3 or 4 times, that is remove the antimony from the pot and make powder again and do as you did the first time, until the vinegar that distills out has no more color but is almost white as when you put it in. Little by little you will see that the vessel becomes dry when it is covered so it does not give off fumes. Then the base of antimony is no good any more. Take the colored vinegar and put it in a large vitreous pot and let it evaporate. What stays at the bottom is the good quality and you should make this imbibe oil of tartar 3 or 4 times. Then put this material on a marble slab and put it in a humid place where it will not be disturbed by anything and let the oil come out and collect this in a receiving bottle, well closed, and so will be made the true oil of antimony.... 151 Another, a similar oil of antimony made by a fantastic method. Videlicet. Take a large crucible that can be closed with a narrow opening and put therein 4 lb. of antimony from the mine, finely ground. Put in enough strong vinegar so that it is covered one or 2 fingers deep and let it stay covered in a warm place to infuse for 24 hours or more, as you wish. Then put on as a cover another crucible like the first directly above in the opening, as you see, and make a round opening in the bottom and put on this crucible a retort that has a hole in the bottom that enters into that of the crucible, as you see, and seal all the crucible and the retort in the way that all is closed as one thing. Place the first crucible with the material in it into a basin made of copper or clay that has an opening at the bottom so the crucible can be placed almost in the center of the basin. Then fill the basin with fine ashes and from below or around the basin, put some bricks fixed together with clay. Make the fire there and have all the joints well closed so they do not leak. First make the fire very low, then increase it little by little until it reaches the melting point and the antimony begins to melt and continue the fire until no more oil distills. Thus is made oil of antimony perfect and valuable because it must distill at a height, as you see, and this is the best. Save it well and carefully for this oil is very beautiful and of great virtue. -------- [Page 282] To distill by downward distillation. [Drawing on page.] Take your retort which should be well sealed and put therein that which you wish to distill downward, such as the wood of juniper or cypress or guaiac wood. You will be able to extract oil from every wood that is gummy and dry in this way by making the fire from above as you see. Put the retort in a cauldron or a pot which has an opening at the bottom so that the neck of the retort can pass through and join with the receptacle below, as you see. When the retort is in the pot with the bottom upward, so it seems to come out of the pot, and join it with the recipient below as you see. Fill the pot with finely sieved ashes. Then place the recipient below, as you see, and put in this a fine straw or pig bristle to give an exit when the vapor begins to come, for it might crack the receptacle. Wrap the joint well so it will not let out gas from any side and make the fire from above, as you see. Then make a hole in the earth and put in first the receptacle, then the pot with the retort fitted in it and make the fire as usual in the earth with dry wood or charcoal, very slowly so the retort does not crack. Seal the receptacle so that it does not break easily. As it begins to distill, remove the straw so that a little gas escapes which helps keep the receptacle from exploding. In this way you can distill everything which may be difficult to distill by other methods. Through this descending distillation, everything will come out for you. With this method you will be able to extract oil from juniper wood and cypress wood and from lignum vitae, that is guaiac wood, to bathe the gummas of syphilis. You will also be able to make all kinds of oil that you want. This distillation is very effective. Oil of juniper made in this way. Take two vitreous clay pots and put one over the other and fill the upper one with finely-divided, unsoftened juniper wood. Put a grid between the pots so the wood does not fall into the lower pot. Both pots should be open so the fumes from them are able to go out. They should be placed within the fire box so the charcoal fire extends around the upper pot in the fire box. Ignite the charcoal and as soon as the wood in the upper pot is heated, oil from the upper pot will come down into the lower one. In this way you will extract all kinds of oils and they will come out for you. It has been proved. -------- [Page 283] Oil to protect against venoms, poisons and worms, proven through the holy memory of our lord, Pope Clement VII.... 152 [Drawing on page.] Take the oldest olive oil that you can find, because it is more effective and penetrating and for each pound of oil you want 100 or more live scorpions. After you catch them, save them in a glass vessel with bran and basil leaves. They should be caught and this oil should be made under the sign of the lion, if possible, because at that time they are in the best condition. When you have caught them do not hold them for more than 5 or 6 days. Put the oil to boil in a glass vessel on the bain marie and when it boils, put in the scorpions, but first stir them up with a little stick to incite them so they will give out their venom. At once throw them in the boiling oil and boil them at least 15 hours or more in the bath. The vessel where they are boiling should be well covered and closed so that nothing escapes. Then strain the oil and press the scorpions in the press and extract all the substance that you can and put it with the oil and throw away the dregs. Then take a large flask not made of thick glass and put them in the strained oil but do not fill the flask so that it cracks from the weight. For each pound of this oil take 1 ounce each of theriac, mithridatum, clay from Lemnos and fine rhubarb, with everything in powder, and ½ ounce each of hepatic aloe, lavender and saffron and add 1 dram of troches from Tyre. If you do not have this and cannot get it, use troches from Madras. All of the above things should be made into fine powder separately, if they can be powdered. Then put them in the flask and cover it well and leave it in the sun for 40 days, day and night. Every day shake it well upside down, carefully. To have this oil of great value very secure, place it in a vessel that holds it, so if it fell and the flask was broken, the oil would not be lost. Then when it is made, put it in a safe place so when the need arises, from which God save us, you will always have it to use for you and for others. This oil is very good and effective against every kind of venom and it is powerful against poisons and envenomed sores. But be very careful that you do not touch the sore or bite with this oil because you will be in danger of causing death. But only rub around the sore as you will learn below where I tell you of some of its powers and how it should be used.... 153 Another. The method of treating with this oil. Firstly, when one may have been poisoned, check to see if it was poison and what sort of poison was taken by mouth. At once take some of this oil and rub around the heart, the stomach, the fontanel of the throat and all the pulses of the head, feet and hands. Continue this for an entire day of 24 hours, doing this 6 times in 6 hours, and then 12 times in 12 hours and do this for one more day. Also you ought to rub one who might go to eat in a suspected place. First the pulses should be rubbed as said above and then he can go without fear. -------- [Page 284] Also one who was bitten by any poisonous animal should be rubbed as described above, especially around the bite or puncture from the animal. Also one who is infected or had any carbuncle or swollen gland opened, at once he should be rubbed as above 6 times in 6 hours, especially around the malady or sore. Do this until the pain has gone. But first blood may be drawn as is the custom for infections. Also for one who may have to be with infected persons. First he is rubbed as above, but it is enough to do it 24 times in 24 hours. Then he will go with certainty without any concern for danger. Also one who may have eaten fungi or poisonous herbs or whatever thing is poisonous should be rubbed as above 6 times in 6 hours. . Also one who suffers from sickness due to worms of any kind should be rubbed with this oil around the heart and also the wrists, the fontanell of the throat, the stomach and the nose. Do this 2 or 3 times and you will cure him soon, with the aid of God. For brevity, I do not add the many other virtues that are contained in this oil but you will learn them by using it. Another, similar oil follows. Oil similar to that above, tested in the time of our lord Pope Paul III on 2 prisoners in the tower of Savella by Monsignor Diomede the Neapolitan who was responsible for not cutting off their heads instead. This is the way to make this oil. Viz.... 154 Take 2 lb. of the oldest olive oil that you can find and put in this oil 1 lb. of live scorpions, more or less according to what you want to make. One lb. of oil takes ½ lb. of live scorpions. Bring this oil to a boil on a bain marie in a vessel that has a long neck, at least 2 or 3 hands in length and seal it and boil it on a slow fire. Put the scorpions in a glass vessel and poke them with a little stick so their poison ejects out. Then put them in the oil and boil them very well until the scorpions are well cooked. Remove it from the fire and let it cool. Remove the scorpions and grind them in a mortar. Return them to the oil in the vessel and again on the bain marie and boil them again for an hour or more. Let it cool and strain the oil through clean muslin, pressing the solids well and extract as much as you can and put it in the oil. Then put it in a glass vessel, close it well and put it in the sun in the clear sky for 40 days in a row and it will be made. Do not alter the rules given above for making it in a month of great heat, because the heat reinforces the power in the oil and gives it the same virtues that the first has. Also when you want to use it, follow the method and rules given above, especially when the person may have been poisoned. The first thing is to rub around the heart that is the principle problem 6 times in 6 hours. Do this on the first day. On the second day do it 12 times in12 hours. In all these things the first oil is good and the second has the same value as long as you know how to use it in the way described above. Do it with every care and solicitude so it will succeed well for you. -------- [Page 285] Special oil against venoms, similar to that above,and also powerful in illness of the hip. Take some of the above oil and strain it through clean muslin and put it in a glass pot and heat it on the bain marie. Then put in the things listed below, that is, 1 dram each of lavender, hepatic aloe, myrrh, gentian, tormentil and white dittany, 2 drams of fine rhubarb and 4 drams of fine theriac. All these things should be pulverized very finely. Then let the pot stay, well stoppered, for 8 hours on the water bath with a very slow fire. Then draw it forth and put it in the sun in the clear air for not less than 40 days and every day mix it upside down so that the material comes to be incorporated well and the substances there are purified. The way you use this oil against poisoning is that you want to rub this oil on the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet and along the spine. In truth, this oil is precious and unique in all of the above infirmities. This oil is also powerful in those who have pain in the hips. The way you use this remedy is to rub with the oil, very warm, where the pain is felt and do this several times. In many persons it has helped greatly and it has freed them from hip pain. This oil was much used by a most Reverend Cardinal in Rome in many serious illnesses. He used it warm and treated many worthy and learned men.... 155 Oil of scorpions which Saint Bernard used against poisons. Take old olive oil as described above, 2 lb. more or less, according to how much you want to make from scorpions taken in the month of August when the moon is in the sign of the scorpion. There should be at least 200 because each ounce of oil requires at least 10 to 12 scorpions. Put them in a large barber's basin and with a little stick annoy them so they eject out their venom. At once put them in a vessel in which the oil is boiling. Cover it well and boil it on a bain marie for at least 24 hours so that the scorpions have fallen apart. Then when it is cold, strain it through muslin, first wet in white wine. Press that material well because that holds the virtue and it will be made, perfect and good. Put it in a well-stoppered glass bottle and let it stay in the sun for at least a month. Then keep it in a secure place for your needs. Here we will speak in part of its straight-forward virtues. First, it is powerful against plague. Rub it on the heart and then around the sores and around the pulses of the head, the sternum and on the stomach. It should be very warm. Another. It is powerful against poisonous drinks when this oil is drunk and rubbed warm around the heart. Another. It is powerful against worms in anyone, by drinking a drop of it and rubbing all the pulses, the nose and around the heart. Another. It is powerful against the bite of serpents, rubbed warm around the heart and the bite, as long as the oil does not touch the puncture or the patient will die. Another. It is powerful against the bite of a rabid dog when it is rubbed as described above. Another. It is powerful against abcesses, rubbing them with very warm oil. Another. It is powerful against ulcers when they are not open and when it is rubbed very warm. Another. It is powerful against the illness of stone. Rub the pubic area and the kidneys with the very warm oil and rub well with the hands so it penetrates. Another. It is powerful against illness of the ribs, rubbing the sore place. It should be very warm. Another. It is powerful against pain in the ears. It should be warm. Rub around the ears and put a little in and soon you will cure the pain. I do not speak of other uses, but study these well. -------- [Page 286] Various medicines for illness of the spleen in several ways.... 156 Take the same amount of roots of cyclamen and dittany, crush them between two lodestones and incorporate this with male pork fat. Put this warm on the spleen in the evening and morning. Do this repeatedly for the pain and soon you will cure the spleen. This has been tested. Another. Take plowman's spikenard and make it into juice and drink this for 9 mornings in a row and you will be cured quickly. Another. Take the bark of the ash tree and cook it with good wine and use this to drink and you will be helped greatly. If there is swelling of the spleen, take nettle root, well-minced, and mix it with white wine. Heat it well and put it on and it will help greatly. If the spleen is not swollen, take hart's tongue, that is spleenwort, cooked with wine and drink this in the form of a syrup for 30 days. It helps a great deal. Another. Take oil of dill and rub this warm across the spleen. Then take the urine of a child and wet some stupes and warm them and fasten them on well. Make powder of the herb catchweed, which blocks up the fish ponds, and drink it in the morning with some broth and you will be cured soon. Also take oil of capers and the same amount of laurel oil and equal amounts of the bark of capers and of tamarisk, made into powder, and a little wax. Make an ointment and rub yourself with this warm, and soon you will be cured. Another. Take flowers and leaves of tamarisk, as much as you wish. Dry it in the shade and make fine powder of it. Give the patient one spoonful in a fresh egg or in wine. Then give a few raisins with a finger of wine on them for 15 to 20 days and soon he will feel much better. Another. Take ½ handful each of rosebuds before they are open, betony, valerian, sage, mint, rue, horehound and flowers and leaves of tamarisk. Dry them and make fine powder and give it to drink with a fresh egg or with wine. Do this several times and it will help greatly. Another to resolve the indurated spleen. Take some ordinary oil, as much as you wish, and put it in a pot and put therein 1 handful of wild cucumbers. Let this boil until they are falling apart. Then put in some others and do this 3 times. Then take this oil and with it, very warm, rub the painful place on the spleen and by continuing this you will cure rapidly. Another. Make ashes of twigs of grape vines and pass them through a sieve and make some lye from most of this. Then take equal amounts of this lye and vinegar and ordinary old oil and urine from a little child of 6 years and put everything together. Put it in a clean vessel and boil it very slowly until it is reduced in half. Then put in the fine ashes that you have reserved, little by little, until it takes on the body of a liquid unguent. Let it boil a little, stirring continuously. Then add 1 ounce of clean wax. Remove it from the fire and stir until it is cold and it will be made. The sick person should go to bed and the hard spleen should be rubbed with the warm ointment. Put on warm stupes and cloths and bind them on well. Do this every evening until you feel yourself improved. Watch what you eat. It is that which hurts you and keeps you sick. Take leaves and roots of ferns and asparagus, each the same amount. Cook them in cistern water and give it to drink warm. By continuing this, the spleen will be dried up. Another for hardness of the spleen. Take 2 ounces of ashes made of grape vine twigs, 6 ounces of droppings of goat or of human and 6 drams each of leaves of hellebore, rue, horehound, tamarisk and rusty fern each made into fine powder, and ammoniac gum dissolved in vinegar for one whole day. Put everything in a little pot on a slow fire that vaporizes away all the vinegar. Then take enough laurel oil to make a poultice and put this warm on the spleen. Continue this several times and you will cure. Add to the plaster 3 ounces of snails with shells, powdered, and 1 ounce each of powder of hepatic aloe and myrrh and with this you will cure. *Another to cure the spleen. Toast a slice of bread on both sides and soak it in warm linseed oil and give it at once to the patient to eat early in the morning. Do this for several mornings and you will cure. *Another. Take the flowers of broom freshly picked during the half moon and fill a pot. Put in 1 lb. of butter, cover it and boil it on a bain marie until it becomes like an unguent. With this, warm from the fire, rub the spleen and soon you will cure. -------- [Page 287] For the illness of an abcessed, swollen spleen, to make it come to a head. Take 1 ounce each of gum ammoniac, juniper gum, bdellium and opopanax gum, 4 drams of lavender oil, 6 ounces of turpentine, ½ ounce each of fenugreek flour and linseed flour and enough lupin flour to thicken. Cut up the gums and soften them in strong vinegar for 4 hours and make them dissolve with the pestle. Put the turpentine on the fire and melt it. Then put in the oil and the gums and thicken with the flours. Incorporate it very well and it will be made. But first wash the place of the afflicted spleen with strong, warm vinegar. Then put on this warm plaster. Take care of yourself and you will be cured. Another, a poultice and prayer. Take 1 ounce each of rue, mint and mountain mint and ½ ounce of gum ammoniac dissolved in very strong vinegar. Make a plaster of these and put it on the spleen. Prayer to wear around the neck for one who suffers from sickness of the spleen. First say 3 Pater Noster with 3 Ave Maria. Then write this prayer and carry it fastened around the neck with thread spun by a virgin girl. These are the words, viz. 'In the name of the Father +, Son +, and Holy Spirit +, Amen. + gc,gc,gc,v,g,d,gc,gc,di,di,gc,gc,gc,ver,v,v,v . There is neither a monument nor glory except through the most holy and great God + + +.' Do this with confidence that you will soon be cured. Here is another similar to the above which cures the spleen when carried with you. Write in the way given above, viz. 'a,c,c,c,di,di, di,j,ver,v,v' and after that write the same words, 'There is neither a monument nor glory except through most holy and great God + + + .' If you wish to test this prayer, attach it to the neck of an animal and leave it for 9 days. Then kill it and you will not find a spleen in the body, so much will it have shriveled up and diminished. But you know that at this time you should be careful how you live.... 157 Another to cure the spleen. When you first see the new moon, take a pointed knife and sign three times with the point over the spleen and let the knife fall to earth. Each time you make the sign say this holy prayer, viz. '+ Holy moon that shines before the highest Father, dry up the spleen that is in my body as you did the herb in the garden of the Pharisee. In the name of the Father +, Son + and Holy Spirit +. Amen.' When you are ready to begin, say 5 Pater Noster with 5 Ave Maria in reverence to God and the 5 wounds of Jesus Christ. Do this at the start of the new moon for 3 lunar months in a row. Be careful when the new moon begins to say the above prayer and touch the swelling with the point of the knife and you will be cured. Make an ointment in the following way. Take the herb rusty fern and the same amount of tamarisk and cut them minutely and cook them in oil of capers and oil of laurel berries, each the same amount. In the evening when you go to sleep, rub the sore place of the spleen with the ointment very warm and put on warm cloths. Do this for 3 lunar months and without doing anything else you will be cured. It has been tested many times. Another to cure pain of the spleen quickly. Take the gall bladder of a goat and put it on the painful spleen and let it stay on for one whole day, that is 24 hours. Then hang the gall bladder in a bowl either in the chimney or in the sun and when the gall bladder is dry, the spleen will then be cured. This has been tested. Another to cure the spleen. Take rue and grind it with honey and with fenugreek flour and put it warm on the spleen. Do this several times and it will be helpful. Likewise, take leaves of willow and grind them with salt and put them warm on the spleen. Do this several times and the illness will be diminished and you will be cured in the name of God. -------- [Page 288] For sickness of the spleen, a wonderful ointment that lifts the pain quickly. Take 2 ounces each of laurel oil and oil of capers. In the evening when you go to sleep, rub the afflicted spleen, standing with the body before the fire and with the oil very warm. Then take a stupe and soak it in urine and make it very warm. Heat it on the fire shovel and put it on the spleen and it will help you greatly. Another ointment for induration of the spleen. Take 6 drams each of mustard powder and rue, 2 ounces each of marsh mallow and laurel oil and 1 ounce of clean wax. Make an unguent on a slow fire. In the evening, facing toward the fire, rub yourself with it very warm and put on a very warm stupe and cloth. Do this several times and you will be cured. Keep your life well regulated and use water as little as you can. Another ointment for the spleen, as above. Take 4 glasses of the oldest ordinary oil that you can find. Otherwise use as much urine from a healthy child. Add 1 handful each of rue and rusty fern. Boil everything together in a pot and reduce it 2/3. Rub yourself with this when you go to sleep. It should be warm and put on a stupe and warm cloths, well wrapped. Use this ointment every evening. By keeping yourself from adverse things, you will be cured. Another ointment to heal the spleen. Take 2 drams of mucilage from fenugreek, 2 ounces of mucilage from linseed, 1 ½ drams of mucilage from marsh mallow, 2 ½ ounces of oil of camomile, of adder's tongue fern or rusty fern, 6 drams of turpentine and 3 ounces each of laurel oil and tercia mortiaton . Boil all these things together on a slow fire and add 3 ounces of clean wax and equal amounts of oil of capers and juice of cyclamen. Rub the patient by the fire so that he is very warm and put on a stupe and warm cloths, fastened tightly, and soon you will cure him. Poultices against hardness and inflammation of the spleen. Take 1 handful each of sweet clover, camomile, rusty fern, rue, fenugreek, cumin, anise and myrtle. Boil everything together in good white wine and when it has reduced 1/4 put therein 1 lb. of very strong vinegar and let it come to a boil. Then make the poultice in this way, take 2 pieces of felt or wool cloth, as large as the hand or 2 flat sponges and soak them in the decoction that is very warm. Press them out with the hand and with this as warm as one can stand, put one on the indurated spleen and let it stay until the greatest heat has gone away. Then put on the other one hot. Do this 4 or 5 times in the evening and in the morning and the malignant illness of the spleen will be dried up. Another poultice for pain of the spleen. Take 1 handful each of bark of capers and of ash tree, that is the inner layer, and the bark of tamarisk, black maiden hair fern, white maiden hair fern, rusty fern and spleenwort. Boil them in the best white wine and very strong vinegar because the stronger it is, the better it works. Then make the poultice in the way described above and the warmer, the better. To cure the pain of the spleen in 24 hours or more. Take the bark of the walnut tree as wide and as long as the painful area. Leave it for 3 days in very strong vinegar and put thereon powder of lesser spurge. Make it warm and put it on the painful spleen, wrapped thickly. If it burns you, tolerate it as much as you can because that is a good sign of a rapid cure. *Another, a syrup for the spleen. Take 1 handful each of bugloss, liverwort, sweet balm, agrimony, spleenwort and tamarisk, ½ ounce of sweet flag, 6 ounces each of raisins and licorice, 1 ounce each of Arabian lavender, borage flowers and bugloss, ½ handful of primula and 2 lb. of sugar and make a syrup. The dose is 3 ounces with water. -------- [Page 289] Poultice for illness of the spleen. Take 1 handful each of the inner bark of the ash tree and hyssop and ½ handful of broken up laurel berries. Boil everything in very strong white vinegar until it is reduced 1/3 or ½. Wet pieces of felt or wool cloth or sponge in the boiled liquid and press them out with the hand. Put it on the indurated spleen of the sick person as warm as one can stand and as soon as the place has cooled a little, put another thereon. Do this for an hour or more in the evening and the morning for at least 4 to 6 days in a row and you will see a very good result. Then make these poultices. Rub the indurated spleen with the above ointment and bind the body well with a stupe and warm cloth. If you want to be cured quickly, know how to take care of your life by not eating those things that one may desire in this sickness because one always desires adverse things. Avoid these things especially: do not eat soups, nor sour fruit, nor spicy food, nor pork meat, but eat all things good, such as well-cooked bread and things twice-baked such as veal meat, light and with little bones, or fresh eggs or a little wine. Do not drink too much water which is very bad. By observing this, with the aid of God, soon you will be cured. A good wine to drink for the indurated spleen and other beverages. Take 1 handful each of fern roots and sticks of willow and ash or elm and scrape off the bark finely and the bark of crab apple, and three oranges. Boil everything in white wine until it is reduced at least 1/3. Then strain it and save it in a glass flask in a cool place. Use this decoction to drink early in the morning in the form of a warm syrup. It will help you greatly in hardness of the spleen. Another wine against the painful spleen. Take some plowman's spikenard and boil it with wine. Then drink this boiled liquid in the morning in the form of a syrup as described above. If you drink some of the juice for 9 mornings in a row, you will soon be cured of pain in the spleen. Another syrup for the spleen that also helps the liver. Take 1 ounce each of simple sorrel syrup and syrup of endive and strained rose syrup and 1 ounce each of water distilled from sorrel, endive and hops. Incorporate them and make the 7 syrups. Take it tepid, early in the morning and rest a little as usual. Lastly take a dose of cassia and you will be cured rapidly. Another syrup for the spleen as described above. Take 1 handful each of caper root, raisins, adder's tongue fern, rusty fern, water germander, tamarisk and spleenwort. Boil everything together and make a decoction and make a syrup and take it in the way described above. Another syrup to take away the thirst in the sick person. Take 1 handful each of agrimony, chicory, betony, wormwood and raisins. Boil them and make a decoction and make the 7 syrups to take in the way described before. You should know that the above syrups are appropriate in all the above illnesses of the spleen and quench the thirst. At the end take the medicine of cassia or some other simple medicine such as muccaro roxato sulutivo and you will be greatly helped.... 158 Another beverage against the illness of the spleen. Take some leaves of mullein, that is the male plant that has a single stalk, and take the more tender leaves and make juice. Drink this one morning yes, the next no, at least for 5 or 6 mornings, in the form of a warm syrup, and you will see a wonderful effect on the spleen. -------- [Page 290] Beverage for illness of the spleen. Take 1 handful each of the inner bark of the ash tree, hound's tongue, celery, tamarisk, horehound, maiden hair fern, spleenwort and sage. Boil this in white wine in an earthenware vessel until it is reduced 1/3. Then strain it and press it in the press and extract all the substance well. Combine it and save it in a flask in a cool place. For an entire month continually drink one glass of it warm early every morning, without fail. Also watch what you eat and you will be cured soon. Another beverage as above. Take 5 ounces of water of dittany, distilled in a glass still, every morning in the form of a warm syrup and continue this for 20 days. Keep yourself from all adverse things and do not drink too much water and you will be cured. This has been tested many times. Another beverage as above. Take some honeysuckle seed that is well-matured and dry it. Then make it into very fine powder. Drink 1 dram of it with white wine in the morning in the form of a warm syrup for 40 mornings. It reduces the spleen and lifts the pain and makes the spleen return to its original condition. Another beverage as above. Take betony and boil it with good white wine and drink 4 ounces warm every morning. It will markedly reduce the spleen. Another beverage as above. Take some seeds of madder, grind them and make fine powder. Drink this with honeyed vinegar on an empty stomach. It will markedly reduce the spleen. Another beverage as above. Take 1 dram of gum ammoniac and dissolve it in white vinegar. Drinking this several times clears up the spleen. Or make a plaster with vinegar and apply it on the outside. It will do a great deal and also it aids the liver. Another beverage for the above illness of the spleen. Take 1 handful each of the inner bark of the ash tree which stays green, leaves of tamarisk and rusty fern. Boil them in good white wine until it reduces nearly in half. Strain this well and save it in a flask and use it to drink as a syrup for 9 mornings in a row and you will be cured. Electuary to reduce and heal the spleen. Take 1 ounce each of fine cinnamon, ginger and cardamon, ½ ounce each of nutmeg and cloves, and 2 ounces of steel filings, finely ground. Make all into very fine powder. Then take 2 lb. of clean honey and incorporate everything together. Cook it in a pot on a slow fire, stirring continuously until it is reduced 1/3. Then remove it from the fire and put in a little honey and some white bread crumbs. Return it to the fire one more time and reboil it some and it will be made. Strain it and put it in a bottle. In the evening when you go to sleep, take an amount the size of a chestnut, and do the same in the morning when you get up and it will help greatly to reduce the spleen. For dropsy caused by the spleen. Take 2 handfuls of the herb dill, 1 handful of rusty fern and ½ handful each of betony and hyssop. Grind them and extract juice and give it to the patient to drink in the form of a syrup for 9 mornings in a row. It will clear up the hardness of the spleen, little by little. Take care of yourself and help yourself by eating correctly. Do not do anything excessively if you wish to be cured rapidly and you will be cured. -------- [Page 291] Poultice for hardness in the swollen spleen. Take the herb of Saint John, called burdock, and crush it very well between 2 lodestones and make a plaster with a beaten egg and a little rye flour and incorporate everything well together. Then make it very warm and put it on the hard, swollen spleen. Make this plaster for several evenings and it will diminish the spleen and greatly alleviate the pain and soon you will cure it. Furthermore, make use of these for the sick one to eat: agrimony and rusty fern as herbs or made into powder and sprinkled on food. These will help greatly. If you boil willow bark and caper bark in wine and give this to drink with all food, it will dry out the swollen spleen wonderfully. In a few days it will be cured. Another to cure the spleen. Take 2 ounces each of celery juice, cyclamen juice, juice of fern root and urine from a dog or young boy of 8 to 10 years, and 4 ounces of ordinary oil. Boil everything together and when it is cooked, add a little clean wax, as much as you want, and make it in the form of an unguent. Rub the hardened spleen with this in the morning and evening. It should be warm and stand by the fire or in the sun and wrap it well. Do this several times and, through God's grace, you will be cured. Another for illness of the spleen. Take some roots of yellow violets, cut them minutely, and cook them in strong white vinegar and make a plaster with cumin and powdered caper bark. Put it warm on the painful spleen and soon it will restore health. Continuing with this plaster lifts the cruel hardness. Many men who are expert in the art of medicine say that all of the above-described things work powerfully, especially taking some nettles and grinding them between two lodestones and then incorporating them with a little clean wax. Make it warm and bind it on the painful spleen. Do this several times. It will help greatly to resolve the hardness. If you know how to take of yourself and regulate your way of living well and with all these other things, I tell you that, with the aid of God, you will be cured. Observe the rules given above and do not deviate from them. Beverage for every incurable infirmity that may be in any member of the body. Take 1 ounce each of betony, agrimony, French lavender, eyebright and raisins, 2 drams of fennel seed, 1 dram of anise, ½ dram of cinnamon and ½ bowl of rosemary flowers. Boil everything in 12 lb. of good white wine and boil it in a pot sealed with dough so that no gas escapes except though a little hole in the middle of the cover. Boil it on a slow fire until it is reduced 1/3. Strain it and save the residue in a glass flask. Then put in more wine on this residue and boil it again in the same way. Use this wine to drink with all meals and before meals. Take 6 ounces of the first boiling in the morning in the form of a syrup. Use these syrups in the morning according to how you feel. The infirmity in which this is good is for one who is impaired by sickness of the spleen or whose eyesight is impaired or who has other pains or aches in the body. You should do things suited to this condition and should not eat things that are not good and you will be cured quickly. -------- [Page 292] Beverage for the French illness, for sciatica and for the cararrhs. Take some guaiac wood, shaved finely, and 9 ounces of guaiac bark, cut finely, 4 ounces of senna from Levant, 1 dram of rhubarb, 3 lb. each of water of betony, of hops and of barley and good white wine, and 1 handful of the holy thistle as the herb. Put everything together in a large, clean pot with a cover that has a little hole in the center. Seal the cover around the pot so that no gases can escape and put everything to infuse in the evening and let it stay that way all night. In the morning boil it on a slow fire and, if it is possible, without smoke so the water may not take on a bad taste. Boil until it reduces 1/3 and put a little stick in the hole in the cover when it has reached this limit and do not fail to do this. When it is cooked, remove it from the fire and let it cool, covered, and when it is cool, strain it carefully very slowly. Save it in a covered glass flask in a cool place and this is the thing to give as a syrup in the morning. Then refill the pot with cistern water or other soft water and cover it as at first and do as you did before and boil it so it reduces 1/3 and then strain it finely. Save this to give to drink at all meals because for many days one should not drink wine. The material that remains in the pot is of no more use. Throw it away. Then take the first decoction and make syrup from 6 ounces of it and give it warm early in the morning. One should repose for one hour and wait for at least 4 hours before eating. Stay in a closed room and do not let in air and for several days only the light of an oil lamp because it is the air in which there are principles that harm greatly. You should know that to save yourself, you should stay in repose as much as you can and keep your body warm. Your diet should be white bread, well-aged and well-cooked. It would be better to have twice baked breads with some ground anise and a little sugar in them. Meat should be roasted and well-cooked and light and tender such as very young chickens or saddle of young goats and soft fresh eggs. Everything should be well cooked and easy to digest. Chew the food well and drink some of the second water with every meal. If by chance this is not possible to do, take a little white wine, light in nature and not sour. Do not eat salty food, nor vegetables, nor fruits, nor sour things, nor soup, nor pork meat, nor young beef, nor fish of any kind except pickerel on the grill if only a little is taken at a time. When the meat is cooked, keep it soft with veal fat and with no other fat. Eat twice a day and no more. Drink wine only in this way, diluted a little with the second water, and it will help you better. When you have finished drinking the first boiling, use the second, the third and the fourth, more or less according to how rapidly it is consumed. Every 10 days is enough for each time, because following this diet cures this infirmity perfectly. It is not effective in less than 40 days or sooner, more or less, because never or seldom is one completely cured because this illness is healed with great effort. Who does it willingly and for a long time, keeping himself well, I say that he will be cured. Be advised in this, that in every 8 to 9 days you will be feeling better. First the pain of the temples stops, then the aches, then you will begin to get out of bed, to walk a little in the room, then to see the outside. Do not worry but have companionship. Think of all cheerful things and stay happy and not melancholy and give thanks to God that soon you will be cured. -------- [Page 293] Treatment for the French sickness. First purge the body in this way. Purgation. First make the sick one take a dose of senna. Then do phlebotomy from the hepatic vein and take the amount of blood following the judgment of the doctor that the strength of the sick one can tolerate. Then give these laxative syrups written below, 5 or 7. Then from the decoction written below, give 2 syrups, in the morning and in the evening for 30 to 40 days, more or less, according to the strength of the patient. These are the laxative syrups. Vz. Take 1 ounce each of polypody fern, senna, endive seed and fumitory, ½ ounce each of thyme, thyme dodder and dodder, 2 drams each of shaved licorice, colchicum, black hellebore and turbith, 1 ounce each of flowers of bugloss and borage, and 10 ounces each of water of dodder, of fumitory, of hops and of betony. Boil all of the above in cistern water until they reduce 1/3 and before you lift it from the fire, put therein the flowers of bugloss and borage so that they will boil a little. Let all this material infuse for 24 hours. Then boil it on a slow fire as before. Remove it from the fire and let it cool and strain it finely through muslin. Save this decoction in a sealed flask and in a cool place. All the roots should be crushed and the other things very clean and washed when you put them to infuse. When you want to give these syrups, take 4 ounces of this infusion and mix them with 1 dram of compound syrup of fumitory, ½ ounce of syrup of lace thyme and 6 grains of scammony. Compound all these things together and make a syrup for one dose. In this way and method make additional ones and take it for 5 to 7 days. If it is too laxative, take it one day yes, the next no, and as a rule do it early in the morning as a tepid dose and afterward repose yourself for an hour. This is the usual rule for taking the syrups. Next, after taking this syrup, make this other beverage and take these second syrups, that is 2 a day, in the morning and the evening, 4 hours before a meal. Drink the second beverage with every meal as you will learn below. This is the beverage to use to cure the pains, the gummas and the sores of the French illness and the rules for making it.... 159 Take 9 ounces each of guaiac wood and bark of this wood, 1 handful of holy thistle, 4 lb. each of white wine that is not sweet, water of hops, water of betony and barley water, 1 dram of rhubarb and 4 ounces of Levant senna. Put the waters and the wine in a clean pot and put therein the holy thistle. Cut the rhubarb and put it to soften in one ounce of this water for one night, then strain it into the pot. Put in the wood which has been turned into fine shavings and the bark cut up and ground finely. Put on the cover with dough well around so that no gases come out except through the opening that is in the center. -------- [Page 294] Then put it on the fire and boil it very slowly until it reduces 1/3. But first let everything soften, that is infuse, for one whole day. When it has boiled, remove it from the fire and uncover it and put in the senna. Return it to cook as at first and reboil for ½ hour. Then remove it from the fire and let it cool covered. Strain it finely and with dexterity and save it in a covered glass flask and keep it in a cool place. Refill the pot with cistern water and cook it covered as before and reboil it until it reduces 1/3. Strain it and save this in a place that stays cool to drink at all meals and before meals. Use the first syrup in this way. Early in the morning give some tepid syrup and the sick one should stay in bed, very warm, at least 5 hours. Give 9 ounces of the syrup on the hour and then in a half hour give it at his lunch and in the evening give the syrup 4 hours before the meal and if the syrup seems bitter, put in a little rose syrup and he will take it more easily and without complaint. Note that when the sick person may feel at the beginning some aches and pains in the body, this is the best sign there can be in the sick person of a cure. Keep to the rules and with compliance for 30 to 40 days, more or less, according to whether the infirmity is little or great, old or recent, because if the sickness is not too great one can allow some little things to advantage. Not to follow the rules is to be without compassion because such an infirmity demands rigor and austerity because otherwise it will not be cured well. This is by the authority of all medical doctors and books where this is found. Gummas. Note that if the sick person has gummas or sores on the body, treat with the first decoction in this way. Wet some pieces of linen cloth and make them very warm and put them on the gummas or sores. Do this in the morning and evening and they will be opened up so they will be healed, with the aid of God. About care. Note that it is beneficial for your life to live moderately for all this time. That is, eat white bread, well cooked and well risen, or biscuits with sugar and anise or well-ground fennel and eat these. Drink the above-described water at least with meals at the beginning until you are much better. Then you will be able to drink a little white wine, young and not sour and diluted a little with the above water. Eat veal meat, pullets, kid and other tender meat, roasted and rubbed with veal fat or a drop of oil, and fresh eggs. Do not eat soup of any kind, nor sour fruit, nor vegetables, nor vinegar, nor sour things, nor sauces. Do not eat rooster meat. Do not use your woman. Observe the above rules, methods and prescriptions. Although they may seem strange, I tell you that with divine aid you will be cured. I tell you clearly that you should follow the provisions above and do not let the disease mature on you so that it can never be cured. Note that the old French sickness either never or rarely is cured. I have said rarely, because I have seen some that have the oldest illness and the most acute pain and they have been freed and remain healthy. Anyone who has been cured of the French sickness, if by chance he has another illness, will be always worse than he would have been if he had not had the French sickness. If a man is wounded who was freed of the French sickness and recently was cured, yet if a finger is cut by cutting bread that usually would be cured in 24 hours, it is not cured in 40 days. You understand how harmful is the effect of the disease. -------- [Page 295] Lotion with a gargle for those who have the French sickness, with 3 syrups given before the medicine. Take ½ ounce each of syrup of juice of fumitory, hops and endive and 1 ounce each of water of endive, hops and fumitory. Mix these 3 kinds of syrups with the 3 kinds of waters and this makes one syrup. Take 3 of these in a row and afterward take the medicine written below. Viz. The medicine. Take 1 ounce of fresh extract of cassia, 1 ounce each of juice of violet and rose, 1 ounce each of diacatolicon, electuary of rose juice and confection of ameche and enough water of hops and your medicine is made. Give it warm at dawn and by reposing at least an hour until it begins to work, it will have a good action. On the advice of the doctor, draw blood where it seems to him that it will have a good and useful effect on the sick person and it can only benefit him to do this before giving the medicine. These are the syrups that the sick person in given to use after he has taken the first medicine. They are wanted for those who have the French sickness that is not recent and who are liverish, yellow and dropsical and with other problems that the person may have inside. Use all these items for your cure. Viz. Take 1 ounce each of colocynth and round birthwort, 2 ounces each of cloves, nutmeg, long pepper, ginger and grains of paradise, 2 scruples each of musk and amber, 6 ounces of fine sugar and 3 lb. of malvasia or good wine. Break up all these things coarsely and put them in a little linen sack that is clean and pure. Take a clean little pot or other suitable vessel and put in the malvasia and 2 or 3 lb. of cistern water. Then put in the sack which should be suspended in the middle so that it does not touch the bottom or even the sides of the pot. Make it boil very slowly with a low fire until it reduces 1/3. Then put in the sugar and after it has reached 2 or 3 boilings, remove it from the fire and it will be made, the beverage which is worthy and high class. When it is cool, strain it carefully. Save it in a glass flask, pressing the sack well and save it in a secure place that is cool because the longer it has been made, the better it is and it does not spoil. See that the patient takes it every morning as the usual syrup, at least 6 ounces, if he has the kind of sickness that requires following the rule of what ought to be taken. Then he should wait at least 4 or 5 hours before eating and he should eat only good food, delicate and light, and this without exception. He should not eat things that are harmful, nor things sour, nor salty and in all things he should be temperate. -------- [Page 296] If the sick person finds that he feels better, he should continue to take this syrup at least for 20 to 30 days in a row. When you have taken a dose you should stay in bed, warm, at least nearly until lunch. Then after eating, according to the infirmity that you have, you can go out of the house to do something easy and keep well covered, especially the head, and do not stay a long time in the air because this syrup is not a cure for everything. That is, you should be careful except in the morning and act according to how you feel. You should be governed by the seriousness of the sickness that you have and if the legs can hold up to walk. Note that if the patient has the serious French sickness with great pain and may have taken 4 or 6 or 10 doses of the above syrup, one may want to anoint from the waist downward to under the soles of the feet for the space of 3 mornings and not more, that is one after the other. He should stand before a good fire and then be rubbed with the ointment very warm and then be put in a good bed, covered with a blanket. But note that if the sickness comes suddenly into the mouth, that is in the throat, you should treat him at once with this gargle, giving it repeatedly for gargling. In this way he will be helped quickly to remove the trouble in the throat. This is the lotion with which the patient is rubbed. First take these things. Viz. Take 2 ounces each of oil of camomile, rose oil and turpentine, ½ ounce of yellow litharge, 2 drams of mastic, 1 ounce each of white lead and clean wax, quicksilver mortified with a grain of salt and 1 ounce of vinegar, 1 scruple of rancid butter and 2 egg yolks. Put all these things in a pot and put in first the oil, the wax, the turpentine and the butter. Put the pot on a slow fire to melt and incorporate these things, mixing it with a rod. Then remove the pot from the fire and put therein the other things that have been pulverized finely. When it is nearly cold, put in the quicksilver, first mortified well with the vinegar and salt in a reed tube in a bowl. Also put in the egg yolks. Stir well with your rod for a little bit so everything is incorporated together and all is well cooled because the mercury has difficulty being incorporated. It tends to separate out, so do not lack being careful. Also the lotion becomes more fine and perfect and has greater power. You should rub the patient with the French sickness with this oil or unguent as described above, before a good fire. Begin from the waist and always go downward nearly to the soles of the feet. Do this for 3 mornings in a row as is said before, and then the patient should stay in bed very warm. Because the sickness may move immediately to the throat, first prepare the gargle. For a half hour before you do the rubbing, the patient should take in the mouth a little rock alum the size of half a chestnut and always roll it around in the mouth and then spit it out and begin to gargle freely. When you wish to begin to rub, light a good fire and remove the clothing and rub gently downward. As the sickness is felt to come in the throat, at once remove the alum that was in the mouth and begin the gargle with the decoction written below. Viz.... 160 -------- [Page 297] This is of such power and value that it does not allow the sickness in the throat to increase or swell but makes it more fluid and increases sputum in order to spit out freely. This will continue for a day and a half. Keep on with gargling. It will not prevent the illness that comes in the mouth but enables one to spit it out. At the end of the three days in which you do the anointing, the patient stays thus for 2 or 3 days without using anything else, neither syrup nor beverage, but keep him resting with delicate food for sustenance according to its availability. Then begin to use the above-described syrups. As much is taken until the sickness is much improved and the patient's great suffering has lightened. At this time the patient cannot know if he has recovered. It is good if he feels somewhat improved from the gravity of the sickness, but if not at present, then it may be 'yes' in a few days. Now the medicine causes a sign of great benefit to the patient. The lost appetite returns and he eats with eagerness and great appetite. So nature is nourished and the patient becomes better although not as before. He should not risk acting in a disorderly way in eating and in other things and should keep to the orders and rules given above and, with the aid of God, soon he will be cured because this is the best treatment that is in the world. Note that these remedies are useful in every serious infirmity. This beverage is used for gargling more or less according to its effectiveness and how the patient feels. Also he can take a syrup every other day according too how it seems to the master apothecary who is treating him. This cannot well be put in writing because the master apothecary is the one who knows how serious the sickness is. You should know that it is certain that the gargle will bring you honor above all other things. Every time it is used, always mix the container well so that the patient receives some of the substance that stays at the bottom. Use it when there is any illness in the throat. It is very appropriate for all sicknesses of the throat. This is the water for gargling that is taken by mouth when one is being rubbed for the French sickness and also is good in other illnesses of the throat. Take 4 ounces each of rose honey, water of endive, plantain, fumitory and rose water. These are the waters for making the gargle. Put them together in a container for using when needed as described above, from which God keep us. Note, Master Apothecary, how you want to effect a cure. First, get the advice of the physician as to whether to take blood or not. Then follow your rules for giving the first 3 syrups and the medicine described above. Then give the usual syrups as above and when you have given 4 or 5 you will be able to begin to do the rubbing, slowly by the fire as described, and with that the alum in the mouth and as soon as the burning is felt, the patient should spit it out and begin to gargle with the above water. Be careful about everything and do not doubt that you will cure him through the aid of God. The patient should watch how he lives, as is said above, and keep from everything adverse and he will be cured. This is a worthy remedy for you. Be well. *Unguent to medicate the sores of the French sickness. It has been tested. Take 1 ½ ounces each of mastic, frankincense, colofony, white lead and rose oil with quicksilver and 1 lb. of pork fat. Take the juice of 3 oranges to mortify the mercury and melt the fat in it. Compound the other things, little by little, and incorporate them well and make an unguent of it. *Pills for pain in the joints. Take 6 ounces of hepatic aloe, 1 ounce of colchicum, 1 ½ ounces of scammony and 1 ounce of red roses with fumitory juice. Grind everything finely and take 2 parts of this paste and mix it and make pills. These are good in the above sickness with pain in the joints and also is useful in gout. It has been tested. -------- [Page 298] Best remedy tested for the French sickness. Take 6 ounces of the bark and wood of guaiac, that is the holy wood, and it should be reduced to very fine powder. Put it in a pot that holds six or more jugs and fill it with good white wine. Sharp wine is better if you can find it. Make it boil very slowly until it reduces 1/3 and stir it a few times and cover it. Then put in these things made into fine powder, viz., ½ ounce of mastic, 6 ounces of cyclamen, 2 ounces of root of elecampane, ½ dram of agaric and 1 ½ drams of holy thistle. Put everything in the pot with its cover well-sealed around with dough and let it boil this way for a half hour. Then remove it from the fire and let it cool. Strain it carefully and save it in a clean glass flask, well-covered. Give the patient a glass of this decoction in the morning at dawn. Give another glass in the evening 2 hours before dinner as you did in the morning. Then the patient should drink it also at all meals. In the same way that you provided the first beverage, you should make it again and do this several times so you will have enough for 40 days and, at the end of the 40 days with the aid of God, you will have cured him. The patient should be careful of all adverse things and follow the rules of living that are written below. Viz.... 161 Eat dry foods as much as you can and do not eat humid things. Eat mutton, kid, capon, hens pullets, fresh eggs, almonds, pine nuts and raisins with bread well-baked or double-baked. Do not doubt that if you do not develop any other disorder, you will be cured with the aid of God and of men during the prescribed time. Pills for the French sickness. Take wild cucumber, well-ground, and extract juice through a sieve with pressure and put it in a clay basin or other vessel. Cover it and put it in the sun and the useful part will form at the bottom, the good part, and little by little you can throw away that which is more clear on the top. Let the bottom part dry well so that it will be like clay. Then gather it up and save it as powder. Take an amount of this powder the size of a little bean and mix it with as much rose honey until you can make a little pill like a bean, more or less according to the constitution of the patient, and give it with a little wine in the morning, not more than one at a time. Give this pill at the beginning of treatment and give another in 15 days and you will help purge the body well. Note that the places where there are pains can be bathed with this boiled liquid and it will help considerably. Another gargle. Take 3 ounces of diamoron , 2 ounces of rose honey, ½ ounce of rock alum, one handful each of sage and tamarind and one jug of good white wine. Boil everything in a pot until it reduces 1/3 and have the patient hold it in his mouth as warm as he can. Do this several times and you will see a good result. This has been tested. Syrup active against the French sickness used by a doctor of the King of England. Take 1 lb. of guaiac wood and 8 ounces of its bark, cut and ground very finely, and 2 lb. of Levant senna, ½ ounce of rhubarb and 4 lb. each of water of betony, of hops, of holy thistle, barley water and the best white wine that you have that is not sweet, and also one handful of the holy thistle as the herb. Put everything in a clean pot with a cover sealed around with dough so no gases can escape except through a little opening in the center of the cover where you can stir it with a little stick. Let it stay this way for one night to infuse. Then put it on the fire to boil... -------- [Page 299] slowly with a clear fire until it reduces 1/3. Remove it from the fire and let it cool with its cover. Then strain it carefully and save this in glass, well-covered, and the syrup will be made. Give a glass of it to the patient every morning at dawn. He should stay in bed one hour and not more and should not sleep but should be sweating. Then he should walk if he can but not with too much air. Continue this every morning for 40 days. If the bowels move too much, he should take it one day yes, the next no. With this syrup you can also do the following. If the patient has skin infections, wash the sores with this decoction, warm. Then put on some threads from a man's shirt wet in this syrup and over that fasten well a piece of linen. If the sores are gummy, wet a little stupe of hemp and put it on warm and fasten it. Shortly you will see a perfect cure. This has been tested. Keep to the orders and rules of life described above and do not fear if you wish to be cured rapidly. By observing the rules you will be healed as others have been. Another syrup against this kind of skin eruption occurring in the French disease. Take 6 ounces each of juice of borage and juice of red roses, 5 drams each of cherry plums, quinces and Indian elder. Soak everything in these juices for a day and boil it slowly. Then strain it. Take 6 ounces of oak fern, ½ ounce of sweet flag root and 1 dram of fennel seed. Make a decoction in the usual way with spring water. Make a syrup of that strained liquid and the previous infusion with enough sugar. Then give this medicine: take ½ ounce each of diacatholicon and diaseno and 6 drams of ameche confection. Mix these with sugar and make a bolus that is taken at dawn and soon the patient will be well. Another syrup and medicine to cure one who has the French sickness and the skin eruption. Take 4 ounces of an infusion of senna and one ounce each of laxative rose syrup and syrup of endive. Mix these and take it as usual. If it moves the bowels too much, give it one day yes, the next no. Then give this medicine, viz. Take 3 ounces of laxative rose syrup and 2 drams of the electuary of rose juice and 2 ounces of senna infusion. Mix and take as usual. If the infusion of senna is drunk, it quite often removes melancholy. Usually it is suitable to use senna in every French sickness because in this sickness it acts naturally and appropriately. If in spite of the syrups the sickness continues, give the patient the boiled liquid from the wood as written above and he will be cured. Another laxative and supportive syrup. Take 4 ounces of senna, 6 ounces of raisins, 3 ½ ounces of polypody fern and 5 ounces of damson plums. Boil everything together until it reduces 1/3. Strain it and save it and give 5 ounces every morning at dawn. Give it warm, as usual, and give it 7 times and after it give a dose of medicine and you will help those greatly who have skin eruptions.... 162 Pills for the French sickness. Take pills only of fumitory and chuochia , one scruple each. Form 3 pills with water of betony and take these once a week. Oil against the French sickness. This oil is made of guaiac wood, that is the holy wood. Take some of the wood cut into minute pieces and put them in a pot with the opening fastened downward with the fire above and collect the oil below, in the way that is called distilling in reverse. Look in the section on making oil of juniper and you will see the rules that are used. Use the wood that is oily and odoriferous and heavy and extract the oil. These are its virtues, viz:... 163 -------- [Page 300] The virtues of the oil made from guaiac wood. It is powerful to get rid of the hard sores from the French sickness. It removes the scabs and reduces the pain when the infected part is rubbed with the warm oil. Also it is miraculous in those who have the French sickness in the mouth and in the uterus. Also it useful for anyone who has cold and humid sicknesses. By continuing to rub with it 2 times a day it will cure. Also one can extract oil from this wood as the alchemists do with the distilling flask. First they extract the water. Then by increasing the fire you will extract oil. Also one can extract it as the oil of yellow sulfur is extracted. Another. If you make powder, that is ashes, of this wood before you extract any substance, you should know that this ash powerfully dries and strengthens and also is more potent than that of oak and is more aromatic. It is extremely powerful in alopecia and works many miracles because it heals quickly. When it is used to treat the above conditions, they are cured through God's grace. For those who have the French sickness in their hands, that is for one who has those cracks that are healed and then redevelop. Make this bath and you will cure them quickly. Take running water or water from the forge or white wine and boil in these three things, that is 2 ounces each of brazil wood and barley and 1 handful of myrtle. Boil until it reduces 2/3. Soak the palms of the hands in this warm liquid and you will cure them soon. Then rub yourself with this cream. Take fat of male goat and marrow of the shin bone of the ox and mix them together. Rub several times with this grease and soon you will be cured. This has been tested. Another, a mouth wash for the French sickness. Take 1 lb. of white honey and a mezeta of good white wine and 3 quatrini of rock alum. Put everything together and boil it until it is foaming. Then strain it finely. Hold it in the mouth as warm as you can stand and rinse yourself well with it. Then spit it out. Also wash the sores, that is the scabs. It will help greatly to dry them up quickly.... 164 Another oil to remove the above-described pains. Take 2 lb. of good turpentine, 2 ounces each of gum from climbing ivy and myrrh, 1 ounce each of liquid storax and incense, 1 handful of sweet flag roots and ½ ounce of cinnabar. Everything should be cut up and ground finely. Incorporate everything together and distill it in a glass retort. First make the fire low and out will come clear water. Then increase the fire and out will come oil. Save this as something dear. When you want to rub the painful spots, heat it and put it on a stupe of warm hemp and put the patient in bed where he is warm for at least 4 hours. This ointment makes a very good enema and it will help considerably. Another to cure the gummas of the French sickness. Take Armenian red clay, rose oil and strong vinegar and rub around the gumma at a distance of 2 or 3 fingers. Then take ½ ounce of oil of euphorbia and 2 drams of oil of violets and rub the gumma. First wash with warm red wine and put on a cloth smeared with butter and leave it for 4 hours and it will be blistered. Break the blister open. Then treat with a healing unguent and it will soon be cured. Another for the above-described gummas. Wash first with wine to soothe them. Take 3 drams of gold unguent and 3 drams of powdered sublimate and incorporate them as a plaster and treat the gumma. You will find the lesion removed in one day and the flesh covered over. After doing it the first time and 2 or perhaps 3 times, it becomes old and hard. When the scab goes away, put thereon some butter washed with wine on a cloth and soon it will be healed. This unguent with sublimate draws out all the edema and all the bad humors that are around in that kind of sickness. It purges this bad condition so it does not give more trouble and you may find it perfectly cured. It is good for you.... 165 *For the calluses of the hands from the French sickness. Take 1 handful each of mallow, viola, cabbage and bran and 1 lb. of mutton fat. Boil everything with mild lye. Then receive the fumes of this on the hand. Do this 2 times a day for 8 days and they will go away and not return. Then rub the hands with this ointment, viz. Take goat fat, chicken fat and lard and mix them together and use this to rub until you have made a cure. But you need to wear gloves. -------- [Page 301] To make the best and true rose honey. [Drawing on page.] Take 50 lb. of water from the spring, well or cistern and 5 or 6 lb. of clean roses without leaves, more or less according to whether you want to make the best or not. You will need a tub or a vat, either large or small, to be able to hold half of the defoliated roses, more or less according to your opinion and depending on the amount that you wish to make. Take the clean water and put it on the fire and when it wants to start boiling, do not let it boil but pour it boiling on the roses and you will have a mixture formed into a slab. Turn the roses upside down for a bit until they all become blanched white. Then cover the tub or vat or conch that should be in an appropriate cauldron wrapped with wool or linen to keep it warm so that the warmth keeps all the virtue or effectiveness in the water. Do this again for the second and third morning and this is enough. If you want to do it the fourth time, you can do it without adding more roses and it will be more odoriferous and more powerful. Draw out the roses that are soft and press them as firmly as you can with your hands and save these to make odorous water. Reheat this soft mixture little by little, that is the infusion, and do not add any more water than the first. You should put in all 3 infusions because it increases the strength. Always reheat well as you did at first and throw on fresh and clean roses. In this way you will have made the infusion to use to make rose honey. Then take 60 lb. of the clear infusion without the roses and 20 or 25 lb. of honey. The correct measure always is 1/3 part of honey and in this way you will make it perfect and effective. It is true that if you put in more honey, up to 30 or 35 lb. it makes a bigger amount and it will be more to your profit but it will not have then all the medicinal properties. To be perfect it needs to have that much of the rose infusion. When you have mixed in the honey, put the cauldron on the fire and heat it very well and stir with your ladle so it incorporates well together. When it is very warm, skim it well. Then you should have prepared your pointed bags, at least 3 or 4 or 6 or more, partly of linen and partly of wool and they should be fastened as you see above. Put therein some of this prepared broth and strain it very slowly until it comes out clear. Put it in again several times so it comes out in clear drops, beautiful and clean and looks like a ruby. If it will not come out when it cools, reheat it again and more if needed until it distills in very clear drops.... -------- [Page 302] because this filtrate contains all the important material for beauty and also for effectiveness. By putting it repeatedly through the sacks, the drops will come out clear and beautiful. Save the foam that you remove when it is on the fire. Do not throw it away because in the bottom resides much that is also good. Do not let it boil because it would thicken and not strain easily. If it is difficult to strain because of its thickness, reheat it again. It needs to be warm to filter easily. Be warned that bees and wasps will be after it actively. Watch that you keep it in a safe place. Then put it again in your clean cauldron and make the fire underneath so that it boils very slowly. Stir well with your ladle so that none sticks to the bottom and takes on the odor of smoke that would not be good. It will develop much foam and lift that away very carefully and put it in a sack and so it strains by itself. Let it boil until it is well cooked but not burned and let it boil slowly. Do this test on a card. Let 2 or 3 drops fall and if they stay well joined together and firm and do not slide when the card is tilted, then it is cooked. At once remove it from the fire and save it warm in a vitreous pottery vessel so that it does not take on the odor of copper. In this way you will have made your rose honey, good and perfect in every way for beauty and quality. Note that if you were to make a furnace so you could wall in the cauldron with clay so the flames were not able to get in, you would be more certain that you would not take in the smoke or other bad odors. When it has been well filtered, you should know that when it is cooked it will not form a sediment at the bottom of the vessel as happens with those that are badly filtered. Be warned of this. The effectiveness as a laxative is related to the amount of roses you put in. Of all of its properties, I want to say that for cleaning out the stomach, this is the most suitable in any way that you will take it. Note that if you want to make rose honey quickly because of necessity, put the roses to soften for at least 9 hours, although usually it should not be less than 24 hours. In this method you may be able to make a little of it for a need. Filter it so it is clear and this is its beauty. Muccharo and rose laxative, effective and perfect.... 166 Take some dew, the dew that falls in the night, and collect it with a sponge or clean cloth. Collect it from good herbs, that is from burnet saxifrage, tarragon, endive, fennel and cabbage. Collect it in the good period which is April or May. That collected from cabbage works wonderfully to make the body go. Do not take it from those growing wild in the fields. They are not good. Then take 10 flasks of the dew and put it in a cauldron and heat well until it wants to boil but it should not boil. Have 9 lb. of clean and fresh roses collected in the morning with the dew on them, because this dew contains much laxative power. If you are not able to collect them each morning as described, put the roses out in the air in the evening on a blanket so the dew will fall down on them. It will also have a good effect but it is better to gather the roses with the dew on them. Continue in this way for 9 mornings and in the morning remove those that have been softened in the night and press them very well.... -------- [Page 303] in the press and add this substance to the infusion. Then reheat this infusion and put therein the 9 lb. of roses described above and cover the tub or vat wherein you put them and put it in a place that stays very warm. Do this for 9 days in a row and if you do it more times it will be better. Note that this is called the laxative infusion. Rose syrup is made from this infusion. You will be able to preserve it for a whole year in a vitreous vessel with a little olive oil on top so it stays covered and the air does not contaminate it and make it putrefy. Then strain this infusion with the sack in which you strained the rose honey and strain it finely so that it comes out clear and lustrous. Then put in some sugar from Saint Thomas or Madeira that is red. The redder it is the more laxative it is and it works better. First clean it in this way. Each 2 lb. of red sugar needs one egg white, well beaten, that is is made all into foam. Put in 2 lb of well water, or some of this infusion is better, and put it on a low fire. When you see that it has puffed up at the top and wants to begin to boil, do not let it boil but at once strain it very slowly through the strainer. Do not put in the foam but leave it at the bottom of the pot. In this way you will have cleaned the sugar.... 167 Note that this is the correct measure. Take 30 lb. of the infusion and 20 lb. of the red sugar clarified with egg white as described above. Put everything together in the clean cauldron. Put it on the fire and heat it well until it wants to boil but do not let it boil. Then strain it in the sack described above and make it strain very slowly. Strain it several times until at last the filtrate comes out clear, lustrous, beautiful and ruby-colored. If it is too cold to come out, you can reheat it. When it is warm it strains easily because it does not have so much viscosity. Do not touch the sack or it may come out turbid. In this way you will make the filtrate clear and beautiful. Then put it in a clean cauldron to cook on the fire. Using dry wood, make it boil slowly and stir repeatedly for good results. Let it boil until it reduces 1/3 or more. Test it by putting 2 or 3 drops on a card and if this stays firm and does not spread out on the card, it is made or you can put a little of the old paragon with the new. If it is not now as lustrous and ruby-colored, that is not important while it is cooking because as it becomes cold, it will take on color again. Note that if one wants to make a good laxative, put in 2 drams of purging bindweed and tie it in a cloth and make a little button and tie it with a thread of yarn. Boil it in and when it is cooked, pull it out and throw it away. It is not useful any more. Likewise, you can boil in the preparation 1 handful of the herb hedge hyssop which grows in swampy meadows and has a leaf like hyssop and some call it our senna. Boil it in a little sack and when it is cooked, remove it and throw it away as it is of no more good. In this you will have made a red sugar laxative, the best and perfect. Remove it at once when it is cooked and put it in a good vitreous, clay vessel.... -------- [Page 304] and keep it in a cool place, well covered. When you need to make the body go, this has no equal. The dose is 3 ½ ounces up to 4, but first experiment to see if 3 works or not with that made all of dew. Then boil in the scammony or the herb hedge hyssop and these 3 things make it very laxative. Dilute it with 2 ounces of mallow water and give it in the morning at dawn somewhat tepid and afterward one should repose for ½ hour although this is not a medicine for which repose is necessary. Everyone can take it with confidence. Note that this laxative is useful in purging every choler and also in any tertian fever and joint pain caused by warm matter. It removes all the bad warm and feverish humors from which comes its benefit in the feverish and malign erysipelas. In the burning black fever, Persian anthrax, it is given together with diacatholicon and it clears out the remnants of the humors. Then the patients begin to be better and they trust in the medicine. They will not use it if they do not think it is helping. When you have given this medicine, in one hour give a bowl of chicken or mutton broth to drink with one ounce of red sugar.... 168 Another. Some make it in this way. They take 9 lb. of cistern water and 9 lb. of roses, as above, and they make it in the way described above in 9 or 10 mornings. Then they do not put in the dew, but put in the scammony or the herb hedge hyssop. It is true that it works, but not as well as the dew does. It has been shown many times that the dew is more gentle and works very wonderfully. Keep to the rule given above and you will never fail and you will always get honor for it. Note that when you want to refresh the laxative syrup, take 2 flasks of dew, one collected on burnet saxifrage, the other collected on cabbage. With the whites of 3 eggs purify the red sugar in the way that has been described above. If you will do this, you will receive honor in every way. To make the best, effective and perfect julep.... 169 Take the whites of 2 eggs and beat them well with a whisk in a pan until all is converted to foam. Then put in 4 or 5 lb. of well water and not less. Then put in 4 lb. of red sugar or less. With red sugar the julep becomes more clear and beautiful. Break it up with the hand so that it dissolves in the pot. Then put the pot on the fire and heat it slowly, I say very slowly. When it begins to swell, do not ever touch the foam but leave it alone. Do not break it or it may become turbid. To help it clear up while it is swelling, put in a little honey or 2 ounces of water from distilled white vinegar or sprinkle on the juice of one lemon or bitter orange or 4 seeds of sour grapes or as much burnt rock alum as a fava bean or less. Let the foam rise little by little and when you see that it is all swollen and about to begin to boil, do not for anything let it boil but at once remove it from the fire and pour it into 2 pointed sacks, made of wool and of felt, one in the other. Pour it very slowly so the foam does not go in but all remains in the pot. Let it filter so it comes out clear and beautiful. If it does not seem clear and lustrous to you, put it very slowly through another sack that is thicker and it will filter out more clear.... -------- [Page 305] and lustrous. If by bad luck, it does not want to come out, do one more clarification only, but do not put in any sour things as you have done before because you may make it come out cloudy and then it could be cleared only with great effort and trouble. So you will have the filtrate clear and lustrous. Clean the pot well so it shines and put it again in the pot and reboil very slowly with a low, clear fire, because with boiling too furiously it wll become turbid. When it has boiled a half hour do the test on the card or on your fingernail to see if the drop is firm or not. If the drop is firm, it is cooked. Then pour in 2 or 3 ounces of good rose water or otherwise water of violet flowers. This is known as rose julep or violet julep. Then remove it from the fire and pour it into a clay basin, clean and polished and without odor, until it is cold. Then put it in your glass ampules, covered, and keep it in a cool place so it does not spoil. When it begins to ferment it is then neither so delicate nor good. It will last in the summertime for a month if it is well cooked. When the julep is made do not let it cook too long and then this julep is a clear yellow color, beautiful to see. Note that if you make the julep of white sugar, you should do the clearing described above and not put in anything except that sugar and pure water. When it is finally cooked, put in your rose water or water of fresh violets. In this way you can make a good and effective julep from all the different sugars. This julep is very powerful in cooling and alleviating the great distress of burning heat and fever if you drink it with boiled water or barley water or with fresh water. It alleviates the fierce heat of the liver and is good in many other conditions in medicine in addition to this. Rose sugar, effective and beautiful, with some of its uses. Take the buds of red roses before they are completely open and cut away all that white underneath with a scissors so they are clean. Use 4 ounces of these to 1 lb. of sugar. Cut them finely and grind very minutely. Then take this pound of white sugar and purify it as you have done for the julep with an egg white and one pound or more of well water and convert the white all into foam. Then put in the water and break up the sugar with your hand and put it on the fire. When it starts to swell, do not put in anything. Let it rise well and as you see that it wants to begin to boil, remove it at once from the fire. Filter it in 2 pointed sacks and filter it well so it comes out clean. Then put it again in the pot that has been well-washed and clean and put it on the fire to cook. You will know when it is well cooked by seeing the sign. Then put in your roses that are well ground and make it boil for a good piece, always stirring with your ladle, around and up and down, so that everything is well incorporated. Remove it from the fire as it has been made and put it warm in your bottles and cover it until it is cold and put it ... -------- [Page 306] in the sun for 10 to 15 days. When it is very cold, stir very well so that it is mixed together and you will have a rose sugar, good, excellent and perfect, odorous and very pleasing. If you wish to make it a beautiful red, take a little red sandalwood and soak it in water until that is very red. When you have filtered the sugar, tint it with this water to the color that you want. Then it is time to put in your roses and when it is cooked it will be a beautiful red, odoriferous as the paragon, the Neopolitan red sugar that is made red in this way. Note that if you want to make rose sugar from pink roses, it is not so beautiful to see but is as good and has the same virtues as this above and also keeps the laxative effect if you will make it in this way. Take some pink roses gathered with the dew or condensation on them. Defoliate them and do not cut away anything and be sure they are clean. Then cut them finely and grind very small. Take some red sugar, a little more than usual, and purify it with egg white as you have done above. Put therein a pound of roses with 3 ½ pounds of sugar, close to 4, and when the sugar is well cooked, put in the ground roses and boil it for a half hour or more. Remove the pot from the fire and while it is still warm, put it in a bottle and put it in the sun for 8 to 10 days. Stir up the bottle each day until it will not bubble up any more and it will keep well. It has the same properties and virtues as the rose sugar but it is more laxative. If you take a half ounce in the evening when you go to sleep and afterward drink 3 ounces of endive water, in the morning you will go from the body at least 2 or 3 times without any trouble. It has been tested. Another. If you wish to make fresh rose sugar without cooking, do it in this way. Take the rose and if it is red, cut away the white completely because this is constipating and bitter. If you use the pink, take them entire but clean of every other thing. Cut them well and grind them finely, I say well ground because if they are not well ground, it remains between the teeth or under them. This rose grinds badly and that makes it feel bad, but grind them well and the result is refined. Then put in the sugar, weighed and measured as above. Grind everything together so that it is well mixed. Then when you have incorporated and ground it well, strain it and put it in your clean bottles or pots, covered with parchment, and make several openings with the point of a knife and put it in the warm sun for at least 20 to 30 days and mix it top to bottom with the ladle or stirring rod so that it will not boil or swell and go out of the bottle. This is the way to make it uncooked, good and perfect like that above except that it holds more of the odor of the rose and comforts the mind more through its strong odor which is much more pleasing because it is not cooked. This has been tested many, many times. -------- [Page 307] Note that if you want to make the conserve of borage, that is a confection or electuary of flowers of borage or bugloss or flowers of tamarind or water lilies and violets or French lavender, first take these flowers, only the flowers pure and clean of every pedicle, and cut them as minutely as you can and grind them as well as you can, because its delicacy consists of being well ground. Take 4 ounces of it and 1 lb. of sugar, always 1 part to 3 parts, and grind them well together. This is intended for crushed white sugar but if you put in red sugar, always put in a little more which is better in every way and it keeps the electuaries always soft and rich. Then put it in your bottle, covered with parchment, and make several openings with the point of a knife and put it in the sun for several days. Each day stir it with your stirring rod. Especially in the water lily electuary, do not fill up the bottle because it swells terribly and stir it often so that it does not overflow the bottle. If you wish to cook it, hold to the rules given above to purify the sugar with egg white. Strain it and give it the usual cooking and then put in your flowers which have been well ground and in this way you will make it good and perfect. Note in part some of the virtues of these electuaries and first of the red sugar. Taken in the morning, it comforts the stomach and the heart and strengthens debilitated intestines. Drinking it in the summer with water will cool all the body and improve nourishment and also it is a tested remedy for phthisis. Another. The electuaries of borage and bugloss have nearly the same effectiveness. They correct much of the impairment of the stomach, the heart and the liver because they remove syncope, reduce tremor and get rid of every excess heat and help greatly in melancholy. Another. The electuary of violets strikes against the heat of cholera, wards off thirst, gets rid of the heat of fever, relieves the chest and abdomen, helps one who suffers from a cough and may be given usefully at the beginning of pleurisy. Another. The electuary of adiantos , that is of flowers of tamarind, has the same comforting effect and therefore is useful in treating all distresses of the heart. Another. The electuary of flowers of water lily is very effective in removing the heat of venereal disease. Many other virtues are contained in this electuary that you will learn by working with it. Simple oxymel, effective and good.... 170 Take 2 lb. of honey and 2 egg whites, well beaten in the pot and made all into foam. Then put in the honey with 3 lb. of well water and put it on a slow fire until it has all foamed up. Do not touch it and when it begins to boil, remove it from the fire and strain it though 2 sacks, enough times so that it comes out very clear. Do not use those sacks to make the julep because it will be turbid. Wash the pot well and put the filtrate in it again and reboil very slowly until it reaches perfection in cooking and do the test on a card. Boil it until it reduces almost all the water and when it is close to being cooked, put in 6 ounces of very strong white vinegar and let it boil some. It will be made.... -------- [Page 308] when it begins to thicken enough so that it has and holds the odor of the vinegar that it needs to be effective and good. This lasts longer than a julep. Keep it in a clean bottle. Note some of the virtues of the simple oxymel. Primarily, it breaks up bad humors of various kinds and weakens them, especially humors in which phlegm predominates. It also breaks up humors in the stomach, the joints and the liver. In addition, mixed with fennel water, it is very active against prolonged fevers caused by excessive phlegm. It also has other virtues. Test it and you will see. The way simple syrups are made, with some of their virtues. Take the kinds of herbs from which you wish to make syrups, such as endive, chicory, sorrel, fumitory, mint, lavender, violet, rose and the 2 roots. When you make the juice of all these herbs, be sure they are fresh, clean and well washed and dry and that they do not have dew on them. First cut each one by itself into fine pieces. Then grind them well and put them in a canvas sack and press them well under the press to extract the juice. Then put it in a pot or in a little cauldron that is clean and polished. Do this work quickly because the juice cannot sit once made and spoils very quickly. Therefore put it at once on the fire to cleanse it. Make the fire low until the foam comes to a head and let it boil very slowly for half an hour. Then strain it finely. In this way make the juices of all the above herbs. Also all others are made in this way except for some flowers and those herbs that do not have juice but are dry. You can save these juices separately and put them in flasks or carafes. Fill them and put on a little olive oil and that preserves them by keeping out the air which makes them spoil so they are not good. Keep them in a cool place, covered so they are not spoiled. First we speak of the rose syrup that you have made. Take some of the infusion that you have made for the sugar laxative which is good and advantageous to use to make rose syrup. Violet syrup is made in this way. Take 4 or 5 lb. of cistern water and one pound of clean violets without pedicels. I recommend the ones the color of peacock blue. Heat the water so that it is ready to boil but does not boil and put therein the violets and stir them well up and down and cover the vessel well and leave it in a warm place for 24 hours. The next morning, remove the violets and press them well in the press. Then reheat the infusion as you did at first and put in more fresh flowers as you did before. Do it in this way 4 or 5 times, cleansing them on the fire and filtering it and the violet syrup will be made. Syrup of lavender. Take the pure flowers, cut them and grind them well and cover them with water because otherwise you will not extract juice. Cleanse them in the fire and then extract from them and it will be made. Preserve it like the others. Syrup of 2 roots is not preserved because it does not last more than a month. Take roots of fennel and the roots of parsley. Cut them and boil them with water until it is reduced a third. Strain this and press it well and it will be made, syrup of 2 roots. Syrup of mint, fumitory, endive, chicory and sorrel. All are made of the appropriate juice and preserved in the way described above. -------- [Page 309] How to cook the syrups. Take 2 egg whites and put them in the pot where you wish to cook the syrup and beat them very well so it is all converted to foam and the white does not run. Put therein 3 pounds of the juice of which you want to make the syrup and put in 1 ½ lb. of red sugar in little pieces and break it up with a spoon. Then put it on a low fire until the foam rises to a head and when it begins to want to boil, remove it from the fire and strain it in the pointed sacks described above. When it is all strained, put it again on the fire in the pot that has been cleaned. When it wants to boil, remove it from the fire and strain it one more time so it will be very clear and lustrous like its essence. Then put it again in the pot which should be well scrubbed and clean. Put it on the fire and boil it very slowly and remove the foam with the bottom of the spoon. Let this boil until it reduces at least 2/3 of the juice or make the test with the card to see if the drop is firm or not. Let it cook well because if it does not simmer and you keep it for a long time, with aging the sugar becomes candied which is not effective and good. Then when the syrup is cooked, put it in vitreous bottles to keep. You should know that to make the syrup, each pound of juice of the infusion needs a half pound of sugar and not less. Follow the rules in the way described above and all will come out well for you. These are some of the virtues. First of the violet syrup. It acts well to cool the sharp and choleric humor, by extinguishing the fever of the choler, cooling and removing the thirst and soothing the chest wonderfully. Also it acts against dry cough and tightness in the chest. Syrup of endive has the power to cool the sharp and biting choler, cools the burning, soothes and removes its sharpness, opens the obstruction of the liver, rectifying the illness. Syrup of fumitory is a very universal remedy for every thick mucus or dry and salt adust and is suitable where there is scabies, serious illness, ringworm, impetigo, salt phlegm, lepra, canker or eczema and is a great medicine for the French sickness.... 171 Syrup of lavender is very useful for persons with sickness of the nerves, especially from cold, and it is powerful against paralysis, spasm, epilepsy and debilitation of the nerves. It is not recommended for the elderly who are suffering from catarrh. Syrup of mint is moderately warming. It warms a little, hence it improves digestion of the stomach and with its natural warmth, restores the debilitated and inactive stomach. It is said, 'Mint is never slow in the stomach.' Syrup of sorrel juice is powerful against the fever of plague and cures the true plague and mitigates the heat and the thirst, keeps humors from putrefaction, quiets the fever of choler, improves the blood, reduces the excessive humors, strengthens the heart and removes syncope. To extract the juice of wormwood and many other herbs. Gather the absinthe before sunrise when it is tender. Grind it and put it in the press and extract juice. Then put it in the sun until it is almost solidified and make troches and save them. Some cook it until it has coagulated. The juice of fumitory and agrimony and many other herbs is made in this way to use in medicine where it is needed. -------- [Page 310] Syrup or beverage of great virtue which maintains health. Take 1 handful each of borage, parsley, beet, endive and celery, ½ handful each of chopped licorice, fresh anise, barley and currants, 1/3 of a bowl of red chick peas and 10 dry figs. Everything should be very clean. Put them together to boil in a clean pot with its cover very tight with 3 flasks of cistern water. Let it boil very slowly until it is reduced 2/3. Then strain it and press the herbs and everything under the press and extract all the substance. Then put it again on the fire and put therein 6 ounces of honey and 3 ounces of sugar from Saint Thomas and reboil a while until the foam has cleared. Remove it from the fire and when it is cool, place it in a glass bottle and it will be made, a very elegant beverage. In the month of March or April, take 5 doses of this syrup in this way. That is, in the evening when you go to sleep, take 4 ounces warm, but in the evening eat very little and drink less. If you do not eat, it will be better for you. In the morning at daybreak take another dose of 6 ounces, warm in the form of a syrup. Continue this for 5 mornings. On the last morning first take a cassia of 2 ½ ounces as a laxative diluted with boiled water or with milk whey about one hour before you eat a bowl of thin broth with 1 ounce of red sugar. Then dine and first eat two fresh eggs to put your stomach in order. Then eat well-cooked chicken or veal and for these 5 days keep yourself well governed. Do this once a year and you will keep yourself healthy, sound and lively and of good cheer. This has been tested repeatedly.... 172 For the man to remain healthy all year. Take 3 stalks of rue and 3 stalks of betony. Grind them and put them to soften in the evening in very good white wine. Drink 2 fingers of this every morning. Do this for all the month of May to the middle of June. Likewise this can be done with the juice of fumitory. Otherwise early in the morning you can eat 3 bits of the stalk of wormwood or of rue or of holy thistle or of horehound and you will stay healthy all the year. This has been tested. Against the swelling of the veins that follows the drawing of blood. Take equal amounts of rue, absinthe and barley and heat them well and fry them in a pan. Then reduce them to a poultice and bind it on the swollen area of the vein. Do this several times and you will be cured of the swelling. This is a useful secret. Another if the vein may have been ulcerated by bleeding. Take the earthworms that live underground and clean them well with white wine. Fry them in oil and, as warm as you can stand, put them on and it will help you greatly. Also this may be of value in swelling of the nerves. -------- [Page 311] Nature shows by signs from outside the distress within. It appears to me that nature, that is man, fails in three ways. The first way is through odors, that is when the odor of something malignant immediately occupies the principal members, that is the heart, the brain and the liver. These are the signs of pestilence, that is swelling of the glands in the emuntories of the principal members. When the heart is harmed the sign appears in the armpit. When the brain is harmed, the sign appears in the ears. When the liver is harmed, it appears in the right rib. When the spleen is harmed, it is in the left inguinal region. In addition some carbuncles come in other parts of the body and these occur when there is greater putrefaction and scorching of the humors in the body. When nature is strained too much to draw them out, carbuncles appear in the principal members. The chest shows the worst effect and this is because it is a sign that the humors are burnt up and putrefied around the region of the heart.... 173 The second way is by suffocation of the natural warmth, caused by humidity and watery putrefaction. Certainly we see such humidity gathered in our body and especially in the head through which swellings are generated in the throat. This illness is called quinsy from which some die. Sometimes heavy catarrh accumulates from which humans may quickly suffocate. Sometimes humidity causes deafness and damage in the head with accumulation of fluid in the eyes and great dullness, paralysis and epilepsy. The third cause is because worms are generated from bad humors through putrefaction. They may come to the upper parts of the body and make painful lesions until they make the body come into syncope from which it may not recover. If the condition is not helped, the person may soon die from the pain and also from the toxic fumes arising from the bad humors that break up and destroy the vital spirits. *Oil of tartar from wine casks, made by me, Friar Antonio of Spain. Take tartar from white wine and put it in a frying pan or dish two fingers deep and make it calcine in the pottery oven. Then put it in a vitreous pot with cistern water and if the pot is half full, fill it with water and put it on the fire until it begins to boil. At once remove it and empty it into a basin of vitreous pottery and make it pass, that is drip, through a piece of felt that is well stretched and cleaned. Put it in the pot on a trivet and boil it until the material stays congealed at the bottom. Then remove it from the fire and keep it until the next day to collect as much as you can. Remove it and grind it a little at a time in the mortar and put it in a bladder so that is half full or a little more, and if needed it can be put in 2 or 3 bladders. Tie them well so it cannot be spilled and put it to soften over water. At the end of 2 days it will be made. Then put it in an ampule and save it for your needs. It has many virtues which can be read in folio 106. This is the better and more pleasant way to make it and it makes more oil. It has been tested. -------- [Page 312] The man who loses blood by blood-letting in order to gain health. These things are agreeable for health. First, good bread of grain, well raised with yeast and well cooked, a little light wine to drink that does not fill up the stomach, eggs, fish that come from rocky places and meat of young pig or mutton or other young animals, of kid and pullet, and the little apples that are found at this time. But do not eat cabbages of any sort because they generate poisons in the stomach, nor cheese nor anything cooked with it. So say Galen and Hippocrates in 64 aphorisms in the fifth particular. It is a very bad thing to give milk to the feverish or to those who are suffering pain. On the day that blood is drawn, one must not sleep because through sleep a kind of little fever arises that makes the person develop syncope, that is depression of the heart or dimness of vision in such a way that in some it causes distress, that is swooning. This is the value of phlebotomy, that is of withdrawing blood. You should know that this reduction of blood has all these uses. First, it makes the mind pure and strong with a good memory, sharpens the senses, clears up the voice, sharpens the vision for one who has runny eyes, sets the hearing and the brain in order, improves the digestion, cleans out the bladder, calms stomach ulcers, drives out bad blood and saves the good, calms the sexual character, warms the marrow, removes bad humors, takes away sleep and administers to a healthy life for a long time, whence Avicenna said, in the fourth of the first 80 principles, phlebotomy is the universal evacuation of all the humors. He who is sick with fever through too much blood or putrefied blood, the blood should be reduced at once at any time, ordinarily during the half moon under the sign of Gemini. When there is transient fever from bad blood, the blood is removed from the middle vein and from the vein of the heart in the right arm in the summertime but in the winter from the left. Another. Transient fever is one that lasts for the period of one day, more or less. Whoever has transient fever caused by heat or too much fasting, withdraw from the cephalic vein of either arm. Whoever is sick from a transient fever through fasting or coldness, watch when one withdraws his blood for he may become frantic. Withdraw from the vein of the head or the vein in the middle of the forehead. Whoever has a transient fever through debility, withdraw blood from the nose with a pig bristle. Whoever is sick with a transient fever through worms, withdraw blood from the vein that is between the ring finger and the little finger. In the man who is sick with quinsy, withdraw it from the cephalic vein of either arm. The man who is sick with transient fever as a result of an abcess, withdraw blood from the vein that comes from the little finger. Whoever is sick with transient fever from pleurisy, withdraw it from the vein of the heart in the direct way. That is, if the pleurisy is on the left side, it is withdrawn from the left and if it is on the right, it is withdrawn where the pain is, that is the right arm. -------- [Page 313] In the sick person with intermittent quotidian fever, that is which ceases for some space of time, blood is withdrawn from the middle vein. In the person sick with quotidian through one or the other phlegm, it is withdrawn from the vein in the right arm in the summertime and in the winter from the left. In the person sick from the salt phlegm with pruritis, it is taken out with cuppings on the legs and then cut. In the person sick with tertian fever, it is withdrawn from the basilic vein, that is from the vein of the liver in the right arm in the summertime and in the winter from the left. In the one sick with quartan fever, it is withdrawn from the salvatella vein of the left hand between the ring finger and the little finger. In the person sick with any other acute fever, it is withdrawn from the middle vein, that is the vein from the heart. In the one sick with any dropsy, it is withdrawn from the vein of the liver in the right arm in the summer and in the winter from the left. In the one sick with icterus, it is withdrawn from the basilic vein from either arm, either in summer or winter. In the one feverish from melancholy, insomnia and frenzy, it is withdrawn from the vein that is in the middle of the forehead. In the one sick through overheating of the liver, it is withdrawn from the basilic vein in the right arm. In the one sick through defect or impairment of the spleen, it is withdrawn from the salvatella vein of the left hand. In one sick through defect of the kidney or womb or bladder, it is withdrawn from the vein called the saphenous, that is the vein that is below the heel on the inside of either foot. In one sick through flatulence or bloat, it is withdrawn from the vein that is directed to the large toe of either foot. In the person sick in the lower parts, it is withdrawn from the saphenous vein on the inside of either foot. In one sick with sciatica, it is withdrawn from the saphenous vein above the foot in the ankle. In the one sick with gout, it is withdrawn from the saphenous and the basilic veins inside and above either foot. The remedy against swelling of the vein after withdrawing blood. Take equal amounts of rue, absinthe and barley beaten together in a warm pan, and make a poultice and put it on the vein and soon you will cure it, through God's grace. Another. Delirium comes from the abcess that grows on the membrane of the brain from agitation of blood or through heat or by one or the other. The tympanum is a membrane surrounding the brain and in the ear. If it should break, the ear will become permanently deaf. The remedy for this is to open the vein in the middle of the forehead and it will be cured. Opening the vein in the middle of the forehead is powerful against abcess of the eyes and against migraine, against very grave headache, against insanity, against delirium and against recent lepra. The four kinds of nature, sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic.... 174 The properties of the sanguine nature. In his nature he is rich and jesting, He is always delighted to hear a new rumor. His every concern is in luxury. He willingly laughs and keeps himself cheerful, He speaks neither gently nor in anger or fury. His heart is easily distracted by anything, Whatever stirs his sanguine humor. He is suited to study every mysterious thing. He delights in tasting various foods. He loves freely and is kind, With a very quick and bold manner. A red color may spread over all his body. With songs and speech he never has enough. His limbs are heavily dressed with flesh. -------- [Page 314] Properties of the phlegmatic nature. Phlegm is moist and cold like the element water. He resembles it, being large and stout. Whatever such a nature does by chance, It is with little force, lazy and slow. He hates to wake up. Idleness is his great talent. He is not astute. His desires are crude Because no one taught him better. Much of his cleverness is to ignore things. His glory, his desire, his repose, These are found in sleep. Every motion of his body is slow, Except when he sleeps or dozes. His stomach cannot speak, but if it spoke For his body, it would not be lying. Properties of the choleric nature. If choler is kindled in someone It makes him impetuous by nature. Whatever he wants to undertake, Whatever he desires, quickly Grows to great importance to him. He has a strong and vigorous spirit For everything. He can be generous But only if it is not important. Immense astuteness in cheating others Rules such a nature. He gains his strength By helping himself and spending. Boldness and irritability mark him. He has little flesh and his limbs are slim. His complexion is yellow as saffron. Properties of the melancholy nature. The melancholy humor is sadder than any other. It makes a man's nature depressed and low But very eager to acquire things. He is devoted to study and equipped for it. Sleep in such a humor strengthens his step And in the evening he may wake up. He speaks always of things profound That he wants to put into effect And considers everything is a problem. More timid than a deer, and devious, He has plenty of avarice in his breast, And envy grows within him. His complexion is the color of earth. Nature has 4 components: cold, dry, warm and humid. The 4 elements from which the world is maintained have these components. Fire is warm and dry, air is warm and humid, water is cold and humid and earth is cold and dry. So are the bodies of persons and of animals that are on earth, and from these proceed the 4 humors. That is, choler is warm and dry, phlegm is cold and humid, blood is warm and humid, melancholia is cold and dry. Also the year is divided in 4 parts, that is, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Spring is [warm] and humid like the blood, summer is warm and dry like choler, autumn is cold and dry like melancholia, winter is cold and humid like phlegm.... 175 According to philosophy, spring begins on February 22 and ends on March 24. Summer begins on March 25 and ends on August 23. Autumn begins on August 24 and ends on November 24. Winter begins on November 25 and ends on February 21. Spring has 92 days, summer 91 days, autumn 92 days and winter 90 days. You should know that fire, summer and choler are of one and the same consitution. Water, phlegm and winter are of one constitution. Air, blood and spring are of one and the same constitution. Autumn, earth and melancholia are of the same constitution. Each of these observations, in truth, confirms the other, for the flesh and bone resemble the earth, the blood resembles water, the respiration the air, and heat the fire. -------- [Page 315] The 4 digestions of nature. Note that these are the 4 digestions of nature that turn our food into the human body. Viz. 1. The first digestion is made in the stomach and there the food is cooked in the stomach and the substance of the food is sent to the liver through certain veins that transfer the nourishment. 2.The second digestion is made in the liver and the substance that the stomach has sent to the liver is converted into blood that the liver sends by the veins. 3.The third digestion is carried out in the veins which are nourishing the limbs. 4.The fourth digestion is made in the limbs by the capillary veins.... 176 1. The excess of the first digestion is the feces which nature sends to the bowels. 2. The excess of the second digestion is the urine which the liver sends to the kidneys. Then the kidneys distill it to the bladder through 2 pores, called the ureters, that are hung in the flesh. 3. The third excess of the digestion, which is made by the veins, is the sweat. 4. The excess of the fourth part of the digestion is the nails and the hair. This is enough for you to know about the secrets of digestion.. Part of knowledge about the urine. How to know the urine. First, know that the 2 things that give color to the urine are the natural warmth of the body and the coldness and the 2 things that give texture to the urine are the humidity of the body and the dryness or the heat. The heat gives it the white color and the humidity gives it thickness, that is the turbidity. The dryness gives it clarity and makes it clear. One should examine the urine well outside and in the urinal. First, you should know well that if the urine is red and very vermillion and thick and not clear, this signifies that the blood is too abundant. If it is vermillion and clear or yellow, it signifies that there is too much heat. If it is white and thick and dark in color and more thick than very clear, it signifies that there is too much phlegm. If it is white and clear and transparent, that signifies that there is too much melancholia. If it is brown and clear, that is transparent, that signifies that the blood is overheated through too much heat and there is great debility. If it is green and transparent, that signifies that there is very great debility of spirit so the blood appears polluted. Another way to know if any infirmity might be cured or not. Take the urine of the sick person and put on it a little milk from a woman. Add it very gently and if the milk goes to the bottom, the sick one will die. If the milk stays on top, he will be cured. This is a useful secret. Another. Rub the soles of the feet with a little lard and then give the lard to a dog or a mastiff to eat. If he eats it willingly, soon the sick person will be cured. If the dog does not eat it at once, consider the person's cure doubtful. Try this and you will see the proof of it. -------- [Page 316] To cure a head quickly that has been broken through a fall or other blow, provided that it is not fatal. When a person has fallen or has received a blow on the head and the head may be broken but the blow is not fatal, do this. First make a bandage with egg white and salt and soak a stupe in it and put it on the wound. If the blood continues to flow from the wound, put on another bandage after adding a little finely-ground soot. Wrap it well and let it stay on not less than 24 hours. If the damage is where there is hair, clip that first under the bandage. When you remove it, medicate only with rose oil and threads with a little cloth. Vz.... 177 Note. Take warm rose oil and make the tents of fine threads and spot them with rose oil and put this tepid on the wound so it is well covered with the tent. Rub around the wound with a double layer of cloth and put it over the tent and then put on another dry cloth and bind it with a bandage and let it stay that way. Treat once or twice a day, according to how serious you think the wound is, because this rose oil rapidly removes the pain and soothes the sore and also cleans it. Do this for 3 or 4 days and not more. Then take some gold unguent and medicate with this, first making the tents only of thread and putting this unguent on the wound. Then put on a bandage with this unguent on it and rub around the wound with warm rose oil. Continue in this way until it is cured because this unguent makes the flesh grow and when the flesh is ready, do not put on another tent, but you can put on a cerate of red lead or other primary plaster, according to how it seems to you, and the wound or break on the head will be cured. The patient should take care of himself for 8 to 10 days and not drink wine and stay on a diet of bread and boiled water and, with the aid of God, soon he will be cured. It has been tested.... 178 *Celestial water, very wonderful for preserving health for a long time. Take 1 ounce each of nutmeg, cloves, galingale, cardamon, grains of paradise, cubebs, mace, cinnamon and ginger. Everything should be ground together finely in a mortar. Then take one siala of good brandy and with the above put it in the glass still and distill it with a slow fire. The water that distills is used for its power in place of balsams. It is powerful in all illnesses from humidity and repairs coldness and clears up vision because it draws into itself all the virtues of the herbs. It opens up all abcesses, internal and external, if it is put on the painful place. It makes the tongue eloquent, if seven drops are drunk with a cyathus of good white wine when going to sleep. It hardens and draws together mercury, giving up the incorporeal spirits. If you put oil in this water, it goes at once to the bottom. Also it cooks eggs and keeps meat and fish from putrefaction. It restores and clarifies turbid wine. It takes away cataracts in the eye and any red color. It removes marks from an alb. It sharpens the intellect and makes the memory good. When it is used to rub four times in 7 days for six months, it retains and preserves health. It removes pimples, boils and all spots on the body. It removes pain from the teeth and bad odor in the nostrils, gums and jaws. It restricts cold and humidity so it makes the speech fluent. Before this water is drunk it is necessary to prepare the pills written below in two months, that is in September and October. Take them on one day yes, the next no. Use equal amounts of fine rhubarb, hepatic aloe and agaric. Make the pills with water of marjoram and you will see a great miracle.... 179 -------- [Page 317] Very aromatic elixir of life to preserve health and youth and to eliminate bad humors. Take 1 ounce each of preparations of galingale, of ambergris, of marjoram, of roses from Abatos, of cinnamon, of orris root, of dill, of barley sugar, of cumin, of anise, Galen's tonic, manus christi, ½ ounce each of preparations of amber, of sweet musk and of diapliris with musk, 4 ounces of syrup of French lavender, 2 ounces of syrup of licorice, 1 ounce of theriac of Andromachus and 8 ounces of fine sugar. The confection must be made of all these things and do not exclude any of them. Everything should be well mixed and incorporated in a mortar. Then put it in a glass bottle that has a narrow mouth so it can be tightly closed. Then put in 5 lb. of the best brandy made from the best wine in a glass still so well that it is without any water. Then cover the mouth of the bottle well with lute of wisdom so that gases cannot come out. Put the bottle in the sun or in a warm place, agitating and moving the glass with the material inside 2 or 3 times every day. Continue this for a month and at the end of this time let it sit for 8 days so the matter remains at the bottom of the bottle because the water will have taken all the substance of these things and will be the color of gold. Empty out the clear water by tilting. In this clear portion put musk and ambergris, about 1 dram each, and 2 drams of rhubarb. These three things should be ground together and wrapped up in fine silk and suspended in this clear quintessence to aromatize it and so you will have a very perfect water and a very noble elixir of life to use for the defects of human nature caused by phlegm in both men and women. It greatly soothes old age and preserves youth.... 180 Note that the use of this water or elixir does not need to be frequent. One who is past 30 years of age needs only to take a dose of 2 drams once a week with water of rosemary. One who is younger should take 1 dram at a time once a month with rose water and endive water. Also it has within it many other virtues as you will see for the other one which is written below. These both have been tested in the clinic in Bologna and in Lucca. -------- [Page 318] [Drawing on page.]" Elixir of life to preserve human nature following the method of the clinic in Bologna. Take 1 ounce each of ginger, cloves, mace, nutmeg, zedoary, galingale, long and round pepper, juniper berries, laurel berries, citron rind and melon rind, flowers and herb of sage, rosemary, fine marjoram, basil, round mint, pennyroyal, melissa, gentian, mountain mint, bishop's weed, aloe wood, lavender, elder flowers, white and vermilion roses, wild and cultivated cubebs, French lavender, cinnamon, cardamom, ground pine, germander, mastic, sweet flag, frankincense, grains of paradise, male incense, hepatic aloe, pine nuts, theriac, sweet almonds, pitted dates, dried sea grapes, dried ripe figs, seeds and flowers of dill, seeds of wormwood, mithridatum and rhubarb and 6 ounces of cleaned white honey. Then put therein fine sugar, twice as much or more than the above things. Be advised that all the herbs should be cut very finely and not ground and also all the roots, the bark, the dates and figs all should be cut and not ground. The raisins go in whole. All the spices should not be ground too finely and also the berries of juniper and laurel. All these things should be as fresh as possible and do not let them be gathered too long past the month of May. Put all these components together and incorporate all in 3 times as much brandy as the above things. The brandy should be distilled 5 times into a glass flask and made on a slow fire. Then put everything together in a large glass flask and the flask should first be well sealed with lute of wisdom. Put it in the brick oven walled up with clay and with some ashes sifted within. Put on the condensing cap and a large receptacle below with all the joints sealed with pieces of dough and bound so that nothing can leak out of any crack because that would give forth all its virtue. Then make a fire below with burning charcoal. First make sure that the oven is well closed at the top of the oven. Heat the oven and the ash very slowly and maintain the fire always so it stays barely warm. The components that are in the flask will be distilled very slowly and a very clear and beautiful water will distill out. Be careful as you see the liquid begin to change color to another liquid that looks like rain water, that is not as beautiful, clear and lustrous as the first. As soon as this change appears, change to another receptacle and collect this..... -------- [Page 319] [Drawing on page.] second distillation. Save the first one in a glass vessel and keep it well covered. The second liquid that comes out is not as perfect as the first and does not have as much virtue, except it makes the ladies beautiful. The second has the virtue that it removes all freckles and signs of other kinds and makes the skin very white and sweet-smelling. Accordingly this liquid is used by some great ladies and nobility such as princesses and queens. This is proof that it is better for this than all other things. Take the first distillation and weigh it and take again as much brandy in weight as this and this is called the mother balsam. Then let the oven cool and remove the flask and empty out the contents and with great dexterity put it in a similar flask. If you are able to remove the dregs at the bottom without breaking it, this will be very good and useful. Then take the two liquids together and cover them well and it stay thus to decompose with the dregs for 2 whole days. Then put it on a bain marie in the way that you see in the drawing, with its cap and receptacle. Close the joints well so that nothing escapes, as is described above. Put two large straps under the bottom of the flask so it does not touch the bottom of the water bath and do this with great care. Make a fire of dry wood, very little at a time, so that it slowly comes to distill and the liquid will be truly more perfect because in distilling it with a little fire your work becomes more perfect. At first the liquid comes out most clear and lustrous with a delicate and comforting odor. Be warned that as you see the liquid come out with a change in color to rainwater, that is of a more gray color, at once remove the receptacle with its liquid and at once put under another to receive the second liquid and seal the joints well as before so that no gases escape. Hold this first water very dear. It is more valuable than so much gold and you will be told below of its virtues. Keep the second water in its place, well covered, because it matters if it evaporates. When you see the cap change to a color that resembles blood, change the receptacle one more time but be quick to go from one to the other and seal everything well as said above. The first and the second waters have few differences in their virtues. The third truly is the color of blood and also place it in a large glass bottle to preserve this..... -------- [Page 320] treasure because no finer secrets of greater worth and value can be found in this world. We will tell some of the virtues of the first, second and third waters. Viz. 1. Note that the first and the second waters have almost the same virtues but the first is more potent and of that we will tell first. 2. If you put a little on a fresh wound, it will not need any other medication but it will be healed in 24 hours, as long as the wound is not fatal. 3. Another. If one has some old sore, wherever it is, or if it is a canker or abcess or lupus or on a retracted nerve or on a bone or in an old sore or lepra or noli me tangere , it should be washed thoroughly with these 2 waters, 2 times a day and in 15 days it will be cured.... 181 4. Another. If you will let a drop or a few drops fall on a carbuncle, in 3 hours or more the carbuncle will be destroyed and all poison will be gone. 5. Another. If anyone has sickness in the eyes, of whatever kind, by bathing the eyelids the tears will be dried as long as the eye is not destroyed. If a drop is put in the eye for 3 days, at the end of 3 to 9 days it will be cured and if it hurts a little that will not harm you. 6. Another. If a man has a stone in the bladder or in the kidneys or in the penis, he should drink one tablespoon of the water with half a glass of white wine or broth of red chick peas, but the water above is better alone, and in 2 hours or more the stone will be shattered, broken and splintered. Then you will urinate this in several little pieces and without any pain. 7. Another. If someone has hemorrhoids, bathe them 2 or 3 times a day and in 3 days or more you will cure it. 8. Another. Similarly, in sickness of the womb, the woman should drink 1 dram with a little chicken broth or good wine and she will be freed quickly. 9. Another. If someone is feeling pain of any kind or has fallen, bathe the painful place repeatedly and in 3 hours it will be relieved. Also it cures scabies and ringworm. 10. Another. If a nerve has been drawn or indurated or twisted, it should be bathed 3 or 4 times with the water and at once it will be relaxed even if it was harder than a rope. 11. Another. It is powerful in a discharge from the genitals in a man or a woman when it is drunk with water of betony or of plantain. 12. Another. It removes every venom from toads, spiders and scorpions. When several drops of the warm water are put on the puncture, it will soon be cured. 13. Another. If someone has eaten poison of any kind, he should drink as much of this water as he can and soon he will be cured, if the sick person can drink a large quantity and is not disturbed until the poison is quenched and destroyed. This has been tested. 14. Another. It cures scrofulas. By drinking it and bathing the openings of the sores with it, it soon cures them. This has been tested. 15. Another. For broken bones, bathing the injured place with it removes the bones from the flesh without injury or pain and strengthens the flesh. 16. Another. It removes any deafness and distress of the ears, by wetting a little cotton wool and putting it in the ears. It may be better to use a feather to drop this water in the ear. If you want to mitigate its strength, combine it with oil of bitter almonds or with oil of camomile and at once it will help you hear. 17. Another. It is powerful in arthritic pain, that is in arthritic gout that comes from cold. Wet a cloth and put it on the sore place. Do this several times and soon you will cure it. -------- [Page 321] 18. Another. It is powerful in stomach pain and restores the normal digestion when the top of the seriously dispeptic and upset stomach is bathed. 19. Another. It is powerful in every dysentery and diarrhea of the belly. By rubbing the stomach and the belly several times you will cure it. 20. Another. It is powerful against worms. They are killed when the stomach and the nostrils are rubbed with this water and a little is drunk. 21. Another. It is powerful in all fevers and cures them in a short time and in all infirmities that can happen to humans. But is to be noted that in cold fevers it should be tempered by warm things and in warm fevers by cold things, as will be said below. 22. Another. It is powerful in pthysim , that is syncope, and in epilepsy, gouty arthritis, strangury, paralysis and tremor of the limbs. If sore eyes are bathed with this repeatedly and a spoonful is drunk every day of this alone or with good wine for 3 months or more, you will be cured.... 182 23. Another. One who uses this blessed water will be free of every infirmity because it strengthens debilitated limbs, especially in the elderly, strengthens the brain and memory, augments the intellect, comforts the heart, purifies the blood, strengthens the lungs and clears them and bad breath and preserves the spleen from every injury. 24. Another. Using it cures apoplexy, that is a falling, if it should come. It quickly heals all polluted and cold humors and melancholy. 25. Another. It soothes the stomach and cleans it and even makes digestion good without harm. 26. Another. Using this water frees the person from tertian and quartan fevers and preserves the bowels in good condition. 27. Another. It has many and infinite other virtues which at present it is not possible to describe fully. Briefly speaking, for all the infirmities that can come, it restores the human body to health in a very short time. Note in using this water. It appears that it is better and lasts longer in the winter than in the summer. It is good any time. Leave it in the bottle from which you want to use it and take it alone or with something else that is also powerful. Although it may seem warm in potency to you, it is only working on the nature of humans. It soon proceeds to consume the bad humors and it quickly removes the bad and enhances the good. Note well that it is true that this water is so powerful that for the old, youth returns, and for the dead, living, by using it as is here below plainly said. By continuing to drink it each time as much as a grain in weight with a spoonful of water made from borage flowers, in a month the blood is renewed and the flesh, the skin, the hair and the marrow. If you are at the age of 80 years, it reduces you to the age of 40 in appearance. This has been proved by many persons in our time. Because I told you that the dead becomes living, I tell you when a man is in extremis of death, give him a spoonful of this water in the mouth alone or with broth or wine. Bathe the forehead and wrists with this and soon he will return to life and will be able to confess and to make his testament and also will be able to live according to his age and the vigor of his natural constitution, because many have taken it and with these good effects they have continued to live for many years and many now are dead. When you see this good sign, do not give anything to eat for the space of an hour or 2 and then give some food of great substance, a little each time and repeatedly. So it aids and strengthens little by little and, with the aid of God, he will go from good to better by continuing to use this water as described above. -------- [Page 322] The third water is blood-colored. You should know that it is a most precious water because if a person uses it in the amount of half a spoonful for 15 days, in a short time he will be freed from every serious illness: lepra, phthisis, paralysis, dropsy, gout and similar problems. It can make one free without fail by the end of 2 months. We saw it work, we tested it and we proved through experience that all infirmities are healed quickly by this great water. Note well all the times and the requirements when you or others will be ready to make the above-described elixir of life. You will need a good hour to prepare the above items, especially the spices and all the other things, little by little, following the specifications for the dry things from the apothecary's shop. Arrange with the people who bring the roots, herbs, flowers and seeds, that all be brought at one time. Do as is described above that the spices should not be ground too finely and the herbs and roots should be cut minutely and not ground. Put the raisins in intact and cut the dates and figs. Everything should be well organized, that is laid out and put on a table and each one should be known by its place, as when electuaries ar made. Then stir everything together and put everything in the flask. If all the things are fresh you will extract more virtue and substance than if they are dry. Therefore I give you this good advice as a small gift. Also I remind you that first you prepare all the pieces of equipment that are needed, such as the main brick oven with clay and the finely-sieved ashes to hold the flask and the flask sealed and dry and the glass free of gravel or little stones because that would make it easily broken, and the charcoal to make the fire. To do the cooking, prepare the water bath and the receptacle with 2 straps to suspend the flask so it does not touch the bottom. This is an ingenious way to hold the flask in the water so the flask is not rocked about. It needs to be steady and firm like other instruments of glass that are broken by moving. Prepare the cap and the receptacle and the other ampules made of heavy glass with cloths to tie around the joints of the cap and the receptacle. Have the wood dry and soft and make the fire low and moderate. Patience must govern you and it is your teacher. With the aid of God, all things will go well and they always go from well to better. This has been set up and prepared in the clinic at Bologna and has been made many times. -------- [Page 323] The virtues of celandine that in itself contains an elixir for mankind. Take half a handful each of wormwood, anise, betony, basil, butcher's broom, mountain mint, sedge, cedar, sweet flag, flowers of camomile, gentian, galingale, St. John's wort, sea holly, lavender, mint, marjoram, Roman pellitory, pennyroyal, burnet saxifrage, pellitory of-the-wall, sage, bran dust, camel's hay, French lavender, escarole, savory, asparagus, spike lavender, bee orchid, tamarind, thyme, valerian and zedoary. Spices: 1 ounce each of white incense, mastic, cloves, cubebs, long pepper, tragacanth, cinnamon, cardamon and zinc carbonate, and 3 lb. each of fragrant white wine and white honey. First take the herb celandine with the root, stem, leaf, flower and seed in whatever quantity is needed to extract about 10 lb. with a flask and a half of water. Cut it minutely. It should be gathered it early in the morning during the half moon. Put it in a flask and put it under manure and let it stay warm for 20 days. Then remove it and distill the flask with its cover and its receptacle that has the joints well wrapped so that nothing escapes. Make the fire very low and it will distill for you a very clear and lustrous water. Then put this water in a flask and put therein the above spices, all made into powder, and the honey, wine and anise. Stopper it and put it in the sun for 10 days. Then put in all of the above herbs, flowers and roots, sliced and cut finely and let them stay thus with everything together fermenting for 2 whole days in the sun or on warm ashes. Then distill it with a very slow fire in a water bath with the cap and the receptacle and the joints closed with cloths and dough and set it up with bands so the flask stays steady in the water and does not move. When a third of this water has been distilled, watch it well and you will see the water change color. At once put a new receptacle to collect the second water and when you see that no more comes out by continuing the low fire, then put on another receptacle and increase the fire to lively. Oil colored red will come out. Put everything in its place in glass ampules that stay well sealed and save these for your needs. Below we will tell some of their virtues and some have been tested. Viz. The first water is clear and lustrous and has the property that it is powerful in all infirmities of the human body, both warm and cold, which is in itself a secret of nature. Another. One who drinks this water and washes all the body carefully will at once get rid of scabies and lepra, quickly and without doing anything else. Another. It will soon cure one who has sickness within, that is distress of the heart and fainting. Another. Drinking a little of it will cure one who has defect of the lungs or difficulty breathing. Another. Washing a swollen face with it several times, firms up the face. Another. It modifies the blood and gives great hope that soon one will be cured if one who is sick drinks this water for 3 mornings in the form of a warm syrup. -------- [Page 324] Another. If a man or woman will have washed the face and hands in the second celandine elixir and dried them and will drink ½ ounce in the morning in 2 fingers of malvasia or other very good wine, this will renew youth. If they are 60 or 70 years old, it will make them appear like 30 years. It augments the spirits, strengthens the nerves and increases the sperm. Another. It is powerful in every problem with a nerve that may have been bruised or cut. Bathing the location several times heals rapidly all the defects of nerves. Another. If someone has a cut in the eye or it is damaged from any problem and that causes any kind of illness, bathe it every morning and evening and soon it will be cured. Another. Using the third distillation in every way saves one from all bad humors and especially from phlegm. Another. It is powerful in the spasm of death when half a spoonful is given to drink and with bathing the wrists. It revives the person as soon as it is swallowed because it soothes the heart at once and rewarms it. If the elderly use this in a small amount, it removes the infirmity of old age. Bathing with this water several times will make you young and lengthen your life. Another. It is powerful to heal old and recent sores and cankers, fistules and abcesses if they are internal. Drinking it breaks them open and heals them quickly. Another. If a woman drinks it when she has difficulty in pregnancy or other internal or external distress and bathes the sore place she will soon be cured through God's grace. Many other virtues are found in this that you will find yourself by experimenting. Keep to the rules described above in compounding all these things and their sequence and you will succeed well. The herb holy thistle, that is the Turkish herb, and its virtues. To begin with, eating the fresh herb cures the action of a recent poison. Another. Eating this herb cures headache and migraine. It restores the hearing of one who has lost it through sickness. It restores the memory and cures dizziness. It cures weak and paralyzed limbs. Eating it repeatedly cures the spleen. It breaks the stone. It cures bad breath caused by stomach problems. It heals catarrh. It helps in all distress of the stomach and headache. Cooking this herb with water and drinking this, heals all bad humors and removes them quickly. Another. If the herb is dried in the shade and made into fine powder and put in fresh water and the eyes are washed with this, it cleanses them and restores them and cures cataracts and other impediments. Drinking this powder with broth in the morning on an empty stomach clears the throat and removes all the phlegm, stimulates the appetite, opens up the chest, destroys bad blood and keeps the good and removes every pain of the body. Drinking this powder boiled with wine makes you sweat and extracts every sickness. Take it before a fever comes and you will be cured. If one has become infected, put some of the powder on the infection and it will cure it. If you put it on a wound where there may be broken bone, it will draw it out without discomfort. The root removes pain in the teeth when it is held in the mouth. It is for women in parturition. Another. Cook this herb in the urine of children and make suppositories of it. It cures every fall, plague, epilepsy and hip pains. The cotton fluff that is in the flower rapidly cures wounds without pain when it is put on them. Fill a little sack and put it on a cut and let it stay and it will cure it. The cotton fluff with the juice stops bleeding from the nose. Note that this is a holy herb and brings health in many infirmities. The King of India sent seeds to the most holy Pope Martin as a most unusual gift. We have tested the herb and have found 72 virtues in it.... 183 -------- [Page 325] To distill herbs and flowers or whatever you wish in a bain marie with several decanters and with the philosopher's tower. [Drawing on page.] In the first place you need to make an oven, that is the philosopher's tower, with its cover as you see in the figure. First in the design is the height, at least 2 arms high, more or less according to how it seems to you, made of bricks on edge or of paving tiles and mortar made of strong lime with powder of mastic, egg white and linseed oil. Incorporate everything well and make a good and strong plaster that has resistance to fire. Put the bricks on edge and join them well together, one with the other and tight. Make good plasterwork around the outside, well pressed and glazed so the water is not able to pass through. Also make good plasterwork inside. Inside the tower at the height of a palm from the bottom, put a graticule such as you see. It holds the charcoal that is put in the tower and it should be made finely of iron. Fill up the little tower with charcoal and put on its cover. Through the opening below begin the fire in the charcoal and this will go on burning little by little and the ashes will drop down through the graticule. Then around the little tower, make a wall of a belt of bricks on end with the best plaster. On the inside around the tower there should be an opening at least half an arm's length and the tower should rise at least as much as a palm's width, more or less, above the container, according to how it seems to you. Plaster the container well.... -------- [Page 326] [Drawing on page.] both inside and out so that water standing in it cannot pass through, either out or in. The container must not slip past the ring under the little tower which is made with art and ingenuity and with very good plaster that holds in the fire that sits in the warm water, as you see. Keep in mind when you are making the container around the philosopher's tower that you will have it full of water and that it may also have 2 or 3 or more tubes, according to what you want because it can take as many as 4, as long as they can be accomodated around it. Fill the tower with charcoal from above so that there will not be too much air or the charcoal will burn too fast because there is too much venting below. Make the fire below with an oil lamp or with a little wood and soon it will be ignited and the ashes will fall down, little by little, dropping through the graticule and also the hot charcoal, bit by bit. This fire maintains the water always very hot. It will keep it always hot for all the tubs in which the flasks are placed, conducted through to them by tubes, as you see. The tubes stay continually in the water and because of the circulation they always stay very warm. By this conduction the water in the tubs is maintained very warm and by that steady warmth the flasks distill all that you put in. You will not do better in construction than what is told to you here and in the way that you see here in the drawing. -------- [Page 327] Also you can add other tubs, as many as can go around with the flasks inside and they will all distill with one fire if the tubes continue to carry warm water to the tubs and it distills. Put in the bottom of the tub one of those tripods, as you see, with those holes covered around with cloth or tow so that the bottom of the pot or flask sits on it securely without fear of breaking. Do it in a way that the flask is firm in the water without moving. When you see the distillate change, remove the receptace first, then its cover. Then remove your flask or pot and with dexterity remove the dregs and put in another that you want. Then return it as it was at first with its cover on and well closed with the receptacle below. With this fire you will be able to make the change 2 times a day and you will draw off a great amount of water. This water carries with it the odor and the flavor of the herbs or flowers. Whatever kinds of flowers or herbs are used, you will know by the taste of the water which kind of herb or flower it is. This kind of water distilled in this way in the bain marie is much praised over all the other distillations of waters as being very suited to our nature. It is praised by doctors and expert physicians because, made in this way, it does not take on bad odors of any kind because the heat is continually temperate and never fails from the charcoal in the tower. As described above, the heat is always obtained when it is needed so that in the night it continues to distill and there is no danger that the water will not come out clear and beautiful. Note that these are distilled in this way: roses, violets, carnations, jasmine or other flowers, or herbs like basil, tamarind or sage or whatever herbs are desired. You should know that the water carries with it essence from the things that you have put there. If you will do this distillation you will please the laity and especially the excellent and expert physicians who will not carry out so much boiling and decocting. It has been found that this will be more pleasing by being more delicate, clear and beautiful. Be careful that the container that is around the tower must be covered so that the heat does not escape or go away and it should always be kept warm so it will distill more rapidly. The water should always stay full and equal to the opening of the tubes so the heat can always get out into the container of hot water and it distills readily as you have intended. This method of distilling is much used in places that have large and frequent use. To distill various kinds of odorous waters in the bain marie. First take some tender leaves of laurel and leaves of cedar, of lemon, of oranges, of myrtle and of greater trefoil and distill each by itself in the bain marie, as you see in the figure below. Otherwise distill as in that above where many are distilled in the bain marie. I draw this other for you in the other way so that you can take that which suits you better. Then after they are distilled, put each one by itself in the sun for 15 to 20 days, well covered, because the sun decomposes them and gives each one a certain blend composed of its special odor that when it is smelled, comforts the feelings and its odor is more gentle. This is the way to mix these waters to make an odoriferous, elegant and most invigorating water. -------- [Page 328] [Drawing on page.] Take the following kinds of waters distilled on the bain marie. These are odorous waters such as rose water or water of orange flowers, of myrtle, trefoil, marjoram, basil, sweet balm or jasmine or other odorous waters such as are made of cakes of rose, cedar, lemon, honeysuckle or squash flowers. Of these kinds of waters you can make a mixture of 3 or 4 or 5 kinds put together, as will be described. Take 5 lb. of rose water, 1 lb. each of trefoil, lavender and basil waters, 2 lb. of water from tender laurel leaves, 2 ½ lb. of water from cedar, 1 ½ lb. of lemon water and 3 lb. each of waters of orange flowers and of myrtle. Put all these waters together in a vitreous or tin-plated vessel. Cover it well and leave it in the sun for 3 or 4 days. Then if you wish to make it perfect and good so that your reputation is spread around, add in these things written below, that is, 3 ounces of solid storax, 4 ounces of yellow sandalwood, 1 ounce of aloe wood, 5 ounces of benzoin gum, 2 ½ ounces of cinnamon sticks, 2 ounces of cardamon or grains of paradise and 3 nutmegs. Everything should be cut up and not well-ground and the cinnamon sticks should be entire. Put all these components in the water. Stopper it well and let it stay in the hot sun for at least a month or more until it is well compounded together. Otherwise you can boil it on a slow fire, well covered, for a half hour. Then you can scent the water with musk in this way. Have a flask for 6 or 7 lb. and put therein 4 to 6 grains of musk finely ground with 2 or 3 drops of good oil or with 3 drops of brandy and with fine sugar. With this you can make 3 or 4 kinds of perfumes with ambergris, with civet and with camphor or with other odors as you or anyone wishes. When you have composed it, let it stay in the sun for 15 to 20 days, well covered, and you will have a very odorous and elegant essence to give to any noble, high-class, elegant person. -------- [Page 329] The most alluring perfumed water, very aristocratic and perfect. Take 1 handful each of lavender flowers, roses and musk roses and put all these flowers in a glass bell jar and put these powders on them, viz. ½ ounce each of grains of paradise, nutmeg, fine cinnamon and powdered cloves, ½ dram of camphor, 3 drams of scraped or ground aloe wood, 4 grains of ambergris and 1 ounce of powdered sedge. Also you can put in other flowers and mix well and put on the cover and distill it on the bain marie or on a slow fire. You will have a water never equalled in fragrance that greatly invigorates the brain and aids in retaining memory. This is the water for princes, dukes and kings. Another fragrant water to make with little expense. Take one carafe, about one pound more or less at your discretion, of rose water or other fragrant water and put in 3 or 4 drops of odorous oil. Shake it and stir well up and down so the oil is well incorporated. Cover it and let it stay in the sun for one day and it will take on the odor of the oil. You will be able to sell or give it at your pleasure to any great lord and lady and it will bring you honor. Another. To make Water of the Angels, very grand and elegant for every use. Viz. Take 3 flasks each of rose water and orange flower water, 1 flask each of water of the tops of sour oranges, of Canary balm, of clover and of basil, 1 lb. of benzoin gum, 1 ounce of spikenard, 8 ounces of solid storax, 1 dram each of musk, civet and amber and 1 ½ ounces of cistus gum. Make a fine powder of the above spices and put them together with the waters in a vitreous receptacle. Incorporate everything well together, shaking it upside down. Cover it well and let it stay thus for one day in the sun undisturbed so that all is well incorporated. Then take this composition and distill it in a glass still with a low fire or on a bain marie and you will have a water never more odorous and sweet that you can put before any great prince. Another and similar Water of the Angels. Take 3 lb. each of rose water and orange flower water, 1 lb. each of water of basil and of clover. Then put in 8 ounces of benzoin gum, 3 ounces of solid storax, ½ ounce each of aloe wood and powdered sedge, ½ dram of musk, 3 grains of civet and as much fine sugar as half a chestnut. Grind the musk finely with ½ ounce of good oil and also grind the civet with the sugar. The other things should be in powder. Incorporate everything and boil in a carafe or other suitable vessel, well covered, for an hour on the bain marie. Then leave it in the sun for 10 to 15 days and it will be made, perfect, elegant and good. It can be placed before any great prince. Another like the above. Viz. Take 3 lb. each of water distilled in the glass still from leaves of laurel, from cedar, from myrtle, from lemon and from oranges. All these should be from young leaves. Make it in the way described above. Another water like the first. Take 3 lb. of water of grains of paradise and 1 lb. of water of musk roses and distill in the way described above with 2 grains of musk and 6 grains of civet, ground in the usual way with sugar. Put this in a flask and put it in the sun, well closed, for at least 15 to 20 days and it will be made, perfect, odorous and elegant. Waters like these are made especially for gentlemen and for people who have the means to spend. -------- [Page 330] *The major cold seeds are four, viz. The four major cold seeds are those of melon, cucumber, cucurbit and citron. The four lesser cold seeds those of endive, lettuce, escarole and portulaca. Four grains are also seeds, that is endive, lettuce, plantain and portulaca and these are designated as the four common cold seeds. There are 5 common roots. They are fennel, celery, parsley, butcher's broom and asparagus. The common major warm seeds are these four: anise, fennel, caraway and bishop's weed. The four lesser warm seeds are parsley, cumin, watercress and celery. The crushed precious stones are these 5, sapphires, jacinths, rubies, emeralds and garnets.... 184 The dram is figured thus, , and weighs 6 little dinarii or 60 grains. The half dram is written, s or ½. Where you find a weight called an aureo , it weighs ½ dram.... 185 The scruple is figured thus, and weighs 20 grains of wheat. The dram is an eighth part of an ounce. The ounce is written thus, , or thus, oc or . The maniple [or handful] is written thus, m or M or a . The sazo weighs 30 grains, ½ dram. The ounce weighs 8 drams or 24 scruples. The pugil [or fistful] is a measure of 3 ounces. The aureus is 1 ½ drams or 1 dram in strong medicines. *Many remedies to cure the spleen in diverse ways. Take the juices of cyclamen and watercress, old olive oil and fresh butter, as much of one as the other and rub. *Another. Make it with 1/3 lavender oil. That is, if each of the above-described things is half a pound, the lavender oil is two ounces. *Another. Use as much clean wax as suffices to put all the above things together and boil them together on a slow fire until it reduces ¼. Rub the side of the spleen with this warm and put on a smooth warm cloth. Note that if you want to cure the pain of the spleen, one should watch out for the things written below. That is, every legume, vinegar, pork meat, new wine and raisins. *Another. Tamarisk leaves cooked in water and drunk. This water reduces the spleen. When the bark of tamarisk is cooked with wine, it relieves the hard spleen. A wine decoction of the ash tree, drunk on an empty stomach cures the spleen. This has been tested. *An ointment for the spleen. Rub the spleen with mallow and fresh butter with the patient in the sun or by the fire. The patient should be fasting. In another way, take wheat flour, barley flour, flax seed, fenugreek, dry figs and raisins soaked in vinegar, then boiled, rinsed and strained, with added wax and oil to make an unguent with which to rub the spleen. *Another. To soften the spleen, give this water to drink with wine or by itself. The best water is cooked from water of roots of fenugreek, celery, Roman pellitory, asparagus and butcher's broom, liverwort, maiden hair fern, wall rue fern, black maiden hair fern, rusty fern, spleenwort, dropwort and bark or tips of tamarisk. Give this by itself or with wine. If it is detestable to the patient, make a syrup with sugar. After purging, rub the spleen with honey with powdered mustard sprinkled over it. Then after 3 or 4 hours the large suction cup should be put on. This has been tested. *For blockage of the spleen and liver that comes from indigestion. Take dry cow dung, nettle juice, 3 eggs, old ordinary oil and sulfur and incorporate everything together and make a plaster and put it on the sore place. For sickness of the spleen and the liver and dropsy, hold to it as beyond understanding. It is a gift given by God. *For sickness of the spleen . Take the spleen of an ox and put it in a pot with 2 pails of water and cook it until almost all of the water is consumed. Then take the spleen as warm as one can stand and wrap it in a linen cloth and put it on the sick spleen. When it becomes cold, reheat it on the grill and put it on again. Do this 3 times and do it in the morning on an empty stomach and stay covered up in bed at once. Then take oil of capers and of laurel and rub them warm over the location of the sick spleen and put on warm cloths and in a few days it will be resolved. Give this beverage to drink. Take one handful each of fern, horehound, savin and tamarisk and boil them with good white wine. Make 9 glasses of this and take one glass every morning on an empty stomach and soon, with God's grace, you will be cured. This has been tested. -------- [Page 331] [This page is blank.] -------- [Page 332] [This page is blank.] -------- [Page 333] To distill diverse compositions of flowers, herbs and roots to make fragrant waters. Take some of the cakes of distilled roses that are somewhat soft and put them in a tub or other vessel in whatever amount you want. Put in some leaves of laurel, orange, lemon or cedar and some leaves of spike lavender or lavender and other odorous herbs and roots in whatever quantity you want as long as they are tender. Then put on some very warm water that covers them at least four fingers deep. Cover the vessel well and put it in a place that will stay warm, if you can, and let it stay thus for at least 6 to 8 days until it is heated together. Stir it every day with a rod or with the hands, bottom to top, so that everything incorporates well. Then distill the mixture in the still of your choice. If you distill it in a lead still it is truly good and odorous. But if you distill it in glass in the way described above, it will come out better for you, clearer and more fragrant. One who wants it clear and beautiful needs to keep the fire slow. There is a real risk that it may take on a bad odor, smoky or burnt, and the water will come out another color than white. If, by chance, the water comes out red when distilled and you want it to be white, distill it one more time and it will come out white, clear, beautiful and fragrant. Although it it true that it loses some of its odor, you will improve its composition. This water picks up odors and you can make different kinds of odors compounded with spices and with aromatic herbs and it will turn out very well for you. Another. If you wish to make other kinds of fragrant waters, distill these leaves, roots and powders. That is, take leaves and tender cuttings of cedar, lemon and orange and first do each separately in the still. Then do another separately of white lilies. Then put in 3 ounces of powdered cloves and 2 ounces of powdered orris root and distill it on a slow fire. If you distill it on the bain marie you will never smell a more soft and delicate odor. These soft odors greatly sustain the memory. When this water is distilled, let it stay in the sun at least 15 to 20 days so that the sun purifies it and augments the odor and it becomes more perfect. Do the experiment and you will find it is true because I made it and it turned out much better than one would expect. Do it and you will see. Another to make lavender flower water. Take lavender flowers or spike lavender in whatever quantity you want and put them in a glass flask. Put brandy from the third distillation so that the flowers are barely covered and let them stay for at least 2 or 3 days in a warm place. Keep it well-sealed around so that it does not lose its odor. Then put on rose water to cover the flowers at least 4 fingers deep and cover again as before and let this also stay for one whole day. Then put in whole cloves and 2 nutmegs broken up. Put on the lid of the flask and put it in a suitable place to distill with its receptacle below. Seal the joints with linen cloth and with dough so that in distilling no gases escape. Distill with a very slow fire or distill on a bain marie which is better and makes it more odorous. Then when it is distilled, let it stay at least 15 days in the sun. Then put in 2 or 3 grains of musk ground in the usual way. You will have a very odorous water.... 186 -------- [Page 334] Fragrant waters to compound the Water of Angels. Take 6 lb. of rose water, 3 lb. of orange flower water, 2 lb. of myrtle water, 1 ½ lb. of clover or lavender water, 1 lb. of spike lavender or basil water and ½ lb. of marjoram water. If you use waters distilled in the bain marie, they will always be better and more odorous than those distilled in lead, as has been said above. These are cleared in the sun in a glass vessel or in an oil jar that has been well cleaned inside. Put in the spices written below, that is 1 ounce each of fine cinnamon and orris root, 1 ½ ounces of solid storax, 2 ounces each of cloves and sandalwood, 2 ½ ounces each of benzoin gum and false cardamon or grains of paradise, 2 nutmegs, ½ ounce of mace and 2 drams of liquid storax. Take the cloves, the orris root and the benzoin gum and grind them minutely. Cut the sandalwood, the nutmegs and the storax as finely as you can. Leave the cloves whole. Put everything in the water and boil for one half hour, well covered, on the bain marie. Then remove it and leave it in the sun for 6 to 8 days and this will be your fragrant water, beautiful and good in all its qualities. To make it more perfect and with softer odor, strain it finely to make it clear and limpid and put it in a glass flask because it keeps better well-closed. Put in 4 grains of musk, 3 grains of ambergris, 2 grains of civet and an amount of camphor the size of a bean. Grind everything well by itself with sugar and 2 drops of brandy from the third distillation. With this the musk, the ambergris, the civet and the camphor are ground with fine sugar and 2 or 3 drops of good oil or oil of sweet almonds. Otherwise, take 2 or 3 whole almonds, break them up, grind them and grind everything with this. Put everything in the flask with water and shake it well up and down so that everything is well incorporated. Cover it well and let it stay in the sun for at least 20 to 30 days and shake it upside down at least once a day. In this way it will become very perfect, with very great fragrance and it can be placed before any great prince or nobleman. If you want to use it turbid, let it stay in the flask, and if you would like it clear, strain with a fine cloth and you will have a clear beautiful and odorous water. This is called the Water of Angels or Imperial Water and it is at your discretion to make it good or not. The way is open to make it good and it is given to you as the best, with the least expense, and it will bring you honor and increase your purse and do good work for you. Another kind of Water of Angels made in another way. Take 1 lb. each of the waters described above of leaves, powders and roots and that made of rose cakes, 2 lb. of rose water, 1 ½ lb. of orange flower water, 6 ounces of myrtle, 3 ounces each of clover and lavender and 2 ounces of spike lavender. Put them together in a flask and put therein these things, 1 ounce of benzoin gum, 1 ½ ounces of sandalwood, ½ ounce each of solid storax and aloe wood and 20 cloves. Everything should be coarsely broken up. Boil it in a bain marie for ½ hour. Then strain it so that it is clear and add 3 grains of musk, 2 grains of ambergris and 1 grain of civet, all ground in the way described above. Then put it again in the flask, well covered, on the bain marie for ½ hour but do not boil it at all. Then let it stay in the sun for 8 to 10 days and it will be made, fragrant, perfect, good and elegant Water of Angels. -------- [Page 335] Fragrant waters to make noble and elegant perfume. Take a fragrant water composed of 2 lb. of rose cakes, 3 lb. of rose water, 1 lb. of clover water, 8 ounces of lavender water and 4 ounces of spike lavender water. Compound all of these together in a flask and you will have a simple and very odorous water. If you would like to augment the simple water, put these things therein, viz., ½ ounce of orris root, 1 ounce of white sandalwood, 1 nutmeg, and 2 ounces of benzoin gum. Everything should be coarsely cut, plus 20 intact cloves. Put everything in the water and stopper it well and put it in the sun for at least 20 days. Every day when it is warm, mix it very thoroughly upside down so that the sun makes the odor compound by stewing in that way. In this way you will have a very wonderful, fragrant water that can be smelled from a distance. If you would like to add musk to it, first strain it carefully with fine linen cloth. I say arranged so it comes out clear and not turbid. Then put it in the same flask. Take 4 grains of musk from the Levant, not the imitation, because it is better than that from the west, and 2 grains of ambergris, ground finely, in the usual way with an amount of fine sugar the size of a bean that gives a certain grace that makes it incorporate at once all the other odors, and with 3 or 4 drops of good oil or oil from sweet almonds which you can make, or with 4 drops of brandy from the third distillation and not more. Put these with the water. Wash the mortar with this water and grind everything together. Stopper it and put it in the sun for 8 to 10 days and every day turn it upside down and you will have a water with very delightful odor. It is fit to appear before any noble person. It will be clear and lustrous and will always keep a good odor. Another composition of fragrant water for perfume. Take 2 lb. of rose water, 1 lb. of water of musk roses distilled in glass on the bain marie, 3 lb. of water of orange flowers and 6 ounces of jasmine water, put together in a glass flask. Then put in 4 grains of musk and 2 grains of civet or ambergris, which is better to accompany the musk, and grind them with sugar in the usual way described above. Stopper it well and let it stay in the sun for 15 to 20 days and it will be made, odoriferous, good and perfect. It will pass any test and will have an agreeable odor. Another way to prepare perfume. Take 4 lb. of rose water, 2 lb. of orange flower water, and 1 lb. of water of myrtle flowers. Put these in a flask and put in 3 grains each of musk and civet, 1 dram of powdered sedge and 2 drams of benzoin gum. Everything should be well ground as described above. Cover it and put it in the sun for 20 days and it will be made, a most odorous water. Never has there been such a fragrance that will bring you honor. Another way to add musk to simple rose water. This also can be used to add musk to all other kinds of odorous waters, either simple or combination as described above. Take 8 lb. of rose water, 5 grains of musk, 8 cloves and 1 ounce of benzoin gum. Grind the musk in a mortar with as much fine sugar as a bean with 3 drops of almond oil or brandy and put all these in the water. If you do not wish to work with all of the water, take half with the mixture in it and boil it covered on a fire or on the bain marie for little more than ½ hour. Then when it is tepid add this to the remaining rose water and incorporate it well. Stopper it and leave it in the sun for 20 to 25 days and it will be made, odoriferous, noble and elegant. It can compare with the other noble and elegant fragrances. -------- [Page 336] Water of orange rind distilled in the sun. [Drawing on page.] Take at least 10 oranges and remove the rind in 4 parts and cut away all that thick white that is on the inside. Do not take anything but the yellow peel if you can. Cut that into 2 or 3 or 4 little pieces and thread them on a little string, one next to the other. Put this string in a bowl or flask without a cover and adjust it so it does not touch the bottom or any side and fix the string in the top of the bowl in a way that it does not touch the side. Then cover it on top with a card and do it in a way that does not allow anything to escape. Put this bowl in the sun on some window that has the sun from morning to evening, if you can. It will distill the rind that is in the bowl and distill a clear water, I say most clear, and it will be very odorous and comforting to the mind with a most agreeable odor. The way that you have made this you will be able to make others, as many as you wish. If by chance it is not distilled in one day, put it in the sun again for another day or more until the water is all distilled. You will know by this sign, when the rinds become black and dry as if they have been touched by fire. Remove it with care and empty the water into another vessel and keep it well closed. Little by little you will have uses for the water and save it as something dear. It has these properties and virtues, viz. Note that if you give a child, who may be ready to die from worms, 2 or more tepid ounces to drink, the child will soon recover and it kills the worms. This has been proved. Also it has a pleasing odor if a woman or a man will wash hands and face and let it dry. Take a little of this water in your hand and wash the face and let it dry by itself. You will smell an odor all day that will please you and will please anyone who smells the odor. If a woman frequently puts it on her flesh it will please her greatly and she will want to use no other to whiten it because it is very good for whitening the skin and especially that of the woman. This has also been tested. You can distill in the sun in this way whatever you want, flowers such as jasmine and violets and pleasing herbs such as eyebright and lady's mantle, for water to be used in the eyes, and other pleasing things by your inventiveness. If you will follow the rules given above, all these will succeed and they will bring you honor for it. -------- [Page 337] Ordinary distilled waters and some of their tested virtues. [Drawing on page.] First do the distillation that you want of herbs, flowers and roots, distilled in a lead still as you see in the figure, or in a still made of terracotta, well fired inside and out that is used often and makes good waters, better than the lead still. But do not exclude distillation in glass and especially with the bain marie which is unique from all other distillations. Then there is distillation in the sun which is weak distillation that is used to make some water for the eyes or other such use. Because we are speaking of distillation in the lead still, we put in this figure so that you can see the way it is made and how the stills are placed. Viz. Note that when you want to distill herbs make sure that all the herbs are mature, that is they have begun to flower. Collect them after the sun has dried the dew. By following this rule, all your waters will be preserved well and completely and they will last a long time. On the contrary, if you take them before they are mature and distill them, the waters will not last and soon are spoiled and the water becomes slimy and viscous. At that time you need to break it up and filter it or redistill it again. It is true that the water is not as perfect as it was at first, but it is good. -------- [Page 338] The virtues of some distilled waters. First we will speak of water of couch grass which, when drunk in quantity, has the property of making worms burst and die. It opens blockage of the spleen, of the liver and of the lungs and stimulates urine when a glass is given to drink in the form of a syrup early in the morning. It has many other virtues and is especially advantageous to use for little children with worms and fever. Another. Water of absinthe cleans the stomach, removes every fever and kills worms when it is drunk warm in the morning. Another. Water of borage removes every problem of the head, clears up mucous discharge, makes the blood good, strengthens the heart and is very powerful in this when it is drunk early in the morning on an empty stomach. Another. Water of violets removes every problem in the head, clears up mucous discharge, makes the blood good, eases the heart and aids the nerves when drunk with wine in the morning or any time. Another. Water of fennel, drunk in the morning, soothes the stomach, clears the mind and removes flatulence. It takes away the pain and tearing and every cloudiness of the eyes when they are washed with this and when it is drunk in the morning. Another. Water of eyebright opens the visual system and improves the sight, clears away any humors that come, cleanses the liver, the kidneys, the bladder and the intestine, improves the stomach when it is taken in the morning on an empty stomach and when the eyes are washed with it. Another. Water of scabiosa opens the chest and removes distress and breaks up the abcesses within. It aids the strength of all the body, makes a good stomach, improves the liver, the spleen and the lungs. It helps in cough, catarrh and joint pain and helps remove fever when one glass is drunk tepid in the morning as a syrup. Another. Water of agrimony removes every problem of the stomach, soothes the nerves, improves the spirits, helps the liver, removes every distress of the heart and soothes the mind when one glass of it is drunk tepid early in the morning with very good wine. Another. Water of saxifrage soothes the stomach, opens the exits of the kidney, cleanses the liver, improves the lungs, opens the passage for urine and breaks up stone in the kidneys and the bladder and pushes out the stone, when it is drunk with good warm wine early in the morning. Another. Water of lemon balm cleanses the liver, the stomach, the lungs and the swollen spleen, strengthens the heart, removes bad odor from the mouth and the gums and removes every trouble of the stomach and cleanses it, when it is drunk on an empty stomach. Another. Water of hyssop when it is drunk warm is good against cough and cold in the head and the stomach. It dries up every mucous discharge from the head and the gums and the mouth. It should be drunk in the evening and morning. Another. Water of rue is powerful against every spot in the eye by washing the eye with it and it wonderfully aids the vision and reduces tears when the eye is washed with it early in the morning. Another. Water of plantain reduces diarrhea and relieves constipation, removes inflammation in the lungs and the spleen, cures dropsy and removes every inflammation or swelling inside, when it is drunk warm with wine early in the morning in the form of a syrup. Another. Water of nightshade is effective in the overheated liver and it is cooling when it is drunk with wine in the morning on an empty stomach. Another. Water of knot grass or polygonum removes any distress of the heart, dries the spleen, the liver and the lungs and relieves the abdomen. It antagonizes a venomous bite when it is drunk warm at that time or in the morning. It modifies the putrefaction of wounds and the dripping of semen. Another. Water of potentilla, that is cinquefoil, is able to cause urination to remove gravel and is of considerable help in quartan fever. This has been tested. It is drunk warm. -------- [Page 339] Electuary for the memory. Take 6 drams of red roses, 5 drams of sedge, 3 drams each of cloves, mastic, lavender and wild spikenard and 1 dram each of cinnamon and crocus. All these things should be well ground and sieved and cooked with 1 lb. of cherry plums and with 7 lb. of ordinary water. Boil it until it reduces 1/3. Then strain it and put in 1 lb. of cleaned honey and let it cook until it becomes thick. Put in the above powder and stir well with a spatula of willow or cedar wood until it is well incorporated. Put in one dram of musk. Give the amount of a nut of this in the morning and the evening with good white, odorous, undiluted wine. Another to make a good, retentive memory in a short time in a way that reading a great sermon in the evening, you will have it all in memory in the morning. Viz. Take 8 glasses of ordinary water and 2 ounces each of laurel leaves and French lavender and boil them until it is reduced more than in half. Then strain it and squeeze the leaves well in the press. Put in a little well-washed turpentine. First wash your head with good lye and dry it and rub the temples with this ointment. This is a proven thing. Another to make a great and lasting memory, very quick and retentive. This wonderful unguent was used by Pope John and Pope Urban. Viz. Take 4 ounces each of roots of bugloss and of lesser valerian and 2 ounces of roots of rue and powder them finely. Then take 1 ounce of cashew nuts and make it into fine powder. Next take 1 ounce of testicles of a 2 year old beaver and 2 ounces of well-powdered ash tree seeds. Blend together the powdered cashew, the beaver testicles and the ash tree seeds. All of the above things can be mixed with the juice and the powders. Then take a little pot of vitreous terra cotta and put it on the fire and put therein some bear fat and melt it. Put in the powders with the juices, little by little, always mixing and putting in some of the fat until it makes a very soft unguent. Rub the temples, the site of the memory, the forehead and the nape of the neck with this. Do this 3 or 4 times a year. Continue this rubbing at various times. When the memory is seriously faulty, rub more or less according to how you see the need. Another. Take the herb that is called ranchata and make it into juice mixed with a quantity of grains of long pepper and put it in the hot sun for 15 to 20 days. Then remove the pepper grains and put the water again in the sun until it appears that it is well made. When you want to use it, wet and rub both temples, the head, the wrists and the hands very well. Do this 2 times a month, according to how you see the need. When you want to be more active to do work in the clinic, you want to drink a half glass of this water in the evening and at the same time bathe the wrists. [One remedy crossed out] *Another to make a good voice. Take hyssop and cook it in water with honey and dry figs and drink this decoction. It removes cough and clears up the voice, heals the lungs and the chest of the humors that descend from the head. Drinking it repeatedly gives the face a good color. *Electuary to clarify the voice. Take 4 ounces each of hyssop and laurel berries, 2 ounces of orris root, 1 ounce of licorice, 2 ounces of mountain mint, 1 ½ ounces each of Roman pellitory and ginger, 1 ounce of good cinnamon, 1 ounce of ground pepper and sufficient honey. Cabbage seed ground with honey cures the cough. -------- [Page 340] [This page is blank.] -------- [Page 341] An appropriate confection to make a good voice for singing. Take 1 lb. of white sugar and 4 ounces of elder flowers that are clean. Cut them finely with a knife and grind them very finely in a mortar. Then put in the sugar and grind it and incorporate it well and it will be like a confection or red sugar. Then put it in a vitreous bottle and cover it with parchment of pig skin and make 4 to 6 holes with the point of a knife. Leave it in the sun for 10 to 15 days and once a day stir it with a stick. Use this electuary in the morning as soon as you arise. This will give you a very good voice that you will keep without fatigue and it will make your stomach good. Also you can dry the above-mentioned flowers of elder and make very fine powder. Save this in a clean little sack and drink a spoonful of it early in the morning with 3 ounces of very good white wine in the form of a syrup and it will give you a very good voice, will soothe your stomach, will increase urination and will give you a good appetite. Another to keep the voice good. Take 4 grains each of cloves and raisins and 2 peppercorns and hold them in the mouth, beginning early in the morning, and let the saliva with the substance go in the throat. Hold them in the mouth as long as you can. Then spit them out and clean your mouth a half hour before you want to sing. It will soothe the esophagus and will give you a very good voice, firm and clear. Continue this once every 8 days. Another for the voice bothered by catarrh or other impediment. Take 1 lb. each of cabbage juice and honey and put this to clarify on the fire with the white of an egg, well-beaten. When it starts to boil, strain it carefully. Then put it back to boil until it comes to perfection and a drop stays firm on your fingernail. Then remove it and save it in a bottle. In the evening and morning take a spoonful each time and do this for 15 to 20 days and it will protect you from catarrh. It will make you salivate readily and will give you back a good, clear voice without impediment. Take care of how you live. Do not eat things too fatty and everything will go well. Another, a wonderful confection to restore a voice lost through catarrh or cough or for a hoarse voice. Take 1 ounce of quality cinnamon, 2 drams each of grains of paradise and cubeb, one nutmeg, ½ ounce of spike lavender, 2 ounces of pure licorice and 1 lb. of fine sugar. Everything should be finely ground. Incorporate them on a slow fire and make a well-formed electuary. When you go to sleep and early in the morning take 3 drams of this each time. Until you have recovered it is necessary that you eat little and drink less and little wine and in this way you will not feel the catarrh very much or the cough and you will have a very good voice as you did before. Do not neglect the rules listed above and you will succeed. Also you can take this powder with wine early in the morning. Take 1 ounce each of hyssop, ginger and licorice and ½ ounce of gum arabic. Make everything into fine powder and save it. Take 1 spoonful with 3 ounces of good white wine, tepid, in the morning and soon you will have again a firm and steady voice. Another, a plaster to put on the top of the head when it has been affected by catarrh or cough or other impediment. Take 2 ounces of white tar, ½ ounce each of cloves and ginger and 2 nutmegs. Make these into fine powder and put the tar to melt and combine everything on a very slow fire until it forms a plaster and spread it on a cloth. Shave the top of the head and put on the plaster so that it stays in place for several days. You will see the wonderful result that a very good voice will return to you. -------- [Page 342] Pills to maintain the voice. Take 2 ounces of aloe from Sucotra, infused in horehound water for 6 hours, and 1 ½ ounces of white sugar, 1 scruple of saffron, 2 drams of the best agaric and 1 ounce of horehound juice. Incorporate everything well with great diligence and make a paste and make pills of it. Let them dry and save them. Take 1 to 3 pills in the evening when you go to sleep and it will give you a good voice. Another for pills for a good voice. Take 2 ounces of cleaned licorice, 6 ounces of white sugar, 3 ½ scruples each of tragacanth, starch and cleaned almonds and 2 scruples of diadraganti with spices. Make pills beaten with mucilage of peach seed or cotton seed and use as above. Another, an electuary for the voice. Take 2 drams each of juice of leeks and cabbage and 6 ounces of cleaned honey and boil it until the liquid is gone. Next take 1 dram each of black maiden hair fern, butterwort, tragacanth and white sugar and 1 dram each of cubebs, buckthorn berries, crocus, licorice juice, and fine myrrh. Pulverize them very finely and make an electuary. Save this and in the morning take the amount of a chestnut and it will give you a very good voice. Another to have a very good voice, intoning and firm. Take 3 ounces each of dates, raisins, cleaned licorice and root of elecampane, 6 ounces of water of hyssop and 4 ounces of maiden hair fern. Distill everything in a glass still on a very slow fire and drink 2 ounces of this water warm in the evening when you go to sleep. By continuing this you will have a very good voice, firm and steady for singing. [Folio 140 is missing] -------- [Page 343] [Drawing on page.] How to distill brandy and the rules that are followed to make it perfect, and also its virtues. First we will speak of the the rules and the way that has to be followed to make this brandy and of the vessel that is suitable for the distillation, because if you will do it in the way written below, it will carry within itself all the virtues written below because this is an elixir of life, to be compared with the best balsam or more in its virtues for the human body. If you know how to carry out the distillation you will never be a poor man. Note down the present method, viz. The main thing that you have to do. Make a round vessel of clay as you see before you in the figure, not thicker of clay than a thumb with a retaining ring inside that is 2 fingers above the little opening below and the thickness of a thumb and the same depth outward. Then make a vessel of fine copper to the height of 2 or 3 fingers above the tower that can fit inside it and be well-sealed inside because it will be full of warm water. The flask will go inside it with its cover. Under it the lighted lamp is put in the opening with a piece of tile in front to close it. This burns night and day. When all the above pieces of equipment have been made, prepare the wine. I say that you should take a red wine, not white, if you have it. If not, use the white but dark or red is always better. The wine that you want should be good and very fragrant and pure without water. The better it is, the better the brandy, more potent, fragrant and odorous. Therefore, take this wine and put it in the flask, half full or a little more and seal it well. Then put it to ferment, that is, prepare it in this way. Put it for 12 to 15 days in the center of warm ashes and every day add a little more warmth, always agitating the wine, moving it upside down. Do it always carefully so the flask does not break. If you do not want to leave it in ashes, put it in horse manure and let it stay in a warm place for 15 days because.... -------- [Page 344] at the end of this time you will distill it. The better the wine, the more potent it is in everything such as odor, taste and its virtue is to be praised. Then put the flask with wine into the warm copper vessel and put therein tepid water until the vessel is full and the flask fits well and does not move on any side. Do everything with dexterity. Then put the cap on the flask and bind around the joint, wrapping it with dough and fit it well so that nothing can get out or put other plaster around that is suitable to retain the gases so that none can escape. Fit its receptacle on securely and lute it well with either dough or clay so the gases are not able to escape. Then below put the lamp or other suitable light that will have the same effect as the lamp which should be large enough to hold at least one pound of oil and the wick or lighted part should be at least more or less equal in thickness to the little finger as it seems to you. Put it in the little window so the fire heats the bottom of the copper cauldron so it heats the water well. In this way the wine is distilled to make a perfect brandy. Then put a little tile in front of the opening of the lamp so that it closes but does not block the lamp or it could not burn, but the heat stays within. This will make the distillation very slow and this is the important rule of distilling brandy because too rapid distillation will not make perfect brandy and the body comes out mixed with the spirit. We have studied the separation of the spirit from the body and our studies showed that the distillation should be slow and the lamp should not be removed from below either day or night. Because it is needed, do not run out of oil so your work stays steadily warm and continues to distill. When you see the distillation change, remove the fire and let it cool well and handle it carefully so that you do not break the equipment. Note that when you have done the first heating, you will have extracted all the spirit and nothing of the spirit remains in the body. Do the test in this way, viz. Take a little card and wet it in the distilled water from the bain marie, that is in the last that has seemed to you not as good as the first that was coming. Touch it to the fire and the water will burn but the card will remain wet. With the second distillation, wet the card and touch it to the fire. The water will burn and it will leave the card dry. If you do this for the third distillation, the water will burn and also the card at once. This is the sign that it is all spirit and nothing of the body is in it. Through the long distillation it has become all spirit, as you can see. Then the brandy has become all goodness. If you will have it more potent, you can distill it 4, 5, 6 or 7 times and it will be perfect and if you continue to 10 distillations, it adds little because much is lost but it will be the most perfect and best. I say it is the best elixir of life and compares with balsam in its properties. Note that the first distilled water is good to drink as something simple and pure. All those that follow from the other distillations are not good to drink undiluted because they could irritate internally and exhaust a man. They are good to bathe only externally and to treat.... -------- [Page 345] all the infirmities of the human body, doing it in the way that will be described in full below of its virtues. It is true that little is available of this kind of brandy because it is too expensive, troublesome, laborious and vexatious to make. This is a product for great, noble and high-class persons who do not care about expense or labor and want it to be made and it costs what it is worth. This is enough to have said about this brandy which is made from the most perfect wine in the bain marie and is not as other brandies, usually made of putrid wine, that the grocers sell. At the end of this chapter, how to make brandy from poor wine will be described. The brandy described above is made only by our Reverend Priors of the Jesuati Friars. I say it is greatly superior and perfect because they use great care in extracting only the substance, so for drinking it has no equal. It is pure and without fault. Note that when you need to change the flasks, always have one or 2 flasks ready with wine that has been fermented or distilled so that as soon as you have removed one flask from the fire, you have another prepared and immediately put it in the water bath and put in warm water so that it is soon heated hot with the lamp. In this way you will make your distillation quick and good. Throw away that remaining in the flask, for you have removed the substance of it and it is of no more value. It is called the first distillation. But do not throw away that remaining in the flask after the second, third and fourth or later distillations. These are good to put in a little bottle with vinegar because that makes the vinegar strong and potent and therefore do not throw it away. Also the remains of the wine are used especially for dying stamped leathers or cordovans when the wine is dark. To begin the virtues of this brandy, or burning water, daily use of the first, second and third distillations is approved by many persons. The first distillation will burn but its fire does not consume or burn cloth but leaves it damp and wet. The second distillation will burn and does not consume cloth but leaves it dry and arid. The third distillation will burn and the cloth will be consumed entirely. The fourth distillation is very potent and strong. The more times the wine is distilled, the stronger and more potent it will be. So the seventh distillation will consume everything to which it is applied. The virtue of the first distillation is that if you wash the face and nose three times and you put a little in the nose, it clears the passages and soothes the brain. It clears the sight and strengthens retracted nerves. Washing the exterior of the head improves memory and all the qualities of the spirit. If you put in any kind of spices that you would like, either the flowers or the herbs, chopped up, in 2 hours or more the brandy will draw out all the virtue and substance of the spices. You can give the clergy at table a wine spiced with cloves and sage and similar fragrances. When you have made up this water, put 3 or 4 drops in a glass of wine and it will give the taste of that which you have put in and it will keep its odor. It improves the appetite and soothes the stomach when taken in the morning and evening. It removes the phlegm that is in the opening of the stomach and removes the bad gas that comes either in the stomach or in the head. When it is taken twice a day with a small quantity of wine it soon restores the stomach. -------- [Page 346] There is no cold venom that it cannot draw out, such as terrestrial spider, serpent, fly or scorpion. If one puts a cloth wet in this water on the serpent or similar poisonous animal, it is dead at once, even if it does not touch them and does the same for any other cold venom. Washing the bite of the spider or the serpent several times with this water may cure it and drinking some with wine. It has power like the balsams and the greater theriac. If ringworm or scabies is washed twice a day it will remove it. Put a little lye in the water and let it stay for a day and a night and then put 2 or 3 drops in the ear and any noise that often comes goes away at once. If you put an amount of germander in this water equal to the weight of the water or alternatively as much human blood and let everything stay together for a day and a night and then put 3 or 4 drops in a deaf ear and do this 3 or 4 times and the ear will be freed from deafness, from whatever cause. This cure is made with the dry herb. This water cures every toothache that comes from cold humors. It is true that washing the teeth with it kills the worms and the humors that hide in the root of the teeth. It relieves the distress of paralysis and every infirmity of the nerves by washing with it. This water penetrates so well that when a drop is put in the center of the hand, at once and without any harm it will penetrate into the hand. It cures swelling of the feet, legs and joints and reduces any infirmity that comes from cold phlegm or infected blood as long as it is used in the way described above. Note that this water always stays clear, I say, very clear and it is excellent in every degree and, in my judgment, the most excellent that can be found. The properties written above and those written below are properties and virtues of brandy or ‘burning water’ which have all been tested. Viz. First, it cures all the aches which afflict our body, I say, if such afflictions are caused by cold humors. If the distress is internal, give the patient an amount to drink that will fill the shell of hazelnut, mixed in a glass of good white wine. If the distress is external, rub with this water mixed with wine as described. In the morning drink 2 or 3 drops mixed with white wine on an empty stomach, and do not exceed this measure or it will make the man too merry. Also it cures bad breath, that is the fetid odor that comes from the stomach. Also it cures the falling sickness when it is drunk as described above and is rubbed on the head. Another. It is very powerful against the paralysis with tremor of the limbs by drinking it and rubbing it in the above way. Also if the infirm person holds a little cloth wet with this water on his tongue, it improves and gives back speech. Note that it does not have any effect on the natural infirmity except once in a while. Another. Putting some of this water in grape must clears it up at once and makes it beautiful and clear. Another. It is powerful against the sickness of stone when that is caused by cold humors, whether the stone is in the kidney or the bladder, if the water is drunk as described above. -------- [Page 347] Another. It is powerful against pain in the testicles that is caused by cold humors. Note that this water is of 2 kinds, that is simple and mixed. Simple is when it is not mixed with other things and must work alone, that is without wine or water to drink. This is the most inestimable of all medicines, the mother and the lady, which has marvelous effects against all the cold sufferings. In conclusion, this water cures all distress from cold as long as a man knows how to use its powers, because when it is brought near the fire it immediately burns. This is the measure and amount when you want to use it, take one dram up to 2, more or less, according to the patient's need. Another. It is powerful against headache even if it be long-standing. It cleans the head of dandruff. It cures all the sores of scabies when the head is washed each day with this water. It gives great aid to the memory. It is powerful in that illness that people call lunacy when it is drunk as described and when the head is rubbed and it is smelled with the nose. If you will dissolve a little fine theriac in this water and take it in the morning on an empty stomach, 2 or 3 or more times, it will cure you completely and well. Another. It is very powerful in the sickness of palsy when administered as described above. Washing with it heals the face and the limbs. It is powerful against paralysis of the tongue when it is drunk in the described way. Put on a wet cloth as described above and do it as many times as needed for health and you will be healed. Another. It is powerful for those whose face is twisted by accident or by any unexpected harm such as falling. The face should be rubbed with this water and it should be given to drink in the above way and this will soon be cured. Another. It is powerful against melancholy. Taking a half dram every morning on an empty stomach with a little good fragrant wine will greatly cheer up the person. Another. It is powerful in asthma, drunk with a decoction of figs and licorice. Another. It is powerful against phlegmatic, flatulant or melancholic pain of the stomach. Another. It is more powerful against blockage of the liver and the kidneys than any other medicine. Another. It is powerful against painful colic coming from phlegmatic humors and flatulence when it is drunk and used to make suppositories. . Another. It is powerful against quartan fever as long as it is mixed with the correct herbs, that is the flowers and roots that such infirmity requires. When it is given before the fever comes, it will soon cure. Another. It is powerful against infertility which is caused by cold, but not unless the person has proper purgation first. Another. It antagonizes the poison in one who is hurt from mercury. Drink this water together with olio lattino and rub the afflicted member with this. Washing a wound with this will also help a good deal.... 187 Another. It improves wine and cider, bringing them to their pristine excellence. Putting in a little of the best that you have will soon restore their condition. Its effects on the outside of the human body are even greater because it immediately heats whatever place is bathed with this water. Also all of these things that are written above are true if the water is made in the way written above up to the tenth distillation. These are all approved for this water and for the Philosophers' oil as it is written in the book of the greatest masters. -------- [Page 348] We return to the virtues of the above-described brandy or the burning water. When this water is distilled in the way above, you will see a very clear, white and noble water with not a few virtues. But you should know that the first water distilled from the first vapor is very lively and much more precious than the subsequent ones and is better in every good way. If the distillation is repeated many times it will be more powerful. The more times you distill it, the more you will lose because some consumed by evaporation. That is to say, from a large container or a barrel of wine, the first distillation extracts only a fourth or fifth part. It is very true that the power is increased by repeated distillations, as the philosophers say who were the first inventors to find the method and the rules to make it in the way described above. The first doctrine was obtained as a revelation from the Angel called Raphael, that is the Healer from God, whose water works many marvels. You should know that of ten measures that you distill, it is usual to get out a tenth part or a little more. It is true that if the wine is very strong and lively and is distilled in the way described above, it will be twice that or a fifth part and that would be a good amount from the first distillation of the wine. Then if you distill a second time, for every 2 measures you put in to distill, you will get out one measure or half the amount you put in to distill. If you distill one more time the part that you have extracted in the second distillation and distill it well a third time, from 5 measures you will get out 4. If you distill the fourth time in good form you will extract the same amount that you put in the still or a little less. If you want to come to peak perfection, you will distill the fifth, sixth or seventh time and time after time you will drop in amount as you change from one vessel to the other in the distillation. In the seventh distillation the water is called perfect because it does things that are very wonderful and worthwhile. The tenth distillation, that little which is gathered, is called most perfect because it ennobles and cleanses all things. First. Because of the great effort and expense, for ordinary medication when the brandy made in the way described, the dose is one dram up to two or more, according to the state of the patient. 2. Another. It is so powerful that if fur, hair, linen or wool cloth are rubbed with it and brought near to the fire or to a burning candle, the wet thing bursts into flame without being consumed, and this happens to any other material. It is a marvelous thing that the water burns and not the thing bathed in this water. Using this water keeps gray hair in abeyance. 3. Another. If the egg of a hen is put in this water it is soon cooked and the yolk of an egg, put in the water, is immediately hardened. 4. Another. If herbs or other such things are placed in this water, if such a water is wanted, it will take on the odor of the things placed in it. 5. Another. Putting a little of this water in a cask of red or white wine that is weak makes it become much more lively than it was at first and increases its potency. For this reason the taverns, that is the hosts, may gain by buying wine of little strength and making it strong, lively and potent with this water. 6. Another. If the wine in a bottle has a bad taste or is spoiled, put in a little of this brandy at your discretion. Then beat it well with a stick so that it foams and you will repair the wine and remove any problem in a way so that it can be sold as good. -------- [Page 349] 7. Another. If by chance there is one who has taken in any way a cold venom such as that of the scorpion or other animal, this brandy removes the poison by its fire and heat and removes the bad effects of the coldness and cures the poisoned man. 8. Another. If one drinks a little of this brandy, it at once strengthens all the limbs and makes them very vigorous. It cheers up the person and enlivens the heart and results in good breath. 9. Another. If one has cold in the head or in the stomach and suffers from a violent or occasional discharge from the head and has phlegm or melancholy, drinking a little at a time and repeatedly cleans the head and the eyes and the stomach, expands the chest and removes the humid cough, rewarms the body and cleanses it of phlegm and of any other coldness, by which it invigorates all the sick places of the body and rewarms all the cold. 10. Another. Drinking a little of this brandy restores every element of the body, external and internal, and improves the memory. When one drinks and smells it, the memory is well preserved. 11. Another. Drinking some and putting it on the eyes dispels, dries up and removes cloudiness and spots and cataract and haze and all other defects of the eyes externally and transforms all the described defects to good condition. It heals all the pains in the eyes, internally as well as externally and heals, supports and bestows the power of seeing and gives back health when it is drunk and used to bathe the eyes and especially when the distress has been caused by cold. Also, it dries up tears when the eye is rinsed out and a drop is put in the corner of the eye. It will dry the eye and support it and remove the tears. If the eyelids may be everted, it corrects that and reduces the irritation of the eyes. 12. Another. It is very powerful in mitigating toothache if that is caused by phlegmatic humor or if any worm developed there. One should know that the upper teeth are cured by way of the brain and the lower teeth are cured by way of the stomach. In a short time it will cure and will support the gums. 13. Another. This brandy is powerful to relax all contracted limbs and it supports and heals them, whether it is the feet or hands and even the movements of the tongue. 14. Another. It heals canker and the fistula which is called ' noli-me-tangere ' and similar infirmities and problems.... 188 15. Another. It is powerful in every illness of the raging gout caused by cold humor. 16. Another. It cures quartan malaria when it is drunk repeatedly on the day of the fever, a half hour before the onset. 17. Another. It cures chronic and stubborn scabies when the head is washed frequently. It cures ringworm. Wash repeatedly with tepid brandy. 18. Another. It cures dropsy when it is drunk repeatedly and the infirm should use food that is more dry than wet and well-salted and use enough cumin. The amount is half a glass or less each time and do not drink other water or broth. 19. Another. It cures the vitiated womb of the woman and strengthens it. It heals and consolidates putrid and non putrid wounds well. 20. Another. If you will put raw or cooked meat in this brandy and likewise raw or cooked fish, they will never be spoiled and will be preserved well. Beyond the things already mentioned through the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, it offers many other things useful for human nature. Note that the first distillation is good and the second better and the third is the best. If you wish to make the test, take a chicken plucked and cleaned inside and scalded so hot that it hurts the hand. Then wet it well with this brandy that is warm, inside and out, 3 or 4 times. Then leave it in the sun for 2 or 3 hours and it will be preserved for 10 years and never be spoiled. You can do the same with any other thing that is soon spoiled and it will always be preserved and good. -------- [Page 350] [Drawing on page.] To distill wine to make brandy for drinking and bathing with some of its tested virtues. To distill every kind of wine, good or bad, and to make brandy of one, two, three or more distillations, according to what you want to do, you need the instruments that you see. First you make a pot of copper in 3 pieces well soldered and joined together and well fastened and well welded with very good tin inside and out if that can be done. This pot is in the form that you see with a tube well fastened together and soldered inside and out so that no gases can escape. Place the tube in the part above to put in wine or brandy and another length that comes out of the oven in the part below which serves to draw out the wine that is at the bottom and also the water when there is no more spirit in it. Close this from above very well and firmly so you are able to overcome the danger that boiling or other obstacles may cause, because all the material that is within may come out with force. So make a good stopper of tow from above so that no drops or material can cause the problem. Wall the pot inside the oven as shown here so that the tube is clear. Make it fit in a way that it holds the heat well and make a space below to place the fire with its chimney in front and with a little opening behind to give it a little vent for a flow of air. When it begins to boil make the fire low, that is to say two sticks in a cross so that the distillation is very slow. Then make a coil or twist of copper or of lead, but it is better of copper, soldered with silver in the way that you see so its mouth receives that of the cap. It should be well fastened with cloth and strong plaster that does not fear heat or water and so it cannot ever leak air because all the good gas may be lost. Be advised that above that place you should make drops of cold water fall because..... -------- [Page 351] [Drawing on page.] that greatly aids in recovering the spirits that are coming out in that place and they are quickly condensed. The water in the box is not warmed much because the spirits come out more easily and without difficulty. Then you fit the coil in a box or other container to hold water. The coil should be under water and the water always cold. The gases should be transformed in the part below the water because the coil above the water always stays warmer than that below. The gases are converted by the cold to a liquid which issues from the end of the coil out of the box. See that the connection there is well closed with plaster and plugged so that the water does not get in. In this way the brandy will come out and put a flask or receptacle to collect the distilled brandy. Keep it well covered with a cloth so that the odor does not evaporate because that is the great virtue of its substance. Note that you can make a belt of lead in a spiral or snail in the way that you see here in the figure with 4 to 6 turns and about the thickness of a thumb. It is provided with 4 rods that hold it in place, well tied so that it will always be firm, and soldered to hold it right, as you see. Put this in a large vat or in a half barrel which should always be.... -------- [Page 352] full and cold. The end of the coil extends out of the vat in a suitable way so that with good plaster and tow the water cannot exit. Use either of these two, whichever is turned more easily for you, because both work and have the same effect. Also if either kind of spiral is made so there are 4 turns, either lead or copper is very good and useful. But be careful that the spiral does not have some fissure that would do harm because the water could enter and will do you no good and all the work will be gone for that boiling. Save the distilled brandy as described above in a vessel or cask that is well sealed. You can distill it the second time whenever you want because in this form it will last for a year. It is better preserved in one boiling than in two. It is not possible to keep the second boiling a long time because much of the delicacy will be lost and it will never be as good at the end as it was at first. When you put the wine in the pot always make the pot more than half full but not too much more, so in the first boiling the wine does not jump up in the cap and that distilling will not be good. After the first boiling, reduce the fire a little each time, as is said above, and keep it maintained so that it never fails. When you want to change the wine, remove the fire from below so that there is no obstacle for the pot. As you distill the wine, take a measure of the brandy that is coming from the distillation and when it seems to you that the taste is not as good and it does not have the odor of brandy, throw it out for it is not good any more. When you do the second distillation use the same test and furthermore drop a little on your arm. If it does not sting there is no more spirit in it and if you see that it burns, let it stay longer. When it has no more spirit, remove it from the fire and throw it away and put the other in, little by little, until you finish the work you have begun. It is very true that the dregs of wine have uses. They tan leather to make a dark color. The base of the second distillation and the third are used to put in bottles of vinegar because they reinforce the vinegar marvelously and maintain it. Note that the first brandy that comes from the second distillation is always stronger and more potent than all the others that come out and you are advised to keep it always separate. Again I remind you to keep it closed all the time with wax and covered with good parchment so that nothing can evaporate, for if the odor leaves it has no more power. Note that if you distill from good, great and aromatic red wine, it will make lively and aromatic brandy. If you make it from bad, spoiled and turbid wine as long as the bad is not strong and if the wine itself was good and aromatic before it went bad, it will make good brandy, lively and aromatic when distilled in the way described. If you follow this method you will get good results. Note that the first water is much used with ground spices added and mixed with the second water, but it is not worth anything to drink. If the second distillation is drunk it results in many good cures, the applications of which you will learn below with its weights, measures, tests and quality that expert philosophers have discovered and have put to use as medicine to treat many kinds of erythema and this has been published in many volumes. Below we will tell of its virtues, weights and carats and how valuable it is for the human body. -------- [Page 353] Note the strengths of the brandy described above. The first thing is to recognize and know if it is good to drink or not. When you have made the second distillation, wet a little parchment and touch it to the fire. If the parchment remains wet afterward, this brandy is good to drink and it is from 15 to 16 carats. This applies from the first that issues out to the last. If you wet the parchment in the brandy from the third distillation, the brandy all burns and leaves the parchment dry. Such brandy is not good to drink because it has reached from 18 up to 24 carats, beginning with the first brandy that comes out of this third boiling until the last drop. This is known as the fiery brandy which is not good to drink because drinking this brandy, unlike that from the second distillation, burns the liver and the interior and dries up the blood so very soon it will make you die. Be advised to use this for rubbing and for wetting and to make other applications but do not drink it, unless you wish to drink 3 or 4 drops in a glass of wine or with water for some specific infirmity, as described below. Of the many tested virtues of this brandy, I say the first distillation is good to drink when it is made of the best red wine and it does not disturb anything in our bodies. The second brandy is that which has reached 16 carats. I tell you that if you drink this early in the morning, it breaks the choler in the stomach. One may have a stomach impeded by phlegm or by cold humors or may have bloating from flatulence and that may make the stomach acid and the food in it. This acidification is called burning in the stomach. When this impediment comes to you after a meal you should drink as much as fits in a walnut shell. In a quarter of an hour, drink another little amount and do this 2 or 3 times. This saves the food in the stomach so that it is not spoiled in acid and also improves the digestion. Also it is very powerful when there is pain in the top of the stomach and in the arch of the chest or behind a nipple or in the middle of the chest. This distress comes in the greater part from bloat that presses the chest so strongly that in a few hours it causes a spasm and such an infirmity develops in a short time. To cure it rapidly, drink at least an ounce and a half or more early in the morning in the space of an hour and it will be very useful and helpful to you. If you take 3 ounces of this brandy and 2 ounces of rose honey and incorporate them together in a bottle and drink one ounce of this as soon as you get out of bed, there will be none of the great distress of the stomach nor the great dullness of the head. Continue with this beverage because it does not work very quickly. In this method the liver and blood will not be harmed and it will not cause any other little problem. It repairs and puts in order all the bad dispositions of the stomach that hurt you in various ways and it will make you happy, give you a good stomach, increase your appetite and always support the food in the stomach. Take it even before meals and then the food will never upset you. Use it when you need it and you will see the proof. I can prove all of this to you because I have found that in the summer this with rose honey soon makes well those who have trouble with the stomach. This beverage can also be used by women who can partake of it without any concern. And this..... -------- [Page 354] beverage is very useful. It purifies the eye of any impediment and does many more marvelous things that I do not describe about this infirmity. Especially it resolves the flatulence that causes dangerous spasmodic pains and makes them go away through the mouth. It breaks down the flatulence into belches and the more it makes you belch, that is a sign that it is working well. Also it is very powerful in toothache when the problem comes from cold rheum and from coldness. Hold it in the mouth on the sore side until it does not have any more taste or odor. Then spit it out and take some more so that it draws out that mucous discharge well. If you want to cure this, when you go to sleep in the evening, bathe the cheek, the forehead and the ear on the side where the pain is. Also do this in the morning and soon it will lift your pain and you will be cured because this brandy marvelously strengthens sick flesh that is bothered by pain. The flesh becomes better and is rapidly cured. Use this with confidence that you will gain honor from it. Also drinking one ounce 2 or 3 times in the space of an hour is very powerful for those who have eaten sorb apples, pears, chestnuts, cornelian cherries, sour grapes, pears or quinces or any other fruit that sticks in the throat, anything that is not able to go down or up, at once it frees it so there is no more such distress. Drinking it in this way frees those who have hiccoughs from flatulence of the stomach, from whatever cause.... 189 Also if you have a cask of wine that has turned and was clear, at once change it to another clean barrel that does not have a bad odor. For each barrel of wine put in 4 ounces of 16 carat brandy. When you have it all decanted, mix it in the barrel with a stick of willow and put in one leaf of clary and no more, tied with a string that goes half way down the barrel. Fasten it and let it stay for at least 4 or 5 days. Then take it out and do not infuse it more. This wine can be drunk and will not offend anyone. This has been tested. Note that brandy that has been distilled 3 times will be from 18 to 24 carats. This is not good to drink, as has been said. But it is good to bathe the head, the forehead, the eyes and the nose for one who suffers from coldness and when the person has a annoying cold in the head that involves the eyes and from that the distress of coughing. In the evening when you go to bed, put a little on your hand and wet the forehead and the head in front and behind on the neck. Do this 3 or 4 times. Then cover your head with a night cap or other little cap or with a head towel and cover it well so it stays warm. Then raise both hands to the nose and draw up in the nose the odor that will go to your brain and comfort it greatly. You will sleep well in the night and in the morning you will be more than half cured. Do this the next evening and you will be completely cured. When a person has washed and dried the head and that evening rubs the head with this brandy and keeps it from any humidity, it will make the hair soft and delicate. Again, it is good for one who has the problem of a sick spleen. Bathe the painful place repeatedly and keep it warm with cloth and a warm stupe and soon you will be cured. Also it is powerful for one who has damaged any nerve by cold. Bathe repeatedly with this brandy which always should be made warm in a well-covered bottle so it does not evaporate and it soon cures. Again, if you put any kind of odoriferous spices in this brandy, it will at once take up the odor and the taste that the spice carries. If you put in 2 or 3 drops of musk or other odoriferous thing, it augments the odor greatly. If you put ground crimson dye to soak in this brandy for one whole day, it will take up all the color and have a beautiful luster. Incorporate this with other brandy and it will turn out very beautiful for you. This is enough to have said of all the kinds of brandy with their virtues, weights, measures and carats. -------- [Page 355] [Drawing on page.] An improvisation to distill good brandy, designed for a sample. In order to show persons desiring to know more things, we will demonstrate how it is possible to distill brandy as well as fiery brandy while he is eating at table, having first prepared the vessels described here that you intend to fill. This is done as an experiment to show the great potency and force that wine has, I say the distilled vapor. First take a flask or a urinal, that is better, and make it half full of wine but not more. It should be good, great and potent red wine, by nature pure and without added water. Cover the urinal with 2 leaves of parchment for writing and it should be doubled into 4 and well tied at the top with fine twine, as you see. Fit it directly in the center of a pot and fill the pot with ashes that have been finely and carefully sieved and with your hand arrange the ashes around the urinal with dexterity so that it is not broken and fill the pot. Then fit the pot on 4 bricks so that there is a space of at least 4 fingers below. Put under this some warm ashes and lighted charcoal so that it heats the pot with the ashes and then the wine will heat and it will distill. When you have arranged it as it should be, put the cap on the parchment. Take a cloth, wet it with clay or with soft dough, and put it around the joint of the cap and wrap it well so nothing can escape from any side. Then put the receptacle underneath the cap and put more plaster around that joint so nothing can escape from any side and arrange it in the way that you see. -------- [Page 356] By keeping to the rule described above and with a little fire, the water will distill properly and well because first the pot is heated, then the ashes heat the urinal, the wine vaporizes and hits on the parchment and moistens it and the urinal heats the cap and that draws the moisture out from the parchment and distills it into the receptacle. This makes very good brandy that is good to drink. However, it is not the best but it is enough to have seen the way and the rule as it is done to make the brandy described above. This is the amount that you will get out, 4 or 5 ounces of brandy per jug of wine and that will be sufficient if the wine was good, as was said above. In this way you will have achieved your purpose and this is enough. Sage wine for contracted nerves and for lunacy and it is very powerful in paralysis. Wine from sage is made in 2 ways, viz. Some put the sage in a sachet of fine linen cloth and bind it with a thread and put it in a cask at least half full of wine, tie it from above and let it stay in the wine. Some boil it when the must is boiled and they put this with wine in a cask or crockery pot or barrel. In both these 2 ways this wine is good in all the infirmities written below, using more or less according to the seriousness of the infirmity. Usually it is taken early in the morning or a glass is drunk before a meal or with all meals or the bad place is bathed, depending on the infirmity that must be treated. Especially it is good for one who has a toothache or loose teeth and in pain of the gums, by holding it warm in the mouth. It is powerful for every weak limb with tremor and for every bad humor and in paralysis when it is drunk repeatedly. It is powerful in headache and in contracted limbs and nerves. It is powerful against lunacy in those who at one period of the moon lose their normal reason. They should continue to drink it. It is powerful in stomach ache and in women with sickness of pregnancy. In conclusion, it is powerful in all nervous conditions of all human creatures and many have used it. Another wine against paralysis and against every cold infirmity. Take cinnamon in whatever quantity you wish, break it into fine pieces and put it in good wine and let it stay covered for 8 days in the sun to decompose. Then distill it with the cinnamon in a glass still on a slow fire or on a bain marie. In the morning give 2 ounces of this water, more or less according to the strength of the sick person. This is effective in paralysis and in many other cold infirmities. Wine made of fennel that is powerful for cough, for the lungs and for defective eyes. Take any amount that you wish of the herb fennel or its roots or seeds and boil it in must and put it in 2 casks or barrels and let it stay there. Use it according to the infirmity, more or less as you find it appropriate in your infirmity. This wine is good against haze and other defects of the eyes, against dropsy, against weakness and especially in little children and against venoms and bad food and it helps greatly in cough and the lungs. It increases milk in women and is powerful for sickness of the bladder. Drinking this wine in the evening when you go to sleep and in the morning as soon as you arise cleans out all the bad humors. If you use it at meals it is especially good for the eyes and maintains your eyesight for a long time. -------- [Page 357] Note. A wine made for sickness of the eyes. Take one handful each of the herbs eyebright, betony and carnation that are fresh and clean and 3 handfuls each of flowers of elder, dill and fennel. Put all these herbs and flowers in your wine vessel to boil and let them stay in the wine. Use this wine to drink all the time for yourself alone or with others who may have problems with vision such as lacking distance vision or other difficulties. If you continue taking this wine by drinking at least 3 ounces in the morning, it clears the vision so you will never have problems with the eyes, through God's grace. Wine of birthwort that is powerful against fistulas as long as they do not reach the bone. Take 2 handfuls of fresh long birthwort and 1 handful of fresh round birthwort and boil them a little in wine. Remove them and cut them finely and boil them in ½ barrel of wine that is good by itself but not sweet and it should be white. Boil this on a slow fire until it foams well and reduces almost 2/3. Then strain it carefully with linen cloth. Be careful that it does not touch copper and save it in a glass bottle or other delicate bottle. Drink 2 ounces of this in the evening when you go to sleep and 3 ounces when you get up in the morning. Continue this for 2 months so the cold of the ulcer will come out. Watch how you take care of yourself. Do not eat fat meat nor beef, nor cheese, nor other adverse things. On the wound or on the sore, put some powder made of roots of round birthwort or blow some of the above powder into the sore. In a few days the fistula will be healed as long as it has not become deep-rooted in the bone. You should know that birthwort is warm and dry in the second degree so it has the virtue of growing flesh in a ulcer and also cleans it. Wine against cold gout. Take some turbith, the amount at your discretion, and put it with good white wine in a pot and let it stay in the sun continuously for 3 days, well-covered. Each day turn it upside down. Give 1 or 2 ounces of it to drink in the early morning, according to the strength of the patient. When you give it to him to drink, put in a little powdered sugar. By continuing this drinking he will soon be cured. Also this wine can be used to clean the blood and to stop blood flowing from the body. In any similar infirmity put into this wine things appropriate for the infirmity. Wine against any flatulence and other problems. Take 3 ounces each of celery seeds, bishop's weed and dry mint, 1 ounce each of mastic, cloves, cardamon, red roses and wild roses, 2 ounces each of fine cinnamon, musk, zedoary and iris and 4 ounces of fine sugar. Do not break up any of these if they are not large and incorporate everything with one pound of cleaned honey. Put everything in a cask of good and pure white wine. Drink 4 ounces of this in the evening when you go to sleep and this brings out the cold and removes flatulence. If a woman drinks it every evening and is with her husband, soon it prepares the womb to become pregnant. It helps carry the baby in the body to its time without danger and supports the womb. If the baby may be dead in the womb it causes abortion without any danger. It also has many other properties, especially for women. It is tested. -------- [Page 358] Wine of licorice to heal the stomach of women and to remove the pain. [Drawing on page.] Note: To make wine with licorice to restore the stomach of a woman and to remove pain of the womb, take 4 ounces of licorice, 1 ½ ounces of cinnamon, 1 ounce each of ginger and mace and 8 ounces of clean honey. Everything should be broken up coarsely. Incorporate them together with 2 jugs of good white wine, not sweet, and boil them together on a slow fire in a clean pot that has no odor, until it reduces 1/4. Then strain it with linen cloth and save it in a well-covered flask. In the evening when the woman wishes to go to sleep, give 3 ounces to drink, tepid, and with God's grace soon it will benefit her stomach and this beverage will ease pain of the womb. This has been used and has helped many. How to transform quickly turbid and sour wine with other bad odors. When you have a cask of wine that has become cloudy, take one egg for each barrel of wine and ½ ounce each of saccharine alum, ground glass and marble powder and incorporate everything until it makes a mass that sticks together. Then distemper it with a little brandy from the third distillation. Then put this material in the cask of cloudy wine that is not too full and stir with wine well with a stick. Otherwise transfer the wine to another vessel that has a good odor and put in this composition and incorporate it well. Cover it and let it rest for 3 or 4 days and you will find it clear and beautiful and drinkable. Also if you take some unripe cherries and put them in the wine, usually it will be changed and become clear and beautiful. Wine that has lost its fragrance and has soured. Take some clean wax and make a covered box that is long and has an opening above and fill it with good honey and plug it so the honey cannot get out and tie it around with a ribbon and put it in the cask of wine that has become sour to the depth of a palm from the bottom. Hold it from above for 4 to 6 days. Then test it and it will be nearly restored as long as the wine does not enter where the honey is. This has been proved. Another to make wine return that has turned sour. Take a stick of willow large enough so that it enters from above and goes the depth of a palm from the bottom and tie it from an opening in the top of the cask. Make several holes around the stick that do not go through and fill them with honey and powdered sugar and fix it in a way that it cannot get out nor the wine enter. Bind them around with a little cloth and let it stay at rest for 3 or 4 days. Then test the wine. It will have returned enough and it will be good to drink. Another for wine that has gone sour. Take several leeks and dry them in the oven with a slow fire and powder them and put them in a little sack of clean linen. Put this in the middle of the wine so that it does not touch the bottom and leave it for 3 days. Then test the wine and if this by itself has removed much of the odor, remove the sack and the wine will be restored. If not, leave the sack in so that the wine will soon be restored so you will be able to drink it. Also when the wine is in the cask, put in a few ashes made from clematis and the wine will never become sour. -------- [Page 359] To make wine last all year without spoiling. Take 2 ounces each of aloe, incense, myrrh and large cardamom and 4 ounces of Indian leaf and put everything together, whole, and put them in a linen sack and put it in the cask of wine. You can preserve the wine for a long time and you can be sure that it will not be spoiled. The sack should be 4 fingers above the bottom and for as many loads of wine, put in that many spoonfuls of this powder and the wine will be preserved securely. Write these words on the cask and the wine will never spoil, viz. 'Taste and see because sweet Christ is Lord. Blessed is the man who hopes in him.' But it would be better if you wrote the words on an apple or other fruit and put it in the vessel and it will never spoil. This is tested. If you want to preserve wine all year, take a piece of elm wood, long and thick, and enter it from above so it goes nearly to the bottom, within 4 fingers. Tie it from above and let it stay this way continually. If you put in 2 sticks of myrrh and of incense, this wine will be preserved all year and will not take on any bad taste if you leave them in. If you have weak wine and suspect that it will not last to the end of the year in the casks, put therein 4 ounces of brandy from the second distillation in each barrel and not less. By the power of the brandy, you will preserve it and augment the odor and taste that is always good. Also if you put in some tamarind flowers, that also preserves it, but be careful that the flowers are not spoiled. If you want to give a good odor to the wine, put therein some juniper wood cut in pieces, not too small, and put it in the must when it is boiling and it will take on the odor you wish. Another to give the wine the odor of muscatel. Take flowers of clary or honeysuckle, in whatever amount you want, and dry it in the shade and make powder. Put this powder in a little sack of linen cloth and put it in the cask of musk so that it is a palm's distance from the bottom and attach a small stone. Close the cask for 9 days and when you pull up the sack the wine will smell like muscatel and it will be good. You can do this with other wines, using any kind of fruit. To remove rapidly the odor of mold or other bad odor. Take one green apple or other odoriferous apple per barrel of wine, cut it in 4 parts and remove only the parts with the seeds. Thread the rest on a string and put them in the wine about 4 fingers from the bottom. Cover the cask well and in a few days the bad odor will disappear. But first transfer the wine to another vessel so it will recover quickly. Likewise, put in a sour orange cut across into 2 parts. Put them on a string and do as is said above, one per barrel. This has been tested. Also put in 2 or 3 leaves of clary, that is common clary, and it will give a very good and elegant odor. If you boil 4 leaves of the above-mentioned herb in a vat of wine, it gives it the odor of muscatel. This has been tested. Another to remove mold from wine and the vessel. Take 2 ounces of zedoary per cask, made into powder, and put it in a little sack and put it in the wine 4 fingers from the bottom. Leave it for 30 days and the wine will be restored. Another to remove mold from wine. Make a cake of millet flour and when it is cooked, still very warm, at once put it in the wine that has mold and close it. Leave it this way and do it several times and the mold will go away. Another. Also use laurel berries made into powder and put this in the cask in a small sack. Also take a plant of sage with the roots and flowers and put this intact in the moldy wine and close it well with the herb in it so that the wine may be turned around and made to return to its pristine state and you can drink it without any problem. These are great secrets. -------- [Page 360] How to decant wines if you wish to preserve them sound all year. This is the way to decant wines so that during the year they will not spoil and so they will not turn and become acid. Change your wine when the north wind reigns and not at other times and when the moon is waning. If you change it in the waxing moon, it is in great danger of turning and becoming harsh. Be warned about this. You want to change wines that grow in dry, rocky, arid and hilly places at Christmas and other wines right after the feast day of any saint. When these wines are decanted, you want the moon to be gone or nearly at its end. Watch that you do not decant wines when roses and especially grape vines are blossoming, because this would put you in great peril. You should know that the more times you decant wines, the weaker they become, because they always lose some substance that they had at first. When you want to preserve soundness, make sure they stay in a cool place in the summertime and in the winter in a warm pantry. That is, you decant wine into warm or cool pantry according to the temperature. By keeping to this rule, your wines will always be well preserved. To make spoiled wine return to the way it was at first and never again be spoiled. Take 6 lb. of tartar from wine and grind it coarsely and make fine powder and extract the water with 2 flasks as is done in making aqua forte . At the end there it needs enough fire so the flask is dry and the calcined tartar remains within. Then take that oil or water that has issued from the flask and likewise take an equal amount by weight of strong brandy from the third distillation. Then pulverize the tartar that you have calcined and put it in another flask and add the oil mixed with the brandy and redistill it one more time. Then do it again. Distill it in this way enough times so that the tartar will have imbibed all the oil and brandy and it can be made into powder. Save this as something dear. This powder is called the Philosopher's Stone. You should know that one ounce or a little more of this powder will restore a cask of 10 barrels of spoiled wine. First decant it into another cask with a good odor and put in this powder, mixing it in with a rod so that it goes throughout. Then close it well and let it stay so for 30 days. Then test it and, with the aid of God, you will find all restored and as good as at first. This secret is from Bologna from one man who has the skill to repair wines from other persons. He buys them and restores them, then sells them as good, and they are good.... 190 Good wine to make strong vinegar, I say very strong, in several ways. Take a barrel of good, unwatered wine and leave it in the sun for 10 to 15 days and every morning refill it and put in 3 or 4 pounds of roses and it will become very strong. This has been tested. Another way to strengthen vinegar. Take a flask of wine and boil it and quench in it a piece of steel that has been heated red-hot. Do this 3 or 4 times and do it on a Friday for 4 to 6 Fridays and put this wine in the other above and soon it will become very strong. Another to strengthen vinegar. Take a mezo quartiolo of nuts that are good to eat and roast them. When they are well-roasted and hot, put them at once into the vessel with the vinegar, and at once seal it and leave it for 2 days. Test it and if you want it stronger, do the same again in the same way. Put in 2 ounces of powdered Roman pellitory roots and it will become very strong so it will please you.... 191 -------- [Page 361] Another to strengthen vinegar. Take 1 ounce each of pepper, ginger and cinnamon, all in powder. Then take a glass of very strong vinegar and take the center of a loaf of bread warm from the oven and at once put it to soak in this vinegar with the spices. Do this so that all the spices enter into the bread. Then dry it in the oven but so it does not brown. Then make all into fine powder and put it in your cask and it will reinforce the vinegar. Do this test: put a little in a glass of wine and at once it will become strong vinegar. Another to make strong vinegar rapidly. Take a large pot and fill it with good wine and seal it with parchment. Boil it in water in a tub of water on a bain marie for an hour or more. Then let it cool in the water and uncover it and it will have become strong vinegar. Another to make vinegar. Take a bowl of barley that is very clean and boil it in a pot of good wine for an hour. When it is cool, strain it and the next day it will have become strong vinegar. Do this whenever you want it. Another to strengthen vinegar. Put in the cask through the top 8 to 10 crayfish cooked and well salted, strung on a string and fastened to the bottom of a stick of medlar which should stay in the wine with the crayfish about 4 fingers from the bottom. In a few days it will become very strong. This has been tested many times. To remove infected nails quickly. Take equal amounts of Greek pitch and fat and mix them together and make an unguent. Then clean the bad nails and put on this unguent. Use it continually until the decay has gone away and the nails are removed without pain. They will return smooth and good in a few days. This has been proved. To remove corns between the fingers or wherever they may be and to destroy the root. Take wall pepper or house leek and remove the top surface of the cuticle and put that between the fingers on the corns for 6 to 8 days and they will go away and you will not feel it. If these corns are so resistant that they will not go away, use this other remedy. Take some of the above herb and grind it and put it together with a little dried rock alum and incorporate well. Then shave the wart closely to where it begins to soften. Then wet little cloths and put them on it, keeping them fresh. Within 8 to 10 days it will go away and it will not grow again in that place. Be confident because this has been tested many times. Another to remove corns and the root. Take 2 ounces of rose oil and 1 ounce each of clean wax, verdigris and white lead, ½ ounce of sublimate and 2 drams of dried rock alum. Chop up everything well and make an unguent of everything heated on a little fire. Soften the corn in warm water and shave it very closely. Then make a little plaster and put it on the corn. By continuing this it will soon disappear and will return no more. *Another. Take ground glass, yeast and mother's milk and make a little plaster and put it on the corn. If you continue this it will go away. Another. Soften the corn and cut it well until the blood comes. Make a little plaster of leather with fresh wax. If that is left on the corn it soon destroys the root and in a few days it is cured. This has been tested. -------- [Page 362] Another to cure a corn quickly. Take 3 leaves of sage, 3 peppercorns, 3 grains of salt and 3 cloves of garlic. Grind everything together and make a plaster and put it on the corn repeatedly so that it is continually on it. See if each day you can cut it off, little by little, and it will be shriveling so that you not aware of it because the root comes little by little to be cut. In this way you will soon be cured. Another to remove corns and break them up. Take 1 ounce of turpentine, 2 drams of powder of chantarelle mushrooms, 1 1/2 ounces of pine resin and ½ ounce of clear juniper gum. Dissolve all the gums in the turpentine. Then put in the mushroom powder and incorporate everything together. Then make little plasters of leather and put them on the corns that first have been cut. By continuing this, they will soon go away. I say that the root will come out and you will soon be cured. If this unguent burns you too much, put on this other unguent. Take ½ ounce of gum ammoniac, 2 drams of orpiment and 3 drams of verdigris. First dissolve the gum ammoniac with strong vinegar and mix it with the other things that have been made into fine powder and add ½ ounce of turpentine and it will be made. Make it as a little plaster and put it on the corn or the wart. By continuing this, it will soon go away. To remove warts quickly with the roots and also to help with corns. Take 6 ounces each of saltpeter, Roman vitriol and verdigris, 3 ounces of saccharine alum and 1 ounce of quicklime. Make a fine powder of each one by itself and then incorporate together. Then distill them in a glass still and have the fire lively so that the gas and the body all rise at once. Keep the first water that comes out by itself because it is milder than the second which is a little more lively. You want to bathe the place of wart or corn with that repeatedly. It will soon be dried up and go away. This has been shown. If you cut a little of the wart and put on powdered spurge mixed with strong lye and oil of tartar, it will soon go away and will not return. Wet the wart with the water that drips from grape vines. Then trim the wart and wash only the wart repeatedly and it will disappear rapidly. Put on tar and pitch and chantarelle mushrooms in equal amounts made into powder. The root of the wart will soon go away. Take ground glass and wash it and incorporate it with mother's milk and with a little yeast from wheat and in this way make a plaster. Put it on in the evening when you go to bed. Do this several times and soon you will be cured. This is more powerful for corns than for warts. Another to remove warts. Take 1 ounce each of German vitriol and saltpeter and 2 ounces of rock alum. Boil everything in water until it reduces 1/3. Then bathe several times where the warts are and soon they will go away. When you wet them it should be warm. Grind ordinary porcelain between 2 lodestones and put it on the wart. The wart will soon go away by itself. Take some leaves of fern and make them into juice and wet the warts repeatedly wherever they are and they will go away. Cut the warts until they are just a little bloody and cut off the head of a lizard and put it on. By rubbing on that blood 3 or 4 times you will be cured and the wart will go away. Another. Take some mullein flowers and celandine flowers and grind them together between 2 stones. Rub the warts well with this and soon they will disappear so you will not see them. Grind the lungs of a sheep and with this liquor rub the warts several times and they will go away. *For the warts that come on the hands. Take roots of plantain and grind them firmly and mix with strong vinegar and rub well and you will be freed. *Another. Put the seed of henbane on a coal in the fire and receive the smoke on the hands and the wart will open up. Then put the hands in warm water so that it opens up the pores and keep them in the water. Do this several times and it will be cured. *Two ounces of ammonium chloride by itself alone will remove warts. -------- [Page 363] To remove warts or corns quickly with acqua forte. ... 192 Take 2 lb. of strong ashes of Turkey oak, 1 lb. of litharge, 6 ounces each of quicklime and Roman vitriol, 8 jugs of the lye that is the master ingredient from which soap is made, strong enough to float a chicken egg, and 2 drams of ammonium chloride. Everything that can be ground, should be finely ground. Put everything together in the master ingredient and boil it on a slow fire until all that remains is one jug of material or a little more, and it will be made. Save this material in a flask well-closed to keep out the air that would make it lose strength. Wet the warts or corns 2 times a day with this composition and all will disappear from the body. It removes hair that will not easily regrow. This has been tested many times. Another to remove warts so they will not return. First you need to have a little gold, that is a scudo or a ring without a stone or a little piece of gold. Heat it until it is red hot and with this burn the wart well. If you do not have gold, do it with red-hot iron or also with a burning ember or coal. Afterward rub it or bathe it with strong lye. Do this 3 times in 3 days or all 3 times in one day. You can be certain that the warts will all go away. Another to remove warts. Take the root of horseradish for eating or a radish root that is large and strong. Hollow it on one side or around the crown and dig this out so you can use it as a cover. Then fill the hollow with ordinary salt, well-ground, and put on the cover. Put it in a bowl or plate, cover it and put it in a humid place for one night. In the morning you will find some water drawn out into the bowl from the horseradish. The water will be salty and have the power of the root. Use this water to wet some cloths and put them on the warts. In 3 or 4 days the warts will be dry. Then you can lift them out with the finger. If they have left a large opening, put thereon the gold unguent that makes flesh grow in cavities. Likewise you can bathe warts in the above water and that also cures them rapidly. If you do not have the large horseradish, it does not matter. Take some of the roots, even though they are little, cut them into fine slices and make layer on layer with ground salt in a bowl. Keep it humidified and it will make the water in the same way. This is also good but the first is better. Also this water helps considerably to remove deafness. [One remedy crossed out] Another to remove warts with salt. Take as many grains of salt as you have warts on the body. That is, take grains of salt as thick or high or dark or white or pointed as the height and thickness and color of the wart. Then say 3 Pater Noster with the Ave Maria to the honor of God and the Holy Trinity. Do this early in the morning and wet the salt with saliva that will be taken up by the wart. Rub the warts very well. Gather all the grains of salt that you have used to rub on the warts onto parchment and throw this in the center of the fire. The warts will disappear quickly so you do not feel them diminish. In 8 to 10 days the warts will be gone. Do this 3 mornings in a row. Another to remove warts. Take water of mullein distilled in glass and wet the warts. Then put on flowers of mullein crushed between 2 rocks and soon the warts will go away. Make ash of the stems of bryony and make juice of its leaves and the leaves of mullein and of its flowers and make an unguent with the ashes. Rub the warts and they will go away quickly. Take the bile of eels and cut away the warts or corns until blood appears. Rub and they will go away soon. Most of the recipes above have been tested and are true. *To make every kind of wart go away, especially on the penis. Take finely-ground orpiment and put it in a little vial. Hold it over lighted coals and it will become liquid. Hold it until it is not all dried and not browned, so it becomes the color of rubies. Handle it in such a way that you take the amount that you wish for your needs and grind it finely. Then have water of rock alum and wet the warts with this. Put on the powder 2 times a day and in 3 days they will go away. -------- [Page 364] To have and maintain a good foot for walking. Take the herb called hound's tongue and put it under the soles of the feet so that it touches the flesh. Then put on your shoes and walk and the soles of the feet will nevermore be painful as long as you keep some of this herb or leaves of hound's tongue under the soles of the feet. First, the day before you want to walk, bathe the feet with this: take some roots of rosemary and cut them finely and boil them in strong vinegar for a little. Then wash your feet with this vinegar and let them dry thus. In the morning put on your shoes with these leaves and you will have a foot as strong for walking as a horn. Especially use this bath to wash them each time and it will make the flesh hard. This is a good secret for the wayfarer. Another against sweating of the feet. Take equal amounts of dried rock alum and yellow litharge in powder and put them in the shoe. Put the foot in bare and your foot will not sweat as much. So a man may go securely on a dangerous journey. Before you leave the house to take a journey, say these holy words with devotion and carry them with you. Viz. First make the sign of the holy cross and say, 'Purity of Christ deliver me. + Christ is goodness. + Christ deliver me + from adversity. + Blood of Christ deliver and guard me. + Passion of Christ deliver me, your servant, Amen.' Say the following prayer with devotion and you will go in safety. 'In the strength of your arm that which I fear is removed. Your strength is a rock as your people pass by. So Lord Jesus passed through the multitude and no one apprehended him. May their eyes be darkened. May they neither see nor think evil and may their backs be turned. Amen. +' Another prayer. Make the sign of the holy cross and say, 'If you call me, permit fear and trembling to go away in the strength of your arm. Lord, may they be made as immovable as stone until your servant (name) whom you possess passes the constant enemy who guards the entrance. + Iota + sita + exitula +. With the sign of the holy cross I will pass by securely. + As Jesus passed through the multitude, so will I go before and go through the midst of them. + + + .' Carry this with you and God will aid you. Have faith that he will aid you in every peril. We pray. “Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ, son of the living God, you answered the Jews who wanted to seize you, 'I am he.' Then these Jews went away into the earth. So from that hour they were not able to harm you. Just as I believe and confess this to be true, so, most gracious Lord, Jesus Christ, now and always may you think me worthy to guard me from enemies who would harm me and may you turn them from anger and any evil they may want to do. May I follow in the way of peace and security. In praise and glory the name of guardian is blessed. World without end, Amen. + + + .” Say this every day and carry it with you. Prayer to entreat the grace of God and of the Madonna. 'Cross + of Christ be with me. Cross of Christ is always worshipped. Cross of Christ is hope for safety. Cross of Christ is above all, even the sword. Cross of Christ + surmounts the bonds of death. Cross of Christ, Jesus is for me a weapon of hope. Cross of Christ + is my protection. Cross of Christ delivers me from all evil through the divine grace of the Cross and it is my salvation in all journeys. Cross of Christ take away, away all evil from me. Cross of Christ save me from all the adversity of the world. Cross + of Christ, Jesus save me. May the ancient enemy not see me. May he disappear with this sign of the cross. May all wickedness flee far off from this sign. May it be powerful over all wickedness. Amen.' -------- [Page 365] Prayer against all dangers of the world. Jesus passed through the multitude unharmed. Through the sign of the cross free us, our God, from our enemies. Mary, Mother of grace, Mother of mercy, protect us from enemies and support us in the hour of death. Through the Virgin Mother may God pardon us at judgment. Angel Raphael, who was with Tobias, be with us always on our way. We take refuge under your protection. Holy Mother of God do not despise our entreaty in need. Ever glorious and kind Maiden free us from all dangers. The flesh was made word and it dwells in us. I give you my peace. I leave behind peace to you. Your heart should not be disturbed nor should it fear. Trust that I ordered the world'. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. + + +.' Most devout prayer. 'O gracious Jesus through your infinite mercy you are to me creator, redemptor and savior. Therefore, gracious Jesus, through you I am created, through you I am redeemed. O gracious Jesus who created me, I ask your kindness to me so your work may not be lost. I ask, seek, desire and hope that you may not destroy what you have made. Omnipotent divinity, O gracious Jesus, recall what you are and do not reflect on what I am. O gracious Jesus, do not reflect on my weakness nor forget your good. O gracious Jesus if I have committed that for which you ought to condemn me, do not give me up for I can be saved. If, after justice, you wish to condemn me, O gracious Jesus, I call on your most excellent mercy that stands above judgment. Therefore I seek pity for me according to your great mercy. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.' Prayer to bring health. 'I pray to you most sweet Jesus Christ for your five wounds and the harsh torment you have borne on the Cross for me, wretched sinner. You arrange today and always in all places, hours and moments my soul, my body, my acts, thoughts, speech, desires and on my journey peace, health and prosperity to please you with good works from me, a miserable sinner, that I may be strong to depart from this life with true penitence, pure confession, fitting amends, pious body, clean heart, steadfast catholic faith and the sacred holy eucharist and anointed with holy oil. You, Lord Jesus Christ, who are able to save me through the intercession of the most blessed Virgin Mary, your most sweet Mother, may my words and deeds be pleasing to you. Give to me counsel in all tribulations, help in all needs, patience in all adversity, moderation in all prosperity and at the end everlasting rejoicing. Amen. Through Christ, our Lord.' 'Jesus was seized without being angered, Jesus was bound without sinning. So as Jesus was bound hand and foot, the heart that has suffered holds me in these deeds and words. + + +.' Carry this with you. 'Powerful God, Tetragrammaton , O admired divinity, O ineffable deity, O undivided love, O one true unity of three parts, I, unworthy sinner, entreat you, O highest God who created all from nothing. You set the bounds of the lasting sea beyond which one cannot go and from the four elements formed your creatures. I beg that in this night in such an hour I may see the true vision and all that my soul desires toward you. I stand before the angels of God, the elect of God, I beg you in the name of God, Adonay + Elyson + Athanathos + Otheos, + that the judge of life may accept my petition. Amen. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.' -------- [Page 366] To dry up sweating and clean the skin under the arms or wherever you wish and it will give you a good odor. Take as much yellow litharge as you wish, in very fine powder. The finer it is the better and the more perfect effect it has when you sweat all over the body and especially under the arms where that annoying bad odor develops and also on the chest and between the thighs. Take a little of this powder on the tips of 2 fingers and rub under the arms where the skin is wet or on other places and soon it will be dried up and will nevermore have that bad odor, because that odor develops as the sweat comes out. It dries and clings and covers the skin and as it is reheated it always gives out a bad odor. That is what makes a man develop a bad odor. When you are sweating and use the above-described powder, it causes the sweat to dry up and cleanses the skin and gives you a good odor and does not stain your clothing. This is a very good and true secret. By using it you will be very content because you will nevermore notice a bad odor. Another to stop sweating of the feet and the hands and to remove the bad odor quickly. Take 6 ounces each of limestone and rock alum and one handful each of leaves of cypress, of tamarisk and of myrtle. Boil everything together in a pail of leached wood ashes or strong lye until it reduces a third. Then wash the soles of the feet and also the hands and the feet, the sweating of which causes the bad odor. Continue this 2 or 3 times a week and in a short time you will be free without any harm and with no more bad odor. A gambler does not play any more. When a mother who is very zealous of the honor of her son and her husband sees the wealth of the house go for gambling and, at the end of her years, go to the game, I say she ought to be provided with a secret when it is known. The secret is this. Take some thread left over when the cloths are sewed around a dead man. Have this thread blessed. Then put one or two stitches in each of his clothes, such as in his shirt, doublet, coat, stockings, cloak and cap. When he changes clothing, make therein these little stitches so that he does not know it. You should know that, little by little, this man will lose the desire to gamble and he will become worried and will not want to gamble. This is true. He will not want to gamble, provided that he does not know the secret. It has been tested. Prayer to say in the evening before the crucifix. First say 3 Pater Noster and 3 Ave Maria for three evenings on your bare knees. Viz. 'Omnipotent, everlasting God, mystery of mysteries, who revealed mysteries to the first man, who revealed the sacrifice to Abel and promised the mysteries to Noah. You revealed the future to John, the Evangelist, and showed it to Peter in discourse. You showed Helen, mother of Constantine, where the cross was concealed. I beseech you through your blessed Virgin Mary and through your blessed apostles and your holy angels that in this night you make plain to me a vision so I may see a true vision of the way that you wish me to have in view and to know if it is mine to follow good or ill. But if it is mine to follow good, make me see fields of flowers, beautiful fruit ready to fall. It it is not mine to follow the true way, make it your grace that I see burning fire and running water to overwhelm me but yet cannot hurt me. Send your light and your truth to lead me to your holy mountain and your temple. The truth has risen on earth and the justice of heaven is forseen.' Say this with devotion for three evenings and it will help you achieve your goal. -------- [Page 367] The wolf has many medicinal powers, I say when it is dead, not alive. These have been tested. [Drawing on page.] These are from the book of nature. First we will speak of the head of the wolf that should be suspended in your house or kept in your possession. No serpent will be able to enter. Another. It is so powerful that if any merchant or other person will bury the head of the wolf with its mouth open underground or under his shop or stall at the entrance, all his merchandise will sell well and always from good to better. Another. If anyone will carry the right eye of the wolf on him, it has been said that no sorcery will be able to harm him. Neither incantation nor any illness will be able to harm him or come near and he will not be able to sleep as long as he keeps it near him. Also one of these eyes, whichever you want, wrapped in a leaf of the herb called heliotrope, gathered in August when the sun is in the lion, is powerful so that no person will be able to gainsay him while he is carrying it secretly near him. Another. If you fasten 2 or all 4 canine teeth of the wolf or only one around the neck of a little or large child, no animal will be able to harm him and it protects greatly from worms and saves and defends him so he will not develop that bad illness. The teeth are also used to burnish gold in working it. Also if you grind the molar teeth of the wolf into fine powder and put this this powder at night on the chest of a woman or man who is asleep, she or he will tell you, half asleep, all that she or he has ever done at any time in life, relating more than would otherwise be said. Another. The blood of the wolf drunk for 9 waning moons, cures the illness of epilepsy. Another. The heart of the wolf, roasted, made into fine powder and drunk, aids the epileptic. If you dry it, it is said that it becomes very aromatic. If you carry the heart of the wolf in your hand no dog will be able to bark behind you. Another. The liver of the wolf, cooked on the grill or in the oven, powdered and eaten so or drunk with wine or broth helps greatly in pain and in epilepsy. Also this powder is effective when a spoonful is given with warm broth to one who suffers painful colic. This powder of the wolf liver, dried and ground, is useful in every indisposition when taken with sweet wine. The way to preserve this wolf liver when it is made into powder, so that it lasts a long time for when it is needed and does not become spoiled, is put it into a little box with 3 or 4 tips of wormwood. Keep it in the box and it will never spoil and use it to treat painful colics. Another. The bile of the wolf together with rose oil helps the eyelashes when it is rubbed on them warm. Also it is powerful against muscle spasms. If you carry it near the center of the pain, you will be well satisfied. Another. The powdered lung of the wolf, given to drink with white wine, is effective for those who have an illness in the chest and who cannot raise their arms. Another. Eating the spleen of the wolf, either male or female, is effective against drunkenness. -------- [Page 368] Another. The intestine of the wolf is double and large. Clean it and wash it well and at the end wash it with strong vinegar and salt. Then inflate it and hang it up near to the road so that it dries well or put it in the oven and it will not have a bad odor although it may smell like a wild deer. Save it in a box with 4 to 6 tips of wormwood so you can use it for all you needs and it will never become spoiled. This is powerful for pain in the sides and in the distress of colic. Bind it around on the bare flesh where the pain is felt. Let it stay until your flesh heats the wolf intestine and the distress in the side goes away. Soon you will urinate and will feel better, through the grace of God. If you may be subject to this infirmity, wear a belt of intestine for a whole month and you will never have pain in the side. I say on bare flesh. This has been tested many times. If you bind it on the body of an animal that you think may have pain, leave it for all of a day or a night and, with the aid of God, the animal will be cured. When it urinates it is freed and cured. If a bone is found in the intestine of the wolf, that is good against toothache. Hold it in the mouth if you can. Also if you spread out the intestine of the wolf over a doorway, wherever it is, neither cow, nor horse, nor mule, nor ass will pass under it. Another. The flesh of the wolf, cooked and eaten, heals wild behavior and dropsy wonderfully and also may cure quartan fever. Another. The flesh of the wolf has the same medicinal powers as that of the fox. Take the meat and brine it well so it takes up the salt. Then wash it with vinegar or wine. Put it to dry in the shade and when it is very dry, save it in a dry place for your needs, from which God guard you. When a large beast has fallen ill, ox, cow, mule, horse, mare, ass or other animal that has the serious illness of urinating blood or other pains, do this at once. Take some of the meat of the wolf and as much as of a fox, cut it finely and grind about a bowlful well. Boil it in 2 jugs of good white wine for a half hour. Remove it from the fire and let it cool until you can bear it on your finger. Then have a funnel of horn and with dexterity pour it down the throat with force. Do this in the morning and the evening. If the illness is recent, only for one day, it will be cured rapidly. Then give the animal its bran mash to drink with wheat meal and tepid water. Be quick to give this medicine because if you should be negligent, the beast will die because the sickness may send it in 3 days. The flesh of the wolf is not good for anything except the rump at the rear. Do not touch the remainder for it will make you ill. Another, a beverage for similar animals and a good remedy. Take 1 ½ jugs of good white wine, 3 ounces of good theriac and 1 lb. of male pork lard that is old and crush it finely. Take 1 lb. of finely-ground marble and incorporate everything together and put it on the fire to boil a little until the lard is melted. Remove it and let it cool and when you can bear to put your finger in it, then pour it down the throat with the funnel using force as described above. Do this 2 or 3 times. If, at the end of 3 days, the animal lives, you have won. Do not let it drink cold water and keep it warm with a good stable. Keep it away from other animals so they do not catch the illness because it is easily caught. This has been tested many times in large animals. Especially if you see that an animal does not eat, suspect a similar illness and at once use the remedy of the above medicine because in 2 days it may become clear that the animal cannot survive because the blood is too contaminated. That contaminated blood goes to the heart and soon it will die. Always keep to the rump of the flesh of the wolf and the fox for this kind of sickness. -------- [Page 369] Another. The fat of the wolf. If you rub a stick of the tree that is called holly with this fat and put it in the evening in the middle of the room, all the fleas that are there will jump on it. You will be able to kill all those that stay stuck on it and you will have your revenge. Another. The bone of the wolf that is in the shin, that is between the two bones, is called the nut. That is what you want. Dry it and wash it well and clean and put it in a pot when you want to boil something on the fire. If you make a good fire under that pot it will never boil over because of the effect of that bone. Another. The white dung of the wolf is powerful against the distress of colic and also helps in schilencia when it is given with warm wine.... 193 Another. The member or penis of the wolf. Dry it in the oven and make fine powder in any way. Give half a spoonful to drink in 2 or 3 fingers of warm white wine to a woman who suffers from problems with pregnancy and soon she will be cured and not have more trouble. Another. The fur of the wolf from the palpebra of the eyes and the fur that is under the beard and the powdered penis described above, all dried in the oven and made into powder and given to a man or to a woman to eat, when they do not know it, will increase loving. Another. The bladder of the wolf. Dry it and make powder of it and incorporate this with soot or cobweb that is above the smoke in the chimney. Mix everything with egg yolk and water and make it in the form of a liquid unguent and put it on the face and you will not be recognized. Another. The skin of the wolf helps considerably the women who are not able to give birth. Put it on the back here and there on bare flesh, that is with the fur outside, and soon she will give birth. Also if it is worn on the back one will never develop lice. Another. If you tack the tail of the wolf behind the door of the stable the livestock will never enter until you remove it. Also if you tack this tail in your room in front of or on a window that is open to the air, flies will never enter the place where it is suspended. This is enough of the value of the wolf. The horse, ox or other animal that urinates blood. This occurs in bovine animals from overheating and from bad food. First, when you see an animal walk with slow steps or weakness, consider well its urination. If it urinates any bit or drops of blood and if it does not eat in its usual way, when you see these obvious and manifest signs, do not be slow if you wish your horse, ox, cow or other animal to recover. At once make this medicine with the herbs written below. Do not be negligent and have the greatest solicitude because it is important. Viz. Take one handful each of horehound, wormwood, rue and holy thistle, cut them finely and boil them in 3 jugs of white wine until it is reduced 1/3. Put in 2 heads of garlic, cut up, and one half bowl of very fine soot and boil everything. Then let it cool a while. Make a funnel of horn and push it down the throat all at once with the herbs in. Use this medicine in the morning and evening for 2 days and in 3 hours give tepid bran mash to drink with a fistful of wheat meal. Do not let them touch cold water for 3 days. Note that this medicine is the one that is used to purify the gall bladder and heal it, because this infirmity develops only when the gall bladder is expanded in the body and contaminates all the viscera and the interior. It is caused by some herb that they have eaten which has made the gall bladder overflow. Everything is mended by the action of the above herbs which are opposed to such an infirmity. With good care the animal will soon be cured. -------- [Page 370] Note that the sickness of urinating blood is called the sickness of anticor that might soon pass to the head in 3 or 4 days and the animal will die of it. If you make this medicine do not let 2 days pass because you will have difficulty in restoring it to health. You should know that this secret is rare among townsmen who laugh at giving any drench in this illness and few animals escape it. If you will be solicitous and make the above medicine, rest assured that every beast that has such a sickness will soon be cured, through God's grace. This has been tested many times. The same day that the animal has taken the medicine, it will begin to eat and to stay up on its feet. Keep it warm and with a good bed and a warm stall and separate from others and, with the aid of God, it will be cured and will recuperate. Another for the horse or other animal that has bloody urine. Say this prayer 3 mornings in a row with the Pater Noster and the Ave Maria and do nothing else. Viz. 'In the name of the Father, + Son + and Holy Spirit, Amen. I conjure you through the living God, through the true God, through the holy God, through holy Mary, Mother of our God, Jesus Christ, that you do not stay in this animal, that you go out from bone to flesh, from flesh to skin, from skin to fur and that the fur falls to the earth and the sea opens and receives the sickness.' Make over the animal the sign of the holy cross in the name of the Father, + Son + and Holy Spirit, Amen. Keep the animal in a warm stall with a good bed underneath and a cover on its back. With the aid of God, soon it will be cured. Horse or other animal that has colic pain or aliaci . Take 3 spikes of rye, that is of beaten straw, and put them in a cross in this form + and hold them in your hand and rub the sick animal several times, back and forth, under the body, beginning near the testicles and ending at the foreleg. Do this up to the spur vein and when you have done one side, do the other and rub on the largest vein you can feel. Do this same rubbing in any animal that you think has the pains. While you do this rubbing, say the Pater Noster with the Ave Maria. Then say this prayer, twice a day, morning and evening, for 3 days in a row and, with the aid of God, soon the animal will be cured. This has been tested. Viz. 'Saint Martin on a journey met a servant maid, a gentle husband, a sour wife, a soft sack and thin straw. Out of this body this illness should go. I pray to God and Saint Martin to give me this grace that by touching this beast this pain will go. So be it.' Make the sign of the cross. I want you to know this prayer because it is appropriate to the pain of the horse. Saint Martin was on a journey and arrived very weary in the evening at the house of a countryman and asked for lodging. The countryman was pleased but the wife grumbled. The countryman ordered that he should be given a bed to sleep in but the wife did not want it and she gave a sack to her housemaid to give to the pilgrim so that he could sleep in a corner. The servant, moved to compassion, put him in a corner in a tub where there was a little straw. So he placed himself on the straw and the sack was soft enough and so Saint Martin stayed there. In the morning his host wanted to ride and went to his horse but he saw that his horse was sick with pain and he gave up his trip. On going to the house he found the pilgrim who was shaking with cold. He asked the reason and Saint Martin told him all. The man was very disturbed about his wife and was going to rebuke her but the pilgrim comforted him. He told the pilgrim that his horse had pains and took the pilgrim to the stall and asked his name and his country and the pilgrim told him this, that he should take 3 spikes of straw and rub them on the body of the horse and say 'Out of the charity of Saint Martin for the housemaid, kind husband, bitter wife, soft sack and little straw, this sickness will go out of this body.' He said this and the horse at once got up on its feet and the pilgrim immediately vanished. This treasure remains for this good man from the mouth of Saint Martin.... 194 -------- [Page 371] Another for a horse that has pain in the body. Take 1 handful each of the herb savin and camomile flowers and ½ ounce of ground cumin and boil everything in 2 jugs of good white wine until it reduces 1/3, with the herbs cut minutely. When it is tepid, put it down the throat by force with a funnel of horn. Then take 1 handful of the herb savin, cut finely, and give it to eat with bran and in 3 hours give warm bran mash to drink. Keep the horse as warm as you can. Then take 2 handfuls of the herb ground pine, cut finely, and fry it slowly in a pan with ordinary oil. Then rub it, very warm, on the kidney and the flanks. Do this 2 times a day and soon, through God's grace, it will cure. This is a rare secret and has been tested many times. Another to free an animal quickly that has pain. Give the sick animal the root of wild cucumber to eat and it will at once be cured. Also if you say these words 3 times while touching the body or saying it in the right ear, it will be cured at once. Viz. 'When Christ was born all pain was cured. Flee pain. Flee pain + because the Lord pursues you.' At once, through God's grace, the horse will be freed. Another for the pain that comes to a horse through overheating or overcooling. Note that when you go to the midnight mass of Christ's birth which is called the mass of Saint Anastasia, + when the priest says the Pater Noster, say it with him with all deference. When you want to help a horse, put your hands to the right ear and say 3 Pater Noster with 3 Ave Maria and make 3 crosses in honor of the Holy Trinity and Saint Anastasia in commemoration of that mass you heard on the night when you said the Pater Noster with the the priest. Then make a good bed for the horse and do not worry for soon it will be cured. The horse that has a cough or is cold or is broken-winded. Take 6 radish roots, 6 ounces of butter, 4 heads of garlic and ½ ounce of pepper. Everything should be ground finely and incorporated together. Early each morning give the horse some of it to eat, as much as an egg each time, for 15 days, and at once put the bit in his mouth and leave it there for 2 or 3 hours so he does not eat. Then give him his bran mash and nothing more and soon he will be cured. Keep him warm in his stall with his cover. This has been tested. Another to cure the broken-winded horse. Take a measure of barley that is free of powder and dirt and boil it with enough water until the barley cracks. Then remove it and press out the barley in the press and put this substance with the boiled water. Put in 1 handful of nettles and 2 handfuls of the herb juniper, cut finely, and return everything to boil together a little. Then with dexterity give this boiled liquid to the horse to drink for 10 to 15 days and it will be cured. Keep the horse warm. Boil with the barley a half pound of lard from a young male pig. Another to cure a horse rapidly that is cold. Take 1 handful of finely-cut agrimony and half a handful of laurel berries made into fine powder and give it to the sick horse to eat. Then give the horse white liquid, that is bran mash, to drink. After you give it this to drink, put in its mouth a piece of withe in the form of a bit smeared with laurel oil. Then when the horse has drunk, make it walk a little with its blanket. Then lead it into its stall and keep it warm and soon it will be cured. It needs good care, as is said above. So your horse will run better than all the others and will defeat them in a race, be advised that when he begins to run, say these words and do not say any other. ' Christus abiel. Christus abiel. Christus abieli .' Say nothing more and it will run better than all the others. This has been shown in Barbary. -------- [Page 372] To cure a horse quickly or other beast that is sick from small or large worms or is upset by worms in the body. Take white bread of wheat cut in slices and toast it well and take 7 or 8 ounces of sublimate and put everything in a stone mortar and grind it together and make very fine powder. Save this for your needs. The animal that is sick from worms has boils on the body, first forming on the chest, the neck, the forelegs and under the body and then forming on all the body. If you want to cure the animal rapidly do it this way. Take one of those pimples or boils with 2 fingers and cut it with the tip of a little knife or with a lancet or other tip that cuts well. Press out the bad infection that is inside. Then put this powder with care in each of the places that you open and when it is open be sure you press out the wormy infection well and put therein some of this powder because this infection has all the poison of the worm and it flows out between the flesh and the skin and makes this little button and this needs to be killed. Put the powder in all the places that you open and in those that are open if you want to keep the animal that has this sickness from worms. They will be cured soon because this has been tested many times. This secret has come from Germany where the persons who have this secret keep it to themselves to sell you the powder but not the secret and so keep it secret. Another to cure sickness from worms in another way if the animal is valuable. Go and gather a plant of teasel, that is the wild teasel that is used to teasle cloth. Gather it in the morning before the sun rises and during the half moon. Open it in the middle and you will find in some of them some worm-like creatures of which you will take 3 and put them in a linen cloth. Touch them to the neck of the animal and say 3 Pater Noster with 3 Ave Maria. Then take 3 silver coins and hold them in a cross in your hand and mark all the sick places. Then attach the cross of coins to the neck. Do this marking for 3 mornings in a row before the sun rises and say over the coins a mass of Saint Job before you attach them to the neck of the animal. At the end of 3 days remove the coins and do nothing more. But the worms will stay attached to the neck for several days although they may be dead. The animal will get better little by little and if you need the animal soon with the aid of God it will be cured. Keep it separate from the other horses. Another to cure horses, cattle or other animals from sickness from worms. Take half a handful of sweet blue violets with the root and clean them in a pan and say over them a mass of Saint Alo . Then say 3 Pater Noster with 3 Ave Maria in honor and reverence to God and the Holy Trinity and attach it to the neck of the animal with a cord of 3 strong threads and make 3 knots with 3 crosses and soon it will cure the animal of worms. This has been tested. Another to cure sickness from worms in a horse if the animal is needed. Learn by heart or write these four words on a card and touch all the small boils from the worm with this card, one by one. Say the words and make the sign of the cross on all you see. Do this early in the morning for three mornings in a row. Then attach this prayer to the neck of the horse and leave it so and soon the horse will be cured. This has been proved. Viz. 'In the name of God and of the Holy Monsignor Lotto + alubia + gio + distoria + etrinis. ' Do not do anything else for this is sufficient for you. Another for the horse that suffers from worms in the body. Take 3 lb. of lard from a male pig, cut it finely and melt it. Then put in 2 ounces of powdered hepatic aloe and 1 ½ ounces of lupin flour and incorporate these well together. When it is not too hot, pour it down the throat. Use your ingenuity and the funnel of horn. Do it through gentleness or by force. Make the beast walk for a while and soon it will be cured of worms. Alternatively do it this other way. Give this medicine by mouth, that is, take 2 ounces each of hepatic aloe and powdered peach leaves and 1 ½ ounces each of juice of wormwood and heart of peach stones...... -------- [Page 373] Pulverize everything finely and put it in about a pint of white wine. Heat it and put it down the mouth of the horse and make it walk. But before you give this medicine, take 2 bowls of milk or water sweetened with honey and give it to the horse to drink in the morning using the horn funnel. All the worms in the body will go into the stomach. Then the next morning give the above medicine after which you will find all the worms knotted in the stomach and all dead because this bitter medicine opposes the first liquid with which the worms were soaked and now they all burst. When they are in such quantity in the body of the animal, it is always thin even though it eats enough because the worms eat all the substance. Then they leave the stomach and go in the tail and it makes the animals itch and they scratch on the wall or wherever they can. As the above beverages coagulate the worms, the animal will be freed of this infirmity and in a short time will grow fat. This has been tested. Another to cure the horse that has the above worms in the body. Take one scruple of yellow sulfur and make it into powder and give it with bran to eat early in the morning and do not give anything to drink for 2 hours. Do this for 3 mornings. Give this prescription in the winter if you can and not in summer when the sulfur is warming. Soon, with God's grace, the horse will be cured of worms. This has been tested. To cure the horse that has a sickness on the back or sore on the front shoulder. Take 1 ounce each of hepatic aloe and incense, and 2 ounces of quicklime and make these into fine powder. Take 1 handful each of agrimony and scabiosa and dry them in the shade and make fine powder and ½ ounce of ground pepper. Take as much honey as you need to mix up the powders to make little balls. Dry them but not in the sun. Then grind them into powder and save this for your needs. When your horse has any galls on the back or abcess in the shoulder, wash the sore well with warm wine in which has been boiled ½ ounce of ground pepper and 2 ounces of salt and wash the sore well. Then put on the above powder and leave it and protect it so the tail does not swat it. This cleans and draws the flesh together. Then when the flesh is nearly drawn together, take some old shoes that have been baked and a little of the powdered agrimony and scabiosa mixed with 3 times as much powder of the old shoes. Do not put on more of the first powder but put on this which soon makes new skin and the horse will be cured. This medicine has been used many times. Alternatively, make this other medicine when the illness is on the ribs. Take a piece of lard and fry it in a pan and drop it in very strong vinegar. When you want to medicate, warm the vinegar and lard and take this warm in your hand and rub the sore well. Do this several times and it will soon be cured. Also if it is not split open, rub the swelling or cyst very well and it will be cured. The horse that has swelling around the ankles and in the feet. Take 1 lb. of tragacanth and put it to soak in very strong vinegar, covered, for 3 days in a warm place. Then grind it in a mortar until it becomes in the form of an unguent and save it in a cool place. It will be somewhat liquid. Then in the morning and evening, rub the sore swelling or spine, pulling it well with the hands while you rub around the pastern of the ankle. Do this several times and it will soon be cured, as was a horse of great value that had swelling of both pasterns and was treated with this remedy. -------- [Page 374] The horse that has ulcerated legs from overheating or overcooling or from too much exertion. Take 1 lb. each of tar and Greek pitch, 1 ½ lb. each of pitch and naval pitch, 3 ounces each of turpentine and cumin and 2 ounces of linseed flour. All these things go together on the fire to incorporate in a pot or in a pan. First, if the legs of the horse are ulcerated and the horse has become stiff-legged and the skin is stuck to the bones and the skin does not move with your finger and the horse does not want to eat, at once draw blood from the spur vein and collect that blood and put it in this poultice. When you have made the poultice, spread it very warm on the croup and over the chest and on the shoulders and the joints of the knees. Rub very well against the hair so that it gets on the skin. Then make the horse walk as much as you can and give it broad beans to eat and give it bran mash in the morning and evening for 2 or 3 days. At the end of 20 to 30 days, heat some lye and wash it, wetting the poultice first until it is softened. Then remove it with the curry comb and you will have cured your horse of this bad sickness and it will be beautiful and comely as at first. The horse that has swollen glands behind the ear, that is under the jaw. When your horse has become sick so that it does not want to eat and the hide stays attached to the back and the ears and nose are cold and it repeatedly lies down willingly, then feel behind the jaw, under the ear, in the joint of the neck and the head under the mane of the head. Take the skin in your 2 fingers and directly underneath you will feel some grains under the fingers in this condition. In that place clean off a little of the hair. Then with pincers take up the skin in that place but do not squeeze it. With the point of a very sharp knife or other pointed iron, open the skin until you can put in the tip of your finger. Remove all these white granules that you see. When you have removed these well and cleaned it, put in a little ground salt and rub around with a little oil and leave it so. Do not do anything else. If it needs it, do it on both sides. Then put a green twig of a fig tree in the mouth and make it chew that for a while. Then give it a few beans or other legumes to eat and make it walk for 2 or 3 hours with a blanket on its back. Keep it warm in its stall with a good bed and with bran mash and no cold water for 3 days. Let it rest for 4 or 5 days and, with the aid of God, you will have won and the horse will soon be cured of the swollen glands. To cure the horse rapidly that has a spot in the eyes. Take 3 ounces of intact rock alum and 2 glasses of strong vinegar and boil it very slowly in a little pot until the vinegar is consumed. Take the residue and make very fine powder and take the amount of a lentil of this powder and with a stick or feather put it in the eye of the horse where there is a spot. Do this twice a day and soon it will be cured. The spot will resolve little by little. This powder is good also in humans who have a spot in the eye or other cloudiness that hides the light. The eye may be restored by putting in it an amount the size of half a lentil. It is true that this stings a little but that soon disappears. By treating it several times it soon will dry up and in a short time you will see. This is a valuable secret. -------- [Page 375] The horse that does not let itself be shod willingly or is restive. [Drawing on page.] Bind your horse tightly, approach it gently and say in its right ear, 'Remember the Lord will provide and all gentleness is from him. + Gaspar takes you. + Baldassar binds you. + Melchior leads you. + Amen +. Bring peace + forever +. May there be peace today. Christ was born and also bound. + Peace to me, peace to you. So be it today.' Then make 3 signs of the cross, + + + and in the name of God the horse will let itself be shod and it will make no disturbance and you will be very satisfied. Also the horse will want you and where you go it will follow. If you say these words in the ear, the horse will stand quietly and let itself be shod. These are, 'Stay, stay, Moses holds you, horse. Abraham takes you, Isaac binds you and Jacob tames you + .' Make the sign of the cross and the horse will stay very quiet. Say it 2 or 3 times and you will see this result. Another for the horse that has been shod incorrectly. Take the bad foot and first mark around the foot and remove the nail that you think is causing the problem. Do it with dexterity and do not let the foot touch the ground but directly under that leg make a cross on the earth and stick this nail in the middle of it. Then say, 'We pray for useful portents and divine instruction. We listen for your will.' Then say, 'Our Father who is in heaven, it was decreed in your name. May your authority come to pass. May your will be done.' Do not move away and give a blow on the nail. Then say another Pater Noster and say at the end, 'As it is in heaven.' Then give another blow and say another Pater Noster and say at the end, 'And on earth.' Give 3 blows on the nail and drive it in completely with the last blow and at once the horse will go as if it had never had any lameness and you will be very pleased as you go on your way. Another for the above problem with shoeing. First remove the nail that causes the lameness and with the same nail mark around the foot putting it on the ground. Then lift the foot and make a cross in the middle of the mark and put the nail in the middle and give it three blows. With the first blow say, 'Gentle wood,' at the second, 'Gentle limp,' and at the third blow say, 'Gentle weight.' Make the sign of the cross and mount the horse and it will go as if it had no illness. Then you can also say these 3 words with a sign of the cross and the horse will walk. These are, ' Anter panter, panter anter .' Say a Pater Noster and you will go on your way. This has been tested many times. Do it 3 times in a row and you will have your wish. -------- [Page 376] Another. The balky horse that does not want to enter the boat. Approach the horse gently and take the right ear and make the sign of the cross and say these words, 'Remember the Lord will provide and all gentleness is from him. Abraham holds you, + Isaac leads you, + Jacob guides you. + Move in the name of God and the Virgin Mary, my beast.' At once it will go forward. Do this test when you pass through any door and you will see the wonderful result, because this has been proved. Another for the horse that has lost a shoe through travel. Dismount and move aside and say 3 Pater Noster with 3 Ave Maria for the soul of someone whom you have known who has been executed or died a bad death. In your mind say, 'O [this person], take my horse that has lost a shoe into your care until I may go to a place where he can be shod.' Mount the horse and go your way safely until you find a ferrier. Then have the horse shod and he will have no problem. Then say 3 more Pater Noster for the soul of the person and recommend him to God. If you let your horse go out at night, commend him to this friend and the horse will carry nothing without your knowledge. This has been proved. To put some green spots on a white horse. Take 4 to 6 lb. of green capers and dry them in the shade and powder them. Then distill the powder in a glass still on the bain marie and redistill the water 2 times. Then with this water bathe the spot repeatedly that you want to make green and the hair will take on the green color. It will last for a while and it will be beautiful to see. Also take 2 or 3 lb. of verdigris and calcine it. Then wash it once in a pot and the second time distill it and use this to rub on the white hair. It will make the hair become a different green color. You can tint horses, dogs, cats and other animals and for a time it will make them beautiful to see. This is a good secret. Another, a similar secret to make a star on the forehead of a horse. Take a root of cyclamen and make an opening in the middle and put therein ordinary oil and put it in the hot ashes around a grill and let it cook thoroughly. Then shave where you want to make the star and with the very warm oil rub the shaved spot twice a day. If you touch the place with a little dark soap it will become white. So it has been said. Another to make a horse become lame in a quarter of an hour for a joke and make him recover quickly without any impediment. Take 2 or 3 horsehairs from the tail of the horse and bind one front leg above the knee as tightly as you can and let it stay. In a quarter of an hour the horse will go lame so that it appears that it is very sick. When you want to cure it, remove the horsehairs or cut them and give 2 rubs to the leg and it will soon be cured without impediment and it will go where you wish. Another joke similar to this, but I do not believe it unless I test it first. It is said that if one takes the leg of the black beetle that stays under stones and smells bad and binds it in a little piece of linen and puts under the middle of an exit as the horse passes over it, they say that at once the horse is lamed from that piece of linen and will be lame as long as the thing stays there. As soon as you remove it, the horse will be cured and free without injury. *For a stab wound of a horse as well as a man. Say, 'In the name of God and the Holy Trinity and the Virgin Mary. As Jesus Christ was wounded and the wound was washed and rubbed with ointment and it was cured by that washing and by that ointment, so may this cure this man or this horse of this wound.' + + + . -------- [Page 377] Water to cure wounds, fistulas, ulcers, tumors and old sores, provided that the hurt place is open. First take clean water in a jar or other vessel and bless it in the way written below. Such water is powerful to treat fistulas, ulcers, tumors and all old wounds and cuts such as wounds, as long as the sore place is open. Wet some threads and some cloths and put these on the sores. This can be done regardless of time or hour if any offence is pardoned with a good heart and every man is good to bless the water. First say the Pater Noster, the Ave Maria and the confiteor to God the Father and continue as it is written and you will have a cure that does not come from earth. Viz. 1. 'Water, I exorcise you and order it in the name of the most Holy Trinity, Father, + Son + and Holy Spirit, Amen, that this wound may be healed properly through you and closed just as you obeyed the command of God in the beginning of the world when he put you in your place. Amen.' Say a Pater Noster with each prayer, viz. the Pater Noster is repeated. 2. 'Water, I exorcise you and order you, in the name of the most Holy Trinity, Father, + Son + and Holy Spirit, + Amen, that just as you supported the Ark with all its human nature that you preserved safe and sound, that the wound may be properly healed and well-closed by you. Amen.' Pater Noster with Ave Maria. 3. 'Water, I exorcise you and order you, in the name of the most Holy Trinity, Father, + Son + and Holy Spirit, + Amen, by the most holy and secret knowledge of the River Jordan that was placed in the hands of the glorious holy saint, John the Baptist, that you may heal and consolidate this wound.' Pater Noster and Ave Maria. 4. 'Water, I exorcise you and order you, in the name of the most Holy Trinity, Father, + Son + and Holy Spirit, Amen, and by the mystery of the most holy banquet when you were converted into wine and just as the water of Jordan by the command of Elisha cleansed and healed Naaman the Syrian from his leprosy, to heal this wound and restore the flesh to a healthy state and that you heal this wound properly and well. Amen.' Pater Noster and Ave Maria. 5. 'Water, I exorcise you and order you, in the name of the most Holy Trinity, Father, + Son + and Holy Spirit, Amen, just as blood and water came from the side of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and by the font that healed all infirmities, to heal this wound properly and well and close it. Amen.' Pater Noster and Ave Maria. 6. 'Blessing + to you through Jesus Christ, son of God, our Lord who in Cana of Galilee, as a sign of his miraculous power, converted you to wine, who with his feet walked over you and, through Saint John the Baptist, was baptized in you in the Jordan, and you were one with the blood produced from his side and he said to his disciples that you cured all wounds. In the name of the Father, + Son + and Holy Spirit, Amen.' Pater Noster and Ave Maria. 7. 'In the name of the most Holy Trinity, Father, + Son + and Holy Spirit. Amen, and all holy and all virtue of heaven and in the name of the most holy night in which the most holy Virgin delivered and Christ was born and then died and just as Christ was resurrected and the Blessed Virgin commands that these wounds should be strong and well-healed, without infection, without cold, without fever, without bleeding, without pain and without any sickness. Christ and the Blessed Virgin + ordered it so. Just as Longinus, the Hebrew, pierced the side of our Lord, Jesus Christ, with a lance and just as the Lord healed that wound and it did not lead to putrefaction, so may this wound not develop bloody matter and putrefaction, but may heal and grow flesh in it, in honor of the most sacred passion of our Lord, Jesus Christ and by the seven words that he said on the cross to God, the Father: First, Father forgive them for they do not know what they do. 2. Amen. I say to you today you will be with me in paradise. 3. Woman, behold your Son. Disciples, behold your Mother. 4. I thirst. 5. It is finished. 6. Hely, hely, lama zabatani. 7. Father, my soul is commended into your hands.' We pray. 'To you, my Lord, Jesus Christ, I ask through those and these most holy words which you spoke, hanging on the Cross, so you may consider it worthy of your power to cause this little cloth in this water to heal this wound, in the name of the Father, + Son + and Holy Spirit. Amen. He is merciful in all your iniquities and heals all your infirmities. Amen.' When you bless the water, have the cloth present and say all the above prayers to bless the water and the cloth and it will be blessed without fail. Do not alter these. -------- [Page 378] To remove a birthmark or a blood spot that is on the face or the body. Take an amount that you wish of mucilage from quinces, saffron and squash seeds and make them into fine powder and form it with a decoction of fenugreek and with this rub the place where the birthmark or blood spot is. In a few days it will be gone. Again, you can use this other method to remove the blemish of a blood spot. Take 2 ounces each of mud from a river with running water and some white soap cut finely. Dissolve the soap in a little cold water. Then add the mud and incorporate it well. In the evening, put this on the spot and in the morning wash it well. Do this several times and the spot will diminish. Another to remove a blood spot or any blemishes. Take the juice of celery and finest wheat flour and make a plaster. In the evening put it on the blemish that you wish to remove and in the morning wash it. In a few days you will see the good result that the place where the mark was will hardly be seen. Another to remove the birthmark or blood spot. This has been tested. If it is a woman who has such a red mark or birthmark or other mark on her body, kill a female pig and if it is a man who has such a mark, kill a male pig. Take some of the fat from the chest or the back or the kidneys or whatever you get easily. With this warm make 3 little balls the size of an egg, more or less, this is not important. Also sing or say over these 3 masses of the day of Christ's birth, as they stand covered on the cloth. When this is done take one of these 3 balls and make 3 little ones and do so with the others, so in all there are then 9 little balls. Then take one of these balls in the evening when you go to sleep and rub it well on the birthmark or blood spot and do not do anything else. The little bit of fat or whatever else remains in your hand, preserve it carefully. Save all these that you get and at the end put them all together and make a ball of them, little or large does not matter, and keep it with you and when there is a burial of a man or a woman, put this pellet that you have made into the hand of the dead person and with this it should go to burial. When that ball is destroyed or consumed, then your birthmark or blemish will go away and not before. Otherwise, you can throw this ball in a river of running water where there are fish and when this is broken up, destroyed and consumed, you will be cured and healthy at once and will remain without blemishes and marks and your flesh will be smooth and clean without any spots. This remedy has been made and tested by me. Very perfect celestial water or elixir of life. Viz. Take 1 dram each of cloves, nutmeg, ginger, zedoary and long and round peppers, 1 dram each of juniper berries and laurel berries, orange peel, flowers of sage, basil, rosemary, marjoram, sweet flag, French lavender, germander, round mint, pennyroyal, gentian, mountain mint and flowers of elder, 1 ounce each of seeds of dill and feverfew, good dry figs, dried sea grapes and date pulp and 6 ounces each of sweet almonds, pine nuts and clean white honey. Then take in weight as much fine sugar as is in this composition above, that is 30 ounces of fine sugar. Grind it and incorporate everything well together. Put in the same amount by weight of the best brandy that you can find and it should be distilled at least five times so that it will not have body but contains only the good. Incorporate everything and put it in a well-sealed flask for 2 whole days. Then put the distilling cap on the flask and distill this composition with its recipient flask in place.... -------- [Page 379] and above all keep the fire very low and a most clear and precious water will come forth. Continue with the fire very low until you see the water change color, that is it becomes whitish. Then quickly change to another receptacle and make the collection with all the joints closed up again so that the gases do not escape from any side. I tell you this not just for the second water but for the first and the third, because this matters. This second water has enough turbidity so that it is not good except it makes the face beautiful and all the rest of the body and removes every freckle and other spot and leaves the flesh very white. It does this by the end of 15 days. This water is said to be the whitening for great ladies and princesses with the property of whitening the face and cleansing it of every spot. It is very fragrant with a pleasant odor. Note that you should take the first clear and lustrous water and blend this by weight with an equal amount of brandy that has been distilled with the coil at least 4 or 5 times so that it is all spirit and does not have any body in it. This first water, well-incorporated with the brandy, is called 'Honey Balsam.' Put this water in a large flask for 2 whole days, well-closed so that no gases can escape. Then fit on its distilling cap and under that the receptacle with the joint well-sealed, as you know, with cloth and dough. Fit the flask first in the bain marie so that it cannot move and is firm and solid and distill it with a very little fire. I say little, so the water is barely maintained warm. You will see a very clear water distill, very odorous and marvelous and keep it by itself. When you see that the still changes color, that is the distillate becomes like rainwater, then at once and dextrously put on another receptacle and be quick to close the joints. Let this second water come until you see it change color, that is the third type and of red color. Again change to the third receptacle, as above, and keep all these 3 kinds of water by themselves. Keep them well-sealed with cork and wax. Save them as dearly as precious gems because in these waters is contained the greatest power that is on earth, as you will in part understand from their virtues written below. Viz. These are the virtues of this celestial water or elixir of life which have been tested. Viz. The first virtue is this: if you put a little on a fresh wound, know that it needs no other medication as long as it is not a mortal wound. This will heal it in 24 hours. It has been proved. Another for one who has an old wound, ulcer, fistula, lupus or plague. Wash the sore place with this water and in 15 to 20 days or more he will be freed and cured. Another. If you put a drop on a carbuncle, I say that it kills it in the space of 4 or 5 hours. Another. If one has the illness of stone in the kidney, bladder or penis, give a little of this water to drink with a little good warm wine. In 3 hours or more the stone will be broken and will be urinated little by little with some irritation as it exits from the penis. Soon he will be freed. -------- [Page 380] Another. If one has a problem with hemorrhoids, bathe where they are and they will be cured. Another. If a woman has sickness of the womb, she should drink one dinarius in weight of this water with as much good warm broth and soon she will be freed. Another. If there is a pannicle or fleshy growth or other impediment causing tearing from the eyes, provided that the eye is not damaged, put a drop of this water in the eye for three days and in 4 or 5 days it will be better and soon will be cured. Another. If you have a pain or bruise from falling, rub where it pains you and in 3 days it will be cured so there will be no more pain. Another. If you have a limb that is contracted or hardened, bathe it for 3 days and it will soon be cured. In conclusion, this water has a good effect in all the infirmities that can come to the human body. You should know that the third water that you have extracted with the increased fire is very precious and of such virtue that if a person uses only half a spoonful at a time for 15 days it will quickly remove any lepra, constipation, dropsy, asthma, tuberculosis or paralysis and other infirmities. At the end of 2 months he will be healed. Another. This precious water has so many virtues useful for human nature that if a man uses as much as equals 2 grains of wheat and continues to drink it with water of borage flowers distilled in a glass still, for the space of one year, he will restore blood, flesh and skin and he will be more lively than he was 10 years before. Also, if a child has been given up by the doctors, put one or more drops in the mouth and in the space of 2 or 3 hours there will be some improvement and you may be able to heal, depending on the child's nature and the illness. This is enough of its virtues. -------- [Page 381] Soporific of several kinds suited to the person and, for the most part, tested. Take 3 drams each of lilies, lettuce seeds, bishop's weed, henbane and black poppy and 2 drams each of opium and poison hemlock. Everything should be cut coarsely and put all these into two lb. of Greek wine or the best malvasia and let it infuse for 24 hours. Then distill it in the glass still with a slow fire and save the water which will be perfect to make one sleep. In the evening when one goes to sleep, give 3 drams to drink and soon the person will be sleeping and will sleep all night, longer or less according to the amount that you give to drink. When you want him to awaken, bathe the wrists and the nostrils of the nose with strong vinegar and he will wake up at once without surprise and not at all ill. This has been tested. Take what you want from the following. Another sedative, a little more active. Take 2 ounces each of thorn apple, Theban opium and henbane, 1 dram each of orpine and black and white poppies, 3 ounces each of lettuce seeds and purslane seeds and water made of dodder, from those bad seeds that grow in the grain when it begins to mature and then a water is made from them in the still. All the above things should be softened or break them coarsely. Then distill everything in the glass still on a slow fire. Save the distillation as a thing very dear, especially to cause sleep. Give 2 drams to drink in the evening in half a glass of wine when one goes to sleep and he will sleep 6 or even 8 hours without awakening. Then wash the wrists with strong vinegar and at once he will awaken. If you do not want it as a water, make it as a powder and it will have the same effect. That is, you can make this composition as above and when you have put in the water, let it stay until it dries in an airy place, not in the sun. When it is dry, make very fine powder and save it in a little sack of leather and keep it in a dry place. When you want to use this powder, give 2 drams and not more, mixed with other spices. You can give it on foods as you wish and it will not be bad if it is made with other spices. Very soon sleep will come and one will not sleep less than 6 hours. Also one may be awakened by bathing the wrists and the nose with vinegar so that the stupor will pass away quickly and he will be as before and will not think about being sleepy. This is used for one who cannot sleep. This is a good, tested secret. If you want to use a shorter method, take this composition in whatever amount you wish and bind it in a fine linen cloth. Allow it to boil a while, putting it in soup or broth or put it in wine or water and let it stay for a piece. Then extract it and press it well over the liquid. When you want to cause sleep, use it and it will act the same as above. Another sedative. Take 9 ounces of good, odoriferous wine and put it in a bottle. Then take 2 drams each of lilies, henbane, black poppy, opium, ordinary salt, sedge, aloe wood, nutmeg and bedstraw and 4 drams each of lettuce seed and white poppy, all finely ground. Put them in the bottle in the wine and stopper it well and put it to extract in a bath for 9 days. Then remove the wine carefully so that the sediment is not disturbed and leave it to clarify and save it in the bottle. When you want to use it, put 3 drops in wine or in some other material and it will cause sleep. Note that when you want to awaken someone from sleep, it is necessary to wash the nostrils with vinegar and put some in the mouth. Another, a good soporific to make everyone in the house sleep. First write these words on unused parchment and put them over the door. These are the words, viz. ' Somnifer, somita, sandior, lapus, qui placidus est, somnolentus est.' ... 195 -------- [Page 382] Tested sedatives. Take some grains of dodder that grows among the corn, seeds of black poppy and seeds of henbane, each in the weight of 6 dinarii , and 1 ½ dinarii each of henbane and Arabian opium and pulverize these things. Then take ½ lb. of water and put in this powder and put it in a glass still. Keep it on a slow fire that barely maintains it warm and let it stay that way for 24 hours. Then increase the fire and make it distill and save this. If you give this water in the amount of a hazel nut shell in wine or water, it will make one sleep six hours. Bathe the wrists and the nose with vinegar and one will awaken quickly, not realizing that he slept. Another sedative, a little more effective, from which one is not awakened except with strong vinegar. Take the gall bladder of a rabbit and dry it in smoke or in the oven and make very fine powder. If you want a person to sleep 6 hours, give him half a dram to eat or drink and if you want him to sleep 12 hours give him one dram and if you want him to awaken before that time, bathe the wrists and the nostrils with very strong vinegar and he will awaken quickly. Another sedative. Write these words on a knife that has a white handle, beginning to write at the tip. Then put it under the head of one whom you want to make sleep. He will sleep until you remove the knife from under his head. These are the words, ' + Ras + Risaos + + +.' Another sedative. Take 1 ounce of cloves, 3 drams of black and white poppies and 1 dram of Theban opium. Pulverize everything and incorporate them and give this to eat in a bowl or in a savory. Do not boil it or it will lose its power and may not do anything. Give 2 or 3 drams of this powder and soon he will be asleep. Then awaken him with very strong vinegar. Another sedative. Take yellow lilies, those growing in swamps or in water, and make fine powder of it and give it to drink to whomever you wish and soon he will sleep.... 196 Another. Take the tongue of the hoopoe and a tooth of a dead man and put it under the head of him whom you want to sleep and he will sleep as long as it stays under his head. When you do not want him to sleep more, remove it. Another fine and good sedative. Take equal amounts of white henbane and Theban opium and pulverize them finely and incorporate them well and give 1 dram of this to the person you want to sleep and soon he will be sleeping. If you want him to sleep less, give him less, because every 2 grains causes one hour of sleep. This is a very easy secret and it has been tested. Another sedative to make those who are dining at the table fall asleep. Take a needle that has sewed the clothes on the back of a dead man and stick this needle under the table. As long as it stays there, they will stay asleep. Another sedative. Take seeds of purslane, of white poppy, of lettuce, of stonecrop and of wild squash, each the same amount, and boil them in wine. Give this to drink in any way and soon one will go to sleep and sleep for 24 hours. Also, take the root of stonecrop and make very fine powder and give it to drink with good, warm wine and soon one will sleep. This is a useful secret. -------- [Page 383] An odorous, soporific apple that causes sleep after it is eaten. Take 1 ounce of seeds of henbane, ½ ounce of mandrake rind, 2 ounces each of Theban opium, poison hemlock seeds, juice of house leek, fumitory and juice of lais and 1 thorn apple, everything well-ground, and 2 drams of poppy with tragacanth gum. They should be softened in these juices with bile from a rabbit and oil of mandrake. Then make a dough and make a ball or apple of it. Eating the herbs repeatedly will have a good effect in the healthy and also in the sick. Each time it will cause sleep close to 15 hours. It you would like it dark in color, put in parched peach stones and it will be finished. Another, very perfect soporific. Write this little note and put it secretly under the pillow so that the person does not know. Viz. '+ On Mount Celion rest 7 sleepers, + Malchus, + Martinianus, + Maximianus, + Dionysius, + Constantius, + Johannes, + and Serapion +. Just as they sleep in the divine countenance of the omnipotent God, so may this servant of God (name) enjoy the same pleasant sleep with the aid of the Father and Holy Spirit. + + +.' Another weak sedative. Put a head of a bat under the head of one who does not know it or give it to him to drink and he will sleep very soundly. Another sedative for the sick. Take equal amounts of mandrake, henbane and white poppy and grind everything finely and incorporate with tepid water. Put this mixture on a linen cloth across the forehead so it reaches the temples. When you wish one to awaken, wet a piece of wool in strong vinegar and bathe the nose and he will wake up at once. An exceptional sedative. Take the gall bladder of a wolf and a rabbit and rub the nostrils of the nose back and forth and soon the person will be asleep. You can arouse him with vinegar. This is a true remedy. Another, an approved soporific. Take black and white poppies when they are in bloom and stick a needle in the stems, leaving the plants in the earth. From each puncture a tear will come out. When it is almost dry in the form of a gum, gather it in a grape leaf and save it in a glass bottle. When you want to use it, put about the amount of a grain of wheat or more in broth or in wine. When it is dissolved, give it to drink or eat and it will make a person sleep comfortably and without any problem. This works very well.... 197 Another sedative for the sick and the healthy. Take 3 drams of the best opium, 1 ½ drams of henbane seeds, 1/8 ounce of root of winter cherry, 1 dram of crocus, and 2 grains of oriental musk. Make a very fine powder and mix it with water of lettuce and make pills. Dry them in the sun and pulverize them and give 1 ½ drams as needed. For the same. Take a leaf of sage and write these 4 words on it, viz. 'God put Adam to sleep.' Put it on a person's back or under him and he will soon fall asleep. This has been tested. Use strong rose vinegar for all sleeping persons. Do not doubt that your work will bring you honor and will work in the time that you wish because these have been tested. The way to help someone who cannot sleep. Take the herb burdock or coltsfoot and put it under the head of the person when he sleeps so he does not know it. He will not awaken spontaneously but when you wish, with vinegar as described above. This is very good. -------- [Page 384] Water of tamarind flowers has many excellent virtues. Take 2 handfuls each of leaves and flowers of tamarind, half a handful each of mint, lavender, pennyroyal, oregano and mountain mint. All of the above should be cut finely and put to infuse for 4 or 5 days in brandy from the third distillation, well-covered and in a warm place. Then distill it in a glass still and keep that which comes out in glass, well closed with wax. Keep it as something dear because by itself the water has wonderful effects. Experienced doctors say that no other medicine has been found which has greater warmth and strength and natural support than this water. Those who use it as described will never have serious illness. Electuary of flowers of tamarind. Take 3 ounces of flowers of tamarind that are free of any blemish. Cut them finely. For every ounce of flowers, take one pound of good honey and put in the well-ground flowers. Cover it and let it stay to infuse for 3 whole days in a warm place or rewarm it every day. Then cook it in the honey. Remove it from the fire and put therein ½ ounce of dark spices per pound of conserve, such as equal amounts of ginger, pepper, cinnamon and cloves. The pepper should be less in amount. This is the mixture to make: 2 generous drams of ginger, 1 dram of cinnamon and 1 dinar by weight of cloves. It will be a good and perfect electuary. Some of the virtues of this water from flowers of tamarind that does wonderful miracles. If you drink 2 ounces of this water once a week or use it in sauce and every day wash your face, hands and chest or wherever else you want, your skin will be renewed as if of a young person. It will restore your strength and your bone marrow will be reinforced. It will make your mind good and all the arteries will be opened up and the natural spirits raised and your life improved and lost sight returned and kept permanently. This is a difficult thing to believe if you do not test it first. They say that Queen Isabella at 70 years was decrepit and with gouty paralysis, so in her all hope was dead, and with this herb and brandy she was made completely healthy and youthful so that she wanted to marry a young man of 40 years. Another. If this herb is mixed with wine it has wonderful actions and powers and this is used in all chills. It improves and purges the blood. When you wash the mouth with this, you keep your teeth from any decay. Another. Dry the tamarind with its flowers in the oven when the bread is removed, or it is better when the bread is put in, and make fine powder of it. First wash a sore with warm wine and then put on this powder and it will heal the sore rapidly. Another. Boil its flowers, bound in a little piece of linen, until the liquid is reduced in half. Taken by mouth this is powerful in every infirmity within the body. Another. Make charcoal of its wood and bind it in linen cloth. Then rub the teeth with this and if there are any worms in the teeth, they die. Added to white wine, it prevents any toothache. Another. Make the bark smoke on the coals of the grill and take this smoke through your nose. If you are hoarse or have a cold, you will soon be cured. Another. Boil its roots with vinegar and with that wash the feet and it will make your feet firm and strong and you will feel neither cold nor heat. Another. If you repeatedly use stew made of this it will preserve your youth. If you eat its foliage on an empty stomach with honey and bread, have no fear that you will develop an abcess or ulcer. -------- [Page 385] Another. If its leaves are boiled in water and the head is washed with it, you will cure a cough. If you make a small barrel of tamarind wood and put wine in it and use the wine continually, you will have no fear of abcesses or other illness on your body. Another. If you have an unusual discharge from the intestine, take the leaves and boil them with very strong vinegar. Then put them on a linen cloth and put it on the body and soon it will be cured. Another. If the legs are hurting from swelling, boil its leaves in water and when they are well-cooked, put them on the legs and bind them with linen cloth and soon this will be gone. Another. If anyone falls into foolishness or melancholy humor, take a large amount of its leaves and boil them in water from the spring. The patient bathed in this water will soon be freed. Another. If you make smoke from this plant in the hole where there are serpents, they will come out at once or die inside. Another. If a patient suffers from burning in the stomach or overactivity or great heat in the stomach from whatever cause and suffers intolerable thirst, boil the leaves and when they are cold the patient should take that with pomegranate wine and he will be healed. Another. When a man is swollen or dropsical, take some of its flowers and make them into a pancake with wheat flour. Cook it well and have the patient eat this. Then have some good wine and put some of its flowers in that wine and seal the bottle well. The patient should drink it at meals or take a full glass on an empty stomach in the morning and also in the evening. Then he should walk before he goes to sleep. If you do this in the morning and the evening, the cure is most certain. Another. Distill its leaves and flowers in glass. Two ounces of this water by weight on an empty stomach are powerful in a sterile woman to make her fit to become pregnant. Another. It mitigates every distress and pain of the intestines, gives the face a good color and strengthens the stomach greatly. Another. If one has lost his appetite for eating, boil its flowers in water. Dilute wine with this water and also make pancakes of it and the appetite will return. Another. If, because of too great coughing, one has difficulty in drawing breath, or for other reasons, make a fire of rosemary in the oven and in that cook well-raised bread and eat it and the condition will be relieved.... 198 Another. Grind the flowers of tamarind and dry them. Made into powder and put on ulcers, it heals them. Another. The wine of tamarind has great power, like theriac. It works against every poisonous food and poison. It is a great antagonist of poison in food or beverage. Another. It is powerful against debilitating conditions and is a great aid. Another. Its beverage is appropriate to use in paralysis and in those who have tremor. It helps greatly in those who have flaccid nerves. Another. If you make an electuary of leaves and flowers of tamarind prepared in the way rose honey is made, this is wonderful in all the above conditions. Another. When this herb is infused in brandy it has been tested many times for these things: It cures salt phlegm, scabies, ulcer and fistula which are incurable and cannot be healed. If this herb is put in brandy with its flowers and you rub a paralyzed hand or limb repeatedly with this until it is rewarmed, you will cure. Another. If you put some of its flowers in vessels of wine it will preserve them so they will not become vinegar or have any bad taste. Another. For vomiting, take its flowers and grind them with juice of fennel and eat it and soon you will be healed. Another. If tamarind is put in a chest of clothes, the tamarind will kill the moths and the clothes will be preserved from damage. Another. For an abcess in the chest and pain in the stomach, drink juice of tamarind with sugar and soon you will be cured. -------- [Page 386] To remove redness from the face and make it the way one wants. Take 1 ounce of native sulfur, 1 dram each of white incense and myrrh and ½ ounce of camphor. Powder everything very finely and mix it with ½ lb. of rose water and distill it in a little glass still. Preserve this water well-closed and bathe the face in the evening and morning with a sponge, rubbing well. Soon the redness of the face will disappear. This has been tested by many persons. Another to remove redness from the face quickly. Viz. Take equal amounts of rose oil, violet oil, white lead, vinegar and rose water and incorporate them together. Rub the face with this in the evening when you go to sleep and also in the morning and stay in the house. It will reduce the great redness for you until it will not be seen. If you wish to remove any kind of pimple on the face or on the body, take equal amounts of sulfur, rose oil and rose water and put everything together with a pinch of salt and the white of an egg. Incorporate everything well and in the evening rub the face where the pimples are and they will soon go away. This has been tested. For facial lepra.... 200 Take ½ dram each of starch, sarcocol gum, candied tragacanth gum, white lead, litharge and mastic, one fourth ounce each of white and yellow unguents, 1 ounce of dark unguent and sufficient rose water to incorporate everything in the form of an unguent. Pulverize those that can be pulverized. Rub the face in the evening and wash it in the morning with a decoction of coltsfoot. For the same. Take some quicklime and wash it four times in water and save the fourth water. Mix this with 2 parts of goat's milk and mix in the white of an egg. Make a smooth liniment and wash the face with this. For pimples and redness on the face. Take 1 dram of camphor, 2 drams of borax and 4 ounces of flour of red chick peas, well-ground, and confect them with juice of round onions and cleaned honey. In the evening anoint the face with this. In the morning wash with plain warm water and wipe the face clean. Do this for ten days. The value of juniper berries gathered between the festival of the assumption of the Virgin Mary and her birthday.... 201 Take 7 berries or 8 grains of the berries and eat them on an empty stomach. They strengthen the brain, repair the senses, support the vision, clean the chest, reduce flatulence, strengthen the stomach, digest undigested food, break stones, dissolve rheum and reduce strangury and difficult urination. They are powerful against poison and pains. They warm up the bone marrow. Then restore the abdomen. They are powerful against paralysis, improve bad breath and the stomach. They greatly protect in epilepsy and apoplexy. Another electuary of juniper berries. Viz. Take whatever quantity of juniper berries that you want and take a jug of good white wine and put it in a pot. When it begins to raise to a boil, then put in the berries and do not let them boil. Remove it at once from the fire and cover it well and let it cool. Then extract them as usual and dry them in the shade. Eat 10 to 15 of these early in the morning on an empty stomach and you will have a very good stomach, as described above. Likewise, you can make an electuary with sugar or honey. That is, take 1 ounce of berries made into fine powder and 3 ounces of sugar or honey. Make it as usual and take it in the usual way. *Oil of juniper is powerful for many things and has much value and is powerful for every sore, old or new, and in canker and fistula when they are rubbed repeatedly. *Viz. Very well tested ointment for all parts of the body. Take the roots of marsh mallow and of dwarf elder, seeds of St. John's wort and heads of lilies and cut everything finely and put it in olive oil for 5 days. Cook them in this oil and cook them well. Then strain this boiled liquid and again put it on the fire with 1 ounce of wax and 6 ounces of butter and the marrow of ass, of bear, of fox, of badger, of duck and of chicken. Make the ointment of everything in the usual way and use this warm. It will help you greatly. *To remove redness from the face. Take 2 ounces of yellow sulfur and 1 ounce each of Greek pitch and naval pitch and liquify them in a pot. Add male pork fat until an unguent is formed and the redness should be rubbed with that in the evening when one goes to sleep. In the morning the mouth should be washed with a mouthful of the water and soon the redness will be cured. *Another different way. Viz. Take 1 ounce each of sulfur and camphor, ½ ounce each of myrrh and incense and make very fine powder. Put it with 1 lb. of rose water in a carafe in the sun for 3 days, well-sealed. Wash yourself with this and soon the redness of the face will go away. -------- [Page 387] *To retain the intestine that has come out. *Take the Apostle's Unguent and warm it and rub the intestine that has come out and help it draw in. *Another for the same. Take the herb called virga de buove , dry it and make very fine powder of it. Clean the intestine well and put on some of this powder as a spice is put on. *Another for the same. Take aloe in very fine powder and when the intestine comes out of the body, clean it and put on some of this powder, helping it to go in. Do this several times so that it does not come out again. *Another for the same. Take lupins and make very fine powder and put this on the intestine so the intestine does not come out. *Another powder to make the intestine go in. Take 1 scruple each of white lead, wild pomegranate, oak gall, Armenian red clay, clay from Lemnos, dragon's blood gum, myrrh, mummy, frankincense and mastic. Grind these finely and put it on the intestine. First rub the intestine that has come out with one ounce of rose oil. *For one who has redness of the face or the face is leprous and full of cracks or pimples and it is made ugly through the bad disposition of the liver and the stomach. Take green twigs of the ash tree cut in minute pieces and put them in a pot that has many holes in the bottom. Then have another pot without holes that is larger than the first one and put the first one at least half way into the larger pot without holes. Bury this almost completely in the earth or in sand with the first one covered so that no dirt can get in. Then lute the joint between one pot and the other with cloth or clay or with flour dough so that no air escapes and the upper pot, that has in it the cut wood, is covered with the cover well-sealed around. This pot should be more than half above ground but first everything should be sealed around with good lute of wisdom and dried. Then make a fire around it with burning charcoal for the space of 2 or 3 hours, according to the size of the pot and the amount of wood in it. At the end, make the fire lively and then let it cool in place. Then remove the pot carefully so the dirt does not get in. In the bottom of this pot you will find water and oil from the wood of the ash tree. Save this with great care in a well-covered glass bottle. When you want to treat the above-described illness, that is illness of the face, take 4 parts of this with one part of water of peacock-blue violets and with this ointment rub the face several times and you will see a wonderful effect. So you will cure this rapidly. It has been tested. *Oil of camphor that is powerful for redness of the face and also for many other things. Viz. Take a bronze mortar and take 6 to 8 almonds without shells and rub them around with the pestle at the bottom of the mortar until it is all oil. Then take 1 ounce, more or less as you wish, of natural camphor and grind it in the mortar so smooth that it becomes impalpable. Then make a good fire of charcoal. You want the bottom of the mortar to be in the fire with the top tilted and put there a cup to collect the oil that drips out from the mortar. Save that very carefully, well-sealed. In this way you will have oil of camphor. This oil mixed together with white lead is the best for those who have morphea on the face and nose and the face is as red as that of Saint Lazarus. Rubbing with this oil in the morning and evening helps the condition greatly.... 202 *Oil of white lead for the face, as above. Take white lead and distilled vinegar and extract the quintessence as it is obtained through the bain marie. The vinegar is extracted and the quintessence from the white lead remains in the liquor. Take 1 pound of this liquor, 4 ounces of rose water and 1 ounce of oil of camphor as described above. Put these in a bowl and incorporate them well. Put it in the very warm sun for 3 days, keeping it well-sealed with a plug of sulfur, because otherwise it would be lost. It is very good for the face and will make the face white. *For one who has a face that is leprous and red, use sulfur, viz. Take ½ ounce of yellow sulfur, 3 drams of good ginger, 1 dram of black pepper and 2 ounces of pomade. Make everything into very fine powder and incorporate it well together. In the evening rub the face and in the morning wash it with tepid water and soon you will be cured. -------- [Page 388] To remove an abcess. Take some saba, that is cooked wine, in whatever amount pleases you and put it in a little pot on the fire and put therein wheat flour and ordinary oil and cook it until it becomes thick. Put this on the abcess and you will cure it. Medicate in the morning and evening. It is good always to rewarm the wine and add things that may be needed. If it is not a serious sickness, in 8 days it will break open, clear and clean and completely freed. This has been tested. Another, to remove a carbuncle. Take powered rosemary leaves and put this on the carbuncle and it will wither away rapidly. Another, a plaster. Take 1 dram of raisins and 4 dry figs and cook them in water. Grind them together with fresh butter and pork lard, 6 ounces each, and make a plaster and put it on. This has been tested. To heal any overheating and bad dispositions of the liver and for one who may have a facial condition like lepra and with swollen legs and hands reddened so they appear scabrous. Viz. Take barley flour and starch and boil them in ordinary water for one half hour. Then strain this and put it in another clean pot and with that put in a little mallow, chicory, hops, endive and borage and make this boil down in half. Then add 1 ounce of sandalwood and strain it again. Have a piece of fine linen with enough fresh cassia extract to fill 2 nutshells and tie it up and put it in the warm pot and squeeze it very slowly with the fingers so that the substance goes in. Then put in as much sugar or barley sugar as pleases you and it will be a very agreeable beverage. Take 3 ounces every other day in the form of a warm syrup and stay in bed with the body straight and sleep there over an hour if you can. Then get up and do your deed and in a few days it will make you very healthy. It is better if this is done in the summer.... 203 The value of distilled water of strawberries, that is of the fruit when it is mature. Take the strawberries when they are mature and put them in a basket or other woven vessel and let them stay until they are fermented. Save the liquor that strains from the bottom as something of value in a clean vessel and use this. Below you will learn some of its virtures, viz. Another. It heals fresh spots in the eyes caused by any humor. This power has been shown by a talented master apothecary in a woman who had a face damaged all over, full of pustules like a kind of lepra caused by overheating. Washing the face with only this water immediately and miraculously cured her. Its power is a hundred times better and more efficacious with the addition of brandy from the third distillation than without it and much more with the quintessence. Follow this and you will not be in error, if God wishes, and you will not need to use the aid of other doctors.... 204 Another. This heals every kind of old skin eruption on the back, legs, neck and arms of all persons with this kind of irritation. Also if the eruption is on the feet so that it interferes too much with walking, it removes and cures and has the same effect as when calcined tartar is sprinkled on. *Miraculous oil for wounds, tested by several persons. Take one handful each of salvia, rue and southern wood, ½ handful of tamarind, 4 ounces of hepatic aloe and 20 ounces of ordinary oil and mix them together. Boil this on a low fire for an hour. Then force it through the press and put it in a glass bottle and cover it and it will be made. You have the remedy to make a plaster for wounds and heal them at once by boiling the extract with a glass of good wine. -------- [Page 389] To kill lice, crab lice, fleas and nits and it is also effective against mites. Take 6 ounces of brown soap, 1 ounce of powdered hepatic aloe, 1/2 ounce of ground yellow sulfur and 3 drams of stavesacre and incorporate everything well. Then rub the places where the lice or nits are and they will all die rapidly. This is also powerful against mites.... 205 Another to kill crab lice. Take 1 ounce of brown soap, ½ ounce of powdered yellow sulfur and 2 drams of quicksilver inactivated with saliva and incorporate everything together. Then rub where the crab lice are and they will die rapidly and you will not feel them any more. Another to kill the fleas that ruin the hair and beard. Viz. Take a bowl of lupins and soak them in water. Then boil them and put in a half ounce of ground yellow sulfur, bound as a little button in a little cloth, and boil until it is reduced in half. Make lye in the usual way and wash the head with this and you will have lustrous hair, long and beautiful and the fleas will not ruin it anymore. This has been tested. Another to get rid of lice and nits, viz. Take shavings of the horn of a stag, grind them very finely and dissolve them in strong vinegar. Drink this on an empty stomach. This beverage does not allow lice and nits to become established and stay in the human body. It will help you much more if you rub your body with this and they will die. Also if you take some sage and cut it finely and incorporate it with ordinary oil and strong vinegar and rub the head, all the nits will die. Another to gather all the lice from the back around to the belt and all in one place. Viz. Take mercury and inactivate it with fasting sputum and with the juice of purslane. Rub your belt and waist on the bare flesh with this and all the lice will run into the belt and you will have peace. Another against lice in the head and mites. Viz. Take ashes of French lavender and make lye and with this wash the head several times and you will not have lice on the head. If you wash your hands with this lye you will never have mites. Again, take powder of stavesacre and incorporate it with oil and vinegar in the form of an unguent. Rub where the lice are and they will all die. The same unguent is good to make nails grow. Again, every morning eat some bread soaked in this oil and lice will never be powerful against you. It is tested. Some of the virtues of water made from fresh walnuts, as described in Folio 140. Take 2 fingers of this water every morning mixed with a little white wine and as much powder of tartar as stands on a dinar and drink this warm. It cures every dropsy when it is continued for a month if the dropsy is old and serious. In the more recent and lesser dropsy, it restores health in 10 to 15 days. It is even good to take when you go to sleep.... 206 Another. If a little bit of this water is taken without tartar but with a little white wine, every morning as described, it cures epilepsy, migraine, dizziness, watery eyes, restores milk in lactating women and increases semen in the man and makes him able to be fertile. Another. Wash the head with this water, that is bathe with it. Then wait a little bit and wash with lye. Then rewash again with this water. Wrap the hair with a towel and let the hair dry with this on it and it makes the hair healthy against any kind of ringworm. Another. Washing sores with this cures any abcess marvelously. Drinking a little bit every morning with a little white wine prevents any kind of bad humor or incurable illness from developing in the body. Another. Put a little in the mouth in the morning and evening and wash swollen gums and teeth and soon they will be healthy. Another. If anyone feels touched by plague or if one suspects he may have it but is not certain, at once drink a half glass and refrain from eating for 2 or 3 hours. Then drink again as much and then eat as you please. Do not doubt that with the aid of God you will be healthy. Take care of yourself and you will be cured. -------- [Page 390] Electuary of rosemary. Take 6 ounces of finely-ground rosemary and 6 lb. of cleaned honey and when it has boiled a little, put in the powders written below, viz. 2 ounces of good ginger, 1 dram each of cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, pepper and starch. Compound the powders well with the honey. Add a little saffron and let it boil very slowly until it is cooked in the form of an electuary and it will be made. Save it in a clean vitreous vessel. Take 1 ounce in the morning on an empty stomach and ½ ounce in the evening when you go to sleep. It will preserve the stomach, aid any diminished senses, help the strength of the body, purify the blood and open any obstructed veins. Another. It is powerful also in pain in the sides, in the malady of gravel and in the pain of pregnancy and parturition and it causes urination. Another. It is powerful against phthisis, aids a weak memory, poor vision, movement of blood, coldness of the limbs and in pain of any part, strengthens the womb and the kidneys, aids in umbilical hernia and in the sickness of plague.... 207 This electuary can make you more or less full of spirit, according to whether your constitution is warm or cold. Unguent made of rosemary. Take stems, leaves and flowers of rosemary all together and dry them and make very fine powder. Incorporate them with 2 ounces each of old ordinary oil, laurel oil, oil of mastic and of camomile, 1 ½ ounces each of mutton fat and chicken fat, 1 ounce of fresh butter, ½ ounce of cumin and 1 ounce of clean wax. Boil everything together on a slow fire, incorporating them well together in the usual way. This unguent is useful for every pain from cold. It is most perfect in retracted nerves and in chills. Wine of rosemary that has more virtues than the human tongue can say and its electuary and its oil that is like a balsam. Of this wine one can make brandy. All these secrets have come from a very ancient doctor who, until the end of his life, never wanted to share the value of this wine and the way he made it, viz. Take stems, leaves and flowers of rosemary and mince them coarsely. Then take 1 lb. of this herb and 9 lb. of must from dry grapes and boil them together. Skim it well and make it boil for an hour. Then put it in a small barrel and let it clear and it will be made. Drink the amount of one or 2 fingers in a glass in the morning on a empty stomach. It is good to use this for all cold infirmities, beginning with one who has lost appetite. It is good to mend any limb that has aches and pains. It is good for bad breath when the mouth is washed repeatedly. It makes the face beautiful and the breath sweet. If you will wash the head with this wine, the hair will never fall out and it will grow. Who uses this wine to drink does not have fear of fistula, nor carbuncle nor pestilence. It is good against melancholy and supports the heart. You should know that, if you use this wine continually, at your death your body will never decay. If you wash a fistula, carbuncle or ulcer or other sores, an abcess will never form because it removes the humors. It cures incontinence. If through too much luxury you get a great debility, toast a little bread and make a soup of this wine and eat it. In a few days it will strengthen your limbs and soon you will become as lively as before. It is also good in phthisis. It is powerful against quartan and quotidian fevers and it is useful for one who expectorates too much and it removes catarrh. It is powerful in epilepsy.... -------- [Page 391] and for one who is not able to retain food. It is powerful against flux and for one who may be poisoned, this wine substitutes for theriac. It is powerful in tremor of the limbs and in gout and in every humid complexion. Also it is powerful in a woman who has problems with the womb and it augments fertility. This wine also has many other great virtues. The electuary is made with its flowers only and with honey cleaned in the way that rose honey is made. This electuary is good in all of the above infirmities. If you make a stew or a bath of this herb with its flowers and bathe a person in it anytime, you should know that nothing maintains youth and health more than this bath. It has been tested. Another to make an oil of these flowers of rosemary which is like a synthetic balsam. Viz. Take a glass vessel and fill it with it with crushed flowers of tamarind that are clean and cover it well with a double layer of waxed cloth with a little leather so that no gases can escape and bury it up to the neck in sand in a warm place. Let it stay for one month or more until the flowers are dissolved and become like water. Then collect this clear water and put it in a bottle in the sun and let it stay for 40 days and it will become thick like oil. Then remove it for it is made. This water is powerful to sustain the heart and the brain and all the body, to soothe weak nerves, to remove birthmarks and spots on the face and to preserve youth. If you put a drop in water it will at once go to the bottom. If you put a drop of this in the eye, it will free you from any growth, cataract, blister, pearl or any other malady that might impair vision. Brandy made from this wine frees you completely from any fistula, canker, lepra and salt phlegm. These infirmities are almost incurable and cannot be cured in any other way. If you rub paralyzed limbs with this you will soon cure them. All the the above-described conditions are most of the major approved uses.... 208 *Remedy for one who is swollen. Take one ounce of quince seeds for 3 mornings, that is with a little broth, but first grind the seeds well. Then mix them with the broth and drink it every other morning for three times and one ounce each time and you will never again be swollen. This has been tested. *Another remedy. Take edible roots and grind them until you extract 2 ounces of juice and take 2 ounces of lemon juice. Mix them together and drink it when you go to sleep.... 209 *Another made for asthma. Take the same amounts of cleaned honey and mallow roots, mix and make a well-formed electuary. One who has asthma should take ½ ounce a day. This has been tested. -------- [Page 392] *Remedy for one who is swollen or bleeding. Take dragon's blood gum and Armenian red clay and make a plaster with egg white and rose water. Then attach it on the back for three evenings and you will see a wonderful result. It has been tested. *Remedy for a bad hip. Take 5 berries of butcher's broom that are red and make pills for using in the morning on an empty stomach for 3 mornings.... 210 *Remedy to cure scrofulas. Take lesser nightshade, that is the berries, and grind it between two lodestones. Then make a poultice of it. Change it 2 times a day for two months and it will free you from scrofula. This has been tested by several persons. *Remedy to kill worms in the body. Take 2 ounces of mercury. Put this in a glass carafe and fill it half full of well water, although dew is better, and give it to the one with worms. The worms will be killed at once and will come out from the rear. *Remedy for scabies. Take some fresh leaves of oleander and grind them finely in a mortar. Then put in a fistful of salt and a little strong vinegar and mix everything together. Then take pork fat and fry it in a pan and mix everything together until it is incorporated as an unguent. Rub with it and you will see a wonderful result. *For scabies. Take 4 to 6 stems of lily and put them to infuse in rose vinegar for 12 hours. Then mix them well with ordinary oil, salt and vinegar until they are incorporated like an unguent. Then rub yourself every evening. Then when you are cured, wash with a bath made of garden mallow and white henbane. -------- [Page 393] *Remedy for hemorrhoids. Take good light red wine and seeds of mullein and vermillion roses and boil these together with a little rock alum until it is reduced one third. Stand over these fumes and bathe the hemorrhoids four to six times a day and in a short time they will go away. Or take the male plant of mullein and prepare it well for the hemorrhoids and wash them very well with the bath as warm as can be borne. *Remedy to kill worms inside the body of children without giving anything by mouth. Take ½ ounce each of myrrh, aloe and incense. Grind them and mix with good rose water and a little good flour until they are all gathered together. Then make little plaster to put on the top of the stomach and one on the heart. Let them stay until they detach by themseles and you will see a wonderful result. -------- [Page 394] *For horses, cattle, asses and other animals that have swollen tumors from the saddle or bit. Bathe the tumor with good brandy and then light it with a candle. It will be cured. *To protect horses or other animals. Take a new-born dog before it drinks milk. Dry it in the oven and medicate with the powder. This remedy has been tested. -------- [Page 395] [Blank.] -------- [Page 396] [Blank.] -------- [Page 397] *General Index... 211 A Folio Angels, water of... 135 Aristotle, strong water of... 101 Ordinary distilled water... 137 Asthma, for one who has... 23 Animal, to domesticate an... 73 Abcess... 163 Amputation without pain... 76 Arthritis or gout... 95 -------- [Page 398] B Mouth, for one who has sickness in the... 9 Intestine which falls out... 51 Boils, to open them up... 51 Beard or hair, to make it fall out... 19 Beard, water distilled for the... 28 Swelling behind the heels, to remove... 77 For dryness of the mouth... 32 Viper or serpent, to catch them... 80 Beard or hair, to make it regrow... 18 Beard or hair, to make white become dark... 18 -------- [Page 399] C Colic from retained urine... 36 Canker... 38 Calluses, water for... 20 Cankers, water for... 158 Celestial water... 128 For one whose head shakes... 11 Cardiac palpitation... 28 For broken flesh... 16 For pain in the head... 16 Perfect poultice for pain in the body... 34 To reduce diarrhea 36, 38 Diarrhea... 36 Dog, to make one friendly... 80 To make the hair beautiful... 18 To make white hair become dark... 19 To make hair grow... 19 Water distilled for hair... 28 Water distilled for the eyelashes... 28 Water for the bald head... 28 Hardened nipples of the breasts, to cure... 57 To cure a fleshy growth in the penis... 60 Piles, to cure 61, 62 To cure fissures in the pubic area... 83 -------- [Page 400] To cure fissures that develop in the scrotum... 83 Poultice to cure fissures... 85 To whiten hair in the shade... 18 Pain of the eyelashes of the eye... 1 To remove bad flesh in the nose... 7 Catarrh... 11 Corns on the feet... 150 -------- [Page 401] D Water to make teeth white... 9 Water for pain in the sides... 40 To remove a tooth without implements... 8 For one who has a loose tooth... 8 Remedy for pain of colic... 39 Wonderful poultice for the pain of colic... 39 To cure arthritic pains... 98 Pain of the teeth... 7 To ease teeth affected by sour things... 9 Pain from damaged flesh... 85 Teeth aching from cold... 96 For the mind... 17 -------- [Page 402] E Hernia 81, 82 Edema of the legs... 65 Hemorrhage, to stop... 90 Hemorrhoids, to stop the flow from... 48 Epilepsy 14, 16 Epilepsy, plaster for, etc . 14 Hernia with gas... 85 Watering eyes... 2 Erysipelas, to cure 63, 68 Hemorrhoids... 62 Swelling of the knees and legs... 76 -------- [Page 403] F Liver, water for the... 26 Quartan fever, water to drink for 29, 31 Wounds, water to remove the marks of... 76 Fistulas, water to cure... 158 Wounds, water for... 158 Flowers of tamarind, water of... 161 For one who has bad breath... 10 Fever, to cure... 30 Wounds, to cure... 30 Sides, pains of the... 40 To stop the flow of sperm... 48 To make the breath good... 21 The overheated liver... 28 Quartan fever 29, 34 Ulcers, to cure... 60 For cold fever... 34 Fistula and canker 78, 89 Redness of the face... 162 Cold feet... 77 Head wounds... 13 Head wounds... 128 White or red fluxes from the body 38, 49, 50 -------- [Page 404] Yellow color in the face... 26 Fever... 37 Fever, pills against... 34 Liver, poultices for the... 27 -------- [Page 405] G Goiter, to cure... 11 Leg sores, to cure... 64 Joints, cold pain of the... 99 Cold gout... 97 Gout... 93 Legs... 77 Throat, illness of the... 10 Legs, itching of... 64 Gonorrhea... 48 Gout 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 Legs, unguent for the 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 -------- [Page 406] I Inguinal hernia, to return one inside... 51 Dropsy, caused by the spleen... 25 Dropsy 25, 26 Dropsy from the spleen... 115 Incurable infirmities, every kind... 116 -------- [Page 407] L Lips, fissure of the... 77 Lupus... 80 Lips, cracks of the... 7 Milk crust... 17 -------- [Page 408] M Epilepsy, water of swallows most wonderful for... 15 Hands, for one who has tremor of the... 11 Bite from a rabid dog... 79 Womb, for pain of the... 28 The wife who is not able to be at peace with her... 52 Spleen, to diminish pain from the... 28 To break up hemorrhoids... 63 Epilepsy, to cure... 15 Penis of the man, to cure the infected... 58 To cure the hurt penis of a man... 59 Penis that is not able to be erected... 59 Hemorrhoids, to cure internal and external... 61 Hemorrhoids, to cure them in several ways 62, 63 Spot in the eye, to remove a... 2 Matrons... 21 Spleen, illness of the 113, 114, 115, 116 Hard nipples and pain of the... 57 Bites of venomous animals... 79 Melancholy... 101 Shrunken limbs, oil for... 102 -------- [Page 409] N Fresh nuts, water of... 140 To remove a wen... 92 Retracted nerve, to extend a... 76 To rewarm the vagina... 49 Nerves, strained 91, 92 Nose, broken... 7 Wen... 92 -------- [Page 410] O Eyes, water for... 1 Cloudy eyes, water for... 1 Eyes, water of celandine or swallow wort for illness of the... 1 Eyes, water for irritation of the... 3 Urinate, for one who cannot 42, 43 Urination, for one who has difficulty in... 42 Urine, to cause retention of... 41 Blockage... 26 Umbilical hernia... 52 Eyes that are watering... 5 Eyes or ears, for illness of... 4 -------- [Page 411] P Water to remove hair... 20 Water to remove warts... 20 Water to cause urination... 26 Water for stone... 40 Constriction of the chest... 23 Person, to understand a... 139 To break up the stone... 45 To enlarge the chest... 21 To break a stone in the bladder... 45 To make a wine against illness of the stone... 46 Sores, to open... 74 To make hair fall out... 19 Warts, to cure... 60 Burning around the testicles, to cure... 60 Little children, to cure the water that comes in the scrotal sac... 85 Parturition, pain of... 54 To remove pain and suffering from the teeth... 10 Pleurisy in the chest... 23 Paralysis... 10 Whitlow... 79 To kill lice, etc... 164 -------- [Page 412] Skin, spots and cicatrices of the... 73 Peace, etc... 54 Stone, to break the... 44 Birth of male or female... 55 Palpitation of the heart... 27 To have a child... 55 Purging ointment... 34 Sores, to consolidate... 75 To remove warts 101, 150 Cold gout... 148 -------- [Page 413] R Water for scabies... 32 Queen Isabella, water of... 102 Kidneys, pain of the... 41 Gravel, to cause urination of 44, 48 Gravel and stone 44, 46 Kidneys, overheated... 25 Scabies 27, 33, 34 -------- [Page 414] S Orange peel, water of... 136 Deafness, remedy for... 6 Blood, urinating... 2 Blood, spitting... 27 To be corrupted during a dream... 61 Stomach, to make it good... 21 Stomach, coldness of... 23 Serpent, to make it come to you... 80 Deafness, not from birth, to cure... 5 Serious deafness... 5 Quinsy... 9 Stomach, illness of... 21 Scrofulas... 77 Stomach that does not retain food... 26 Sweating, etc... 150 Sciatica... 97 Incipient deafness... 5 Syphilis... 116 Stomach, coldness of the 20, 51, 54 Blood, urinating... 154 Syphilis 117, 119 Deafness... 5 Suppuration 53, 76 Burns... 38 Syphilis, gargle for... 118 Scrofulas... 12 Syrup to preserve health... 125 To cure burns 99, 100 -------- [Page 415] T Ringworm, water for... 17 Phthisis, water for... 27 The time of delivery, to provoke in a woman... 50 Teats, to remove hardness of the... 56 An evil time, to break away from... 140 To resolve an open boil... 52 To make a boil come to a head... 52 To cure ringworm on the head... 16 To cure teats that are broken open... 57 Swollen testicles, to cure... 58 Boils in the groin, to cure... 60 Testicles, pain of the... 79 Head, pain of the... 13 Headache with fever... 13 Heavy cough... 22 Ringworm 16, 77 Dry cough... 22 Early onset of cough... 25 Head, wound of the 69, 71 -------- [Page 416] U,V Skin rashes, water to remove... 20 Vein, water for blockage of the... 26 Water to inject in the penis... 47 Vision, to clarify the... 4 Voice, to make good the... 139 The opening of the penis, to cure... 61 Birthmark or blood spot on the face, to remove... 158 White flux from the penis... 48 Uterus, pain of the... 24 Rewarming the uvula... 9 Penis, burning of the... 43 Suffocation of the uterus... 24 Worms... 37 Wasp nest... 80 Poison that has been eaten... 79 Uterus, to rewarm a cold... 25 Uterus, prolapse of the 49, 51 Bad nails... 150 Venoms, worms, etc... 112 Vomiting, to prevent... 20 -------- [Page 417] [Blank.] [End of Manuscript.] -------- [Page 418] [Back Cover] ----------------------------------------- [Italian transcription] [Page 1] Bianco. -------- [Page 2] Bianco. -------- [Page 3] *Di frate Angelo Biogi -------- [Page 4] Bianco. -------- [Page 5] Pesi e misure. Un onza non vol dire altro che 8 drame et cossi si scrive viij et cossi si scrive l’onza j. Drama non e altro che una parte de un onz[a] et cossi si scrive j che pesa grani no. 60. Scropulo non vol dire altro che grani no. 20, il quale e uno terzo di una drama et 3 scropuli fa una drama. Aureo overo exagio contiene una drama e meza. Ciato contiene onza j e ½ , cioe onza js. Dosi non e altro che una parte, overo uno manipulo, overo onza j overo, una quantita. Sextario contiene lb. ij. La natura parla alli homini. A me pietosa madre, alma natura, Seguendo l’ordin che al gran motor piacque Et amor naturali et disio nacque Verso de ogni vivente creatura. Puo si nel huomo ogni mio ingnegno e cura, Et lo proveddi de herbe et virtu de acque Quai galeno et Hippocrate non tacque, Onde la vita longamente dura. Quanti gravi dolor, quanti accidenti Al misere corpo human pongon assedio, Et fan languidi i membri infermi e stanchi Ugualmente da lor son tutti spenti, Et portan infallibile rimedio Al fegato, alla milza, al mal de fianchi. -------- [Page 6] Bianco. -------- [Page 7] Bianco. -------- [Page 8] Bianco. -------- [Page 9] Bianco. -------- [Page 10] I H S Mio solito fu sempre ognum servire Astretto da benigna mia natura Ma se’l proverbio al tuto pongo cura Un sol far male a cento si soldire. Questo che io dico non posso desdire Perche provato l’ho per mia sciagura Dico de prestar libri alla sigura Che de tal imprestanze io n’ ho martire. Io ne servo tal hor a certa gente Che con pigliar le carte overo machiarle Di mostran tal servitio haver anniente Ma benche a tuttio in mio linguaggio parli Sperando da ciascuno essere intesso Non per questo a gli amici so negarli. Mio cor pare che mi parli, Risguarda, sotio mio, quel che tu dici, Che tu non perdi el libro et poi gli amici. -------- [Page 11] Ordine mirabile da conservare la sanita longo tempo. Perche il stato del vivere del huomo e di passione e mutabile pero furono necessarie l’arte et la prudenza per le quale la natura et il corpo fusserno conservati sani. Se adunque amore volissimo, amico mio, vorrai longamente vivere sano in questo mondo, liberandoti da molto indisposicioni et periculi del tuo corpo mortale, ascolta con diligentia questa mia breve ordinatione, vz.: Quando adunque la matina ti levarai dal letto, stendeti al quanto le tue membra perche il calore naturale el ist essa natura da questo ne prendano assai conforto. Petine. Doppoi col pettine purgharai il tuo capo perche l’immondezza e l’ordura che e tra la cotenna et il cervello si risolve e grandamente confortasi il capo. Et ti laverai le mane e la fronte con l’aqua frescha pero che fa buon colore et il naturale ne viene aiutato assai et ti sccoffarai bene il naso, purgando il petto col sputare assai, pero che il petto et il cervello diventano piu espurgati et mondi et la favella piu aperta. Et ti netterai bene li denti et le gengive con la salvia o con scorze di arancio il che fa il fiato odorato et li denti et le gengive meglio si conservano. Profumi. Procurando de alcuna volta di fare profumi odorifferi al cervello, inel tempo del caldo con cose frigide, come rose, sandali et altri simile et nel fredo, con cose calide, come canella, garofani, a cura el simile, pero che tali odori assai giovano al cervello. Vesti. Vestendo di panni honorati et belli del che lania et il core ne prendano contento. Mangiando alcuna volta la matina il finochio dolce o garofani che rendano bono odore donde conforta il stomaco et provocando grandemente l’appetitto al mangiare. Elettuari. Usarai alle volte questi elettuari, cioe diamargariton, di ambra, di boragini e bugosa et simile. Facendo doppoi essercicio moderato fine al primo sudare perche tale essercicio convalida le forze del corpo et augumenta il caldo naturale et li cativi humori e superfluita si minuischono et se la vicinarsi l’hora di prendere il cibo, vederai di evacuare il ventre e delle superfluita del corpo che ci e ocorise l’appititto et allegirisce il corpo et il stomaco adunque comincia a mangiare li cibi delle quali la natura tua e solita appetire perche tali cibi meglio si convengano allo stomaco et con piu facilita si digerisino. Carne. Ma i cibi migliori che conservano la natura del homo in maggiore sanita sono carne di castrati capretti, vitelli, agnelli; de volatili starni, fagiani, coturnice, tordi, galline e caponi. Volatili di padulli sono pestiferi e mai si degeriscano. Ova. Ova di galline freschi da bere conferiscano assai al celabro e sono boni per generare bon sangue. Pesci. Pesci di acque che correno et di migliori sono perfetti anche di marini e ne sono di optimi. Erbe. Erbe li cauli verdi non troppo cotti son boni e optimi et il brodo loro e miglior per solvere il ventre et provocare con ordine l’horina. La bietola, il boragine, il verdesello, la menta et le spinacie sono boni et approbati per cibi idonei. Pane. Pane sia bene fermentato e ben cotto nol mangiare caldo che agrava il stomaco et il corpo. Vino. Vino et il vino sia puro et piccolo et mangia senza prestezza e chel cibo sia ben masticato e bevi con moderanza pero chel troppo vino et cibo occide molto. Et il tuo cibo et vino siano simplicissimi et di una sol sorte altrimenti inel usar assai diversi cibi si generano infermita. Et doppo il pasto ti lavarai bene le mani, la boccha e i denti acio non resta lordeza ne i denti che li guasti como spesso sole accadere et camina al quanto accio chel cibo se accomodi nel fondo dello stomaco et meglio si digerischa. Et quando vorai dormire col capo coperto et bene elevato et il primo sonno sia dal lato destro et ti leverai al aurora pero che la mente si ivalza et si assotiglia et il corpo si conforta et si mantiene sano. -------- [Page 12] Sun la primavera piglierai una purga, cioe quale ti conserva sano et scacia ogni male che potesse venire. Et guardati da l’aglio, cepolle et simili agrumi che sono nocivi allo stomaco et al cervello, et sopra a ogni cosa, non aviar troppo il coito et specialissimamente dopo il cibo nel che ne procede la corucione del sangue et diboleza di natura. Frutti. Astienti da frutti crudi che generano de gravissime infermita. Et non essere troppo malinconico che e nocimento grandissimo et suole fare cascare in grave indisposicione et infuriosita et similmente guardati da ogni contrario dela mente et del corpo che cossi tacendo et osservando tu viverai longo tempo nel quale attende al acquisito di vita eterna, quale l’omnipotentissimo et misericordissimo i dio per sua gratia si degni donarci. Et omnis valete. -------- [Page 13] Bianco. -------- [Page 14] Bianco. -------- [Page 15] Bianco. -------- [Page 16] Bianco. -------- [Page 17] Bianco. -------- [Page 18] Sonetto di conservare la vita humana in sanita e longo tempo. Vz. Se voi star sano, oserva questa norma. Non mangiar senza voglia e cena breve, Masticha bene quel che in te riceve, E sia ben cotto e di simplice forma. Chi medicina piglia mal s’informa. Guardati d’ira e di ogni cosa greve Su dritto sta quando da mensa leve, A mezzo giorno fa che tu non dorma. El bere sia poco temperato e spesso Non fuor di pasto, ne a stomacho voto, Non tener orina, ne sforzar secesso. Fa essertitio e fa con pocciol moto El corpo in riposo e la menta quieta. Fuggi lussuria e tienti alla dieta. E per far vita lieta, Il primo sonno in su la destra provi Ma resupino fa che non ti trovi. Tre cosi senza medico son bone, ‘La dieta, la quiete, el vivere lieto.’ -------- [Page 19] *Questo libro e de Diego Henero de Caceres de Spagna. LIBRO DE I SECRETTI CON RICETTE COMPOSTO PER FRATE GIOVANNI ANDREA d’Faare, d’Bressa *Del Horden d’i Frati Jesuatti di Santo Girolamo *Nel 1562 in Lucca in Santo Girolamo *Addorno de altre cose per me Frate Antonio da Plasencia de Spagnia di detto horden, il qual libro hereditai dal detto difunto ut supra. -------- [Page 20] I H S Christo jesu, summo medico, le quale sana tutte le nostre infermita et e capo di tutti li fedeli christiani. Et per molti ustrimenti adopera le opere sue mediante quello medico che creo della terra la medicina. Si come dicano tutte le opere del filosofi antichi et moderni e quali hanno esperimentati li preditti secreti di natura et se ne ritrovano pieni e libri delli antichi nostri. Incominciando della summita del capuo per insino alla estremita della dita de piedi a non essere sanita nella natura humana. Non dico tanto dele interiora parte del corpuo quanto delle esterriore infermita et etiam incominciando dalla summita del capuo, et venendo alli occhi, alle orecchie, al naso, a denti, e lingua, e paraletico, e gola, e catarri, et mala disposicione di stomaco, del fegato, del corpuo, de milza, et male di matrice, et a passione di pietra, e stranguria di orina, et bugnoni, et nassencie natte, et posteme di mamelle, e di male di gamba, et infiasone, et contra calli, et per ossi smossi et rotti, et per nervi sinistrati, et con unguenti, cirotti, olii et polvere medicinale, con la virtu del alcune erbe, et la distillacione de alcune acque, et uno rimedio contra al gallico morbo, et con lo optimo elexir vite, col muccaro sollutivo, et con al quanti syropi, col giulebo, et pilule, et con nel fare de alcuni vini apropriati ad alcuni infermita, et con la virtu del lupo morto et non vivo, et il remedio de alcune infermita de cavalli, come legendo intenderai. Et per aver considerato il don di dio o fidel christiano dela uttilita et comodo che a ciascha da uno pellegrino ingiegno, io o ridutti tutti li preditti secreti gia inanti sparsi in questo mio piccol volume ineli quali si compredano molte virtu della creata natura che per insino al presente non sono statte al publico nottorie. Et pero pigliate quelle che vi piace. Et in opera le mettete confidandovi inel dio vivo chel tutto de niente ha creato. Et operandole inel modo predetto non una volta ma piu volte et ne vedereti esperienza manifesta per essere tutte o la magior parte aprobate per essere cose industriose di natura et a conservacione di quella, mediante lo adiutorio divino al quale se li rende le gloriose et sempiterne laude como allo primo origine di tutte le cose create. Il quale vive et regna in tutti i secculi de secculi, et cossi sia. Christo yehsu. + -------- [Page 21] Y H S Tavola del presente libro de ricette per ritrovare prestamente tutte le preditte cose de secreti pertinenti alla natura humana et con brevita como legendo troverai per alfabetto. Vz. Carta Acqua da occhii molta universale secundo l’ordine nostro che si usa inele nostre speciarie... 1 Acqua da occhii torbidi... 1 Acqua per male de occhii... 1 Acqua de cilidonia vel rondinaria per male de occhii... 1 Acqua per occhii che picicha... 3 Acqua irundinum mirabilissima plus quam credi posit et sic fit per mal caduco... 15 Acqua che fa bianchi li denti... 9 Acqua che fa li denti bianchi et leva le lettere gioso dela carta et tra i porri e i calli et rode il fero... 9 Acqua per tigna et per gambe... 17 Acqua da rogna et sia di che sorte si voglia, grassa o secca... 32 Acqua da levare peli, porri, calli et volatiche... 20 Acqua dela oppilatione dele vene... 26 Acqua per il fegato et fa pissare... 26 Acqua pel li tisichi, molta perfetissima... 27 Acqua da bere per febre quartana e aprobata... 31 Acqua per doglia de fianchi et giova alla pietra... 40 Acqua che se schizza inela verga a colloro che si scolano... 47 Acqua che manda via li segni delle margine dele ferite... 76 Acqua forte molta perfetta secundo Aristotile con le sue virtu... 101 Acqua dela Regina isabella vale a tutto il corpo e fa sano... 102 Acqua de noce fresche, la quale a de molte virtu... 140 Acqua per guarire ferite, fistole e cancri e mal nassente e piaghe vechie purche’l male sia di fora... 158 Acque hodoriffere a componere acqua d’angioli... 135 Acque hodoriffere per fare acqua muschiata nobile et signorille... 136 Acqua de scorze de aranci stillate al sole... 136 Acque stillate comune et alcune sue virtu aprobate... 137 Acqua di fiori di tramarino ha de molte excelente virtu... 161 Acqua celestiale molta mirabile per conservare longamente la sanita... 128 A clarificare la vista e presto... 4 A chi fusse sordo, rimedio perfetissimo... 6 A cavare un dente senza ferro con la radice dela cilidonia... 8 A chi squasasse li denti per infermita... 8 A chi a male im bocca... 9 A chi puza il fiato per causa delo stomaco... 10 A chi tremasse il capo et etiam le mane... 11 A chi avesse l’asmo et fusse stretto di petto... 23 A chi avesse tremita di core overo fusse spaventoso dormendo o vegiando... 28 A chi pisasse sangue tanto a huomo quanto a donna... 41 A chi non pole horinare, seccreti beletissimi e presto... 42 -------- [Page 22] A chi con faticha stenta a horinare... 42 A chi non pole horinare, sia huomo o donna... 43 A chi chaschasse fora il budello dal posterone... 51 A chi sputa sangue per avere rotta la vena del petto... 27 A chi si corumpe in insonio, aiutto aprobato... 61 A chi fusse morso dal cane rabbiato, a guarirlo... 79 A chonossere una persona che fusse afatturata overo guasta de malie mangiate... 139 A carne crevata o amacatura o cascato da alto senza rottura di carne... 16 A cavare una natta presto e bene et con facilita saldarla... 92 Ad dolorem capitis stomaci sive pectoris... 16 Ad curandum febrem et vulnera et scolatione verghe aprobatissima cum acqua... 30 Ad dolorem matricis... 28 A dolore di corpo, impiastro perfetto... 34 A dolori colici, rimedii rarissimi di piu sorte... 39 A dolori colici, impiastro mirabile... 39 A dolori di fiancho, servitiale aprobato e bono... 40 A doglia de reni, presto guarirlo... 41 Ad frangendum lapidem in vessichani... 45 Ad provocandum tempus ad muglierum, probatum est... 50 Ad eos qui non puosunt pacificari cum suis uxoribus, dic or[ati]o et p[orta] tecum... 52 A disfare la durezza dele tette quando sono da tagliare et quando sono tagliate, a guarirle... 56 A dimesticare un animale et sia che si vole... 79 Ad fugandum malum tempus... 140 Ad restringendum fluxum spermatum involuntarium... 48 Ad fisuras labiorum sceu setulas... 77 A fare bono stomaco et bon fiato et larga il petto, questa polvere... 21 A fredura di stomaco et fa paidire... 23 A fare bona voce e ferma per cantare... 139 A fegato riscaldato et a sminuire il dolore dela milza... 28 A febre quartana, onto per il filo dele rene... 29 A febre quartana, bevanda optima... 29 A flusso di corpo che presto si stagna... 36 A flusso di corpo a stringerlo et sia di che sorte si voglia... 36 A flusso di corpo a stringerlo a poc a poco... 38 A fare ritenere l’orina... 41 A fare pissare di molta ranella e presto... 44 A fare rompere la pietra inela vessicha... 45 A fare vino contra al male di pietra... 46 A fare ritornare in drieto una inguinaglia vel tincone... 51 A fare schiopare i bugnoni e presto... 51 A fare risolvere uno tincone e presto... 52 -------- [Page 23] A fare venire a capo uno tincone che viene alla cossa et sopra alle mamelle dele donne... 52 A fare rompere le morise drento e fuora et menerano sangue... 63 A fare trocis de minio per aprire piaghe... 74 A fare distendere un nervo che fusse retirato per infermita... 76 A fare che uno cane sempre ti amera et vera sempre con teco... 80 A fare che uno bisso o serpente vera a te chiamandolo... 80 A fare belli li capelli im piu modi... 18 A fare li capelli neri essendo canuti... 18 A fare che li capelli canuti vengano neri... 19 A fare nassere capelli o barba... 19 A fare cadere li peli, barba o capelli dove tu voi... 19 Acqua stillata che lavandosi con essa fa che la barba et li capegli et ciglia non ti cascarano... 28 Acqua stillata che bagnando il capo e la barba pellato per conto di pellarello, presto nasceranno... 28 A guarire uno che fusse sordo ma non nato et etiam de molte altre infermita pertinente alla ditta sordagine, aprobate im piu modi... 5 A guarire il goso, cioe il gobio overo gola grossa... 11 A guarire il male caduco, cioe chi cascha di quel brutto male, con lo aiutto de dio... 15 A guarire la tigna sul capo im piu modi et levare li capelli senza dolore... 16 A guarire le tette che fusseno rotte per humori overo postema o incancherite et menasse materia... 57 A guarire li capitelli delle tette quando fusseno indurite o con qualche setola... 57 A guarire li testiculi enfiati et il membro de l’huomo che non si potesse rinversare et altre infermita in esso... 58 A guarire il membro de l’huomo che fusse impiegato et intarlato per piu cause... 59 A guarire il membro che non si possa rinversare e che abbia marza in cima... 59 A guarire li taroli e fichi e porri e posteme et altri mali incurabili... 60 A guarire una carnosita di drento dela verga de l’huomo etiam che la sia vechia... 60 A guarire il picicore o prurito che viene intorno ali testiculi... 60 A guarire la verga de l’huomo e presto osservando la ditta regula con questi rimedii... 61 A guarire le morise di drento e di fora et le creste... 61 A guarire le morise et creste in tutti e modi... 62 A guarire le creste, cioe morise grande... 62 A guarire et dissechare le morise, empiastro... 63 A guarire le gambe o sia de piaghe... 64 A guarire il crepato sopra al petenechio overo se le intestine fusseno scorsi inela borsa o fusse sottoposto a qualche dolore di ergnia... 83 A guarire il crepato che dissende inele borse... 83 A guarire il crepato con pittima e fumentatione... 85 A guarire li putti piccoli del acqua che li viene inla borsetta overo ergnia... 85 A guarire le verule overo ferse che viene a i puttini piccoli... 80 A guarire le doglie artetiche vel gotta arteticha... 90 -------- [Page 24] A imbianchire li capelli al ombra senza il sole che verano bianchi e lustri come argento... 18 Al dolore de testicule et altri mali e infiasoni... 79 Al dolore che viene sopra alli cillia deli occhii... 1 Al dolore di denti et d’ogni altra passione causato per sese overo dalo stomaco... 7 Al dolore di testa, optimo rimedio... 13 Al dolore del parturire o avesse creatura morta in corpo... 54 A levare dali occhi ogni machia o catharate... 2 A levare la carne trista che nasse inel naso, cioe polipodi... 7 A levare la pena et doglia de denti e presto... 10 A le boganze overo mule che viene drieto ali calcagni... 77 A le doglie fredde dele gionture, ontione... 99 A levare una voglia o sangue morto che fusse sul viso overo sun la persona... 158 Al corso biancho dela scholatione di verga a huomo et a donna... 48 Ala sordagine grossa... 5 Ala dentesone deli denti per avere mangiato cose agre... 9 Ala scarantia, cioe scquinantia che viene inela gola, optimo rimedio... 9 Ala doglia di testa con febre... 13 Ala strettura di petto et alla tosse grassa, rimedio optimo... 22 Ala ponta, rimedio aprobatissimo... 23 Ala donna chi la madre li fa male et li fara venire al quanto dele sue rasone... 24 Ala intropesia per causa dela milza... 25 Ala intropesia, cioe chi fusse bessenfio aprobatissimo... 25 Ala oppilatione et bessenfio... 26 Ala siccita di bocca causata per febre... 32 Ala rottura intestinale, cirotto forte et mirabilmente li guarisse... 81 Ala rottura intestinale, cirotto fortissimo... 81 Ala rottura intestinale, cirotto uttile e aprobato... 82 Ala rottura intestinale fatta di frescho, cirotto che presto guarisse... 82 Ala frigidita inele congionture, cioe a gotta frigida... 97 Al cascamento dela uvola in gola... 9 Al catarro, acqua mirabile... 11 Ala tosse secca, optimo rimedio... 22 Al brusore dela verga inel l’ussire del l’orina... 43 Al bonigolo ussito tropo fuora del corpo... 52 Al bonigolo ussito fuora del corpo per sinistro... 52 Ali occhi sgarbelati, unguento mirabile... 2 Ali idropici per causa dela milza... 115 Alo enfiato dele gambe, rimedio aprobato... 65 Al paraletico de lingua, mano et altri membri... 10 Al parturire et contra alla febre quartana... 34 Al riscaldamento della natura... 49 Al sordimento et businamento et sibilamento che viene nele orecchie, presto guarirlo... 5 Alla suffucatione della matrice, impiastro... 24 -------- [Page 25] Al male del alopicia sul capo... 16 Al male di madrone et al mal di madre ale donne... 21 Al male delo spiede, cioe al dolore delo stomaco et premito grande... 21 Al male di corpo per causa deli vermi... 37 Al male dela pietra e alla ranella inele rene overo inela vessicha, presto farla pissare... 44 Al male di pietra et di ranella im piu modi e fa pissare... 46 Al male di madre breve aprobato... 28 A male del pino che viene ale dita, a guarirlo e presto... 79 Al male dela lupa presto guarirlo, unguento precioso... 80 Al male dela formica il quale fa tante buche et sempre rode et ad ogni male nassente... 80 Al male dela formichaio, acqua perfetta... 80 Al male de milza, medecine varie im piu modi... 113 Al male de milza apostemata et sopra enfiata, a farala maturare... 114 Al male de milza, ontione mirabile che leva la pena e presto... 115 A mazare li pidochi, piattole, rosegoni et lendine et vale alle cimese... 164 A mal di punta verissimo et esperimentato... 23 A mal di madre, bonissimo rimedio... 23 A mal di madre et a mal di madrone... 23 A mandar via il freddo dela febre... 34 A mandare via li segni rossi et le machie dele ferite im piu modi... 73 A mettere pace et concordia tra 2 persone, cioe marito et moglie... 54 A molificare le tette et levare il dolore... 57 A molificare il latte inele tette et farlo venire fuora... 57 A mazare un cancro et presto guarirlo... 78 A mazare la fistula im piu modi... 78 A mazare una fistula e guarire un cancro con acqua... 89 A morso velenoso o mangiata cosa velenosa o vermi o animali velenosi et al dolore di corpo... 79 A mitigare il dolore del crepato... 85 A mitigare il dolore delle gotte im piu modi... 93 A mandare via il rossore dele facia e sia chi si vole... 162 A mandare via una postema... 163 A nervi retratti che non si potesse distendere per indegnatione o altra causa... 91 A nervi retirati inele dita, acqua perfetta e bona... 92 A mazare una scrophola con acqua... 77 A mal de gambaraze o altri mali di gamba... 77 A ogni mal nassente inela gola per causa calida... 10 A provedere al freddo de piedi... 77 A pigliare serpi o bissi con mano senza essere offeso... 80 -------- [Page 26] A rottura di naso per cagion de humori che disendesse... 7 A rottura di capo over ferita... 13 A restringere il flusso di corpo et altre scorentie... 38 A restringere il flusso bianco dela donna de del huomo im piu modi... 49 A restringere il bianco dela donna e presto... 49 A restringere il flusso rosso del superchio mestruale ale donne... 50 A rompere la pietra in la vessicha im piu modi... 44 A stagnare il sangue che viene dal naso il quale non si potesse stagnare per altri rimedii... 6 A stagnare il sangue de ferite o vene che fusseno passate o rotte o crepate inel petto... 90 A stomaco che non ritiene il cibo, rimedii im piu modi... 20 A sechare la reuma de un dente... 8 A smaltire sun lo stomaco... 22 A sapere se la donna debe parturire maschio o femmina... 55 A stare sano l’huomo tutto l’anno... 125 A sugare il sudore et netare il pelo sotto alle braccia o dove tu vorai e ti rendera bono odore per sempre... 152 A siaticha frigida, bevanda et a ogni altro male nassente... 97 A stillare per disensorio... 111 A stillare a bagno maria con parechie boccie, erbi o fiori i quello che tu vorai con torre filosophica... 133 A stillare de diverse sorte de acque hodoriffere a bagno maria... 134 A stillare diverse composicione de fiori, erbe e radice per componere acqua hodoriffere... 135 A stillare l’acqua vite et l’ordine che si tiene a farla perfetta et con le sue virtu... 141 A stillare vino per fare acqua vite da bere et da bagnare con alcune sue virtu aprobate... 144 A stillare acqua vite e bona al improviso mentre che si desina per un saggio... 147 A stagnare il sangue dele morisse e presto... 48 A sanare una natta... 92 A tagliare uno membro senza dolore del paciente... 76 A uno che desse principio al non udire... 5 A una gratatura o altro malore di gamba... 64 A chi havesse li denti ghiaccoli che non potesse mangiare per il freddo o caldo... 96 -------- [Page 27] B Balsamo artificiato bonissimo per ogni male de occhi, de orecchie et de tignia... 4 Bagnolo overo pittima infrigidante le rene... 25 Bagno scaldante la mattrice... 25 Bevanda per il mal chaduco... 14 Bevanda contra alla rognia... 33 Bevanda contra al dolore di corpo per avere ritenuta l’orina... 36 Bevanda a coloro chi si scolano per la verga dal superchio... 48 Bevanda a chi si scola per la verga, rimedio sancto... 48 Bevanda contra alla ranella per farla pissare abondantemente... 48 Bevanda per il mal francese e per siaticha et catarri... 116 Bevanda per ogni infermita incurabile che fusse in ciascun membro del corpo... 116 Bevanda per il mal dela milza... 115 Breve contra alle streghe e contra demoni... 140 Bono piede per caminare et si mantiene... 151 C Capelli, barba o peli, farli rinassere quando fusseno caduti per infermita... 18 Callo, a mandarlo via tra le dita o dove’l se sia et amazare la radice... 150 Capo rotto per caduta o altra botta purche l’osso non sia rotto presto farlo guarire... 128 Che le mamelle dele donne non creschano... 58 Che l’huomo vada siccuro per via periculosa... 151 Chi a volto il cervello... 17 Chi dubitasse di essere tisicho... 25 Chi dubitasse di essere tisicho usi questa polvere... 25 Chi fusse gialdo inel viso... 26 Chi avesse tremita di core massime se fusse spaventoso che non potesse dormire... 27 Cirotto da testa molto nobile... 13 Cirotto capitale... 13 Cirotto che si mette sun la testa per mal di mazuccho et per humidita... 14 Cirotto per mal caducco per mettere sul capo... 14 Cirotto contra alla frigidita di stomaco... 54 Cirotto per dissolvere, molto nobile... 67 Cirotto gratia dei de optima virtu... 77 Contra a febre de ogni sorte... 37 Confetto alla frigidezza delo stomaco... 53 Confetto per li vermi per huomini et putti... 37 Confetto da legrare il core et tole la malinconia... 101 Cotogniata solutiva contra alla gotta frigida et mal de fianchi et conforta lo stomaco... 97 Corrosivo per carne trista... 74 Contra al veleno dele ape, vespe, gallabroni et scropioni... 79 Contra al dolore dele gotte calide et frigide... 93 Contra al dolore dele gotte, bevanda optima et massime quando sono calide di natura... 93 Contra al dolore dele gotte, solutivo optimo et perfetto... 93 Contra al dolore dele gotte, lattovario perfetissimo e de secreto mirabile... 94 -------- [Page 28] Contra al dolore dele gotte, pilole nobile e de verissimo secreto ad omne iudicium... 94 Contra al dolore dele gotte, onto mirabile et valorosissimo... 94 Contra al dolore dele gotte, unguento dignissimo da ongere et sia dove si voglia... 94 Contra al dolore dele gotte, olio excelentissimo e degno ad ogni prova... 94 Contra al dolore dele gotte, a guarirle con l’acqua del legno sancto et e aprobato... 95 Contra ala gotta siaticha, portando questo anello continuamente in dito... 95 Contra alla gotta siaticha de un fianco et etiam che la fusse vecchia, cirotto... 96 Contra alla gotta siaticha, bagniolo et ontione che presto la guarisse, e gotte frigide... 96 Contra alla gotta siaticha, bevanda e serviciale molto utile... 97 Contra alla gotta siaticha, serviciale molto utile... 97 Contra alla infiasone dele vene doppo alla minuicione del sangue... 125 Contra ad ogni spirito maligno nocturno... 140 Cavallo o bovi o altri animali che avesse il pissa sangue, il quale sole venire a bestie bovine per riscaldamento et cibi contrari... 154 Cavallo o altra bestia che avesse li dolori colici overo aliaci... 154 Cavallo che avesse la tosse overo fusse infredato... 155 Cavallo o altra bestia chi avesse il mal del vermo, piccolo o grande o remesse li vermi inel corpo, presto guarirlo... 155 Cavallo che abbia male sun la schina o piagha sun la croce dinanti, a guarirlo... 156 Cavallo che avesse le formelle intorno a calcagni e a piedi... 156 Cavallo che fusse rappreso per scaldare et raffreddare o per tropa faticha... 156 Cavallo che avesse le vidole drieto ale orecchie, cioe sotto alla ganassa... 156 Cavallo che avesse machia ineli occhii e presto guarirla... 156 Cavallo che non si lassi ferrare voluntieri e fusse restino... 157 Cavallo bianco, farlo venire con alcune machio verde... 157 Carnosita dela verga, bevanda ottima... 48 D Dela ernia ventosa che viene inele borse a basso... 85 Digestivo... 74 Difensivo... 74 E Elexir vite molto aromatico per conservare la sanita et la gioventa et consumare li cativi humori... 129 Elexir vite secundo l’uso delo studio di bologna per conservare la humana natura... 129 Elettuario per donne per avere figlioli... 55 Epithima contra alla debilita delo stomaco freddo... 20 Erba che restringe il flusso presto... 38 Erba arteticha per guarire il crepato... 82 Erba pilosella per guarire il crepato inele borse overo sopra al petenechio... 84 Erba iva a meterne insul crepato lo fa guarire... 84 Erba saldanella fa guarire il crepato et purga il corpo et a dele altre virtu... 85 Erba verminaca giova alle parte intestinale... 85 Erba frasinella parte dele sue virtu, zova al crepato et alla milza et al freddo stomaco... 86 -------- [Page 29] Erba calamandrina, id est camedrios ut querzola, vale allo stomaco, allo matrice et ale febre... 86 Erba balsamina cioe caranci, id est momordica, et alcuni la chiamano viticella perche ale sue foglie come vida salvatica et li suoi frutti apontiti et maturi sono gialdi di colore ranzo e spinosi... 86 Erba citraccha, cioe erba dorata, parte dele sue virtu... 87 Erba logio overo loiio che nasse ineli grani egli e apropriato a guarire il cancro... 87 Erba salvia salvaticha con le sue belle virtu da ridere... 87 Erba bonifacia, id est lingua pagana... 89 Erba lucciola overo argentina, id est senza costa... 89 Erba milzara che fa inel mezo dela foglia quella machia biancha et menasse intorno ale siepe... 90 Erba schabiosa et alcune dele sue virtu... 90 Erba ruta et alcune dele sue virtu... 90 Erba magiorana, parte dele sue virtu... 139 Erba cardo santo, id est erba turcha, con le sue virtu... 132 Esperimento al morbo galico et prima purgando il corpo a questo modo... 117 Esperimento per il mal francese, optimo rimedio... 119 F Fumentacione alle orecchie per rimovere la sordagine causata per infermita... 5 Fumentacione alla matrice quando la fusse fuora della natura... 49 G Giulebe a farlo bono, optimo et perfetto... 122 Gambe... 54 I Impiastro che matura et molifica e presto... 53 Impiastro per maturare posteme e presto... 76 Impiastro aureo vale sopra alle ferite... 76 Impiastro per una piagha che fusse verminosa... 76 Impiastro per guarire il crepato overo ergnia carnosa... 83 Impiastro per la dureza dela milza infiata... 116 *Inpiastro allo scottato o d’acqua o di fuocco, probato... 38 L Lattovario per li occhi lacrimosi e rinversati et per debilita di stomaco et conforta la memoria... 2 Lattovario alla memoria, bonissimo e perfetto... 17 Lattovario contra a ogni vicio delo stomaco et purga li cativi humori... 21 Lattovario per lo stomaco et conforta la digestione... 23 Lattovario delo stomaco per causa dela milza e humori di mal sangue... 26 Lattovario per passione di stomaco et de tisicho et per milza indurita... 28 Lattovario per la memoria con molti altri rimedi notabili... 138 Lattovario contra’l catarro, molto nobile... 11 Lattovario per riscaldare lo stomaco et le rene per incitare venere... 54 -------- [Page 30] Lattovario per il male caduco... 14 Lattovario alla oppilacione o idropico o tisico overo chi avesse cativo stomaco... 26 Lattovario a coloro chi si scolano per la vergha... 47 Lattovario per siminuire et guarire la milza... 115 Lattovario a quelli chi sono crepati a basso overo sbochiati sopra al petignone... 84 Lattovario a male di podagra et arteticha... 95 Lattovario de spinzervino, solutivo apropriato a levare il dolore dele gotte... 95 Lavanda per la matrice quando la fusse ussita fora dela natura... 51 Lavanda a mal di gamba, molta perfetta... 66 Lavanda per saldare et purgare piaghe de gambe... 67 La donna che avera questo breve adosso presto partorira senza dolore... 54 La natura a 4 complessione, freddo, secco, caldo et malinconia... 127 Le 4 sorte di natura, sanguinea, flematica, colerica et malinconica... 127 Le 4 digestione del cibo che fa lo stomaco... 24 Le 4 digestione della natura... 128 Le urine, a conosserle im parte... 128 La natura mostra di fora via per segni la passione che la drento... 126 L’huomo che per salasso se minuisse il sangue per avere la sanita... 126 Le virtu del sangue humano convertito in acqua al lambicco... 91 Le virtu dela cilidonia che in se contiene l’essir de l’huomo... 132 Le virtu de alcune acque stillate... 137 Le ungie guaste, a mandarle via e presto... 150 Li labri sfessi della bocca, guarirli, e mani... 7 Li capelli, barba o peli bianchi, farli venire di colore rovano scuro e presto... 18 Licquore per consolidare li nervi atratti... 91 L’ovo che nasse el di del asensa se dice chel fa guarire il crepato... 85 Lupo a de molte virtu medicinale, dico morto e non vivo, e aprobate... 153 Lattovario angelico ut de spinzerbino, molto sulotivo... 96 Lattovario di rosmarino; Unguento fatto di rosmarino; Vino di rosmarino...... 164 La virtu de l’acqua stillata delle fraule, cioe del frutto quando egli e maturo... 163 M Mele rosato, a farlo optimo e bono... 121 Muccharo rosato, sulutivo bono e perfetto... 121 Morbum caducum, rimedi di piu sorte... 14 *Modo di mascinare l’oro et l’argiento... 24 O Olio che vale alla paralesia e contratione de nervi a spasimo et caduco et a tutte le fredde infermita... 10 Olio al male ditto brutto... 15 Olio al male di ponta et di madrone et dolori colici et a nervi retratti e de verissimo... 22 Olio contra allo spasimo deli nervi im piu modi e aprobato... 72 Olio per guarire il crepato fatto per sinistro... 83 Olio fatto de fiori de osmarino con le sue virtu aprobate... 88 Olio contra a tutte le infermita frigide... 96 Olio di fiori di salvia per ogni infiasone di gotte frigide de gombiti, mano o zinochio... 98 -------- [Page 31] Olio calido da drizare membra atratti o retirati per fredura... 102 Olio per saldare presto uno taglio... 102 Olio che paregia le ferite fresche... 103 Olio per saldare et confortare ogni piaga... 103 Olio per taglio o ferita, molto nobile... 103 Olio precioso che salda ogni ferita in ore... 24 Olio laterino ditto filosophorum et parte dele sue virtu... 103 Olio del solfero giallo artificiato... 103 Olio del solfero giallo et parte dele sue virtu... 104 Olio del solfero magistrale et medicinale... 110 Olio di preforata con misture preciose et con le sue virtu... 105 Olio de rosumi d’ovo con alquante dele sue virtu et si fa a questo modo... 73,105 Olio del tartaro per carnesone biancha... 105 Olio del tartaro, cioe tasso de botte con alcune sue virtu... 106,125 Olio del tartaro, a convertirlo in licquore... 109 Olio del vitriolo Romano, vero e perfetto con le sue virtu... 106 Olio del vitriolo artificiato, per congelare... 109 Olio del talcho composto per carnesone biancha... 108 Olio del talcho fatto mistiriosamente... 108 Olio del talcho fatto secundo li alchimisti... 109 Olio di cera virgine, optimo et perfetto... 109 Olio di trementina o di mele... 109 Olio de orbachelle di lauro, a farlo chiaro e bello... 110 Olio de l’antimonio, a farlo vero e perfetto... 110 Olio de l’antimonio fatto a boccia... 111 Olio contra veneno, peste e vermi, provato per la santita memoria di nostro sig[no]re papa clemente 7... 112 Olio simile a quel di sopra, aprobato nel tempo di nostro s[igno]re papa paulo iii in 2 prigioni in torre savella per m[onsignore] diomede napuolitano qualle si obligo non facendo lo efetto che li tagliasseno la testa. Et questo e il modo a fare il ditto olio, vz... 112 Olio contra veneno simile a quel di sopra e artificiato et etiam vale al mal di fiancho... 113 Olio de scropioni il quale faceva santo bernardino contra al veleno... 113 Oleum antimonii sic fiat... 110 Oleum juniperiuum hoc modo conficitur... 111 Onto per labri sfessi e crepature di mano e di piedi... 7 Onto che manda via la rognia... 33 Onto darognia... 34 Onto per fare andare del corpo ongendo il belicolo... 34 Onto per dolore de schina e debilita de lombi et per male de rene... 47 Onto per le rene per colloro chi si scolano per la verga... 47 Onto contra a nervi ret[r]atti, optimo... 72 Ontione col gargarisimo per coloro chi anno il mal francese con li 3 syropo datti avanti la medecina... 118 Oratione del mal de denti... 8 Oratione contra al male dele scrophole e gavine... 12 -------- [Page 32] Oratione per doglia di testa... 14 Oratione contra al male chaduco che si porta a dosso... 15 Oratione contra al male di madre... 24 Oratione divotissima per ogni febre et per portare a collo... 30 Oratione contra ad ogni sorte di febre... 30 Oratione contra alle gotte da dire ogni matina et porta tecum... 95 Oratione per guarire la gotta siaticha et sia dove si voglia e presto... 96 Oratione contra peste... 101 Oratione contra omnia pericula mundi... 152 Oratione contra vermi per ogni persona... 37 Oximelis semplice, perfetto e bono... 124 Olio de chanphora che vale al rossore dela facia et eciam a piu cose... 163 P Passione al vomito grande delo stomaco... 20 Pezza lavorata per consolidare malori di gamba... 67 Per guarire la natura dela donna drento et fora... 50 Per il latime che viene sun la testa di fanciulli piccoli... 17 Per osso slogati, dogliosi o dannati in piedi o mano o dove si voglia che a tempi dolesse o che enfiasse abenche la piaga fusse saldata... 91 Per ossi slogati e smossi, optimo et sancto rimedio... 91 Per osso smosso inele congionture sforzatamente... 92 Per ossi rotti a restringerli insieme e mitigare il dolore... 92 Pilole di trementina vale alla siaticha, ale podagre et a ogni macatura o passione di drento... 100 Pilole imperiale et parte dele sue virtu... 100 Pilole contra alle vertigine, aprobato... 100 Pilole per guarire la tignia... 17 Pilole per il capo dopoi ciena... 18 Pilole per il male del madrone... 21 Pilole contra febre... 29 Pilole de aloe ad vacuandum corporis... 36 Pilole odorate fatte de cocumeri asenini et sono solutivi et contra febre... 34 Pittime per il fegato riscaldato... 27 Pittime per il fegato riscaldato et maculato... 27 Pittime contra alla dureza et infiamamento dela milza... 114 Pittime contra al mal de milza... 115 Policino contra alli vermi, aprobato... 37 Polvere per fare bona memoria... 17 Polvere per colloro chi si scolano per la verga sia huomo o donna... 48 Polvere per la scolacione dela verga... 48 Polvere incarnativa inele piaghe... 75 Polvere da consolidare le piaghe antiche et coglutinare le nove... 75 Porri, presto mandarli via con le radice et anco zova a calli... 150 Per guarire uno chi desse inel tisicho, olio per lo stomaco... 25 -------- [Page 33] Porri o calli a mandarli via con acqua forte e presto... 151 Pomo per la memoria inferma... 17 Pro morbo caduco... 16 Pomo soniffero hodorandolo doppo il mangiare fa dormire... 161 Q Quando tu avesti acqua nele orecchie overo altra humidita... 6 Quando uno matrimonio fusse impedito per fature... 56 R Risipilla onto mirabile disecativo... 63 Risipilla, cioe foco sciagro, unguento rinfrescativo... 68 Rimedio certissimo a levare il dolore dele gotte calide et aprobatissimo e vero con uno onto... 93 Rimedio contra alla peste... 101 Rottorio fatto con foco morto e presto... 75 Rottorio espeditivo molto nobile... 74 *Rimedio per le bestie che tumori enfiati da sello o barto... 166 *Rimedio per rotture delle bestie... 166 *Ricetta per chi fusse sfilato... 165 S Secreto per li occhi mirabile e aprobato... 4 Serviciale per fare andare del corpo... 36 Scrophule, id est gavine et male nassenti, im piu modi... 12 Scrophule, nassentie e porri, acqua che li manda via... 12 Scrophule over gavine, unguento mirabile... 12 Solutivo deli ydropici e giova al ernia ventosa... 26 Solutivo de tartaro et de altre sorte per fare andare del corpo... 35 Sparadrappo vale contra al ulcere corrosive, maligne, velenose, formicose et malagevole da curare... 77 Succo di erba di san jone, cioe barbena, et vale contra allo spasimo... 92 Syropo semplice, il modo come si fanno con alcune sue virtu... 124 Syropo over bevanda di gran virtu il quale mantiene la sanita... 125 Sonifero de piu sorte et secondo persone et la magior parte aprobate... 160 V/U Vino di eufragia per li occhi, mirabile... 1 Vino fatto de osmarino vale contra ad ogni infermita frigida causata per humidita... 87 Vino di salvia per atracione de nervi e a lunatici et molto vale a paraletici... 147 Vino bono da bere per la dureza dela milza, et altre bevande... 115 Vino fatto de finochio, vale alla tosse, al polmone et al mancamento deli occhi... 147 Vino de astrologia longa qual vale contra ale fistole purche non siano sun l’osso... 148 Vino contra a podagra fredda... 148 Vino torbido e forte et altri cativi hodori et a saperli tramutarli a tempi... 148 Vino a farlo durare tutto l’anno chel non si guastera... 149 Vino che abbia la muffa o altro cativo hodore, presto mandarla via... 149 Vino, a tramutarli se li voi conservare sani per tutto l’anno... 149 Vino guasto, a farlo ritornare como de prima et mai piu non si guastera... 149 -------- [Page 34] Vino bono per fare acieto forte, dico fortissima, et im piu modi... 149 Una pelle di pelo bianca, farla nera a machie de leonpardo... 20 Uno giocatore non gioca piu tanto... 152 Uno chi fusse diventato matto per cose mangiate o per infermita... 140 Unguento per li occhi, mirabile... 3 Unguento capitale e degno... 13 Unguento contra al vomito et relassacione di stomaco... 20 Unguento di galieno rinfrescativo alle rene et a ogni mal calido... 27 Unguento da rognia optimo et perfetto... 33 Unguento lassativo che fa andare di sotto et di sopra... 36 Unguento incarnativo che si mette sopra alle piaghe... 53 Unguento che guarisse le morise e presto... 62 Unguento di cerusa vale a scorticacione fatta da colera adusta e flema salsa e a rognia secca e cottura di foco e alla risipilla et a foco sciagro... 64 Unguento ad ogni male dela persona... 65 Unguento da rinfrescare et saldare ogni piagha... 68 Unguento triaparma, molto rinfrescativo... 68 Unguento di piombo fresco e secco per gambe guaste... 66 Unguento di piombo per gambe... 67 Unguento di litargirio per consolidare piaghe... 67 Unguento per gambe, molto precioso... 64 Unguento da gambe per humori calidi... 65 Unguento fosco incarnativo et consolidativo... 68 Unguento che salda in giorni purche la piagha o ferita non sia mortale et non e bono a ferita o a mal de testa...... 12 Unguento di uno monarcho di grecia il quale vale ad ogni ferita di testa e dela persona e vale contra alli muscholi et a nervi tagliati... 69 Unguento del sopra detto che vale ad ogni ferita, machature o percussione e senza mordacita... 69 Unguento giziacho grande vale a piaghe antiche e fistule che anno bisogno di mondificare questo li netta, li purga dala carne morta et dela loro put[redi]ne... 69 Unguento apostolorum mondificativo... 69 Unguento verde che salda e incarna ogni ferita... 69 Unguento aureo cura, incarna, consolida et salda ogni piaga nova... 70 Unguento ceruseo per carne fragida et fistule malvagie... 70 Unguento di avicena e chiamalo unguento veneris... 70 Unguento basilico minore bono et perfetto, et basilico magiore... 70 Unguento del olio per riempire le ferite a quelle che e duro lo incarnare et cura le fistule et le piaghe maligne... 70 Unguento relato che vale alle ferite putride et genera carne in esse et salda et non lassa corumpere... 70 Unguento di trementina metendolo inele ferite ingenera carne bona... 70 Unguento per smarciare piaghe e molto nobile... 71 Unguento per loco marzoso dove sia li nervi... 71 -------- [Page 35] Unguento che distende li nervi contratti sia per freddo o per caldo, cioe per oppilacione de nervi per humori che discenda dalla testa alla parte deli nervi in tal modo che l’impedischa il calore naturale et essi viene a mancare et retirarsi debilitandosi o per parelesia... 71 Unguento per taglio over ferita, optimo... 71 Unguento mondificativo dali nervi... 72 Unguento di m[aest]ro bonino fiorentino et col ditto unguento medicava una sol volta al giorno et ogni gran piagha guariva... 73 Unguento che rissolve l’enfiasone, ella dureza che rimane poi che la ferita e saldata... 73 Unguenti di piu sorte per cavare ferro, legno o spine fora della carne e presto... 74 Unguento rasino; unguento citrino... 74 Unguento rosato per gambe a rinfreschare... 75 Unguento per collera d’ogni sorte... 75 Unguento di mumia incarnativo, consolidativo in ogni piagha ben mondifica... 75 Unguentum sive cerottum magistri ganfredi quod dicitur ‘gratia dei.’ Valet enim ad sanandum omnes plagas novas et veteres et generat bonam carnem et non permittit intrare aliquam corruptionem nec permittit generare malam carnem et valet omnibus nervis incisis ut conquassatis et valet contra universas que libet bestie venenose et ad scrophulas et malum sancti ant[oni]ni et multa alia pro ut per experientiam videtur... 77 Unguento ‘gratia dei’ per sanare ogni gran ferita il quale mondifica e incarna... 77 Unguento per il cancro im piu modi... 78 Unguento per saldare ossi rotti fatto dal venerabile bede... 92 Unguento che vale a sciaticha, a gotta frigida, a nervi rettratti e a mal di madre e dolore di rene et a febre quartana et al dolore di milza... 97 Unguento per lo scotato di foco overo di acqua... 99 Unguento per lo scotato et sia di qualunche sorte si voglia scotato, mirabilmente lo guarisse et non lassa margine... 100 Unguento per lo scotato di olio, foco, ferro o acqua overo de altra cosa e aprobato... 100 *Unguento d’allabastro a piu mali... 14 Unguento da gambe per humor salso, probato... 77 Z Zinochio o mano che fusse enfiato per humori corsi di m[aest]ro pellegrino... 76 Zinochio o gambe che fusseno enfiate a rimovere la rosezza... 76 Zucharo rosato bono e bello con alcune sue virtu... 123 -------- [Page 36] -------- [Page 37] -------- [Page 38] -------- [Page 39] -------- [Page 40] YEHSU -------- [Page 41] Aqua da occhi molto universale secondo l’ordine nostro che si usa nele nostre speciarie. Vz.: Rx. aqua roxa, aqua de finochio, aqua de fraule, aqua de spine i rovedi, aqua de ruta, aqua de eufragia, aqua de cilidonia e malvasia garba, ana lb. j. Et de tutte queste aque io no sempre fato un fiascho. Poi l’io messo drento tucia preparata onze js, et aloe patico onza s, et zucharo fino onze ij, et tutte le ditte cose siano fate in polvere sutilissime et messo ogni cosa in uno fiascho con le ditte aque et savazato bene sotto sopra tanto che bene ogni cosa si vengha a incorporare. Poi lo copri et mettilo al sole per 20 giorni o piu et ogni giorno uno volto lo mesti sotto sopra che ogni cosa bene se incorpori et a questo modo si confecta al sole. Et a questo modo sara fata aqua da hogni mal d’occhi e perfetissima et sia che mal si vole di sese et quando bagni li occhi fala intorbidare e che ne entra um pocha ne cantoni de li occhi et guardati dal aria la matina per tempo e la sera et conservati del vivere et con l’aiutto di dio presto guarirai perche le miliaia di volte e statta aprobata da me, maestro andrea di farre da bressa. Vino di eufragia per li occhi e mirabile. Rx. l’erba eufragia a tua discretione e mettila inel mosto avanti chel bolla inella botte et quando sera rischiarato usane a bere et sempre averai bonissima vista e bon occhio et se’l fusse tropo forte lo tempera con cose dolce et continuandolo averai sempre bona vista. Aqua da occhi torbidi. Rx. cime di rovedi e di spine e piantagine e barbena e ruta e schirea e finochio e cilidonia, ana m. uno, et papavero rosso, m. mezo. Poi mette tutte le ditte erbe al lambicho di vetro et spolverizale sopra queste polvere, cioe tucia, garofani, aloe patico, ana onza s, et con mezo bichiere di malvasia o bono vin bianco va sbroffando le ditte erbe e poi con aqua roxa olter tanto. Poi abbassa il capello et dali foco temperato pian piano che apeni possa stillare. Poi la conserva in hampolla di vetro et lassela per al quanti giorni al sole e sera fatta. Poi 2 o 3 di dela settimana bagnati li occhi che anche ne entra per li canti deli occhi, maxime la sera quando vai a dormire. Item un altra. Torai calcina viva e metila in aqua di pozo per uno di e una note e non la tocare mai. Poi li leva di sopra via quella cartella sottila che avera fatta e con diligentia con una penna. Poi metti la ditta aqua ben colata sutilmente in una ampolla et metivi uno poco di sale armoniaco et falo disfare in ditta aqua. Poi aliquando bagnati li occhi et ti fara una mirale vista e chiara. Item per humore calido che fusse sceso nelli occhi. Piglia formagio fresco tagliato sutile et lavelo molto bene como si fa afare la colla. Poi torai aqua roxa e uno chiar d’ovo fresco et componi ogni cosa insieme molto bene et quando tu vai a dormire farai uno piastrello su una peza e mettilo su li occhi amalati et maxime se l’occhio dismostrasse averli alcuna machia di sangue per sesa ella fara ismarire e andara via senza passione alcuna. Item a male di occhi. Torai 3 pomi e cavane il suco et torai una chiara d’ovo frescho et incorpora insieme. Poi ongeti intorno gli occhi et presto cessera il dolore deli occhi. Item al dolore di occhi . Torai una charafina di malvasia o vernaza over altro vino bianco optimo e aqua roxa onze vj e aloe patico e zucharo fino, ana onza j, canfora e tucia preparata, 2 qu[an]ti, et ogni cosa fato in polvere sutilissima e metti nella charafina coperta al sole per 8 o 10 di et 2 o 3 volti al di la mesta bene sotto sopra et metene neli occhi, facendolo spesse volte ti zovera. Item al preditto male di occhi. Torai 2 o 3 luserte e tagliali. Il capo, piedi e la coda gietta via; el resto falo seccare et fane polvere sutilissima et di questa ne meti nel ochio lo purifica. Item per mal di occhi. Torai 4 o 6 ovi freschi et fali cosere ben duri et piglia il biancho e metilo in un fazoletto e prima sia bagnato in aqua roxa. Poi premi bene et quella aqua che viene fora metivi drento tucia preparata e zucaro fino et lavati li occhi e ti fara bono ala vista. -------- [Page 42] Aqua per mal di occhi. Rx. ruta, m. uno, e mettila in vaso vitriato et mettivi sopra vin biancho bono. Poi mettivi drento al quanti grossi d’argento et mettilo ala rosata e discoperto per 3 di e 3 notte. Levelo e colalo strettamente et di ditta dicotione lavati spesso li ochi e ti fara mirabil servitio. Et se tu torai la ruta con vin bianco fatta bolire e metivi uno poco di zucharo e tucia e meti nel ochio. Item per male di occhi. Torai lb. iij di mele e zucharo, onze vj, fino et erba cilidonia, m. uno, et al quanto di mirola di pane bianco et insuppato nel suco di ruta over nel aqua stillata di ruta e aqua di cilidonia et ogni cosa incorpora e fa stillare per vetro et con ditta aqua bagna. Item, occhio che fusse sanguinoso. Torai aqua roxa onze vj, tucia preparata drama j, e canphora drama ½, e vino bianco bono onze vj, e componi sutilmente queste cose e metteli in una inchistara e savazala bene sotto sopra et metila al sole per 8 o 10 giorni overo fala bolire a bagno maria et con ditta aqua bagnati spesso li occhi et andera via li segni sanguinosi, continuandola. Item a occhio che fusse ferrito, bonissimo rimedio. Torai suco di trifoglio nero dalli occhi et metti del ditto suco ineli occhi ferriti et non lo tochare per 24 ori e ti aiuttera. Item ad ogni dolore di occhio, optimo rimedio. Torai assentio, pulegio e alloro e comino e ogni cosa pesta e fane polvere sutilissima. Poi componila con mele purgato et fali bolire lentamente che uno poco si spesischa. Poi meti sopra ali occhi e presto ti leva il dolore. Aqua di cilidonia vel rondinaria per male di occhi. Rx. erba cilidonia ut rondinaria virtus talis est si vis sanari de occulorum caliginis. Acipe eam quando florent et eam cuoque in acqua limpihiosa in qua sit mele bene mundum. Postea cola per pannum linum et illa decotionem distilla per lambicum vitreum et de illa que distillaverit pone sepe in oculis et cito liberabitur. Item aqua da occhi. Torai aqua roxa e barbena, ruta, osmarino, fior di fava, cilidonia, agrimonia, finochio e salvia, ana, et di tutte le ditte erbe fane aqua al lambico di vetro. Poi lassela al sole per 10 o 15 giorni. Poi bagnati li ochi matina e sera et se tu avesse gran male bevene mezo bichiere la sera quando vai a dormire et guardati di non mangiare cose contrarie et guardati dal vino bevene manco che tu poi, e zovarati assai. Item a chiarifichare la vista. Torai suco di cartofilago e lasselo cossi per una notte. Colalo et lasselo cosi per una notte in una ampolla et mettivi drento uno poco di tucia preparata e zucharo fino. Poi ongeti li occhi per 15 o 20 giorni, 2 o 3 volti al di, e guarirai. Item aqua per male di occhi. Torai tucia preparata in aqua roxa un soldo e aqua roxa uno bichiero e uno quatrino di zucharo fino e vino racese o altro vino bianco potente uno bichiere, et incorpora ogni cosa insieme et mettila in ampolla coperta al sole per 8 o 10 giorni e bene spesso la volti sotto sopra acio che bene se incorpori, et bagna ti spesso li occhi et fane entrare al quanta drento et se ti fara al quanto rissentire non dubitare che quello e il migliore segno che tu possi avere per guarire presto per essere contraria al male e pero bisogna chel ceda e guarirai. Item aqua per mal di occhi. Torai malvasia bona onze viij, e aqua roxa onze iiij, e verderame drama j, e garofani et metteli in una pezetta legata et mettila a mole in ditta malvasia. Poi farai bolire cogni cosa per uno miserere et cavarai quella pezetta e strochela molto bene inela infussione et con piu vorai l’aqua forte tanto piu strichai il bottone. Poi lassela schiarire et metterai dela ditta aqua neli occhi e presto guarirai e questa molto vale ali occhi offuschati e de molto bona aprobata. Item aqua da occhi . Torai una pignata nova et mettivi drento aqua di cisterna lb. vj, et mettila al foco et quando comincia a bolire mettivi drento verderame, zuccharo candido e sal commune, ogni cosa in polvere sutilissimo et lasselo bolire per meza ora et levelo et quando e fredo, colalo et lassela ben schiarire. Poi la meti in una ampolla et con essa ti lava li occhi et vedrai mirabilmente e cosa laudabile. -------- [Page 43] Al dolore che viene sopra ali cilli deli occhi. Rx. erba barbena, salvia e solatro, ana m ½, e pesta ogni cosa e trane suco et mettivi drento un chiar d’ovo frescho ben sbatuto et incorpora. Poi bagna drento dele stope et metti insu la fronte con la binda legate et il dolore presto passera via. E de secreto molto degno. Lattovario per li occhi lachrimosi e rinversati et per debilita di stomacho et conserva la memoria. Torai sementa di basichia, cioe erba di santa piero, i finochio marino e di predissemolo, di finochio e di siler montano, ana onza j, et fane polvere suttila. Poi torai fiori di osmarino, di boragine e di buglossa, ana onze vj, et tagliali molto minutamente. Poi torai mele purgato, lb. 20, metilo nel tozo et mettivi drento ogni cosa et farai bolire lentamente con foco di carboni et ligermente lo schiuma et lasselo calare il terzo. Poi cavelo fora e mettilo in uno alberello et mettivi drento kratti ij di muschio e non manco che sia ben massinato et incorporato nel lattovario cosi caldo et lo copri con carta bona et lasselo al sole per uno mese et sara fatto. Et avendo tu alcune di queste infermita, cioe debilita di vista con li occhi lacrimosi o rinversati overo chi fusse debile di stomacho et chi fusse semmo di memoria et etiam quella augumenta et la conserva. Piglia per 30 giorni continui o piu o mancho, secondo chel paciente si sente del ditto lattovario uno chugiaro ogni maitina et vedrai mirabile experientia. Et questo lattovario l’usa molti prelati di sancta chiesia per suo beneficio. Item lattovario nobile per la vista. Torai seme di finochio, siler montano, seme di appio e di presemolo e anesi, ana onze ij, e al quanti granelli di ginepro ben matture. Et etiam queste erbe, eufagia, ruta, berbena, cilidonia, pimpinella, bertonicha, agrimonia, marobio, pullegio, rosemarine e fiori di boragine, ana onze iij, et tutte queste erbe siano fatte in polvere suttile et componi ogni cosa con diligentia, dele quale polvere ne piglierai uno scropulo per volta con bon vino o brodo la maitina per tempo in modo di syropo. Et se tu lo volesti farlo in lattovario con bon zucharo, pigliane onza s a stomacho digiuno il quale ti fara parere un ochio mirabile e purifichato, continuandolo e conservati dele cose contrarie. Item lattovario a clarifichare la vista e a rechuperarla anche che fusse persa et a altre virtu aprobate. Torai seme di finochio lb. j, siler montano, camedrios, ana onze vj, cilidonia, cimino, appio, anesi, petroseme, pulegio, aneto, ysopo, fior d’aneto, grane juniperis, eufragia, ana onze iij, zenzaro, cinamomo, ana onze ij. Et tutte le dette cose ne sia fatta polvere sutilissima et siano confette con mele biancho purificato et conservelo ali tuo bisogni. Poi ne piglia la sera quando vai a dormire et cosi la maitina quanto e una castagna pero che ristaura il lume perduto e conforta lo stomacho e purgha li humori superflui, mondifica le rene e rompe la pietra e cacia ogni ventosita. A li occhi sgarbelati, unguento mirabile. Rx. stercho di luserta e lumache con gusso, incenso bianco e mirra, ana onze ij, lardo raspato di porco mastio onza j, e cera biancha onza j, e canfora onza s, et de tutte le predette cose ne farai ungu[e]nto con lento foco e sera fato. Et la sera tu lo metterai sopra ali occhi sgarbelati et metti sopra una peza di zandale et falo piu volte et, per dei gratia, guarirai. Item a occhi rinversato. Torai uno o piu fele di lepore e uno pochetto di tucia preparata et incorpora bene et lasselo al sole per 3 o 4 di. Et la sera quando vai a dormire bagnati li occhi piu volte e ritornerano al suo segno con facelita, e guardati dal vino. Item alla dessesa deli occhi. Torai erba magiorana, fane polvere suttila et quando la sera vai a dormire bevane con vino mezo chugiaro. Poi terai una pocha di radice di zenzaro sotto ala lingua et cossi si dormenta et in breve tempo ti rissanerai dela sesa deli occhi. -------- [Page 44] A levare dali occhi ogni machia o chataratte. Rx. tucia preparata in pietra et in polvere, onza j, et mettila in una ampolla et distempera con uno poco di agresto nova e che non tropa dura ne tropa tenera, ma piu presto liquido, e coprila e mettila al sole per 15 giorni et ogni di tu gli agiongi uno cugiaro di agresto et in capo ali 15 di agiongivi uno cugiaro di aqua roxa. Poi lassela stare ancora al sole per 15 giorni. Dopoi a questo tempo torai lardo vechio di porco mastio, onze iij, chel sia netto e pestalo minutamente. Poi torai aceto bianco forte, lb. j, et mettivi drento il lardo a bolire in pignata nova tanto che calli la metta et lasselo fredare et cavane il grasso congellato di sopra. Poi lavelo molto bene con aqua roxa tanto che non li rimanghi niente di aceto per drento. Poi torai la tucia et incorporala con ditto onto molto bene et tanto la rimeni che diventi come uno unguento e sera dilicato et sera fatto. Et lo conserva como cosa cara in vaso dilicato. Et a volerti medichare mettene uno pochetto sopra a longella over machia che e inel ochio la maitina et la sera secondo tu vedrai lo effetto che de di in di sucedera et presto tu ti vedrai del tuo miglioramento perche piu volte e statto aprobato. Et guardati dela bocha e guarirai. Item alle machie che e nel occhio. Torai del erba di santa maria che a inel mezo una machia di colore di tanne. Pestala e cavane suco. Poi colalo et mettivi drento uno chiar d’ovo frescho bene sbatuto e bene incorporato con ditto suco. Poi la sera quando vai a dormire, bagna dele peze line in ditto suco e metti sun li occhi et zovaratti assai, per dei gratia. Item polvere che consuma el panno che e nel ochio. Torai finochio, ruta, ana. Pestela e cavane suco. Poi lo metti in una ampolla coperta al sole tanto chel si rassughi e seco. Cavelo e spolverezalo et de ditta polvere ne metti nel occhio nuoloso piu volte et, per dei gratia, presto guarirai. Item al panno che e nel ochio. Torai uno fele di lepore e buta via la scorza che li sta intorno. Poi torai suco de finochio e zucharo candido, ana, et incorpora insieme e meti in una ampolla e mettila al sole per 4 o 5 giorni. Poi con una penna di gallina, ligermente ne metti 2 volti al giorno e a poco a poco si consumera. Item a occhio che fusse nuoloso che non vedesse. Torai tucia preparata, drame ij, litragirio d’oro e canfora, ana scropulo j, e aloe patico, scropulo j, e zucaro candido fino, drama j, et ogni cosa sia sutilmente spolverizato et incorporato. Poi li metti tanto vino biancho e bono che apeni stiana coperti et lasselo al sole per 8 giorni. Poi li angiongi queste erbe tutte peste minutamente, vz. eufragia, agrimonia, ana. Poi li angiongi queste aque, vz. aqua roxa, e di finochio, e di ruta, e di cime di spine, e di agrimonia, e di eufragia, e di cilidonia, et di berbena, ana drame iij, et tutte queste aque siano incorporate con le ditte polvere. Poi lassa la inchistara ben turata al sole per 15 o 20 giorni. Poi la cola con diligentia et bagnati li occhi drento e fora 2 o 3 volti al di. Et questo e rimedio 5. Continuando di bagnare, guarirai. Asuttigliare la vista a chi l’avesse grossa. Rx. l’erba cilidonia in la primavera et fala sechare al ombra. Poi fane polvere sutilissima. Poi userai a mangiare dela ditta polvere spesse volte nele vivande et anche fregartene ali occhi et a poc a poco incomincierai a bonirti la vista et assuttiliarla molto mirabilmente et sapi che questa benedecta erba ha tal virtu che le rondine la togliano e freghenla ali occhi deli suoi nati e presto li ritorna il vedere. Et se ne farai la experientia tu ne vedrai lo effetto dela verita. Item un altra simile polvere a ricuperare la vista. Torai foglie di bertonicha, ruta, cilidonia, eufragia, anlevistico, pulegio, semenza di finochio e de pretisemine, anesi, zenzero, anamomo, gardamomo, siler montano, ysopo, origano e seme di appio, ana onza j, et di tutte le predette cose fane polvere sutila tutta incorporata et dela ditta polvere usela in tutte le tue vivande in modo di specie inanti e dopoi il cibo e mettene inel pane e presto ti rischiarira la vista. Et di provata. Item per la vista corta. Torai ruta in quantita e aceto fortissimo et coseli drento la ditta ruta et quando bolle il pignatto metteli sopra uno baccino et se li ataccara sotto del sudore et quello lo ricoglie in uno bichiere et di quello sudore bagnati spesso li occhi e zovarati assai affare la vista longha e li vedrai apresso che bene como di prima. Conservati del vivere. -------- [Page 45] Aqua per occhio che picicha. Rx. cerusa e lavela con aqua roxa, drame ij, e sarcochola lavata con latte d’asina, e draganti, e appio, ana drama s, et d’ogni cosa fane polvere sutilissima et la incorpora con aqua stillata di fraule tanta che diventi liquida. Poi li metterai uno poco di latte di donna. Poi metti dela ditta aqua in nel ochio con una penna 2 o 3 volti al giorno e presto guarirai del picicore del ochio. E di probata. Item al picichore deli occhi. Torai aqua roxa, onze ij, vino bianco onza j, mirabolani citrini drama s, et ogni cosa fa bolire insieme et come alevato il bolore levela dal foco et agiongeli fior di rame, drama j, et lassela stare cosi per 2 di. Poi la cola et conservela in ampola et bagnati li occhi spesso. Item colirio quale corrode le panne che sono sun l’occhio e leva lo prurito, rimove il sangue e restringe le lachrime. Torai tucia alessandrina, onza s, in polvere sutilissima e vino biancho brusco, lb. j, et fa bolire insieme tanto che cali la meta. Poi piglia onze ij aloe patico et mettilo con esse a bolire. Poi lo cola sutilmente et farai colirio ali occhi et agiongeli canfora, drame ij, et mettila nel mortaio et sempre agitandola nel mortaio e agiongeli onze iij aqua roxa et sera fatto et lo potrai adoperare sera e matina a bagnarte li occhi. Item a occhio chi avesse drento maglia. Torai ciochiole, cioe lumache col gusso, et fale seccare nel forno et fane polvere sutilissima et suco di piantagine et cilidonia, ana, et ogni cosa incorpora insieme e metene nel occhio e presto la machia ne andera via, continuandola. Item a levare uno segno gioso di uno ochio. Torai uno fele di un omo morto e falo seccare e fane polvere e metine nel occhio. Falo piu volte e presto il segno se ne andera. Probatum est. Item a levare il sangue gioso del occhio. Torai suco di assentio overo di barbena e uno chiaro d’ovo fresco e sbatti bene che venghi como aqua. Poi lo mesta col suco bene et poi lo metti sopra al oc[c]hio piu volte e presto ti levera la machia del sangue. E di bel secreto. Item acorrodere la tela che e sopra ali occhi. Torai sal gema, tartaro di optimo vino e ossi di sepia, ana onza j, et de tutte ne farai polvere sutilissima quanta sia possibile. Poi con uno canello nela sopra inel occhio che a drento la maglia 2 volte al giorno e presto guarira. Item a rassugare li occhi lachrimosi. Torai tucia preparata onza j, aloe patico drama s, aqua roxa e de agrimonia et spine e di finochio e di mortella e di fraule e di ruta e di cilidonia, ana onza s, et metti ogni cosa insieme in una ampolla ben serrata et mettila al sole per 8 giorni et la maitina quando tu levi, bagnati li occhi et etiam infra’l giorno et vedrai mirabile effetto dela ditta aqua, per essere molte volte aprobata. Item a sesa deli occhi. Torai incenso e fatti fumo al viso, ali occhi, al naso e fumenta una stoppa et la cuffia et mettila in capo quando vai a dormire et fala per 3 sere e presto guarirai. Item a ogni sesa di occhi. Torai la prima settimana di magio tutte queste erbe, vz. cilidonia, berbena, ruta, e finochio, ana. Pestale e cavene suco ogni una da perse et de ogni sorte ne piglia onze iij e mete insieme e metteli uno poco di foglie di roxe e onze iij di zucharo candido, sangue di drago e tucia preparata, ana ijs, et tutte ditte cose siano spolverizato suttilissime et metti ogni cosa insieme a stillare con vetro e a lento foco. Poi lassela per 10 o 15 giorni al sole ben serrata et sara fatta e la doperi a tuo piacere matina e sera et presto ne guarirai, per dei gratia. Item a ochio che lachrimasse. Torai 2 chiari d’ovi freschi, nati el di, e sbatteli tanto che diventano in aqua, cioe in schuima, et lassela ripossare che tutta la schiuma si consuma. Poi la cola. Poi li metti drento aqua roxa di rose bianche e tanto zucharo fino o candido quanto e una nizola et lo incorpora bene et con una penna bagna drento al ochio e lassa stare et poi ne rimette e guarirai. Acqua da ochii mirabile per sese e non pongie niente. Rx. vino greco, lb. 2, zucharo candido, onze vj, et fa stillare con vetro. Poi li agiongi acqua stillata di eufragia, lb. j, et lassa al sole per 20 giorni et questa sara perfetta per la sesa deli ochii. -------- [Page 46] Unguento per li occhi mirabile. Rx. butiro fresco lavato onze ij, tucia preparata drame ij, canfora drama s, aloe patico drama j, ambra scropulo s, et ogni cosa sia spolverizato. Poi poni lo butiro al foco e quando e distrutto mettivi drento le sopra dette polvere et subito lo leva dal foco et bene li incorpora tanto che diventa como uno unguento et con quello ongeti li occhi sera e matina e presto guarirai. E probato. Item a occhio che avesse panne o chataratte. Torai finochio, ruta, barbena, cilidonia, herba san zovanni, cime de rovedi, grapignola, ana m. 2 o 3, tanta che ciascuna faci uno bichiere di suco et etiam ne torai olter tanta che ciascuno facia uno bichiere de aqua al lambicho di vetro et non le stillare al piombo perche egli e cativo. Poi torai tanta aqua roxa quanto e una di queste parte. Poi metterai tutti i suchi et le aque insieme. Poi torai una lb. de tucia alessandrina impiastre et che la sia preparata. Poi fala bene infoccare et smortela in ditta compositione et a questo modo farai per 7 volte. Poi fala seccare al ombra per 8 di. Poi pestela in mortai di bronzo che sia sutilissima. Poi metti la ditta polvere in una scutella et mettivi sopra de la ditta aqua se’l tene avanzata et rimpastela un altra volta et fala seccare al ombra. Poi la rimasina sutilmente sul porfido che altra bruttura o polvere non vi sia. Poi la conservi in vaso di vetro o di terra bene invitriato e ben coperto. Et quando tu vorai medicare, piglia, piglia uno stillo d’argento e bagna la ponta e mettilo in ditta polvere e tanta ne torai suso. Poi la metti inel occhio sotto ala palpebra di sotto la sera quando tu vai a dormire et etiam il giorno lo potrai fare stando tu in riposso et usando questa polvere sopra ditta fatta inel ditto modo ha questa proprieta di corrodere quello humore grosso che e ditto panna over cataratta che discende inel ochio, causato da grossi humori. Et in questo tempo ti conserva del vivere. Item a mal di occhi. Torai dela ellera colta con la rossata per tutto il mese di magio et pestela minutissimamente et metivi incompagnia mele crudo bene incorporato. Poi lo metti in una ampolla ben coperta et mettila al sole per 15 giorni et sara fatta. Poi meterai dela dita medecina ineli occhi la quale dissechera ogni cativo male et rende la vista mirabilmente sana e lustra. -------- [Page 47] Secreto per li occhi mirabile e probato. Rx. tutti questi suchi, vz.: de appio, finochio, berbena, ruta, bethonicha, agrimonia, fraule, camedrios, pinpinella, eufragia, benedicta i savina, ana, et mesta tutti questi suchi insieme et pilia 12 graneli di pepi fato in polvere sutilissimamente et metti li suchi con la polvere in uno mortaio con 2 chugiari di mele et dela orina di uno mamolo piccolo et incorpora ogni cosa insieme et sera fatto. Poi ti ongi con esso li occhi matina e sera et se per sorte se risugasse il suco tu li agiongi dela ditta orina, overamente tu li agiongerai del suco di queste erbe, vz.: edera tereste, finochio, appio, berbena, camedrios, salvia, trifoglio e ruta, ana, et di ditte erbe ne farai suco et lo incorpora col sopra ditto et con esso ti continua a bagnarti li occhi e presto guarirai. Item sucho per li occhi. Torai erba piantagine con le radice quando la e matura. Lavela bene, pestela e cavene suco et con esso ti ongi li occhi matina e sera e presto guarirai e si rassugherano. Item aqua per occhi e levar il dolore. Torai suco di cilidonia, ruta, finochio, e piantagine, ana onza j, tucia preparata 9 volte in aqua roxa e fele di uno torro, ana drama s, e mele spumato, onze iij, e aqua roxa quanto basta et ogni cosa meti in ampolla e mettila al sole per 8 di. Poi la dopera a tuo piacere e zoverati assai e non poco. Item aqua per li occhi. Torai finochio, ruta, berbena, roxe, cilidonia, ana, et di ditte erbe fane aqua al lambico di vetro et con ditta aqua lavati spesso li occhi e ti fara bona vista. Item aqua per mal da occhi. Torai tucia preparata drama s, canfora scropuli 4, e pesta minutamente insieme. Poi torai ruta m.1/2 et meterai ogni cosa insieme et farai bolire ogni cosa insieme in un pignatin novo in vino biancho amabile tanto che cali il terzo, et come la e freda, colela sutilmente et mettila in ampolla serrata et falla ribolire in una pignata di aqua a bagno maria. Poi lassela al sole 8 o 10 giorni et sara facta et la doperi matina e sera a bagnarti li occhi. Et conservati inel vivere et dele altre cose contrarie. Item unguento da occhi. Torai discoli teresti lavati con vino bianco e coseli in olio comune del vechio. Poi li premi bene et li agiongi in ditto olio dela midolla deli piedi dinanti di uno montone et con cera fara unguento et con esso ti ongi et presto guarirano per essere rinversati. Ma nota che queste cose sono quelle che sono molto contraie ala parte visiva dela vista le qualle sono queste, vz., il troppo empirse el corpo, el troppo vegiare la notte, la polvere, el troppo scrivere, el piangere, el fumo, el troppo bere vino dissordinato, el luxuriare, el mangiare dele fave, el pepi, l’aglio, e le cippolle et molte altre cose. Nota che queste cose sono quelle che giovano molto ala vista, cioe el sugo dele fraule cura la maglia, lo finochio, ruta, berbena, osmarino, cilidonia, mele, aloe, maratro, tucia, mirra, bon vino, latte di donna, aqua roxa, e sangue di colomba et molte altre cose ch’io non scrivo et sapi che tutte queste cose sogliano schiarire la parte visiva del nostro vedere deli occhi obscuri et tenebrosi et tienteli a mente se presto voi guarire. Et queste sono quelle erbe che sono bone ala nostra vista cosendole in aqua et con la ditta aqua lavartene il viso e molto ti zovera a mantenerti sempre bona vista et senza impedimento alcuno: cilidonia, eufragia, verbena, ruta, finochio, e pulegio e usandote queste erbe cotte in la ditta aqua et lavandotene il viso, sapi che de di in di tu ti troverai molto piu contento per essere cose aprobate. -------- [Page 48] A clarificare la vista e presto. Rx. suco di cartofilago e lasselo stare cosi per una notte. Poi lo cola et mettilo in una ampolla et mettivi drento uno poco di tucia preparata e zucharo fino et con esso ongiti li occhi 3 volti al di e guarirai. Balsamo artificiato bonissimo per ogni mal di ochii, d’orechie et di tigna. Rx. trementina onze vj, incenso bianco onze ij, aloe suchultrino onza j, mastice, galanga, garoffoni, cinamomo, citroniaci, chubeb, nuce muschate, ana drama j, et latte di ficho onze vj, et chel sia fresco piu che tu poi, et che le dette composicione siano fatte in polvere suttile et tutte insieme incorporate in modo di pasta. Poi meterai dita pasta in una bozza di vetro col suo capello et sotto il suo recipiente et destillerai la ditta pasta con pochissimo foco et advertisse che tu caverai di 3 sorte aque et tutte le metterai da sua posta et quando tu vedrai la bozza amutare colore et tu muterai lo recipiente e tienlo ben serrato ala bocca che non exali et di questo ne sia molto vigilante per essere cosa de molta importancia come tu vedrai nele sue prove. Et nota bene che la prima aqua che ne viene la si adimanda aqua di balsamo, la 2 si adimanda olio di balsamo, la 3 si adimanda balsamo artiphiciato i quali liquori vagliano ale ferrite infistolite et ale gambe marzose et presto le guarisse et vale ale scrophole, ale palpebre enfiate et lachrimose et ale vertigine, sapendo tu ussare la ditta aqua et queste sono parte dele sue virtu, vz.: Nota dela prima aqua parte dele sue virtu: La cura li occhi palpedrosi, cisposi e lachrimosi et ogni altra infermita o infiatura deli occhi, bagnando dele pezze suttile in ditta aqua et meterla sopra ali occhi la sera e la matina e presto guarirai. Item. La libera del suffilare dele orecchie, posto vene drento con un poco di bambasa la sera quando vai a dormire et etiam la matina e guarirai. Item. Vale ala tigna e ala schabia, bagnandosi la sera quando vai a dormire. Item. Te dico che questo benedetto balsamo vale contra al morso velenoso et a doglie frigide, ponendo lo sopra con pezze bagnate. Et piu vale ale percosse, et vale ala parlasia per la sua callidita e de penetrante. Et piu cura il sangue corotto tra carne e pelle el quale e putrefatto. Certamente che questo si pol dire un optimo balsamo, alle sue optime et manifeste prove. Et fane questa sperienza: torai uno polastro pelato e netto e bene assutto. Poi lo tiene a scaldare al foco molto bene. Poi lo ongi molto bene con ditta aqua balsamata per 2 o 3 volte. Poi fallo seccare al sole et mai non putira di niun tempo. Et etiam di molte altre virtu che a el ditto balsamo che elle non se scrive, ma sia molto digligente a saperlo distillarlo e ti fara honore. -------- [Page 49] A guarire uno che fusse sordo ma non nato et etiam di molte altre infermita pertinente ala ditta sordagine, aprobate in piu modi, vz. Rx. una anguilla grossa di 5 o 6 lb. Tagliela in morelli et infilcela nelo spiede e fala cosere senza altro et ricoglie quel grasso che cola. Poi torai olio di mandole amare che sia fresco, ana onza j, et falo incorporare molto bene al foco et sera fatto. Et serbalo ali toi bisogni et quando lo vorai adoperare falo scaldare e bagna la bambasa et mettila inel orechia. Poi mettivi sopra dele foglie di sempre vivo magiore et fassato suso con una binda et questo farai piu volte e zovarati assai. Item a quelli che anno romore nele orecchie. Torai del erba sempre viva magiore e fane del suco et falo bolire tanto chel si purghi. Poi la sera quando vai a dormire mettilo nel orechia caldo tanto quanto poi patire con bambasa in quella orechia dove senti il romore, et questo lo farai perechie volte et guarirai di tal romore. Item al preditto romore dele orechie. Torai una radice di pan porcino et fali uno incavo drento a modo di uno scutelino et mettivi drento olio de mandole e olio de gillio, ana onza s, con uno poco di zafferano. Poi messo sun le cenere calde a bolire. Poi lo metti inel orechia caldo con la bambasa e stia bene infassata e caldo. Et etiam questo vale molto a rompere la postema quale fusse inela testa et unico rimedio. A uno che desse principio al non udire. Rx. erba ruta et cavene suco et mettila in una ampolla ben serrata. Poi farai uno pane di pasta et mettila drento inel mezo ben serrata. Poi mettilo inel forno et falo cosere con l’altro pane et quando sara cotto, cavela fora del pane et di quello suco ne meterai 2 o 3 volte inel orechie al giorno e presto guarirai. Item al preditto mal del sordo. Torai quella humidita che viene fora del frassino et postavi drento con bambasa nele orecchie fa andar via il dolore e fa bono audito. Item. Torai dele radice di pan porcino e cavene suco et latte di asina, ana, et fallo al quanto bolire et caldo piu che poi mete nel orechie et sopra dela bambasa che sia calda accio che non isfiati et legalo suso e presto guarirai, per dei gratia. Alla sordagine grossa. Rx. uno fele di lepore e olio comune del vechio e uno poco di mele purgato con zaffarano et componi ogni cosa insieme et fa bolire al quanto non tropo. Poi levelo dal foco e come e fredo mettivi uno poco di latte di donna et metene poi inel orecchie 2 volte al giorno chel sia al quanto caldo, e ti fara molta degna operatione et continuandolo ti sutigliera molto il tuo audito che presto udirai. Item alla sordagine dele orechie. Torai olio di mandole amare, onze js, fele di torro drama j, o di buo, et 2 grani di eleboro nero e pesto, e castoreo e aceto, ana drame v, et ogni cosa bola insieme tanto che si consuma l’aceto. Poi lo cola per una peza suttile et la sera tu ne meti inele orechie chel sia caldo con la bambasa et, per dei gratia, presto udirai. Item che una orechia meni fora la materia sua ordinaria. Torai dele scorze di melingrano et cavane suco et fa scaldare et metine con bambaso inele orechie et presto la purghera e la fara sana, perche e stata probata. Al sordimento e businamento et sibilamento che viene nelle orechie, presto guarirlo. Rx. olio vechio di oliva, onze vj, e sempre viva magiore m. ½, et fa bolire tanto che si spesischa. Poi cavali et premali molto bene tra 2 taglieri. Poi torai aqua vita di 3 cotte et olio petrolio, ana drama j, et incorpora col ditto olio e metilo al foco lento tanto che boli in modo che si spesischa et sempre mestando. Poi che sera fatto, serbalo et quando bisogna lo adopera a questo modo maxime la sera quando tu vai a dormire, falo scaldare et bagnali drento la bambasa amuschiata et meti inel orechia per 8 o 10 sere et presto te libererai di tal businamento e sibilamento il quale suol venire ali volte dopo ale infermita hovero pervicio di madre ale donne, e presto se ne guarisse perche le aprobata. -------- [Page 50] Item al businamento et tonitruo dele orecchie. Torai olio di mandole dolce che sia fresco e falo scaldare bene et bagna dela bambasa in ditto olio e metilo inel orechia et a questo modo farai parechie volte et ti zovera assai al tonitruo. Et chi avesse businamento e vento assai che li paresse avere un molino di venta inel orechie. Torai un vaso inolliato, cioe un bochale o pignata dove longo tempo vi sia statto drento del olio, et torai onze ij di coriandoli crudi e pestali e mettali inel ditto vaso di olio. Poi meti il vaso sun le cenere calde, il quale vaso non abia drento olio niente salvo la ditta polvere di coriandoli et falo ben scaldare. Poi li starai sopra con la orechia ala bocca del vaso che tutto quel caldo lo ricevi con la tua orechia adolorata overo lo farai al una poi al altra la ditta fumentatione per spacio al manco volta per volta una mezora continuando, et questo farai per 4 o 5 giorni e zoverati assai e starai a vedere se intermine di 4 giorni e se non serai liberato, tu li farai quest altro ultimo rimedio, cioe torai coriandoli et fane fare del suco dali speciali et mettivi drento 3 quatrini di zafferano tintiero. Poi falo scaldare bene et bagnavi drento la bambasa et cosi calda tu la metti nele orechie et a questo modo tu farai piu volte et, per dei gratia, guarirai. Fumentacione ale orechie per rimovere la sordagine causata per infirmita. Rx. ascentio, menta fina e magiorana e camomilla, ana m. uno, et coseli in bon vino. Poi metterai una pietra rossa che stia in mezo, cioe sopra’l caldaro et che ella non tocha el vino. Poi ti comoda con la orecchia inferma sopra ala ditta pietra che la si rischalda bene et la riceva quella fumentacione al orechia e che la si riscalda bene di dentro. Poi mettivi drento 3 gioci di olio di ruta overo di mandole amare et sopra li metti un poco di bambaso chel stia ben serato drento falo piu volte e presto guarirai. Item alla infirmita dele orecchie. Torai suco di ruta, e di cipolla biancha, e de porri, e di assentio, e latte di donna, ana, e olio comune et farai bolire ogni cosa insieme tanto che cali il quarto. Poi ongeti li polsi del sonno di fora via et anche ne meti uno poco inel orechia et faralo con la bambasa et questo farai per 3 giorni continui e presto guarirai. El suco di malva e messo in uno pignatino et il suo coperchio sia una crosta di pane ben serrato intorno col suo buco inel mezo e fatto bolire lentamente et tiene la tua orechia amalata sopra al dito buco tanto che ella si riscalda, et falo piu volte e guarirai. Item a chi avesse perso lo audito. Torai una zucha dove sia statto longo tempo drento del olio e brusela et ricoglie quel olio che ne cola et metteli drento la scorza di uno bisso et fala al quanto bolire. Et con ditto olio metene inele orechie chel sia caldo con uno poco di bambaso e tienlo caldo et continuandolo guarirai. Et ti laverai il capo de aqua dove sia cotto drento roxe, camomilla, foglie di lauro e melilotto et lavato et sutto che averai il capo, torai olio di mandole amare destillate al lambicho di vetro e olio muscardino, medulla di castoreo, ana onza j, et ogni cosa metti insieme et del preditto olio caldo mettene nele orechie con la bambasa amuschiata et presto ti zovera ala sordagine. Item al male dele orechie. Sapi quando lo vermo e tropo ingrassato in la orechia quello rasona e tintina e busina et in quella volta si vole tore uno pan biancho che sia allora tratto dal forno e aprilo per mezo e ponilo cosi caldo sun l’orechia e poi togli olio de mandole amare e scaldalo e metine inela orechia con stopa o bambaso, e guarira. Item se nela orechia fusse pulice entrata. Metivi drento lana intinta in ditto oleo et ussira fora la pulice. -------- [Page 51] Item a quello medemo del non udire. Torai erba savina e de ginepro, ana, et coseli in bono vino bianco tanto che cali li 2 terzi et levelo dal foco e tieni l’orechia sopra a quel fumo cosi caldo, perche a tal virtu che presto apre lo audito et dali grande aiutto. Quando tu avesti aqua inele orechie overo altra humidita. Rx. uno mattone novo et falo scaldare bene et sopra al ditto mattone li metti l’orechia et il calore tirera fora l’aqua o altra humidita che impedisse lo audito. Et tutte queste sono aprobate. Nota che se tu metti l’aqua vite inele orechie, sapi che ella cava la rheuma e conforta el celebro, et se tu ti laverai la parte posterriore dela testa, conforta la memoria et le sue virtu. A chi fusse sordo, remedio perfetissimo. Rx. menta, salvia, pulegio, rosmarino, ysopo, artimisia, mentastro, calamento, camomilla, mile foglio, barbena, ascenso, abrottano e centaurea, ana m. uno, et fatele bolire con vino in pignata nova e che sopra avanza il vino 4 dita 3 calli il terzo. Poi torai olio antico onze ij, olio di porri e di mandole, ana onza j, suco di ruta onza j, malvagia onze js et metteli in una inchistara. Poi la reimpie col sopra ditto vino el quale e bene premuto le erbe sotto al torchieto et mettila la ditta inchistara a bolire dinanti al foco tanto che calli il suco e la malvagia. Poi levela dal foco et mettivi drento queste cose polverizate sutile: spico nardo, coloquintida, costoreo e mastice, ana grani uno ½, et turati bene la ditta inchistara et metetela in una pignata piena d’aqua et fatela bolire apresso a 3 ore. Poi levela dal foco et lassatela stare al sole tanto che la diventi chiara. Poi la colate per pezza suttila e premeti bene la sostantia. Poi pigliate muschio fino, grani 3, ben masinato et incorporato bene con el ditto olio et in tutti e modi chel sia bene incorporato voltandolo sotto sopra. Poi lo servate in vaso di vetro atto e ben coperto con cera e carta peccora. Poi pigliate la pignata con quelle erbe et con di quel vino chi e rimasto drento et fatela scaldare bene. Et quando e ben calda, mettetivi sopra uno imbuttello col largo sopra ala pignata et il stretto fatevelo intrare inel orechia et pigliate quello fumo per una meza ora et como aveti fatta la fumentatione fate chel detto olio sia ben caldo et metetene inel orechia 2 o 3 giocie et turatela con bambasa muschiata et subito andate a dormire. Et quando fate la ditta fumentatione tenete dele fave seche in bocha et rompeteli co[n] i denti e solititate bene et butateli fora e questo li fa per fare aprire tutte li porrosita dele orechie. Et con la gratia di dio, presto guarirai se e possibile che per medicina si possa sanarsi. Et molti ne sono guariti a questo modo. Et se per sorte l’amalato non si risanasse overo non pigliasse alcuno miglioramento, non gli fare altro che questo e l’ultimo remedio. Et non ti maravigliare che sole venire alcuni businamenti inel orechie non manchate seguitate pure la vostra ontione perche questo eli e bon segno che da principio ad aprire le porrosita et non dubitare che se l’avesse pattito 30 anni tale infirmita, non dico nato. Sappi che in breve tempo, per dei gratia, vedrati gran miracolo. Et fateli usare spesso pillore che li purgano la testa et ussare a mangiare boni cibi e star caldo, non altro. Item a sanare una orechia chi menasse marza. Torai orina di fanciullo sano onze ij e vino biancho onze iiij e mele bianco onze ijs e suco di menta e di ruta, ana onza j, et ogni cosa metti insieme e farai bolire pian piano. Poi lo leva dal foco et colalo et agiongeli drento latte di donna onza s et cosi tiepido lavati le orechie spesso quando manasseno marza et tiene drento dela bambasa e abi ne cura che presto guarirai. Item a chi non udisse bene. Rx. maiorana m. uno tagliata e ben pesta e fata bolire con malvasia e olio comune a bagno maria tanto che la malvasia sia exalata. Poi la cola et di quello olio metene le orechie che stenta a odire et lo usalo in verno et non la esta che ti faria male et presto ti fara odire e metilo caldo con bambasa. E de probata. -------- [Page 52] A stagnare il sangue che viene dal naso, il quale non si potesse stagnare per altri rimedi. Rx. del gesso cotto onze vj, sangue di drago onze iij, bolo armenio onze ij, terra sigilata onze js, suco di orticha, mirolla di pane, caligine e suco di cinquefoglie, ana onze ij, e 3 chiari d’ovi freschi e aceto forte e aqua roxa et farai che ogni cosa sia spolverizato sutilmente e poi incorpora ogni cosa insieme molto bene. Poi distendi sopra a una pezalina tanto grande che tenga tutta la fronte et prima scriveli queste 3 parole inela fronte col suo sangue, cioe, ‘gibel, ghoe, gabohr,’ scrive con uno legneto. Poi li metti sopra questo detto impiastro et lasselo stare al malco per 3 giorni avanti che tu lo mova se’l si pole star tanto. Et etiam se’l fusse una ferrita e chel sangue non si potesse stagnare, scriveli dintorno queste 3 parolle gia dette et meti di sopra questo impiastro et lasselo per 3 di e stagnarasse il sangue che piu non ne verra, et e statto probato. Item a stagnare il sangue che viene dal naso. Torai de l’erba borsa pastoris e pestela e fane suco et bagnavi dela bambasa e meti nele nare del naso et continua spesso e guarirai. A stagnare sangue di naso. Torai erba cinque foglie e amachela tra 2 pietre. Poi ne mete inele buche del naso et cambiale spesso, guarirai. Et scrivendoli col suo sangue sun la fronte il nome di A[----]o et come quest sangue sara assutto, e quel del naso si fermera. Item a stagnare sangue di naso. Torai corezola, cioe centonodi, pestela e cavene suco e poi torai deli gussi de ovi et fane polvere sutilissima et la incorpora col ditto suco. Poi bagna dela bambasa et mettila ne i busi del naso e tira il fiato a te et questo farai per piu volte e presto guarirai, tenendo la bambasa nel naso et fallo sicurmente che li e bono. Item un altro piu bello per stagnare sangue di naso et etiam di ferrite. Dirai queste 4 parolle, cioe, ‘In bethelem e nato unfante, stringete vena e stagnati sangue, + patris et filii + et spiritus sancti + amen’ et quando le dirai tienli la mano sul capo over sun la ferrita et dila 3 volte ala fila con uno pater noster per volta. Et sapi che questa se impara a mente la notte di natale et molto vale piu assai che d’ogni altro tempo, perche ne statto fatto prova piu e piu volte e non maravigliare che e vero. Item a stagnare sangue di naso. Torai vitriolo romano e brusalo e fane polvere suttile et sangue di drago spolverizato, ana. Piglia un chiar d’ovo batuto et bagnali drento una stopa et sopra la polvere. Poi la meti sun la fronte legata stretta e presto si stagnava. Probatum. -------- [Page 53] [Six remedies are not readable]. A rottura di naso per cagion di humori che discendesse. Rx. dela ruta m. uno tagliela minuta. Poi mettila in una scorza de cipolla et mettivi drento olio comune e uno poco di butiro et fala cosere sun le cenere calde tanto che diventi come uno unguento. Poi torai una penna et ongeti diligentamente il naso piu volte e presto guarirai. Item a stagnare sangue di naso. Torai la radice di ruta e pestela e fane polvere sutila et tirela super el naso piu volte e si stagnera. Et etiam la cenere fatta di ruta et incorporata con horina di homo sano et messa sopra ala fronte, stagna il sangue presto. Item a restringere il sangue. Torai mumia, alume zucharino, bolo armenio, draganti, ana drama s, tela di ragno e caligine uno poco et compone et se questo non basta torai piglia chiaro del ovo et incorpora e metti suso e presto si stagnera, dico presto. A levare la carne trista che nasse inel naso, cioe polipodi. Rx. deli porri che siano nati e non trapiantati et cavatene suco et con um poco di cera verde fatene una ontione et agiongetivi uno poco di polvere sutilissima de tartaro di botte et bene incorporate insieme. Poi dela ditta ontione ongeti spesso il naso di dentro e presto guarireti di i polipodi. Acqua perfetissima ad curandum vulcera et polipum in naribus. Rx. fialam vitream plenam acque cisterne solimati onza s, luminis roche aduste ut crude sal nitri, ana onza s, rute m. ½, corticis maligranati ad quantitatem minus onzie et fac bulire omnia simul ad tertiam partem consumptionis. Quanto magis consumetur tanto melior erit acqua. A chi li avese rotto lo naso dentro. Pillia una cipola biancha e fane suco e tira suso per lo naso e guarira. Unguento da ungere el naso fra le ciglie e dentro via sera e matina. Rx. olei sisamini, olei violati, olei amigdolarum dulcium, ana onza s, olei seminis lini drame vj, pinguedinis galline collate, butri racentis lotti, acque maiorane, cere albe, ana drame iij, misce et fiat unguentum. -------- [Page 54] Li labri sfessi dela boccha, guarirli. Rx. onge di buo brusate et fatene polvere et foglie de porri brusate tutte in polvere sutelissima, ana, et le incorpora con mele tanto drame suficit et ongi la sera e presto guarirai. Item a guarire le mane guaste dal fredo. Rx. mastice, incenso, cera nova e olio rosato, ana, et fane unguento et unge le mane e presto guarirai. Onto per labri sfessi e crepaturi di mano e di piedi et altri mali nassenti, vz. Rx. sevo di beccho, mirolla di buo, ana onza j, cera nova onze ij, olio roxato e violato, ana onze js, olio di preforata e de caranci, ana onza s, e canfora scropulo 4. Prima taglia minuto il sevo et metilo al foco et la mirolla insieme et come egli e ben distrutto lo cola con una peza. Poi lo rimetti inel tocetto et mettivi tutti li olii et la cera taliata et mesta bene che ogni cosa si incorpora mestandovi drento et mettivi drento uno po poco di sale trito come farina perche’l non se distruge. Poi levelo dal foco et mettivi drento la ca[n]phora tagliata et mestavi drento tanto chel sia freddo et sera fatto, e se’l ti pare li ricolarlo cossi caldo lo potrai fare avanti che tu li metti la canfora et lo serba apresso di te ali bisogni, et con piu egli e vecchio egli e migliore in tutte queste infermita, prima a tutti i mali nassenti, bugnoni, fignoli, al dolore dele morise, a colera calida, alle sfessature dela boccha di labri, ale crepature di mano e dele piedi, e ale pepite deli ginochi et a de molte altre virtu che ala giornata le imparerai. Presto ti leva il dolore di tutte queste infirmita li restringe e li fa scaldare et continua a ongerti sera e matina cosi fredo e ale morise vorebe tiepido. Et di probato piu volte et e a le boagance. Al dolore di denti et d’ogni altra passione causato per sese over dalo stomacho. Vz. Rx. salvia, ysopo, mortella, lentischo, oliva le foglie, ana m. ½, che siano verde, taliate li grosso, et doi fichi secchi tagliati et 20 grani di pepi rotto di grosso et metti ogni cosa a bolire in pignata nova con vino biancho tanto che calli la metta et cola con diligentia. Poi del ditto vino ne tiene in boccha chel sia caldo piu che tu poi soffrire et questo amaza il verme et conforta la zengiva e il dente et fa bono alito. Et se tu vorai cavare il dente senza ferro, dirai, ‘In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Dodo machabeo baruto o grassbii.’ Et tira il dente et ve va senza dolore. E di veduta. Item a fermare li denti. Torai incenso maschio, sangue de drago, cioe lachrima, lapis ematithis, seme di mortella, radice e seme di peonia, spice, cubebe, gariofilorum, ana drame ij, e roxe rosse in completarum, boloarmeni, cinamomi, ana drame v, macis, nuce muscate, coralli rossi, ana drama j, et ogni cosa componi con syropo mirtino e mel rosato con zuccharo. Poi ne metti sun le zengive e sun li denti et presto ti rissanera. Item al dente che fusse buso et avesse drento il tarlo. Torai del aqua forte di quella da partire et metti uno poco di bambaso in cima a un ferretto suttile e bagnalo in ditta aqua. Poi metti la bambasa bagnata con ingegno inel buco del dente et lasselo stare drento bon calcato per un ora o piu et farai cosi 2 o 3 volte al giorno et presto morira il tarlo et se gli e di sopra falo voltare con la testa a basso accio che l’aqua forte piu presto possa penetrare e presto te libererai di tal passione. Item al dolore de denti che avesse enfiata la massella. Torai del osmarino, salvia, assentio e pepi e zenzero, ana. Poi fale bolire in vino bono e possente et del ditta vino ne tiene in bocca caldo piu che tu poi et farai cosi spesse volte al giorno e presto guarirai. Et anche a levare la ditta passione del dente: torai aceto e uno poco de canfora pesta e mettila in una ampolla et falla scaldare et cosi calda metila in bocca e presto ti leva il dolore. Et etiam al ditto dolore de denti: torai bertonicha e fala bolire con aceto forte e metivi drento uno poco di mele e tanto bola che cali il terzo et di ditta bolitura calda ne tiene in bocca piu che tu poi e presto ti cavera il dolore, e guarirai. -------- [Page 55] [Eight remedies are not readable]. A cavare un dente senza ferro con la radice dela cilidonia. Rx. dela radice dela cilidonia, i rondinaria, et tocha il dente che tu voi che caschi et non li altri. Et questo farai per 3 o 4 volte et caschera da sua posta a poc a poco ma non li altri. Item a chi ha li denti guasti. Torai suco dela radice di brionia et dele sue foglie, ana onza j, et dela radice del gielso biancho onze vi et incorpora e cosilo che quanto. Poi caldo lavati li denti et questo farai il mese di magio et questo lo continuerai per 8 o 15 giorni e guarirai deli denti guasti. -------- [Page 56] [Seven remedies are inked out here in the MS] Item al dolore de denti. Torai aqua vite e mele roxato, ana onza s, e radice di pilatro e 10 grani di pepi et farai scaldare ogni cosa insieme e meti in bocha dela banda dela doglia e tienlo per mezora e presto ti levera il dolore. Falo piu volte e non sentirai piu nulla. Di provata. -------- [Page 57] [One remedy is not readable]. Aqua che fa bianchi li denti. Rx. sal comune e lume di rocha del bianco, ana lb. j, e sal nitro onze ij et farai ogni cosa in polvere sutila e incorpora bene insieme* et mettila in bozza di vetro e fala stillare a bagno maria et cavane tutta l’aqua che ne pol venire et la conserva in ampolla ben turrata. Poi quando vorai farte bianchi li denti, prima li netti del pasto. Poi li leva via quella calcina ingessato che li troverai intorno. Poi averai uno legnetto di lentisco o di altra sorte, non importa, et bagna la ponta del legnetto in ditta aqua et tochati solamente li denti et vederai da te stesso li denti avenire bianchi come un dente di cane et ne averai contento assai. Et se ne tocherai le zenzive tu sentirai un bruschetto acettoso tanto dilicato e amorevole che non sentisti mai il pari e molto ti piacera et li denti resteranno bianchissimi. E piu volte probata. *con suchio de limoni che sia a sufficientia e lo farai stare in infusione per hore 24 e stilla per lambico de vetro a lento fuocco. Aqua che fa li denti bianchi, leva lettere gio dela carta e tra i porri e calli. Rx. vitriolo romano, cinapro, smeriglio, sal armoniaco, euforbio, sal comune et solfo vivo, ana a tua discretione, et ogni cosa sia pesto sutilmente e bene incorporato et metti a stillare al lambicho di vetro con lento foco et farai aqua di 3 sorte. La prima sera biancha, la quale sera bona da fare bianchi li denti con quello stechetto et leva le lettere gioso dela carta. Et la seconda e al quanto gialla et cava i porri e i calli dela carne. Et la terza e rossa, cressendoli il foco, la quale rodde el ferro et lo rompe e questa no si po salvare se non in vetro grosso, et questa aqua ti fara onore mirabile. Non preterire l’ordine. Item a fare li denti bianchi ala tua amante e pigliare um poco di spasso. Torai uno cardo, cioe uno rizzo di castagna chel sia maturo, falo seccare e fane polvere sutile et torai somenta di orticha, ana, incorpora insieme et con ditta polvere neli freca ali denti e li toccha anche um poco le zenzive vero e che netando prima il dente d’ogni bruttura como ditto e di sopra che li vengano anche al quanto bianchi. Ma li riscalda tanto le zenzive che li pare un foco che l’abia in boccha et tanta aqua li mena che gli e uno stupore tanto e il gran calloro che sente nele zenzive. Et tu quando non vorai piu la burla, fali questo rimedio in un tratto. Torai um poco di aqua roxa e uno poco di zucharo candido trito e meti insieme et di ditta aqua ne metti in boccha et di subito li leva quel calore et non sera altro, et ti rimara li denti bianchi et averai auto questo spasso. Item a farli bianchi con questa polvere. Torai limatura di corno di cervo e pesta minuta e pumese in polvere e mettila in una pezetta lina e fane uno bottone. Poi te ne frega li denti. Continuando molto ti resterano bianchi quasi per sempre. Ala dentesone deli denti per mangiare cose agre. Rx. dela porchacia, cioe porcellana verde, et quando tu averai legato li denti e spaventati che non potrai mangiare cosa alcuna, freghatene ali denti molto bene et andera via. Et anche con uno poco di sale overo una brisola di formagio mastichata sotto ai denti bene bene presto lo spavente va via, et piu volte aprobato. -------- [Page 58] [Two remedies are not readable]. Ala scarancia, cioe squinantia, che viene inela golla, optimo rimedio. Rx. aqua d’orzo et diamoron et farai lo gargarisimo. Et poi torai olio di camomilla, olio de giglii bianchi e songia di galina, ana, et li farai bolire a lento foco tanto che sia incorporato. Poi con ditto onto ongi lo infermo sotto ala golla per insino ale orecchie strapizando bene per un pezo. Poi li metti sopra una faldella di stopa suttile e calda e infassela e questo farai la sera quando anderai a dormire. Et poi torai radice di pilatro et tienla in bocha e tienla aperta, cioe sotto ala lingua. Et se per sorte l’avesse inchiavati li denti che per passione non potesse aprire la boccha, aprila per forza et torai un porro et lo inviluppa inel mel roxato et mettilo gio per la golla inanti e ‘ndreto 2 o 3 volte e fa presto, et poi lasselo sputare quanto chel vole e presto farai guarito, et non li lassare bere vino al manco per 2 di et non mangi se non pan cotto e cose rinfreschative e guarira. Item ala squilantia. Torai ambre gialde no. 8 ut circa et rompeli grosso modo et poneli sopra ali carboni acesi quali siano in una scudela sopra ala quali li sia uno imbuttello di latta col largo sopra ala scudella e chel fumo non possa andare per altra via che per di sopra et metterai la boccha al buco di sopra et per quella via tu ricevi tutto’l fumo et ingollalo per la golla, et im breve tempo guarirai, di prova. Item ala scarancia, presto guarirne. Rx. uno pomo apiolo falo cosere inel foco. Poi mondelo et quella polpa incorpora con tanto mele crudo et cosi caldo metilo sul canarozo dinanti dela gola dove ti dole et falo sera e matina et presto guarirai, osservando l’ordine qui di sotto. E questo e probato per uno Reverendo Prete certosino in luca inel 1561. Item ala scarantia, optimo rimedio. Torai radice di petrosemo, radice di finocchio, vitriola del muro, ana m. uno, e 3 chiari d’ovi freschi. Et farai bolire queste radice al quanto, caveli et pestale in mortaio. Poi li farai frigere nela padella con olio di camomilla, non tropo. Poi le cava fori et metteli uno poco di farina d’orzo e quelle 3 chiare d’ovo et incorpora bene a modo di impiastro et caldo piu che pol patire metti sul male dove li dole sotto ala golla et questo lo farai piu volte, cavandoli prima sangue dove si li richiede, e presto guarirai. Item a strangollioni. Torai 4 o 5 spiche di aglio e mondale et cosi intiere lo metti in uno padelino con tanto lardo di porcho battuto quanto e una noce, et fallo al quanto frigere et lo meti in uno scadelino et fa chel sia ben caldo et ongeti sotto ala golla et ali braza sopra del polso et infassa la golla con stopa calda et falo 2 sere e presto sarai guarito. Ma non bere vino per 2 di. Item ala squilancia che viene inela golla. Torai dele cantarelle ben peste con il levato di formento et mettene in sul petto et didrieto in sun le spalle al dirempetto e che non tocchino il collo et fara certe visichette fragile al romperso et per dali ussira aqua la quale sera tutta la enfermi dela squilancia che per quella via si purga. Al caschamento dela uvola in golla. Rx. del erba ysopo verdo o secco e fallo scaldare in uno padelino et cosi caldo mettilo sun la fronte over sul capo. Et questo vale al freddo catarro et al cadimento del uvola et al ditto cadimento torai la ditta erba et cosela in aceto fortissimo et si facia gargarizare piu volte e presto guarira, stando caldo. -------- [Page 59] [Two remedies are not readable]. A chi puza il fiato per causa delo stomacho. Rx. polvere di salvia onza j e fiori di tramarino onze iij e polvere di garoffani drame v e canella fina drame ij e una noce moschata e muschio grani ij et ogni cosa sia fatto in polvere suttila. Poi torai tanto mele purgato quanto basti a incorporare le ditte polvere a un lento foco et lasselo per 3 o 4 giorni al sole tanto che si confetti al sole. Poi lo serba in vaso vitriato ali tuoi bisogni. Poi ne piglierai la maitina, el giorno e la sera quando vai a dormire tanto quanto e una meza castagna et continuandolo farai bono alito et non sentirai piu la puza delo stomacho. Et anche e avantagiato in tempo di peste, che i dio ne guardi, a pigliarne la maitina avanti che tu neschi di casa, impero che egli e molto contrario ali cativi odori li quali offendano il nostro celabro, il quale confetto e di molto uttile. Item ala puza del alito per causa delo stomacho. Torai citroni sechi, cipero, spigo aromatico, garoffani, noce moschate, aloe, canella, mastice e cubebe, ana drama j, et fane polvere sutilissima. Poi la impasti con vino di melingrano et fane pallotine come fave et secchali al ombra, et ne piglierai una in bocca la maitina et tienla um poco poi la ingolla la quale tu sentirai dali a poco il suo confortativo hodore, il quale ti confortera il celebro et darati bono alito odoriffero et dispone lo stomacho a bona digestione. Item a disponere lo stomaco a rendere bono alito et a rissolvere la ventosita. Torai cinamomo drame ij, noce moschate, cubebe, ana drame iij, zenzero, meleghetta, galange, garoffani, ana drama j, cardamomo scropulo i, zuccharo fino onze iiij et di ogni cosa fane polvere suttila et incorpora ogni cosa insieme et la serba ali tuoi bisogni. Quando averai cativo stomacho tu ne piglierai um poco la maitina con brodo o vino caldo e presto ti passera via il dolore del stomacho et discatia la ventosita e ti rende bono alito per tutto quel giorno, e di provate sono queste. Item ad fetorem oris tolendum. Accipe cinamomum et zenziberis et cuoque in aceto forti et frequenter lava os et si non discenderet bibe de dicto aceto et curaberis dictum fectorem oris. Item a chi puza il fiato. Beva il difettoso uno bichiere dela sua orina ogni maitina per tempo et asai-issimo li giovera. Et ancora si lavi la boccha con aceto dove sia statto cotto drento dela menta e presto se liberera. Di provata. A levare la pena e doglia di denti e presto. Rx. aceto fortissima e mettila al foco in uno pignatino uno bichiero et metti drento tre quatrini di pepi pesto et falo bolire um poco. Poi lo leva dal foco et mettivi drento onza j di mel roxato et incorpora bene. Poi ne metti in boccha caldo piu volte et etiam ti fumenta la galta di fora via et presto la pena del dente andera via. Item chi non potesse parlare o fusse impedito per cause de sese. Torai radice di pilatro e tienla in boccha sotto ala lingua et ti movera sesa et quella la spuda et presto sarai guarito. Item a la puzza del fiato. Rx. menta fala bolire con acieto et con essa ti lava la bocca spesse volte et molto ti zovera. Et se’l procede dalo stomaco, torai acqua vite e polvere di nose moscate e di garofani et incorpora et bevene qualche volta fa quando ti la bocca et presto ti sanera. Et quando vai a dormire fa gargarizare con acieto et mangia del polezolo overo serpullo et presto ti risanera il cativo alito causato dalo stomaco. E de probato. -------- [Page 60] Al paraliticho di lingua, mano et altri membri. Rx. polvere de castoreo, orticha minore, mezana e magiore con le sue radice e salvia e radice di barbena, bertonicha, savina e levistico, ana m. uno, et lavale et tritale minutamente. Poi li metti in uno vaso adatto et mettivi sopra del vino che sopra avanci 2 dita et lasselo stare al mancho 4 o 6 giorni ben coperto. Poi ne comincia ha bere ogni di per 10 o 12 giorni et quando quello sera fornito ne li sopra agiongi del altro vino et va continuando et, per dei gratia, presto guarirai. Item a chi tremasse le mane over il capo. Torai foglie di salvia e tritale bene minute et mette infussione in vino biancho et poi ne darai a bere al paciente uno bichiere ogni maitina caldo in modo de syropo e stia al manco 3 ore a mangiare, et molto li zovera. Et usserai affare questa oncione. Torai suco de artimisia et fallo bolire in olio comune tanto che si consumi tutto’l suco et con lo ditto olio chel sia ben caldo ongeti quel membro che e paraleticho, cioe che trema, et falo piu volte e molto ti zovera. Item chi tremasse le mane. Torai salvia salvaticha pestela e cavene suco et impastelo con uno poco di farina. Poi rimettivi drento quel l’erba medema et fane una fritella et mangiela cosi calda et fallo piu volte e molto ti zovera al paralisio dele mane. Item chi stentasse a parlare per alcuna infermita. Torai una foglia di levistico con um poco di castoreo et mettilo sotto ala lingua et in breve giorni tu parlerai spedito como prima, per dei gratia. Olio che vale ala paralesia e contratione di nervi a spasimo et caduco e a tutte le frede infirmita. Rx. galbano onze vj, goma edera onze iij pista sutilmente et incorpora insieme et per vaso vitrio distilla et averai aqua et cressendoli il foco averai olio et metti insieme. Poi li metti drento onza j di olio laurino et lb. j di trementina e onze iij di aqua vite fatta con fiori di trasmarino et iterum destilla del aqua e del olio et separerai l’aqua da l’olio et serba l’olio como balsamo il quale sera bianchissimo e di al balsamo equievalente in tutte le sue virtu, vz: uno paraliticho ne tolse una goccia insun la fronte di questo olio et un altra goccia insul bellico et di subbito si levo stupendo et fue liberato. Uno altro ne prese nel loco dove aveva il dolore per la ferrita et contratti li nervi e onse quelli caldo e presto fue liberato. Et in altre diverse infermita et diversamente egli e aprobato questo olio essere mirabile et ha di grande virtu, lo occipicio onto la sera con questo caldo andando a dormire et la maitina mangia onza s di uva passera di la nera e tante subito gli a la memoria che fa racordare etiam le cose passate et fa la memoria molto admirabile et lo intelletto claro et vale contra la fredita et ale altre infermita causate da frigidita. A ogni mal nassente inela golla per causa calida. Rx. la sempre viva minore pestela et cavene suco piu che tu poi et dane a bere al paciente et bagnerai dele pezze in ditto suco e mettteli sul male sun la golla dove e il riscaldamento, etiam chel fusse per sesa calida e presto guarira. Item a fare la lingua spedita. Torai doi foglie di menta e quando tu vai a dormire over dopoi mattutino, tu ti frega la lingua con ditte foglie et in breve ti fara la lingua spedita -------- [Page 61] A guarire el goso cioe el gobio overe la golla grossa. Rx. palle marine, sponga, ricci de rose salvatiche, id est bedeguar, ana onza j, et fale secchare in forno in uno pignatto ben coperto che non sfiati. Et torai pepi longo e tondo e stella marina e osso di sepia, ana scropuli ij, e cardamomo, tasso de vin rosso, ana onza s, e polvere di garoffani, scropulo uno, et tutte le preditte cose siano fatte in polvere sutilissime et le incorpora con uno poco di aceto forte. Poi torai farina del fiore et mettivi uno poco di zuccharo fino et impasta ogni cosa insieme et fane manescritti et coseli nela tegia et la sera quando tu vai a dormire, piglia una di quelle girelle sotto alla lingua et dormi riverto al insu et la maitina tu bevi uno giozo di aceto et questo ordine tu lo continua per parechi giorni. Et questo lo farai in la primavera overo in lo auctono. Et conservati del vivere. Non mangiare legumi, ne carne porcina et de ogni sorte di agrumi, el vino inaquato onestamente con aqua cotta et etiam continuandolo fa ismagrare coloro che sono tropi grassi et continuandolo guarirai del gobio over del goso et semera la golla grossa, fallo sicuramente che li e probato. Item a mandare via il goso con una polvere. Torai pepi longo e zafferano, ana drama j, zenzero, canella, garoffani, ana drame is, sponga brussata e fattone polvere suttile drame iij e rossumi di ovi no. 2 et di ogni cosa ne sia fatta polvere sutilissima et ogni cosa sia bene incorporato et fane una fogacia et fala cosere et bischotare nel forno. Poi pestila e fane polvere suttile et il paciente quando va a dormire ne piglia una pocha in boccha sotto alla lingua et questo lo farai piu volte e presto andera via il gobio et rimarai como di prima. Item a mandare via il goso che viene ala golla. Torai pepi longo grani no. viij et mirollo di melegaci no. viij del bianco che e didrento et tanta spongha nova e fina quanto e un ovo. Et abi a mente quando la luna comincia a discressere e quel primo venerdi che la discresse incomincia a brussare tutta la ditta spongha et cose come la va brussanda va la raspando a poc a poco in una scudella et poi brusserai i molli del melghazo, cioe dela saggina over di melega over sorgo, et metti insieme con la spongha et cosi il pevere longho lo pesterai suttile et ogni cosa metterai insieme. Poi tora uno pochetto di farina suttile et torai 2 rossumi di ovo freschi nati in quel venerdi et incorpora ogni cosa insieme et mette li drento uno poco di zuccharo fino et impasta ogni cosa insieme . Et farai una foghacietta et cosela sotto ale brase. Poi che la serra cotta tu ne farai sei parte et una sera si, e l’altra no, ne pigliera una di queste parte la sera quando tu vai a dormire et con quella in boccha tu ti indormenti et farai tutte queste cose in quel di medemo del primo venerdi del calar dela luna, cioe del farla del coserla e del partirla et di questo non preterire. Et se per sorte il goso non ti andasse via tutto per questa prima volta, tu lo farai la seconda volta et etiam bisoghnando lo farai la 3 volta se tutto non se ne fusse ito. Et terrai quel hordine ne piu ne meno che tenisti nel fare del primo et non preterire di niente che con l’aiutto de dio presto te andera via, la qual racetta e statta piu volte aprobata da persone degne di fede. Item a mandare via il goso che viene ala golla. Torai olio laurino onze vj, olibano bianco, mastice, gom arabica e termentina chiara, ana onze iij, et in uno mortaio ogni cosa incorpora et tutta questa matteria stillela al vetro et cavane aqua. Poi mettera in ditta aqua una scudella di cenere et ritornela a stillare et la ditta aqua tu la riserbi come cosa cara. Poi con la ditta aqua ongeti il goso di fora via piu volte e presto si rissolvera in niente per la ditta virtu. -------- [Page 62] Al catarro, aqua mirabile. Rx. aloe epatico e mele crudo, ana uno quatrino, e uno poco di pilatro e de rigolitia, e ysopo, e di orzo, ana. Poi metti ogni cosa in una inchistara grande e piena di aqua e mettila a bolire tanto che manchi tutto’l collo. Poi la levi dal foco et la cola e premila molto bene chel ne essi la substantia. Poi ne torai una sera si, e l’altra no, um poco caldetta et vedrai mirabile effetto in farti spurgare ditta infermita per via disputtare gran matteria cattarrosa la quale molto se e indurita sun lo stomacho et ispudata che tu l’arai presto serai guarito. E di prova. Item al catarro in piu modi. Torai delo assencio et usalo a portare sopra’l capuo et non lassera dissendere il catarro. Torai zenzero in polvere et componilo con ysopo et regolicia et goma rabica et poni ogni cosa in vino et di quello usa a bere et ti zovera molto. Torai galanga, macis, noce moschata, ana onza j, zenzaro, cinamomo, ana onze vj, cubebe domestiche onze iiij, zafferano, garoffani, spigo nardo, cardamomi, ana onze iij, pepi longo onze ij, meleghetta onza j et di tutte le preditte cose ne farai polvere suttile et la usi alcuna volta e non ti dara noia. Usa inel tuo bere polvere de osmarino et etiam chi avesse assai reugma inela testa o sputasse assai, metti dela camomilla in la lissia et con quella spesso ti lavi la testa et molto ti zovera, e assai. Lattovario contra’l catarro, molto nobile. Rx. comino, coriandoli preparati, fiori di osmarino, ana onza s, pepi, canella, zafferano, ana mezo ottavo, tartaro di vin biancho drame iij, suco di ruta onza s et mele spiumato quanto basta et ogni cosa sia pesto e sutilmente spolverizato. Poi componi ogni cosa insieme et farai bono lattuario et da poi cena ne piglierai una presa et vedrai mirabil effeto in pochi giorni. A chi tremasse il capo et etiam le mane. Rx. dele radice di peonia e radice di erba bona e di pretesemino e somente di aneto, ana, et tutte queste cose fale bolire in una pignata nova tanto che calino la metta con aqua di pozo. Poi colala et premi bene le erbe et dela ditta dicotione ne usa a bere la matina a modo de syropo e presto guarirai. Et etiam torai la mirolla del pane e fala brostolare et cossi calda la metti amole in aceto fortissima e chel sia bene insupato. Poi lo metti sopra ali membri paraletici e tremana et vedrai opera bella di gran miglioramento. Item. Torai dela salvia e fala bolire et con la ditta dicotione li lava le braza e le mane et lassa sugare da se. Poi averai del suco dela ditta salvia et con esso li frega le mane spesso et farai questo al mancho 2 o 3 volte al giorno e presto guarira. Et etiam torai dela ditta salvia e cosela con vino. Poi meterai la dita erba cosi calda sun li polsi e grandemente li zovera. Item a soccorere a chi diventasse paralitico. Rx. fiele di toro e falo sechare et fane polvere sutilissima et danne a bere ogni matina ala malato et ne mangia in tutti i modi et in pochi giorni si risanera. Item al tremore de membri. Torai suco del artimisia mescolato con olio comune et caldo ongiti quelli membri che tremano spesse volte et renderati beneficio grande. E presto continuandolo, guarirai. Item ali paralitici, rimedium. Rx. salvia, bertonica, ruta, pentafilon, radice de finochio, petrosello, appio, ana, et ogni cosa trita et incorpora con bonissimo vino et fa bolire chel calli il quarto. Poi lo cola e premi bene et ne darai a bere al tremante la matina per tempo caldo a modo de syropo, onze iiij per spacio di 30 giorni, et, con l’aiutto di dio, presto andera migliorando et non tremera piu, essendo il male fresscho. -------- [Page 63] Scrophole, id est gavine, e male nassenti in piu modi. Vz.: Rx. olio laurino lb. v, mastice, olibano, goma rabica, trementina, chiara d’ovo, ana onze iij, et componi insieme et fa stillare a bozo di vetro. Poi metti in ditta aqua cenere forta di cerro lb. vi et incorpora bene et falla restillare, et quella aqua che ne viene tu la serba in ampolla come cosa cara la quale e molto bona per le ditte scrophole giande hover gavine le quale vengano voluntieri al suo promuntorio che e intorno ala golla et etiam super la persona et con la ditta aqua tu li bagnerai spesso. Poi torai dele lentichie et fale cosere con l’aceto molto bene et cosi calde tu le meterai sul male a modo di impiastro et fallo piu volte et, per dei gratia, presto guarira dele ditte scrophole e presto. Item ale scrophole. Torai sale trito e aceto e sterco di buo e orina di mamolo di 6 anni et ogni cosa incorpora insieme a modo di impiastro et metti su le scrophole caldo la sera quando tu vai a dormire con stopa, e zoveratti assai. Item ale scrophole che non sono rotte. Torai radice di zuccha salvaticha, i brionia, et fane aqua al lambicho di vetro et dane a bere al paciente ogni matina onze iij in modo di syropo. Continua per uno mese et grandemente li zovera. Item ale scrophole. Torai erba dinarola la quale nasse sopra ale mura. Pestela fra 2 pietre et fane suco et in esso vi bagna drento le peze di lino suttile di homo et metteli sul male et continua per un mese 2 o 3 volte al giorno li medicha e guarirai. Item a farle rompere le scrophole. Torai radice di malva vischio, i altea, et fane polvere et torai songia di porcho rosso et la incorpora insieme. Poi te ongie il male dele scrophole chel sia caldo et in breve si rompirano. Item a quelle che non sono rotte. Torai luserte vive no. 9 et metteli cosi vive in una inchistara e mettevi drento olio di aneto e sale e olio comune del vechio et fallo bolire tanto chel rimanga il terzo et con ditto olio caldo onge le gavine i scrophole spesso e non ti dara noia. Item a quelle scrophole che grandemente sono impiegati. Torai una inchistara grande piena di vino biancho o del migliore e del piu vecchio che si possa trovare et mettivi drento salvia, osmarino, ana m. uno, et 4 radice di pan porcino e lume sucharina, ana onze is, aneto e sale, ana m. uno, et ogni cosa farai bolire insieme tanto che calli la terza parte. Poi la cola et con quello vino ben caldo lavati spesso le piaghe et li rassuga. Poi pesterai le ditte erbe minute. Poi torai lardo o songia che sia vechia, la quantita quanto e le erbe a peso o a vista et sia vi pestato ogni cosa insieme minutamente. Et poi che le piaghe serano lavate mettivi suso questo impiastro et questo lo farai 2 volte al giorno et, per dei gratia, presto guarirai. Scrophole nassentie e porri, aqua che li manda via. Rx. olio laurino del vechio lb. v e olibano biancho e mastice e goma rabica e trementina, ana onze iij, et tutte siano composte et falle stillare al capello de vetro et in la ditta aqua mettivi drento cenere di quella ricotta che e la piu forte che si possa trovare lb. v et ritornela a lambicarla et quella aqua che nesse serbela. Et quando vorai mandare via le scrophole solicita spesso a bagnarle et si dissecharanosi et cosi farai ancora ale nassentie. Et a mandare via li porri, fali al quanto insanguinare con una spilla. Poi bagna con ditta aqua et rodera la radice del porro e dissecharassi e presto andera via. Item a mandar via le scrophole che sono didrento. Torai orina di fanciullo e aseto forte, ana onze 4, e uno chugiar di sale et bagnavi drento le peze line et metti suso le glandole la sera quando vai al letto, et continuando si consumerano a poc a poco e guarirai. Non mangiare carne porcina. -------- [Page 64] Scrophole over gavine, unguento mirabile. Rx. cera nova, olio roxato, grasso di orso, ana onza j, trementina, sevo di castrato, ana onze js, pesa grecha danari no. 2, incenso maschio danari no. 6. Et piu li agiongirai uno poco di suco di cicuta et tutte queste cose le incorpora insieme in vaso netto et prima li grassi siano minutamente taliati et le altre cose in polvere sottile et con lento foco siano bene incorporate e cotto. Poi levelo dal foco et lo conserva ali bisogni. Poi la matina e la sera ongiti et continuandolo presto guarira. Conservati del vivere. Item unguento per le scrophole. Torai suco di appio e mele crudo, ana, e uno rosso d’ovo e farina di grano pocha, et metti ogni cosa in una pignata ben coperta al sole per 10 o 15 giorni et sera fatto. E lo serba ali tuoi bisogni e ongi sera e matina, e presto guarirai. Item contra ale scrophole, lattuario perfetto. Torai dele luserte verde e tagliali il capo et la coda. Poi metteli inel aceto fortissimo per 3 giorni. Poi falle secchare inel forno et fane polvere sutilissima. Poi torai lb. 2 di mele ben purgato et incorpora con la ditta polvere et fane lattuario. Poi ne piglierai uno chugiaro la matina per tempo distemperato con bonissimo vino et starai per spacio di un ora et ne piglierai un altra presa et cosi farai ancora un altra volta che sera poi 3 volte per maitina et questo continuerai al mancho per 8 giorni et le scrophole a poc a poco se anderano dissecando et, per dei gratia, presto guarirai, facendo bona vita, non mangiando cose cattive. Item con una radice guarire le scrophole e presto. Torai la radice dela serpentaria minore, id est erba aron, lavale bene et fane 3 o 4 parte tagliate con un legno, non con ferro, et la sera quando vai a dormire ne metti in bocha una di quelle parte et con quella in bocha ti dormenta se si po. Se non, involtela in um poco di zalda e ingolela como una pinola et ne piglia una sera si, el altra no, et non te la menare tropo per bocha per essere calida in terzo che ti picigharebe la lingua et ingollata che tu arai questa radice la dissocha, la rode, la consuma tutto questo humore grosso et se tu ne avesti adosso piu che peli tutte se dissecarano a poc a poco et quando ti sentirai al quanto migliorato non ne pigliare piu. Et sapi che le radice vogliano essere fresche e non seche che non anno tal potentia di virtu quando li ai cavate ne tiene per 3 o 4 volte et le altre le potrai mettere sotto terra in logo che stiano fresche e di mane in ma[ne] le piglierai et ti conserva dela bocha, non mangiare carne porcina, ne agrumi, ne aqua cruda non bere, non usare con donna, tien calda la persona, et mangia cose legieri et non ti ‘nvilupare in cosaze, e tien per certo e vero che presto guarirai, che piu volte e statta aprobata da persone degni di fede. Item per guarire in 40 giorni le scrophole ut gavine. Rx. una radice di pan porcino et tagliale in 40 fette et falle seccare al ombra et ogni matina ne farai polvere de una et dalla a bere al paciente con vino o brodo caldo a modo di syropo la matina per tempo et in 40 giorni farai guarito. E di provato per il notomista di pisa. -------- [Page 65] [Two remedies are not readable]. Unguento capitale e degno. Rx. olio di abiezzo, termentina, olio roxato, mele roxato, ana onza j, et componi con foco lento et ponendovi in ditta composicione cirotto di madre selva overo di betonicha onza s et sempre mestando finche tu vedi che ogni cosa sia bene incorporato. Poi levelo dal foco et subito lo cola e con diligentia e presto et mestando dopoi finche sera fredo sempre et sera fatto, unguento capitale e perfetto. Cirotto da testa, molto nobile. Rx. erba pimpinella, bertonicha, verbena, madre selva e preforata, ana m. uno, tagliale bene e poi le pesta minutamente in mortaio. Poi le metterai a mole in vino bianco bono per 3 di naturali. Poi falle bolire al quanto tanto che consumi la metta. Poi li metti in uno canovazo e colale et premali fora il suco molto bene et poi li metterai drento queste gomme qui sotto scritte, vz: roxa di pino onze vj, trementina lb. j, goma rabica, armoniaco, ana onze js, popponaco onze ij, cera bianca, seracolla, serapino e bidelli, ana onza j. Poi agiongivi ancora suco di pantagine e di assentio, ana onze iij. Poi ogni cosa incorpora insieme et farai bolire con lento foco, sempre mestandovi dentro. Arispetto ale gomme che non si atacasse, et quando vorai sapere se gli e cotto, pigliane uno poco sun la spatola et lasselo fredare et se’l rima duro chel si possa stendere come el diaquilon allora sta bene. Nota che piu presto vol essere duro che tenero. Allora torai dela calligine ben suttile et la incorpora drento accio chel diventa ben nero et mettine a tua discretione tanta che basti. Poi che sera mezo freddo, mettivi drento queste altre cosi qui sotto scritte, vz: mastice, incenso mastio, mirra, e gomma edera, ana onze js. Poi le agiongi onza s di latte di donna, bagnandoti le mane per rimenarlo molto bene. Poi tu ne farai madaleon, cioe pastelli et si conserva longo tempo. Cirotto capitale Rx. fiori di camomilla, assentio e roxe, bertonicha, calamenti, cimini, farina de orzo, ana onza j, et fiat implastrum con vino albuo. In fino li agiongi olio roxato et sera fatto. Item al dolore del capo. Torai vin biancho et in esso vino li farai bolire del assentio e dela bertonicha. Poi con ditto vino ti lava la testa e presto guirarai. Item al dolore di testa. Torai foglie di lauro e ruta e gambi de aglii sechi, ana m. j, et falli bolire in vino biancho e aqua, ana bochali uno. Poi ti lava il capo con esso e spesso e presto guarirai del dolor di testa. -------- [Page 66] [One remedy is not readable] Al dolore di testa optimo rimedio. Rx. magiorana fina, osmarino, ana m. uno, fane polvere suttile. Poi la matina piglia mezo bichiere di vino bianco bono et mettivi drento uno chugiaro dela ditta polvere et fallo scaldare et bevi quello la matina per tempo e presto guarirai. Et etiam vale a conservare li denti che non guastano et venderati bono alito. E di cosa da signori. Item al dolore di testa. Torai dela ruta e foglie di persico et frigele con olio nela padella che siano ben cotte. Poi cavale e struccale molto bene et di quello olio ongeti le tempie caldo, e presto guarirai. Item al dolore di testa. Torai erba savina e tagliela minutamente et componila con olio roxato e aceto forte et fala coscere et farai ut supra ongendoti le tempie, e guararai. Item al preditto dolore di testa. Torai dela canepa in erba e pestela minuta. Poi componela con aceto forte al foco e poi cossi calda mettila sun la fronte, e presto guarirai. Et etiam la e bona a chi avesse il male dela emigranea ala testa et vale a chi non pole dormire. Pestila con aceto e mettila sun la fronte, e guarira. Et etiam farai impiastro dela cichuta et mettila sun la fronte et vedrai opera bella e leverati il dolore dela testa. Cirotto per metere in capo. Rx. rasina bianca, garofani, zenzero e noce moschata, ana, et in polvere et compone al foco e metti sul sovato e in cima al capo. A rottura di capuo over ferrita. Rx. del erba scabiosa e betonicha e fane polvere suttile. Poi ne metti sun la rottura del capuo over ferrite et presto guarirai. Et se tu ne vorai farne la prova, torai uno pollastro overo altro animale et rompeli il capuo. Poi li meterai suso dela ditta polvere et vedrai in breve mirabile experientia il quale ale serra guarito politamente e bene. Item a quello medemo purche non la sia mortale. Fali mangiare queste 3 parolle e presto guarira, ‘+ Gibel + goth + gabel +.’ Poi torai erba borsa pastoris, pone la nel petto che tochi la carne overo tienla stretta in mano e quella risguardano e presto, per dei gratia, guarirai. ‘Gimel, goe, gabor.’ Item al male di mazuccho. Torai aqua roxa e stercho di columbo e incenso, ana, e ogni cosa in polvere et incorpora insieme con l’aqua e chiar d’ovo et componi. Poi mettilo su una stopa et mettilo sun la fronte che tenghi da uno canto al altro, e presto guarirai. Item al male di mazuccho. Torai erba scabiosa et fane suco. Poi colalo et fa chel sia mezo bechiere et li agiongi onze iij di aceto forte et onza j di oleo roxato et uno ovo frescho et mista ogni cosa insieme et bagnali drento le peze suttile et metteli sun la fronte al traverso et como quella sera assueta ne rimetti un altra et cosi farai finche la doglia e partita et a questo modo guarirai. Item per il male de mazucho. Torai un ovo frescho et coselo nela padella a modo di una fritella con um poco di olio roxato quanto basta con una pocha di magiorana frescha incorporata ditto ovo e fa chel non sia tropo duro. Poi lo metterai sopra ala testa, cioe al cervello, piu caldo che lui pole soffrire et taglierai li capelli in quella parte che non se impiastrano. Et questo lo farai per 3 o 4 volte e presto guarirai. Et vive sobriamente, e sta caldo. A chi fusse fora di cervello, cioe chi zavariasse. Rx. somenza de rape et magiorana fina e pestele suttile et dali a bere piu volte a colui che vacila inel cervello et, continuando questa bevanda, presto guarira e del fermo. A guarire di subito il dolore di capo. Torai suco di magiorana et tiralo suso per lo naso et subito ti leva il dolore. -------- [Page 67] [One remedy is not readable] Cirotto che si mette sun la testa per mal di mazuccho e per umidita. Rx. mastice, olibano, sarcochola, oppoponacho, galbano, goma di edera, ana onza s, e raxa onza j, colofonia, cera citrina, ana onze js, et eufforbio drama iij. E prima torai le gome e fondele in aceto e stia a mole per 24 ore. Poi le pesta in mortaio et farai cirotto in bona forma. Poi lo metterai sul capo e zoverati assai et lasselo star cosi. Morbum caducum, rimedi di piu sorte. Rx. oppoponaco, sangue di drago, castoreo, antimonio, ana, et tutte siano suttilmente spolverizate et siano bene incorporate et ti usa a mangiare dela ditta polvere in tutte li modi, in vino, in brodi, in minestri, quanta sia mezo un chugiaro e questa la usi ogni di per spacio di 2 mesi. Item polvere per il mal caducco. Torai uno paio di pizoni vivi et cosi tu li metterai in una pignatta nova non vitriata col suo coperchio et con pasta intorno che non possa riffiatare. Et poi tu la metti inel forno tante volte che diventano in modo che tu ne possa farne polvere sutile. Poi torai del osso di una testa di homo morto, fala brussare et pestela che sia polvere sutile et la incorpora con la sopra ditta overamente la limi e poi la pesti ma li durerai piu faticha. Et ne darai ½ cugiar per volta al paciente et la darai con onze iij di aqua benedetta la matina ha modo di syropo al quanto calda per spacio di 2 mesi et tu vedra la liberatione, per dei gratia. Bevanda per il mal caduco. Rx. maiorana, seme di peonia, galuza, castoreo, oppoponacho, antimonio, ana onze iiij, et siano spolverizate sutile et ½ scudela di lombrisi teresti lavati con vino, secali e fane polvere et ogni cosa bene incorporato. Et dane al paciente uno cugiaro con suco di maiorana la sera quando va a dormire ogni terza sera. Et questo si fa in principio dela infermita et in breve sera liberato. El suco dela menta romana dato con ½ bichier di vino e per 3 di, molto li zova. Item al mal caduco. Rx. castoreo, peonia, piratro, dittamo negro e valeriana, ana, et fane polvere et dala in nome suo a mangiare piu volte e guarira. E probata. -------- [Page 68] Lattuario per il mal caducho. Rx. nuce muschate, cinamomi, zenziberis, garofilorum, pepi longo e bianco, magiorana e bertonicha, ana onza s, radica di peonia onza j, zuccharo fino e triacha fina, ana onze js. Fac pulveris omnia, misse omnia et fiat electuarium iuxsta ordinatione. Componatur cum mele spumato ad sufficientem incorporationem et detur de hoc electuarium ad quantitatem nucis avellane sex diebus continuis deinde ad libitum semel in hec domeda presertim et si paciens sentire vertigine sibi venientem ut morbum caduccum ut alium cerebri diffectum sumat prius et postea de electuarium e cito sanabitur. Item al sopra ditto mal caducco, experimentato. Toglieti l’infermo epiletico, cioe il suo padre et la sua madre, et menatilo ala chiesia il mercoledi, il venerde et il sabato et quivi odano tutta la messa et anche la domenica et dopoi fornita la messa il prete li lega sopra’l capo suo il vangelio nel quale e scritto, ‘Hoc genus demoniorum non eicitur nisi oratione et ieiunio,’ et presto guarira lo epilentico lunatico et demoniato, e questa e verissima. Et porta sempre adosso il nome di questi 3 Re, ‘+ Guaspari porto mirra + Marchio porto incenso + Baldassar porto oro,’ et fassi in giovedi o in domenicha et fali dire sopra la messa deli 3 re et offerisceli sun l’altare tre monete di 3 sorte et il breve stia sotto al libro et non andare mai senza esso et non patirai di epilensio, id est mal caduco, et farai le ditte cose e non guardare a negeligentia. Item al preditto mal caducho per ultimo rimedio quanti se ne pol fare. Torai se gli e homo 3 pezi di testa di omo morto, et se le donna di donna nitida li male, e pestali suttili. Poi torai del aqua di peonia overe aqua di salvia onze iiij, e uno chugiaro dela ditta polvere incorpora et tiepida dalla a bere al paciente in modo di syropo per 2 mesi continui o piu o meno secondo che tu vedrai. Poi ti conserva del vivere et dela vita tua che in breve tempo, con l’aiutto di dio, presto guarirai dela ditta infirmita perche la e probata a molti. Item al mal caducho. Torai herba bissara o la somente o la radice over dela suua uva et del suo suco et dane a bere al paciente piu e piu volte et vedra che effetto. Ancora piglia dela radice di peonia colta a luna sema in lo auctono et etiam del suo seme colto in nel ultimo dela luna et di omnia ne farai polvere suttilissima et torai dela polvere che tu ai fatto ut supra dela testa di homo o di donna et etiam torai deli peli di uno cane biancho et li taglia minutissimi et mistica ogni cosa insieme et li darai al infermo dela ditta polvere in quantita di uno chugiaro in brodo o in minestra e in tutti li modi purche esso la piglia et con l’aiutto di dio in breve tu ne lo vedrai guarito. Vedi da fare che lui non sapia la compositione dela polvere del osso che piu voluntieri la pigliera et per la fede di che lui a di guarire, lui guarira senza fallo. Ancora quando tu stai ala messa dirai sempre il pater noster quando lo dice il prete. Et quando il paciente cade tu li dirai il pater noster nela orechia et subito si levera suso et andera. Ancora quando uno cade in terra dilli inel orechia queste parolle, vz: ‘Spiritus quidem prov[e]ntus est caro autem infirma,’ et di subito si levera suso et andera per i fatti suo como cosa sicura et piu volte queste sono aprobate per homini di fede. Item al male caducho. Torai uno ramo di quel erba che fa el vischio che nasse sopra a i perrari o arbori che fa pomi e grosso et falo quadro e long 4 dita o manco et scrive sun la prima fazota, ‘+ jesus maria +’, 2 ‘gaspar +’, 3 ‘ baldassar +’, 4 ‘melchior +,’ et mettilo sun l’altare et fali dire sopra queste 4 messe: prima dela spirito sancto, dela epiphania, del santo bertonem et deli 5 piage di jesu christo et tachelo al collo al paciente con uno filo vergine con 5 pater noster e sta inginochione et 3 altri pater noster per li 3 chiodi et quando lo tachi dirai, ‘Io tocco l’osso del collo,’ et lasselo cosi. Item al mal caduco, lattovario. Rx. zuccharo rosso lb. j e fiori di elera onze vj, colti a luna sema e pestali a modo che si fa il zucharo rosato et meti al sole in vaso novo coperto per un mese. Poi ne darai al paciente uno cugiaro la matine e non cadera tanto. -------- [Page 69] Mal caducco. Item a guarire il mal caducco. Rx. corno di cervo suttilmente fatto in polvere drama j et dattoli a bere ogni matina con onze ij di vino bianco bono caldo con drama s di anesi crudi in polvere suttila et datto in modo di syropo et questa bevanda molto li zovera a lo epilentico. Item cirotto per il mal caducco. Rx. mirra, noce moscate, incenso bianco, ana onza j, et latte di donna che latti maschio se e maschio lo infermo et se la e femina che latti femina et componi insieme et che le compossitione siano fatti in polvere suttile et farai uno cirotto in bona forma et lo distendi sul sovatto camossine. Poi li farai radere la testa dela summita per insino alla fronte et mettivi suso le ditto cirotto cossi caldo et lasselo stare suso al manco per 6 mesi et con lo aiutto di dio sera rissanato. Ma fa chel tenghi raduta la testa al manco ogni 8 o 10 giorni tanto como tiene lo cirotto et vederai una bella opera, per dei gratia. Item un altro bonissimo rimedio al sopra ditto mal caducco. Rx. fezza de vino che sia bono et prima li sia raso la sommita del capo et con la ditta fezza fregali sopra alla commissura dela testa et fregali tanto che li facci venire una bona broffola. Et poi piglia uno bono chiodo che abbia una bona capella de argento et scaldela molto bene. Poi la calcherai sopra a quella broffola et quella schioppera et dali linesse tutto il suo male et presto con lo aiutto de dio guarira a poc a poco. Et questi secreti sono molti propicii al ditto mal caducco. Quando alla donna li dole il capo longo tempo. Ongasi la fronte et le tempie con dialtea et presto si sanera. Item. Aneti semen coquatur in oleo et ex ipso innungatur frons et tempora dollorem tollit. Item. Serpiglium tritum et cum aceto coctum et in oleo rosatem confectum capiti apositum, dolorem tollit. Item. Sucus edere terestris, oleo et aceto comisce et cum lana ut bombice verticem apone. Item. Sucus celidonie naribus insusus caput purgat. Item. Rx. aloe epatico pisto sutile et distempera con oleo di oliva. Poi lo distendi su una peza lina et poni sun la fronte et tempie et la sera. Item. Lavetur sepe caput de lexiva facta de cineribus, caulis, radicis urtice maioris et vitis albe et invenitur mira eficatia contra dolorem capitis, maxime emigraneum. Item contra emigraneam. Vz. Rx. oleum laurinum temporibus bis ut ter super. Unctum mirabiliter valet et dolorem aufert. Item ad dolorem capitis. Rx. rutam et tere cum oleo olive et postea sparge intus fel leporis ita quod inturbidetur et axungiam, ana, et unge frontem et tempora et totus dolor alleviabitur. Item. Pulegium et eius fiores et simul pista et da bibere cum vino ut acqua calida et ieiunet usquem ad nonam et purgabit caput. Item . Sucum rute et unge frontem et super pone berbam. Item. Pulegium coctum cum aceto et pone tibi ad nares ita ut sentias odorem et ex illo pullegio fac unam cor[o]nam in capite. Item. Rx. un ovo de galina che sia fresco et falo cosere duro sotto la cenere. Poi partilo per mezo et legalo sun la fronte caldo quando vai a dormire. Presto sarai liberato et questo farai quando ti dole il capo. Item ad dolorem frontis. Rx. semper viva et ciminum tritum in simul cum albumine ovi et liga in fronte. Pillule arabice ad omnem dolorem capitis. Rx. aloes onze iiij, brionie, mirabolanorum omnium v, citri, belirici indorum, Kebuli embilici, masticis, diagridii, asari, ros, ana onza j, croci drama j, castorei drame iij. Confice cum suco culium ut absinthii. Item pillule ad dolorem capitis. Rx. masticis electi drame iiij, aloes epaticis drame x, agarici fini et albi drame iij, fiat pillule cum succo artemisie et posunt etiam remormari cum syrupo de sticados post cenam levem sine guardia sunt. Contra alla inflacione deli ochi per doglia di capo. Rx. acqua rosa e olio rosato e sale trito et incorpora con uno legnio et metteli uno giozo di aceto. Poi li bagnia drento le peze et metteli sopra alla fronte e presto leva il dolore e fa dormire. Ad dolorem capitis probatum. Rx. suco di piantagine et uno poco di acqua rosa et uno di aceto et uno poco di latte di donna et uno chiar d’ovo frescho, ana, et il latte a discrecione dal piu al meno. Poi bagnia dele peze in ditta compositione et metti sun la fronte che agionga da una orechia al altra et andera via la doglia. -------- [Page 70] Quando l’huomo fusse caduto de loco eminente e fusse conquassato o rotto dentro. Rx. drame x di cassia fistule cum acqua di endivie e di viole e piantagine e di buglosa, ana, et metteli dentro drama s di mumia et scropulo j di rubea et datela la matina ieiuno stomacho et non mangi per ore 3. Et se fusse uno fanciullo piccolo, dali ut sopra solum drama s cassie et tore solum grani iiij de mumia et grani iiij di rubea et toli la matina ut supra. Purga et rinfresoba et fa tornare le sangue al suo loco. Et poi seguita con li altri repari untione, impiastri, ventose con taglio over sanguette aut con salasso dalla vena comune aut del fegato cavare onze vj di sangue. Ad idem. Rx. cassie noviter extracte drame vj, reubarbari pulverizati drama j, mumie grani iiij, acque decotionis scolopendrie et di politrico et di adiantos et di epaticha et di ordeo et di capil venere et di menta et di nuce moschate, ana onze iiij, cum le quale incorpora la ditta cassia con lo reubarbaro e la mumia et dallo a bere allo infermo di una ora avanti giorno a modo di syropo. Impiastro ad idem. Vz.: Rx. sterco di bove ut mille erbe e di cavallo e di asino et fa bolire in vernaza bona fina a tanto che venga a modo di impiastro et metti sopra alla doglia et presto guarirai. Serviciale ut supra. Vz.: Rx. orino di putto vergine e lisciazo marzo e brodo grasso, ana, tanto che ogni cosa sia 2 bone scudelle et li metterai onze iij di mele e onze ij di olio rosato e uno pochetto di sale et lo metti una ora avanti giorno ut a ore 20. Cerotto per mettere in mezo del capo per dissecare tutte le humidita et quando cascasse robba sun lo stomaco. Rx. incenso maschio, mastice, corallo, cinamomo, noce moscate, garofani, sangue di drago, rasade piella, mortella, rose seche, ana drama j, et ne farai polvere sutilissima et incorporato a un lente foco et di poi quando lo levi dal foco, agiongeli uno poco di latte di donna et lo incorpora bene tanto che sia fredo e e sara fatto. Poi lo distendi sul sovatto quanto che un ostia et sia forato con la ponta del coltello accio che abbia essito di sovinare et taglia li capelli in mezo del capo et caldo ataccalo suso et non lo movere che da se stesso si espichera et se non ne ben guarito ne rimetti un altro. Per m[aest]ro ant[oni]o brag[--]ti. -------- [Page 71] A guarire il male caducho cioe chi cascha di quel brutto male, con l’aiutto di dio. Rx. erba di santo jone, ditta barbena, e dela ruta et per 15 o 20 giorni continua di mangiare de la ditta herba a pasto o for di pasto con pane o in fritelle overo in quel modo che tu la possi mangiare. Et questo lo comincierai a fare 15 o 20 giorni avanti chel faci la luna et guarda sutilmente se tu poi sapere in che di e in che ora e in ponto fa la luna, e in quel di e ora e ponto fati cavare sangue al paciente dala vena che e sotto ala lingua et questo farai per 3 volte continue, cioe per 3 lune. E questo e vero e aprobato e di molto laudato da valenti medici che dicano che in quel punto che fa la luna tutto il nostro sangue si commove e pero facendo questo salasso sotto ala lingua sminuisse quel sangue cattivo il quale monta al celebro e viene a liberare la creatura di tale infirmita a poc a poco. Et guardasi il paciente di non ussare con donna perche egli e molto contrario. Et qui probavit mi chi de dit. Item a mal caducho. Torai foglie o somenta di erba bissara o radice o dela sua uva et dala a bere al amalato et anche torai dela peonia fatta in polvere e torai osso di testa di morto et raspela col coltello che sia stato in una cassa o limela e pel di cane bianco taliati minuti et meti ogni cosa insieme et dala a bere con vino rosso onze 3 al paciente con brodo o minestra. Et se’l fusse creatura piccola falli spesso hodorare dela ruta. Poi ongi uno pane con olio arostito et dalo a mangiare molto li zova. Et poi torai uno chiodo di cassa di morto et fali fare uno anello et mettilo in lo dito da sposare e molto zova al ditto mal caduco et falli portare al collo questo policino, vz.: ‘+ Amen + tolle + tua + senecta + benigna + aufere + febres + morbos + subita + morte + atque repelle +.’ E presto guarirai, per dei gratia. Olio al male ditto brutto. Rx. olio comune del vechio lb. ijs, e malvasia o altro vino potente lb. js, rosmarino, ysopo, avelustro, maiorana, salvia, ruta, abrottano, ana m. uno, et le ditte siano lavate e nette e tagliate minute et fatto bolire ogni cosa insieme tanto che cali la meta dela malvasia. Et poi li agiongerai li doi parte dele infra scritte specie, vz: galanga, castoreo, ana onze js, garoffani, cinamomo, zenzero, ana onza j, et tutte queste specie siano lassate cosere ala consumacione del resto dela malvasia et con lentissimo foco. Poi sia colato con peza sottile et l’altra terza parte dele specie siano messe in ditto olio colato schietto et poi li agiongerai del sopra ditto olio comune lb. j, et poi sia messo al sole ben coperto per al quanti giorni et sera fatto. Et con il ditto olio sia onto lo infermo tutto lo stomaco et la giucha drieto al capo per insingio ale rene et el filo dele rene et per dei gratia presto migliorera. Oratione contra’l mal caducho che si porta adosso. Scrive queste oratione e portale adosso over al collo in breve con dire 5 pater noster con fede e divocione che piu non abia acadere di tal male per dei gratia, vz: ‘Jesus nazarenus, rex judeorum, in nomine tuo salvom me fac et in virtute tua libera me in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen.’ Oremus: ‘Deus qui beatum Raphaelem archangelum thobie famulo tuo properanti previum direxisti et inter huius vite vie varietates adque discrimina donasti custodem daque sumus ut eiusdem protegamur auxilio quatenus et vite presentis vitemus pericula et ad gaudia valeamus pervenire celestia +++.’ Oremus: ‘Prestaque sumus omnipotens deus ut qui sanctorum tuorum cosme et damiani natalitia colimus acuntis malis imminentibus eiorum intercessionibus liberemur per dominum nostrum jesum christum. Gaspar porto mirra, marchion porta incenso, baldassar porto oro.’ Fassi in giovedi o in domenica fali dire la messa di 3 re e faza 3 lemosine di 3 sorte con quest altra oratione. -------- [Page 72] [One remedy is unreadable]. Item. Policino per il mal caduco per portare adosso. Vz: ‘Dio fu, e dio e, e dio sera. Si come si leva il creatore alto dio che le il signiore, hostia sacgrata e carne viva, si come tu sei figliolo dela vergine maria liberami servo tuo A al nome de dio et dela vergine maria et di santo bert[olome]o et dela sancta trinita et cosi sia. Pater + filius + spiritus sanctus + amen.’ Oremus: ‘Deus qui per apostolum tuum bartholomeum languidos in templo Astarot et regis polum filiam a demonibus vexatam liberare dignatus est tribue nobisque sumus per merita passionis eius ab omni incurabili caduco morbo ipsius intercessione etiam ab omnibus malis liberari per dominum nostrum, yesum christum filium tuum qui t[e] cum vi.’ Oratio per il mal caducho. Hoc signum sancte + valet ad morbum caduchum. Prima scrive questa croce + con queste lettere come tu vedi in carta et quando tu la voi mettere al collo, dirai et farai dire 3 pater noster et 3 ave maria ha onore di dio et dela sancta trinita et deli 3 magi et portalo cossi sempre al collo et con l’aiutto di dio, presto guarirai. E di aprobato. Anco li agiongi al ditto breve 3 radice di peonia con 3 granelli dela sua semente et 3 granella di seme di giralsole et metteli insieme et fali dire sopra la messa di santo cornelio et li scrive la oratione di santo gosimo et damiano et di l’angelo raffaello et porta adosso con divotione, e guarirai. Acqua irundinum mirabilissma plus quam credi possit et sic fit pro mal caduco. Rx. hirundines iuvenes et dissicam e pulveriza suptiliter in quantitatem quam vuolveris. Postea accipe tantundem castore et simul miscie. Postea infundantur cum aceto bono quantum sat erit. Postea distillentur ad vetrum et hec aqua habe et infra scriptas virtutes, videlicet: Prima sumpta ieiuno stomacho est vera medecina contra morbum caducum ex quacunque causa pervinientem etiam si homo passus fuiset per 40 annos. Item. Sumpta ieiuno stomacho curat fernesin in novem dies. Item. Super omnes medicinas facit buonum cerebrum, purgat stomacum et pectus, nervos molificat et confortat et radicem paralisis de nervis extrait et augmentat naturam et infrigidatos homines calefacit. Item. Sumpta ieiuno stomaco capta cum ysopo curat idropisim ex frigida causa pervinientem et febres quartanas depellit. Item. Cum ysopo sumpta curat dolorem capitis et facit hominem dormire bene et comedere et digerire. Caveat pregnans mulier ne eam sumat quoniam partum in ventre nec caret. Item. Il suco dela ruta butato inel naso quando li viene l’acidente subito si sanera, soffia il suco nel naso. Item. Il panicolo dove nasse li gatuci, polverizato et datto in poto al paciente vale panicolo i matrice. Item. Ancora vale avere uno di quelli chiodi che tiene le candele quando si consacra la chiesa portandolo adosso. E ancora quando il paciente cade et dove lui batte la testa tu li ficchi el ditto chiodo et lui se levera salvo. Advertisse quando tu ricoglie la radice dela peonia vole essere colta in l’auctono in la declinatione dela luna et il suo seme se ricoglie quando li e fornita la luna et questa si ricoglie cossi che la vole per il ditto mal caduco et questa aqua farai del sicuro che al ditto male e statta piu volte aprobate da m[onsignore] ber[---]o. -------- [Page 73] [One remedy is not readable] Per il male caduco. Rx. una gussa di noce piena di acqua vite et metila in uno bichiere di vino et toli uno poco di triacha et da a bere al paciente per 15 giorni et presto guarira, e de provata. Pro morbo caduco. Rx. cranei humanis masculi pro masculo et femine pro femina uncias sex et adverte ut craneum ipsum non diu steterit sub terra nec sit hominis que longa infirmatate aut quasi tabo fuerit consumptus. Zuchari albi finissimi uncias tres, unam nucem muscatam, macis, cinamoni, spico orientalis, gariofilorum, incensi albi, seminis pionie mascule pro masculo et femine pro femina, ana ad pondus nucis muscate. Et pulverizentur omni minutissima et cribrentur per settacium et sumat infirmus mane et sero unum cocleare ipsius pulveris in iure galline. Et teneat sub lingua semen pionie et ante purgatur. Et interim abstineat a coitu, ab esu carnium suillarum, ab omnibus caprinis, a porris, allis, cepis et aliis agruminibus et ab appion et petroselino, et favente deo sanabitur. Al male dela alopicia sul capo. Rx. capel venere brusalo e fane polvere sutile et la incorpora con aceto e olio e falo a modo di unguento el quale e bono ala allopitia, la quale e una infirmita che li cascha tutti li capelli con piaghe et la cura a gurarirlo. Torai olio di mortella, vino e ranno et ongia di capra brusata fata in polvere sutile et lavati el capo spesse et non li lassa cadere et la cenere detta con ranno vale ala fuofara del capo et la consuma et la diradica et rimove da esso le humide piaghe. Ad dolorem capitis, stomaci sive pectoris. Dirai: ‘+ Michael angelus tollat. + Gabriel angelus sanet. + Raphael angelus liberet me + omnes dolorem.’ A carne crevata o machatura o caschato da alto senza roctura de carne. Dirai sopra’l male questa divotta oratione piu volte. Vz.: “ Sancto Pietro insu la riva del mare si sedeva et dila ne viene yehsu et disse yehsu, ‘Che fa tu pietro che tu non n’avi chi e rispose?’ Santo pietro e disse, ‘Signore, io non posso perche messe spichata la carne da dosso’. Disse yehsu a santo pietro, ‘Va te ne a casa e toi tiglio de lino, grasso de porcielino, ongi e di songi carne ragiongi. Ongii e strapicia carne rapicha. Ongi e rafrega e carne rilega.’ In nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + Amen.” El tiglio sie el lino che se a afilare. Pigliane 3 fila, el grasso sie el lardo, legalo altra verso con questi 3 fila et cosi freddo ongi il male chi e amachato e doglioso et che la carne non sia rotta ne osso ma machata, overo per carne crevata, ongi a questo modo ditto disopra et presto guarirai. E de provato piu volte e vera senza fare altro. -------- [Page 74] A guarire la tigna sul capo in piu modi et levare li capelli senza dolore. Rx. del lardo di porcho maschio del piu vechio che tu poi trovare, lb. iij, et mettilo a mole in tanta aceto fortissima chel stia ben coperto per 2 giorni naturali. Poi lo cava et invilupalo in 4 o 6 foglie di cavolo over carta conzalo bene. Poi tuffalo inel aqua e presto lo cava. Poi alarga il fogolaro et metilo inel mezo. Poi coprilo con brasa e cenere calda al modo che si copre il foco et lasselo stare per 2 ore o piu o meno, secondo che gli a gran colore e guarda chel no brusa, cioe chel non si consuma. Poi cavelo et levali dintorno le spoglie e nettalo dela cenere al meglio che tu poi. Poi lo metti tra 2 taglieri o 2 tavoletti et premilo piu che tu poi e anche sotto al torchietto per cavarne l’ultimo sucio piu che tu poi. Et metteli drento 3 quatrini de verderame masinato sutilissimo et lo incorpora bene. Et poi lo colerai cosi caldo con una peza suttile et serbalo in uno pignatino e sempre mestandovi drento mentre che gli e diventa fredo, acio chel verde non vadi al fondo ma stia per tutto. Et quando lo vorai adoperare al capo infermo di tigna, farai in questo modo, ongi il capo tignoso una sera si, e l’altra no, sutilmente fregando bene sun la cottena et metteli sopra una foglia di cavolo o carta et sopra la sua cuffia. Et lavali il capuo 2 o 3 volti la settimana con lissia dolce e bolitovi drento radice di rumese et quando lo lavi, mettivi drento um pugno di semola ben magra. Poi lo rassugi molto bene et mentre che tu lo lavi tirali li capelli ligermente che sempre ne vera fora qualche d’uno quelli che sarano piu con dannati, et cosi a poc a poco negli andarai cavando. Poi che sera asutto lo vi ongi bene strapizando sopra ala cotena acio che l’onto venghi a penetrare et a questo modo la radice del capello si viene amaturarsi e tutti se li caverano perche la radice e quella che li tiene la ditta infermita. Poi chel capo sera netto remettera tutti li capelli piu belli che non erano de prima e con piu quantita et serai guarito. Poi ongerai il capo con questo olio: torai 2 o 3 lusertoni vivi, cioe ligurii i ramari, et falli anegare in una inchistara piena d’olio comune et falo bolire da rimpeto al foco con la inchistara tanto che siano ben crepati et levela dal foco et lassela al sole per 15 o 20 giorni et ongiti sutilmente ogni sera dove tu voi che li capeli vengano e tanti ne vera e longhi che te rincresserano. Et questa racetta e vera verissima piu e piu volte aprobata per me, m[aest]ro andrea. Item a mandare via la tigna non manco bona di quella di sopra. Torai lardo di porco ut supra et taglialo in fette sutile, enfincelo inelo spede una fetta di lardo e una foglia di ellora arborea. Poi metilo al foco et va girando pian piano et meti soto uno piato che abia drento del aceto fortissima et lasselo colare quivi drento. Poi che sera presso che cotto levelo dal foco et meti la ponta nel piato e tienlo ritto et tacheli il foco drento per disoto via et farai colare tutto el dito grasso nela ditta aceto. Poi lo meti in uno pignatino l’aceto, el grasso insieme et conservalo ali bisogni. Et quando ongi il capo del tignoso, ongi la sera e frega bene sun la cottena et coprilo como e ditto di sopra. Poi farai questa lissia per lavarli il capo 2 o 3 volte inela setimana. Quando arai fatta la tua lisia e colata, rimettila a fare ribolire con uno poco di alume di roca e foglie de vite e erba savina e le radice del ebio over dele foglie, ana m. uno, e un bocale di vin bianco bono. Poi con ditta lissia ti laverai il capo. Et poi che sera assutto l’ongerai con ditto onto. Et la maitina li ongerai il capo con olio di ginepro al quanto caldo et, per lo dio gratia, presto guarirai dela tigna grassa. -------- [Page 75] Pillore per guarire la tigna. Rx. agarico, sena, polpa di collaquintida, mastici, ana drama j, e aloe drame iij et farai pillore con suco di porri de la sua presa sie numero 3 et a questo modo si guarira la humida tigna et la secha et usando dele ditte pillore ali quando aiutta a guarire presto ditta infirmita de tigna. Onto da tigna a mandarla via presto. Rx. sungia di porco maschio quamvis et aceto forte per la terza parte et poni al foco e mettivi drento onza s di sale et cosi farai bolire pian piano finche si consuma tutta l’aceto. Poi levela dal foco et metivi drento queste polvere, vz: verderame, solfero, alume di roca arso, caligine, sterco colombino et queste cose li metti a tua discretione, et tutte siano spolverizate suttilissime. Poi incorpora ogni cose insieme cosi caldo et sera fatto. Serbelo ali tuoi bisogni et facendo la lissia dolce per lavarti il capo fali bolire drento dele radice di rumese et con essa lava un di si, el altro no, o ongi il capuo la matina e la sera cavandoli pur alcuni capelli e per 10 giorni sera presso a guarito, per dei gratia. Item contra ala tigna. Torai radice di pan porcino e le gratusa. Poi falo bolire in olio roxato onze vj et como comincia a bolire, mettivi drento litragirio d’oro masinato suttile onze vj e uno po poco di precipitato, cioe drama j e chel sia preparato. Poi lo leva dal foco et sempre lo mena finche e freddo et sera fatto. Poi ongi il capo tignoso et sopra li metti farina di fava e di lupini mescolata e mettila a modo de specie. Poi ti ongii matina e sera sutilmente per 3 di lavandoli pur il capo et cavali li capelli. Poi continua a ongere una volta al giorno per 10 o 15 di e serai apresso che guarito et li capelli naserano pian piano piu belli de prima, e de vera. Item a guarire la tigna. Torai salvia, osmarino, bacchera, camomilla, pan porcino taglieto in pezetti, ana, et fale tutte bolire in vin biancho e uno bichiere d’aceto tanto che calli il terza, tanto che le erbe abiano lassato le sue virtu nel vino. Poi la cola et con la ditta colature li lava il capo che la sia ben calda et nettalo bene. Poi chel sera asutto torai una brusola di carne di manzo salata et fane polvere sutila. Poi ne metti sun la testa con sopra foglia de cavolo con la sua cuffia ben legata e a questo modo fara una volta al di et seguitando vedrare boni effetti, e guarira. Aqua per tigna e per gambe. Rx. aqua di cisterna bochali 3 e una scudella d’orzo ben netto et falo bolire per ½ ora. Poi li agiongi una branchata di scorze seche di melingrano e roxe seche m. uno et lassa bolire per una mezora. Poi li agiongi onze iiij di alume di roca pesto e lasselo un altro poco bolire. Poi levelo dal foco e presto lo cola premendo bene le scorze. Poi cosi caldo meteli drento onze ij di biaccha violatta e bene la incorpora. Poi li metterai drento scropuli 2 di canphora fatta in polvere et sia presto a mestare che la se incorpori et non vada via in fumo et sera fatta. Et la conserva ali tuoi bisogni. Poi bagna dele peze line in ditta dicocione et mettele sul capo et etiam insu le gambe et continua parechie giorni et guarirai. Et ti conserva del vivere. Per il latime che viene sun la testa di fanciulli picoli. Rx. malva, mame di violi e semola magra, ana m. uno, et falle bolire con aqua assufucientia e chali il terzo et con essa lavatura li lava il capo benissimo. Et poi li ongi la testa con questo linimento: piglierai butiro lavato in questa dicocione dette supra e unguento di biacha canphorato et l’incorpora in mortaio di piombo col pistello di piombo per ½ ora. Poi lo cava et con esso li ongirai il capo sutilmente et meti sopra peze line sottile et continua matina e sera e presto guarira, tenendo questo ordine. Item. Torai lardo vecchio envoltilo in stopa bagnata in l’orina e cotto sotto alle cernise et con quello ongi la testa al putino del latime. -------- [Page 76] Polvere per fare bona memoria. Rx. carvi, anesi, ameos, apii, cimini, calamente, cardamomi, foglii, galangarum, balsamite, bertonice, maratri, maiorano, ozimi, liquiritie, pulegii, piperis, spice nardi, petroselini, ysopi, ana drama j, et di ogni cosa ne sia fata polvere sutilissima ogni una da per se. Poi le siano bene tutte incorporate et dela ditta polvere tu ne userai in tutte le tue vivande a modo de spicie. Ma sapi che la ‘nvernata sono migliori che nela stade per lo excesso dela flegma et questa polvere la feci fare Federico imperatore la quale la i e bona continuandola a chi avesse perso la memoria per qualche humore excessivo la quale e contra ala scotomia, ala vertigine et al difetto del vedere et del udire e contra ala giocciola e gotta et paralisia et mitiga il dolore dele rene et dele parte inferiore. Pomo per la memoria inferma. Rx. laudani onze v, ambre drame iij, gariofilorum, nucum muscatarum, ana drame ij, storacis drama j, muscho scropuli ij, et de tutte queste cose ne farai polvere sutila. Et poi impasta con draganti fusi in aqua roxa et fane una palla col buco inel mezo et lassela secare al ombra. Poi la parti a dosso overo al collo con cordone d’oro o d’argento. Sapi che questa ti conforta il cervello, li nervi e li spiriti et ti rendra uno bonissimo odore a tutte le memore. Lattovario ala memoria, bonissimo e perfetto. Rx. fiori di osmarino e di boragine e di buglossa, ana drame ij, e il core di una rondine e piglia cinamomo fino, noce moscate e macis, garofani e pepi longo, ana drama s, e muschio grani 2, zucaro fino e zucaro roxato e zucaro violato, ana onza j, et tutte le preditte cose siano spolverizate suttile et siano composte bene in forma di mistura con una onza di syropo roxato et ne piglierai ogni matina a digiuno quanto saria una nosella incominciando ditto lattovario per i spacio di un mese et ti fara una mirabil memoria et si mantera e ti guarda di cativi odori et per essere calido lo userai in tempo di inverno et exercitantolo la mantenerai perfetta. Item a mantenere la memoria. Torai uno pezo di radice di cilamina et la mastica ogni di, overo pan porcino, et questa e cosa optima per la memoria. Chi a volto il cervello. Rx. foglie di appio domestico m. 2 et falo cosere nel aqua. Poi piglia la ditta erba et fane uno impiastro et cosi caldo quanto puo patire mettilo insul capo qual sia prima raso e chel tengi tutto’l capo e chel sia grosso. Et fallo al manco 2 o 3 volte et molto li zovera per essere statto aprobato. E piu tu li farai usare questo vino: torai vino buono e zenzero, ana onza j, pepi longo, galanga, ana onze ij, garofali, cubebe, noce moschate, ana onza s, et ogni cosa sia fatto in polvere sutile et metti ditta polvere incorporata con quello poco vino in uno sachetto lino et mettilo in uno vaso dovi sia drento vino bono lb. 7, et coprilo bene chel non possa respirare et falo al quanto bolire. Poi lasselo schiarire et li lassa drento il sachetto et di questo vino tu ne usa a bere ma poco per volta, il quale vino e anche bono ali raffredati e ala ventosita, e starai caldo e molto ti zovera. Item a chi a volto il cervello. Torai semente di ruta et pestali sutile. Poi li beva con vino agro, cioe brusco, e presto ricupererai la sanita del cervello. -------- [Page 77] Pillore per il capo dopoi cena. Rx. pasta di giera con agarico, ana drame ij, pasta sine quibus drama j et riformali con aqua di finochio e farai 9 pillore. Poi ne torai 3 per volta et ti fara andare molto suavamente. Capelli, barba o peli, farli rinassere quando fussino caduti per infirmita. Rx. del mele crudo e orina di fanciullo di 5 o 8 anni, ana, et metivi drento dele pecchie, cioe ape brusate, e fattone polvere suttila et incorporata con olio comune et meti ogni cosa insieme. Poi ti ongi il loco dipelato, de capelli o barba o peli et continuandolo in breve giorni nasserano politi e belli como de prima et questo composicione vol essere fatta frescha pocha per volta, al manco ogni 2 o 3 di, arispetto ala putrefacione per amor del orina, et ti riussira verissima. Item a fare cressere capelli e barba. Torai somenta di lino quanta tu voi et fala brusare in un tegame et fane polvere sutila et dele ape brusate e fatte in polvere tanto del uno quanto del altro et le incorpora con olio de ramaro, cioe lusertoni verdi, in modo de unguento tenero. Poi ti ongi il loco dipelato sutilmente matina e sera e presto nasserano li capelli, barba o peli. Et medesimamente la polvere dele rane brusate et ongi prima con l’olio sopra ditto. Poi li metti sopra dela ditta polvere in modo di specie et nasserano presto e in gran quantita. E di provata. Item a farli venire longhi li capelli o barba. Torai quando farai la tua lissia per lavarti il capo cenere de vite e non altra cenere et erba agrimonia e ellera arborea e capel venere, ana m. uno, e tutte bolano insieme tanto che calino il terzo. Poi cola la ditta lissia et serbela et con quella ti lava il capo 2 volte la settimana et in breve vedrai lo effetto mirabilmente. A fare belli li capelli in piu modi. Rx. mele bianco lb. v et fallo stillare al lambico di vetro con quelli sassolini, cioe di rena grossa e ben lavata, e incorporate col ditto mele et mettilo inela boza conzo come va et dali foco e galiardo foco accio che ne destilla olio. Poi torai el ditto olio quando tu arai sutto il capo ongiti li capelli sutilmente et continuandolo vera li capelli belli, dico belitissimi. Item a fare belli capelli. Torai olio di papavero e fele di buo, ana, et uno poco di vino bianco et incorpora a modo di unguento liquido et quando averai ben sutto il capo, fregati con esso li capelli sutilmente, stando pure al sole et verano belitissimi. Item a fare beli li capelli. Torai zafferano orientale drama s et rossumi d’ovo cotti no. 8. Pesti in mortaio e metteli il zafferano che sia in polvere sutilissimo et tanto mele biancho che distemperi ogni cosa a modo di unguento liquido. Poi quando stai al sole ongeti li capelli e strapizandoli bene et petinandoti il capo et prima ongi il petine con olio di mandole amare et questo lo continuerai per un mese al manco 2 o 3 volte ala setimana et se piu spesso lo farai, verano di color d’oro e suttili e verano presto e como tu vorai. Item a fare beli li capelli. Torai radice di endiva et le cosi con la lissia. Poi che la sera cotta, levela et colela. Poi la rimetti a bolire et mettivi drento comino e rigolicia amacata a tua discretione et fala bolire al quanto. Poi la coli et con essa ti lava il capo 2 volte ala setti[ma]na et quando seranno assutti li perfuma con solfero giallo, serrando li capelli in una casetta che tu non sentirai l’odore. Et facendo questo piu volte vera li capelli di colore d’oro chiari e lustranti in modo che ti piaserano, et questo secreto l’usa le gentildonne genovese, e di veduta. -------- [Page 78] A imbianchire li capelli al ombra senza sole che veranno bianchi e lustri come argento. Rx. la radice dela centaurea magiore onze iiij, goma rabica, draganti e lume di roca, ana onze iij, sapone biancho damaschino onze ij, lume di fezza bianca lb. j e aqua di fiume corrente lb. 25. Poi torai la radice dela centaurea e anche al quanto dele sue foglie et tagliela minutissimamente et meterai a bolire ogni cosa insieme tanto che calli il terzo. Poi lassela stare cosi al sole a purificarsi per 15 giorni. Poi la cola et la conserva ali tuoi bisogni. Poi dela ditta bionda tu la maitina te ne ongirai li capelli et poi l’invilupa inel fazolo et la sul mezo giorno lavasi la testa con lissia ordinaria et fattovi bolir drento vitriola del muro m. uno. Poi sugasi dove la vole, al foco o al sole, et continua a fare a questo modo per insino a tanto che lei veda li suo capelli bianchi e biondi et alora dasse i stessi, piglierano un beletissimo lustro e dura un tempo. Sapi che la ditta bionda in vinetia e fora di vinetia molto la si usa, et beata e quella donna che tal secreto sa. Li capelli, barba o peli bianchi, farli venire di colore rovano scuro. Rx. la tua lissia ordinaria e lavati il capuo. Poi che serai ben sutto, ongiti li capelli, barba o peli con olio di tartaro chel sia ben caldo con una sponga et farai questo al manco 2 o 3 volti al di et in 3 o 4 di averano mutato colore di rovano et durera il colore parechi giorni. Et questo secreto l’usava monna lisina vinitiana la quale aveva deli anni 60 et piacere a un suo bertone. Usava solamente questo olio et li suo capelli molto li lustravano et questo secreto non apari inel colore sopra ditto per capelli o barba et inel ultimo petenna con uno pettine di piombo onto con olio de belgiuvino el qualo fanero e da suave odore. Et questo secreto e di essere tenuto a caro per essere piu volte aprobato per me, maestro andrea. Item a fare li capelli bianchi o barba. Torai fiori di tasso barbasso, sticadoso, cilidonia, cenere di vite biancha, ana m. uno ½, et fane lissia et metterai in lb. 8 di lissia, lb. 2 di sapone bianco taliato sutile et metila in vaso di vetro al sole per 20 giorni et ogni di la rimesta con uno legneto che tutta se intorbedi. Et poi con essa ti bagna li capelli spesse volte con una sponga, stando al sole. Et verano beletissimi et lustranti secondo l’uso dele gran gentildonne vinitiane. Et questo e secreto che molte donne lo sa. Item per fare venire longhi li capelli fina in terra. Torai del capel venere et fallo secare al ombra et fane polvere suttila et metine in olio mirtino et poi che li capelli serano asutti, ongiti li capelli e la cottena. Falo piu volte e ti verano longhi. E di provata. A fare li capelli neri essendo canuti. Rx. storas liquido, storas calamita, belzuino, cipero, ana onza j, garofali, irios, ana onza s, olio di mandole dolce lb. j. Poi torai il belzuino, i garofani, l’irios, i ciperi et fali in polvere suttile et con le altre cose le incorpora insieme et metteli a destillare al lambicho di vetro con lento foco et ricoglie quel liquore che nesse et conservelo in vaso di vetro. Et la sera quando tu vai a dormire, ongeti li tuoi capelli o barba molto bene et infasseli con panno lino per insino ala matina. Poi li strafina con altri panni assutti et 2 volti la settimana ti lava il capo et poi che serano asutti, ongiti sutilmente. Et lo continua parechi giorni et tu li vedrai avenire neri negrissimi et ogni 2 mesi o piu ti potrai ontare per mantenerteli in quel colore et ti renderano bonissimo hodore. Falla et ti riussira bona. -------- [Page 79] A fare che li capelli canuti vengano neri. Rx. sapone nero cioe tenero e calcina viva e litrigerio d’oro, ana, et lo incorpora in modo di unguento et con quello fregati li capelli canuti piu volte et diventerano neri, continuandolo piu volte, secondo che tu vedi il bisogno tuo et verano neri essendo bianchi. Item al preditto, e li e anche buono. Il suco de bietola mescolato con cenere fatta di penni di gallo et fallo al quanto bolire insieme et con quello ti ongi la sera quando vai a dormire. Item a fare li capelli rossi essendo canuti. Torai le foglie e le cime dela nogara quando sono tenere e scorze di melingrano et fane aqua al lambicho di vetro. Et con essa ti lava solamente li capelli e non ti toccare la pelle, e continua per giorni 15 o piu et ti durera questa tintura piu di uno mese et ti fara belli li capelli in colore rovano chiaro e belli. Item a fare negri li capelli. Torai lombrisi terestri e foglie di fico nero, a tua dischretione, et fale brusare e fane polvere suttile et la incorpora con olio di mandole dolce. Poi te onge li capelli canuti piu volte e ti verano neri e belli, como tu vorai. Item a fare neri li capelli o peli. Torai foglie di figaro negro del mese di magio. Fale secchare al ombra e fane polvere sutile. Poi torai olio di camomilla et ne farai unguento, incorporando al foco. Poi ongeti li capelli, peli o barba piu volte e diventerano neri. Et li agiongi uno poco di latte di cagna e fara bonissimo, usandoti a pettinare con uno petine fatto di piombo onto con suco di salvia e olio di belgiuino et verano belli neri. Probatum. Item a un altro modo a farli neri. Torai aqua piovana lb. v, e litrigierio d’oro onze ij fatto in polvere, et cenere forte lb. 2 che la sia sutilmente tamisata et metti ogni cosa insieme et farai bolire che cali la metta. Poi lassela fredare et colela sutilmente et con la ditta dicotione bagnati li capelli, peli o barba piu volte et diventerano ne grissimi piu che non erano in tua gioventa. E questo e di probata. A fare nassere capelli o barba. Rx. dele ape quando si cavano il mese di october una quantita et metteli sopra una lamina di ferro e tienla sopra ala braxa acesa et falli seccare e brussare tanto che tu ne faci polvere sutile. Et bruserai del seme di lino e fane polvere sutile et ne piglia quella quantita che a te pare, ana. Poi averai olio di liguro anegati vivi inel olio e fatti bolire in una inchistara al foco tanto che se disfacino e lasseli al soli per 15 o 20 giorni e sera fatto. Et farai lissia con cenere di vita et fali bolir drento agrimonia e di ellera arborea e capel venere, ana m. uno. Poi lavati il capo o barba dipelato con ditta lissia al manco 2 volte la settimana e sutto che gli e ongi il loco dipellato col ditto olio. Poi metteli sopra dela ditta polvere in modo di specie. Et questa oncione farai ogni sera et presto ti rinassera li capelli o barba o peli e quali fusseno cascati per infermita o pelarella et come tu cominci a bagnare piu non ne cascherano e presto rinasse. Et questo per averlo provato e fatto aprobare. Io te ne rendo piena informatione dela verita. Item un altro a fare nassere capelli e barba. Torai ovi di galina, la quantita che tu voi, et fali cosere in aqua che vengano duri et cavali il torlo da mezo. Poi li metti in una padella di ferro et fali frigere tanto che ne venga fora olio. Poi cosi calli meteli in uno sachetto e metteli sotto al torchietto et cavene tutta quella substantia che ne pole venire. Et torai 2 corni e sterco di capra brusati et fattone polvere sutila et incorporata insieme et ongi il loco bisognoso e presto nesserano capelli, peli e barba. -------- [Page 80] A fare cadere li peli, barba or capelli dove tu voi. Rx. calcina viva frescha onze iiij, e orpimento onze js, et siano spolverizati sutilissimi et metteli drento dela lissia fortissima, dico maestra prima dove si fa il sapone, meti in uno pignatino et mettilo al foco lento chel boli pian piano tanto chel faci um poco di corpo. Et se tu vorai sapere quando egli e cotto, tuffali drento una penna di anetra et cavela presto. Se la si pela eli e cotto et levelo dal foco e sera fatto. Consevelo ali tuoi bisogni. Et quando tu vorai mandare via li peli, barba o capelli, ongi prima il loco con olio di mandole dolce et non sentirai brusore alcuno. Poi subito che averai onto, mettivi sopra di questa preditta composicione et lassela stare tanto quanto pare a te che la ti facia risentire, lavela via con aqua tiepida. Et ongirai il loco dolorato con questo altro unguento fato a questo modo, vz.: torai songia di porco tagliata minuta et fatta disfare al foco e mettila con olio roxato e uno chiar d’ovo et bene ogni cosa incorpora insieme et con esso ti ongi quando ti risenti e presto passera via. Poi lavati con aqua roxa e di piantagine e presto va via che piu non senti et in quel loco non mai piu li nasse peli ne barba, la quale per me e stata probata. Item a mandare via peli o capelli. Torai la radice del erba cilidonia et cavane il suco et torai uno poco di bambaso et bagnalo in ditto suco. Poi bagnati li peli o capelli che tu voi mandare e presto anderano via et se piu tornerano rifallo un altra volta e non diveranno. Item per mandare via li peli. Torai colofonie, cera nova, ana drame ij, armoniaco, mastici e fel di becco, ana drama j, et ogni cosa bene incorpora insieme. Poi ongi il loco che tu voi et lasselo stare suso um pezo. Poi lavelo via et facendolo piu volte, presto anderano via da se. Item che piu non tornerano. Torai suco de edera arborea e orpimento e ovi di formicha e aceto forte a tua discretione et incorpora a lento foco. Poi ongerai caldo falo piu volte et anderano via che non tornerano. Et etiam solamente li ovi di formicha distemperati con latte di cagna e suco di psilio fara il medesimo che presto cascherano. Di prova. Item a mandare via i peli dove tu voi. Torai uno fiascho di orina frescha et mettivi drento una scudella di calcina viva fata in polvere et fala bolire che calli la meta. Poi torai orpimento giallo masinato sutile onze iij et mettilo drento a bolire per un pezo. Poi li metti drento suco di dente cavalino uno bichiere, e aceto forte ½ bichiere et parechie ovi di formiche et lasserai um poco bolire et bene mestando et sera fatto. Et conservelo in uno alberello et quando lo voi adoperare fa chel sia caldo et ongi dove tu voi che li peli cagiano e presto caderano et per longo tempo non tornerano. E probata. Item a mandare via i peli dove tu voi. Torai iusquiamo bianco, ovi di formicha, orpimento, gomma de hedera, ana a tua discrecione, et con fortissima aceto impasta queste polvere a modo di unguento et mettilo dove che tu voi per piu o volte et vedrai mirabile effetto. Item se tu non voi che li peli rinaschano. Torai onze ij di goma edera et onze iiij di aceto destillata forte e incorpora con uno poco di pece greca e mastice e armoniaco e orpimento bene incorporato. Ongi e non nasserano. -------- [Page 81] Aqua da levare peli, porri, calli e volatiche. Rx. cenere di cerro forte e ben cotta e litragirio, ana lb. 2, calcina viva lb. j, vitriolo romano drame vj, ranno forte di quello prima maestra dove si fa il sapone bochali no. 8, e sale armoniacho drama j, et le cose che sono da pestare siano poste da per se et tutte li mette in ditta maestra et fala bolire pian piano tanto che calli che la resti solamente uno bochale, e sera fatta. Poi la conserva in vaso di vetro grosso et chel stia sempre ben turato chel non possi sfiatare. Poi la dopera a tuo piacere, bagnando sempre ligermente et sutilmente solamente in quel loco proprio che voi liberare e mandare. Ancora farai polvere di gussi d’ovo et fele di torro e incorpora. Ma prima farai con la pomesa e se n’anderano. Al[tr]o modo, torai dele stercho di cavallo fresco et mettivilo suso per giorni 10, mutandolo 3 volte al di. L’acqua forte fa el simile, rostandovi sul porro et poi bagna questo farete per giorni 9, 2 o tre volte al giorno. Una polle di pelo biancha farla nera a machie de lionpardo. Rx. litragirio d’argento onza j, e calcina viva onze ij, et 3 ramaioli d’aqua et meti a bolire ogni cosa in uno pignatino novo a lento foco tanto che la materia sinspesischa. Poi levelo dal foco et con legneto picolo va la ben mestando e sera fatta. Et serbela ali tuoi bisogni et quando tu la vorai adoperare, torai uno penello fatto di setole di porco et con esso va inbratando el ditto pele dove tu voi et come tu la voi conzarla e inbrata bene che penetri drento. Poi lassela seccare al sole et poi la batterai con una bachetta fora quella polvere e tu vederai quelle machie di color tanne. Et se tu li voi piu nero dagliene un altra volta e sera piu nere e piu e meno secondo che a te piacera. Et questo e uno secreto verissimo aprobato e di cosa beletissima per fare tal macchie di tanne scuro. Et questo e l’ultimo secreto che dando tu di questa mistura sopra ali tuoi capelli o barba diventano tanne scuri. A stomacho che non ritiene il cibo, rimedio in piu modi. Rx. uno o piu pera cotogni et fali cosere in vino biancho bonissimo et poi lo mangia inanti pasta et farati molto utile. Ma prima ongiti la bocca delo stomaco con olio di mastice caldo et metteli sopra una fetta di pane brostolata et bagnela in aceto fortissima e che la sia calda et metteli sopra uno pocho de polvere di garofani et cosi calda calda mettila sun la bocca delo stomacho e infassata suso et molto gli zovera, e fale piu volte e guarira. Item al preditto stomacho chi non ritiene il cibo. Torai pomi cotogni quanti tu voi, mondali et fali cosere in aceto fortissima perche la e meglio et li pesta nel mortaio et metteli drento uno poco di senape ben pesta et incorpora insieme con li ditti pomi. Poi cosi caldi metteli su una peza lina et mettivi sopra polvere de mastice, e di garofani, ana, et chel sia caldo quanto puol patire et mettilo sun la bocca delo stomaco e presto li dara conforto che retenera il cibo. Di provata. Et etiam potrai fare a quest altro modo. Tore delo mentastro et farai scaldare uno matone novo et palpelo suso sbroffandolo con bono vino bianco. Poi mettervi sopra comino e polvere di mastice et mettilo sun la bocha delo stomaco piu che tu poi caldo e avanti che sia tutto fredo sentirai miglioramente. Item passione al vomito delo stomacho. Torai lievito di furmento onze ij, garoffani, mastici, e mirra, ana drama j, olio di mastice drame ij, e aceto fortissimo quantum sufficit et fiat inplastrum per stomacho et mettilo caldo sun lo stomaco un ora avanti il cibo sopra a una peza lina grande como lo stomacho et sapi che non ne cosi dirotto stomaco che non le ritenga e lo conforta molto mirabilmente. Item ala passion del vomito. Torai olei citoniorum, olei roxati, olei masticini, nardini e olei mente, ana onza s, gariofilorum, masticis, mente, cinamomi, spodi, coralarum rubearum, ana drama j, cere drame ij, misse et fiat unguentum et ongi ne ditto stomaco chel sia caldo e presto guarirai. E di vero. -------- [Page 82] Passione al vomito grande delo stomacho. Rx. dela menta fina, assentio, foglie di lauro, orticha, mortella, roxe seche, noce di arcipresso, e cimini, e sandali, ana drame iij, e polvere di corali, e di garofani, cinamomo, zenzero, zafferano, mastice, noce moscata, ana drama j, mirre, spice, ciperi, ana drama s, et che le ditte cose siano tutte sutilmente spolverizate. Poi torai una fetta di pane e fala brostolare et cosi calda atuffela in aceto roxata fortissima biancha, onze iiij, che la sia. Poi torai olio roxato e di mastice e olio citoniorum, ana onza j, et tanta farina di orzo quanta che basti a inpastare tutte le sopra dette cose et farne uno bono impiastro e meterlo caldo piu che pol patire sun la bocca delo stomacho et ne lo mantieni suso ben caldo et, per dei gratia, presto guarira. Unguento contra’l vomito et relaxatione di stomacho. Rx. mastice, olio roxato, olio di menta, ana onza j, olibano drama s, menta fina seccha, corali rossi, acatia, terra sigillata, rose rosse, ana scropulo s, et siano tritte tutte quelle che sono da tritare et con cera sia fatto unguento al foco secondo il suo ordinario et ongerai il stomaco e caldo avanti pasto di un ora et molto lo confortera a ritenere il cibo. Epithima contra ala debilita delo stomacho freddo. Rx. abscintio, menta fina secha, pulegio, ana m. uno, spica, squinanto, ana drama s, pulvere gariofilato, galanga, cinamomo, macis, nuce muschata, ana drama j, et sia fatta dicoctione in lb. viij di aqua fina a consumptione dela metta et dopoi in la ditta dicoctione calda sia bagnata una sponga et dopoi la expressione sia applicata alo stomacho e ben calda et falla piu volte e pigliera al quanto di rifrigerio che se ripossera al quanto bene. Una ontione al ditto stomacho freddo. Rx. olio di abscintio, olio di spica, ana onza j, olio di camomilla onza j, polvere garofilato, galanga, macis, nuce muschata, description di mesue grani 4 et sia pulverizato le cose che sono da essere pulverizate et con uno poco di cera sia fatto unguento con il quale sia onto lo stomacho freddo un ora avanti pasto. Sachetto aromaticho per mettere sun lo stomacho freddo. Rx. menta fina secca, magiorana, assentio, ana scropulo uno, polvere di garofali, nuce muschata, gallia muschata, discreptione di mesue, ana grani vj, miscia et pulveriza grossamente et sia fatto, un sachettino il quale sia sparso de aqua di assentio et cosi tiepido sia aplicato sun lo stomacho et mantientelo suso caldo che sempre tochi la carne. Et tutti questi 3 remedii si suole fare a uno che avesse gran debilita di stomacho et per fredda causa che con faticha potesse ritenere il cibo. E questi rimedi molto vale. Item al vomito per stomacho disdegnato. Torai bolo arminio e chiara d’ovo e una pocha di aceto fortissima et fane impiastro. Poi metilo sun la bocha delo stomacho chel sia caldo e presto si confortera et retinera il cibo e fara bono stomacho e fa paidire. Item a chi a cativo stomacho farlo bono. Rx. abrotano, ruta, polezolo, menta fina, ana m. uno, e uno poco di mele et fale bolire in vino biancho bono tanto che siano ben cotte. Poi lo cola et serbalo in vaso vitriato ali tuo bisogni. Et quando la matina tu ti senti avere cativo stomacho ne beverai 2 o 3 dita e chel sia caldo, il quale conforta molto li nervi, clarifica et conforta il stomacho e si lo purga. Et zova molto ale gotte dele anche a chi mangia dela ditta erba inanti e dopo il pasto et in quello giorno non sentirai dolore di corpo et non lo lassa enfiare. E di vero e aprobato. -------- [Page 83] Pulvis contra indigestionem ex frigiditate stomaci. Rx. galange, cassie lignee, reubarbari, zedovarie, spice, salis geme, ana drame ij, cinamomi, zinziberis, ziminis, ana drama j, et zucharum onza j, et fiat pulvis. Item pulvis per stomaco et est medecinalis. Rx. tartari albi onza j, turbit gumosi onza s, cinamomi electi, garofilorum, ana drame js, scamonee preparate scropulo j, zuchari albi ad pondus omnium. Nota che di questa polvere non se ne tole piu de drama j ut una e ½ cum brodo di ciceris rossi cotti senza olio e senza sale ut cotti in brodo di polli e cum guardia. Ad illos qui non posunt retinere cibum. Rx. sucum feniculi partes duas et tertiam partem mellis et fac bulire donec inspisetur et da infirma bibere de mane et sero et liberabitur. Pro retinendo cibo ut supra. Rx. abscintium et tere cum stipitibus suis et tole oleum olive et frige simul in sartagine et de eo colido sibi ventrem innungant usquem ad femur et tibias, potea requiescat et hoc faciat bis ut ter. Item ad catarrum et tosse d’ogni sorte. Rx. ysopum et desicha foglia ad solem et postea facias pulverem et comede in mane aut bibe cum vino ut acqua et ieiuna usque ad tertiam et sic faciendo liberaberis. Item ad tussim. Rx. lb. j de suco di cavoli rose et falo bolire e spumalo e torai mele lb. ½ spumato e colato et incorpora et metti ogni cosa insieme a bolire et meteli drento zaferano drama j, e goma di draganti drama j, et fa bolire omnia simul usque ad consumptionem suci et di questo se ne piglia tanto quanto saria una fava a ieiuno stomaco et si lassa liquefare in bocha a posta sua. Syrupus per catharo. Rx. mellis rosati onze vj, ysopi sici m. uno, nucis moscate no. j. Primo fac bulire ipsum cum nuce in amphora plena acqua et fac consumare tertiam partem acque. Postea colabis dictam acquam deinde pones iterum a dignem cum melle rosato et quantum unum fac bulire et sic omne mane sumas ciatum unum calefactum. Oleum perfetissimo per stomaco. Rx.menta fina, magiorana fina, serpillo gentile, basilico gentile, salvia, ana m. uno, nucis muschate, cinamomi, zinziberis, garofilorum, masticis, cubebe, macis, galange, cardamomi, grana paradisi, ana, aut loco istarum ponantur specie dolce, et ogni cosa sia posto in una inchistara et fiat ad balneum marie. A strettura di petto. Rx. 3 o 4 radice di finochio et altre tanto di predisemino e uno bon pugno di orzo netto et tutte queste cose farai bolire tanto che siano cotte et ne bevi quando vai a dormire e molto ti zovera. A chi non potesse tenere il cibo inelo stomaco. Rx. anesi onze ij, finochio, carvi, ana onza j et fa bolire insieme et ne beverai la matina per tempo uno chugiaro et molto ti zovera. Ellettuario optimo per lo stomaco. Rx. gentiana, scorze di cedri, bacche di lauro, seme di orticha, ana, et poni ogni cosa insieme et confetta in mele ut con zucharo et fiat elettuarium et ne piglierai matina e sera uno poco e ti fara bonissimo stomaco. E di probato. A stringere il vomito. Rx.ascenzo insieme con aceto et fa impiastro et mettilo sopra alla bocha delo stomaco caldo et molto li zovera. -------- [Page 84] Confetto per lo stomaco indegnato, et molto lo conforta. Rx. laudani drame iij, nucis muscate, gariofilorum, abscenti, ana onza j, galange, rossarum, ana onze iij, florum lambrusce onze ijs, coralorum rubeorum et albarum, ana onza s, specie ligni aloes, masticis, galie muscate, ana drama v, et zuccari albi lb. js, et ne farai magistral confetto al solito modo per torne una presa la matina per tempo a stomaco digiuno, molto ti giovera et ligerisse la pena delo stomaco et renderati bono apetitto. Item per lo stomaco freddo et passione di petto et a tosse secca e a ventosita et fa bono apetitto. Rx. zenzero bianco mondato, cinamomo, basilico, ana drama j, fichi secchi grassi, uva passa, ana onze ij, anesi onze js et ogni cosa sia ben pesto. Et tutte queste cose siano fatte bolire con bonissima vernaza ut optimo vino bianco tanto che calli la terza parte et ne piglia 4 bocali. Et ne piglierai la matina per tempo onze iij chel sia al quanto tiepido con una fetta di pane brostolato, facendone suppa et fallo piu matine e presto guarirai. Item alo stomaco indegnato, ontione. Rx. menta fina e magiorana gentile, ana m. uno, et pestale in mortaio di pietra et mettali in una ampolla di vetro et mettivi drento olio comune del vechio piu che tu poi avere et polvere de garofani et polvere di mastice, ana scropulo j, et turela con carta et lassela al sole per 15 giorni. Poi con la ditta composicione calda ongiti la boccha delo stomaco et meti sopra lana suscida calda et bene infassato et presto ti fara guarire. Item alo stomaco forte indegnato. Torai calcina viva e mele, ana, et fallo a modo de impiastro et cosi caldo mettilo sun lo stomaco et presto piglierai miglioramento. Et farai succo di menta fina et dalo a bere caldo con polvere de garofani, e presto guarira. Item alo stomaco che non potesse smaltire et non li venisse apetitto, metteli sun lo stomaco questo cirotto. Rx. mastico onza j, gallia moscata onza s, specie di aromatico rosatto drama j, e sandali rossi e coriandoli preparati, ana scropulo j, et fiat cerottum cum medicum olei masticis et tientilo sun la boccha delo stomaco et molto ti zovera ala digestione et alo apetitto. A chi avesse grande frigidita inela testa. Rx. del edera et falla cosere et cosela inel acqua et fane lisciva et con essa ti lava la testa et non ti lava e tropo spesso perche te faria la testa troppo calida e tosto ti fara tornare la testa calida et anche tol via la doglia dela testa et metteli pocha cenere quando fai la ditta lisciva e presto guarirai. Item a sanare il fredore dela testa et ogni scesa di catarro. Rx. acqua vite e acqua di torsi di cavolo, ana onze ij, et incorpora et mettene uno poco sun la mano e tira sup el naso et falo 3 o 4 volti al di et sarai guarito. Dopoi piglia 3 di continui una volta el di lo suco dela bietola mescolato cum eleboro bianco tanto che ti facia stranutare ma inanti che tu faci le sopra dette cose, perfumati la testa di incenso 3 volte in una settimana e guarirai. Item per il fredore di stomacho. Rx. ysopo, maiorana, salvia, vino bianco e fa bolire in acqua. Poi la cola e bevela calda e lo maturera. Item per strettura di petto. Rx. uno quatrino di radice di bona vischio et fallo ben bolire et fale bolire in acqua che siano ben cotte e pistale et passale per i stamigna et con una liber di mele purgato ne farai lattuaria ordinario et la sera et la matina ne pilia uno chugiaro et dassi in bocha si rissolvera et fara bono efetto. Tragea per frigidita di stomaco. Rx. cinamomi electi onze ijs, galange drama j, piperis longi, zenziberis, ana drama s, cardamomi, macis, scropuli ij, anasi drame iij, zuchari albi onze ij, miscie et fiat tragea. A chi avesse stopato il naso per fredore. Rx.fiori di rosmarino et coceli et ne farai perfumo al naso et presto guarirai. Item. L’acqua di maiorana fina tirata sup el naso e di optima. A male di matrone. Rx. pomelle di lauro e di edera et fane polvere sutilissima et dalla a bere con bon vino caldo e bianco e sta in letto ben caldo per sudare e presto guarirai. -------- [Page 85] Lattovario contra a ogni vitio delo stomacho e purga li cativi humori. Rx. cinamomo, zenzero, garofani, galanghe, reupontico, spigo celtico, diagridi, sementa di ruta, anasi, finochio e appio, ana a tua discretione, et tutte siano spolverizate sutilissime. Poi le conficerai con mele di spumato bene a modo di lattuario et di questo tu ne piglierai avanti et dopoi pasto et molto ti zovera ala passione del stomacho per causa di humori cativi, e bonissimo. Item al dolore delo stomacho. Torai camomilla, mama di viole, roxe e semola, ana m. uno, et fale bolire in vino bianco buono tanto che calli la meta. Et poi metti le ditte erbe sopra allo stomacho e sopra ale rene al dirimpetto e che siano caldi quanto lui pol patire e molto ti zovera. Et piu torai agrimonia e pestela et la incorpora con uno ovo et cosela et cosi calda la mangi e guarirai. Item ala deboleza delo stomacho. Torai squinanto drama j, asensso san sugo, menta, matricaria, ana onza j, olio di mastice, olio di cotogni, olio di spica, ana onza j, vino hodoriffero uno bichiere et boli ogni cosa insieme tanto chel vino si consumi. Poi lo cola et agiongivi specie di diarodon abate et d’aromatico roxato, ana drame iij, et con cera biancha abastanza farai linimento et ongerai la bocca delo stomaco chaldo matina e sera e presto guarirai. Item al dolore di stomacho. Rx. suco di assentio e di abrottano, ana bichieri uno, overo torai l’erba, ana m. uno, et farai bolire in malvasia overo in altro vino biancho e bono bichieri no. 4 e olio di camomilla quel medesimo. Et metti ogni cosa in pignata a bolire a foco senza fumo tanto che calli li doi terzi. Poi torai incenso machio e mastice fatti in polvere, ana onze ij, et quando sera cotta la tua composicione tu la coli. Poi li metterai drento le ditte polvere et bene le incorpora. Poi la serva in vaso vitriato e ben coperto. Et con esso chel sia ben caldo, ongiti la bocca delo stomacho e tienlo caldo e presto guarirai. E mangia li tuoi cibi che siano ben cotti. Et se tu beverai del suco di agrimonia caldo, presto ti levera la doglia delo stomacho. Item al dolore di stomacho. Torai zafferano, pepi, cinamomo, bacche di lauro, ana a tua discretione, et fane polvere sutilissima et le incorpora insieme. Piglierai un chugiar di mele e un altro di ditta polvere et incorpora insieme. Poi lo distempera con mezo bichiere di vino biancho bono et dalo la matina caldo in modo di syropo et presto guarira. Per essere aprobato. Item al dolore di stomacho. Torai mirra et fane polvere al meglio che tu poi et mettila in uno bichiere di vin bianco bono et bevilo chel sia caldo et che la polvere sia uno cuchiaro et starai caldo in letto e in termine di mezora serai liberato e non li manchare che gli e la tua sanita. Et etiam torai erba calamandrina e fane 2 fritelle e quelle mangia calde la matina per tempo e presto guarirai. Item al dolore delo stomacho per causa freda. Torai assentio cotto in olio comune et con lo ditto olio chel sia caldo ongiti spesso lo stomacho e sopra panni caldi presto guarirai. Non tocare lo fegato. Et etiam l’olio dele bacche del lauro ongendo lo stomaco molto li zova. Et bevta la sua polvere con vino rosso presto guarisse e caldo. E molto questo zova al male di madre. E probato. A fare bono stomacho e bon fiato e larga’l petto, questa polvere. Rx. pepi longo drama j, zenzero, canella, garofani, ana drame js, crochi drama s, sponga brusata drame iij, et 2 rossi d’ovo et tutte siano in polvere et incorporate tutte insieme et poi lo metti a sechare nele forno et ne farai polvere sutila et lo infermo ne piglia um poco ogni matina con uno ovo fresco e presto li fara divenire bono stomacho e bono alito et li alarga il petto mirabilmente. -------- [Page 86] Pillore per il male del madrone. Rx. castorei, piratri, usquiami, crocii, spico nardi, piperis rotundi, ana onza j, opii eletti, papaveris albi, ana onza s, filoni persi onze iiij, et tutte le ditte cose ne sia fata polvere suttila et lo incorpora insieme con diligentia nel tuo mortaio di bronzo e facendo la pasta al quanto dureta et la sera quando tu vai al letto ne piglierai una, et la seconda sera 2, et la terza 3, et presto la doglia delo stomacho andera via. Et guardati dela boccha non fare disordine in cose cative et guardati chi e difettoso di stomacho di carne porcina, et mastica bene le tue vivande e guarirai. Unguento per lo stomacho. Item ala strettura di stomacho. Rx. olio di trementina, di gilio e di mandole dolce e violato e mucilagine e fiengrego e seme lino, ysopo, midulla di stinchi di buo e grasso humano e olio nardino, ana drama j, e polvere de incenso, farino di orzo, rubache di lauro, ana drame iiij, e zafferano e butiro, ana drame ij, e uno poco di cera nova et farai polv[er]e di quelle cose che n’anno di bisogno. Et componele tutte insieme inela caza a lento foco et fane unguento in bona forma. Et la sera quando tu [v]ai a dormire scaldalo et ongiti la bocha delo stomaco et sopra peze calde di lana et farai questa ontione ogni di et, per dei gratia, presto guarirai. Conservandoti del vivere tuuo, mangiando poco e ben cotto e ben masticato e sta caldo. Item ala strettura di stomacho e ala tosse. Torai fichi secchi e ysopo e pesta insieme et farai bolire con mele crudo. Poi la matina ne pilierai um poco bevendolo in qua[l]che modo et falo scaldare se tu poi che presto l’opera, continuandolo al quanti giorni e opera ti fara bona. Item alla strettura di petto. Rx. 4 fichi sechi et empeli di seme di senape e di riquilitia e coceli in vino bianco et mangiali et il vino bevi et presto guarirai. E di provato. Al male di madrone et al male di madre ale donne. Rx. olio comune del vechio e di camomilla, ana onze iij, e polvere de mastico e di incenso maschio, ana soldi uno, e scropuli 2 cera nova e de butiro e uno m. di erba iva fatta sechare ha l’ombra e fattene polvere suttila et una radice di consolida magiore et tagliela minutamente et ½ bichiere di aceto. Poi farai bolire ogni cosa insieme in pignato novo con lento foco tanto che cali il terzo et sera fatto. Et lo conserva ali tuoi bisogni et quando lo vorai adoperare alo stomacho falo scaldare et ongi con sopra pani caldi e sta bene infassiato. Et etiam anche vale a siaticha et al dolore di rene ongendo con esso fredo et di quelli mali presto guarirai. Item al mal del madrone e dela madre. Torai del comino et falo bolire con vino tanto che calli il terzo. Poi lo cola et lo conserva. Et ne darai al paciente 2 dita a bere la matina per tempo a modo di syropo caldo et presto guarira. Et cosi farai anche ala donna per il mal di madre. Al male delo spiede, cioe al dolore di stomacho e premito grande. Quando la sera che tu vai a dormire ongiti lo stomacho con olio roxato chel sia ben caldo, fregando al ingio molto bene et mettivi sopra um panno calda. Et mentre che tu ongerai al ingio, tu o altri che ti ongera dirai questa oratione 3 volte et per 3 matine continue. Et prima dirai il pater noster e poi dirai, vz. “San sisto per la via se n’andava in yesu christo per la via si scontrava. Disse christo a san sisto, ‘Che ai tu, san sisto, che stai si afflitto?’ ‘Io o il male delo spiede che io non posso andare.’ Alora disse christo, ‘Di al male delo spiede chel se ne vada dala del mare chel non possa mai piu tornare,’ in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen.” Et farai questo ontione sicuramente con l’oratione per dolore grande di stomacho overo serramento e presto presto guarirai, et in me e in altri lo provato. Item alla strettura di petto per catarro. Rx. uno bichiere di acqua e metila in una pignatella et mettivi drento la terza parte di farina d’orzo netta et in una pezetta lina mettivi drento canella fina in peci et oltertanta rigilitia rasa et farai bolire lento e schimalo bene et tanto bola che resta uno bichiere. Poi lo cola per i stachio et agiongeli lo mandole ben peste con onza j di zucharo et di novo li farai levare il bolo et la matina ne piglierai alla aurora a modo di syropo per 40 matine et guarirai. E provato. -------- [Page 87] A smaltire sun lo stomacho. Rx. la radice dele lappole, id est bonaga, et nettela politamente e ben raspata et li leva quel da mezo et piglia li piu tenere parte et quelle mangia con sale e pepi inanti pasto e ti riscaldera lo stomacho et tutto lo conforta aiutandoti a smaltire senza passione. Item a fare bono stonacho a chi avesse perso lo apettito. Torai 6 o 8 granelli di pepi et taglia ciaschuno granello in 2 o 3 parte. Non lo pestare che e meglio cosi, et mettilo la sera in infusione in doi ditta di racese overo altro vino grande come corso o malvasia. Et la matina per tempo lo beva e ingolla el pepi et starai al quanto in riposso over pasegia in camera serrata per 2 ore et sentirai movimento di corpo e bono stomacho et questo farai per 3 matine continue e guarirai. Item a provocare lo apetitto. Torai sumac, acacia, mastice, roxe, ana onze ij, et con queste li angionge olio e cera tanto che basti affarne impiastro et caldo mettila sun la bocha delo stomacho et come lo stomacho e rischaldato subito ti ritornera lo apetitto. *A fare bono stomaco e guarire del dolore di testa. Rx. radice di malva vischio nettali bene et cosale bene con acqua. Poi fale passare pistachio et se sara lb. s. Pilia lb. s di melazo et ricosalo ogni cosa insieme. Poi conservalo in vaso ali toi bisogni et la matina ne piglia quanto e una noce e ti fara bonissimo stomaco. E provo. Domenico. Ala tosse seccha, optimo rimedio. Rx. rigolitia pesta onza j e fichi secchi no. 12 e peniti freschi onze ij, et queste cose fale bolire in uno fiascho di bonissimo vino biancho tanto che calli il terzo. Poi lo cola et mettivi drento um poco di draganti. Poi userai a bere dela ditta bevanda calda et continuandola presto guarirai dela tosse et ti fara anche purgare il petto. E di cosa aprobata. Item ala tosse nova e vechia. Torai dela goma che fa le piante dele cirese et fala disfare con bon vino e uno poco d’aqua insieme e fala scaldare e bevilo a modo de syropo et starai caldo dela tua persona, il qual vino cura ogni anticha et nova tosse, usando a berne et riposandosi. Item alla tosse, lattovario. Rx. seme di mastorci e mirra e mele purgato et componi a modo di lattovario et dane la sera al paciente e presto guarira. Ala strettura di petto et ala tosse grassa, remedio optimo. Rx. fichi secchi che siano grassi onze vj et ysopo in erba e falo seccare al ombra e fane polvere sutile et li fichi tagliali minuti. Poi torai lb. 2 di mele et mettivi drento ogni cosa et falo bolire e schiumalo molto bene. Poi chel sera cotto lo cola con diligentia et sera fatto. Serbalo ali tuoi bisogni et la sera mangiando poco tu ne potrai pigliarne un onza et la matina un poco di piu e chel sia caldo e presto ti fara bona operatione e zoverati assai. Item ala tosse grassa farai questa bevanda e non manchare. Torai farina di orzo netta et fala cosere in uno pignatino con uno poco di aqua e che la sia liquida et metivi drento onza j di mele purgato et incorpora bene. Poi la vota inela scodella cosi liquido et metivi sopra del zucharo assai et calda piu che si pole il paciente la beva e presto guarira. Et quando lui havesse gran tosse dagliene a bere una scudella anche la sera, la qual bevanda fa maturare quel freddore che e in sun lo stomacho et te lo fara gittare tutto per boccha e in gran quantita et sia persona giovine o vechio che presto guarira. E stia caldo dela persona e dela testa e bevi vino biancho e usa a mangiare dela regolitia et presto serai libero. Item ha homo che fusse raffredato overe donna. Torai songia vechia di porcho mastio e olio comune e grassa di gallina, ana a tua dischretione, e uno poco di zafferano. Et prima farai disfare i grassi e colali. Poi li metti l’olio, el zafferano et lo incorpora bene a lento foco et cosi caldo ongiti la boccha delo stomacho et le piante di piedi, tenendo caldo lo stomacho et tutta la persona, presto guarirai. Probatum est. Item a ventosita di stomacho. Rx. predesemino e ruta e fane suco e bevine uno bichiere e presto guarirai. Rimedio per lo dolore di stomaco. Rx. suco di menta e di ruta, ana onze iij, falo scaldare et bevilo e subito si parte il dolore e presto. Item al preditto dolore di stomaco. Rx.radice di gentiana et fala cosere in bon vino bianco et mangia la radice e bevi il vino et grandemente ti giovera al dolore di stomaco. -------- [Page 88] Olio a male di punta e di madrone e dolore colici e a nervi retratie a dolie vechie, verissimo. Rx. olio di oliva chiaro e del vechio piu che si pole avere. Poi torai una inchistara overo ampolla secondo la quantita che ne voi fare. Et poi fala apresso che piena di fiori di pan porcino vero e che se tu potesti avere di quelli di monte sono migliori. Poi empi la inchistara che a drento li fiori del ditto olio. Poi la farai bolire per un ora a bagno maria et lassela cosi fredare. Poi lassela al sole per un mese e stia coperta et sera fatto. E serbalo che sempre egli e bono et con piu egli e vechio egli e migliore. Poi quando lo vorai adoperare fa chel sia ben caldo a tutte le infermita et sopra panni caldi e infassati et non manchare di ongere 2 volte al giorno. Et quando ongi per il mal di punta, ongi il loco che duole e chel sia ben caldo tanto quanto lui po patire o ongi 3 o 4 volte alla fila seguitando la doglia [d]ove va ongendoli adosso e tenendolo caldo e chel ditto infermo si facia cavare sangue dove che se richiede. E non bere vino, panata senza sale e non mangiare cose di susta[n]cia e non cose debole, rinfrescative e poche. Et con uno o piu serviciali a cio chel corpo li stia aperto et con questi et altri boni rimedii, con lo aiuto di dio, presto guarirai. Et sapi che con questo olio e statto aprobato a tutte queste infermita e questo e uno de quelli olii preciossimi che fra tutti li altri tessore non se ne ritrova un altro simile il quale si pole mettere tra il balsamo. Et chi avera del ditto olio apresso di si non sera mai pover omo per essere statto experimentato. Et piu a una donna li cascho la gioza e la fue onta per sorte con lo ditto olio et miraculosamente guaritte, quasi cosa da non credere, e de vera. Item a guarire il male di punta, rimedio santissimo. Rx. del erba brancha orsina m. uno et mezo, m. uno di erba taneta. Poi farai scaldare la paletta del foco over la padella et meterai le ditte erbe a mortificare, sbroffandole con vino o con orina di fanciullo piccolo. Poi meterai la ditta erba calda piu che tu la poi patire sun la doglia che ti punta et seguiterai la doglia dove ella va con ditto impiastro et sempre ben caldo et come la doglia si parte questo e bon segno di guarire, per dei gratia. Ma prima fatti cavare sangue dala banda dove la doglia. E non bere vino e conservati del resto. Sta caldo e guarirai. Mangia panatella senza sale e aqua cotto o con orzo e non altro. Item al mal di punta, rimedio perfecto. Torai il fiore del papavero rosso et fale secchare al ombra et fane polvere sutilissima. Poi torai parte 2 dela ditta polvere et parte una di polvere di gussi di nizole fatta suttila et dala a bere al paciente con uno poco di cinamomo con brodo caldo o aqua stillata di camomilla. Et prima cavarli sangue dal brazo dare e la doglia et ti conserva dela bocha, e presto guarirai. Item al mal di punta, bonissimo rimedio. Torai camomilla et fala bolire con aqua tanto che calli il terzo. Poi bevi dela ditta aqua calda et l’erba a modo de impiastro calda quanto la pol patire mettila sun la doglia et la mantiene calda. Et facendo questo osservando l’ordine ditto disopra, per dei gratia, presto guarirai. Item ala doglia di petto. Torai sementa di lino e fiengrego tagliato minuto et falo al quanto bolire e gietta via quel aqua et ne rimetti un altra poco di aqua e uno poco di butiro et lassa al quanto bolire et torai quel grasso di sopra et falo scaldare et con esso ongiti il loco dela doglia e guarirai. Et farali tore sangue dala vena comune dove e la doglia per optimo rimedio. Poi torai fichi sechi e pesti con songia e olio di camomilla et caldo a modo di impiastro metti sun la doglia. Item a guarire la doglia di petto. Rx. una mela appia et cava via tutto il cativo da mezo et falo a modo di uno scodelino. Poi metivi drento uno poco de incenso maschio fatto in polvere sutile et fala cosere sun la brasa. Poi dalla a mangiare al paciente et presto, per dei gratia, pigliera miglioramento. E di provato. -------- [Page 89] A mal di punta, verissimo et experimentato. Rx. una quantita di papaveri rossi et fali seccare al ombra et fane polvere sutilissima et la serba ali tuoi bisogni, et bisognando che dio ogni un ne scampi. Torai uno chugiaro dela ditta polvere e mettila in uno bichiere con onze ijs di aqua di camomilla che la sia ben calda et dala a bere al paciente tutta in un tratta l’angolla che in breve la li zovera. Et non essere negligente al farli cavare sangue dal suo braccio et farli uno cristiere comune et mangi panatella senza sale e beva aqua d’orzo e stia caldo con poco lume e poco parli perche el ditto male e molto periculoso e fa 4 mutatione dove li consiste la morte e la vita, cioe dali ali 3 di, in 5, in 7 di e in 9 di. Si che si scampa ali 9 giorni potrai avere bona speranza di sanita, per dei gratia, si che sia advertito per insino a quel giorno averne bona guardia. Poi di man in mano se li potra alargare il vivere ma non il vino si presto et a questo modo lo scamperai con bona guardia e boni rimedii et presto et non dubitare che presto guarira. Item a mal di punta. Torai malva e fiengrego e seme di lino e formento e con butiro et componilo insieme et falo ben scaldare et mettilo a modo de impiastro sun la doglia et molto li zovera assai. Item al mal di punta a purgarli lo stomacho. Torai ruta e abrottano e polezolo, menta e ysopo, ana m. uno ½, et trane suco et ne beverai la matina et la sera uno poco e caldo e molto ti zovera. Et dirai 3 volte con 3 pater noster sopra’l male di petto, ‘Benedictus qui venit in nomine domini + + +.’ A fredura di stomacho e fa padire. Rx. uno pan biancho di formento subito che gli e cavato dal forno cosi caldo leva via tutte le croste et quella mirolla mettila a insupare inel suco di appio et quando sera bene insupato falo bene riscaldare. Poi premi fora di quel suco et la ditta mirolla cosi calda mettila sun lo stomacho et mantienla calda per 2 o 3 volte e presto guarirai. E di probato. Et per fare smaltire. Torai mele e pevere pesto et lo incorpora con lento foco et la matina et etiam infra’l giorno ne pilierai al quanto per bocca e ti confortera lo stomacho e farati smaltire e bene e mangierai con apetitto. A chi avesse l’asmo e fusse stretto di petto. Rx. la radice di tamaro lavata e ben netta e tagliata in fette suttile et usale a mangiare inanti pasto la matina e la sera overamente tu ne farai decotione et di quella tu ne userai a berne et grandemente ti zovera. Et in tutti li modi che tu la mangila ti sera molta propicia in aiutarti a riavere l’alito con magior aiutto et senza detrimento del corpo et conservati del vivere et maxime di alchune cose strective et tenendo caldo lo stomacho, per dei gratia, piglierai conforto assai. Item. Yospi, tamarisi, pimpinele, capel venere, radice iringi, finochio, ana quam vis, e fa stillare e bevi de ditta acqua per l’asmo e bono. A mal di madre, bonissimo rimedio. Rx. galbina, opponaco, ana onze iij, incenso maschio onza j, cinamomo, garoffani, ana drame vj, noce moschate, castoreo, ana drame ij, pista quod sunt pistanda et farai pillure con vino bianco et dane 3 o 5 per volta e perche sono senza guardia, dane d’ogn’ ora e presto la guarira. -------- [Page 90] A mal di madre et mal di madrone. Rx. una pigna verda o seccha che abia drento li pignoli, limela e pestela sutilissima et la sera ne darai ala donna quando la va a dormire uno chugiaro con brodo o vino bianco chel sia caldo, et se bene ne desti anche la matina per tempo, non importa. Et se’l fusse homo per difetto dela dura digestione, cioe del madrone, dagliene la matina con vino o brodo de polastro caldo un bon chugiaro e stia caldo et questa polvere la piglierai quando tu senti la passione perche presto fa sua operatione. E per me la e aprobata da homeni et da donne et maxime a monache a fatto opera mirabile. A la punta, rimedio aprobatissimo. Rx. dele scorze di nizole salvatiche et fane polvere sutilissima et dane uno bon chugiaro a bere al paciente dela doglia di petto con brodo di pollo o aqua apropriata per 2 o 3 matine che la sia ben calda et questa polvere a questa proprieta che la rompe quelle vessiche di sangue che si ragunano intorno al core. Ma prima ti farai cavare sangue secondo il suo ordinario e non bere vino e sta caldo e guarirai. Anche il dente del porco cingiale, cioe la sanna, limata e pesta suttile e datto a bere fa quel medemo con un poco de olio de seme lino. Se tu piglierai onza j di olio di seme lino con uno poco di sanna limata e fatto al quanto bolire e datto a bere, presto guarisse dela ponta. E provato. Al mal di madre per fredda causa. Rx. suco di marchorella e di boragine e vitriola, ana lb. j, e malvasia overo vin bianco bono grande onze vj et meti ogni cosa insieme e farai bolire tanto che calli la metta. Poi la coli sutilmente et partela in 7 parte et dala a bere la matina calda a modo di syropo calda. Et avanti che la pilia prima orini et vadi del corpo si puo et vederai opera mirabile chel dolore presto si partira e li fara venire il suo tempo. Item al dolore di madrone e di madre. Dirali inel orechia sinistra la matina per tempo 3 volte queste parole, vz., ‘Calicem domini accipiarem et nomen domini invocabo.’ Et dirai amen 5 volte in honore dele 5 piaghe di jesu christo et dila per 3 matine con 3 pater noster e presto guarirai. Item al mal di madre, bevanda optima. Torai coriandoli crudi e rubache di lauro, ana onza s, e 2 noce muschate et pestale tutte et fane polvere sutilissima. Et quando la donna si sente il dolore drento matrichale alora piglia uno chugiaro dela ditta polvere con brodo caldo 2 o 3 volte al di. Overamente la piglia con ovo frescho et presto guarirai del dolore di madre. Et piu se’l ti paresse di tore la polvere dele robachelle di lauro fate in polvere sutila con vino, molto ti zovera al mal di madre. Item fumentacione al mal di madre. Torai dele pigne secche et ne farai fumentacione per di sotto via stando ben coperta chel fumo non si perda e zoverati assai. Lattovario per lo stomacho et conforta la digestione. Rx. galanga, zenzero, ana onze iiij, noce moschate, garoffani, rigiulitia rasa e monda, ana onze ij, macis, cinamomo, ana onza j, pepi longo, grana paradisi, cardamomo, ana onza s, et melis purgato lb. j, et farai le cose in polvere suttile et le incorpora ogni cosa insieme et ne farai perfetto lattovario. Poi ne piglierai ogni matina onze ij o piu o meno secondo che tu ti sentirai averne di bisogno et cosi 2 ori avanti cena et ti fara bonissimo stomacho, confortandoti la digestione et li sentimenti. -------- [Page 91] Le 4 digestione del cibo che fa lo stomacho. Prima nota che se tu beverai l’aqua vita la matina e la sera con vino, ella consumma la flema dela bocha delo stomacho et rende lo apititto, conforta lo stomacho, cura lo fiato fetido, cosi per la parte delo stomacho como per l’arte delo celabro. Nota che la prima digestione si fa nelo stomaco e li si cose il cibo et la substantia del cibo si passa alo fegato per certe vene le quale se adimandano misaiche. La 2 digestione si fa inel fegato et la substantia la quale ha mandato lo stomaco al fegato se convertisse in sangue et lo fegato lo manda per le vene. La 3 digestione si fa inele vene le quale nutrischano li membri. La 4 digestione si fa neli membri per le vene capilare. La superfluitade dela prima digestione sie la feccia la quale la natura manda ale budelle. La superfluitade dela seconda digestione sie la urina la quale lo fegato manda ali rognoni e alora li rognoni la distillano ala vissicha per 2 porri li quali se dimandano horaides li quali sono appensi in la carne. La superfluitade dela terza digestione la quale si fa per le vene sie lo sudore. La superfluitade dela quarta digestione sie le oungie et li capelli. Et questo ti basta circha ala digestione delo stomaco a sapere tali secreti. Oratione contra al male di madre. ‘Dominus deus angelorum ante quam stant angeli cum magno tremore + amen + amen + amen +. Mater doloris, pulposa matrix, matrix sanguinaria et brantenaria ne auferat dicant iugiter sicut porcus mugiet, murmurat sicut ursus, saltat sicut cervus. Coniuro te matrix doloris per sanctam mariam verginem ut collighas crinus tuos et ravertare ad locum tuum ubi te deus condidit sine iracundie corporis. Coniuro te matrix doloris per sedem maiestatis et per tronum celorum. Coniuro te matrix doloris per illum deum qui pluit et fluit ghuttas et dies secculi. Coniuro te matrix doloris per illum deum qui crucifixus fuit et lancea transforatus et de latere eius exiuit sanguis et aqua. Coniuro te matrix doloris per novem ordinis angelorum et per duodecim apostolos et per mille martires et confessores atque vergines et per quatuor flumina paradisi, seon, tigris, heufrates et flumen jordane quas colores faciunt algeris. Adjuro te per beatam mariam ut salus ut salva fiat famulus ut famulam tuam quam durare non potest + amen + amen + agios + agios + agios + otheos + otheos + otheos + sanctus + sanctus + sanctus + hervanus + serphanus + et quiriacus + finis.’ Et prima li farai il segno di croce, in nomine patris et fili et spiritus sancti, amen. Et sapi che questa oratione la adoperata de molte gentildone l’anno letta ogni matina et l’anno poi portata con nesso loro continuamente adosso et sempre sono statte franche che la madre non li a mai datta noia per la virtu de dio. -------- [Page 92] Ala donna che la madre li fa male et li fatta venire al quanto dele sue rasone. Rx. menta fina, isopo, rosolaci cioe papaveri rossi, ana, et fane polvere suttila et la conserva ali tuoi bisogni. Et quando la vorai adoperare, pigliene un onza overo un onza e meza dela ditta polvere et metteli drento scropuli 3 di zafferano pisto et incorpora ogni cosa insieme. Poi la darai al inferma in uno ovo frescho. Et lo piglia la matina per tempo e starai in riposso un ora o piu. Ma la sera ongeti tutto il corpo con olio di camomilla e di gilii bianchi, ana onza s, e olio di robache onza j, con 10 fila di zafferan drento et fallo ben scaldare e ongiti il corpo et sopra peze calde e infassa e sta calda. Et la matina piglierai l’ovo sopra detto et presto vera li contenti tuoi senza dolore. Et se questa prima volta non ti fa, fala la seconda sera et averai l’intento tuo. Item al male di madre quando la dole. Torai cochole di lauro et fane polvere sutile et dane ala paciente uno chugiaro in vino rosso e caldo la sera overo la matina secondo l’ora chel dolore ti assalta, allora pigliela e starai in riposso et fallo una volta o dua o piu, secondo che tu ti troverai libera. E presto guarirai. Et fatti fumentacione sotto al naso con una scarpa vechia e presto guarirai del dolore dela madre. Item, policino contra al mal di madre, vz. ‘Coniuro te matris puposani, sanguineam matrem doloris per patrem et filii et spiritus sancti, amen, et per sedem maiestatis et per sanctam naturam et per omnes virtutes celorum et per diem judicii et per quatuor flumina paradisi, giordanis, per fison, per igitur et eufrates et revertas ad locum suum ordinarius famula dei A et per beate marie virginis, dominus constitut sine dolore, spiritus vincit, spiritus imperat + amen + fiat + fiat + fiat +, in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen.’ Item a provochare il tempo suo ale donne etiam che l’avesse la febre. Torai consolida minore et pestela. Poi la metti in uno sachettino longhetto e grosso un dito et con bel modo lo meti nela natura la sera quando vai a dormire e ti provochera mirabilmente et dali a mangiare del pulegio et altre herbe odoriffere per 8 giorni e presto guarirai. E li vera. Item ad provocandum mestrum statim alicui mulieri. Torai castoreo, acori, seminis appi, ana drama j, et bene spolverizati et in nocte quando vadit dormitum mulieri capeat medietatem cum vino calido et de alia medietate fiat suppositio in vulvam mulieris et vadetur mestrum, probatum. Item ad provocandum. Torai erba savina e trane suco et dane bere ala donna caldo et li vera. Et etiam la santurgia e serpillo, ana, spolverizato et incorpora con mele purgato et ne beva con vino caldo et presto provocha il suo tempo per la via ordinaria. Item ad provocandum. Torai ireos si ex aqua distillationis. Eius bibit cum zuccharo purgat infirmitates intrinsicas matricis. Et etiam oleos d’ireos valet si exeo unatur matrix aut e sulve si alique mulieres edunt drama vj dicti olei cum infirmatur in matrice liberabitur. Et darali pillore no. 5 la sera e fara bono. Item ad provocandum tempus ad muglierem statim, vz. Rx.3 cime di marcorella e 3 di malva et falle bolire in uno bocale de vino bianco bone et mettivi drento tanto lievito di frumento quanto e una castagnia et scropuli 2 di zaferano intiero et fallo bolire per metta et poi lo cola et premi bene et ne darai a bere onze 4 la matina per tempo a modo di syropo et lavasi la sera inanti le gambe, al ingiu con lissia bolitovi drento rose e camomilla et la sera medema ongasi il corpo con olio laurino onze ij e olio di giglio et camomilla, ana onza j, con scropuli 2 zaferano e tienlo caldo et presto li vera il tempo suo et fallo inel fare della luna overo in e soi quarti 1, 2, 3, o 4. -------- [Page 93] Chi dubitasse di essere tisicho usi questa polvere. Rx. dele ciociole ut lumache dele grosse una quantita che a te pare col gusso et lavele politamente e bene. Poi li farai cosere inela vernaza bona ut vino bianco optimo. Poi cavale fora del gusso et falle seccare inel forno in uno tegame che non brusano et ne farai polvere sutilissima et quella conserva in uno alberello netto. Poi tu ne darai uno cugiaro da bere con queste acque al paciente, cioe con acqua di radichio et di boragine et di bertonicha, ana onze ij, et dalla a bere la matina al alba e tiepida in modo di syropo et vi dorma sopra al manco un ora et questo lo continua per 9 matine et li dara molta sustantia e anche li zovera. Item a guarire uno che fusse intratto inel tisico. Farai uno bichiere o piu di succo di radice di ennula campana et torai un altro bichiere di mele purgato et metti insieme in uno pignatino novo al foco lento et quando tu l’arai bene schiumato et purgato et mettivi drento uno bichiere dela sopra detta polvere di lumache et incorpora bene insieme et farai a modo di lattovario et quello lo conserva. Et ne darai a mangiare al paciente uno cugiaro la sera quando il va a dormire, et cossi la matina quando’l si leva et in pochi giorni, continuandolo, tu vedrai mirabile experientia che presto pigliera milioramento. Item per aiuttare a guarire colui che fusse cascato inella tissicaiia. Rx. del latte di capra et mettivi drento dela polvere fatta di tramarino overamente farai cosere inel latte del tramarino tagliato minuto. Poi lo colerai et pigliane piena una scudella et metivi drento uno cugiaro dela sopra detta polvere di lumache et dallo a bere al paciente la matina per tempo cossi caldo. Et poi li dorma sopra per un ora overo se ripossa al quanto et questa bevanda la continui al mancho al manco per 15 giorni et presto vedrai assai miglioramento. Item lattovario per guarire colui che e intratto inel male del tisicho sopra detto, il le e aprobato. Rx. cinamomi, cardamomi, zenzero e garoffani, ana onza s, et zaferano scropuli 4, et dela polvere sopra detta di lumache et polvere fatta di testugine fatta inel modo che tu ai fatta quella di lumache, ana una scudella piena, et fiori di osmarino et di boragine, ana una scudella, et fiori di ginestra et di orticha et di malva, ana meza scudella, et rose bianche e viole zotte e rosmarino e ysopo e salvia e magiorana e menta e melissa et radice di gramigna, ana m. uno, dittamo bianco, marrobbio, appio, abrottano, ruta, ana m. ½, et radice di enula campana e schabbiosa et radice di sparesi, ana a tua discretione, et pomelle di lauro onza ½, et tutte queste cose sopra dette, eccetto che i fiori vogliano essere fatte seccare tutte al ombra e non al sole, et ne farai polvere sutilissima et ne potrai farne piu et meno secundo che a te parera, et tu ne piglierai dele preditte polvere a tua discretione se ella ti paresse troppa. Poi torai bottiro fresco lb. j et mele purgato e netto lb. ij. Poi meterai el mele, el bottiro al foco lento et quando l’arai purgato bene mettivi drento le predette polve[re] a poc a poco mentre chel bole et le incorpora bene et in ultima li metterai le speciarie in polvere col zaferano et incorpora molto bene con lento foco tanto chel diventa in modo di lattovario et quello conserva in vaso atto e stia in loco fresco. Et ne darai al paciente una presa la sera quando il va a dormire et cossi la matina et sopra el se ripossa per un ora et questo lattovario continuandalo avendone lui di bisogno presto si sentira a migliorare et con qui stare le forze. Et conservandosi del vivere, tenendo bona vita, non facendo dissordine, questo sera sufficente di guaritti con li rimedii ditti di sopra. -------- [Page 94] Per guarire uno che desse inel tisicho, olio per lo stomaco. Item olio per ongere lo stomacho a chi fusse cascato inel male suttile, cioe tisicho, e presto. Rx. fiori di ruta et di aneto et di malva vischio et di ginestra, ana drama j, et metteli inel olio comune del piu vechio che tu possi trovare in una inchistara et coprila con carta peccora et falla bolire per un ora a bagno maria et lasselo drento raffedare. Poi lasselo stare al sole per 10 o 15 giorni et sera fatto, olio perfetissimo per il sopra ditto male suttile. Poi ne piglia um poco in uno scudelino et fallo ben scaldare et ongeli lo stomaco molto bene la sera et la matina et metteli sopra della stoppa di canepa con sopra altre peze calde et bene infassato chel stia caldo. Et questa ontione molto li zovera con li rimedi sopra ditti et doppoi dissinare farai al quanto di essertitio tanto chel sangue si riscalda et, con l’aiutto di dio, non facendoti altri dissordini anderai sempre migliorando di bene in meglio et guarirai dela ditta infermita et diventerai grasso e fresco como di prima, per dei gratia. Et etiam se tu alcune volte usserai questa bevanda molto ti zovera al sopra ditto male. Torai radice di gramigna nette et osmarino, ana, et fane polvere sutilissima et ne torai uno cugiaro e bevta con latte di capra con uno poco di mele purgato drento et questo farai la sera overo la mattina et molto li zovera alo stomacho. Et sono aprobate. -------- [Page 95] Bagno scaldante la matrice. Rx. artemisia, savina, rubea tintorum, fior di camomilla, ana m. uno, assentio, calamento montano, origano, ana m. s, calamo aromatico, spico nardo, squinanto, ruta, anesi, maratro siseleo, ana onza s. Et de tutte queste erbe ne sia fatto decotione in 4 secchie d’aqua et [t]anto bolla che calli la terza parte overo la meta. Poi sia messo in una concha o altro vaso hatto che la donna possa sentarvi dentro dal boligolo ingioso et mentre che ella sta in lo bagno la possi far sachetto con le ditte erbe et sentarvi suso et vi stara per un ora bona et questo bagno la continui secundo che ella vede il suo bisogno e necessita. Bagno infrigidante la matrice. Rx. erba di endivia, latucha, roxe rosse, fiore di nanuffari, papavero biancho, vergan pastoris, foglie di salice e foglie di vita di uva biancha, ana m. uno, malva e bismalva con le radice e mama di viole, ana m. s, e seme di meloni, di latucha, di zuccha e di endivia, de citrioli e di scarola, ana onza s. Missia et sia fatta dicotione in 4 sechie d’aqua et tanto bolla che cali il terzo. Dopoi inel ditto bagno tepido in vaso apto e a stomacho digiuno et la donna senta e discoperta con li panni acio che ella non sudi et stia per un ora. Et questo li sera necessario che ella continui per molti giorni. Et questo bagno con altre cose molto li zovera a dischazare parte del ditto caldo natura dela matrice causato. Bagnolo overo pithima infrigidante le rene. Rx. aqua roxa e di endivia, e di latucha e di sempre viva e di vermicularia e di nanuffari et di zuccha, ana onze ij, et 3 grani di canfora et 3 chiari d’ovi ben sbattuti in ditta aqua. Poi ti bagnerai le rene calide con una sponga o peza lina et tenerai sempre bagnato le dite rene per spacio di un ora o piu o manco, secondo che tu ti sentirai et questo lo farai la sera et la matina et presto sentirai miglioramento. Poi te ongerai col sotto scritto unguento, vz. Rx.olio roxato e violato, ana onze ij, et sandali rossi e citrini, ana drama j, e aceto drame js e canfora grani iiij, et incorpora con cera a lento foco et quanto tu l’ai levato dal foco, metti la canfora e non piu presto perche ogni cosa te anderebe in fumo. Et mesida tanto che diventa fredo et sera fatto unguento infrigidante le rene dela sua calidita. Et questo tu lo adopera dopoi il bagno et presto te liberera di ogni dolore di rene. Chi dubitasse di essere tisicho. Rx. fichi sechi grassi no. 5, finochio dolce, capel venere e seme di appio e rigolitia, ana onza s, e ysopo e marubio, ana m. ½. Et tutte queste cose pestale grosso modo et falle bolire in lb. 30 di aqua di ci[s]terna tanto che calli la metta. Poi la cola et la conserva et ne piglierai la matina onze iij a modo di syropo et molto ti zovera. -------- [Page 96] Ala intropesia per causa dela milza. Rx.dele foglie di ebuli che nasse intorno a i fossi, cioe sambuchi salvatichi, fali secchare et fane polvere sutile. Poi torai del mel roxato et incorpora la ditta polvere bene et fane 3 pinole et pigliale la sera quando vai a dormire, le quale molto ti fara andare del corpo. Poi averai fatta del olio dele sue pomelle li quali siano ben matturi. Cioe torai olio di oliva del piu vechio che tu poi trovare et metteli drento le ditte granella che siano ben matture et falle bollire in vaso vitreato a bagno maria per un ora. Poi lo meti al sole per un mese continuo. Poi che tu averai preso le sopra ditte pirolle, ongeti la sera il corpo con lo ditto olio et chel sia ben caldo. Et questa ontione la farai ogni sera et maxime sopra ala milza dura la quale da ocasione dela dura intropesia. Et fatta che tu averai questa ontione piu volte et non zovandoti, farai a quest altro modo. Torai dele ditte foglie di ebuli, pestali e fane suco et falo scaldare et con esso ben caldo ongeti il corpo et tu vederai operatione mirabile. Et etiam e el suco dela ditta erba bagnando le gotte calide piu volte fara cessare il gran dollore. Ma advertisse che quella sera che tu piglierai le pirolle non ti ongere, ma si la matina ti potrai ongere overamente con lo suco chel sia caldo et sentirai grandissimo giovamento. Ma nota che in questi giorni che tu ongerai la milza dura se a te parera de pigliare queste pirole di ermodattele no. 3 per giorni 4 avanti che facci la luna et ti farano grandissimo servitio. Et etiam torai dele ditte pomelle che siano ben matture, fale sechare et fane polvere. Et ne usa a mangiare in modo de specie sopra le minestre et anche usa a mangiare bene spesso dela melissa la quale e molta apropriata a disporre il corpo nostro, cioe la milza a ricevere le sopra dette cose per sua sanita. Et facendo tu questo rimedio sopra ditto et guardandoti di molte cose contrarie et con lo aiutto de dio et etiam il bon governo, presto guarirai, perche molte persone che adoperato questo medicamento si sono rissolti politamente dela opilatione entropesia et la milza e ritornata nel suo bon stato. Ala intropesia, cioe che fusse besinfio aprobatissimo. Rx. radice di ireos quante tu voi nettale bene et ben lavate, tagliale et pestale inel mortaio. Poi li metterai in una pignatta et metivi un poco d’aqua e un altro poco de aceto et fala scaldare bene come se volesse bolire. Poi lo rimetti in ditto mortaio con lo ditto brodo et ripestalo molto bene. Poi lo premi et ne cava quanto suco tu ne poi cavare con torchietto. Poi lo cola et piglierai del ditto suco onze vj et del mele crudo onze ijs et meti insieme et rimettilo al foco in uno pignatino et falo apeni levare il bolore tanto che tu lo schiumi bene. Poi lo ritorni a ricolare con peza suttila cosi caldo et lo potrai serbare ali tuoi bisogni. Et quando lo vorai dare al paciente besinfio, dagliene onze ijs per 3 matine continue caldo a modo di syropo. Et sta inel letto in riposso con panni assai adosso per sudare et quando sei sudato rassugati politamente et suda piu che tu poi et presto el corpo si movera, et non mangiare se prima non sei andatto al manco 2 volte del corpo. Poi mangerai ligermente e poco e ben cotto et non mangiare frutti ne altre cose humide ne agrumi et, per la dei gratia, presto tu guarirai perche la e statta piu volte aprobata, et per dei gratia, sono guariti. -------- [Page 97] Ala oppilatione et bessenfio. Rx. malvasia overo vino bianco bono galliardo lb. 16 et mettivi drento queste erbe, marobio, salvia, ysopo, finochio, endivia e buglossa, ana m. uno, et metterai ogni cosa in uno vaso netto senza odore et fallo bolire tanto che calli la metta. Poi lo cola et preme le erbe sotto al torchietto et cavane la substantia incorporando col vino. Poi lo rimetti inela pignata et li metti drento mele purgato onze vj et falo ribollire per uno quarto d’ora. Poi lo ricola per essere piu netto. Et poi tu lo conserva in fiasco di vetro e ben coperto in loco fresco per li tuoi bisogni. Poi la matina ne darai al paciente a bere caldo a modo di syropo onze vj et mettivi drento mezo chugiaro di tartaro di vin bianco fatto in polvere sutilissima et questo farai per 8 o 10 maitine continue. Stando in letto e ben coperto per sudare. Poi ti rissuga benissimo. Dopoi tu leverai suso vestito con la zimara intorno et passegerai per la camora accio chel sangue si riscaldi et come tu senti lo apetitto e tu mangia e mangia cose bone e ben cotte e bevi poco e sta caldo. Et questa bevanda continuandola como ditto e presto per dei gratia guarirai che da piu persone questa e statta aprobata e sono guariti e bene per dei gratia. Et se tu pesterai radice di finochio e di appio e cavarne suco et pigliarne a ugual peso o misura con uno poco di vino bianco bono caldo in modo di syropo et continuandolo per al quanti giorni, presto guarirai del bessinfio. E probato. Chi fusse giallo inel viso. Rx. del erba bertonicha fala seccare et fane polvere sutilissima et usela a bere con bon vino bianco caldo la matina per tempo a modo di syropo et presto ti fara ritornare il bel colore in viso. Et anche se tu farai cosere dela ditta erba con abrotano, marobio, pimpinella, cicorea, assentio, maiorana, rosmarino, ana m. uno, bolito con malvasia et dane onze ij a modo di syropo. Et usare a bere dela ditta bolitura e ti fara tornare collorito como tu eri di prima et se farai questo guarirai e presto. E de provata. Aqua dela oppilatione dele vene. Rx. erba schabiosa, buglossa, salvia, finocchio, ysopo, marrobio, ana m. uno, et tutte queste erbe fale destillare al lambicco di vetro. Et mettevi incompagnia a destillare un bocale di vin bianco bono. Et poi che sera stillata, piglia quell aqua tutta et fala restillare un altra volta. Poi la conserva in vaso di vetro et ne darai al paciene onze ij ogni matina calda a modo di syropo et la piglii in tempo fresco et farati uttile molto ala persona. Lattovorio delo stomacho per causa dela milza e humori di mal sangue. Rx. roxe fresche, ruta, ana onze ij, barbe di endivia, di radichio e di bertonicha e finochio, ana onze iiij, fior di boragine e verminacha, ana onze vj. Tutte queste cose vano tagliate e peste sutilmente et poi si vogliano conficere in lb. 3 di mele. Poi li meti drento queste specie, garoffani onza j, zafferano drama j, nuce muscata onze ij et bene incorporate et cotto quanto basti et usalo e zovarati. -------- [Page 98] Lattovario ala oppilatione o dropico o tisicho overo chi avesse cativo stomaco. Rx. limatura di aciaio onza j et li purga la ne greza in questo modo, vz.: Rx. la limatura dela aciaio quella che a te pare che la sia limata suttile et mettila in una pignata nova et metivi sopra del aceto bianca forta fortissima quanta sia possibile. Et che la stia ben coperta e in loco caldo. Et ogni sera se li cavi da dosso tutta quell aceto et ne rimetti sopra del altra nova. Et questo farai per 5 o 6 giorni continui et la ultima la lassa drento et con essa la farai bolire a lento foco tanto che l’aceto sia tutta consumato a fatto. Poi lo leva dal foco et lo masina sul porfido o marmo chel sia duro e sutilmente quasi inpalpabile et sera fatto. Et sapi che questo e il vero secreto da preparare la aciaio et non lo preparare se tu non ai di bisogno perche presto diventa ruzine e non ne puoi buono e pero se ne fa poco per volta. Et sappi che questo e molto opptimo e bono ala oppilatione del fegato per cosa provata questa e dela preparacione. Poi torai canella fina un quatrino, zafferano, garofani, ana quatrini ij, et ogni cosa sutilmente pesto et lb. j di mele ben purgato e netto. Et ogni cosa incorpora insieme et ne farai lattuario secondo il solito. Et la matina a stomaco digiuno et la sera quando tu vai a dormire ne piglierai uno chugiaro et starai ½ ora avanti che tu vadi a dormire et videbis mirabilia, et e di prova. Et andando quello che e oppilato 9 matine ante ortun solis a un cieppo di erba chiamata piantam domini genibus flexis dicendo, ‘Dio ti salvi plantam domini.’ Et li dirai 3 pater noster et ave marie et dipoi li orinerai suso dicendo, ‘Fa quello che ti comando il signore.’ Et presto te libererai dela oppilatione e guarirai. Item a lo idroppico. Torai suco di gallia, di noce muscate, di finochio e di assentio, ana, et dallo a bere piu volte al paciente e guarira. Ancora pista la ruta con vino overo con cervosa et bevane spesse volte et molto vale al gonfiamento del corpo et usi a mangiare dela bertonica e presto guarira con mele. Solutivo deli ydropici et giova al ernia ventosa. Rx. suco di consolida magiore onza j, suco di irios drame x, suco di raffano drame vj, syropo de cinque radice lb. j et farai bolire in sufficiente aqua di endivia e finochio et farai syropo longo secondo l’arte. Et la sua presa sera onze ij overo iij et galliardamente tira fora l’aqua citrina et sana li ydropici e presto. Et per farti andere del corpo. Torai tartaro drame ij e termentina drame vj et lavela bene con 4 o 6 aque. Et con uno poco di mel roxato incorpora ogni cosa insieme con uno po poco di mastice. Poi se piglia la sera per la matina, et la matina per la sera et ti fara andare parechie volte del corpo e senza passione. Aqua per il fegato e fa pissare. Rx. cilidonia, savina, iusquiamo, tittimalo et ennula scortichata, ana, e pestale tutte insieme et fale stillare al lambico di vetro et l’aqua la conserva in fiasco ben turato. Nota che questa aqua e molta bona per il fegato, bagnandolo spesso per di fora via calda. Et bagnando spesso el petenechio fa pissare la ranella. Et chi cascasse del mal caduco, bagna le orechie et le nara e presto ritorna et assai zova a chi dolessi la testa, bagnando le orechie per didrento presto cessa il dolore. -------- [Page 99] Pittime per il fegato riscaldato. Rx. aqua di endivia lb. j e di radichio, di nanuffari, di solatro, di assentio, e di fegatella, ana onze iiij, e canfora scropulo ½ e aceto roxato onze ij et ogni cosa mette insieme in una pignata nova. Poi fala scaldare et farai le pittime al solido modo, cioe bagnando le pezze di lana overo una sponga e bagnela bene. Poi premila al quanto et cosi calda mettila dal lato ritto sopra’l fegato et che la stia calda, et come sera al quanto raffredato, ritorna a farlo riscaldare et cossi farai per 3 o 4 volte la sera et la matina et presto tu sentirai miglioramento. Et d’ogn’ ora che tu farai le pittime, ongeli il filo dele rene con unguento sandalino, e zoverali molto, il quale si fa a questo modo, vz.: Unguento di gallieno rinfrescativo ale rene et a ogni male calido. Rx. olio roxato onze iiij, cera bianca onze ij, sandali citrini drama s, e canphora scropulo s. Poi tu metterai l’olio e la cera in uno piccol pignatino et mettilo a foco lento. Dopoi li metterai li sandali fatti in polvere sutilissima et sempre mesta tanto che abia fato um poco di corpo. Poi lo levi dal foco et mettivi drento la canphora tagliata et sia presto a mestarvi drento e finche e fredo. Poi lo laverai in una scudella con aqua roxa e di viola e di piantagine, ana, per 3 o 4 volte et in ultimo lasseli drento um poco dela ditta aqua. Et lo conserva in alberello coperto per la polvere et sempre sera bono avantagiato per la caldeza dela rene et di ogni altro mal calido, ongi la sera et la matina serai guarito. Item unguento rinfrescativo ale rene pure e di gallieno. Torai olio roxato onze ij, cera biancha onza j, meti al foco in uno padelino et falo ben disfare et incorporare et levelo dal foco et metteli drento scropuli 4 di canphora taliata e uno chiar d’ovo ben sbatuto et sempre li mesta dentro finche e freddo. Poi lavelo con aqua roxa e di piantagine 4 o 5 volte et in ultima iene lassa drento un poca et lo ripone ali tuoi bisogni. Et con esso ongeti le rene matina e sera et molto ti zovera et etiam per causa di infirmita et zoverati assai. E questo e rimedio universale aprobato. Et etiam al improviso, torai un chiara d’ovo fresco con um po poco di aceto roxato, incorpora bene insieme et bagna el filo dele rene e presto di zovera per un subito. Item unguento rinfrescativo bianco. Torai olio roxato onze vj, trementina onza s, songia di vitello strutta onze iij, cera bianca onze ij, aqua roxa onza j, canphora drama j e albumi d’ovo frescho no. 2. Poi metterai l’olio e la termentina a foco e lento. Poi che sera semato il 4 o il 3 et metivi la songia. Poi levelo dal foco et metivi l’albume et la canfora con l’aqua roxa et sempre mestandovi drento finche sera freddo. Poi lo adoperi a ongere il dolore dele rene. Et etiam alcuni lo adopera anche ala rogna et molto li leva quello gran picicore e ne guarisse. *Item a chi sputasse sangue per casone di vena rotta nel petto. Rx. polvere di corali et danne a bere al paciente con polvere di gussi d’ovo. *Item. Piglia ogni di il terzo di uno bichiere di suco di betonicha la matina a digiuno et in 2 mesi sarai sanato. *Item a sputum sanguinis expectore. Rx. endivie, epatica, lupolorum, capillis veneris, arnaglose, ana m. uno, liquiritie onze ij, passularum, ordie mundi, violarum, ana onza j, seme papaveris albi, sandalorum rubeorum, berberis, ana drame iij, draganti, succi riquilitie, ana drame iij, juiubarum no. vj, acqua arnaglose onze iij, zuchari albi onze vj, pinidiorum onze iiij, et fiat sirupus. -------- [Page 100] Pittime per il fegato riscaldato e maculato. Rx. aqua di epaticha onze iij et dala a bere al paciente la matina calda a modo di syropo uno poco di zucharo drento per 9 matine, la quale molto conferisse al fegato et zova molto al polmone et ala chollera per causa dela oppilatione. Et etiam e bona la ditta erba a chi fusse difettoso dele ditte infermita a usarla a mangiare overo a berne fatta in polvere, molto ti zovera. Ancora il suco del fumo sterno e molto bono a berlo cosi fredo et anche li syropi col zucharo drento et queste bevande molto si usa in tempo di primavera et l’homo sta sano tutto l’anno. E probati. Chi avesse tremita di core, maxime se fusse spaventoso che non potesse dormire. Rx. del basilico garofolato et dele sue somente e zenzero e tramarino e anesi crudi, ana, et fane d’ogni cosa polvere sutila. Et poi la distemperi con aqua roxa e aqua di mirabolani. Poi ne beverai mezo bichiere la matina e la sera quando vai a dormire et molto ti zovera a tal spavento. Et non potendo avere tale aqua torai del vino bianco et farai bolire drento le ditte erbe et di quello vino tu ne berrai inel modo como del aqua. Et continuandolo per dei gratia, presto guarirai. Aqua per li tisichi, molta perfettissima. Rx. ciochiole, cioe lumache col gusso, et laveli politamente e bene con aqua frescha. Poi falle bolire al quanto. Poi caveli fora del gusso et molto bene le lava con sale tanto che vada via quella schiumaza grossa et poi con aqua frescha li rasenta bene. Poi lassale sugare al quanto. Poi metteli a stillare al lambicco di vetro con lento foco chi non brusano e mettivi drento incompagnia al quante noce verde di arcipresso taliate sutte e osmarino taliato m. uno, e fiori di boragine lb. j, et di buglossa onze vj, et per ogni lb. una di lumache metteli onze iiij di zucharo et fa che ogni cosa sia incorporato inela distillatione et serberai l’aqua che nesse in vaso di vetro coperto et bene ne piglierai a tuo piacere la matina quando tu levi, la sera quando vai a dormire, inanti pasto et dopo’l pasto. Et fa tuo sforzo di berla calda se tu poi perche miglior servitio ti fara che essendo freddo e piu presto guarirai et con piu tu ne berrai pocha e spessa per volta la ti dara gran sustantia et ti fara bono stomacho e galliardo. Et per dei gratia, presto guarirai. E di provata. Item a li tisichi. Rx. erba farfara e lardo di porco e batti ogni cosa bene insieme et pilia un ovo frescho et incorpora bene insieme et cosilo a modo di una fritata. Et quella la mangi calda et questo farai per 9 matine continue, e vedreti effetto mirabile et vale a ingrassare una persona che fusse magra. A chi sputa sangue per avere rotta la vena del petto. Rx. dele cachature di topi et falo in polvere sutilissima chel sia mezo chugiaro et mettilo in mezo bichiere di suco di piantagine con un poco di zucharo et dalo a bere al paciente la sera quando el va a dormire et cosi la matina per tempo al quanto tiepido et in pochi giorni serai sano. Conservati del vivere, mangia cose ben cotte e bene mastichate e sta caldo e guarirai. -------- [Page 101] A fegato riscaldato et asminuire il dolore de la milza. Rx. la foglia, el fiore del tamariso quanta tu voi. Fala seccare al ombra et fane polvere sutila. Poi ne darai al paciente uno chugiaro in uno ovo frescho overo in vino la matina per tempo. Poi li darai una pocha di uva passerina con sopra uno dito di vino per 15 o 20 giorni. Conservandosi del vivere, non mangiare cose cative et presto pigliera miglioramento. Et etiam potrai tore deli bottoni dele roxe avanti che si aprino e bertonicha e valeriana, salvia e menta, marobio, ruta, foglie e fiori di tamariso, ana m. s. Fale seccare al ombra et fane polvere suttile et dane al paciente difettoso di riscaldamento di fegato et per isminuire il dolore dela milza uno cugiaro in uno fresco ogni matina, overamente lui ne mangi in tutti i modi che molto li zovera, e presto guarira. Item a guarire il fegato. Torai per 3 matine onze iij di suco di radichio con onza j di zucharo, e presto guarira. Lattovario per passione di stomacho et di tisicho et per la milza indurita. Rx. radice di altea ben lavate et cavane l’anima del mezo et pigliane lb. j et fale cosere in aqua e pestale et fale passare per la stamigna. Poi ritornale in pignata al foco et agiongeli mele purgato lb. js et falo bolire tanto che sia bene incorporato et agiongeli una passera netta e pesta minutamente et la incorpora bene con la tua spatula. Poi la levi dal foco et lassela al quanto raffredare. Poi gli agiongi cinamomo onza s, et rigolitia in polvere onze js, et incorpora molto bene. Et sera fatto, lattuario optimo a tutte le sopra dette enfermita, pigliandone uno chugiaro la matina e uno la sera un ora avanti pasto. Et se questo lattovario l’ussera il difettoso di milza et che abia passione di stomacho et in processo di tempo guarirai. Conservandoti del vivere et maxime di frutti et di ogni erbame e agrumi et legumi et non bere aqua fredda et manco che si po non la toccare non carne porcina, ne manco donne, et farai exercicio temperato e sta caldo et, osserva questo, in breve guarirai, per dei gratia. Ad dolorem matricis, oracione. ‘In nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + amen. Matrix quam per multas radices totum corpus famule dei A occupus et nefas, adiuro te per patrem + et filium + et spiritum + sanctum + et per beatam virginem mariam et per angelos et archangelos et per cherubin et seraphin et per tronos dominationes et per profetas et per duodecim apostelos e per 24 seniores et per centum quadraginta quatuor miglia innocentes et per virgines sanctas potestatem que super celos siant ut in locum tuum redeas sicut annam fuit in conspectu dei de alia matre existi ille te constringat que in celis regnat pater ut dolorem non teneas sic. Coniuro te per dominum nostrum yesum christom ut in locum tuum venertas ille te constringat que in celis vivit et regnat et famulam tuam A defendas, amen. + Christus vincit, + christus regnat, + christus imperat + agrea + otheos + agios + reschiros + agreos + athanatos + amen.’ Porta tecum et presto guarirai. Item. Aliud breve ad idem. ‘In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Conuiro te dolorem matricis per patrem + et filium + et spiritum sanctum + et per sanctum trinitatem + individuam unitatem +. Coniuro te dolorem matricis per me[ssia]m + omnipotentem dei +. Coniuro te dolorem matricis per duodecim apostolos dei +. Coniuro te dolorem matricis per omnes santos et santas dei +. Coniuro te dolorem matricis per quatuor doctores dei +. Coniuro te dolorem matricis per 4 evangelistas dei +. Coniuro te dolorem matricis per omnes angelos dei +. Coniuro te dolorem matricis per omnes angelos, arcangelos, cherubin, seraphin, tronos dominaciones potestates dei + qui non cessant clamare quotidie et laudare deum omnipotentem et exaltare +. Coniuro te dolorem matricis… -------- [Page 102] per omnia nomina omnipotentis dei ut amplius non noceas nec nocere debeas famula dei Aut famulum A Conuiro vos omnes radices matrices per omne nomem omnipotentis dei ut amplius non noceatis nec molestatis per turbatis famulam ut famulum dei A Pater agla helii o emanuel adonai,alpha et omega. Sicut deus fuit crucifixus per redemptione mundi et passus in cruce et tertia di e ressirexit a mortuis et liberavit Enoch et Petrum de mari et tres pueros de camino ignis ardentis,sidrach, misach et abdenego + ita liberare digneris famulam ut famulum tuum ab omni ardore et calore matricis. + Christus vincit, Christus + regnat, Christus + imperat. + Christus ab isto dolore te defendat, amen + + +.’ Item ad dolorem matris, Sante brigide. ‘Deus que beate brigide virginis inimicos superare concessisti da huic famule (famulo) tue (tuo) tu que es increatus pater, + increatus filius, + increatus spiritus, + sanctus. Christe filii dei vivi libera hanc famulam tuuam de omni dolore. Christe filii dei vivi libera hanc famulam tuam ab omni dolore. Christe filii dei vivi libera hanc famulam tuam ardore et dolore. Gaspar fert mirram, + melchior incensum, + baldasar aurum +, hec tria que secum portabit nomina regnum liberetur a morbo domini pietate caducho + amen.’ ‘Jesus nazarenus rex judeorum + jesu christe filii dei vivi miserere famula (famulo) tua (tuo) + yesus autem transiens per medium illorum ibat. + Christus vincit, + Christus regnat, + Christus deus homo factus est. + Yesus christus rex venit in pace et deus homo factus est + asto, agato, alpha et omega + tetragramaton + clementis creator eloy te tremunt, omnes angeli adorant et archangeli verbum patris ingenitus + + + .’ Al male di madre, breve e aprobato. Dirai: ‘O mal di matrice ben cento tanta radici, mugia come bove, salta come cervo, urla come lupo, abaglia come cane, mughia come leone, nota come pesce, ciufula come serpente. Piange nel corpo una creatura +. Io ti scongiuro o male di matrice per lo dio + de habraam, per lo dio + de isaach et per lo dio de + jacob, et per lo dio che costagne le radici et le spine dela radice dele felce, constringe da te la tua gramma serva. Et ancora ti scongiuro matrice per li angioli et archangioli, per li propheti et innocenti, per li confessori et per le virgini, per li sancti et per sancto gregorio et per le piaghe del nostro signore yehsu christo + et per la sua sancta generatione che al tuo luogo id dio + ti constringa lo quale e il tuo regno. Sancta maria aiutta et libera questa tua serva A del male di matrice accio non abbia possanza di nocere a questa tua serva A di dio A ne de di, ne di notte, ne dormendo, ne veggiando, ne bevendo, ne mangiando, ne andando, ne sederendo, torna al logo tuo dove venisti di pelo in pelo, di piede in piede, di carne in carne, amen. Agios, agios, agios, kirie leyson, kirie leyson, kirie leyson. Signore i dio chi liberasti susanna del falso crimine et sancta agnese dali tormenti et sancta kterina dalle mane di maxentio inperatore et sancta margarita dale mane del dimonio, cossi libera questa tua serva A dal male dela matrice si come liberati la vergine maria et le donne sue + + +. Amen.’ Sapiate che la madre di sancto gregorio era molto tormentata di molti mali et dolori dela matrice et feci questa oratione per rimedio di questo male et subito lei fue liberata. Et questa oratione vole essere letta ogni matina e portata a dosso et legerla 5 matine con una candela benedetta acesa et che la donna inferma dica 5 pater noster con 5 ave marie inginochioni et per dei gratia, presto sera liberata. A chi avesse tremita di core overo fusse spaventoso dormendo o vegiando, dica la sera questa oratione col pater noster, vz.: “In nome sia di dio et dela vergine Maria et dela sancta trinita. Madona sancta maria longho el mare se ne stava e donna misera se ne veniva e, ‘Che ai, donna misera, che piangi e supiri?’ ‘Ho uno mio figliolo e mi’l perdo dal scorbattulo.’ ‘Vanne via, donna misera, et toi il frutto di l’ape et petino bianco dal capo e frumento levato et metti in petto al tuo figliolo che intermine di 3 sera guarito e liberato.’ Et cosi piaccia a dio e ala vergine maria et ala sancta trinita et cossi sia + + + .” Et dila 3 volti et piu non averai spavento, e guarirai. -------- [Page 103] A restringere el troppo fluxo di mestrui. Rx. radice 3 di piantagine cum le foglie et cocele in acqua di fiume et di ista da bere al paciente e presto si restringe. Al male di matrice. Rx. corno di cervo brusato, incenso, mastice, ana, tutti polverizate et mettilo inel loco secreto del pacienti. Ellectuarium stomachale contra matricis dolorem. Rx. garofilorum, cinamomi, croci, nucis muschate, piperis longi, zedovarie, macis, cubebarum, galange, cardamomo, zinziberis, ana drama j scropulo j, fogliorum rorismarini et florum, ana onza s, mente, salvie, serpilli, ysopi, betonice, artemisia, maiorane, seminis anesi, feniculi, coriandolorum, coralorum rubeorum, iva, drame ij scropuli ij, et fiat ellectuarium cum melle. Prius ponendo herbas bene contritas et postea aromatarum et in fine florum et fiat ellectuarium, sempre miscendo cum spatula ligniea. Item. Ellectuarium ad matricem confortandum. Rx. cinamomi electi drame ij, artemisie, nucis muschate, ana onza s, baccarum lauri drama j. Misce pulverizando subtiliter et cum onze vj mellis, fiat ellectuarium. *Remedio a far nascer li capegli per conto de pelarella, provato in lucca, 1559. Rx. mel chiaro e bello lb., pepe pesto onza, con al quante radici de canne fresche. Stilla con mettervi prima nel fondo del lambicco tanta ghiara lavata che cupra el fondo del lambicho. Et con questa acqua ti bagnarai mattina e sera per 8 giorni, e guarirai, cioe ti fara nascere li pelli e sel ti pare continua al quanti di piu. *Remedio a far che non te pelli quando cominciasti subito. Rx. malvagia lb., pevere lungo pesto. Farai le ditte cose stillare in lambico di vetro o boccia vitriata et con questa acqua ti lava mattina e sera per 4 o sei di, e sarai libero. Provato in ferrara nel 1566. *Rx. ysopi montani, abrotani, ana m. ij, malvagie, vini neque purei, lactis recentis, ana lb. j, semeni sinapis onze vj. Fiat infusio per 3 di et poi stilla a lambicco ut supra et bagna dove bisogna. -------- [Page 104] [Blank page] -------- [Page 105] A febre quartana, onto per il filo dele rene. Rx. salvia, osmarino, ruta e bono vischio, ana m. uno, et metteli in una pignata nova et mettivi drento olio comune e di ruta e malvasia overo vin bianco potente, ana uno bichiere et farai bolire coperto a lento foco tanto che rimangha il terzo o poco piu. Poi lo leva dal foco e colalo per i stamegna et premerai le erbe sotto al torchietto et cavene bene tutta la substantia. E mette insieme in uno pignatello. Et rimettilo al foco et mettivi drento mastici bianco pisto onza s, e cera nova onza j, e scropulo uno di incenso maschio et lasselo bolire pian piano che cali il terzo et sera fatto. Et avanti che li vengha la febre di un ora o piu o meno, li ongirai il filo dela schiena cominza di sopra e va fina in fondo et che l’onto sia ben caldo et strapicialo bene al ingioso e stia caldo e guarirai. Item a febre quartana. Rx. triaccha vechia e aqua vita di 3 cotte, ana onza j, et fane 3 parte, cioe drama s per volta, et farai scaldare una dele ditte parte et ongerai el filo dela schena cominzando sopra al collo per insino sopra’l coderone e anche altra verso et questo farai per 3 volte ala fila quando ti viene la febre, et presto ne guarirai. Item a febre quartana. Rx. aqua vita dela bona onze vj et mettila in una charaffina et mettivi drento garoffani intieri onza j e uno poco di radice di ebuli dele bianche ben lavate e nette. Poi la copri et lassela stare al sole per 2 o 3 giorni et subito che tu senti chel ti viene la febre, pigliane onze ij che la sia al quanto tiepida et subito la bevi. Et che sempre la stia ben turrata perche la perderia la sustatia. E starai caldo in letto, et la piglierai questi 3 termine avanti che la febre ti assalti, et per la gratia di dio, presto guarirai perche la e provata. Item a febre quartana. Rx. assentio, ruta, abbrottano, e artemisia, ana m. uno or piu, tanto che tu ne cavi onze iij per ogni sorte che sera in tutto lb. j et olio comune del vechio onze viij e olio laurino onze iiij et incorpora ogni cosa insieme et metti in uno pignatino a foco molto lento tanto che venghi a calare la meta como e adire tutti i suchi. Poi lo cola et lo ritorna al foco e metivi drento cera nova onza j et como la e distrutta lo leva dal foco e sera fatto. Et quando a mezora tu sei apresso al venire dela febre, tu volta le rene al foco et fati ongere bene il filo dela schena al ingioso et mettivi sopra un panno caldo et mettilo al letto chel stia caldo. Et questo farai per 3 o 4 volte e piu non ti verra la quartana febre. Conservati e guarirai. Item. Torai un pomo non tropo maturo et spartilo in 3 parte et ogni matina dela febre ne mangerai un pezo. Et dirai 3 pater noster et 3 ave marie et scriveli sopra queste sancte parole, vz., ‘Christo yehsu fu morto sul legno dela croce verace.’ Et al 2 ne dirai 6 con 6 ave marie et scriverai cosi, “Al hora la terra trema. Disse jesu christo, ‘Che ai tu terra che tu tremi? Ne fredo ne caldo tu non hai.’ ” Et il 3 pezo ne dirai 12 con 12 ave marie e scrive, vz., ‘Chi queste parolle dira ne fredo ne caldo non avera.’ Et in questo ultimo ne dirai 24 pater con 24 ave marie divotamente et presto la quartana andera via. Probato. Item a febre quartana. Rx. un pane grosso e caldo quando si cava fora del forno et subito lo tuffa in una catinella piena di aceto fortissima et lasselo bene insupare fa chel stia coperto. Et poi fallo stillare con tutta quella aceto chi e avanzato al lambicho di vetro. Poi ne darai al febricante onza j a bere avanti che la venga et la fara ussire di sotto e di sopra cative collere. E presto guarira, per dei gratia. -------- [Page 106] A febre quartana, bevanda optima. Rx. bertonicha e camapiteos, ana m. uno, e vino bianco bono bocali 2 et farai bolire tanto che calli la terza parte et colalo e premi l’erbe soto al torchieto et cavene la sustantia et serbalo insieme in vaso neto. Et quando ti viene la quartana, tu ne bevi uno bichiere che la sia calda et subbito va nel letto per sudare e ben coperto e se tu suderai egli e bon segno di guarire presto. Et farai questo 4 o 6 volte inel tempo che li viene la febre, e guarirai. Item a febre quartana. Per 2 o 3 ore avanti che ti venghi la quartana, per 3 volti ala fila cioe 3 matine, piglierai erba cinque fogli, cioe pantafilon, et mangelo a modo di insalata con una fetta di pane et fane 7 boconcini e not piu ne meno. Et sta sicuro che presto la quartana se ne andera via senza altra passione. Et conservati dela bocha, e presto guarirai. Item a febre quartana, e di provata. Rx. gentiana e radice di peonia, ana drama s, et fane polvere sutilissima et fane 5 parte et quando viene l’ora dela febre, fali un bon foco et dalla a bere una dele ditte parte di questa polvere con bon vino e chel sia caldo. Et poi li ongi il filo dele rene con olio larino et questo lo farai per 5 volte. Poi lo metti cosi caldo al letto et in pochi giorni se liberera. Et per la prima volta ti dara um poco di alteracione oltra al tuo ordinario et questo e il migliore segno per guarire che tu possi avere, ma sapiti conservare del vivere e sta caldo. Item a mandare via febre 4, 3, 2 e presto. Torai de caput unis fenoris et fac pulvis subtiliter et detur pacienti chochleare unam in potu ut in cibo et liberabitur tribus vicibus ut quinque et cito liberabitur. De provata. Item a febre quartana. Rx. una pignata nova et empila di cardo sancto cossi assutto. Poi la empi di aqua et fala bolire tanto che cali la meta e che la stia ben coperta. Levela dal foco et la coli con diligentia, strochando bene l’erba. Poi darai onze 4 dela ditta bolitura al febricante avanti che li venga il parasismo. E presto vada in letto e ben coperto per sudare e presto dela quartana guarira, perche tutta la collera spudera. E provata. Item a febre quartana, terzana, medicina. Rx. mezo bichiere di aceto et mettivi drento un ovo fresco per uno di naturale e falo stare coperto. Poi l’altra matina rompi el dito ovo in quella aceto medema et bevilo ogni cosa insieme e con bono animo e bevto che tu l’averai, tu sentirai gran travagliamento inelo stomaco et alora egli e bon segno impero che quella aceto a quel modo rompe quella colera adusta che sta sun lo stomaco che comove la febre et te la fara ismaltire per di sopra et di sotto. Et sapi che in quello anno febre non ti verra perche chi la probata ne rende bona testimonianza, e guarirai. Pillore contra febre. Rx. lapidis lazuli drama j, pillore indiarum drame ij, et incorpora con syropo roxato et farai 3 pillore et ne pilierai una un ora avanti che venga la febre. Et cosi farai per tre volte continue in termine di febre, e presto guarirai. Conservati e sta caldo e mangia ligere. A uno putino che abia il ventre infiato. Rx. semenze del mirasole et dali a bere con vino o brodo per 3 o 4 giorni e sera presto liberato. -------- [Page 107] Orationi divoctissime per ogni febre et per portare a collo. ‘Omnipotente dio sempiterno il quale per la sua misericordia deti la suua gratia al suo sanctissimo apostolo, M[onseignor] santo pietro, che dio la dia a questa creatura A overo A che nissuna febre ne altro spirito maligno li possano valere ne avere possanza sopra di loro. Io ti scongiuro febre che tu nescha di questa creatura per li 7 nomi di christo li quali nomi sono questi, vz., saladon, hasitolam, lo terzo nome, lo quarto sattolia, lo quinto hanaii, lo sesto cielo, lo settimo zuampiero. Io ti scongiuro febre senza alcuna contradicione che tu deba ussire fora di questa creatura A, per il padre, filiolo e spirito santo, per lo omnipotente nostro, per la sua santa nattivita, per lo baptesimo, per la sua passione, per la sua santa resuretione, per la sensione quando l’ando in cielo, per la gloria delo spirito santo, per la verginita dela gloriosa sempre vergine maria et per tutti li santi angioli et archangeli di dio che el di di natale, per la virtu de principale cherubini et seraphini, per cento migli asignati li quali stano sempre ala sedia di dio, per li 12 apostoli, per li 4 evangelisti, per li marteri confessori, per le vergini, per lo cielo, per la luna, per lo sole, per la terra, et per tutte le stelle di dio, faza non abia possanza sopra questa creatura A di voi se ti fuora vogliate signore i dio liberare questa creatura A de ogni febre continue secondane, terzane, quartane, sestane, septimane, per il nome di dio, padre, filiolo et spirito santo.’ “Davanti ala porta di galitia santo pietro giaceva con la febre et christo se rivolto e disse, ‘Che ai tu pietro che tu diacii?’ et alora santo pietro li risposi e disse, ‘Signore io hoe la febre.’ Et disse christo, ‘Di questa horatione e subito serai liberato.’ Et santo pietro domando questa gratia a dio e fue exaudito. Che ciaschuna persona che legera overamente la fara leggere, sia liberato da ogni febre como ditto e di sopra, in nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +, amen + + +.” Nota che questa oratione va letta 5 matine sopra al amalato con 5 pater noster et la candella benedetta acera con divotione et con l’aiutto di dio guarirai. E di aprobata. Item oratione contra febre. Vz., ‘Sancti gosime et damiane horaverunt ad Dominum ut qui cunque nomina eorum super se portaverit sanarentur a febre 4, 3, 2 et continua. + Domine jesu christe + libera famulum tuum A di omnibus febribus per ista sancta nomina dei, agios, yschiros, athanatos, et leyson, amen. + Agios Pater eleyson + yschiros, 2 eleyson + athanatos , 3 elelyson, Amen. Patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen.’ Et sopra a questa poliza fali dire sopra una messa de li ditti sancti et sotto li scrive il nome delo infermo et fali dire 5 pater noster et tachela al collo et sicuramente guarira. Item oratione contra febre. Vz., “Quando christo posse il piede dritto suso il legno dela sancta croce, tutti il mondo tremo +. Il giudeo li disse, ‘Che ai tu christo che tu tremi? + Hai tu la febre ?’ + et ‘Mai non l’avero. + Et che queste parolle dira divoctamente + e li portera adosso per mio amore + et mai febre non avera + ne cotidiana + ne terzana + ne quartana.’ + Christus natus + christus passus, ressurexit a mortuis, + christus vincit, + christus regnat, + christus imperat, + amen. + Domine yehsu christe libera famulum tuum A ab omni febre et ab omni malo, amen, et corporis, amen. Fiat, fiat, fiat, + amen.” Questa la impara a mente et dila inel orechia al paciente et li ne scrivi uno policino et nelo metti al collo. Et questo vale al male di matrone e a mal di madre et lo tacha il padre o la madre overe uno fanciullo con 5 pater noster e presto lo infermo guarira. E provata. Item a febre presto presto mandarla via. Tu che ai la febre leva la matina al alba e va fora al sereno inzinochiati di il pater noster con l’ave maria e dirai cosi, vz., ‘Febre terzana, febre quartana et febre di ogni di, si possa partire da me come fa l’alba dal di + + +.’ Et dilla 3 volte per matina per 3 matine continue. E de aprobata. -------- [Page 108] Ad curandum febrem et vulnera et scolatione verghe, aprobatum cum aqua. “In nomine sancte ac individue trinitatis Patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. In nomine sanctissime noctis in quo virgo maria peperit unde christus natus est. Christus est mortuus et christus resurexit et precepit illis vulneribus ut essent bene firme et bene curate absque fectorem frigore sine febri et sine evomitatione sanguinis, sine fractione osarum et sine aliquo dolore vel morbum. Christus imperarit et beata virgo maria oravit sicut longinus hebreus Domini nostri, yehsu christi, latus lancea perforavit et dicti vulnus saniem et putredinem non duxit sed fuerunt carnem cressente sanato in honorem passionis Domini nostri yehsu christi. Vulnera istius ita bene sanetur absque ulla macula et per septem verba que dixit in cruce si licet deo patri omnipotenti ignose illis quia nesciunt quid faciunt, amen. ‘Dico tibi hodie mecum eris im paradiso.’ ‘Ely, ely, lama zabatani.’ ‘Mulier ecce figlius tuus.’ ‘Sitio.’ ‘In manus tuas comendo spiritum meum.’ ‘Consumatum est.’ In nomine patris et + filii et + spiritus sancti + amen. Ghet, ghimel ighabil.” Et patiens dicat ter pater noster ad honorem santissime trinitatis. Et postea cape aquam et dic, ‘Benedico te aqua per yehsum christum filium eius unicum dominum nostrum qui te in canna gallilee signo ad mirabili sue potentie convertit in vinum qui pedibus suis supte ambulavit et ha jone in jordano batizatus in te omnes qui una cum sanguine de lattere suo produxit et dixit discipulis curate omnia vulnera. In nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +, amen.” Iterum, ‘Benedico te aquam in nomine santissime virginis marie, bene + dico te + aquam + in nomine omnium sanctorum dei. Benedico + te aquam in nomine illius sanctissime noctis in qua beata virgo maria peperit filium suum Dominum nostrum yehsum christum. Benedico + te aquam per mortem atrocissimam Domini nostri yehsu christi. Benedico + te per illus resurectionem et per preceptum quod fecit quando iussit ut vulnera sua absque ullo fectore, periculo, dolore, frigore, absque ullo nervi incisione bene salide et purgate et absque ulla malitia sanarentur. Ita etiam vulnera super quibus effusa fuerit hanc aquam ab omni malo sit sanate in nomine Patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + amen.’ Hec verba dicitur super invocato et vase pleno aquam cum pater noster et ave maria. Primo poste a bagna le peze che voi imponere sopra le ferrite et dica il paciente et li circumstanti 3 pater noster con l’ave maria et metti le peze in + et medica 2 volte al giorno et le brutte peze mete sul foco et non panni di donna. Tu sai como li va. Et etiam vale la ditta aqua a quella persona che a li mestrui bianchi overo desfilacione de reni bevedone uno bichiere la matina per tempo a modo di syropo con 3 pater noster et la continua per 10 o 15 matine et guarirai. Et ne beva uno che abia la febre quartano, et presto guarira. Oratione contra ad ogni sorte di febre. ‘Libera Domine famulam (famulo) tuam (tuo) de dolore febris terzana, quartana sicut liberasti petrum et paulum de carceribus et susanam de falcis criminis. Surgens jesus de sinagogha intravit in domum simeonis sochrus autem simeonis tenebatur magnis febribus et rogaverunt illum per ea et stans super illam imperavit febrii et dimiscit illam et continuo surgens ministrabat illis. Jesus rex fiat, yehsu + yehsu + amen.’ Et questa oratione la porta teco e presto guarirai. Item. Torai quella noce tonda dela querza e guarca che vi troverai drento il ragno et quella atacchela al collo col ragno vivo et come il ragno e morto la febre se ne andera e non tornera. -------- [Page 109] Oratione contra a febre. ‘Potentia Patris, sapientia filii, virtus spiritus sancti, liberet famulum tuum A ab omni febre et per intercessione virginis marie et meritis sanctorum, cipriani, giulliani, alberti, giorgi et sigismondi, martiris, in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Christus natus pater est, Christus mortuus filius est, Christus resusitatus spiritus sanctus est. In nomine Patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. + + + .’ Et porta tecum. Oratio contra febre. ‘Christus natus, Christus passionatus, Christus crucifixus, libera famulum tuum A da febre ad honorem virginis marie, sancte josephe, sancti petri, sancte gismondi, sancte anne, sancti bertolomei et sancte honofrio et de tutti li sancti e le sancte di dio, in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. + + + .’ Oratione ala febre quartana e portasi a collo. + ‘Domine yehsu christe deplorante per sanctas lacrimas tuas quas tu posuisti, quando lazarum resuscitasti ut liberare digneris famulum tuum A de febris quartana ne de cetero te noscere posuit. Christus vincit. Christus regnat. Christus imperat. On. On. Febris sion + diabolus ligavit angelus soluit. Christus liberavit . Pater et filius et spiritus sancti, Amen. + + + .’ Scrive in carta virgine. Oratione a febre quartana. + ‘Unus patrem + unus spiritus, sp[irit]o aflam dei, amen. Sanet orem + cum dabram + bia cum + drabam + cum dabma + adabram + bia + + + manfon + bafoc + deraram. Domine libera famulum tuum A ad tam spintim preotam domine, amen. Pater et filius et spiritus sancti, amen.’ Carta d’agnelo non nata li scrivi. Porta tecum. Oratione contra febre. ‘Potentia dei, patris sapientia dei filii, virtus spiritus sancti, liberet me, famulum tuum A ab omni febre quartana, tertiana, cotidiana et continua et ab omni malo, amen. + + + . Hec virtus da ta fuit a deo beato Honofrio, Pater et filius et spiritus sancti, amen.’ Porta’l collo e guarirai. Oratio ad febre terzana, aprobata. Tora 3 foglie di salvia et mangene una per matina et sopra a la prima li scrivi suso queste parole, ‘Christus est pax,’ la 2 ‘Christus est requies,’ la terza ‘Christus est perfectum remedium consumatum est.’ Et dirai 3 pater noster per ogni matina et piglia con divotione et guardati deli desordine et piu non ti vera febre terzana. Overamente tu potrai scrive queste altre parole, cioe sopra ala prima foglia, ‘Christus natus,’ la seconda ‘Christus vincit,’ la terza ‘Christus passus’ et per un altra volta che serano 3 scrive sun la prima foglia, ‘Christus regnat,’ la 2 ‘Christus resurexit,’ la terza ‘Christus imperat.’ Et la febre terzana tutta andera via. E provata. Oratione contra febre. “Santo pietro sedeva dinanti al porta di galilea et aveva la febre e vene el signore yehsu a lui e disse, ‘Pietro perche iacci qui et lui rispose?’ ‘Signore, io sono pieno di febre.’ ‘Et coniuro voi febre continua, terzana, quartana, sestana per dio vivente et per lui vi sconiura lo quale apotesta sopra tutte le cose che voi non abiate potesta di nocere a questa creatura servo di dio A.’ Signore nel nome tuo mi fa salvo et con la tua virtu libera me, tua creatura A et per la virtu tua libera me tua creatura da questa febre et da ogni altro male, in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen.” Oratione contra febre per portare a collo. Prima dirai uno pater noster al nome de dio, amen. + “Quando li giudei menavano yehsu christo a crocifigire + + + christo comincio a tremare + et li giudei dicevano, ‘+ Che hai tu, christo, che tu tremi? + + + Hai tu la febre?’ + Christo disse, ‘Non no febre + et non l’ebe mai.’ + Chi queste parole dira overo adosso li portera + + + ad honore de dio et dela sancta trinita + mai febre non havera + se lavera tosto sara libero. + Christus morto + resusito, amen.” -------- [Page 110] Oratione contra febre per portare adosso. ‘+ Christus fuit natus + christus fuit passus + christus fuit in cruce levatus + christus fuit in sepulcro positus + ipse christus qui se liberavit de morte, leberet famulum tuum A a rigoribus febris terzana, quartana, quotitiana. + Christus vincit, christus regnat, christus imperat, amen. Pater et filius et spiritus sanctus, amen.’ Oratione per portare al collo. Scrive, ‘+ Abricholaus + Abricholau + Abrichola + Abricol + Abrico + Abric + Abri + Abr + Ab + A +’ et tachelo al collo per 3 di e non piu. Poi leva et lo brusa et la febre andera via e presto. E provato. Oratione per febre et dolore di testa da portare al collo. ‘ + Jesus maria figlius, + potentia patris, sapientia filii, virtus spiritus sancti, salve et defende famulum (famula) tuum (tua) A ab omni febre et dolorem capitis ad honorem sancti Honofrii + fiat + misericordia tua + super nos + + + .’ Et metila a collo con dire 5 pater noster, e guarirai. Oratione contra febre. Farai dire 3 messe a onore de dio e di santo vincentio et starai audire le ditte messe et per ogni messa dirai 12 volti il credo piccolo and dirai queste quatro parolle, vz., ‘Pax in cielo, Pax in terra, Pax in ore meo.’ Altro non si dice et presto guarirai con l’aiutto di dio e dila vergine maria e di santo vincentio. Aqua da bere per febre quartana. Torai una inchistara che tenga 3 bichieri e empila di aqua netta e dili sopra 3 volte questa divota oratione con lo pater noster a onore di dio et dela santa trinita, vz., “Quando il nostro signore fue martoriato tremava l’aria, il cielo e la terra. El giudeo disse, ‘Ha tu paura, christo, ho ai la febre?’ ‘Io non no paura e non no la febre et chi di questa aqua berra per mio amore e per mia charitade, la febre se ne andera e mai non tornera.’ Pater et + filius + et spiritus sanctus + amen.” Et quando tu la benedisci piliene un poco in boco et buttela fora sul muro. Et farai cosi 3 volte et quella che avanza oltra ali 3 bichieri, butela sul foco e guarirai. Orationem ad febrem. “Ante portam hierusalem sedebat sancto petrus. Ecce venit dominus et ait ille, ‘Quid hic agis o petre?’ Qui respondit, ‘Domine, iaceo febre mea.’ Ait ille yesus, ‘Surge petre et dimitte hanc febrem.’ Qui surgens recta sanitate secutus est eum. ‘Obsecro ergo te domine ere et bone ut qui cumque hec verba super se portaverit febris ei nocere non possit.’ Ait illi yesus, ‘Fiat sicut petisti.’ ” Et porta tecum ista verba et erit liberatus. Amen. Pater et filius et spiritus sanctus. Amen. E guarirai. Item ad febrem. ‘+Pater + filius + spiritus + sanctus + est pax et vita et remedium ad omnem febrem + domine + deus + omnipotens + pater et filius et spiritus sanctus + sancta trinitas + unus deus inefabilius et in tribus personis qui es et qui venturus est, libera famulum tuum A ab omni frigore et febre cottidiana, tertiana, quartana et ab omni dolore, amen.’ Porta tecum. Item a terzana, dopia. Fara una inchistara di suco di assentio et metteli drento queste specierie peste per la valuta di uno giulio, cioe garofani, canella, noce moscata e macis et farai bolire per un pezo tanto che fara corpo a modo di unguento. Poi te onge il filo dele rene. In 4 di serai guarito. -------- [Page 111] Contra a febre de ogni sorte. Scriverai queste 3 parole in obiata et dane a mangiare una per matina sun la prima, ‘Pater panis +,’ la 2 ‘Filius est sapientia +,’ la 3 ‘Spiritum sanctum remedium +.’ Item. Scribe he nomina, ‘ + maphorum + myphorum + muphorum + hysamuel +’ et detur patienti. Item, un altra. Scrive, ‘+ christus sustinuit,’ la 2 ‘+ christo e morto,’ la 3 ‘+ christo rususcito + , libera famulam (famulo) tuam (tuo) A da ogni febre et dolore.’ E presto guarirai. Item. Scrive sopra a chi ti pare purche tu la possi mangiare queste parole, ‘+ Christus natus est + christus crucifixus est ,+ christus resurrexit a mortuis +,’ con 3 pater noster per volta, e guarirai. Ancora ala febre quartana e terzana. Scrive queste parole in una crosta di pane e dala a mangiare al paciente e presto guarira, ‘ + Pax pater + onetoy +, la seconda ‘+ Vita filius sabaoth + adonay,’ la terza ‘+ Remedium spiritus sancti + alpha et omega, yehsum christum +,’ Amen + + + . Oratione devotissima pro omni infirmitate. Vz., ‘Domine deus meus el eloy, eli, sabaoth, elion, ele adonaya, tetragramaton, sadai. Pater et filius et spiritus sanctus, sancta trinitas, unus deus miserere, miserere mei (meo). Agios, otheos, agios, ischiros, agios, athanatos, eleyson, imas deus propitius esto mihi peccatori, inclina deus meus aurem tuam et audi aperi oculos tuos et vide tribulationem amfretatem et infirmitatem meam et misericorditer sucurre michi et adiuva me in necessitatibus meis per reverentiam et amorem et sanctissimi nomen sanctimi filii tui, domini nostri, yesu christi et per reverentiam et amorem et intercessionem sanctiissime virginis marie matris eius et omnem sanctorum et sanctarum tuarum qui vivis et regas in secula seculorum, amen. Eiot et uau, tetagramaton. Domine deus adiuva me et miserere mei et libera me de omni angustia et ab omni febre. Patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen.’ Orationem contra ad febres. ‘Deus qui liberasti daniellem de lacu leonis et maria magdalena de 7 vitii et susannam de falso crimine et jona de ventre ceti et Petrum de mari et Paulus de vinculis et tres Pueros de caminis ignis, ita libera famulum tuum A de febre cotidiana, terzana et quartana et ab omni alia infermitate + Christus vincit + christus regnat + christus imperat +. Domine exaudi orationem meam et clamor meus ad te veniat +. In nomine Patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + amen. Adiuro te, coniuro te febrem + per patrem + et filium + et spiritum sanctum + per omnipotentem nostrum Domini quod est alpha et omega deus et per sanctam trinitatem et per beatam virginem mariam ut tu febris debeas exire et recedes ab hac famulum dei A mentem sanctarum spontaneam honorem deo et famulum dei A liberationem de omni febre cotidiana, terzana et quartana. + Potentia dei, Patris omnipotentis, + sapientia filii dei + virtus spiritus sancti defendat et liberet famulum tuum A ab omni febre et dolori corporis et capitis per virtutem sancte trinitatis et sancti honoffrii et beate job, amen. Fiat +. Liberet famulum dei A ab omni febre et dolore corporis et capitis + per gratiam patris + per virtutem filii + per clementia spiritus sancti. + Abracolaus + abracolau + abracola + abracol + abraco + abrac + abra + abr + ab + a + + +.’ Et dirai 3 pater noster con l’ave maria et per dei gratia presto guarirai da ogni febre et dolore di capo et dolore di corpo, perche e piu volte aprobata. Ala siccita di bocha causato per febre. Rx. somenta di cotogni e di acettosa et legali in un poco di peza di lino sotile et metila a mole in aqua frescha finche l’aqua vengi um poco vischosa et metterai di ditta aqua sopra ala lingua et levera al quanto di quella gran siccita alo infermo et pigliera gran reffrigerio. E provata. -------- [Page 112] Aqua da rogna e sia di che sorte si voglia, grassa o secha. Rx. una inchistara grande da foco del collo largo et fala piena di aqua di cisterna lb. 15, overamente di aqua roxa o di altra aqua odoriffera se tu la farai per qualche gran maestri. Et metteli drento onza j di sulimato, onze ij di lume di rocha e onza j di sale e questa e la sua prima preparatione et ogni cosa sia pesto sutilmente et meti la ditta inchistara dinanti al foco sun un mattone et lassela bolire scoperta tanto che la calli tutto il collo. Poi levela dal foco et lassela fredare. Poi mettivi drento il suchio di 6 limoni e di 3 o 4 aranci agri et il chiaro di 4 ovi freschi ben battuti et savazerai molto bene la inchistara sotto sopra accio che ogni cosa bene se incorpori. Poi la colerai con pezza lina sutilissima et la ritorna nela ditta inchistara et mettila al sole e coperta per 3 o 4 giorni et sera fatta aqua da rogna, nobile, signorile et perfecta ad ogni parangone et dura longhissimo tempo che mai non si guasta et sera molta hodoriffera e biancha. Et quando tu la vorai adoperare fala intorbidare et una sponga piccola bagnata in ditta aqua e al quanto premuta et con essa bagnarti solamente le congonture di li polsi sutilmente per tutta la persona, una sera si e l’altra no. Ongersi per 3 sere o 4, secondo che n’averai in quantita et l’ultima volta che non ti vorai piu bagnare, lavati tutta la persona con bona lissia et mudati di altri panni et tutta la rogna andera via. Et dove tu ai le broze, cioe le piastre grasse, bagna intorno, intorno e non le toccare che ti fara al quanto rissentire. Et sapi che tal aqua a questa tal proprieta che come tu l’ai bagnata la prima volta tu non sentirai piu tal picicore perche ella mortifica quello sangue corrotto che corre con lo humore suttile per la carne et tutto lo tira fora sopra ale congionture e la fa seccare senza detrimento alcuno dela persona rimanenda libero et sano. Et etiam dove tochera la ditta aqua fara la carne biancha e smorza li segni neri dela persona et fa la carne molta hodoriffera e candida, perche e di provata. Et quando tu volesti bagnare qualche creatura piccola, non intorbitare l’aqua, ma piglia di quella di sopra che e piu chiara e manco forte e di piu dolce et la creatura ne godera e presto ne guarira. Et sapi che la s[cor]ta di nostro Signore Papa Clemente vij et etiam il suo maestro di sacra palazo li quale me la feci fare tutti dua furno liberati e guariti piu presto che lor non si credevano, la quale era fatta con aqua roxa muschiata. Et fue da loro quest aqua molto laudata non sapendo pero altrimente le compositione. Et se tu non l’avorai fare con aqua roxa, falla con aqua semplice di citerna e pigliera anche odore et avera quella virtu medesima, per essere statta in tutti i modi aprobata piu e piu volte. Item aqua da rogna semplice. Torai una charaffina empila di aqua di citerna et metti in drento lume de rocha onze 2 e sale onza s, trito ogni cosa sutilmente et fala bolire al foco da rimpetto sopra al mattone tanto che calli il quarto. Poi levela dal foco et como e fredda la cola con peza lina suttile et conservela ali tuoi bisogni, et la sera quando tu vai a dormire, bagnati sutilmente tutte le congionture dele bracia et dele gambe et li polsi, una sera si, e l’altra no. Et tutta la rogna tirera fora dela persona facendoti poi l’ultima sera un bagnolo et mudatoti de panni. Et in questi giorni guardati dela bocca. Non mangiare cose cative de erbagine, ne frutte, ne carne porcina, ma beverai per 6 overo 8 giorni aque rinfrescative con onza s di mele roxato dentro, il quale ti zovera molto alo stomacho et rinfreschera il fegato, che tutta quella materia se dissechera et andera via che non te ne acorgerai. Per essere fatta piu e piu volte a diverse persone et a operato mirabilmente in poveri et ricche persone. Valete. -------- [Page 113] Unguento da rogna, optimo e perfetto. Rx. olio comune lb. ij, cera nova onze vj, aceto biancha forte onze ij, termentina lavata onze viij, olio laurino e sale ana onza j, argento sulimato onze ij, lume di rocha onze vj, biacha lb. j, terra di gambello alexandrina onze iiij, solpho giallo, buttiro e litragirio d’oro, ana onze vj et 4 torli d’ovo freschi. Poi torai l’olio, l’aceto, la cera e la termentina et li metti nela tua caza over tozo et mettilo sopra ali carboni acesi senza vampa et lassa disfare bene ogni cosa ma pero sempre mestandovi dentro con la sua spattola. Non lo lassare bolire. Poi lo leva dal foco e piu non io lo tornare et mettivi drento tutte le altre cose spolverizate sutilissimamente incominciando a mettere il lume di rocha, sale, biacha, la terra, el sulimato, el solpho, buttiro, el litragirio et l’ultimo va i rossi. Et cosa per cosa incorporerai bene con la tua paletta tanto che quando metterai l’ultima cosa el sia fredo et sopra ogni cosa fa chel sia incorporato tutto ugualmente et con gran diligentia et in ultimo li metterai um poco di aqua roxa, et sera fatto, unguento da rogna optimo e perfetto ad ogni prova et sia qual si vole. Et che rogna se sia tutta la manda via. Et la sera quando tu vai a dormire, ongeti sutilmente li polsi et le congiunture dele braza, mano et gambe et questo farai per 3 o 4 sere. Poi ti lava tutta la persona et manderai via tutta la ontuosita el seto et mudati di panni et tutta la rogna sera ita via e resterai netto e polito. Avendo tu inanti conservato dela bocha et non mangiare cosi presto carne di porco per essere contraria a tal sanita. Et non ti maravigliare che io tio messo l’ordine, il peso e la misura e la gran quantita, che io tenevo in lucca in nostra botega in nel circha da 7 o 8 lb. ne facevo messo neli suoi alberelli a 9 o 12 quatrini l’uno, seconda la sua grandeza. Et ogni bussolino ne guariva uno e dua e presto. Questo e ben vero che l’omo lo pol fare metenli mancho cose et fara quasi quel medemo et il piu se rimette nel albitrio. Item ala rogna. Rx. olio comune lb. j, vino biancho onze iij, overamente aqua roxa, et meti nel tozo a lento foco et falo bolire pia[n] piano et torai solfero incanna onze iiij et leghelo in una pezeta e fane un botone et falo bolire in ditto olio tanto che calli il terzo. Poi lo leva dal foco e subito lo cola et metivi drento cosi caldo cera bianca onze iij e biacha fatta sottile onze iiij e onza s di storase liquido et sempre mesta finche gli e fredo acio che bene se incorpori ogni cosa insieme. Et se’l non ti paresse a sufficientia tanto bianco agiongeli un altra pocha di biacha con onza s di sale trita come farina. Poi in ultima lo laverai con aqua roxa et averai un onguento molto nobile et signorille. Et con esso te ongerai la sera sutilmente e presto guarirai e questo e fatto piu volte. Item ala rogna. Rx. vin bianco lb. j, aceto onze ij, solfo incanna onze iij, storas liquido drama j, aqua roxa e cera nova, ana onze ij. Et se la rogna fusso grassa, agiongivi olio laurino onza s, trementina onze ij, mirra drama s et incorpora tutte le preditte cose in un tozetto overo in uno pignatino e con lento foco et sempre mestando finche gli e fatto et lo leva dal foco et mestalo finche gli e raffredato, et sera fatto, unguento mirabile, et lo conserva dala polvere et quando vai a dormire lo adoperi a ongerti sutilmente et per dei gratia, presto ritornerai sano. E di provata. Item a mandare via la rogna. Rx. storase liquido et lavelo con aqua roxa e poi lo incorpora con suco di limoni e pomata et ongeti la rogna e presto andera via. E di cosa signiorille e provata. Acqua da rogna. Rx. tartaro calcinato lb. 2, lume di rocha lb. s, sale comune lb. s, sulimato onza j e acqua di pozo lb. 10 et ogni cosa in polvere et fa bolire et con essa ti lava la sera e presto ne andera via. Probatum. -------- [Page 114] Bevanda contra ala rogna. Rx. tanta de radice de eleboro nero quanta staria in ½ scudelino et metteli a mole in aqua di scabiosa per 2 di naturali, mutandoli l’aqua 2 volti al di. Poi li cava di quel aqua et metteli a mole in un mezo bichiere di mele per una notte. Poi li agiongi mezo bichiere de vin bianco sopra al ditto mele. Poi me[tti] ogni cosa a bolire in un pignatino per mezora a lento foco et sera fatto. Poi torai un dito di questo licuore la matina caldo e grande zovamento ti fara. Onto che manda via la rogna. Rx. coccole di lauro onze vj et rompeli grosso modo et fali bolire con aqua chiara tanto che calli li 2 terzi. Poi leva la caldaia dal foco et lassela raffredare et ricoglierai quel grasso che e di sopra et quello lo conserva et quando l’aqua bole metivi drento un poco di sale che eli e molto bono. Et con lo ditto onto ongeti li polsi la sera quando vai a dormire e presto guarirai. Item a mandare via la rogna. Torai la sera quando tu vai a dormire la lucerna con un poco d’olio et mettivi drento un quatrino di solphero incanna et mettila sun le cenere calde tanto chel sia distrutto. Et poi chel sera freddo ongete li polsi et dove tu ai la rogna sutilmente per 3 sere, e guarirai. Item ala rogna universale. Rx. olio di oliva onze iij, biacha spolverizata onze ij, litargirio d’oro fato in polvere sutila onza j, sulimato in polvere drame ij, sale trito onze s et il suco di 2 limoni o aranci agri. Poi torai uno pignatino et mettevi drento l’olio, el sale et falo al quanto bolire. Poi li meti drento il litargirio, el solimato e la biacha et lasselo al quanto cosere che piglii um poco di corpo ma sempre mestando et lo leva dal foco et mettivi drento il suco di limoni et mestalo finche e fredo con la spatula et sera fatto. Et conservalo per la polvere ali tuoi bisogni. Et la sera ongeti dove tu ai la rogna et maxime intorno ale croste grasse ongeli intorno ma non dormire perche dasse asse si seccherano et anderano via e presto guarirai. Conserveti del vivere et questo onto non offende la persona niente per essere ogni cosa preparato e di provato. Item ala rogna. Torai buttiro vechio e termentina, ana onze iij, et lavali con aqua di scabiosa per 7 o 8 volte. Poi li agiongi sale trito onza j e olio comune onze vj e alume di rocha trita onze js e meti in pignata a lento foco et metivo cera nova onze ij e come comincia a fare corpo, levelo dal foco et meteli drento suchio di limoni o aranci et 3 rossumi d’ovi freschi e aqua roxa onze iiij et scropuli 2 di canphora taliata sutila et mesta con la spatula tanto che sia fredo et vera bene a incorporarsi perche e de importantia. Poi ongeti la sera le congionture solamente una sera si, e l’altra no et ved[r]ai opera bella et avera bono odore. -------- [Page 115] Onto da rogna. Rx. olio di oliva onze v, e olio laurino onza j et metilo in una pignatino al foco et quando bole metivi drento biacha violata onze ij, cera nova, lume di rocha, ana onza s, e uno po poco di sale trita et tanto bola che piglia corpo. Poi levelo dal foco et mesta finche e fredo e meteli in suchio di 2 limoni et sera fato. Et la sera te ongi la rogna sutilmente e presto guarirai e questo eli e onto facile. Item a mandare via la rogna. Torai vino bianco lb. is, solphero incanna e incenso, ana onze iij, sale trito onze js e strutto onze ij e cera nova onze js. Poi fallo bolire a lento foco tanto che calli piu dela meta del vino et levelo dal foco et li agiongi storas liquido drame js et mesta tanto che ogni cosa sia bene incorporato e sera fatto. Poi ongeti la rogna sutilmente e presto guarirai, lavati e mudati et non averai male veruno como sei guarito. Al parturire e contra ala febre quartana. Rx. uno rondenino novello inel nido in die martis et caveli li occhii con l’ago overo con uno stillo et poi legali un filo di seta a un piede e poi lo torna nel nido et lasselo stare drento per 4 di et in quella hora che li cavasti li ochii e ponto piglialo e amarzalo et li troverai inel ventre 3 pietrelle, una rossa, una biancha et l’altra verde…..[Il rimedio si e cancellato. Nota: *Non vi consiglio a farla, e suprestitione.] Pillore odorate fatto di cocumeri assenini e sono solutivi contra febre. Rx. li cocumeri assenini la quantita che ne voi et lasseli stare amuchiati insieme che si riscaldano. Poi pestali e premali sotto al torchietto, cavene bene la sustantia, colelo et lasselo stare in una catinella al sole tanto chel diventi sodo in modo che se ne possa fare pasta per fare le ditte pillore. Et quando li vorai fare, mettivi drento um poco di mele roxato e uno granelino di sale e um poco di polvere di finochio dolce et incorpora bene insieme. Poi formerai le tue pillore. Et queste si dano per vacuare il corpo e galiardamente e se ne da una o 2 o 3 per volta, ma si fano piccolo perche menano galiardamente et considera la persona a che li da et se li e robusto fina in 3 e non piu et vedrai opera bella. A mandare via il freddo dela febre. Rx. euforbio scropuli ij et metilo a mole in onza j di aqua vite. Poi piglierai onze ij di suco di assentio et incorpora insieme. Poi ne darai a bere al paciente onze js doi ori avanti che li venga la febre fredda et piu non li vera il freddo. Poi li darai una dele sopra ditte pillore e piu non li vera male, per dei gratia. -------- [Page 116] A dolore di corpo, impiastro perfetto. Rx. vin cotto ½ bichiere e 2 rossumi d’ovo e semola di grano m. uno e fiori di camomilla di que fonda chi che stano ine fiaschi del ditto olio m. uno e grasso di galina vechia onze ij e zafferano pesto scropuli 2. Et tutte queste cose li metterai in una padella et le incorpora insieme con lento foco. Poi caldo piu che lui pol patire, lo metta sul corpo adolorato et como e fredo lo rifarai scaldare et ritornalo sul corpo et lo farai piu volte e presto ti levera el dolore che piu non lo sentirai. Item a dolore di corpo. Torai il suco dela centaurea et falo bere al paciente, overamente vino dove sia statta cotta drento la ditta erba, mitiga il dolore di corpo. Nota chel suco dela ditta erba si da a bere a chi avesse sangue corrotto adosso como seria o per caditura o machatura overo per altro modo quomodo cumque sit presto guarise. Item a dolore di corpo. Torai del mese di magio m. uno di sesembro cioe menta romana et mettila in una ampolla con olio comune et metivi drento canella e mastici in polvere, ana onze j. Poi coperta et lassela al sole per un mese o piu et lo serba ali tuoi bisogni et quando lo vorai adoperare fa chel sia ben caldo e ongeti il corpo et metti sopra panni caldi et presto rimovera il dolore del corpo che piu non sentirai. Item a molificare il corpo duro. Torai erba quinta foglia, cioe pantafilon, pistela et cavene suco. Poi lo incorpora con vino biancho bono, ana, et bevilo la matina a digiuno e caldo e presto guarirai del corpo duro. Onto per fare andare del corpo, ongendo el belicolo. Rx. 2 o 3 feli di buo et fali stillare al lambicho di vetro con lento foco et prima ne ussira aqua la quale e bona solamente a bagnare (lavare) piaghe. Poi ne ussira olio il quale lo meti da parte. Poi torai um poco di aqua vite et mettivi drento um poco de colaquintida et lassela stare in infussione per 3 di continui e che la stia ben serrata. Poi voterai la ditta aqua vita nel olio sopra ditto quella quantita che a te pare. Poi copri l’ampolla bene et tienlo cosi per 3 giorni et ogni di lo rimena sotto sopra acio che l’aqua vite bene se incorpori perche la e molto dura da incorporarsi et cosi in la ditta ampolla lo farai bolire a bagno maria pian piano per un quatro o un terzo d’ora e chel stia coperto chel non sfiati perche andarebe via la substantia. Poi cavelo et fredo che li e serbalo ali tuoi bisogni. Et quando lo vorai adoperare fa chel sia ben caldo et ongiti il belicolo et mettivi sopra uno gusso di noce acio che la camisca non vi tochi et in bre’ vedrai cosa bella del andare di corpo senza lesione et lo tieni questo per uno semplice et caro secreto per essere aprobato. Item. A chi fusse stitico del andare del corpo. Torai un mezo gussio de noce et impilo di buttiro et la sera quando vai a dormire tu lo lega in sul belicho et lasselo stare tutta la notte et la matina anderai dal corpo et levelo via non lo lassare suso per troppo te faria andare. Et questo e di bel secreto. Item onto che fa andare del corpo, ongendo’l belico caldo. Torai dele verghe del legno sambucho di quelle giovane, raspa via la prima scorza ligermente et torai la seconda…. -------- [Page 117] Tagliela, pestela et cavene suco per forza di torchietto. Poi metterai el ditto suco in uno o piu cannoni di canna e di sopra via ben serrato con un suvero che l’aqua non li possa entrare drento et falli bolire in uno caldare d’aqua al manco per un ora e ½ o piu. Poi caverai il cannone de l’aqua et freddo che sera tu troverai el ditto suco congellato a modo de unguento tutto intiero purche aqua non vi sia entrata nel cannone. Et quando tu lo vorai adoperare falo scaldare in un gusso d’ovo et poi ongi il belicolo intorno molto bene et metti sopra panni caldi et presto ti fara andare dal corpo et ti molificha il corpo duro et leva quella enfiasone ongendolo spesso como di sopra e detto. Et questo lo fatto io piu volti e mea fatto honore la piu parte. Solutivo de tartaro e de altre sorte per fare andare del corpo. Rx. del tartaro de vin bianco et pestalo sutilissimo. Poi lavelo con la dicotione di morchorelle che sia calda per 4 o 5 volte che la sia calata al manco la metta et scolatelo bene et metetelo in uno pignatino novo et metetivi drento 2 parte di suco di bietola e una parte di mele et fatelo bolire cosi pian piano tanto che venghi in modo di lattovario. Poi levelo dal foco et serbale ali tuoi bosogni del quale ne darai al paciente uno chugiaro la matina per tempo e fara opera mirabile. Item per fare andare del corpo, solutivo aprobato. Torai li coresini, cioe le cime piu tenere del ebbio, cioe sambuco salvatico che nasse su la riva di fossi, et quelli li mangia in che modo tu voi e presto ti fara andare del corpo. Overamente torai dele sue semente quando sono ben mature . Fale seccare et fane polvere sutilissima et dane a bere in brodo o vino et presto andera del corpo. Item solutivo. Torai la radice del gielso biancho, tagliela, pestela et cavene suco col torchietto et torai suco di turtumaglio et di santo regia, ana onze iij, et meti ogni cosa insieme a bolire et metivi drento olter tanto mele purgato et fale bolire lentamente tanto che diventi in modo di lattuario. Poi ne darai al paciente onza s per presa e farati molto uttile. Item solutivo. Torai del suco del ditto moro ditto di sopra et bevilo con brodo o vino. Ti fara andare dal corpo molto lubrico e presto. Item solutivo per fare andare del corpo. Torai sena in erba onze ij e tartaro onza j, zuccaro rosso onza s et incorpora insieme et pigliane uno chugiaro la matina per tempo e presto ti fara andare et purga la colera e tenconi et simile infirmita. Item solutivo. Torai sena di levante onze js in polvere sutile et metila in una scudella di brodo et metila in uno pignatino e metivi uno poco di canella intiera et fala bolire um poco. Poi dala a bere a chi a il corpo duro per non potere andare dal corpo et presto andera e non molto tardera. E di provata. Item polvere che fa andare del corpo. Torai turbit, hermodatteli, draganti, cubebe, de spinzervino, garofani, zucaro fino e zenzero, ana onze ij, et farai polvere sutila d’ogni cosa e messa insieme et quella conserva et ne piglia uno chugiaro in brodo o vino caldo e presto ti rissolve il corpo. Item per ventosita di corpo, presto rimedio. Rx. onza j comino imbratato et quello mangia. Poi li bevi sopra ½ bichiere di malvasia garba e sta in riposso e in manco di ½ ora non sentirai piu dolore in corpo et presto horinerai. E di probato. -------- [Page 118] Item solutivi per fare andare del corpo. Rx. fichi secchi grassi no. 4 e zizzole no. 6 e uno chugiaro di mele e tanto lievito quanto una noce. Et meterai tutte queste cose in una inchistara grande piena d’aqua et mettila inanti al foco a bolire che cali poco mancho dela meta. Poi che sera freda colela et serbela ali tuoi bisogni. Et la matina per tempo ne piglierai ½ bichiere in modo de syropo e ti fara bonissimo servitio. Ancora torai sapone biancho quanto e una fava et falo bolire in una ampolla con bono vino bianco ½ bichiere et dalo a bere alo paciente e fara bona cura. Item solutivi variati. Rx. l’euforbio et metilo a bolire nel aceto forte. Poi lo meti a vaporare et sera fatto. Poi torai 8 o 10 giocci di ditta bolitura et mele roxato onza s et componilo in modo de syropo et quello bevi et vedrai opera bella del andare del corpo. Ancora torai del brodo deli cavoli che siano ben cotti perche li rimane drento la substantia. Poi torai tasso de vin bianco fatto in polvere sutilissimo mezo chugiaro con esso brodo a modo di syropo la matina e ti fara andare 3 o 4 volte dal corpo suavamente e senza passione. Ancora torai morcorella et fala bolire con aqua e olio insieme et dela dita bolitura ne bevi una scudella e presto disponera il corpo. Item solutivo. Torai fior di cassia onze ij, zuccaro rosso onze iij, mucharo roxato onza j, diaprunis solutivo onza s et componi ogni cosa insieme a modo di lattuario. Et ne piglierai una presa la matina per tempo et molto te rinfreschera le intestine et anderai suave senza passione alcuna. Ancora torai zucharo violato onze iiij, el diaprunis solutivo drama j et lo componi insieme et ne darai onza s la matina e fara lo effetto. Item solutivo. Torai dela cassia tratta de canna onza j e mucharo roxato onza s e syropo violato onza j e uno giozo di aqua roxa et distempera a modo de syropo et lo piglia la matina per tempo ma non andare tropo involta, il quale ti fara bona opera e non sono di guardia. Item solutivo mirabile. Rx. diaprunis drame js, floris cassie drame vj, penidiarum onza s, diagridi scropulo s, muchari roxati onza j e ogni cosa bene incorpora insieme. Poi ne piglia la sua presa ordinaria como e il solito et vedrai mirabile efetto. E de aprobato. Item a chi a il corpo duro. Torai dela bertonica e cosela inel aqua et dela ditta aqua ne beva che la sia calda e presto guarira. Item polvere che fa andare del corpo. Torai foglie di sena onza j, cinamomo drame ij, garofani drame vij, tartaro drame vj, diagridi drame v et di omni fane polvere sutilissima et meti insieme et la matina ne pilierai drame js in brodo a modo di syropo e ti fara andare e purga la flema delo stomaco. Ancora torai el turbit obulorum e ublicorum, zenziberis, ameos domestico, ana drame ij, zucaro bianco onze ij et fiat pulvis. Dosis eius drama j per fina a iiij de l’altra polvere. Fa grande eficacia, maxime a quelli che pateno la passione deli nervi fracti. -------- [Page 119] Servitiale per fare andare del corpo. Rx. finochio, anasi, fiengreco, ruta, camomilla, aneto, centaurea, ana onze ij, colaquinta drame ij et tutte queste cose metteli a bolire in vino bianco bono et poi che serano ben cotte, metteli in uno canovazo et premeli sotto al torchietto. Poi piglierai quella sustantia et mettivi drento olio di camomilla e olio di aneto e di ruta, ana onze iij. Et poi farai il tuo servitiale tolendo tanta dela ditta materia che sia a suffitientia et vederai cura belissima e zoverati. Item servitiale. Torai madre selva, calamento, orticha, ana m. uno, et vino bianco tanto che basti a far bolire tanto che rimanga un terzo. Poi dela ditta bolitura ne farai uno servitiale secundo l’ordine, et molto ti zovera. Item servitiale per grossa ventosita. Rx. la dicotione ordinaria di fare servitiale, cioe fatta di bietola, malva, mama de viole e morcorella, ana m. uno. Poi che serano ben cotte, la cola con diligentia. Poi la ritornerai al foco et mettivi drento finochio, pepi e zafferano a tua discretione. Poi lo ritorna a ricolare con peza lina. Poi lo componi ala sua misura et lo rimeti in uno altro pignatino et mettivi drento un picigo di sale trita et uno torlo d’ovo sbatuto in una scutella con al quanta dela ditta dicotione et notalo poi inela pignatella et li agiongi ½ bichiere de olio d’oliva. Et cosi tiepido lo meterai al paciente como saperai fare e subito chel averai fatto piglia lo infermo per li piedi al insu et sanazalo um poco perche meglio fa sua operatione, e presto leva’l dolore. Unguento lassativo che fa andare di sotto e di sopra. Rx. elleboro bianco, el nero, ermodatilo, iusquiamo solamente le radice, ana, tagliale e pestale minutamente. Poi le incorpora con songia vechia di porco maschio. Poi lo farai bolire a lento foco tanto che diventi como unguento. Et inanti che bola lo colerai stretamente soto’l torchieto che nesca tutta la sustantia, et sera fatto. Et lo serba ali tuoi bisogni. Et quando vorai andare dal corpo, ongeti solamente le piante deli piedi e presto anderai del corpo con furia e fretta. Et chi si vora evacuare lo stomaco per di sopra, ongeti le palme dele mane e presto averai el beneficio competentemente. Nota che quando non volesti che piu operasse ne di sotto ne di sopra, ongeti le parte sopra ditte con unguente poppuleon et presto restera di non andare, e questo e probato. A fluxo de corpo a stringerlo sia di che sorte si voglia. Rx. deli capelletti di gianda di rovere e pestali et fane polvere sutilissima. Et dane mezo chugiaro alo infermo la matina per tempo a modo de syropo con vino rosso overo con l’aqua stillata di cerqua propria et se ripossa al quanto. Et questo farai per 3 matine et, per dei gratia, presto serai liberato. Item unguento posto sul belico fa andare del corpo e onto lo stomaco fa gomitare. Rx. aloe in polvere e trementina, ana onza j, et fele di torro quanto basta a impastare et fane unguento et ongerai li lo chi sopra detti e ti fara l’effetto, e presto. -------- [Page 120] Pillore de aloe ad vacuandum corporis. Rx. lo aloe con la infussione de riubarbero et fane pillore. Poi le piglia a tuo piacere et maxime quando tu n’averai di bisogno. E pigliale la sera una o 2 o 3, secundo a te parera et non sono di guardia. Et etiam anno questa proprieta discarcano lo stomaco, leva il dolore dela testa, fa il corpo lubrico, bonifica la vista, restringe la borsa et le parte intestinale et purifica il polmone et etiam a de molte altre bele virtu che non scrivo. Item pillore per vacuare. Rx. sarapino drama s, ermodatteli drame ij, collaquintida, diagridi, ana drame v, sal geme drama j cum mele aroxato et fiat pasta et ne piglia una ala setimana et passegia et dopoi starai 5 ori a mangiare et questa pasta si conserva un anno et ti fara andare assai del corpo et conservati per quel giorno. Item medicina mondificativa. Rx. reubarbero drame ij e spolverizato e confecto con syropo roxato drame ij et con drame iiij di aqua di dicotione di polipodio et tolto alora del mattutino con um poco de aqua roxa e farati andare per essere purgativa e pigliela per bocha. Bevanda per il dolore di corpo per avere ritenuto l’orina. Rx. dele radice di gramigna dele bianche. Laveli et fale cosere bene et premali sotto al torchieto et beverai onze vj dela dita bolitura a modo di syropo et questo farai per 3 o 4 volte in quello giorno che ti sera venuto li dolori et cosi como presto sono venuti e presto se ne anderano e ti fara orinare assai. Et etiam la ditta bevanda giova assai a rompere la pietra inele rene e nela vessicha. E di provata. A fluxo di corpo che presto si stagna. Rx. osmarino m. uno et fallo bolire in aceto fortissima per un pezo. Poi torai l’osmarino cosi cotto e metilo su una peza a modo di empiastro et cosi caldo caldo mettilo sul corpo et questo falo piu volte riscaldare e metilo suso e presto guarira, che egli e aprobato. Item bevanda per restringere il fluxo di corpo, sia como si vole. Rx. scorze di papavero e fane polvere sutilissima et garofani al quanti amachati, ana onza j, et farai bolire ogni cosa in vino rosso che cali li 2 terzi et ne darai a bere al paciente la matina onze iiij a modo di syropo et sopra li dorma al manco 2 ore e presto se liberera del fluxo e presto si stagnera. E di cosa aprobata. Item. Farai a brostolare una fetta di pane, cioe la crosta, et cosi calda metila a mole in aceto forte et poi li meti sopra polvere di garofali, canela e mastici, ana, et cosi calda la leghi sun la bocca delo stomacho e presto guarira, e stia in riposso al quanto. Item a restringere il fluxo e presto. Rx. polvere di sangue di drago onza j et metilo inel aceto forte con semente di piantagine e 2 chiare d’ovo et fane empiastro et metene sopra ale rene e sopra’l petignone e restringe. Item onto per ongere il corpo per restringere il fluxo. Rx. olio roxato e di mortella e di cotogne e di mastice, ana drama j, sandali bianchi e rossi, spodio di canna, ana scropulo j e canphora scropulo s et cera bianca quanta bisogna et farai unguento con lento foco. Poi ongiti il corpo et presto se ristrengera il fluxo. Item a restringere il fluxo del ventre. Rx. una fetta di formagio di vacha et falla arostire al foco. Poi le metti sopra dele somente di piantagine a modo di specie et quella mangia per 2 o 3 ut piu volte et presto ti stagnera il corpo. E di provata. Item ad restringendum fluxum. Rx.daneda et cosila con uno ovo fresco in modo di fritella et quella mangia per tempo la matina per 2 o 3 matine e molto ti zovera. Item. L’erba arteticha verde ut in polvere mangiata con l’ovo molto ti guarisse. Item ad fluxum corporis simplicis, vz. Rx. le folie del rosmarino et fare bolire in aceto fortissimo et fane uno impiastro sul corpo con una peza caldo quanto puoi sofferire e presto guarirai. E di aprobato. -------- [Page 121] Ad lumbricos destruendos. Scribe in vungula pueri hac carateres g.o.b. et dicas in hominis in aures eius dextera, ‘Pater noster’ primo et postea dicas, ‘Sanctus job vermes habuit et non habuint per intercessionem domini nostri, yehsu christi, et mortui sunt. Patris et filii et spiritus sancti. Et cossi sia + + + .’ Item et etiam valet non solum ad homines et valet ad animalia. Vz., accipe cifum seu vas aliquo de plenum acqua et fac super eum ter signium crucis + + + dicendo, ‘Qua libet vice, in nomine patris + et filii + e spiritus sancti + amen.’ Postea accipi cultellum cum manico albo et fac cum ipso manico super acquam signum crucis + dicendo, ‘In nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + amen. Exorcizo te acquam ista per patrem et filium et spiritum sanctum, amen, per deum vivum, per deum verum, per deum istuum et per patriarchas et per profetas, per angelo, per archangelos, per dominatione, per principatus, per potestates, per quatuor evangelistas, matheum, marcus, lucas et jones, per vigienti quatuor seniores qui quotidie deum laudant et per centum xliiij millia innocentes et per beatissimam sanctam mariam, matrem domini nostri, yehsu christi, et per omnes sanctos et sanctas dei ut qui cumque homo ut mulier aut equus vermes habuerit et biberit cito liberetur et vermes descicentur et morientur.’ Et dicas ter pater noster cum ave maria cum verbis que sequentur que etiam tribus vicibus debent dici, ‘In nomine pater et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Job, job, job vermes habuit et mortui sunt et liberatus est, deo gratias, deo gratias, deo gratias. Et sicut vere liberatus fuit ita liberetur iste homo ut mulier aut ecquus a vermibus, amen. Fiat. Agios.’ Et da sibi bibere et fa di averne sempre in casa tua di questa acqua benedetta per doperala a questi bisogni. Item contra ali vermi, ontione mirabile. Rx.mastice, aloe patico, ana onza s, e collaquintida e mirra, ana drame iij, et ne farai polvere sutilissima. Poi torai una m. uno et falli seccare inel forno quando e cavato il pane, pestali et fane polvere suttila. Poi torai olio comune del piu vecchio che tu possi trovare lb. j et mezo bichiere di succo di ascentio et olio petrolio onze ij et metti l’olio petrolio con l’olio comune et fallo al quanto bolire per spatio di 3 pater noster et poi li metterai drento le sopra dette polvere a poc a poco et sempre mestando et lassele bolire per ½ ora. Poi li metterai drento tanta cera nova quanto e una noce et sera fatto. Poi ongerai il paciente che teme li vermi et chel sia caldo ongi la bocca delo stomaco, el petto per in sino al belico et non passareli et onge le rene et tutti li polsi, le tempi, le nare del naso et presto, con lo aiutto de dio, guarira et e provato. *Item ad lumbricos seu vermes. Fali il segna de la santa + i fronte infantis et dicas ter pater noster et ista verba in aure dextera infantis, ‘Sanctus job habuit vermes et sanctus job liberatus fuit et mortui sunt vermes. Istius deus Dominus genitus homo creatus fortis et potens.’ In l’orechia o in bocha dilla 3 volte, ‘Galba, gabella, gabellatum est jospes mortes vermes’ et guarira immediate di quel male. *Acqua da rogna. Rx. acqua de cisterna lb 10, feccia de botte brusata vel tasso lb. j la quel tengono i boccalari o li tintori, sal, lume di rocco, ana onze 3, solimato in quarto d’uncia, si pesta ogni cosa e si fa bolir in pentola nuova o carraffa per termino d’una ora e sara fatto. Leva dal fuocco e lassala refreddar e colatela e con detta acqua si bagna con una spunga per 4 sere, una si e una no, e l’altra sera venente si lave con lissia calda e mutese di camisa e stia netto di lenzuolla e sarai guarito. Quando si bagna s’intorbida e cosi quando la dai a qualche d’uno. -------- [Page 122] [Blank Page]. -------- [Page 123] Al mal di corpo per causa deli vermi. Rx. vino bianco bono 2 dita in un bichiere et metivi la sera infussione tanto solfero quanto e un fagiolo e non piu. Et la matina lo cola con peza sutile. Poi dalo a bere al amalato et subito sera guarito e molti vermi ussira. E di provata. Item a male de vermi. Torai olio vechio di oliva lb. j e radice di zenziana onze iiij, nocchiole di persico onze iij e pippore di ginepro onza j. Et ogni cosa sia pesto e fattone polvere sutilissima et ogni cosa metti nel ditto olio e fallo bolire a lento foco tanto chel diventi come unguento chel cali la meta. Et bene lo incorpori con la paletta e lasselo raffredare et lo conserva in loco netto et con piu egli e vecchio egli e migliore per doperarlo ali bisogni per te e per altri. Et quando lo adoperi, ongi solamente li polsi, la fontanella dela golla, el belico et questa ontione la farai 2 o 3 volte in brevi ori et presto guarirai operando la preditta medicina et per essere aprobata tanto se ne dice. Item a guarire del dolore deli vermi in un subito e presto. Torai 4 o 5 spichi d’aglio e amaccale in uno scudelino et li metti uno poco di aceto che sia forte et lo distempera bene. Poi li onge tutti li polsi frecandoli bene et maxime il corpo et come ai fornito una volta incomincia a strapiciarlo un altra volta et cosi farai 2 o 3 volte et intermine di ½ ora sera guarito e a poco a poco verra in suo bon sentimento et l’ongerai poi con l’onto che tu ai fatto di sopra. Et per dei gratia non avera piu male. Item ali fanciullini di fassa quando simile creature si condolesseno con suoi tediosi movimenti per il dolore deli vermi. Subbito torai dele foglie di persegaro et metteli sul corpi ci volo et lo infassa sopra ale foglie e presto si requietera e senza dolore. Item per ogni persona grande e piccolo. Torai foglie di persico e radice di gramigna di quelle bianche e ben lavate, ana m. uno, et fale bolire che calino la meta, colale e premali sotto al torchieto et dela dita dicocione dane a bere al paciente quante ne puol bere et con pui ne beve piu presto guarisse. Overamente li darai a bere aqua stillata di persicho, graminga e cardo sancto quanta ne pol bere perche li bachi bevano tutta questa aqua e tanta ne bevano che crepano et tutti si cachano convertiti in aqua et la creatura presto ne guarisse, per dei gratia e di santo jobe. Item ali vermi. Torai zafferano, aloe, garofani e incenso, ana drama j, olio laurino onza j. Poi torai uno mele aranzo di bruschi e fali inel mezo un buco et cava fora el mirollo. Poi meteli drento tutte le ditte cose fate in polvere suttile, ma non li metere l’olio et meti l’aranzo sun le cenere calde et meterai drento l’olio incorporato col suco di uno arancio et lasselo cosere sopra a dita cenere. Poi ongerai la creatura con ditto onto, li polsi, le tempi, el belico et la fontanella delo stomaco, el naso et presto vedrai opera bella che tutti anderano di sotto e libererassi. A guarire deli vermi e presto. Dirai, “Febre e bachi che in questo corpo state come disse yesu christo sul legno dela +, ‘Consumatus est,’ in nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + amen.” Et dila 3 volte per matine per 3 di ala fila e tienli le tue mane in + sul suo corpi ci volo e, per dei gratia, presto guarira. E provato. -------- [Page 124] Confetto per li vermi per homini et putti. Rx. diagridi drame js, turbit drame iij, cinamomo, garofani, benedi, zenziberis, ana drama j, dittamo, mirra, seme santa, ana drame ij, e zucharo fino onze vj et tutte queste cose componeli et fane bon confetto et conservelo ali tuoi bisogni et quando la creatura si sente il dolore di corpo per causa deli vermi, subito se gli e homo dagliene drama j e se gli e piccolo dagliene drama s e di subito li cessera il dolore et li fara andare tutti per disotto. E de secreto raro. Policino contra ali vermi, aprobato. Farai un breve et tachelo al colo ala creatura et lasselo stare tanto che dasse vada via. Et quando i e lo tachi a collo, dirai 3 pater noster con 3 ave marie et la legerai 3 volte al paciente et questo e aprobato piu e piu volte, cioe scrive cosi, vz., ‘Job abuit vermes et si abuit mortui sunt, diluantur et moriantur si sunt massa deficiant et in aqua revertantur per incarnationem et misericordiam Domini nostri, yehsu christi, in nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + amen.’ E sta sicuro che presto guarira e piu non li tornera. Item a bachi. Dirai, “Febre e bachi che siati in cotesta testa, in cotesto petto et in cotesto corpo vi possiate consumare come si consumo christo in sul legno dela santa + quando disse, ‘Consumatum est.’ ” Et dila 3 volte nel orechia del dolorato e presto guarirai. Et porta tecum. E di provato. Item medecina contra ali vermi. Torai olio comune lb. j e spiche d’aglie machate tra 2 pietra da 8 o 10 et foglie de persicho et di assentio, ana m. uno e castrachacan m. 1/2 et torai 2 o 3 chiodi che siano rugini et metteli in 2 onci di vino biancho et metterai ogni cosa in ditto olio et falo bolire tanto che a te pare che sia calato tuto’l vino et se tu lo vorai sapere, metene una gioza su una brasa acesa et se la frige non ancora e consumato. Et quando sera consumato levelo dal foco et presto lo cola et premi le erbe sotto al torchietto et cosi caldo metivi drento cera nova onze iij et sempre va mestando con la spatula di legno tanto chel sia freddo et lo conserva ali tuoi bisogni in alberello. Et quando lo vorai adoperare, ongi li polsi e la fontanella delo stomaco, e presto guarira. Oratione contra vermi per ogni persona. Prima dirai et farai dire 3 pater noster con 3 ave marie. Poi li dirai questi 3 versi al paciente nel orechia sinistra. Poi nelo tacha al collo, vz., ‘+ Increatus pater + increatus figlius + increatus spiritus sanctus + immensus pater + immensus filius + immensus spiritus sanctus + eternus pater + eternus filius + eternus spiritus sanctus, in nomine patris + filii + spiritus sancti + amen + + + .’ Item oratione contra ali vermi per ogni persona. Dirai et farai dire 5 pater noster con 5 ave marie et queste le dirai nel orechia dextra et anche ala sinistra, vz., “Noch et Elya andavano per la via e trovorno yehsu christo, figliolo dela vergine maria, e lui disse, ‘Donde ne andate, Noch et Elya?’ Disseno, ‘Signore gimmo al monte per trovare l’herba per amazare el vermo.’ E christo li disse, ‘Andate a chasa, Noch et Elya, e dicieti che aveti trovato jehsu christo, filiolo dela vergine maria.’ E presto guararai, + in nomine Patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + amen. + + +.” Item a guarire deli vermi. Meti li tuoi 2 diti grossi in su la fronte del paciente in + et questo lo farai 3 volte la matina per tempo con 3 segni di +. Poi dirai queste sante parole, vz., ‘Christo fece jobbe, jobe fece il verme et per gratia de jesu christo jobe occise il verme. + Pater et filius et spiritus sancti, amen.’ Poi dirai tre….. -------- [Page 125] pater noster con 3 ave marie a riverentia de dio et dela sancta trinita. Poi li tacherai al collo questo policino qui sotto scritto con un filo filata da una fanciulla vergine et quando lo tacherai al collo del paciente dirai et li farai dire 3 pater noster con l’ave maria a riverentia de dio e di santo jobe et di santo honoffrio. Et questa sie quella sancta horatione, vz., ‘+ Potestas dei patris + sapientia filii + et virtus spiritus sancti + liberet te famulum vel famulam dei + A ab omni malo et vermes tuui et in aqua convertantur in honorem beati jobe et sancti honoffrii martiris dei + in nomine Patris + et filii + e spiritus sancti + amen.’ A fluxo di corpo a stringerlo a poc a poco. Rx. aqua stillata de foglie di querza onze iiij et dala a bere al paciente calda a modo di syropo. Poi darai dali a 2 ori onze iij et dali a un ora onze ij et poi neli darai onza j et a questo modo vera a restringere che tanto non andera. Et se questa sorte sola di aqua non li zovasse a sufficientia, agiongeli in compagnia aqua de sorboli e de corezola, ana, et la darai como ai datta la prima. Et se questa anche non facesse et bisogno galiardamente, agiongeli queste sorte aque cioe aqua di pigna e de fegatella e corgnoli e di pera cotogni e di mortella overo aqua roxa, ana, et dane a bere onze iij per volta in modo de syropo calda et per 2 o 3 volte al giorno et sapi che questa bevanda lo restringne mirabilmente perche essendo di 3 specie dal ditto mal de fluxo, cioe di grasso, di collera e di fegato, el quale la magior parte dele volte e li e mortale e pero ne sia advertito a pigliarlo con gran risguardo et conservati che presto per dei gratia guarirai. Et anche vale questa ultima compositione al mestruo rosso ale donne quando non se li potesse stagnare. Dane 4 bichieri al giorno, cioe onze iij per volta ala paciente et in 2 giorni guarirai, per dei gratia, egli e provato. Et se per sorte in capo ali 2 di il corpo non con rispondesse il benefitio sia li fatto uno servitiale comune cum camomilla et governassi bene, e guarira. Item al fluxo. Torai dela menta e polvere di garofani e mastice e noce moschate e aceto forte e malvasia et di tutte queste cosi a tua discretione et di tutte le predette cose ne farai uno impiastro e fa chel sia caldo et mettilo sul corpo et se tu dubitasse di vermi mettivi drento onza s di aloe in polvere e presto ne guarirai e falo sicuramente che li e provata. Item servitiale al fluxo e presto guarirlo. Torai osso di stincho et falo brussare et fane polvere suttila et ne farai aqua cotta. Poi torai dela ditta aqua cotta et mettivi drento olio roxato e violato e olio di mastice, ana onza j, et metteli drento uno rosso d’ovo frescho et ne farai uno servitiale et se questo li zova neli farai un altro tanto chel corpo sia ridutto a bono termine con bona dispositione et per dei gratia, presto guarirai. Erba che restringe il fluxo e presto. Torai quel l’erba che nasse per li orti e in altri lochi domestichi che si chiama lingua passerina overo erba rizzuta, la quale viene alta 3 dita da terra e viene cisputa, cioe folta, e la foglia piccolina di colore verdino, el fioretto in cima bianchino et voluntieri si spande… -------- [Page 126] per terra et voluntieri nasse in lochi assutti et con piccolo radicetta sutile e tortuosa. Et ricoglie di questa erba a luna sema e lavela bene e fala seccare al ombra et fane polvere sutilissima. Poi farai cosere un ovo frescho per bere et mettivi drento uno chugiaro dela ditta polvere e la incorpora. Poi lo bevi et questo farai la sera quando vai a dormire et anche la matina per tempo et li ripossa sopra un ora. Et a questo modo farai per 3 o 4 volte tanto che tu vedi chel fluxo comincia arestare non li e ne dare piu che dasi stesso presto guarira. Et sapi che questa erba molto vale a restringere il fluxo et maxime quello del fegato molto egli e propitio et etiam vale ale donne che butta il superchio sangue, e questa lo piu volte aprobata. A restringere il fluxo di corpo e altre scarentie. Rx. orina di homo sano et cenere di cerro sutila et litragierio d’oro onze iij et incorpora et fane balotine et falle sechare al ombra. Et quando le vorai adoperare le distempera con suco di piantagine una o 2 per volta et metti sopra’l belicolo chel sia caldo et falo la sera quando vai a dormire et presto te restrengira il corpo che non anderai tanto e presto guarirai. Item a fluxo di corpo, pilole aprobate. Rx. sangue di drago, mumia, opio, mirrha, accacia, scorze di olibano, ana onze ij, galle onza j. Confinzele con suco di piantagine o di correzola et farai la pasta al solito modo et farai che lo infermo ne piglia 3 la sera quando va a dormire e presto si stagnera. E di provata. Item al male di pondi. Torai erba cinque foglie, pestela e fane suco et lo distempera con bon vino rosso et dane a bere a digiuno alo amalato piu volte et usandolo presto guarirai. Et etiam se tu torai uno spico d’aglio e fali parechi buchi per drento et falo frigere um poco in olio comune et metilo inel bucho del sedere et usandolo spesse volte presto guarirai. Et ancora torai erba chiamata ave donne et farai fumentacione al posterone. Poi metteli una tasta inel buco dela propria erba di ave donne. Item a levare il brussore del posterone fali questa fumentacione. Torai una inchistara di malvasia overo di vino bianco bonissimo et metteli drento 3 torli d’ovo freschi. Poi fala bolire in una pignatta a bagno maria con 3 foglie di cavolo drento. Poi cossi calda farai uno profumo alo infermo alle parte disotto per uno schagnio o segiola che sia forata inel mezo e che la sia ben turrata intorno chel fumo non si perda ma tutto lo riceva per disotto e questo ti levera il dolore, e presto. Item al brussore del sedere e sia per quale collera si voglia. Torai scorze di pomogranato et del asencio, ana m. uno, et coseli in olio comune et farai empiastro e cosi caldo metti sul buco et falo piu volti e presto guarirai. Ancora essendo alla foresta et sentendo tu tale scorticatione, presto piglia del fango overo aqua infangata et inbratati il sedere e presto guarirai. Item ala scorentia del corpo, fumentacione. Torai pesa greca, bolarminio, mastice, incenso, sangue di drago e scorza di bisso e pulezolo a tua discretione et tutte quelle cose mettelo insieme in una pignata et fale bolire con olio violato et metti sopra uno inbutello el largo sopra’l pignato el stretto mettilo inel buco et piglia fumo per quella via piu che tu poi. E guarirai. *Al scottato d’acqua o fuoco. Rx. cipolle monde peste in mortaro tante quante vi pare che basteno et mettevi le n’una pezza di tola a modo d’impiastro subito come se te scottato, et questo farete per sino che se te guarito. *Item. Nieve e impie un inghiestara e sotterrala mezzo br[acci]o sotto fuora al saria, cioe nel orto, e per termine di mesi tre sara fatta. Cavala fuora et opera per sina tanto che sia guarito lo medicarni 3 o quattro volte al giorno con le pezze bagnate. -------- [Page 127] A dolori colici rimedii rarissimi di piu sorte. Rx. olio di oliva del piu vechio che si possa trovare onze vj, zafferano, incenso, e polvere di garoffani, ana quatrini 3, e cochole di lauro no. 20 e cera nova onza j et ogni cosa sia spolverizato e mete insieme in uno pignatino a lento foco per spacio di uno miserere et levelo dal foco et sempre mesta tanta che sia fredo et sera fato. Poi lo serba ali tuoi bisogni. Et quanto lo vorai adoperare falo scaldare et ongi il corpo bene e meteli sopra panni caldi et voltati col corpo al ingiuso et per i spacio di un ora comincierai a pigliare milioramento et, con l’aiutto di dio, presto serai liberato da li dolori colici et non sentirai piu passione. Item. Torai farina volatilla e farina di miglio et la farai bolire con olio di ruta et di camomilla, ana, et con esso caldo ongiti il corpo, e presto guarirai. Item contra a dolori colici. Rx. florum sambuci, m. ij, calami aromatici onza j, medulorum ossium persicarum et cerasarum, ana onze iij, ossa nespulorum pulverizatarum onze ij et radicum tassi barbassi onze j, bibole seu vini malvatici lb.vj. Misse omnia sumul in vase vitriato bene obpturato per tres dies. Postea fiat distillare et conserva ditta destillatione ali bisogni. Poi ne darai al paciente 2 o 3 onci per volta che sia caldo a modo di syropo e presto guarira. Questo fue aprobato in uno gentilomo che fue abandonato. Item contra a dolori colici. Quando tu stai ala messa quando si leva il signore, dirai, ‘Ostia pura e corpo sancto, signore yehsu christo, me libra del do[lo]re di fiancho.’ Et quando si leva il sangue, dirai, ‘O corpo degno, o sangue sancto, signore jesu christo, me liberi del mal di fiancho,’ e in ultimo uno pater noster, e presto guarirai. Item contra ali dolori colici. Rx. dele lachrime di jobe piantate quello anno, rompele e cavene il bono, falo seccare e fane polvere suttila et dane a bere al paciente uno chugiaro con ½ bichiere di vino bono chel sia caldo, et presto cessera il dolore. E di provata. Item al preditto male di fianchi. Torai galbina e fane uno cerotto tondo et metivi sopra polvere di garofani et falo scaldare bene et mettilo sopra’l belicolo et non lo movere mai finche non sispicha da sua posta et vedrai opera bella. Di provata. Item. Il fiore del sambuco datto a bere con vino caldo molto zova al dolore di fianco et fallo spesse volte e presto guarira. E provato. Item contra al dolore di fianchi. Rx. aqua stillata di fiori di sambuco onze vj et mettivi drento zucaro onze ij trito et falo scaldare et dalo a bere al paciente subito che lui si sente il male et in termine di un ora cominciera a migliorare. Et questa fue aprobata a uno vescovo essendo in viagio e la matina cavalco senza impedimento. Item al ditto male di fianchi. Torai del mililotto et falo bolire molto bene. Poi dela ditta dicotione ne farai servitiale e presto cessera il dolore. Item al ditto male di fianchi. Torai seme di melone e di zuccha e erba iva, ana drame iiij, e spetie del lattovario e triacha e sandali, ana drame iij, anesi e semente di sparasi, ana drame iijs, et zucharo fino lb. js e cinamomo drama j et ne farai lattovario al solito modo et ne piglierai la matina per tempo et vedrai opera bella che presto ti levera li dolori, e guarirai. *Item. La radice del iusquiamo, id est del dente cavalino, portata adosso a carne nuda, vale contra al dolore di fianchi. *Item. La somenta di preteseme ben pisto e quanto staria sun un giullio, datto con vino caldo a bere, molto vale alli dolori colici. -------- [Page 128] A dolori colici, empiastro mirabile. Rx. marobio m. uno e farina di linseme e di orzo, ana onze ij, e olio di oliva e di camomilla, ana onze iiij, et farai cosere prima il marobio. Poi levelo dal foco et metivi drento le farine et incorpora bene et cosi caldo mettilo sul corpo dove li dole. E questo lo farai piu volte e presto cessera il dolore. Poi dali a bere polvere di corno di cervo brussato con vino caldo e li levera il dolore. Et cosi ti fara la ruta cotta col buttiro e con olio e ti fara operatione mirabile e presto ti leva il dolore. Et etiam l’apio palpato inla padella con olio d’aneto e di camomilla et caldo messo sopra’l dolore et prima onto con olio di scropioni falo piu volte e presto guarirai. Item al dolore di fiancho. Torai del astrologia rotonda drame ij, garoffani, canella e zafferano, ana drama j, et ogni cosa in polvere. Poi dala a bere al paciente con bon vino caldo un ora avanti pasto. E questo farai per 4 o 5 volte e presto guarira. Item al preditto. Torai dela betonicha, fala seccare e fane polvere et fala piliare al paciente uno cugiaro con vino overo con aqua di camomilla, e presto guarirai. Item al predetto. Torai cochole di lauro et radice di ellora arborea, ana, et fane polvere e mettila insieme et quando li viene li dolori, dagliene uno chugiaro con vino bianco bono e caldo e guarira. Item al preditto dolore di fiancho. Metterai la mano dove tu ai la magiore doglia e calcha li bene piu che tu poi et dirai queste 4 parolle con 3 pater noster et dila 3 volte, cioe, ‘Conditor humani gieneris redemptor eiusdem.’ Et presto il dolore andera via. Item al dolore di fianchi. Rx. zuchari rosati, diambre, filonio, ana drame js, distemperato con vino caldo et tolto per 2 o 3 volte e presto guarirai. Item al dolore di fianchi. Torai dele somente di ellora quando sono mature al tempo del natale, sechale e fane polvere. Poi torai cipolle bianche et falle stillare al lanbisco di vetro et conserva la ditta aqua a li bisogni. Poi bisognando torai uno bichiere di ditta aqua, meteli drento uno chugiaro dela sopra ditta polvere et fala scaldare et danela a bere la matina per tempo per 5 o 6 matini et, per dei gratia, presto guarira. Item al preditto. Torai farina di semelino e di orzo, ana, e camomilla m. uno con olio di ruta o camomilla et fane empiastro et caldo quanto po patire meti sun la doglia e presto passera via. Item a farlo orinare. Torai paritaria, erba d’ogni mese, marobio, persemolo, e paparina, ana m. uno, et con butiro e olio fale suffrigere in padella. Poi a modo di empiastro caldo mettilo sul petignone et un altra parte di drieto al di rimpetto e bene infassiato e sta caldo e presto pisserai, e serai guarito. Item a mal di fianchi. Torai malvasia overo vin bianco bono bocali no. iij. Poi piglierai ossi de cieresi brusche, ossi di persico, ossi di moniache e fiori di sanbucho, ana m. uno, e pesta ogni cosa in mortaio di bronzo fata in polvere suttile et meti ogni cosa in ditto vino et meti a stillare con lento foco al lambicco di vetro. Et riserba la ditta aqua destillata como cosa cara e ben turata che non exali. Et quando la persona sentira avere dolore di fiancho, allora dagliene a bere uno bichiero calda et poi dali a 2 ore un altro bichiero et cosi farai et presta li dolori cesserano e non ti darano noia. Et questo sie un bel secreto aprovato. Item al dolore di fianchi. Dirai, ‘Dolori non venite piu inanti e state fitte e forte come fece christo ala sua morte. Dolori ista in te come fece Christo in se. Dolori andate via al nome di dio e dela virgine maria et di santo laurentio. In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen + + + .’ Item al mal di fianchi. Rx. sterco di porco maschio fatto bolire in uno pignatino con olio e posto su una peza lina e posto sul belico caldo, presto guarisse. -------- [Page 129] *Per i dolori colici, confetto aprobatissimo e vero. Rx. zuchari rosati e diambre e filonio, partes equales in totum onza s pro duabus vicibus cum vino callido et fiat bolum. Quando el ti viene li dolori subito piglia questo lattuario et presto sentirai miglioramento. E provato. -------- [Page 130] [Blank Page]. -------- [Page 131] A dolore di fianchi, serviciale aprobato e bono. Rx. 3 o 4 capi d’aglio e fali bolire in olio comune che siano ben cotti et premeli bene in ditto olio. Et quando l’olio e tiepido fane uno servitiale e presto guarirai. Item servitiale che guarisse i dolori colici e presto. Fallo con una scudella di saba, cioe vin cotto uno o 2 volte, e subito andera via. Item servitiale al dolore di fiancho. Rx. olio di camomilla e d’aneto e olio laurino e orina di homo sano, ana uno bichiero, et ne farai uno servitiale secondo il solito modo. Et quando el ditto male de fiancho venisse per non potere orinare, piglia il seme rosso deli alchechingii e pestali bene et il seme deli noccioli deli cieresi ben pesti, ana drama j. Et dipoi distempera le ditte polvere con vino biancho bono et falo scaldare et dalo a bere al paciente una volta anche 2, una drieto l’altra et presto lo vedrai a fare di molta orina. Et il dolore del fianco presto cessera e andera via subito, poi che tu averai horinato. E di secreto aprobato. Item al male di fiancho. Torai 2 o 3 cipolle bianche et tagliale in croce et bagnale con olio di camomilla e olio roxato et lassale ben cosere sun la brasa. Poi li pesta et metteli specie forte gialde onze ij et incorpora molto bene. Poi cosi caldo, caldo mettilo su una peza a modo di empiastro et mettilo sul dolore del fiancho 2 o 3 volte una drieto l’altra. Et in termine di 2 o 3 ore li levera il dolore et li vera volunta di horinare e ressentirasse mezo liberato. Et ancora potrai tore 3 o 4 cipolle bianche et tagliale minute et fale bolire in pignatino novo con del olio sopra detto et lassale ben cosere. Poi li pesta in mortaio et metteli drento dele specie sopra dette et farai come ai fatto di sopra. Piu caldo che pol patire, meti sun la doglia del fiancho che in breve lo libera e presto orinera et sera guarito. Cosa aprobata e vera verissima. Item a dolori colici. Farai fare uno anello overo una verghetta d’oro o d’argento, che non importa, et sempre portandola con nesso teco in dito, vz., ‘+Hcebez + Dia[--]m + N[--]orum + Satberu +’ et non altro et li dolori non ti verano mai per cosa experimentata da persone degne. Item contra al sopra detti dolori. Dirai, ‘+ Quando Christus natus fuit omne dolor passus fuit. Fugge dolor, fugge dolor, quia dominus te et persequitur. + Patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen + + + .’ Et queste parole dile con divotione e con 3 pater noster. Et ancora valiano a dirli sopra a una bestia che avesse li dolori et presto se liberera e pissera, per dei gratia, e di provato. Item ali dolori di una bestia. Dili queste parole inel orecchia dexstra. Cioe, ‘Fuge dolore, pronge dolorte ei Christus sequitur in cruce cum illo versiculo qui est in confitemini et dolore in corde meo per nocte.’ Valete. Item ali dolori di uno cavallo. Rx. la radice del cochumero assenino et dala a mangiare al cavallo et presto, presto guarira. E di provata e sventera assai, e di guarito. Item ala doglia di fianchi o doglia di corpo et questa e di provata che presto mitiga’l dolore. Torai una scodella con dela cenere caldo drento. Et mettivi sopra finochio forte onze js et metteli sopra una peza lina. Poi la sbroffa con malvasia garba et cosi calda la meti sopra ala doglia et dali a 2 ori la rinova et sappi che presto guarira. -------- [Page 132] Aqua per doglia di fianchi e zova ala pietra. Rx. aqua di sparesi e di basichia e di fiori di sambucho e di vitriola e di radice di persemolo e di limoni crudi, ana lb. j. Poi torai dele anime di perseco una piena scodella et oltertante anime di cierese et pestale molto bene tutte insieme. Poi metteli a mole in una inchistara piena di malvagia overo vino bianco bono per 2 di continui. Poi meterai ogni cosa insieme et li farai stillare al lambicho di vetro con lento foco overo a bagno maria. Poi tutta insieme e ben turata lassela al sole al manco per 20 giorni et sera facta e riponla ali tuoi bisogni. Et quando tu sentirai la doglia o dolore di pietra, pigliane onze ij in fina iij bisognando con onza s di zuccharo e che la sia calda. Et farai questo 2 o 3 volte in termine di 2 ore et, per dei gratia, presto guarirai. E di probata e di vera. Item ali dolori colici. Rx. una testa di castrato et falla bolire con aqua assai tanto che calli apresso ala metta et farai bolire con essa queste erbe: camomilla, aneto, mililotto, ana m. uno, e fengrego onze ij et coriandoli, anesi e cimino, ana onza s. Poi la leva dal foco e in ditta bolitura li bagnerai drento una spongha larga et calda quanto la puo patire mettila sul corpo adolorato et como la e freda tu la riscalda e presto il dolore si partira. Et etiam con ditta dicotione tu potrai fare li uno argumento con olio di camomilla e d’aneto e diafinicon, ana onza j, et vedrai mirabile prova perche e provato. Anco potrai farlo di vino bono puro e presto guarira. Item al dolore di fianchi per causa di pietro over ranella, dicotione et polvere. Vz. Piglia una pignata con 4 scudelle d’aqua piovana o di citerna et mettivi drento le sotto scritte cose, vz., Rx. ceci rossi una scodella, radice di petroselli, di malva vistrio, di malva, di orticha e de vitriola, ana m. uno, e che siano ben lavate e nette e ben cotte e tanto bola che calino la metta. Poi la cola et la serba in vaso mondo coperto per adoperarla ali tuoi bisogni. Poi farai questa polvere. Rx. di quelle sponghe che nasse sopra ale rame dele roxe salvatiche che si chiama bedeguar et siano ben mature che abbino li vermi et sechali e fane polvere sutila et piglia ancora anime de persico e de nespoli e scorze de noselle di quelle longuette et fane polvere sutilissima. Poi piglierai dela polvere del bedeghuar drame iij e cinamomo in polvere drame ij e de nespoli e nocelle, ana drama j. Poi pigliera una scodella dela sopra detta dicotione et metivi drento uno chochiaro de olio et con le ditte polvere bene incorporate et la matina per tempo la piglii in modo de syropo e non li dormire sopra niente et presto, per dei gratia, li dolori cesserano et horinerai di molta ranella. E questo e aprobato. Et se tu non avesti dela sopra detta dicotione, torai del brodo di ceci rossi overo di altri brodi apropriati et piglierai le dette polvere overo in vino bianco bono caldo e sta in riposso e caldo. Item al mal di fiancho e zova al male di pietra et al male di madre. Torai deli gamberi di fiume e di fontane quando mutano gli occhii overo la scorza et fali secchare in forno quando e cavato il pane overo in una tegia coperta al foco tanto che tu li possa pestare e farne polvere sutilissima. Poi la sera quando vai a dormire tu ne piglierai uno chugiaro in vino bianco bono e caldo per 6 o 8 volte et vedrai opera bella al dolore de fianchi, ala pietra e al dolor di madre. E questa e per cora vera. Item al mal di fiancho e a dolore di pietra. Rx. radice di serpentaria magio[re] e fane suco e vino bianco bono, ana onze ij, et 8 garofani fata polvere sutila et incorpora et falo scaldare e dalo al paciente la matina per tempo et questo farai per 4 o 5 matine e zoverati molto al dolore di fianco et al dolore di pietra e presto. -------- [Page 133] A fare ritenere l’orina, a chi ne patisse flusso. Rx. le scorze di melingrano et fale bolire in aqua et di quella ne darai a bere al patiente. Poi farai seccare le ditte scorze et fane polvere suttilissima et etiam dele ditte scorze ne farai brussare et ne farai polvere suttila. Poi ne darai a bere al paciente la sera quando va a dormire uno cugiaro in un bichiere dela ditta bolitura overo vino e chel sia al quanto caldo et falo piu volte e non pissera tanto. E provato. Et cime di quercia tenere bolite con vino rosso peste et messe a modo di impiastro caldo sul petignone caldo piu volte resta orina che non pissera. Item a fare ritenere l’orina. Torai le scorze dele gambe dele galine quella di drento et laveli con aceto et infilzale et fale sechare al ombra e fane polvere sutile et dane la sera ½ cugiaro quando va al letto con la sopra detta bolitura overamente vino o con brodo caldo e presto ritenera l’orina. Probato. Item a fare ritenere l’orina a chi non po. Rx. dele radice de jazoli e betonicha e finochio e prasoli, ana onze iiij, e fiori di tasso barbasso drame js e rose bianche drame ij e mele purgato onze vj. Poi metti ogni cosa in una pignata et falla bolire pian piano con lento foco et li agiongi aqua comune bochali no. 3 et tanto bola che rimanga uno bochale e non piu. Poi la colerai e premi l’erbe molto bene cavandone la sustantia et quella conserva ali bisogni. Poi ne darai al paciente a bere 2 ori avanti dii onze v per volta per 4 matine continue. Et la sera se onga el filo dele rene con unguento sandalino per quelle 4 sere. Poi li darai a bere polvere di citracha, cioe erba dorata, fatta suttilissima drama j datta in aqua stillata di zizole mal mature et di aqua stillata di una testa di capra, ana onze ij e che la sia tepida. Et questa bevanda la continua finche tu sei guarito overo apresso. E questa continuando, per dei gratia, guarirai. Et questo e raro e di optimo secreto. Et questa infirmita ha non potere ritenere l’orina non procede da altro se non di dislogatione del colla dela vissicha et di queste ne statto fatte la notomia e il tutto se veduto del chiaro. Item che pissa in insonio inel letto. Rx. dele onge de capra e onge di buo. Fale sechare et fane polvere suttilissima. Poi ne torai ana drama j et capeletti di gianda e mortella e borsa pastoris tutte fatte in polvere sutila et ne torai ana drame js et meterai insieme le ditte polvere et dale a bere al paciente con brodo o vino rosso al quanto caldo uno bichiere per volta la sera quando l’va a dormire et falo piu volte et tiene caldo lo stomaco et continuando per dei gratia presto guarirai che piu non pisserai in letto. Etiam che fusse homo hermofrodito, cioe chel participasse ineli membri gienitali dela donna overo la donna del homo per essere cosa creato di natura. Et questo secreto e statto provato a molti et etiam a zovato tanto che per dei gratia molti ne sono guariti a fatto et ad alcuni li a zovato assai. Item a chi se pissa sotto inel letto e non sentano. Torai sementa de orticha fatta in polvere sutilissima onza j et polvere di mastice onza s et metteli insieme et torai tanta pasta quanta tu ai grosso il pugno et impastari drento le ditte polvere. Poi ne farai una fogacia et fala cosere nel forno. Poi ne farai 3 parte et ogni matina ne piglierai una parte per 15 giorni continui et, per dei gratia, te rissanerai. Item a chi pissasse tropo per frigideza di rene overe non potesse ritenere l’orina. Rx. una quantita di vissiche di pessi di fiume e una vissicha di una porcha femina e una vissicha di porco salvatico e mezo polmone di capretto. Et ogni cosa farai seccare e fane polvere sutilissima tutte insieme. Poi torai um poco di galangha e di galbina, ana, et col tuo ingegnio falle in polvere sutile et incorpora ogni cosa insieme. Poi la sera quando il paciente va a dormire ne piglia uno chugiaro in brodo o vino o aqua e chel sia al quanto tiepido et questo lo farai quando la luna e ben sema et in pochi giorni se restringerano li meati del orina che non tanto pisserai. E di cosa vera. A quelle chi pissano in letto. Piglia di quelli fiori che rimangano in sun la pianta per tutta la invernata et polverizati sutile et darai a bere come tu voi et non pissera piu. Et l’acqua dele pinelle stillate verde fa ritenere l’orina mirabilmente. -------- [Page 134] A chi pisasse sangue tanto a homo quanto a donna. Rx. dela porchacia quanta tu voi et fala bolire con aqua tanto che la sia ben cotta. Poi colela et premala molto bene tanto che ne cavi la sustantia. Poi ne piglierai onze v in un bichiere et mettivi drento uno chugiaro de polvere di mile foglio secco al ombra et uno chugiaro di suco fato di ellora arborea et incorpora bene insieme et falo scaldare et dalo a bere al paciente la matina per tempo et questa bevanda la continua tanto chel sangue comincia a restare e subito resta non ne pigliare piu perche da si a si presto guarira, con l’aiutto di dio. Ancora potrai tore corno di cervo fatto in polvere sutilissima et dane al paciente a bere con latte di donna onza j la matina per tempo e presto guarira. E di provata. Item a chi pisasse sangue e presto guarirlo. Rx. dela betonicha frescha e mangene et etiam tu ne farai dela polvere sutilissima et pigliane uno chugiaro la matina per tempo con vino rosso a modo di syropo per 15 giorni et, per dei gratia, presto guarirai. Item a chi pisasse sangue. Torai capel venere pestalo e fane polvere sutila et metine mezo chugiaro in uno ovo fresco da bere et bevilo per 3 o 4 matini e molto ti zovera. Et etiam torai 2 chiari d’ovo ben dibatuti in una scudella con scropulo j di canphora incorporata drento et farai una faldella di stopa et insupela in ditta scudella et la meterai tutta atraverso ai lombi et questo farai la sera quando vai a dormire al manco per 4 sere continue e presto guarira. Conservati del vivere. Item a chi pissa sangue. Torai osmarino pestalo e cavene suco et riponilo in una inchistara di vetro et la matina ne darai a bere al paciente onze ij con onza j de vino di melingrano al quanto tiepido per alcune matine et presto l’orina mutera colore che non fara piu sangue. Et sapi che li ditti secreti sono da piu persone statti experimentati in piu persone e pero fane cunto e fa di essere regulato tanto che tuti medecini. Item a chi pissa sangue. Rx.malva, folie d’ulivo, cilidonia, roxe e mame di viole e folie di salice, salvia, orzo, bertonicha, scorze di melingrano, scabiosa, petizola, lingua boina, ana onza j, grogo, aloe patico, ana drame iij, e mele crudo onze iiij et aceto bianco tanto che basti et metti ogni cosa insieme in un pignatto e fa bolire al quanto. Poi meterai dela ditta bolitura in una mezetta et fa che la sia al quanto calda et meteli drento il membro overo tienlo bagnato spesso. Et presto guarirai del pisare sangue. A doglia di rene, presto guarirlo. Rx. 2 chiari d’ovo freschi e suco di piantagine onza j e olio violato e olio nanuffarino et unguento roxato, ana onza s, e scropuli 2 di canfora taliata minuta et ogni cosa incorpora insieme molto bene et con ditto unguento la sera e la matina ongeti molto bene le rene et presto cessera li dolore per cosa provata e di pochi giorni. Item a chi non pole orinare e chi a dolore di reni. Torai erba virga aurea et fane polvere sutilissima et dane uno chugiaro in uno ovo frescho da bere la matina per tempo e stia in riposso al manco 2 o 3 ori e presto lo fara orinare e li cessera il dolore dele reni et lo continua per 12 giorni e presto guarirai. Item a doglia di fianco. Torai storace liquida drame vj, grasso di galina e di ocha e d’anetra, ana drame v, olio roxato drame iiij e cera rossa drame ijs, butiro drama j. Et liquefa li grassi, l’olio, el butiro insieme. Poi li cola che siano bene incorporati et li metterai lo storace et sera fatto. Et distendilo sopra a una peza et metti sul petenechio e presto pisserai. A chi pisasse sangue per la verga. Rx. pantafilon con le radice e ben netto et mettilo in pignatta con bonissimo vino vermilio et falo bolire per un’ora et turela bene dintorno quando dela metti in pignatta. Poi la cola sutilmente et in ditto vino mettivi drento uno poco di acqua vite et ne darai a bere al paciente onza j matine e sera e calda per 4 o 6 giorni, e presto guarirai. Item. Se lo infermo orinasse chel non sentisse et lo volesse restringerlo, ponerai inela ditta dicotione dele giande in polvere e ne bevi la sera. -------- [Page 135] A chi non pole horinare, secreti belitissimi e presto. Rx. di quelli animaleti che li dimandano porcellini, che sono bisi che si ringrizola intondo come un pater nostro che stano al umedo soto a mattoni. Pigliane una quantita che siano netti. Metteli intra doi tegami et fali seccare nel forno quando eli e cavato il pane. Pestali e fane polvere sutilissima et serbela ali tuoi bisogni. Poi ne darai al paciente a bere uno chugiaro con brodo o vino overamente con aque stillate de vitriola e cilidonia, ana onze iij, con zucharo drento trito onza j e datta calda a modo di syropo. Poi falo acostare al foco con le cosse che senta bene il caldo presto li verra apetitto di orinare e orinera. Et questa sie medecina aprobatissima ha uno il quale fusse statto un di o piu che non avesse potuto horinare et che l’orina fusse andatta tra carne e pelle e fusse venuto giallo e besinfio per causa del non potere horinare et sia chi si voglia homo o donna, presto se liberera, per dei gratia, per essere probata parechie volte da homini degni di fide. Et etiam li darai spesse volti a bere aqua stillata di vitriola e cilidonia, ana onze iij, con zucaro drento tiepida et presto horinera. Et etiam li metterai sul petignone uno sachetto con drento dela cenere calda e presto li provocherai l’orina e pissera a suo piacere. Item a chi non pole horinare. Rx. dele radice di canna e radice di fave e di sparasi, ana, lavele bene e tagliale et fale lambichare a lambicho di vetro. Poi ne darai a bere al paciente uno bichiere la matina per tempo a modo di syropo e al quanto se ripossa e metivi drento onza s di zucharo fino e presto horinera e di molta ranella. Item . Torai una radice overo uno ravanello e raspelo et cosi frescho frescho mettilo sul petignone e presto ti provochera l’orina. Pigliando prima qualche bevanda calda per bocha che sia atta accio et pisserai habondantemente et farai di molta ranella. Item a fare horinare e largamente. Rx. semente di appio e di endivia e di anesi crudi, ana m. uno. Et pesterai tutte queste semente non tropo sutile et ne farai 2 sachettini in bottiti quanto e la mano et si haverai una pignata nova con drento bona malvasia overo optimo vino biancho et mettila al foco tanto como se volesse bolire. Poi metteli drento uno di quelli 2 sachettino et subito leva la pignatta dal foco et caverai fora quello sachettino et premilo bene. Et cosi caldo, caldo lo metti sul petignone ma prima radi’l petignone et ongilo con olio de mandole dolce e olio de scropioni, ana, e chel sia caldo. Poi meti sopra’l sachetino cosi caldo et como quello e fredo levelo et metti suso quell altro chel sia ben caldo sempre ongendo prima con ditto olio e caldo et sempre meti l’uno dopo l’altro et non lassare raffredare la carne et facendo questo bon rimedio in termine di 2 ore horinera tanto quanto lui vorra. E sapi che questo e uno rari secreti per fare horinare. Item a fare horinare e assai et etiam di molta ranella. Rx. uno grosso e grasso polastro e nettalo bene e politamente et mettilo in uno caldaio grande e con aqua assai che non abia causa agionruene niente et falo ben cosere che l’osso sespichi dala carne et lasselo cosi drento. Poi li metterai drento a bolire insieme radice de appio e di predissemino e di malva e di malva vischio e di finochio dolce, ana m. uno, et tanto bola che siano ben cotti in ditto brodo. Poi lo colerai sutilmente et serbalo in loco fresco et ogni matina finche dura ne beverai una taza con onza s di zucharo fino trito. Et metendoti prima sul petenichio il sachettino pieno di cenere calda e presto ti fara horinare e assai et etiam di molta ranella et se tu fusti sotto posto adolore di pietra continuando tu questa bevanda presto te la fara rompere et la pisserai a poco a poco per la virtu dele ditte erbe e radice. -------- [Page 136] A chi con faticha stenta a horinare. Rx. solatro magiore, cioe fiopi, id est alchichingi, di quelle cierese rosse che stano drento a quelle vessiche, m. uno, et fale bolire inel vino biancho bono tanto che siano ben cotti e crepati. Poi colali sutilmente, premendoli bene. Poi di quel vino ne berai la sera quando vai a dormire e caldo con um poco di zucaro drento et questo farai per 8 o 10 giorni et vedrai mirabile experientia dela molta horina che ti fara venire. E provato. Item chi stenta a horinare. Rx. li testiculi di una lepra o piu, fali sechare e fane polvere et torai scorze di canelle, di cassia e canella fina fatta in polvere sutilissima et pigliane a tua discretione uno chugiaro o piu in vino bianco bono o brodo di castrato con um poco di zucharo la sera overo la matina como ti torna comodo in modo di syropo. Et questa bevanda e molto apropriata aprire le porosita dela horina et usando questa bevanda la natura si su ne fara a provochare la horino solita dela nature, non havendo altro impedimento dela natura. Item per fare horinare. Torai del predesemine con le radice e vitriola del muro e cressoni et fale bolire tanto che siano ben cotte. Poi cavele et premale al quanto et a modo di empiastro cosi calde mettele sul petignone et como e fredo falo riscaldare e presto horinerai, non avendo altro impedimento. Item chi non pole horinare. Torai seme di meloni, vino bianco bono e zucharo grosso, ana lb. j, e pesterai le seme et metterai ogni cosa insieme et farai stillare al lambico di vetro con lento foco et continuerai questa aqua a berne la matina per tempo a modo di syropo al quanto calda et vedrai operatione mirabile et largamente horinerai. E di secreto aprobato. Item chi stenta a horinare, impiastro. Torai stercho di buo et lo incorpora con del mele crudo et falo scaldare et fane impiastro et cossi caldo, caldo mettilo sul petignone et farai cossi spesso mantenendolo caldo e presto horinerai. E questo e bel secreto. Item a fare horinare, secreto mirabile. Rx. medularum ceresarum et persicorum, ana onze vj, ossa nespularum et nespuli, ana onze iij, ribule seu vini malvatici lb.ij, zuchari candidi onze iij, pone in ampulla bene opturata per dies tres naturales. Deinde, Rx. aquarum florum sambuci, gienestre, mellonum, berbene, paretarie, crescionis, petroselii, acrimonie, ana onze vj, aquarum alchechingi et erbe santi petri et de capillorum veneris, ana onze iij, et hec omnia supra dicta misse simul et destilla aqua per lambichum vitri et diligenter conserva quia est preciosa. Dossis eius est onze js usquem ad onze ij et se bene cooperianti in letto et cum sudaverit tergat bene cum pannis calidis et si expedit iterum reiterare semel vel bis et liberabit. Et valet ad vitium lapidis et ad passionum renum, sic ego ad expertus sum. Ancora le anime dele cierese fattone polvere suttile et dane al paciente onza j a bere in un bichiere di vino bianco bono e che sia al quanto caldo falo piu volte, e presto pissera. Item chi non pole horinare. Torai quella cosa dura che sta drento nel fel del buo vechio et fala secchare e fane polvere et farai anche polvere dele scorze dele noselle salvatiche et piliane tanta del uno quanta del altra et dane a bere al paciente chi non pole horinare, con aqua di vitriola, di sparasi, lingua canis e loppoli, ana onza j, con zucharo, e dala calda. -------- [Page 137] A chi non pole horinare, sia homo o donna. Rx. erba cerfoglio, m. 2, e rigolitia machata onze ij et fala bolire in una pignata nova col suo coperchio con lb. viij di aqua di loppoli che cali il terzo. Poi levela dal foco et colela et la serba nettamente et darai a bere al paciente uno bon bichiere dela ditta aqua con um poco di zucharo drento e che la sia calda. Poi metterai quel cerfoglio caldo a modo di empiastro sul petignone e atraverso ala verga et li darai anche a bere un altro bichiere dela ditta aqua che sia calda, et con piu ne beve presto horinera e abondante et di molta ranella che questa erba li e molta aprobata. Et questo continuerai per 3 giorni ala fila et rifarai riscaldare lo empiastro al manco 4 o 5 volte al giorno et beva assai dela ditta aqua. Et questo lo farai piu o meno secundo che vedrai il bisogno. Et falo sicuramente che li e aprobato. Item a fare pissare con facelita. Rx. radice di raffano ben trite et metteli in 2 sachettini di tela grandi quanto e la mano. Poi fali bolire in vino bianco bono e grande tanto che calli il quarto. Poi del ditto vino dane a bere a colui che non pole horinare per causa di qualche dolore overo altra infirmita, uno bichiere la matina per tempo e caldo. Poi meterai li 2 sachettini al quanto premuti e che siano caldi uno sul petignone et l’altro drieto al de rimpetto et rinovali spesso cioe a farli scaldare et faratti pissare assai, assai. E provato et zova anche ala ranella. Item a fare pissare e presto. Torai olio d’oliva e falo scaldare tanto che tu li possa tenere drento al mole la verga tutta et como si raffredisse falo scaldare e presto ti verra lo apetitto di horinare et zoverati assai e presto. Et etiam al ditto male egli e molto buono aussare a bere del suco dela bertonicha e caldo con al quanto di zucaro drento e fa rompere la pietra et pisserai di molta ranella a poc a poco e presto, per dei gratia, guarirai. Item a fare pissare, aprobatissima. Rx. somenza di bonaga magiore di quella tonda che si tacha a panni et fane polvere sutilissima et anche torai quella policina che sta drento del magone di polastri che a drento di quella sabbia et laveli politamente e fali sechare al ombra e fane polvere sutilissima et ne torai ana ½ chugiaro con un poco di zucharo tolta con vino bianco bono o brodo chel sia caldo la matina per tempo per 4 o 5 volte e sta caldo, e presto pisserai e assai. Probato. Item a fare pissare. Rx. una branchata di erba ditta panataria et fala cosere inel aqua molto bene. Poi cavela e premila. Poi ritorna a bagnare la ditta erba con suco fatto di malva et mettivi sopra scropuli 2 di canella pesta. Poi cosi ben caldo ditto empiastro mettilo sul petignone e sta in riposso et lasselo stare suso piu che tu poi. Et se l’orina non venisse, falo riscaldare e orinera. A chi non pole horinare. Torai del orticha et fane polvere sutilissima. Poi ne pilierai un quarto d’onza in un bichier di vino et falo bolire um poco dinanti al foco et lasselo al quanto raffredare. Poi dallo a bere al paciente a stomaco digiuno et cosi farai la sera quando va a dormire et torai 2 o 3 foglie di brancha orsina, fali scaldare et meteli sul petignone et legali suso che vi stiano tutta la notte, e la matina li leva via et presto, per dei gratia, pisserai. Item a fare pissare. Rx. camomilla, vitriola del muro, id est paritaria, e assentio, ana m. uno, e fengrego e seme de lino, ana onza j, et farai bolire ogni cosa in vino bianco. Poi meterai lo empiastro sul petenechio caldo et fallo piu volte e presto pisserai e assai. Falla e sarai contento. -------- [Page 138] Al brusore dela verga inel l’ussire del orina. Rx. olio roxato e aqua roxa, ana, el chiaro di un ovo frescho et componi insieme et ongirai sera e matina el filo dele rene et meti sopra una peza lina et per ischizare inela verga torai aqua roxa di piantagine, ana, con um poco di zucaro fino e schizalo inela verga con lo schizatoio. Et se questo non molto ti zovasse adopera del vino rosso bono a schizare drento e zoverati assai e guarirai presto. Et conservati del vivere, mangia tutte cose rinfrescativi, et non bere vino, aqua d’orzo e panatella con seme di meloni e sta casto che presto guarirai. E di probata. Item al brussore di verga e di ranella. Rx. l’agrimonia con le radice et mile follio salvaticho, sechali al ombra et fane polvere sutilissima. Poi dane da bere al paciente uno chugiaro in un bichiere di vin bianco caldo la sera quando va a dormire per 4 o 5 sere. Et ongiti le rene con l’olio ditto di sopra et non mangiare cose calide che sono contrarie al ditto male et facendo questo, presto horinera e senza brussore di verga et farai di molta ranella et si purghera quella materia calida. Et ancora egli e bono il raffano salvatico, cioe la sua somenta pesta, e datone a bere uno chugiaro con vino bianco caldo la sera molto li zovera. Et piu si dice che la polvere dele cochole di ellora arborea datta a bere con vino bianco caldo una presa ogni 2 giorni per i spacio di 15 giorni fa orinare di molta ranella et etiam corrode la pietra a poc a poco chel homo non la sente et la pisserai abondantemente e senza passione del patiente. E questo egli e un bel secreto. Non preterire l’ordine ditto di sopra. Item a provochare l’orina. Rx. aqua di finochio, di sparase, di bruscandoli, di appio et di lingua canis, ana onze iij, et vino di melingrani acettosi, onze ij, syropo di 2 radice onze vj, rigolitia trita onza j. Et boli ogni cosa insieme con zucharo fino onze ij in vaso di vetro tanto che si consuma la terza parte. Poi la colerai et la matina per tempo ne piglierai uno bichiero calda et cosi la sera 2 ore avanti cena et continuandola horinerai a tuo piacere senza passione alchuna. Anchora se ritrova homini alcuni chi anno stretto il buco dela verga che quasi senza altra infermita stentano a horinare. Et di questi me ne capitato per le mane et questa e statta la sua cura e di statta optima e bona per lui. Io tolsi del mese di magio dele radice di bietola seminate di un mese or 2 e nati in bono tereno grasso e tolse di quelle radice piu longhe non tropo grosse ma honeste e che susseno lisse senze altre radicette per intorno. Et quelle lavai e netai politamente. Poi li rinvoltai in un folio di carta biancha et cosi li lassai sechare drite al ombra et poi che furno seche rimassene suttille polite et lisse. Poi tolsi una delle ditte radice et l’onse con mele et la misse drento al buco dela verga tanta quanta era longa la verga con 4 dita del filo che pendeva fora et la si comodo dritta nela brachetta. Et quando li veniva volunta de pissare, cavava fori quella radice e pissava grosso e galiardamente. Et quella radice se era ingrossata et manteneva il buco dela verga largo. Et poi ne rimeteva drento un altra netta pur onta con mele et quella la lavava e netavela politamente et la rimetivo in tortiata inela carta et como la era seccha la era bona como di prima. Et tenendo questo ordine per parechi giorni, il buco dela verga si vene a largarsi per la longa consuetudine et pissava largamente senza quella servita et sempre quel homo se me rimasse obbligato per questo beneficio che io li feci et questo secreto te lo do di propria mano. -------- [Page 139] Al male di pietra e ala ranella inele rene over nela vissicha, presto farla pissare. Rx. cerfoglio in erba quanto tu voi, pestalo et cavane suco et poi lo lassa schiarire et dane a bere al paciente di pietra o ranella onze iiij con un poco di zucharo e chel sia caldo et dalo la sera quando va a dormire et mangi poco, cioe ligermente. Poi farai cosere dela dita erba m. uno in aqua di luppoli et quando a levato il primo bolore, levela dal foco et cosi calda a modo di empiastro e metila sul petignone legata che la stia suso la notte et vedrai bella operatione et la matina ti netta et farai cosi al manco 4 o 6 volte e sta sicure che presto riceverai miglioramento, facendo questa polvere: torai dele lumache senza’l gusso et maxime di quelle che stano drento alli sechiaii et falle sechare et fane polvere sutilissima et dala a bere al paciente quando va a dormire drame ij, con vino biancho bono onze iiij, con zucharo drento e chel sia al quanto tiepido. Et queste bevande li potrai fare una sera l’una et l’altra sera l’altra, tanto che ogni sera farai una bevanda. Et in pochi de giorni, per dei gratia, tu sentirai tal miglioramento che ti potrai chiamare guarito et pisserai largamente e senza passione impero che la ranella sera spinta e la pietra sera ita in niente, cioe sera rotta e infranta e sera pissata a poc a poco senza lesione del paciente et serai libero, e di provata. Item a rompere la ranella. Rx. aqua stillata di limoni e di buccie di fave e di ravanelli, ana drame ij, e granelli di edera arborea colti a luna sema di genaio, drame ijs, e somenta di coda ulpina e di ginestra et grana solis, ana drama j, et fane polvere sutilissima et le incorpora tutte insieme et distempera queste polvere con onze v dela bolitura sopra detta del cerfoglio et dela ditta polvere ne torai onza s et questa bevanda la pilierai la matina per tempo calda a modo di syropo per 15 matini e presto, per dei gratia, non sentirai piu dolore di ranella e manco di pietra et largamente pisserai. Item al sopra detto dolore di pietra o di ranella. Torai erba saxifragia, lb. ij, mile follio, petrosemine, ana lb. j, limoni no. 9 tagliati sutili et aceto bianco fortissima, lb. viij, et metti ogni cosa insieme et farai destillare al lambicho di vetro con lento foco et serberai la ditta aqua in vaso di vetro e ben turata ali tuoi bisogni. Poi ne darai a bere al paciente onza j la sera e la matina calda a modo di syropo e mangia la sera poco e stia caldo con lo stomaco acio che facia bona digestione. Et quando tu sentisti la pietra che anche ti molestasse inel ussire del orina, beverai uno bichiere de aqua stillata di appio lixandrino con zucaro drento e calda. Sapi che presto, presto te ligerisse del dolore et pisserai abondantemente. Et questa e aprobata. Item al dolore dela ranella, presto guarirla. Dirai 3 pater noster con 3 ave marie et poi li dirai sopra queste sancte parole, tocando con la tua mano le sue rene del paciente, cioe, “In nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + amen. + Jesus. Io ti scongiuro pietra per quello che prima disse, ‘I son pietra, + morto son e ligato e sepelito in pietra.’ + Cosi nela sua morte si rompi la pietra, + cossi debia rompere e spezzare quelle pietre che sono in quelle rene + che non li rimangha ne pietre ne ranelle + ne alo infermo darli piu pena. + Fiat. + Amen + Atta.” Et dilla spesse volte sera e la matina e presto vedrai opera mediante la gratia di dio et la tua bona intentione che piu dolore non sentirai. Item a fare orinare di molta ranella. Torai somenta di orticha et fala bolire in olio di camomilla e aceto bianco tanto che calli un terzo. Poi la sera quando vai a dormire fallo ben scaldare et ongiti el petignone e tutta la verga et infassalo con peze calde et presto orinerai di molta ranella et farai questa ontione anche ala donna, et averai honore. -------- [Page 140] A fare pissare di molta ranella e presto. Rx. vino biancho bonissimo una piena inchistara grande da foco et torai 2 o 3 ravanelli e gratuseli e metteli in ditto vino et metteli al sole coperto per 4 giorni et ogni di li mesta sotto sopra 2 volte. Poi lassela ripossare e schiarire. Poi del ditto vino dane a bere al paciente inanti pasto onze iij. Et continuandolo a farlo piu volte abondantemente pisserai di molta ranella. E di cosa vera verissima. Item a pissare la ranella. Rx. erba saxifragia, cilidonia, salvia, saxefricha et somente di milium solis, ana onze vj, e mele crudo lb. iij et farai polvere dele dite erbe sutilissima et fale bolire in dito mele tanto che si spesischa a modo di lattuario. Poi ne darai alo paciente piu volte et fara di molta ranella et con brusore di verga. Et poi li farai questo impiastro caldo sul petignone. Torai erba panigastrello salvatico et pestalo bene con songia di porco et falo incorporare a lento foco et caldo meti suso et falo piu volte e presto orinerai et di molta ranella. Et fallo sicuramente che provato. Item a guarire dele pietre che e inela rene. Rx. malva di campagna et fane dicotione et compostela con mele e buttiro e uno poco di seme di altea e alchechingi et dala a bere in modo di syropo caldo et ussandolo molto vale per fare orinare di molta ranella che e inele rene et molto ti zovera. Item a fare orinare de molta ranella e abondantemente. Rx. cieci rossi meza scudella e 2 barbe di malva ben lavate e tagliate e uva passerina, onze ij, e zucharo candido onze js et rigolicia taliata onze ijs et ogni cosa metti insieme in una inchistara grande da foco con aqua di lopoli et fala bolire al foco tanto che calli il terzo. Poi la cola et conservela ali tuoi bisogni et ne darai al paciente onze iiij a bere la matina per tempo a modo di syropo et questo farai per 9 matine continue et vedrai opera mirabile. Et farai questo empiastro per mettere sul petenechio e caldo. Torai malva e paritaria, ana m. uno, et fale cosere in aqua et la sera meti suso caldo et che la notte e stia suso et vedrai effetto mirabile di butare la ranella. Et se per sorte fusse infirmita vechia la quale el piu dele volte suo le ingenerare gessitudine ine i lombi et fa che la natura non pole orinare et non fa se non lamentarse. Torai cressoni, malva e appio et falo cosere in aqua comune. Poi che e cotto lo metti in sul cropone drieto chel sia caldo et questo lo farai matina e sera et continuandolo al quanti giorni vedrai mirabile effetto a pissare e sta caldo tutto del tuo corpo e presto guarira di tale infermita che molti persone l’anno experimentato. Item ala ranella e anche zova ala pietra. Rx. la pelle de una lepore et il sangue de 2 o 3 lepore et metti il sangue inela pelle et farai secare ogni cosa inel forno quando eli e cavato el pane. Poi ne farai polvere minutissima et ne darai uno chugiaro al paciente in vino o brodo di pollo caldo la matina per tempo et continuandolo per alchune matine. Conservandoti del vivere, vedrai opera bella e farai di molta ranella e la pietra non ti fara noi. E de bel secreto. -------- [Page 141] A rompere la pietra in la vessicha in piu modi. Rx. il sangue di vuolpe et li suoi testiculi et fa chel sia tiepido et mettene inel buco dela verga et anche te ne bagna li testiculi e sotto et questo fallo piu volte et la pietra se rompera. Et daralli anche a bere del ditto sangue overo fatto in polvere con vino bianco caldo et ussandolo spesse volte a fare ditti rimedii presto se liberera. Et etiam ongeti le dita col ditto sangue et fregali sopra al corpo, cioe sopra al petenechio et sopra alle rene et sotto ali testiculi dove sta il collo dela vissicha et farai tutte queste cose a un tratto, cioe la bevanda, l’ongere dela verga et queste freghe. Et non fare dissordine del vivere et non ussare mentre che fai questo presto, presto getterai la pietra rotta. Item per fare rompere la pietra che di novo si sente nella vissicha. Rx. succo de sassifragia et di mille foglie et di petroselli e di appio, ana lb. j, et acieto bianco forte onze viiij et incorpora insieme et farai distillare a bozza di vetro con poco foco overo a bagno maria et dane a bere al paciente onze iiij la sera e la matina, e presto la pissera. Item a rompere la pietra inela vissicha se tu farai questi remedii inel principio. Cioe tu farai morire una lepre ut lepratto in lo forno quando e cavato il pane del forno di subito buttali drento et tura la bocca et lassela morire a quel modo affogata. Poi cavela del forno et caveli solamente le budella schiette e non altro, non sangue e non fegato. Poi la meterai cossi como la e in una pignatta o tegame di terra con li piedi, el capo e ogni cosa col suo coperchio et turato intorno con pezza et pasta che niente possa respirare et lassela stare tanto inel forno che la sia cotta, stra cotta et disfatta, ma non brussata, in modo che tu ne possa farne polvere pestandola. Et tante volte la metterai drento che tutta la pesterai et la redurai in polvere tutta el ossa, el pele et la carne. Et la ditta polvere la conserva in uno sachetto di camosso per doperarla ali bisogni. Et poi farai anche polvere sutilissima dele semente di ellora arborea et questa conserva. Et etiam farai stillare dele cipolle bianche al lambicho di vetro et torai onze iiij di questa acqua et metteli drento uno cugiaro dela prima polvere dela lepra et uno altro cugiaro dela 2 fatta di semente di ellora. Et falla scaldare et dalla a bere la matina al alba et li dorma sopra un ora et questo farai per 7 matine continue et starai caldo et, con lo aiutto di dio, pisserai di molta ranella et presto te libererai di tale passione. Item a fare pissare abondantemente quando fusse impedito per causa di ranella. Rx. galbano et pestalo minutamente et fane polvere suttila et falla scaldare et con ingegno tu ne metterai inel buco dela verga et sul propucio et che la stia suso et presto orinerai. Et etiam torai cressoni et fali bollire con vino bianco bono per 2 miserere et meteli caldi sopra al petenecchio a modo di impiastro et quando e freddo fallo riscaldare et presto orinerai e abondante. E provato. Ad provocandum urinam . Rx. somenta de ginestra et fale secare et le pulveriza sutilmente. Poi ne torai uno cugiaro con vino bianco ut acqua de sassifragia al quanto caldo la matina per tempo. E provato. Item. Rx. seminis feniculi, annesi, karvi, ana onza s, mili solis onze js, genestre, sassifragie, apii, petroselini, peonie, ana onze ij, seminum comunium onza s, spice, cinamomi, ana drama j, liquiricie rase drame iij, zuchari albi onze js. Fiat ex his pulvis subtilis et bibe ut supra. Ad restringendum urinam. Rx. suco de prugnoli et sorbe et marasche, ana onze iiij, zucharo et mele quantum suficit ad componendum. Utere ieiuno stomaco ad quantitatem castenee et restringet. -------- [Page 142] [Blank page.] -------- [Page 143] Ad frangendum lapidem in vesicham. Rx. verminatam et pista eam et extrae sucum et de isto suco des unum ciatum patienti ad bibendum ieiuno stomacho in balneo et statim lapis frangitur et sonabitur infirmis. Et si vis probare virtutem huius suci predicti accipe de dicto suco et pone in sero ut in die in uno mortario de lapide et in mane sequenti ipsum mortarium fractum inveniet, et est probatum. Item a guarire la ranella e farla pissare abondantemente. Rx. aqua stillata di limoni e di gelso nero e de sparasi e di buchie di fava e di vitriola et di radice di canne, ana onza j, e onza s di zucharo e falo scaldare et dala a bere la matina per tempo al paciente et questo farai per 6 o 8 matine et vedrai cosa maravigliosa del pissare che farai di molta ranella e con brusare di verga e presto guarirai. Item al male dela ranella, optimo e sancto rimedio, di provata. Rx. la pelle, el sangue di una lepre, bruselo o sechelo et fane polvere sutila. Poi ne piglierai la matina a stomaco digiuno uno quarto d’onza con vino bianco bono e caldo et farati pissare di molta ranella el quale experimento e statta sperimentato da homini valenti. Et se tu ne vorai farne experientia dela ditta bevanda et metterai una pietra in una scudella et mettivi sopra del ditto vino che tu vorai bere per uno di naturale et l’altro giorno tu troverai la pietra rotta per virtu dela potentia e forza che quello sangue di lepore et di questo se ne voluto vedere la experientia piu volte. Item a guarire dela ranella. Torai de la terra del nido dele rondine fata in polvere sutila et torai malva et fane bolitura et ne piglierai uno bichiere con uno chugiare dela ditta polvere et dala a bere la matina calda a modo di syropo per 5 o 6 matine et la pietra over ranella pisserai e presto guarirai. Item a guarire dela pietra overo ranella. Rx. erba saxifragia, radice di sparasi e rosolaci di quelli che nascano ine campi, cioe papardi, ana m. uno, et torai fialchi 3 di aqua comune et farai ogni cosa bolire insieme tanto che calli il terzo. Poi la colerai sutilmente et dane a bere al paciente uno bichiere con um poco di zucharo, la sera et la matina per tempo a modo di syropo et sentirai a fare operatione molto al tuo proposito di abondante ranella pisserai. Et se tu voi un secreto rarissimo, piglia del sangue de volpe overo de lepore et tachelo ala verga e chel tacha anche del petenechio et presto ti fara rompere la pietra inla vessicha in minutissimi pezzi et in piu volte la pisserai et tu la sentirai inel ussire. E di provata. Item a rompere la pietra in la vessicha. Rx. una lepore viva, amazela e fa che non li nescha giozo di sangue, sparela et caveli solamente le budelle e gentilmente che tu non li cavi fuora sangue et non la bagnare. Tagliela in pezi et la comoda in una pignata nova col suo coperchio e turato intorno con la pasta che non rifiata et mettila nel forno quando e cavato el pane et tante volte nela meti che la sia tutta ben secca che pestandola ne possi farne polvere sutilissima e tamisata et la serba ali tuoi bisogni in sachetto di sovatto. Et quando la vorai dare a homo o donna, dala con aqua de saxsifragia e de limoni, ana onze iij, e uno bon cugiaro dela ditta polvere con un poco di zucaro drento e calda, la sera et la matina per tempo a modo di syropo. Et questo farai per 8 o 10 giorni continui. Et conservati del vivere, non ussare con donna e beve vini bianchi non tropo grandi, chiari e naturali. Usa a mangiare inanti pasto del buttiro frescho e assai, e non patire fredo. Et continuando l’ordine di questa bevanda, tu senterai la pietra a romperli in la vessicha et la pisserai a poc a poco et alcuni volte tu la sentirai quando ne vora venire di pezi grossi et a questo modo presto guarirai. -------- [Page 144] A fare rompere la pietra inela vessicha. Rx. una volpe e una lepora vive et taglieli il capo et ricoglie con diligentia tutto quel suo sangue. Poi meterai in una pignata nova col suo coperchio e turata con pasta intorno che non possa sfiatare niente in forno tanto che ogni cosa si secca che tu ne possi farne polvere sutelissima e stachiata. Mettivi drento il capo et tutto il sangue e li piedi tutti et tutti doi le pelle e i fegati. Et la carne la potrai mangiare. Et tiene quel ordine ditto di sopra et abia cara la ditta polvere come se’l fusse un gran tessoro et piu per coloro che n’anno di bisogno. Et se tu non li credi, vedine la experientia. Piglia uno chugiaro dela ditta polvere e metila in una scudella o pignatino novo con drento vino o aqua o brodo overamente aceto et meti drento una pietra et coprila bene e tienla in loco caldo per 6 o 8 giorni, troverai la pietra rotta in piu pezi. Et a questo modo tu ne serai capace et certificato. Adunque al difettoso ne tora un chugiaro dela dita polvere et dala a bere con vino, brodo di pollo o con aqua di limoni una bona scudella caldo in modo di syropo la matina per tempo anco la sera alcuni volte la potrai dare quando la sera mangerai poco et quando la pigli ti conserva da ogni cosa e sta caldo con tutta la persona et in pochi giorni, per dei gratia, tutta la pisserai e preso che tu la sentirai abbi pacientia che presto guarirai et sapi che questa e statta provata. Et se per sorte l’homo patisse de gran tosse usa a bere di questa polvere la matina con vino o brodo caldo et etiam ne usa a mangiare sopra ale sue vivande e stia caldo e presto guarira e piu non tossira. Et sapi che questa aqua a gran proprieta a rodere la pietra inla vessicha et fala ussire fora e presto et se tu la farai ne sarai chiaro. Item a rompere la pietra e di bel secreto. Torai dele cipolle bianche et fale lambicare al lambicco di vetro et darai a bere onze vj che la sia calda con um poco di zucharo. Et farai polvere sutila di quelli ossi picholini che paiano fa soli che stano neli piedi dele levori e metene drento drama j. Et quando tu l’averai datta a bere 3 o 4 matine e che tu non sentisti movimento alcuno, agiongeli drento onze s di polvere fatta di somente di ellora arborea et ti fara lo effetto piu galiardamente et in breve tu sentirai lo proprio strepito in vessicha et largamente la pisserai, e presto guarirai. Item a rompere la pietra nela vessicha e nele rene. Rx. uno beccho di 2 anni del mese di agosto e a luna sema lo mazerai il quale abia mangiato per uno mese avanti se non ellora arborea e non altro. Et ricolierai tutto quel sangue et falo stillare al lambico di vetro e con lento foco et quello liquore che nesse conservelo come cosa cara. Et la matina per tempo ne berrai onze iiij con zucaro drento e caldo et bagneti ancho il petenechio e la verga, el cropon drieto et starai per 2 ori in riposso e non dormire et questo farai per 6 o 8 matine et vedrai opera beletissima. Ti rompera la pietra nela vessica et etiam inele rene et la pisserai molto largamente e in brevo tempo. Et se tu vorai provare la ditta destillatione, fa che la sia calda et mettivi drento una pietra et che la stia drento stuffata per 6 o 8 giorni et vedrai lo effeto de in minutissimi pezi. Et semilmente speza il diamante essendo posto in ditto liquore et se uno ne bevesse pontino scamparia poco et pero ne sia advertito. Et se tu torai la pietra che a inel capo le lumache senza’l gusso e fane polvere suttile et dala a bere la matina per tempo con vino bianco caldo con zucaro et continua per 8 matine, presto si rompera la pietra, etiam che la fusse vechia e dura presto la pisserai. E probata. -------- [Page 145] Al mal di pietra et di ranella in piu modi e fa pissare. Rx. irios fatto in polvere sutila drame iij et impastela con un rossume di ovo frescho e crudo et farai che lo infermo la ingiotischa con bon vino bianco e caldo overamente con una zalda et falo piu matine continue e ti molifiche il corpo didrieto et dinanti in modo che pisserai tanto che tutta la ranella ussira fora e presto guarirai. Item al preditto mal di pietra. Torai del sangue di beccho del mese d’agosto et falo destillare al lambicho di vetro et beverai onze iij dela ditta distillatione con onze s di zucaro e fa chel sia caldo et lo piglia la matina per tempo e falo piu volte et verdrai bono effetto di molta ranelli pisserai. Overamente potrai fare a questo modo avendo tu il dolore grande dela pietra et sentendola con dito metendo per il buco didrieto. In questo caso torai um poco dela ditta destilatione onze iiij e dela polvere fatta del suo sangue et del suo fegato e di sangue di lepore et del suo fegato fatte tutte in polvere sutilissime, ana drama j, et metti ogni cosa inela ditta distillatione et fala scaldare al quanto. Poi la matina al alba falo pissare. Poi li schiza questa composicione drento ala verga col gonfietto tutta se tu poi et falo stare in riposso per tre o 4 ore et tenghela in visicha piu che lui pole et sentira la pietra a rompersi et se inel pissare che liu fara pilia del aqua roxa e di piantagine con zucaro drento et che la sia tiepida et schizela inela verga piu volte et non la tenga tropo in nela vissicha ma lassela venire a sua posta. Et farai a questo modo tanto chel brusore si venga al quanto a mitigarsi, ma non restare di non fare ogni matina la prima schizatura et se la verga in el ussire del orina non ti molesta non acade a fare questa seconda schizatura ma la seguita tante volte la prima che tu ti senti dela pietra libero con l’aiutorio di dio. Et conservati del vivere e mangia ligermente e sta caldo, non tocare donna in questi giorni che tu ti medichi che faresti mali i fatti tuoi. Et farai va voto a dio e a sancto gosimo e a sancto damiano di fare una elimosin el suo sancto giorno al laude e gloria di dio et deli ditti sancti et per la fede che tu averai in dio di guarire et de pissare la pietra. Sapi che per dei gratia, presto guarirai. E provata. Item altri secreti al mal di pietra. Torai il suco dela saxifragia lb. j et aceto bianco forte onze viij et componi insieme et farai stillare al lambicho di vetro con lento foco et dela ditta aqua dane a bere al paciente la matina per tempo onza j con um poco di zucharo fino et continuandola molto ti zovera. Et bevendo la matina il suco dela perforata caldo con zucaro aiutta molto a rompere la pietra. Et etiam coserai uno scorpione insu le braxe et dalo a mangiare in tutti que modi che tu poi al paciente purche lui non lo sapia et ongili con olio de scorpioni chel sia ben caldo tutto il petignone e la verga et di drieto al di rimpetto et metti sopra panni caldi et fallo stare caldo e ti fara bona operatione. Et ancora torai una scudella de lenti et un bon manipulo di ruta et metteli a mole in aqua de lupoli e de lingua canis e de scorze di fava, ana lb. js, et lassele stare per 3 giorni a mole et poi ne darai alo infermo a bere onze vj la matina che la sia caldo con drento zucaro onza s e stia in riposso ma non dorma per 3 ore. E questa bevanda aiuta a rompere la pietra e tutta la pisserai. Et etiam torai le radice del sambuco giovine, lavele e nettale. Poi li amacha con un battone et fale cosere in vino biancho bono con ½ scudella de ciesi rossi et como e cotti, cola et serba ditta bolitura in vaso di vetro et dane la matina per tempo e calda a bere al paciente uno bichiere et molto li zovera ala pietra, ala ranella et largamente pissera. Et se tu non voi mai sentire dolore di pietra, torai pantafilon, gramigna e radice de finochio, ana m. uno. Fali secare e fane polvere et dane uno chugiaro in un bichiere di vino bianco caldo una matina si e l’altro no, et continuandolo molto ti zovera a levarti il dolore. -------- [Page 146] A fare vino contra male di pietra. Rx. del pantafilon, i cinque foglie, con le radice, m. iij, e radice di gramigna, m. v, ben lavate e nette e saxifragia m. ij et li graneli rossi deli anchechingi una piena scudella cossi intieri et 2 limoni taliati et l’erbe taliate minute et meti ogni cosa in uno sachettino de lino sottile e rado legalo con un filo di sopra la bocca del barile et empirai el ditto barile di mosto de vin biancho bono puro che non abia bolito et lasselo bolire per un mese o piu inel barile col sachettino drento et ogni sera lo reimpie con del ditto mosto accio che meglio bolla e si purifichi e butta fora tutte le cative feccie. Et piu chel non bolira e sara freddo e chiaro, cavene il sachetto e colalo ligiermente che non se intorbedi. Poi ritornalo in quello barile et turalo bene con di sopra la sua cenerata che meglio si conserva. Et quando a te parera di sentirti dolore di pietra inella vessicha o inele rene overo qualche altro diffetto circha ha l’orinare et tu beverai un bichiere del ditto vino la matina per tempo, stando in letto et riposandoti sopra al manco per 2 ore. Et secondo el miglioramento che tu ti sentirai bevene per 2 o 3 matine e non piu perche ti riscaldaria tropo il fegato et se’l ti facesse tropo danno bevene una matina si, e l’altro no, che manco danno ti fara. Et questo vino molto aiutta a corrodere la pietra in ella vissicha et inele rene et la fa pissare abondantemente et la sentirai inell ussire dela verga et se l’operare non fusse cossi presto opera de i remedii ditto di sopra confarti alcuni empiastri overo ontioni sul petenechio, sun la verga o sun le rene. Et conservarti del vivere tuo e mangiare cose aprobate a operare et facendo questo tu provocherai la natura a recuperare la prestina sanita con lo aiutto de dio et di san gosimo et damiano et operando questo non serai il primo et guarirai. Item a fare rompere la pietra in vessiche et inele rene et farla pissare a poc a poco. Rx. garoffani, galanga, miglio, canella fatte tutte in polvere, persemoli, sparesi, saxifragia fatte seccare et fattone polvere et cenere fatta de scorpioni et sangue di becho e di lopore, ana drame ij, et tutte in polvere et incorporate. Poi ne darai a bere uno cugiaro la matina per tempo con vino bianco con zuccaro drento e molto ti zovera a corrodere la pietra et abondantemente ti fara pissare. Item. Torai questa aqua uno bichiere la matina e la sera quando vai a dormire e che la sia calda con zucaro et ti fara pissare di molta ranella. Torai aqua de radice e di bruscho e di sparesi e di finochio e di appio e di gramigna et di castrachane, ana onza j, et quando la bevi, bevila con furia e presto ti operera in farti pissare amorevolmente la ranella senza passione. Item al dolore dele rene per causa dela pietra. Torai una inchistara da foco grande, empila de vino bianco bono et mettivi drento queste erbe tagliate minute, cioe malva, cressoni e vitriola et uno ravanello gratusato, ana m ½, e onza j olio comune et 10 cierese di alchechingi et lassa bolire la inchistara per un pezo dinanti al foco. Poi la levi destramente che non la rompi et como la e freda tu la coli sutilmente et dane a bere al difettoso di pietra o di ranella onze iiij la matina per tempo e calda e stia in riposso. Et fallo parechie matine et come ai fornita questa bevanda tu ne farai del altra et la continuerai et la ti fara pissare quanto vorai e pur troppo. Item unguento al ditto male di reni. Rx. olio roxato e violato e olio di mortella, ana onze iij, coaguli caprini, raspa dure di corno di cervio e butiro, ana onza j, canphora onza s, cera nova onze ij et componi ogni cosa sutilmente nel tozetto con lento foco et quando l’ai levato dal foco et chel non sia tanto bolito alora metteli la canphora taliata minuta et sempre mestando finche e freddo et sera fato. Ongeti le rene la sera cosi fredo et molto ti zovera. E provato. -------- [Page 147] Onto per dolore di schina e debilita di lombi e per male di reni. Rx. uno mele cotogno et tutto lo gratusa minutamente ogni cosa et olio roxato e violato e di camomilla et di nanuffari, ana onze ij, et metti ogni cosa insieme in un pignatino et falo bolire tanto chel pomo sia ben cotto et con poco foco che non brusa. Poi lo colerai fora di un canovazo et premilo bene che ogni cosa nesscha piu che si pole. Poi lo rimetti al foco et mettivi drento polvere de incenso e litrigerio d’oro, ana onza s, et cera nova onze js et como la e ben disfatta, levelo dal foco et mettivi drento onza s di canfora tagliata et mestavi drento con paletta di legno tanto che sia raffreddato et sera fatto et serbalo ali tuoi bisogni che per 10 anni e piu sempre egli e bono. Et quando ti dole la schina o per debilita overo per dolore de reni, ongeti la sera et la matine le rene sempre al ingioso et presto, per dei gratia, guarirai. Conservandoti pero dela boccha, non mangiare cose calide che li sono contrarie. E questa e probatissima. Unto per dolia di rene aprovato. Rx. mirra onza j, uno chiaro d’ovo, olio rosato onze ij, cera bianca onza s et componi insieme e onge le rene al ingiu. Item per calidita di reni. Rx. del erba morella e dela pignola, i sempre viva minore, et dela piantagine, ana m. uno, pestale et fane suco et mettivi drento uno chiaro d’ovo frescho sbatuto e um po poco di aceto rosata et componi bene insieme et la sera quando vai a dormire, fati ongere le rene et bagnare dele pezze et mettere sun le rene et anche la matina ti farai ongere. E presto guarirai continuando questo suco. Onto per le rene per colloro che si scholano per la verga. Rx. olio roxato e violato, ana onze ij, sandali rossi e citrini, ana drama j, cera biancha onze ij, aceto roxata drame js e canphora scropulo j. Meterai l’olio e la cera inel tozzotto et falla bene incorporare. Poi mettivi drento i sandali et farai bene incorporare a lento foco. Poi levelo dal foco et mettivi drento l’aceto et la canphora tagliata et sempre mesta finche e freddo. Poi lo laverai a 3 aque et al ultima lassene drento una poca et sera fatto. Conservelo ali tuoi bisogni. Torai aqua roxa, aqua de piantagine e aqua de porchacia, ana onze iij, et la sera ongeti le rene molto bene al insu et il petignone e meti sopra una peza lina e presto guarirai e non mangiare cose callide. Usa il zucharo rosato onza j la matina per tempo como tu sei levato et beveli sopra uno bichiere di aqua frescha overamente aqua di endivia stillata e di radicho e di piantagine, ana onze ij, con onza s di giulebbe drento et questa bevanda ti rinfreschera tutte le tue enterriora et etiam il fegato, el sangue molto li zova et usalo per 4 o 5 matine continue e non manchare se tu voi guarire facendoti deli altri rimedii dela scolatione dela verga. Et ancora questa ontione e bona ale donne callide di rene et etiam che butasse il biancho. E di provata. Item aqua per bagnare le rene a tutti coloro che si scholano per la verga, per isforzare il coito. Rx. aqua roxa e di piantagine e di zuccha e di nanuffari e di latucha e sempre vivo magiore e minore, ana onze ij, con 3 chiari d’ovi freschi et canfora scropuli 4 et ogni cosa bene incorpora insieme et la sera et la matina bagnati bene le rene e dinanti. Poi ti ongi col sopra ditto onto como ditto e presto guarirai, con prova fatta. Item. Bagnerai dele pezze inel aqua frescha e meti sun li tasticuli e sun la verga e falo spesse volte e presto guarirai delo scolato. Provato. -------- [Page 148] Aqua che se schizza inela verga a colloro che si scholano. Rx. aqua di piantagine e di zucha e di agresta e di pigna e di bursa pastoris e di pinpinella e aqua roxa, ana onze ij, e vino bianco bono e chiaro onze vj et metti insieme in uno pignatino novo et mettilo a lento foco et mettivi drento roxe secche m. uno et polvere di coralli drame ij et falo apeni levare il bolore. Poi levelo dal foco et colalo et quella aqua la conserva. Et quando la vorai adoperare falla scaldare che apeni abia fora il fredo. Poi ne ricevi inelo schizatoiio con zucharo piccino et chel sia drento netto. Poi mettilo inel buco dela verga e tien salda la mano et schizzela drento con furia et a questo modo farai 4 o 5 volte la matina et la sera et questo farai poi che averai per pissato et conservandoti dale cose contrarie per dei gratia, presto guarirai perche chi la provata ne rende vera testimonianza che 9 mesi lo porto che mai non trovo cosa che li zovasse et li vene un gonfio grosso como e un ovo sotto ala verga acanto ali tasticuli et quel loco drento era vano et sempre che lui se mava o orinava in quel loco molta materia se li adunava in modo tale che drento se’l infistuli et rupesi di fora via et per quel buco ogni cosa se ne ussiva et per la verga niente et vedevasi a male partito mai piu di non essere homo ora con l’aiutto di dio, stando lui al ubidientia del medico et usando lui la preditta lavanda, el lattuario qui sotto scritto et con la bona solecitudine del medico lui guaritte ma vando di molti giorni. Ma acerti tempi si resentiva alcuni ponturi per di drento e questo era a certi lunari. Vero e che quando lui orinava o li veniva fora materia era constretto a premere la verga tutta che dasi stessa non poteva venire et con tanto a questo che egli era sotto posto lui si trovava contentissimo avere riceuta tal gratia da dio e dali homenii si che ogni uno se ne guardi et sapi si conservare che la ditta materia molto brusa et chi non la provato anche se ne guardi et se per sorte li cascasse drento, presto cerchi il suo rimedio primo di estenersi del coito et farsi dele lavandi, pigliare dele bevande, fare deli ontioni, pigliare de lattuari et altre polvere apropriate perche in vero tutte queste racette sono stati aprobate et fattene cunto che tutte te li do per vere non altro valeti. Lattovario a colloro che si scholano per la verga. Rx. erba corezola e bursa pastoris e piantagine, ana m. uno, e scorze di sorboli e di nespoli, ana m. ½, et farai bolire tutte queste erbe e scorze insieme in vino di melingrano e aqua d’agresta stillata e aqua di pigna et aqua di pozo, ana lb.v. Et lasseli bolire tanto che calli il terzo et levilo dal foco et colali et preme ogni cosa sotto al torchietto et cavene tutta la sustantia. Poi rimetti la ditta bolitura tutta in una pignata et mettivi a cosere drento uno polastro conzo como si debe et lasselo ben cosere tanto che la carne sespicca dal osso. Poi cavelo et nettalo bene da li ossi et pestalo in mortaio molto minutamente et mettivi drento zucharo fino quello che pare a te chel sia fatto in modo di lattovario et se’l bisogna agiongeli dela ditta bolitura per distemperarlo quando tu lo dai overamente con altri brodi di polastro o con vino rosso et dallo la matina per tempo. Et poi dalli a bere subito un bichiere dela sotta scritta aqua cosi fredda et per la dei gratia, tu vedrai bonissimo effetto. Et questo e uno secreto molto raro et pochi persone a questo tempo non lo sanno questo lattuario, el quale e bon pochi giorni che una persona lo volse experimentare et questo solo lattovario lo guaritte libero expedito senza adoperare altre cose apropriate. Vero e che feci exstinentia e molto se riguardo de tutte le cose contrarie et, per dei gratia, guaritte libero e spedito e questo te’l dico di veduta. -------- [Page 149] Bevanda a colloro che si scholano dal superchio per la verga. Rx. aqua roxa e aqua di pera cotogno overo di mortella, ana onze ij, et rompevi drento un ovo frescho overamente li metterai il chiar del ovo et tanto zucaro fino quanto e una noce et dibatti bene che ogni cosa se incorpori et questa composicione fala la sera et metterai la tazza difuora al sereno che la rosata li casca drento et la matina avanti che tu la bevi dilli sopra questa divota oratione overamente la farai dire, vz., ‘Dio naque, Dio fu preso, e legato, tradito e passionato, crucifixo e morto per noi miseri peccatori. Dio resuscito il terzo di secundo la scrittura. Cossi como questo e vero, cossi questo mio male non possane marcire, ne putrefare, ne entrare alcuno dolore se gli e in piacimento di dio et dela vergine maria.’ Et fali sopra uno segni di croce con uno pater noster e una ave maria. Poi fatti bono animo et bevi tutta l’aqua cossi freda et ripossati sopra per un ora. Et questa bevanda la farai per 4 o 5 matine e stane sicuro che presto guarirai. Et conservati del vivere e non ussare con donna perche saria la tua rovina et il vino bene inaquato. Esta con fede e guarirai. Bevanda a chi si schola per la verga, remedio sancto. Rx. aqua stillata d’agresta et di sempre vivo magiore e minore et di porchacia et de pigna, ana onze vij, et aloe patico onze ijs fatto in polvere e mettilo in ditta aqua. Et falla restillare al lambicho di vetro con lento foco overo a bagno maria et in ditta aqua mettivi drento scropuli 2 di canphora tagliata minuta e scropulo j di litragerio d’oro et scropuli 4 di sandali citrini. Et metti la inchistara al sole ben coperta per 8 giorni. Poi la sera quando tu vai a dormire, bagna una peza lina et mettila sun le rene e atraverso a i lombi et un altra sul petenechio et in cima alla verga tienla bagnata spesso et la materia non vera fora cosi spesso. Et beverai la matina una tazza dela sopra ditta aqua fatta inel modo sopra ditto et sta sicuro che presto guarirai e non fare dissordine, ne tropo faticha in quelli giorni che fai la medicina et vedrai bona opera. Polvere per colloro che si scholano per la verga, sia homo o donna. Rx. somente di latucha e di papaveri e di porcellana e di canepa e di ruta e di piantagine e di endivia, ana drame ij, e di agnio casto drame iiij, roxe e menta e nanuffari, ana drame iij. Et tutte queste seme et l’erbe vogliano essere fatte in polvere sutilissima. Poi ogni matina ne piglierai drama j con una scudella di brodo dove sia statto cotto drento zampi di vitello overo di buo con una ½ scudella di lenti e che li siano ben cotte e disfatte. Poi cola’l ditto brodo et serbalo et dalo la matina per tempo caldo a modo di syropo con drento um poco di zuccaro. Et questo farai per 4 o 5 matini et continuandolo presto guarirai. E di provata. Item a fare ritenere la ditta scolatione. Torai charobbe preparate et fane polvere sutilissima et mettene in uno ovo frescho di gallina nera un chugiaro, e la matina lo bevi a stomacho digiuno per 3 o 4 volte e presto guarirai et chel male sia frescho. Item a chi si scholasse per la verga. Rx. aqua roxa onze ij e uno chiaro d’ovo frescho bene incorporato drento con um poco di sandalo citrino e mastici a tua dischretione et incorpora ogni cosa bene insieme. Poi lo bevi la matina per tempo e non ti ripossare sopra chel non inporta. Et pigliala per 4 o 6 matini et presto guarirai dela semplice scholatione di verga. Item a restringere la scolacione e presto. Farai latte di seme di puponi et dallo a bere onze 6 caldo con zucaro rosso onza j a modo de syropo per 5 matine continue et presto guarira et la sera ongi le rene con onto rosato. E provato. -------- [Page 150] Polvere per la scholatione dela verga. Rx. dele mandole fresche et li coresini dela latucha et li coresini deli ravanelli, ana m. uno, et falli sechare prima al ombra. Poi li metterai inel forno, poi che e cavato fora il pane chel non sia tropo caldo, pestali et fane polvere sutilissima et torai polvere di mastice drame iij et incorpora ogni cosa bene insieme. Poi torai un ovo frescho et mettivi drento uno chugiaro di questa polvere et bevilo cosi freddo et se non potesti berlo crudo, fallo apeni scaldare et quello beverai la matina a stomaco digiuno. E questo falo per 5 o 6 matine et presto guarirai dela scholatione e presto. Ma advertisse che tu non abia altro male adosso come febre o altri impedimenti, perche non ti faria tropo bon servitio perche chi la provato ne rende bona testimonianza. Al corso biancho dela scholatione dela verga a homo et a donna. Rx. dela erba barbena et mangiane 2 o 3 bochoni la matina per tempo con la rosata sopra. Poi averai fatta dela polvere dele somente dela ditta erba berbena colta in luna sema et dagliene uno chugiaro in una scudella di brodo di polastro caldo et dallo subbito dieto che gli a mangiato l’erba. Et sia che fluxo si vole o di homo o di donna et etiam chel fusse mal vechio si vole anche piu giorni a guarirlo et se gli e male frescho, presto guarisse. Et se tu dessideri di guarire presto, torai una scudella d’orzo netto et fallo ben cosere. Poi torai una scodella del ditto brodo et sbatteli drento 2 rossi d’ovo et mezo bichiere de olio roxato. Non li mettere sale niente. Et falli 3 servitiali un di si, e l’altro no, et hobserva l’ordine del vivere che e ditto ineli altri sopra detti cap[ito]li e presto guarirai. E di provato. Bevanda contra la ranella per farla pissare abondantemente. Rx. aqua di cisterna fiaschi 3 e mettila in una pignata nova et mettivi drento una scudella di miglio brillato, cioe infranto, e chel sia netto et rigolitia onza j macchata e taliata. Poi mettila al foco et fala bolire con lento foco tanto che calli la terza parte. Poi la levi dal foco et colela con diligentia premendo molto bene la compositione. Poi metterai la ditta bollitura in una altra pignatta nova che non abia hodore et mettivi drento ½ lb. di mele bello. Poi fallo ribolire per un pezo et schiumalo politamente. Poi levelo dal foco et serbalo in vaso vitriato per adoperarlo ali bisogni. Et quando la sera vai a dormire, bevene un bichiere che la sia tepida et quella sera mangia ligermente. Et se averai il male grande bevene anche la matina quando tu levi e calda et se tu non arai altro male che la ranella che questa bevanda, ti fara opera mirabile et pesserai tanta ranella che ti parera distrano perche tu sentirai il brussore della verga inel ussire del orina et se tu usserai spesso questa dolce e gloriosa bevanda, sta sicuro che presto guarirai. E di provata. Item aqua per bere per fare orinare de molta ranella. Torai aqua de cisterna et fali bolire drento rigolitia ben netta e machata e onze vj di mele e appio m. ½ et fa bolire tanto che calli il terzo. Poi la cola et quella conserva et di essa aqua ne bevi la matina per tempo e calda e per parechie matine et non mangiare cose contr[ar]ie et presto guarirai. Et quando tu senti il dolore dela ranella et tu ne bevi abondantemente, e guarirai. E di provata. -------- [Page 151] *Ad restringendum fluxum spermatis involuntarium. Rx. acque distilationis melise, acque rosate, arnaglose, endivie, ana lb. j. Ponatur in earum infusione seminis agni casti onze ij, folliculorum rute, suce seminis latuce, cinamomi, ana onza j. Infundantur per diem et noctem. Deinde buliam leviter et colentur et sumatur in mane ante diem onze js cum parum acque calide. *Unguentem ad idem. Rx. suci plantaginis, suci sempre vive, suci solatri, suci virge pastoris, ana onze j, unguenti populeonis, olei roxati, ana onze iij, olei nenufari, canfore, ana drama s. Misce et fiat unguentum. *Syrupus ad idem. Rx. acqua de plantagine onze iiij, seme de meloni munde, seme de zuche, ana drama j, et siana mondate e ben pistate e poi stemperate cum ditta acqua et agiungeli scropulo j truciscorum de carabe et receva lo infermo lo ditto syropo per 7 matine et sara liberato. Et ongesi ogni sera le rene cum unto sandalino aut di galieno overo con lo sopra ditto unguento. Et mangia lo infermo bona carne e tempera ben lo vino, e guarirai. *De sufucatione libidinis. Inunctio verge cum suco neptele deletationem mulieri inducit ad eo ut alios negligat. *Idem. Facit saliva masticantis cubebas inuncta verga. *Idem. Pulvis cinis hircini et lupini sicatis solutis cum oleo calido ongat verga. *Carnosita della verga, bevanda optima. Rx. fiore di cassia novamente tratta drame iiij, suchio di reguilicia drama j e latte di sucio di rose drame ij, con aqua de lupoli onze iiij et fane bevanda et pilia al alba per 10 o 15 giorni et la sua presa sie onze viij e calda. *Ad idem. Rx. reguilicia rasa, radice di altea, sebesten e uva passa, ana m. uno, seme di altea, malva, appio, pretisemolo e seme comune, ana onza s, acqua di fonte ut di citerna lb. 12 et fa bolire come e ditto di sopra et calli la meta et di questa ne piglierai come e ditto di sopra. *Per mettere inela verga per carnosita. Rx. acqua di ginepro destillata al vetro et subito orinera et rimovera la carnosita con sangue et senza periculo et la presa del acqua sara onze ij per volta con acqua di lupoli onze iij. Nota che se tu lo voi aiutare piu presto, meteli con una candela con medicamento estersivo et molificativo. *A rinfrescare la verga. Rx. unguento rosato, unguento di cerusa canforizato, ana onza j, et l’adoperi sun la candela como di sopra. *Alla carnosita. Rx. olio rosato onfocino onze ij, biacha onza s, canfora, tucia, ana drama j, litargirio d’argento drame js et incorpora ogni cosa insieme et ne farai unguento secundo l’arte in mortaio di piombo. Ad idem. Rx. antimonio precipitato, ana drama s, sief bianco senza opio drame ij, mastice, incenso, aloe patico polverizato, ana scropuli js, et incorpora ogni cosa insieme et fane unguento in mortaio di piombo. *Ad idem per fare orinare. Rx. acqua di farfara stillata al vetro et dala a bere la matina al alba onze vj a modo di syropo overo dali a mangiare la radice overo dali a bere il seme fatto in polvere con vino biancho con uno poco di zucharo et presto orinera. *Ad idem per fare pissare de molta ranella. Rx. latte cavato delle anime di persicho et dele nochiole dele ceragie et di mandole con decotione di sassifragia et miglum solis et ne darai a bere et presto orinera di molta ranella. Aprobato. *Ultimo secreto per la pietra tanto homo quanto donna et sia in vescicha o in rene et sia grande o piccola. Vz. Rx. mille erbe ut sterco buovino per tutto il mese di magio di buo rosso che passe alla campangia et fallo destillare al lambicho di vetro ut di terra la quale non avera non molto odore cativo et a lento foco. Et etiam questa acqua vale a mandare via le panne che e il sul viso. Nota: pilia di quel vino fatto con remolaci che sono cotti al sole ut al focho. Poi piglierai onza j del ditto vino et onze ij dela sopra detta acqua et onza s di acqua de fraule et 4 giocce di acqua di limoncelli et ogni cosa metti insieme et tutta sia intorno a onze iiij ut v et li agiongi un poco di zucaro et mel rosato et l’uno et l’altro servano al sapore et alla uttilita dela cosa. Et li metterai drento dela polvere fatta di bonagha quanta staria su uno dinaro. Et etiam li meterai anche di quella fatta di lepore secata inel forno et un altro poco di polvere di sassifragia et di orbache di lauro, ana quanto stara su uno dinaro et datta a bere con vino bianco bono caldo con zucaro et questa bevanda la continua parechie matine finche ne vedi boni effetti. Vero e che al male dela pietra el se ne da um poco piu et alla ranella um po manco. *Item a rompere la ranella. Rx. cochole di ginepro fate in polvere et bevta con brodo o vino caldo con zuccaro. Overamente peste et cavatone il suco et quello bevto caldo molto vale a fare rompere la pietra inelle rene et e bel secreto. E provato. -------- [Page 152] A stagnare il sangue dele morise e presto. Rx. farina de lupini et de scorze de ovo spolverizate suttilissime, ana onza j, e mele onze ij et olio de linosa onze js et incorpora bene insieme a lento foco et sera fatto. Et quando l’ai levato dal foco, metteli drento scropuli 2 di canfora tagliata minutamente et mestavi continuo finche e freddo et sera fatto optimo e bono. Et con esso ongeti le morise piu volte et il sangue non vera et ti levera il dolore e presto. Et etiam potrai fare quest altra ontione la quale e bona a restringere il sangue dele morise quando abondasse troppo sangue. Rx. olio de mastice onza j et fallo al quanto bolire, ma poco. Et con esso caldo quanto tu poi patire, ongete le morise. Poi li metterai sopra dela polvere de galla fatta sutilissima suttila a modo de specie et farai questo piu volte et, per dei gratia, presto il sangue si stagnera. -------- [Page 153] A restringere il fluxo bianco dela donna et del homo in piu modi. Rx. fave bianche pestale et fane farina et pigliane onza j et polvere di coralli drame ij et polvere di corno di cervo brussato drame iij e polvere fatta de somente de viole gialde drama j et con 3 foglie di salvia tagliate minutissimamente et foglie di rovero fattone polvere. Et ogni cosa mesta insieme et dane alla patiente uno chugiaro in un mezo bichiere di vino rosso al quanto caldo la matina per tempo et se ripossa sopra un ora. E falo per 3 o 4 matine e presto si stagnera facendoli sopra questo stretoiio, cioe: torai sangue di drago e bolo armenio, ana onza j, et torai la chiara di 3 ovi freschi e aqua roxa e caligine del camino, ana onze ijs, fatto ogni cosa in polvere suttila et incorpora ogni cosa insieme in una scudella. Poi farai 2 faldelle di stopa de canepa et atuffale da una banda in ditto empiastro. Poi ne metti la sera una sul petignone et l’altra drieto al di rimpetto sul cropone et lassele stare cosi suso ben legate et presto tu guarirai del fluxo bianco per essere statto aprobato. Et non usare con homo per questo tempo. Item al fluxo bianco dela donna e de homo a farlo restare. Rx. l’erba e la somenta dela barbena m. uno et somente mature e folie di ellora m. ½ e somente di papaveri rossi e di piantagine, ana onze j, et ogni cosa farai bolire in uno fiascho di vino tanto che calli il terzo. Poi lo cola et premi bene l’erbe et del ditto vino dane ogni matina caldo a modo de syropo onze iiij, et continua per 6 o 8 matine, conservandoti como ditto e presto se restringera che piu non ne vera. Item a retenere il mestruo bianco. Torai 3 zalde et piglie ne una ogni matina et dirai un pater noster con l’ave maria et fali sopra uno segno di croce. Et sun la prima scriveli sopra queste sante parolle, vz., ‘+ pater agios + pater athanatos + pater eleyson + pater ymaon +.’ La 2 con 3 pater noster, ‘+ pater deus + pater fortis + pater inmortalis + pater miserere +.’ La 3, con 5 pater noster, ‘+ pater quies + et quid novenus + est, libera famulam (um) tuam (um) A abque stantibus malis +.’ Et farai questa medicina 3 matine continue et vedrai opera sancta. Et per farlo dormire, torai uno fele de lepore et dannelo a bere con vino rosso e presto lo fara dormire per 2 ore, et molto li zovera. Item a stagnare il mestruo bianco. Rx. seme di bindone, cioe fior di veluto di que rossi, onza j e sangue di drago e bolarmenio, ana onza s, et il seme dela barbena onze ij et di quel fiore giallo che sta in mezo dela roxa vermiglia onze ij ½, et del seme del lapacio onze iiij colto el di di santo jone ba[tis]ta overo el di di santo jone decolato e zucharo fino onze iiij e tanto sera. Et de tutte le preditte cose tu ne farai polvere sutilissima e tutta incorporata insieme et quella conserva in sachetto di sovatto ali tuoi bisogni. Et quando la donna ne avera di bisogno, ne piglia uno chugiaro dela ditta polvere la sera quanto va a dormire con vino rosso o bianco bono o brodo e chel sia caldo overamente in uno ovo frescho et etiam la matina ne potra pigliare in modo de syropo et per 2 ori ripossarli sopra et continuandoli per 6 o 8 giorni. Et conservandoti da ogni polutione et non mangiare cose calide, ma tutte cose rinfreschative. Io te dico che presto, con lo aiutto di dio, guarirai, che molte persone conossute l’ano probato e ne sono guariti. Item a restringere il bianco. Farai questa lavanda. Poi metterai drento queste taste. Rx. aqua stillata de mililotto et lavati la natura 4 o 6 volti al giorno et molto ti zouvera. Poi farai suco dela optima valeriana et farai dele taste al quanto longhette dite la suttila fatte con qualche ordine et bagnali molto bene in ditto suco et metteli drento in bocha dela matrice et vedrai opera bella mutandoli spesso. Et dalli questo syropo: suco di piantagine e di corezola e di porchacia, ana onze ij, e aqua roxa onza j e polvere di zenzero drama s e polvere di corali drama j con zucharo, datto la sera e la matina caldo per 7 giorni e presto guarirai. E di provato. -------- [Page 154] A restringere il bianco dela donna e presto. Rx. il mirollo del sanbuco novello di uno anno onze ij, farina di grano suttila onze vj, zucharo fino onze iij, sandali citrini drame iij, corno di cervo brusatto drame v et ogni cosa sia fatto in polvere sutilissima et incorporato e impastato con mele purgato quantum sufficit et ne farai tortelli cotti inela padella col suo coperchio. Et la sera quando la va a dormire ne pilia uno in bocha et con quello si dormenta. Et conservandosi dele cose sopra dette se non faresti niente. Et la matina per tempo li darai a bere una scudella di brodo di polastro overo dove sia statto cotto zampi di vitello, polvere di coralli drama s, corno di cervo brusato in polvere drama j e ambra gialla drame js, overamente in vino rosso bono overo in ovo frescho et sopra di questa bevanda al quanto se ripossa et presto, presto, per dei gratia, guarira e tienlo per fermo. Et prima li tacherai al collo questo breve scritto in carta nova con 3 pater noster et dirai 14 volte ‘+ In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen +. Dominus in pietate sunt spiritus sanctus, Pater, amen, et beate virginis marie y.x.c.a.a.g.m.d.’ que 2 v. alti tre d. coher vii et omnis. Poi ti farai la sera questo bagnolo chel sia caldo. Torai mililotto m. uno, noce de arcipresso no. 4 machate, incense in polvere onze js, polvere de garoffani scropuli 2 et farai ogni cosa bolire in vino rosso brusco tanto chel calli il terzo. Poi colalo et metetila drento la polvere de i garoffani et con el ditto vino la sera quando tu vai a dormire chel sia caldo lavati molto bene la natura e non la sugare, lassela sugare da se et va a dormire pigliando quello manis christi in bocha et la matina quella bevanda conservandoti como ditto e di sopra. Sta securissima che presto guarira perche ti dico piu e piu volte averla fatta operare e a fatta operatione quel tanto che oltrui voleva et ne sono guariti observendone l’ordine che li e statto in posto. Et meterai una fasetta de lino in una scatola di canfora per una note et quella cingela atraverso alle rene et molto ti zovera a ritenere il bianco mestruo. Al rischaldamento dela nattura. Rx. biacha violata e piombo brusato e olio roxato, ana drame iiij, e drame ij de aceto bianco roxata et se gli fusse piaga marza, agiongeli carta e zuccha brussata, ana drame iij, et ogni cosa sia bene incorporato e fatto a modo di unguento et con esso ti medica. Ma prima lavati il male con aqua d’orzo e di piantagine e di noce di arcipresso con uno poco di vino bianco e onze ij di mele et falla in modo di bolitura et lavati 2 o 3 volti al giorno e poi ti medicha e mangia cose rinfreschative e presto guarirai et questa te la do ferma per udita. Fumentatione ala matrice quando la fusse fora dela natura. Rx. una pietra viva che sia statta sotto terra che non abia visto aiere et metetila in uno gran foco et fatela bene scaldare. Poi metetila in uno mastello et spruzzatela de aceto forte. Et che la donna li stia sopra et riceva tutto quel fumo e questo si facia la sera et subito lei vada in letto. Poi abiate dela ruta et cavatene el suco. Poi fate una balotta de bambagia et atacateli un filo chel si possa atacare ala cossa et bagnate la balotta inel suco dela ruta et metetila ala bocca dela matricie et subito la matre pigliera la balotta et tirerala dentro et essa andera al loco suo e pero farai bona legatura ala balotta che non possa rimanere dentro. Poi farai questa ontione per ongere le rene. Piglia pan porcino e ruta, ana, et pistale minutamente et meteli in un pignatino a bolire con olio anticho tanto che calli un terzo. Poi che sera fredo strucha bene tanto che tu ne cavi la sustantia. Poi lo rimetti in uno pignatino novo con uno poco di cera nova e fala bene incorporare et con esso onto ongi le reni et meti sopra peze calde enfassate bene e fate stare la donna con le reni al ingioso bassa col capo et le natiche altre. Et fareti questo una sera si et l’altra no. Et fareti cosi 3 volte e sera guarita. Et sia il suo mangiare cose calde, piccioni, ghaline, polastri e con specie e bon vini, e presto guarira, se bene il male fusse vechio. -------- [Page 155] A restringere il fluxo rosso del superchio mestruale ale donne. Rx. queste sorte aque stillate: aqua di foglie di querza, e di sorboli, e di corezola, e di pigna, e di fegatella, e di corngioli, e di mortella overo aqua roxa, ana, et fala scaldare et dane alla amalata a bere onze iij, poi onze iiij, poi onze v, fina in onze vj, quando chel fusse crudo chel non si volesse stagnare et dali tutti queste 4 volte a bere per tutto un giorno et tu vedrai effetto mirabile che questa bevanda lo restringera mirabilmente che piu non verra il mestruo rosso. E provata di fede. Et se per sorte non andasse del corpo, dali a 2 giorni fali uno serviciale comune con olio di camomilla et governasi bene che presto, con lo aiutto di dio, guarirai e stane sicura. Item a restringere il mestruo rosso alla donna. Torai deli suoi capelli dela ditta inferma et legali intorno a uno arbore qual tu voi con uno pater noster. Poi farai questa bevanda. Torai corno di cervo brusato e anesi crudi, ana onze iij, fatte in polvere sutilissime et dalla a bere onza j per sera in vino rosso caldo per 5 o 6 sere e presto guarira. Et metteli drento onza s di faba e questa e provata che stagna. Item al mestruo rosso a stringerlo. Torai filo crudo et falo cosere secondo il suo solito e ordinario, cioe con la cenere. Et la sera quando tu vai a dormire fumentati di sotto via la na[tura] et metterai una dele ditte matasse calda quanto poi patire sul petignone et l’altra drieto al dirimpetto sul cropone et infassale bene. Poi va a dormire e farai questo 2 o 3 sere et presto serai guarita. Conservati del vivere e guarirai. Item a restringere il mestruo rosso ala donna. Farai polvere di corno di cervo et deli suoi capelli, ana onza s, et polvere di mastici et mirra, ana drame iij. Ogni cosa incorpora et dane a bere la matine con onze 4 di vino rosso al quanto caldo a modo di syropo per 4 o 5 matine e presto, presto tu ne guarirai, e non dubitare. Et del resto sapiati conservare, et averai honore. Item a stagnare il rosso mest[r]uo dela donna. Torai suco di barbena onze iij e di piantagine onze ij con 3 quatrini di polvere di garoffani et onze ij di aqua di endiva bevto la matina per tempo cossi fredo, facendolo piu volte. Io te dico che presto guarirai. E non mangiare cose calide. Item a stagnare il mestruo. Torai suco di piantagine e di corezola, ana onze iiij, e aqua roxa onze iij e aqua di mortello onze ij et falle bolire et agiongelo drame ij di canella fina drama j fatte in polvere suttile et fane syropo et dalo la matina per tempo et la sera quando la va a dormire et farai cosi parechi giorni e presto guarira che non verra tanto. Item a stagnare il mestruo che tanto non gettera. Torai lapis emathitis onze ij, pestalo e masinelo sul porphido sutilissimamente et distemperato con onze ij di suco di pianatagine. Poi torai quarti 3 de athanasia et divide la in 3 parte et iene farai tore una di queste parte ogni 3 di una e presto sera liberata. Et se a te non ti piacesse tal medicina, torai uno quarto de polvere di sangue di drago et di gussi di nizoli ben triti in polvere et mesta insieme et dane a bere ala inferma con vino rosso garbo caldo la matina per tempo et coprila bene in letto et farai cosi fina a 5 matine et se ella non si sanasse seguita per insino a 9 matine e guarira. Conservasi dela bocha, non mangiare se non cose rinfreschativo. *Et le scorze de melingrano brusato e fatte in polvere date a bere con [bro]do o vino presto li ristrengera [il] mestruo. E pro[vato]. Per guarire la natura dela donna drento e fora. Rx. olio roxato lavato nove volti con aqua frescha chel sia lb. v e canfora drame ij e cera bianca onza j farai disfare la cera con l’olio a uno picol foco et come l’ai levato dal foco mettivi drento la canphora tagliata minuta et mesta finche li e fredo e sera fatto. Et con esso ongiti la natura e presto guarirai. Lavela prima con aqua roxa e aqua frescha. Item a guarila dentra. Torai mucilagine di draganti et di anime di cotogni, ana onze vj e seme di lino onze ij e olio di mandole dolce onze ij e olio di gillii e di camomilla e violato e butiro, ana onze js, et falo bolire a uno picolo foco et farai unguento tenero et con esso ongi matina e sera e presto guarirai. Item al preditto male di natura. Torai ruta m. uno e pistela minutissimamente et componila con olio laurino et bagnerai dele peze in esso et metti drento e presto guarirai, overamente li adopera tutti 3 insieme et ti farano operatione e presto. E non mangiare cose calide, e presto guarirai. E provato. -------- [Page 156] Ad provocandum tempus ad muglierum, probatum est. Rx. menta fina, ysopo e rosolazi, cioe papaveri rossi, ana m. uno o piu, et fali seccare al ombra et fane polvere sutilissima. Poi ne darai per presa ala donna onza j overo onze js per volta secondo la persona, una piu stiticha de l’altra, et incorporali drento scropuli 2 di zafferano inela ditta presa et dalla con acqua di capel venere onze iij o vino bianco bono o brodo di castrato overo con uno ovo frescho et chel sia caldo. Et dalla la matina per tempo a modo di syropo et se ripossa sopra al manco 2 ori et stia in bona guardia et questa bevanda la facci al manco per 3 matine continue. Et presto li verra il suo tempo et etiam che mai piu non li fussino venuti. Et la sera quando tu vai a dormire, ongiti il corpo et la natura et lo stomaco con questi olii et che siano ben caldi con pezze calde di sopra e bene infassata. Torai olio laurino onze iij e di camomilla onze ij e de gilii bianchi onza j et mettivi olio di mandole dolce onza s e scropulo uno di zafferano intiero et fallo poi tutto insieme scaldare bene tanto che l’olio ti riasse l’odore del zafferano et con esso ben caldo ti ongi il corpo tutto dala golla fingioso in fondo e sta ben calda. Sappi che presto, presto, con lo addiutorio divino, presto verra quello mestruo che tu sai. Et questo secreto a operato in alchune monache molto valorosamente ringratiandone sempre in dio et observando l’ordine sopra detto. Non cercherai altra medicina perche la e aprobatissima. Item a provochare il tempo suo alla donna. Rx. l’erba savina e capel venere e pinpinella e somente de orticha, ana m. uno. Poi torai 3 fiaschi di vino bianco bonissimo et farai bolire ogni cosa insieme tanto chel calli la terza parte. Poi lo colerai e premendo le erbe bene sotto al torchietto. Poi ritornerai la ditta bolitura al foco et mettivi drento zafferano pesto drama j e mirra e mastice e incenso, ana drama s, et lasselo che apeni levi il bolore. Poi levelo dal foco et lassela raffredare et colalo et conservelo in fiascho di vetro in loco fresco ben coperto. Et la sera quando vai a dormire ne piglia onze iiij chel sia al quanto tiepido et la matina ne piglierai onze iij in modo di syropo et questo lo continua per 3 o 4 giorni che quelle persone chel ano provato ne rendeno vera testimonianza di avere auto lo intento suo se non apieno una gran parte e la persona si trova satisfatta. Item a provocarlo il mestruo in piu modi. Rx una radice di gillio bianco et fala arostire. Poi la pesterai et agiongeli olio laurino onza j e olio roxato onza s et incorpora bene insieme. Poi la sera quando tu vai a dormire falo scaldare bene e ongiti tutto il corpo con sopra panni e infassata et presto molifica il corpo duro e zova molto mirabilmente alla milza et provocha il mestruo, facendolo piu volte per essere cosa experimentata. Item ad provocandum mestruum. Torai somenta di orticha onza j, mirra e mastici, ana drama j, e ogni cosa fatto in polvere suttila et datta a bere con mosto overo vin bianco, presto lo fa tornare. Item ad provocantum mestruum. Torai somente di masseroni e somente di viole gialde et etiam le viole propie gialde fatto ogni cosa in polvere con scropuli 2 di zafferano bene incorporato. Poi dane a bere con brodo o vino bianco piu volte et vedrai amenare materia assai. Item ad provocandum mestruum. Torai del lievito onza j e radice di peonia onza j et radice dela robia onza s et olio comune del vechio e scropuli 2 zafferano et ogni cosa incorporato, falo scaldare et dallo a bere al inferma la sera e presto li verra. Torai artimisia, fala bolire et ricevi quella fumentacione et metti l’erba sul petignone et farai del succio de ditta erba con mirra e zafferano et farai taste insuppati in ditto succio e metti nela n[atur]a e menerati e presto. E piu torai rozza onze iij et fala bolire in lb. 2 di vino bianco dolce e falo calare li 2 terzi et dalo a bere caldo con zafferano. Et dali a bere suchio di volublie che va super le siepi con aqua melata e presto verra il mestruo. Item a provocare il tempo ale donne. Torai alume di rocha arso et lo distempera con aceto forte et metilo sul belico la sera caldo e presto verra. -------- [Page 157] Lavanda per la matrice quando la fusse ussita fuora dela natura. Rx. vino bianco buono uno bochale e mezo et mettivi drento fiori di camomilla e roxe seche e fiori di viole zotte, ana m. uno, e polvere di incenso onza j e di mastice drame ij et farai bolire ogni cosa insieme tanto che calli il quarto. Poi la cola et con la ditta bolitura al quanto tiepida con una pezetta lina suttile bagnata in essa et bagna il collo dela matrice che nesse fora molto ligermente et maxime quelle crostareline suttile che sono ataccate per di fora via che sono fatte per la purgasone del sangue et poi che l’averai bene bagnata et rinbarbidata et rassugata con una altra peza lina sutilissima, mandela suso cossi pian piano et tutto a un tempo fali boni odori sotto al naso che venga atirare il fiato del bono odore tutto asse e tutto a un tempo la mandi in suso. Et dopoi a questo tu li farai una fumentatione per disotto che niente se ne perda, cioe torai una scodella con drento um po di brasa et metteli sopra incenso e storas sodo, calamitta e polvere di sandalo citrino, a tua discretione, et se mentira il fiato a te et molto ti zovera che la madre in breve andera al loco suo. Et questa lavanda la farai 2 volti al giorno o 3 secondo che la ‘nfermita sara grande e anticha et, per dei gratia, presto guarirai per essere da piu persone aprobata et ne sono guarite presto e bene. Et conserveti del vivere e mangia cose bone po che e ben cotte e sta calda, non fare molta faticha e dormi sola. Item a molifichare la matrice che discende fuora dela natura. Rx. dela songia di porco mastio che sia dela vechia e songia de ocha, ana, tagiela et falla distrugiere et calda onestamente ongiela molto bene et con destrezza. Ma prima torai dele radice del ebio laveli bene e tagliale minute et falle cosere inel aqua molto bene et inanti che la donna se onga prima facia questa fumentatione sotto apanni e niente se ne perda. Et poi la ongerai con gran destreza et presto se molifichera quella durezza et andera presto al loco suo senza dolore, usandoli destreza a mandarla suso aiutandola pian piano et odorando sempre boni odori tirando forte sempre l’odore asse et falo piu volte e presto guarirai. Item a chi caschasse fora la madre rimedio e aprobato. Rx. dele somente de iusquiamo, cioe dente cavallino et fane polvere sutilissima. Poi torai una scodella con drento cenise vive et mettivi sopra di questa polvere et farai fumentatione disotto apanni che niente se ne perda. Ma prima farai questa lavanda. Torai vino bianco bono et fali bolire drento rose seche, canella, noce moschate, e camomilla. Poi la bagna bene e con gran destreza et sutta che sera tu li farai la detta fumentatione e presto ritornera al loco suo e odorando purre alcune cose aromatice. Et conservati bene. Item ala madrise che discende fora dela nattura, affarla ritornare drento. Rx. del pulegia, migli foglio, camomilla, salvia, fiori e foglie di tramarino, ana m. uno, et falli bollire con vino bianco bono tanto che calli un terzo. Poi con ditto vino tepido lava il collo dela matrice che discende gioso molto destramente et mandela suso pian piano con un panno lino suttile e presto guarirai, e provata. Item a guarire la matrice quando discende et etiam il posterone che nesse fora per di drieto il quale e cosa molta fastidiosa. Rx. latte di capra tiepido et bagna spesso la madrice et il posterone del homo. Poi li metti sopra queste polvere fatte sutilissimo a modo di specie. Torai corno di cervo o di capra et pesa grecha, ana, et tutte brusate et metteli la terza parte de mastice et metti sopra. Poi premilo drento cosi pian piano con peza suttila et falo piu volte e presto guarirai. Conservandoti como e ditto di sopra in tutte le cose per 6 o 8 giorni et presto guarirai. E provato. Item a chi cascasse fora la madre fali questa fumentacione. Rx. sevo di castrato e foglie de vite e pece greca e rasa de pino a tua discrecione et tutte le predette cose mettele insu la brasa et fane fumentacione che la donna lo riceva tutto sotto apanni et che la infermita la ricevi et fallo piu volte e presto andera al loco suo. Item fumentacio alla matrice ussita. Rx. fengreco, incenso, mirra, ana, et profuma spesso et ritornera al loco suo. -------- [Page 158] A chi cascasse fora il budello dal posterone. Rx. uva passerina et mele purgato e comino e incenso, ana, et ogni cosa sia ben pesto et incorporato inel mortaio molto bene e fatto a modo di unguento tenero. Poi ongi il budello molto gentilmente et con uno panno suttile mandelo suso odorando boni odori e tira il fiato asse et presto guarirai, conservandoti del vivere et non fare molta faticha. Sta caldo e mangia poco e di sustantia, e guarirai. Item a fare ritornore drento il budello del posterone. Rx. cerusa, balausti, alume de rocha, antimonio, ana, fatti in polvere sutilissime. Poi lava il budello con vino bianco dove sia statto bolito drento roxe, canella e camomilla chel sia al quanto tepido. Poi che l’averai lavato e asutto ligermente, ongilo con olio roxato e violato con una penna. Poi metteli sopra questa polvere a modo de spetie et mandelo drento pian piano con la mano e con panno lino suttile. Poi metteli sopra uno piu mazolo di fora via e leghalo chel non possa ussire fora se non quando vole andare del corpo overo quando lo medichi et poi lo ritorna et continua a medicarlo 2 o 3 volti al giorno tanto che li e guarito. Et conservasi del suo vivere et non si fatichi molto che presto, con l’aiutto di dio, guarira. Provato. Item a fare ritornare drento il budello quando ussisse per causa di fluxo. Rx. rosmarino, salvia, menta e petrosemolo e tra tutto uno m[anipol]o et tagliale minute con coltello et torai un poco di formagio di peccora duro et mesta con 2 ovi ogni cosa insieme et fane una fritella et metila in mezo de 2 foglie di rose una sotto el altra sopra. Poi farai spazare il fogolaro et meti nel mezo la ditta fritella con le foglie e chel sia ben caldo. Poi coprila con la cenere ben calda et lassela cosere. Poi dala a mangiare alo infermo allora del matuttino et dormeli sopra e questo farai 3 o 4 volte o piu se’l bisogna e presto, per dei gratia, guarira. Et conservati del vivere, non mangiare cose calide e presto averai la sanita. A fare ritornare in drieto una inguinaglia o tencone. Rx. galbine et distendila sopra’l camozo in modo di cirotto e cossi semplice et mettilo sopra ala inguinaglia overo tencone o disfantolo et presto se rissolvera dasse e guarirai e presto. Item a fare tornare arieto l’infiasone se gia non ne venuta con grande empito che la seria constretta a mettere a capo. Torai una o 2 foglie di verze e sonza di porcho et pista bene insieme et metti suso lo malore o infiato et falo 3 o 4 volte et se’l dovera andare via l’andera in niente chel se dissolvera et se’l vora far capo presto si maturera e taglierassi senza dolore e presto se guarira. Item per la sopra detta cagione. Torai malva, mame de viole e malva vischio e farina di seme lino a tua discretione fale cosere in aqua. Poi pestalo et metteli songia di porco e fa impiastro e metti suso e caldo. A fare schiopare i buognoni e presto. Rx. somenta di lino et fala bolire in latte di vacha tanto chel sia ben cotto. Poi mettilo sul buognone a modo de empiastro e caldo bene e presto se aprira e sia postema o quello che si voglia. Item a farlo aprire. Mettivi suso sterco di cane caldo piu che tu poi e presto se aprira. Item a farlo aprire e presto . Torai radice di pan porcino e lardo vechio e bene pesto e incorporato et caldo bene a modo di empiastro metti suso e sia che enfiato si voglia che presto si rompera e guarirai. Item ale panochie o anguinaie. Torai olio di giglii onza j e di camomilla onze 3, bonorminio e sangue di drago, ana drame ij, et farai bolire tutte cose insieme a lento foco et a modo di empiastro ben caldo metti su l’angiunaglia et per 3 giorni la si potra rissolvere. *Item a rissolverla ut mortificandum. Rx. caprariam et oleum et pista et superpone et morietur carbon. *Item a maturare. Rx. olio rosato, olio tarlo d’ovo e latte di donna e farina di furmento et componi et caldo metti sopra. *Ad idem. Rx. spichi d’aglio e pepi et pista con bocca et meti sopra alo carbone et questo farai avanti lo 3 di e provato. *Item. Pilia dele penne che sta sotto al culo dela galina ut polastra viva et subito legali sopra il malore et l’infermo guarira et la galina morira subito. A conossere se gli e carbone sie quando nasce con grande dolore che molto rosso e ardente. *Item. Torai consolida minore pesta tra 2 pietre vive e metti la sopra’l male et lo mazera in una notte e guarirai. -------- [Page 159] A fare rissolvere uno tencone e presto. Rx. uno arancio e spartilo per mezo e pissate in una scudella et insupateli drento una faldella di stopa, premetela et metetela sotto ala cenere calda. Rintorchiata et lassatela stare tanto che la sia calda. Cavatela, netatela dala cenere et metteteli sopra um poco di sale ben trita et cosi calda la metteti sopra’l tencone o infiato et mettete li sopra ala stopa quello mezo arancio e legati bene chel non caschi et mutatelo matina e sera e presto tornera a drieto e andera via. E di provata. A fare venire a capo un tencone che viene ala cossa et sopra ale mamelle dele donne. Rx. mirolla bianca di pane, uva passa overo uva secca e ogni cosa ben pisto e boturo e songia di porco e levatore di pane e latte di vacha et ogni cosa incorporareti con lento foco et agiongeteli uno poco di zafferano in polvere. Poi pigliareti el ditto empiastro e caldo sopra a una peza et ponetilo sopra’l male enfiato. Et cosi fareti la matina e la sera e presto verra a capo e romperassi. Poi curatelo con olio roxato e torlo d’ova per uno giorno, poi con unguenti attrattai. Se vedete che vi sia marza o cose triste, poi con unguento di aloe et di tutia et di altri che saldano. Item a fare maturare. Rx. fiori di camomilla e melilotto e aneto, ana m. ½, e irios et falli bolire in aqua et mettivi farina d’orzo e di lupini e dele rubache, ana a tua discretione. Poi ne farai inpiastro et caldo mettilo sul maloro enfiato 2 o 3 volte. Et se’l non si volesse rissolve o venire a capo, agiongeli radice di malva vischio cotte e songia di porco e farina di fiengrecho et somenta di lino e olio di camomilla e zafferano e meti suso e presto maturera e s’aprira. Item a maturare. Torai radiche di malva vischio et coseli in aqua con una cipolla di gillio e farina di seme lino e songia di porco con zafferano et impastarta ogni cosa insieme et caldo metti sul infiato e presto lo tirera a capo. Item a fare maturare un malore. Torai olio di oliva e farina di grano e di seme lino e scropuli 2 di zafferano e songia et farai bolire le ditte cose a un picol foco et sempre mestando che non si atachi e non brusi. Poi lo metti sun la peza et mettilo sun l’angio overo sun l’infiato et presto lo farai matturare. Item a maturare e mitigare il dolore. Torai violari, olio comune e botiro a tua discretione et con fiore di farina et metti ogni cosa in una pignatella et fala bolire a lento foco e sempre mestando acio chel non brusa. E poi chel sera ben cotto distendilo su una peza lina et caldo mettilo sun l’infiato et vedrai mirabile operatione o che la si rompe overo la si consuma. Item a fare rompere la postema. Torai sterco di colombo e cenere di sarmente, ana onza j, sale armoniaco e polvere di piombo e olio et incorpora insieme e fa empiastro e meti sul male. Item per fare rissolvere posteme e scrophole. La cicuta ha virtu acuta e ventosa. Non da usare per la bocha per alcun modo. Ma se la sera cotta in vino con il sterco del asino et con somenta di lino et fattone empiastro dissolve la postema e le scrophe. La radice con la scorza vale al simile male. Al bonigolo ussito tropo fora del corpo. Rx. porcelane e sechali. Poi fale bolire con songia e uno poco di aqua tanto che diventano a modo di unguento. Poi cavela et falla ribollire in aceto fortissima. Poi cavela et premila bene tra 2 taglieri. Poi con ditta pasta ongiti il bonigolo piu volte chel sia caldo. Et quando l’ongi lo premi drento pian piano e andera drento quanto tu vorai, cioe questo se intende quando la creatura fusse nel principio mal governata dalla nutrice. Questo rimedio e bono. -------- [Page 160] Al bonigolo ussito fora del corpo per sinistro. Rx. cera nova e butiro e solfero vivo e pece grecha, ana drame ij, et incorpora insieme a lento foco et mettilo sul belicolo et legalo stretto et conservati del vivere e presto guarirai. Item al bonigolo troppo in fora farlo intrare drento. Rx. portulacas siccas et coque in acqua. Postea, Rx. asongie et pista simul, deinde fac bulire illum pastellum in aceto forti et exprime succum et de succo unge bigolum. Postea liga pastellum super bigolum et cito sanabitur. Ad eos qui non posunt pacificari cum suis uxoribus, dic oratio et porta tecumque. + In nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + amen. Oremus, ‘Deus patrum nostrum habraam, ysaach et jacob, Deus que de costa primi hominis muglierem creasti quam sibi in adiutorium constituisti ut cor unum et animam unam et duo incarne una ita ut homines relinquant patre et matre et adhereant uxori sua mitissime. Deus precipisti de sancta trinitate, deus verat et ipsa veritas, adiuro te deprecor te per nomen sanctissimum tuum que est ineffabile alpha et ho[mega], sicut atribus pueris flamans ignis extendisti sidrach, misach et abdenegho, sic extingua iram rissam et discordiam inter me A et maritum meum A. Si nos concordes reddas et in amorem meum constringe usquem in finem concedas nec aliqua res noceat inactingenti amore suo A. Maritus meus me diligat et teneat in tanta dilectione quanta fuit inter adam et evam et inter habraam et sarram, sic conciedas deus verum amorem et veram dilectionem iter me A et A maritum meum, amen.’ Scias queste vera contres misse debeant dici super hoc breve et debent esse super altare quando misse dicuntur in primis ad honorem sancte marie et misse sancta trinitatis et misse sancti spiritus. Post quaque misse fuerunt dicta mulier ut maritus debet cucire privatim in pannis sui mariti ut uxoris et deus adiuvabit eorum, in nomine patris et + filii et + spiritus sancti + amen. Item a pacificarsi la moglie col marito overo il marito con la moglie sua overo altre persone da conto. Dirai questa sancta oratione la matina con candela benedetta et divottamente et in pochi giorni vedrai boni effetti operandola tu in bene et prima fati il 5 segno dela + in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. ‘Sancta maria mater domini nostri yehsu christi, sancte jones baptiste, sancte jones evangelistas, sancte adon et senen sancte simeon auste et coronate, sancte amate et amata quos deus multum amavit, sancte leonarde, sancta helena que invenit crucem domini nostri, Yehsu christi in monte calvario tu revocha A maritum meum ad amorem meum, amen. Deus habraam, Deus isaach, Deus jacob, tu revocha A ad amorem meum A. Amen. Destera domini fecit virtutem. Destera domini exaltavit me. Destera domini virtutem dominus tu revocha A ad amorem meum. Amen. Omnes sancti angeli et archangeli et omnes sancti patriarche et profete et omnes sancte virgines, omnes sancti et sancte dei revochate A ad amorem meum. Intercedite ad eum patrem ut procter vetum orationem ad honorem suum mictant inter A et a amen. Domine yehsu christo filii dei vivi qui misisti amorem et ardorem sancti spiritus inter discipulos tuos et per intercessionem omnium sanctorum tuorum micte mitte amorem rectum inter A et a ut ipse A dictam a ama ex toto corde ex tota mente sua ut nullum aliam creaturam A possit amare preter supra dictam a . Amen, amen, amen, fiat, fiat, fiat + agios + hotheos + agios + ischiros + agios + athanathos + heleyson + ymas + sanctus deus, sanctus fortis, sanctus et immortalis, miserere peccatori A, amen. Emite domine et exaudi me a peccatricem ad te clamantem et sicut exaudisti omne et precies eius audi sic me a exaudi me domine yehsu christe mitte amorem tuum rectum inter me a et A quem ego amo ut ipse me per bonam fidem ita ut non possit sich stare nec ambulare nec manduchare nec bibere nec in die nec in nocte aliquid boni, possit facere et habere et ex tote corde ex tota mente me diligat supra scriptus A. Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat, amen +, in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen.’ Con uno pater noster et una ave maria et sicuro stai che averai la gratia. *Item a sopra ditto. Scribe in ostia non sacrata hec. ‘Pax vobis, pacem meam do vobis. Pacem relinquo vobis, alpha et o[mega] est primus et novissimus A mariti et A uxoris et da ad comedendum,’ et averai dela pace lo intento tuo. *Item al preditto. Torai polvere de valeriana et dala a mangiare al marito overo la porti adosso et il marito amera la sua moglie. *Item al preditto. Scrivi in ostia non sacrata, ‘Habraam amavit sarram, ysaach rebecham, jacob laban, josephe beatam virginem mariam. Ita talis di ligat talem super omnes res de mundo.’ Postea sub altari donec 3 misse cantatur et fane polvere e mangela et videbitur. *Item a rimovere li odii et male volentie. Se alcuno avesse mali volentia contra di te o moglie o a marito, piglierai 3 carboni acera et spengiali con la tua orina, dicendo ‘Come io spengo questi carboni con la urina mia, cossi si rimova ogni mali volentia et odiio di homo o donna avesse contra ala persona mia +.’ Et farai chel tale passi sopra a ditti carboni e questo fallo 3 volte col pater noster. -------- [Page 161] Impiastro che matura e molificha e presto. Rx. olio di camomilla e aneto e de spiga, ana onze ij, farina di fiengrego e di seme lino, ana [onze] js, trementina onze iiij e cera nova onza j. Et meterai l’olio, la cera et la termentina tutti insieme a lento foco tanto che sia ben disfatto e incorporato. Poi levelo dal foco et mettivi drento le farine et bene le incorpora. Poi quando egli e tiepido mettilo sun la postema sera e matina. Falo riscaldare e metti suso e mantienlo ben caldo. E falo piu volte e presto la postema se rissolvera o in drento o in fuora et serai libero. Item impiastro madurativo. Rx. raxa e mele, ana onze vj, et incenso e farina di fengrego, ana onza s. Poi meti al foco la raxa a disfare, poi li meti il mele, poi l’incenso e la farina et levelo dal foco et bene lo incorpora insieme. Poi caldo quanto puo pattire mettilo sun la postema che dole che non si voglia maturare e che la sia cruda et tante volte farai questo impiastro che si maturera la postema mirabilmente e bene e non ti dara piu dolore e presto ne guarirai. Item empiastro mondifichativo ala piaga aperta dela postema e senza mordificatione. Rx. 3 rossumi d’ovo e tanta farina d’orzo o volatilla de quella de molini che la sia sufficiente a inpastare e ditti rossumi in modo de empiastro. Poi ne metti sun le fila e sun li piastrelli et metti sun la postema rotta. Et questo mondifica et incarna e leva il dolore e presto ti fara guarire. Item empiastro mondifichativo aprobatissimo. Rx. trementina onze vj, mele roxato onze iiij e mirra onza j e farina d’orzo quantum sufficit. Et farai disfare al foco lento la termentina, poi il mele roxato et incorpora. Poi lo leva dal foco et mettivi drento la mirra et mettivi tanta dela ditta farina che basti a inpastare a modo de enpiastro al quanto tenero. Et allora sera fatto il tuo enpiastro bono e perfetto il quale tu lo potrai adoperare a tuo piacere sopra a ogni piaga o postema aperta al modo sopra detto. E ti fara honore metendolo sun le fila e sopra ali piastrelli. Item empiastro mondificativo a tutti i malori aperti. Rx. mele roxato onze iiij, trementina onze vj, sarchacola, mirra, farina di fengrego, ana onza j, e farina di segala e di lupini, ana tanta che basti a inspessire lo enpiastro. Poi metti la termentina a disfare a lento foco e poi il mele roxato et lo incorpora et levelo dal foco et subito mettivi drento la sarcochola e la mirra fatti in polvere sutala et la farina del fengrego et poi le altri 2 a tua dischretione tanto chel venga al quanto corpulente. Et sempre mesta tanto che bene ogni cosa sia incorporato et sera fatto in tutta perfettione. Et lo adopera a tuo piacere inel modo sopra detto e presto guarirai. Item impiastro maturativo ad ogni postema. Rx. radice di malva vischio nette e tagliate minute et peste bene et questo se adimandano preparate et songia di porcho e butiro, ana onze iij, et incorpora molto bene a un piccol foco. Et caldo mettilo sun la apostema e presto la si rissolvera. Item impiastro maturativo. Torai 3 cipolle bianche et coseli inela bragia. Poi torai 3 torli d’ovo e butiro la metta di ogni cosa et incorpora bene insieme minutamente et caldo mettilo sun la postema e presto la rissolve. Et anche li potrai agiongere farina di grano e olio roxato e molto operera. Item impiastro maturativo e presto. Torai radice di malva vischio onze ij, lievito di furmento onze js, mama di viole e ascentio, ana m. uno, e tutte queste cose fale bolire in aqua che siano ben cotte et pestale in mortaio e mettivi polvere di rose seche onze ij. Poi incorpora tutte le dette cose con la ditta aqua et metti sul malore caldo e presto si maturera e guarirai. E de provato. -------- [Page 162] Unguento incarnativo che si mette sopra ale piaghe. Rx. raxa onze iij, cera nova onze ij, incenso, farina di fengrego, ana onza j e olio comune lb. j. Farai bolire l’olio et farai disfare la raxa. Poi levelo dal foco et mettivi drento le altre polvere et sempre mesta finche e fredo et sera fatto et serbalo ali bisogni. Et questo unguento si mette sopra ale piaghe con li suoi piastrelli e non dentro. Et questo ingenera carne bona piu che non bisogna ale volte poi bisogna adoperare altri unguenti. Item unguento rissolutivo et madurativo. Rx. olio di camomilla onze iij, cera nova, farina di fengrego e di seme lino, ana onza j, et al foco lento incorpora ogni cosa et levelo del foco e mesta finche e fredo et sera fatto. Et questo unguento matura e rissolve molto mirabilmente e lo adopera nele infirmita sopra dette e ti fara onore. Confetto ala frigidezza delo stomacho. Rx. la radice del iringo, la quale e al quanto simile ala pastinacha, lavela et nettela politamente et falla al quanto cosere inel mele non tropo e chel sia purgato. Poi cavela e mettilo in uno alberelo et mettivi in sua compagnia specie e zucharo e canella et serbalo ali tuoi bisogni. Et la sera quando vai a dormire et la matina quando tu sei levato, pigliane una presa per volta et continuandolo ti fara uno stomaco calido et bono alito e ti fara molto orinare. E provato. Item chi fusse frigido di stomaco. Rx. radice de satirionis, cioe tasticulum volpis, del mese di marzo. Laveli et nettali lb. j et falli bolire con un fiascho de vino bianco bono tanto che siano ben cotti et in ultimo li agiongi una pocha di aqua roxa. Poi cavali fora in una catinella netta et agiongeli drento farina di amito onze ij, cinamomo, garofani, zenzero sutilmente in polvere, ana onza j, zucharo fino onze iiij et agiongeli muscho grani 4 masinato sutilmente. Et ogni cosa sia bene incorporato et fattone manescristi picholi et coseli inela padella col suo copercho overo meti la padelina inel forno. Et come sono cotti tu li serba et quando tu vai a dormire pigliane 2 o 3 secondo la grandeza che li averai fatti et con essi ti dormenta li quali ti farano bonissimo stomacho et ti augumentera venere. Dico potentamente galliardo nel coito et continuandolo tu ne darai opera valorosa che la tua moglie si contentera. Item ad augumentare venere. Torai edera arborea che dal rinverso sia pelosa, pestela e fane suco et con ditto suco ongiti sotto ali testiculi bene et lo sentirai in breve a comoversi valorosamente. Item. Torai robache di lauro, fane polvere et componila con polvere di diasatirion, cioe dele radice fattone in polvere sottila, et ongiti dove e detto et fara lo effetto. Item, questa ontione e valorosa. Torai solfo vivo drame ij e pepi drama j et masinelo sul marmo sutilmente et lo distempera con mele. Poi ti ongi tutto il preputio e sotto al membro et sentirai grande riscaldamente. Et quando vorai andare alla tua donna, lavati con aqua tiepida et farai opera molto galiarda. Et piu se tu vorai piacere ala tua donna, ongiti il prepucio di olio di noce moschate overamente di zibetto naturale et vederai cosa maravigliosa del amore grande che ti portera la tua moglie. Et fa che lei non sapia quello che tu li fai che mai non ara sentito tal contento in simile atto. Et questo e quello che li homini si fano volere bene da le donne per tutto il mondo. A fare che la donna ami il suo marito. Farai scrivere questo salmo, ‘Exaudi deus deprecationem meam,’ et portalo adosso et sempre l’amera del sicuro. A un omo chi non volesse stare con la sua moglie. Torai calamita, biacha, fali dire sopra una messa. Poi fane polvere sutila et dala a mangiare a lui o a lei et in breve molto cordialmente se amerano. A fare che l’homo lassi la femina e tendi ala sua moglie. Acipe fabam, divide et scribe in una parte nomen illius quem vis discordiare et in alia parte alium et proiice ad privatam et erunt odiosi et facendo questo e riussendo sera opera sancta e tienlo per fede che e aprobato piu volti. -------- [Page 163] Lattovario per rischaldare lo stomacho et le rene per incitare venere. Rx. radicum testiculorum satirionis maioris ut minoris, ana onza j, zenziberis drame ij, nucis indice, coaguli leporis, ana onza s, stincorum, irnigorum, penceolani, ana drame iiij, torcissi di spodio onza j, cinamomi, garofani, nucis muschate, cardamomi, dauci, ana drame ij, seminis buli, i scalenie, ana onza s, fogliorum indium drama s, musci optimi drama s, pirnearum mundatarum, pistaciarum enucleatarum, testiculorum galorum et ulpis, ciceris rubei, fabarum scorticatarum, datilorum mundatorum, ana onza s, radicum mandragore onza j, zucaro albo et melis despumati quantum sufficit ad componendum electuarium quod est mirabile ad confortandum coitum et ad retinendum spermatem ne cito emitatur ut verga virilis stet bene erecta et fortis in prelio ad bene placitum tuum et confortat maxime vasa spermatis et valet super omnes medicina que in ocasum inveniuntur. Item unguentum ut supra per ongere la sera. Rx. uno fele di verro et in esso mettivi onze j di polvere di galanga ben sottile et incorpora bene insieme et mettilo a cechare et fane polvere sutilissima et incorpora con olio di noce moscate et farai a modo di uno unguento et con esso ti ongerai la verga et usando con la tua donna si darai diletto grande. Item unguentum supra dictum per ongere la sera le reni. Rx. noce moschate grasse e fresche no. 10, coriandoli preparati drame iij, pepi longo e tondo, ana drame iiij, galanga e pilatro, ana drame ij, zenzaro bianco, garofani, cinamomo, ana onza s, senepa, solpho vivo e cochole di lauro, ana onza j, et tutte cose ne sia fatta polvere sutilissima et satirionis lavati e netti onze iijs. Poi torai mele spiumato lb. j, malvagia o altro vino bianco bono grande onze vj, olio di menta e olio laurino e suco di niepita, ana onze ij, grasso di ocha onze js, cera biancha onze iij et metti al foco in vaso netto che non abia odore, il mele, el vino, l’olio, el suco e la cera, el satirionis et lo farai bolire tanto chel vino sera consumato. Poi li metterai drento le sopra ditte polvere et incorporandole molto bene et levelo dal foco et metteli drento muschio grani 4 e zibetto drama j e ambracan grani 6 et siano massinati tutti molto sutilissimi quali impalpabili con zucharo fino. Poi sia incorporato con tutta la composicione bene benissimo et sia fatto a modo di uno unguento tenero et sera fatto. E conservelo caramente in alberello coperto per te et per li tuoi amici consanguinei. Et la sera quando tu vai a dormire, fatti ongere le rene sutilmente et sotto ala verga et il prepucio. Poi starai con la tua cara moglie et pigliareti contento ambi doi insieme tanto che vi rincressera. E di probato. Cirotto contra frigidita di stomacho. Rx. specie di diamuscho, specie di diambra, specie di aromatico roxato, garofani, noce muschate, galanga, giengimo, coralli rossi, roxe rosse e menta, ana scropulo j, mastici onza j e incenso drame iij, olio di spica, olio di cetoneo, ana quanto ti basta per fare questo cirotto. Poi chel sera fatto distendilo sul sovatto overo su una peza rossa, scarlatina overo di grana. E questo caldo mettilo sun lo stomaco et mantientelo caldo con sopra una peza rossa et questo la continua et ti riscaldera lo stomacho quanto tu vorai et como ti senti a stare apresso chi bene lo potrai levare. E questo e probato. A mettere pace e concordia tra 2 persone, cioe marito e moglie.* Dirai questa oratione 9 matine e 9 volte per matina con candela benedetta acesa. Poi che l’arai fornita, farai dare una messa dela anuntiata et avera la gratia che licitamente tu arai adimandata. Et questa sie l’oratione, vz. ‘Io vengo a te angelo gabriello e pregati per tua pieta e misericordia et per quella anuntiacione dela vergine maria et per quella pace che voi metesti nela casa del signore A. Gaspari ti piglii, baldasare mi ti leghi, marchione mi ti meni. Cossi meni a te e voi a me el A, O. Angelo gabriello che di cielo discendesti pace e unita nela casa di dio metesti et cossi metteti questa pace tra me el A che mai non si divida O, A. Io ti mando l’angelo gabriello col mele in bocha et con le roxe in grembo tanto mi possa tu negare quanto la vergine maria feci mai male. In nomine patris et fili et spiritus santi, amen + + + .’ *(E suprestitione). Item. In carta vergine ut incarta non nata scrive et porta tecum. ‘O alpha et o[mega], primus et novisimus, amor meus adiurum meum uomine talis A sempre sit dulcissimus sicut fuit inter Adam et eva, Abraam et sara et isach cum Rebecha et jacob cum Rachel et eustachius cum theopista et christus cum ecclesia et cum discipulis suis, ita fiat amor et pax inter me et virum meum A + + + . Ita sit dulcissimus amor et perpetualis inter virum meum A et me O +. Christus vincit +, Christus regniat +, Christus imperat +, Christus sit qui iubeat ut amor meus et viri mei fiat continus et inseparabilis et cosi sia + + + .’ -------- [Page 164] La donna che avera questo breve adosso presto partorira senza dolore. ‘In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. + Iam nata progienies celo dimictitur alto exi infans in nomine patris qui te creavit. Exi infans in nomine filii qui pro te passus est. Exi infans in nomine spiritus sancti qui pro te fissus est. Ferro, veni foras in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Anna peperit mariam, Elisabet peperit jonem precursorem et Mariam peperit salvatorem. O infans in nomine Christi verissime, O creatura si sis viva ut mortua veni foras de ventre matris quia christus te clamat ad lucem. Te invitat ad fontem ut videas splendorem seculi. Veni foras quia Christus te vocat sicut vocavit lazarum de monumento. Fiat. Deus qui sarra liberasti et figlium ei dedisti et similiter rebecha uxorem ysaach fecisti, ita fac per misericordiam tuuam famule tue A, in nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + amen.’ Nota che quando la donna sta per partorire alora la comare o altra persona li faza dire uno pater noster e l’ave maria e cosi si circostanti. Poi li leggi la ditta oratione che lei la senta. Poi nela metti adosso et subito che lei avera partorito levela da dosso et ne ringratia i dio che a partorito senza pena. Al dolore del parturire o avesse creatura morta in corpo. Non potendo la donna parturire, piglia zafferano scropuli 2 et distempera con bon vino caldo et danelo a bere et molto li giovera. Et etiam li dirai queste sante parolle che lei li senta, vz., ‘Celi enarant gloriam dei et opera manum eius anuntiant firmamentum. Dies diei erupta verbum et nox nocti indicat sientiam. Non sunt loquelle nec sermones quorum, non audiantur voces eorum in fine orbis terre verba eorum. In sole posuit tabernaculum suum eripem tanquam sponsus procedens de thalamo suo. Elisabet peperit jouannem, Anna peperit Mariam, Maria peperit salvatorem. Et ista mullier perat sine dolorem, in nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +, amen.’ Ancorai farai questo, torai mezo bichiere di latte di cagna et oltertanto di bon vino et uno poco di mele et lo incorpora bene et danelo a bere caldo. Et se la creatura li fusse morta in corpo, torai mirra pesta et dalla a bere con vino caldo et con suco di barbena e di salvia e di malva e fara purgare la donna et subito lo parturira senza passione. Al dolore del partorire. Quando la donna cominciera a sentire li dolori, vedi li trovare una pietra pregna di quelle che anno drento l’anima che si trova ne i nidi dele aquile et quella fattela legare a una dele cosse et presto parturirai. Et advertisse subito che tu averai partorito, fattela levare via presto perche el ti ussirebe fora tutte le enterriora e anderesti a periculo grande. Et sapi che se tu pensasti chel fusse maschio, lega la piet[r]a ala cossa dritta et se tu ai per noticia che la sia femina, leghela ala cossa sinistra et partori vai quasi senza dolore. Et se per sorte la donna non potesse portare la creatura al suo tempo et che infra’l tempo si disperdesse non li dando molta causa, porta la donna questa pietra adosso che la li tocha la carne et la portera per dei gratia al suo tempo. Poi se la levi da dosso et come la comincia a sentire li dolori, se la faci apichare a una dele cosse como ditto e di sopra. Et se la donna conosesse lei di essere drento troppo fogosa overo calida e che quella fusse una dele cause che ella non portasse el parto al tempo suo, usa a mangiare infra questo tempo quasi tutte cose rinfreschative le quale aiutta aportare la creatura che non sespicha dale rene e sta per insino al tempo suo et sapi che le cose calide in tal corpo indebelisse e snerba le forze et la fa pire. -------- [Page 165] Item a chi sente la creatura morta in corpo, in poco spacio di tempo farla parturire. Rx. del erba santa regia cotta con mele purgato et dattone a mangiare ala ditta donna. In pochi giorni la mandera fora e senza dolore. Et se li venisse dolore dopo questo parto farali questo rimedio. Torai folie di cavolo e malva e morcorella, ana, et fale cosere in olio. Et poi fane uno impiastro et cossi caldo mettilo sul petignone apresso alla natura. Presto leva il dolore e purga la natura. Item. La radice di l’enula canpana lavata e cotta inel aqua et di quella datta ala donna che a la creatura morta in corpo la fara ussire senza periculo alcuno. Et li fara cessare il mestruo rosso et fa pissare assai et questo e senza periculo. E de sicura medicina perche e aprobata. A sapere se la donna debe parturire maschio o femina. Se tu farai schizare una gioza di latte dela mamella dritta dela donna in uno bichiere di aqua chiara frescha et un altra gioza dela mamella mancha in un altro bichiere in 5 mesi, in 7 mesi e in 9 mesi. Se la prima gioza che cascha inel bichiere vedi chel vadi al fondo e stia serrato quella sustantia dal mezo et quando e in fondo venghi poi di sopra agalla et stia sempre stretto quel poco per insino in cima et giudicherai che quello che di lei nassera sera mastio. Et quando quel latte si spargesse overo si largasse sopra al aqua giudicha piatosamente quella essere femina. Poi farai sopra al secundo bichiere del aqua frescha con la mamella mancha et vedi quale sono quelli 2 segni che piu si confino se serano quelli che vanno al fondo dirai mastio et se serano quelli che si largano dirai eli e femina. Mira a quest altro segno, se tu vedrai la donna gravida che stia ritta in piedi et che tu la chiami mira bene quale piede lei butta prima inanti et se lei butta prima il piede dritto e mastio avendo lei il corpo racolto dinanti aguzzo et se lei buttera prima al pie[de] sinistro se giudicha essere femina et avera il corpo non tropo in fora ma si largera sue fianchi. Et di queste prove ne statto fatto esperientie assai et la magior parte ne sono reussite a honore et molte al tiene sono aprobato. Item questo e vero e aprobato. Quando tu vedi la donna gravida fatti il segno dela + et guardela in viso fissa et dirai in te medemo il pater noster et l’ave maria. Poi dirai questi 3 versetti risguardando lei e con silentio, ‘Increatus pater, increatus filius, increatus spiritus sanctus et est unu[s] increatus. Immensus pater, immensus filius, immensus spiritus sanctus et est unus immensus. Eternus pater, eternus filius, eternus spiritus sanctus et unus eternus.’ Poi tu metti bene a mente alla donna se lei mette la mano dela cintura in suso per fare qualche atto overo rassetarsi alcuna cosa intorno al collo commo accade. Allora judicha e dirai in te stesso quello che ella partorita sera mastio. Et se anche lei fara segno manifesto dala cintura ingioso, judicherai essere femina. Et se per sorte la donna non facesse segno veruno, dirai le predette parolle un altra volta et per insino in 3 volti et vedrai alcuni di questi segni apparire se ella li fara sopra ala cintura se judicha maschio et se sera disotto alla cintura se judicha essere femina. Et questo segno e statto fatto tante e tante volte che o mai egli e chi a quando egli e fatto con debito e modo di semplicita e purita e questo e vero di provata. -------- [Page 166] Elettovario per donna per avere figlioli. Rx. salvia, magiorana fina, ana m. uno, et fala bolire in una charassa grande con bonissima malvasia tanto che calla apresso che la meta. Poi pisterai le dette erbe et metteli del mele che sia ben purgato e netto e zucaro fino e canella fina in polvere, ana onze vj, et incorpora ogni cosa bene insieme inel mortaio et sera fatto. Poi tu lo conserva inel alberello coperto et quando la donna va a dormire ne piglia un onza o piu, ma sia prima drento purgata. Et la matina avanti che ella leva dal letto sentira movimenti de riscaldamento e allora se congiongi col marito e presto vedrai lo efetto. Item elettovario per avere figlioli. Rx. dela bertonicha colta il mese di magio a luna cressente et falla secchare al ombra et fane polvere sutile. Et torai mele lb. j et falo bolire in pignatino novo tanto chel sia ben purgato e schiumato. Poi levelo dal foco et colalo et mettivi drento noce moschate e canella fina, ana onza s, e polvere di garofani drame ij et zucharo onze ij fatto in polvere et tanta dela sopra detta polvere che basti a inspessirlo et cosi caldo va incorporando ogni cosa sempre mestando finche e freddo. Poi lo riponi in alberelo e in loco fresco. Et la sera et la matina ne pilierai quanto e una noce per 10 o 12 giorni. Poi starai col marito la matine per tempo et vedrai opera maravigliola. Ussando pure qualche matina a bere un ovo frescho con drento uno chugiaro dela ditta polvere di bertonica ripossandosi al quanto sopra inel letto. Ma se la donna fusse troppa sanguinea falli cavare sangue ogni mesi dala vena comuna onze iij et usi a mangiare cose rinfreschative et usando il sopra ditto lattuari et stando col suo marito et habia fede in dio et sapendosi conservare che presto concepira, et facendosi ogni sera questa sotto scritta fumentatione, videlicet. Item fomentatione per di sotto ala donna la sera. Torai polezolo overo mentrastro salvatico et fallo ben bolire con l’aqua et la donna vada sopra a quello fumo et tutto lo riceva per disotto et questo farai per 10 o 12 volte et starai col tuo marito et averai la matrice disposta a ingravidarsi et dopo il fatto non ti tacare, sta chetto per 3 ore volta sul lato ritto et sentirai il voltamento dela stomacho el doloro del corpo et observando questo presto vedi capira. E provato. Item a sapere se la donna parturira maschio o femina. Prima el ti bisogna sapere il mese che lei ritene il seme et etiam il mese che lei debe parturire et suo nome di lei et quello del suo marito et farai li nomi tutti latini, et cavane tutte le vocale, cioe a, e, i, o, u, cioe como sarebe a dire sepembre sono 3 e magio che sono 2 et il nome di lui pietro sono 2 et lei chaterina che sono 4, in tutto sono no. 11. Et perche’l no. e caffo, dirai che nassera maschio et quando el no. sera pari, dirai che femina nassera. Et questa sie una regola infalibile cavata di Astrologia piu e piu volte da homini dogni di fede e statta experimentata. Et etiam se’l ti fusse ditto egli e uno o una il quale e ciecho di un ochio vero strupiato da quache membro overamente zopo, fatti solamente dire il suo nome et guarda quante lettere vochale entra in quello nome et se le sono pari, egli e condannato dal lato ritto et se le sono caffe egli e condannato dal lato manco et tu non l’ai veduto et l’ai saputo per sapere il suo nomo et falo latino. Ad sciendum se mulier diligit hominem ut non. In mane cum surgis vade ad eam et dicista verba in facie eius tribus vicibus vz., ‘Orarcha minor fulgor,’ ‘Giabat gael rafphael,’ ‘Sada minium remuit.’ Et aspice si ipsa mulierem posuererit manum eius pictori non te diligit et si prosuerit manum faciei vehementer te dilligit et habbebis optatum tuum. Et per l’advenire l’amore piu ti cressera inverso la tua consorte. Chi non pole usare con donna. Torai incenso del cero pasquale e mira e oro e argento e cera e palma benedetta et meti ogni cosa in uno cannone di canna et fali dire sopra la messa di 3 re et atacalo al brazo mancho a carne nuda e usa et vedrai efetto. -------- [Page 167] Quando uno matrimonio fusse inpedito per facture. Dira lo sposo et la sposa la sera divotamente quando vogliano andare a dormire dichali inginochione questi 2 psalmi, ‘Judicha me domine quoniam ego sum inotentia mea.’ Il 2, ‘Te decet himnus deus in sion et tibi redetur votum in hierusalem,’ et il credo piccolo tutto, et con tre pater noster et 3 ave marie. Et dopoi lo sposo o altra persona dira questa oratione, vz., ‘Como li 3 magi si trovorno insieme andare a visitare jesu christo, cossi possiamo godersi insieme in sancto matrimonio, cossi como yehsu christo si compagna a ricevere il latte con la vergine maria, cossi sia ricevo mi dalla mia sposa in sancto matrimonio, in nome del padre et del figliolo et delo spirito sancto et cosi sia,’ digando in ultimo uno pater noster et presto, per dei gratia, serano desligati et liberi. Item l’homo che non potesse usare il legittimo matrimonio con la sua sposa et volendolo ussare farai cossi. Torai tanta cera biancha benedetta quanta tu facesti 4 ostie et falla distrugere sopra a una paletta di ferro al foco et farai collare la ditta cera in una scodella con drento aqua netta. Poi torai tutta la ditta cera et ne farai una piastra et tagiela in + che nescha 4 parte et falle tutte rotonde a modo di ostie. Poi scrive in una di quelle parte, per la prima queste parolle, vz., ‘Deus habraam, Deus ysaach et Deus jacob,’ in la 2, ‘Gaspar, Baldasar, Melchior,’ in la 3, ‘Michael, Gabriel, Raphael,’ in la 4, ‘Sidrach, Misach et Abdenegho.’ Poi piglia le ditte 4 parte scritte et falli dire sopra 5 messe a riverentia dele 5 piaghe di yehsu christo. Et poi torai le ditte 4 piastre et mettene una per cantone dela sua lettiera dove dormano li pacienti et abi fede in yehsu christo che presto te libererai perche altri l’ano provato. Item ad dissolvendum malefitia. Scrive in 3 ostie non sacrate queste parolle et in 3 matine con divotione ne piglia una per matina con uno pater noster et la bevi con una poca di aqua benedetta et presto, per dei gratia, serai libero e guarito dale malie. Da prima ostia scrive, ‘Ego autem A inocentia mea ingressum suum. Et in domino deo meo yehsus spero non infirmabor + yehsus vincit, + yehsus regnat, + yehsus imperat, + yehsus ab omni factura et ligatura me deffendat, amen.’ La 2 matina, ‘Tu autem domine yehsu christe ne discesseris a me ausilium meum respice. Yehsus vincit, + yehsus regnat, + yehsus ab omni factura me deffendat, amen.’ La 3 matina dirai, ‘Dirupisti domine vincula mea et maliam meam tibi hostiam laudis. Yehsus vincit, + yehsus regnat, + yehsus ab omni factura et malo me deffendat, amen.’ Et farai questo con divotione et con l’aiutto di dio, presto ne serai libero. Item a disfare ogni factura e ligamentum. Scriverai in 9 ostie non sacrate et dane una per matina et fali dire 5 pater noster con 5 ave marie ogni matini et in capo a 9 matine si vedra essere al quanto migliorato dele malie, vz. La prima, ‘Pax pater possibilis + .’ La 2, ‘Filii vita summa sapientia +.’ La 3, ‘Spiritus sancti vera essentia et est remedium umana +.’ Item a homo o a donna a faturati presto liberarli. Torai uno bichiere di vino in mano et dili sopra queste parolle 3 volte ala fila con uno pater noster et per 3 matine continue et poi che l’averai ditta 3 volte col segno di +, l’homo et la donna lo beva tutto. Queste sono le parolle, vz., ‘Io ti exorzisco vino per quello il quale divise il mare rosso a gli figliuoli di israel et per 140,000 innocenti li quali a tolti di terra, per li 9 ordini deli angioli et per le X parolle deli agyos et per li 5 libri di moises et per li 4 evangeliste, matteo, marco, luca e jone, et per sancta maria madre di yehsu christo, nostro signore, disfaccia ogni legame et omne factura et omne malificio da te come fece in dio per la virtu del nostro yehsu christo il quale divenire ad judicare li vivi et li morti del universo mondo, in nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + amen. + Christus vincit, + Christus regnat, + Christus imperat, amen + + + et cosi sia, amen.’ Poi legherai ala cossa destra dela donna questo policino, vz., ‘Erraverunt ab utero locuti sum falsa +,’ et se tu farai questo, presto te libererai. E provato. Andare per viagio et sicuro da i periculi. Quando voi andare in viagio dirai il pater noster e l’ave maria. ‘Io andrea christo mi sia inanti e pace in via lo spirito sancto meco sia + . Io mi racomando a christo e ala vergine maria et a sancto Hieronomo, [In nomine] patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen.’ -------- [Page 168] A disfare la dureza dele tette quando sono da tagliare et quando sono tagliate, a guarirle. Rx. farina del linseme onze iij, farina di fengreco e farina comuna e songia di porcho, ana onze ij. Et torai una pignata et metivi drento una caraffa di vino e una di aqua et metti drento tutte queste sopra dette farine e songia colata et mettila a un lento foco et falla al quanto inspessire et sempre mestandola con la spatula di legno acio che non si apichi. Et levelo dal foco et mesta tanto che sia fredo et sera fatto. Et conservelo ali bisogni. Et poi con esso medica la tetta e senza tasta e senza altri unguenti et vederai bella cura et quando lo metti sun la tetta scaldalo un poco et fara meglio. Item unguento al sopra ditto male dele tette. Rx. di malva vischio e suco di malva e farina di linseme, ana onze vj, trementina lavata onze v, butiro stantivo onze iij, rasa grassa onze ij, olio roxato e cera bianca, ana onze vij. Prima farai ben cosere le radice del malva vischio tanto che li rimanga poca aqua. Poi li premi sotto al torchietto tanto chel nescha tutta la sostantia. Et in quella bolitura mettivi drento la farina e il suco et la trementina e la raxa, el butiro, el olio e la cera et ritornalo al foco e lento et bene le incorpora et sempre mestavi drento. Et quando eli e inspessito, levelo dal foco et mestavi drento quasi finche gli e fredo et conservalo ali bisogni. Et quando lo vorai adoperare stendilo su una pezza lina et mettilo sul malo adolorato caldo in sun la tetta matina e sera e presto guarirai. Item unguento ut supra per il dolore dele tette ale donne. Rx. biacha violata, olio roxato, sevo di becho e mirolla di buo, ana onze js, e botiro vechio lavato onze ij e cera nova onza j e lardo raspato e lavato onza j. Taglierai il sevo e la mirolla, fali strugere e colali. Poi ritornali inel pignatino et mettivi drento la cera tagliata el olio, el butiro, el lardo et incorpora bene a lento foco et mettivi in ultimo la biacha et sera fatto et conservilo in alberello ali bisogni. Poi con esso onge le tette el quale e bono a tutti li malori dele tette et etiam al male sciagro et a homore salso calido et etiam ala rogna. E questo unguento ti fara honore. E di provato. Item onto per una tetta enfiata. Rx. dele bietole et foglie di cavolo et fane suco disceparato et olio violato, ana partes equales, et componi ogni cosa insieme a lento foco et lasselo al quanto bolire ma poco et sempre mestando finche e fredo. Et con esso medica sera e matina et metendo sopra pezze line sutile e presto guarirai. E questo ti fara opera bella e bona et averai honore. Item onto ale tette enfiate. Rx. aceto forte e mastice e olibano e stercho di buo, ana a uguale parte, et metilo in uno pignatino et fallo al quanto bolire tanto chel se incorpori e sera fatto. Et quando lo vorai adoperare falo scaldare et stendilo sopra ala peza lina e caldo mettilo sul male dela tetta enfiata e dogliosa et falo 2 volte al giorno e presto guarirai. Item onto al dolore dele tette. Rx. mele purgato e butiro vechio lavato, ana onze vj, e comino onze iij e polvere di garofani onza j et meterai ongi cosa insieme et fara bolire un pochetto tanto chel sia ben incorporato e sera fatto. Poi lo estende sun le peze chel sia caldo e mete sun le tette e presto guarirai, agiongendoli um po di muschio il qua conforta tutti li membri. Item a levare il dolore dele mamelle. Rx. songia di porco maschio e marobio biancho, ana, et pesta ogni cosa insieme et lo incorpora al foco et farai empiastro et caldo meti suso e presto guarira le tette. Item a levare il dolore dele tette ale donne. Rx. 5 o 6 grani di somenta di ginestra, fane polvere sutila et dala a bere con vino bianco caldo et presto cessera il dolore. Et etiam la radice del ebulo pesta e messa suso presto li leva il dolore et tutte queste sono di probata veri. -------- [Page 169] A guarire le tette che fusseno rotte per humore overo postema a inchancherita e menasse materia. Rx. le radice di quella erba che si adimanda filopendola, la quale fa le sue foglie che ritrana a quelle dela pinpinella et fali suoi fiori bianchi simili a quelli dela pastinacha salvaticha ma un poco magiorette, et fale sue radice sun l’andare di quelle dela peonia ma piu minute assai et tutte atachate l’una drieto al altra in forma di corona. Il tempo suo da coglierla sie el principio di giugno che alora fiorisse e di perfetta. Torai di questa radice quanta ne voi, lavela bene et fala sechare al ombra se si puo et fane polvere sutilissima et quella conserva a tutti li tuoi bisogni. Et quando la donna avesse male ale mamelle per causa de humori occorsi overo li dolesse in un logho piu che un altro et se li vedesse sopra alcuni segni durie rossi overamente li avesse quache buco drento che del continuo menasse materia et fare che questa donna presto guarisse, farai cosi. Torai ogni matina mezo chugiaro e non piu dela ditto polvere et danela a bere con vino bianco o brodo calda a modo de syropo la matina per tempo et sopra se ripossa un ora. Et se la mamella non ne rotta non li fare altro. Ongela solamente con olio violato et se’l male sera drento ingrossato si rompera dasse et se la postema fusse debole la si rissovera di drento. Et se la mamella fusse rotta et menasse materia, non li mettere cosa nisuna di fora via salvo che peze bianche a 3 e 4 doppie una sopra al altra, perche la ditta polve[re] a questa propieta che da si stessa medicha la fa purgare tutta la materia drento e la manda fora per que buchi et gintilmente la purga senza dolore. Et con piu gran materia ne mena e di bon segno che piu presto ne guarisse perche tutta la materia adunata si purga. Poi chel detto male sera bene purgato seguita pure l’ordine tuo che dasse stessa si saldera politamente e bene. Et etiam se la tetta fusse enfiata overo avesse quache capo che non fusse rotto, continua pure la ditta polvere al solito modo, et il male se risolvera a poc a poco e vera in niente. Et conservati del vivere in questi pochi giorni e guaritai. E provata. E giova a mal caduco. Et se tu torai li fiori dela filopendola e quali sono bianchi et metteli in una caraffina et mettivi drento olio d’oliva chiaro e coprila et mettila al sole per 20 giorno o un mese et pigliera uno hodore molto mirabile e odoriffero el quale olio a di molte virtu et maxime al dolore di stomacho et maxime chi fusse difettosa di male di madre et vale al dolore di corpo, ongendo caldo, e provocha l’orina et guarisse la distillatione di quella, e giova a i dolore e ale reni et rissolve la ventosita delo stomaco, ongendo ben caldo. Et manda via le cotture e i segni dela faza et lassa morbida la carne. Et questo olio e statto provato piu e piu volte da molte gentildonne piamontese. A molificare le tette et levare il dolore. Rx. latte di vacha lb. js et pane gratusato et falo bolire tutto insieme et mettivi drento 12 fila di zafferano a bolire. Poi lo metti sun la mamella chel sia caldo quanto puoi patire in modo di empiastro et falo matina e sera e presto ti fara desinfiare et ti levera il dolore. Item a levare il dolore dele tette. Torai erba cinque foglie et con grasso di porco e sterco di colombo e mele e cera, ana a tua discretione, et incorpora ogni cosa al foco. Poi a modo enpiastro metti sun le tette enfiate et dolorate e ti[e]nlo suso caldo e presto ti levera il dolore. Item al dolore dele tette. Torai la scorza 2 del sanbuco onze ij e olio roxato onze iij et vermi terresti ben lavati con vino ½ scudella et fali bolire per un poco. Poi li premi bene sotto al torchieto. Poi li metti drento cera nova onze js et quando la serra disfatta, metivi drento incenso e aloe, ana onze js, et bene incorpora et sera fato. Et con esso ongeti le mamelle piu volte e guarirai. -------- [Page 170] A guarire li capitelli dele tette quando fussino indurite o con qualche setola. Rx. olio violato e cera biancha, ana onza j, e incenso pesto onza s et incorpora ogni cosa insieme, mosto bene et con esso ongeti li capitelli dele mamelle overo setoli et presto guarirano. Item al dolore deli capitelli. Rx. roxe seche e malva, ana m. uno. Fale cosere. Poi tagliale minute et mettivi drento olio roxato e butiro non lavato e farina d’orzo a tua discretione et incorpora bene et caldo mettilo sun la tetta. Et se per cat[i]va sorte la fusse rotto mediche la prima con unguento basalicone et poi metti sopra el ditto enpiastro caldo et questo falo piu volte e guarirai etiam che menasseno marza assai o fusseno enfiate e rosse presto guarirai. Item ale setoli di capitelli. Torai aqua vite e olio roxato e polvere fatta di suola di scarpe vecchie brussate e mettene in ditto olio, ana, et mettilo al foco et falo incorporare et con ditto onto ongeti li capitelle dele tette e presto guarirai. Fa chel sia caldo. Item al pelo dela poppa de capitelli causato per avere mangiato alcun pelo inadvertemente. Primamente dirai 3 pater nostri e 3 ave marie et fale dire anche a circonstanti et dove sera il proprio male tu li farai overo li farai fare questo tondo como tu vedi con la + in meze e con queste 4 parole, ‘rex, lex, lux, pax.’ Et lasse lo stare cosi e presto guarira senza altro. Item per le setole dele tette e bono ancora ali labra e per mano. Rx. midolla de vitello e olio di mandole dolce e cera nova, ana onza j, et metti ogni cosa in uno pignatino et falo bene incorporare et sera fatto et con ditto onto ongiti le setole spesse volte et in breve guarirai. A molificare il latte inele tette et farlo venire fuora. Rx malva vischio ben cotto e ben pisto con songia di porcho et farina di seme lino e fengreco ben pesto, ogni cosa a tua dischretione et la incorpora al foco et mettilo sun le mamelle e ti fara honore e se molificherano. Item a chi avesse perso il latte. Torai una ungia di vacha, brusela et fane polvere sutilissima et falla la bevere a quella donna chi a perso il latte con vino o brodo caldo con zucharo et presto li ritornera. Item a chi a perso il latte. Torai del erba barbena, pestela et cavene suco et dane onze ij o iij a bere caldo con zucharo drento ala donna chi a perso il latte et ne fara abondantemente. Item a quella donna chi a perso il latte o per paura o per altro inconveniente. Trouverai una pianta di erba barbena, id est erba di san jone, et inzinochiati et dirai il pater noster et l’ave maria. Et dirai, ‘Verminacha per la virtu che dio te datta che tu me dia del latte quello che tu voi et non quello che tu puoi.’ Et falli prima sopra uno segno di +. Poi spichane 3 foglie e mangiale et poi sbarba la pianta et lassela sechare. Et subito te abondera tanto il latte che non saperai che farne. E di provata. Item a fare venire et multiplichare il latte alle donne. Torai foglie verde di finochio et fateli bolire con vino o con aqua et la donna ne beva a pasto e fora di pasto piu spesso che ella pole et li abondera di molto latte. Et se ancora patisse di retentione di mestruo o corso ordinario questa e medicina ordinaria. Item a fare del latte assai. Torai cachature di toppi e pepi longo, ana onza j, et fane polvere sutilissima et dalla a bere ala donna con brodo o vino con zucharo et presto ne fara quanto ne vorra che non la sapia. Item al male di capitelli dele tette. Pigliati 2 rossi d’ovi freschi e 2 quatrini di cera nova e uno poco di olio roxato e uno pochetto di tucia preparata con aqua rosa. Et incorporate ogni cosa al foco in uno pignatino netto et como e fredo stendetilo insu una peza et metti sopra’l male. Ma prima la lava con vino bianco dove sia statto cotto drento roxe e piantagine e foglie di oliva verde. Poi la suga et meti sopra l’empiastro e presto ti sanerai. -------- [Page 171] Che le mamelle dele donne non creschano. Rx. suco di accacia et bagnavi drento dele peze suttile et metteli sopra ale mamelle la sera quando vai a dormire et presto se sminuirano e in pochi giorni. Et se per sorte tu non potesti avere del ditto suco, torai polvere di olibano et lo distempera con aceto forte et in essa bagnavi drento le peze et metti sun le mamelle e piu non cresserano et sempre starano sode. Item a fare che le mamelle dele donne stiano piccole et dure. Rx. somente di cicuta, pestale et fane polvere suttila et mettila in aceto forte et bagnavi drento le peze line et la sera mettele sopra le cine et starano picole e dure. Overamente torai suco di cicuta fatto il mese di magio et aceto forte, ana, incorpora et in essa bagna le peze et metti suso et se tu usserai a bagnarteli spesso, sempre starano sode et candide. Et e di provata. Item aqua da restringere la natura et ale zine che se despicasse tropo longhe dal petto et non volesseno stare inel essere suo morbide et sode. Primamente torai sorboli overo dele sue foglie o dela scorza, pigne, brognoli, corgnioli, pera cotogni, nespoli o foglie, e mortella, ana m. uno, balaustri o scorze di melingrano, ana m. ½, lume di rocha onze iij, vino di melingrano onze iiij e roxe seche m. uno ½ et 4 ovi freschi cossi col gusso. Et ogni cosa mette insieme le erbe, le pignie, ogni cosa taglia e amacha et farai una incorporatione di ogni cosa. Et la farai stillare al lambico di vetro et la ditta aqua serbela in vaso di vetro la quale a tutte quelle proprieta che la natura li pol dare per restringere tutte le parte di fuora como e dela natura. A bagnare dele peze et metterle drento e diffora legate et cossi alle mamelle dilaniate bagnato le peze a 2 o 3 doppie et messe suso et cossi dele grincie del viso bagnato la sera e la matina strapizando bene piu non si vedra grincie et cossi bagnandosi le altre parte del corpo fa rassodare tutta la carne. E questa le aprobata. Et per restringere la natura, farai polvere di folie di nespoli e incenso e lume di rocha, ana onza j, et mette ongi cosa insieme in una pecetta lina un poco rada overo cendalo et legalo e fane una balotina et quando vai a dormire meti nela natura et questo farai per 6 o 8 volte et vedrai opera bella forse non mai piu sentita et il tu marito molto se ne contentera. Item a tirare il latte presto fuora dele mamelle dela donna. Coserai dela menta inel vino e del aneto, ana, et fane enpiastro et mettilo al quanto caldo sopra ale mamelle et presto ne verra il latte. Et se la mamella fusse enfiata per il tropo latte, inpiastrale sopra la menta sola e fara desinfiare. Item a fare rissolvere ogni dureza e infiasone dele mamelle. Torai malva e mama di viole, ana m. uno, et fale cosere in aqua. Poi battele con songia sun un tagliere et cossi caldo metti insu la postema o malore dele tette o in altro logo. Falo piu volte e presto si rissolvera e andera via. Item a ritenere il latte chel non vaada fora dele poppe. Torai fave trite cotte et impiastrate sun le poppe non lassano chaschare il latte fora dele mamelle. Item a rompere uno mal nassente sopra a una mamella ut in altro loco e senza taglio. Rx. somenta de lino et pistela bene con 2 o 3 fichi secchi et con mele et farai impiastro et metilo suso matina e sera e presto leva il dolore et dassi si rompera se la si dovera rompere overo la si rissolvera et andera via et resterai libero et di quel male guarito. -------- [Page 172] A guarire li testiculi enfiati et il membro del homo che non si potesse rinversare et altre infermita in esse. Rx. songia vechia di porcho, olio laurino e di camomilla e olio roxato, ana onze ij, et incorpora le dette cose a un picol foco. Et poi torai fava infranta che sia ben cotta et ben disfatta et incorpora tutte le predette cose insieme e farai enpiastro. Poi lo distendi sopra a una foglia di cavolo et poi sotto una peza lina et caldo mettilo sun li tasticuli o verga se la e enfiata et presto vedra bela cura. Et anche e bona ala enfiatura di testiculi, la ruta frescha pesta et messa suso molto li zova. Item a desinfiare testiculi o la verga causata per qual si voglia causa. Rx. farina di fava e olio roxato, ana, con uno poco di vino bianco et componi insieme al foco et ne farai empiastro in bona forma et distendilo sopra a una peza et caldo mettilo suso chel stia la notte suso e infassato et lo farai anche la matina et starai in riposso et presto lo desenfia et leva il dolore e guarisse. E provato. Item ala enfiasone deli testiculi incuriti. Rx. dele rame del sanbuco et buta via la prima scorza. Poi torai la seconda che sera verde. Poi torai uno mattone novo che non abia toco aqua et falo infoccare. Poi lo sbroffa con vino bono con sopra la ditta scorza et tanta stia che la sia bene palpabile et cossi calda la metti sun li testiculi et fala piu volte e sta in riposso e presto guarirai. Et ancora per desinfiarli. Tora farina di fava onze x, farina di cesi e cimino, bedeli, e coriandoli, ana onze iij, e tutte in polvere suttile et tanto olio roxato e violato chel basti affare empiastro a lento foco et stendilo su una peza et mettilo sun li testiculi. Item al membro del homo enfiato fali quella lavanda. Rx. malva e roxe e violari et fale bolire con aqua et farai uno empiastro con songia et metti suso caldo. Et se’l membro fusse rotto, mettivi suso quelle polvere, vz. Rx. aloe patico, mirra eletta polverizata sutilmente incorporate con latte di donna. Ma prima lo ongi con olio violato et sopra questa polvere. Item al preditto male enfiato e rotto. Torai aloe patico e tucia preparata sutilmente in polvere et mettila insul male. Poi metteli sopra una peza con questo unguento, vz., Rx. olio comune, cera nova, mastice, incenso, sevo di beccho, ana, fate in polvere et fatto unguento a lento foco. Poi lo cola et mettivi in ultimo uno poco di latte di donna che egli e molto aprop[ri]ato al male del membro. Et medica sera e matina e presto guarirai. Et per farlo saldare, torai biacha e letragirio d’oro, ana, et incorpora con olio roxato o violato et meti suso e presto guarira et non preterire deli sopra detti ordeni che sono molto boni. Item a desinfiare il membro Rx. roxe seche e camomilla e farina d’orzo, ana m. ½, olio roxato onze iij et le farai bolire in vino bianco et farai empiastro e metti suso caldo e desenfiara presto. Item lavanda a la verga quando fusse enfiato overo rotto. Rx. erba borsa pastoris, balaustri, noce d’arcipresso, ana, et fale bolire in vino bianco et con esso caldo ti lava. Poi metterai sopra questo unguento. Rx. aloe patico, incenso, tucia, mastice, mirra, bolarminio, noce d’arcipresso, sarcocholla, sangue di drago e litargirio, ana, et siano fatte tutte in polvere sutilissime et incorporate insieme. Poi bagna il male con latte di donna et metti sopra dela detta polvere molto bene e presto guarirai. Et se tu non volesti fare questa lavanda, farai quest altra. Torai vin bianco et fali bolire drento roxe e viole, ana, et con esso vino caldo lo lava bene. Poi torai biacha e sarchocolla et incorpora con olio roxato et ongi il male piu volte e presto guarirai. Et se’l male fusse intarlato, torai lume di rocha arso et mettilo suso et ineli buchi. Falo piu volte e presto lo mazerai et guarirai. -------- [Page 173] A guarire il membro del homo che fusse impiegato et intarlato per piu cause. Rx. polvere di aloe e terra sigilata, ana, et falle bolire con olio di linseme tanto che s’inspesischa et quello usa. Ancora torai zucha e scorze di melingrano e noce d’arcipresso et falle bolire in vino bianco et in esso vino caldo ti lava la verga. Poi li metti sopra polvere di arcipresso. Ancora torai olio roxato onze iiij, litragirio e cera, ana onza j, cerusa onza s, mastice e verderame, ana drama s, e ogni cosa fatta in polvere et ne sia fatto unguento a lento foco et quando egli e cotto el diventa tane o rossigno. Poi se li mette um poco de incenso in polvere. Poi che egli e levato dal foco et sera fatto, perfetto e bono. Item al preditto male di verga. Rx. trementina lavata a 9 aque, polvere di tartaro, zucharo rosso, ana a tua dischretione, e uno torlo d’ovo et incorpora ogni cosa insieme et farai a modo di un onguento. Et prima ti laverai il membro con aqua roxa calda. Poi l’ongirai con la dita ontione piu volte overamente tu l’ongerai con quest altro onto. Torai trementina, incenso, aloe patico, mirra e cera nova, ana, et incorpora ogni cosa con olio roxato e violato et di questo potrai adoperare a medicarlo et presto ne guarira. Item al male del membro di piu sorte. Prima torai bolarminio, litragirio, cerusa, terra sigilata, ana onza j, e aqua di solatro e uno poco di aceto e canphora drame iij et siano fatte in polvere et siano messe insieme et fatte a modo di unguento liquido et con esso ti medicha. Ancora torai un chiar d’ovo e olio roxato e canphora scropuli 2 et mesida ogni cosa insieme et con esso ti bagna la verga. Poi ti medicha, conservati e presto guarirai. Item lavanda ala verga. Torai camomilla e mililotto, ana m. uno, mele lb. j e aqua di pozo lb. 4 et farai bolire ogni cosa insieme tanto che calli per metta et bagnerai dele peze overo una sponga et metti sul male et fallo piu volte et guarirai e presto. Item per guarire il membro verille scorticato. Torai tasso di vin biancho onze ij, alume di rocha brussato onza j, sangue di drago, mastici, sandali rossi e incenso, ana drame ij, et siano fatte in polvere sutilissime et messa ditta polvere sul male scorticato per riscaldamento overo per altri inpedimenti et presto ne guarira. Et chi avesse la verga riscaldata, torai litragirio, incenso, ana onza s, et canphora drama s e olio roxato e aqua roxa e olio violato e latte di donna, ana onza s, et ne farai unguento et quello adopera. Et hancora torai salvia et fala bolire inel vin bianco et con esso ti lava. Poi metterai suso polvere di aloe patico et presto ne guarirai. Ancora al preditto male, torai alume di rocha drame ij e scorce di melingrano e roxe seche quella quantita che a te pare e 2 chugiari di mele e 2 bichieri di vino rosso et lo farai bolire in pignatino pian piano tanto chel calli il terzo et con esso ti lava bene chel sia caldo. Poi li metterai sopra polvere di tartaro et di noce di arcipresso e canfora a tua discretione et presto guarira. Item unguento a verga riscaldata. Rx. olio roxato, biaca, litargirio, piombo arso, aqua roxa, ana onza j, et incorpora ogni cosa in mortaio di piombo e non lo mettere al foco et sera fato. Et farai prima questa lavanda. Torai roxe, piantagine longa, scorce di melingrano, ana m. uno, galuza drame ij, tartaro bianco drame v, alume di roca drame ij e mel roxato onze v e verdirame drama j. Poi torai aqua roxa e di piantagine e di solatro, ana lb. iij, et farai bolire tutte le predette cose tanto che calino il terzo. Poi lava il membro riscaldato overo intarlato al quanta tiepida. Poi lo medicherai col sopra ditto unguento e falo matina e sera e presto guarirai. -------- [Page 174] A guarire il membro il quale non si possa rinversare la pelle e che abia marza in cima. Rx. vino bianco piccolo lb. iij, mele roxato onze ij e roxe seche, camomilla, malva e mortella, ana m. ½, e incenso onza j et farai bolire ogni cosa insieme. Poi dela ditta bolitura che la sia tepida, schizela inela verga. Poi bagnerai una peza lina in olio roxato e violato, ana, et mettila sul male in cima. Et quando tu vorai rinversare la pelle, metteli sopra di questa polvere, vz., torai aloe patico onza s, alume di rocha brussata drame iij, polvere di mortella onza j et ogni cosa sia fatto in polvere sutilissima et mettila sul prepucio et continuandola guarirai. Item lavanda per la verga impiegata. Torai 4 bichieri di malvasia overamente vino bianco bono et metteli drento alume di rocha brussata, verderame, alume zucharina, ana drama j, et siano spolverizate suttile et leghali in una pezetta rada di lino et mettila a mole in questo vino al manco per 3 giorni et non la movere mai per insino in capo ali 3 di. Poi cavela fora et in questa lavanda che la sia tepida fali tenere la verga drento a mole al manco per ½ ora. Poi bagnerai dele peze et infassavi la verga drento et sta in riposso et farai cossi matina e sera et presto tu guarirai. A fare uno caldello per levare lo spasimo, torai uno bichiere di vino bianco e uno chuchiaro di mele e vitriolo romano drame ij e roxe seche m. ½ e meza scudella di semoletto et tutte queste cose fale bolire in ditto vino et come sono inspessite, metteli sul male dela verga caldo quanto puol patire e presto li levera il dolore. Item ala verga che abia marza in cima. Rx. scorze di melingrano e mortella, ana, et fane polvere sutilissima. Ma prima lo lava con vino caldo con drento onza j aqua roxa. Poi meterai sopra dela ditta polvere et molto ti zovera a mandare via la marza e la puza. Et lavanda per el ditto male dela verga marzosa in ogni parte. Torai mililotto e fiori di boragine e roxe e viole seche, ana onza j, vitriolo romano e verdirame e alume di rocha, ana onza s, fiori di camomilla e mortella, ana onze js, e mele crudo onze vj e vino biancho bono bochali no. iij. Poi farai bolire ogni cosa insieme tanto che calli la metta. Poi la cola et serbela ali tuoi bisogni et ne bagnerai la verga spesse volte chel sia al quanto tepido. Bagna drento le peze et metti sul male e presto guarirai. Item polvere che si mette inel buco dela verga. Rx. incenso onza j, carta brussata drame iij, aloe patico drame ij et fane polvere sutilissima. Et mettene con destreza inel buco dela verga e guarirai. Item confetione per verga riscaldata e guasta. Rx. seme di ruta onze vj, comino onze viij, pepi e porcellana, ana onze ij, et di tutte ne farai polvere sutilissima et le incorpora con tanto mele purgato quanto basta a lento foco et fatto chel sera lo conserva in vaso atto accio et quando anderai a dormire et la matina quando levi per tempo ne pilia quanto e una castagna et tutto ti confortera lo stomaco et il male dela verga presto guarira. Item al male dela verga. Torai fiori di pianta domini et fane polvere sutila et mettine insul male piu volte e presto guarirai. Et per farla desinfiare meteli folia di cavolo con so[n]gia et torlo d’ovo. Item a guaraire la verga del omo d’ogni male. Torai aloue patico, tutia preparata, alume di rocha arso a tua discretione, incorpora et metti sul male. Poi metteli sopra unguento bianco su uno piastrello. Item polvere che fa incarnare inela verga. Torai ramo brussato, scorza di incenso, ana onza j, mastice e tutia preparata, ana onza s, et fane polvere sutilissima et bene incorporata. Poi ne metterai inele piaghe cavernose dela verga et continuandolo matina e sera ne serai siccuro di presto guarirne. Et sapi che queste o poche o assai sono statte probate. -------- [Page 175] A guarire i taroli e fichi e porri e posteme et altri mali incurabili. Rx. sale armoniacho, parte 3, aloue patico e zucharo fino, parte 2, lume di rocha arso e verderame e tucia, ana parte 1, et ogni cosa ne sia fatta polvere sutilissima et bene incorporata et dela ditta polvere ne metterai con destrezo inele buche deli taroli et non tocare in altra parte intorno perche ti faria sentire. Et cossi farai nela natura. Et metene pocha per volta et medica matina et sera et presto quello dolore overo picicore passa via et non si sente piu. Et questa polvere a proprieta di rodere la radice del tarolo como quello e morto presto guarisse. Item a i fichi e quali sogliano venire intorno al posterone e ala natura et inel naso et in cima alle dita. Et tu li metterai suso dela ditta polvere matina e sera e presto guarirano. Et etiam la ditta polvere vale a mandare via tutti li porri dove se ritrovano super la persona. Prima farai insanguinare um po il porro. Poi mettivi suso dela ditta polvere e anderano via. Et etiam vale la ditta polvere amazare a guarire ogni fistula incancherita mettendone suso matina e sera vero e che inel principio fa al quanto brussare ma presto passa via e presto ne guarirai et mai non patirai piu tal dolore. Etiam de sal armoniaco fa dasi solo. Item a guarire taroli et mandar via porri sun la verga. Torai tasso di vino bianco onze ij e verderame onza s. Fane polvere sutila et mettene sopra a taroli o porri piu volte et anderano via. Item a guarire il male del ficho. Prima dirai 3 pater noster e 3 ave marie et questa oratione la dirai 3 matine continue e 3 volte per matina, cioe, ‘Unde ne vai mal del ficho, unde ne vai sfortunato. Torna a drieto mal del ficho per amore di santa Maria, madre di santi et sancte et dela sancta trinita et non deba andare piu inanti.’ Et fali ogni volta uno segno di +, [In nomine] Patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Item a guarire il male del ficho. Rx. vitriolo romano e aceto forte, ana lb. j. Coquantur simul donec inspissetur. Postea eleva ab igne et adiunge sulphuris vivi onze iij, misceantur et fiat pulvis de quo pone super cancrum ut ficum et sanabitur. Item ad cancrum. Torai aglio con la scorza e pestalo. Poi vi poni una quantita di pepi pisto et uno poco di fuligine di forno polverizato et incorporalo bene. Et prima lava il cancro con vino tepido. Poi mettivi suso lo empiastro et quella sie la prima medicina che si fa al cancro et lo mazerai. Item a guarire li taroli et sia in qualunque parte si voglia. Rx. aqua vita usuale che si beve onze ij et zucharo fino pesto onza s et tanto fiore di verderame quanto staria sun un quatrino et chel sia suttile. Poi metti ogni cosa in una ampulla et falla bolire dinanti al foco per uno miserere et sera fatta. Poi la doperi a bagnare li taroli con un poco di bambaso in cima a un legnetto et bagna sera e matina et sia dove si vogliano e moriranno. Item aqua per li taroli overo riscaldamento che viene in quelle parte verghotose. Rx. verderame in polvere drame js e alume di rocha in polvere onze ij. Poi torai una inchistara da foco et la empia di aqua di quella dove li fabri amortano drento le tanaglie et mettivi drento le dette polvere et fala bolire per un ora. Poi che sera freda colela sutilmente et con la ditta aqua lavati molto bene dove tu ti senti il male con uno poco di bambasa. Vero e che ti fara al quanto risentire patisse che presto presto passa via, e guarirai. Item al prurito dela verga del homo . Lavelo spesso con dicotione de vino dove sia statto bolito drento salvia e tramarino e mortella et molto ti giovera. Ancora la cenere fatta dele zuche seche sana le piaghe dela verga putrefatte. Anco la dicotione de vino dove sia statto bolito drento foglie di oliva e roxe seche, ana m. uno, et lavato il membro diligentamente e [s]pesso. Presto ne guarisse et sia dove si vole. Et sopra’l tutto ti conserva del vivere e guarirai. -------- [Page 176] A guarire una carnosita di drento dela verga del homo etiam che la sia vechia di molto tempo. Rx. le fecce del mele distillato et non avendo tale fecce, pigliato il mele la quantita a tua discretione et mettetilo in una pignata ad abrussiare. Et poi pigliate quele fecce negre et metteteli in un altra pignata ben serrata et mettetila in una fornace di vetro o di bochalari a calcinare per 3 o 4 giorni e che abia bon foco. Et avereti una materia gialla come oro la quale e optima ad ussare sopra ad ogni piaga la quale consuma la carne trista e mondifica et salda poi la bona et non fa dolore. Onde e molto migliore di adoperare per le piaghe chel precipitato che comunamente usano li medici cirusichi. Di questa polvere pigliatene a v[ost]ra discretione et pigliate sterco di cane onze ij, tartaro di vino bianco onza s, zucharo fino drame iij, lume di rocha arso e tucia preparata, ana drama j. Et ogni cosa sia pistato da sua posta et fattone polvere sutilissima quasi impalpabile et ogni cosa sia poi incorporato insieme. Poi abiate fronde di olive verde e pestateli in mortaio di pietra et sbroffateli con vino bianco et come sono ben piste cavatene tutta la sua sustantia sotto al torchietto et quello racoglieti et agiongetivi oltertanto suco di piantagine et metteteli tutti dua insieme in una pignata al foco et metetivi drento le dette polvere a poc a poco e sempre mestando et ultimamente agiongetivi un poco di cera verde et um poco di mel roxato et fatelo venire como e un inguento liquido. Et sera fatto et serbatelo ali bisogni il quale e de molto precioso a consumare carnosita in l’ochi dilicati ove non bisogni cose forte che faccia dolore si como e al membro virille e la natura, el naso. Et quando lo voleti adoperare ala carnosita dela verga o del membro virille, lavati prima drento alla verga 2 o 3 volte con lo schizzatoio lavato cioe enpietilo de vino bianco dove sia bolito drento rose seche et foglie di piantagine mescolandovi um poco di latte di donna overo di capra. Et col dito sgonfietto procurati di lavare bene col ditto vino dal canto di drento. Et poi abia te una candeletta e longa di cera di tanta grosezza che la possa entrare inela verga et sopra ala ponta dela candela fateli una caneletto et metetevi drento del preditto unguento et mandatela drento pian piano tanto che essa riva dove e la carnosita et li vi volta la candela e l’onguento rimara sul male acorroderlo e senza passione et fallo tante volte che tu senti miglioramento cioe matina e sera et starai ajacere col corpo al insuso et in pocho giorni ti troverai rissanato e contento. Item unguento frigido al male del membro. Torai biacha lavata con aqua roxa onze iij, tucia e aloe patico, ana onze ij, e canphora grani vj, olio roxato onze iijs et sevo di castrato onze ijs et di tutte cose ne farai unguento senza foco et quello userai et non sentirai tanto ardore de riscaldamento e molto ti riscaldera e guarirai. A guarire il picicore o prurito che viene intorno a li testiculi. Nasse alcune volte tra le cosse e la pelle deli tasticuli un picicore di una grattasone con uno scorte gamento in ditta pelle che fa grandi spiacere et avolerlo guarire. Torai trementina lavata onze ij e biacha violata onze iij e butiro lavato onza j et suchio di porchacia et di solatro, ana onze js, e canfora scropuli 2 e olio roxato onza j e cera biancha onza s et ne farai onto al quanto tenero et la sera quando tu vai a dormire ongiti bene et tra meza con peza lina et che le stiano suso et vedrai opera bella. Et avanti che lo voglia onzere fali mettere le copette sun le natiche et seguiterai l’ordine tuo et presto guarirai. Et sapeti conservare dela bocha, non mangiare cose calide, ne carne porcina, ne agrumi, ne legumi se desideri presto guarire et cosi guarirai. E de probata. -------- [Page 177] A guarire la verga del homo e presto, osservando la detta regula con questi rimedii. Rx. foglie di malva e roxe seche e mortella, ana m. uno, et falle cosere in vino et caldo a modo di empiastro metti sun la verga e presto guarirai. Et se la verga fusse rotta, per medicarla e farla guarire, torai aloe patico e mirra polverizata et metti suso, ma ongi prima con olio roxato e violato. Et se li fusse porri over taroli, tagli del suco del cavolo o dela sua aqua et lavelo bene che molto li zova. Et se la verga fusse cancrosa, intarlata o infistulata, torai del pepi e aloe, ana drama j, e sale armoniaco drama s fatte sutilissima in polvere e incorporate et metti suso e presto amazara el ditto male. Et se la verga fusse riscaldata, ongila con olio laurino e olio violato abenche’l ti fesse al quanto rissentire non star per quello di ongerla perche l’ontione e molta perfetta. Et prima purga lo infermo ogni settimana perfettamente con le pilole di agarico perche le discatia li humori e fa che non ponno corere ala verga e perche alcune volte la verga del homo se ritrova enfiata, guasta, intarlata, incancherita et infistolita chausata per diversi cause come occorre alla giornata di propria volunta e per sinistri perche la gioventu piu la non considera se non quel tanto che alla giornata li nasse per suo piacere. Et nota che costui che ha tal male in ditto membro ha volerne guarire perfettamente presto e bene. Sappi che egli e conviene fare la vitta del suo vivere ne piu ne meno como se lui avesse la febre del continuo, perche quel membro e molto nervoso et immediate il sente subito che tu ai mangiato fa la sua operatione et se tu mangi cose contrarie lo sente disubito et tu ne serai bon testimonio il quale ne sentirai il dolore. E pero el ti bisogna che tu mangi tutte cose rinfreschative et non bere vino, ne mangiare fruti, ne agrumi, ne legumi, ne fortumi, ne carne porcina, ne con donna ussare, perche tutte cose ti sono molto contrarie. Mangia brodetti, panatelli con latte di mandole o seme di puponi e ovi freschi e polastri e altre carne gentile e aqua d’orzo o aqua cotta e non altro per insino a tanto che non incomincia a guarire et se altrimente farai tu stenterai. Item al brusore dela verga e a chi pissa sangue. Rx. malva, foglie di oliva e di saleso e violari e cilidonia e rose seche, salvia, scabiosa, petazzela, lingua bovina, orzo e scorza di melingrano, ana onza j, grogo, aloue patico, ana scropuli 2, e mele onze iiij et tanto aceto bianco quanto che basta a fare bolire le sopra dette cose tanto che calino un terzo. Poi cola et premi bene tutte l’erbe sotto al torchietto et cavene tutta la sustantia et metti ogni cosa insieme et fa che la sia al manco un bocale la ditta bolitura et mettene una parte in una mezetta che la sia calda et tienvi la verga drento a mole chi li avesse drento il brussore et chi pisasse il sangue presto si stagnera et quando anderai a dormire bagna dele peze et infassavi drento la verga et farai cosi parechie volte e presto guarirai del brusore dela verga et del pissare del sangue. Ma non mangiare cose contrarie, ma tutte cose rinfrescative e non mangiare insalate, ne carne insalata et non bere vino et serai libero. Et sapi che di molte infirmita viene al membro del homo alcuni volte per miseria como seria alcuni picicori intorno al prepucio et viensi gratando et quello scadore procede alcune volte la notte corumpendosi et l’homo alcuni volte non si netta bene allora li nasse alcuni taroli et picicando l’homo li strapicia et l’umore corre et fa nassere il male. Et cossi nasse drento nella natura del donna piu facilmente che al homo perche non si pole nettare como l’homo adunque usa prudentia in ogni cosa et circha a simil mattera. Sta advertito di doperare dela sopra detta bolitura inel modo sopra detto et starai sempre netto et viverai sempre senza paura e serai contento. A chi si corumpe in insonio, aiutto aprobato. Rx. betonice, barbena et fiat sucum et bibe et in insonis pollutionem non patieris. Et si vis hoc experiri da gallo gutaster illius et per 8 dies gallinas non calcabis. Contra pollutionem nocturna. Scrive inel brazo destro queste parole, ‘Mors mea salvavit populos quos eva ligavit,’ et farai una + nel petto. E di probato. Et non mangiare cose calide et non cascherai. -------- [Page 178] A guarire le morise di drento e di fuora et le creste. Rx. del erba sempre viva magiore e agrimonia et foglie di caranci, cioe balsamine, ana m. uno, et metteli a bolire inel olio roxato lb. ½ con acqua di piantagine onze 3 a lento foco tanto che challi il terzo. Poi lo colerai et strocha le erbe sotto al torchieto et cavene la sustantia piu che tu poi et metti con l’olio et sera fatto, olio precioso per guarire le morise et quello serba ali tuo bisogni. Et quando le morise ti dano noia, pigliene um poco in un gusso di un ovo et falo ben scaldare et con una penna di galina le ongie molto bene di drento e di fuora 2 e anche 3 volte al giorno e guarirai. Et se presto tu voi guarire avanti che tu ti ongi, piglia una cassia el di inanti et che la sia ordinaria per bere e che la sia rinfreschativa. Et questa sorte di cassia la piglierai a tutte le enfermita di morise et anche ale creste. Et conservandoti del vivere et non mangiare cose calide, ne agrumi, ne carne sallata, ma si tutte cose rinfreschative. Et poi seguitando le tue ontione, io dico che, con lo aiutto di dio, presto guarirai che non le ti daranno noia, observando l’ordine et la regola sopra detta ne guarirai e presto. Item a guarire le morise. Rx. olio roxato onze iiij e porcelini bisi no. 20 e scharavagi no. 3 e discoli tere[s]ti lavati con vino bianco ½ scudella. Et mette ogni cosa in uno pignatino picino et fallo bolire sopra ale cenise calde pian piano tanto che a te pare et metti drento li animaletti a olio freddo perche altrimente brussariano, et sera fatto. Et con lo ditto olio ongi le morise drento e fora con la penna chel sia caldo e presto guarirai. Et se presto voi guarire non bere vino et non mangiare cose che siano insalate, e guarirai. Item a mandare via le morise. Torai sterco di gatta se la e femina e se gli e mastio de gatto maschio et mettilo in una lucerna con olio comune et falo bolire al foco un poco. Poi con ditto olio ongiti chel sia caldo le marovello et falo spesse volte e presto guarirai. Item a guarire le marovelle. Torai una testudine et mettila in una pignata che la sia ben turata et mettila inel forno a sechare tanto che tu ne facci polvere sutile. Poi lava le morise con bon vino caldo. Poi metterai suso dela ditta polvere piu volte e guarirai. Item a guarire le morise. Torai dele radice di altea nete e tagliate minute e camomilla e malva e noce d’arcipresso, ana onze ij, e seme di linseme e fiengreco, ana onze iij, et falli cosere bene inel aqua de fabri tanto che calli la metta. Poi lavati 2 o 3 volti al giorno e guarirai. Et torai dele radice dela scroffolaria, la quale e simile ala orticha morta, pestalo et fane una fritella e mangela per 4 o 5 matine e presto guarirai. Item a guarire le morisce presto, presto. Rx. dele fronde verde del sambuco et fatele bolire inel aqua de fabri et quando sono al quante cotte distendoteli sopra a una pezza rossa di rosato larga quanto aveti la mano et lo infermo stia suppino col corpo al ingio et mettetela suso cosi calda sun le morise et dali a un miserere neli metteti un altro deli ditti empiastri et metteteli sopra um poco di olio rossato o violato et cossi li muttati ogni mezora per i spacio di 3 o 4 ori. Io te dico che presto, presto guarira, mantendolo suso sempre ben caldo. Et questo fallo la sera quando l’va a dormire et lui presto si adormentera el dolore li sera cessato et como lui si sue gia tutto si trovera rissanato et non sentira il dolore se non quando lui farra alcun dissordino, cioe mangiando alcune cose contrarie et facendo questo presto guarirai. *Item per guarire e presto e morise che viene ale donne doppo il parto. Rx. canphora scropuli 6 masinata sutilissimamente et uno o 2 quatrini de unguento bianco et incorpora insieme e ongi matina e sera e presto guarirai. Antonio. -------- [Page 179] Unguento che guarisse le morise e presto. Rx. tucia preparata drame ij, zafferano drama s, mele roxato onza j e aqua roxa onze ij. Et tutte le predette cose fane unguento e sutile con lente [foco] et fatto che sera consevelo ali tuoi bisogni. Et quando lo vorai adoperare fa chel sia caldo et con bambaso ongerai ligermente di fuora via. Et se le serano drento farai dele taste et metteli drento. Et presto tu guarirai se tu ti guarderai dela bocha a non bere vino e non mangiare cose sallate et maxime insalata. Et pigliera purgasone rinfrescativa per di drento overo una cassia rinfrescativa e presto guarirai. Item a guarire le morise in piu modi. Torai una quantita di anime di persico e mondale che siano bianche et pestale molto sutilmente. Poi le componni con buttiro vecchio lavato. Poi falo scaldare et con quello ongi spesse volte e guarirai. Et piu torai radice di cilidonia lavate con vino bianco e fattone polvere sutile et lava le morise con vino bianco caldo et meti sopra dela ditta polvere e presto guarirai. L’erba corezola pesta tra 2 pietre et messa sun la schiena se dice che ritiene che le morice non vengano fora e non dolgano. Anco torai l’orticha matura et fane polvere. Et pigliane uno chugiaro con vino o brodo al quanto caldo al modo di syropo per 9 matine et presto guarirai. Item fumentacione ale morise. Tora del ortica et il garzolo da mezo del cavolo et cosale inel aqua di fabri bene et ricevi quella fumentacione per se’l etta al culo e van va. Item a guarire le morise. Torai le radice nette del erba morisaia che le sue radice paiano a punto un ciepo di morise apicate insieme. Et quelle cosale inel olio roxato molto bene. Poi le distempera con ditto olio roxato e uno poco di buttiro et fallo a modo di unguento et con esso caldo ongiti piu volte e presto guarirai. Item a guarire le morise bene e presto. Torai butiro vechio, 2 scarafaci e olio roxato quantum sufficit et fali bolire pian piano che rimangano apresso ala metta et con esso ongi chel sia ben caldo e presto ti levera via il dolore e guarirai. Et piu se dice che chi tora agresta lb. 3 e vitriolo romano lb. j et farlo bolire tanto che cali il terzo et con esso bagno caldo spesse volte bagnare presto le se restringono e guarisse. Item a restringere il sangue dela morise. Rx. olio di mastice et fallo al quanto bolire et con esso onge caldo et meti suso polvere di galla. Item a guarire le morise. Torai lb. j di olio roxato et mettilo in uno pignatino al foco et mettivi drento assentio, marobio e abrottano, ana, et fallo un po poco bolire. Po a caldo temperato mette le ditte erbe a modo di empiastro sun le morene et fallo 3 o 4 volte el giorno metendo sopra una faldella di stopa. Falo piu volte e presto guarirai. Et etiam torai del mirollo di stinchi di vitello e buttiro, ana, et dialtea et incorpora insieme con polvere di incenso et ongirai le morise e presto te levera via il dolore e guarirai. Et torai dele porcelane et pestale tra 2 pietre et mettele sun le morise che mena il sangue presto lo stagna et leva il dolore e presto le guarisse. Item a guarire le morise in piu modi. Torai mele crudo et vernice liquida, ana, et incorpora con lento foco et quando sera tepido onge le morene con una penna drento e di fora. Et presto ti cessera la passione et ne guarirai. Conservandoti del vivere et non mangiare cose calide ma tutte cose rinfrescative et guarirai. *Item a guarire presto le morise e leva il dolore et rompele vessiche e poi le salda. Rx. biacha cruda e litrigerio d’oro, ana onze ij, et distempera con olio roxato e violato e masinato sutilmente et falo ben scaldare e ongii piu volte e guarirai. -------- [Page 180] A guarire le morise e creste in tutti i modi. Rx. del lardo vechio di porcho maschio quello che a te pare et taglielo in fette suttile et infilzelo inelo schillone con dele foglie di ellera arborea, una fetta di lardo e una foglia di ellera. Poi mettilo al foco et giralo intorno, pian piano et dali poco foco. Et quando el ti pare cotto, levelo dal foco et metti la ponta delo spedo in un pignatino o piatto et dalli il foco drento per disotto. Et tutta la vanpa si tachera di per tutto e tutto il grasso colera inel piatto et quello ricoglie e n’abia cura. Et torai di questo grasso onze ij et dialtea onza j et incorpora insieme. Poi torai una resta d’aglio e brusela et fane polvere suttile. Et col ditto onto ongeti le morise bene fora e drento. Poi metterai sopra dela ditta polvere e questo farai piu volte che presto ne guarirai. Item a guarire le ditte morise e presto a levarli il dolore. Torai del sopra ditto lardo colato onze iiij, polvere di incenso maschio onza j e olio violato e roxato, ana onze vij, cera nova onza j, salvia, piantagine e roxe seche, ana m. ½. Et farai bolire l’erbe con l’olio, el grasso con drento onze ij di buttiro et tanto bolla che calli un bon terzo. Poi levelo dal foco et colelo et premi l’erbe bene sotto al torchietto et cavene tutta la sustantia et la incorpora con l’olio. Poi cossi caldo mettivi drento la polvere delo incenso e la cera tagliata minuta et mestavi tanto chel sia fredo acio che bene s’incorpori et sera fatto, un onto molto perfetissimo e degno, il quale lo serberai ali bisogni. Et quando lo vorai adoperare, fallo al quanto scaldare et con una penna ongerai le morise di fuora et di drento et presto ne vedrai una bellissima cura che presto ne guarirai. Et etiam torai olio roxato con un chiar d’ovo frescho e bene incorporato et fara il simile. A guarire le creste, cioe morise grande. Rx. una bona branchata di ciochiole, cioe lumache, di quelle grosse e buone et netteli in una pignata et mettila inel forno et falle sechare cossi con ogni cosa tanto che tu ne possi farne polvere sutilissima di ogni cosa del gusso et dela polpa. Poi torai aqua roxa e di mortella e di piantagine e di solatro e di porcellana et di sempre viva magiore, ana onze ij, e butiro vechio lavata onze ijs. Et farai cenere di una resta d’aglio mettene drento onza j e polvere de incenso onza s et uno poco di sale trito et onze vj dela sopra detta polvere et incorpora ogni cosa insieme. Poi bagnerai dele peze line et mettele sun le dette creste per 3 o 4 volte al giorno et continuando presto ne guarirai. Ma non guarirai cossi presto se prima tu non ti purghi drento et ti rinfreschi bene con aque stillate o syropi con drieto muccaro roxato overamente cassia che e migliore. Et conservandoti del vivere per 3 o 4 giorni. Non bere vino, si aqua d’orzo et non mangiare insalata ne fortumi ne carne insalata et de tutte quelle cose che li sono contrarie te ne guardi se tu voi et presto e bene ne guarirai. Et sapi che questo male dele creste si chiamano le morise magiore perche sono piu cative da guarire che no sono le morise ordinarie, le quale creste sono di minuta statura et naschano intorno al posterone et intorno ala natura et sempre stano fora et vengano di colore tra rossi e neri, li quali danno grandissima passione e dolore et per il sangue cativo che li nutrisse danno picicore et come li tochi per stropiciarle dopoi ti dolgono. E pero no preterire del ordine sopra ditto che, con lo aiutto di dio, presto guarirai. -------- [Page 181] A guarire et dissechare le morise, empiastro. Rx. farina di galla, noce d’arcipresso, mastici e bolarminio e foglie di mortella, drama j, et di tutte ne sia fatta polvere sutilissima. Poi fale bolire in aceto fortissima tanto che s’inspesischa a modo de empiastro et caldo quanto lui pol patire mettilo sun le morise et leghelo bene chel non caschi. Et falo spesse volte cosi caldo et in brevi giorni li se dissecheranno e piu tu non li senterai et ne guarirai. Item a levare il dolore dele morise. Rx. olio roxato drame iiij, biacha cruda, iusquiamo, ana drama j, cera nova, seme d’apio, ana drame ij, oppio drame js, papavero bianco drame iij, scorza di mandragora drama s et ogni cosa sia fatto in polvere sutilissima et incorporato ogni cosa insieme al lento foco con l’olio e la cera e uno po poco di aceto e con drame ij de litragirio d’oro. Et componilo secondo l’arte et quello adopera e guarirai. Item a rimovere il dolore dele morise. Rx. somenta di lino et falle bolire con malva che sia ben lavata et quando bole et che fara la schiuma viscosa, allora buttali drento um poco di olio di giglii bianchi et quando l’erba e al quanta cotta, piglierai tutta la ditta matteria et mettila insu una peza lina et, chalda quanto la puo pattire, mettelo sun le morise et leghelo chel non cascha. Falo piu volte e li levera il dolore. E piu se tu torai suco di iusquiamo e olio di mandole amare, ana, poi abi un ventello d’ovo ben battuto insieme et chel sia caldo. Poi lo metterai su una peza lina cossi caldo et mettela sun le morise e fa chel stia suso e presto li levera il dolore. E falo piu volte e guarirai. A fare rompere le morise drento e fuora e menerano sangue. Rx. doi cipolle monde et 4 capi d’aglio et fali cosere et le incorpora insieme con farina di lupini, um poco de aceto e scropulo j di zafferano et caldo lo metti sun le morise e presto te li aprira et menerati sangue et per questa via la natura si purghera e non ti darano passione. Item a rompere le morise drento e fuora. Rx. mele, vernice liquida, ana, buttiro frescho drame ij e triacha fina drama s et farai bollire a lento foco el mele, la vernice, el buttiro tanto che s’inspesischa. Poi levelo dal foco et mettivi drento la triacha e scropuli 2 di zafferano et incorpora bene et sera fatto. Et conservelo ali tuoi bisogni. Et quando lo vorai adoperare fallo scaldare et ongi con la penna bene drento e fuora e presto se romperanno e meneranno sangue et la nattura se piloghera per quella via et non sentira piu passione di morise. Et per la gratia de dio, presto tu ne guarirai se tu observerai l’ordine et la regola gia ditta di sopra, maximamente del purgarti et rinfrescarti di drento con aque stillate e mele roxato e syropi e dopoi una cassia da bere per rinfreschare che la sia schietta. Et conservarti anche del vivere essere regulato in ogni cosa a non mangiare cose calide che presto incittano le morise. Ma usa tutte cose rinfreschative et quelle ritardano le morise. Et se tu vorai meglio imparare, fane la experientia, enparerai a tuo costo como anfatto alcuni et se tu observerai quello che e ditto sempre starai sano di tale enfermita per essere tutte aprobate. *A guarire il male del fico, el carboncello. Dirai, “Quando christo naque erba e aqua christo una gratia, vivo domandare che, ‘Mi date gratia ch’io possa guarire el mal del fico et il male del carbone.’ Et christo disse, ‘Tu l’ai detto.’ + [In nomine] Patris et filii + et + spiritus sancti + amen + + + .” Et queste parole si vole dire 5 volte in 5 matine sopra al male del fico col pater noster e guarira. *A guarire el fico. Dirai 3 pater noster e dila 3 matine 3 volte per matina, vz. ‘Unde ne vai mal del fico, unde ne vai sfortunato. Torna drieto mal del fico per amore di santa maria, madre di tutte santa e sante et dela santa trinita che tu no deba andare piu inanti + + + .’ Torai agrimonia e songia e pesta. E calda e meti sul fico con 3 pater noster et li dirai l’oratione qui sopra e presto guarirai. *Item ale morise. Rx. gamberi 9 de fiume crudi. Pestali e metali in pignata con olio roxato lb. j et incenso scropuli 2, cera nova onza s e tanto bolla che cali il terzo. Poi cola e lo premi bene et conservelo et doperandolo chel sia caldo e ongi drento e fora e presto guarirai. E provato. *Item a guarire il mal del fico. Dirai sopra la male il pater noster +. ‘Fico e nato e non piantato. Vivo dio e mora il fico. Pater et figliolo et spirito santo.’ -------- [Page 182] Resipula onto mirabile disecativo. Rx. olio roxato onze ij, aqua roxa onza j, aceto roxato onza s, latte di donna onze iij et ogni cosa mette insieme et bagnarai drento dele peze line suttile et mettele sul male dela resipula et presto ti levera il dolore. Et etiam farai quest altro. Torai orzo 2 scudelle et fallo bolire in 3 fiaschi di aqua corente et mettivi drento alume di roca onza j e roxe seche rosso m. uno et calli la meta. Poi colerai la ditta aqua. Et prima ongerai la resipula con olio roxato et bagnerai dele peze in ditta aqua et metteli sopra al male 2 o 3 volti al giorno et presto guarirai dela resipula. Conservati del vivere. Item ala resipula e sia dove si voglia, presto mandarla via. Rx. la mirolla di un pane bianco et falla cosere inel aqua. Poi che sera cotta, cavela fuora in un piateletto et la distempera con olio roxato et uno torlo d’ovo frescho et questo farai per 3 volte, una volta al giorno. E inanti che tu la metti sun la resipulo, spudati 3 volte inela tua mano et farai dire al paciente uno pater noster con l’ave maria et torai uno sechetto di legno o di granata et scrivi con questo sputo 3 volte intorno ala resipula, ‘Jesus nazareno, rex judeorum,’ col segno di +. Poi meterai sopra la panata che la sia ben calda et lassela stare cossi suso 24 ore et farai cosi 3 di et serai bello e guarito. E questo e di provata che subito chel fu sul male mi levo il dolore ma io non bevi vino e mangiai molto ligermente, e guarira. A colera perfecto rimedio. Rx. olio roxato e violato e olio comune, ana, et scorza di sanbucho di quella biancha a tua discrecione et farai bolire ogni cosa insieme a lento foco et agiongeli cera nova onza s e biacha in polvere onza j et incorpora bene insieme tanto che venga a modo di unguento et sera fatto. Agiongeli scropuli 2 di canfora et ongi sera e mattina et presto guarirai. Et conservati del vivere, non mangiare cose calide e non bere vino per 3 di e guarirai. Item a una flegma salsa, onto mirabile. Rx. incenso maschio, cerusa, solfo e aloe patico, ana onza j, olio roxato e aceto bianco, ana onze ij, et metti l’olio e l’aceto al foco lento et como incomincia a bolire, mettivi drente le predette cose tutte fatte in polvere suttile e cera nova onza s et quando avera preso al quanto corpo leve dal foco et mesta finche e fredo e sera fatto, mirabile onto et lo adopererai a ongere il male dela flema sera e matina e presto tu ne guarirai. Et li dirai sopra questa oratione prima il pater noster. ‘Dio naque, dio fu preso e legato, tradito e passionato, crucifisso e morto per noi miseri piccatori. Dio rissusito il terzo di secundo la scrittura et cosi commo questo e vero, cosi questo male non possa ne marcie, ne putrefare, ne entrare alcuno dolore se gli e in piacimento di dio et dela vergine maria.’ Et fali sopra un segno di + e presto guarirai. Item olio ad ogni male nassente. Rx. una zucha dove sia statto drento del olio et brusela et ricoglie quelo olio che si destilla per forza del foco. Poi metterai inel ditto olio dele erbe amare e d’ogni sorte et uno spicarello di cipolla squilla et uno poco di lombrici teresti lavati con vino biancho et uno poco di mastice. Poi farai bolire ogni cosa a bagno maria. Poi lo colerai et premi le erbe sotto al torchietto acio che bene nescha la sustantia in ditto olio. Et questo olio ti[e]ntelo caro perche con piu egli e vechio con questa magiore virtu. Et quando vorai ongere il mal nassente fa chel sia ben caldo e ongelo spesse volte et il male ritornera in drieto e non vera inanti et di questo male presto ne guarirai. Item a guarire del male dela resipilla. Dirai sopra al male il pater noster et l’ave maria et quella oratione, vz. +‘A nome del bon yehsu, questo mal non cresca piu et santa angeletta, questo male se netezza e de santa nestasia et dela gloriosa vergine maria questo mal se vada via, amen.’ *Item a flema salsa bono rimedio. Rx. butiri colati, termentine, ana onza j, vitelli ovi recentis no. j, suci pomi, unius aranzii, croci grana x et fiat unguentum. De quo ungatur infirmus in sero quando vadit dormitum calefaciendo dictum unguentum. -------- [Page 183] Unguento di cerusa vale a scorticatione fatta da colera adusta e flema salsa e a rogna secha e cotura di foco e ala resipula e a foco sciagro. Rx. biacha e litargirio, ana drame vj, piombo arso e scoria d’argento, ana drame iij, mastici, olibano, ana drame ijs. Poi torai olio roxato onze js e aceto roxato onza j et tutte queste cose siano fatte in polvere sutilissime et incorpora ogni cosa inel mortaio, pestando bene che bene li se incorporano. Et fa chel ditto unguento non sia tropo duro ne tropo tenero ma stia morbidotto sufficientemente et sera fatto per tutte le sopra ditte infermita. Et se lo vorai per la rogna, angiongeli drento argento sulimato drame v, fatto in povere e questo la manda via presto et se tu li metterai verderame drame ij satisfera meglio in tutte le preditte infermita. A una gratatura o altro malore di gamba. Rx. vino bianco bono lb.vj e mettilo in una pignata et mettivi drento rose seche, scorze di melingrano e semeletto, ana m. uno, e mezo pane gratusato e buttiro vechio onze v et farai bolire pian piano tanto che diventi a modo di empiastro. Poi lo comodi insu una peza. Ma prima ongi la gratatura overo altro malore che fusse con olio roxato che sia caldo. Poi metti sopra el ditto empiastro chel sia ben caldo. Et questo fallo piu volte e presto guarirai. Item a mal nassente di gamba o a piaga enfiata. Rx. erba nervarola, id est castracan, m. 2 et un sechio di lissia di quella da capo et falla bolire con la ditta erba drento tanto che calli il terzo. Poi con la ditta bolitura calda, lavati la gamba et tiene ditta gambe in ditto bagno caldo non manco di un ora et con piu la tieni a mole piu presto la ne guarisse. Et fatti questo bagnolo al manco 2 o 3 volti al giorno et con piu spesse volte tu lo farai piu presto guarirai et rassugherai la gamba con un panno suttile e non la strapiciare. Et metterai suso dela ditta erba cotta a modo di empiastro e calda al manco 2 volte al giorno. Dopoi la medicherai con questo digestivo, cioe unguento: torai mele crudo onze iij e trementina onze ij et 2 rossumi d’ovo et tanto olio roxato quanto sia bastante a farne unguento. Poi lo distenderai sun le pezze overo sun le file et mettilo sul male. Et se per sorte li cresesse la carne, farai dela polvere di salvia et lume di roca brusatto, ana, et incorpora et di quella metti sun la piaga, la quale rodera via quella carne e resciuta impero che la ditta polve[re] e de molta apropriata a levare ditta carne superflua. Et secquiterai pure medicando col ditto digiestivo finche la piaga sia ben mondificata e netta. Poi li metterai suso il tuo cirotto magistrale overo quello de diapalma il quale tira e salda et presto ne guarirai. Ma non mangiare cose che li siano contrarie, como e cose di agrumi, ne fortumi, ne carne porcina e bevi boco vino et rinfrescati il fegato. Et sapi che la ditta erba castracan in tale caso ti fara honore mirabile. E di provata. Item a guarire le gambe di ogni infermita et etiam vechie. Rx. sal nitro scropuli 2 et uno fiasco di aqua di fiume overo correnta che la sia torbida et falla bolire tanto che la cali il terzo. Levela dal foco et lassela schiarrire. E poi colela et servela in vaso netto. Prima lavati la gamba con vino rosso dove sia bolito drento salvia. Poi la sughi ligermente. Poi bagnerai 2 o 3 pezze line in ditta aqua et metteli sul male una sopra l’altra. Et mettivi sopra una piastra di piombo suttila che la sia magiora del male e infassela suso. Et farai cossi 2 volti al giorno et presto guarirai. Et sia che male grande si vole che governandoti bene del viver tuo. Sapi che con lo aiutto di dio, presto guarirai. E provata. *Unguento bianco di biacha, vale a stinchate e infiacion di ochii ut altre macature. Rx. biacha, trementina, ana, argento vivo parte una, scolato di porco parte iij et incorpora ogni cosa in vaso di terra con la spatula e senza foco et sara fatto. Poi ongi et non mettere niente suso et presto guarirai. E di provato. -------- [Page 184] Unguento per gambe molto precioso. Rx. litargirio d’oro e biacha, ana drame iij, bolarminio e terra sigilata, ana drama j, cera bianca e suco di solatro e aceto bianco forte, ana drame ij, e canphora drame js e olio roxato del novo drama j. Et tutte le ditte cose ne sia fatta polvere sutilissima. Et incorpora le ditte cose insieme con l’olio e l’aceto, la cera, la biaca, el bolorminio, el litargierio e terra sigillata, el suco. Et lasselo al quanto cosere ala sua perfetione, sempre mestandolo. Poi levelo dal foco et mettivi drento la canfora et mesta sempre finche e freddo, et sera fatto, unguento perfecto per guarire ogni malore di gamba. Et presto ne guarirai. A guarire le gambe o sia di piaghe. Rx. aqua vite di 2 cotte onze vj et canphora onza j tagliata minutamente et messa in ditta ampolla e ben turrata et falla disfare al sole overo al foco et che sempre la stia ben turrata con bambaso e carta peccora et quando la canphora sera disfatta, bagnerai una pezetta lina in ditta aqua et bagna la piagha intorno pian piano et poi di drento la netti bene. Poi bagnerai un altra pezetta in ditta aqua e premila et mettila sun la piaghe. Poi mettivi sopra una piastra di piombo suttila largo quanto el male e infassata sopra. Et quando tu medichi netta bene la piagha drento e fora, et presto ne guarirai. Item a guarire le gambe. Torai olio di rossumi de ovi onze ij, solfo vivo drame ij e songia di porco onza j, et ogni cosa incorpora insieme a modo di unguento et metti sopra ale piaghe e guarirai. Et se le piaghe fusseno vechie, torai de luppatorio, bertonicha, schabiosa, pentafilon, consolida magiore e minore, con vino vechio o aceto forte et pesterai ogni cosa insieme et metterai suso caldo a modo di empiastro e guarirai fallo piu volte. Et metterai sopra questo unguento, torai cera nova onze iiij, trementina onza s, incenso drame iij, cerusa drame ij e olio roxato e violato e olio comune, ana onze ij, et incorpora con lento foco et farai unguento. Et con esso medica e guarirai. Et se la piaga o ferrita che fusse et che non fusse mortale, dirai et farai dire al paciente 5 pater noster con l’ave maria et torai dele peze line sottile et con esse segnarai in + il male et dirai queste sancte parolle, ‘In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Christo nasse la notte di natale di virginita. Christo si perdi, Christo si trovo, yehsu christo mori e risuscito. M[onsignore] yehsu christo sana questo piagha che la non possa marcire, ne menare, cossi como fece le piage le quale a lui furno fatte in quelle sua preciose membra et in quello precioso costato et si lo deliberi a ogni febre,’ ad laude et sua riverentia. Et fali il segno di +. ‘[In nomine] patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen.’ Et farai cosi 2 volte al giorno finche e guarito. A mal nassente per rompere el dolire. Rx. malva e viole mamole, foglie di sanbucho, ruta e piantagine, ana m. uno, dele quale erbe tu ne farai suco et mettilo in una pignata et fallo purgare al foco et colalo sutilmente. Poi mettivi drento olio roxato del novo onza j, dialtea, trementina, rasa biancha, ana drame iiij, zafferano drama j e farina comune quanta basta con um poco di songia di porco strutta et fane impiastro. Et caldo mettilo sul male nassente sun gamba o super la persona dove egli e. Et mutalo spesso e presto presto ti levera il dolore et resterai libero e sano. Item al mal di gamba. Torai uno fiasco di vino bianco amabile e mezo di lisiazo e una scotella di orzo mondo e netto e meti in pignata e fa bolire che calli li 2/3. Poi colelo e stroca l’orzo e meti insieme. Poi metivi drento alume di roca trito onze ij et canphora masinata con olio di mandole drame ij, cioe torai 3 o 4 mandole e fale bianche e pestale tra 2 pietre e premali, ne caverai tanto olio che ti bastera a masinarla et se altro adoperasti l’anderebe in fumo e si perdiria. Et quando l’avorai adoperare, fa che la sia calda et bagna le peze e meteli sul male et falo piu volte e presto guarirai dele gambe. -------- [Page 185] Unguento ad ogni male dela persona. Rx olio violata e di mandole dolce, butiro, grasso di gallina e di tasso e di ocha e midolla di buo e cera bianca, ana onze ij, olio laurino, triacha, grasso di castrato, ana onza j, olio di spigo e d’aneto e di camomilla e di mastici, ana onze js, noce moschate, garoffani, canella fina, cubebe, ana drame ij. Nota che tutti li grassi vano tagliati e distrutti e colati. Poi incorporati con li olii. Et tutte le altre cose ne farai polvere sutilissima. Et prima metterai l’olio e li grassi al foco lento, poi il butiro, la triacha et le cose aromatiche et in ultimo la cera. Et incorpora ogni cosa a un picol foco per una mezora et levelo dal foco et sempre lo mesta finche e fredo et sera fatto. Et tienlo accaro perche el ditto unguento e bono a molto male e maxime in loco nervoso e ritratti per fredura et per botte e macature et ponture et altri mali dela persona. Et quando ongi fa chel sia caldo e presto guarirai. Item unguento per gambe molto nobile. Rx. biacha e litargirio, ana onza j, coralli bianchi onza s, tucia preparata e canphora, ana drame ij, cera bianca, olio roxato, aceto biancha forte e suco di piantagine, ana onze js. Et metti al foco l’olio, l’aceto, el suco inel tozo et falo bolire a lento foco tanto che consumi el suco. Poi li metti la cera et como la e distrutta, levelo dal foco et mettivi drento tutte le altre cose a poc a poco che siano fatte in polvere sutt[il]a et valli incorporando et sempre mestando finche gli e fredo et sera fatto. Et lo conserva a li tuoi bisogni e ti fara onore. Item unguento per gambe. Rx. grasso di gallina onza s, butiro, cacole di capra, olio di camomilla, ana onza j, olio di preforata e cinaprio pesto, ana drame iijs, et ragniatella di ragno et ogni cosa incorpora a lento foco et falo bolire um poco et sera fatto. Colalo et lo conserva, poi lo adopera. Unguento da ghambe per umori calidi. Rx. trementina lavata onze iiij, rasa di pino grassa onze ij, dialtea e butiro, ana onze iij, piombo arso onze v, tucia preparata onze ijs, incenso bianco onze js e cera bianca onze vs, olio roxato, aceto roxato forte, ana onze viij. Torai l’olio, l’aceto e meti nel tuo tozo et mettivi drento ruta, cilidonia, sambuco e capragine, ana m. ½, et tanto bolla che calli il terzo. Poi lo cola e premi bene l’erbe, cavene la sustantia et lo rimetti inel tozo et mettivi drento tutte le altre cose a poc a poco e sempre mestando et leve dal foco et bene lo incorpora, mestando finche e freddo et sera fatto et lo adopera a tuo piacere. Item unguento per gambe. Rx. sevo di becho onze viij, trementina drame iij, mel roxato drame iiij, cera nova drame ijs, seracolla e incenso, ana drama j, olio roxato onze ij. Et componerai ogni cosa a lento foco como tu ai fatto li altri sopra ditti unguenti. Et quando tu arai medicata la gamba, metti sopra una pezza lina bagnata il vino rosso e che la sia calda et falo piu volte e presto guarirai. Item unguento nobile a molte infermita. Rx. sangue humano in polvere lb. 2, aloe patico lb. 4, scariola onze vj, serapino, armoniaco, galbano, sevo, pece, mastice, bidelli, cole, tartarum, incenso, trementina, bolarmenio, sangue di drago, olio comune e cera nova, ana onze iiij. Et purgerai prima le gome et quelle cose che vano fatte in polvere siano suttile. Et farai l’unguento al foco al solito modo et incorporando bene tutte le predette cose. Et quando lo levi dal foco, mesta finche e fredo et sera fatto. Et lo adopera a tuo piacere il quale ti fara honore dove tu lo adopererai perche in se contiene di molte proprieta e ti fara bella opera. -------- [Page 186] [One remedy is not readable]. Alo enfiato dele gambe, rimedio aprobato. Rx. suco di salvia e di orticha e di assentio e di bertonica e olio roxato, ana onze iij, farina di spelta, pece navale e cera nova, ana onze ij, incenso, grasso di asino e bolarminio, ana onza j, et tutte queste cose componeli con poco foco et mesta sempre che bene se incorpori et chel non sia tropo duro et sera fatto. Poi l’adopera a ongere le gambe la sera quando vai a dormire et non le strachare tropo et guarirai. Guardandoti dela bocha, non mangiare salatte, ne agrumi, ne carne porcina et mangia tutte cose bone, e presto guarirai. E di provata. Item a male di gamba per rottura overo in altro loco. Rx. del rumese la foglia et mettila sul male et leghela suso che la vi stia perche quest erba a quella natura che sempre tira et fa purgare la piaga. Poi che al quanti giorni si sera purgata la piagha, ora bisogna saldarla. Torai dele predette foglie una quantita, pestale et cavene suco et metilo in una catinella et lasselo al quanto riposcare e fara di sopra via una certa aquarella gettela via et conserva il fondachio e quello fallo secare et fane polvere suttila et mettene sopra ale piaghe che gia sono purgate. Et mettene poca per volta e presto guariranno. Et etiam a molte altre piaghe molto la li zova. Et se tu metterai sopra ale piaghe dele gambe del erba lingua canis overo erba ciciliana, cioe la seconda specie dela mater selva, et continua a medicare 2 volte al giorno, presto la piagha dela gamba si saldera. Et bevi il vino ben temperato e presto ne guarirai. Item unguento per saldare gambe. Rx. biacha masinata onze vj, olio roxato lb. j, litragirio onze iiij, cera biancha onze v, e aloue patico in polvere onze iijs. Et incomincia a fare bolire l’olio, poi li metti drento la biacha, letragirio e la cera et quando e cotto, levelo dal foco et mettivi drento l’aloe et sempre mesta finche e fredo acio che bene se incorpori ogni cosa, e sera fatto. Item unguento per ogni piaga da gambe. Rx. olio di assentio e laurino, raxa di pino, incenso e goma elami, ana onza j e cera bianca onza s. Et metterai a bolire l’olio, la rasa e la cera et quando serano ben incorporate, poi colalo et rimettilo a ribolire per ½ ora. Poi mettevi drento la goma elami in polvere et lassela al quanto bolire pian piano. Poi li metti lo incenso et subito lo leva dal foco et con un bastone o paletta va tanto mestando che venga fredo et sera fatto. Item unguento a mal di gamba perfetto e bono. Rx. olio roxato e abiezo e litargirio d’oro, ana onza j, polvere di biaca onza s, mastice e incenso, ana drame ij. Poi torai onze iiij de butiro et lavelo a 9 aque et laverai anche l’abiezo et le altre cose ne sia fatto polvere sutila. Et a un picol foco ne sia fatta unguento con onza s di cera nova et sera fatto, unguento perfetissimo. Et serbalo. Et la prima cosa, lava la piagha con vino rosso tepido et poi che sera assutta, adopera il tuo unguento per rinfrescare et saldare, impero che molti medici usan questo unguento. Item unguento per gambe universale. Rx. olio roxato lb. j, aceto bianca forte onze vj, cera nova onze ij, biacha, litragirio d’argento, ana drame iij. Et farai bolire pian piano l’olio e l’aceto tanto che calli l’aceto. Poi meti la cera et como la e disfatta, levela dal foco et mettivi la biaca e litargirio et tornalo et dali il foco lento lento et con la tua spatula sempre mesta tanto chel sia fredo assufficientia et sera fatto. Et poi lo riponi. *Item a guarire una gamba judicata impossibile. Rx. fogliie di ebii et fane suco onze iij et aceto bianco forte onza j et farina di formento et incorpora a modo di salsa et prima lava la piaga con vino bolito drento erbe oliose et bagnerai dele pezze in ditta composicione et medica la gamba impiegata 2 volte al di e presto guarirai. Di provata. -------- [Page 187] Lavanda a male di gamba, molta perfetta. Rx. fiaschi 4 de vino biancho buono et mettivi drento orzo netto una scudella et falo bolire ½ ora. Poi li metterai drento scorze di melingrano e roxe seche, ana m. uno, e biacha violata e tucia in polvere, ana scropuli 2, et lasselo bolire anche per ½ ora. Poi levelo dal foco et mettivi drento scropulo j di zucaro rosso e scropuli 4 di canphora tagliata e alume di rocha onze ij in polvere e litragirio d’oro onza j. Et sempre vi mesta drento finche e fredo. Poi lo colerai, premendo bene le fecce et sera fatta lavanda. Et conservela in 2 fiaschi di vetro et quando la vorai adoperare, fala scaldare et bagnavi drento una peza lino et laverai la piagha dela gamba et la suga al quanto. Poi metteli sopra il cirotto brutto bon, cioe diaquilon, con al quanti de fila asciutti inela piaga. Et a questo modo medica 2 volte al giorno et in brevi giorni guarirai, se tu ti saperai guardare dela bocha et maxime dela carne porcina, noli me tangere, perche la e veleno al mal di gamba, e vino pochissimo et bene temperato, non insalata, ne manco agrumi, per insino che tu sei guarito. Et farai questa bevanda per guarire presto le gambe. Torai 2 fiaschi d’aqua e stercho di capra m. uno, et falo bolire che calli un terzo a poco piu. Levela dal foco et lassela fredare. Poi la cola sutilmente. Poi torai onze iiij dela ditta dicotione et mettivi drento triacha onza j et la incorpora et fala scaldare et dalla a bere al paciente di gamba la matina per tempo et sopra li ripossa un ora. Sapi che questa bevando molto zova al fegato dal quale procede tutto’l male dele gambe. Et di questa bevanda usela al quante matine continue e presto guarirai. Et bevi il vino temperato et in tutte le altre cose sia ben rigulato, e guarirai. Et ala gamba che sera enfiata. Torai sterco di colombo bianco et fallo bollire con forto aceto et cosi caldo mettilo sun la gamba enfiata. Et farai cossi 2 o 3 volte e presto guarirai. Item aqua che guarisse le piaghe dele gambe. Torai aqua di fonte chiara et dili sopra queste parolle. Etiam che ella fusse ferrita et bagnerai drento del pezze et metteli sul male in +. Prima dirai il pater noster et l’ave maria. ‘In nomine patris et + filii et + spiritus sancti + , amen. Nativita del nostro signore quando nasceti, nativita del nostro signore quando mori, nativita del nostro signore quando resuscito, nativita del nostro signore quando l’ando a dio, vagli o vogli o vadi in questa piaga a sanare et questo sangue a stagnare chel non facia, ne puza, ne marza, ne alcuno altrorio male, voglialo in dio che questo cossi sia et la sua madre vergine maria. + [In nomine] patris et filii et spiritus sancti, + amen.’ Et dilla 3 volte una drieto al altra e guarirai. Lavanda per gambe. Rx. uno fiascho di vino bianco bono et mettivi drento tutte queste cose fatte in polvere suttile, vz., foglie di mortella, balausti, foglie di piantagine longa, roxe rosse, orzo mondo, cime di rovede, folie di uliva e alume di rocha, ana onza s, et tutte vano bolite col ditto vino tanto che calino la terza parte. Et laverai il male dela gamba e chel sia caldo et lassela sugare da sua posta et medica col sotto scritto. Item unguento a mal di gamba. Rx. olio roxato e di mortella, ana drame ij, litargirio e piombo arso, ana drame iiij, agrimonia in polvere drame v, incenso e cera bianca, ana drama j, e canphora scropulo j. Et metterai al foco lento li olio e la cera et lassa bene incorporare. Poi metterai drento tutte le altre cose fatte in polvere et lasselo pigliare al quando di corpo e sempre mestandolo. Poi lo leva dal foco et mettivi drento la canphora taliata minuta et li mesta tanto chel sia fredo et sera fatto. Et lo riponi in alberello ali bisogni. Et prima laverai il malore dela gamba con la sopra dette lavanda et poi opera l’unguento et presto guarirai. Conservati dela boccha et non stenterai. -------- [Page 188] Unguento di piombo fresco e seco per gambe guaste. Rx. piombo arso, antimonio, litargirio, ana onza j, tucia preparata e canphora, ana drama j, olio roxato onze iij, suco di piantagine longa onze vj, butiro e cera nova, ana onze ij. Metti prima l’olio, el suco, el butiro e la cera a farlo bolire um poco. Poi metterai il piombo, l’antimonio, el litargirio e la tucia et lasselo al quanto bolire tanto che venghi cotto, mestandolo spesso. Poi lo leva dal foco et mettivi drento la canphora tagliata minuta et mesta sempre finche’l divien freddo et sera fatto, unguento di piombo molto rinfrescativo e diseccativo per gambe guaste. E ti fara onore. Item unguento per piaghe vechie di gamba. Rx. sungia vechia di porco maschio onze iiij, sapon nero da panno onze iij, solfero incanna ben suttile onza j, mele crudo onze ijs, cera nova onza j. Prima taglia la sungia et falla distrugere et mettivi drento il sapone, el mele, la cera, el solfo et ogni cosa incorpora bene insieme con lento foco, et sempre mestando per mezora. Poi lo leva dal foco et colalo con stamegnia rada et sera fatto. Et prima lava la piaga con vino caldo dove li sia bolito drento roxe e salvia et la rassuga. Poi la medica et presto guarirai. Et li dirai sopra questa oratione et fali prima un segno di + e dirai, ‘+ Christus vincit, + Christus regnat, + Christus imperat, + Christus ab omni malo te difendat. Deus, in nomine suo salvuum te faciat et in virtute tua libera + te a latere domini nostri, yehsu christi, exivit sanguis et aqua. Conjuro te sanguis et vulnus per latus et lanceam in qua fuit perforatus latus domini nostri, yehsu christi, ne exeat sanguis neque extinguatur. + Agios + sanctus fortis + et sanctus immortalis + otheos + yschiros + athanatos + eleyson + imas + sanctus dominus + sanctus fortis + et sanctus immortalis + thetragramaton + o filii davit miserere + et purgare et saldare la facia yehsu christo che ben lo puo fare. In nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +, Amen.’ Et dirai il pater noster et presto guarira. E provata. Item a gambe impiegate. Metterai sopra’l male dela gamba erba persecharia. Ma prima la lavi con vino bianco dove sia sfatta bolita drento dela ditta erba et quando la lavi fa che sia caldo et sughela ligermente et legherai sopra dele dette foglio et usa a medicarti 2 volti al giorno, presto guarirai. Et etiam la foglia del mililotto, machata tra 2 pietre vive, mettila sun taglio o altro malore di gamba o super la persona e medica 2 volte al giorno e presto ne guarira, perche e aprobata. Et etiam a piaghe vechie. Metterai sopra male la foglia del cochomero assinino da rinverso e presto guarirai, lavandoti prima la piaga con vino bianco caldo como e ditto di sopra. Et etiam a rassugare le piaghe. Torai mele roxato e polvere di biacha, ana onza j o piu secundo il male, et incorpora bene insieme et metti sul male simplicemente con dele fila e presto guarirai. Item unguento da gambe. Rx. olio di oliva onze vj e trementina onze ij e minio e biacha e litargirio d’argento, ana onza j, e aloe onza s. Et ogni cosa sia fatto in polvere sutilissima et metterai l’olio, la termentina et onza s di cera nova et como incomincia a bolire con lento foco, mettivi drento le dette polvere a poc a poco, sempre mestando con la tua spatula di legno. Et quando ti pare cotto, secondo l’arte, levelo dal foco et sera fatto perfetto. Et lo potrai adoperare a tuo piacere. Item unguento bianco per gambe overo altre piaghe. Rx. olio roxato e violato, ana onze vj, cera bianca onze js et calcina nova lavata bene con aqua chiara. Poi fatta seccare et fattone polvere molto suttila onze ij et farai bolire l’olio e la cera tanto che la sia ben disfatta e mestavi drento. Poi levela dal foco et mettivi drento la polvere dela calcina et mesta tanto chel diventa freddo et sera fatto. E serbalo ali tuoi bisogni il quale ti fara onore in ogni piagha di gamba et etiam super la persona del quale e ne molto adoperato dali medici. -------- [Page 189] Unguento di piombo per gambe. Rx. lb. 2 di piombo novo et mettilo in uno crosolo et mettivi drento del solphero. Poi mettilo inel foco a brussare tanto chel diventi in polvere. Poi torai olio roxato e litragirio d’oro, ana onze iiij, et meterai il litragirio a mole inel aceto forte per una notte. Poi lo metterai con l’olio inel tozo e caligine fatto in polvere onza s, e cera bianca drame iij. Et poi li metterai la ditta polvere et farai che apeni grilli inel tozzo e presto lo leva dal foco e mesta tanto che divenga fredo. Poi lo rimetti un altra volta al foco et farai il simile et sera fatto. Item un altro de piombo pure per gambe. Torai mastice e incenso, ana onza s, litargirio e piombo brussato, ana onza j, e biacha onze iij et tutte le predette cose siano in polvere suttila et mettele inel mortaio con onze iiij de olio roxato e onze iij di aceto forte et lo incorpora bene col pistello. Et con piu lo menerai intorno inel mortaio l’unguento cressera et se’l bisogna li agiongi olio e aceto sopra detto et averai unguento mirabile e bono. Item unguento per fracture o macature. Rx. biacha, incenso, mastice, ana onze iij, e litragirio onza j, et farai d’ogni cosa unguento inel mortai[o] che prima siano fatte in polvere et componilo con olio roxato e aceto tanto che basti et falo col pistello in bona forma secondo il solato e sera fatto. Un altro ale complexion calide. Rx. biacha onze vj, litargirio onze ij, olio roxato lb. j, cera biancha onze ij, et componi con lento foco che siano in polvere et quando e cotto levelo dal foco et mettivi drento scropuli 2 di canfora, sempre gittando finche e fredo et sera fatto. Item unguento da gamba raze e che salda ogni piagha difficile a guarire. Rx. tucia preparata drame ij, litragirio d’argento, biacha e sarcocholla, ana drama j, e olio roxato onza j e tanta cera quanto basta a darli il corpo et farai polvere dele dette cose. Et metti al foco l’olio, la goma, la cera e como e disfatte, mette li altre cose et lassa stare per un poco et lo leva da foco et sera fatto. E piu al ditto mal di gamba. Torai rasa grassa e mirra, ana onze iij, e olio de mastice onza j e olio roxato e cera nova, ana onze ij. Prima la raxa falla disfare et la mirra et mette poi drento le altre cose et componeli a un picol foco, sempre mestando et farai unguento il quale ti fara honore quando e infistulita. Unguento di litargirio per consolidare piaghe. Rx. litragirio, mumia, mastice, mirra, ana onza j, sangue di drago, farina di fengreco, draganti e goma arabicha, ana onze ij, olio roxato e violato, ana onze ijs, cera nova onze js. Metti l’olii e la cera al foco et fala disfare. Poi levelo dal foco et mettivi drento tutte le altre cose fatte in polvere suttile et tornalo al foco et fallo al quanto cosere et sempre vi mesta drento et sera fatto. Item a ogni piaga di gamba, vechia o nova. Rx. erba agrimonia e pestela al quanto et falla bolire in vino bianco et foglie de oliva pur peste, ana m. uno, e rose seche m. uno et fatele bolire per uno miserere et con ditto vino lavate bene la piagha drento e fora chel sia caldo. Poi torai aristologia lunga e tonda, mastice, mirra, sangue di drago, aloe patico, tutia, zucha brussata, ana onza j, mumia e bolo armeno, ana drame ij, et fatele ben pistare sutilissimi quanto si pole et mettetene sopra alla piaga a modo de specie. Poi che la serra lavata et quelle erbe che a bolito inel vino metteteli sopra alla polve[re] insu la piaga a modo di impiasto chel sia caldo et infassatelo chel stia suso e chel stia caldo. Et farai cossi 2 volti al giorno et vedrai mirabile effetto. Etiam che del male se ne vedesse del osso, presto guarirai. *Item a medicare una piaga senza fare marcia et senza spasimo. Rx. olio roxato e olio di abeto, cioe la lachrima, tanto del uno quanto di l’altro, et siano destillati tutti dua insieme al lambico di vetro con lento foco. Poi lo serba in vaso di vetro e ben turrato. Et lo adopera quando ti fa di bisognio il quale olio non lassa mai far marza et non dole et presto guarisse. -------- [Page 190] Lavanda per saldare et purgare piaghe di ghambe. Rx. aqua corrente o di fontana 2 fiaschi et mettivi drento una scodella d’orzo et fallo bolire chel calli la metta et allora li metterai drento lume di rocha onze ij e biacha violata onza j et falo bolire manco di un miserere. Poi levelo dal foco et colalo et premi ben l’orzo che la sustantia vadi inela dicotione et lo conserva in vaso di vetro. Et quando lo vorai adoperare pigliane um poco in uno pignatino e fallo scaldare et bagnavi drento dele pezze line et metteli sul male dela gamba. Fallo piu volte e presto guarirai. Et etiam zova al male che viene insu la testa, bagnando dele pezze. Item lavanda per piaghe di gambe. Torai horina di homo o putto sano bichieri 2 e mele crudo onze ij e alume di rocha onza s, et metti ogni cosa insieme in uno pignatino et fallo al quanto bolire cosi pian piano. Et con la ditta bolitura lavati le piaghe dele gambe et lassela sugare da sua posta. Poi torai le radice del malva vischio che le siano nette et cavane prima via l’anima da mezo et falle seccare et fane polvere sutilissima. Poi che la piaga sera ben sutta, mettivi sopra dela ditta polvere assai bene a modo di spetie. Poi metterai sopra ala piaga pezza lavorata fatta e propriata a posta al mal di gamba et questo continuando presto guarirai. Pezza lavorata per consolidare malori di gambe. Rx. olio roxato del novo onze vj, minio e litargirio, ana onze js, incenso e lume di roca brussato, ana onza j. Metti l’olio al foco nela caza et mettivi drento el minio et quando vole bolire mettivi il litargirio et quando a um po bolito mettivi el vera nero. Mettivi l’incenso e l’alume et quando tu l’averai bene incorporato, mettivi drento le tue pezze conze como a te pare et con li bastoni vali bene involtando in ditto unguento tanto che li siano bene insuppate. Poi le caverai fora cossi caldo et distendeli bene che si sugano al ombra et serano fatte, pezze lavorate. Et dele ditte pezze ne metterai sopra a tutti i mali dele gambe e molto li conforta e presto li guarir[a]. Item. Pezza lavorata a farla presto. Rx. olio roxato lb. j, litragirio d’oro e biacha, ana onze iiij, e cera nova onze ij. Et ogni cosa sia incorporato et spolverizato et ben cotto e con lento foco. Et quando e bene incorporato, insuppavi drento le tue pezze e bene e como egli e freddo le poi adoperare. Et per fare pezza lavorata. Torai grasso di becho e biacha violata e cera nova, ana onze iij, et quando e distratto, atuffali drento le tue pezze et presto serano fatte e sutte. Item pezza lavorata. Torai olio comune e roxato, ana onze vj, e biacha onze v e diaquilon e polvere de ipericon, ana onza j. Et metti ogni cosa nel tozzo a componere et quando diventera nero e segno che egli e cotto. Allora mettivi drento le tue pezze conze como tu vorai et invilupali bene in ditta composicione et quando l’averano riceuto tutto caveli fora et mettili a secare al ombra che non li vada suso polvere et serano fatte. Et li adopera a tuo piacere. Cirotto per dissolvere molto nobile. Rx. cera e pece nera, colofonia, ana onza j, goma elami, trementina, ana onze ij, mastice, seracollo, ana onza s, laudano, euforbio, ana drame iij, mirra drame v, olio roxato onze iij. Et tutte queste cose metteli nel tozzo et con lento foco falli ben componere et sempre mestando con la spatula chel non si atachi et poi chel sera cotto al solito mo[do], levelo dal foco et lo lavora secondo il modo deli cerotti et sera fatto. Et conservelo dala polvere e per li tuoi bisogni e ti fara onore. -------- [Page 191] Unguento da rinfreschare et saldare ogni piagha. Rx. litargirio onza j, biacha frescha onze js, incenso maschio uno quatrino, alume di rocha drame js, songia di porco lb. j, trementina bella drame iiij, raxa di pino soda drama j, e cera nova drame iij. Prima tagliarai la songia et colela. Poi ritornila al foco et mettivi drento l’alume di rocha e fala distrugere. Poi li metti drento la trementina, la raxa, la cera et starai um poco et mettivi el litragirio, la biacha e l’incenso. Poi lassa cossi bolire pian piano con lento foco et sempre mestando che non si apichi et non sentano di brussato. Poi lo leva dal foco et abia aparichiato uno sachetto rado apontito et buttavelo drento che colera fora et con 2 bastoni piglia il ditto sachettino con le mane di qua e di la e stringe e tira al ingiu et a questo modo lo farai ussire per forza et farai presto. Poi chel sera colato, mestavi drento con la tua stecha tanto chel diventa freddo et sera fatto. Poi lo conserva in alberello vitriato drento et tienlo in loco fresco che longo tempo si mantera et lo adopererai ali tuoi bisogni. Item unguento del giudeo universale. Rx. mirolla di buo onza j, olio comune onze vj, olio roxato onze x, aceto forte lb. j, litargirio e biacha, ana onze v, trementina, rasa bella, ana onze iiij, cera nova onze iij. Poi metti el tozzo a foco lento et mettivi drento l’olio, la cera, el mirollo, la trementina, la rasa et lasseli con foco tanto che siano bene disfatte et incorporate insieme. Poi levelo dal foco et colalo con lo sachetto aguzo ditto di sopra. Poi rimetti il tozzo al foco et mettivi drento l’aceto e l’olio roxato et fallo al quanto bolire. Poi mettivi drento el litargirio e la biacha et fallo lentamente bolire et sempre mestando con la tua spatula chel non ti brusasse et lasselo tanto bolire che tutto si rassughi tanto che tu ne possi farne polvere suttila. Poi ritorna al foco, cioe inel tozo la prima composicione, et quando comincia a volere bolire, tu li metti drento la preditta polvere che tu ai fatta a poc a poco et bene incorporandola con la tua spatula e facendo questo per uno quarto d’ora. Poi levelo dal foco et fane magdalion. Ma nota che se tu vorai tu ne potrai farne cerotto, unguento e pezze lavorate, como tu vorai. Et sappi che questo unguento e per purgare una piagha, impero chel rinfrescha, el rissolve et tira essalda et e molto universale inanti ad ogni persona del arte. E di molto aprobato. Item unguento per ogni piagha. Rx. cera bianca, rasa di pino, trementina, ana onze iij, incenso, mastice, storace calamitta, strologia rotonda, ana onza j, goma elami onze ij, suco di bertonicha et de mili foglio e olio roxato frescho, ana onze vj. Prima metti inel tozo l’olio e i suchi e la cera et fala incorporare. Poi li metterai drento tutte le altre cose a poc a poco et che siano fatte in polvere secondo il solito modo et fali bene incorporare con la tua stecha che non brusano. Et lasselo al quanto bolire tanto che tu cognossi chel possa essere cotto. Alora levelo dal foco et per un pezo va mestando tan[to] chel si sori et sera fatto e perfetto. Item unguento per piaghe. Rx. appio, osmarino, salvia, ruta, mile foglie, piantagine, erba lorenzana, fior d’ogni mese, assentio, mater selva, ana, et de tutte ne farai suco et ne torai tanto del uno quanto del altro e meteli insieme et torai olio di oliva lb. ij et lo incorpo con li ditti suchi et inanti che tu li metti al foco, mettivi drento gabine drame ij e verderame drama j. Poi mettilo al foco et fallo al quanto bolire con diligentia et mettivi drento cera nova onze vj. Poi lo leva dal foco et sempre lo mesto finche e fredo et sera fatto, unguento molto degno il quale ti fara onore. -------- [Page 192] Resipula, cioe fuoco sciagro, ut lo sciagro, unguento rinfreschiativo. Rx. olio roxato, e aceto bianco forte e biacha violata e suco di ruta, ana onze ij, e sevo di becco onza j, e cera bianca onza s et componi a lento foco et fane unguento tenero et sera fatto. Et bagnavi drento dele pezze line suttile e metti sul male et continuandolo presto si rissolve e guarirai. Egli e probato. Item al foco sciagro. Torai suco di fummo terre e di cuscute e di luppoli e di scolopendia, ana onze js, et radice di enula et falla bolire con vino bianco buono et como la e ben cotta, cavela e pestela. Poi la incorpora con li sopra ditti suchi. Poi lo rimetti al foco et metteli drento songia di porco onza j e cera nova onza s, et lassa al quanto bolire pian piano tanto che comincia a fare um poco di corpo et levelo dal foco chel sera fatto et fa chel sia al quanto tenero et lo adopera inel modo sopra ditto, il quale vale non tanto a foco sciagro, ma a ogni humore salso et sia di che sorte si vogli umore. Unguento triaparma, molto rinfreschativo. Rx. aceto bianco forte e litargirio a tua discretione et mettilo al foco e tanto stia che al quanto s’inspesischa et sempre li mesta drento finche e fredo et sera fatto. Sapi che questo unguento zova molto grandemente a quelle piaghe incancherite che sono molto rosse intorno ala piagha e fa dolere et metterai del ditto unguento sun li piastrelli e presto ti levera il dolore et il rossore chel non si vedra e piu non ti dolera e presto guarirai del ditto male, se tu ti saperai conservarti. Item unguento di biacha consolidativo in le piaghe calide. Rx. olio roxato onze iiij, e biacha masinata suttile e cera nova, ana onza j, et metti al foco a dissolvere la cera con l’olio. Poi lo leva dal foco et mettivi drento la polvere dela biacha et mestavi drento finche apresso che fredo. Poi li metterai drento 2 chiari d’ovo freschi e ben sbatuti et l’incorpora ben drento in ditto unguento con la spatula e poi sera fatto perfetto. Et lo riponi ali bisogni, il quale unguento molto vale a levare il rossore che e intorno a ogni piagha e la rinfrescha e la mondifica et la incarna e presto ne guarisse. Item uno unguento incarnativo. Rx. olio di oliva e olio d’avezo, ana onze ij, galbina, rasa di pino, ana onza j, incenso, mastice, mirra, ana drame iij, cera nova onza j. Prima metti l’olio di oliva et metteli drento tutte le gome et quando sono strutte, le cola strettamente. Poi lo rimetti al foco et mettivi drento la cera e l’olio d’avezo e la polvere del incenso et lasselo al quanto bolire tanto chel ti pare chel sia cotto et levelo dal foco et mestalo molto bene et sera fatto. Et vale a incarnare et non morde. Unguento foscho incarnativo et consolidativo. Rx. pegola navale e cera nova, ana onze ij, incenso, noce d’arcipresso, farina di fengreco, ana onze iij e olio di oliva lb. j. Et metterai al foco l’olio, la cera e la pegola et fala bene incorporare. Poi li metterai tutte le altre cose sutilmente fatte in polvere et bene incorporate insieme et che al quanto boli con lento foco et sera fatto. Et con la sua mestola non li mancare secundo il suo ordinario il quale unguento incarna et consolida tutte le piaghe e in ogni corpo. Item a guarire una piagha in 5 giorni. Torai di quella erba che nasse sopra ala scorza del salise che pare uno veluto la quale si chiama per nome muschio et nasse dal lato dove batte l’ombra. Et questa erba mettila sopra ala piaga sanguino[sa] lenta et se la non fusse fali ussire un poco di sangue, acio che l’erba se li possa ataccare e non la movere per insino che dase non si distacha perche a in se questa proprieta che non si lassa mai finche la piaga non ne dasse saldata et a questa proprieta che la stagna il sangue e guarisse presto. -------- [Page 193] Unguento che salda in 12 giorni purche la piaga o ferrita non sia mortale et non ne buono a ferrita o a male di testa. Rx. rasa di pino grassa lb. j, olio laurino onze ij overo olio lentiscino e suco di salvia e goma elami, ana onze iiij. Et metterai prima la rasa al foco tanto che con lento foco la si venghi a purgare bene. Poi mettivi drento la gomma e le altre cose et le incorpora bene a un piccol foco, sempre mestando finche e fredo et sera fatto. Et lo adopera a tuo piacere secundo che si svole ussare li altri unguenti, medicando 2 volti al giorno, ma non medicare la testa. Item unguento simile al sopra detto. Torai cera biancha, olio roxato e termentina, ana onze iiij et farina di fava onza s. Et incorpora ogni cosa a un picol foco e sempre mestando et farai unguento et mesta finche e fredo e sera fatto. Et con esso medica 2 volti al giorno. Unguento di uno monacho di grecia, il quale vale ad ogni ferrita di testa et dela persona e vale contra ali muscholi e a nervi tagliati. Rx. pinpinella, bertonicha e barbena tutte in erba, ana m. uno. Poi pestali insieme et metteli a mole in uno fiascho di vino bianco bono per 3 giorni continui. Poi falo bollire pian piano tanto chel calli la metta. Poi lo cola et premi le erbe strettamente et cavene tutta la sustantia. Poi torai un mezo bichiere di suco de quinque nervia e uno bichiere di suco di assentio e trementina bella lb. j e rasa de pino grassa onze vj e goma rabicha e mastici e cera biancha, ana onza j, et siano le ditte cose spolverizate. Poi fale bolire inel tozzo finche sia apresso cotto. Poi li metterai drento uno bichiere di latte di donna che latta filiolo maschio et sempre lo mesterai drento secundo il suo ordinario. Et poi che gli e levato dal foco finche e freddo et non lo levare dal foco per insino che non a fatto corpo onestamente e poi sera fatto, unguento con el quale medicando le ferrite in testa, muscule e nervi tagliati, presto guarirai. Unguento del sopra detto che vale ad ogni ferrita, machature o percussione e senzza mordacita Rx. betonicha onza j, pinpinella m. ½, barbena m. uno, trementina bella onze iij, rasa di pino grassa e cera nova, ana onze ij, draganti onze js, storas liquido, mastice, ana onza j, calamento onze js. Poi torai tutte le erbe et tagliale minutissimamente e poi li pesta benissimo et li metterai a mole in vino biancho bono lb. iiij. Et fallo bolire tanto che calli la metta. Poi ricola el ditto vino et quelle erbe che sono grosse che non posson passare, ripestali minutissimamente tanto che passano per la stamegna. Poi ritornalo al foco et mettivi drento la rasa, la cera, li draganti, el mastice e fa che ogni cosa sia fatto in polvere et la rasa che la sia ben netta et fallo al quanto bolire e lentamente e sempre mestando chel non si brusi et inanti che tu lo voglia levare dal foco et che per altro el sia cotto, mettili drento el storas et la termentina et subito lo ricollerai un altra volta. Et farai presto tanto che gli e caldo con uno sachetto aguzzo premendolo con 2 bastoni di qua e di la, overo una canna sfessa et tienla stretta con le mane una per capo et tirando al ingiuso pian piano presto ussira fuora tutto che niente ne restera. Et poi vallo mestando bene con la sua stecha che tutto bene se incorpori et como e freddo sera fatto, unguento perfetissimo e bono per ogni ferrita o machature o percussione di gamba o super la persona et non ne mordace niente et dove egli entra presto guarisse et con honore ne reussira. E di probato. -------- [Page 194] Unguento giziacho grande vale a piaghe antiche e fistole che anno di bisogno di mondificare, questo li netta, li purga dala carne morta et del alora putrefatione. Rx. mele roxato onze iiij, verderame onza s, aceto roxato forte onza s. Prima metti l’aceto al foco et poi mettivi il mel roxato et fallo al quanto grillare che bene el se incorpori mestandovi drento. Poi mettivi il verderame fatto in polvere et lasselo al quanto bolire tanto chel si cosi chel venghi a modo di rossigno e allora sera fatto. Levelo dal foco et mestavi drento con la spatula finche e fredo e sera fatto. Et lo riponi in loco fresco et poi lo adopera. Unguento apostolorum mondificativo. Rx. cera bianca e raxa di pino e olio, ana onze vj, incenso, bedelio e strologia longa, ana onze iij, opoponago e aloe, ana [onza] j, armoniaco, mirra e galbina, ana onze ij, litargirio onze iiij, trementina onze js, sarchacolla onze ijs e verderame onze ij. Prima metterai a mole inel aceto queste cose: bedelio, poponacho, armoniaco, et che siano al quante rotte di grosso. Poi meterai inel tozo l’olio et mettivi drento la rasa, galbina, sarcocholla, trementina et queste falle distrugere. Poi le colerai fortemente. Poi ritornalo al foco et mettivi drento quelle 3 gomme che metesti inel aceto et con l’aceto proprio et fallo al quanto bolire. Poi metterai drento quest altre cose tutte fatte in polvere sutilissima: litargirio, mirra, aloe, l’astrologia e l’incenso et fale bene incorporare con la tua spatula. Poi le ricolerai un altra volta col sachetto aguzo con quelli 2 bastoni o canna sfessa tirando al ingioso acio che presto el nescha. Et ritornalo al foco et mettivi drento la cera tagliata et fallo bolire lentamente tanto chel venghi ala perfetione del cotto. Poi metteli drento il verderame chel sia masinato sutilissimo e presto lo leva dal foco et mestali sempre drento finche sia freddo, acio che verde bene se incorpori et fredo che ellie sera fatto, unguento apostolorum, e sera verde, il quale retifica le fistule e le scrophule con le altre piaghe. Et vale alo cancro et mondifica le piaghe dela carne morta e le consolida et questo vale sopra a tutti li altri unguenti. Unguento verde che salda e incarna ogni ferrita. Rx. olio di oliva lb. j, olio d’abiezo scropuli 4, trementina, rasa di pino, pece grecha, ana onze iij, cera nova onze ij, sevo di becho onze v e verderame onza s. Metti l’olio e quel d’abiezo inel tozzo e la termentina, la rasa e la pece, el sevo taliato et fali distrugere bene. Poi le colerai col sachetto apontito, cioe aguzo, premendo con li bastoni strettamente. Et ritornalo inel tozzo et mettivi dento la cera tagliata et fallo al quanto bolire in forma di cotto. Poi mettivi drento il verderame massinato sutilmente et lasselo bene incorporare al foco, mestandovi sempre et cotto che li e levelo dal foco, et mestalo finche e fredo et sera fatto, un onguento mirabile e degno et si pole adoperare ad ogni ferrita. Et volendolo farlo piu forte per farlo rodere meglio, agiongeli piu verderame et etiam um poco di alume di rocha et agiongela inel modo sopra detto et sera fatto. Item unguento forte. Rx. malvasia bichieri 3, sal nitro, sal gema, alume di rocha arso, ana onze iij, uno bichiere di aceto forte e verderame sottile onze ij et falo bolire che cali la metta. Poi torai olio de balsamini onze v con polvere di irios et componi insieme con drama j di rasa di pino e trementina onza j e cera nova onze js et tanta polve[re] suttila di foglia di balsamino, i caranci, che la composicione venghi al quanto verde. Et quando el ti parra al quanto cotto, trallo dal foco et mestalo tanto che diventa freddo et sera fatto, unguento perfetto e bono. Et pochi conosse la sua virtu. -------- [Page 195] Unguento aureo cura, incarna, consolida et salda ogni piagha nova. Rx. olio roxato lb. j e uno bichiere di bonissimo vino et metti inel tozo con la trementina onze iij et metteli drento queste 3 erbe nette, tagliate minute et peste sutilissimamente et fatte bolire in ditto olio tanto che siano ben cotte et fatto passare bene per la stamegna. Mille foglio m. uno ½, tramarino fiori e cime m. uno, e centaurea minore m. ½ , sevo di vitello e di castrato, ana onze vj, taglialo minuto e strugielo e colelo et componilo. Olibano, grogo, ana drama j, rasa de pino, colofonia, ana drame js, incenso, sarcocholla, mirra, ana drame ijs, mastico drame iij e cera nova onze iijs. Et de tutte queste altre cose ne farai polvere juste tue forze et le componi insieme tanto che sia ogni cosa bene incorporato. Poi lo ricolerai un altra volta, premendo bene il sachetto che nulla li rimanga. Et lo ritorna inel tozzo et fallo bolire con lento foco et sempre mestando che bene se incorpori. Et inanti chel sia cotto, metteli la cera, el grogo et levelo dal foco et cosi caldo lavelo 3 volte con latte et bene rimenandolo et fredo chel sera fatto et riponlo ali bisogni, impero che egli a e nomi e fatto, unguento aureo. Unguento ceruseo per carne fragida et fistule malvagie. Rx. armoniaco drama j, bidelio, olibani, mastice, astrologia rotonda e sarcocola, ana drame iij, mirra, galbano, ana drame ij, litragirio d’oro onze js, aloe, opoponaco, ana drame ijs, verderame drame ij, rasa di pino onze ij e cera bianca onze ij. Prima meterai a mole in aceto forte tanto che apeni stia coperto, lo armoniaco, bedelio, galbano e lo opoponaco et lasselo per ori 6 e non piu. Poi metterai inel tozzo olio comune lb. j et mettivi drento il litargirio et fallo levare il bolore a foco lento. Poi mettivi drento le gome che statti a mole con quella aceto et colali prima. Poi falo bolire tanto che si consumi l’aceto. Poi metterai drento tutte le altre cose fatto in polvere suttile et in ultimo la cera et lasselo bolire poco poco sempre mestano chel non piglii del cotto et levelo dal foco et mesta finche e freddo. Et sera fatto al tuo comando. Unguento di avicena e chiamalo unguento veneris. Rx. cera biancha onze js, rasa di pino, armoniaco, ana onza s, trementina onze ijs, opoponaco drame ij, verderame onza s, bedelio, astrologia longa, incenso, mirra e galbino, ana onza s e litargirio d’oro onza j e olio di oliva lb. js. Metti l’olio, el litargirio inel tozzo et falo um po bolire a lento foco et metterai le gome a mole in aceto che siano rotte et quando li metti inel tozzo tu li cola. Poi li metterai drento le alt[r]e cose fatte in polvere et lasselo cosere asufficientia adoperando la tua mestola dandoli foco lento chel non brusa et inanti che tu lo levi dal foco metivi il verderame fatto sutilissimo et la cera tagliata minuta. Poi lo leva dal foco et mestalo finche e fredo et sera fatto, e perfetto unguento. Nota se farai questo unguento per la invernata li vole olio lb. 2 e la estade lb. js. Et questo unguento alcuni lo chiama apostolorum. Valeti. Unguento basalico minore bono e perfetto. Rx. pesa greca, rasa di pino grassa, ana onze iij, termentino onze ij, cera nova onza j, et metterai olio comune onze vj inel tozzo et mettivi drento tutte le preditte cose fatte in polvere et falle bolire a foco lento sempre mestando. Et quando e cotto mettivi la cera et subito lo leva dal foco et mesta finche e fredo et sera fatto et lo adopera a tuo piacere. -------- [Page 196] Unguento del olio per riempire le ferrite a quelle che e duro, lo incarnare e cura le fistole e le piaghe maligne. Rx. oppoponacho onza j, rasura di panno lino vechio e mondo onza s, vino bianco bono, olio roxato e olio di mortella, ana onze js, litargirio, aloe, sarcocolla e mirra, ana onza s. Et farai unguento inel mortaio senza foco, pestando bene ogni cosa tutte da se sole. Et poi messe tutte insieme, incorporandole con l’olio e con vino tanto che sia assufficientia in bona forma di unguento infondendo ora vino ora olio. Et alcuni li agiungano vitriolo drame ij spolverizato et cosi l’anderai componendo a poc a poco inel tuo mortaio tanto chel vera secundo la tua volunta e sera fatto. Unguento relato che vale ale ferrite putride et genera carne in esse e salda et non li lassa corumpere. Rx. mirra, aloe patico, seracolla, ana onza j, e mele purgato onze iij e vino bianco buono mezo bichiere e vitriolo romano drame ij et farai polvere d’ogni cosa et componilo con lento foco sempre aggittandolo con la tua spatula et tanto stia chel s’inspesischa a modo di unguento et levelo dal foco et mestavi drento et sera fatto. Et serbalo et lo adopera ali tuoi bisogni. Unguento basalicon magiore. Rx. olio roxato onze vj, pegola navale cotta onze iij, trementina onze iiij, mel roxato onze ij, cera nova onze iijs e zafferano uno quatrino et meterai a mole il zafferano inel aceto tanto che stia sotto. Et metterai l’olio, la termentina al foco a incorporarsi, poi il mel roxato et la pegola in pezetti et fala bolire per un miserere, sempre mestando et con foco lento. Poi li metti il zafferano bene imbebito con l’aceto et subito li metterai la cera et como la e distrutta, lo leva dal foco et li mesta finche e fredo. Et sera fatto, perfetto e bono et serbalo ali bisogni. Unguento di trementina, metendolo in elle ferrite ingenera carne buona. Rx. olio di oliva del vechio lb. j, trementina onze iij, rasa de pino grassa onze ij, cera nova onze js, vernisce, incenso, mastice, ana onze js, farina di fengreco onze ij. Et metterai al foco lento l’olio, la cera, la trementina e la rasa et fale incorporare che bolli al quanto. Et poi li metterai drento l’incenso, il mastice fatto in polvere et la vernice et fali cosere che non brusano et in ultimo li metterai la farina tanto che a te pare chel sia fatto unguento al solito modo. Et levelo subito dal foco et mestalo tanto chel sia tutto freddo et sera fatto. Il quale unguento si mette inele ferrito e piaghe, le mondifica e le incarna li nervi et moltiplica la carne e presto ne guarisse. Item unguento incarnativo. Rx. olio roxato onze iij, cera nova onza j, zafferano drame ij, olio d’abiezo onze ij, mastice onza s, mirra onze js et ne farai polvere sutila et tutte le predette cose li metterai inel tozzo et fale disfare che se incorporano et cosi calde le colera per la stamegna stretamente. Poi le rimetti inel tozzo a lento foco et falo cosere asufficientia chel non si brusa. Et levelo dal foco et mestalo per un pezo et sera fatto. Et questo incarna inele piaghe. Dirai sopra ala piaga o ferrito. ‘Dio naque, dio fu preso e ligato, tradito e passionato, crucifisso e morto per noi miseri peccatori. Dio ressusito il terzo di, secundo la scrittura, cosi como questo e vero, cosi questo male non possa ne marcire, ne putrefare, ne entrare alcun dolore se gli e in piacimento di dio et dela vergine maria.’ Et fali sopra un segno di +. Patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Item. Dirai, ‘+ Christus natus est, + Christus mortuus est, + Christus resurexit a mortuis +.’ Oremus, ‘Preceptis salutaribus moniti et divina institutione formatus audimus dicere Pater noster et dilo tutto. Libera domine famulum tuum ab omnibus malis presentibus et futuris.’ Et metti sopra dele peze in crose in 2 o 3 di guarirai. -------- [Page 197] Unguento per smarciare gambe molto nobile. Rx. grasso di orso onze s, grasso di avoltore, grasso di gallina, grasso di castrato, ana drame ijs, olio roxato onze iiij, agripa, mumia e dialtea, ana drame ij, cera nova onze ij, rasa di pino, olio di lino, bolarminio, biacha, pietra morta, ana drame iiij, pepi tondo granella no. 10, canphora, mastice, incenso, ana drame js, sangue di drago drama j. Prima tora tutti li grassi et tagliali minuti e strugeli et poi li cola strettamente con stamigna. Poi lo ritorna inel tozzo et mittivi drento l’olio roxato e l’olio di lino et lo incorpora con li grassi bene. Poi leva il tozzo dal foco et mettivi drento la mumia cosi caldo, el sangui di drago e la rasa, el bolarminio, la biacha, l’incenso, la pietra morta, el pepi, l’agripa, la dialtea et la cera al ultima. Et tutte le predette cose siano fatte in polvere suttile. Et ritornale al foco et fallo ribolire pian piano e sempre mestand[o] con la tua spatula et quando egli e cotto usa questa gintileza ricolato tutto et falo passare cossi caldo per i stamegna. Poi li metterai drento la canphora tagliata minuta et mestavi drento tanto chel sia freddo et fatto sera et riponilo ali bisogni. Et questo lo potrai adoperare sul sovatto o camosso et lasselo stare sul male 3 o 4 di. Poi lo muterai et farai cossi 10 o 12 giorni et potrai adoperare altri unguenti che presto faciano incarnare et guardandoti dela bocca a non mangiare cose cattive. Et presto, con lo aiutto di dio, guarirai. Unguento per loco marzoso dove sia li nervi. Rx. sevo di beccho, vermi teresti, cera nova, ana onza j. Et metterai l’olio roxato onze iiij inel tozzetto et metivi drento il sevo taliato minuto et li discoli lavati con aceto et la cera tagliata et distrugie ogni cosa insieme a un piccol foco. Poi le colerei strettamente et rimetti la composicione inel tozzo et falla fornire da cosere lentamente e sempre mestando finche a fatto al quanto corpo. Poi che e fredo e bene mestato, conservelo e lo dopera a bisogni. Unguento per taglio overo ferrita ottimo. Rx. radice di malva vischio ben lavate e nette m. uno et fale bolire in lb. 2 di olio di oliva tanto che calino li ¾ , tanto che le radice diventano nere inela pignata con lento foco. Poi lo leva dal foco e le cola con stamegna premendo bene le radice. Poi lo rimetti al foco et li agiongi termentina onze iij e cera nova onze js et componilo in modo di unguento e di fatto. Et lo distendi sopra ali piastrelli e medica piaghe o ferrite et ne averai honore. Item a piaga o talio che gitasse sangue. Torai del sterco del asino e del pelo di lepore e tutto tagliato minuto e spolverizato et mettine sopra a quella piaga molto bene e grosso chel sangue non se li vole stagnare e presto si stagnera. Poi lo medica ordinariamente con unguenti e guarira. Et dirai sopra queste parole, + ‘Crux Christi adiuva me. + Sangue sta in te como fe Christo in se. Christi salva me. Sangue sta in la vena tuua come fe Christo in la sua pena. + Christi diffende me. Sangue sta fisso e forte come fe christo alla sua morte. In nomine patris et + filii et + spiritus sancti, amen.’ Portela adosso et dilla 3 volte ala fila el sangui se staganera. Et piu a stagnare il sangue di piaghe, ferrito o vene. Torai sarcocolla, mumia, bonarmino e sangue di drago, ana, et fatte tutte in polvere sutilissima et incorporata insieme et ne metterai sun le piaghe, ferrito overamente una vena chel sangue non si potesse stagnare. Mettene suso assai e presto il sangue si stagnera. Poi medicherai con unguenti. -------- [Page 198] Unguento che distende li nervi contratti sia per freddo o per caldo, cioe per oppilacione di nervi per umori che discenda dala testa ala parte deli nervi in tal modo che gl’ inpedisca il calore et essi viene a manchare et retirarsi, debilitandosi o per parelesia. Rx. grasso di orso e di cavallo, grasso di anetra e di beccho, grasso di tasso e di asino, e grasso di castrato, ana onze iiij, armoniaco, serapino, bedeli, incenso e gomma edare, ana drame ij, pulveris calamento, pulegio, nepita, gratiana, preforata, dittamo bianco, scorce di limone trite, cetonicum, irios bianco, ambra e stichadosso, ana drama j. Prima taglia tutti li grassi, struggieli e colali et tutte le gomme le rissolverai et le colerai et tutte le erbe ne sia fatta polvere. E poi mescolate et tutte le predette 3 cose le incorpora insieme et metteli tutte a empire uno gatto maschio overamente una anetra. Ma in vero egli e meglio a metterli in un cane rosso e giovane maschio perche un frate certosino me ebbe a dire chel fue liberato un figliuolo di uno gintilomo il quale era tanto stroppiato et uno deli sui frati nebe 40 d[inari] da quello gintilomo per avere liberrato il suo figliuolo, per dei gratia. Et lui mi ebbe a dire chel vientra un cane rosso giovine e messo arosto et con cose aromatiche empinuto et lui me disse chel non si racordava che cosa li metteva drento ma lui bene sepe che con quello grasso che collava da quello cane arosto sopra detto lo guaritte honore volmente quel giovane. Et poi li fece dire apresso a questo una messa delo spirito santo. E pero mi pare che l’avera virtu stia a tore uno cane rosso et metterli drento tutte le sopra dette compositione et coserlo arosto inello schillone et farlo ben cosere et con diligentia riccogliere tutto quel grasso che li cola da dosso perche in questo consiste tutta la virtu et fattene stima et lo conserva in vaso vitriato e netto e coperto. Poi incorpora questo grasso con questi unguenti, vz., Rx. unguento marciaton, unguento aragon e unguento agrippa, ana onza j, e dialtea e olio laurino, ana onze ij. Et incorpora questi unguenti col ditto grasso colato con uno foco lento lento. Et poi che tu li averai bene incorporati, allora sera fatto il tuo onto perfetto e bono et questo e quello di quelo Prete R[everen]do auto da lui proprio. Et quando tu lo vorai adoperare alo sopra dette infermita, fallo scaldare et ongilo infermo a un bon foco. Poi lo infassa in la lana suscida con altri pani intorno caldi et mettilo a ripossare et questa ontione la farai piu volte et vederai opera mirabile e verissima et e experimentata. Item olio al sopra ditto vale ali nervi retratti a doglie e a spasimi vero e aprobato. Rx. fiori di conostrelli, cioe vistrici, et empiene una inchistara. Poi empila di olio comune et fallo bolire inanti al foco tanto chel cali la metta o piu. Poi lo cola et premi bene li fiori et tienilo per 3 o 4 giorni al sole et sera fatto e tientelo per caro. Et quando lo vorai adoperare falo scaldare per ongere li nervi e doglie con spasimi et sopra lana suscida e presto se rissanerai. Item unguento dali nervi. Rx. olio di mastice e di mortella e di pomi cotogni e di spigo, ana onze ij, mastice onza j, seme de appio onza s, ipoquistidos et acatia, ana drame iij, storase liquido drame v et cera nova quanto ti basta per fare unguento et ongi li nervi dogliosi con sopra lana suscida calda e guarirai. Et quello e un altro unguento simile. Torai olio laurino e volpino e di camomilla e di euforbio, ana onza j, e grasso d’orso onze js et cera nova quanto ti pare che basti per fare unguento, incorporando ogni cosa insieme a un piccol foco et sempre mestando chel non brusa. Poi ongi li nervi dogliosi. -------- [Page 199] Olio contra allo spasimo deli nervi in piu modi aprobati. Rx. cera nova lb. ij o piu et falla stillare al solito modo con ritorta di vetro et ne ussira olio facendolo, poi inel modo che qua di sotto se dira, metterai inel ditto olio mastice onza j, zafferano drame iij e canphora drame ij et tutte siano fatte in polvere suttile. Poi che li averai incorporate rimetti a stillare in ditta storta o altra bozza di vetro. Et ne ussira olio molto odoriffero el quale lo serberai in vaso di vetro e ben coperto so[p]ra’l tutto perche li spiriti exalarebeno et per direbbe la sua virtu. Il quale olio a di molte grandissime virtu et maxime contra alo spasimo di nervi et vale ad ogni machatura overo percossa o stinchata che fusse con sangue morto. Et quando lo adoperi chel sia ben caldo et ongi 2 volti al giorno et tien caldo il male con sopra lana suscida la quale a tal male eli e molta apropriata et mentre che tu ongi tu sentirai aleviarte il dollore et questo procede dal suo cordiale odore et molti valenti homini l’anno aprobato. Item olio contra alo spasimo de stinchati o nervi. Rx. olio roxato e d’aneto, ana onze js, trementina vinitiana onze iij, lombrisi teresti lavati con vino bianco ½ scudella, raxa di pino grassa, eufforbio, ana onze js. Et falle bolire in uno pignatino con lento foco non troppo. Poi lo colerai strettamente premendo bene che la sustantia nescha et sera fatto. Conservelo ali bisogni et quando lo vorai adoperare fa chel sia ben caldo con sopra lana suscida calda, e presto guarirai. E piu per confortare li nervi. Torai suco di ruta, olio d’aneto e grasso de caponi, ana onze ij, olio de tartaro onza j, e mastice onza s in polvere, et taglia il grasso minutamente et metterai ogni cosa insieme in una caraffina al sole e ben turrata per 15 o 20 giorni et poi sera fatto. Et di questo fattene conto et quando lo doperi chel sia caldo et continuandolo presto ne guarirai. Item olio contra ali nervi e alo spasimo e a piaghe verissimo. Rx. olio de oliva del piu vecchio che tu possi trovare lb. iij e malvasia o vino bianco bono onze vj e fiori di camomilla, salvia et rosmarino, assentio e ruta, ana m. uno, et tagliali minute et metteli a bolire ogni cosa insieme tanto che challi la meta e con lento foco. Et cola et preme le erbe sotto al torchietto et cavene tutta la sustantia per forza. Et ritorna el ditto olio inel tozzo. Et mettivi drento discholi teresti, meza scudella lavati con vin bianco, e solphero e vino bianco del sopra detto, ana onze ij, et fallo ribollire un altro poco. Poi lo ricolera con la stamigna, agiongendovi drento cossi caldo cera nova onze iij et agiongeli ancora garoffani, incenso, mastice e robache di lauro, ana onze js, fatte tutte in polvere sutilissime e zafferano drama j. Poi mesta tanto bene con la tua spatula che ogni cosa sia bene incorporato. Et quando lo vorai adoperare fa chel sia caldo et ongi, e presto guarirai, per dei gratia. Item unguento a nervi retratti e tirati per infirmita. Rx. discoli lavati con vin bianco lb. js e grasso di cavallo lb. js e grasso di orso e di marinotta e di tasso e olio de balsamino e de mandole dolce, ana lb. j, e butiro vechio lb. v e olio di oliva del vechio lb. iiij et assentio e salvia, ana m. uno. Prima taglia tutti li grassi et fali distrugiere et poi li agiongi sopra li oli et le erbe taliate minute col butiro e li discoli. Poi farai bolire ogni cosa per un pezo. Poi lo cola sutilmente sotto al torchietto et cavane tutta la sustantia et rimettilo inel tozzo et mettivi drento cera nova onze iij, et como la e disfatta levelo dal foco et sera fatto. Et valo mestando finche e freddo et sera fetto. Et lo conserva ali tuoi bisogni per nervi tirati e retratti et quando ongi chel sia caldo et metti sopra lana suscida che sia calda. Continua et presto guarirai. -------- [Page 200] Onto contra a nervi retratti, optimo. Rx. un ocha che sia grassa, pelela e ordenela como se la volesti mangiare et tagliali il collo e piedi. Poi torai un gatto vivo chel sia grasso, amazalo e scorticalo et nettalo como se lo voleste mangiare e tagliali il capo e piedi. Poi taglialo minuto con gli ossi, dico minutissimo, et pestali incompagnia una lb. de lardo di porco maschio et polvere di garofani onza j et cera nova pesta minuta onze ij. Et ogni cosa pesta et incorpora bene insieme. Poi metterai ogni cosa in corpo alla ditta ocha e cosela. Poi infilzela in nelo schillone et leghela che la stia salda. Poi la cosi arosto et dali il foco lento lento tanto che la sia cotta o stra cotta e non brussata tanto chel se li veda l’ossa. Et ricoglie tutto quello grassa che niente se ne perda in una giotta con drento uno bochale di aceto bianco forte. Poi che averai il grasso di sopra al aceto et quello lo conserva per cosa cara. E questo e quello che a questa proprieta doperandolo caldo a ongere li nervi retratti usandolo piu volte li molifica et li fa a rendevoli molto al suo prestina stato e tenendoli caldi con lana suscida sopra la quale egli e molta aproprieta. Et osservando l’ordine, presto guarirai. E piu a nervi retratti. Torai del sevo di peccora et dela sua mirolla et taglia ogni cosa minutamente. Poi falo frigere con vino bianco bono. Poi lavati il loco infermo col ditto vino ben caldo et fa durare assai il bagno et fallo piu volti e guarirai. Unguento mondificativo dali nervi. Rx. termentina venitiana lb. j, sarchacola, mirra, farina de lupini e de semelino e di fiengreco, ana onza j, e cera nova onza s. Metti la termentina e la cera a dissolvere al foco bene. Poi leva el tozzo dal foco et mettivi drento tutte le altre cose fatte in polvere et con la mestola mesta drento che bene se incorpora e fino che e freddo et sera fatto, unguento bono per mondificare quelle piaghe che sono in loco nervoso. Item a guarire i nervi tagliati. Torai questi cinque sorte di olio, cioe olio laurino e petroli e di mastice e di aneto e di tartaro, e grasso di tasso, ana onze ij, e cera nova onza j et incorpora ogni cosa a un picol foco et fane unguento tenero. Et quando lo adoperi chel sia caldo et falo piu volte et molto ti zovera con sopra lana suscida e calda. Item a nervi retirati per fredura. Torai sterco di buo il meso di magio et fallo bolire in vino bianco bono. Et col dito vino bagnati li nervi dogliosi e chel sia caldo et fallo piu volte et molto ti zovera. E tienlo ben caldo e presto ne guarirai. E piu per guarire le ditte piaghe di nervi et altre piaghe diverse. Dirai sopra ala piaga, facendoli prima li segno di +. “O summa sapientia e potentia, o eterna luce, o creator del cielo et dela terra, o tu il quale recuperasti l’umana natura, et fusti posto in croce + per noi miseri peccatori per salvarci, ricordati signore quando dicesti, ‘Hely, hely, lama zabatani, hoc est corpus meum.’ Agios, agios, agios, ischiros athanatos, adonay, et sicut tu, domine, liberasti de vulnere lateris tui cum sanctissime crucis + quam tu portasti ad montem calvarium et sic tu domine involutus fuisti in tela alba et sicut plage ille non emisserunt sanguinem nec ardorem nec fetorem ita non amittantur plage iste ita placeant deo et nativitate sue. Passio christi liberent istum, passio christi liberent eum. In nomine Patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +, amen.” Et dicant super vulnera cum ore tuo et postea pone modicum de camisa hominis et pone in + super plagas et cito liberabitur. -------- [Page 201] Unguento di M[aest]ro Bonino Fiorentino. Et col ditto unguento medicava una sole volta al giorno et ogni gran piagha guariva, presto e bene. Rx. una charaffa di vernaza overo altro vino bianco bonissimo et mettivi drento una brancata di bertonica che sia pesta et lassela stare infussione per tre di naturali. Poi la farai bolire dinanti al foco tanto che la calli per metta. Poi la cola et premi l’erba sotto al torchietto tanto che tu ne cavi tutta la sustantia e meti insieme. Poi li metterai drento tutte queste gomme, le quale siano nette e ben purgate, cioe, raxa di pino grassa onze vj, galbina onze iiij, serapino onze iij, armoniaco e bolarminio, ana onze ij, goma edera e aloe patico, ana onza j, e sangue di drago onza s. Et tutte siano disfatte e colate sutilmente et incorporate con la ditta dicotione. Poi ritornalo al foco lento tanto che tu le incorpora e diventano come mele. Poi lo leva dal foco e mestavi drento finche e fredo et sera fatto, unguento degno ad ogni ferrita e presto le guarisse. E di probato. Item unguento al sopra detto di M[aest]ro Bonino. Rx. olio comune e raxa di pino grassa, ana onze vj, olio roxato e cera nova, ana onze iij. Poi meti ogni cosa inel tozo a lento foco e fa disfare. Poi li colerai et li ritorna al foco et agiongivi trementina salata onze ij et falo bolire tanto che dirai una a[ve] maria et quando sera fredo tu lo lava con aqua et lasselo stare a mole la note. Et la matina lo scola bene del aqua. Poi l’incorpora drento onze iij di suco di bertonica et mesta tanto chel sia ben incorporato et sera fatto. Et lo adopera a tuo piacera che in tutte le ferrite ti fara honore, e presto. Unguento che rissolve l’enfiasone e la dureza poi che la ferrita e saldata. Rx. dele fezze del olio di gillio e di linosa e bedelio e cera nova, ana onze ij, e storas liquido e galbina, opoponacho e grasso di galina overo d’ocha e songia di porco, ana a tua discricione. Poi torai il bedelio, galbina, opoponaco et pestalo inel mortaio. Poi li meti il storas, la cera et pesta bene ogni cosa insieme con questo che le gomme siano nette. Poi li metterai drento li grassi colati et li olii et incorpora col pistella molto bene et non li sparagniare la fattica, et farai unguento molto mirabile per levare quelle enfiasone et durezze che rimane poi chi e saldata la ferrita. Ma prima bisogna lavare la ferrita saldata con vino dove sia statto bolito drento malva vischio e malva e somenta de lino et quando lavi, fa chel sia ben caldo e suga et opera el ditto unguento et vedrai bella cura, di prova. Item un altro molificativo a levare la dureza dele saldate ferrite. Rx. raxa di pino che sia bella onze vj, cera nova, farina di seme lino e di fiengrego, ana onze ij, olio di camomilla lb. j, e grasso d’ocha e di galina e sevo di beccho, ana onza j, mastice e incenso, ana drame vj. Poi metterai a disfare al foco la raxa e la cera et la colerai con la stamigna. Poi la ritorna al foco et mettivi il mastice e l’incenso fatto in polvere. Poi li metterai li grassi colati e netti et lasselo um pochetto bolire. Poi li metterai le farine et lo leverai dal foco et mestalo con la tua spatula finche gli e fredo et sera fatto. Et lo adopera a tuo piacere como e ditto di sopra. Item a mandare via le segni dele ferrite e altri segni e presto. Rx. del olio del tartaro e sperma del homo, ana, et incorpora insieme et falo scaldare in un gusso d’ovo et ongi li segni rossi 2 o 3 volti al giorno, e presto li segni non si vedrano. E questa e probatissima e vera di provata. -------- [Page 202] A mandare via li segni rosse e le machie dele ferrite in piu modi. Rx. ovi freschi nati in quello giorno no. 30 et fali cosere inel aqua che diventano ben duri et piglierai il torlo et metteli tutti in una padeletta o altro vaso piccolo et non li mettere altro et falli soffrigere con lento foco. Et poi li sminuzerai et metteli in uno sacheto di tela forte et metteli sotto al torchietto et tanto stringi chel ne venga fora il liquore. Et quello conserva come cosa cara. Et se per sorte non ne volesse venire o poco o niente, metterai il torchietto cossi stretto como egli e in loco umido et presto ne ussira fora l’olio e metti sotto da ricoglierlo et quando l’averai, sapilo conservare. Et questo lo adopera caldo a ongere li segni rossi et le margine che lassano le ferrite. Poi che le sono guarite e presto si smarischano che poco poco non si vendano. Item a mandare via li segni rossi dele ferrite o altri segni sun la persona. Rx. deli ossi freschi deli stinchi de animali che siano netti. Et metteli a mole in aceto bianco e forte quanta li puo trovare per 10 o 12 giorni et che stiano in loco caldo e coperti. Poi rompeli o tagliali minutamente piu che tu poi. Poi li metterai a stillare al lambicho di vetro con foco molto lento. Et l’aqua che ne viene, serbela come cosa cara. Et con essa destillatione fatta prima scaldare, ti bagnerai li segni rossi dele ferrite overo sfrisi et questo continuandolo piu volte molto si smarirano che apeni si vedrano. Et se’l male sera frescho presto se ne andera via che piu non si vedra. E questo e statto aprobato. Item un onto al sopra ditto per fare andare via li segni dele ferrite o taglie overo sfrisato. Rx. dele cipolle de gillii bianchi et falle cosere inel aqua. Poi li pesta inel mortaio et poi torai songia di porco, ana onza j, et poi li agiongi polvere di mastice e di incenso, ana drame iij, e canfora drama j e polvere di biacha onza s, et al quanto de olio roxato et farai unguento con lento foco. Et con ditto onto ongiti spesso li segni a margine rossi causati da ferrite o sfrisati o di altre croste et lo continua e presto anderano via . Di provata. Item aqua che manda via li segni rossi e margini et etiam li porri e volatiche e presto. Rx. cenere di cerro overo altra cenere forte et litargirio spolverizato, ana lb. js, et calcina viva fatta in polvere onze vj et vitriolo romano onze iij e sale armoniaco drama j et ranno forte, cioe maestra di sapone di quella che rege l’ovo, lb. viij, Et ogni cosa metti insieme in pignato ben coperto et farai bolire a lento foco tanto che rimanga un terzo et mestavi drento spesse volte et sera fatta. Poi la riponi in uno alberello invitriato e tienelo ben coperto chel no vedi tropo l’aria perche per derebe assai di sustantia e virtu. Et poi con la ditta composicione ongeti dove tu ai li segni rossi overo altre machie o porri o volatiche. Et facendolo piu volte anderano via et se’l ti desse incendio overo brussore suporta piu che tu poi tal brussore et quando poi non lo potrai patire, toccalo apeni con una gioza di aqua roxa o di piantagine overo di altra aqua et subito cessera tal brussore come se tu non avesti mai sentito. Et presto tu ne guarirai perche e aprobato. Item a tor via le machie dela carne et etiam de ogni segno sfrisato. Rx. dela urina di homo sano et falla stillare al lambico di vetro et prima con lento foco el ne ussira aqua et in ultima el ne ussira olio accressendoli um poco il foco, et ricoglie ogni cosa da per se. Et sapi che l’olio e quello che leva via le machie grosse et incarnate et quelle sfrisato con argento continuandolo. Et l’aqua che ne viene prima fa molto bella carnasone. -------- [Page 203] Unguenti de piu sorte per cavare ferro, legno o spine fora dela carne. Rx. lievito di furmento e mele, ana drame vj, e vischio quercino e armoniacho, ana drama j, et rissolvi ogni cosa in aqua et farina di fengrego drame ij et olio vechio tanto che sia assai et ogni cosa incorpora insieme a un piccol foco et farai unguento et con esso ogni chel sia caldo il loco adolorato matina e sera e tirera fora la materia che e drento overo la mandera fora in tanta putrefacione e presto ne guarirai. Item al preditto male. Torai dele foglie del mirasole, pestela tra 2 pietre e metteli insul malore adolorato et presto ti zovera a levarti la passione. Item al preditto male di ferro, legno o spine fitte inela carne. Rx. radice di malva vischio, lavate e ben nette e tagliate minute et fatte bolire in olio comune in una pignata tanto che diventano nere. Poi le cola et premali con peza et mettivi drento cera nova onze ij e trementina onze iij et bene ogni cosa incorpora apresso al foco et mestavi drento tanto chel sia fredo et sera fato. Et con esso caldo medica che presto guarirai. Item al preditto male ditto di sopra. Torai radice di canna e polvere di calamitta et incorpora bene, pestando ogni cosa insieme con uno poco di mele e lievito di furmento e galbina. Poi metti sul male piu volte chel sia caldo e presto tirera fora e guarirai. Item a farli cressere la carne presto in ditta ferrita. Rx. polvere di irios et la incorpora con chiara d’ovo. Poi falla seccare et fane polvere sutilissima et ne metterai inela ferrita. Et se’l ferro fusse inela ferrita, mettivi suso agrimonia con songia pesta e calda e presto lo tirera fora. Et fala piu volte che eli e aprobato. Item a cavare ferro che fusse fitto inela carne. Prima dirai un pater noster et una ave maria divotamente et vedi se gli e possibile se tu tocare con li tuoi 2 dita il ferro che e drento inela carne overo con la punta del dito et como lo senti, divotamente dirai, ‘Longino fue ehbreo, filiolo d’un fariseo, et quale ferrie yehsu christo e lo ferrie dal lato ritto e pregaremo yehsu christo cossi como lo ferri questo ferro che lo toco escha de qui.’ Et dilla 3 volte ala fila col pater noster e presto il ferro vera fora, tocandolo con li tuoi dita et presto guarirai, per dei gratia. Item aqua per medicare et guarire le predette ferrite. Torai aqua chiara e netta et benedissela 3 volte ala fila et dirai prima il pater noster per ogni volta e fa di essere senza peccato m[ortal]e e senza arme adosso et quando medicherai chel paciente abia perdonato al offeso et dica il pater noster et l’ave maria et bagnerai le pezze in ditta aqua et metti sun la ferrita in + et medica 2 volti al giorno finche li e guarito. Et questa e l’oratione che si dire sopra al aqua, vz., ‘In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. + Al nome di dio e dela sancta trinita et per quella santa notte che la gloriosa vergine maria partori yehsu christo benedetto. Christo naque, mori et resuscito, et comando a tutte quelle ferrite che fussino ben salde et ben guarite senza freddo, senza caldo, senza sangue, senza marza et senza nervo tagliato e senza osso maghagnato, senza febre e senza morte et senza vera un altra malatia et cossi comando la gloriosa vergine maria. Aqua chiara et a ogni aqua che generi ogni liquore et precioso unguento che ci entrasse come feci yehsu christo et la sua dolce madre vergine maria. Et per queste e quelle parolle che tu dicesti insul legno dela sancta + cossi poniate la virtu v[ost]ra yehsu christo in questa benedetta aqua che guarischa il famulo ut famula tua A, in nomine del P[adre] + et del filiolo et delo sp[irit]o + santo, amen + + +.’ Et non preterire l’ordine bono ditto di sopra et questa aqua conservela che la e sempre bona per guarire ogni ferrita o taglio inla virtu di jesu christo. E di provata. Item a cavare uno spino fora dela carne. Torai radice di canna verde e lardo, ana, et pesta insieme et caldo meti sun la pontura e vera fora sun lo enpiastro e falo piu volte. E di probato. -------- [Page 204] Unguento raxino. Rx. olio roxato, cera nova e raxa di pino grassa, ana onze vj, trementina onze iiij, incenso, mastice e galbina, ana onza j, e mele onze ij. Et metterai a mole in aceto forte la galbina, el mastice et lo incenso per una notte. Poi li metterai inel tozzo senza aseto et metteli cosi asutti sopra ali brase tanto che siano destrutte. Poi li metterai drento la raxa a disfare, poi l’olio et la trementina, el mele et fali molto bene incorporare con la tua spatula. Poi li metterai la cera taliata minuta et lasselo bolire um pochetto. Poi lo leva dal foco et cosi caldo colelo con la stamigna et mestalo finche e fredo et sera fatto. Et serbalo ali bisogni et quale ti fara onore. Unguento citrino. Rx. olio roxato onze vj, cera nova onze v, trementina onze iiij, dialtea onze ij e incenso, mastice, galbina, opoponago, ana onza j. Et metterai tutte le gome a mole inel aceto forte che apeni le stiano coperte. Poi caveli fora et fale struggere da se sole inel tozo, mestandole fino che sono disfatte. Poi li metterai drento l’olio, la trementina e la dialtea et incorpora bene et lassa cosere et in ultima li meti la cera tagliata in pezeti et como la e distrutta, levelo dal foco et cosi caldo lo cola con la stamigna et mestavi drento finche li e fredo et sera fatto, et lo dopera a tuo piacere. Et sapi che in tutti li unguenti li vole sempre drento la sua mescola overo spatula perche vole essere sempre mestato e finche li e freddo et questo sie l’ordine che sia a tenere a fare tutte le sorte de li unguenti. Digestivo. Rx. trementina onza j, uno rosso d’ovo fresco, olio roxato, farina d’orzo frescha, zafferano, alume di roca brusata, ana a tua discretione, uno poco di mele roxato, che sia ben cotto et componilo insieme et sera fatto. Poi lo adopera a tuo piacere e ti fara onore. Difensivo. Rx. aqua roxa e di solatro, ana onze iij, olio roxato, olio mirtino, ana onze ij, bolarminio, sangue di drago, ana onza j, e cera bianca onze js. Et componi tutte le predette cose a lento foco sempre mestando finche e fredo et sera fatto. Et lo dopera e ti fara onore. E di provata. Corrosivo per carne trista. Rx. mele crudo schiumato et mettivi drento alume di rocha e verderame tutto spolverizato, ana onza j, trementina, olio roxato, ana onza s, et uno poco di aceto forte et componi ogni cosa insieme a uno picol foco et sera fatto. Et lo adopera a bisogni. Item corrosivo. Torai songia di porco maschio e trementina, ana onze ij, e argento vivo onza s et componi al solito modo ditto di sopra et agiongivi cera nova onza s. Poi averai haparechiato cenere de vite et vi agiongi in ditto unguento tanta dela ditta cenere quanta po tirare et componendo bene tutte le altre cose. El sera fatto, bello e bono e avantagiato. A fare trocis de minio per aprire piaghe. Rx. molena di pane non cotto e ben formentato onze iiij e minio onza j e solimato ben pesto onza s et ogni cosa componi con aqua roxa. Poi farai li tuo trocis con galanteria et secali in forno tiepido e fa che non siano arsi et ne potrai farne de piu sorte come pole acadera. Rottorio espedetivo molto nobile. Rx. alume zucarino, lume di rocha, letargirio, biacha, argento vivo, ana onza s, argento sulimato onza j, et ogni cosa pesta sutilmente passata per tamiso. Poi componi con buttiro quanto e una noce, et in ultima li metti il mercurio et per uno pezo lo dibati tanto che bene se incorpori con le altre cose. Et quando lo metterai sop[r]a ala carne trista, la fa cadere et la bona romperia quando acadesse overo per cauterio. -------- [Page 205] *Item rottorio. Rx. dela maestra soto scrita onze vj, vitriolo romano drame js, oppio scropulo j et farai bolire et inspessire e quando e fato levelo et metivi drento l’oppio et incorpora e sera fato per rompere posteme et rimovere la carne superflua et per una ½ ora opera et piu et meno. Rottorio fatto con foco morto e presto. Rx. lissia forte fatta con cenere di cerro e calcina, cioe di quella maestra con che si fa il sapone che tiene l’ovo a galla. Piena una pignata et mettivi drento calcina viva spolverizata onze vj e orpimento suttile scropuli 2 e mele crudo lb. j et lo farai bolire pian piano tanto chel venga duro con foco lento. Et quando el sera fredo, el sera duro et serbalo in vaso bene invitriato et chel stia bene coperto e legato stretto accio chel non veda l’aria che tutto si distrugerebe e verebe liquido e non arebe forza. Et quando lo vorai hadoperare per fare rottorio, cioe a rompere la carne per fare cauterio, tu metterai uno poco dela ditta materia overo polvere in uno anello da cusire chel sia aperto insu la carne in quello loco dove tu voi fare la buca et meti drento inel anello una cosa tonda che ti calchi insu la carne et legalo suso la sera et la matina trouverai la bucha fatta tanta quanta sera largo l’anello et li vi farai il tuo cauterio, il quale tu l’averai fatto senza passione alcuna. Et metteli drento uno grano de cieci grosso overo una balotina di cera con sopra una foglia di ellora, la quale tira de molta materia et lo netterai 2 volti al giorno. Et a questo modo farai li toi rottori senza dare passione al paciente e ti riussira bene. Item a fare rottorio semplice. Torai cenere de cerro 2 scudelle e calcina viva una scudella et farai bolire in una pignata per un pezo. Poi caverai fora l’aqua chiara piu che tu poi et la farai bolire in uno altro pignatino piccolo et tanto bolla pian piano che da si se inspesischa et quando sera freda che la sia soda e dura. Et se tu la potesti ridurla in polvere meglio serebe et la conserva in vaso vitreato e ben coperto chel non vedi l’aria perche diventarebe liquida. Et questa polvere se dimanda foco morto. Se tu ne meti sun la carne tanto quanto tocha la ulcera la carne. Et farai il cauterio inel modo sopra detto. Et etiam se tu torai la foglia dela vitalba et messa dove vorai cauterizare et metteli sopra uno gran di fava et leghela sopra strettamente con una benda et presto la carne se rompera et farai la fontanella facilmente. E tutte sono aprobate. Polvere incarnativa inele piaghe. Rx. incenso, ireos e mastice e farina di fiengrego e aloe e sandaracha, ana onza j, et de ogni cosa ne farai polvere sutilissima et incorporate insieme et farai polvere di radice di malva vischio lavate e nete et incorpora ogni cosa insieme, fate passare pel tamiso et sera fata. Et questa polvere la dopera a metere sopra ale piaghe la quale ingenera la bona carne e neta la piagha senza mordacita alcuna e neteza la brutura et presto rissana le piaghe. Et etiam quest altra polvere incarna inele piaghe. Torai olibani lucida, aloe patico, sangue di drago, sarcocholla, mirra, ana onza s, et de tutte ne farai polvere sutilissima, fate passare pel tamiso et ne metterai sopra ale piaghe e presto incarnera la bona carne, e guarirai. Polvere da consolidare le piaghe antiche et coglutinare le nove. Rx. noce di arcipresso arse onza s, mastice, sarcocolla e bolarmenio, ana drame js, sangue di drago, ireos, ana drame iij, et litargirio drame ij. Et di tutte ne farai polvere sutilissima, passate per lo stachio et la dopera ali tuoi bisogni. Sugherai prima la piagha et metivi sopra dela dita polvere e guarirai. Et etiam polvere per consolidare tutte le piaghi. Torai onze iij de polvere di lingua boina e sangue di drago e mastice, draganti e goma rabica, ana onze js. Et tutte le predette cose ne sia fatta polvere sutila e passate pel tamiso et bene incorporate. Poi ne meterai sopra ale piaghe vechie e nove e presto se rissaneranno. Et e di provata. -------- [Page 206] Unguento roxato per gambe a rinfreschare. Rx. olio roxato onze vj e biacha onze js e onza s cera bianca et lo farai al solito modo et quando sera cotto, lavela 4 volte con aqua roxa. Poi li agiongi onze iiij litragirio d’oro et incorpora al solito modo et ne farai unguento in bona forma. Et quello adopera ad ogni mal di gamba et sapi che al dito male el ti bisogna riguardarti dala bocha a non mangiare cose cative e guarira. Item unguento a preditto male di gambe quando stentasseno a saldarsi. Rx. lardo di porco maschio e pestalo minuto et falo distrugere et termentina, ana, et incorpora insieme a lento foco et sera fatto. Et con esso onto ongeti le gambe et sia che piagha si vole, presto guarirai. Et per il preditto male di gambe, farai questa polvere. Rx. aloe patico e bertonicha et fane polvere sutilissima. Et metene inele piaghe presto li fa guarire. E de probato. Item unguento da gambe. Rx. litargirio e lume di rocha arso e lume sucharina arso, ana onza j, et le incorpora insieme con vino bianco bonissimo. Et li agiongirai polvere di piantagine e de mile foglio e di cerfoglio e de aloe patico, a tua discretione, et farai unguento et lo adopera ad ogni male de gamba et ti fara molto honore. E probato. Et per il preditto male di gambe. Torai del erba lingua canis et fala bolire in vino bianco bono et lavati il male con esso vino caldo matina e sera se si pole, et lassele assugare da se. Poi meterai sopra ala piagha dela dita erba 3 o 4 follie e presto guarirai che siano verde. Unguento per colera d’ogni sorte. Rx. biacho e p[i]ombo brusato, ana onza j, ruche di corno di cervo, sal gema, sangue di dragho, ana drama j, et onza j olio violato et mesta bene in mortaio tanto che sia bene incorporato. Poi li agiongirai canfora grani no. 6 et incorpora bene et farai unguento al solito modo et medicha. Et prima laverai la piaga con dicotione di fumoterre e de ciochiole, cioe lumache. Poi ti ongi col ditto unguento, et presto ne guarirai che gli e di provata e tienlo per certo. Guardati di carne porcina. Unguento di mumia incarnativo et consolidativo et in ogni piaga ben mondifica. Rx. mumia, sangue di drago, farina di fengreco, mastice, draganti, goma rabica, ana drame ij, e litragirio d’oro drame iij, olio roxato lb. j, cera nova drame js. Prima dissolvi la cera con l’olio. Poi levelo dal foco et poi li meterai drento le sopra dette polvere a poco a poco con uno poco di aqua roxa. Et se’l ti pare, ritornalo al foco ma poco et sempre mestando finche e fredo et sera fatto. Opera el ti fara honore. Le virtu dela mumia. Mumia sie calda e secha in quarto grado, et giova molto ala postema fredda e flecmaticha. Et restaura li ossi. Et rimove lo dolore di drento per ogni percussione. Et molto giova ala rottura intestinale, metendoli sopra di quella medema del femere in modo di unguento et legandolo suso stretto. Presto ne guarisse et ne fatta la prova et avendone preso j drama syropo contiui. Mondificativo per le piaghe. Rx. mele roxato colato onze vj, farina di fengreco e d’orzo, ana per ispessare, et con esso medica le piage, el ti fara onore molto mirabilmente. E di provato. Un altro mondificativo. Rx. mel roxato colato onza j, trementina drama j, mirra drame js, et farina d’orzo per ispessare. Et prima farai disfare la termentina, el mel roxato al foco et poi li meti la mirra et spessa con la farina et sera fatto, unguento per mondificare optimo e perfetto. Et operandolo ne vedrai la prova. Item un altro mondificativo. Torai trementina onze vj, mel roxato onza j, sarcocholla, mirra, farina di fengreco, ana drama j, et farina di segala quanto basta, et farai unguento al solito modo et quello lo conserva ali tuoi bisogni. Et operandolo ne vedrai lo effetto. -------- [Page 207] A fare distendere un nervo che fusse retirato per infermita. Rx. radice di malva vischio, viole seche et seme lino, ana, et farai bolire ogni cosa con ranno dolce tanto che calli il terzo. Et con la ditta bolitura calda bagna il loco doglioso con una sponga spesse volte et presto ne vedrai miglioramento. E piu fare ritornare li nervi retratti. Torai deli fiori de malva vischio et metteli in una ampolla di vetro et empila di olio comune del piu vechio che tu possi trovare et turela bene et metila al sole per un mese et con ditto olio ongi al foco il loco dolioso e guarirai. Item unguento per nervi retratti. Rx. olio laurino, olio petrolio, olio di mastice, olio de aneto, olio di tartaro e grasso di tasso, ana onze ij. Et incorpora ogni cosa insieme a un picol foco con cera nova asufficiencia et ne farai unguento et fa chel sia ben caldo et ongi il loco doglioso e presto ne guarirai. E de probato. Impiastro per maturare posteme e presto. Rx. radice di malva vischio e cipolla de gilli bianchi, butiro, songia di porcho maschio, malva, farina di fengreco e farina de seme lino et zafferano, e d’ogni cosa a tua discretione. Et farai bono impiastro et meti sul malore chel sia ben caldo. Falo piu volte e presto guarirai. E provato. Impiastro aureo, vale sopra ale ferrite. Rx. pece grecha o colofonio che e tutuna e solfo e incenso bianco, ana, et sutilmente siano ben pisti et incorporate con chiara d’ovo. Et con questa mistura ongeti bene un pezo di carta peccorina et strengeti la ferrita con le dita e netando bene il sangue et sopra vi poneti questa cartolina et li legate. Poi bene cosi la carta et sopra legatelo con una fassia et si sanera prestissimo. Et questo secreto l’aveva uno et non mai lo voleva insegnare a persona. Per sorte lui fue ferrito et fu constretta a insegarlo a uno suo amico per farsi medicare dela sua ferrita. Et cosi l’onsegno et lui presto ne fu guarito. Impiastro per una piagha che fusse verminosa. Rx. bedelio, serapino, ana onza j, castoreo onza s e trementina onze ij. Et sia disfatto el bedelio, el serapino in aceto forte e sia colato. Poi li metterai la termentina, el castoreo. Poi li meterai olio di gilio bianchi onze ij. Et falo cosere a lento foco onestamente et sempre mestando et levelo dal foco e spesselo con farina di lupini e di fiengrecho et sera fatto. Et lo adopera a tuo piacere e ti fara onore. A tagliare uno membra senza dolore del paciente. Rx. sulimato, arsenico, e risagallo e cinaprio, ana onze iij, e trementina e pece navale, ana onze iiij. Et siano tutte spolverizate sutile et falli stillare con piva di vetro et ne caverai aqua e quella serba. Poi farai uno cortello di legno secco di ulivo chel sia tagliente piu che sia posibile. Et quando vorai tagliare el ditto membro, prima bagna il cortello inela ditta aqua stillata et con piu spesso tu bagnerai il coltello con ditta aqua et tu lo taglierai piu presto senza gran dolore del paciente. Il quale secreto lo usava uno maestro christofeno da norsia valente in simile arte del tagliare e dice avere fatte di belle cure. -------- [Page 208] Aqua che manda via li segni dele margine dele ferrite. Rx. di quela aqua che sta in quelle visighette che fanno li olmi overo quello licquore che li sta dentro, overamente torai una quantita di quelle vesiche e meteli in una bozza che abia il collo longo et turatela bene. Poi la meteti in loco che sempre la stia calda per 15 giorni. Poi la cava di quello loco et mettilo al sole per 15 giorni, che sera un mese, cioe el di e la notte. Poi li farai stillare al lambico di vetro con foco lento. Et l’aqua che ne viene conservela molto caramente. Et quando la vorai adoperare intingiavi drento la punta del dito et frega bene sopra ala margine overo segno quanto tu poi. Et a questo modo farai 2 o 3 o piu volte al giorno et in breve il segno non si vedra piu, perche si morza quelo segno rosso e si fa bianco como e la carne che non si conosse, et e provato. E piu manda via questa aqua le volatiche mescolata con l’aqua che piange le vite e fa cosa molto bella. *Item al sopra detto. Rx. radice di irios et falle bolire per metta. Poi la cola e premi bene et con essa ti lava e presto si smarirano li segni dele ferse. Di m[aest]ro pellegrino. Zinochio o mano che fusse enfiato per humori corsi. Rx. una mirolla di pane bianco e metila in una pignatino et mettivi drento lissia dolce e olio roxato, onze js, e una poca di songia di porco ben pesta et uno poco di zafferano intiero et quando eli e ben cotto, rompi il pane con lo mestolino et agiongeli una po’ poco di farina di grano sutila che melio si terra insieme. Poi cosi ben caldo lo distendi sopra a una o 2 foglie di cavolo et mettilo sul zinochio o mano enfiata. Et per essere ben caldo, presto presto leva il dolore et lo rissolve se gia matteria non li e molta raconata et non sentera piu passione, et falo riscaldare. Et per rissolvere chel non vengha a capo. Torai malva e viole mamole et fale cosere in aqua et battele sun un taliere con uno poco di assungia et cossi caldo caldo metti sul ginochio o mano enfiata overo altro malore e presto levera via il dolore. Et falo piu volte matina e sera e presto ne guarirai. Et se tu torai una faldella di stopa et bagnela inel orina et mettila sotto ala cenere calda et cossi calda metila sul enfiato e sia dove si vole. E presto li leva il dolore. Et maturera drento la materia e senza passione et fara capo e tu la taglia et la medicherai con torlo d’ovo e termentina per 2 o 3 giorni, matina e sera. Et ongerai intorno con olio roxato e presto guarirai. Zinochio o gambe che fusseno enfiate, a rimovere la rosezza. Rx. di una pelle di cane uno pezo quanto e uno palmo per ogni verso. Et metterai a fondere ragia di pino lb. j, galbana onze iij, mastice drame v, muscho, ambra e zibetto, ana grani v, e meteti a disfare la ragia, el galbana e como e disfato, meti il mastice in polvere e advertisse chel non brusi e bene lo incorpora. Poi cosi caldo lo destendeti sopra a quella pelle di cane e grosso ½ dito. Poi abiate aparechiati 15 o 20 porceleti bisi di quelli che si stringano a modo de balotine e con um poco di sungia di porco pestate bene ogni cosa insieme in mortaio. Et poi a modo di unguento tenero, ongenti bene il cirotto di sopra via et cossi ben caldo metetela sotto al ginochio o sotto ala polpa dela gamba et fassiatevela che vi stia suso et se’l ve peli taliateli. Et lassiatelo per 2 o 3 giorni e levatelo et se avera fate visichelle, rompetele e sugate via quel aqua. Poi lavate la gamba con vino dove sia statto bolito drento folie di uliva, agrimonia, roxe, piantagine et asutta che la sera ritachali suso il cirotto e chel sia caldo. Et cosi continuate ogni settimana una volta o 2 tutta questa humidita si rissolvera in aqua e levera il rossore e l’enfiasone. Et se vi sera piaga governativi secondo l’ordinario e presto guarirai. E provato. E governati bene. -------- [Page 209] Unguentum sive cerotum magistri ganfredi quod dicitur gratia dei valet enim ad sanandum omnes plagas novas et veteres et generat bonam carnem et non permittit intrare a liquaram corruptionem nec permittit generare malam carnem et valet omnibus nervis incisis ut conquassatis et valet contra universas que libet bestie venenose et ad scrophulas et malum sancti antoni et multa alia provata per experientiam videtur. Rx. galbani, opoponaci, olibani, bdelii, viridis eres, masticis, mirrhe, thuris, aristologie longie, colofonie i picis grece, ana onza j, armoniaci onza j, lapidis calamite, draganti, ana drama j, lapidis ematitis drame ij, cere nove onze vj, olei olivarum, litargirii subtilis, ana lb. j. Et tutte siano fate in polvere sutile excetto la cera, galbina, armoniaco, opoponaco. Prima meterai a mole queste 3 gomme in aceto forte per uno di naturale. Poi metteli a destrugiere inel tozzo cossi con l’aceto e a lento foco et sempre mestando che non si apiccano et tanto bolano che tutta l’aceto sia consumata. Poi le distempera con uno poco di vino odoriffero et colale et lassele cosi. Poi meterai l’olio al foco et fali distrugere drento la cera. Poi li meti drento le sopra dette polvere, il litargirio, et mestavi sempre perche voluntiere si ataca al fundo. Poi le gomme a poc a poco, poi il verderame e la mirra e l’aristologia, el mastice, el incenso et le altre cose metele a poc a poco et sempre li mesta drento chel non si atachi al tozzo et sempre con poco foco. Et lo continua fino che tu lo vedi a mutare colore nero. Et quando vorai sapere se gli e cotto fane cadere una gioza inel aqua fredda e se’l vien duro, eli e cotto e se non lasselo al quando al foco et non lo abandonare con la stecha et come egli e cotto leva il tozzo dal foco et mettilo inel aqua freda tanto chel sia raffredato in ditta aqua in modo che tu lo possi manegiare con le mane onte di olio comune. Et quando egli e fatto, conservelo in uno alberello fato in un pastone, il quale durera 100 anni, e sempre e bono . E de provato. Et queste sono le sue virtu. Como e detto di sopra e vale a sanare ogni piagha vechia e nova oltra a ogni altro unguento questo sie preciossimo et magiormente a strenge et mondificha et genera bona carne et consolida piu in un di che non fanno li altri in una settimana et fa ancora questa opera mirabile, non si corrompe cosa dove si mette e non si pole generare carne putrefatta. Et vale contra ad ogni nervo tagliato overo enfiasone et vale contra ad ogni morsura di animali venenosi et subito tira fora il veleno. Et vale contra ad ogni generatione di apostema, fistule, cancri, fogo di santo antonio et a quelle aposteme che se ingenerasse di drento dal corpo overo inel capo, metendovi suso el ditto unguento fa rissolvere immediate et questo sie piu volte aprobato in tutte le predette enfermita con questo che lo enfermo si guarda da tutte le cose a lui contrarie. Et observando l’ordine lui presto guarira, per dei gratia. Cirotto gratia dei de optima virtu. Rx. pinpinella, bertonica, berbena, valeriana, ana m. uno, tagliale minute, meteli a mole in una catina di terra con vino bianco bono odoriffero per 4 di naturali e fale bolire in pignata nova che calino la meta. Poi cola et preme l’erbe ala stretoio. Poi meterai drento trementina, raxa di pino colata, ana lb. j, cera bianca onze vj e uno bichiere di orina di fanciullo piccolo. Poi lo rimetti al foco lento per ½ ora e sempre mestando perche trabocarebe et levelo dal foco et mestalo finche e fredo, il quale si fara in una formella. Poi la remetterai inela caza et fala disfare a lento foco et subito mettivi drento mastici, olibano, mirra e ben spolverizate, ana onza j, e latte di donna onze iij et meti insieme et sempre mesta finche a fatto corpo. Et ongete le mane et lo rimena molto bene e farassi optimo cerotto, il quale a queste virtu, chel vale a tagliature e ali nervi per alcuna enfiasone e tira fora carne cativa, ferro o sia legno, e a morso di cane o animali velenosi, matura ogni apostema, mortifica il cancro e le fistole e carboni e per ogni male nassente et vale scrophole. Et etiam a di molte altre belle virtu aprobate. -------- [Page 210] Unguento gratia dei per sanare ogni gran ferrita il quale mondifica. Rx. centaurea magiore e minore, madri selva e alleluia, piantagine e cinque nervia, ana m. ij, consolida magiore e minore, pelosella, galitrico e mile foglio, ana m. j, aneto e ascentio, matricaria, ana m. s, radice di rubia tintorum, grana polverigiata, ana onze ijs, fiori e foglie di ipericon, agrimonia e berbena, lingua passerina e cauda equina, ana m. js. E tagliaza ogni cosa minutamente piu che sia possibile. Poi li agiongerai drento questi grassi, cioe stutto di porco senza sale lb. j, olio roxato odoriffero lb. ij, trementina chiara e sevo di vacha, ana lb. js, e sevo di castrato lb. j. Et ripesterai da capo ongi cosa insieme et incorpora con lb. iij di vino molto odoriffero. Et lasselo stare tutto in massa al sole per 9 o 10 giorni. Poi lo meti inel tozzo a foco lento tanto chel si consumi el vino et quasi sempre mestavi drento con la sua stecha accio non si brusa sul fondo. Dopoi lo colerai cosi caldo sotto alo stretoio et cavene bene la sustantia. Poi lo rimeti inel tozzo al foco lento. Et mettivi drento trementina chiarissima onze viij e mastice e ragia di pino frescha, ana onze iij, gomma elami onze ij et cera biancha quanto basta et farai unguento e assai solido il quale lo molifichirai con vino hodoriffero et dopoi con latte di vacha overo di capra et infino con uno poco di aqua vite. Et questo si serbi per uno mirabile secreto per sanare tutte le ferrite dal capo per insino a piedi, perche di esso unguento ne fatto di molte experientie. Sparadrappo vale contra al ulcere corrosive, maligne, velenose, formicose et malagevole da curare. Rx. unguento di Populeone onze vj, unguento roxato onze iij, olio roxato lb. js, songia di vitelo onze viij, songia di porco onze ijs, suco di piantagine e di solatro, ana onze iij. Et farai bolire ogni cosa insieme a lento foco tanto che si consumano i suochi. Poi lo cola strettamente. Poi li agiongerai biacha onze vj e litragirio d’oro e d’argento, ana onze ij, minio e terra sigilata, ana onze js. Et da capo lo farai ribolire pian piano et sempre mestando con la stecha finche diventa nero et meteli um poco di cera biancha tanto che basti et canfora trita drama j et farai sparadrappo al solito modo, el quale ti fara molto grande honore. Ale boganze overo mule che viene drieto a i calcagni. Rx. deli rovedi di spini e brusale e fane cenere sutilissima onza j, e polvere di scarpe brussate onza s, et incorpora insieme. Poi lavati il male con vino tiepido dove sia statto bolito drento osmarino, noce d’arcipresso e roxe seche, ana. Poi che sera asutto, mettivi suso dela ditta polvere molto bene matina e sera. E leghela suso che non caschi et presto presto guarirai, perche piu volte lo experimentata. A provedere al freddo di piedi. Rx. erba spinosa, cioe di quella che si chiama ciese di prete, e salvia e orticha, ana m. uno, et fale bolire insieme con aqua, con la quale lavati li piedi et poi li rissuga. Poi onziti li piedi con olio laurino et questo farai per 5 o 6 volte et non li averai tanto freddo. E questo e di provata. *Item a provedere al fredo. Rx. euphorbio pesto incorpora con olio laurino e songia di volpe incorpora e ongie piedi e mane. Et coserai l’ortica con olio laurino et ongie la persona et non sentirai freddo. Et coglie l’ortica avanti che leva il sole. A cavare uno anello fora di un dito che fusse enfiato. Rx. farina di fava, aceto e sale e mesta ogni cosa insieme et fala pigliare al quanto corpo al foco et metila su una pezza a modo di enpiastro e caldo mettilo sun lo enfiato. Et presto lo desinfiara et l’anello verra fora. E di aprobato. -------- [Page 211] Sparadrapo non e altro che pezza lavorata. Rx. olio rosato, biacca e trementina, cera nova e songia di porco maschio, ana scropuli 2, et metti ogni cosa insieme inel tozo o pignatta, l’olio e la termentina e la cera et como e distrutta mettivi drento la songia et sempre mestando et in ultimo la biacca. Et como tu vedi che cresse in altro et allora mettivi drento una pezza ala volta et sempre mestando sotto sopra che ogni cosa si venga bene a incorporare. Et dopoi tu ne meterai dele altre tanto che tutta la materia se venga a consumare et che le peze la vengano a suchiare tutta. Et se ne vorai farne manco metti manco robba et farai sparadrappo per gambe per guarire quelle. A male di gambaraze o altri mali di gamba. Rx. olio comune lb. iij, litragirio d’oro e cera nova, ana lb. j, minio onze iij, biacca onze iiij et ogni cosa incorpora a lento foco et farai unguento al solito modo et questo adopera. Et etiam potrai fare quest altro unguento. Rx. olio rosato lb. js, e litragirio d’oro lb. ij e biacca onze viij e cera nova onze vj. Et prima meti al foco l’olio e la cera et fa disfare, poi la biacca fatta suttile et con lento foco et sempre mestando con la stecca et quando a al quanto bolito, mettivi drento el litragirio et incorpora bene tanto chel sia cotto. Poi lo leva dal foco et mettivi drento scropulo 6 di canfora tagliata minutissimamente et mestavi drento finche e freddo. Et sera fatto unguento perfetto e bono per ogni male di gambaraze. E provato. *Ad fisuras labiorum sceu setulas. Rx. pilos caude equi et furfure et pone in patela ferea ingnita et agita donec in pulverem reducas. Postea acipe albumem ovi, dragantum, gumi arabicum et eliqua simul et comisce pulverem et reduc in formam unguenti et unge fisuras seu setulas labiorum. Lanugo illa seu tellula que reperitur alba inter canas etiam sanat super inposita. *Oleum exiens ex nucleo nucis usto mirifice sanat. Etiam pulvis testorum ovorum cum melle mixtus optime sanat. *Rx. litirgirii, butiri recentis, terbentine lote, medule bovine et masticis. Simul misce et unge. *Oleum lilii albi et cera nova, liquefiant et ungas. *Piglia goma rabicha, draganti, oleo rosato, oleo violato, grassa de galina, cera nova, ana, et fa unguento. *Contra tumorem labiorum. Rx. sucum pastinace de fogliis et confice unguentum cum litargirio et labia ungantur. *Ad fixuram labiorum. Penidii soluti in acqua draganti sanant fixuram labiorum. *Ad fixuras ut crepaturas calcanei et manus. Rx. termentine lote, salis, butiri recentis et vitellum ovi et simul misce et ungatur omni sero patiens. Probatum. Butirum et cera nova simul liquefacta et pones super crepaturas et cito sanabitur. *Ad fixuras o sedule de labri o mane ut mamille. Rx. dialtea drame iij, olei jenuperi drama j. Misceantur et fiat unguentum et ungantur. *Unguento per bocha. Rx. olei rosati onze ij, cere albe onze j, turis masculi, irios, adepis equi, sepi bircini, ana onze ij, et fiat unguentum. *Ale crepature dele mane e di piedi. Rx. suco di orticha e uno poco di sale et incorpora con oleo comune et unge le crepature e presto guarirano. Songia de ocha per ongere li labri sfessi. Et etiam farai bolire li granella di mortella con vino bianco et con esso ti lava et molto ti zovera. *A uno humor salso per gambe. Rx. herba cicerbita rossa, alias crespini, fanne succo, misce con olio rosato, ana, cera nuova quantum sufficit, agiongele uno tuorlo d’vuovo et fanne unguento sicondo l’arte. Et usalo e in breve guarirai, senza farvi altro. Provato. -------- [Page 212] *A mazare una scroffola con acqua. Rx. radice di pan porcino et di serpentaria et di brionia, ana, et ogni cosa metti a distillare al lambicco di vetro et in ditta acqua bagnali drento dele peze line et calde mettele sopra ale scroffole per 10 o 15 giorni et molto ti zovera ala tua sanita. *Item a mazare una scrofola in 40 giorni, vz. Rx. 2 radice di pan porcino lavate et ben nette et tagliale et fane 20 fette per una che in tutto farano 40 fette et fatele sechare al umbra et ogni matina tu ne piglierai una fetta fatta in polvere suttila con 2 dita di vino bianco bonissimo. Et se piglia a modo di syropo caldo e per tempo et in termine di 40 giorni sarai guarito dalle scrophole. E di probata. *A far ambracan unto. Rx. onze js de sarchacolla, onza j d’yrios firentino, onza j di pietra pomice, onza s di belgioyno, drame ij storace callamita, drama j di carbon de salice, scropulo s di zibetto fino. Ogni cosa spolvorizata inpalpabile et prima metete la sarchacolla in una cazzetta d’ottone con un poco d’acqua rosa seco, a fuocco lento, e come e dissolta che sara tosto partila quella colla in 4 parti a poco a poco. Prima inpassate una parte col storace, et belgiuyno insieme in girelle di pasta facendone tre grosse come una costa di coltello. Poi tre altre de polvore de pomisce, tre d’irios et due piu piccole di polvora di carbone et pigliate una de quelle girelle, et ungetila con uno poco de zibetto sottilmente col ditto inpolta e ne ponete sopra un’ altra de un’ altra colore. Et cosi procedete insino siano tutte unite insieme, et le girate come si fanno quelli pater nostri di color mischio di pasta non molto pero che poi li mettete nuna pezza di tella et la scringete drento che pigliala forma d’un fongo. Poi mettetila nuna scatulletta con bambascia. Et portatilo in petto o a simile calore et sara fatto. -------- [Page 213] Unguento per il chancro im piu modi. Rx. galbina, diaquilon bianco, pegola spagna, cera nova, raxa biancha e lardo vecchio, ana onza j, olio comune onze ij, incenso bianco onze iij, polvere de garoffani onza s et polvere de gamberi di fiume ben pesti onze iijs. Et de tutte queste preditte cose tu ne farai unguento sicut artem, il quale ti fara onore in tutte le tue cure. Item a guarire il chancro, polvere mirabile. Torai il capo e li piedi di una grua et fali seccare inel forno et fane polvere. E torai somenta de lino e fondachio di inchiastro e scorze di mel granato e bertonicha e bursa pastori et di tutte ne farai polvere. Brusa il seme, il fondachio e le scorze di melingrano et tutte sutilissime et incorporate. Et incorpora la meta dela ditta polvere con olio crudo et l’altra serba e ben coperta. Ma imprima metti in sul male polvere di litragirio e di verderame secondo che e il cancro vechio o novo et secundo che avera mangiato via dela carne. Et se egli e novo metteli pocha polvere et se egli e vechio mettene assai. Et prima e dopoi lava bene la piagha drento e di fora con bonissimo vino e caldo. Poi la rissughi bene con pezza lina suttila. Poi mettivi drento dela ditta polvere fatta con quello olio et empi bene la piagha. Et medica un di si, e l’altro no, et con l’aiutto di dio presto guarirai. E provata. Item a guarire il chancro che sia incarnato. Rx. una testa di una lepra col pele e ogni cosa et fala secchare inel forno et fane polvere sutilissima. Et torai del sterco di homo sano da 20 fino a 30 anni et falo seccare inel forno et fane polvere sutilissima et la incorpora tutta insieme et ne meterai sul male del chancro. Et abia apparechiato del suco fatto de osmarino et mettilo sul male, cioe sopra ala polvere. Et quando tu vorai medichare lava prima la piagha con vino biancho caldo dove sia prima bolitovi drento ellora e noce d’arcipresso e tramarino, ana, e sutta che la e mettivi suso la polvere et di sopra il suco et lo infassa politamente. Et fallo 2 volte al giorno et presto guarirai con lo aiutto de dio. Et conserveti dela bocha. Et e provato. Et prima li dirai sopra queste 4 parole, vz. ‘Im prima ultim inanzi fu i dio. Che fusse chancro. Viva i dio e mora il chancro, in nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti, + amen.’ Et dilla 3 volte col pater noster et ne averai onore. A mazare un chancro e presto guarirlo. Torai uno rospo di quelli grossi chel sia vivo e una testugine viva et una topinara che stano sotto terra et delo stercho umano. Et tutte queste cose meteli in una pignata col suo coperchio. Poi la lutta bene intorno con lutto sapientie overo con pasta et quando la sera assutta, mettila inel forno quando sera cavato il pane e chel pignatto non sfiati da niun lato. Et tanto vi stia drento overo tanti volte la metti drento che tu possi considerare che quando le caverai fora del pignato tu ne possi farne polvere di ogni cosa che tu ai messo inel pignatto. Et cossi ne farai polvere sutilissima. Poi torai limatura d’aciaiio dela piu minuta che tu possi avere overamente 12 o 15 ghuchie da cussire che siano d’aciaiio fine et pestale e fane polvere sutilissima et oltertanto di vetro pesto et uno poco di pepi pesto et ogni cosa da per se ne farai polvere sutilissima. Poi ne farai una massa a tua discretione et componili insieme. Poi incorpora la ditta polvere con del mele crudo tanto che ne faci como una pasta soda. Poi lo farai sechare et ne farai polvere sutilissima et quella la conserva a tali bisogni. Poi meterai dela ditta polvere sopra al chancro overo la sopierai drento inela postema e presto sia mazasa quando il male fusse fresco et no fusse tropo radicato inel osso perche seria cosa troppo difficile a guarirlo essendo tanto radicato. Et tiene questo ordine che eli e statto aprobato da homini degni. *Unguento per guarire uno carbone, e provato. Rx. fichi sechi grassi drame ij, sena vera drama s, armoniacho drama j, trementina drame iij, farina di fengrecho e di linseme, ana, et distempera con mele rosato et fari unguento. -------- [Page 214] A mazare la fistula in piu modi. Rx. tartara di botte brusalo e fane polvere sutila et dela piantagine longa, id est lanzola, et ne farai sutila, ana, et incorpora insieme. Poi meterai dela ditta polvere sopra ale taste et metti drento inele buche dela fistula. Overamente farai la tasta dela ditta foglia lanzola et metti sopra dela ditta polvere et medica con essa. Overamente metterai una polvere e poi l’altra per vedere quala e quella che opera meglio. Pero conservandoti dal vivere perche dele ditte fistole iene di piu sorte, cioe alcune ne sono calide e alcune frigide et sapi che la gotta fistula frigida fa li suoi buchi piccoli e minuti. Et per farla guarire, torai suco di lanzola e albume d’ovo, ana, e fiore di farina di segale et ogni cosa incorpora insieme a modo di uno impiastro. Et mettilo sopra’l male et lasselo stare finche dasse si spicha, poi iene riffarai un altro et presto guarirai et continua questo finche sei guarito. Et se tu vorai mortificare la ditta fistula, torai vitriolo romano fatto in polvere sutilissima et la distempera con buttiro a modo di unguento et mettilo sun la fistula. Et in 24 ore si dico che ella sera mortificata e presto tu ne guarirai. Et conservati dele cose contrarie. Et sopra li dirai questa oratione quando la medichi col segno di + et col pater noster, vz., ‘+ Christus vincit, + Christus regnat, + Christus imperat,+ Christus ab omni malo te defendat. Deus in nomine suo salvum te faciat et in virtute tua libera te. A latere domini nostri, yehsu christi exivit sanguis et aqua. Coniuro te sanguis et vulnus per latus et lanceam in qua fuit perforatus latus domini nostri, yehsu christi, ne exeat sanguis neque extinguatur. + Agios + otheos + ischiros + athanathos + eleyson + ymas + sanctus + dominus + sanctus fortis + et sanctus immortalis + thetragramaton + ha filii david miserere. + Et purgare et saldare le facia, yehsu christo che ben lo po fare. In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen.’ +++ Oratione contra al cancro et ala fistula, vz. ‘In nomine sancte hac individue trinitatis , patris + filii et spiritus sancti, amen. + . Vincit leo de tribuiuda radix davit atta atta. Coniuro te chancrum ut fistulam per dominum patrem omnipotatem, per sanctam mariam virgine, per sanctum jonem baptistam et omnes sanctos et sanctas dei qui in celo sunt. Et quorum nomina sunt in libro vite et per viginti quatuor seniores et per viginti quatuor martires qui christi nomina passi sunt et per cherubim et serafim qui cotidie ante deum incessanter clamant dicentes sanctu sanctus. Dominus deus sabaot rex et domine deus meus et pater domini nostri yehsu christi civi vero celi firmati sunt et omnes potestates subiecte sunt deus. Extingue chancrum istum ut fistulam ut guttas que sunt in tali famulo ut famula dei, Domine sanctem pater omnipotens eterne deus qui fecisti celum e terram et quecumque celi ambitu continetur tua sunt. Rex reghum est dominus dominatium te supliciter deprecor ut sicces hunc chancrum ut fistulam ut guttam. Domine miserere famulo ut famulam tue A talis sanet te christus filius dei qui per te passus est sanent te sancti angeli et archangeli dei patriarce et prophete aposotli, martires, confessores, virgines et omnes sancti et sancte dei ab omni trebulatione et dolore chancri ut fistule ut gutte per christum dominum nostrum, amen. Coniuro cancrum ut fistulam per patrem et filium et spiritum sanctum amen. Per tremendum diem judicii, per quatuor evangelistas, per duodecim apostolos, per duodecim prophetas, per viginti quatuor seniores qui tota dio cum laudibus Dominum adorant, per redemtorem mundi Dominum nostrum, yehsum christum, filium dei qui propeccatis nostris in crucis sanctam dignatus est suspendi per ippsum te adjuro et per beatum christopherem cui dedit deus Potestatem sanare cancrum ut fistulas et per eum te adjuro et per beatum blasium et per beatum claudium qui abet potestatem curare hanc infirmitatem et per ippsas. Te adiuro cancrum ut fistulam ut non abeat licentiam super eum ut eam stare, amen. [In nomine] patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen.’ Et li dirai la sua oratione. Oremus. ‘Omnipotens sempiterne deus salus eternum omnium in te credentium exaudi me pro famulo ut famulam tuam proquo vel qua misericordiam tuam. Imploramus ausilium ut reddat tibi sonitate tibi gratiarum ubi que per dominum nostrum yehsum christum filium tuum qui te con vivit.’ Deinde dicas, ‘Pater noster totum sed libera famulum ut famulam, tuom ut tuam, de chancro ut fistule et omni malo, valeat, valeat, valeat, fiat, fiat, fiat. Amen. [In nomine] patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen.’ Et cossi sia per grati di dio e presto guarira di la 3 volti. -------- [Page 215] Item ad cancrum ut scrophulas sanandum. “In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Dominus habraam + dominus isaac + et dominus jacob + miserere famulo tuo A. Fiat, fiat, fiat, amen, amen, amen +. In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen +. + Christus vincit, + Christus regnat, + Christus imperat, + amen. In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti + amen. Pater noster que es in celis dictotum. + In nomine patris et + filii et + spiritus sancti + amen. Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus. Deus sabahot pleni sunt celii et terra, gloria tua, osanna in excelcis, benedictus qui venit in nomine domini, osanna in excelsis + in nomine patris et + filii et + spiritus sancti, amen. Sconiuro vos cancrum ut scrophulas per patre et filium et spiritum sanctum et per virginem mariam et per hac eius et per omnes sanctos angelos et archangelos, per cherubin et seraphin et per principatus et potestates et per tronum et dominationes et per patriarchas et prophetas et duodecim appostelos et per quatuor evangelistas, Matheo, Marco, Luca et Jones, et per viginti quatuor seniores qui sunt ante deum et per omnes sanctos et sanctas dei et per septem dormientes et per solem et lunam, per celum et per omnia qui in celo sunt, per paradisum dei et omnia que ibi sunt et per deum immortalem et per sanctam ressurectionem et per sanctam assensionem et per numera de altari permissam dei in natale, per septuaginta angelos qui sunt ante deum ut hic plus non sitis nec maiores sitis, per sanctum jonem baptistam per sanctum lucam evangelistam, siccate vos creature maledicte quinque vos ateneos et minime vos tangho. Siccate vos maladicte creature. Domine yehsu christe qui dixisti discipulis tuis, ‘In nomine meo demonia eicient linguis loquentur novis serpentes tollent et si mortiferunt quid biberint non eis nocebit super egros manus imponat et bene abebunt.’ Pono + manum super cancrum ut scrophulas istas in nomine tuo non meis meritis qui non sum ego dignius sed pro[p]ter honorem nominis tui domine sicut liberasti Danielle de lacu leonum, tres pueros de camino ignis ardentis, sidrach, misach et abdenegho et susannam de falso crimine et cecho nato oculos aperuisti et quatri duanum lazarum de monumentum suscitasti deprecor maiestatem tuam clementissime pater ut ita digneris liberrare hunc famulo tuo A de cancro ut scrophulas qui habet. Iterim coniuro vos per 72 nomine christi, per CCC18 patrum qui legem dei constituerant in mundo ut discreschatis sicut decrevit ille qui peccavit cum matre sua et duabus sorroribus. Increatus pater, increatus filius, increatus spiritus sanctus, Deus in nomine tuo salvum fac famulum tuum A ab omni male et in virtute tua libera eum. Patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen.” Et dirai questa santissima oratione 3 matine sopra al male del cancro o dele scrophole et porterai la scritta apresso di te et non mangiare se non cose bone et lassa tutte le cose contrarie et maxime frutti et carne porcina et con l’aiutto di dio, presto guarirai, perche volte e statta aprobata. Al male del pino che viene ale dita, a guarirlo e presto. Rx. 3 cime di sambuco et ogni cima abia 3 foglie. Et prima dirai 3 pater noster e 3 ave marie et dirai la sotta scritta oratione 9 volte a ogni cima da per si. Et poi le ponera sopra’l male in croce et sapi che questo male vole essere curato di bon ora perche sparisse via et se fusse indussiato fa capuo et fara la radice lungha. Et tu usserai dele ditte foglie infino al ussito dela barba et se tu li vorai mettere uno poco di grassa o songia incompagnia con le foglie quando la barba sta per ussire e presto ussira e senza dolore. Et ussita che sera la barba, tu potrai medicare con unguento e presto guarirai. Et questa sie l’oratione, vz. ‘Pino guarisceti i dio, 12 sono li apostoli che benedisse i dio, 4 sono li Evangelisti, Matheo, Marco, luca e jovane et al nome sia di dio e di s[an]to benedetto e di san fabiano e di s[ant]o sano, amen.’ Oratione a guarire il mal del pino. Quando tu averai tale male del pino in cima ale dita, dirai sopra’l male il pater noster et l’ave maria. Poi dirai, ‘Pino istrugati dio e di san marcho e san matheo et li 12 apostoli et li 4 evangelisti et quelli chi stanno dinanci a christo et al beato fabiano et sebastiano et gosimo et damiano et al beato m[onsignore] sancto sano, amen. + [In nomine] patris et + filii et + spiritus sancti + amen.’ -------- [Page 216] A morso velenoso o mangiata cosa velenosa o vermi o animali velenosi e a dolore di corpo. Prima dirai 3 pater noster e 3 ave maria, divotamente. Et torai una inchistara di aqua netta overo quanta tu voi o piu o meno, non importa. Et dirai, Oremus. ‘Preceptis salutaribus moniti et divina instuticione formati audemus dicere Pater Noster, dic totum. Domine exaudi orationem meam et clamor meus ad te veniat.’ Oremus. ‘Deus qui de beato patritio confessori tuo mirabilis magnam potentiam expellendi venenum gratiam contulisti tribue que sumus servo(a) tuo(a) ut servis tuis in te credenti ut credentibus concede propitius ut quis quis morsu vipereon serpentino sive canino, sive lupino, sive vermi con preocupatus fuerit per hec sacra nomina, hely, hely, salvator, est meritis beati patritii valeat liberari, amen. In nomine Patris + et filii + et spiritus + sancti, amen.’ Et dela ditta aqua benedetta dane a bere alo amalato di ditti veneni ditti disopra e presto guarirano, et sia di che sorte si voglia veleno che con lo aiutto di dio presto guarirano mediante il prego di santo patritiio con 3 pater noster e 3 ave maria, amen. A chi fusse morso dal cano rabiato, a guarirlo. Rx. centaurea minore m. uno tagliela minuta et fala bolire col vino novo tanto che diventa spesso como syropo. Levela dal foco et colela con diligentia. Et dane a bere onze 3 la matina per tempo a modo de syropo et presto guarira, cossi si dice che guarischano. Overamente, scriverai queste 4 parolle in una crosta di pane et dala a mangiare al paciente et etiam ne farai un altra et dala a mangiare al cane arabiato, vz. ‘Crona bis, crona si nobis, crona decida ardere + + + , amen.’ Et con lo aiutto di dio, presto guarira. * Et chi fusse morso dal cane rabiato et ala smania. Vz. Rx. il fiore del cardo salvatico seco al ombra e fatto in polvere et dalo a bere in vino bianco caldo ½ chugiaro et in 3 volte sera guarito. Contra al veleno dele ape, veste, galabroni e scropioni. Rx. subito o piu presto che tu poi dela porchacia, cioe porcelana, quella quantita che tu ne poi avere et pestela tra 2 pietre vive et quando tu ti sentirai ponto ne caverai quella spina del veleno. Et meterai sopra la ditta porcelana pista et la muterai 3 o 4 volte in termine di un ora et presto cessera quello dolore che non lo sentirai, ma li rimara il duro che anche quello in 2 di si rissolvera. Et se gli e di scropioni lo solicita piu spesso che anco quello guarira. Et se tu non potesti avere dela ditta erba, torai il suco di uno pomo appiolo overo de altri meli che siano dolci e fara el simile. Et piu volte e aprobato per me M[aes]tro An[drea]. *Item contra a animali velenosi. Subito che tu senti il veleno fali giozare sopra del latte di rami di fichi piu volti e presto guarirai. La senape con l’aceto fu il simile. Oratione contra a ogni veneno di cane rabiato, di serpe o di altro veneno. Scrive queste parolle sopra a una ostia semplice et dala a mangiare al paciente con 3 pater noster et 3 ave marie a riverentia di dio e di s[an]cto Paulo e di s[an]to vito. Et questo farai per 3 matine continue et per la virtu di dio presto guarirai. Queste sono le parolle, vz. ‘+ Pax + Pater + verbum + filium + e remedio + spiritus sanctus + per quem omnia + facta sunt + liberetur famulum(a) tuum(a) A et cossi sia, amen. [In nomine] patris, filii et spritus sancti, amen.’ A dimestichare uno animale e sia che si vole. Dirai queste parolle inel orechia di quello animale che tu vorai dimestichare et diventera humile mansueto piu di prima et sia che animale si vole. Prima li dirai il pater noster col segno di + e dirai, ‘Deus fuit captus et non offendit. Tibi modo cupio te noli me hoffendere. [In nomine] Patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen.’ *Item a dimesticare um paro di jovenchi. Dirai 3 volte questa oratione nel orechia dritta, vz. ‘Santo job in sul monte oliveto stava et bestie giovani domava et yehsu christo dali passava bestia va dritta chel comanda yehsu christo che terra non debi torzere, ne sbattere, ne niuna molestia fare come l’amica del prete nestorzere dela via del onferno. Et cosi siano domati queste bestie in piacimento di dio.’ -------- [Page 217] *Al dolore di testiculi et altri mali e infiasoni. Rx. un bianco d’ovo et incorpora con farina d’orzo ut di fava et fane impiastro et caldo meti suso che presto te levera il dolore. *Item chi li avesse enfiati. Rx. appio fresco et fallo frigere in olio comune et con esso ongiti li testiculi et legati suso l’erba e presto guarirai. *Item al predetto. Torai farina di fava e suco di viole e olio rosato e semola et fane uno impiastro et caldo mettile sopra ali testiculi enfiati e presto guarira. Et se uno solo testiculo fusse enfiato, torai sterco di capra e di cane e di columbo, ana, et de tutti ne farai impiastro et caldo con un poco di olio rosato, metti sun lo testicolo e presto guarirai. *Item al predetto. Torai fengreco et fane polvere e malva et fala cosere et pestela con songia et butiro et fane impiastro et li metterai disopra di quella polvere et caldo mettilo sun lo testiculo et fallo piu volte et mandera via tutti li dolori dela infiasone. Et etiam torai delle pastinache et cosele et fane impiastro et metti suso caldo e presto ti levera via i dolori. *Item ala enfiasone di testiculi. Torai olio di gilii bianchi, olio di sambuo e olio rosato. Poi piglia fava infranta cotta in vino o lisciva et falla frigere nela padella molto bene con li ditti oleii et dopoi lo metterai sopra’l male chel sia ben caldo. *Item impiastro a testiculi enfiati. Torai termentina, remola, farina de fengreco, comino in polvere, ana, et incorpora a lento foco et caldo metti sopra’l male et del certo ne guarirai. *Ad excoriatione verghe pro[p]ter coitum ut aliam super calefationem. Rx. acqua cisterne lb. js in qua buliant balustiarum, pomorum, cipressi, fogliorum mirthe, sempre vive, ana onze ij, usque ad consumptionem medie libre ipsius acque. Postea acipe mellis rosato onze vj et fac bulire in illa acqua usque ad medietatem eius et ex dicta acqua lavater in di caput verghe. Et etiam torai saliva hominis et vinum purum si simul buliant ad consumptionem medietatis similiter operantur. *A chi avesse male al membre per troppo riscaldamento. Torai aloe patico dinari 4, tucia preparata scropulo j, olio rosato tanto quando basti a fare a modo di unguento. Poi lo stendi sopra a una peza lina et ponela sopra ala verga et quando li fusse drento taroli agiongi drento una poca di alume brusata di roca. *Lavanda per membre carolato et intus excoriato. Rx. vino bianco garbo mezo bochali e scorze di pomigranati, rosmarino modicum rose seche, ana m. uno, lume di roca quanto e una noce, camomilla m. ½, mililoto manco di mezo manipolo, zucaro grosso onza j. Fac bulire omnia simul e postea lava ab extrinseco e quando’l male fusse drento alla verga agionge la metta di acqua frescha alla detta acqua bulita et con la seringa ut gonfino et mandela dentro della verga. *Alia lavanda. Rx. acquarum ordei onze iiij, rosarum onza j, lac mulieris sive caprae onza j, tutie preparate drama j. Misse omnia simul et proice in verga. *Balneum pro lavando membre et confortando. Rx. mirra drame iij, vini malvatici onze vij, rosarum sicarum onza s et fiat balneum prius bullientur. *Pulveris ad incarnandum membrum. Rx. mirra, aloes, incensum, balaustiarum, zucari fini, haluminis roze usti, ana drama j. *Decotio ad idem. Rx. rosarum rubearum, balaustiarum, ana m. uno, foliorum mirte, foliorum olive, ana m. ij, viridis eris drama j. Omnia simul contundantur grosso modo et buliant in acqua comuni usque. Rx. zuccaro onza s, verderame, tutia, ana onze ij, e fa bolire ogni cosa insieme in una caraffa de bon vino tanto che cali tutto il collo. Poi li agiongi drama j di verderame e lava la verga. Poi medica con ungunto apostolorum ad consumptionis terza partis et calidum ponatur super carolum ab extra, id est lavetur membrum. *Emplastrum pro membro inflato et indignato. Torai malva vischio m. uno, olei violati, cam[omi]le ana quantum suficit. Con farina ordei fiat emplastrum. Primo fa bolire bene l’altea e laselo ben colare, pistalo e fane implastro ut supra. *Unguento pro membro ulcerato et pro tibiis coruptis. Torai lardo di porco rosso, rasa di pino, termentina, bonarminio, ana lb. j, cera nova onze vj, sangue di drago onze ij, oleo rosato onze iij. E prima meti al foco la rasa et fala purificare. Poi la cera, la termentina et lo lardo pisto et l’olio et poi le polvere et incorpora bene per uno quarto d’ora a foco lento et sara fatto et lo adopera. -------- [Page 218] A constringere serpe et farle stare ferme. Prima li farai il segno dela sancta +. Poi dirai a questo modo, vz. ‘Os, os, osia. O tu neguissima serpe sta ferma, per la virtu di questi sancti nomi de dio, + tettagramaton, signore yehsu christo et per lo latte dela sua madre beatissima vergine maria, perche a me tu sei sottomesso e sogetta come la rossata al sole et come anderai contra al foco che tu non possa nocere a me ne a nissuno christiano et lassa il tuo veleno, al nome del padre + et del filiolo + et delo spirito santo et in nome del signore nostro, yehsu christo, amen.’ Poi dirai, ‘Cosi come l’acqua del fiume giordano quando sancto jone baptista battizo il nostro signore yehsu christo, io ti scongiuro serpa, per dio vero et vivo et per dio sancto et per dio il quale ti scassio dal paradiso in questo mondo et che creo ogni cosa, che tu non mi possi nocere a me ne a nissuna altra persona, ne a creatura christiana. Super aspidem et basaliscum ambulabit et conculcabit leonem et dragonem et mitte venenum tuum foras. Io ti tocho e io ti tochero et stringero col piede dritto.’ Et poi dirai 3 pater noster et 3 ave marie et poi lasserai andare la serpe siccura al nome di dio et dela vergine maria et di santo paulo et non ti offendera in cosa nissuna, in nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + amen. *Acqua perfetissima per guarire ogni mal di gamba. Rx. pinelle verdi e fresche et tagliale per il mezo ut in 4 parte et fane acqua al lambrico di vetro. Poi torai anche oltertante de noce di arcipresso et tagliale similmente et fale stare a mole in uno vaso con di olio di oliva tanto che apeni li sopra avanza et lassali per 4 giorni et questo olio con le noce fallo a quello modo destillare con lento foco et al ultimo li cresse il foco et ussira materia piu galliarda abenche abbia una virtu medema. Et anche farai acqua dela radice del zucha salvatica, cioe brionia. Poi ne torai tanta del una quanto del altra di queste tre acque et componi insieme et falle destillare una altra volta per il ditto lambico et questa acqua sara fatta perfettissima e bona per medicare et guarire presto le gambe et questa la serba in vaso di vetro ali tuoi bisogni. Et in ella acqua bagnali drento dele pezze suttile et grande quanto e il male e non piu. Et non li mettere altro unguento impero che questo guarisse ogni piaga vechia di gamba. . [Folio 80 is missing.] -------- [Page 219] Ala rottura intestinale, cirroto forte et mirabilmente li guarisse. Rx. mumia, olio di avezo, olio di olmo, ana onza j, colla di carta, colophonie, noce de cipresso, aloe patico, e pele di lepore, ana drama j, boloarmenio, consolida magiore, sangue di drago, armoniaco, mirra, galbano e serapino, ana drama s, mastici, incenso, draganti, gomma rabica, pietra calamitta, ana drame ij, pece navale drame v, sangue di lepore, sugillum salamonis, ana drame js, e cera nova onze ij, e osso del femere onza s. Et disfarai tutte le gomme in aceto forte et tutte le altre cose siano fatte in polvere sutilissime. Et ogni cosa siano bene incorporate a un piccol foco e con grande diligentia et sia fatto, cirotto al solito modo et quello conserva ali bisogno. Et quando lo vorai adoperare lo distendi insul camozo et radi il loco et mettilo sul petenechio dal lato dove’l si sente il male et infasselo bene e stretto con il suo cinto di fustagno, et quando tu lo metti fallo distendere col corpo al insuso. Et conforta lo infermo avere bona pacientia et non faci troppa faticha et non si sinistri tropo di schina. Et guardali sopra a ogni cosa dela bocha a non mangiare cose ventose, ne carne di porco e mangia i cibi ben cotti, non legumi ne agrumi et sappiti conservare in ogni cosa che presto con lo aiutto di dio ne guarirai, overamente ne migliorerai assai se per sorte longhi anni avesti portata tale infermita. Et se questo cirotto non ti zovasse prova di questi altri sotto scritti. Vz. Item cirotto per lo crepato. Rx. pece nera e greca, ana drame js, mumia drame iij, draganti, gomma rabica, sangue di drago, mastice, bolarminio, noce di cipresso, colla di carta, ana drame ij, incenso drama j, cera nova onza j. Prima distrugi la cera e poi la pece. Et poi li metterai drento tutte le altre cose fatte tutte in polvere sutilissime e mettele drento a poc a poco e sempre mestando con la steccha finche e cotto secundo il suo ordinario. Poi lo leva dal foco et quando sera fredo, ongeti le mane con olio et manegia bene il ditto pastello tanto che tu ne facci madaleone. Poi tu lo comoda sul camozo per metterlo sun la roctura. Et sopra li metti il suo piu mazolo col cinto di fustagno o cinto di cane et chel stia ben serrato e stretto. Et starai in riposso piu che tu poi se presto voi guarire et ti conserva del vivere et cose contrarie non mangiare che li te farano male. Et usserai a pigliare di questa sotto scritta polvere ogni matina con vino o brodo caldo. Vz. Rx. noce de cipresso, mumia, galanga, foglio, mortella, ana drama j, cinamomo, sangue di drago, ana drame ij. Et di tutte ne farai polvere sutilissima et la sua presa sie drame js la matina per tempo et sopra se ripossa ½ ora. Et presto con lo aiutto di dio, guarirai. E conservati. Item cirotto per lo crepato. Rx. colofonia drame iij, pece navale, armoniaco, ana drame ij, colla di carta drame iiij. Et amacherai le gome et metteli a mole in drame iij di aceto forte et con drame ij de olio di mastici per uno di naturale. Poi li dissolvi al foco lento con drame ijs di cera nova et lo colerai cosi caldo et meterai in la ditta colatura queste sotto scritte polvere, vz. Rx. mastici, draganti, incenso, farina di fengrego, bolarminio, mumia, sangue di drago, ana drama s. Et le incorpora benissimo con la spatula e con lento foco et poi lo leva dal foco et mestavi drento finche gli e fredo et sera fatto, cirotto. Poi lo comoda sul camozo et mettilo sul petenechio chel sia raso. Et leghelo bene suso stretto col piu mazolo e col suo cinto et bene infassiato. Et farai pocha faticha e sta in riposso se tu poi che piu presto guarirai. Et sappiti conservare di tutte quelle cose che sai che ti sono contrarie et guarirai. Conservandoti. -------- [Page 220] Ala rottura intestinale, cirotto fortissimo. Rx. pesa greca e colla di pesse, ana onze js, pesa navale e armoniaco, ana onza j, mastice, dra[ga]nti, incenso, farina di fengreco, ana drame ij, bolarmino, sangue di drago, ana drame ijs, noce di cipresso, mumia, elami, follio, ana drame js, radice di consolida magiore e mortella, ana onze ij, garoffani, galanghie, ana drame iij, olio di mastice, polvere di cerro e di coralli, ana onze ijs, erba citracha, e luciola, e trinita, ana m. uno e pietra calamitta onza j e cera nova onze ij. Et tutte le predette cose vogliano essere elette. Et prima farai distrugere la cera, la pesa, la colla del pesse, l’armoniaco et metterai li draganti a mole in onza j di aceto et de tutte le altre cose ne farai polvere sutila piu che si pole. Et le erbe le taglierai minutissime piu che sia possibile quasi che siano in polvere se si pole. Poi metterai prima le erbe inel tozzo incompagnia con la cera et le altre cose fondute et metteli li draganti. Et poi le altre polvere li metterai a poc a poco et sempre bene mestando et incorporando con la tua spatula di legno et sopra’l tutto con lento foco. Et quando sera cotto levelo dal foco e quando sera apresso che fredo, ongeti le mane con olio comune et lo manegia per una mezora tra le mane che molto li zova quello rimenarlo perche si viene a raffinarsi et a incorporarsi et fa chel sia al quanto duro. Poi la distenderai sul camozo ordinariamente, non molto grosso. Et quando lo vorai mettere sul petenechio, fa chel sia raso. Poi li farai dire il pater noster et l’ave maria et dila ancora tu poi tocherai il loco dela rottura che li dole col tuo dito et fali il segno di + et li dirai sopra tre volte ala fila questa divotta oratione. Et ogni volta dirai il pater noster che serano 3 a riverentia dela sancta trinita et questa la dirai per 3 matine ala fila, tocando tu col dito sotto al cirotto. Vz., Oremus, ‘Benedecto sia il ponte, el ora che i dio fu nato et che inel fiume jordano fue batizato. Tanto li doglia questa puontura o rottura quanto che fa o fara questa uontura in piacimento sia di dio et dela sancta trinita et dela sempre gloriosa vergine Maria chel male se ne possa ire et delenguare et rissanarsi como prima. In nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti, amen.’ Poi che tu l’averai ditta, li metterai suso il cirotto aparechiato et quando lo metti falo stare disteso con le gambe al insuso accio che le budelle non stiano in la borsa. Poi li metterai sopra lo suo piu mazolo col suo cinto di cane overo di fustagno et chel stia bene serrato e bene infassiato e stretto de di e di notte. Et se presto lui dessidera di guarira avendo il modo di stare in riposso. Non fare faticha, non andare tropo involta e non mangiare cose cattive como e carne porcine che la e tanto veleno, ne agrumi, ne legumi, ma tutte le cose che tu mangi che siano ben cotte e bene mastichate accio che non generi vento in corpo e piu presto se ismaltischano e da nutrimento al corpo. E guardati dale donne per questo tempo che sera al manco un mese anche un mese e ½ et osservando l’ordine predetto guarirai abenche longho tempo l’abia soportato perche altri con questo ne sono guariti. Item cerotto per guarire el ditto crepato. Rx. valeriane, lumaciarum, rubearum sine testis, mumie, ana drame vj, suci bruci, termentine, cere nove, ana onze iij, boliarmeni, mastici, tegularum, sigillum sante marie, ana onze ij, stelle marine onze iiij, colofonie, raxine, ana onze js, lapis adamantis drame ij. Et fiat cerottum secundum artem. Et leghelo ben stretto sun la crepatura et rinovalo 2 o 3 volte in un mese o piu. Et conservandoti di tutte le altre cose contrarie como e ditto di sopra et, con lo aiutto di dio, ne guarirai e stai siccuro. -------- [Page 221] Ala rottura intestinale, cerotto utile e aprobato. Rx. pece grecha onze js, pece navaule, armoniaco, ana onza j, colla di pesse onze ij. Torai queste 4 cose et metteli a mole in aceto forte per uno die naturale che fin tende el di e la notte. Poi le colerai et metteli inel tozetto al foco lento. Et mettivi drento olio di mastici onze js. Poi li metterai drento queste altre cose qui sotto scritte e tutte fatte in polvere sutilissime, cioe mastice, draganti, incenso, farina di fengreco, bolo armenio, mumia e sangue di drago, ana drame ij, et siano tutte cose elette e bone. Et metteli drento a poco a poco et sempre mestando con la stecha e che bene se incorpori et falo cosere in modo di cirotto al quanto duro. Poi quando eli e fredo lo maneza per un ½ ora con le mane onte. Poi lo distendi sul camozo et mettilo sun la rottura che prima sia raso et chel sia caldo quando lo metti suso. Et li dirai la sopra detta oratione. ‘Benedetto sia il ponto e l’ora che i dio fu nato e che inel fiume jordano fu batizato, tanto li doglia questa pontura o rottura quanto che fa o fara questo ontura in piacimento sia di dio et dela santa trinita e dela gloriosa vergine maria, in nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +, amen. Et dila col pater noster. Et quando metterai il cirotto, metti sopra’l cinto col suo piu mazolo e stringelo bene. Et piglierai ogni matina di questa polvere mezo chugiaro per volto a modo di syropo caldo con vino o brodo e stia in ripossa e dorma se’l pole. Vz. Foglie di mortella, noce di cipresso, mumia, ana drame ij, garoffani, galangie, zenzaro, follio, ana drama s, e sangue di drago drama j, elami onza j. Et tutte le predette cose tu ne farai polvere sutilissima et bene tamisata et incorporata. Et questa la continua a pigliare como ditto e la matina per tempo et continuando per un mese o piu tanto che tu porti el cirotto. Et userati a farti de sarvitiali comuni infra’l ditto tempo accio chel corpo stia lubrico et non duri faticha al andare del corpo. Et cossi per li primi 3 giorni tu starai inel letto e starai con la schiena al ingioso et col capo al quanto basso. Et fatti gran forza in questi 3 di che molto ti giovera tanto chel male e frescho si viene a conglutinare le parte rilaxate del mirac et piu facilmente si viene a rissanarsi e guarire. Et in questo tempo che starai in questa servitu per util tuo sapiati conservare da tutte quelle cose che ti sono contrarie. Non tanto del vivere quanto dele fatiche et maxime di schiena. Non usare la donna mentre porti il cinto et non andare senza et osservando tutto l’ordine sopra detto, con l’aiutto di dio, guarirai. Item cerotto per guarire il crepato. Rx. consonubili, radice di consolida magiore, ana, mastice, vischio quircino, radice de rovi, ana al tuo iudicio, e cera nova e polvere di mortella a tua discretione et di ogni cosa tu ne farai cirotto duro al solito modo. Et lo distendi su camozo over sovatto. Et mettilo sun la crepatura sopra’l petenechio raso. Et mettivi sopra’l cinto di ferro fatto a questo modo, cioe con le paletti di ferro di grandezza piu che non ne un ostia e col colmo di drento via e con un busetto inel mezo chel venga da rimpetto alla rottura e di grandeza un dito piccolo et chel venga ben serrato e stretto e non andare mai sencesso. Et in questo tempo usserai a bere la matina questa polvere, vz. Torai calamitta usuale onze iij, citroniaci onza s et incorpora et la sera ne pilierai mezo un chugiaro con vino o aqua quando vai a dormire. Et conservandoti d’ogni altra cosa contraria, tu guarirai. -------- [Page 222] Ala rottura intestinale fatta di fresco, cirotto che presto li guarisse. Rx. lumache col gusso, cioe ciociole, passato il mese di settembre quando incominciano affari il coperchino bianco, no. 10 o piu o meno quello che pare a te. Poi li pesta in mortaio cossi col gussio el coperchino e ogni cosa cossi come sono. Et poi che serano ben peste, li agiongerai radice di frassinella m. uno et li pesterai in compagnia e che siano bene incorporate. Poi li agiongerai onze iij di gomma di cierese la quale prima sia fatta seccare e fattone polvere suttila et incorporata con le altre cose inel mortaiio, tanto che atte pare che ogni cosa sia bene unito insieme. Et se atte paresse che le non fussino ben peste overo che non si potesseno pestare, tagliale sopra a una tavoletta como si fa abattere il lardo tanto che venghano a essere bene peste et incorporate insieme, et allora sera fatto, cerotto a questo modo. Poi lo distenderai sopra a una pezza rossa overo montonina rossa. Et mettila sul crepato sopra’l petenechio, et sopra’l suo piu mazolo e legato col cinto di fustagno o valessi e stia ben serrato e stretto. E stia in riposso piu che lui pole et non faci molta faticha et non mangi cose che li siano contrarie, como e la donna, legumi, frutti agrumi e carne porcina, et guardasi da tutte le cose ventose. Et conservandosi, per dei gratia, presto ne guarira. Et questa racetta se intende di colloro che sono rotti di frescho di un anno o piu, et maxime e molta propicia alle creature piccole per essere aloro aprobata. Et tanto se dice essere loro guariti e bene como se no avesseno mai auto male et il termine sie di 2 mese o manco secondo la enfermita essere grande o piccola. Et gli muterai il ditto cirotto al manco ogni 10 o 15 giorni o 20 perche il cirotto si viene a riscaldare e rende cativo seto o vogliandire odore arispetto alle lumache che si vengano a putrefare. Et per questo rispetto tu lo potrai muttare facendone poco sempre per volta. Et questo cirotto si suol fare sempre piu la ‘nvernata che la istade per questo rispetto perche la estade ogni 8 giorni bisognaria muttarlo. Et mantine l’ordine e guarirai. Item un altro cirotto simile al sopra detto il quale non ne manco bono. Vz. Torai uno panniere overo cesto dele predette lumache col gusso et cavale fora del gusso et tagliale dala parte di drento et riccoglie quel grasso in un bichiere e pieno. Poi torai oltertanto farina d’orzo et mestila insieme in una pignatella et fala al quanto bolire a un piccol foco et mestavi drento tanto chel s’indurischa. Poi mettivi drento dela triacha fina onza j et la incorpora bene insieme tanto che la s’indurischa et sta advertito quando la volte incominciare a bolire parra che ella voglia andare tutta fora et allora tu ispesigha a mestarla tanto che la dia gioso al basso. Poi la leverai dal foco et sera fatto, cerotto a tutta perfetione. Et lo adopera inel modo che ai fatto quello di sopra et ti fara oper[a]tione grande et non preterire l’ordine sopra detto et, per dio gratia, presto guarirai. Erba arteticha per guarire il crepato. *Iva. Rx. l’erba che se adimanda arteticha et userai dela ditta erba in ogni cosa in polvere, inel pane e in tutte le tue vivande et in li bagnoli o stuffi. Overamente ne farai impiastri et ne metterai insul male e bene infassiato e stretto e presto guarirai, perche il nome di ditta erba arteticha in vocabulo greco non vol dire altro che ristringente, cioe che la tira al insu ogni humori et in greco e ditta sirta che vole dire tirante perche tira al insu li humori e le budelle ussite fora, e guarisse. -------- [Page 223] A guarire il crepato sopra’l petenechio overo se le intestine fusseno scorsi inel borsa o fusse sotto posto a qualche dolore di ergna. Rx. erba lingua pagana, id est bonifacia, erba argentina, id est serpentina, erba centonervi, id est piantagine longa, cioe lanzola, erba iva, erba trinita, erba mortella, radice di consolida magiore, ana m. uno, e lardo di porcho maschio, e olio comune, ana onze vj, e cera vergine onze iiij e fave infrante tra 2 pietre vive una scudella e vino rosso grande e bono bocali 2. Il lardo pestalo minutissimo col falcione et mettilo inel tozetto o pignatta et mettivi l’olio, el vino. Et che tutte l’erbe siano nette et tagliate tutte minutissimamente et metteli drento con la radice di consolida. Et farai ongi cosa bolire insieme con lento foco che non se abraxano et lassa calare il terzo. Poi le cava et cola ogni cosa et premerai l’erbe sotto al torchietto et cavene tutta la sustantia e metti ogni cosa insieme. Poi lo ritorna al foco et mettivi drento la cera et scropulo 2 di zafferano et oltertanto di polvere di garoffani. Et componilo a modo di unguento et sera fatto et quello lo conserva ali bisogni. Et quando lo vorai adoperare, lo distenderai sopra a una pezza rosata. Et prima che tu lo metti a volere che presto lui guarischa in termine di un mese o piu, secundo la ‘nfermita vechia o nova. Dirai et farai dire al paciente uno pater noster e l’ave maria et tocherai con la tua mano il loco adolorato, facendoli sopra il segno di +. Et li dirai sopra questa oratione 3 volte, vz. ‘+ Benedetto sia il ponto, el ora che i dio fu nato et che nel fiume jordano fu batizato. Tanto li doglia questa pontura o rottura quanto che fa o fara questa uontura in piacimento sia di dio et dela vergine maria et dela sancta trinita et di sancto gosimo e san damiano chel male se ne possa ire et delenguare, + in nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + , amen. Fiat.+’ Et questa oratione la dirai 3 volte sopra’l male per ogni volta che tu vorai medicare et potrai medicare matina e sera bisognando. Et che l’infermo sia ben fassato e legato stretto et portando il cinto ordinariamente et si conserva dele fattiche et dela bocha et di quel altra cosa che tu sai che te molta contraria. Et continuando el sopra detto ordine et regula del vivere, sapi che, con lo aiutto di dio, presto guarirai. E di aprobata. Impiastro per guarire il crepato overo ernia carnosa. Rx. radice di consolida magiore m. 2 et 2 zampe di vitello dinanti et falle cosere con abondante aqua tanto che siano disfatti et non li agiongere mai aqua. Poi torai tutte queste altre cose qui sotto scritte et ne farai polvere sutilissima et le incorpora con lo ditto brodo, vz., mastice, goma rabica, noce d’arcipresso e pigna, ana onza j, erba trinita e mortella, ana onze ij, bolarminio e sangue di drago, ana onze iij, et ogni cosa incorpora insieme et falo a modo di bono impiastro et partilo in 2 parte, metendolo sun un panno overo sovatto e fa chel sia ben caldo et mettilo sun la crepatura overo ernia carnosa e metti sopra’l piu mazolo col cinto et infasselo ben stretto et falo stare col corpo al insuso. Et in capo a 2 o 3 giorni lo mutterai et li metterai suso quell’altro riserbato et fa chel sia caldo et meterai ora l’uno, ora l’altro. Et questo farai per un mese o piu, tanto che tu conossi miglioramento et in questo tempo sapiti conservare di tutte quelle cose che ti sono contrarie et, con l’aiutto di dio, guarirai. E di aprobata. -------- [Page 224] A guarire il crepato che dissende inele borse. Rx. una quantita di un erba che si chiama primi fiori che fiorisse la primavera, che nasse ineli prati e longo le rive di fossi e fanno il fiore bianco, la quale erba e bona da mangiare per insalata. Et la ditta erba la pesterai et cavene il suco quanto tu poi, et mettilo in una pignata netta al foco. Et quando vole cominciare a levare il bolore, levelo dal foco et colelo per la stamigna, et sera fatto. Et conservelo in vaso di vetro ben coperchio. Poi la matina per tempo ne piglierai onze iiij in modo di syropo et metteli drento mezo chugiaro di polvere di erba pelosella o piu, overamente di erba arteticha con uno poco di polvere di citracha, cioe di erba odorata, la quale e molto al proposito. Et ne piglierai per 15, 20 o 30 giorni o piu o meno, secondo che tu ti sentirai migliorato del dolore del crepato, avendo tu prima osservato lo bono hordine. Et metterai questo empiastro sopra ala rottura et infassandovelo suso ben stretto. Cioe, torai del ditto suco e radice di cicuta amacata tra 2 pietre vive et incorpora insieme, non tropo liquido. Et mettilo sun la rottura ordinatamente bene infassato e stretto. Et se questo empiastro non ti giovasse molto o non nulla al tuo judicio, lasselo et li farai quest altro cirotto, vz. Rx. noce d’arcipresso e pigne et dela valania, cioe capeletti di gianda, e mortella e goma de incenso, ana a tua discretione, et ogni cosa sia spolverizato suttile, e polvere de mastici onza s, et tanto olio di avezo quanto basta a impastare le sopra dette polvere con lento foco e fatto in modo de cirotto al quanto duro. Poi lo distenderai sul camozo et la metterai sopra ala rottura sul petenechio et li metterai sopra’l piu mazolo col cinto serrato ben stretto. Et conservati d’ogni fatica piu che si pole et non lo levare finche’l non ne secho. Poi ne farai un altro et mettilo suso con quello ordine che ai fatto il primo. Et questo lo continua per un mese e mezo o piu. Et se presto desideri guarire, sai chel riposso e la madre sua et dela bocca tu ti dei guardare dele ventose cose et dele fredde. Et il tempo e breve a conquistare la sanita perche in quel loco guarito che sera piu sicuro chel non nera di prima, perche tal racetta e statta probata da piu persone et maxime di uno che aveva di li anni 50 o piu e de guarito sano, per la dio gratia, et cossi farai tu osserva l’ordine. Olio per guarire il crepato fatto per sinistro. Rx. lusertoni, cioe ligurii di que verdi, che siano grossi e vivi no. 5 e non manco. E torai olio di oliva del piu vechio che sia possibile di trovare lb. s. Et mettilo in una inchistara grande da foco et metteli drento i ligurii vivi et lasseli morire in ditto olio et turela di sopra che non fugano. Poi la metterai dinanti al foco sopra un mattone et lassela bolire tanto che calla il terzo che i ligurii serano cotti cotti e tutti disfatti. Poi la leva dal foco et lassela fredare et coprila et lassela al sole per 15 giorni. Et lassali sempre drento li animali che mai non si putrefano e riman chiaro che pare un aqua. Et questo lo conserva et lo tien caro che questo olio molto zova ala tigna, e fare cressere li capelli e affarli longhi e lustri, et ale scroffole, e a de altre virtu. Et averai olio di erba serpentina, id est erba senza costa, e olio di erba pelosella, ana onze ij, e olio di mastice onza s, incorpora insieme et falo scaldare bene et ongerai il loco dela crepatura…. -------- [Page 225] sopra’l petenechio. Poi averai aparechiato del pele et la pelle di una levore tutto tagliato e fattone polvere sutilissima et polvere di mortella incorporata insieme. Et poi che tu averai onto bene bene e caldo, metteli sopra dela ditta polvere a modo di specie et mettela grossa ½ un dito. Poi metteli sopra panni caldi lani o lini et poi sopra’l suo cinto che li stia serrato e stretto e bene infassato che la polvere non caschi et starai in riposso se tu poi arispetto ala polvere. Et osserva quello che tante volte e statto detto, non tropo faticha, non mangiare cose ventose, ne frede, ne donna. Et osservando l’ordine dela ditta ontione et del governo et abia fede in dio che guarirai perche questi sopradetti olii ciasche d’un per se e bastante a fare l’opera ma con piu longo tempo e pero tutti 4 si mettano a uno col ditto pelo e pelle e polvere accio che abbiano magiore forza in quella parte inferma e relaxata et li fa per di drento via un ridoppiamento calloso che si fortifica piu che non nera prima in termine di un mese et piu e meno, secondo che la persona si fa conservare et medicherai ogni 2 o 3 di una volta, e guarirai. Erba pelosella per guarire il crepato inele borse overo sopra’l petenechio. Rx. l’erba ditta pelosella, la quale nasse in loco austero e salvatico e montuoso, et questa e la vera e perfetta pelosella, la quale e molta propicia a simile infirmita del crepato et torai dela ditta erba quella quantita che a te pare quando la luna discresse. Lavela e che la sia netta et fala secare al ombra et ne farai polvere sutilissima, passata pel tamiso et quella conserva per dare ha lo infermo che sia crepato inele borse overo se fusse sbogiato o rotto el miracco sopra’l petignone overo havesse qualche ergna ventosa, carnosa, nervosa, aquosa overo intestinale. Et dali uno chugiaro dela ditta polvere a bere con 2 dita di aceto la matina per tempo calda a modo de syropo et sopra se ripossa per un ora et la metterai la sera in infussione et questo lo continua per un mese o piu, una sera si e l’altra no. Et quando la matina vorai cominzare a bere ditta polvere la sera inanti tu metterai questo cirotto sun la rottura sopra’l petignone fatto a questo modo, vz. Rx. incenso, mastice, ana onza s, mumia, noce d’arcipresso, ana drame ij, consolida magiore e pece navale, ana onze js, mortella e pelosella e sangue di drago e cera nova, ana onza j, olio di mortella e olio di serpentina e di mastice, ana onza j. E metti l’olio al foco lento e la cera et la radice dela consolida pestela e mettila drento lo incenso, el mastice, noce del cipresso e mortella e la pelosella, el sangue di drago, tutte siano fatte in polvere suttile. Et le metterai drento e la pece et la mumia pesta suttile et ogni cosa incorpora sutilmente et sempre mestando tanto chel sia fatto al quanto duro. Poi lo distendi sul camozo et lo metterai sun la rottura dal lato dela doglia sul petignone e talia e peli bene. Et porta li sopra cinto ben serrato e stretto et quando metti il cirotto fa chel stia riverto col corpo al insuso accio che li omori se ritirano drento. Et farai poche fatiche per un mese tu starai in riposso se tu potrai se non aricordati a fare ogni cosa con destreza et non te lo cavare mai ne di ne notte. Et continua ogni matina la ditta polvere e non preterire et guardati del vivere, non mangiare cose contrarie, ne frede, ne ventose, ne carne porcina. Et se tu ti averai cura guarirai como anfatto li altri che per 50 giorni hanfatto questa penitentia et per dei gratia ne sono guariti sani et non portano piu il brachiere perche non sentano piu nulla, per dio gratia et rendano gloria a dio omnipotente. -------- [Page 226] Lattovario a quelli che sono crepati abasso overo sbochiati sopra’l petignone. Rx. radice di consolida magiore netta e pesta onze vj, noce del cipresso e mortella, ana onze js, pesa greca, goma rabica e draganti, ana onza s, bolarminio, sangue di drago, ana onza j, mastici drame v, mumia onze ij e mele purgato e netto lb. 3. Et farai tutte le sopra dette cose in polvere sutilissima et le incorpora col mele, et metteli um poco di pele di levore tagliato minutissimo et falo bolire et incorporare con lento foco et sempre mestando col mestolino accio chel non se apichi al fondo. Et quando sera al quanto corpulente, levelo dal foco fatto in modo di lattovario et conservelo in alberello ali tuoi bisogni. Et quando lo vorai ussare alo infermo del crepato, dagliene la sera quando’l va a dormire et la matina avanti chel leva di una meza ora, tanto quanto e una nose e non manco, ma piu presto di piu et maxime la matina. Et questo molto ti aiuttera a guarire. Et non restare per questo di non portare il cinto col cirotto suso. Et governati bene del vivere et de tutte le altre cose como e ditto di sopra, se tu voi presto guarire. Item lattovario per el ditto crepato, il quale e molto perfeto e bono. Rx. il core, la pelle, el pelo di una levore. Farai secare ogni cosa et taglielo et ne farai polvere suttile in tutto onze viij, e scorze di melingrano overo balausti lb. j, noce d’arcipresso lb. s, e mortella onze iij e 4 arobache di lauro et tutte siano fatte in polvere sutilissima et 30 capi di porri e 10 fichi bianchi sechi. E porri e fichi siano tagliati minuti e pesti bene in mortaiio et olio de mastici onze ij. Et torai 3 bochali de vino rosso bono e del piu grande che tu poi trovare et mettilo in una pignata nova et mettilo al foco et quando comincia a bolire, mettivi drento le sopra dette polvere a poc a poco e sempre mestando et l’ultimo sia l’olio et lasselo bolire pian piano, chel non piglia fumo et falo con brasa acesa, che e meglio, tanto chel calli la metta. Et levelo dal foco e sera fatto et lo conserva in alberello ali bisogni. Et quando ne darai alo infermo che e crepato, dallo la matina per tempo 2 chugiari per matina et se’l non lo potesse per essere aspero danelo a modo de pinnole involto in le zalde e non lo piglia altrimente che a questo modo. Poi ne torai 2 altri chugiari et falo scaldare bene et ongi il loco del crepato. Poi meteli sopra dele peze caldo et poi lo infassa col cinto di fustagno chel stia ben serrato e stretto. Et questo lo farai la sera quando’l va a dormire et la matina li darai quello a mangiare et continuandolo per uno mese o piu. Et conservandoti di tutte le altre cose che li sono contrarie. Sappi chel bon governo et la gratia prima di dio, guarirai. Et come arai fornito questo lattovario, ne farai del altro e continuando finche sei guarito. Erba iva a meterne insul crepato la fa guarire. Rx. erba iva m. uno e metila in uno sachetino di panno lino et mettilo insul crepato et leghelo sopra stretto col cinto di fustago et questo si fa perche non incenda la carne per la sua calidita et questo ordine lo continua per un mese e sta in riposso piu che tu poi. Et guardati da quelle cose che ti sono contrarie e che ti fano male. Et in prima che tu facci questa medicina, tu farai prima dire una messa sopra’l ditto sachettino et sopra al erba a honore di dio et di sancto antimo che viene a 20 di di magio et trovalo sul martilogio di santi, che ve. Et ogni matina muta l’erba, e guarirai. Lattovario per li crepati. Rx. mele purgato lb. iiij et metivi drento a bolire radice di consolida magiore e minore onze vj et fallo bolire pian piano tanto chel sia cotto che metendone una gioza sul marmaro la stia salda. Poi li meterai derento tutte le sotto scritte cose fate in polvere et le radice peste. Cioe, erba bonifacia e radice di frassinella con alquante foglie, ana onze iiij, e somenta di bonaga onze iij e foglie di mortella e erba trinita, ana onze iijs, e mastico onza j e mumia drame iij, canella onze js, garofani onza s e zucharo fino onze vj. Et meti prima le erbe, poi le radice, el mastice e la mumia et lassa al quanto bolire, poi canela, garofani et leva dal foco e meti il zucaro e mesta finche e fredo e sera fatto, perfetto lattovario. Et dane una presa la sera et la matina et farai operare il cirotto. Con la bona guardia in giorni 30 guarirai. E provato. -------- [Page 227] Erba saldanella fa guarire il crepato e purga il corpo con altre virtue. Rx. di quella erba che si chiama saldanella, la quale nasse longo a marina et fa la foglia quasi tonda. Et dela ditta erba ne mangerai in tutti i modi che ti torna comodo, purche la sia cotta, per 15 o 20 giorni. Si dice che ella purga il corpo et restringe al insu l’entestine et rissalda la rottura. E anche se dice che chi ne mangia la matina con la guaza per tempo 2 o 3 bochoni, sta sicuro in quello anno a non avere pestilentia et poche altre infermita. Et molte persone dicano che chi fara polvere dela ditta erba saldanella et beverne uno chugiaro con brodo caldo la matina per tempo, la fa andare dal corpo quanto tu voi. Et quando non voi piu andare, metterai le mane innela aqua fresca e subito restera. Et se metterai dela dita polvere sopra a una piaga o ferrita overo ganbaraza guasta, presto la la guarisse politamente e bene e senza mordacita. Experientia ne statto fatta e de reussita bene. Erba verminaca giova ale parte intestinale. Rx. erba verminaca m. uno cotta in bonissimo vino vermilio e mangiata et bevto del ditto vino la matina per tempo caldo a modo di syropo per 8 di continui ho piu, secondo che vedrai la experientia del miglioramento, et ussandone alcune volte starai un tempo sano. Et se la donna che latta perdesse il latte ne mangia 3 folie, presto li ritornera. E di aprobata. Item. Farai un sachetto di pele di cardo sancto e chel sia duro, et mettilo sul petignone dal lato infermo et fa chel stia suso continuamente ben serrato e stretto di e note e non andare mai senza esso. Et aproprieta chel salda ditta rottura, guardandosi dela bocha da le cose contrarie e dela tropa fatica, et guarirai. A guarire il crepato con pittima e fumentatione. Rx. nuci cipressi et folliorum eius, ana m. uno, corticum granatorum, balustiarum, ana onze js, consolide maior, aluminis roche, ana onze ij, boliarmeni drame vj. Misse et boliantur cum vino optimo et fiat fumentatio cum spongia nova, piu volte. Et li meterai sopra questo cirotto qui sotto scritto, vz. Cirotto per guarire il crepato, il quale vai compagnia dela pittima. Pro[ba]ta. Vz. Rx. pece greca, pece navale, ana drame v, mumia drame vj, sangue di drago e bolarmenio, ana drame iij, pele de levore e osso di morto, ana onze s, radice di consolida magiore onze iij, mortella e centonodi e balausti, ana onza j, cera nova onze js, olio di mortella, olio de scorpioni, ana onze ijs, olio de mastice onza s. Et mete al foco lento li olii et la cera et la consolida amacata bene e la pece rotta, el sangue, el bolo in polvere, el pele taliato minuto, mortella, balausti e centonodi tagliati e pesti minutissimamente. Et ogni cosa incorpora a lento foco et farai cirotto in bona forma et quello meti sul camozo et meti sul crepato secondo l’ordinario. Et conservati e guarirai. Di provata. -------- [Page 228] A mitigare il dolore del crepata. Rx. la radice del erba melilotto cotta inel aceto forte e polvere di una pigna limata overamente pesta et messo a modo di impiastro caldo quanto po patire insul dolore del crepato, legato vi suso et infassato ben stretto. Et fallo per 15 o 20 giorni et molto li giovera ala sanita. L’ovo che nasse el di del asensa si dice che fa guarire il crepato. Rx. cioe torai 2 ovi nati il di del asensa et fali dire sopra una messa el di dela pasqua delo spirito sancto et fali benedire in quel giorno et scriveli sopra queste parole, vz. ‘Sicut est verum et credo quod jesus christus sia asciensus in cielum die assciensionis sic liberetur iste morbum per virtutem et merita sua sanctissima passionis.’ Et hoc dicas et tanghas tribus vicibus et reserva ovum et cum est siccum erit liberatus. Probatum est. Sapi che deli ditti 2 ovi el di proprio che nasse li scriverai sopra le sopra dette parole et prima dirai il pater noster et l’ave maria et el di delo spirito sancto li farai dire sopra una messa et poi li farai benedire. Et segnerai con li ditte 2 ovi la rottura o sbogiatura et dirai prima il pater noster. Et poi dirai le sopra dette parole 3 volte ala fila per 3 matine continue et la terza matina rompe uno di quelli 2 ovi et bevilo cossi crudo col pater noster el segno di +. Poi inel gusso li pisserai drento et turalo di sopra via con cera o colla. Et mettilo in uno buco del muro et lasselo stare tanto che dassi si sechi. Et l’altro leghelo con un filo et farai uno buco in terra sotto al manco un brazo dove batte il levante o dove riverbera melio il sole. Et calelo gioso in quella buca et mettivi sopra una meza scodella chel non si rompa che non aresti fatto nulla. Poi coprilo di terra et raconza como di prima et lasselo stare et quando sera l’ovo tutto dissecato, tu serai guariro dela crepatura et se l’ovo marcira, cioe chel puti tu non dei guarire. Et questo experimento e statto fatto 3 volti che so io et 2 ne son guariti bene. Dela ernia ventosa che viene inele borse a basso. Rx. comino, ameos, mele e sale, ana, et coseli con olio roxato e violato ad sufficientia et mettilo sopra cossi caldo. Ma prima ongi il loco con olio di spigo e di aneto, ana. Et poi li metterai sopra questo impiastro, vz. Rx. comino drama j, ameos, amomo, seme di fengreco, ciperi, dauco, laudano, olio cotto, ana drama s, farina di bache lauri lb. j, aceto onze js. Et meterai la farina in l’aceto con un poco di vino et fala bolire pianamente e sempre mestando con la stecha et falo a modo di impiastro. Et poi li metterai drento tutte le altre cose et fale bene incorporare et sera fatto. Poi lo distendi su una pezza et mettilo sun li testiculi caldo piu che lui pole patire. Et questo lo farai matina e sera stando um po in riposso et in 15 o 20 giorni serai guarito. Non mangiare cose cative et non fare dissordine et non te sinistrare molto che presto, con lo aiutto di dio, guarirai. A guarire li putti picoli del aqua che li viene in la borsetta di sotto overo ernia. Rx. olio di mastice onze iij, olio di spiga onza j, bonarminio drame ij, sangue di drago drama j, che siano in polvere. Et farai scaldare l’olio et meti drento le polvere et lasselo al quanto grilare et sera fatto. Et quando lo adoperi fa chel sia caldo et li ongi il petenechio et sopra stopa e peze calde e bene infassato. Et lo conserva del vivere, e guarira. [Folio 86 and Folio 87 are missing]. -------- [Page 229] Olio fatto de fiori de osmarino con le sue virtu aprobate. Rx. olio di oliva del piu vechio che tu possi trovare, quella quantita che a te pare. Et torai dele fiori di osmarino quante ne poi avere et mettelo in ditto olio et lasseli stare drento 2 giorni in loco caldo overo al sole e col vaso coperto. Poi torai de pezzi di mattoni o de copi che sianovi che non abiano tocco aqua et falli roventare e bene infocare. Poi li meterai a smorzare inel ditto olio cossi con li fiori drento. Poi li cava dal olio e pestali in mortaio minutamente che niente se ne perda. Poi metterai ogni cosa insieme, la polvere e li fiori e l’olio se’l ne avanzato et metterai ogni cosa a destillare con lento foco et a bozza di vetro, secundo l’ordinario et cavelo tutto e con destrezza. Et quello liquore benedetto conserva in vetro e ben turrato. E tientelo accaro, impero che qui di sotto diremo dele sue virtu. Le virtu del olio fatto con fiori di osmarino. Qui trataremo dele virtu del olio di osmarino fatto con fiori como tu ai inteso e fatto di sopra. Prima vale a rimovere il freddo da tutti li membri infrigidati per qualche accidente como e in el capo, ne le mane e piedi e in el petto, se il loco si onge col ditto olio e ben caldo. Item. Vale a tutte le crepature de piede e dele mane per causa fredda et maxime inel tempo delo inverno como per usanza suole venire. Item. Vale a solidare tutte le piaghe dela carne in ogni loco dela persona et etiam ad ogni animale, ongendo col ditto olio e chel sia ben caldo. Item. Vale a riscaldare ogni nervo infrigidito di qualunque loco del corpo humano overo di altro animale overo per gotta fredda o per altra causa fredda. Unde vale molto a quelli che li tremano le mane o la testa, la quale accade per grande frigidita diminuito gia il calore naturale per frigidita e abondante. Item. Vale grandemente a quelli che anno perse le mane o li piedi per frigidita, li quali non si possono tropo bene aiuttare. Et cossi sia a dire di quelli che anno indegnato il collo et li nervi di alcuno membro per causa di taglio o di male medicare. Item. Vale a queli li quali hanno le podagre, li quali non possono andare per causa dela infirmita ne non si possono sonstentare in piede la qual cosa accade per frigidezza de nervi. Item. Vale a quelli che anno il collo incordato o golla dolente che non possono ben voltare il capo per causa di natura. Item. Vale contra ale pietre dele rene et dela vessicha et la la corompe et la corrode convertendola in ranella et per li suoi meati e via ordinaria si purga, bevendo del ditto olio et ongendo le parte propinque chel sia caldo. Et vale ala scoriacione dela vessicha di drento e di fora et la si cognosse quando morde a moverla. Item. Vale ala suffucatione del orina et bevtone um poco la provocha largamente a colui che e subtracto per causa di strettura del suo meato et a colui alo quale con molta durezza tardo lo manda hurinando. Item. Vale a ciascheduno membro indegnato et infiato como e inela testa, inela fronte, cioe a quelli che il mal francese e altre apellatione. Item. Vale ad ogni passione d’orichiella quale per ogni modo da grande frigidita e ponture e sordita et fluxo de suoi mali humori. Item. Vale contra ali vermi dele orecchie che li stano vivi mordenti et non mordenti et contra le crepature di esse et per ogni altra sua egritudine. Item. Vale ali paralesi et ad ogni dolore di gionture et nodi dele dita, dele mane et deli piedi. Item. Vale ala torcione dela bocha cossi per la causa del morbo quanto del presente per untione et etiam beverne. Item. Vale ad ogni dolore di ventre per ponture acutue perche mitiga e scatia tutti tali dolori, calefaciendo, scaldando l’enterriora del ventre. -------- [Page 230] Item. Vale ali dolori dela matrice a donne in qualunque etta siano o sane o inferme presto guarischano. Item . Vale ala frigidita dela matrice perche provoca il mestruo per se ritenuto inanti al tempo suo naturale per la untione e beverne. Item. Vale al dissendere dela matrice per causa frigida e sia onta con bambaso sia lei ritenuta per molte volte e guarira. Item. Vale al dolore dele rene e del fil dela schiena di ciascuna persona overo animale, onde li loco e da essere onto et fattoli uno impiastro agingendo al dito olio, sale armoniaco et dele erbe e fiori e radice calide como e di assentio maschio, ysopo, serpillo, abrotano, menta, salvia, fiori di pulegio, lauro, radice di gentiana e seme di basilico. Item. Vale a fistule o posteme che non fussino mature, agiongendovi radice di gillio bianco, ruta, rosso d’ovo, cipolla bianca cotta sotto ala cenere e incorporato e liquido presto li giova e lo guarisse. Item. Vale ali splenetici, cioe a quelli che anno la dureza dela milza per tropa frigidita perche presto la fa humido et suuavemente la riscalda, ongendola et bevendo del ditto olio caldo. Item. Vale ala oppilacione del cervello e naso per causa frigida et venga dove si voglia lo impedimento et a chi li lacrimasse li ochi o che le narise siano piene di volagine filvente per untione et bibitione et se esso paciente mangia molto del sale senza altro a poc a poco se dopo lo bevere di questo modo di tale olio presto sera liberato o che lo paciente stranuda lo sale mangiando simplizamente mangiando sera liberato et e meglio che triacha bevta questo del sale. E provata e vero. Item. Vale ala frigidita del capo, ongendo con dito olio sopra’l cervello e mirabilmente riscalda il cervello e lo conforta. Item. Vale ala oblivione, ricuperando la memoria perduta se con ditto olio se ongera le parte dritto del capo dove e la virtu dele memoria et se con esso olio meterai una poco di aceto roxata si dice che piu vale, ma inanti e dipoi si debe confrigare. Item. Vale contra al dolore di dente in tutti i modi perche si da il dolore per la sua calefatione, ongendo con esso le giengive. Item. Vale ala oppilatione del polmone perche lo purga dela quale oppilatione ne causa la tosse nel petto che giova al homo tossendo o sia la tosse seche o molle onde si debe bevere di esso olio e ongere il petto ben caldo. Item. Vale ala tosse secha o molle la quale e a dimandata strectura di petto. Onde mirabilmente soviene a tale passione impero che se di esso olio ne sia assa[i] bevto tiepido rissolve li humori congelati e conforta le parte interriore e apre i canali di esso polmone molto valorosamente. Item. Vale ale lachrime deli occhii, ongendo le palpebre e molto li rassuga et piu vale ale infiasone deli occhii et loro dolori et ala rosseza per infiasone et per la abondantia del loro sangue. Item. Vale ala vista di ciascuna persona o de altro animale o vechio o giovine se con esso olio li mescolerai del siler montano e seme di finochio et ne bevi spesso et in breve ti fara bona vista. Item. Vale contra ale scroffule, ongendole caldo et se sono rotte buttavi drento del ditto olio. Item. Vale contra ad ogni morso velenoso, cioe de scropioni, vespe, api o ragno, ongendo col ditto olio e caldo. Item. Vale contra ala sincope, cioe contra ala debilita del core e stomaco se di esso ne bevi abenche a tale passione voglia la triacha e bon vino. Item. Vale ali pescatori che pescano in mare, stagno, lago o fiumi se le reti serano onti con ditto olio mescolatovi in prima um poco di muscho perche como sentano tale suave odore, molti pessi preanderano. Item. Vale a quelli che anno il pondo con la ussita, bevtone al quanto et mangiane con corezola impastata con farina cotta ala braxa overo in padella. E vale a quelli che sputano sangue e a quelli che lo pissano et a chi il sangue egli e calliato in la testa per causa di postema o percossa e pero il loco sia bene onto e caldo. Item. Vale al sangue il quale e venito inel ochio, metendovi drento del ditto olio con suco di aneto et se seranno onte tutte 2 le tempie et sopra il cervello quando per tropa frigidita di cervello e distemperamento se la virtu del vedere deli occhii et essi spesso lachrimano. Onde chi beve questo si cognosse chi a bono cervello, cioe calido e seco conveniente et in esso non abonda et in esso non humidita con superfluita frigida. Item. Vale ali crepati e sgonfiati et per frequente ontione sopra’l loco. Etiam con impiastro e suco di aneto molto vale. Item. Vale contra ala rogna secca, ongendo con lo ditto olio e caldo presto la manda via. Item. Vale contra ale morise overo creste a homo over donna, ongendo con lo ditto olio caldo matina e sera. Conservandoti dela bocha, presto guarirai. -------- [Page 231] Item. Vale contra ad ogni fistula e sia in qualunche loco si sia in questo modo ricevi del suco dele foglie di cav[o]lo et lo mescola con l’olio preditto et metilo sopra a modo di impiastro con suco di assentio et substantia de lumache piste. Molto li zova e presto lo cura. Nota chel sopra detto olio a di molte virtu e di quasi simile al balsamo et praticandolo tu lo cognosserai le sue magne virtu che sperimentandolo tu ti fai detto. Alcuni fanno el ditto olio a uno altro modo piu facile, ma non credo sia di tanta gran virtu. Pigliano olio de oliva del piu vechio che possono trovare e fiori schiette e nette dil tramarino quante ne pole stare in ditto olio et metilo in una inchistara et lasselo stare al sole di e note per 20 o 30 giorni ben turata. Poi la metterai sotto terra in loco caldo dove li batte il sole per un mese. Poi la cava fori et colerai il ditto olio strettamente con peza dopia et lo rimetti al sole per un mese a purificare et sera fatto, molto odoriffero et corpulente et sera fatto. Et quando lo doperi in tutte le tue occorentie fa chel sia caldo etiam che tu lo di a bere perche la sua virtu sie de riscaldare e confortare li sentimenti humani. A mazare una fistula e guarire un cancro con vino. Rx. aceto forte e vino bianco brusco, ana bochali uno ½, et metivi drento polvere di calcina onze viij et farai bolire tanto che si consumi la terza parte e levelo dal foco et lasselo fare possata. Poi la cola chel sia ben chiaro. Poi li meterai drento tutte queste cose fatte in polvere sutilissima, cioe sale giema, sale armoniaco e sale nitro, ana onza j, e sale di piuma onze iij et lasseli stare drento per uno di naturale e chel vaso stia in loco caldo e ben coperto et che le siano bene incorporate. Poi la distilla per feltro over lo cola sutilmente. Poi meterai in ditto vino dela rugine dil ferro onze js et dara la tinta rossa a tutto quel vino et sera fatto. Et quando lo adoperi bagna le pezze suttile et mettele sopra e drento ala piagha et medica sera e matina et questo vino a forza di consumare la carne cativa et induce la bona. Et etiam guarisse del male del fico che viene al posterone. Et se tu farai diventare rosso il rame inel foco e spengerlo in ditto vino la fara diventare di colore bianco che parera un argento e di provata. Et abi cura del dito vino inele ditte infermita. Item. Aglio e salvia cotto con olio rosato e pesto e ongi il cancro e leva il dolore. Item polvere contra fistule e cancro. Torai calcina viva lb. j, vitriolo onza j, solfero onza s, orpimento in polvere onze iiij, farina d’orzo onze vj e mele bianco onze xiij e aceto forte onze iij. Et incorpora ogni cosa insieme et ne farai una pasta. Poi ne farai balotine piccole et fale seccare inel forno apeni chel sia caldo. Poi le ripesterai et ne farai polvere sutilissima et quella conserva ali tuoi bisogni. Et quando vorai doperare la ditta polvere ali sopra detti mali a fistula o a cancri, metine uno poco in cima ale taste che tu meti drento ala piagha et medicherai una sol volta al giorno overo la copia drento. Et sapi che la ditta polvere mangia, corrode, consuma tutta la carne cativa e fa cressere la bona. Item contra ala fistula. Torai rami di edera verdi senza folia. Tagliali minuti et fali stillare al vetro et bagnerai dele peze et meti sun la piagha e che prima la sia purgata. Poi meterai sopra dele folie di rovede. Item al preditto. Torai 3 o 4 luserte vive et fale bolire um poco in aqua. Poi fale secare et fane polvere sutilissima et dane a bere. Se la e drento la fara gittare per boca e se la e di fora meti suso dela ditta polvere e guarira. Item al preditto male. Farai farina di cesi rossi et mistica con mele crudo et a modo di impiastro caldo metti suso piu volte e guarira. Et se’l male e aperto, torai radice di erba passarina pestala bene con sangue di porco maschio et farai unguento e meti suso caldo e guarira dela fistula et cancro. Item. Se la polvere del orpimento ti fa tropo rodere, meteli uno poco di questo mele e passera via. -------- [Page 232] Erba bonifatia, id est lingua pagana. Bonifacia erba e cossi chiamata et da molti si chiama lingua pagana perche a una foglietta posta inel mezo dela foglia magiore in forma di una lingua piccola e aguza et per questa si dice che molto la giova ali balbucienti di questa ne nasse gran copia nele montagne di genova et inel ducato di verbino nele montagne. Et sapi che questa erba preditta e molta valorosissima nele infermita dela matrice et maxime nela suffacatione, dando uno chugiaro dela ditta polvere a bere ala donna in brodo o vino caldo nel tempo dela profucatione di matrice, presto la libera e la guarisse del male di matre. Et etiam vale valentamente et maravigliosamente a quelli che sono crepati inele borse overo di sopra al petenechio. Farai polvere dela sue radice overo del erba o l’uno e l’altro mescolato et dane uno chugiaro a bere al paciente la matina avanti di con vino o brodo caldo a modo di syropo et anche la sera ne potrai pigliare. Et questa bevanda la continua per un mese o piu per insino ha tanto che tu ti senti guarito. Ma advertisse che ineli primi giorni ti parera che tutte le budella ti vogliano ussire fora del corpo per quella parte inferma et tu ne sia advertito metti il brachiero overo il cinto et lo porta continuamente di e notte col suo piu mazolo et bene infassiato e stretto. Et se tu potrai stare al quanto in riposso piu presto guarirai dela rottura o sbogiatura. Et conservati de i cibi et dele cose contrarie et, con lo aiutto de dio, presto ne guarirai perche ne sta fatto experientia. Et a coloro che non an[n]o la lingua spedita usino a tenere in bocha dela ditta erba e a mangiarne molto li zovera. Et ali fanciulini piccoli che non an[n]o la lingua spedita a parlare, pongeli sotto ala lingua con quella foglieta piccola, li fara la lingua spedita. Et questo e aprobatissimo e vero. Erba luciola overo argentina, id ist senza costa. Questa erba a questi nomi secundo li paesi, cioe erba luciola e chi argentina e chi senza costa e chi serpentina perche ella non a costa atacata como anno le altre foglie. E questa erba e molta conossata inela lombardia et maxime inel piemonte la quale comincia dal mezo magio per insino al mezo giugno. Poi non se ne vede piu per essere ella erba tenera overo molle inel toccarla e grassa et la sua foglia sie sun l’andare del piantagine ma piu piccola e non fa fusto et nasse voluntieri ineli prati e de molto bella inel vederla. Ma e de piu bella inele sue virtu perche a mirabile efficatia in sanare le ferrite e maxime le nove et etiam quelle fatte di pontura. Et farai del olio dele sue foglie a questo modo. Torai olio comune del vechio se tu ne poi avere et metterai in una inchistara l’erba inel olio. Coprila bene et lassela per un mese al sole o piu. Poi la farai bolire per un ora a bagno maria et a questo modo l’erba si viene a cosere e rende piu ampliamente la sua virtu. Poi la lassa per 8 o 10 giorni al sole et sera fatto. Et quello conserva como cosa cara, il quale olio vale ongendo caldo tutti il ochi condannati et maxime vale ale ferrite fresche et a tutte le ponture fatte che la piagha sia stretta farlo entrare per via di tosta e presto li salda senza passione. Et leva lo spasimo et maxime inele piaghe vechie opera valorosamente. Et se la ditta erba ne sera fatta polvere overamente l’erba propria mangiata con ovo fresco overamente brodo. Continuandola sana mirabilmente del crepato, ongendo col suo olio la rottura chel sia ben caldo col suo piu mazolo sopra e ligato ben stretto et conservandosi, con lo aiutto di dio, ne guarira. Et falo sicuramente che li e aprobato e a di molte altre virtu. -------- [Page 233] Erba milzara che fa inel mezo dela foglia quella machia bianca e ne nasse intorno ale siepe. La ditta erba se dimanda milzara per guarire facilmente la milza et etiam se adimanda lataiola perche quelle donne che la mangia e sono dedite alattare li fa abondare il latte como fa la erba barbena a chi la perduto per impedimento, perche in volabulo greco se adimanda galiopsi e non vole dire altro che latte. Et per essere statta aprobata piu di tante volte per guarire la milza, io te dico che se tu ricogliera dela ditta erba a luna sema et farla seccare al ombra e al vento et farne polvere sutilissima et darne uno chugiaro in uno ovo frescho la matina per tempo continuando per 15 o 20 giorni non facendo altro dissordine. Conose dira al capitulo del guarire la milza purgato che serai prima et presto, con lo aiutto di dio, tu ne guarirai. Et se tu la mangierai cosi cruda, piu presto guarirai. E di aprovata. Erba schabiosa et alcune dele sue virtu. Rx. l’erba schabiosa inel calare dela luna et fala secare al ombra e fane polvere sutilissima et che la sia apresso che matura. Et ne meterai sopra a una piaga o ganbaraza che prima la sia lavata con vino caldo piu volte, mirabilmente la la salda. Et se tu ne meterai sopra a un guidarescho di uno cavallo con polvere di scarpa vechia brussata, presto presto lo fa guarire che la pelle li ritorna et similmente fara l’erba pista tra 2 pietre vive e meti suso calda presto la guarisse. Voi in erba o in polvere in tutti li modi ella i e bona. Et etiam vale a tutte le passione di stomaco et maxime a cattarosi e che a la polmognaia overo tosse grassa a mangiare de ditta erba overamente a bere dela sua aqua stillata et e di molta propicia a mandare via ogni sorte di rogna et con la sua polvere se ne fa bono unguento et etiam a e di molte altre proprieta che io non scrivo. Erba ruta et alcune dele sue virtu aprobate. Rx. la ruta deli orti la quale e calida e secca in terzo grado e la salvatica in quarto. Et mandiando dela domestica dissolve la ventosita e fa humido il corpo et giova molto ale intestine di sotto et bevta la sua dicotione tol via la ventosita e le torcione et il dolore del corpo per vischosi humori et cotta in olio et fatto crestieri dissolve la ventosita grossa che sta atachata ali grossi humori et invilupa ti ale intestine. Et etiam vale ala caligine deli ochii et ala debilita del vedere in tutti li modi che tu ne mangi in erba o in polvere o cotta. Etiam dela sua aqua stillata bagniandoti li ochii con oltertanta aqua roxa la matina molto ti clarifica la vista et etiam a di molte altre virtu. A stagnare il sangue de i ferrite o de vene di fusseno passate o rotte o crepate inel petto. Rx. sarcocolla, mumia, bolarminio, sangue di drago, ana, et ne farai polvere sutilissima incorporate insieme et ne meterai sun le piaghe dove nasse il sangue per le vene e presto si stagnera. Et se la e ferrita dilli sopra questa sancta oratione che piu volte e statta aprobata e tutti sono per dei gratia guariti, vz. ‘+ Crux christi adiuva me. + Sangue sta in te come fe[ce] christo in se. + Christi salva me. Sangue sta in la vena tuua come fe[ce] christo in la sua pena. + Christi difende me. Sangue sta fisso e forte come fe[ce] christo ala sua morte. In nomine Patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + Amen + + + .’ Et dilla 3 volte sopra a la piaga con 3 pater noster e 3 ave marie et fali dire anche al paciente. Poi li tacherai il policino al collo et dilla per 3 matine continue et per dei gratia il sangue si stagnera. E provata. -------- [Page 234] Item se la vena fusse passata. Rx. dela ruta ben pesta con pele di levore incorporato et metti suso al quanto caldo et leghelo bene e presto il sangue si stagnera. Et etiam potrai tore parechie grani di formento e lo mastica sotto ali denti ma non avere mangiato aglio. Et mettilo assai ben grosso sopra ala vena che getta il sangue o ferrita e presto il sangue si stagnera. Item. Torai un chiar d’ovo con ragnatella di ragno e pezza lina brussata e pele di levore tagliato minuto et incorpora insieme et metti sun la stoppa e sopra ala ferrita et sia che taglio si voglio e in che loco si voglia che presto stagnera il sangue. Item a una vena tagliata o rotta. Pesta dela piantagine longha e meti suso presto si stagnera. Item. Torai barbena con songia di porco ben pesta e metti sun la vena chel sia caldo e presto stagnera. Item a stagnare una vena inel petto. Rx. gussi de ovi freschi che siano netti et pestali e fane polvere sutilissima et pele di levore et pele di cardo sancto, ana, taglia minutissimo e mumia e sangue di drago, ana, et incorpora ogni cosa insieme. Et bevene uno chugiaro con aqua di piantagine longa e aqua di bertonicha, ana onze ij, che la sia calda. Et dala a bere matina e sera e presto, per die gratia, la vena si stagnera. Et l’infermo parli poco e stia ben caldo e mangi ligermente e ben cotto et non vadi tropo al aria e stia in riposso piu che puole che presto guarira, fallo che egli e aprobato. *Item a stagnare il sangue. Scrive queste 3 parole in carta et meteli in bocha al paciente. Vz., ‘+ Agios + Otehos + Athanathos +.’ E subito guarira. Item a saldare rotture o crepature di vene del petto che non getti piu sangue. Vz. Rx. barbe di felexe e lavele a 9 aque. Poi fale bolire in optimo vino bianco che si consuma la meta et di questa dicotione dane a bere al paciente ogni matina onze iij caldo a modo di syropo e presto si stagnera. Et falo dire 3 pater noster con l’ave maria. E tu li dirai 3 volte queste sancte parolle, tocandoli il petto et fali sopra il segno di + e dirai, ‘Sangue sta + te come steti il nostro signore yehsu christo ala sua pena +. Sangue sta forte come steti il nostro signore yehsu christo ala sua morte +. Sangue sta in te come stete il nostro signore yehsu christo, nela sua fe[de]. + In nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti. + Amen. + + + .’ Et sempre che tu lo medichi, le dirai et per dei gratia presto guarira. Polvere che stagna il sangue d’ogni ferrita e vena tagliata. Rx. vitriolo romano e brusalo bene e fane polvere sutilissima et non la lassare vedere tropo l’aria che la tira asse tropo l’aria humida e perde assai dele sue forze et sangue di drago spolverizato, ana onza j, et pele di levore et di cardo sancto, ana drame ij, tagliato minutissimo et incorpora bene insieme. Poi metera dela ditta polvere sopra ale ferrite o tagliature dove il sangue non si volesse stagnare e mettene suso assai e infasselo ben stretto che presto il sangue si stagnera e senza fallo. Item. Vale la ditta polvere a stagnare il sangue dele vene morisaiie, cioe quando seli attacha le mignate intorno al buco del posterone et suchiano il sangue dele morise et poi il sangue non si vole serrare. Et metteli suso abondata polvere, legandola suso stretta fa ristagnare il sangue. E de un bel secreto provato piu volte. Et se per sorte venisse sangue dal naso, piglia uno chiar d’ovo e sbattilo inela scodella. Poi la distendi sopra a una faldella di stopa et mettivi di sopra via al chiaro dela ditta polvere. Et mettilo sopra ala fronte overo a vena rotto e presto si stagnera. Et etiam li sopierai dela ditta polvere supel naso et subito si stagnera. E di provata. -------- [Page 235] Le virtu del sangue humano convertito in aqua al lambicho. Rx. del sangue humano che sia de homo giovane e sano cavato di frescho et mettilo subi[to] a destillare al lambico di vetro et conserva tutta la ditta aqua che ne viene con gran diligentia. Et etiam alcuni pigliano il ditto sangue et lo farano stillare 7 volte e alcuni 3 o 4 volte. Et alcuni pigliano il ditto sangue et lo mettano in una inchistara grande e ben turata. Poi la mettano in lo litame di cavallo caldo et lo lassano stare per 9 giorni continui. Poi lo stillano il quale dicano che conquista piu virtu stilandolo 7 volte con foco lento. Queste sono le virtu del aqua del sangue humano. Vz. La ditta aqua ha de molte virtu in medicina et maxime al mancamento del celabro a berne qualche volta la matina calda a modo di syropo. Vale ala memoria. Vale al veleno e al dolore del core. Vale al manchamento del petto. Sana ogni infirmita di polmone et purga il sangue sopra ogni altra cosa. E vale a ogni fluxo di corpo, e al dolore del fianco, e apre le vene, et conforta li nervi et tutto il corpo. Et se in questa aqua li metterai un pezo di vetro, diventera tenero como cera. Et se’l sera lambicato 7 volte como ditto e si tiene essere specia di balsamo perfetto e da questa proprieta a uno che fusse in fino di morte e chi avesse persa la favella e dandoli una pochetta dela ditta aqua tiepida, subito parlera. Et etiam chi avesse persa la vista si bagni sposso con questa aqua li ochii. Et facia al quanto destinontia et rendera grandissimo beneficio a tutte le sopra dette infermita. E di provato. A nervi retratti che non si potesse distendere per indegnatione o altra causa. Rx. mirollo de stinchi di buo onze iij e sevo di beccho onze js, grassa di galina e polvere di incenso, ana onze ij e trementina biancha e chiara onza j et erba de fiori d’ogni mese uno bon manipulo et tagliela minutissimamente. Et ogni altra cosa sia minutamente tagliato et ogni cosa metterai insieme in uno pignatino et falo al quanto bolire che ogni cosa sia al quanto cotto et a foco lento. Poi lo voterai in uno sachetto apontito e lo colerai sopra a uno cantino di aqua frescha et premalo bene chel nescha tutta la sustantia fora del sachetto per forza. Poi ricoglierai quello grasso che stara di sopra al aqua et lo conserva in uno alberello ali tuoi bisogni e stia ben coperto. Et quando lo vorai adoperare e per ongere li nervi ritratti o dogliosi falo scaldare bene et ongi sempre al ingioso et falo piu volte et guarirai d’ogni debilita di nervi. E provata. Item a confortare ogni nervo et a levarli il dolore. Rx. assentio m. uno et falo bolire in vino molto bene. Et con ditto vino lavati il loco doglioso et lasselo sugare dasse. Poi li metti sopra del altro assentio mortificato sul maton caldo e presto li leva il dolore. Item a confortare li nervi. Torai lana susi[d]a et metila inela padella a mortificare con uno poco di mele tanto che e la si scalda bene. Poi li meterai sopra polvere de comino a modo de specie et cossi caldo metila sul dolore del nervo e presto lo guarisse. Et etiam le folie del erba palma christi cotti inel vino e messi suso caldo, presto leva il dolore. Item a levare il dolore de ogni nervo infiato. Torai erba e fiori di tramarino onze ij e fiori di camomilla onza j e uno poco di molina di pane bianco e messa a mole in aqua di camomilla con uno poco di olio comune et meterai ogni cosa insieme. Poi lo distempera con vino bianco e aqua roxa. Poi falo bolire tanto chel diventa al quanto spesso. Poi cossi caldo lo metti sopra a loco dolioso e affeso del nervo overo enfiato et continuandolo, presto guarirai. -------- [Page 236] Licquore per consolidare li nervi atratti. Rx. deli lombrici teresti meza scudella et laveli con vino bianco bene che non li remanga niente di terra. Poi voterai un ovo et metteli tutti in quello gusso d’ovo et metteli drento il suo chiaro et uno po’ poco di olio de tartaro. Poi lo copri di sopra via bene in modo che niente possa ussire et luttalo tutto intorno con creta et laselo sugare. Poi lo meterai inel litame di cavallo che sia caldo per 20 giorni. Poi lo cava e votalo in una scodella et con la stecha incorpora bene insieme li discoli, el chiaro e l’olio in modo che diventano a modo de un inguento liquido et sera fatto. Et lo conserva in alberello ben serrato et quando lo doperi, falo scaldare et ongi li lochi aldolorati e atratti enfiati deli nervi et meterai sopra lana susi[d]a ben calda e infassiata. Et per dei gratia, presto guarirano. E provato. Item a chi avesse indegnato un nervo e fusse enfiato. Rx. foglie di sambuco tenere e malva, ana, tagliale minutamente et foglie di salvia 6 o 8 tagliale medesimamente et farai bolire ogni cosa in aceto forte tanto che siano cotte. Et caldo a modo di impiastro, metti insul nervo aldolorato e presto levera il dolore e la indegnatione del nervo enfiato. E presto guarirai. Per ossi slogati, dogliosi o dannati in piedi o mano o dove si voglia che a tempi dolesse o che enfiasse abenche la piaga fusse saldata. Rx. ascentio, ruta e comino, ana, e una cipolla biancha et farai cosere ogni cosa insieme con olio roxato o comune tanto che cali il terzo. Poi lo distendi su una peza a modo di empiastro et caldo lo metti insul loco adolorato et meti sopra stoppe calde et lo infassa bene e stretto et mettilo in riposso et farai questo matina e sera e presto guarira. Item per ossi rotti. Torai la radice dela serpentaria e songia di porco maschio, ana, et la pesti insieme minutamente et fala ben scaldare et a modo di impiastro ben caldo la metti sun la fractura la matina e la sera e bene infassata e stretta. E presto guarira. Per ossi slogati e smossi optimo et sancto rimedio. Rx. olio roxato del novo et polvere sutila di mortella overo deli suoi pippori. Poi averai aparechiato 2 o 3 faldelle di stopa di canepo et una fassa grande o 2. Et farai scaldare l’olio roxato molto bene et la polvere se si pole. Dopoi con le tue mane piglia quello membro che egli e offeso con destreza lo tochi et considera di che banda l’osso po essere ussito et sopra di quello osso usito metteli li tuoi 2 diti grossi uno sopra l’altro in modo di +. Et farai dire al amalato 3 pater noster e 3 ave marie e tu che medichi ne dirai uno aringraciare i dio. Poi dirai inel secreto queste sancte parole 3 volte con 3 segni + di croce, vz. ‘Al nome de dio, la virgine maria, fiori e grani, el figliolo di dio aparturi osso e nervi e carne torni inel lato suo como fe la virgine nel suo. Amen.’ Et li farai que 3 segni di croce. Et non calcare troppo le dita basta a te atocare l’osso che e ussito et sopra di esso farli il segno di +. Poi l’ongerai col dito olio roxato ben caldo con una penna. Poi meterai sopra la ditta polvere di mortella calda et sopra li meterai le stoppe calde servate ben strette intorno al male et sopra li metera una peza dopia calda et sopra la infasserai strettamente al traverso acio che l’osso vadi a poc a poco al suo loco mediante il caldo et le altre cirimonie con la bona legatura. Et questo lo farai per 3 giorni e non piu. E stia in riposso che presto, con lo aiutto di dio, guarira. E questo piu volte lo provato. *Per osso smosso o nervo scavalcato. Dirai sopra’l male, vz. ‘Il nostro signore, yehsu christo, in croce fue chiavelato. Osso, sangue, nervo, li fue strepato. Il nostro signore, yehsu christi, di croce fue levato. Osso, sangue, e nervo, li fue ritornato, cossi ritorna qui como che ritorno a nostro signore, yehsu christo, in brazo ala sua gloriosa madre, vergine maria. + + +. [In nomine] Patris, filii et spiritus sancti, Amen.’ -------- [Page 237] Per osso smosso inele congionture sforzatamente. Rx. un chiar d’ovo, termentina e olio roxato, ana onza j, et incorpora insieme a un piccol foco la termentina e l’olio. Et levalo dal foco et meteli il chiar del ovo et mesta bene. Poi lo metti su una faldella di stoppa calda et mettila sul male adolorato enfiato et con una fassa legalo bene e stretto. Et questo lo farai per 2 giorni matina e sera e presto guarirai. Ma prima quando tu sei fatto male o cascato o percossa o per altro inconveniente, subito fatti tirare quel membro, brazo o gamba, chel sia tanto che l’osso vadi al loco suo et se’l fusse uno piede sinistrato, falo tirare et metti il piede sopra a un legno tondo e agravali sopra e se’l ti duole fatti forza impero che l’osso va al loco suo e anche presto ne guarisse perche como il male e raffredato el si enfia e dole per la humore che ivi corre. Et tu li farai questo sopra ditto diffensivo piu presto che tu poi e presto ti levera il dolore e guarirai. E io lo provato a uno piede. Item a uno nervo sinistrato. Torai latte di vacha rossa et mettivi drento rose seche m. uno et lassele infussione tutta la notte. Et la matina le cava fora del latte et serbali. Poi meterai inel latte semola di formento e magra m. uno et falla bolire tanto che diventi a modo di impiastro. Poi caverai fora la semola et meterai quelle rose cavate con questa semola calda incorpora bene et meti cossi caldo sun la doglia del nervo sinistrato. Et fala piu volte e presto ne guarirai. Item per ossi smossi a farli presto guarire. Quando tu sei inanti a lo infermo dimandali se lui vole guarire et fali dire 3 pater noster con 3 ave marie e dilli ancor tu poi li piglia il membro offeso in mano e toccali dove li dole piu che in quello loco l’osso li sera ussito fora et fali sopra un segno di + et li tiene li tuoi 2 dita grossi in + sopra al male et 3 volte li dirai queste sancte parolle, vz. ‘+ In nome de dio, la vergine maria, gemi e fiori, yehsu christo insu la + mori cossi torni osso, carne, nervo e sangue in sua congiontura, cosi come yehsu christo torno in sua figura. [In nomine] + patris et + filii et spiritus sancti. + Amen.’ Et dilla per 3 matine continue et meterai sopra una faldella di stoppa bagnata bene in la orina. E poi fatta scaldare sotto ala cenere calda et messa sul male et sopra un’ altra stopa e bene infassato e stretto perche inela legatura consiste la sanita. E presto guarirai. Per ossi rotti a restringerli insieme e mitigare il dolore. Rx. bolarminio, aloe, terra sigilata e sangue di drago, ana onza j. Et di tutte cose ne farai polvere suttila. Poi le incorpora con chiaro d’ovo ben sbatuto. Poi bagnerai drento le tue lenguette fatte di stopa sutila et mettele sul male come per ordine rassetando bene li ossi et con le fasse farai bella legatura et chel paciente tenga il membro leso in riposso e presto guarira. Unguento per saldare ossi rotti fatto del venerabile Beda. Rx. sangue humano overo di porco rosso lb ij, aloe patico onze iij, seracolla lb j, serapino, armoniaco, galbina, pece, colla fatta di raschiatura di carta, colla di pescio, incenso, mastice, trementina, bolarmenio, sangue di drago, olio roxato e cera nova, ana onze iiij. Et componi inel modo che si fa li altri unguenti, cioe che tutte le gome siano bene disfate et incorporate bene col sangue e l’olio. Poi lo metti a lento foco con tutte le composicione et falo cosere secondo il solito et in ultimo li meterai la cera et levelo dal foco. Et lo mesta finche gli e fredo et sera fatto et quello conserva ali bisogni. Et quando lo adoperi a fracturi de ossi o altri movimenti di gionture fa chel sia caldo et in breve ne vedrai experientia e opera bella, per essere composto per quello che si dice da quel sancto homo venerabile beda e di tenuto bonissimo secreto. Valeti. -------- [Page 238] A nervi retirati inele dita, aqua perfetta e bona. Rx. aqua roxa onza j, aqua vita di 3 cotte onze iij, aqua de mile erbe e aqua fatta di pane, ana onze ij. Et conponi queste aque insieme et quando vorai medicare li nervi retratti, fala ben scaldare e che la stia turata. Poi li bagna drento dele pezze line suttile et cossi calde metteli sopra al male et sopra li metti altre peze calde et bene infassato caldo et fala matina e sera e guarirai. A cavare una natta presto et con facilita saldarla. Rx. il torlo di uno ovo et tanto sale pesto sotile che sia assai de impastare el ditto rosso tanto chel diventa como unguento. Poi lo distendi sopra a una peza o camoze et mettilo sopra ala natta che bene la copri tutta et mutalo 2 volti al giorno et questo lo farai per 3 o 4 giorni continui. Et la natta tutta si vera a mortificare. Ma advertisse chel ne una piu dura del altra pero el ti convie seguitare piu giorni l’ordine sopra detto per insino a tanto chel paciente sentira la mortificatione. Poi torai songia di porcho maschio vechia e foglie di sambucho et pestali bene insieme et ne farai a modo di uno impiastro et caldo caldo mettilo sopra ala natta per 3 o 4 volte e tra’l di e la notte et questo farai per 3 giorni continui. Poi che averai fatto questo, torai galbina e stendila sopra’l camozo et mettila sopra ala natta a modo di cirotto de diaquilon e che la copra tutta la natta et la muterai ogni di 2 volte per insino che sera fora la natta. Et allora sarai sicuro di presto guarire e presto guarira la carne e non li fare altra medicina perche la galbina rompe la pelle che e sopra ala natta et la rimane schietta biancha e mortificata. Et alora se tu non la poi cavare intiera cavela in pezoli a poc a poco e l’amalato non la sentira perche la sera tutta mortificata. Et poi seguiterai con la galbina predetta che la carne tornera al loco suo senza alcuna altra manghagna e serai, per dei gratia, guarito. E di probata. Item a rissolvere una natta. Rx. armoniaco onze js, piretro, euforbio, ana drama j, sal nitro scropuli js. Ponentur simul cum cera et fiat cerottum con uno poco di aceto forte et postea pone ubi est natta. Item. Torai uno lusertone de que grossi verdi e vivo et mettilo in una ampolla con olio de oliva et metila dinanti al foco et fala bolire tanto chel sia cotto et mettivi drento 4 cachature di capra. Et poi levelo dal foco et mettilo al sole per 15 o 20 giorni. Poi farai scaldare bene el ditto olio in un gusso d’ovo et ongiti caldo la natta et metti suso lana susi[d]a ben calda et sopra altri panni caldi e bene infassata. Et questo ordine continuandolo presto se rissolvera la ditta natta. Ma advertisse che la non sia troppo vechia che staria assai andarsene ma quando sono giovane, presto se ne vanno. Suco di erba di san giovanni, cioe barbena, contra alo spasimo. La matina di san jone avanti che leva il sole, ricoglie dele cime piu tenere di berbena et ne empirai una inchistara calotta drento. Coprila con carta bene e tachela al solio dela camera per uno mese o 2 et tutta si convertira in suco da sua posta senza farli altro. Poi lo colerai et quello suco conserva per questi bisogni, vz. Quando avesti botta insun le gambe o mazata o sun le spalle o altro male con grandissimo spasimo e ferrita con gran passione, bagna dele pezze in ditto suco e spesso meti sun la macatura overo fractura o tagliatura et maxime inel principio tanto che la passione non vada al core. Et cosi farai sopra ale gotte calide leva il dolore. Et se tu ti bagni li testiculi non ti lassa ussare con donna. Et questo e aprobato tanto e tante volte a tutte le sopra dette cose. -------- [Page 239] Olio per doglia di nervi. Rx. anetba, assentio, ruta e salvia, ana m. uno, et tagliale et falle bolire in olio di oliva del piu vechio che tu possi trovare lb. iij, et farai bolire ogni cosa insieme in una pignata a lento foco che la sia ben turata che niente la possi sfiatare, tanto che calli la terza parte. Et levela cossi dal foco et lassela freddare et quel olio conservelo cossi con le erbe drento. Et con esso ongi li nervi chel sia ben caldo matina e sera e presto guarira. Overamente tu ongerai con questo onto li nervi dolliosi. Rx. del grasso di peccora et del mirollo dele sue stinche overo de altri ossi del ditto animale et del mirollo di bue, ana onze ij. Talialo minuto et componi ogni cosa insieme a un piccol foco et con esso onto chel sia ben caldo, ongiti la sera il loco offeso deli nervi. Et falo piu volte e presto guarirai. *A sanare una natta, vz. Rx. limatura di piombo et fala stare in aceto forte per 4 giorni, mutandovi ogni giorno l’aceto, et aloe patico e solfero, ana onze ij, cera nova onze iiij, zuccaro fino e trementina, ana onza j, e 4 ova. Et ogni cosa incorpora insieme et fane impiastro. Poi pigliera una piastra di piombo sutile et falla incavare tanto che vi entra drento tutta la natta et metti suso del ditto impiastro caldo et medica 2 volte al giorno. Et se l’unguento non fusse di bona forma, agiongivi una pocha di trementina tanto che basti, e guarira. *Item a sanare una natta, vz. Rx. onza j de alume di rocha arso e fane polvere sutilissima et uno poco di sapone ut savon et aloe patico et limatura di piombo, ana onza s, et ogni cosa incorpora insieme con uno poco di bona aceto forte et uno poco di chiaro d’ovo et cosi lassa per 4 giorni et farai per 3 volte, che in tutto sarano 12 giorni. Et quando la vorai adoperare, torai um poco di questa pasta et involgela come prima et mettilo sopra alla natta et aprila con la piastra di piombo suttila che sia fatta alla grandeza della natta et ogni di li muta l’unguento. Et cossi come la natta calla e tu sminuischa la piastra et questo continua al mancho per un mese, e sarai guarito. *A consumare la ditta natta. Rx. diaquilon, sal nitro, galbano, ana, et incorpora et mettilo suso caldo e falo piu volte et consuma la natta. -------- [Page 240] A mitigare il dolore dele gotte et altri dolori. Rx. olio de olivo del piu vecchio che mai tu possi trovare perche con piu egli e vecchio, meglio elli e, onze iij e incenso maschio onza j e fiori di aneto drame iij e lardo di porco maschio vecchio onza s et 1 chiaro d’ovo frescho et sia fatto in polvere sutilissima, el lardo ben pisto et ogni cosa sia bene incorporato tenendolo solamente caldo et stalli un ora intorno a incorporarlo et sera fatto. Poi bagnavi drento dele pezette line et meteli sul dolore dela gotta piu volte overo de altri dolore pure de congionture. E presto ti levera una gran parte del dolore. Et etiam se tu ongerai il loco doglioso dela gotta con dela cassia tratta, presto ti levera il do[lo]re dela gotta che non te ne avederai. E de aprobato. -------- [Page 241] Rimedio certissimo a levare il dolore dele gotte calide aprobatissimo e vero con uno onto. Rx. olio de oliva del piu vechio e anticho che tu possi trovare, perche con piu egli e vechio, migliore operatione fa e de piu penetrativo e fa piu presto, onze iij, e litragerio d’oro, aneto e incenso e argento vivo e biacha lavata, ana onze ij, e sale comune onza s, e uno chiaro d’ovo frescho chel sia ben sbattuto. Et tutte quest altre cose ne sia fatta polvere sutilissima. Poi torai uno pignatino novo et mettivi drento onze iiij di vino bianco bono bonissimo et l’olio sopra detto et meterai dele brase acese in uno tegame overo in uno saldaletto e metivi sopra’l il pignatino et quando sta per volere bolire, metivi drento l’aneto, l’incenso il litragirio e la biacha e l’argento vivo. Ma prima lo mortifica col salivo overamente col suco di uno pomo dolce in una scudella per una mezora et metilo drento et sempre li mesta drento con la tua stecha che ogni cosa bene se incorpori e chel non brusa. Et lasselo bolire tanto chel vino sia consumato et in questo mezo pigliera corpo de unguento. Et quando avera bolito un ora o piu cosi pian piano, levelo dal foco et mestali drento per un pezo et se per sorte el vino non si fusse consumato ben tutto el vera sopra al unguento e quello giettalo fora et restera l’unguento solo et sera fatto. E quello conserva come cosa cara che con piu eli e vegio tanto piu e migliore e de piu penetrativo e opera piu presto. Et quando le gotte vi vengano a visitarvi con li suoi consueti dolori inele conionture et voi prestamente adoperate la gratia de dio del preditto onto fativi ongere il loco adolorato e presto la doglia si partira et andera in un altro loco e tu li anderai drento ongendo dove che la doglia andera per insino che ella sera ridotta nele ultime extremita dele mane over de piedi et non dole piu ma lassa infiato quelle extremita senza dolore. Et a questo modo leverai il dolore dele gotte et questo e di certissimo experimento e piu volte aprobato. Et se tu vorai fare desenfiare le mane o i piedi, fali qualche bagnoli cordiale con vino, rose, camomilla, osmarino e semola, bolino che cali il terzo e lava et lassa assugare da se. Et presto quello enfiato si rossolvera. Et continuando el ditto onto ale preditte doglie et conservandoti da tutte le cose contrarie e parco inel vivere et onesto e temperato con la donna et presto, con lo aiuto de dio, ne guarirai como ne fue guarito M[onsigno]re albergotto, cittadino e cononico dela cita da rezzo, il quale ne rende bona testimonianza il quale e vivo e sano. A mitigare il dolore dele gotte in piu modi. Rx. dela farina de miglio et impastela con bonissimo vino bianco ben caldo et metila su una pezza a modo di impiastro et mettila ben calda sul dolore dela gotta et rinovela como e fredda. Et questo lo continua e presto mitighera li dolori et dove scorano li seguita con l’inpiastro. E di aprovata. Item a mitigare il dolore dele gotte e presto. Rx. foglie de iusquiamo del mese di magio. Piena una pignata grande col suo coperchio luttato che niente possa respirare. Et farai una bucha in terra davanti al tuo usso overamente dove passa dele gente assai. Et lassela stare per insino a santa maria di agosto colti a luna sema. Poi leverai la pignata e leva il coperchio et caverai fora le foglie le quale si serano convertite in liquore liquido. Et le premi molto bene sotto al torchieto et cavane quanto ne poi cavare. Et lo serberai in ampolla ben coperta. Et con esso liquore ongeti solamente lo infiato dela gotta dove ti dole dove e il rossore e non in altro loco per bon rispetto. Et questo licquore benedetto mitiga e leva tutti li dolori dele gotte e sia dove si voglia nela persona tutti li guarisse. E provato. Item a mitigare il dolore dele gotte. Rx. olio di oliva del piu vechio che tu possi avere e polvere di incenso e albume d’ovo e lardo di porco mastio, ana, et incorpora e batti ogni cosa insieme et incorpora a lento foco. Et farai a modo di uno impiastro e caldo metilo sul dolore dela gotta. E presto ti levera il dolore e falo riscaldare volta per volta chel dolore ti viene et guarirai. -------- [Page 242] Contra al dolore dele gotte calide e frigide. Rx. erba rondinaria ut cilidonia la matina per tempo che l’abia suso la roxata in luna sema e sia lb. ij et tagliela minutamente et torai lb. j di mele purificato et meterai ogni cosa insieme in una inchistata et turela bene. Poi la meti sotto al litame caldo di cavallo per 20 o 30 giorni. Poi la cava et voterai ligermente quella pocha aqua che sera drento inela inchistara et la serva la quale e bona da medicare fistule e cancri, bagnando drento dele pezze e meterle sun le piaghe, ma che prima siano lavate. Et sopra li meterai brutto bon, cioe diaquilon il quale e negro, e guarirai del dito male. Poi torai il fondachio che e rimasto inela inchistara et falo distillare in una bozza di vetro al bagno maria con lento foco et ne caverai aqua limpa e chiara et quela conserva. Et in la ditta aqua li bagnerai drento le pezze line suttile et mettele sopra al dolore dele gotte calide ut frigide, mitiga abondato il dolore, continuandoli le pezze sopra bagnate. Et dopoi a questo li potrai dare il suo cibo il quale sua temperato et conservarsi in ogni cosa, a non fare dissordine et, con l’aiutto di dio, presto cessera il dolore dele gotte et dela fistula ut cancro, guarirai. Item a mitigare il dolore dele gotte. Torai foglie di sanbuco e foglie de erba che si chiama oculis christi ut domine, ana m. uno, et fale bolire in vino bianco bono et cose calde a modo de impiastro mettali sul dolore dela gotta e tienlo caldo piu che tu poi, mutandolo alcune volte e presto ti levera il dolore dele gotte e sia dove si voglia. Item. Si dice che se tu torai 3 coresini di sambuco e 3 di orticha e di mentastro, ana, et farle ben tagliarle e farne una fritella et darla a bere o a mangiare con bonissimo vino bianco et molto li zovera al dolore dele gotte. Item. Se tu beverai uno bichiere di suco di bertonica, in quello giorno non sentirai dolore di gotte. Contra al dolore dele gotte, bevanda optima et maxime quando sono calide di natura. Rx. queste acque stillate di fumoterre, di indivia e di buglosa, ana lb. iij, et aloe patico onze iij et mettilo in ditta aqua in una pignata nova col suo coperchio ben turato intorno che non riffiata et fala bolire pian piano tanto che si consumi la metta o piu. Poi la colerai sutilmente et la conserva ali tuoi bisogni. Et quando li viene il dolore dele gotte, dagliene a bere la matina per tempo onze iij calda a modo de syropo et dane ogni matina tanto che li dura il dolore dele gotte che queli altri dolori che averano avenire tarderano un tempo et cossi farai di man in mano et, con lo aiuto di dio, presto se ne liberera che piu dolori non li verra purche’l non sia tutto stropiato. Contra al dolore dele gotte, solutivo optimo e perfetto. Rx. turbiti eletti drama s, ermodatilorum, zinziberis, ana drama j, ezule drame iij, zuchari lb. j. Dissolvantur omnia simul et reducatur in forma confectionis sive lettuario. Et se tu lo vorai piu solutivo, agiongeli diagridi drama j et ne potrai tore la sera overo la matina intorno a drame iij, il quale ti fara andare suavemente e senza mordacita et etiam conosserai dati i stesso che molto ti giovera. Nota. A levare il dolore dele gotte, torai del legno verde di salese e metilo insul foco et quella aqua overo stiuma chel gettera fora dal capo deli sticci ricogliela con diligentia et con essa calda ongi il loco adolorato, cioe dove e il rosso. E presto ti levera il dolore dela gotta. E di provato. -------- [Page 243] Contra al dolore dele gotte, lattovario perfetissimo e de secreto mirabile. Rx. diadraganti frigidi, succi citoniorum, ana onza j, hermodactillorum, zenziberis, ana drame ij, turbith eletti, manne elette, mellis rosati, ana onza s, agarici drame js. Poi torai zucharo fino lb. j, et mesida ogni cosa insieme et sia sutilmente spolverizato le cose. Et fiat elettuarium ut in forma solida et dosis eius est onza s cum custodia usquem ad operationem. Et continuandolo a tempi molto ti levera il dolore dele gotte. Usando di queste pinole qui sotto scritte le quale se anno apigliare al manco 4 volte al anno, cioe in primavera, nela estate, nel auctono et inel verno. Et piu e meno ne pigliera secondo che a te parra et quando tu li pigli, starai per quel giorno di guardia perche indebiliscano al quanto la natura. E queste sono li pinule, vz. Pille: Rx. pillularum foetidarum scropuli ij, agaricis trocis scatarum scropuli js, pillarum ermodactillorum scropuli ijs, reubarbari eletti drame ij. Poi missie cum aqua ive et fiat pasta de qua formentur pillarum ad libitum et reservetur in vaso ligneo et tibi videtur mirabillia. Item a le gotte, confettione optima. Rx macis, galange, gardamomi, ana drama s, cinamomi, nucis muscate, ana drame js, zenziberis drame ijs, zuchari albi, uve marine, ana lb. j, et aquam rosatam quam sufficit. Et incorporerai ogni cosa insieme secundo l’ordine che si tiene a fare le altre confettione aromatiche. Et di questo confetto ne darai al paciente la sera quando va a dormire et la matina per tempo, ripossandosi sopra al quanto, il quale li sera molto propitio a levarli il dolore dele gotte. Aiutandosi ancor lui dela bocha in ritenersi di alcuni suoi apetitti che li sono contrarie et dorma alongi ala sua donna et trovera miglioramento ali ditti dolori che chiasi volti li sentira e sempre anderanno in diclinatione. Contra al dolore dele gotte, pillule nobile e de verissimo secreto ad onem judicium. Rx. mirra eletta, bertonica, bolarminio, arteticha, iva, ana drama j, pinpinella, camedrios et aloe patico, ana drame ij, croci drama s. Misce omnia cum aque salvie ut ive et mele roxato e aqua di arteticha et componi ogni cosa insieme et farai una pasta de qua capiat ante comestionem oris tribus sive in mane, sive in sera ad quantitatem ciceris et hoc spertum est. Item pillule per gotte molto degne. Rx. aloe epatico onza j, zafferano drama j, mirra, mastice, ana onza s, incenso drame ij. Et compone tutte le preditte cose con suco di finochio et fara pasta et formerai le tue pillule secondo l’ordinario. Et la sera quando vai a dormire, ne piglierai una presa drama s et vedrai cosa molto miraculosa alevarti il dolore dele gotte abenche le siano calide. Contra al dolore dele gotte, unto mirabile et valorosissimo. Di provata. Rx. uno gatto che sia ben grasso e non castrato amazalo e scorticalo e getta via il capo e l’interriora e non altro. Poi lo taglia molto minutissimamente et con lb. 2 di lardo di porcho maschio e chel sia vechio. Ben pisto ogni cosa insieme et con queste erbe e composicione. Torai bertonica, arteticha, pimpinella, ana m. uno, zafferano drama j, cinamomo, incenso, zenzero, noce moscate, ana drama j, tutte tagliate e bene incorporate. Poi piglierai un ocha grassa pelata e conza como la destare et mettivi drento inel corpo tutto le preditto pieno e cosela et la infilza inelo schilone…. -------- [Page 244] ut spedo et metila al foco et gira pian piano et non li dare il foco tropo galiardo ma pian piano tanto che in 4 ore la sia ben cotta che piu niente non cola et ricoglie con grandissima diligentia tutto il grasso che li cola da dosso et quello conserva como cosa cara e degna. Et quando vorai ongere il dolore dele gotte et sia dove si voglia, falo scaldare et ongi il loco adolorato e tienlo in riposso et falo matina e sera e presto ti levera il dolore per quella volta et tardera che non vera li altre volte cossi spesso et continuandolo guarirai per dei gratia. Contra al dolore dele gotte, unguento dignissimo da ungere e sia dove si volia. Rx. trementina vinetiana onze ij, sale comune pesto onza j, tartero de botte pesto e olio di oliva del piu vechio che si possa trovare, ana lb. 2, e aneto m. uno et farai bolire tutte le preditte cose insieme tanto che callino la 3 parte. Poi lo colerai sutilmente, dopoi meterai in dita colatura grasso di ocha e grasso di orso tutti colati, ana onza j, e midolla di cervo onze js e cera nova onze ij et cossi caldo incorporerai tutte le preditte cose et farai uno unguento et tienlo accaro. Et con lo ditto onto ongeti il loco adolorato dela gotta scaldandoti la palma dela mano et ligermente ongerai con essa il loco adolorato impero che l’onto penetra piu facilmente per il caldo naturale dela mano et zoverati al dolore abondato che non sentirai. Item a levare il dolore dele gotte, onto molto perfetto. Rx. una cagnia viva e che sia castrata e ben grassa. Amazela e levali la pelle, il capo, li piedi e l’interriora. Poi fala bolire in una caldaia di aqua che la sia grande che non li abia agiongere drento aqua tanto che la sia ben cotta e disfatta. Poi leverai il caldaio dal foco et lasselo cosi raffredare. Poi ricoglie tutte quello grasso che e di sopra come cosa cara et quello conserva. Poi torai onze ij del ditto grasso e onza j di aqua roxa fina et farai ribolire il grasso et l’aqua insieme a lento foco tanto che diventi a modo di uno unguento. Et con esso onto ongieti il loco ha dolorato dela gotta 3 o 4 volti al giorno et onterai col palmo dela mano chel sia caldo. Et questo lo fa penetrare piu facilmente et molto li zova al paciente et il dolore presto se ne va. Ancora si fa del ditto onto sopra ditto con una volpe morta et fassi bolire in una gran caldaia con aqua assai ma non se li leva cosa nisuna, ne pelle, ne capo, ne piedi, ne interriora cossi bella e sana tutta si cose como e ditto di sopra. Et si ricoglie tutto quello grasso che ella fa sopra al aqua quando sera freda et quella conserva che longo tempo dura e di molto penetrativo. Et lo adopererai como e quel di sopra overamente lo meterai in sua compagnia che meglio opera fara a levarti il dolore et etiam a dele altre virtu ad altri doglie e dolori. E di statto piu volte aprobato. Contra al dolore dele gotte, olio exccelentissimo e degno ad ogni prova. Rx ramarri ut lusertoni verdi di que grossi, al manco 6 che siano vivi, et metteli in una caraffa grande del collo largo et farai questo in tempo di primavera. Et empila di olio di oliva del piu vechio che tu possi trovare et fali negare drento vivi. Et poi mettila dinanti al foco et fala bolire tanto che li detti ramarri siano tutti disfatti. Poi leverai la caraffa dal foco et mettivi drento queste sotto scritte cose, cioe pilatro, castoreo, mastice e laudano, ana drame ij, e che siano peste sutile et farai destillare al lambico di vetro et dali ben foco et quello liquore che nesse, sapilo conservare come cosa cara. Et con esso licquore overo olio fa chel sia caldo et con esso ongeti il loco dele gotte ha dolorate. E presto, con lo aiuto di dio, ne levera via il dolore et molto tardera quelli che anno avenire et del tutto in breve ne potrai guarire. Et etiam questo olio a de molte altre propieta como si contiene inel capitulo dela tigna e nel tratato del crepate et deli capelli. -------- [Page 245] Lattovario a mal di podagra et arteticha. Rx. diagridi drame v, turbiti fini drame iiij, ermodattilorum drame ij, reubarberi, cinamomi, garoffani, olibani, spica nardi, ana drame iij, anasi, sal geme, centaurea minore, ana scropulo j. Et omnia supra dicta conficiantur cum una lb. melis et fiat elettuarium. Debente sumi in ora matutini in quantitate unius nucis in uno ciato cum aliquantulum acque tepide. Et de mane debet homo se bene custodire quousque ipsum electuarium facit suuam operationem. + Et dic ista oratio, vz. “O summa sapientia, O eterna luce, O creator del cielo e dela terra, O tu il quale recuperasti l’humana natura e fusti posto in croce per noi peccatori per salvarci, riccordati signore quando dicesti in + ‘Hely, hely, lama zabatani. Hoc est corpus meum.’ Agios, agios, agios, ischiros, atanathos, adonay. Et sicut tu, domine, liberasti de v[u]lnere lateris tui cum sanctissime + quam tu portasti ad montem calvarium et sic tu, Domine, involutus fuisti in tela alba et sicut plage ille non emisserunt sanguinem, nec ardorem, nec fetorem ita non amittantur dolor iste ita placeant deo et nativitate sue. Passio christi liberet istum. Passio christi liberet eum. In nomine Patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +, amen.” Et dicas super dolor cum hore tuo et postea pone modicum de camisa hominis et pone in modo + super dolor eius et cito liberabitur +. Contra al dolore dele gotte, a guarirle con l’aqua del legno sancto, aprobatum. Rx. del legno sancto tornito sutilmente et metilo a mole in una pignata nova col suo coperchio che abia il buco inel mezo con aqua di cisterna lb. 33 et lasselo a mole 24 ore. Poi lo farai bolire pian piano tanto che calli il terzo et chel coperchio li sia ben turato intorno che niente possa riffiatare salvo per il buco che e inel coperchio. Poi che sera cotto levelo dal foco et lassela cossi freddare. Poi la colerai sutilmente et questa conserva in fiasco di vetro. Poi meterai del altra aqua oltertanta al ditto legno bolito et lo farai ribolire ut supra che cali il terzo et la cola e la conserva in vaso vitreato. Et piglierai tanta dela prima aqua quanto dela secunda et la mescola insieme et dela preditta aqua tu ne berai a tutto pasto et for di pasto et non berai altro vino per insino a tanto che tu serai guarito dele gotte overo de altra infirmita. Et guardati da le altre cose contrarie, como e ditto di sopra et, con lo aiutto di dio, presto guarirai. E di secreto moderno e rado tra l’hiomini. Oratione contra ale gotte da dire ogni matina et porta tecum. ‘Ista est nomina de magna virtutte, Domine deus meus, el eloy, ely, sabaoth, elyon ele adonay, iathetagramaton, saday. + Pater et filius et spiritus sanctus + Amen. Sancta trinitas, unus deus miserere, miserere nobis. Agyos oteos, agios yschiros, agyos atanatos, eleyson imas. Deus propitius esto michi peccatori. Inchlina deus meus aurem tuam et audi. Aperi oculos tuos et vide tribulationem, amfretatem et infirmitatem meam et misericorditer. Sucurre michi et adiuva me in necessitatibus meis, per rivertentiam et amorem et sanctissimi nomen sanctissimi filii tui Domine nostri, yehsu christi, et per riverentiam et amorem et intercessionem sanctissime virginis marie, matris eius, et omnium sanctorum et sanctarum tuarum qui vivis et regnat in secula seculorum, amen. Et iot es uau tetagramaton. Domine deus adiuva me de dolore gutte et miserere mei et libera me de omni angusti et infirmitate mea. In nomine dei patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +, amen.’ Et dilla la matina col pater noster. -------- [Page 246] Lattovario de spinzervino, solutivo apropriato a levare il dolore dele gotte ut lattovario angelicho con gubebe questo si chiama inele speciarie spinzervino. Rx. le pomelle del spinzervino al ultimo del mese di setembre e che le siano ben mature e ben nero et che li abiano a[v]uto il fredo, cioe la brinata sopra al mancho una volta perche conquistano piu virtu solutiva. Et pigliane quella quantita che a te pare et mettale in masera, cioe in calda amuchiate insieme per 8 o 10 giorni. Poi li meterai sotto alo stretoio in un sachetto e premali et cavane bene tutta la sustantia del suco. Poi torai del ditto suco lb. j et mele purgato lb. j et incorpora insieme. Poi meterai hogni cosa inel tozzo chel sia netto et quando egli e ben caldo li colerai col la stamigna et rimettilo inel tozzo et fallo bolire lentamente et mestandovi drento che bene se incorpori et lasselo bolire tanto che piglia al quanto di corpo che pigliandone um poco sun la punta del coltello e lassarne cadere una gioza sun la carta et se’l resta sodo sun la carta como un bottone indurito, alora sera fatto et levilo dal foco, et cossi caldo metivi drento cinamomo onza j e zenzero onze vj e noce moschata onza s, tutte fatte in polvere sutilissime et bene incorporate insieme e freddo chel sera metilo inel tuo alberello et riponlo ali tuoi bisogni. Et quando lo vorai adoperare, avanti che tu vadi a desinare, pigliane pieno un chugiaro et quello ingiotisse a modo de pinola. Poi mangiali sopra il tuo dessinare temperatamente. Et quella matina che tu lo piglii, sappiati conservare. Non andare al aria, sta in camera se tu voi che l’operi onestamente et darati consolatione al corpo et im bre[ve] ti levera il dolore dele gotte et ti purghera il corpo et zoverati molto ad altra infermita et a debilita di nervi. Et di questo lattovario fatine conto impero che l’angelo lo insegno a uno sancto padre et se adimanda lattovario angelico. E di provato. Item solutivo de spinzervino ut lattovario angelico. Torai del ditto suco de spinzervino passato per la stamigna lb. js et falo lentamente bolire tanto chel cali il terzo. Poi metavi drento lb. j di mele purgato, purificato, colato e netto con onze iiij di zucharo fino fato in polvere et bene incorporato a foco lento et mestavi drento et lasselo bolire tanto chel piglia al quanto di corpo et sera fatto se gia non voi fare il sagio como di sopra e detto. Et quello conserva ali tuoi bisogni per pigliarne la sera uno cugiaro quando vai a dormire o piu o meno, secondo che tu ne vedi averne il bisogno. Et questo molto giova ale podagre et ad altri mali calidi. E di provato. Contra ala gotta siaticha, portando questo anello continuamente in dito. Farai fare uno anello d’oro ut d’argento et quello porterai continuamente in dito se averai la gotta siaticha overo se tu ne fusti difettoso et, con lo aiutto de dio, presto ne guarirai. Et farai intagliare queste lettere como sono di fora via, vz. ‘+ Christus abiel + christus abiel + christus abiel. +’ et non altro. Et per di drento via al anello fali intagliare queste altre in questo modo como tu vedi, vz. ‘+ Dio + birem + sabuc + hexeber +’ et non altro. Et li farai dire sopra una messa di santo gossimo et damiani et quando la prima volta tu lo meti in dito, dirai 5 pater noster con 5 ave marie ad lude e gloria dele 5 piaghe di yehsu christo et portalo con fede e divotione che piu non sentirai dolore di gotta siaticha. E questo e vero e verissimo. Et etiam a anche non so che proprieta sopra alle donne, io non mi ricordo per essere tempo assai che io lo sentito a dire. Ma tenetivi a questo. Item a levare il dolore dele gotte. Rx. pirole di armodatale no. 3 la prima volta avanti che la luna facci di giorni 4 et cosi farai in la 5 decima 4 giorni avanti. Et in questi giorni piglia polvere de ulese uno chugiaro o pocho piu et missia con brodo ut vino caldo et in le sue vivande usate polvere di melissa et questa vol essere continuata et, con lo aiuto di dio, li dolori presto anderano via. Di provata. -------- [Page 247] Contra ala gotta siaticha di un fianco etiam che fusse vechia, cirotto. Rx. rasa de pino eletta onze vj, galbina onza j e mastice onza s. Prima farai disfare le gome. Poi li meterai il mastice fatto in polvere sutila et componi il tuo cirotto et cosi caldo lo distendi sul camozo ut sovato et distendilo suttile. Et prima havanti che tu li tachi il cirotto, torai un panno di lana rosso ut di roxato et falo scaldare bene et fregali la cossia dela siaticha al ingioso molto bene. Poi li tacherai suso il cirotto et cosi farai ogni matina queste freghe col ditto panno roxato e caldo. Et poi li tacherai suso il cirotto. Et cosi continuerai per 10 matine et lasselo poi stare cosi. Et farai al ginochio medemo quelle freghe medeme col ditto panno roxato caldo et li meterai suso un altro cirotto. Et lasselo stare suso per 10 giorni et ogni matina lo leva et li farai le freghe sopra dette. Poi farai cosi ancora sul col del piede con quelle freghe et con quel cirotto per 10 giorni. Et fornito questi 3 volti 10 giorni leva via li 2 cirotti di sotto et lassa stare suso solamente quello dela siaticha et non lo spicare mai per insino che da sua posta non si spica et con lo aiuto di dio tu ti sentirai guarito, conservandoti del vivere. Oratione per guarire la gotta siaticha et sia dove si voglia e presto. Dirai et farai dire al paciente 3 pater noster con 3 ave marie. Poi dirai, ‘Al nome di dio et dela sancta trinita et dela gloriosa sempre vergine maria di questo male me liberera in questa matina per tempo. E per tempo mi levai al aqua chiara ce nandamo et in 3 bone fatte minscontrai. I dio mi guardi di 3 malefatte, cioe d’aqua corente e da foco ardente et da signoria potente. Et io prometto a dio omnipotente e ala sua vergine maria di farmi forza per un mese et di essere paciente di non mangiare ne aglio, ne lente, ne capo, ne coda vidente, in nome patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +, amen.’ Et dila 3 volte per maitina col pater noster et 3 matine continue ogni volta che tu l’averai fornita falo spudare in nel aqua corente se si puo. Et stia un mese intiero a non mangiare legumi di sorte nisuna, ne agrumi di sorte nisuna, ne copi, ne coda di pesso et mangi pane di grano schieto senza altra mescolanza et beva vino e non aqua. Et stia discosto ala donna. Et questo lo facia la matina per tempo piu che lui pole. Et se la persona fusse totalmente stropiata che non si potesse movere dal letto, torai una scodella di aqua chiara et fali guardare drento et fornita l’oratione li sputa drento et quella aqua gettela via. Et la prima notte si sentira tutto travagliato e quello egli e bon segno di presto guarire et in capo a 6 o 8 giorni potra caminare et a poc a poco fornira di guarire etiam che la infirmita fusse vechia et sia dove si vollia nella persona che con lo aiuto de dio presto guarirai. Et se per sorte rompisti il voto te risaltera di novo la infermita magiore che di prima. Et ritornerai da capo a dire l’oratione. Et cinque persone ne sono guarite in ditto tempo senza farli niente altro deli quali 3 venera che non si potevano movere dal letto et li altri 2 furno menati sopra a um poco d’acqua che correra et quando l’oratione era fornita sputavano nel aqua e feceno cossi 3 volte per matina in 3 matine e inanti che si levasse il sole et anche questi 2 guarir[o]no senza farli altre medicine. Et tu che vorai fare dire l’oratione leva la matina al alba et farai levare il paciente si po se non farai como e ditto di sopra et di questo ne stai siccuro che tutti guarischano dela ditta gotta siaticha proceduta per humida causa et sia per qual si voglia frigideza et sia dove si voglia inela persona che per dei gratia tutti se rissanano, osservando la integrita dele cose sopra dette non altre valeti. -------- [Page 248] Contra ala gotta sciaticha, bagnolo e ontione che presto la guarisse. Rx. salvia e tramarino, bertonicha, berbena, valeriana, pinpinella, ruta e cardo sancto, assentio e taneda, menta e melissa, niepita, calamento, pulegio, artimisia, appio, serpullo, ysopo e bosso, anesi crudi e robache di lauro, ana onza j et tutte elette e colte con bon modo. Et li farai bolire tutte in 3 fiaschi di vino rosso chel sia bono e potente tanti che cali il terzo. Poi cola el ditto vino con peza lina et preme le erbe al quanto et li serba da parta che anche li a adoperare et metterai questi grassi in ditta colatura que sotto scritti, vz. Grasso d’asino, grasso di volpe, grasso di tasso, grasso di galina vechia e grasso di ocha, ana onze ij, et olio comune del vechio piu che sia possibile a trovare lb. j e laudano, bedelio e mirra, ana onza j et tutte siano rotte di grosso. Et meterai ogni cosa insieme in ditta bolitura et rimettilo al foco et falo bolire per una meza ora o piu. Poi levelo dal foco et lasselo raffredare et riccoglierai tutto quello grasso di sopra et serbalo como cosa cara in alberello invitriato. Et quelle erbe che tu ai fatto bolire rimetteli inel ditto vino et lassaveli ivi stare quanto che a te pare. Et quando tu vorai adoperare el ditto bagno con le erbe drento fallo scaldare bene et lavati la cossa o la gamba del loco appassionato e dolorato dela siaticha et sia dove si voglia, lava bene il loco e chel sia ben caldo. Poi la sugherai bene con panni caldi. Et poi la ongerai bene col grasso che tu ai serbato chel sia caldo. Et poi bagnerai dele stoppe inel ditto bagno et che le siano ben calde et metteli sopra al onto dove e la doglia con sopra pezze calde et bene infassato. Et a questo modo farai 2 o 3 volte al giorno perche con piu volte lo fai piu presto tu guarirai. Et lo continua al manco de 15 giorni. Et se a te paresse di metere sopra al male dele ditte erbe calde a modo de impiastro, poi che tu averai onto, meglio ti giovera che le stoppe, facendole volta per volta riscaldare et con piu spesse volte tu la farai, piu presto guarirai per essere questo un bagno di tutte cose confortative, restretive e dissechative et tenendo l’ordine sopra detto et mediante lo adiutorio divino et con fede presto guarirai. Et conservati dela bocha e non mangiare cose contrarie, ne carne porcina. Et uno homo e guarito per dei gratia che 5 anni era andato con 2 crozole per avere la siaticha in tutti doi le scie et non a preterito l’ordine de niente e de guarito, libero e spedito e va galliardo. Item. Bevanda per la ditta siaticha. Torai fiore di tramarino e di boragine e di buglossa e di preforata e colti al tempo suo e fatti seccare al ombra, ana onza j, et del erba preforata onze ij, mastice e turbiti, ana drame ij, e cinamomo drame ijs. Et tutte queste sopra dette cose falle bolire in vino bianco bono fiaschi no. 5 et falo bolire pian piano tanto che cali il terzo. Poi lo cola sutilmente et lasselo stare 4 giorni al sole et la sera quando vai a dormire et la matina avanti che tu ti levi ne berai onze iij. E chel sia al quanto caldo il quale ti fara grandissimo giovamento. Et quando lo coli, fa chel sia chiaro et lo conserva in fiascho di vetro ben turrato. Et dirai ogni matina questa oratione, viz. “ ‘+ Hodie me cum eris in paradisum. Hely, hely, lama zabatani. Mulier ecce filius tuus.’ Deinde dicisti, ‘Discipulo ecce mater tua. Scicio. In manus tuas domine comendum spiritum meum. Consumatum est.’ In nomine Patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + amen. Qui propiciatur omnibus iniquitatibus eius, qui sanat omnes infirmitates tuas, Amen +.” -------- [Page 249] Contra ale gotte frigide. Rx. ruta m. uno e pestela bene. Poi la distempera con dicottione di comino che sia ben cotto et farai a modo de impiastro et caldo quanto tu poi patire mettilo sun la doglia dela gotta et presto ti levera via il dolore et molto disseccha quello humore frigido. Et etiam ancora quest altro impiastro e optimo a levare il dolore dele gotte fredde, vz. Rx. salvia, ruta e aneto, ana m. uno, et fale bene bolire inel vino bono bianco o rosso chel calla il terzo overo la meta. Poi le pisterai bene et cosi calde a modo di impiastro mette sul dolore dela gotta et presto la dissecha et leva il dollore. *Olio contra a tutte le infermita frigide e de perfetto aprobato. Vz. Rx. tutte le 4 sorte di menta, cioe menta gientile e menta grossa e mentastro et polegiolo, ana m. uno, a luna seme el mese di magio. Et tagliale minute et metteli inel olio di oliva del piu vechio che tu possi trovare. Et fallo stare per 4 o 6 giorni al sole. Poi fallo boliri a bagno maria. Poi lo rimeti al sole per 15 giorni o piu et sera fatto. Et questo olio serbalo alli bisogni il quale vale a tutte le doglie fredde che viene inelle congionture, ongendo con ditto olio chel sia ben caldo et sopra li meteti lana sussida calda et presto li levera il dolore, ongendo matina e sera. Et con piu egli e vecchio tanto e piu migliore. Et questo ollio e statto aprobato piu e piu volte et tutte le preditte infermita li a rissolte dalla frigidezza. *Lattuario Angelico ut di spinzerbino molto solutivo. Vz. Rx. le pomelle di spinzerbino che siano ben mature al ultimo di settembre la matina per tempo et quella quantita che a te pare et mettele in uno sachetto e per forza lo premi et ne cava la sustantia sotto al torchietto. Et pestalo et se’l sara liber iij o piu mettilo al foco in vaso netto senza odore et falo bollire pian piano e stiumalo bene tanto chel calli uno terzo tanto chel sia apresso che cotto. Poi li metterai drento mele buono liber una e ½ o piu a tua discrecione il quale sia prima purgato. Overamente li metterai drento zucharo rosso il quale fa anche piu sulotivo quella misura o piu secondo lo vorai dolce o no. Et lo farai un altra volta ribolire insieme tutto tanto chel sia cotto alla sua cotta ordinaria chel stia saldo sun l’ungia ut sun la carta allora sara cotto e ben fatto. Allora cavelo dal foco et mettilo inel tuo alberello et 3 o 4 giorni al sole et sara fatto et quello lo conserva ali tuoi bisogni. Et la sua presa sie uno cugiaro e ½ o piu o manco, secondo persone et piglialo doppoi il desinare ut cena et in termine di un ora o piu ti fara andare 2 o 3 e anche 4 e 5 volte, secundo chel trovera matteria indurita in corpo. Et questo lattuario com piu egli e vechio sempre opera meglio et questo lattuario molto l’usano li certosini di veduta. *Per il dolore de denti ghiaccioli. Rx. barbe di ortica pestale un poco e poi falle bollire con vino nero in un pignattino nuovo tanto che cali la meta e poi ne pigli in bocca di detto vino piu caldo che puole soffrire e presto sara guarire. -------- [Page 250] (This page in the manuscript is blank). -------- [Page 251] Contra ala gotta siaticha, bevanda e servitiale molto utile. Rx. centaurea minore, madre selva e niepitella, ana m. j. Torai vino bianco bono grande non dolce ne garbo, bocali 3, et mettivi drento le erbe in infussione et torai un osso di porco salato di cosetto con al quanto di carne suso e chel sia ben vietto ut ranzo et rompilo in 2 o 3 lochi accio che meglio nescha fora la susta[n]tia et metilo in ditto vino et farai bolire ogni cosa insieme tanto che calli la terza parte. Poi levelo dal foco et cola et premerai bene l’erbe che nesca la sustantia et conservelo in fiascho di vetro. Et del ditto vino ne darai a bere al paciente onze 4 o 5, una matina si e l’altra no, caldo a modo di syropo. Et li farai fare uno servitiale. Et con questo onto te ongerai la siaticha e chel sia ben caldo con sopra lana susida ben calda, cioe torai ruta m. uno et amachela un poco tra 2 pietre et mettila in uno pignatino et mettivi drento olio de oliva del piu vechio che tu possi trovare e uno poco de vermicelli teresti ben lavati con vino bianco et meti ogni cosa insieme et farai bolire lentamente che non brusano. Poi li colerai molto strettamente tanto che nesca tutta la susta[n]tia. Et di questa ontione ongeti il loco apassionato chel sia ben caldo et sopra lana susida ben calda e bene infassiata. Et tutte queste preditte cose continuerai per insino a tanto che tu ti sentirai al quanto migliorato. Et con lo aiutto de dio, presto ne guarirai se tu ti conserverai del viver tuo. Et un capellano dela regina di napoli usando questa racetta in ferrara ne guarito, libero, espedito e va dritto sun la persona come se non avesse mai a[v]uto mal di siaticha, per dei gratia. Contra ala gotta siaticha, servitiale molto utile. Rx. madre selva, erba gatta e radice de brionia, ana m. j. Poi torai un fiascho de vino vermiglio bono et mettivi drento le ditte erbe in infussione per uno di naturale. Poi metti la pignatta al foco et lassela stare tanto al foco come se volesse bolire ma non la lassare bolire ma levela dal foco et coprila molto bene tanto che cosi si rafredisse. Et cossi farai per 3 o 4 volte. Poi la rimeti al foco et fala bolire tanto che cali per mitta e sera fatto. Poi ne piglierai una scudella dela ditta bolitura et olio comune onze iiij et componirai il servitiale et ne farai uno ogni 2 giorni et questo dura per 15 giorni. Et avanti che tu ti meti a fare questi medicamenti, farai purgare prima il paciente et poi farai la ditta ontione et etiam il servitiale e presto guarirai. A siaticha frigida, bevanda et a ogni altro male nassente. Rx. la scorza secunda del frassino e pimpinella, capel venere, scolopendia, citracha, fegatella, radice de cicoria, ana m. uno, e uva passerina onze ij. Miscie et fiat decotio. Metti ogni cosa in una pignata nova et metivi drento 4 bochali de vino bianco bono et coprila col suo coperchio e lutato intorno con pasta che niente riffiata salvo che per il buco da mezo. Poi la meti in uno forno caldo overamente inel mezo del fogolare tanto che la boli suavemente e che la cali la meta overamente li 2 terci. Poi lo colerai et preme bene le erbe che la sustantia nescha fora et sera fatto. Et conservelo in fiascho di vetro et la matina ne piglierai onze iiijs caldo a modo di syropo et tante volte ne piglia che tu ti senti al quanto migliorato. Et conservandoti, con lo aiutto de dio, presto guarirai. -------- [Page 252] Ala frigidita inele congionture, cioe a gotta frigida. Rx. cochumeri assinini, le foglie, il fusto, el frutto. Pestale et cavane il suco per forza et mettilo al foco tanto che tu l’abia ben schiumato ma non lo lassare bolire. Poi lo cola per la stamigna. Poi torai oltertanto olio roxato et falo bolire insieme tanto che calli il terzo overo il quarto et sera fatto. Et quello conserva ali bisogni, cioe quando la persona fusse statta in qualche loco humido e avesse perso humidita inele congionture che movere non si potesse, alora piglia del ditto suchio et falo bene scaldare et ongerai il loco adolorato molto bene et metterai sopra stoppa di canape, overamente lana susi[d]a che e meglio, che sia ben calda et sopra peze calde et bene infassato et stia caldo. Et questo farai 2 volti al giorno e non mangiare cose humidi e in 10 o 15 giorni guarirai perche la ditta ontione cavera fora tutta la humidita convertita in aqua, e presto serai libero. Item. La radice del cochumero sopra ditto vale a darla a mangiare a uno cavallo che avesse li dolori e presto lo guarisse. E di provata. Cotognata sulutiva contra ala gotta frigida e male di fianchi et conforta lo stomacho. Rx. dele mele cotogne quella quantita che a te pare et mondale e nettali drento e fora politamente e bene et fali bolire inel vino bianco bono tanto che siano ben ben cotti e disfatti. Poi torai dela ditta pasta lb. iij e mele purgato e netto lb. ij et la farai ribolire insieme et sempre li mesta drento perche voluntieri si atacharebe. Poi la levi dal foco et quando e meza freda, mettivi drento queste sotto scritte cose, tutte fatte in polvere sutilissima. Vz. Rx. garoffani, zenzero rosso, mastice, pevere longo, noce moschate e cinamomo, ana drame ij, hermodattilorum onza s, turbiti drame js e diagridi drame iij. Et incorpora bene insieme che la pasta sia anche al quanto calda et incorpora benissimo et farai uno lattovario optimo e perfetto del quale tu ne piglierai la matina al alba quanto che una noce il quale sera intorno a meza onza et vedi di dormirli sopra al manco un ora. Et vedrai mirabile efetto se aliquando lo continuerai. Unguento che vale a siaticha, a gotta frigida, a nervi retratti e a mal di madree dolore di rene et ala febre quartana et al dolore de milza. Rx. olio di oliva lb. 2 del piu vechio che tu possi trovare perche con piu eli e vechio meglio, e osmarino, salvia e ruta e assentio e le cime deli coresine di jebuli, cioe deli sambuchi salvatichi, ana m. uno. Et metteli inel ditto olio et mettivi onze iij di malvasia o vino bianco bono. Et farai bolire ogni cosa insieme tanto che calli tutto il vino con foco lento. Et farai questo saggio, meti una gioza del ditto olio su una brasa di foco e se frige el vino non ne consumato tutto et lasselo al quanto bolire tanto che tutto se consumi. Et questo vino si mette perche l’erbe si brussare bene avanti che li se cosesse et lassene la sua virtu inel olio. Poi levelo dal foco e calelo e preme l’erbe sotto al torchietto et cavene bene tutta la substantia. Poi meterai in ditto olio piena una scudella di lombrisi teresti et che siano ben lavati 3 o 4 volte con vino bianco. Poi meteli in uno pignatino piccolo et mettivi sopra vino bianco bono et fali bolire pian piano a un picol foco acio che non brusano. Et quando serano cotti el vino sera assiato. Et allora mettivi drento solfero vivo pesto onze iij et lassa levare apeni il bolore. Poi li colerai con peza lina rada e strettamente che tutti passerano per forza per essere ben cotti et li metterai in compagnia del olio. Et rimetterai ogni cosa al foco et falo bene incorporare. Poi li agiongerai drento queste sotto scritte cose tutte fatte in polvere sutilissime, vz…. -------- [Page 253] garoffani, incenso, mastici, ana onza s, e zaferano drama j e rubache di lauro onza j e cera nova onze iij. Et taglia la cera et mettila in ultima e che ogni cosa bene se incorpori et mesta finche e fredo acio che le polvere non vadino tutte in un loco et sera fatto, unguento optimo bono et perfetto. Et quello conserva in alberello ali tuoi bisogni per le sopra dette infermita, videlicet. Quando tu vorai adoperare il sopra ditto unguento ala siaticha e ala gotta frigida e ali nervi e ale broze e a male di madre e al dolore di rene et a tutte queste altre doglie fal chel sia fredo. Non lo scaldare niente et vedrai opera mirabile e fala ditta ontione piu volte. Item. Quando lo vorai adoperare ala milza, fa chel sia ben caldo et sopra li pone pezze calde et questo farai solamente la sera. Et guardati da tutte le cose contrarie a guarirai. Item. Quando lo vorai adoperare ali dolori, fa chel sia ben caldo et ongeti il corpo con sopra pezze ben calde et fala piu volte e presto li dolori cesserano. Item. Quando lo vorai adoperare contra ala febre quartana falo ben scaldare et ongeti solamente il filo dele rene et copriti molto bene in letto et farai questo 3 o 4 volte avanti chel ti venga la febre e presto guarirai. Et userai a mangiare spesso del osmarino et usa boni cibi et vederai operatione mirabile in tutte le sopra dette infermita quando che egli e fatto como eli e ditto di sopra per esse aprobato ale predette infirmita e quasi tutte li a guarite. Olio di fiori de salvia per ogni infiasone de gotte frigide de gombiti, mano e zinochio. Rx. olio di oliva del piu vechio che mai tu possi trovare. Poi torai una inchistara overo ampolla et fala piu di meza overo piena di fiori di salvia colti a luna matura. Poi la empia del ditto olio et lassela stare al sole per 8 giorni e che la stia ben coperta. Poi la farai bolire a bagno maria per meza ora et ritornela al sole per uno mese o piu et sera fatto. Poi con ditto olio chel sia ben caldo, ongeti tutte le doglie fredde causate per humori frigidi et maxime ala gotta frigida e a tutte le congionture et meti sopra stoppa di canape o lana susida che la sia ben calda et sopra altre peze et bene infassiato. Et questo farai 2 volte al giorno e presto il dolore cessera del ditto male fredo. Et molte persone questa racetta anno probata et continuandolo se ne sono guariti, per dei gratia. A guarire le doglie artetiche ut gotta arteticha. Rx. l’erba ditta arteticha, la quale fa la foglia longha un bon palmo e stretta simile a quelle dele cipole maligie overo schalognete, la quale nasse voluntiero in monte. Et quando vorai guarire la ditta gotta arteticha va inanti alo infermo e li dimanda se’l vole guarire dela gotta arteticha. Se lui dice de si dilli chel dicha 5 pater noster con 5 ave marie a riverentia dele 5 piaghe di yesu christo. Et tu averai ricolto nove foglie dela ditta erba arteticha et mostrale alo infermo. Ma prima incomincia a medicare in luna discressente et in die veneris per 9 matine continue, cioe a dire questa sotta scritta oratione 9 volte et lo infermo dira uno pater noster con l’ave maria per ogni volta che tu dirai l’oratione. Poi che tu l’averai ditta, taglia la ditta erba minutamente et torai un ovo fresco et incorpora insieme et coselo in la padelina a modo di fritella senza olio e senza altro cossi dasse solo. Et ne farai 9 boconzini et dali a mangiare allo infermo et per ogni boconcino dica uno pater noster con l’ave maria. Et la secunda matina farai el simile con 8 foglie et legerai 8 volte la ditta oratione e lui dira 8 pater noster con 8 ave maria. Et cossi farai la terza matina con 7 foglie et l’oratione la dirai 7 volte et lui dira 7 pater noster con 7 ave marie. -------- [Page 254] Et cossi farai la quarta matina con 6 foglie et lui dira 6 pater noster con 6 ave marie et ne fara 6 boconcini. Et cossi farai la quinta matina con 5 foglie et lui dira 5 pater noster con 5 ave marie et ne fara 5 boconcini. Et cossi farai la sesta matina con 4 foglie et lui dira 4 pater noster con 4 ave marie et ne fara 4 boconcini. Et cossi farai la settima matina con 3 foglie et lui dira 3 pater noster con 3 ave marie et ne fara 3 boconcini. Et cossi farai la ottava matina con 2 foglie et lui dirai 2 pater noster con 2 ave marie et ne fara 2 boconcini. Et cossi farai la nonna matina con una foglia et lui dira uno pater noster con una ave maria et ne fara uno bocone. Et non preterire se presto tu dessideri di guarire dela infermita arteticha et con la ditta erba arteticha. Et quando legerai la ditta oratione, abi una candela benedetta acesa et con essa farai sopra alo infermo il santo segno dela + et cosi farai al erba. Et questa sie la santa oratione, “In nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + amen. Tres angeli stabant supra montem cedron in die veneris et invenerunt Arteticham et dixerunt, ‘Quo vadis?’ Que respondit, ‘Vado ad famulum ut famulam dei A.’ Dixerunt angeli, ‘Nos te coniuramus, arteticham, ut non eas neque stes in famulum(a) dei A et per suum figlium, yehsum christum, + et per spiritum + sanctum + et per beatissimam virginem mariam + et per beatum michaellem archangelum + et per beatum joenum baptistam, et per evangelistam + et per beatum Petrum, apostelum tuum, + et per beatum Blasium, martirem tuum, + et per omnes sanctos et sanctas dei qui sunt in celo et in terra ut non habeas potestatem super famulum ut famulam dei A.’ Fides tua salvum te fecit. + Christus vincit +. Christus regniat +. Christus imperat +. Christus ab omni male te defendat +. In nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sanctus. + Amen.” Questa oratione e fornita e non preterire et, per dei gratia, presto guarirai. E provata. Item. Quest altra oratione legendolo 3 matine continue e 3 volte per matina con la candela benedeta acesa et farli dire prima sopra 3 messe, prima di sancto lionardo e di sancto christofeno e di sancto blasio et in capo ala terza matina dirai 3 pater noster con 3 ave marie et portela sempre con esso teco. Et quando la legerai, dirai et farai dire al paciente il pater noster et l’ave maria et legela divotamente. Vz. “Al nome del Padre + et del filiolo + et delo spirito sancto + amen. Tre angeli andavano per il monte sinay et trovando la infirmita dela gotta siaticha ut arteticha et disseno a lei, ‘Dove vai tu, doglia arteticha, dove vai?’ ‘Io vado a casa del servo tuo A a tormentare li nervi e al ossa dissechare le medolla e la carne sminuire di A.’ ‘Noi invocharemo il Padre + et il filiolo + et lo spirito sancto + et per lo dio vivo e vero il quale e creatore di tutte le creature et per li 4 evangelisti, luca, marco, matteo e jone, et per sancta Maria virgine, madre di dio, et per sancto pietro legato et impregionato et per quel jona profeta che steti 3 di nel ventre del pesso balena et per sancto Moyse che scampo dale mane di faravone et passeti il mare rosso asutto et aveva paura di questa malatia arteticha et con questa sancta oratione guarite il servo suo A che ditta siaticha ut arteticha non avesse possanza ne signoria sopra di lui da tormentare li nervi, ne de ossa minuire le midolla, ne carne, ne membra disseccare et per il tremendo di del judicio che a da essere tanto in paura che da questa ora inanti non habbia signoria sopra al servo mio A che non tormenti li soi ossi, ne anche dissechi le sue carne, ne anche voita le sue midolle per la virtu del sanctus, sanctus, agios, agios, attanatos, in nome del Padre + e del filiolo + et delo spirito sancto + et dela sua gloriosa sempre vergine maria, madre del figliolo di dio, et a rivertentia di m[onsigno]re sancto lionardo et di sancto christofeno e di sancto biasio et de tutti li sancti et sancte de dio che sono in cielo incoronati et in terra adorati et in roma canonizati et per questa divocta e sancta oratione libera il servo tuo A di questa pessima infirmita arteticha et de tutti li altri mali in piacimento sia del Padre + et del filiolo + et delo spirito sancto + Amen.’ ” -------- [Page 255] “Santo lionardo al monte seni giva et disse a quella mala bestia, ‘Dove ne andate voi?’ Ella rispose, ‘Noi andiamo a casa del servo(a) tuo A a tormentare li membri et tribulare la famiglia.’ Disse sancto lionardo, ‘Partite sciaticha non ce gire e non ci stare.’ Che io o fatto voto a dio e a m[onsignore] sancto lionardo di farmi forza per un mese di non mangiare legumi, ne lenta, ne capo di buffalo, ne di barzo, impero partiti sciaticha maladetta et vanne in despersione del profundo del mare in piacimento sia de dio et dela vergine maria et di sancto lionardo e di santo christofeno e di santo biasio. In nomine dei patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +, amen.” Et questa e verissima et e aprobata. Item. Un altra oratione per dire sopra al arteticha. Vz. “Christo cum la vergine maria per la via se ne andava la doglia arteticha intoppava e disseno, ‘Dove vai tu doglia arteticha? Dove vai tu che sia maladetta?’ ‘Io vado a casa del servo tuo A il suo sangue bere e la carne mangiare et la sua famiglia tribulare.’ Et disseno, ‘A casa del tale A non vi andare che egli e tanto bona persona chel non comportare, ma va ala marina e rode pietra e rode brina e che ti possi disfare et delonguare avanti che sia domatina.’ In nomine Patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + Amen.” Un altra oratione contra ala doglia arteticha. Vz. “Tre angioli andavano per lo monte sinai et trovorno la infirmita arteticha et dimandorno e disseno a lei, ‘Dove vai tu?’ Et ella rispose, ‘Io vado ha tormentare li nervi e asseccare et menuire la carne et voitare le medolle del servo tuo A.’ ‘Et noi havocamo per lo Pater et per lo figliolo et per lo spirito sancto et per dio vivo e vero il quale e creatore de tutte le creature et per li 4 evangelisti, matteo, luca, marco et jone, et per sancta Maria madre de dio et pietro distenuto inela pregione et per quella persona che steti 3 di inel ventre dil gran pesse balena et per moise che scampo dale mane di faravone et dal di del judicio che a da essere tanto in paura, che da questa hora non abbia signoria sopra al mio servo A ne anche tormenti li suoi ossi ne anche dessechi le suoi carne ne anche voita le sue medolle. Sanctus, sanctus, agios, agios, Attanatos.’ In nome del Pater + e del filiolo + et delo spirito sancto + et dela sua gloriosa vergine maria madre del figliolo de dio et di sancto christofeno et san gosimo e san damiano et di m[onsignore] sancto lionardo et de tutti li sancti et sancte de dio che sono in cielo incoronati et in terra adorati e in roma canonizati, libera questo tuo servo ut serva A di questa infermita arteticha et da tutte le altre infermita, in piacimento tuo yehsu christo. In nomine Patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +, Amen.” Et farai dire sopra ala preditta oratione 3 messe, prima di santo christofeno, san gosimo e san damiano e di santo lionardo et legela 3 volte per matina per 3 matine con la candela benedetta acesa et con essa farai il segno di croce + sopra al loco adolorato et portela sempre con esso teco. Et sapiti conservare del vivere tuo. Mangia e bene parcamente e starai caldo et presto con lo aiutto di dio e’l bon governo guarirai. Et questa lo a[v]uta di provata. Ale doglie fredde dele gionture, ontione. Rx. olio di preforata fatto secondo l’ordine suo e olio roxato e di camomilla e olio di spigo, ana onza s. Poi li agiongi songia di ocha e di anatra e trementina, ana onza j, et taglia le songie minutamente et incorpora ogni cosa con diligentia a un piccol foco et sera fata. Et quando vorai ongere il loco adolorato, fa chel sia ben caldo et sopra lana ut stopa di canepa che la sia ben calda. Et bene infassiato et falo piu volte e presto guarirai. -------- [Page 256] Unguento per lo scotato di foco overo di aqua. Rx. trementina e butiro lavato, ana drame iiijs, cera bianca drame iij, olio roxato onze viij e suco di sambuco onza j. Et farai bolire ogni cosa insieme tanto chel suco del sambuco sia consumato et levelo dal foco chel sera fatto. Et quando lo voi adoperare a scotatura di foco o di aqua distendelo su una peza al quanto grosetto et mettilo sun lo scotato. Falo piu volte e presto guarirai. Item unguento che fa fare bella saldatura ala scotatura del foco o di aqua. Torai calcina viva lavata a 9 o 10 acque onze ij, tuccia alessandrina onze j, cera nova onza s, olio roxato onze vj et farai unguento a foco lento secundo il solito. Et quando l’ai levato dal foco, mestavi drento sempre et mettivi drento 2 chiari d’ovo freschi et mestavi drento finche li e fredo e sera fatto. Et con esso medicha 2 volte al giorno e presto guarirai e fara bella saldatura. Item unguento per il scotato molto gentile. Torai edera arborea m. 2, tagliela minutamente et fala bolire in vino bianco tanto che la sia ben cotta et fala passare per lo tamiso molto strettamente. Poi torai di questo suco cosi passato et lo incorpora con olio roxato ut violato onze vj e cera nova onze iij et ogni cosa incorpora insieme. Et quando e apresso che fredo, metteli drento 2 chiari d’ovo freschi ben batuti et sera fatto. Et lo adopera a ongere il loco leso e falo piu volte e presto guarirai. Item unguento per lo scotato di foco o aqua. Torai litragirio d’oro in polvere onze ij et fallo bolire con lb. j di vino bianco potente tanto che tutto il vino ha asutto. Poi lo ritorna a farne polvere sutilissima. Poi torai butiro e olio roxato, ana [onze] iij, et laveli a 4 o 5 aque. Poi torai biacha brusata onza j e uno rosso d’ovo frescho e onza j di zucharo fino et componi ogni cosa insieme con onze ij di aqua roxa et sera fatto. Et in ditto liquore bagnavi drento delle pezze line et meti sun lo scotato e presto ti levera il dolore. Et guarirai e presto. Item unguento per lo scotato . Torai ½ scudella di calcina viva et spengela con l’olio comune e quando la serra asutta, cioe che l’avera imbibito il ditto olio, tu la distemperi con l’olio roxato vel violato in modo di unguento et la distendi insu lo scotato overo la meti sun le peze et in fra 3 o 4 giorni tu serai guarito e presto ti leva il dolore et non lassa segno alcuno. E di probata. Item unguento per scotatura di aqua. Torai una cipolla cotto inel foco et pestila cossi calda et calda quanto lui la pole sofferire mettila sun lo scotato e presto presto li cessera il dolore. Un altro simile e piu breve. Subito che la persona e scotato, bagnati con lo inchiostro overo mettivi suso del peze. Ma se tu potesti mettere il membro dela parte offesa drento inelo inchiostro di subito ti leverebe il dolore et grandissimo riffrigerio ti da via e presto ce guarisse perche da molti persone sono e statto experimentato e allo trovato perfetto e bono. Overamente subito che tu sei iscotato, tocha il male con la tua lingua et col tuo fiato caldo li dirai sopra piu e piu volte repetendo sempre questa parola, ‘Sabaot,’ facendoli con la bocca il segno di croce +. ‘In nomine Patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +. Amen.’ E presto guarirai. Overamente dirai a questo modo 3 volte sopra alo scotato di foco o di aqua ut d’ogni altra cosa. ‘Quando yehsu fu nato fu prima onto e poi lavato. E tanto basti questa cossitura quanto basto a dio la sua la natura. In nomine Patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +. Amen.’ Et torai uno bichiere di aqua frescha et dili sopra 3 volte questa sancta oratione con uno pater noster e l’ave maria per ogni volta et con 3 segni di croce + + + . Poi buterai tutta la ditta aqua sopra al loco offeso ma non lo stripiciare et questo farai 3 volte ala fila et per 3 matine continue et non li fare altro che dassi stesso guarira a dirla prima sopra’l male ogni matina 3 volte e poi sopra al aqua. E stai siccuro che presto presto guarirai. E provato. *Item. A guarire in 8 giorni lo scotato e sia che foco si vole. Non li mettere suso altro che pezette bagniate inel suco fatto de foglie del cavolo con tutto il coresino e presto guarira e falo che piu volte. E aprobato. -------- [Page 257] Unguento per lo scotato et sia di qualunque sorte si voglia soctatomirabilmente lo guarisse e non lassa margine. Rx. lb j o 2 o piu di lardo di porco maschio e chel sia del vechio e pestalo minutamente et lo farai bolire in uno fiasco di aceto bianco forte in uno caldarino per 2 ore. Poi lo leva dal foco et lasselo raffredare. Poi ricoglie tutto quello grasso di sopra via et quello lo conserva como cara cosa per li bisogni, che dio ne guardi. E premendolo bene con le mane che l’aceto vadi fora. Quando la persona e offesa dal foco et sia dove si vole, ongi molto bene con lo ditto onto et metti di sopra via del onto a modo di specie del pele de levore tagliato minutissimamente. Et questo farai sera e matina, ongendo sempre sopra al primo et non lo levare mai ma sempre metterai un onto sopra al altro. Et sempre che tu averai onto, mettivi sopra del ditto pele tagliato molto bene e vera a fare una crosta grossa. E questo farai per 4 o 5 giorni e non piu. Et in capo ali 8 o 10 giorni tu vedrai la crosta essere levata da sua posta et sera del tutto guarito. Et se per sorte o disgratia la crosta si levasse e non fusse ben matura, ritornela a ongere un altro poco et segno non si vedra niente et presto presto ne guarisse. Et non sente quasi niente di dolore subito che egli e messo suso la prima volta. Et questo e uno secreto rarissimo et aprobatissimo piu volte. Valeti. Item. Altri unguenti contra alo scotato fatti in diversi modi e secundo paesi che sono aprobati. Rx. olio comune lb. js e vino bianco grande e bono lb. j et metti inel tozzo a bolire et mettivi drento sopra vivo magiore e scorza del sambuco, ana m. uno, taliati minutamente et lasseli bolire tanto chel vino sia tutto consumato. Poi lo colerai inel sachetto apontito, premendo bene che tu ne cavi tutta la sustantia dele erbe. Poi lo ritorna al foco et mettivi drento polvere di biaca onze js e cera bianca onza j et como la cera e disfatta, levelo dal foco e sera fatto. Et lo conserva ali bisogni che sempre e bono da ongere lo scatato. Item. Torai aceto bianco et metteli drento um po di sale pesta et bagnavi drento dele pezze line suttile et metti suso et disubito li leva il dolore. Et questa proprieta a ancora la aceto stillata bagnandovi drento dele pezze subito li leva il dolore. Et questa proprieta a il lardo semplice di porco disubito che la persona e scotata raspa col coltello um po di lardo et metti suso lo scotato disubito, dico disubito, ti leva il dolore di ogni sorte di scotato. E questi sono aprovati. Item a lo scotato. Torai suco di ruta onze iij, gomma di pino, incenso in polvere e mele, ana onza s, olio roxato, trementina e suco di pimpinella, ana onze js, e cera bianca onza j. Prima meterai al foco lento l’olio, la termentina, la gomma et quando sono disfatti lo colerai. Poi lo ritorna al foco et mettivi drento tutte le altre cose et lasselo al quanto bolire et levelo dal foco che eli e fatto et lo mesta finche egli e fredo. Poi lo adopera a tuo piacere chel ti fara onore. Item a lo scotato. Torai aceto bianco forte e suco fatto di scorze di sambuco, ana onze iiij, e uno chiaro di ovo frescho. Incorpora insieme et bagnavi drento dele pezzi e meti sul male e leva il dolore. Et quando vorai fare bella saldatura alo scotato adopera de lo unguento qui sopra a questa racetto. Item a lo scotato. Torai olio roxato lb. j, cera nova onze js, e min[i]o onze ij e litargirio d’oro onze iiij. Et meti ogni cosa al foco a cosere onestamente e sempre mestando chel sia al quanto duro. Poi lo distendi sul camozo sutilmente e ti fara bela saldatura, e presto guarirai. Item alo scotato di foco e di aqua, presto rimedio. Rx. sempre vivo magiore et fane suco e uno chiaro d’ovo frescho et componeli insieme et bagnavi drento del pezze et mettili sun lo scotato. Et fallo spesse volte et presto ti levera il dolore. E de cosa gentile e di provata. *Item. Dirai sopra alo scotato, ‘Benedetto l’ora sia che i dio fu nato in prima fu onto che bagnato, inel fiume giordano fue batizato. Come a yesu christo non dolse quela ontura cosi non doglia a questa creatura, questa cocitura. Amen. In nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +. Amen.’ -------- [Page 258] Unguento per lo scotato de olio o foco o ferro o aqua overo de altra cosa. E aprobato. Rx. olio roxato onze ij e suco di solatro e di piantagine e di sopra vivo, ana onza j, et 2 chiari d’ovo freschi et incorpora ogni cosa insieme molto bene con la stecha. Et con esso ongiti lo scotato matina e sera e presto ti levera il dolore e guarirai. Et se tu serai presto avanti chel leva la vesicha e quando sera guarito non si vedra segno ne margine. Et se lo scotato fusse di gran piagha, agiongevi drento calcina viva spenta con l’olio comune como e ditto di sopra e polvere de incenso e cera bianca, e ogni cosa a tua discretione. Et componerai unguento a un piccol foco et con esso medica le piaghe et non sentira dolore. E presto guarira. Et se tu averai sempre in casa tua di queste rimedii a questi rispetti mai apresso dio non serai povero homo. Pillole di trementina vale ala sciaticha, ale podagre et a ogni macaturao passione di drento al corpo. Rx. onza j di trementina bella bianca vinitiana et lavela con aqua di boragine o melissa overo con vino bianco bono overamente con altre aque apropriate a quella infirmita per 6 o 8 volte. Poi che l’averai ben lavata, incorporali con essa onze iij di zucharo fino spolverizato sutile et lo incorpora con la ditta trementina con onza j di canella fina fatta in polvere suttile et ne metti tanta quanta ella ne pole ricevere che la pasta non si apichi piu ale mane e alora sera fatta, la tua pasta di trementina. Et la conserva in alberello dilicato e chel stia in loco fresco et durera un anno e piu. Et quando vorai pigliare le pillole la sera spiccale dala massa et tondale a tuo modo grosse o piccole como a te pare. Et pigliane una grossa overo 3 o 5, secondo che a te pare. Et la potrai bagnare in aqua o in vino e poi inviluparla inela polvere del zucharo et pigliarla a quel modo che facilmente si pigliano et non a guardia nissuna. Et etiam la matina et da tutte l’ore tu ne potrai pigliare, ma la sera e meglio perche opera meglio. Et ne potrai pigliare una sera si, e l’altra no, et vedrai mirabile effetto. E queste sono le sue virtu aprobate, vz. Se l’homo caschasse da alto abasso et si sentisse amacato overo passione di drento oltra li serviciali e flobotimia bisognando, usa queste pillole como ditto e, e presto guarira. Se l’homo avesse dolore di podagre o altri doglie inele congionture o vechie o nove, usa dele ditte pillole et con longo andare non sentirai piu dolore. Se l’homo avesse la sciaticha overo fusse sotto posto a qualche humidita inele congionture, usa dele ditte pillole et presto con lo aiutto di dio se rissanera. Se l’homo avesse alcuno manchamento inelo stomacho o passione, usa dele ditte pillole al manco 2 volte ala settimana e presto la passione li passera via. Et se la donna usera dele preditte pillole in tutti li suoi diffetti matricali, molto la li zovera et li levera tutte le fumosita che li monta ala testa e presto la liberera. Et anche li produra al quanto dele sue ragione perso per alcuno impedimento e presto lo fa ritornare. Et le preditte pillole se l’homo ne avera di bisogno da ogni tempo le sono bone. Ma quando l’homo li usasse piu la ‘nvernata che la estade, sempre sono piu laudabile perche in se sonno al quanto calide et chi ne avera di bisogno vadi destramente. Et etiam usando le preditte pillole li troverai altre proprieta le quale non scrivo perche le sopra dette sono statte piu e piu volte aprobate da me, M[aest]ro Andrea di farre da bressa et da altri persone degne di fede. Valeti. -------- [Page 259] Pillole imperiale e parte dele sue virtu. Rx. amomi, anisi, mastici, cardamomi, zenziberis, reubarbari electi, ana drama j. Aloes subcitrini ad pondus o[mn]ium specierum que sunt hec et conficiuntur in hieme cum syrupo eupatorii et in estate cum syrupo violaceo et fiat massa et dela quale se ne fane pillole piccole a modo di ceci et se ne piglia 1, 2, 3, 4 overo 5 per sitimana e senza dietta overo preparatione alcuna. Et queste sotto scritte sono le specie che gli entrano drento et li agiongerai li cinque mirabolani et ogni cosa pesta insieme et incorpora diligentamente. Cinamomo, pepi longo, zeduaria, macis, sena, nuce moschata, garofani, agarico, zafferano, gubebe, galanga, legno aloe, turbit bianco e gomoso, manna electa, polipodio, ana scropulo j. Et queste pillole furno composte de M[onsigno]re marsillio di santa sophia di padova et sono molto lassative e de grande virtu li quali si possono tore da ogni tempo per ciascuno de qual si voglia e ta[l] stato e sorte. Et li poi pigliare inanci cibo overo dopoi perche non sono di guardia. Et queste sono le sue virtu im parte et proprieta, vz. Mirabilmente asutigliano lo intelletto et sono contra ad ogni malatia et cio che trovano superfluo nel corpo lo cava fora senza offesa. Item. Confortano le membra principale et debile et li ralegrano. Item. Ritardano li peli canuti. Risanano cio che fusse rotto per humore salso over vischioso. Item. Prepara il stomaco, conforta le viscere, conserva il vedere, aquieta il catarro et caccia cio che viene ala golla. Item. Cava ogni fumosita e levata al capo onde poi ne segue dolore di testa che obscura lo inteletto. Amaza i bachi e giova mirabilmente ali nervi fadigati, debile et pigri. Item. Vieta la putrefacione di denti. Leva il ruttare et altri fastidii. Item. Conforta il core et vagliano contra ala peste. Fanno ringiovanire. Item. Danno grande aiutto ali podagrosi arterici et artetici. Item. Fanno dormire bene e cava la collera soza. E fanno ben fiato. Item. Sono bone a chi sta dove sia male aria e cattive aque et a de altre mirabile virtu. Io ho provato questo che essendo io stropiato dala gotta siaticha pigliai l’aqua del legno e molto non mi zovo et dopoi che con cominciai a ussare le preditte pillole, mai piu senteti nulla. E se pur alcuna volta per li tempi humidi mi sentivo nulla, pigliandone una subito restavo libero e fane et de ogni altro fastidio mi trovavo ben disposto. Pillole contra ale vertigine e aprobate. Rx. pill[ole] di assaiaret cum ag[ari]co scropuli ij, aurearum scropule j. Cum syropo di sticadosso fiat p[illole] v, quas capiat hora somni. Et che patisse de vertigine, ne piglia doi volte al mese et, per dei gratia, presto guarira. A guarire dele vertigine. Rx. agrimonia e sempre vivo magiore, ana m. uno, e taglia minuto e pesta bene e cosele in olio roxato tanto che faza unguento. Et la sera ne mette sopra ali occhii di fora via quando vai a dormire. E questo guarisse del male dele vertigine che viene al cervello. E di provata. -------- [Page 260] Pillole contra a molte infirmita et maxime contra peste. Rx. mirra scropuli iij, zafferano onza j, aloe patico onze iiij et incorpora sutilmente in polvere, impastato con vino bianco. Overamento torai aloe patico onza j e mirra un quarto e zafferano onza s et componi ut supra et fiat pillole. Item pillole contra alo stomaco e ala testa. Rx. aloe patico, rose, garofani e zafferano a tua discretione con suco di assentio o de cavoli et componi et serano perfette pillole. Oratione contra peste. ‘Deus destruuet te + et in finem evelet te + e migrabit te de tabernaculo tuo et radicem tuam de terra viventium +.’ Scrivela e dila ogni matina et porta tecum e serai sicuro. Rimedio contra ala peste. Porta con esso teco in bocha uno poco di radice di zedovaria et poi va sicuramente tra li amalati di peste e non avere paura et, con lo aiutto di dio, non piglierai il male. Et serai molto sicuro piu se porterai adosso boni hodori et sempre hodorando. Confetto da legrare il core et tole la malinconia. Rx. rose seche drame vj, cipero drama s, garofani, mastici, spigo e bachara, ana drame iij, canella e croco, ana drame ij, e cardamomo minore drama j, et farai polvere d’ogni cosa minutissimamente et incorpora insieme. Et metterai una libra di zuccharo fino al foco et distempera con aqua roxa inla quale sia tritato muscho e ambracan, ana grani iij. Et fane confetto secondo l’arte et quello conserva per usarlo 2 o 3 volte ala setimana e maxime la matina per tempo et vederai opera bella di sanitade inela tua persona. E di aprobato. Aqua forte molta perfetta secundo Aristotile con le sue proprieta. Rx. vitriolo romano pesto lb. ij, sal nitro ben suttile lb. j, cinaprio ben macinato onze vj, e cenere forte suttila lb. j. Et incorpora bene insieme queste 4 cose et falle distillare per bozza di vetro luttata bene intorno et con poco foco e lento. Et quando vedrai il capello o la bozza avenire giallo, alora la prima aqua sara fatta et sia presto alevarla di sotto et metere sotto un altro recipiente e turarlo bene intorno chel non rispiri. Et seguita a darli foco lento con legna secha et la prima et la secunda aqua mettile da sua posta e tienla ben turata perche egli e tutto spirito che non exalasse in aria. Et non abandonare mai il foco per insino a tanto chel capello non sia ben giallo et allora tutta sera fatta et quella conserva. Et queste sono le sue virtu aprobate. Vz. Primamente torai um poco dela ditta aqua et mettivi drento delo argento vivo chel sia purgato. Poi meterai dela ditta aqua sopra ale nassentie velenose per 3 o 4 giorni et presto se liberera di tale infermita. Item. Se tu meterai in ditta aqua argento fino e poi meterai dela ditta aqua sopra allo argento vivo, chel sia purgato, presto diventera sodo e duro, ma non si pole diffedere dal parengone ma per vedere e cosa bella. -------- [Page 261] Item. Se tu volesti adorare alchuno lavoro di ferro, prima inverniga il tuo ferro con vernese liquida et lassela sugare al foco secondo il tuo solito ordinario. Poi li dissegna sopra col tuo ferretto apontito quello che a te pare. Poi sopra al dissegno li metterai di questa aqua, metendoli una candelina di cera intorno che l’aqua non scorra in altri lochi et lassela star sopra per un ora o piu o manco, secondo che tu vedi l’opera bene incavata o non. Poi bagnerai con l’aqua frescha et quella aqua piu non rodera. Et torai dela scaglia di ferro con um poco di suvero o legno dolce et manderai via la vernise et rimara il ferro lucente e netto col dissegno che tu averai fatto. Item. Se tu meterai in ditta aqua del rame batuto sutile et poi chel sera dissolto et che tu metesti dela ditta sopra ala persona machulera tutta la carne dove ella tochera e stentera poi a guarire. Item. Se tu meterai in ditta aqua tutte le sorte di mettalli et in breve spacio di tempo si rissolverano. Et se per sorte tu volesti rompere un ferro, bagna dele pezze et metteli in quel loco dove voi che si rompa e in 3 o 4 volte o piu volte presto si rompera in quel loco ma non bagnare in altro loco. Item. Se tu meterai del piombo in ditta aqua et con essa tu bagnerai dove ai di peli ella li fara andare via mirabilmente e presto che piu non tornerano. Item . Se tu vorai guarire porri overo carne trista, rompi li porri con la ponta de lagho um pochetto che al quanto buti sangue et mettivi suso um poco dela ditta aqua per 3 o 4 volte e andera via. Item. Se tu vorai chavare fistole overo alcuna postema, bagnerai dele pezze in la ditta aqua et metteli suso e presto guarirai. Item. Se tu volesti tagliare o rompere in alcun loco la carne, cioe cauterizare, farai uno piastrello et intagliali inel mezo un buco grande como tu lo voi insu la carne et metterai lo piastrello chel stia insu la carne. Poi bagnerai con la ditta aqua dove tu ai tagliato il piastrello piu volte et si rompera la carne in quel locho proprio. Item. Se tu vorai levare via le lettere che e insu la carta, bagna con la ditta aqua ligermente con un penello. Poi col tuo temperatoio la radi sutilmente e ligermente et andera via che non se ne vedra niente. Item. Se tu vorai fare azzuro mezano mette in ditta aqua stagno calcinato et como e ito al fondo tole via che gli e fatto et voterai l’aqua che sopra avanza et in fondo sera lo azuro. Item. Se to vora fare un color molto vermiglio, meti in ditta aqua ramo arso e fara un bel rosso. Item. Se tu mescolerai la prima aqua con la seconda et metterai il corallo rosso diventera, tenero como la cera. Poi farai quello che tu vorai mentre che gli e caldo e bagnato con essa. Item. Se tu mettera in ditta aqua del sale comune, poi li metterai drento un grossone d’argento et tu li vedrai a levare una certa sfoglia senza sua lessione. Item. Se tu metterai in ditta aqua argento fino et con essa dove tu tocherai la carne overo altra cosa, subito diventera nero et maxime li capelli che sono chanuti. Et se tutte queste cose sono vere, questi sono de beletissimi secreti. Io non gli o ancora aprovati. Aqua dela regina isabella vale a tutto il corpo e fa sano. Rx. aqua vite quatuor vices stillata partes iij, flores consumitates rosmarini partes ij et pone in vaso bene sigillato et pone per aliquod dies. Postea destilla ad boccia et habebis aquam claram et bibe de ea summo mane et rinovata vitam, per certo. -------- [Page 262] Olio calido da drizare membra atratti o retirati per fredura. Rx. agrimonia, assentio, assari, artemisia, barba silvana, bertonicha, barba de aron, bachare di lauro ben albi e nero, ciridonia, camepiteos, ciperi, dittamo bianco, erba dorata, erba argentina, enula campana con fiori, fiori di mortella, fiori di pan porcino, gientiana, grani de ginepro, iperico il fiore, il seme, irios, iringo, maiorana, marobio, mater erbarum, menta e mentastro, niepita, noce d’arcipresso, orticha m[aiore] e minore, polipodio, pentafilon, radice di cardo sancto, ruta, sticados arabico, sassifragia, salvia, tramarino, termentilla, trefoglio giallo, capel venere, zedovaria, ana m. uno. Et de tutte queste sopra dette erbe ne piglierai piu e meno secondo la tua discretione. Poi meterai tutte queste erbe tagliate di grosso e rotti in uno caldarino netto overo pignata et mettivi sopra dela malvasia overo vino bianco bono bonissimo tanto che calcando li drento apeni stiano coperti et metteli del olio comune quello che pare a te. Et li metterai drento queste specierie, cioe garoffani, canella, zenzamo, incenso e mastice metene a tua discretione. Et mescolerai et incorporarai ogni cosa bene sotto sopra. Poi coprila bene et lassela stare al sole per 4 giorni. Poi la farai bolire con lento foco tanto che cali il quarto overo il terzo. Poi destillera tutta questa materia con bozza di vetro e con poco foco et destillera un liquore a modo di aqua, il quale operandolo ale preditte infermita. El ti fara honore e ti dara reputatione ala sopra dette enfermita e ti fara nominare per tutto’l mondo. Et etiam a de molte altre virtu. Olio per saldare presto uno taglio. Rx. olio roxato onze v, raxa di pino grassa onze ij, fiori, el seme di preforata m. uno, et farai bolire insieme con lento foco tanto che la raxa sia bene disfatta. Poi lo leva dal foco e colalo e premilo bene sotto al torchietto tanto che dal ditto seme el nescha bene tutta la sustantia perche la virtu del ditto olio sta in esso seme. Et mettilo al sole per al quanti giorni et sera fatto. Et lo adopera caldo el ti fara honore. -------- [Page 263] Oil che paregia le ferrite fresche. Rx. olio comune e mirra pesta, ana, et componi insieme. Poi torai una radice de brionia et falli uno buco inel mezo et mettivi drento la preditta materia et con la preditta radice fali uno coperchio che sugelli bene et lasselo stare ala spera del sole per uno mese continuo et sera fato. Et quello conserva ali tuoi bisogni. Olio per saldare et confortare ogni piagha. Rx. trementina bella quanta a te pare et mettivi drento fiori di tramarino m. uno e polvere di incenso a tua discretione et lassa stare in infussione per 2 di naturali. Poi la farai stillare al lambicho di vetro con lento foco et ne caverai un licquore preciossissimo il quale dopererai ale predette infermita perche molti persone lo usano a ongere intorno ale piaghe. Et etiam del preditto olio se ne usa a mettere ineli unguenti in cambio del olio comune et etiam leva il dolore de ogni piagha. Olio per taglio o ferrita molto nobile. Rx. olio di oliva del piu vechio che tu possi trovare lb. iiij e solfero giallo in canna onze iiij et mettilo a bolire in ditto olio tanto chel sia bene disfatto. Poi mettivi drento onze iiij di trementina vinitiana et fala bolire drento tanto che a te pare che l’olio sia diventato al quanto rossetto. Poi li agiongerai drento queste polvere, cioe euforbio, mastice, incenso, ana onza j. Poi le farai ribolire pian piano tanto che li facci bene incorporare et sempre mestando con la tua spatula. Et quando vedrai chel diventa al quanto corpulente, levelo dal foco che egli e fatto. Et serbalo ali tuo bisogni et quando lo voi adoperare, falo scaldare e ti fara onore mirabile. Olio laterino ditto filosophorum e parte dele sue virtu. Rx. de pecci de matone, cioe de quadrello o embrici o de copo che sia ben cotto et che siano de vechi. Et metteli inel foco et fali bene infoccare inel foco deli carboni sopiando col manticetto e che non pigliano il fumo. Et quando sono bene infoccati, spengeli in olio de oliva e chel sia del vechio piu che tu poi trovare, apparechiato in una catinella di terra et a questo modo tu farai per 3 o 4 volte. Poi li lasserai rissugare e li pesterai et ne farai polvere sutilissima. Poi meterai la ditta polvere in una bozza di vitro et luttela molto bene. Poi la lassa rissugare. Poi la metti inel suo fornello acomodata col suo capello et ricipiente con le comissure ben turrate che non respiri da niun lato. Poi li darai il foco inel principio pian piano. Poi anderai cressendo il foco a poc a poco et advertisse chel ne ussira 3 sorte de olio, el primo sera chiaro, il 2 rosso, il 3 nero. Et sappi che inel primo sta quasi tutte le sue virtu, le quale virtu sono qui sotto scritte imparte como tu vedi. -------- [Page 264] Le virtu del ditto olio filosophorum. Imprima vale a tutte le passione fredde e flematiche. Item, vale ale passione dele orechie et occidi vermi deli putti et bagnandone li polsi. Item, vale ala paralesia a berne aliquando et bagnandone il membro paciente. Item, vale ala siaticha frigida con esso ongendo ben caldo. Item, vale ala milza posto in ditto olio armoniaco preparato. Et poi ongersi spesso con esso olio ben caldo, in breve tempo la la dissecha et la rissolve presto e bene. Item, vale a rissolvere tutte le posteme dure. Item, vale al mal caducho posto ve ne in bocha overo inel naso. Item, vale ala memoria, ongendo con esso la fontanella del capo. Item, vale atrare una creatura morta, posto el ditto olio con pezze bagnate nela n[atur]a et etiam inel c[onn]o et li uccide li bachi drento. Et etiam a de molte altre virtu che qui non scrivo per non avere piu cognitione e questo basta. Olio del solfero gialo artificiato. Rx. deli pecci de mattone o de embrici matonelli o coppi li quali non abino tocho aqua et ne farai peci minuti como castegne o fave et fali a roventare che vengano ben rossi. Poi li smorcerai inel olio comune al manco per 2 volti. Poi li pesterai et ne farai polvere sutilissima. Poi la meti in una bozza al quanto storta et la comoderai secondo il suo ordinario et la farai stillare olio pur con foco lento. Et questo olio secondo li filosophi si chiama olio laterino semplice. Il quale olio tu lo meterai in una padela di ferro over tegame et se l’olio sera una libra, mettivi un altra lb. de solfero gialdo fato in polvere et lo mesta bene insieme con una stecha di legno tanto chel diventi come mele del qual liquore tu lo metterai sopra a una lastra di marmoro. Poi lo taglia minuto como fave. Poi lo rimeti in bozza et mettilo in putrefatione per 3 di. Poi lo destilla per cenere con bozza storta et prima li darai il foco lento. Poi andarai cressendo il foco galiardo a poc a poco tanto che tutta nescha e sera fatto. Poi lo destillerai per bagno forte et a questo modo tu averai l’olio del solphero et in fondo del orinale sera molto rubicondissimo. Poi lo retifica per bozza storta con foco fortissimo et averai olio del solfero come un rubino e in tutta perfetione bono. Item a farlo a un altro modo el ditto olio del solphero artificiato. Rx. del sale de sale degna lb. 12 e pestila sutila e metila in uno vaso di pietra et mettivi suso del aqua calda che tutta se distrugia. Poi la destilla per feltro tanto che la diventi chiara. Poi falla coagulare con lento foco. Poi li darai tanto foco che ella si fonda. Poi la buterai in una verga et poi di novo tu la ripesti et ne farai polvere sutilissima. Poi la metterai su una pietra a dissolvere in aqua et questa la ricoglie in vaso di vetro. Poi torai lo solfero giallo fato in polvere et inbibelo 7 volte in ditta aqua inbibendo et tridando dissicando sempre al sole per 7 volte. Et lo meterai in ritorta et destilla con lento foco con uno recipiente grande et prima veracano aqua chiara quel a non vale molto. Poi vera l’olio rosso e tu fortifica il foco tanto chel nesca tutto e sera fatto. Ma prima meterai la tua storta in putrefacione per 6 di et averai l’olio del solfero artificiato. -------- [Page 265] Olio del solfero giallo e parte dele sue virtu. Rx. solphero del giallo et rompelo grosso modo. Poi lo meti in uno alberello qual tu vedi qui disegnato et se non vi pole stare tutto in un trato falo in piu volte, perche non fa piu di onza j per libra di solpho. Et meti l’alberello in mezo a uno tazzone di vetro como tu vedi. Poi li metti sopra il suo capello di vetro, il quale capello sia luttato di sopra via un ditto grosso, overo una lampeda grande e che riceva tutto il fumo che niente se ne perda. Poi atacha il foco inel solpho con un macolo et che il capello non tocha il tazzone apresso a un mezo dito et che l’alberello non tochi il fondo del tazzone acio che l’olio che cascha drento non lo tochi perche lo succiarebe e non averesti niente. Mettili sotto um poco di vetro et a questo modo tu lo ricoglierai. Et potrai alzare il capello quando li vorai acendere drento il foco et poi ribbassarlo et farlo stare apicato a un chiodo overo legato col spago. Et cosi brussera pian piano et l’olio caschera e tu lo ricoglierai a poco a poco et servelo in ampolla di vetro chel sia grosso. E tu va lo bene accio chel non exala via lo spirito. Et a questo modo tu averai fatto l’olio del solphero vero e perfetto pur semplice e sta ad ogni parangone et operandolo el ti fara onore. Io ti metto qui di sotto parte dele sue virtu aprobate. Vz. Et prima chi avesse il mal caducho dali uno poco del ditto olio a bere con la dicotione di peonia e di bertonica e molto li zovera al ditto male. Item. A chi avesse perso lo apetitto dalo a bere con aqua di assentio e molto ti zovera. Item. Guarisse tutte le febre, dato a bere con vino dove sia bolito drento assentio e osmarino e questo farai im primo del parasissmo. Item. Guarisse tutte le piaghe vechie e nove, metendo del ditto olio nel vino [d]ove sia bolito polvere de querzola, cioe de camepiteos, e di pimpinella e radice de consolida magiore e preforata e di mortella con le foglie, di centaurea et polvere de giande. Et bagnando le pezze in dita bolitura e olio. Poi li metterai sopra ale piaghe vechie e nove e presto guarirano. Item. Amaza li vermi ali fanciulli et a ogni altra persona, datto a b[er]e con dicotione de agrimonia e segala. E fa orinare datto a bere con vino dove sia statto cotto olio. Item. Vale contra ala peste, datto a bere con vino dove sia statto cotto raffano con un poco de triacha e mitridatto et ongendo il loco che dole caldo e presto guarisse. Item. Guarisse la malinconia, datto a bere con vino [d]ove sia cotto osmarino e celidonia e accori, basilico e zaferano et lavandosi le mane e i piedi e il capo 3 volte con vino [d]ove sia cotto osmarino e presto fara legrare la persona. Item. Vale contra al fluxo del sangue, datto a bere con vino dove li sia cotto drento dele scorce de osmarino et molto li zovera. -------- [Page 266] Item. Vale contra allo hasmo, datto a bere con vino [d]ove sia cotta drento agrimonia. Item. Letifica il core bevto con malvasia a stomaco digiuno 2 dita per volta con sei giocce del ditto olio in un bichiere. Et conserva lo humido radicale et lo augumento e fortifica. Item. Vale ala lepra datto a bere con aqua di fumo terre o di mirabolani conditi. Et rinove li capelli canuti datto a bere con aqua de endivia o di bertonicha. Item. Guarisse a ogni difetto di testa e amarza li pidochi con aqua di magiorana et piu non tornerano. Item. Guarisse a ogni dolore di testa et de emigranea e vertigine et scolomia con aqua di buglossa et di melissa. Et etiam purga la postema ditta littargia che viene nel celebro, datto con aqua de gillio purgato, purgato il capo. Item. Coregie la memoria, datto con aqua de finochio et giova alo inteletto et fa dormire con aqua di suco di papavero bianco. Et rimove la malinconia datto ha bere con aqua di boragine overo di buglossa. Item. Vale ala apoplexia datto con aqua de vita, fata prima la purgatione ordinaria. Item. Vale contra ala debilita del vedere con aqua de finochio o de siler montano. Item. Vale contra al vomito con aqua citoniorum, et se fusse vomito con sangue li sia datto con aqua di piantagine et de borsa pastoris. Item. Vale ad ogni morso velenoso con aqua de assentio. Item. Vale ale morise et ad altre passione di sotto con aqua di tasso barbasso o de mile foglie. Item. Vale ad ogni appostematione del fegato et ala ydropsya con aqua de indivia e piu vale ala milza con aqua de tamariso. Item. Vale al male di pietra et passione de reni con aqua de raffano e de tribuli marini. E piu guarisse lo ydropico datto con aqua de irios e mele. Et etiam el sopra detto olio a de molte altre piu virtu, le quale non sono qui nominate. Ma notta bene chel ditto olio in fisicha molto vale ale sopra dette infermita et guarisse tutte le sorte febre, quartana, continua et cotidiana et etiam tutte le piaghe, canchri e fistole. E cavare scrophole et tagliare anguinallie con esso olio e senza ferro et etiam ogni mal nassente. Notta quando tu vorai dare dito olio per febre quartana intinge una penna di galina e lavela in uno bichiere di aqua de buglosa et dala a bere da malato avanti al parasismo. Ma ale piaghe vogliano essere bagnate con la penna tinta in ditto olio et poi si mette sopra lo unguento et guarisse presto ogni piagha. Et quando vorai ongere il dolore dela testa, onge dove ti dole con la ponta del dito te tanto li frega quanto il paciente pole sofferire. Poi li darai una presa del ditto olio con bona malvasia overo con aqua appropriata al male dela testa dato a stomaco digiuno. Et questo basta aver detto im parte dele virtu del olio del solfero le quale di i valenti medici sono statte experimentate vere e aprobate e questi sono secreti che non sono tra’l u’voglo accio chel non sia tolto il guadagno a chi sa tali secreti e pero si tengano in poco loco non altro valeti. *Item. A far li denti bianchi et netti, parte una di questo con parte una d’acqua de lentischio ho de mortella. -------- [Page 267] Olio precioso che salda ogni ferrita in 24 ore. Rx. li fiori dela prephorata quando sono ben maturi, una bona piena scudella, et olio de oliva del piu vechio che tu possi trovare lb. ij, e songia di porcho maschio collata lb. j, e trementina chiara onze iiij, e zaferano pesto drama j. Poi meterai ogni cosa insieme in una inchistara grande et turela. Poi la farai bolire a bagno maria per un miserere. Poi la lassi per 4 giorni al sole et a volerlo fare perfetto e bono. Trova una posta di metterlo inel littame di cavallo coperto drento al manco per 2 piedi e chel stia sicuro et lasselo stare drento al manco un anno e non lo tocare mai. Et quando tu lo caverai lo troverai fatto un olio sodo e sera fatto a modo di balsamo, il quale lo terai accaro apresso ala tua persona, il quale operandolo ti fara honore. Et quando lo caverai lo cola et premerai quel fondachio in uno sachetto sotto al torchietto et cavene tutta quella sostancia impero che li vi consiste la magior virtu. Et quando lo voi adoperare fa chel sia caldo a taglio, a ferrite et a ogni altro male fredo dela persona. Et non li adoperare altro unguento che presto guarirai. Olio di preforata con misture preciose e con le sue virtu. Rx. foglie, fiori, el seme di preforata, ana m. uno, del mese di luglio o di agosto perche in quel tempo sono ben mature. Poi torai vino bianco bono e perfetto lb. vj, et mettilo in una pignata nova con la ditta erba et lasselo stare per 3 giorni al sole ben coperto. Et metti ogni cosa in una bozza grande di vetro et li agiongi drento trementina venitiana lb. iij e olio de oliva del piu vechio che tu possi trovare lb. vj e zaferano drame ij pesto. Poi lutterai bene la ditta bozza con lutto sapientie per insino incomma e tutta la boca che niente possa sfiatare. Poi lassela ben sugare. Poi che sera ben sutta, meterai la dita bozza inel mezo dele cenere calde per 2 ore. Poi la caverai et la farai bolire al bagno maria per 2 ore e ½. Farai cosi meti prima la bozza poi li meti l’aqua che li vada apresso al collo et como la bolito lassela quivi drento raffreddare. Poi farai una buca in terra ala spera del sole et metivi drento la ditta bozza et coprila con diligentia et lassela stare per 3 o 4 giorni continui. Poi cavela et lassela stare al sole per 8 giorni e al sereno. Poi lo colerai et strochera l’erbe sotto al torchietto et meterai ogni cosa insieme, el fondachio gietta via. Et lassa al quanto riposare el ditto olio et caverai via quel olio che e dal mezo insu, perche quello egli e el bono vero e perfetto et di quelo te ne farai conto et serbalo in vaso di vetro o alberello. Et quelo dal fondo poco vale. Et questo tientelo accaro como gran tesoro perche qui di sotto diremo im parte dele sue virtu non tanto in homo ma in donna, ma non tanto in ferrite ma in molte altre infermita et machature et percussione di fora si come di drento. E qui sive de le sue virtu. Vz. Queste sono le virtu del sopra detto olio di preforata. Et prima io te dico chel participa del vero balsamo et dele sue virtu el quale e bono a tutte le infermita che procedano da frigideza overo humidita. El quale e molto perfetto contra ala pestilentia, ongendo caldo intorno al malore et etiam al filo dele rene. -------- [Page 268] Et se tu neli darai da bere drama j inanti che passa 6 ori, molto giovera al ditto inpestato e presto ne guarisse. Item. Vale a ongere le fistole maligne chel sia caldo presto le guarisse et etiam tutte le piaghe vechie e nove et rotture e sconciature de osso et similmente ali nervi isdegnati. Item. Vale a ongere caldo a tutte le enfiasone frigide et guarisse la gotta siaticha ongendola e chel sia ben caldo con stoppa e sopra pezze ben calde. Item. Vale a ongere la facia. Leva via tutti i nei et li segni neri che in essa si ritrovano et etiam super la persona. Et quando la donna gravida ne berra onze ij ala setimana, conserva la creatura in corpo da ogni machula et etiam se inel ventre e la fusse morta nela fara gittare. Item. Vale molto contro ala febre quartana a berne uno pochetto quando e la comincia avenire et etiam a ongersi le rene al insu. Et etiam leva il sangue morto che e super la persona. Et etiam a de molte altre virtu che qui non scrivo perche operandolo tutte le troverai et tenendo l’ordine sopra detto. Et etiam vale al male di matrone, cioe al dolore di stomaco, ongendo bene la sera e chel sia ben caldo et berne uno poco chel sia caldo, presto presto te libera del ditto dolore di stomaco. Et pochi giorni fa di questo ne feci experientia et in termine di un ora e ½ ogni cosa fue guarito. Et opera et vederai. Olio di rossumi di uovo con al quante dele sue virtu e si fa a questo modo. Rx. del ova de galina, che siano sano ma non guasti, quella quantita che a te pare et fali cosere inel aqua che diventano ben duri e sodi. Poi li caverai a tutti il torlo et fa che siano apeso una lb. Poi li meterai in una padella da si soli et fali al quanto soffrigere. Poi li metterai inela tua bozza che prima sia ben luttata et metteli sopra il suo capello et sotto il suo recipiente et dali foco lento lento. Et ne ussira fora olio precioso. Et etiam alcuni alchimisti cotto che ano l’ovo metano il torlo in una pignatta overo in uno fiascho. Poi lo mettano sotto terra inela spera del sole overo inel litame, che e meglio, per 15 giorni et tutte se convertirano in olio giallo che parera un oro stillato. E qui sotto diremo parte dele sue virtu. Vz. Et prima vale a mandare via le perle che nascano drento al occhio et che le siano nate di fresco che non pasa l’anno. Et vale a smorzarele lentigine del volto e amaza i cuosi, ussandolo spesso. Item. Vale a levare lo spasimo deli lochi nervosi, incorporato con olio di trementina. Item. Vale alo scotato del foco molto li giova. Item. Vale ale morice, ongendo caldo piu volte. Item. Vale ale cichatrice quando lo sono saldate di fresco. Et queste qui segnate sono parte dele sue virtu et usandolo tu ne troverai dele altre apresso a queste. Et questo olio si chiama in medicina, Olium vittellorum. Olio del tartaro per carnasone biancha. Rx. tartaro, cioe grepola de vino bianco, lb. 6 et lavelo bene con vino bianco bono. Poi falo secare al ombra. Poi metilo in una pignata nova luttata et mettila in una fornace de pignate tanto che bene el se calcina. Poi lo metterai in uno sachetto lino apontito et metilo in loco humido. Et se tu lo vorai per conzo de viso, metivi de sopra via 8 o 10 chiare di ovi freschi. Et conserverai ditto olio, et averai lo intento tuo a farti biancha. -------- [Page 269] Olio del tartaro cioe tasso con alcune dele sue virtu. Rx. tartaro, cioe greppola de vin bianco o nero, 5 o 6 lb. o piu o meno, secondo che tu ne poi avere e fa chel sia neto et metilo a brusare, cioe a calcina, in una fornace de bochalari et quando eli e fredo lo cava. Poi lo metti in un tazzone grande di vetro overamente in uno sachetto di tela aguzo in fondo et mettilo in loco humida in canova o sotto terra che non li vada animali overo altra bruttura o aria o vento e presto se inumidira e rendera l’olio in termine de 20 o 30 giorni o piu presto o piu tardi, secondo chel sera accomodato in loco atto a ricevere presto l’humido. Et legherai il sachetto in aria chel non tocha terra da niuna banda et cola in una tazza di vetro et de man in mano lo voterai in una ampolla il quale sera chiaro e lucido che parera aqua chiara et quello conserva come cosa cara. Et quando non destillera piu olio, piglia quel fondachio che e rimasto inel sachetto et fallo ribollire in uno caldaio di aqua, cioe con lb. iij di aqua e lb. j del ditto fondachio et falo bolire tanto chel cali un terzo. Et con la ditta aqua lavati tutta la persona e ti mandera via tutta la rogna et altri segni neri o rossi o nei et ti fara bianche tutte le tue carne. Usandola che pareranno una voglio. Et se con essa ti laverai il viso, il petto ti fara la pelle lustra e candida et distende ogni grinchia e ti fara parere giovine piu che non sei. Et se agiongerai in ditta aqua uno poco di lume di rocha brusata et laverai la machia fatta de vino o de inchiostro et sia dove e la si vole, presto la la manda via che piu non si vederano. Le virtu del sopra detto olio del tartaro. Prima vale a mandare via tutti li segni o margine dele ferrite, ongendosi piu volte e chel sia caldo et etiam altri segni neri super la persona. Item. Bagna la machia fatta de inchiostro et sia sun che panno si vole lassela stare um poco tanto che l’olio sia bene penetrato. Poi lo lava con aqua frescha, strapiciando al quanto et se la non va la prima, falo la 2 volta et andera via et sia che machia che si vole d’inchiostro, di vino o de grasso et se la fusse la machia sun un panno o drappo di seta, ongi col ditto olio 2 o 3 volte ma non lo stropiciare et lavela con aqua chiara e andera via. Item. Vale el ditto olio a luminare le figure depinte, cioe bagnerai una sponga fina e netta overamente un penello morbido et dallo sopra ale figure overo altre dipenture in modo di vernice liquida. Sappi che questo augumenta, aiutta, rilumina tutti li collori et pare tutta quella dipintura fatta di novo e presto si rassuga. E de piu volte aprobato. Item. Vale a confortare tutti li nervi li quali fusseno fracti o retirati per alcuna infermita et chel sia ben caldo presto li da zovamento e ne guarisse, e io lo provato ala mia mano 2 volte sole lo onta cosi affredo e sono piu di mezo guarito. Et il preditto olio li alchemisti molto lo adoperano ma lo fanno restillare et lo tornano in corpo. Poi ne fano bianchimento et altre sue faciende. Et el preditto olio a de molte altre virtu che io non scrivo ma operandolo le imparerai. Et fa sempre de averne apresso di te perche con piu eli e vechio conquista piu virtu. Et quando lo voi calcinare non accade afarli niente lasselo cosi intiera che meglio si calcina. Et quando egli e calcinato egli e nero e tutto fatto in polvere suttila. Et facendo tu a questo modo e tenendo l’ordine sopra ditto, tutto ti riussira bello o bono et ne farai quelle esperientie che a te parra non altre. -------- [Page 270] [One drawing]. Olio del vitriolo romano vero e perfetto con le sue virtu. Rx. vitriolo romano bello e netto non manco de lb. 12, perche se manco fusse forsi tu non ne caveresti la spesa, perche non esse piu di onza j d’olio per libra o vel circha. Et pestalo sutilmente perche egli e meglio per te. Poi mettilo in una pignatta nova grande. Empila et calchelo ben drento piu che poi et che la pignata no si rompa. Et copri la col suo coperchio et lutta tutta la pignata et sopra al coperchio che niente possa sfiatare e che la sia fata con drento cimatura e sia li grossa intorno un dito. Poi lassela sechare bene al sole. Poi farai uno fornello de matoni murati con terra creta in un cantone del fogolare sotto ala nappa del camino et fallo inel modo che tu vedi qui. Et li comoderai inel mezo la tua pignata et serata intorno de mattoni che non riffiati se non per uno bucharelino per drieto et sotto al pignato li farai il foco di legna secha et sopra’l tutto foco lento lento per uno di naturale, cioe ori 24, et lasselo cose raffredare. Poi discopri il fornello et cava fora la tua pignata. Et advertisse avanti che tu rompa la pignata e cavi fora el vitriolo, abia prima apparichiato uno mortaio di bronzo grande e uno stachio coperto como e quello dale spetie et una bozza grande storta como tu vedi. E che prima la sia ben luttata con lutto sapientie como e ditto di sopra et che la boccha del collo pondi di fora del fornello. Prima rompi il pignato che altrimente tu non lo potrai cavare perche tutto se fatto in una massa soda e de rosso che pare polvere de matoni. Et sia presto a pestarlo et a stachiarlo et a metterlo inel bozzo e questo si fa acio che piglia poco aria perche molto l’offende che non li lassa rendere l’olio assufficientia et se la polvere fusse tamisata grosso modo manco olio ti rende. E pero tu sia advertito in tutte queste cose. Et quando tu averai fatta stare tutta questa polvere inela ditta storta, tu la comoderai inel ditto fornello como tu vedi e che la stia a giacere per il longo del fornello. Et li matoni che stano sotto siano crudi e stia un dito da discosto l’uno dal altro et dintorno via li sia ben murato de mattoni e con terra creta et abia drieto il suo spiraglio pichino et la boccha del fornello dinanti e piccola. Et subito meterai sotto il suo recipiente de piu grandi che mai tu possi trovare arispetto al impeto de gran fumi che vengano tutti a un tratto in ultima et se’l fusse piccolo subbito si romperebe e pero opera quello che io te dico. Et farai il foco inel mezo del fornello ma advertisse che inel foco consiste ogni cosa e pero tu li darai il foco lento lento e con legna seccha, seno non farai niente. Et se’l fusse possibile non vorebe essere se non un legno per volta ma non manco di 2 non se li pole metere et sempre se ne stiza uno per volta et continuamente se li veggia intorno uno e mai non si bandona el foco mai non si resta di ardere e sempre ugualmente. Et di questo tu ne stia advertito perche molto importa et la notte uno sempre li vegia intorno perche non vol manco di 6 giorni a farlo perfecto e bono con tutte le sue diligentie. Et mai ti mostrera segno nisuno salvo el quinto giorno che li spiriti comincerano a ussire fora e venire inel recivitoiio con grande impito……. -------- [Page 271] [One drawing]. perche avendo tu ben turato la bocha del ricipiente con una peza luttata a dov[u]nque non pole respirare li spiriti et pero il recipiente conviene chel sia grande. Et etiam potrai fare questo ingegno che e un bel secreto a fare chel recipiente non si rompa per causa del gran caldo quando li spiriti li entrano drento. Congiegna una cosa sopra al recipiente che sempre li cascha una gioza de aqua freda sopra et ha questo modo mai non crepera ne questo ne altri recipienti mai non creperanno facendo a questo modo. Et advertisse che se tu li darai la giozza sopra chel olio te lo rendera piu presto in 4 o 5 giorni. Et sia advertito che se tu non farai con questa giozza de aqua tu aspeterai al quinto e al sesto giorno et alora tutti li spiriti veranno a un tratto e de cosa spaventosa avedere que fumi neri et ve empiano tutto lo recipiente intorno e presto poi ricascano et si riducano al basso et si riducano in olio el quale olio e di colore nericcio, cioe tanne scuro, il quale con lo aiutto de dio tu lo piglierai con presteza et con destreza et lo caverai del recipiente et mettilo in una ampolla di vetro che sia grossa et sicura perche el ditto olio eli e tutto spirito, focoso et galiardissimo. Et tientlo turrato con grandissima diligentia con cera nova o biancha e con carta peccora 2 o 3 doppie e ben legato perche in vero presto tutto se ne exalarebe in fumo per essere lui tutto spirito. Et dele sue virtu io te le diro in ultimo. Ma prima ti voglio dirti a fare quest altro olio del vitriolo rubificato il quale e di colore rosso asimiliato alo elemento del foco il quale si fa a questo modo come tu intenderai. Vz. Primamente torai del vitriolo nel modo che ai fatto quel primo et quando l’averai pesto, mettilo in un vaso di vetro et turalo bene et mettilo inel litame de cavallo caldo alla spera del sole per 15 o 20 giorni. Poi lo cava fori et farai como tu ai fatto al primo abia apparechiato la bozza luttata e pestalo e stacialo sutilmente et metilo inela bozza accio che l’aria non lo offenda. Et fa di essere presto a fare questo officio sopra’l tutto. Poi la comoda inel fornello como tu vedi la bozza agiacere e sotto il suo recivitoio grando quanto si po trovare et luttalo inela congiontura che non isfiati et…. -------- [Page 272] et dali il foco inel principio al quanto galliardo et cavali prima da dosso l’aqua. Et stia advertito como tu vedi avenire li spiriti presto li muta il recipiente et ne metti sotto un altro per ricevere quelli spiriti li quali se corvertirano in olio rubificato infassandoli bene la congiontura dela bocca chel non possa respirare con bonissimo stucho perche in questo consiste tutta la inportantia del opera tua a non potere ussire ne per amore ne per forza. Et dali il foco piu temperato e adasio e sempre continuandolo con legna seccha el foco uguale. Et vedrai avenire quelli spirito como a fatto el primo, ma non sarano tanti perche essendoli ussito l’aqua da dosso sera um poco manco assai del primo et sera rosso rubicondissimo e de potentissimo piu che tutti li altri olii, li quali si opera in medicina et fora di medicina. Et li filosofi lo chiamano inel opera del archimia ‘Leon verde,’ il quale di subito congella il mercurio et a de potentissime virtu quasi incredibile et in tutte le opere si fa valere mirabilmente. Ora noi diremo dele virtu del primo olio del vitrolo romano primo ditto di sopra. Io dico chel ditto olio a tanta possanza che ogni cosa consuma e non brusa. Item. Se tu meterai inel ditto olio ferro, rame, stagno, piombo o legno in breve tu lo vederai essere consumato e convertito in fumo, eccetto il legno di ulivo et l’avoglio e questo non consumano et li fano ressistentia. Item. Se tu ne metesti una gioza sopra a una cappa o vesta et che la fusse a 4 o 6 overo a 10 pieghe, tutte le consuma a questo modo. Non pare al presente segno veruno ma se tu scoti la vesta tutti que buchi si vedrano tanto consuma crudelmente. Item. Se tu ne meterai una sol gioza in mezo dela tua mano presto presto te la passera da un canto al altro per senza passione e non sentirai nulla. Item. Se tu ne meterai 2 giocce in uno bichiere di vino dolce disubito li leva il dolce e li da uno certo bruchettino molto apettitevole al gusto. Et ti fa bonissimo stomaco e ti fara ringiovanire e con bonissimo fiato et purificha la vista et mantine la memoria et manda via i calli e presto. Di provata. Item. Vale a sanare el morbo datto a bere con aqua de fiori d’ogni mese et cum aqua de barbena et sia datto inanti chel humore sia corotto e che prevenga al core. Item. Vale a rissanare il mal caducho, dandone da bere la matina a stomaco digiuno una meza octava cum mezo bichiere di aqua di dicottione di bertonicha con uno poco di astrologia rottonda e con uno poco de stichadosso arabicho et uno poco de castore e quando se piglia dopoi toglie onza s de dicotione de assenzo che restaura lo apetitto. Item. Vale al male del fiancho dandone um poco con aqua de ginestra. Item. Vale al male dela milza, dattone um poco per matina con aqua de frassino. Et sana il mal del fegato, dandone cum l’aqua de indivia e de eupatorio et de erba fegatella, ana. Et dala la matina et fa che digiuni insu una bona ora et in breve tempo sera guarito. Item. Vale a guarire il male deli vermi a ogni persona grandi o piccoli, dandone uno scropulo con onze js de aqua di gramigna. Item. Vale a sanare il fluxo del sangue, datto con vino de dicotione de rosmarino. Item. Vale a sanare tutte le sorte febre, datto avanti il parascissmo con dicotione di centaurea et de rosmarino cotto in vino. Et sana la quartana dove sia bulito la mirra. -------- [Page 273] Item. Vale a sanare ogni male de madre dandone a bere uno scropulo con 2 dita de aqua di bertonicha et di matricharia. Item. Vale a sanare la scuriacione dela vissicha dandone con aqua di mele. Et etiam vale a chi non pole horinare dandone a bere con dicotione d’aglio. Item . Vale al dolore de li denti, messidandovi otto giocce con aloro tanto de suco di aglio, metendolo caldo insul dente che duole. Item. Vale ala tosse dandone con vino de dicotione di malva o di ysopo e di seme di ortica. Item. Vale ali asismattici, datta con aqua di irios e di mele. Et vale ale scrophole dandone a bere um poco con aqua de scrophularia. Item. Vale a sanare il cancro datto e misto con aqua di erba cancharina et del ditto olio. Se li da per bocha da bere et deba si temperare tanto che abia sapore de agresta e che si possa bere. Et sana la peste dattone da bere drama j con onze iij di aqua de barbena. Item la virtu del ditto olio. Sana tutte le piaghe vechie e nove in questo modo. Farai bolire in vino tutte queste cose, cioe folie di cerqua, pimpinella e radice di centaurea magiore e di consolida magiore de chianda amacata. Et in questa colatura ponvi del olio preditto et misto diligentamente insieme. Et piglia dele pezze bianche line suttile et bagnele in ditta composicione. Et mettele sopra ale piaghe sera e matina et guarira le ferrite e le piaghe e presto. Et questo olio vale tanto quanto loro potabile in fisicha et in cirusia. Et chiamasi leon verde. Et quando lo voi fare meteli tutta la tua diligentia in prepararlo. Inpestarlo suttile et accomodarlo in la bozza et darli il foco temperatissimo e lento et saperlo ricogliere e presto chel non perda li spiriti perche facilmente exalano. Et saperlo conservare quando lo adoperi et essere presto et tenerlo ben coperto. Et abine cura chel ti fara honore in tutte le sopra dette infermita per essere aprobato. Nota chel primo olio tiene parte delo elemento del aqua et del foco. Ma questo secundo il quale e rubbificato non tiene niente di aqua perche tu nel ai cavata da dosso de prima e de rimasto tutto in elemento di foco e pero a magiore virtu e possanza in tutte le cose che non ne il primo. Et pero inel adoperarli tu ne sia advertito. Et inel congelare questo rosso non a pari e presto fa l’opera sua valentamente senza tardare. E di provata. Alcuni dicano che se si rinforzasse il foco sotto ala prima bozza, poi che egli e cavato el primo olio chel ne ussirebe lo elemento del foco ma vorebe il foco galiardo. Questo io non lo provato et a voi lasso il ricircare piu in drento. Quello che io o fatto tutto vel o ditto et l’ordine che io o tenuto. Noi eravamo 3 compagni e femo arezzo el ditto olio. Olio del talcho composto per carnasone biancha. Rx. talcho lb. vj e sal nitro e tartaro de vin bianco, ana onze vj, fatto in polvere suttile et meterai ogni cosa in una pignata non vitriata et farai stratto sopra stratto col talcho e con le polvere. Poi la copri col suo coperchio et leghela con file di ferro et luttela bene tutta sotto e sopra e sutta che sera metila a calcinare in la fornace de mattoni o de calcina et quando la e freda tu la cavi et pesterai il talcho minuto inel bronzo et fane polvere suttile. Poi la meti sopra al marmoro et metila in loco humido che animali ne bruttura non li possi andare et lasselo stare tanto chel si converti in aqua. Poi destillerai questa aqua con bozza di vetro e a lento foco et ne ussira l’olio et de esso tene farai cunto, impero che le sue virtu non si possono manifestare per il gran tesoro che in esso olio se ritrova. Et li homini son rari che anno tal secreto et in tutte quelle beleze dela persona et congelatione che tu lo metterai el ti fara honore. -------- [Page 274] Olio del talcho fatto mistiriosamente. Rx. dela pietra del talcho non mancho de lb. 12 perche non se ne cava del olio piu di onza j per libra. Et tutto lo scaglierai suttilmente. Io mi penso che tu sapia che cosa sie il talcha e se non lo sai io ti dico che gli e pietra biancha, lucida e lustrante che pare un argente e dura et non si pole pestare ma la si scaglia in piastrelle sutilissime. Et di quelle scagliette ne empienerai una pignatta grande non vitriata e legata con fil di ferro. Et poi luttata bene sotto e sopra e fatta sugare al sole. Poi la comoderai in una fornace de matoni o de calcina in loco sicuro dove sempre li batte il foco et lassela tanto che la fornace si vota. Poi la cavi fora et troverai il tuo talcho calcinato. Poi lo pesta in mortaio di bronzo et poi lo masinerai sutilmente sul marmoro. Et lo potrai lassare cosi sun la ditta pietra overamente lo metterai in uno tazone grande overo sopra a una piastra di vetro et meterla in canova il loco humido et che animali, ne polve, ne bruttura, ne vento non li possa nocere. Et che la stia pendente et sotto una taza da ricogliere l’olio et li vi stia al manco per 20 giorni et como incomincia a dare l’olio tutto lo dara in termine di un mese. Et se’l non volesse rendere l’olio, mettilo in una sachetto di tela che sia aguzzo et li congegna sotto in vaso di vetro per riccoglierlo se’l ne venisse niente. Et fallo calare in un pozzo apresso al aqua al manco un brazo et che persona non vada a cavare ivi l’aqua per non contaminare l’opera. Overamente tu farai una gran bucha in terra in locho chel non batti aria, ne sol, ne luna. Et li commoda drento questo sachetto chel non toccha da niun lato et copri la bucha con qualche tavola et lasselo stare per i spacio de 20 0 30 giorni tanto che te dia l’olio. Et sapi chome incomincia a rendere l’humidita mai non resta finche tutto non la gittato. Et se prima lo getta insul marmoro non accade affarli altro et cosi averai l’olio del talcho il quale sera bianco, luccido che parera un argente, il quale tu lo conserverai adoperare ali tuoi bisogni, impero che chi avera di questo olio non sera mai pover omo, impero che questo olio l’adopera tutte le grande signori. Et quella illuminata duchessa di savoia non doperava altra cosa sopra’l corpo suo se non di questo olio ed era tenuta dele piu belle carne che fusse sopra ala terra. Del congellare non te ne dico perche congella e fissa tutto a un tem[p]o. Et qui di sotto meteremo alcune dele sue virtu, tutte aprobate. Et primamente se tu ne meterai una giozza inel mercurio purificato, subito lo congella e lo fissa tutto a un trato il quale stara saldo al foco, al saggio e al martello. Item. Vale a mandare via tutti li segni che e super la persona e sia che segno si vole nero o de altro colore et tutti li segni e margine dele ferrite. Item. Vale a fare ringiovanire ogni persona et manda via tutte le grincie et fa carnasone bianchissima e morbida. Item. Vale a purificare li occhii e mantiene la vista et conforta la memoria da augumenta. Item. Vale alo stomacho ongendo con esso lo tien netto da collere e rende bono alito et mantiene sempre li denti bianchissimi. Et piu vale a dare il lustro ale perle e a corralli et ad altri pietre preciose et etiam vale a de molte altre cose che operandolo tu le imparerai et queste basta per ora. Et non ne tor manco de lb. 12 accio che fatto che gli e tu ne possi cavarne la spesa che tu li ai fatto et con al quanto di guadagno onestamente como si costuma. -------- [Page 275] Olio del talcho fatto secondo li alchimisti. Rx. del talco sopra detto chel sia neto non manco de lb. vj et schaglielo in particelle suttile. Et lo lasserai stare in l’olio de oliva per uno di naturale. Poi li tacherai drento il foco et fallo tutto brusare. Poi lo presterai in mortaio di bronzo. Et poi lo masinerai sopra’l porfido et farne polvere sutilissima. Poi la meti in uno fiascho di vetro discoperto et falo bolire per 2 ore a bagno maria e chel sia coperto. Poi lo farai stillare con bozza di vetro e con lento foco inel principio. Poi lo augmenta galiardo et stillera olio et alcuni li soliano metere drento alcuni sassetti minutini bel lavati e netti et a questo modo tu averai l’olio del talcho cavato per lambicho. Et se per sorte el non volesse ussire, lo meterai al humido per al quanti giorni tanto che l’usischa et l’averai a questo modo il quale non ne di manca virtu chi e il sopra detto. E pero li usserai gran diligentia e tientelo accaro impero che io non veduto a venderne un ampolino di un quarto de onza uno scudo d’oro et anco lo deti mal voluntieri e pero se tu n’averai assai non mai serai pover omo. Olio del vitriolo artificiato per congelare. Rx. vitriolo romano lb. 12 et metilo in una pignata grande et coprila bene che non sfiati et mettila in uno caldaro de aqua tanto che l’aqua non entra in la pignata. Et chel sia coperchio sia bene lutato intorno chel non possa respirare el vitriolo et farai bolire l’aqua inel ditto caldaio con la pignatta drento. Et tanto bola che tutta l’aqua se suga in nel caldaio mentre che la bole. Poi lassa raffredare la pignata avanti che la tochi. Poi caverai fora el ditto vitriolo et pestalo sutilmente e stachialo con lo stachio coperto accio che l’aria non lo ofenda e la polvere non exali via. Et sia presto a meterlo in una starta di vetro ben luttata con lutto sapientie forte e chel sia bene assutto e secho. Poi la meterai inela cenere calda bene et sempre cosi la mantiene per 2 giorni. Poi la meterai inel tuo fornello accomodata col suo recipiente grande e grosso et bene turato le congiuonture con pezza e luto e ben legato che no sfiati. Poi li darai il foco temperato per 2 giorni. Et fa che la gioza de l’aqua frescha caschi sempre sopra al recipiente. Et quando vera questa prima aqua, vera con alcuni fumi bianchi et tu ha l’ora li muterai il recipiente e presto e sugellalo bene. Poi seguitando il foco vera. Poi altri spiriti overo fumi li quali darano presto al fondo et se convertirano in liquore de olio. Voi sapeti che quel olio rosso e quel aqua chiara si chiama permanente et di questa materia si fa il vero oro potabile perche sono cose permanente la quale guarisse ogni grande infermita como tu sai di sopra. Et etiam l’olio a in se grandisseme virtu a interizare, congelare, coagulare e affissare. Et in perfectione sul modo purificato in optimo sole con suo fermento de sole fatto del aqua sopra ditta fa vero auro potabile il quale guarisse lepra, cancro, fistule, morbo caducco e non lassa l’homo popellico, cioe componi questa sequente semplice che sono capitale et stomachale. Notta sopra al olio fermentato imbibendo tridando et destillando cenaprio filosoforum et si sono di tanto virtu di quello olio impero tenze coagula e fissa il mercurio et lo mondifica in optimo sole. Et questo secreto e raro tra li homini. -------- [Page 276] Olio del tartaro a convertirlo in liquore. Rx. tartaro di vin biancho o nero et mettilo in una pignata grande 3 o 4 lb. Et coprila col suo coperchio et luttalo bene intorno chel non possa sfiatare et metilo a calcinare in una fornase de scudelaro overo altre fornase. Et quando sera fredo lo cava, pestalo e tritalo sul marmoro. Poi lo metterai in una vissicha che la sia netta e ben lavata et la lega bene con uno spago forte et mandelo cosi a mezo il pozzo che niente la possa offendere et lasselo stare al manco per 15 giorni o manco e tutto se convertira in liquore de olio. Et avera proprieta piu di quel altro as[s]ai arispetto chel non ne exalato e lo spirito e statto piu unito col corpo. Et le sue virtu serano piu potente et fara quelli medemi e effetti et a de quelle medeme virtu che a quel primo. Poi la caverai fora del pozzo et lasselo destillare da se a poco a poco fora del collo dela visicha et averai un liquore d’olio perfetissimo ad ogni prova et conservelo ben turato il quale smarisse tutti li segni fatti di ferro o di vetro et maxime quelle de l’argento. Et a de molte altre virtu como si contiene inel cap[el]lo sopra detto. Olio di cera vergine, optimo e perfetto. Rx. cera nova che sia bella e tenga al quanto di odore di mele lb. 2 e tagliela in pezeti piccolini. Poi piglerai una bona brancata di rena grossa como e fasoli e non piu ne meno et laveli molto bene con l’aqua chiara et quando serano asutte, li metterai con la ditta cera bene incorporate insieme. Poi metterai ogni cosa insieme in una bozza overo storta como tu vedi, la quale sia benissimo luttata con lutto sapiencie fatto con cimatura o altre cose hapropriati et sia grosso un dito et lassela ben sugare. Poi la comoda in questa torretta sopra a una graticcola di ferro acomodata inel mezo et serarato di sopra bene et lasatovi il suo buco solamente da mandare fora il fumo et meterai sotto il suo recipiente ben turato con una pezza luttata intorno ala bocha che neinte possa sfiatare da nissun lato. Poi li darai il foco de carboni overamente di legna seccha continuandolo lentamente per i spacio di mezo giorno. Et ussira fora l’olio e la cera inel recipiente et inela storta restera solamente quelle pietrelle le quale non sono de niun valore. Et col tuo ingegno caverai l’olio disseparato dala cera fora del recipiente perche l’olio sta disotto e la cera disopra. Et se tu non lo poi cavare, lo rompi et caverai prima l’olio per declinatione. Poi caverai la cera. Poi conserva el ditto olio da se in ampolla doppia e ben turrata e sera fatto, olio di cera vergine a tutta perfetione. Et a de molte proprieta e virtu et maxime a fistule. Io non visto un be[l] miraculo e per ora antro non te ne dico. Notta che se tu restillerai questo olio una o 2 o 3 altre volte, sappi del certo chel se le rinforza magiormente le sue virtu e diventa perfetto. Et a questo modo si fa l’olio di trementina con questi fassetti minuti e ben lavati et con ditta storta con questa torre e con questo ricipiente et con tutto questo ordine medemo non preterire et farai l’olio di trementina et l’olio del mele. -------- [Page 277] Olio del solphero magistrale e medicinale. Rx. orina lb. x et metivi drento calcina viva lb. v et dissolvila in ditta orina. Poi la meti sopra’l foco tanto che si consumi la terza parte. Poi lassela raffredare et la destilla per feltro et serbela. Poi torai lb. j di solfero giallo fatto in polvere sutila et mettivi sopra lb. iiij dela preditta orina et la incorpora bene. Poi la meti inela bozza et la comoda inel suo fornello con sopra il suo capello e sotto il recipiente. Et dali foco lento tanto che tu ne cavi la meta del aqua. Poi la rimetti sopra ale fecce et cosi farai 2 volte et la terza volta dali il foco molto lento tanto che tu ne cavi solamente l’aqua. Poi li cresse il foco et ne ussira l’olio ma mutali il recipiente primo del aqua e tura bene intorno ala bocha chel non riffiata niente et ne ussira l’olio beletissimo e giallo che parera un oro stillato et a de molte virtu et maxime contra attracione nervorum et paralesim et mortificet egrum. Item. Sana ogni fistula salsa e anticha et recentem et si posueris de illo oleo et oleo phyrum et oleum vintelli ovorum et medulle bovorum escibis et composueris ad modum implastri seu unguenti et de ditto unguento unxerit iusta ignem ut solem che i ragram, sciaticum, podagram de frigida causa, corpus purgatum videbis mirabilia magna. Iuro tibi per deum quod non est super terram thole archanum oculta ergo ipsum quod congellatur mercurio in optimum solem solidum. Nolo tibi ostendere quod facies infinita mirabilia et precipue in corpo humanis et similiter incorporibus metalonis. Olio de orbachelle di lauro a farlo chiaro e bello. Rx. le robachelle quella quantita che ne poi avere et rompele e metteli in uno caldaio grande con de l’aqua drento assai et falo bolire pian piano tanto chel calli piu deli 2 terci. Poi lo leva dal foco et lasselo raffreddare. Et riccoglierai quello grasso che e dissopra al aqua et quello sera il vero olio de orbachelle. Et quello conserva ali tuoi bisogni il quale ha de molte aprobate et excelente virtu come qui in parte entenderai. Prima el dito olio e calido in 3 e alcuni dicano in 4 ma io lo in 3 grado calido. Et molto vale a mandare via la rogna a compagnato e da si solo. Et con ditto olio e olio de cappari caldo e ongendo la milza continuando la guarisse. Et etiam vale el ditto olio con olio de gillio e di camomilla e zaferano ongendo il corpo dela donna per 3 o 4 sere presto li fa produre il tempo suo perso et se l’homo ne onge il m[embro] e usando sentira for de l’ordine. Et in molte infermita frigide vale et mirabilmente guarisse. Oleum antimoni sic fiat. Rx. antimoni fusi lb. j, sulimato lb. ij et terito subtilissimo et destillato per rittortam cinere coopertam ad os recipientis id fiet horis xij aqua que transierit. Erit velut glacies quam iterum destillato per retortam et tertio si opus fuerit donet aqua sit munda et clara. Rx. e fecibus illis antimoni onze iij et destillabit aquam tintam colore aureo, auge deinde ignem more solito et abebis oleum antimoni. -------- [Page 278] Olio de l’antimonio a farlo vero e perfetto. Secreto raro dela quinta essentia. Il dio creator del cielo e dela terra el mi e testimonio che ora ti voglio rivelare uno tanto secreto che a pochissimi homini del mondo mai e statta rivelato e questo e uno deli maggiori che sia nella terra. Et questo sie il modo. Vz. Prima piglia lo antimonio et polveregialo quanto sia possibile et ponilo in aceto stillato fortissimo et metilo in vaso vitriato et turalo bene chel non possa riffiatare ne exalare et lasselo stare cosi tanto che tu vedi l’aceto essere diventata rossa. Et voterai la ditt’ aceto in uno altro vaso pur vitriato et farai che la stia ben coperta. Poi remetterai del altra aceto stillato sopra al ditto antimonio et chel sia ben coperto como prima et lasselo stare tanto chel ditto aceto diventi rosso como el primo. Poi lo metti sopra al altro primo et fallo stare ben coperto chel no exala via la virtu sua et rimetterai pure del altra aceto sopra al preditto antimonio. Et a questo modo continuerai per insino a tanto chel aceto li cavera da dosso tutta la tinta rossa. Et tiene sempre questo ordine sopra ditto sempre coppoi bene l’una et l’altra che non vada via l’odore. Et quando lo antimonio non tinge piu rosso, non ne mettere piu et farai sempre stare il vaso che a drento lo antimonio in un loco che sempre el stia caldo accio che piu presto la tinta rossa li vada da dosso. Poi piglierai tutto quello aceto rosso che tu ai cavato da dosso da l’antimonio et lo meterai a stillare al lambicho di vetro col suo capello e il suo recivitoio et con lento foco. Et prima vera fora lo aceto convertita pure in aqua como era de prima. Poi vederai avenire uno stupendo miraculo che per lo lambico tu vedrai venire mirabilmente delo benedetto antimonio et cascheranno goccie rosse como sangue, le quale le riccogliereti in uno vaso di vetro atto e serrato bene. Et a questo modo tu averai la quinta essentia et sappi che tu averai una cosa che tutto il tessoro del mondo non ne de qui e pare con questa. Vidi uno expresso miraculo che la sua dolceza e a comparatione del zuccaro o mele et dicoti certissimo che inteletto humano non potria comprendere, ne capire, ne credere la valore inela stupenda virtu di questa cosa. Io te diro tanto piu che Aristotile nel suo libro de secretis secretorum chiama questo il suo piombo como benche lui non nomina lo nome delo antimonio. Et credimi che mai certissimamente la natura non feci mai uno tanto secreto quanto e questo. Et notta bene quello che io ti dico hogni homo se affaticha e stenta per volere trovare questa Quinta essentia delo antimonio. Ne niuno ha pochissimi nel mondo lo sanno trovare ne fare al modo che io te o insegnato et habi per certo che se mille miliara da volte. Io te dicessi questo e lo secreto sopra tutti gli secreti non saria sufficiente a dire la metta delo secreto, il quale e in questa benedetta Quinta essentia. Quella cava mirabilmente lo dolore de ogni piagha e la risana. Et la sua virtu e incomprensibile e miraculosa la quale e utile sopra modo. Notta poi che e fatta la ditta Quinta essentia bisogna meterla in anfora bene serrata et metterla nelo litame soto terra per 4 di e che la stia calda che la si putrefacii, cavela et sera fatta e poi l’adoperi. Et mai non troverai che cosa sia lo piombo deli filosophi la quale e la ditta quinta essentia. Et brevemente sapi che la colorisse ogni cosa excetto che lo argento unico i vivo. Et lauda i dio di uno tanto seccreto. Io non dico quale virtu sue ma avisoti che se tu meterai in aceto stillato dela cerusa et lassela bolire per 2 ore fino che l’aceto sia consumato et la cerusa rimanga spessa como olio, questo si chiama olio de piombo. E questo ti basta. -------- [Page 279] Olio de antimonio fatto a bozza. Rx. lo antimonio de minera non il faturato quanto tu voi et pestalo in minutissima polvere et metilo in uno orinale chel sia ben luttato et metteli sopra tatta aceto stillata chel copra di sopra a 2 dita et meteli sopra il suo capello et sotto il recipiente. Et infassa bene intorno ale congionture et lasselo stare cosi inela cenere calda in putrefacione al manco per 2 di continui. Poi li darai il foco assai galliardo tanto chel nescha fora tutta quella aceto che li ai messa sopra. Et vera fora tutta gialla e focosa. Et farai a questo modo per 3 o 4 volte, cioe caverai l’antimonio fora del orinale et ne farai polvere di novo et farai como tu ai fatto la prima volta tanto che quando stillera fora l’aceto non vera piu tinta ma sera quasi biancha como tu la metesti et de man in mano voderai quella che ne viene in un vaso atto e che la stia ben coperta che non exali et quel fondachio de l’antimonio non ne piu bono. Et piglierai questo aceto colorito et metilo in una pignata ben vitriata et mettila a fare exalare. Et quello che resta al fondo egli e la bonta et quello lo inbiberai con olio di tartaro per 3 o 4 volte. Poi meterai la ditta matteria insu uno marmoro di pietra et mettila in loco humido chel non sia offeso da cosa alcuna et destillera l’olio et quello lo conserva in ampulla recipiente e ben turata e questo sera fatto, olio vero de antimonio. Item. Un altro olio simile de antimonio, fatto ala fantasticha oppinione. Videlicet. Rx. uno crosole grande chel vadi serrato e stretto in bocha et mettivi drento antimonio pesto suttile e de miniera lb. 4 et metteli tanta aceto fortissima chel copra sopra a un dito o 2. Et lasse stare in loco caldo infussione e coperto per 24 ore o piu, secondo che a te pare. Poi li meterai sopra a quello per coperchio uno altro crosolo simile al primo stretto di sopra in bocha como tu vedi. Et fali uno buco tondo in fondo et li meterai di sopra a questo crosolo una bozza che abia uno buco in fondo che entra drento a quello del crosolo como tu vedi et sia luttalo tutto il crosolo e la bozza di fora via chel para tutto una cosa medema. Et acomoderai il primo crosolo che a drento la materia in uno catino di rame o di terra, il quale abia uno bucho in fondo che passi drento quasi mezo el ditto crosolo. Et poi empi il catino di cenere suttila et disotto via overo intorno al catino li metti alcuni mattini comodati con terra creta. Et li vi drento li farai il foco et con tutte le comissure ben terrate e che non exali. Et prima li darai il foco lento lento. Poi anderai cressendo a poc a poco tanto che in ultima li venga a dare foco de fussione tanto chel antimonio si venga a fondere. Et continuerai il foco tanto che piu olio non stilla. Et questo sera fatto olio de antimonio perfetto e bono perche passa e monta in alto como tu vedi e questo e quel optimo. Conservelo bene e caramente che olio de molte belle et virtuose virtu. -------- [Page 280] A stillare per disenssorio. Rx. la tua bozza la quale sia ben luttata et mettivi drento quello che a te pare che vorai stillare per disenssorio como e legno di ginepro o cipresso overo legno guaiacho. Et d’ogni ligname che sia gomoso e secco tu ne potrai cavarne olio a questo modo facendoli foco per disopra via como tu vedi. Poi meterai la ditta bozza in un caldarino overamente in una pignata la quale abia uno buco inel fondo tanto chel collo dela bozza possi passare et congiorgersi col recipiente disotto como tu vedi. Et quando la bozza sera inela pignata col culo al insuso chel venga appari ala pignata, empi la pignata di cenere stachiata sutile e serrata bene intorno destramente. Poi li comoderai disotto via et suo recipiente como tu vedi et metteli drento quello fusello suttile overo una setola di porco per dare sboramento quando li fumi cominciano avenire perche creparebe il recipiente et infassa bene le congionture tutte che non possi respirare da niun lato. Et li darai il foco per disopra via como tu vedi. Prima tu farai una bucha in terra et comoda prima il recipiente. Poi la pignata con la bozza comodata drento et il foco lo farai a uguale a terra di legna secca overo de carboni lento lento acio che la bozza non crepasse. Et lo recipiente lo lutterai accio che facilmente non si rompa. Et come incomincia a destillare, moverai quello fusello acio che exali um poco divento che quello aiuta chel non scopia el recivitoio. Et a questo modo tu stillerai ogni qualunque cosa la quale fusse difficile a stillare per altra via. Et per disenssorio ogni cosa te reussira. Et a questo modo tu potrai cavare olio del ginepro et de[l] legno cipresso et del legno sancto, cioe guaiacho, per bagnare le gome del mal franzoso. Et etiam ne potrai farne de tutte le sorte olio che tu vorai e questa stillacione e verissima. Oleum juniperiuum hoc modo conficitur. Accipe duas fictiles ollas vitro incrustatas quare unam super aliam pone superiorem antemollam implebis ligno juniperi minutum conciso et inter ollas erit lamina feraminosa ita ne ne lignum cadat in ollam inferriorem obturabonuntur vero ambe olle ne fumus inde exire possit et ponentur intra ferram ita ut superior aliquantum enferra promineat circum quam ignem ex carbonibus sfrues tum quam primum lignum in superiore olla intus calefactum fuerit oleum ex superiore olla inferriore maneat. Et a questo modo farai tutte le sorte olii e ti reussirano. E di provata. -------- [Page 281] Olio del cara vita contra veneno, peste e vermi. Provato per la santa memoriadi nostro s[igno]re papa clemente 7. Rx. del olio de oliva del piu vechio che mai tu possi trovare perche egli e piu perfetto e penetrativo et ogni lb. de olio vole 100 scorpioni o piu et siano vivi et secondo che tu li piglii li conserva in un vaso di vetro con semola e foglie de basilicho. Et vogliano essere presi e fatto el ditto olio inel segno del leone se si pole perche in quello tempo sono in bona perfectione. Et quando li ai presi non li tenere se non 5 o 6 giorni. Poi meterai l’olio ha bolire a bagno maria in uno vaso di vetro et come bolle, metteli drento li scropioni. Ma prima con un legnetto li moverai acio che si vengano bene a insticire et butare fora bene il suo veleno et subito li butta in ditto olio boliente et falli bolire al manco 15 ori o piu inel ditto bagno et che la bozza dove bolano la sia ben serrata et chiusa che non sfiata niente. Poi colerai l’olio et li scropioni li premerai sotto al torchietto e cavane tutta quella sustanti che ne poi cavare et metila con l’olio e la feza la getta. Poi piglierai uno fiascho senza vesta di vetro grosso et metteli drento el ditto olio colato ma non impire il fiascho accio non crepasse per la sua potenza. Et piglierai per ogni libra del ditto olio, triacha, mitridatte, terra sigillata e reubarbero eletto et fatto ogni cosa in polvere, ana onza j, e aloe patico, spigo, zaferano, ana onza s, et agiongeli trocissi de tiro drama j, se si pole avere et se non si pole avere, torai trocisi di madarasse. Et tutte le predette cose se si pole ne sia fatto polvere suttila ogni una da perse. Poi gli metti inel ditto fiascho et poi lo tura bene et lasselo al sole per 40 giorn di e notte et ogni di la mesterai bene sotto sopra e con diligentia. Et per essere tu piu siccuro per essere olio di gran valuta li comoderai sotto uno vaso che acasucho che gli acadesse chel fiasco si rompesse che l’olio non si perda. Poi chel sera fatto lo reponi in loco sicuro accadendo li bisogni, che dio ne guardi ciascuno, avendolo sempre lo potrai adoperare per te e per altri, il quale olio e molto bonissimo e perfetto ad ogni sorte di veleno e vale contra ala peste et ale piaghe avelenate. Ma advertisse grandemente che tu non tochasse la piagha o morsura col ditto olio perche anderesti a periculo di farlo morire. Ma solamente si onge intorno alla piaga como intenderai qui disotto che ne diremo im parte dele sue virtu et in che modo se adoperare. Vz. Item. Il modo di adoperare il ditto olio. Et primamente chi avesse suspetto di veleno overo fusse avelenato di qual si voglia sorte di veleno tolto per bocha disubbito piglia del ditto olio et ongeli intorno al core e alo stomacho e ala fontanella dela golla et a tutti li polsi del capo e de piedi e dele mane. Et questo lo continuerai per tutto un di naturale de 24 ore et questa farai di sei ori in 6 ori e poi di 12 in 12 ori lo farai per un altro di. Et etiam si debe ongere chi avesse andare a mangiare in loco suspetto. Prima si onga li polsi sopra detti e poi vada senza paura. -------- [Page 282] Et etiam chi fusse morso da quale si voglia animale velenoso, onghasi como e ditto disopra et maxime intorna ala morsura overo pontura del animale. Et etiam chi fusse apestato o avesse alcuno carbone o giandussa scoperta, presto si ongha como e ditto disopra di sei ori in 6 ori et maxime intorno del male over piagha e questo farai fina a tanto chel dolore sia passato. Ma prima sia li cavato sangue ala usanza deli impestati. Et etiam a chi fusse isforzato a pratichare tra l’impestati. Prima si ongha como e ditto disopra ma basta de 24 in 24 ore. Poi vada sicuramente senza alcun suspetto de periculo. Et etiam a chi avesse mangiato fonggi o erbe velenose o qual si voglia cosa velenata, onghasi como e ditto disopra di sei ore in 6 ore. Et etiam a chi patisse di male de vermi et sia di che sorte si vogliano, onghasi con ditto olio intorno al core et etiam tutti li polsi e la fontanella dela golla e lo stomacho, el naso et questo farai per 2 o 3 volte e serai presto guarito con lo aiuto de dio. Et de molte altre virtu che in esso olio si contiene che per brevita io li trascorro, ma operandolo l’imparerai. Seguita un altro olio simile. Olio simile a quel di sopra aprobato nel tempo di nostro signore papa paulo iij in 2 pregioni in torre savella per m[onsigno]re diomede napuolitano quale si obligo non facendo lo effetto che li tagliasseno la testa. Et questo e il modo a fare il ditto olio. Vz. Rx. olio di oliva del piu vecchio che tu possi trovare lb. ij et in ditto olio mettivi lb. j de scorpioni vivi o piu o meno secondo che tu ne voi fare, basta che uno lb. j de olio vole meza liber di scorpioni vivi. Et farai bolire el ditto olio a bagno maria in una bozza che sia longa di collo al manco 2 o 3 spanne e che la sia turata et bolli con lento foco. E meterai li scorpioni in un vaso di vetro et fali sticcire con un legneto che buta fora il veleno. Poi li meti inel ditto olio et fali bolire molto bene tanto che li scorpioni siano ben cossi. Poi li leva il foco et lassa cosi raffredare et caverai fora li scorpioni e pestali in mortaio. Poi ritornali in ditta bozza e in ditto olio et nel ditto bagno et poi li rifarai bolire per un ora o piu. Poi lassa fredare et colerai ditto olio con una stamigna nova et premerai bene il fondachio e cavene piu che poi e metti col ditto olio. Poi lo metti in uno vaso di vetro e turalo bene et mettilo al sole e al sereno per 40 di continue et abine cura e sera fatto. Et che non si preterischa l’ordine sopra detto di farlo inel mese del gran caldo perche quel caldo rinforza le virtu inel olio e da quelle virtu medeme che a il primo. Et etiam quando tu vorai adoperarlo osserva il modo et ordine sopra ditto, maxime quando la persona fusse avelenato, la prima cosa li ongi intorno al core quello e il verbo principale di 6 ore in 6 ore et questo farai il primo giorno. Et il 2 giorno farai di 12 ore in 12 ore. Et in tutte quelle cose chel primo e bono anco questo secondo a de quelle virtu medeme purche tu lo sappia adoperare inel modo sopra detto. Et fallo con ogni advertenza et solicitudine che ben te riussira. -------- [Page 283] Olio contra veneno simile a quel disopra, artificiatoet etiam vale al male di fiancho. Torai del sopra detto olio. Poi che tu l’averai colato con la stamigna nova et mettilo in una bozza di vetro et mettilo a scaldare al bagno maria. Poi li metterai drento le sotto scritte cose, cioe spigo, aloe patico, mirra, gentiana, tormentilla, dittamo bianco, ana drama j, e reubarbero eletto drame ij e triacha fina drame iiij. Et tutte queste cose siano spolverizate sutilissimamente. Poi lassa stare la ditta bozza per otto ore inel ditto bagno con lentissimo foco et che la sia ben turrata. Poi la caverai fora et mettila al sole e al sereno non mancho di 40 giorni et ogni giorno la mesta sotto sopra accio che bene si venga a incorporare le materie e composicione che vi sono drento e si purifichi. Et piu che voi fareti col ditto olio contra aveleno sie che voi con questo olio se li ongie le palme dele mane et le sole deli piede et il filo dela schena. Et in vero el ditto olio e precioso e unico a tutte le sopra dette infermita. Et etiam questo olio vale a uno chi avesse il dolore di fianco che in nissun modo li trovasse rimedio, ongeli col ditto olio ben caldo dove a lui si sente la doglia et questo lo farai piu volte perche a molte persone li a molto zovato e liberati dal dolore de fianchi. Et questo olio molto lo frequentava uno R[everendissi]mo cardinale in roma a molte infermita velenose et caldo lo operava et lo adoperava a persone degne e homini dotti. Olio de scropioni il quale usava santo Bernardino contra al veleno. Rx. olio de oliva del vechio como e ditto disopra lb. ij o piu o meno secundo che tu ne voi fare e scropioni presi del mese di agosto quando la luna e inel segno de scorpione et siano al manco no. 200 perche ogni onza d’olio vole al manco 10 o 12 scorpioni. Et metteli in uno baccino grande de barbiere et con uno legneto fali bene isticcire accio che buttano fora il veleno. Et subito li meti inel vaso del olio il quale sia ben bolito et turalo bene et falo bolire a bagno maria al manco 24 ore acio che li scorpioni siano ben disfatti. Poi che sera freddo lo colerai con la stamigna prima bagnata in vino bianco et premerai bene quel fondachio perche egli e la virtu et sera fatto perfetto e bono. Et mettilo in vaso di vetro e ben turato et lasselo stare al sole al manco un mese. Et poi lo riponni in loco siccuro ali bisogni toi. Et qua diremo im parte dele sue semplice virtu. Et im prima vale contra ala peste, ongendo di sopra al core e poi intorno al male e li polsi dela testa et la forcella delo stomaco et sopra alo stomaco e chel sia ben caldo. Item. Vale contra al tossico bevto, bevendo del ditto olio e ongendo intorno al core caldo. Item. Vale contra ali vermi d’ogni persona, bevendone un giozo et ongendo tutti li polsi, el naso e intorno al core. Item. Vale contra al morso del serpe. Caldo onto intorno al core e al morso purche l’olio non tocha la piaga che morria. Item. Vale contra al morso del cane rabioso, ongendo como e ditto disopra. Item. Vale contra ale postemacione, ongendo con lo ditto olio ben caldo. Item. Vale contra al cancro, ongendolo e chel sia ben caldo quando non ne aperto. Item. Vale contra al male dela pietra, ongendo ben caldo el petenechio e le rene et con le mane fregando ben che penetri. Item. Vale contra al male di costa, ongendo il loco adolorato e chel sia ben caldo. Item. Vale contra al dolore de orecchie e chel sia caldo e ongi intorno e mettine drento um poco e presto guarirai. Altro non dico ma studia ben queste. -------- [Page 284] Al male de milza, medecine varie in piu modi. Rx. la radice del pan porcino e dela frassinella, ana, amachale tra 2 pietre vive et li incorpora con songie di porco maschio et cossi caldo metti insu la milza sera e matina et questo spesso volte lo farai et dela milza presto guarirai. E di provato. Item. Torai bacchera e fane suco et di quello ne bevi per 9 matine continue e presto ne guarirai. Item. Torai la scorza del frassino et fala cosere con bon vino et quella usa a bere e molto ti giovera. Et se’l fusse infiato sopra ala milza, torai la radice del orticha ben trita et missela con vino bianco et fala ben scaldare e mettila suso e molto ti giovera. Et se ella non fusse infiata, torai lingua cervina, i scolopendria, cotta con vino e bevto a modo di syropo per 30 di. Molto la li giovera. Item. Torai olio d’aneto et con esso ongi caldo atraverso dela milza. Poi torai orina di putto et bagnali drento dele stoppe et fale scaldare e mettila suso bene infassata. Et farai polvere del erba asperella dove sei sgura li stagni et bevila la matina con del brodo e presto guarirai. Et torai olio de cappari et olio laurino, ana, e scorce de cappari e di tamariso, ana, fatte in polvere e uno poco di cera. Et ne farai onto et con esso ti ongi caldo e presto guarirai. Item. Torai del fiore et la foglia del tamariso quanto tu voi. Falo seccare al ombra et fane polvere suttila et dane al paciente uno chugiaro in uno ovo fresco overo in vino. Poi li darai uno poco di uva passerina con uno dito di vino sopra per 15 o 20 giorni e presto pigliera miglioramente. Item. Torai deli botoni dele roxe avanti che si aprino e betonicha e valeriana, salvia, menta, ruta, marobio, foglie e fiori di tamariso, ana m. s, et fale seccare et fane polvere sutila. Et dane a bere con uno ovo fresco overo con vino e falo piu volte e molto li zovera. Item a rissolvere la milza indurita. Rx. del olio comune quanto tu voi et metilo in una pignata et mettivi drento cochumeri assinini m. uno et lasseli bolire tanto che siano disfatti. Poi ne rimetti drento deli altri et cosi farai 3 volte. Poi torai del preditto olio et ongiti chel sia ben caldo il loco adolorato dela milza et presto tu ne guarirai, continuandolo. Item. Farai dela cenere di sermenti de vite et la farai passare per lo staccio et di quella grossa tu ne farai dela lissia. Poi torai dela ditta lissia e aceto e olio vechio comune et orina di putto piccolo di 6 anni, ana, et meti ogni cosa insieme et mettilo in uno vaso netto et falo bolire pian piano tanto chel calli piu dela metta. Poi le meterai drento di quella cenere suttila che tu ai serbata a poc a poco tanto che piglio al quanto di corpo come unguento liquido. E anche lasselo bolire um poco e sempre mestando. Poi li agiongi cera nova onza j. Poi lo leva dal foco et li mesta drento finche e fredo et sera fatto. Poi lo infermo va al letto, ongasi la milza indurita chel sia caldo et meti sopra stoppa e peze ben calde e infassati bene et farai cosi ogni sera tanto che tu ti senti a megliorare. Et guardati dela bocha che e quella che ti condanna et ti tiene cosi amalato. Torai foglie e radice di felexe e sparegi, ana, et cosele in aqua di cisterna et dala a bere calda continuando la la rissuga la milza. Item ala durezza dela milza. Rx. cenere fatta di sermenti de vite onze ij, cacature di capra overo humano onze vj e foglie di ellera arborea, ruta, marobio, tamario e cetracha et de tutte ne sia fatto polvere suttila, ana drame vj, et armoniaco fuso inel aceto per uno di naturale. Et meti ogni cosa in uno pignatino a un foco lento tanto che vapori via tutta l’aceto. Poi torai olio laurino tanto che basti e fane uno impiastro et cosi caldo mettilo sopra ala milza et spesse volte lo continua e guarirai. Et agiongeli sopra alo impiastro lumache con la scorza in polvere onze iij, e polvere de aloe patico e mirra, ana onza j, e guarirai. *Item a guarire la milza. Farai brostolare una fetta di pane da tuti 2 i lati et cosi calda insupela in olio de linosa et subito dala a mangiare al paciente la matina per tempo. Et falo piu matine e guarirai. *Item. Le fiori di ginestra fresche colti a luna sema et empiene una inchistara et metivi drento botiro lb. j. Turela et boli a bagno maria tanto che venghi como unguento. Et con esso caldo al foco, ongi la milza e presto guarirai. -------- [Page 285] A male di milza apostemata e sopra enfiata, a farla maturare. Rx. armoniaco, serapino, bedelio, opoponacho, ana onza j, olio de spigo drame iiij, trementina onze vj, farina de fengreco e di seme de lino, ana onza s, e farina de lupini quanto basta per spessare. E amacha le gome e stiano a mole in aceto forte per 4 ore et dissolveli con lo pistello et meti la termentina al foco et fondela. Poi li metti l’olio e le gomme et spessa con le farine et incorpora benissimo et sera fatto. Ma prima laverai il loco dela milza adolorata con aceto forte e calda. Poi li metterai sopra questo impiastro caldo et conservandoti guarirai. Item impiastro e breve. Rx. ruta, menta, calamento, ana onza j, armoniaco onza s et lo dissolvi in aceto fortissimo et ne farai impiastro et meti sopra ala milza. Item breve da portare al collo a chi patisse del male de milza. Prima dirai 3 pater noster con 3 ave marie. Poi scrive el ditto breve e portalo apicato al collo del paciente con filo filato da una fanciulla vergine. E queste sono le parole, vz. ‘In nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +, amen +. gc, gc, gc, m, v, g, d, gc, gc, di, di, di, gc, gc, gc, ver, v, v, v. Non monumentum neque virtutum nisi per deum santissimum et magnum. + + + ’. Et farai questo esta siccuro che presto guarirai. Et questo ne un altro simile al sopra detto, portandolo adosso guarisse dela milza. Et scrive inel modo sopra detto, vz. ‘+ a, c, c, c, di, di, di, j, ver, v, v’ et sotto li va scritte quelle parole medeme, ‘Non monumentum neque virtutum nisi per deum santissimum et magnum + + +’. Et se tu vorai aprovare el ditto breve, attachelo al collo a uno animale et lasselo per 9 giorni. Poi lo amaza et non li troverai milza in corpo tanto sera dissechata e sminuita. Ma sapiati conservare inel ditto tempo del vivere. Item a guarire dela milza. Quando tu vedi la prima volta la luna nova, torai uno coltello apontito et segnerai 3 volte con la ponta sopra ala milza et lasserai cascare il coltello in terra. Et per ogni volta che tu signerai, dirai questa sancta oratione, cioe, + ‘Sancta luna che inanci al summo padre rilucesti, brusa la milza che e inel corpo mio como facesti l’erba inel orto del fariseo. In nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + amen.’ Et quando tu l’avorai incominciare, dirai 5 pater noster con 5 ave marie a riverentia de dio et dele 5 piaghe di yehsu christo. Et questo lo farai d’ogni principio de luna per 3 lunari continui. E stane advertito quando fa la luna a direla sopra detta oratione et tochare l’infiato con la ponta del cotello, e guarirai. Et in questo mezo farai questa oncione. Torai erba citracha e tamariso, ana, et tagliela minuta et fala cosere inel olio de cappari e olio de robachelle de alloro, ana. Et la sera quando vai a dormire ongi il loco adolorato dela milza e chel sia ben caldo et sopra panni caldi. Et questo farai per tutti li 3 lunari et senza fallo alcuno guarirai. E piu volte e aprobata. Item a guarire presto del dolore dela milza. Rx. uno fele di una capra et mettilo insu la milza adolorata et fallo stare suso per uno di naturale, cioe 24 ore. Poi appicherai el ditto fele ala cadena overamente al fumo o al sole et quando serra secco il fele, alora sera guarita la milza. E provato. Item a guarire la milza. Rx. ruta et pestila con mele et con farina di fengrego et ponilo sopra ala milza caldo. Et falo piu volte e pigliera zovamento. Overamente torai foglie de salese e pestale con sale e meti sopra ala milza chel sia caldo. E falo piu volte el male si assuttigliera e guarirai inel nome de dio. -------- [Page 286] Al male de milza. Ontione mirabile che leva la pena e presto. Rx. olio laurino e olio de cappari, ana onze ij, et la sera quado vai a dormire ongeti la milza adolorata stando col corpo verso al foco et chel olio sia ben caldo. Poi torai dela stoppa et insuppela inella orina et fala ben scaldare et mettila insu la milza et fala scaldare sopra ala paletta del foco e molto ti zovera. Item ontione per la durezza dela milza. Rx. polvere di senape e di ruta, ana drame vj, dialtea, olio laurino, ana onze ij, cera nova onza j et farai unguento a lento foco. Et la sera volto verso al foco, ongeti chel sia ben caldo et sopra li metti stoppa e pezze che siano ben calde. Et falo piu volte e guarirai. Conservandoti del vivere, rigulato e non manezare aqua manco che tu poi. Item ontione per la milza sopra detta. Rx. olio comune del vechio piu che tu poi trovare, 4 bichieri, et oltertanta orina di putto sano et ruta e cetracha, ana m. uno, et ogni cosa farai bolire insieme in pignata et fala calare li 2/3. Et ongiti quando vai a dormire e chel sia ben caldo et sopra stoppa e panni caldi e bene infassiato. Et questa oncione la farai ogni sera. Conservandoti del viver tuo dale cose contrarie, guararai. Item ontione per guarire la milza. Rx. mucilagine di fengrego drame ij, mucilagine di seme de lino onze ij, mucilagine di malva vischio onze js, olio di camomilla e di erba argentina overo erba dorata, ana onze ijs, trementina drame vj, olio laurino, tercia mortiaton, ana onze iij, et farai bolire tutte queste cose insieme a lento foco et agiongeli cera nova onze iij e olio de capperi e suco de pan porcino, ana. Et ongerai il paciente al foco chel sia ben caldo con sopra stoppa e panni caldi e bene infassato stretto. E presto guarirai. Pittime contra ala durezza e infiamamento dela milza. Rx. melilotto, camomilla, cetracha, ruta, fiengrego, comino, anasi, mortella, ana m. uno. Et farai bolire ogni cosa insieme in vino bianco bono et quando e calato il quarto, mettivi drento aceto fortissima lb. j et lassela levare il bolore. Poi farai le pittime a questo modo. Torai 2 pezzi di feltro o di panno lana larghe quanto e tutta la mano overo 2 sponghe piane et insuppali in ditta dicotione che la sia ben calda et premali al quanto con mano. Et cosi calde calde quanto lui pol patire, metteli insu la milza indurita et lassela stare tanto che li sia passato via quel gran caldo. Poi li rimetti l’altra calda et cosi farai 4 o 5 volte la sera e la matina. Et la milza se assuttiliera dela sua velenata malitia. Item un altra pittima per il dolore dela milza. Rx. scorze di cappare e di frassino, cioe dela seconda, e scorce di tamariso, adiante, pollitrico, citraccha, scolopendia, ana m. uno. Et fale bolire in vino bianco optimo et aceto fortissima, perche con piu la e forte, fa meglio operatione. Poi farai la pittima al modo ditto disopra et con piu la e fatta calda meglio. A guarire il dolore dela milza in 24 ore o piu. Rx. la scorza del arbore dela noce che sia tanta largha e longo quanto e il dolore. Et fala stare per 3 di inel aceto fortissima et mettivi sopra polvere de turtumaglio minore. Et fala scaldare et mettila sun la milza adolorata bene infassata e stretta. Et se la ti ‘ncende tollera piu che poi che e bon segno di presto guarirne. -------- [Page 287] Pittime contra al male de milza. Rx. la scorza seconda del frassino e ysopo, ana m. uno, et coccole di lauro m. s al quanto rotte et fara bolire ogni cosa in fortissima aceto bianco tanto che cali il terzo o la meta. Et in essa bolitura li bagnerai drento li pezze del feltro o panno lano o [s]ponge e premale con la mano al quanto et caldo quanto lo infermo po patire metteli insu la milza indurita. Et come pontino si raffredisse, rimettivi suso l’altra et a questo modo farai per un ora o piu et questo farai la sera e la matina al manco per 4 o 6 giorni continui et vederai opera beletissima. Et dopoi fatte le ditte pittimi. Ongerai la milza indurita col sopra ditto onto et bene infassato il corpo con stoppa e pezze calde suso. Et se presto desideri di guarire, sapiti conservare inel viver tuuo di non mangiare di quelle cose che apetisse ditta infermita perche sempre sole apetire tutte cose contrarie e maxime minestri, ne agrumi, ne fortumi, ne carne porcina, ma mangia tutte cose bone, bon pane e ben cotto e biscotato come de vitello, carne ligeri e osselini, ovi freschi o vino piccolo e non manegiare tropo l’aqua la quale eli e molta contraria. Et osservando, con lo aiutto de dio, presto guarirai. Vino bono da bere per la durezza dela milza, et altre bevande. Rx. dele radice di felexe e torai del bachette di salese e de frassino over de olmo et raspali gioso la scorza, e scorze di pomaro salvati[c]o, ana m. uno, e 3 aranci. Et farai bolire ogni cosa in vino bianco tanto che calli al manco uno terzo. Poi lo cola et serbalo in fiasco di vetro in loco fresco. Et dela ditta dicotione tu ne usserai a berne la matina per tempo in modo de syropo caldo, il quale ti zovera molto ala dureza dela milza. Item vino contra al dolore dela milza. Rx. dela baccara et fala bolire col vino. Poi beverai dela dita bolitura la matina a modo de syropo como e ditto disopra. Ma se tu beverai del suo suco 9 matine continue, presto guarirai del do[lo]re dela milza. Item syropo per la milza e giova anche al fegato. Rx. syropo acetoso semplice e syropo de indivia e syropo roxato colato, ana onza j, e aqua stillata de acetosa, endivia e luppoli, ana onza j, e incorpora et ne farai 7 syropi da piliare la matina per tempo tiepidi et le riposserai sopra um poco secondo il suo ordinario. Et in ultimo piglierai una presa de cassia e presto guarirai. Item un altro syropo per milza como e il sopra detto. Rx. radice de cappari, uva passa, argentina, citracha, calamandrina, tamarise, scolopendria, ana m. uno, et farai bolire ogni cosa insieme et ne farai decotione et ne farai syropo tolti al solito modo ditto disopra. Item un altro syropo per tore la sete al ditto infermo. Rx. agrimonia, radichio, bertonicha, assentio e uva passa, ana m. uno, et fali bolire et fane dicotione et fane syropi no. 7 tolti inel modo so[p]ra ditto. Et sapi che li preditti syropi sono apropriati al preditto male de milza e cavano la sete et in ultimo piglierai la medicina di cassia [d]ove altra medicina semplice, como e il muccaro roxato sulutivo, e molto ti giovera. Item, bevanda contra’l male dela milza. Rx. dele foglie di tasso barbasso, cioe del maschio di quello che fa uno sol fusto, e pigliale piu tenere et fane suco. Et ne beverai una matina si, e l’altra no, al manco per 5 o 6 matine al quanto caldo a modo de syropo. Et vedrai operatione mirabile ala milza. -------- [Page 288] Bevanda per il male dela milza. Rx. la scorza del frassino aerno e lingua canis, appio, tamarise, marobio, capel venere, scolopendia e salvia, ana m. uno. Et fale bolire in vino bianco in vaso di terra tanto che calino il terzo. Poi le colerai et premeli sotto al torchietto et cavane bene tutta la sustantia et meti insieme et conservelo in vaso recipiente e in loco fresco. Et per un mese continuo ne berai uno bichiere caldo ogni matina per tempo, el quale e senza guardia. Et anche guardandoti dela bocca, presto guarirai. Item bevanda sopra ditta. Rx. aqua di frassinella stillata al lambicho di vetro onze v, ogni matina calda in modo de syropo per 20 giorni continui. Et guardandoti da tutte le cose contrarie et non manegiare tropo l’aqua e guarirai. E piu volte aprobata. Item bevanda ut supra. Rx. del seme dela mater selva chel sia ben maturo e falo ben seccare. Poi fane polvere sutilissima. Poi ne piglierai drama j con vino bianco, bevto la matina caldo a modo de syropo per 40 matini. Sminuisse la milza et li leva il dolore et la fara ritornare inel suo prestino stato. Item bevanda ut supra. Rx. bertonicha et fala bolire con vino bianco bono et del ditto vino ne berai ogni matina caldo onze iiij. Molto sminuisse la milza. Item bevanda ut supra. Rx. del seme dela robbia, pestalo et fane polvere suttila et bevene con aceto melato a stomaco digiuno. Molto sminuisse la milza. Item bevanda ut supra. Rx. armoniaco drama j et dissolvilo in aceto bianco et bevilo piu volte rissolve la milza. Overo ne farai impiastro con aceto et aplicato di fora via tanto fara et etiam modifica anche il fegato. Item bevanda al sopra ditto male de milza. Rx. la 2 scorza del frassino, la quale tien del verde et foglie di tamarise e cetracha, ana m. uno, et fale bolire in vino bianco bono tanto che callino apresso ala metta. Et quello cola bene e la conserva in fiascho. Et di quello ne userai a berne per 9 matine continue a modo de syropo e guarirai. Lattovario per sminuire e guarire la milza. Rx. canella fina, zenzamo, cardamomo, ana onza j, noce moschate, garoffani, ana onza s, limatura d’aciaio ben preparata onze ij. Et de tutte ne sia fatta polvere sutilissima. Poi torai lb. 2 di mele purgato et incorpora ogni cosa insieme et fale cosere inel tozo con lento foco, sempre mestando tanto chel calla il terzo. Poi lo levi dal foco et rimetteli uno poco di mele et uno poco di mirolla di pane bianca trita. Poi lo ritorni un altra volta al foco et fallo al quanto ribolire et sera fatto. Cavelo e mettilo in uno alberello, et la sera quando tu vai a dormire, ne piglierai quanto e una castagna et cosi farai la matina quando tu levi et molto ti giovera a sminuire la milza. A li ydropici per causa dela milza. Rx. del erba aneto m. 2 e cetracha m. uno e bertonicha e ysopo, ana m. s. Pestale et cavane suco et dane a bere al paciente per 9 matine continue a modo de syropo. Et dissolverassi la milza indurita a poc a poco. Conservandoti e aiutandoti con la bocha a non fare disordine se presto desideri di guarire. Et guarirai. -------- [Page 289] Impiastro per la durezza dela milza enfiata. Rx. erba di sancto jone ditta barbena et amacchela tra 2 pietre vive molto bene et fane uno impiastro con uno ovo sbattuto et con uno poco di farina de segale et che sia bene incorporato ogni cosa insieme. Poi falo bene scaldare et mettilo sopra ala milza enfiata e indurita. Et questo impiastro lo farai parechie sere e sminuisse et leva grandemente il dolore et presto ne guarirai. Et piu farai ussare a mangiare alo infermo agrimonia e cetracha in erba, overamente fattone polvere e quella usare a pasto in modo de specie, molti li zovera. Et se tu farai bolire inel vino scorze di salese e di cappari et di quello usare a berne a tutto pasto et ussandolo quello disseca mirabilmente la dureza dela milza. Et in breve giorni la guarisse. Item per guarire la milza. Rx. del suco de appio, di pan porcino, de radice de felexe, orina di cane overo di uno fanciullo de 8 o 10 anni, ana onze ij, e olio comune onze iiij. Et farai bolire ogni cosa insieme et quando egli e cotto, agiongeli uno poco de cera nova quanto ti pare et falo a modo de unguento. Et con esso ongeti la milza indurita matina e sera chel sia caldo e starai al foco overo al sole et infasselo bene. Falo piu volte et per dei gratia guarirai. Item al preditto male de milza. Rx. dele radice dele viole gialde, tagliale minute et fale cosere inel aceto bianca e forte et ne farai impiastro con comino e polvere de scorze de cappari. Et caldo mettilo sun la milza adolorata e presto la rissana. Continuando el ditto impiastro li leva la sua crudele durezza. Molti homini experti inel arte dela medicina dicono che tutte le sopra dette cose valentamente operano et maxime tolendo del orticha e pestarla tra 2 pietre vive et poi incorporata con uno poco di cera nova e fatta scaldare et infassata sopra al dolore dela milza. E fatto questo piu volte, molto la li zova et rissolve la sua dureza. Et se tu ti saperai conservare et rigularti bene dela vita tua del vivere et de tutte le altre cose, io ti dico che, con lo aiutto de dio, guarirai, osservando l’ordine sopra detto. Non altero. Bevanda per ogni infirmita incurabile che fusse in ciascun membro del corpo. Rx. bertonicha, agrimonia, sticados, euffragia e uva passa, ana onza j et torai semente de finochio drame ij, anesi drama j, cinamomo drama s et ½ scudella de fiori di osmarino et farai bolire ogni cosa in lb. xij de vino bianco bono. Et farai bolire in pignata coperta con pasta che niente possa sfiatare salvo per uno bucarello che in mezo del coperchio et a lento foco bola tanto che cali un terzo. Poi la colerai et serba la colatura in fiasco di vetro. Poi meterai del altro vino sopra ala ditta materia et farai ribolire a quel modo medemo. Et di questo vino userai a bere a tutto pasto e for di pasto. Et la prima bolitura ne piglierai la matina a modo de syropo onze vj. Et questi syropi li usserai ogni matina secondo che tu ti sentirai. Et le infermita a chi gli e bono sie queste cioe, a chi fusse difettoso di male de milza o per manchamento de vista overo altri dolori o doglie per la persona. Et farai un vivere da sua posta con cose elette e non mangiare se non tutte cose bone e presto guarirai. -------- [Page 290] Bevanda per il male Francese e per siaticha e catarri. Rx. del legno sancto tornito minuto e scorza del ditto legno sancto onze viiij tagliata minuta, e sena di levante onze iiij, e reubarbero drama j, e aqua di bettonicha o aqua di luppoli e aqua di orzo e vino bianco bono, ana lb. iij, et cardo sancto in erba m. uno. Et meterai ogni cosa insieme in una pignata nova grande col suo coperchio che abia uno bucharelino inel mezo. Et impasta il coperchio intorno ala pignata che niente possa respirare. Et metti ogni cosa infussione la sera et lasselo stare cosi tutta la notte et la matina mettila a bolire a foco lento e se si pole senza fumo acio che l’aqua non pigliare qualche cativo seto et fala bolire tanto che la calli un terzo. Et per il buco del coperchio mandali drento un legneto et fali la misura quanto la a calare et non potrai falare. Poi che sera cotta, levela dal foco et lassela cosi coperta raffredare et quando e freda, colela con diligentia pian piano. Et la serba in fiasco di vetro coperto e in loco fresco et questa si parechia per dare il syropo la matina. Poi rempinerai la pignata di aqua di cisterna overo di altra aqua ligere et la copri como de prima et farai como tu ai fatto di prima et fala bolire che la calli il terzo et poi la colerai sutilmente. Et questa la serberai per darli a bere a tutto pasto perche per al quanti giorni non na a bere vino. Et il fondachio che rimane nala pignata non ne piu bono. Gettalo via. Poi torai la prima dicottione et ne farai un syropo di onze vj et dalo chel sia caldo la matina per tempo e per un ora el se ripossa sopra e stia avanti che lui mangi al manco 4 ore. Et stia in camera serrato e non vedi aria per al quanti giorni se non lume di lucerna perche l’aria in que principii molto offendano e pero sapiti conservare e sta in riposso piu che tu poi et con la persona sta calda. Et il viver tuo sie pane bianco ben sasonato e ben cotto ma meglio seria farlo biscotare con al quanti anesi pestri e um po di zucharo drento et carne quasi tutta cotta arosto e ben cotta, cioe carne ligere e teneri, polastrelli o selini capretti e ovi freschi teneri e tutte cose ben cotte e faccile inelo smaltire e mastica bene. Et beva a tutto pasto dela seconda aqua e se pur per sorte quello non la potesse durare dateli um po di vino bianco piccolo di sua natura ma non brusco. Et non mangia salata, ne verdura, ne frutti, ne agrumi, ne minestre, ne carne porcina, ne manzo, ne manco pesso de nisuna sorte salvo che in ultima il luzo sun la gratella calcuni volte se li concedi ma poco. Et quando cose la carne, tienla morbida con el grasso de vitello e non con altro grasso. Et mangia 2 volti al giorno e non piu. Et se’l vino non lo potesse bere a quel modo inaquelo um poco con la seconda aqua che meglio ti zovera. Et quando tu averai fornita da bere questa prima bolitura, tu farai la seconda et la terza et la quarta bolitura e piu e meno secondo che presto la si consuma ogni 10 giorni basta a farne una volta, perche questa dietta avolere guarire perfettamente dela detta infermita non vole manco de 40 giorni piu presto di piu che di meno perche mai o pochi ne guariscono affatto perche con gran fatica sano la ditta stinentia et chi la fa voluntieri e longo tempo conservandosi bene, io dico che anche bene guarischono. Et advertisse bene a questo che a ogni 8 o 9 giorni sempre tu sentirai miglioramento inela vita tua, im prima cessa il dolore dele tempie, poi quello dele doglie, poi comincierai a levare dal letto, passegiare um poco per camora, poi vedere l’aria. Non ragionar molto ma sentire i compagni a ragionare tutte cose allegre e stare allegro e non malinconico et ne ringratia i dio, che presto ne sei guarito. -------- [Page 291] Experimento al morbo galico e prima purgando il corpo a questo modo. Purgatione. Prima si fa tore alo infermo un dattolo di cassia. Poi fasseli fare la flobotomia dala vena eppaticha et se li tole quella quantita di sangue secondo che pare al giudicio del medico che possa tolerare la virtu delo infermo. Et poi se li da questi sotto scritti syropi solutivi cinque o sette. Poi dela sotto scritta diccotione se ne da 2 syropi al di matina e sera per 30 o 40 giorni o piu o meno secondo la virtu del paciente. Questi sono li syropi solutivi. Vz. Rx. polipodii quercini, sena, seme endivie, fumiterre, ana onza j, thimi, epithimi, cuschute, ana onza s, liquiritia rase, hermodattilorum, ellebori negri, turbith, ana drame ij, florum buglose e boraginis, ana onza j, aquarum cuscute, fumiterre, lupolorum, betonice, ana onze x. Torai tutte le sopra dette compositione et mettele a bolire in aqua de cisterna tanto che calino il terzo et avanti che tu la levi dal foco, meteli drento le fiori di buglosa e boragine perche poco vol bolire. Et lasserai tutta ditta materia in infusione 24 ore. Poi la farai bolire a lento foco como ditto. E poi la leva dal foco e lassela fredare et colela sutilmente con stamegna. Et quella dicotione la conserva in fiascho turato e in loco fresco. Et tutte le radice amachale et le altre cose siano ben nette quando le meterai in infussione e lavate. Et quando tu vorai dare li ditti syropi, torai dela ditta infussione onze iiij et li componi drento syropo di fumoterre composito onza j e syropo de epitimo onza s e diagridi grani vj. Et compone tutte queste cose insieme et ne farai el syropo per una volta. Et a questo modo et ordine, tu farai li altri et ne piglierai 5 o 7. Et se tropo ti menase, pigliali un di si, el altro no, e secondo il suo ordinario la matina per tempo e al quanto tiepidi et sopra se le ripossa anco un ora. Et questo sie il suo ordinario del tore li syropi. Et fornito da pigliare questi syropi, tu farai quest altra bolitura da pigliare questi secondi syropi cioe 2 al giorno la matina e la sera 4 ore avanti pasto et poi dela secondo bolitura ne bevera a tutto pasto, como qui di sotto intenderai. Questa e la bevanda che la da usare, la quale guarisse doglie, gomme e piaghedi male francese et l’ordine di farla. Rx. legno sancto e scorza del ditto legno, ana onze viiij e cardo sancto m. uno, vino bianco non dolce, aqua de luppoli, aqua di bertonicha e aqua d’orzo, ana lb. iiij, e reubarbero drama j e sena di levante onze iiij. Poi meterai le aque, el vino in una pignata nova et mettivi drento il cardo sancto et taglierai el reubarbero et metilo a mole in un onza dela dita aqua per una note, poi lo cola inla ditta pignata. Et mettivi drento il legno il quale sia tornito minutamente et la scorza tagliata e pesta minutamente. Et meti sopra il suo coperchio et con la pasta lo sara bene intorno chel non reffiata se non per il buco che e inel mezo. -------- [Page 292] Et poi la meterai al foco et fala bolire pian piano tanto che cali il terzo. Ma prima lassela stare ogni cosa a mole, cioe in infussione, per un di naturale. Et quando av[r]a bolito, levela dal foco et scoprila e metti drento la sena. Et ritornila a conzare como prima et fala anche ribolire per meza ora. Poi la leva dal foco et lassela cosi coperta raffredare. Poi la colerai sutilmente e destramente et quella conserverai in fiasco di vetro coperto e stia in loco fresco. Poi rempienerai la pignata de aqua de cisterna et conzela col suo coperchio como prima. Et falla ribolire tanto che calli il terzo et poi la colerai e quella conserva in loco che la stia fresca per bere a tutto pasto e for di pasto. Et dela prima ne farai syropo a questo modo, cioe la matina in l’aurora lo darai al quanto tepido e stia in letto ben caldo al manco ore cinque. Et li syropi che li darai siano de onze viiij l’uno e dopoi ale ½ ore dali il suo desinare et la sera dali il syropo 4 ore avanti che li dia cena et se’l syropo li paresse amaro metteli drento um poco de syropo roxato et lo pigliera piu amorevolmente e senza strepito. Notta quando lo infermo inel principio sentesse alcuno movimento inela persona di dolore o doglie, sapi che questo e il miglior segno che possa essere inel amalato per guarire e stando tu a regola et a ubidientia per questi 30 o 40 giorni o piu o manco, secondo la infermita piccola o grande, vechia o nova, perche essendo non tropo gran male se li pole largire qualche cosolina davantagio. Se non seguitare l’ordinario e senza compassione perche simile infermita richiede aspereza e austerita perche facendo altrimente non guareria mai bene. Et questo e per auttorita di dottori medici per tutti e libri questo si trova. Gomme. Notta se lo infermo avesse gomme per la persona o piaghe, le medicherai con la prima dicotione a questo modo. Bagnavi drento dele pezze line e fale ben scaldare e metteli suso le gomme o piaghe. E questo farai matina e sera et se dissecherano et anche quelle guariranno con lo aiutto de dio. Del vivere. Notta chel tuuo vivere conviene chel sia misurato per tutto questo tempo, cioe mangerai pane bianco ben cotto e bene fermentato overo biscotto con zucharo, anesi over finochi ben pesti et quello mangiare. Et bere a pasto dela sopra detta aqua amalcho inel principio tanto che piglia al quanto de miglioramento. Poi li potrai dare a bere um poco de vino bianco piccolo non garbo et inacquato um poco con la preditta aqua. Et mangi carne de vitello, pollastri, capretti et altre carne gentile et siano cotte harosto e onti col grasso de vitello overo con un giozo d’olio, et ovi freschi. Et non mangi minestre de nisuna sorte, ne agrumi, ne verdura, ne aceto, ne cose agre, ne salse, ne carne di gallo non mangi, ne usi con donna. Et osservando lo sopra detto ordine, modo e regola abenche paia al quanto strana, io te dico che con lo aiuttorio divino anche guarirai. Dico bene se presto li farai la provisione sopra detta et non te lo lassare invecchiare adosso che mai non ne guarirai. Ma nota che il mal francese vecchio o mai o rare volte se libera et o detto rare volte perche io ne veduti alcuni che avevano male vecchissimo et dolori acutissimi et si sono liberati e stare sani. Et ogni uno chi e guarito di mal francese et se per sorte li aviene altro male sempre sera peggiore che non seria se egli non avesse havuto il gallico male. E se ferrito sia l’homo che gia e libero dal mal francese piu tardamente guarisse anci se uno si tagli un deto tagliando il pane che altrimente guarito serai 24 ore, egli non si salda in 40 di tanto e cativa la qualita del galico effetto intendi. -------- [Page 293] Ontione col gargarismo per coloro che anno il male francesecon li 3 syropi datti avanti la medicina. Rx. sirupi succi fummi terre, succi lupulorum, endivie, ana onza s, aquarum endivie, lupulorum e fummi terre, ana onza j. Et componerai questi 3 sorte syropi con li 3 sorte aque et questo fa per uno syropo. Et di questa sorte piglierai 3 ala fila et poi li piglierai drieto la medicina la quale e qui sotto scritta. Vz. La midicina. Rx cassie noviter extrata onza j, succi violarum et roxarum, ana onze j, diacatolicon, electuarium succi roxarum, confectone ameche, ana onza j, aquarum lupulorum ad sufficientia et sia fatta la tua medicina et data al alba calda. Ripossandoli sopra al manco un ora tanto che ella cominci ha operare facendoli bono animo. Et se per consiglio del medico tu li farai cavare sangue dove a lui li pare questo sera opera bona e utile al dito infermo et non li pole se non giovare et farai questo avanti la medicina. Questi sono li syropi chel preditto infermo a da usare dopoi tolta che gli a la prima medicina e quali syropi vagliano a coloro che anno il male francese e non piccolo et che sono fegatosi e gialli et indropichi et per ogni altro difetto che la persona havesse di drento. Et tu userai tutti questi documenti per la tua sanita. Vz. Rx. coloquintida, aristologia rotonda, ana onza j, garofani, noce moscade, pevere longo, zenzero, melegetta, ana onze ij, musco e ambra, ana scropuli ij, zuccharo fino onze vj, malvasi overo optimo vino lb. iij. Et tutte le predette cose rompele grosso modo et metteli tutte in uno sachettino de lino chel sia neto e mondo. Et torai una pignata nova overo altro vaso atto acio et mettivi drento la ditta malvasia et aqua de cisterna lb. ij o iij. Et meteli drento il sachettino il quale stia sospeso inel mezo chel non tocha il fondo del pignato ne mancho intorno. Et falo bolire pian piano con lento foco tanto che cali il terzo. Poi alora tu li meterai drento il zuccharo et como egli a trato 2 o 3 bolori, levela dal foco che sera fatta la ditta bevanda, la quale sera nobile e signorille. Et quando sera rafredata, tu la colerai con diligentia et la conserverai in un fiasco di vetro et premerai bene il sachetto. E la conserva in loco sicuro e al fresco perche con piu la stara fatta la e migliore e non si guasta. Et farai chel paciente ne piglia ogni matina uno syropo ordinario al manco di onze vj l’uno et habbia che mal si voglia tolti con quello ordine che si debano pigliare . E poi stia a mangiare al manco 4 o 5 ore et mangi tutti cibi boni dilicati et gentilmente con ci et in essi non facia dissordine. Et etiam non mangia cosa che li siano contraria, non cose agre, ne salate et in ogni cosa vada temperatamente. -------- [Page 294] Et se lo infermo trovera, cioe sentira, miglioramento in li ditti syropo continui a pigliarne al manco per insino in 20 o 30 giorni continui et quando l’averai preso resterai in letto caldo per insino apresso alora del tuo desinare. Poi dopoi el desinare secondo la enfermita che tu averai tu potrai andare fora di casa a fare alcune tue facende ligermente e ben coperto et maxime il capo et non stare molto al aria impero che questi syropo non ne di tropo gran cura, id est guardia eccetto che la matina et lui secondo chel si sentira cosi si potra governare secondo la grande infermita che lui havera et como le gambe il rege a portarlo. Nota che se costui avesse il male francese grande e con le gran doglie et che dopoi che lui avesse preso 4 o 6 overo 10 deli predetti syropo e chel si volesse ontare dala cintura ingioso per insino sotto ale piante deli piedi per i spacio di 3 matine e non piu, cioe una drieto al altra. Et stia a un bon foco et poi cossi onto e caldo caldo mettersi in un bon letto et rivoltatosi prima in un lenzolo. Ma nota che disubbito li vera tutto il male in bocha, cioe in golla, et disubbito voi li rimediareti con questo gargarisimo, dando gliene spesso in boccha da gargarizare et per questa via presto se aiutera el male non tanto li nocera in golla. Questa sie l’ontione con la quale se a ungere il paciente. Prima torai queste cose. Vz. Rx. olio di camomilla, olio roxato e trementina, ana onze ij, letrigirio d’oro onza s, mastice drame ij, biacha e cera nova, ana onza j, e argento vivo mortificato con uno gran di sale e aceto onza j, e butiro marzo scropulo j et rossumi d’ovo no. 2. Et meterai tutte queste cose in una pignata e prima li meterai l’olio, la cera, la trementina, el butiro. Poi meti la pignata al foco lento et farai disfare et incorporare le predite cose, mestandovi drento con la stecha. Poi leva il pignato dal foco et metivi drento le altre cose che siano spolverizate sutile. Et quando sera apresso che fredo, metivi drento l’argento vivo, prima mortificato bene con aceto e sale in uno canon di canna in una scudella. Et metivi anche li rossumi d’ovo. Et con la tua stecha per un pezo mesta bene che bene bene ogni cosa se incorpori insieme tanto che tutto el sia ben fredo perche l’argento stenta a incorporarsi perche sfuge e pero no li mancare de solicitudine et etiam diventa piu fino e perfetto con magiore virtu. Et con questo onto overo unguento tu ongerai colui il quale a il male francese como e ditto disopra dinanti a un bon foco. Et incomincia dala cintura e va sempre al ingio per insino sotto ale piante de piedi. Et questo farai per 3 matine continue como e ditto disopra, stando in letto ben caldo. Et perche immediate il male se li move alla volta dela golla, farai prima la compositione del tuo gargarissimo. Et avanti che tu ti facci ontare di una mezora terrai in boccha uno poco di alume di rocha quanto e una meza castagna et sempre mestandola per bocha. Poi la getterai fora et comincera a sgargarizare galliardamente. Et quando tu lo vorai incominciare a ontare acendi un bon foco e cavilo nudo et ongelo politamente al ingio. Et como el si sente avenire il male in golla, subito geta via la pietra che tieni in bocha et incomincia a gargarizare con la sotto scritta dicotione, vz. -------- [Page 295] La quale e di tale virtu e proprieta che ella non lassa ingrossare il male in golla ne gonfiare, ma lo fa humigliare et se lo fa escreare, cioe spudare fora galiardamente. El non si faria per un di e mezo il tenersi cossi sgargarizato chel non acaderia piu ne manco non se dubiti chel venga il male in bocha ma solamente lo tenda a sputarlo. Et finito che serano li 3 giorni del ontione farai chel paciente stia cossi per 2 o 3 giorni senza farsi altro ne syropo, ne bevanda, ne altro, ma lui tendi a restaurarsi con dilicati cibi di sustantia secondo la sua possibilita. Poi potra incominciare a seguitare li sopra ditti syropi lassati disopra. Et tanti ne piglia per insino a tanto che lui si sentira dela sua infermita al quanto a migliorare et ha legerirsi dela sua gran pena, perche in quello istante l’homo non pole sapere in che essere el si ritrova ma bene si pole al quanto sentirsi allegerito dela gravezza del male ma non era ma si dopoi al quanti giorni. Et allora la medicina fa segno del gran beneficio inel paciente. Et doppoi li ritorna l’apetitto gia perduto et mangia con desiderio e apetitto grande. Et cossi la natura se nutrisse et l’homo viene in miglior essere chel non nera di prima. Ma per questo non si arisighi affare dessordini si inel mangiare come e inele altre cose et tenendo tale ordine e regula como e ditta disopra con lo aiutto de dio, presto ne guarira, impero che questo e il piu bel medicare che sia al mondo. Nota che questi rimedi giovano ad ogni grande infermita. Et ussando la ditta bevanda del gargarissimo, piu et manco secondo che le force il conporta e che lui si sente. Et etiam se ne pole tore ogni altro di un syropo, et piu et meno secondo il parere del maestro chel medicha, perche questo non si pole cossi bene mettere in riscritto perche il maestro e quello che conosse il male essere grande o no. Et sappi questo del chiaro e fermo chel gargarissimo e quello che ti fa honore assai sopra ogni altra cosa. Et d’ogn’ ora che tu vorai pigliarene in bocha, mesta bene la inchistara accio che tu riceva dela sustancia che sta al fondo. Et quello userai quando tu ti sentirai alcuno male in golla, il quale e molto apropriato a quello male di golla. Questa e l’aqua del gargarissimo, la quale si tole in bocha quando si ongeper il male francese et etiam e bona ad altri mali di golla. Rx. mel roxato, aqua de endivia, piantagine, fummoterre e aqua roxa, ana onze iiij. Et queste sono le aque di fare il gargarisimo e metteli insieme in una inchistara da ussare quando chel bisogna como disopra e detto acadendo che dio ne guardi. Nota tu maestro il quale vorai fare tale opera e cura. Prima fallo con consiglio del medico fisico di farli tore sangue o no. Poi seguiterai il tuo ordine a darli prima li 3 syropo et poi la medicina sopra detta. Poi li seguiterai a darli li syropi ordenarii sopra ditti et quando n’averai datti 4 o 5 tu lo potrai incominciare a ontarlo con lento sopra detto e al foco como ditto e con quella alume in boccha e subito chel sente il male la meti fora et incomincia a gargarizare con la preditta aqua. Et stia con bona guardia de ogni cosa et non dubiti de niente chel guarira mediante lo aiutorio di dio. Et conservandoti del vivere como e ditto disopra et d’ogni altra cosa contraria, tu guarirai. Valete. *Unguento da medicare piaghe del mal francese. E provato. Rx. mastice, olibano, colofonia, cerusa, olio rosato con argento vivo, ana onze js, e sungia di porco lb. j. Pilia il suco di 3 aranci per mortificare mercurio et fa strugere la sungia inelo et li compone le altre cose a poc a poco et incorpora bene et ne farai unguento. *Pillole per doglie nelle gionture. Vz. Rx. aloe patico onze vj, ermodateli onza j, scamonea onze js, rose rosse onza j con succo di fumo terre. Et pista ogni cosa sutilmente et piglierai 2 parte dela ditta pasta e incorpora e fane pillole le quale sono bone a tante le sopra dette infermita de doglie de congionture et etiam vale ale podagre. E probate. -------- [Page 296] Experimento per il mal francese, optimo remedio. Rx. la scorza et legno del guaiaco, cioe legno sancto, ana onze vj, et chel sia ridotto in polvere sottelissima. Et metilo in una pignata di tenuta di 6 bocali o piu et empila di vino bianco e bono e brusco se’l si pole trovare perche e meglio. Et fala bolire pian piano tanto che calli uno terzo et mestavi drento qualche volta e tienla coperta. Poi li meterai drento queste cose fatte sutilmente in polvere, vz., mastice onza s, pan porcino onze vj, la radice del enula campana onze ij, agarico meza octava e cardo sancto una octava e meza et meti ogni cosa inla pignata con sopra il suo coperchio bene impastato intorno et lassela anche bolire per mezora. Poi la leva dal foco et lassela cosi raffredare et poi con diligentia la cola et la serba in fiascho di vetro neto e ben coperto. Et dela ditta diccotione tu ne ve darai uno bichiere al patiente la matina insu la aurora a modo de syropo caldo. Et ne darai un altro bichiere la sera 2 ore avanti chel ceni cosi como tu ai fato la matina. Poi ne beverai anche a tutto pasto. Et come tu averai fornita questa prima bevanda tu ne farai del altra a questo modo medemo. Et cossi ne farai tante volte che tu n’abia assai per li 40 giorni da bere como e ditto inel sopra dito modo. Et fornito di tu averai le preditte bevande 40 con lo aiutto de dio serai guarito. Conservandoti de tutti le cose contrarie et terai l’ordine del vivere qui sotto scritto, vz. Mangia asutto piu che poi, et non mangiare cose humide, si carne di castrato, capretto, caponi, galline, pollastri e ova freschi e mandorle, pignoli e uva passera con pane ben cotto overo biscotato. Et non dubitare che se tu non fai altro disordine, tu guarira con lo aiutto de dio et deli homini per tutto el ditto tempo sopra ditto. Pillore per el ditto male francese. Rx. cucumeri assinini quando sono fatti, pestali bene et cavane il suco per forza di stretoiio et mettilo in una catinella di terra o altro vaso e chel sia coperto e metilo al sole il quale fara una possatura in fondo e quella e la sua bonta et anderai butando via quella chi e piu chiara che e disopra via de mano in mano et la ditta possatura lassela sugare bene la quale sera como terra. Poi la riccoglie et la conserva per la polvere. Et torai dela ditta polvere quanto e uno gran di fava piccola et la incorpora con altertanto mele roxato tanto che tu ne faci una pillola piccola como un gran di fava et piu et manco secondo la complessione et dala con uno poco de vino la matina et non piu di una per volta et la darai questa pillola inel principio et un altra dali a 15 di et molto ti gioverano a purgare il corpo bene. Nota che il loco dele doglie si debano bagnare con la ditta bolitura e giverati assai. Item il suo gargarismo. Rx. diamoron onze iij, mele roxato onze ij, alume de roco onza s, salvia e tramarino, ana m. uno, e vino bianco bono uno bochale et ogni cosa bola in pignata chel cali il terzo e fa chel paciente ne tenga in bocha e piu caldo chel puo et facia cosi spesse volte et vederai opera bella. E di provata. Syropo galliardo contra’l mal francese il quale usana un medico del Re de ingliterra. Rx. del legno sancto lb. j e scorza predetta onze viiij tagliato e pesto e fatto ogni cosa sutilissima e sena di levante lb. 2, reubarbero onza s, aqua di bertonica e de luppoli e di cardo sancto e aqua d’orzo e vino bianco del migliore che possi avere non dolce, ana lb. 4, overo uno manipulo del ditto cardo sancto in erba. Et meterai ogni cosa in una pignata nova col coperchio e ben luttato intorno con pasta e chel non sfiata se non per il bucarelino che e in mezo del coperchio per mestarli drento con uno legneto et lasselo stare cosi una notte infussione. Et mettila al foco a bolire… -------- [Page 297] lentamente con foco chiaro tanto che calla la terza parte. Poi la leva dal foco et lassela cosi coperta raffredare. Poi la colerai ligermente et quella conserva in vetro ben coperto et sera fatto syropo. Poi ne darai un bichiere al paciente ogni matina al aurora et stia un ora in letto e non piu et non dorma ma stia suegiato. Poi si le se puo e passegia et per quella matina vedi poco aria et questo lo continua ogni matina per giorni 40 et se’l corpo tropo ti move, piglialo un di si e l’altro no. Et fornita questa ne farai del altra. Et se l’infermo fusse impiegato, laveli le piaghe con la dita dicocione calda. Poi li meterai sopra dele fila de camisa de homo bagnate in ditto syropo et sopra una pezza lina e bene infassiato. Et se le pighe fusseno agomate, bagnali sopra uno poco di stoppa di canapa e mettila sopra calda et infassela sopra et vederai in breve sanita perfetta. E provata. Et mantiene l’ordine e la regula del vivere che e ditto disopra et non preterire se presto tu desideri di guarire et osservandolo guarirai bene como anfatto li altri. Item syropo contra ala pelarella specia secunda del mal francese. Rx. succi boraginis, succi rosarum rubei, ana onze vj, mirabulanorum, citornorum, hebulorum indorum, ana drame v, infundantur in dictis succis per diem et buliantur leniter excolentur deindo. Rx. polipodii querzini onze vj, radicis acori onza s, seminis feniculi drama j, secundum artem fiat decotio in aqua fontis de eius colatura et prefacta infussione cum sufficientia zucchari tabarem et fiat syrupus. Poi li darai questa medicina. Rx. diacatolichonis, diaseno, ana onza s, confetionis ameche drame vj, misce cum zuccharo et fiat bolus capiatur in haurora e presto diventera sano. Item syropo e medicina per curare chi a il mal francese e la pelarella. Rx. infusion di sena onze iiij, syropo roxato sulitivo, syropo de individia, ana onza j. Miscia et piglialo alora sua ordinaria. Et se tropo ti movesse il corpo dalo un di si, el altro no. Poi li darai questa medicina. Vz., Rx. syropo roxato sulitivo onze iij, e lettuario di suco de roxe drame ij e infusion di sena onze ij. Miscia et prendila alora sua ordinaria. Et se beve la sena et la sua infusione pareche vacui la malincolia. Non di meno sempre conviene mettere la sena in ogni male francese perche a questo male naturalmente et propriamente a conferisse et se dopoi li syropi il male perservera tu gli darai la bolitura del legno sopra scritto e guarira. Item syropo sulitivo et confortaturo. Rx. sena onze iiij, uva passa onze vj, polipedio onze iijs e susine damassene onze v et farai bolire ogni cosa insieme tanto che calli il terzo. La cola et quella conserva et ne darai ogni matina onze v al aurora calda secundo l’ordinario et ne darai no. 7 et poi li darai drieto una medicina et molto zovera a coloro che anno la pelarella. Pillule per il mal francese. Rx. pilurarum sine quibus de fumus terre, chuochiarum, ana scropulo j, cum aqua betonice formentur pillule tres et de queste se ne piglia una volta ala setimana. Olio contra al mal francese. Questo olio si fa del ligno guaiaco, cioe legno sancto. Torai del legno tagliato in pezi minuti et metilo in uno pignato con la bocha al ingioso congegna di farli il foco disopra et per disotto da ricogliere l’olio il qual modo se adimanda a destillare per dissensorio e guarda al capitulo del fare del olio del ginepro et vederai l’ordine che si tiene et torai del ditto legno chel sia grasso e odoriffero e ponderoso e ne cava l’olio e queste de sue virtu, vz.: -------- [Page 298] Le virtu del ditto olio fato de legno guaiaco. Il quale vale a dissolvere le durezze del mal francese et rissuga le croste et mitiga li dolori ongendo con esso caldo le parte infette. Et etiam elli e miraculoso in quelli che anno il mal francese in bocca et inela matrice. Et etiam giova ha tutte li mali freddi et humidi continuando a ongere 2 volte al giorno e guarira. Et etiam si pole cavare olio del ditto legno como fano li alchimisti con boccie. Prima ne cavano l’aqua, poi cressendo il foco tu ne caverai l’olio. Et etiam si pole cavare como si cava quelo del solphoro gialla. Item. Se tu farai polvere, cioe cenere, del ditto legno avanti che tu ne cavi sustantia alcuna et sapi che questa cenere valorosamente dissecca, corrobora et etiam e le piu potente che non ne quella di querza et ha piu hodore aromaticho. Et valorosamente vale alle allopecie et fa opera molto mirabile perche presto la rissana che sa adoperare bene le sopra dette cose, per dei gratia guarirono. A coloro che anno il mal francese inele mane, cioe chi gli a drento quelle crepature che ora si saldano e ora rifigliano. Et fali questo bagno e presto guarirai. Torai aqua corrente overo aque de fabri or vino bianco et fali bolire drento queste 3 cose, cioe verzino, orzo, ana onze ij e mortella m. uno. Et falo bolire chel cali li 2/3. Et inla ditta bolitura che la sia calda, tienli drento a mole le palme dele mane e presto ne guarirai. Poi ti onge con questo onto. Torai sevo di beccho e mirollo de stinchi di buo et componi insieme et ongi con esso et falo piu volte et presto ne guarirai. E di aprobato. Item lavanda per bocca il sopra dito male francese. Rx. mele bianco lb. j e una mezeta di vino bianco bono e 3 quatrini di alume di roca. Et meterai ogni cosa insieme a bolire tanto chel sia bene schiumato. Poi lo cola sutilmente et caldo quanto lo poi patire ne tiene in bocha. Et con esso ti lava bene. Poi geta fora et anche lavati il male, cioe le croste, et molto li zovera a farle presto disseccare. Item olio per levare le sopra dette doglie francese. Rx. trementina bella lb. ij e goma di edera arborea e mirra, ana onze ij, e storace liquido e incenso, ana onza j, e radice de accori m. uno et cinaprio onza s. Et ogni cosa sia roto e pesto sutilmente et incorpora ogni cosa insieme et farai destillare a boccia di vetro. Prima dali foco lento et ne ussira l’aqua chiara. Poi li cresserai il foco et ne ussira l’olio et quello serba come cosa cara. Et quando vorai ongere le doglie, fallo scaldare et meteli sopra dela stopa di canepa caldo. Et meti il paciente nel letto chel stia caldo al manco per 4 ore. Et questa ontione gli fara grandissimo servitio e molto li zovera. Item a guarire le gomme del mal francese. Rx. bolarminio, olio rosato e acieto forte. Et ongeti intorno ala gomma 2 o 3 dita. Poi torai olio di euforbio onza s e violato drame ij et ongeti la gomma ma prima lavata con vino nero caldo et meti sopra peza onta con butiro et lasselo per 4 ore et sera vissicata et quelle rompete. Poi le curate con unguenti saldativi et presto guarira. Item alle sopra dette gomme. Lavate prima con vino et fallo il dissensivo intorno e torai unguento aureo drame iij et sulimato in polvere drama j et incorpora et medica la gomma farai piastrello. Et la troverai consumata per un giorno et la carne se aparegiata et se non lo falo primo di falo 1 o 2 et 3 forse procede per essere vechie e dure. Et quando e ita via metetivi suso del boliro lavato con vino su una peza e presto vi rissanarete. Et quello unguento col sulimato tira asse tutta la acquosita et tutti li humori tristi che sono intorno a quel membro del ditto male. Et lo purga ditta ut la mala dispositione che piu non li dara noia et trovarassi perfettamente guarito. Valeti. *Alli calli dele mane per il male francese. Rx. malva, viole, cavoli, semola, ana m. uno, grasso di castrato lb. j. Et ogni cosa fa bolire con lisciazo marzo. Poi ricevi qui fumo alle mane et questo farai 2 volte al giorno per 8 di et anderano via e non ritornerano piu. Poi te ongerai le mane con questo onto, vz. Rx. grasso di becco e di galina e strutto di porco et incorpora ogni cosa insieme et ongi per finche farai guarito. Ma bisognia portare li guanti. -------- [Page 299] Mele roxato, a farlo optimo e bono. Rx. aqua di fonte, pozzo o de cisterna lb. 50 e roxe sfogliate e nette lb. 5 o 6 e piu o meno, secondo che lo vorai fare bono o no. Et alcuni pigliera un bigonzo overo un mastello o grande o piccolo como potere a te. E lo farano mezo de roxe sfogliate o piu o meno secondo il suo iudicio e secondo la quantita che tu ne voi fare. Et torai la ditta aqua netta et mettila al foco et quando la sta per volere levare il bolore, non la lassare bolire, ma butela cosi bolita sopra ale roxe et averai una tavoleta fata a modo di mescola et volta le roxe bene sotto sopra per un pezo, tanto che tutte siano diventate bianche. Poi coprirai il bigonzo o mastello o concha chel sia overamente inel caldaio proprio con panni lani o lini e che le stiano bene, stuffati e caldi sempre piu che si pole accio che per la virtu di quel caldo tutta la virtu o sustancia rimanghi in dita aqua. Et cosi farai la seconda et la terza matina et bastera. Et se tu la vorai fare la quarta volta, tu la potrai fare non avendoli tu datto la sua misura dele roxe. E anche sera miglior e piu hodorifero et di sustantia valorosa. Et caverai fora quelle roxe che sono statte amolle con le mane et premali bene fortamente quanto tu poi et quelle conserva per fare aqua hodorifera. Et farai riscaldare de man in mano questa molatura, cioe infussione et non li agiongere niente altra aqua farai con quella prima che li metesti tutte 3 le infussione perche cresse et sempre la li farai riscaldare bene como facesti di prima. Et tutte sopra ale roxe fresche e nette. Et a questo modo tu averai fata la tua infussione per fare il mele aroxato. Poi torai dela ditta infussione neta che non abia roxe drento lb. 60 e mele lb. 20 overo 25. Questa sie la sua giusta misura sempre ogni cosa per terzo et a questo modo lo farai perfettissimo e bono. Egli e ben vero che se tu li meterai piu mele per insino in 30 o 35 lb. el fara piu comparita e sera piu tuo guadagno ma non avera poi tutte quelle sue proprieta medecinale perche a volere essere perfeto vole sentire al quanto de roxa. Poi che averai messo drento il mele, meti il caldaio al foco et falo scaldare al quanto bene. Et mestavi drento con la tua mescola che bene si venga a incorporarsi insieme cosi caldo caldo e schiumalo bene. Poi tu averai apparechiato li tuoi sacchetti apontiti como tu vedi disopra al manco 3 o 4 o 6 o piu parte di lino e parte di lana e che siano fissi. Et mettivi drento dela ditta broda composta et fala colare pian piano tanto chel venga ben chiaro. Et lo rimeti sopra tante volte chel venghi gioso chiaro, bello e netto chel pari un rubino. Et se’l non volesse venire chel si raffredasse riffalo scaldare un altra volta. E piu se’l bisogna tanto chel destilla gioso ben chiaro…. -------- [Page 300] perche in questa colatura consiste tutta la importantia dela beleza et etiam bonta e pero rimetilo sopra ali sachetti tante volte chel venghi gioso chiaro e bello. Et quella stiuma che li caverai disopra tanto che sta al foco conservela. Non la getar via perche inel fondo fa rissidentia e quella e anche bona. Ma non lo lassare bolire a questo rispetto chel se inspessisse et non cola poi cosi voluntieri. Et se’l ti stentasse al non colare per la sua spesitudine, riffalo scaldare un altra volta bisognando che essendo caldo facilmente cola. Et advertisse ale ape e ale vespe che molte se ne ragunano. Guarda a stare in logo atto. Poi lo rimeti la tua caldaia che sia netta et fali foco sotto che bolla pian piano et mestavi drento spesso con la tua mestola accio chel non se apicasse al fondo e pigliasse l’odore del fumo chel non seria bon per te. Et fara di molta schiuma et quella la leva via tutta politamente e mettila in uno sachetto che ella cola da sua posta et lasselo bolire tanto chel sia ben cotto ma non brusato e pero che bola piano. Et farai el saggio sun la carta. Fane caschare 2 o 3 gioce et se starano bene insieme unite e salde che non scorrano piegando la carta alora sera cotto. Et subito lo leva dal foco et cosi caldo votalo in vaso di terra ben vitriato accio chel non piglia il ramo. Et a questo modo sera fato il tua mele roxato, bono e perfetto ad ogni parangone di beleza e bonta. Nota che se tu festi il fornello e che li murasti drento la caldaia con terra creta che la vampa non li potesse andare drento tu saresti piu siccuro chel non pigliarebbe fumo ne altri odori cativi. Et se’l sera ben collato sappi che quando el sera cotto in fondo del vaso non fara molta possatura come fano quelli che sono mal colati e pero ne sia advertito. Et se tu li meterai dele roxe ala sua sufficientia apresso a tutte quante le virtu sue el tiene al quanto del solutivo. Et volendo dire dele sue propriete questo e proprio la granata del nostro stomacho in tutti i modi che tu lo piglierai. Nota che se tu volesti fare il mele roxato presto per un bisogo, mette le roxe a mole al manco per 9 ore abenche’l suo ordinario non debe essere manco de 24 ore et a questo modo tu ne potresti farne a un bisogno um poco et falo colare chiaro che quella e la sua beleza. Muccharo roxato sulutivo, buono e perfetto. Rx. del rugiada overo guaza che cascha la note. Colta con sponga o pezze nette. Colta sopra a bone erbe, cioe a pimpinella, dragone, indivia, finochio e cavolo et colta in boni tempi d’aprille o di magio. Et quella che e colta insul cavolo fa una operatione molto mirabile al andare del corpo. Et non pigliare de quella deli prati che ella non e bona. Poi piglirai dela dita rogiata fiaschi 10 et metila inel caldaio a farla scaldare bene tanto che se la volesse bolire mache ella non bolla. Et averai le roxe nete e fresche che siano lb. 9 e colti la matina con la guaza suso perche in essa guaza consiste molta virtu sulutiva. Et se tu non ne potesti averne percorre ogni matina como dito, metele roxe la sera sun un lenzolo e metilo fora al aria che la guaza li caschera adosso. E fara anche bono effecto ma meglio e acorli con la guaza. Et a questo modo farai per 9 matine continue et la matina tu caverai quelle che sono state a mole la notte et le premerai bene sotto….. -------- [Page 301] al torchietto et quella sustancia metila con la infussione. Poi farai riscaldare la ditta infussione et mettivi drento quelle lb. 9 de roxe como e ditto disopra et coprirai il bigonzo over mastello dove li meti drento et metilo in loco chel stia sempre ben caldo. Et a questo modo farai per 9 giorni continui et se piu volti lo farai, sera piu migliore. Nota che questa si chiama infussione sulutiva. Et di questa infussione se ne fa il syropo roxato. Et tu la potrai conservare per tutto l’anno in vaso vitriato con un poco di olio de oliva sopra ala bocha. E chel stia coperto accio che l’aria non lo contamini e farlo putrefare. Poi colerai la dita infussione con li sachetti dove tu colasti il mele rosato et colela sutilmente che la venghi chiara e lustra. Poi li metterai drento del zuccharo di san thome overo di medera, ma il rosso et con piu egli e rosso tanto piu egli e sulutivo e fa operatione bona. Ma prima lo purga a questo modo. Ogni lb. 2 di zucharo rosso vole un chiaro d’ovo ben sbatuto, cioe fatto andare tutto in schiuma. Et metivi drento aqua di pozo overamente dela ditta infussione che e meglio lb. 2. Et mettilo al foco lento e quando vede che a gonfiato in cima e sta per volere aprire il bolore, non lo lassare bolire, ma sia presto a colarlo per la stamigna, pian piano e non metere drentro la schiuma, ma lassela tutta in fondo del tozo. Et a questo modo tu farai il zuccaro purgato. Nota che questa e la sua giusta misura. Torai lb. 30 dela detta infussione et lb. 20 del preditto zuccharo rosso chiarificato con lo chiaro del ovo sopra detta. Et mette ogni cosa insieme inel caldaio e chel sia ben netto. Poi lo meti al foco et fallo ben scaldare como se’l volese bolire ma non lo lassare bolire. Poi lo meterai a colare ineli sachetti sopra detti et falo colare pian piano e tante volte lo colerai per insino chel viene fora chiaro, lustranto e bello e rubicundo. Et se’l non volesse venire per essere fredo, tu lo potrai riscaldare et essendo caldo facilmente cola perche non a tanta vischiosita. Et non tocare li sachetti chel verebe fora torbido. Et a questo modo tu lo farai colare chiaro e bello. Poi lo meterai al foco a cosere inel caldaio neto. Et falo bolire lentamente con legna secha e mestandovi drento spesse volte per tutti i bon rispeti. Et lasselo bolire tanto chel cali il terzo e piu et farai i saggi metendone 2 o 3 gioze sun la carta e se quello sta ferma che non si slarga sopra ala carta, sera fato overo ne metera al parangone um poco del vechio col novo. Et se’l non fusse per alora cossi lustrante e rubicondo, non importa purche’l sia cotto perche como e fredo repiglia colore. Nota che a volerlo fare ben sulutivo, meteli drento drame ij de diagridi et leghalo in una pezeta e fane un botoncino et legalo con un filo di reffo et falo bolire drento et quando egli e cotto cavelo fora e getal via chel non vale piu nulla. Overamente li farai bolir drento manipulo uno di erba graciola la quale nasse neli prati padulosi et fala foglia como l’ysopo et alcuni la chiamo sena nostrana et fala bolire drento in un sachetino et como eli e coto, cavela e gettela via che non e piu bona. Et a questo modo haverai fatto un muccharo sulutivo, optimo e perfetto. Et cavelo subito che egli e cotto et metilo in un vaso di terra bene invetriato……… -------- [Page 302] e tienlo in loco fresco e ben coperto ali bisogni per fare andare del corpo, questo non a pari. Et la sua presa sie onze iij e ½ fina in iiij, ma prima lo experimenta se onze iij fa o no arispetto che egli e fatto tutto di rogiata. Poi ve bolito drento el diagridi overamente l’erba gratiola et queste 3 cose lo fa molto sulitivo. Et va distemperato con onze ij di aqua di malva, dato la matina al alba al quanto tiepido et sopra li ripossa una mezora abenche’l non sia medicina di guardia niente di manco ogni riposso e bono. Et ogni persona sicuramente lo pole pigliare. Nota che questo sulitivo e utile a purgare ciascuna cholera e cosi e a qualunche terzana et dolore di gunture causato da materia calida et vacuua tutti li cativi humori calidi et furiosi onde si da al giovamento nella furiosa erisipila e maligna. Nel carbone brasa fuoco persico antirace e si da incompangia con diacatolicone et purgha le reliquie deli humori. Alora che cominciano i pacienti a star meglio et e il sporono dele medicine et usando questo non ti pol fare se non uttile. Et quando tu ai presa la sopra detta medicina dali a un ora dalli a bere una scudella di brodo di pollo o castrato con onza j di zuccharo rosso. Item. Alcuni lo fano in questo modo. Pigliano aqua de cisterna lb. 9 et rose sopra dette lb. 9 et fanno inel modo sopra detto per 9 o 10 matine. Et non li mettano rossata, ma li meta drento el diagridi overo l’erba gratiola. Vero e chel fa operatione ma non tanta como fa la guaza. E questo lo sperementato piu volte quello dela guaza e piu gentile et tutti operano mirabilmente. E tiene l’ordine sopra detto e non falerai mai et ne averai sempre honore. Nota quando tu volesti rinfrescare el ditto syropo sulitivo, piglierai 2 fiaschi di rosata, uno colto sopra ala pimpinella et l’altro colto sopra al cavolo. Et con 3 chiari de ovo da purificare il zuccharo rosso in quella misura modo et ordine che e statto ditto disopra. Et se questo farai tu ne averai onore in tutti i modi. Giulebbe a farlo buono, optimo e perfetto. Rx. doi chiari d’ovo e sbateli bene con uno scopino inel tozo che tutti sia bene convertiti in sch[i]uma. Poi meteli sopra aqua di pozo lb. 4 o 5 e non manco. Poi li meterai drento lb. 4 di zuccharo rosso o manco che rosso chel giulebbe vera piu chiaro e bello. Et rompilo con la mano cosi inel tozo falo convertire in aqua. Poi meti il tozo al foco et fallo lento, dico lento lento. Et quando comincia a gonfiare, non tochare la schiuma per niente. Lassela stare cosi intiera. Non la rompere chel si potrebe intorbidare. Et mentre chel gonfia meteli drento per farlo rischiarire um po meli o onze ij di aqua di aceto bianco stillata overamente li striccha sopra il suco di uno limone o melarancia agra o 4 granella di agresto overo tanta alume di rocco brusata quanto e una fava o manco. Et lasselo levare la spiuma ha poc a poco et quando vedi che egli e tutto gonfio et vole aprire il bolore, non lo lassare per niente bolire, ma disubbito lo leva dal foco et buttalo sopra a doi sachetti apontiti fatti di lana o di feltro, uno inel altro. Et buttalo drento pian piano che la schiuma non li vada drento, ma la rimanga tutta inel tozo. Et lasselo colare chel venghi chiaro e bello. E se’l non ti paresse bel chiaro e lustrante, rimettilo in uno altro sachetto piu fisso pian piano e colera piu chiaro…… -------- [Page 303] e lustro. Et se per cativa sorte el non ti volesse riussire chiaro, fali un altra chiarata solamente, ma non li metere drento niente de agrumi como hai fatto di prima per niente, perche tu lo faresti venire torbido et non si schiarirebe se non con gran fatica e fastidio. Poi che tu l’averai colato chiaro e lustro, neterai il tozo bene chel sia lustro et lo rimeti inel tozo et falo bolire pian piano e con lento foco e chiaro perche bolendo tropo infuria diventaria torbido et quando a[v]ra bolito una mezora, tu farai il saggio sun la carta overo sun l’ongia se la gioza si ferma o no. Et se la gioza si ferma egli e cotto. Et allora buttali drento onze ij o iij di aqua rosa bona overamente aqua di fiori de violi. Et questo se dimanda giulebbe rosato overo violato. Et poi lo leva dal foco et votalo in qualche catinella di terra netta e polita e senza odore finche egli e fredo. Poi lo voterai ineli tuoi ampoloni di vetro coperto e tienlo in loco fresco chel non si corompa. Et quando comincia a sobbolirsi non ne poi cossi dilicato ne bono. Et durerati il tempo dela state un mese se gli e ben cotto. Et quando si fa giulebbe longo non si lassa tropo cosere et questo giulebbe tra al colore gializo chiaro e bello da vedere. Nota che se tu farai il giulebbe di zuccharo bianco, tu li farai la chiarata sopra detta et non li meterai drento altro altro salvo chel zuccaro e l’aqua stieta et in ultimo quando eli e coto la sua aqua rosa overo aqua de viole naturale et a questo modo tu farai il giulebbe bono e perfetto di tutte le sorte zucchari. E vale el ditto giulebbe molto a rinfrescare et mortificare di grandi ardori dela cocente et rabiata se te bevtone con aqua cotta o aqua d’orzo overo con aqua frescha. Et mortifica l’ardente calore dil fegato et de bono in molte altre cose in medicina e for di quella. Zuccharo roxato bono e bello con alcune sue virtu. Rx. li botoni dele rose rosse avanti che siano tutti aperti et tagliali via tutto quello bianco disotto con le forbise et che le siano nette. Et fa che le siano onze iiij, el zucharo sia lb. j, tagliale sutilmente et pestale minutissimamente. Poi torai questa libra di zuccharo bianco et lo purifica como ai fato quello del giulebbe con un chiaro d’ovo e una lb. o piu de aqua di pozo et converti il chiaro tutto in schiuma. Poi li meti l’aqua et rompili con la tua mano drento il zuccharo et mettilo al foco et quando leva la stiuma, non li metere drento altro. Lassela bene inalzare e como tu vedi che vole aprire il bollore, subito levelo dal foco et colalo con quelli 2 sachetti apontiti et falo ben colare chel venghi chiaro. Poi lo rimetterai inel tozo chel sia ben lavato e netto. Et rimettilo al foco a farlo cosere et quando egli e cotto bene che tu a[v]rai visto i segni. Allora mettivi drento le tue rose che siano ben peste et fale bolire per in gran pezo sempre mestando con la tua mestola intorno e sotto sopra che bene se incorpori ogni cosa insieme. Et levelo dal foco chel sera fatto et cossi caldo, metilo ineli suoi alberelli et coprilo como e fredo et mettilo….. -------- [Page 304] al sole per 10 o 15 giorni. Et quando egli e ben caldo, mestavi drento che bene si venga a incorporarsi insieme et averai un zuccharo roxato bono optimo e perfetto, odoriffero et e molto cordiale. Et se tu lo volesti farlo rosso bello, torai um poco de sandali rossi et distemperali con aqua tanto che la sia ben rossa. Et quando averai colato il zucharo, tingelo con la ditta aqua del colore che tu lo voi. Poi li meterai le tue rose al tempo suo et quando sera cotto el sera rosso bello e hodoriffero al paranghone del zuccharo rosato napolitano che tutto si fa rosso a questo modo. Nota se tu vorai fare zuccharo roxato de altre rose incarnate, il quale non e bello da vedere ma egli e bono e a quelle virtu medeme che a quel disopra et questo tiene del sulitivo se tu lo farai a questo modo. Vz. Torai dele roxe incarnate colte con la guaza overo rossata. Sfogliele e non li tagliare via niente e fa che li sia nette. Poi li taglia minute e pestale minutamente. Et piglierai del zuccharo rosso um poco piu che l’ordinario et purgalo col chiaro del ovo como ai fatto disopra. Et metivi drento una libra de rose, el zuccharo sia lb. 3 meza fina in quattro. Et quando il zuccharo e cotto bene metivi drento le rose peste et fale bolire per una meza ora e piu. Et leva il tozo dal foco et cossi caldo lo metti inel suo vaso et lo meterai al sole per 8 o 10 giorni et mestalo ogni di inel alberello et dopoi non sobolira piu et sempre se conservera bono e grasso. Et questo a le proprieta e virtu medeme che debe avere il zuccharo roxato, ma di piu a questo che egli e sulitivo. Se tu ne piglierai una meza onza la sera quando tu vai a dormire et beveli sopra aqua di indivia onze iij et la matina ti fara andare al manco 2 o 3 volte dal corpo senza molestia alcuna. E di provato. Item. Se tu vorai fare il zuccharo roxato crudo e non cotto, farai a questo modo. Torai la rosa se la e dele rosse talia via il bianco impero che egli e stitico e de amaro. Et se tu piglie le incarnate, pigliale affatto ma nette de ogni altra cosa. E tagliale bene e pestale minutamente, dico ben peste perche se non sono ben peste rimane tra denti over soto al dette quella rosa mal pesta e fa brutto sentire e pero pestale bene che quella e la sua finecza. Poi metavi drento il zuccaro a quel peso sopra detto e misura. Et pesterai ogni cosa bene insieme et che bene se incorpori. Poi che l’averai bene incorporato e ben pesto, cavelo et metilo inel tuo alberello o pignata nova et coprilo con carta peccora et fali parechi buchi drento con la punta del coltello et mettilo al sole caldo al manco per 20 o 30 giorni et voltalo sotto sopra con la mestolina o steccha accio chel non venga asso bolire o gonfiare e andare fora del vaso. Et questo sera fatto a questo modo crudo, il quale e bono e perfetto simile a quel disopra emmi che piu tiene del odore dela rosa e piu conforta il celebro per il suo confortativo hodore il quale e molto piu laudato che non e il cotto per le experientie fatte piu e piu volte. -------- [Page 305] Notta che se tu volesti fare conserva boraginata, id est confetto overo lattovario de fiori di boragine o di buglossa o de fiore di tramarino o di nanuffari e viole overo de sticadosso, prima pigliera li ditti fiori e che sia solamente il fiore schietto e netto de ogni altro piccollo. Et tagliali minuti piu che tu poi et pestali bene quanto tu poi mai pestare perche la sua fineza consiste inell essere ben pisti. Pigliane onze iiij e zuccharo lb. j sempre per terzo in tutte le cose et fa chel sia ancora lui ben pisto incompagnia e bene incorporato. E questo se intende del zuccharo bianco cioe rotami ma se tu li meterai zuccharo rosso, sempre ne metti um poco piu divantagio per tutti li boni rispetti et sempre mantiene li lattuari morbidi e grassi. Et poi lo meterai neli tuoi alberelli coperto con carta pecora et fali parechi buchi con la ponta del coltello et metilo al sole per parechie giorni et ogni giorno li mesterai drento con la tua stecha. Et maxime in quello de nanuffari non impire il suo vaso perche gonfia teribilmente e pero mestalo spesso acio chel non trabocha fora del vaso. Et se tu li vorai cosere, tiene l’ordine sopra detto a purificare il zuccaro col chiaro del ovo e colarlo e darli la sua cotta ordinaria e poi li metterai drento le tue fiore le quale sarano ben peste et a questo modo lo farai bono e perfetto. Notta im parte dele virtu deli ditti lattovarii, e prima del zuccharo roxato. Pigliandolo la matina, conforta il stomacho e il core et corobora le vissere indebelite. Et bevto la estate con aqua reffrigera tutto il corpo et genera bon nutrimento e anche e uno presentaneo rimedio per li thisichi. Item. Il lattovario boraginato et buglosato a quasi una medesima virtu. Et menda molto li vitii del stomaco e del core et del fegato et impero rimove la sincopi, corrode il tremore et exstingue ogni calore exstraneo et giova molto a malenconici. Item. Il lattuario violato ribatte il fervore dela collera, cacia la sete, extingui il calore dela febbre, lenisse il petto et al ventre, giova a chi patisse la tosse et utilmente dassi inel principio a pleuretici. Item. Lattovario de adiantos, cioe de fiori di tramarino, il quale a virtu di confortare et impero utilmente se adopera in tutte le passione del core. Item. Lattovario de fiori di nanuffari vale molto a extinguere il caldo venereo et molte altre virtu si contiene in essi lattovarii. Operandoli le imparerai. Oximelis semplice perfetto e buono. Rx. lb. 2 di mele et 2 chiare d’ovo ben battute inel tozo fate andare tute in stiuma. Poi li metti drento il mele con 3 lb. di aqua di pozo et metilo al foco lento tanto chel al ci in capo la stiuma. Non la tochare et quando l’apre il bolore, levelo dal foco et colalo con 2 sachetti tante volte chel venga ben chiaro. Et li ditti sachette non li adoperare a fare il giulebbe che tel faria torbido. Et laverai bene il tozo et rimettilo drento et falo ribolire pian piano tanto chel venghi ala sua perfetione del cotto e ne farai il saggio insun la carta. Et falo bolire tanto chel calli quasi tutta l’aqua et quando sera apresso che cotto, metteli drento onze vj de aceto biancha fortissima et lasselo bolire al quanto et sera fatto…… -------- [Page 306] quando comincera a inspessirse al quanto et con piu egli tiene l’odore del aceto quello s’intende essere il perfetto e bono. E questo dura piu che non fa il giulebbe et lo conserva in vaso neto. Nota parte dele sue virtu del oximele semplice. Digerisse primamente li cativi humori di diverse specie et estennando incide quelli et massimamente humori in cui predomini la flemma. Digerisse ancho gli humori che sono inelo stomaco e nele gionture et inela fegato. Et impero meschiato con aqua di finocchio, potentemente vale contra ale febre lunghe causate da flemma grossa. Et etiam a dele altre belle virtu. Provelo et vederai. Syropi semplice. Il modo come si fanno con alcune sue virtu. Rx. quele sorte di erbe che tu voi fare questi syropi, cioe como e indiva, radichio, acettossa, fumo sterno, menta, stichados et le 2 radice, el violato et il roxato. Et tutte queste erbe quando tu vorai fare li succi, fa che le siano fresche, nette e ben lavate e sutte del aqua et che non abiano sopra guaza. Et ciascheduna da per se tagliale prima minute, poi le pesta bene e mettali in uno sachetto di canovazo et premali bene sotto al torchietto et cavene il suco. Poi lo meti inel tozzo o in un caldarino chel sia netto e polito. Et questa opera la farai presto impero chel suco non pole stare fatto che presto presto si corrompe. E pero sia presto a meterlo al foco per purgarlo et dalli il foco lento tanto chel leva in capo la stiuma et lasselo bolire pian piano per una meza ora. Et poi lo cola suttilmente. Et a questo modo sera fatto tutti li succi dele sopra dette erbe et anche de li altri tutti si fano a questo modo eccetto dele fiori et di quelle erbe che non anno suco che sono aride. Et questi succi tu li potrai conservare da uno al altro, metteli in fiaschi o nele charaffe e che siano piene et metteli disopra via um poco d’olio de oliva et quello lo fa conservare arispeto chel non vede l’aria perche la faria corompere e non saria bono. E tieneli in loco fresco e coperti che non si guastano. Et prima diremo del syropo rossato tu l’ai fatto. Piglia dela infussione che tu ai fatta per fare il zuccharo sulitivo quella e bona e avantagiata per fare el syropo rossato. Syropo violato si fa a questo modo. Piglia 4 o 5 libre di aqua de cisterna et lb. una de viole nette senza piccollo, dico dele zotte pavonaze. Et farai scaldare l’aqua bene che la stia per bolire ma non bolla et mettivi drento le dite viole et mestavi bene sotto sopra et copri bene il vaso e falo stare in loco calda per 24 ore et l’altra matina cava fora le viole e premali bene sotto al torchietto. Poi farai riscaldare la ditta infussione como festi prima et mettene drento dele altre fresche como festi prima. Et a questo modo farai 4 o 5 volte et facendolo purgare al foco et colandolo et sera fatto, el violato. Syropo del stichadosso. Piglia il fiore schietto e quello lo taglia e lo pesta bene et innumedisselo con l’aqua perche non ne cavarasti mai suco. Et fatto chel sera lo purgherai al foco et poi lo colerai et sera fatto et quello conserva como li altri. Syropo dele 2 radice di questo non se ne conserva da serbare perche non dura poco piu di un mese. Torai radice di finochio e radice di predisseme et tagliale et fale bolire con aqua tanto che calli il 3 anche la metta. Et quella cola e premi bene et sera fatto, quello deli 2 radice. Syropo di menta, di fumo terre, indivia, radichio et acettosa. Tutti si fano del suco proprio et tutti si conservino a un modo como e ditto disopra. -------- [Page 307] Per dare la cotta ali syropi. Piglia 2 chiari d’ovo e meteli inel tozo dove tu voi cosere lo syropo e sbatilo ben bene che tutto sia convertito in spiuma che la chiara piu non corra. Et metivi drento lb. 3 di que suco che tu voi fare el syropo et mettivi drento il zuccharo rosso de rottami lb. js et lo rompi drento con una mescola. Poi lo meti al foco e lento tanto chel leva la spiuma in capo e quando incominza a volere aprire il bolore, levelo dal foco et colalo con li sachetti apontiti ditti disopra. Et quando sera colato tutto, rimettilo un altra volta al foco inel tozo chel sia netto. Et quando vole aprire il bolore, levelo dal foco et riscolalo un altra volta chel sia ben chiaro e lustro secondo l’essere suo. Poi lo rimeti inel tozo il quale sia bene sgurato e netto et metilo al foco et falo bolire pian piano et se farano schiuma gettela via col culo del mestolino. Et lasselo cosi bolire tanto chel cali al manco li 2/3 del suco overo tu farai il saggio sun la carta se la gioza sta ferma o no. Et lasselo cosere bene perche non soboliscan poi et longo tempo si conservano et con piu s’inveschischano il zuccharo si candisse et sono perfetti e boni. Poi che serano coti, meteli ineli suoi vasi invetriati dove anno a stare. Et sappi che affare li syropo ogni lb. di suco de infussione vole lb. meza di zuccharo e non manco. Et tiene l’ordine e modo sopra detto che tutti ti riussiranai bene. Queste sarano parte dele sue virtu, e prima del syropo violato. Conferisse molto per digerire l’humore sottile e cholerico, spegnendo il fervore della cholera et refrigerando e stingue la sete, lenisse il petto ameraviglia et similmente la tosse secca et la strettura di esso petto. Syropo di endivia a virtu di digerire la cholera sottile et acuta et egli refrigera il fervore, lenisse et ribatte l’acuita de quella, apre le opilatione del fegato, rettificando la sua malatia. Syropo di fumo terre e molto universale digestivo di ciascuna materia grossa et salsa adusta et corrota lo dove che assai quadra alla scabbia, male morto, serpigine, impetigine, flemma salsa, lepra, cancro, herpete et per il morbo gallico e gran medicina. Syropo de sticados e molto utile persone morbi de nervi et maximamente frigidi et vale anche contra la paralesia, il spasimo, l’epilepsia et la debilita de nervi et non se desdise ali vecchii che patischono il catarro. Syropo di menta e temperatamente calido e poco riscalda onde conforta la virtu digestiva delo stomacho et il suo calore naturale, ristaurando esso stomacho debile et languido. Et pero se dice, ‘Lenta al stomaco, mai non fu la menta.’ Syropo di suco de acettosa vale contra ala febre pestifera et extingue la vera peste et mitigha il calore et la sete, perserva li humori dala putrefattione, raquieta il fervore dela colera, mondifica il sangue, incide li humore grossi, conforta il core et rimove la sincopi. A cavare il suco delo asentio et de molte altre erbe. Ricoglie lo asentio quando che egli e tenero inanti al levare del sole. Pestalo e metilo alo stretoiio et cavene suco. Poi lo meti al sole tanto chel sia quasi rappreso e fa trocis, e serbalo et alcuni lo cose tanto chel se rapiglii. Et a questo modo si fa il suco di fumo terre, eupatorio et de molte altre erbe per usarle nele medicine dove bisogna. -------- [Page 308] Syropo overo bevanda di gran virtu il quale mantiene la sanita. Rx. boragine, presemolo, bietola, indivia e appio, ana m. uno, e regolicia amachata, anesi crudi, orzo e uva passerina, ana m. uno s, e cieci rossi un terzo di scudella e fichi sechi n. 10. Et ogni cosa sia ben netto et meterai ogni cosa insieme a fare bolire in una pignata nova col suo coperchio e ben serrato con 3 fiaschi di aqua di cisterna. Et lassa bolire pian piano tanto chel sia calato li 2/3. Poi la colerai et premi le erbe et ogni cosa sotto al torchieto et cavene tutta la sustantia. Poi la rimetti al foco et metivi drento onze vj di mele e onze 3 di zuccharo di san thome et rifalo bolire al quanto fino che gli a purgata la stiuma. Et levelo dal foco et fredo chel sera riponilo in vaso di vetro e sera fatta, una bevanda molta signorille. Et inel mese di marzo o de aprille piglierai cinque di questi syropo a quello modo, cioe la sera quando tu vai a dormire, pigliane onze iiij chel sia caldo ma la sera mangia poco poco et bevi manco che se tu non cenerai mellio sera per te. Et la matina ne piglierai un altro de onze vj insu’l far del giorno caldo a modo de syropo. Et questo lo continui per 5 matine. Poi l’ultima matina li piglierai drieto una cassia per medicina sulitiva de onze ijs distemperata con aqua cotta overo con sero di latte preso un ora avanti che tu desini una scudella di brodo magro con onza j di zuccharo rosso. Poi desina et prima mangerai una copia de ovi freschi per aconzarti lo stomaco, poi il tuo pollo ben cotto o carne de vitella et per questi 5 di sappiti bene governare. Et questo farai una volta all’anno et ti mantenerai molto sano, allegro et di bona voglia. E questa e provata piu volte. A stare sano l’homo tutto l’anno. Rx. dela ruta 3 cime et di bertonicha 3 cime e pestale et metali a mole la sera in bonissimo vino bianco. Et ne beverai ogni matina 2 dita et questo farai per tutto il mese di magio fino a mezo giugno. Et el simile si pol fare col suco del fumo sterno. Overamente tu mangerai la matina per tempo 3 boconcini de cime di asentio o di ruta o di cardo sancto o di marobio et starai sano tutto l’anno. E provata. Contra ala infiation dele vene doppo la minuitione del sangue. Rx. ruta, asentio e orzo, ana, et fale bene scaldare et soffrigere in una padella. Poi le riduce a modo impiastro et legalo sopra ala infiasone dela vena. E questo lo farai piu volte e guarirai dela infiasone. E questo e bel secreto. Item se la vena fusse guasta per salassare. Torai de lombrisi che stanno sotta terra et nettali bene con vino bianco. Et friggeli in olio et cossi ben caldi quanto poi patire, meteli suso e molto ti giovera, et ancora vagliano a enfiatura de nervi. -------- [Page 309] La natura mostra di fora via per segni la passione che la drento. Et le da intendere secondo il mio parere che la natura, cioe l’homo, manchi in tre modi. El primo modo sie per via de hodoratione, cioe quando hodori alcuna cosa velenosa la quale disubito occupa li membri principali, cioe el core, il cervello et lo fegato. Et questi tali morino con segno pestilenciale, cioe per infiasone overo glandola neli emontorii di questi membri principali. Et de qui viene che quando si offende il core, appare il segno sotto alle asselle. Et quando e offeso il cervello, apparisse il segno drieto ale orechiie. Et quando e offeso il fegato, appare inela cossa destra. Et quando e offesa la milza in ella inguinaia sinistra. Et venghano ancora alcuni carbunculi in altre parte del corpo et questo adviene quando e maggiore putrefactione et adustione de humori dentro dal corpo li quali la natura si sforza quanto la puo ditrarli fuora. Per tanto quando apparischono carbunculi ineli membri principali como seria inel petto di mostrano il peggio perche e segno che thali humori siano adusti et putrefacti circha le regione del core. Et secondariamente per via di suffucatione del caldo natturale generato da causa humida e acquosa putrefatta. Et certamente noi vediamo adunarsi neli nostri corpi alcune humidita et specialmente inela testa per le quale si generano appostema inella golla la quale si chiamano squinancia et di quelle morino. Et alcune volte dissendano molti catarri li quali subbito soffocano li homini. Et alcuna volta generano molte surdita et graveza di testa et colligatione de occhii et molte pigritie, paralesi et epilensie. La terza cagione perche gli vermi generati da cattivi humori per la putrefatione de essi, vengano ale parte superiore del corpo et fanno mordendo lessione in tanto che fano divenire li corpi in sincopo niente di manco si recuperano. Et se non sono aitati presto moiano si per il dolore si ancora per li fumi venenosi el levati da quelli, li qualli corompeno et rissolvano li spiriti vitali. *Olio di tartaro de botte, fatto per me, Frate Antonio de spagna. Rx. tasso de vino bianco, mettilo in teghami o piatti, alto dua ditta et falo calcinar nella fornaccia de rosari. Poi metti in pignata vitriata con aqua de cisterna e se la pignata e mezza de robba inpila de acqua e mettila al fuocco tanto che levi il bollore e subito levalo via et rotta in una catinella di terra ben vitriata. E fallo passar, cioe stillar, per le pezze di feltro che sia ben stillato e nettamente. Lo metterai nella pentola sopra il tre piedi e falo bollir per sino tanto che reste la materia congielata in fondo. Poi lo torrai dal fuocco e tienla cosi per sino l’altro di che si verra al quanto a spiccarci. Lo cavarai fuora et pestalo poco per volta nel mortaro et mettilo in visciga che sia mezza o poco piu e se non polle stare metti in 2 ho 3 vescige e ben legate che non si spanda e metti a mollo sopra l’acqua che in termino di duo giorni sara fatto. Poi metti in ampollo et serba a i bisogni. A di molte virtu, come a leggere piu innanzi a 106 intenderete ricetta. Questo e il miglor e piu bel modo da farlo et fa piu olio. Da provato. -------- [Page 310] L’huomo che per salasso se minuisse il sangue per avere la sanita. Le queste cose gli si convengono per il vivere suo et prima bon pane di grano ben lievito e ben cotto, vino ligeri piccolo chel non carichi lo stomaco e ova da bere e pessi che stiano in loco petroso et carne di porco giovine o di castrato et de altre bestie giovine et de capretti e pollastri, pome piccole le quale si trovano in quel tempo. Ma non debe mangiare cavoli de niuna sorte impero generano veneno inelo stomaco, ne caso ne alcuna cosa cotta con esso impero dice galieno et ypocrate nel 64 afforismo nela quinta particula. Il dare latte ali febricanti overo a gli che patiscano dolore dite sta e cosa pessima. Et in quel giorno che se minuisse il sangue ello per niente non debe dormire impero che per il sonno si svole accendere una certa piccola febre la quale fa incurrere l’huomo in lippothomia, cioe mancamento di core overo tenebrosita de occhii in tal modo che in alcuno genera anxita, cioe ambastia. Questa e la utilita dela flobotomia, cioe del cavare del sangue. Sappi che questa minuition del sangue a in se tutte queste uttilita. Et prima fa la mente sincera e forte da bona memoria, assotiglia il sentimento et assotigliando chirificha la voce, acuise la vista a chi a li occhii lacrimosi e tempera lo audito et il celebro e provocha la digestione et purga la vissicha, conforta lo stomaco guasto e cacia fora il sangue cativo e conserva il bono e conforta la natura e scalda le medolle, extirpa li humori cattivi e leva il sonno et administra longamente la sanita dela vita, donde dice Avicena nela quarta del primo XXC nel principio, la flobotomia e universale evacuacione de tutti li humore. Et colui il quale sera infermo di febre per tropo sangue overo per sangue putrefatto subbito se minuischa il sangue in ogni tempo comune quando la luna sera in mezo del segno de gemini. Et qualunque havera febre effimera contra la febre di sangue enfiativa minuischasi il sangue dela vena mezana et dela vena del core del bracio destro nel tempo dela estate, ma la invernata dal sinistro. Item. Effimera e febre la quale dura per spacio de ‘n giorno o poco piu o poco meno. Qualunque havera febre effimera per cagione calida overo per tropo digiuno minuiscasi dala vena dela testa dal uno et l’altro braccio. E qualunque e amalato di febre effimera per digiuno overo frigidita guardasi di non minuirsi sangue colui che sera divenuto franetico, minuiscasi dala vene dela testa overo dala vena la quale e in mezo dela fronte. Et qualunque ha la effimera per debilita, minuiscasi il sangue dal naso con setole di porco. Et qualunque e infermo de effimera per li targia, minuiscasi il sangue dela vena che e tra il dito annulare et lo auriculare. Et l’huomo infermo de squinantia, minuiscasi dela vena cephalica dal uno et l’altro braccio. Et l’huomo infermo de effimera per rispetto de appostema, minuiscasi dela vena che viene al dito auriculare. Et qualunque e infermo de effimera per pontura, minuiscasi dela vena del core per dritta via, cioe se la pontura sera dal lato sinistro, minuiscasi dal sinistro et se sera dal destro, minuiscasi dove e il dolore overo braccio destro. -------- [Page 311] Lo infermo di febre cotidiana interpellata, cioe quando per alcun spacio di tempo cessa isminuiscasi dela vena mezana. Et lo infermo de quotidiana per l’uno et l’altro flegma, minuiscasi dela vena del braccio destro nel tempo dela estate, ma la invernata dal braccio sinistro. Et lo infermo di flegma salso con prurito, buttase le ventose inele gambe e poi tagliale. Et lo infermo di febre terzana, minuiscasi dela vena bassilicha, cioe dela vena del fegato dal braccio destro inel tempo dela estate et la invernata dal sinistro. Et lo infermo di quartana, minuiscasi dela salvatella dela mano sinistra fra il dito annulare et lo auriculare. Et lo infermo di qualunque febre accuta, minuiscasi dela vena basilica insino al quarto giorno. Et lo infermo di febre etica, minuiscasi dela vena mezana, cioe dela vena del core. Et lo infermo di qualunque hidropesia, minuiscasi dela vena del fegato dal braccio destro la estate et l’inverno dal sinistro. Et lo infermo di iteritia, minuiscasi la vena basilica del uno et l’altro braccio tanto de istate quanto de inverno. Et el febre ci tante di malinconia, insania et frenesia, minuiscasi dela vena che e in mezo ala fronte. Et lo infermo per riscaldamento di fegato, minuiscasi dela vena basilica del braccio destro. Et lo infermo per difetto o vitio di milza, minuiscasi dela salvatella dela mano sinistra. Et lo infermo per difetto di rene o matrice o de vissicha, minuiscasi dela vena chiamata safena, cioe dela vena la quale e sotto al tallone dela banda di drento da l’uno et l’altro piede. Et lo infermo per ventosita o infiatione, minuiscasi dela vena la quale se driza al dito grosso de l’uno et l’altro piede. Et lo infermo inele parte inferiore, minuiscasi dela saphena dela bando di drento del piede. Et lo infermo de sciaticha, minuiscasi dela vena saphena di fora del piede dela parte dela golla. Et lo infermo de podagra, minuiscasi dela vena saphena et dela basilicha di drento et di fora di l’uno et l’altro piede. Rimedio contra ala infiacion dele vene doppo la minuition del sangue. Torai ruta, ascentio e orzo, ana, tutte battute in una padella calda e fa impiastro e meti sun la vena et presto guarirai, per dei gratia. Item. Lo freneticho e appostema el quale nasse nella miringa del cervello per ebullition di sangue overo per calore overo per l’uno et l’altro, ma la miringa e una pellicina circundante al cervello et e nella orecchia, la quale se la si rompesse doventaria sordo imperpetuo. Et il rimedio di essa e de aprire la vena in mezo dela fronte, e gurarira. Et la vena in mezo dela fronte aperta vale contra la postema deli occhii et contra ala emigranea et contra al dolore del capo molto gravissimo et contra ala alienatione dela mente et contra al frenetico et contra ala nova lepra. Le 4 sorte di natura, sanguinea, flegmatica, colerica et malinconica. Proprieta di natura sanguinea. Grasso e faceto di propria natura Et gode sempre udir nuovo rumore, Et in luxuria pone ogni sua cura, Volentier ride e in allegreza dura, Nel parlar dolce ne in ira o furore Per ogni cosa legier converte il cuore Qualunque scalda el sanguineo humore E apto ad ogni studio et cosa obscura. Diletta gli gustar varie vivande, Largamente ama et e benigno assai Pronto et audace et de manier preste Per tutto el corpo color rosso spande, De canti et soni non si stoglie mai, De molta carne le sue membra veste. -------- [Page 312] Proprieta di natura flegmatica. Flema humida e freda alo helemento Del aqua si somiglia ingrassa forte Qualunque tal natura tien per sorte Et e de poche forze pigro e lento. Destare in otio e tutto il suo talento Non e astutto ne son sue voglie scorte Et par che nessun studio lo comporti. Tanto e di rozo ingegno e poco atento. Sua gloria, sua quiete et suo riposso Resposta e nel dormire et ogni moto Che faccia del suo corpo e molto tardo, Oltreche’l sia dormenti et sonachioso. Disputo non ha ma il stomacho voto Sel phisycal parlare non e bugiardo. Proprieta di natura colerica. Colera se in alcun corpo si accende Fa l’huomo di natura impetuoso Et de avanzar ciascun dessideroso Ma ligermente quel che vole imprende In breve tempo ad gran statura ascende Divien di animo grande et vigoroso Largo e ad ciascun. Poi gratioso Ne possa se in gran stato non conscende Astucia immensa in tal natura regna In gabar altri assai si fa virile Sempre se adira et e gran spenditore Audacia suoi fastidii in questo segna. Poco di carne et di membra sotile. Come di croco e giallo il suo colore. Proprieta di natura malinconico. Melancolico humor piu che altro tristo Fa l’huomo di natura pocho et basso Et sempre dileticia privo et casso Ma desideroso assai di fare acquisto. Ad ogni studio e dedito e provisto Ne sonno in tale humor ferma el suo passo Ma con vigilie l’havento et fraccasso Et parlar de cose altre sempre e visto Quel che propone vuol mandar a effetto Nessuna cosa ad se reputa grata. Timido e piu che cervo et fraudolente Ha de avaritia assai ripieno il petto Invidia con lui insieme e generate. El color suo e di terren lutulente. La natura a 4 complexione: fredo, secco, caldo et humido. Et ancora li 4 elementi li quali hanno sostenimento del mondo donde procedano le dette complexione che vedete il foco essere caldo e secco, et l’aria calda et humida, et l’aqua freda e humida et la terra fredda e secca. Et cosi sono li corpi dele persone et deli animali che sono sopra la terra et da questo procedi li 4 humori, cioe collera che e calda e secca, flegma che e freda e humida, sangue che e caldo e humido, melanconia che e fredda e secca. Et cosi in 4 parte e diviso l’anno, cioe la primavera, la stade, l’auctone et il verno. La primavera sie [calda] e humida come il sangue. Et la state sie calda e secca come le colero. L’auctono sie freddo e secco come la malenconia. Et il verno e freddo et humido come la flegma. Et secondo la filosophia, la primavera comincia a di 22 di febraro e dura fino ali 24 di marzo. Et la estade comincia a 25 marzo e dura fino ali 23 agosto. Et l’auctono comincia ali 24 agosto e dura fino ali 24 novembre. Et il verno comincia ali 25 novembre e dura fino a 21 di febraiio. La primavera sie 92 di e la estade 91 di, el autono 92 di et il verno 90 di. Et sapi che il foco e la stade et la colera sono d’una medesima complexione. Et l’aqua et la flegma et il verno sono d’una complexione. L’aria e il sangue e la primavera e sono d’una medema complexione. L’auctono e la terra et la malinconia sono di una medema complexione. Et tutte queste 4 cose invero l’una raffena l’altra, per la carne e l’ossa se intende la terra, per il sangue se intende l’aqua, et per lo spirare, l’aria, et per il calore, il foco. -------- [Page 313] Le 4 digestione dela natura. Nota che queste sono le 4 digestione dela natura, che fa il nostro cibo inel corpo humano. Vz. 1. La prima digestione si fa inelo stomaco e li vi si cose el cibo. Et la substantia del cibo si passa alo fegato per certe vene le quale se adimandano n[u]risaiche. 2. La seconda digestione si fa inel fegato et la substantia la quale li a mandata il stomaco allo fegato se convertisse in sangue et lo fegato lo manda per le vene. 3. La terza digestione si fa inele vene le quale nustriscono li membri. 4. La quarta digestione si fa neli membri per le vene capilare. 1. La superfluita dela prima digestione sie la feccia la quale la natura manda ale budelle. 2. La superfluita dela seconda digestione sie la urina la quale lo fegato manda a gli rognoni e allora li rognoni la destillano alla vissicha per 2 porri li quali se dimandano horaides li quali sono appensi in la carne. 3. La terza superfluita dela digestione la quale si fa per le vene sie lo sudore. 4. La superfluita dela quarta parte dela digestione sie le ungie et li capelli. Et questo ti basta circha ala digestione delo stomaco a sapere tali secreti. Le urine, a conosserle im parte. A conossere le urine. Imprima e da sapere che quelle 2 cose che li da colore sie la calidita naturale del corpo et la frigidita et quelle 2 cose che li da in essa urina, cioe la humidita del corpo e la sechita honde lo callore se li da colore bianco et la humidita se li da lo spessume cioe che ella e torbida et la sechita se li da claritudine et la fa lucida opero e da guardare bene di fora e di drento del orinale. Et e da sapere bene imprima se la urina sara rossa e ben vermiglia et alcuna spessa e non lucida, ella significha abondare di tropo sangue. Se ella sara vermiglia o clara o gilda, ella significa troppo collere. Se ella sara biancha e spessa e grossa di colore e piu spessa che ben chiara significa tropo flegma. Se ella sara biancha e chiara e lucida, significa tropo malinconia. Se ella sara bruna e clara, cioe lucida, significa chel sangue e come tropo brusciato per tropo collera et ha grande debilitade. Se ella sara verde e lucida, significa grandissima debilitade de spirito che lo sangue sie quasi come corotto. Item a sapere de ogni infermita se debano guarire o no. Piglia la urina del ditto infermo et falli premere um poco di latte di una donna pian piano. Et se’l latte va al fondo, lo infermo morira, et se’l latte resta disopra, guarira. Et questo e bel secreto. Item. Se tu li ongerai le piante deli piedi con um poco di lardo, poi lo da a mangiare a uno cane o mastino et se lo mangia voluntieri, presto guarira. Et se non lo mangia presto, tienlo in dubio. Et fane la prova et vedrai. -------- [Page 314] Capo rotto per caduta o altra botta, purche lo se non sia rotto, presto farlo guarire. Quando la persona e caduta overomente a riceuta botta insu la testa et sia rotta, purche non sia mortale, primamente tu li farai la sua chiarata con un chiar d’ovo e sale e stoppa et messa sun la ferrita et se glie ritornasse alentare il sangue e per la ferrita falli sopra un altra chiarata et hagiongeli drento um poco de caligine pesto suttilmente et mettila sopra bene infassata et lassela stare suso non manco de 24 ori et se’l male e dove i capelli tosali prima et sopra la chiarata et quando la leverai via non la medicare se non con olio rosato et fila e pezetto sopra. Vz. Nota. Torai olio rosato chel sia caldo et farai le taste de fila suttile et tingholi in ditto olio rossato et cossi tiepido metteli inela ferrita et che la sia ben piena di queste taste. Et ongerai la piagha intorno et bagna una pezetta doppia et mettila sopra ale taste et sopra poi un altra pezza assutta et leghela con la benda et lassa cosse. Et medica una volta o 2 al giorno secundo che tu vedi il male essere p[er]iculoso o no perche quest ollio rossato leva presto il dolore et lenisse la piaga et presto la purga. Et farai a questo modo per 3 o 4 di e non piu. Poi torai dele unguento aureo et con esso medica. Farai le taste pur di fila et mettivi sopra del ditto unguento et metti inela piagha. Poi mettivi sopra uno piastrello con sopra del ditto unguento et ongerai intorno alla piaga con ditto olio rossato caldo. Et continua a fare a questo modo finche egli e guarito perche questo unguento fa cressere la carne et quando la carne e aparegiata, non li mettere drento piu tasta, ma tu li potrai metterli sopra uno cirotto de minio o altro cirotto capitale secondo che a te parera. Et sera guarito dela ditta ferrita overo rottura di capo. Et guardasi per 8 o 10 giorni di non bere vino e stare a dietta con panata e acqua cotta et, con lo aiutto di dio, presto guarira. E di provato. *Acqua celestiale, molta mirabile per conservare longamente la sanita. Rx. nuce moschate, garofilorum, galange, gardamomi, grana paradisi, cubebe, macis, cinamomi, zenziberis, ana onza j. Omnia simul in mortalirolo subtiliter spolverizantur deinde sume sialam unam acque vite bone que cum supra dictis ponatur in alambicho vitreo et lento ignie disteletur. Et acqua pro sua preciositate habetur locho balsami. Et valet ad omnes egritudines humidas et frigidas. Restaurant et clarificat visum et trahit ad se omnes herbarum virtutes. Omnia apostema interius et exterius rumpit si supra dolorem ponatur. Clarificat et facit linguam disertam si bibantur 7 gute cum medico ciato vini albi optimi quando itur dormitum. Congelat et constringit mercurium, dat in t[al]e gressum spritibus incorporibus. Si in ipsa acqua posueris oleum statim ad fundum et etiam ovum decoquet et conservat carnes et pisces a putrefactione e restaurat et clarificat vinum turbatum. Macculam occulorum et rubeum colore aufert. Restringit maculas de albat verem. Accuit intellectum. Facit bonam memoriam. Ungendo tempora quater in ebdomada pro sex menses, redit illarem et conservat sanitatem et movet a facie lentigines et petigenes et omnes maculas. Removet dolorem dentium, fettorem narium, gengivarum et maxelarum. Interficit gutas frigidas et acquam ut faciant linguam disertam. Oportet ante quam bibatur dicta acqua ita se preparet per duos menses, d’est september et october, ut sumat infra scriptas pillulas uno die sic, alio vero non: reubarbari ellecti, aloes epatici, agarici ana. Fiant pillule com acqua maiorana, et videbis mirabilia magnia. -------- [Page 315] Elexir vite molto aromatico per conservare la sanita e la gioventaet consumare li cativi humori. Rx. diagalanga, diambra, diamargariton, diarodon abatis, diacinamomo, diairis, diantos, diapenidion, diacimino, dianisi, letitie galieni, manus christi, ana onza j, diambre, diamuscho dolce, diapliris cum muscho, ana onza s, syropo de sticados, onze iiij, syropo de liquiritia onze ij, tiriacha andromaci onza j, zuccharo fino onze viij. Et di tutte queste sopra ditte cose si debe pigliare le confectioni fatte e non le spetie simplice di quelle. Et ogni cosa sia bene mescolate et incorporate in uno mortaio. Poi poste in uno vaso di vetro che abia la bocca stretta accio si possa meglio serrare. Poi se’l li mette adosso lb. v di perfettissima aqua vite fatta di optimo vino al lambicco di vetro fino a tanto che resta senza humidita alcuna. Poi sia bene turato la bocha del vaso con lutto sapientie tal che li spiriti no possano exalare. Et meti il ditto vaso al sole overo in loco caldo, aggitando et movendo il vetro con la materia che vie drento ogni di 2 o 3 volte e continuando questo per un mese. Et in capo al tempo si lassi rippossare per 8 di la ditta compositione inel ditto vaso che resti al fondo impero che l’aqua sublimata havera presa tutta la substantia di quelle cose e sera in colore de oro. Et vacuua per inclinatione l’aqua chiara. Et in questa parte chiara, ponerai muscho e ambracan, ana drama j, et reubarbero drame ij et queste 3 cose siano contrite et legate in sotil seta et sospese in questa quinta essentia chiara per aromatizarla et cosi tu averai una aqua molta perfetta, et uno elexir vite molto nobile da usare in li difetti dela natura humana tanto a huomo quanto a donna, causati da flegma et il conforto grande dela senectu et conservatione dela gioventa. Nota che l’usare di questa aqua overo elexir non debe essere frequente et chi ha passato li 30 anni ne debe pigliare una volta ala setimana drame ij per presa con aqua di rosmarino. Et chi e piu giovane ne debe pigliare una volta il mese con aqua roxa e de indivia drama j per volta. Et etia tiene in se de molte altre virtu come tu vedrai in quest altro qui disotto scritto, li quali sono tutti 2 aprobati in lo studio di bologna et in lucca. -------- [Page 316] Elexir vite secundo l’uso delo studio di bologna per conservare la humana natura. Rx. zenzero, garophani, macis, noce muschate, zedovaria, galanga, pepi longo e rotondo, grana di ginepro, coccole di lauro, scorza di cedro e di cedrangoli, salvia e fiori e rosmarino, maiorana fina e basilico, menta rotonda e pulegio, melissa e gentiana, calamento e ameos, legno aloe e spigo nardo, fior di sambuco e roxe bianche e vermiglie, cubebe salvatiche e domestiche e sticados, cinamomo e cardamomo, camapiti i iva, camedrio e mastici, calamo aromatico e olibani, meleghetta e incenso maschio, aloe patico, pignoli e triacha, mandole dolce e dattoli senza osso, uva passa oltra marina, fichi sechi e grassi, seme e fiori de aneto e seme de artemisia, mitridatto e reubarbero, ana onze j, e mele biancho purgato onze vj. Et dopoi a tutte queste sopra dette composicione mettivi drento zuccharo fino che sia per doi volte piu di tutte le sopra dette cose. Et advertisse che tutte le erbe vogliano essere tagliate minutissimamente e non peste et cosi tutte le radice e le scorze et li dattali e fichi tutte tagliate e non peste et l’uva intiera. Et tutte le speciarie vano rote non tropo sutile et cosi quelle del ginepro e del lauro. Et tutte queste cose vogliano essere verde se possibile. Et non lassare tropo preterire il mese di magio. Et tutte queste sopra dette composicione mettele insieme et tutte le incorpora in aqua vite. Et che la sia per 3 volte piu dele sopra dette cose et che l’aqua vite sia stillata 5 volte a bozza di vetro e tirata bene e con lento foco. Poi meterai ogni cosa insieme in una gran bozza di vetro et che la bozza prima sia ben luttata con lutto sapiencie. Et messa inel suo fornello fatto de matoni e murato con terra et con dela cenere drento stachiata. Et meterai sopra il suo capello et sotto il suo recipiente grande et turato bene tutte le commissure con peze impastate et legate che niente possa rifiatare da niuno spiracculo perche exalare tutta la sua virtu. Poi li farai foco sotto de carboni acese. Fa prima che la bozza sia ben serrata intorno drento inel fornello per insino in cima del fornello. Et cose pian piano si scaldera il fornello e la cenere et mantienli sempre drento il foco che apeni el stia caldo. Et le composicione che sono drento veranno a destillarsi lento lento et destillera un aqua chiarissima e bella. Et advertisse come tu vedi che l’aqua incomincia a mutare il colore de altra aqua che pare aqua piovana, cioe non cossi bella chiara e lustra como la primi et fa di essere presto a mutarli un altro recipiente e riccogliere questa…. -------- [Page 317] [One drawing]. seconda. Et la prima serbela da sua posta in vaso di vetro e tienla ben turata. Et quest altra seconda aqua che ne viene non ne cosi perfeta como e la prima e non a tante virtu eccetto che in fare belle le donne et questa 2 a questa virtu che la manda via tutte le panne lentigine e segni d’ogni sorte et fa le carne bianchissime e hodorifere, ita che questa aqua non la dopera se non qualche gran maestre e signore como e principesse e regine perche la prova sua manifesta la quale sopra avanza a tutte quante le altre cose. Piglia la prima aqua destillata e pesela et piglierai oltertanto de aqua vita a peso di quella che e ditta disopra impero che inel peso la si adimanda mater balsamo. Poi lasserai rafredare il fornello et leverai fora la bozza et caverai fora la ditta composicione et con ogni destrezza la rimetterai in una altra bozza simile a quella overo se tu potesti levarli da dosso quella terra senza romperla, questa saria bonissima e avantagiata. Poi torai queste due acque insieme et rimeteli sopra ale ditte sue feccie et turela bene et lassela stare cosi in putrefacione per 2 di naturali. Poi la meterai al bagno maria fatto a questo modo come tu vedi in questa forma col suo capello et il suo recipiente et sia le congionture bene serate che niente rifiata como e ditto disopra. Et con 2 cinge larghe soto al culo dela bozza chel non tocca il fondo dela caldaia et falo per piu rispeti. Et falli il foco di legna secha e poco poco per volta accio che lentamente venga a destillare et sera l’aqua che ne vera piu perfeta perche in farla destillare con poco foco l’opera tua viene piu perfetta. Et ne ussira prima quel aqua chiarissima e lustrante con uno odore suave e cordialissimo. Et sta advertito como tu vedi l’aqua a ussire e che tu li vedi a mutare il colore di aqua piovana, cioe di altro colore piu biso, et tu sia presto a levarli disotto quel recipiente con l’aqua e sia presto a meterne soto un altro per ricevere la 2 aqua et tura bene le congionture como dito e chi niente de spirito non nescha. Et questa prima aqua tientela bene accara che vale piu che tant oro como se dira disotto inele sue virtu. Et cosi farai dela 2 aqua tienla da sua posta e ben turata che gli ‘nporta che tutta exalarebe in fumo. Et quando tu vedrai il capello avenire di color che parera sangue, rimutali un altra volta il recipiente ma sia presto a fare l’uno et l’altro efetto et turato bene ogni cosa como ditto e disopra. Et dela prima aqua a questa 2 ve pocha diferentia nele virtu. Et la terza vera in color di sangue et quella anche da sua posta como ditto e in ampolla di vetro e grosso per conservare el ditto…. -------- [Page 318] thesoro impero che in questa consiste magir dignita e virtu in di piu sottili secreti che mai al mondo si possa trovare. Et diremo parte dele virtu dela prima, la seconda et dela terza. Vz. 1. Nota che la prima et la seconda aqua a quasi una medema virtu, ma la prima e quella che vale et di quella prima noi diremo. 2. Et se tu ne meterai um poco sopra a una ferita fata di fresco, sapi che non gli accadera altro medicamento ma si rissanera in 24 ore purche la ferrita non sia mortale. 3. Item. Se alcuno avera qualche piagha vecchia e sia dove si voglia o sia cancro or fistula o lupa o a nervi retratti o a ossa o a piagha vechia o lepra ut noli me tangere et lavasi qual si voglia di queste 2 aque 2 volte al giorno e in 15 di sera guarito bene. 4. Item. Se tu ne getterai una goccia o piu goccie sopra a un carbone in 3 ore o piu el ditto carbone sera mortificato et ogni veleno sera morto. 5. Item. Se alcuna persona avera male ali occhii et sia qual si voglia infermita le lachrime rassuga bagnanado le palpebre di fora purche l’occhio non sia distrutto et se ne pongha una giocza inel occhio di 3 giorni, in 3 giorni insino ali 9 giorni et sera liberato et se um poco ti molestasse non dubitare che nulla non ti nocera. 6. Item. Se l’huomo avesse la pietra inela vissicha o nele rene o inela verga, ne beva uno chugiaro dela ditta aqua con mezo bichiere de vin bianco overo brodo de cieci rossi ma meglio e l’aqua sola sopra detta, et in 2 ore o piu la pietra sera infranta, ratto e spezata. Et poi la orinerai cosi rotta in piu pecetti et senza dolore alcuno. 7. Item. Se alcuno avera l’imoroide le bagna 2 o 3 volti al di et in 3 di o piu serai guarito. 8. Item. Similmente al male dela matrice, bevene la donna drama j con um poco di brodo di galina overo de vino optimo et sera disubito e presto liberata. 9. Item. Se alcuna persona si sentise dolore di qual sorte si voglia o per cadute, bagni spesso il loco del dolore et in 3 ore sera presto liberato, e piu cura la rogna e la tigna. 10. Item. Se un nervo fusse atratto o indurito overo torto, bagnesi 3 o 4 volte con la ditta aqua e subito si distendera se’l fusse piu duro che non ne una fune. 11. Item. Vale ala scorentia del semme a homo o donna, bevto con aqua di bertonicha o di piantagine. 12. Item. Destruge ogni veleno di rospo, de ragni e de scorpioni, ponendo al quante goccie dela ditta aqua che la sia calda sopra ala pontura e presto guarira. 13. Item. Se alcuno avesse mangiato veleno et sia di che sorte si voglia, bevendo dela ditta aqua quanto puo e presto et sera liberato con questo che lo infermo ne beva quella bona quantita che puo e senza molestia sina a tanto chel veleno sia extinto e morto e questo egli e statto aprobato. 14. Item. Libera le scrophole, bevendone et bagnandone inele buche dele piaghe presto le guarisse. E de probata. 15. Item. Alli ossi rotto bagnando il loco offeso li cava dela carne senza offesa o dolore et conforta la carne. 16. Item. Leva ogni sordita e pasione dele orecchie, bagnando um poco di bambaso e ponerlo nele orechie. Et meglio sarebe con una penna giocciarli inel orecchia l’aqua. Et se tu li vorai temperare il suo ardore compagnelo con olio di mandole amare overo con olio di camomilla e presto ti zovera al farti hodire. 17. Item. Vale a dolori artetici, cioe ale gotte artetiche che procedano da causa frigida, bagnando un panno et ponendolo sopra al male piu e piu volte questo lo farai e presto guarirai. -------- [Page 319] 18. Item. Vale al dolore delo stomaco et ritorna la naturale digestione, bagnando la boccha delo stomaco disperato et indegnato di cativa sorte. 19. Item. Vale ad ogni discenteria et fluxo di ventre, ongendo lo stomaco, el ventre piu volte e guarirai. 20. Item. Vale ali vermi e li maza, ongendo lo stomaco et le narise del naso con dita aqua et bevendone um poco. 21. Item. Vale a tutte le febre et le cura in breve tempo et in tutte le infermita che possono accadere a l’huomo. Ma e da notare che nele febre fredde, el si tempera con cose calde. Et nele calde, con cose fredde, como qui disotto se dira. 22. Item. Vale ala pthysim cioe sincopin, male caducho, gotta arteticha, stranguria, paralesia, tremore de membri, lavandosi con essa spesso li occhi offesi et bevendone ogni giorno un chugiaro da per se sola overo con optimo vino, in 3 mesi o piu serai guarito. 23. Item. Chi usera di questa benedeta aqua sera libero da ogni infermita perche fortifica gli membri debilitati e maximamente deli vecchi e fortifica lo celabro, la memoria, haugmenta lo inteletto, conforta il core, purifica il sangue, consolida il polmone e lo rissana et il fiato puzolente, conserva la milza d’ogni lessione. 24. Item. Usandola la cura la giozza che debe venire, cioe cadere, et tutti li humori corotti et frigidi e malincolici e tutti in breve li rassana. 25. Item. Conforta lo stomaco et lo purga et etiam lo fa ben smaltire senza detrimento. 26. Item. Usando questa aqua libera la persona dela febre terzana e quartana et conserva le interriora in bono stato. 27. Item. A de molte et infinite altre virtu, le quale al presente non posso descrivere appieno, ma brevemente parlando, tutte le infermita che possono venire a un corpuo humano im pochissimo di tempo tutte prestissimamente le rissana. Nota chel suo ussare dela ditta aqua. Pare chel sia meglio e ligna piu lo inverno che la istade tutta via e bona da ogni tempo e pero si lassa in albitrio di chi la vole ussarla di torla sola overo a compagnata che tanto vale. Et benche la ti paiia calida im potentia ella e pero conforme ala natura del huomo et presto passa consumando gli cattivi humori e presto la si rissolve li cative et conforta li boni. Nota bene che questo e vero che la ditta aqua e di tanta virtu che di vecchio ti fa tornare giovine et di morto vivo, ussandola como qui diso[t]to apertamente se dira. Et continuandola a berne tanta per volta, quanto e un granel di grano con un chochiaro di aqua fatta di fiori di borragine, et in processo di un mese il sangue si rinovella, la carne, la pelle, il pelo, et le medolla. Et se tu sei in etta di 80 anni, la ti riduce ala etta di 40 in apparenza. E questo e statto aprobato da piu persone de nostri tempi. Et perche te o ditto che de morto fa vivo, io ti dico quando l’huomo e in extremis di morte, dali uno cugiaro dela ditta aqua im boca sola o con brodo o vino, et con essa bagnandoli le tempie et li polsi e presto ritornera in se medemo et si potra confessarsi e dire li fatti suoi et fare testamento et anche potria vivere secondo la etta et la complexione dela natura essendo ne vigno, perche molti l’an[n]o presa et questi boni effetti li sono advenuti de vivere anche molti anni et molti ne sono morti. Et quando tu vedi questi boni segni, non gli dare da mangiare per spacio de un ora o 2 et poi gli darai alcuni cibi di gran sustantia e poco per volta e spesso et cosi vallo aiutando et confortando a poc a poco et con lo aiutto de dio sempre andera migliorando et di bene in meglio operando ancora dela ditta acqua sopra detta. -------- [Page 320] Et la terza aqua la quale e di colore sanguigno. E sapi che la e un aqua preciosissima impero che se l’huomo usasse quella in quantita di un mezo cuchiaro per 15 giorni, sapi che im breve tempo si libberarebe da ogni gran lebra et tisichaia et paraletico e ydropico et gotte et simili difetti et lo farebe libero senza fallo in termine di 2 mesi. Et experientias vidimus, fecimus et probavimus et brevi sunt omnes infirmitates sanat et de hac aqua multa. Nota bene per tutte le volte e questo testiamente che in quel anno che tu serai disposto. Tu o altri di voler fare il sopra ditto elexir vite darai principio di bon ora apre parare le predette compositione. Primieramente le speciarie et tutte le altre cose di mano in mano secondo l’ordine dele cose secche dela speciaria. Et apostare le persone che portano quelle radice che gli entra et le erbe e fiori e semente et che tutte siano ordinate a un tempo. Et fare como e ditto disopra che le speciarie non siano peste tropo sottile. Et le erbe et le radice tagliate minutamente et non piste e meterai l’uva cosi intiera e datteli e fichi tutti tagliali. Et tutte bene accomodate insieme, cioe distese et accomodate su una tavola et che ogni una si conoscha da sua posta como si usa affare i lattuari composti. Poi mescolare ogni cosa insieme et mettere ogni cosa inela bozza. Et essendo tutte le cose verde tu ne caverai piu virtu e sustantia che se le fussino secche e pero ti do questo bono aviso et ricordo. Et etiam ti ricordo che tu prima prepari tutti li stuiglii che li bisogna como e il primo fornello de matoni con terra creta e la cenenere stachiata suttile per fermare la bozza et la bozza luttata e sutta et chel vetro sia netto de vissiche o pietrelle perche facilmente si romperia el carbone di fare il foco. Et per fare la seconda cotta, prepara la caldaia recipiente con quelle 2 cinge per sostentare la boccia che non tocha il fondo et uno ingegno che tenghi la boza drento inela aqua che la boccia no si rimeni ma li bisogna che la stia salda e ferma arispetto ali altri ustrimenti di vetro che movendosi si romperiano. Et prepara il capello et la ricipiente et le altre ampolle fatte fare a posta di vetro grosso et con le peze da legare intorno ala congentura del capello et del recivitoiio et averai la legna secha e dolce et dali il foco lento e a misura. Fa che la paciencia ti governi et etiam sia quella che ti a maestra. Et con lo aiuto de dio, tutte le tue cose anderanno bene e di bene in meglio sempre anderanno. Et questo e statto ordinato e composto inelo studio di bologna e fatto piu volte. -------- [Page 321] Le virtu dela cilidonia che in se contiene ‘lexir del huomo. Rx. assentio, anasi, bertonica, basilico, bruscho, calamento, cipero, cedro, calamo aromatico, fiori di camomilla, gentiana, galangha, ipericon, iringi, lavandola, menta, magiorana, piratro, pulegio, pimpinella, paritaria, salvia, spodio, squinanto, stichados, schariola, sanoregia, sparagi, spigo nardo, satirionis, tramarino, timmo, valeriana e zedovaria, ana m. s. Specie: incenso bianco, mastice, garoffani, cubebe, pepi longo, draganti, cinamomo, cardamomo, tucia non preparata, ana onza j, e vino bianco hodoriffero e mele bianco, ana lb. iij. Et imprima piglierai del erba cilidonia con la radice, fusto, foglie, fiore e seme et quella quantita che a te pare che tu ne possi cavarne un fiascho e mezo di aqua como sarebe a dire lb. 10. Et tagliela minuta et colta la matina per tempo a luna sema et metila in una boccia et metila sotto al litame e che la stia calda per 20 giorni. Poi cavela et con la ditta boccia falla destillare col suo capello, el suo recipiente et ale congionture bene infassato che niente respiri et fali il foco molto lento et te stillera un aqua chiarissima et lustrante. Poi meterai la ditta aqua in una boccia et mettivi drento le preditte speciarie e tutte fate in polvere, el mele, el vino, e li anesi et turela e mettila al sole per 10 giorni. Poi li meterai drento tutte le predete erbe, fiori e radice, machate e tagliate minutamente. Et lassele stare cosi ogni cosa insieme in putrefacione per 2 di naturali al sole overo sopra ala cenere calda. Poi la destillerai con foco molto lentissimo e a bagno maria col suo capello, el recipiente e turato le congionture con peze impastate et conzegna che la boccia stia ferma inel aqua che ella non se rimena et quando sera venuto fora un terzo dela ditta aqua, guardali bene che tu vederai l’aqua a mutare colore et presto li presenta uno recipiente a riccogliere la seconda aqua. Et quando vederai che non ne viene, continuandoli il foco pur lento, alora li rimetti un altro recipiente et cresseli il foco galiardo l’olio in colore rosso. Et meterai ogni cosa da sua posta in ampolle di vetro e stiano ben turate. Et quelle conserva ali bisogni pero che qua disot[t]o diremo dele sue virtu e im parte aprobate. La prima aqua sie chiara e lustra et a queste proprieta, cioe che ella vale a tutte le infermita del corpo humano, cosi calde como fredde, la quale a in se uno secreto di natura. Item. A chi ne bevera et laverassi tutta la persona sutilmente, subito manda via la rogna et la lebra prestamente senza fare altro. Item. A chi avesse male di drento, cioe passion di core e mancamento, presto lo guarisse. Item. A chi avesse difetto di polmone overo stentasse a respirare bevene um poco e guarira. Item. Consolida il volto impiegato lavandosi piu volte con essa. Item. Chi fusse infermo beva dela ditta aqua per 3 matine calda a modo de syropo li mondifica il sangue et li da bona speranza che presto ne guarira. -------- [Page 322] Item. La seconda aqua se l’huomo o donna dopoi che se avera lavato el viso e le mane e sera bene asutto, bagnasi il viso et le mane et ne usa a berne onza s la matina in 2 dita di malvasia overo altro vino optimo questa lo fara ringiovanire che se avesse 60 o 70 anni lo fara diventire in aparencia di 30 anni et augmenta l’animo et fortifica li nervi et multiplica sperma. Item. Vale ad ogni passione di nervo che fusse amacato overo aperto, bagnando il loco piu volte presto lo risana tutti li mancamenti deli nervi. Item. Se l’huomo avesse l’occhio crevato, cioe carico de impedimento alcuno et sia che male si voglia, continua a bagnare matina e sera che presto guarira. Item. Il 3 usandolo in tuti i modi preserva l’homo d’ogni humore corotto et maxime da flegma. Item. Vale al sangioco dela morte dandone a bere mezo un chugiaro, bagnandone li polsi e presto lo fa rinvenire purche li passa la golla perche disubito li conforta il core et lo riscalda. Et se’l vechio usera di questo in pocha quantita se li tol via la infirmita dela vechieza et bagnandosi con la dita aqua piu volte ti fara diventare giovine e longhati la vita. Item. Vale a rissanare tutte le piaghe vechie e nove e cancri e fistule et posteme et se li sono di drento bevendone li rompe et presto le guarisse. Item. Se la donna ne bera essendo diffetosa di mal di mal di madre o de altre passione intrinsiche o extrinsiche bagna il loco del dolore et presto guarira per dei gratia. Et de molte altre virtu in essa se ritrova che sperementandole tu ti farai datto et tiene l’ordine el modo sopra detto inel comporre le cosi tutte a tempi suoi e ti riussira bene. Erba cardo sancto, id est erba turcha, con le sue virtu. Imprima mangiando dela ditta erba verde guarisse il veleno tolto di frescho. Item. Chi mangia dela ditta erba guarisse del male di testa et i male dele migranie et torna lo udire a chi l’avesse perso per infermita. Et risuga la memoria et sana la vertigine et guarisse li membri paralitice et debo. Et continuandola a mangiare la guarisse la milza et rompe la pietra et guarisse il cativo fiato causato per doglia di stomaco. Et risana il catarro et giova a tutte le passione di stomaco et dolore di testa. Et cosendo dela ditta erba con aqua et di quella berne sana tutti li cativi humori et li consuma in breve. Item. L’erba sua secha al ombra e fattone polvere sutila et messa in aqua fresca et lavarsene con essa li occhii, la li puriffica e guarisse et rissanale cataratte et altri impedimenti. Et bevendo dela dita polvere con brodo la matina a stomaco digiuno purifica la golla e getta tutte le flegme, aguza l’apetitto, larga il petto, consuma il cativo sangue et governa il bono et leva ogni dolore del corpo. Et bevendo dita polvere bolita con vino fa sudai e cava ogni infirmita et pigliane avantiche venga la febre e guarirai. Et se’l fusse amorbato meti dela ditta polvere sul male la guarisse. Et se ne meterai su una ferrita [d]ove fusse ossi rotti li tira fora senza passione. Et la radice leva il dolore de denti a tenerla in bocha e per le donne ala madre. Item. Cosendone de dita erba inla orina de fanciulli e fane cristiere guarisse ogni intropico e pestilentia e mal caduco et il mal di fianco. Et quella bambasa che sta nel fiore metene inele ferite presto le guarisse e senza dolore. Et empie ne uno sachetino e metilo sul crepato e stia del continuo lo guarisse. Et il suo suco con bambasa stagna il sangue di naso. Nota che questa e un erba sancta e a molte infermita salutifero. Et come il Re di india mandola somenta al s[anctissi]mo papa martino per uno singularissimo dono la quale ali di nostri ne fa grande experienza la quale erba a 72 virtu. -------- [Page 323] A stillare a bagno maria con parechie boccie erbe o fiori e quelloche tu vorai con torre filosophicha. Imprimamente tu farai fare un fornello, cioe una torre filosophicha, col suo coperchio come tu vedi qui la prima in disegno la quale sia alta al manco 2 braza o piu o meno secondo che a te parera la quale sia fata de mattoni in coltello overo di matonelle et fatta de calcina forte con polvere de mastice e chiara d’ovo et olio de lino. E e bene incorpora ogni cosa et farai bono stucco e forte chel fazza ressistenza al foco et metera li matoni in cortello et congiongeli bene insieme l’una con l’altra e ben serate. Et farai per di fora via una bona intoneghatura bene calcata e bene invetriata che l’aqua non la possi passare et cosi farai ancor di drento una bona intoneghatura. Et farai per di drento via dela torre alto un palmo un rilasso in drento per poterli posar sopra una graticcola como tu vedi qui fuora la quale sostenta il carbone che per disopra se mete inela torre la quale sia di ferro fatta minutamente. Et impienirai la ditta torretta de carbone et la copri col suo coperchio. Et per disotto via per lo spartello atacha il foco inel carbone et cossi andera brusando a poc a poco et la cenere caschera gioso dela graticcola. Poi intorno ala ditta torretta tu gli farai fare una cinta di muro di mattone in cortello e fatta con bonissimo stucco et per di drento intorno ala torre vi sia divano al manco un mezo brazo et che la torre avanci al quanto disopra ala cinta al manco um palmo o piu o meno secondo che a te parera. Et fa che di drento via la….. -------- [Page 324] [One drawing]. sia bene istuccata per di drento et di fora che standoli drento l’aqua non possa trapassare ne di fuora ne di drento. Et che la ditta cinta non passi il cordone disotto dela torretta e sia fatta con arte et ingegno con bonissimo stucco che reggi al foco, id est al aqua como tu vedi. Et questo te stia amente quando tu averai fatta fare la cinta intorno alla torre filosophicha et che l’averai piena de aqua et che l’abia que 2 cannoni o 3 overo secondo che a te pare perche tanto fa uno quanto 4 purche se li possa acomodare intorno et quando tu averai piena la torre di carboni sara disopra accio che non piglia vento che carbone brusaria tropo presto perche’l pigliaria tropo vento et per disotto tu li darai foco con la lucerna overo con um poco di legna e presto se accendera et la cenere caschera di man in mano gioso dela graticchola et il carbone calera di man in mano. Et il ditto foco mantera l’aqua sempre ben calda. Et la rendera sempre calda per tutti li tinelli dove stano drento le bozze per il condutto di questi cannoni como tu vedi che continuamente stano inel aqua che e ineli tinelli et perche quela dela cinsta sempre sta ben calda et cosi mantiene per via de condutti sempre calda quella che e ineli tinelli et per quel caldo il quale e molto temperato fa destillare dale boccie tutto quello che tu li metti drento. Et conzali inel modo che tu vedi qui in disegno e meglio farai che non ti se dire. -------- [Page 325] Et etiam tu gli potrai agiongere altri tinelli quante ne pole andare quivi intorno con le preditte bozze intorno et tutte stillerano con un foco solo di quelli canoni li quali portano del continuo l’aqua calda ineli tinelli et fara stillare. Et metera in fondo del tinello uno di questi 3 piedi conzo como tu vedi con quelli buchi invilupatovi intorno dele peze o capechio accio chel culo del orinale o boccia li stia suso sicuramente senza paura di rompersi. Et farai in modo che la bozza stia ferma inel aqua che non si mova. Et quando tu vorai mutare, cava prima il recivitoiio, poi il capello. Poi caverai la tua bozza overo orinale destramente vota le feccie et rimette gli quello che tu vorai. Poi la riconza como la era prima col suo capello sopra e ben serrato col suo recipiente sotto. Et con questo foco tu potrai mutare 2 volti al giorno et tu ne caverai de abondante aqua la quale aqua porta con esso seco l’odore e il sapore di essa erba overo fiori. Et sia di che sorte si voglia, fiori o erba, tu cognosserai inel aqua al gusto l’erba e le fiori di che sorte le sono. Et questa sorte aqua stillata a questo modo a bagno maria con bozza di vetro e de molta laudata sopra a tutte quante le altre destillatione de aqua la quale e molta propicia ala natura nostra laudata da dottori et valenti medici perche fata a questo modo non pole pigliare odore cativo di sorte nisuna arispetto al caldo che continuamente la temperato et non lassando mai mancare carboni inela terre sopra detta giongendone quando ne di bisogno perche di e notte sempre stillera et non ci e periculo che l’aqua non venghi se non chiara e bella. Nota che stillando a questo modo roxe, viole, garofani o gelsomini o altri fiori o erbe como basilico, tramarino, salvia o sia che erba si vole. Sapi chel aqua porta con esso seco dela propria cosa che tu li ai messo. Et se tu farai questa destillatione tu serai agrato al vulgo et maxime ali excelenti et valenti medici li quali non farano et non exerciterano tante boliture e dicottione. Et ali inferi gli sera piu agrato per essere cosa piu dilicata, chiara e bella. Et advertisse che la cinta che e intorno ala torre vole stare coperta arispeto chel caldo non exala e vada via et sempre si mantera piu calda e stillera piu galliardo et sempre stia piena et uguale l’aqua ali buchi deli canoni accio chel caldo sempre possa exalare fora ineli tinelli de l’aqua calda et facilissimamente fa stillare come tu ai inteso. Et questo uso destillare molto si usa inele parte di el e magna e con frequente uso. A stillare de diverse sorte aque hodoriffere a bagno maria. Primamente torai dele foglie di lauro dele piu tenere et foglie di cedro e de limoni e de aranci e di mortella e de triffolo magiore et falle stillare tutte da per se al bagno maria a questo qui sotto messo in figura como tu vedi overamente falle distillare a questo qui di sopra che tutto e distillatione a bagno maria e io ti disegno quest altro a quest altro modo accio che tu piglii quello che meglio ti comoda. Poi che serano destillate ciascuna da per se, tiene li al sole per 15 o 20 giorni che le stiano ben turrate perche il sole le puriffica et li da in se una certa unione composta dal proprio hodore che hodorando le comfortano il sentimento et piu suave si sente il suo hodore. Dele quale aque volendo tu fare una composicione per fare una sorte aqua hodoriffera et signorille et molta cordialissima farai cossi. -------- [Page 326] [One drawing]. Torai dele ditte aque stillate a questo bagno maria che siano acque de hodore como seria aqua roxa o de fiori de aranci o di mortella o de triffolo o di mairana o di basilico o di melissa o gelsamini overo altre aque hodoriffere como e de composicione de torte di rose, de cedri, de limoni, di mater selva, de fiori de zucha. Et de queste sorte aque tu ne potrai farne una composicione di 3 o 4 o 5 sorte metterle insieme como seria adire. Rx aqua roxa lb. v e aqua de triffoli e de lavanda e de basilico, ana lb. j, e aqua di foglie di lauro tenere lb. ij e aqua di cedro lb. ijs e de limoni lb. js e aqua de fiori de aranci e di mortella, ana lb. iij. Et tutte queste sorte aque meteli insieme in vaso vitreato overamente in stagnato e ben serato e coperto et lasselo al sole per 3 o 4 giorni. Poi se tu la vorai farla perfetta e bona che la fama tua si spande, agiongeli drento queste cose qui sotto scritte, cioe storase sodo onze iij, sandali citrini onze iiij, legno aloe onza j, belgiovino onze v, fusti de garoffani onze ijs, cardamomo overo machalep onze ij, e noce moschate no. 3. Et ogni cosa sia rotto non tropo pesto e fusti cosi intieri et tutte le dete composicione metele in la detta aqua e turela bene et lassela stare al sole fervente al manco per un mese o piu tanto che ella si vengha bene a comporsi insieme overamente tu la farai bolire al foco lento e che la stia ben coperta per una mezora. Poi dela dita aqua ne potrai muschiare a questo modo. Cavene fora uno fiasco di 6 o 7 lb. et metivi drento 4 o 6 grani di muscho masinato sutile con 2 o 3 gioci di olio di ben overo con 3 giozi di aqua vite et con sucaro fino et ne potrai farne di 3 o 4 sorte de odori con ambracan, con zibetto et con canfora overo con altri odori como a te parera et secondo persone. Et quando l’averai composta, lassela stare al sole per 15 o 20 di ben coperta et averai un aqua molto hodiriffera et signorille di dare a ogni persona nobile et signorille. -------- [Page 327] Acqua odoriffera cardinalesca, molta nobile et perfetta. Rx. fiori di lavanda e rose e rose moschette, ana m. uno, et meterai tutte queste fiori in la campana di vetro et di sopra via tu li meterai queste polvere, vz., grana paradisi, nose moscate, canella fina e polvere de garofani, ana onza s, e canfora meza drama e legno limato over pesto drame iij e ambracan grani 4 e polvere de cipri onza j et sopra li meti oltertanti fiori e comodati bene et meti sopra il suo capello et falle lambicare al bagno maria overo a lente foco. Et averai un acqua non mai piu sentito un tale odore il quale molto conforta il celebro et molto vale a retenere la memoria et questa e acqua da principi et ducchi e re. Item a fare acqua odoriffere con poca spesa. Rx. acqua rosa overo altra acqua odoriffera una carafina ut una lb. o piu o meno a tua discretione et mettivi drento 3 o 4 gioce de olio che sia odoriffero et la rimovi e sbati bene sotto sopra che l’olio se incorpori bene. Coprila et lasela stare al sole per un giorno et pigliera di quello odore del olio et ne potrai farne a tuo piacere per vendere et donare a ogni gran maestro et signora et ne averai onore. Item a fare acqua d’angioli, molta solemne et signorille ad ogni prova. Vz. Rx. acqua rosa e acqua lanfa, ana fiaschi 3, e acqua de cime de aranci agri e di citornella, di triffolo e di basilico, ana fiaschi uno, e belzuino lb. j e nardo onza j e storase sodo onze viij, muschio, zibetto e ambra, ana drama j, e laudano onze js. Et farai polvere sutila dele predette speciarie et meterai incompagnia con le sopra dette aque in uno vaso ricipiente e bene invetriato. Et incorpora ogni cosa bene insieme, votando soto sopra et chel sia ben coperto et lasselo stare cosi per uno giorno al sole in riposso acio che tutto bene se incorpori. Poi pigliera la ditta composicione et fala distillare a bozza di vetro con lento foco overo a bagno marie et averai un acqua non mai piu sentito un tale hodore e suave et la potrai portare inanti d’ogni gran principe. Item. Un altra acqua d’angioli pur simile. Rx. acqua rosa e acqua lanpha, ana lb. 3, e acqua de basilico e de triffolo, ana lb. j. Poi li meti drento belzovino onze viij, storasse sodo onze iij, ligno aloe e polvere de cipri, ana onza s, muschio drama s e zibetto grani iij e zucharo fino quanto e meza castagna. Et masina il muschio sutilmente con onza s di olio di ben o mancho et masina anche el zibetto con ditto zucaro et le altre cose siano in polvere et incorpora ogni cosa insieme et farai bolire in una brocha o altro vaso atto, acio chel sia ben coperto per un ora per bagno maria. Poi lassela al sole per 10 o 15 di et sera fatta, perfecta, signorille e bona. Et anche ella potra comparire inanti a ogni gran principe. Item un altro simile ut supra, vz. Rx. acqua stillata al lambicco di vetro di foglie di lauro et di cedro et di mortella et di limoni et di melaranci, ana lb. iij, et tutte siano de foglie giovane. Et sia fatta inel modo sopra detto. Item. Un altra acqua simile ala prima. Rx. acqua di melangholi lb. iij e acqua rosa de moschette, ana lb. j, stillata al modo sopra detto, e muschio drame 2 e zibetto grani 6 masinato al solito modo con zuccaro. Et mettila in un fiascho et metila al sole chel sia ben turato al manco per 15 o 20 giorni et sera fatta, perfetta e bona, odoriffera et signorille. Et queste sorte de acque sono particulare per signori et per persone che anno il modo da spendere. -------- [Page 328] *Quatuor semina maiora frigida sunt quatour. Vz. Mellonis, cucumeris, cucurbite, citruli. Quatuor sunt semina minora frigida, vz., endivie, lactuce, scariole, portulace. Quatuor grana i semina, vz., endivie, lactuce, plantaginis, portulace et vocantur quatuor semina comunia frigida. Quot sunt radices comunes sunt quinque, vz., feniculi, apii, petroselini, brusci, sparagi. Semina comunia calidiora et maiora vz., sunt ista quatuor ut anisi, feniculi, carvi, ameos. Semina comunia minora calida sunt ista quatour ut petroselini, cimini, nasturcii, apii. Fragmenta preciosiora sunt ista 5, zafiri, jacinti, rubini, smaraldi, granate. La dragma e figurata cosi e pesa dinari picholini sei over grani LX. Meza dragma se scrive cosi s over ½. Et dove troverai che dicha aureo he peso drama s. Lo scropulo se figura cose e pesa grani 20 di formento. La dragma e la octava parte de una onzia. L’onzia se scrive cosi ut cosi oc ut . Lo manipulo se scrive cosi m ut M ut a . El sazo pesa grani 30, dragma ½. Unzia est pondus viij drame ut xxiiij scropuli. Pugilus est mensur onzie iij. Aureus est drama js ut drama j in medicinis fortibus. *Molti rimedii per guarire la milza in divesi modi. Rx. suco di pan porcino, suco de cressoni, olio de oliva vechio, butiro fresco tanto del uno quanto del altro e ongi. *Item. Olio de spigo il terzo, cioe se ciascuna di queste cose sopra dette sia meza libra, lo olio di spigo sia due onze. *Item. Tanta cera nova che basti per potere a prendere ditte cose insieme et farai bolire tutte le sopra dette cose insieme con foco lento tanto che calino il quarto et con esso caldo ongiti il lato dela milza et poneli sopra un panno rosso caldo. La nota che se tu vorai guarire del dolore dela milza bisognia chel si guardi delle infra scritte cose, cioe da ogni ligumi, d’aceto, da carne porcina e da saba et da uva seccha. *Item. Foglia tamarise cotta in acqua et bibita ipsa acqua extenuat splen quando cortex tamarisii coquitur cum vino conforte spleni duro. Vinum decoctionis fraxini bibitum a ieiuno splen curat. Probatum est. *Unctiones per splene. Ungatur itaque splen ex dialtea et butiro recenti ad solem ut ad ignem patienti jeiuno. Aliter farina, ordei, seminis lini, fenugreci, ficus sicce, uve passe, temperentur in aceto, deinde buliantur, colentur, colatur e adetur cera et oleum et fiat unguentum qui splen inungatur. *Item. Molificatio splene detur ista acqua ad bibendum cum vino ut per se. Acqua optima decuoquatur in acqua radicum fenigreci, apii, piretri, sparagi et brusci, epatica, capillis veneris, politrici, adiantos, cetraccha, scolopendria, philipendula, cortices ut sumitates tamaricis et hec omnia ut per se ut cum vino detur si abominabilis patienti est calito zucharo fiat sirupus. Post mundificationem splenis inungatur splen melle et pulvis sinapis super aspergatur. Deinde post tres ut quatuor horas ventosa maxima super ponatur. Probatum est. *Ad opilationem splenis et epatis que procedit ex indigestionis. Rx. sterco di vacha secco et suco de ortica e ova no. 3 e olio comune del vecchio e solfaro et incorpora ogni cosa insieme et fane impiastro et mettilo nel locho del male. A mal de milza e di fegato e idropici et tene lo secreto, e dono datto da dio. *A male de milza. Torai una milza de bove et mettila in una caldaia con 2 sechii d’acqua et falla cocere et lassa consumare quasi tutta l’acqua. Poi piglia la milza cosi calda quanto poi patire involta in una pezza lina et mettila insu la milza inferma. Et quando sara fredda falla riscaldare sun la graticola et rimettila suso et cossi farai per 3 volte et questo farai la matina a digiuno senza intervallo stando coperto in letto. Doppoi piglierai olio de cappari e laurino et caldo ongi il loco della milza inferma et metteli sopra panni caldi et in brevi giorni si risolvera. Et li darai a bere questa bevanda. Rx. felese, marobio, savina e tamariso, ana m. uno, et falle bolire con bon vino bianco et fa che siano 9 bichieri et ogni matina ne piglia uno bichiere a ieiuno stomaco e presto, per dei gratia, guarirai. E de aprobata. -------- [Page 329] [Blank page]. -------- [Page 330] [Blank page]. -------- [Page 331] A stillare diverse compositione di fiori, erbe e radice per componere aque hodoriffere. Torai dele torte di rose stillate e che siano al quante morbidette et metele in uno mastello o altro vaso et meteli quella quantita che a te pare. Et meteli drento dele foglie di lauro e de aranci e de limoni o cedri et dele foglie di spigo o lavanda et altre erbe o radice hodoriffere e quella quantita che a te pare et che le siano tenere. Poi gli meterai sopra del aqua ben calda che calcandoli drento la sopra avanci al mancho quatro dita. Poi copri il vaso bene et metilo in loco chel stia caldo se’l si puo et lasselo stare cosi al manco 6 o 8 giorni tanto che bene se vengha a riscaldare insieme. Et ogni giorno la mesterai con un bastone o con le mane sotto sopra accio che ogni cosa si venga bene a incorporarsi insieme. Dopoi tu destillerai la dita composicione con che lambico tu vorai e se tu la destilli al lambicho di piombo, ella vera bono et hodoriffera. Ma se tu la destillerai al vetro al modo sopra detto, ella ti ussira migliore e piu chiara e piu hodoriffera. Et chi la vole chiara e bella bisogna darli il foco lento che la e molta periculosa da pigliare cativo seto como e di fumo o di cotto et che l’aqua venghi de altro colore che biancha. Et se per sorte se’l aqua ti venisse rossa inel distillarsi et volendo tu che ella fusse bianca, falla destillare un altra volta e ti riussira biancha, chiara e bella e hodoriffera e questo e ben vero che ella perde al quanto del suo hodore et tu l’aiuterai con le composicione. Et dela ditta aqua essendo recipiente de hodore tu ne potrai farne de molte sorte de hodori componendole con speciarie et con hodori aromatici et molto bona ti riussira. Item. Se tu vorai fare altre sorte de aque hodoriffere, stillerai queste foglie, radice e polvere, cioi torai foglie e talli tenerine de cedro, de limoni e de aranci et fane un suolo primo inel lambicho. Poi fali sopra un altro suolo de giglii bianchi. Poi meteli disopra polvere de garofani onze iij et polvere de irios onze ij et farai destillare con lento foco. Et se tu le destillerai a questo bagno maria, mai non sentisti il piu suave et dilicato hodore et questi suavi odori molto confortano la memoria. Poi che sera destillata la ditta aqua lassela stare al sole al manco 15 o 20 giorni acio chel sole melio la purifichi et li augumenta l’odore e diventa piu perfetta. Et fane la sperienta et troverai la verita perche l’o fatta io et molta migliore riesse che l’homo no pensa. Fala et vederai. Item a fare aqua de fiori de lavanda. Rx. li fiori di lavanda overo de spigo in quella quantita che a te pare et meteli in una bozza di vetro. Et meteli adosso aqua vite di 3 cotte tanto che stiano apeni coperti. Et lasseli costi al manco per 2 o 3 giorni e che stia in loco caldo e tienla ben serata intorno che non exali l’odore. Poi li meterai sopra aqua roxa che sopra avanza al manco 4 dita ali fiori et la ritura como di prima et lassela anche stare cosi per uno di naturale. Poi li meterai drento garoffani intieri e 2 noce moschate rotte. Poi meterai sopra ala bozza il suo capello et comodata in loco atto a destillare et sotto il suo recipiente e turato le congionture con peze line e con pasta che inel stillare non respiri niente. Et stilerai con lentissimo foco overamente la destillerai a bagno maria che sera meglio et riussira piu hodoriffera. Poi che serra destillata lassela stare al manco per 15 giorni al sole. Poi li meterai drento 2 o 3 grani di muscho masinato al solito modo et averai un aqua molta hodoriffera. -------- [Page 332] Aque hodoriffere a componere aqua d’angioli. Rx. aqua roxa lb. vj, aqua lanpha lb. iij, aqua di mortella lb. ij, aqua di triffoli o di lavanda lb. js, aqua di spigo o di basilico lb. j, e aqua di magiorana lb. s. Se tu torai le preditte aque stillate al bagno maria sempre serano migliori e piu hodoriffere che quelle che serano stillate al piombo como disopra e statto ditto, le quale siano purgate al sole et metele in vaso di vetro overamente in una zara ben polita drento. Et metivi drento queste sotto scritte speciarie, cioe canella fina, irios, ana onza j, storase sodo onze js, garoffani e sandali, ana onze ij, belgiuino e melegheta overo macalep, ana onze ijs, e noce moscate no. 2 e macis onza s e store liquido drame ij. Torai la canella, l’irios et belgiuvino, el gardamomo et macis et pesta li minutamente. Et il sandolo et le noce et il storace taglialo minutamente piu che tu poi. Et li garoffani lasseli cosi sono. Et ogni cosa tu meterai inela dita aqua. Poi farai bolire per una meza ora e ben coperta a bagno maria. Poi cavela et lassela al sole per 6 o 8 giorni et questa sera la tua aqua hodoriffera, bella e buona in tutta bonta. Et avolerla poi farla piu perfetta et di piu suave hodore, tu la colerai sutilmente et piglia la chiara e limpa et metila in uno fiasco di vetro perche meglio la si conserva e sta piu serrata et mettivi muschio grani 4 e anbracan grani 3 e zibetto grani 2 et tanta canfora quanto e un fasolo. Et ogni cosa sia bene masinato da sua posta con zucharo e 2 giozi di aqua vita di 3 cote. Con questo si masina il muschio et l’ambracan, el zibetto e la canfora vano masinato col zucaro fino et 2 o 3 giozi di olio di ben overo di mandole dolce overamente piglierai 2 o 3 mandole monde rompele et premilo date et con esso lo masinerai ogni cosa sutilmente. Et meterai ogni cosa inel fiasco con l’aqua et savazelo bene sotto sopra che ogni cosa bene se incorpori. Et turalo bene et lasselo stare al sole al manco 20 o 30 giorni et al manco una volta al giorno la savaza sotto sopra. Et a questo modo la te riussira molta perfetta et con grandissimo hodore et potra comparire inanti a ogni gran principe e signore. Et se tu l’avorai adoperare torbida, lassela stare in quello fiasco et se tu l’avorai chiara colela con una pezza sutila et averai l’aqua chiara e bella e hodoriffera. Et questa se adimanda aqua d’angioli overamente aqua imperiale et questo e rimesso in la tua discretione a farla bono o no. Tu ai la via aperta di farla bona e in te e rimesso la magiore et minore spesa et per avere onore larga la borsa et farai bona opera. Item. Un altra sorte de aqua d’angioli fata a un altro modo. Torai de l’aqua sopra detta fatta de foglie, polvere e radice et di quella fata de torte di roxe, ana lb. j, e aqua roxa lb. ij e lanfa lb. js e di mortella onze vj e triffolo e lavanda, ana onze iij, e spigo onze ij. Et meteli tutte insieme in fiasco et metivi drento queste cose, belzuino onza j, sandali onze js, storase sodo e legno aloe, ana onza s, garofani no. 20. Et roto ogni cosa grosso modo et farai bolire a bagno maria per ½ ora. Poi la colerai che la sia chiara et li agiongerai muscho grani 3, ambracan grani 2, zibetto grani j et siano masinati al modo ditto disopra. Poi rimeterai el dito fiasco chel sia ben coperto inel dito bagno per ½ ora ma non bola per niente. Poi fala stare al sole per 8 o 10 giorni et sera fatta, aqua d’angioli, hodoriffera, perfecta e bona e signorille. -------- [Page 333] Aque hodoriffere per fare aqua muschiata nobile et signorile. Rx. de l’aqua hodoriffera composta de torte de roxe lb. 2 e aqua roxa lb. 3 e aqua de triffolo lb. j e aqua di lavando onze viij e aqua de fior de spigo onze iiij. Et componeli insieme tutte in un fiasco et averai un aqua simplice e molta hodoriffera. Et se tu la vorai augumentare di hodore simplice, metivi drento queste cose, vz. irios onza s e sandali bianchi onza j, una noce moscata, belgiuino onze ij. Et ogni cosa sia tagliato grosso modo et 20 garofani cosi sani. Et ogni cosa meti in dita aqua e turela bene et mettila al sole al manco per 20 giorni et og[n]i di quando la e calda, mestela molto bene sotto sopra acio chel sole li dia l’odore componendosi a quel modo stuffata. Et a questo modo tu averai aqua hodoriffera molta mirabile, la quale si fara sentire dala longie. Et se tu la volesti muschiarla, colela prima ligermente con peza lina sutila, dico fissa che ella venghi chiara e non torbida. Et poi la rimetti in quello fiasco medemo. Torai muscho di levante, non falsificato, perche egli e meglio che non ne quelo di ponente, grani 4, e ambracan grani 2 et masinato sutilmente al solito modo con tanto zucharo fino quanto e una fava, il quale li da ma certa gratia che immediate lo fa incorporare et tutti li altri odori e presto con 3 o 4 gioce di olio di ben overo di mandola dolza, il quale lo potrai fare da te overo con aqua vita di 3 cote con 4 gioce e non piu. Et meti con la dita aqua et laverai con la dita aqua il mortaino et meti ogni cosa insieme et turalo et metilo al sole per 8 o 10 di et ogni di la rimena sotto sopra et averai un aqua di hodore molta cordiale et potra comparire inanti ad ogni nobil persona et sera chiara e lustra et sempre mantera bono odore. Item. Un altra compositione de aque hodoriffere per muschiarla. Torai aqua roxa lb. ij e aqua de roxe moschatelle stillate al vetro a bagno maria lb. j e aqua de fiori de aranci lb. iij e aqua di gelsomini onze vj et meti insieme in fiasco di vetro. Poi gli meterai drento muscho grani 4 e zibetto grani 2 overamente ambracan la quale e meglio acompagniata col muscho. Et masinato col suo zucaro al solito modo dito disopra et turela bene et lassela stare al sole per 15 o 20 giorni et sera fata, hodoriffera, bona e perfetta a tutte le prove et avera odore suave. Item. Un altro modo a componere aqua muschiata. Torai aqua roxa lb. iiij, aqua lanpha lb. ij, aqua di fiori di mortella lb. j. Et metile tutte in un fiascho, poi li meterai drento muscho e zibetto, ana grani 3, e polvere di cipri drama j, e belgiuino drame ij. Et ogni cosa sia ben masinato como e ditto disopra. Et coperta et messa al sole per 20 giorni et sera fatta, un aqua hodoratissima non mai piu un tale odore sentito, la quale ti fara honore. Item. Un altro modo a muschiare l’aqua roxa semplice. Et cossi tu potrai muschiare de tutte le altre sorte de aque hodoriffere, ciascheduna da per se sola overamente acompagnate como e dito di sopra. Torai aqua roxa lb. 8 e muscho grani v e garoffani no. 8 e belgiuino onza j. Et masinerai il muschio sul mortaino con tanto zucaro fino quanto e una fava con 3 gioci d’olio di mandole overo con aqua vite. Et meterai ogni cosa con la ditta aqua. Et se tu non vorai tore tutta l’aqua, pigliene la meta con le compositione drento et fala bolire al foco coperta overo al bagno maria poco piu di ½ ora. Poi la voterai cosi tiepida con l’altra et la incorpora bene. Turela et lassela al sole per 20 o 25 giorni et sera fatta, hodoriffera, nobile et signorille et potra comparere tra li altri hodori nobili e signorilli. -------- [Page 334] Aqua de scorze de aranci stillata al sole. Rx. deli pomi aranci al manco no. 10 et caveli la scorza in 4 parte et tutto quello grasso bianco che sta di drento, taglielo via et non pigliare se non la scorza gialda se si pole. Et quella la taglierai in 2 o 3 o 4 pecetti et infilzale con uno poco di reffo tutte una apresso l’altra. Et metti la dita filza in questa inchistara overo uno fiasco senza veste et la comodi drento che ella non tocha il fondo ne manco da niun lato. Et raccomanda il reffo in cima dela inchistara et farai in modo che da niuno lato non tocha. Poi la copri disopra con carta o altra cosa che non rifiata in niun modo. Poi meterai la dita inchistara al sole sun qualche finestra che ella abia sole dala matina ala sera se’l si puo. Et destillera quelle buccie qui in drento in quela inchistara et stillera una aqua chiara, dico chiarissima et sera molta hodoriffera et molta confortativa al celebro et rende suavissimo hodore. Et fatte che tu averai queste tu ne potrai farne dele altre e quante tu vorai. Et se per sorte non si potesse stillare in un giorno, rimetila al sole un altro giorno o piu giorni tanto che l’aqua sia distillata tutta. Et a questo segno le cognoserai che li scorce serano diventate nere e secche como se le fusseno statti atachate al foco. Et cavele fora con destreza et voderai l’aqua in altro vaso e tienlo ben serato et de man in mane voterai l’aqua. Serbela e tientela cara la quale a questa proprieta e virtu, vz. Nota se tu ne darai a bere a una creatura che stesse in transito di morte per causa de vermi onze 2 o piu al quanto tiepida, presto lo fa ritornare et amaza li vermi. Questo e di provata. Et etiam per il suo suave odore, se la donna overamente l’homo poi chel se avera lavato le mane, el viso e sutto chel sera, ne piglia um poco in mano dela ditta aqua et bagnasi il viso et lassa sugare da se, tu sentirai un odore per tutto quel giorno che molto ti piacera et chi lo sentira molto li piacera l’odore. Et se la donna questa aqua frequentera sopra ale sue carne, molto la li piacera et non vora doperare altri beletti per bianchimento, tanto e propicia a imbianchire la carne et maxime quella dela donna. Et anche di questa ne fatta sperienza. Et cosi tu potrai stillare al sole a questo modo quello che tu vorai, como e fiori e violi, gelsomini et altri erbe gientile como e eufragia, erba stella la quale aqua si dopera ali occhii et altre cose gentile a tua fantasia et se tu terrai l’ordine sopra detto, tutte le cose ti riussirano et ne averai honore. -------- [Page 335] Aque stillate comune, alcune sue virtu aprobate. Farai prima la destillatione che tu vorai fare de erbe, fiori e radice stillate al lambicho di piombo como tu vedi, overamente lambichi fati di terra cotta e bene invetriati di drento e di fora che molti se ne usano e fano bona aqua meglio che non fa il piombo. Ma non te partire dela destillatione del vetro et maxime quella del bagno maria quella e unica sopra a tutte le altre destillatione. Poi ve la destillatione del sole la quale e debile distillatione, cioe poco per volta per fare qualche aqua da occhii overo qualche prova. Et perche noi parliamo dela destillatione de lambichi di piombo, noi li metaremo qui in dissegno accio che tu possi vedere l’ordine el modo como son fatti e come stanno. Vz. Nota dele erbe quando le vorai destillare fa che tutte le erbe siano mature, cioe che entrano inel fiorire. Et riccogliele chel sole abbia risutta la guaza. Et tenendo quest ordine tutte le tue aqui si conserverano bone e perfette e durerano longo tempo. Et cosi al contrario, se tu le stillarai tenere avanti che siano mature, le aque non durano et presto si corompano et l’aqua diventa lumacosa e vischosa. Et alora bisogna romperla e ricolarla overamente restillarla un altra volta. Vero e che l’aqua non e in quella perfecione che era prima, ma e bona. -------- [Page 336] Le virtu de alcune aque stillate. Et prima diremo dela acqua di gramigna la quale ha questa proprieta di fare crepare et morire li vermi, bevendone in quantita. Et apre le oppilatione dela milza, del fegato et del polmone et provocha l’orina, datta a bere la matina per tempo un bichiero a modo de syropo. Et a de molte altre virtu et maxime e propicia ale creature piccole per bachi et febre. Item. L’aqua di absintio purga lo stomacho, leva ogni colera, occide li vermi, bevta la matina e calda. Item. L’aqua di boragine leva ogni alteration di testa, purga la reuma e fa bon sangue e conforta il core e quello vale grando, bevta la matina per tempo a digiuno stomaco. Item. L’aqua di viole leva ogni alteratione di testa, purga la reuma e fan bon sangue et allegra il core e conforta i nervi, bevta con vino la matino overo d’ogn’ ora. Item. L’aqua di finochio bevta la matina conforta lo stomacho, purga il celebro, leva la ventosita e tole il dolore et le lachrime et ogni obscurita de occhii, lavandosi con essa et bevta la matina. Item. L’aqua di eufragia apre la via deli occhii e conforta la veduta et purga lo humore che puo venire et purga lo fegato e le rene, la vissicha et le intestine, mondifica lo stomaco, presa la matina a stomaco digiuno et lavandosi li occhii. Item. L’aqua dela schabiosa appre lo petto et rimove la passione e rompe la postema di drento. Haiutta la virtu di tutto il corpo, fa bon stomaco, mondifica lo fegato e la milza e il polmone et zova ala tosse, al catarro et al dolore dele arterie et aiutta mandare fuori, bevta la matina tiepida a modo de syropo uno bichiere. Item. L’aqua di agrimonia leva ogni debilita di stomacho e conforta li nervi e aiutta lo spirito e mondifica lo fegato e tole ogni passione del core et conforta lo celabro, bevta con bonissimo vino uno bichiero la matina per tempo al quanto tiepida. Item. L’aqua di sassifragia conforta lo stomacho, apre le vie dele rene et purga lo fegato et mondificha lo polmone et appre la via de l’orina et rompe la pietra inele rene et nella vissicha la spinge fora, bevta con bon vino calda la matina per tempo. Item. L’aqua di melissa purga lo fegato e lo stomacho, el polmone et la durezza dela milza et conforta il core e tole la puza dela boccha et dele zenzive e leva ogni fastidio delo stomacho et lo purga, bevta da digiuno. Item. L’aqua di ysopo bevta calda e bona contra ala tosse et ala frigidita dela testa e delo stomacho. E suga ongi reuma del capuo e dele zenzive et dela boccha, bevta sera e matina. Item. L’aqua di ruta vale contra ad ogni machia deli occhii, lavandosi con essa et mirabilmente conforta la vista et strenge le lachrime, lavandosi la matina per tempo. Item. L’aqua di piantagine stringe lo fluxo del ventre e stiticha e leva. E leva la inflamatione del polmone e dela milza e guarisse li ydropici e leva ogni inflamation overo inflation di drento, bevta calda con vino la matina per tempo a modo de syropo. Item. L’aqua di solatro vale al riscaldamento di fegato et rinfregierativa, bevta con vino la matina a digiuno stomaco. Item. L’aqua di corezola ut centonodi tole ogni passione del core e rassuga la milza, il fegato e il polmone e stringe lo ventre e de contra morso velenoso, bevta al suo tempo la matina calda. Et mondifica le putredine dele piaghe et per la scolation della sperma. Item. L’aqua di pantafilon, id est i cinque foglie, vale a provochare l’orina et la materia dela ravanella et molto zova alla febre quartana. E di provata bevta calda. -------- [Page 337] Lattovaria per la memoria. Rx. rose rosse drame vj, ciperi drame v, garofilorum, masticis, spicie, assari, ana drame iij, cinamomi, croci, ana drama j, et tutte queste cose siano ben peste e crivelsate et siano cotte con lb. j emblicuorum et con lb. 7 di acqua comune. Et falla bolire tanto che consumi la terza parte. Poi la cola et mettivi sopra lb. j di mele purgato et lasselo cosere tanto chel diventi spesso. Poi li metti sopra le sopra dette polvere et mesta bene con una spatola di salcio o legno di cedro tanto che siano bene incorporate et metteli sopra drama j di muscho et neli darai la matina e la sera quanto e una nocie con bono vino bianco odoriffero e inacquato. Item a fare buona et aprensibile memoria im pocho tempo in modo che legendo la sera uno grande sermone la matina la vorai tutto in memoria. Vz. Rx. 8 bichieri di acqua comune e foglie d’alloro, stichados, ana onze ij, et falle bolire tanto che calli piu dela metta. Poi la cola et stricha bene le foglie al torchietto et poi vi metterai uno poco di trementina ben lavata et prima ti laverai il capo con bona liscia et sutto che e con questo onto ongiti le tempie. Et e cosa provata. Item a fare una memoria profunda et perpetua et velocissima et aprensiva et e quello unguento mirabile che usava papa giovanni et papa urbano. Vz. Rx. radice di lingua bovina, radice di valeriana minore, ana onze iiij, radice di ruta onze ij et fane polvere sotilissima. E poi torai mirolla di anacardio onza j e falla in polvere sotile. Rx. tasticuli di castoro che abbi 2 anni onza j et lingue avis ben polverizate onze ij et mescola insieme con la polvere del anacardio et testiculi del castoro et lingua avis. Tutte le predette cose mescola insieme si licet il suchio et le polvere. Et poi piglierai una pigniatta di terra invetriata e mettila a foco et mettivi drento del grasso d’orso et falo strugiere. Et a poc a poco mettivi dentro le polvere con i suchi e mestando sempre et metendovi del ditto grasso tanto che si faci unguento sotilissimo. Et poi con questo ongiti le tempie et le parte dela memoria et la fronte et la parte della collorora et questo farai 3 o 4 volte l’anno et continuando et cossi ongendo in diversi tempi. E quando uno e grandemente difettuoso nella memoria, ungeralo qual piu et qual manco segondo vederai il bisognio. Ad idem. Rx. herba la quale si chiama ranchata e fattone acqua con al quanti granelli di pepe longho. Mescolatovi et mettila al sole ardente per 15 o 20 giorni. Poi ne caverai li grani del pepe et l’acqua di novo la metterai al sole quanto ti pare che stia bene fatto. Questo quando vorrai tutte 2 le tempie, el celebro e i polsi delle mani bagnali e frega molto bene e questo farai 2 volte al mese secondo che sara bisognio poterai fare. Et quando vorrai con piu presteza dare opera allo studio voglio che la sera tu bevi uno mezo bichieri di questa acqua e medesimamente bagni i polsi. *Item a fare bona voce. Rx. ysopo et cocilo in acqua con mele e fichi sechi et dela ditta decotione bevene et discacia la tosse e schiara la voce, sana il polmone et il petto per li humori che discendano dal capo. Et bevendone spesso fa bon collore in facia. *Lattovario ad clarificandum vocem. Rx. ysopi, baccas lauri, ana onze iiij, yreos onze ij, liquiritia onza j, calamenti onze ij, piretri, zenziberis, ana onze js, cinamomi assi onza j, piperis rute onza j, mellis quod suficit. *Seme de caule trite con mele sana la tosse. -------- [Page 338] [Blank page]. -------- [Page 339] Per fare bona voce per cantare, confetto apropriato. Rx. zuccharo bianco lb. j e fiori di sambucho che siano nette onze iiij. Tagliale col coltello minute et pestale in mortaio molto minutamente. Poi li metti drento il zuccharo et pestalo et lo incorpora bene et sera come confetto overo zuccharo rosato. Poi lo metterai in uno alberello vitriato e coprilo con carta peccora et falli sopra 4 o 6 buchi con la punta del coltello et lasselo al sole per 10 o 15 giorni. Et una volta al giorno lo mesterai con una steccha. Et del preditto lattuario l’userai la matina subbito che sei levato. Et questo ti fara bonissima voce et ti mantenerai senza fatica et fara bonissimo stomacho. Overamente tu farai secchare dele preditte fiore di sambucho et ne farai polvere sutilissima et quella conserva in sachetto netto et ne beverai uno chugiaro la matina per tempo con onze iij di bonissimo vino bianco caldo a modo de syropo, il quale ti fara una bonissima voce et ti confortera lo stomaco et incittera orina assai et ti dara bono apetitto. Item a mantenere la voce bona. Rx. garofani e zibebo, ana grani 4 et 2 granelli di pepi et tieneli in boccha comincia la mattina di bon ora et ingolla il salivo dela sua substantia et tienli in boccha piu che tu poi. Poi li getta fora et nettati la boccha per mezora avanti che tu voglii cantare. Et per avere confortato la canna delo stomacho el ti fara una bonissima voce, ferma e chiara, et questo lo continua ogni 8 giorni una volta. Item alla voce impedita per catarro o altro impedimento. Rx. del succo de cavoli et mele, ana lb. j, et mettilo a schiarire al foco con uno chiaro d’ovo ben sbattuto et quando vole aprire il bollo, colalo sutilmente. Poi lo rimetti a ribollire tanto chel venghi alla sua perfectione dela cotta che la gioza stia ferma sun l’ongia. Allora levelo et quello conserva chel sera fatto in uno alberello. Poi tu ne piglierai la sera et la matina uno cugiaro per volta et questo tu farai per 15 o 20 giorni et molto ti diffendera del catarro et te lo fara spudare e presto et ritornerati la bona voce, chiara et senza altro impedimente. Et sapiti conservare del vivere tuuo. Non mangiare cose troppo ontuose et ogni cosa farai bene. Item a recuperare la voce persa per catarro o tosse o per voce rauchita, confetto mirabile. Rx. cinamomi electi onza j, melegette, cubebarum, ana drame ij, una noce moschata, spice nardi onza s, rigulitie munde onze ij, zucchri fini lb. j. Et ongi cosa sia pesto suttilmente et incorpora a lento foco et farai lattovario in bona forma. Et di questo tu ne piglierai la sera quando vai a dormire et la matina per tempo drame iij per presa. Ma in questi giorni tanto che tu te ristauri el ti conviene che tu mangi poco et bevi manco e vino piccolo et a questo modo tu non sentirai tanto il catarro ne la tosse et farai bonissima voce como di prima. Et non preterire l’ordine sopra ditto et averai lo intento tuo. Et etiam potrai tore di questa polvere con vino la matina per tempo. Rx. isopo, zenzero e rigolicia, ana onza j, et gomma rabicha onza s et farai ogni cosa in polvere suttilissima et quella conserva per torla la matina uno cugiaro con onze iij di vino bono bianco et se’l sera tiepido tanto piu presto riaverai la voce ferma e salda. Item cirotto per mettere in cima al capo quando fusse sotto posto a quale li catarro o a tosse o ad altri impedimenti. Rx. rassina bianca onze ij, garoffani, zenzero, ana onza s, e 2 noce moschate et queste cose siano fatte im polvere suttile. Et metti la rasa a distruggere et componi ogni cosa insieme a lentissimo foco tanto chel venghi in modo de cirotto. Et distendilo sul sovatto et radi in cima alla testa et mettilo suso che sempre vi stia suso per al quanti giorni et vederai mirabile effetto chel te ritornera bonissima voce. -------- [Page 340] Pillole per mantenere la voce. Rx. aloe sucotrino infuso in acqua de marobbio per 6 ori onze ij et zuccharo candido onze js e zaferano scropulo j e agarico optimo drame ij e succo de marobbio onza j et incorpora bene ongi cosa insieme con gran diligentia et farai pasta et ne farai pilole et fale sugare. Et quelle conserva et pigliane la sera quanto vai a dormire una o 3 piccole e ti fara bona voce. Item. Pilole per fare bona voce. Rx. liquiricia munda onze ij et zucchari albi onze vj, draganti, amidi, amigdalarum purgatarum, ana scrupuli iijs, spetierum diadraganti scrupuli ij et formentur pillole conquassate di mucilagine seminis persechi ut semen cotoneorum et facut supra. Item. Lattuario per la voce. Rx. sucum porri et caulium, ana drame ij, et melis spumati onze vj et fac bulire usque ad consumationem sucorum. Postea adiantur, peniculi, dragantis, zucchari candidi, ana drama j, cubebarum, granarum, croci, succi liquiritie, mirrha electa, ana drama j, et subtilissime pulverizentur et fiat electuarium et quello conserva et la matina ne piglierai quanto e una castagna e ti fara una bonissima voce. Item a fare una bonissima voce intonante et ferma. Rx. dattillorum, uve passe, liquiritie munde et radica enula campana, ana onze iij, acquarum isopi onze vj et cappillorum veneris onze iiij, et ogni cosa tu farai destillare al lambicco di vetro con lentissimo foco et beverai dela ditta acqua la sera quando vai a dormire onze ij che la sia al quanto calda et continuandola la ti fara una bonissima voce, ferma e salda per cantare. [Folio 140 is missing]. -------- [Page 341] [One drawing]. A stillare l’aqua vite et l’ordine che si tiene a farla perfetta et con le sue virtu. Et prima diremo de l’ordine et modo che se a atenere affare questa aqua vite et deli vasi accio atti per la destillatione perche se tu la farai inel sotto scritto modo porta con esso seco tutte le sotto scritte virtu, impero che questo e uno elexir vite parangonato al optimo balsamo oltra ale virtu sue inel corpuo humano. Et se tu la saperai conservare inele sue destillatione mai non serai pover homo. Notta il presente ritratto. Vz. La principale cosa che tu ai affare. Farai fare di terra un vaso tondo como tu vedi qui dinanti in figura disegnato. E non piu grosso di terra di uno ditto grosso con uno ritegno di drento 2 dita sopra alla finestrella disotto et di largheza un dito grosso et venghi paro. Poi farai fare uno vaso di rame e sutile il fondo alto 2 o 3 dita piu che la torretta et possa il fondo sopra alorlo di drento et vada al intorno ben suggellata la quale andera piena di aqua calda. Et drento andera la bozza con sopra il suo capello. Et sotto la sua lucerna accesa messa in quella bucha con uno pezo di tegola dinanti per serame et quella sempre arda di e notte. Poi fatto ordinato et preparato tutti li preditti stuillii prepara il vino. Dico che tu pigli vino nero non biancho se ne poi avere se non piglia del biancho ma il nero overo rosso sempre e meglio. Et sia che vino si vole fa chel sia bono e grande fumoso et naturale senza aqua. Et sapi con piu egli e grande egli e megliore fa piu aqua et la fa piu potente e fumosa e hodoriffera. Adunque piglierai del preditto vino et mettilo inela bozza fa la meza o poco piu et turela bene. Poi metilo in putrefatione, cioe lo prepara a questo modo. Metendolo per 12 o 15 giorni in mezo dela cenere calda et ogni giorno agiongendone um poca di calda et sempre agitando il vino, movendo lo sotto sopra. Et facendo sempre destramente che la bozza no si rompa. Et se tu non lo vorai lassare inela cenere, metilo inel litame di cavallo e chel stia in loco caldo per 15 giorni perche…. -------- [Page 342] in capo al dito tempo tu lo meterai a distillare. Et quanto piu il vino e migliore, piu vale a ogni cosa si come nel hodore, sapore et le sue virtu si lauda. Poi meterai la preditta bozza col vino drento inel preditto vaso di rame cosi caldo et mettivi drento del aqua tiepida tanto chel vaso venghi pieno et quella comoda bene che ella non si rimova da niun lato. Et farai ogni cosa con destreza. Poi gli meterai sopra il suo capello alla bozza et intorno ala commissura metivi una fassa inpastata et la comodi bene che per quella via non possi niente sfiatare overo li meterai altri stuchi intorno che sia atto a ritenere li spiriti che per quella via non exalano. Et gli comoderai sotto il suo recipiente chel possa e chel stia siccuro. Et infassato bene intorno ala congiuntura con fassa como e ditto disopra che la sia ben luttata o con pasta o terra creta che li spiriti non possono per quella via exalare. Poi meterai sotto la sua lucerna overo altro vaso atto accio a fare lo efetto che fa la lucerna la quale lucerna sia al quanto grandetta di tenuta al manco di una lb. de olio et lo pavero overo lucignolo sia al quanto grosetto del pari del dito mignolo o meno o piu secondo che a te parera. Et metila drento al finestrino inel mezo chel foco batti inel mezo del fondo dela calderina di rame, accio che la scaldi bene l’aqua. Et per quella via il vino si venghi a distillare et fare perfetta aqua vite. Poi meterai dinanti ala bocca dove e la lucerna una matonella che tenghi serrato ma non stuffato che ella non arderebe et il caldo stara li drento et fara destillare pian piano perche cosi vole la sua regula del destillare l’aqua vite, perche destillando piu forte non faria perfetta aqua vite chel ne ussirebe el corpo mescolato con lo spirito, impero che noi ricerchiamo di disseparare lo spirito dal corpo et pero ricercha de fare destillare lentamente et non gli levare mai disotto la lucerna ne di ne notte. Ma vedendoli il suo bisogno non li manchare volendo che larda et sempre l’opera tua stara calda ugualmente e sempre distillera. Et quando vorai mutare, levali il foco et lassa raffredare bene et lavora ut maneza destramente accio che tu non rompa i struigli. Nota quando farai la prima cotta et che tu ne averai cavato tutta la sustantia delo spirito et niente de spirito e rimasto dentro inel corpo, facendo questi saggi a questo modo, vz. Torai uno poco di carta et bagnela in ditta aqua destillata a questo bagno maria, cioe inel ultima che a te pare che ella non sia cosi bona como era la prima che ne veniva et atachali drento il foco l’aqua abrusera et la carta rimara bagnata. Et la 2 distillatione tu bagnerai la carta et atacali drento il foco. L’aqua brusera et lassera la carta ascutta. Et se farai questo inela 3 distillatione, il brusera l’aqua e la carta tutto a un trato et questo sera segno che la e tutto spirito e non ve drento niente di corpo che per la longha distillatione e venuta tutta in i spirito como tu ai veduto adunque la ditta aqua vite e andatta dove la pole essere in tutta bontade. Et se tu l’avorai piu potente la potrai distillare la 4, la 5, la 6 e la 7 volta et sera perfetta et se tu rivera ala 10 distillatione che pochi li agionge perche molta se ne perde ella sera perfetissima et optima. Dico uno optimo elexir vite a parangonata al balsomo inele sue proprieta. Nota che la prima aqua distillata la e bona da bere cosi simplice e schieta et tutte le altre che succedeno dele altre distillatione, non ne bona da bere cosi schitta perche consumarebe drento le interriora e mazarebe l’homo la quale e bona da bagnare solamente di fuora via et medicare…. -------- [Page 343] tutte le infermita de i corpi humani operando che [c]ome inel ditto modo qui disotto se dira apieno inele sue virtu. Questo e ben vero che pocha se ne trova di questa sorte perche la e di troppo spesa, tedio, faticha et fastidio. Et questa e opera da persone grande, nobile et signiorille che non guardano a spesa ne a faticha et vogliano che la si faccia e costa quelche vole. Et questo basta aver detto di questa sorte aqua vite la quale e fatta di perfetissimo vino e a bagno maria et non ne como l’altra aqua vite usuale fatta de vino putrido como in ultimo del capitolo se dira di quella che vendano li spetiali. Et etiam ne sol farne quelli nostri R[everen]di P[rio]ri frati yesuati. Dico dela bona avantagiata e perfetta perche li metano gran diligentia in cavarne solamente la sustantia impero che per bere non a pari e de sicura e senza malicia. Nota che quando tu la voi mutare, fa di avere sempre una o 2 bozze col vino drento che stiano sempre in putrefatione ut in circulatione, accio che subito che averai cavata una bozza dal foco che subito abbia l’altra aparechiata et metila inela caldarina del bagno et metteli sopra aqua tiepida accio che presto si scalda con la lucerna et ha questo modo verai a fare presto e bene la tua distillatione. Et quella che resta inela bozza cavato che tu ne averai la sustantia non ne piu bona. Giettela via et dico dela prima distillatione. Ma dela 2 e 3 e 4 et piu distillatione quella e bona da metere sopra al vassello dove sta drento l’aceto, impero che quella la fa forte e potente e pero questa non ne da butarla via. Et etiam quella che resta del vino la si svole adoperare maxime quelli che tingano li corami overo cordovani quande la e de vino nero. Incomincia le virtu dela sopra detta aqua vite ut aqua argente aprobata da piu persone come cotidianamente experientie grande se ne vede dela prima, seconda et terza distillatione. Nela prima distillatione la arde et non consuma ne arde il panno ma lo lassa humido e bagnato. Et nela seconda distillatione arde et non consuma il panno ma lo lassa ascutto e secco. Et nela terza distillatione arde et consuma intieramente il panno. Et nela quarta distillatione la i e molta potente e forte. Et quante piu volte la si vino vera inela distillatione, tanto piu sera ella forte e potente di sorte che inela septima distillatione consumera ogni cosa che a lei gli sera applicato. La virtu dela prima distillatione e che se tu ti lavasti 3 volti la faccia e il naso et che tu ne metta drento una pocha inel naso raferma l’ascesa et conforta il cervello et fa venire chiaro il vedere, et conforta li nervi retratti. Et lavandoti le parte exterriore del capo, conforta la memoria et tutte le virtu de l’anima. Et se tu porrai di qual si voglia sorte de speciarie in ditta aqua o fiori o erbe di qual si voglia sorte e che siano trite per i spacio di 2 ore o piu et tirera asse tutta quella virtu e substantia. Cl[er]o a una mensa tu potrai dare il vino garoffonato et salviato et de simiglianti hodori. Et se tu porrai poi che averai composta la ditta aqua 3 o 4 giocce in uno bichiere di vino dara nel bichiere il sapore di quella cosa che tu li avera messo drento et si mantera il suo hodore, et rende lo apetitto, et conforta lo stomaco, pigliandone la matina et nela sera. Et rode la flemma che e inela boccha delo stomaco et consuma il cativo fiato o venga dalo stomacho o pur dala testa, pigliandone 2 volte al giorno con una certa quantita di vino et presto lo rissana. -------- [Page 344] Et nissuno freddo veleno non se li potra aproximare, si como e il ragno terreste, serpente, moscha o scorpione, anci che ponendo una pezza bagnata in ditta aqua sopra al serpe et simili animali velensoi subito se ne moiano etiam che non li toccano et el simigliante fa d’ogni altro veleno freddo. Et lavando il morso del ragno o del serpente piu volte con la ditta aqua lo guarisse et bevendone al quanto con del vino et e equasi de una simile virtu quale e il balsamo et la triaccha magiore. Et se’l si lavera la tigna o le scabie 2 volte al giorno molto la le dissecha. Et metendo in la ditta aqua uno poco di lissiva et lassandola stare cosi un di e una notte et dipoi tu ne potrai mettere 2 o 3 giozze inel orecchia et disubbito cessa quello rumore che li svole spesso advenire. Et se per sorte alcuno metesse in la ditta aqua dela giemandria qual fusse tanto al peso como la ditta aqua et oltertanto di sangue humano et lasassi stare ogni cosa insieme per un di e una notte et dopoi ne meterai 3 o 4 giocce nel orecchia sorda et questo farai per 3 o 4 volte et sera liberato dala sordagine et da qualunque causa sia che proceda et questa cura si fa con herbe in la stuffa secca. Et sana ogni dolore di dente quando procede da humori freddi e vero chel vi sia il verme et humori che caschano inela radice di denti lavandosi con essa. Et cura la passione paraliticha et ogni infermita de nervi, lavandosi con essa. Et la ditta aqua e di tanta penetracione che ponendone una giozza nel mezo dela mano, disubbito e senza offesa alcuna ti penetrara la mano. Et rissana la infiassone di piedi et dele gambe et de gionture, lavandosi con essa. Et restringe ogni infermita che venisse per causa fredda o flematicha overo da sangue putrefatto purche la si sappia usare secondo il modo sopra detto. Ma nota che la ditta aqua sempre riman chiara, dico charissima, et e eccelente sopra a ogni grado et e de molta eccelente che trove si possa al giudicio mio. Queste proprieta sopra scritte et queste sotto scritte tutte sono proprieta e virtudel aqua vite overo aqua argente, le quale tutte sono aprobate. Vz. Imprima ella sana tutte le passione le quale afliggano il corpo nostro et questo dico se queste tale aflitione procedano per causa de freddi humori. Et se la passione fusse drento el se ne da ha bere al paciente in tanta quantita quanta staria in un gusso di avelana mescolata con uno bichiere di vino bianco bono. Et se la passione sera di fora, ongeti con la ditta aqua con vino mescolata como e ditto. Et bevendone la matina a digiuno 2 o 3 gioce mescolata con vino bianco et non trapassi la misura fara l’homo pur assai allegro. Et ancora sana il putrido fiato, il cui fettore viene dalo stomaco. Et ancora sana il male caducho, bevendone como di sopra e detto et ongendosene il capo. Item. Vale assai contra ala paralesia de membri tremanti, bevedone et ongendosi al sopra detto modo et etiam bisogna che lo infermo tenga una pezetta bagnata in ditta aqua sopra ala sua lingua perche molto la ristaura et li rende la favella. E nota che nele infermita naturale non a virtu alcuna eccetta a alcuna hora. Item. Metendo dela ditta aqua inel mosto presto lo rischiara et fallo bello e chiaro. Item. Vale contra al male dela pietra quando ella sia causata da humori freddi et sia nele rene o nela vessicha, bevendo dela ditto aqua como di sopra e detto. -------- [Page 345] Item. Vale contra al dolore deli testiculi quando e occassionato da humori freddi. Et ancora advertisse che la ditta aqua e de 2 sorte, cioe semplice e mescolata. Semplice la e quando e senza mescolamento de altra cosa per drento et debi si cossi simplizamente operare, cioe senza vino o aqua bere, la quale e inestimabile gloria di tutte le medicine, madre et signora, i cui mirabili efetti sono contra a tutte le passione fredde. Et questa aqua in conclusione, sana tutte le passione fredde purche l’homo sapia usare la sua virtu perche accostandola al foco disubito arde. Et questa sie la sua misura e quantita quando tu ne vorai pigliarne, pigliane una dragma per insino in 2 e piu et meno secundo chel paciente ne avera di bisogno. Item. Vale contra al dolore del capo etiam chel sia anticho et ti netta il capo dela furfura et rissana tutte le piaghe dela schabia del capo, lavandoselo ogni di con essa aqua et da aiutto grandemente ala memoria. Et vale a quel male chel volgo lo chiama lunaticho, bevendone como ditto e et ongendoti il capo et quella molto odora col naso. Et se tu distempererai uno poco de triacha fina in ditta aqua et pigliandola la matina a digiuno stomaco 2 o 3 volte et falo in piu volte ti rissanera perfettamente e bene. Item. Vale perfettamente al male dela gocciola aministrata como disopra e detto. Et sana la facia et li altri membri, lavandosi con essa. Et vale contra ala paralesia dela lingua, bevendone inel sopra ditto modo et li terai sopra la peza bagnata como e ditto disopra et fallo tante volte che basti ala sanita et serai sanato perfettamente. Item. Vale se alcuno avesse la faccia torta per disgratia o per alcuni impedimenti al improviso como ad alcuni a caschar svole. El ti bisogna ongerti la faccia con ditta aqua et dariene a bere inel sopra ditto modo e presto guarira. Item. Vale contra ala malinconia, pigliandone ogni matina una meza dragma a stomaco digiuno con uno poco di bono vino hodoriffero et molto ralegra la persona. Item. Vale contra a l’asimo, bevendone con la dicotione de fichi et rigolicia. Item. Vale contra al dolore delo stomaco flematico, ventoso et malinchonico. Item. Vale contra ala oppilatione del fegato et dele rene piu che ogni altra medicina. Item. Vale contra ali dolori colici venuti da humori flematici e ventosi, bevendone et usandola in fartene christieri. Item. Vale contra ala febre quartana purche la sia mescolata con queste proprieta dele erbe, cioe dele proprieta de fiori et dele radice dele quale fa di bisogno a tale infirmita et datela avanti che li venga la febre e presto lo rissanera. Item. Vale contra ala sterelita la quale e causata per frigidita ma non di meno prima si debe avere la debita sua purgasone. Item. Discacia il veleno a chi fusse percosso da mercurio, beva dela ditta aqua insieme con del olio lattino et con essa ongha li membri offesi. Et lavando con essa la ferrita li giovera pur assai. Item. Raconza il vino e la cieto riducendoli ala sua pristina bonta, ponendovene drento una pocha et dela migliore che tu possi fare o presto ritornera. Et li suoi effetti fora del corpo humano sono etiam piu assai perche bagnando con ditta aqua qual si voglia cosa et disubito arde. Et etiam tutte quelle cose che sono sopra scritte sono tutte vere se tale aqua sera fata al modo sopra scritto in sino ala 10 destillatione et tutte aprobate dela preditta aqua et del olio philosophorum si como e scritto nel libro de perfetti maestri. -------- [Page 346] Ritorniamo ale sue virtu dela preditta aqua vite ut aqua argente. Poi che la ditta aqua sera distillata al sopra ditto modo tu vedrai un aqua chiarissima, biancha et nobile et non pocha virtuuosa. Ma egli e da sapere che la prima aqua distillata doppo il primo vapore ella e galiardissima e de molto piu preciosa che le altre subsequente e de meglio in ogni virtu di bonta, le quale acqua quanto piu per la medema distillatione sera replichata tanto piu ella sera virtuosa. Et in queste distillatione quante piu volte tu la distillerai tanto piu ne perderai perche in se stessa la si consuma per la evaporatione. Como seria a dire di una corba overo di uno barile di vino in la prima distillatione con faticha se ne cavera dela bona la quarta ut quinta parte. Et questo e ben vero che di essa prima molte son magnie le sue virtu. Si como dicano li philosophi li quali sono statti li primi inventori a trovare il modo et l’ordine di farla inel modo sopra detto. Et la cui doctrina prima fu havta per rivelatione di uno certo spirito lo quale si chiamava Raphaelle, cioe medicho de dio, la quale aqua opera cose molte maravigliose. Et sapi questo che de diece misure che tu metera alla distillatione egli e per consueto di riussirne la decima parte o poco piu e questo egli e ben vero che se’l vino sera buono potente e galliardo et stillato al modo sopra detto el ne riussira li 2 parte, cioe la quinta parte che sarebe anche assai. Et questo se intendi inela prima distillatione del vino. Et dipoi se tu restillerai la seconda volta queste 2 misure el te ne riussira una misura como seria la meta di quella quantita che tu li averai messo a distillare inel distillatorio. Et se tu l’avorai distillare un altra volta quella parte che tu hai cavata in la seconda distillatione et distillandola terza volta e con bon modo de 5 misure tu ne caverai 4. Et se tu l’avorai distillare la quarta volta et con bon modo, tu ne caverai tanta quanta tu ne metesti inel distillatorio o poco mancho. Ma se tu desideri di venire ala summa perfectione, tu la distillerai la quinta, la sesta et la settima volta et volta per volta la ti andera calando o’l tanto o quanto arispetto ale tramutacione de uno vaso in l’altro inel distillarla. Et in questa septima distillatione tale aqua e chiamata perfecta perche opera cose molto mirabile et degne. Ma la decima distillatione che pochi sono quelli chi li rivano la e chiamata molta perfetissima perche ella nobilita et lustra tutte le cose. Prima item. Per la grande faticha e spesa inele comune medicine, faciamo l’aqua al modo gia ditto di sopra perche la misura sua sie dragmi una fina in ij o piu, secondo la virtu delo infermo. 2. Item. Vale se uno se onge i peli o capelli overo panni lini o lani et che se acostino al foco pur di una candela accesa incontinente quella tal cosa se infiamma et arde senze che si consumi la cosa bagnata et questo adiviene de ogni altra materia del che e cosa maravigliosa che arda l’aqua et non la cosa bagnata con la ditta aqua. Et tiene in longo la canuteza usando dita aqua. 3. Item. Secondariamente l’ovo dela galina posto in la ditta aqua presto si cosano. Et il torlo del ditto ovo metendolo in la ditta aqua subbito si rassoda. 4. Item. Se’l fusse posto in ditta aqua erbe o altra cosa et sia che si voglia tal aqua pigliera l’odore di tal cose poste. 5. Item. Ponendo dela ditta aqua um poca in una botte di vino vermiglio o bianco e chel fusse debole lo fa diventare molto piu galliardo chel non era prima et questo procede per l’alteza dela sua potentia. Et per questa causa li taverneri cioe li hosti possono guadagnare assai comperando vini di poco polso et facendoli piu forti galliardi et potenti con la ditta aqua vite. 6. Item. Se’l vino sera coropto o guasto inel vassello et pongasi drento a discretione um poco dela preditta aqua vite dipoi si sbatta bene da per tutto con un bastone secundo che far si svole et racconzerai il ditto vino et se li levera via ogni malitia in modo chel se lo vendera per buono. -------- [Page 347] 7. Item. Se per sorte fusse uno che avesse preso per qual si voglia modo il veleno freddo como e quello del scorpione o de altri animali questa preditta aqua ismorza il preditto veleno con il suo ardore et calore et li toglie il vitio dela sua frigidezza et rissana l’homo avelenato. 8. Item. Se uno bevera una pocha dela preditta aqua disubbito li conforta tutte le membra et li fa molto vigorosi e allegra la persona et piu ti rallegra il core et ti rende bono alito. 9. Item. Se uno fusse infredato inel capo overo inelo stomacho et pata di uno fluxo violente o occhasionato dala testa et tengha di flema o di malinchonia, bevendone um poco per volta e spesso ti purga la testa e li occhii e lo stomacho e albarga il petto e rimove la tosse humida et riscalda il corpo et lo purgha da quella flema et da ogni altra frigidezza la honde vivifica tutti i luoghi infermi del corpo et tutti li freddi li riscalda. 10. Item. Bevendo una pocha dela preditta aqua ella conforta tutti li elementi del corpo cossi publichi come privati et rende la memoria, bevendone et hodorandola et quella ben conserva. 11. Item. Bevendone al quanta et postavi sopra ali occhii schacia, dissecca et consuma la tela et quelle machie et le chataratte et la caligine et ogni altro manchamento deli occhii exterriori et riduce tutti li preditti difetti in bono stato. Et rissana tutte le passione deli occhii cossi interriori come exterriore et rissana et conforta et conferma la virtu del vedere et presto rende la sanita, usandola a bere e a bagnarsi et maxime quando la ditta passione procedesse per causa frigida. Et etiam rassugha le lachrime deli occhii, bagnandosi l’occhio di fora via et metine una giozza inel canto del occhio et presto la rassuga et lo conforta et consuma. Et se le palpebre fusserno rinversate le radriza e smorza il picicore deli occhii. 12. Item. Vale molto a mitigare il dolore deli denti se’l causasse per humore flematicho overo se’l vi fusse nato alcuno verme. Et qui e da sapere che li denti superiori si curano per via del cervello et li denti inferriori si curano per la via delo stomaco et in breve tempo se ne guarisse et confortando tutte le giengive. 13. Item. Vale la preditta aqua ha rimorbidare tutti li membri ratratti et molto li conforta et li rissana et sia di piedi o di mano et etiam il movere dela lingua. 14. Item. Sana il canchro et la fistula la quale dice noli me tangiere et a simile infermita et passione. 15. Item. Vale ad ogni male di gotta impetuosa causato per freddo humore. 16. Item. Sana la febre quartana, bevendone spesso pigliandone il di dela febre mezora inanti. 17. Item. Sana la scabbia tenera e dura et lavandosi spesso il capo. Sana dela tighna con la quale tiepida speso lavandosi. 18. Item. Sana la indropisia, bevendone spesso et che lo infermo usi cibi piu assutti che humidi e bene insalati et usi del cimino assai et la sua misura sera un mezo bichiere e manco per volta et non beva altra aqua ne brodo. 19. Item. Cura la matrice viciata dela donna et fortificha. Vulnera putrida et non putrida la rissana et consolida grandemente. 20. Item. Se tu ponerai in ditta aqua carne cruda o cotta et similmente pessi crudi o cotti mai non si marcisse anci si conservano bonissimi. Et oltra a queste cose gia sopra dette per la gratia del nostro signore yehsu christo et procura molte altre cose utile alla natura humana. Nota che la prima destillatione e bona e la seconda migliore et la terza ottima et se tu vorai farne la prova, torai uno polastro pelato e neto drento e scaldelo bene quanto poi patirlo in mano. Poi lo bagna bene con la ditta acqua che sia calda drento e di fora per 3 o 4 volte. Poi laselo al sole per 2 o 3 ore et lo conserverai per 10 anni che mai si corompera. Et il simile farai d’ogni altra cosa la quale presto si corrompe che sempre si conservera sana. -------- [Page 348] [One drawing]. A stillare vino per fare acqua vite da bere e da bagnare con alcune sue virtu aprobate. A destillare d’ogni sorte de vino bono e cativo per fare l’acqua vite di una e 2 e 3 e piu cotte, bisognando secundo il tuo parere la quale va stillata con questi ustrimenti che tu vedi. Im prima tu farai fare una caldara di rame fatta in 3 pezzi et bene instagniata drento et congiunta insieme et bene inchiodata et bene saldata con bonissimo stagnio di drento e di fora se’l si pole. La quale caldai stia inel modo che tu vedi con uno cannone bene inchiodato et saldato drento e di fora che per niuno modo non possa respirare. Posto inela parte disopra per mettere drento il vino ut aqua et un altro longo che avanci fora del fornello inela parte disotto il quale serve per cavarne fora il vino, cioe il fondachio, et etiam del aqua quando non ve piu spirito drento. Et quello disopra tu lo turerai molto bene et fortemente accio che per alcuno incoviniente di periculo che inel bollire opera altro impedimento non potesse saltar fora perche tutta la matteria che e di drento ne ussirebe e con impeto. Et cosi a quello disotto tu li farai uno ben turazzo con sopra dela stoppa accio chel non giozza o faccia altro danno di periculo. Et questa caldaia tu la farai murare inel fornello che qui presente per insino apresso al cannone disopra et falla conzare in modo che la tenghi bene il caldo et fallo fare vacuo disotto per farli il foco col suo caminetto dinanci et drieto uno piccolo busetto per darli uno poco di sboro e pigliera vento. Et quando comincia a bolire fali poi foco lento como adire 2 legni in crose tanto che stilla pian piano. Poi tu farai fare una serpa ut tromba di rame o di piombo, ma e meglio di rame, saldata con argento et inel modo che tu vedi che la sua bocca riceva quella del capello. Et sia bene infassata con pezze et forte stucco il quale non tema ne caldo ne acqua et in quel loco chel non possa mai respirare perche tutto lo spirito bono per dali ussirebe e pero tu ne sia advertito et sopra a quel loco tu li farai caschare una gioza d’acqua fredda perche…. -------- [Page 349] [One drawing]. da molto ristoro a quelli spiriti che in quello loco sono aggionti et presto se riducano in corpo et non riscaldano tanto l’acqua dela cassa perche piu facilmente nescano e senza strepito. Poi tu comoda la ditta tromba in una cassa o altro vaso atto atenere acqua et che la serpe stia tutta sotto l’acqua et l’acqua del continuo sempre li stia fredda overamente tu la muterai dal mezo insuso impero che sempre quella sta piu calda che non fa quella disotto. Et per quella frigidezza lo spirito si viene a convertirsi in corpo et farai ussire la coda della tromba fora dela cassa. Et che dove la nesse li vi li sia ben turato con stucco e stoppa accio che l’acqua non nesca. Et per questa via l’acqua vite ne ussira et meterai sotto la bozza ut recipiente per riccogliere la ditta acqua vite distillata et stia coperta bene con una peza che l’odore non se ne vada perche quello e la sua perfetta virtu dela sua sustantia. Nota che tu potrai far fare di piombo una vita fatta a chiochiola ut a lumacha inel modo che tu vedi qui in disegno la quale gira intorno 4 o 6 volte et di grosezza al manco um bon dito grosso. Et sia armata intorno de 4 ferri che la sustenta et ben legata che la stia sempre ferma e salda et la tenghi sempre dritta como tu vedi. Et quella mettila in uno mastello grande overo in una meza botte la quale sempre stia …. -------- [Page 350] piena e fredda. Et che l’avanci la coda dela vita fora dela mastella aconza in modo che non faza danno con bono stucco e stoppa che l’acqua non possa ussire. Et piglierai di queste due quala tu voi che a te torna piu comoda impero che tutte 2 servano et fano un efetto medemo. Anche se ne fa d’un altra sorte de serpe che sono quadre per ogni verso di piombo et de rame et sono bonissime et avantagiate. Ma advertisse che non abbino qualche spiraglio che fesseno danno perche l’acqua l’intrarebeno drento et non faresti nulla di bono et l’opera tua serebe vana per quella cotta. Et conserverai la ditta aqua stillata como ditto e disopra in vaso o botte ben turata et la potrai restillare la 2 volta quando a te parera perche a questo modo si conservarebe un anno. Et piu si conserva di una cotta che de due. Et quando e de 2 cotte non si pole mantenere longo tempo perche molto perde et piglia delo suanito et non serai mai cosi bona in ultimo como era de prima. Et quando tu meterai il vino nela caldaia, falla sempre piu di meza ma non troppo accio che inel primo bolore non salti il vino inel capello e destillarsi che quella opera non seria bona per quella volta. Et dopoi il primo bollore li temperi il foco poco per volta como ditte e disopra et fa chel si mantengha che mai non manca. Et quando vorai mutare il vino, levali il foco disotto accio che la caldaia non abia impedimento. Et quando tu destillerai il vino, piglia una misura del acqua che nesse dela distillatione et quando a te pare chel non vene sia piu di bona assagiela et se non na odore se non de acqua giettalo via chel non ne piu bono. Et quando destillerai la 2 distillatione, farai il medesimo saggio e piu ne butterai una poca sun le brase se ella la spinge non cie piu spirito drento. Et se tu vedi che al quanto arda, lassela stare al quanto. Et quando non na piu spirito, levali il foco et dalli la via et ne rimetti del altra de mano in mano tanto che tu fornischa l’opera incominzata. Questo e ben vero che la fezza del vino la dopera quelli che conzano li corami per fare tinta nera. Et quel fondachio dela 2 et dela terza distillatione, ella si adopera per mettere sopra al vassello del aceto perche rinforza l’aceto mirabimente et la mantiene. Nota che la prima acqua che nesse dela 2 distillatione sempre e piu forte e potente che non ne tutta l’altra che ne viene e anche di questo tu ne sia advertito di farli sempre differentia. Et questo per tutte le volte i[o] ti riccordo che tu la tenghi sempre ben turata con cera et coperta con bona carta accio che non possa essalare et l’odore partirsi che non valeria nulla. Nota che se tu stillerai del bon vino vermiglio grande e odoriffero fara anche l’acqua galliarda e odoroffera. Et se tu la farai de vino guasto, marzo, turbido purche’l non sia forte et chel vino in se quando era bono, era potente e fumoso abenche’l sia guasto non resta chel fara bona acqua vite galliarda et fumosa destillata con quello ordine et modo sopra detto. Et tenendo questo ordine l’opera tua bene te reussira. Nota che dela prima acqua molta se ne adopera quando si pesta le specie mescolata con la seconda acqua ma per bere non val niente. Ma dela seconda cotta di quella se ne beve et fa de molte belle cure inel esperienze como qui di sotto intenderai deli suoi pesi, misuri, saggi et qualita li quali da valenti filosofi sono statte ritrovate et loro l’anno messa in uso in modo de medicina abenche loro la doperasserno in molte cose de erechimia como publicamente se ritrova in molti volumi. Et qua disotto diremo dele sue virtu, pesi e caratre et quanta la e nobile ali corpi humani. -------- [Page 351] Nota le virtu dela sopra detta acqua vite. El primo modo a conserla et a sapere se ella e bona da bere o no. Quando tu arai fatta la 2 distillatione, bagnavi drento una poco di carta et ataccali il foco et se inel ultimo rimane la carta bagnata, quella tale acqua e bona da bere e quella sie de xv in xvj caratti et questa se intende dela prima che nesse per insino al ultima. Et se tu bagnerai la carta inel acqua dela terza distillatione, quella brusera tutta et lassera la carta assutta, quella tale acqua non ne da bere perche la e arivata ali xviij et erivata per insino ali xxiiij caratti cominzando dela prima acqua che nesse di quella terza cotta per insino al ultima gioccia. Et questa se intende acqua argente la quale non ne piu bona da bere perche bevendone como fai di quella de li 2 cotte ella ti arderebe drento il fegato et l’interriora et ella ti dissecarebe il sangue che presto presto ti farebe morire et pero ne sia advertito di adoperare questa da ongere et da bagnare et da fare qualche altra gentileza ma non da bere se gia tu ne volesti berne 3 o 4 gioccie in un bichier di vino o con acqua per qualche infirmita particulare como qui disotto se dira. De molte virtu aprobate dela sopra detta acqua vite, dico dela prima acqua quella e bona da bere quando quella sera fatta di ottimo vino rosso et non offende nulla drento ali corpi nostri. Et la 2 acqua quella e quella che e avantagiata et de xvj caratti, io ti dico che se tu berai di quella la matina per tempo la rompe le colere insu lo stomaco. Et chi avesse lo stomaco impedito di flema o di humori freddi overo chi l’avesse gonfio di ventosita et che inassedisse lo stomaco e lo cibo in esso il quale inassediare si chiama, cioe incendio delo stomaco. Allora ne beva quanto staria in un gusso di nose quando questo impedimento ti venisse doppo il pasto et dali a un quarto d’ora ne bevi un altra poca et cosi farai per 2 o 3 volte et sappi che questa conserva il cibo inelo stomaco chel non si corrompe ad incendio et piu agrandisse la digestione. Et etiam molto vale quando el venisse doglia inela bocca dela stomaco et inel arca del petto overo in dritto alla tettina o nel mezo del petto, le quale passione vengano la magior parte per ventosita che stringano si fortamente il petto che fanno in pochi ori l’homo ispassemare et queste tale infirmita vengano in poco spatio di tempo et per volerne presto guarire bevene la matina per tempo al manco un onza e meza o piu in termine di un ora et ti fara opera bonissima e utile. Et se tu piglierai dela ditta acqua vite onze iij e mele rosato onze ij et lo incorpora bene insieme in una ampolla e di quello berne un onza bona subito che sei fora del letto el non na cosi gran passione sun lo stomaco ne cosi gran balordimento di capo che continuando questa bevanda presto presto non le liberi et questa a questo modo non pole offendere il fegato ne il sangue ne non fa altro impedimento immo che ella rasetta raconza tutte le cative dispositione delo stomaco le quale ti offende in diversi modi et ti fara stare allegro et ti fara bono stomaco et ti rendera bono apetitto, confortandoti sempre lo cibo inelo stomaco, pigliandone etiam inanti pasto et da poi il pasto niente ti offendera et usela quando n’ai di bisogno et ne vederai la prova et di tutto questo io tene fo prova perche io lo trovata col ditto mele rosato che la estatta la granata delo stomaco a chi a rificarlo cosi presto e bene. Et di questa bevanda etiam le donne et sia si vole ne pole pigliarne e senza suspetto alcuno. Et questa…. -------- [Page 352] bevanda e molta cordiale et purifica l’ochio da ogni impedimento et molte maravigliose cose fa piu ch’ io non dico ale sopra dette infermita. Et massime a rissolvere quelle ventosita generative di quelle periculose doglie di spassimare et li fa venire tutte per bocca et si rissolve in ventosita cioe in rutti et tanto quanto piu ti fa ruttare, allora egli e segno che fa bona operatione. Et etiam molto vale al male de denti, il quale impedimento viene per reuma fredda et per fredura. Tenendola in bocca dal lato infermo tanto che in se non abia piu sapere ne odore. Poi la sputi et ne repiglia del altra accio che tiri ben fora quella reuma humida. Et se presto dessideri guarire, la sera quando vai a dormire bagnati la gota, la fronte, el orecchio da quel lato dove la doglia et cossi farai anche la matina et presto ti levera il dolore e guarirai, perche la ditta acqua conforta mirabilmente la carne, la quale e inferma e tormentata da quella passione et come la carne piglia miglioramento subbito egli e guarito. Et fallo sicuramente che ne averai honore. Et etiam bevendone un onza in 2 o 3 volte in spacie di un ora, vale molto contra a coloro chi avesse mangiato sorbi o peri o castagne o corniali o agresto o pera e pomi cotogni overamente alcuni altri frutti quale rimane in la gola alcune cose che non porro andare ne ingio ne insu disubito lo libera chel non sente piu tal passione. Et bevendone a questo modo libera coloro che avesse il sangiotto per ventosita di stomaco et sia chi si vole. Et etiam se tu avesse una botta di vino che avessa voltato et fusse chiaro, subito lo tramuta in un altra botte netta che non abbia cativo odore et per ogni barile di vino tu li meterai drento di questa acqua de xvj caratti, onze iiij, et questo farai quando l’ai tutto travasato et mestando inela botte con uno bastone di salese. Et meteli drento una foglia de schiarea e non piu legata con un filo che vadi a mezo dela botte. Et turela et lassela ripossare al mancho per 4 o 5 giorni. Poi la meti a mano et non la indussiare molto il qual vino si potra bere et non offendera persona. E de provato. Nota che l’acqua che sera distillata 3 volte ella sera de xviij in xxiiij caratti. Questa non e piu bona da bere como ditto e ma e bona da bagnare la testa, la fronte, li ochii e il naso a chi patisse di frigideza quando la persona avesse un tamanle fredore inela testa che li occupasse li ochii et d’esse li passione inel tossire. La sera quando tu vai al letto metene una poca sun la mano et bagnati la fronte et il capo alo in drieto per insino al collo et cosi farai 2 o 3 volte ala fila. Poi coprati il capo con la cuffia o altra beretina o con uno sugatoio et coprilo bene, sta caldo. Poi presenta tutte 2 le mane serrate al naso et tira asse col naso quello odore, il quale te andera al celebro et molto lo conforta. Et la notte tu dormirai bene et la matina tu serai piu di mezo guarito. Et cosi farai l’altra sera et tutto serai guarito. Et quando la preso se avera lavato il capo e sutto chel sera ongiti il capo con la ditta acqua e ti difende da ogni humidita e ti fara li capelli morbidi et dilicati. Ancora e bona a chi fusse difetoso di mal de milza, bagnandosi spesso il loco adolorato e che la sia calda con sopra pezze e stoppa calda, presto guarirai. Anche vale a chi avesse danifichato alcuno nervo di freddura, bagnasi spesse volte con ditta acqua, la quale acqua sempre vole essere fatta scaldare in una ampolla et sia ben coperta che non essali et presto le guarisse. Ancora se tu meterai cosa alcuna odoriffera de speciarie in ditta aqua, subito tira asse l’odore il sapore di quella tal cosa posta. Et se tu ne meterai 2 o 3 gioce inel muschio o altra cosa odoriffera, molti li augmenta l’odore. Et se tu meterai el cremisino a mole quando egli e pesto in ditta acqua per un di naturale, tira asse tutto il colore et da um belo lustro et quella incorpora con l’altra acqua et molto bello ti riussira. Et questo basta aver ditto de tutte le sorte acque vite con le sue virtu, pesi et misure e caratti. -------- [Page 353] [One drawing]. A stillare acqua vite e bona al improviso mentre che si desina per un saggio. Per dimostrare ale persone desiderose di sapere piu cose, noi dimostraremo in che modo si pole distillare l’acqua vite ut acqua argente mentre chel si sta a tavola a mangiare avendo prima aparechiato li preditti stuvilli como qui di sotto intenderai apieno. Et questo si fa per farne una esperienza a dimonstrare la gran potenza e forza che a il vino, dico il fumo. Prima torai una bozza overo un orinale, che e meglio, et falo mezo di vino e non piu e chel sia vin rosso e bono, grande e potente di natura, puro e senza acqua. Et copri il ditto orinale con 2 foglii di carta da scrive e che sia a 4 doppie e ben legato in cima con spago sutile como tu vedi. Et la comoderai dritta in mezo dela pignatta et fornirai de rimpire la pignatta di cenere stachiata suttile e sutile et con la mano anderai rassetandola intorno al orinale e destramente chel non si rompa per insino in cima. Poi comoda la ditta pignatta tra questi 4 mattoni et che la stia alta da terra al manco 4 dita per metterli sotto dela cenere calda e de carboni acesi tanto che facino riscaldare il pignatto con la cenere. Et il vino si riscaldera ancora lui et distillera. Et quando l’averai accomodato dove il debe stare, metteli sopra il capello sopra ala carta. Et piglia una peza et insupela in terra creta overo inela pasta distemperata et metila intorno ala congiontura del capello et leghela bene che niente possa respirare da niun lato. Poi li meterai sotto il suo recipiente et farali un altro stucco intorno ala congiontura che niente possa respirare da niun lato. Et li accomoda inel modo che tu vedi. -------- [Page 354] Et tenendo quest ordine sopra detto et dandoli poco foco, l’acqua destillera politamente e bene perche prima se riscalda el pignato e la cenere, riscalda l’orinale et il vino fuma et perchotte inela carta et quella inumidisse et l’orinale riscalda il capello et quello tira la humidita asse fora dela carta et fa distillare inel ricipiente. Et fa bonissima acqua vite, la quale e bona da bere. Abenche ella non sia fina ma questa basta per aver veduto il modo et l’ordine como si fa affare la preditta acqua vite. Et questa sie la sua misura quando el ne sera ussita 4 overo 5 onze per boccale di vino el sera assai essendo bono il vino como ditto e disopra. Et a questo modo tu averai lo intento tuo et questo ti basta. Vino de salvia per attration de nervi e a lunatici et molto vale a paraletici. Questo vino de salvia si fa in 2 modi, vz. Alcuni metano la salvia in uno sachetto di panno lino sottile et lo legano con un filo et lo mandano drento inela botte per insino a mezo il vino et leghalo per disopra et lasselo sempre stare cosi inel vino. Et alcuni la fanno bolire quando si fa bolire il mosto et la mettano cosi col vino inela botte o vasello over barile. Et in tutti questi 2 modi el preditto vino egli e bono a tutte queste sotto scritte infermita, usandolo piu e meno secondo le grave infermita et massime tolto la matina per tempo overo bevto uno bichiere inanti pasto overo a tutto pasto overo bagnato il loco dannoso et secondo infermita si debbe adoperare. Et massime a chi avesse mal de denti o che li scrolla et al dolore de zenzive et tenendolo in bocca caldo. Et vale ad ogni membro debile, tremante et a ogni cattivo humore et ali paraletici, continuando a berne. Et vale al dolore del capo et atratione de membri et de nervi. Et vale contra a lunatici li quali aponto di luna perdono il proprio intelletto, continuandolo ha bere. Et vale al dolore di stomaco et ale donne al male di matrice. Et in conclusione, il vale a tutti i lochi nervosi di tutte le creature humane et molti l’anno adoperato. Item vino contra al paraletico et contra ad ogni infermita fredda. Rx. cinamomo quella quantita che a te pare, rotto in pezetti minuti et metilo inelo vino bono et lasselo stare per 8 giorni al sole in putrefatione e ben coperto. Et fallo distillare col cinamomo drento al lambicco di vetro e con lento foco overo a bagno maria. Et di questa aqua ne darai la matina onze ij o piu o meno secondo la virtu delo infermo, il quale vale a paraletici et a molte altre infermita fredde. Vina fatto de finochio, vale ala tosse e al polmone et al mancamento deli ochii. Rx. l’erba del finochio overamente dele sue racice o del suo seme et quella quantita che a te pare et fallo bollire inel mosto quando l’arai messo inel tuo botiscello over barile et lasselo sempre stare drento et lo userai secondo le infermita et piu e meno secondo che tu lo troverai propicio ala tua infermita, il quale vino e bono contra ala caligine et altri mancamenti deli ochii et contra ala indropesia et contra al effantine et massimamente ali putti piccoli, e de contra ali veneni et ali cibi cativi et molto zova ala tosse e al polmone et multiplica lo latte ale donne. Et vale contra al male dela vissicha et purga tutti li cativi humori, usando a bere del ditto vino la sera quando vai a dormire et la matina per tempo quando subito sei levato. Et se’l potesti ussare a pasto et massime per li ochii molto piu presto ti zovarebe a mantenere longamente la vista. -------- [Page 355] Nota vino fatto contra al male de ochii. Rx. erba eufragia, bertonica, garofilata, ana m[anipul]o uno, che la sia verde e netta e fiori di sambuco e d’aneto e di finochio, ana m. iij. Et tutte queste erbe e fiori metele inel tuo vasello del vino a bolire cossi drento. Et lassele stare mentre che vi sta il vino et di questo vino usalo a bere continuamente per la tua persona sola overo con altri li quali dubitasserno che la vista non li mancasse col longo andare overo per alcuni impedimenti. Et se continuerai questo vino al manco la matina a berne onze iij, quello te purifichera la vista che mai non averai ali occhii impedimento alcuno, per dei gratia. Vino de astrologia longa qual vale contra ale fistule purche non siano sun l’osso. Rx. astrologia longa m[anipul]o 2 e strologia rotonda m[anipul]o uno et siano verde et fale levare apena il bollo inel vino caveli fora et tagliale minute. Et fale bolire in un ½ barile di vino chel sia bono di suope ma non dolce e chel sia bianco. Et tanto bolla a lento foco e ben schiumato chel calla apresso ali 2/3. Poi lo colerai sutilmente con panno lino e guarda chel non piglia il rame et quello conserva in vaso di vetro o altro vaso dilicato. Et di questo ne usa a bere la sera quando vai a dormire onze ij et la matina quando ti levi onze iij che l’abia fora il fredo et questo lo continua per 2 mesi et sapiati conservare del vivere. Non mangiare carne grassa ne di vacha ne caso ne altre cose contrarie. Et sopra ala ferrita ut piagha metteli sopra dela polvere fatta dela radice dela aristologia rotonda overo sopiarai drento dela ditta piaga dela preditta polvere. Et in pochi giorni sara sanata la ditta fistula purche non la sia radicata sun l’osso. Et sapi che la preditta aristologia sie calida et secca inel secondo grado, la quale ha virtu de incarnare l’ulcere et anche mondificare. Vino contra a podagra fredda. Rx. turbit a tua discretione et meteli in bono vino bianco in una inchistara et fala stare al sole per 3 di continui e ben coperta et ogni di la mesti sotto sopra. Et dane a bere la matina per tempo onza j o ij, secondo la forte natura del paciente. Et quando lo dai a bere, meteli sopra um poco de polvere de zuccaro et continuando questa bevanda la guarisse presto. Ancora si po fare col ditto vino da mondificare il sangue et da stagnare scorentie di corpo. Et a ogni altra simile infermita metendo in ditto vino le cose apropriate a dette infermita. Vino contra ad ogni ventosita et ad altri impedimenti. Rx. somente de appio et ameos e menta secca, ana onze iij, mastice, garofani, gardamomo, rose rosse et salvatiche, ana onza j, cinamomo fino, castoreo, zedovaria, irios, ana onze ij, et zuccharo fino onze iiij. Et non rompere niente se non di grosso et incorpora ogni cosa insieme con una libra di mele purgato. Et meterai ogni cosa in uno barile di vino bianco bono et naturale. Et ne userai a berne la sera quando vai a dormire onze iiij chel sia fora il fredo questo leva la ventosita. Et se la e donna chel beva et chel continui ogni sera et usando col marito, presto fa disporre la matrice a ingravidarsi. Et fa portare la creatu[r]a in corpo al tempo suo senza periculo et conforta la matrice. Et se la creatura fusse morta in corpo la fa ussire e senza periculo alcuno. Et etiam a de molte altre proprieta et massime alla donna. Aprobate. -------- [Page 356] Vino de rigolicia per conzare lo stomaco dela donna et levare il dolore. Nota a fare vino de rigolicia per raconzare lo stomaco dela donna et a levarli il dolore dela matrice. Rx. rigolicia onze iiij, cinamomo onze js, zenzero, macis, ana onza j, e mele purgato onze viij et ogni cosa sia rotto di grosso. Et incorpora ogni cosa insieme con 2 boccali di vino bianco bono, non dolce, et farai bolire insieme a lento foco in uno pignato novo che non abbia odore tanto chel calli il 4. Poi lo colerai con panno lino et lo conserva in un fiascho chel stia coperto. Et la sera quando la donna vole andare a dormire, dane a bere onze iij al quanto tepido. Et per dei gratia presto si sentira bonificata delo stomaco et alentera il dolore de matre questa bevanda. E statta fatta et a molto zovato. Vino torbido e forte et altri cativi odori et saperli tramutare a tempi. Quando tu avesse una botte di vino chel fusse diventato torbido, torai un ovo per ogni barile di vino et alume zucherina et vetro pesto et polvere di marmoro, ana onza s, et ogni cosa incorpora insieme tanto che faci una massa atacata insieme. Poi la distempera con um poco di acqua vite di 3 cotte. Et poi la meterai la ditta materia inela botte del vino torbido et che non la sia troppo piena et mestica bene il vino con un bastone, overamente tramuta il vino in altro vassello che abia bono odore et in esso li mette la ditta composicione et fala bene incorporare. Coprila et lassela stare per 3 o 4 giorni in riposso. Et poi la troverai tutto chiaro e bello et ne portrai bere. Et etiam si svol[e] tore una quantita de cirese immature et si mette cosi inel vino masima si tramuta et diventera chiaro e bello. Vino che avesse perso il caldo et fusse infortito. Torai dela cera nova et farai una bussola col suo coperchio al quanto longa che la entri per il buco disopra et empila di mele bono et turela che non possa ussire. Et leghela con uno nastro intorno et mandela inela botte del vino che piglia il forte a un palmo apresso al fondo et turela disopra per 4 o 6 giorni. Poi lo sagerai et sera apresso che ritornato et chel vino non entra dove il mele. Provato. Item. Vino che pigliasse del forte a farlo ritornare. Torai un legno di salese tanto grosso che entra per disopra et vada apresso al fondo a un palmo et di sopra faza cochiume ala botte. Et falli parechi buchi intorno che non passano et empile di mele et polvere di zuccharo et conzali in modo chel non possa ussire ne vino entrare. Et legali intorno una pezzalina et stia in riposso per 3 o 4 di. Poi lo saggia et sera ritornato assai e sera bono da bere. Item. Vino che pigliasse il forte. Meterai parechi porri a seccare inel forno a lento foco et fane polvere et metila in uno sachettino de lino netto. Et metilo in mezo del vino chel non tocha il fondo et lasselo per 3 di. Poi lo saggia et se egli a levato al quanto de odore, levelo via che dasse stesso si rasettera, se no lasselo drento che presto ritornera et ne potrai bere. Et quando in botti il vino metivi drento um poco di cenere fatta de vitalba e mai il vino non diventera forte. -------- [Page 357] Vino a farlo durare tutto l’anno chel no se guastera. Rx. aloe, incenso, mirra e amomi, ana onze ij, e foglio onze iiij et meterai ogni cosa insieme cosi intiero et metti in uno sachetto lino et metilo inela botte del vino che longamente tu voi conservare et voi stare sicuro chel non si guasti et chel stia sopra a fondo 4 dita et quante some de vino sera metivi drento tanti cugiari de ditta polvere et si conservera molto sicuro. Et scriverai quelle parolle sopra ala botte che mai il vino non si guastera. Vz. ‘Gustate et videte cuoniam christus suavis est dominus, beatus vir qui sperant in eo.’ Ma meglio seria che tu li scrivesti in una mela ut pomo et meterla inel vaso et non mai si guastera. Di provata. Et se tu vorai conservare il vino tutto l’anno, torai un pezo di legno de holmo longo e grosso et falo entrare per il buco disopra et vada apresso al fondo a 4 dita et faza di sopra turazo et lasselo sempre stare cosi drento. Et se tu li meterai drento 2 fusti de mirra e de incenso, el ditto vino si conservera a tutto l’anno et non pigliera altro cativo seto sempre cossi stara. Et se tu averai vini deboli et con suspetto che non durano in capo al anno quando li in botti mettivi drento onze iiij de acqua vite de 2 cotte per barile e non manco et per virtu di questa te lo fara conservare et lo augmenta de odore et di sapore che sempre sta bono. Et etiam se tu li meterai dele fiori di tramarino anche quelle lo conserva, ma guarda che drento non si marciscono. Et se tu vorai dare bono odore al vino, metivi drento del legno de zinepro fatto in pezetti non troppo minuto. Et metilo inel mosto quando bolle et pigliera quanto odore vorai. Item. A dare odore al vino di moscatello. Rx. fiori di scarleza ut mater salvie quella quantita che a te pare. Et fale seccare al ombra et fane polvere et metti la ditta polvere in uno sachettino di panno lino et metilo inla botte del mosto e chel vada a um palmo apresso al fondo et ataccali uno sassetto et tura la botte per 9 giorni et caverai il sashetto el vino sentira di moscatello et sera bono. Et cossi farai de altri vini fatti de ogni alti frutti. Vino che abbia la muffa o altro cativo odore, presto mandarla via. Rx. uno pomo appiolo ut altro pomo odoriffero per barile di vino. Taglialo in 4 parte et levali solamente quelle caselle dove sta il seme drento et infilzale in un spago et metteli drento inel vino apresso al fondo a 4 dita et tura bene la botte. Et im pochi giorni lassera quello cativo odore. Ma prima tramuta il vino in un altro vasello che presto se risanera. Overamente li meterai drento uno arancio forte tagliato al traverso in 2 parte e infilzati et farai como e ditto disopra, uno per barile. E de statto aprobato. Et anche li meterai drento 2 o 3 foglie di scarleza ut schiarea et li dara uno bonissimo odore et signorille. Et se farai bolire 4 foglie dela preditta erba in uno tino di vino, li da odore di moscatello. Probato. Item a levare la muffa al vino e al vassello. Torai onze ij de zeduaria per botte fala in polvere et metila in un sachetto et metilo drento al vino al fondo a 4 dita et lasselo per 30 di et sera tornato. Item a cavare la muffa al vino. Farai una fogaccia di farina di miglio et quando la e cotto, cossi calda calda subito mettila inel vino che a la muffa et turela et lassela cossi et fallo piu volte et andera via la muffa. Item. Rubache di lauro fane polvere. Meteli in da bote in un sachetto. Ancora torai una pianta di salvia con le radice et con le fiore et cossi intiera metteli inel vino amuffato. Et turela bene con dela ditta erba et etiam chel fusse rivoltato, ma di fresco lo fara ritornare inel suo prestino stato como prima. Et ne potrai bere chel non ti nosera niente. Et questi sono belli secreti. -------- [Page 358] Vini a tramutarli se li voi conservare sani per tutto l’anno. Questo e il modo di tramutare li vini che infra l’anno non si guastino e che non diano la volta et non diventa aceto. Muta lo tuo vino quando regna il vento dela bora et non altrimente et quando la luna discresse. Et lo muterai a luna cressente va a gran periculo di voltarse et diventare forte e pero ne sia advertito. Et li vini che nascano in lochi secchi e petrosi e aridi e montuosi vogliano essere mutati doppoi nattale et li altri vino subbito doppo la festa de ogni sancti. Et quando si tramuta li ditti vini, vole essere la luna sotto terra overo apresso al suo fine. Et guarda che tu non tramuti li ditti vini quando fiori se le rose ne manco le vite perche lo metaresti a gran periculo. Et sappi che con piu volte tu tramuterai li vini sempre diventano piu deboli perche sempre perdano di sustantia piu che non erano im prima. Et volendoli conservare sani, fa che il tempo dela estate stiano in loco fresco et de inverno in canova calda, cioe quando lo muterai tramutalo in canove calde o fresche, secondo le disposicione de tempi et tenendo questo ordine li toi vini sempre si conserverano boni. Vino guasto a farlo ritornare como de prima et mai piu non si guastera. Rx. tartaro di vino lb. vj et pestalo cossi crudo et fane polvere sutila et cavene l’acqua con doi bozze como si fa al acqua forte. Et al ultima dali tanto foco che la bozza si secca et il tartaro li rimanga drento calcinato. Poi torai quello olio overo acqua che egli e ussita da dosso et torai oltertanta acqua vite forte di 3 cotte a peso. Poi spolverizerai il tartero che tu ai calcinato et mettilo in una altra bozza et metteli sopra el ditto olio con l’acqua vite insieme et restilalo un altra volta. Et poi farai cossi un altra volta. Et tante volte tu lo destillerai a questo modo, tanto che el ditto tartero avera imbibito tutto il ditto olio con l’acqua vite et chel sia atto a farne polvere. Et quella conserva per una cosa molta cara, la quale polvere si chiama pietra filosoforum. Et sappi che un onza o poco piu dela preditta polvere conzera una botte di vino guasto de 10 barili. Prima lo tramuta in un altra botte di bono odore et meteli drento la preditta polvere mestanodovi drento con uno bastone accio che la vada da per tutto. Poi turatela bene et lassatela cossi stare per 30 giorni. Poi lo saggiate et con lo aiutto de dio lo ritovareti tutto rissanato e bello come de prima. Et questo secreto e in bologna in una persona sola che ne fa arte a raconzare i vini a piu persone et lui ne compra e li raconza poi li vende per boni et sono boni. Vino bono per fare acieto forte, dico fortissima, e in piu modi. Rx. uno barile di vino bono e senza acqua et lasselo al sole per 10 o 15 giorni et ogni matina lo riempi et mettive drento lb. 3 o 4 de rose et diventera forte fortissimo. E provato. Item a un altro modo a rinforzare l’acieto. Cavene dela botte et fala bolire et smorzali drento uno pezo de acciaio che sia bene infocato et questo farai 3 o 4 volte. Et questo lo farai in di di venerdi per 4 o 6 venerdi et cosi calda la metti sopra al altra. Et presto diventera fortissima. Item a rinforzare l’acieto. Torai un mezo quartirolo de nose bone da mangiare et brusale. Et quando sono tutte ben rosse et infoccate, metteli subito drento al vassello dove e l’acieto et subito turalo et lasselo cosi per 2 di. Et saggelo et se tu lo vorai piu forte, ne rimette dele altre a quello modo medemo. Et mettivi drento onze ij de radice di pilatro fatte in polvere et diventera forte fortissimo chel ti piacera. -------- [Page 359] Item a rinforzare l’acieto. Rx. pepi, zenzero e canella, ana onza j, tutte in polvere. Poi piglierai uno bichiere di acieto fortissima et piglierai la mirolla di uno pane caldo cavato dal forno. Et subito metilo a insupare inela ditta acieto con le predette specie drento. Et farai che tutte le specie entrano inel ditto mirollo. Poi fallo seccare inel forno chel non venghi brussato. Poi ne farai di tutto polvere suttila et mettila inel tuo caratello et rinforcera l’acieto. Et farai questa sperienza, metene una poca in uno bichiere di vino e subito diventera acieto forte. Item a fare acieto forte e presto. Torai una inchistara grande e empila di vino bono et turela con carta. Et fala bolire in un caldarino de acqua a bagno maria per un ora o piu. Poi lassela cossi raffredare drento inel aqua et discoprila et sera diventato acieto e forte. Item a fare acieto. Torai una scudella de orzo chel sia ben netto et fallo bolire in una inchistara di vino bono per un ora. Et quando sera fredo, colalo et l’altro giorno sera diventato acieto forte. Et fane quello che tu voi. Item a rinforzare l’acieto. Metti ine caratello per il buco disopra 8 o 10 gambari cotti e ben salati, infilzati in un filo et ataccati a uno legno di nespolo il quale stia inel vino et sara il buco disopra et li gamberi stiano apresso al fondo a 4 dita. Et in pochi giorni la fara diventare forte e fortissima, perche piu volte cossi e provato. Le ungie guaste a mandarle via e presto. Rx. pesa greca e sevo, ana, et componi insieme et ne farai unguento. Poi netta le ungie triste et meti suso del ditto unguento et valo continuando finche sono andate via et se leverano senza dolore. Et ritorneranno con tempo polite et belle et pochi giorni e chel ne statto fatta la prova. Callo, a mandarlo via tra le dita o dove’l se sia et mazare la radice. Rx. orechina del muro ut sempre vivo magiore et levali la superficie di quella pelisina sun le che la disopra. Et quella mettela tra le dita sopra ali calli per 6 o 8 giorni et anderano via de non li sentirai. Et se li ditti calli fusseno tanti crudi che non volesseno andar via, farai questa altra racetta. Torai dela preditta erba e pestela et meteli incompagnia uno poco di alume di rocca brussata et incorpora bene. Poi radi il callo sutilmente, tenendolo prima a mole. Poi bagna drento dele pezzette et meti suso che sempre stia frescho et infra 8 o 10 giorni andera via. Et in quel loco non ne nassera mai piu. Et stane siccuro che piu volte e statto aprobato. Item a mandare via li calli et la radice. Rx. olio rosato onze ij, cera nova, verderame, biacca, ana onza j, sulimato onza s, alume di rocca arso drame ij. Et ogni cosa sia ben trito et farai unguento d’ogni cosa a un piccol foco. Et tieni il callo a mole in acqua calda et radilo ben suttile. Poi farai uno piastrello et lo comoda sul callo. Et continuandolo presto se ne andera che piu non tornera. *Item. Rx. vetro pesto e lievito e latte di donna et fane impiastro et meti sul callo et continua che andera via. Item. Tiene a mole il callo e taglielo bene tanto chel sangue venga. Et farai uno piastrello di sovatto con sopra ciera verde. Et chel stia suso, presto amazala radice et in pochi giorni e guarito. E provato. -------- [Page 360] Item a fare guarire un callo presto. Rx. 3 foglie di salvia e 3 granella di pepi e 3 grani di sale et 3 spiche d’aglio et pesterai ogni cosa insieme. Et ne farai uno piastrello et mettilo sul callo piu volte che continuamente stia suso. Ma vedi se ogni giorno tu lo potrai tagliarlo a poc a poco et andera dissecando che non te ne avederai perche la radice vera a poc a poco a essere tagliata. Et a questo modo presto guarirai. Item a mandare via i calli et presto farli crodare. Rx. trementina onza j, polvere de cantarelle drame ij e rasa de pino onze js e serapino chiaro onza s. Farai delenguare tutte le gomme con la termentina. Poi li meterai la polvere dele cantarelle et bene incorpora ogni cosa insieme. Poi ne farai li piastrelli di sovatto et metilo sopra ali calli che prima siano tagliati. Et valo continuando che presto anderano via. Dico che la radice li vera fora e presto ne guarirai. Et etiam vale anche a mandare via li porri. Et se questo unguento te incendesse troppo, metteli sopra quest altro unguento. Rx. armoniaco onza s, orpimento drame ij e verderame drame iij et prima dissolvi l’armoniaco con acieto forte et componi con le altre cose che siano fatte in polvere suttile con onza s di trementina et sera fatto. Et mettelo sopra ali piastrelli et meti sul callo overo sul porro. Et continuandolo, presto anderanno via. Porri presto a mandarli via con le radice et anco zova a calli. Rx. sal nitro, vitreolo romano e verderame, ana onze vj, alume zuccarina onze iij, calcina viva onza j. Et fane polvere sutile ciaschuna da per se et le incorpora insieme. Poi le farai stillare al lambicco di vetro et dalli galiardo foco accio chel nesca lo spirito et corpo tutto insieme. Et quella poca acqua che prima ne viene, tienla da per se perche la e piu dolce che non sara la 2 che quella sara um poco piu galliarda. Et con quella ti bagna spesso il loco del porro o del callo e presto lo fara disseccare e andera via. E di veduta. Et se tu taglierai uno poco in le porro intorno et meterai suso polvere di euforbio distemperata con lissiva forte e olio de tartaro, presto andera via che piu non tornera. Et bagnerai il porro con l’acqua che piange dala vita, poi che la e potata et con quella lavati spesso solamente li porri et anderano via e presto. Et se tu li meterai sopra rasa e pegola e cantarelle, ana, fatta in polvere, presto andera via la radice. Et se tu torai vetro pesto et lavelo et incorpora con latte di donna et con um poco de lievito di furmento et farai a modo di uno impiastro et mettilo suso la sera quando vai al letto, falo piu volte e presto guarirai. Et questo vale piu a calli che a porri. Item a mandare via li porri. Rx. vitriolo tedesco, sal nitro, ana onza j, e alume di rocca onze ij et farai bolire ogni cosa in acqua tanto che callo la terza parte. Poi bagnerai spesse volte dove sono li porri e presto anderano via. Et quando bagni che la sia calda. Et la porcelan domestica macata tra 2 pietre vive e messa sul porro presto va via dasse. Et torai dele foglie di felese et fane suco et spesse volte bagna li porri dove sono e anderano via. Et taglia li porri tanto che apeni insanguina et taglia il capo a una lucerta e meti suso e guarira, fregandovi suso di quello sangue 3 o 4 volte et andera via il porro. Item. Piglierai dele fiori di tasso barbasso et de cilidonia et pestali insieme tra 2 pietre. Et frega bene sopra ali porri et presto anderano via che tu non li vederai. Et pesterai il polmone de peccora a con quello licquore te onge piu volte et anderano via. *Ad pioselos qui veniunt in manibum . Rx. plantagines radices et pista fortiter et distempera cum forte acceto et fricha bene et liberaberis. *Item. La somenta de iusquiamo e ponela su uno carbone de foco et riceve quello fumo sopra a le mane et ussirano fora. Poi mette le mane inel acqua calda acio che se apreno le porositado e loro rimanerano in l’acqua. Et questo fa assai volte e guarira. *Sale armoniaco onze ij per se solo li manda via i porri. -------- [Page 361] [One remedy is not readable]. Porri o calli a mandarli via con acqua forte e presto. Rx cenere forte di cerro lb. 2 e litragirio lb. j, calcina viva e vitriolo romano, ana onze vj, et lissiva forte, cioe maestra donde si fa il sapone che regge l’ovo a galla, boccali 8 et sale armoniacco drame ij. Et fa che ogni cosa sia fatto suttila et ogni cosa meterai in la ditta maestra et farai bolire a lento foco tanto che tutta la materia rimanga uno boccale o poco piu et sera fatta. Et quella materia la conserva in uno alberello e chel stia ben turato chel non veda molta aria chel perderebe di fortezza. Et con essa composicione bagnati 2 volti il giorno li porri overo li calli et tutte le volati che dela persona et manda via li peli che piu stentano a rinassere. Et questa molte volte e statta aprobata. Item a mandare via porri che piu non tornerano. Prima el ti bisogna avere um poco d’oro, cioe uno scudo overo anello senza pietra over uno pezetto d’oro, et fallo infoccare chel sia rosso et con esso scortati li porri bene. Et chi non a oro, lo fa con ferro affocato vel con una brasa o carbone acceso dopo a questo el si onge overo si bagna con lissia forte. Et questo farai per 3 volte in 3 di overo tutte 3 le volte in un di. E sta siccuro che anderano via del tutto. Item a mandare via li porri. Torai uno rafano da mangiare ut radice o ravanello chel sia grosso e forte et incavelo da un lato overo intorno ala corona. Et quello che tu cavi che tu lo possi mettere disopra per coperchio. Poi lo empi di sale comune ben pesta et meteli sopra quel suo coperchiono et metilo in una scodella o piatto coperto et mettilo in loco humido per una notte. Et la matina trovera del acqua in ditta scodella dissesa dal ditto rafano l’acqua, le acqua sera del sale con la virtu dela preditta radice. Et questa acqua la dopera a bagnare dele pezze et metele sopra ali porri. Et in 3 o 4 di li porri serano sechi overamente tu li leverai con le dita et se li lassase la buca grande, metivi suso unguento aureo il quale fa cressere la carne ineli lochi cavernosi overamente tendi a bagnare con la sopra ditta acqua et anche guarirai presto. Et se tu non potrai avere rafano grosso, non importa. Piglia dele altre radice abenche siano piccole tagliale in fette sottile et farai stratto sopra stratto con sale pesto in una scodella e tienla al umido et fara quel l’acqua medema. Et anche questa e bona ma e meglio la prima. Et etiam questa acqua molto giova anche alla sordagine et vano via. Item a mandare via i porri col sale. Torai tanti grani di sale quanti porri tu ai sun la persona et di quella grandeza e grosezza e del colore si como e il porro cosi piglia il granello del sale se gli e tondo o lisso o negro o bianco o aguzo. Poi dirai 3 pater noster con l’ave maria a onor de dio et dela sancta trinita. Et questo farai la matina per tempo bagna il sale col salivo il quale se assimiglia al porro. Et fregalo molto bene et raccoglie tutti i ditti grani del sale che tu ai adoperati a fregare sun li porri in una carta et gettali inel mezo del foco et sia presto vane via che non li senti a schiopare e per 8 o 10 di se ne anderano via et fala 3 matine ala fila. Item a mandare via porri. Rx acqua di tasso barbasso stillata al vetro et bagna li porri et meti suso deli suoi fiori amacati tra 2 pietri et presto anderano via. Et farai cenere deli fusti de brionia et farai suco de ditti foglie e di tasso barbasso et deli suoi fiori et fara unguento con dita cenere e ongie li porri e anderano via presto. Et torai del fele dele anguille et discalza li porri overo li calli chel pari il sangue. Ongi et anderano via e presto. Et tutte queste sopra ditte racette sono quasi tutte aprobate e vero. *Ad ogni sorte porri a mandarli via et massime sopra alla verga. Rx. orpimente sottilmente macinato et metilo in una poccola bocetta tenendola sopra i carboni acesi et si verra a liquefare dove el tinerai tanto che in tutto non sia disiccato e che non si abrusci et che sia in color de rubino et condotto a tal modo ne pilierai quella quantita che tu vorai per li bisogni et tritalo sotilmente. Poi abbi acqua de alume di rocca et di quella bagna li porri et meti sopra de ditta polvere 2 volte al giorno et in 3 di anderano via. -------- [Page 362] Bono piede per caminare et si mantiene. Torai herba ditta lingua canis et mettila sotto ale sole de piedi che toccano la carne. Poi calzati et camina et non ti fara mai male ale piante de li piedi mentre che tu tenenerai dela ditta erba ut foglie de lingua canis sotto ale piante de piedi. Ma prima il di inanti che tu vorai caminare fatti questo bagno a piedi. Torai dele radice di osmarino et tagliale minute et falle bolire in acieto forte per um pezo. Poi con essa acieto ti lava li piedi et lassele sugate dasse. Et la matina calzate con le ditte foglie et averai per caminare un piede forte come un corno. Et massime usandoti alcune volte a lavarteli con questa lavanda et fara la carne soda. Et e bel secreto per viandati. *Item contra al sudore de piedi. Rx. alume de roca arso e letrigirio d’oro, ana, in polvere et meti nel calcetto et metti il piede a carne nuda et il piede non ti sudera tanto. Che l’homo vada siccuro per via periculosa. Avanti che tu ti parti di casa permeterti in viaggio, dirai divottamente queste sante parole et le porta teco, vz. Prima farati il segno dela sancta + e dirai. ‘Virginitas christi liberet me. + Christus bonitas. + Christus liberet me + de inimicis. + Sanguis christi liberet et custodiat me. + Passio christi liberet me famulum tuum A’. Et dilla divottamente et passerai siccuro sequiti oratio. ‘Irruat super eos formido in magnitudine brachii tuii fiat immobiles quasi lapis donec per transeat populus tuus. Domine yehsus autem transiens per medium illorum ibat et nemo eum apprendit obscurentur oculi eorum ne videant nec mala cogitent et dorsum eorum semper in curua, amen +.’ Allia oratio. Fati il segno dela santa + e dirai, ‘Si ergo me queritis sinite hos abire + irruat super eos formido et pavor magnitudine brachii tuii. Domine fiat immobiles quasi lapis donec per transeat famulus tuus A quem tu possidisti + iota + sita + exitula + ego autem me signium sante crucis ut inimicus perpetuus nan ghallia ostium cinteos penetrabo securus + yehsus autem transiens per medium illorum ibat sic ergo ante transibo et per medium illorum transibo + + +.’ Et porta tecum et sempre i dio te aiutera avendo bona fede che lui te abia aiutare d’ogni periculo. Oremus. ‘Dulcissime domine yehsu christe, filii dei vivi que te respondesti iudeis volentibus te capere ego sum si ergo me queritis sinito hos abire tunc ipsi iudei abierunt retrorsum et ciciderunt in terram ita qui de illa hora tibi nocere non potuerunt sicut hoc verum esse credo et confiteor ita benignissimo domine yehsu christe me nunc et semper digneris custodire ab inimicis meis michi nocere querentibus et eos retrorsunt ab ira facias ne aliqualiter michi aliquid possint malum in ferre sed secutus quodam manibus ipsorum in viam pacis et securitatis, ad laudem et gloriam nominis custodi est benedictum in secula seculorum, amen. + + + .’ Dilla ogni di et porta tecum. + Oratione per impetrare gratia da dio et dela madona. ‘Crux + christi sic me. Crux christi est quam sempre adoro. Crux christi fit michi spes v[ost]ra salus. Crux christi superat omnem gladium. Crux christi + superat vincula mortis. Crux christi jesus sit michi sperantium per arma. + Crux christi + fit michi protetio. Crux christi deliberet me ab omni malo per crucem divine gratie est michi sperantia in omni itinere. Crux + christi aufer aufer a me e tena mala. Crux christi aufer a me omnes adversitates totius mundi. Crux + christi, jesu salvet me et si ante me post ne quod antiquitus hostis non me videat me recedat per crucis hoc signum fugiat procul omne malignum super idem signum fit potius omnem malignum. Amen.’ -------- [Page 363] Oratio contra omnia pericula mundi. ‘Jesus transiens per medium illorum ibat os non comminuetis ex eo per signum crucis + de inimicis nostris. Libera nos deus noster. Maria mater gratiae, mater misericordie, tu nos ab hoste protege et in hora mortis. Susipe per virginem matrem concedat nobis deus salutem iudicio. Angelus rafael que fuit cum tobia sit nobis cum sempre in via sub tum presidium confugimus. Sancta dei genetrix nostras deprecationes ne despicias in nesessitatibus itaque a periculis cunctis libera nos sempre virgo gloriosa et benedicta. Verbum caro factum est et habitavit in nobis. Pacem meam do vobis, pacem relinquo vobis, non turbetur cor vestrum neque formidet. Confidite ego vici mundum. Per christum, Dominum nostrum. Amen. + + + .’ Oratio devotissima. ‘O bone jesu per infinitam misericordiam tuam esto michi yehsus et quid est yehsus nisi plasmator nisi redemptor nisi salvator. Ergo bone yehsu per te plasmatus sum, per te redemptus sum. O bone yehsu qui me plasmasti tua benignitate rogo te ne pereat opus tuum, rogo questo annelo et suspiro ne perdas quod tua facit. Omnipotens divinitus, O bone yehsu recognosce quod tuum est et ne respicias quod meum est. O bone yehsu noli cogitare malum meum ne obliscaris bonum tuum. O bone yehsu si ego comisi per quod me damnare debes tu non amisisti per quod me salvare potes. Et si secundum iusticiam damnare me vis. O bone yehsu ad tuam primissimam misericordiam appello que super stat iudiciuum. Ergo queso miserere mei secundum magnam misericordiam tuam dictotum. Per christum, dominum nostrum.’ Oratio salutiffera. ‘Precor te dulcissime yehsu christe per quinque vulnera tua et aspera tormenta tua que in cruce + per me misero peccatore per tulisti dirigas hodie et semper in omnibus locis horis atque momentis animam meam, corpus meum actus cogitationes locutiones voluntates et operationes meas in viam pacis salutis et prosperitatis in omni bene placito tuo in omni bono opere da michi misero peccatori ut nunquam valeam decedere in hac vita sine veram penitentiam, pura confessione, digna satisfatione, casto corpore, mundo corde, fide recta catolicha et sacrosancta eucarestie et sancte olei untione. Et te Domine yehsu christe qui solus potes salvare da michi per intercessionem beatissime virginis marie matris tue dulcissime, ore et opere exercere que tibi placeant et michi expediuntur da michi in omni tribulatione consilium et in omni necessitater auxillium et in omni adversitate pacientiam, in omni prosperitate moderantiam et demum unam et letitiam sempiternam. Amen. Per christum dominum nostrum.’ ‘Yesu fu preso senza essere offeso, yesu fu legato senza peccato cosi yesu legareti le mane e piedi. El core a chi offendermi vole in ditti enfatti emparole + + +.’ Porta tecum. ‘El tetragamaton, deus fortis, o admiranda divinitas, o inefabile deitas, o indivisa charitas, o triun personam, una vera unitas, ego o peccator indignius te exoro, o altissime deus qui de nichilo cunta chreasti et mare proprium terminum posuisti quem preteriri non poteriut ex quatuor elementis creaturam tuam formasti. Ego rogo que in ista nocte tali ora videam in visione veritatem talis res et omnia que desiderat anima mea ad te deus angele dei adeo pre electe rogo te per nomen dei, adonay + elyson + athanathos + otheos, + as consigliarius vita acipiat petitionem meam. Amen. Per christum dominum nostrum. Amen.’ -------- [Page 364] A sugare il sudore e netare il pelo sotto ale bracia o dove tu voraiet ti rendera bono odore. Rx. litragirio d’oro quanto tu voi et chel sia in polvere sutilissima con piu egli e suttile egli e migliore e fa piu perfetta operatione. Et quando tu serai sudato per tutta la persona et massime sotto ali braci, dove rende quel cattivo odore cossi fastidioso et cossi sul petto e tra le cosse. Allora piglia um poco dela preditta polvere in cima ali 2 dita et fregha sotto ale bracia dove e il pele bagnato o in altre parte et presto si rassughera et mai piu non ti rendera quello cativo seto perche quel seto procede che il sudore passato se e rassugato et ataccato e invilupato intorno al pelo et como el se riscalda sempre rende cattivo odore. Et quello e quello che fa rissentire l’omo di cativo seto e pero usa dela preditta polvere quando tu sei sudato, impero che ella ti rassuga et neta il pelo et ti rendo bono odore e non ti machia le camise niente. Et e uno secreto belitissimo e vero il quale usandolo ne averai contento assai perche non mai piu sentirai di cativo seto. Item a restringere il sudore deli piedi et dele mane et levarli il cativo seto e presto. Rx. alume scaiola e lume di rocha, ana onze vj, e foglie de arcipresso et di tamariso et di mortella, ana m. uno, et farai bolire ogni cosa insieme in uno sechio di lissivazo overo ranno forte tanto chel calli il 3. Poi lavati le piante de li piedi et cossi le mane le quale ti sudano et li piedi ti rendono cattivo seto. Et questo lo continua 2 o 3 volte ala settimana et in breve tempo ne serai libero senza offesa alcuna et non piu cativo seto. Uno giocatore non gioca piu tanto. La madre la quale e molta zalante del onore del figliolo et del suo marito vedendo lei la robba di casa andare al male et poi in ultimo deli soi anni patiene per via del gioco. Io dico che se li debia provedere quando si sa tal secreto il quale e questo. Torai di quello reffe il quale avanza in el lago quando si cose li panni intorno a un morto et quello reffe fallo benedire. Poi ne meterai uno o 2 ponti in ciascheduno de capi deli soi vestimenti como e inella camisa, il giupone, il saiio, le calze, la cappa et la beretta. Et quando muta vestimenti fali drento li ditti ponti et che lui non lo sappia. Et sapi che cotestui li perdera la voglia del giocare a poc a poco et li verra infastidio e piu non vora gioccare. E questo fallo che egli e il vero et piu non giochera, purche lui non lo sappia. Provato. Oratione de dire la sera davanti al crocifisso prima con tre pater nostere 3 ave marie per 3 sere a ginochii nudi. Vz. ‘Omnipotens sempiterne deus secreta secretorum qui primo homini secreta dedisti qui Habel sacrificia revelasti, Noe secreta promisisti et Joannes evangelista rivelasti futura et Petro in sermone ostendisti et sancte Helene matri costantini crucem absconditam manifestasti. Obsecro te per beatam mariam virginem tuam et per beatos apostelos tuos et sanctos angelos tuos ut michi in hac nocte ostendas in vissione ut videam in vera visione la tal cosa et di allora quello che tu voi avere in visione et sapere et se mia a seguire uttile over danno et se mia a seguire utile fate che io vega campi fioriti, poma pulcra cienam preparatam et se non mea a seguire il vero dela cosa fate mi gratia che lo vega foco ardente, acqua corrente et in quello sommergere et a me nocere non possa. Emitte lucien tuam et veritatem tuam ipsa me deduxerunt et aduxerunt in montem sanctum tuum et in tabernacula tuam. Et veritas de terra orta est et iusticia de celo prospexit.’ Et di la con divotione per 3 sere et saperai im parte del tuo intento. -------- [Page 365] Lupo a de molte virtu medicinale, dico morto et non vivo, et aprobate. Del libro dela natura delle cose. Im prima diremo del capuo del lupo, il quale se’l sera suspeso inela tua casa overo inella tua posessione, niuna serpa li potra intrare per drento. Item. Vale se alcuno mercante o altro sotterrera sotto terra la testa del lupo con la bocca aperta sotto alla sua bottega over bancho al intrare drento tutte le sue mercantie li anderanno prospere et sempre di bene in meglio. Item. L’occhio destro del lupo se alcuno lo portera sopra disse non gli potra nocere nisuno malificio, ne incantatione, ne alcuno male li potra nocere ne intervenire. Et non potra dormire per finche lo tiene adosso. Et etiam vale uno deli preditti occhii qual tu voi et rinvoltalo in una foglia di erba che si chiama giralsole, colta de agosto quando il sole e in leone, vale che nisuna persona non potra contradite, portandolo adosso secretamente. Item. Li soi 2 denti overo tutti 4 li maestrali del lupo taccandone al collo uno solamente alli fanciulli piccoli o grandi animale nissuno non li potra nociere et molto lo diffende da vermi et molto lo conserva et lo diffende chel non cade di quel brutto male. Et li depentori voluntieri li doperano per i brunire l’oro sun li l’oro lavori. Et etiam li denti massellari del lupo pestali et fane polvere sutila et la notte quando la donna o l’huomo dorme, metti di questa polvere sul suo petto et ella o ello ti dira in insonio tutte quelle cose che a mai fatte in tempo di vita sua sotto brevita intendendole piu per discritione che per altro suo parlare. Item. Il sangue del lupo, bevto a 9 lune vecchie, guarisse il male dela epilepsia. Item. El core del lupo abrusciato et fattone polvere suttile e bevto, giova alo epilenticho. Et se tu lo farai seccare si dice che el diventa molto aromaticho. Et se tu porterai il core del lupo in mano, nissun cane ti potra abbiare drieto. Item. Il fegato del lupo et fatto cosere sun le brase o inel forno e fatto polvere overo mangiato cosi e bevto con vino o brodo, molto giova di dolori e alo epilenticho. Et etiam vale la ditta polvere a darne uno cugiaro con brodo caldo a chi patisse il colico dolore. Et vale la ditta polvere del fegato del lupo, cioe fatto seccare e trito et preso con vino dolce e utile ad ogni distemperanza. Modo di preservare il sopra detto fegato del lupo quando e fatto in polvere a tempi de bisogni che longamente duri chel non se tarli. Mettila in una scattolina con drento 3 o 4 cime de assenzo et tienla in cassa e mai non si guastera et lo adopera ali dolori colici. Item. Il fele del lupo insieme con l’olio rosato, ongendoti caldo le ciglia molto li zova. Et vale contra alo spasimo. Et se porterai adosso il core dela tortora serai ben voluto. Item. El pulmone del lupo spolverizato et datto a bere con vino bianco, vale contra a quelli che anno il mal di petto et che non possano alzare le braccia. Item. La milza del lupo, ut lupa, mangiata, vale contra alla imbriaghezza. -------- [Page 366] Item. Il budello del lupo il quale non na se non uno che e doppio e largo et quello netta et lo lava bene et in ultimo lo lava con acieto forte e sale, poi gonfielo et tache lo apresso al camino chel si secca bene o in el forno et non avere aschiffo il suo odore abenche’l senta di salvadeghino et quello lo conserva in una scattola con 4 o 6 cime di assenzo per adoperarlo ali bisogni e mai non se intarla. Il quale vale al dolore di fianco e alla passione colicha, cingetelo al traverso a carne nuda sopra dove sente il dolore et lasselo stare tanto che la tua carne riscalda il budello et la passione del fiancho andera via et presto orinerai et ti sentirai guarito per la gratia de dio. Et se tu fusti sotto posto a tale infermita, portalo un mese continuo cinto et mai piu non ti veranno dolori di fiancho, dico a carne nuda. E piu volte aprobato. Et se lo legherai sotto al corpo a uno animale che tu pensasti che gli avesse dolori et lasselo per tutto un di o una notte et, con l’aiutto de dio, guarira. Et quando pissa elli e libero e guarito. Et inel budello del lupo se li ritrova drento un osso, il quale e bono contra’l dolore di denti, tenendolo in bocca se’l si puo. Et etiam se tu distenderai il budello del lupo dinanci a una porta, et sia qual si vole, ne bovi, ne cavalli, ne muli, ne asini mai non passerano sopra. Item. La carne del lupo cotta e mangiata sana mirabilmente li fantastichi et li indropicii et etiam guarisse la febre quartana. Item. La ditta carne del lupo et questa virtu medema a quella dela volpe. Torai la preditta carne et insalela bene che la piglia il sale. Poi la lava con aceto overo con vino. Poi la metti a sugare al ombra et quando la sera ben secca, tu la serbi in loco asutto ali bisogni, che dio ne guardi. Et quando egli a cadesse che una bestia grossa, buo, vaccha, mulo, cavallo, cavalla, asino overo altro animale che avesse quel brutto male del pissa sangue overo altri dollori, fa di essere presto. Piglia dela preditta carne tanto di lupo quanta di volpe et tagliela minutamente et pestela bene un scudella per sorte. Et falla bolire in 2 boccali di vino bianco bono per una mezora. Levela dal foco et lassela al q uanto raffredare et che tu li patischa drento il dito. Allora abbia uno imbutto di corno et con ingegno dagliela a bere gio per la golla per forza et questo farai la matina et la sera. Essendo il male fresco solamente de un di presto guarira e dandoli dopoi a bere il suo beverone con farina e acqua tiepida. Et ne sia solecito a fare la sopra detta medicina perche se tu serai negligente la bestia ti morra perche in 3 giorni quel male lo spedisse et quella carne non e bona a niente salvo le culatte drieto del resto non tocare che ti faria male. Item bevanda per simile bestie et bon rimedio. Rx. vino bianco bono boccali j e ½ e triaccha bona onze iij et lardo di porcho maschio e vechio lb. j et battilo minutamente. Et torai lb. j di marmoro pesto suttilissimo et incorpora ogni cosa insieme et metilo al foco a bollire per um poco tanto chel lardo se distruga. Levelo et lasselo raffredare et quando tu li patirai drento il dito, allora buttalo gioso per la gola per forza con lo imbuto sopra detto et questo farai per 2 o 3 volte. Et se in capo ali 3 giorni el ti scampo tu l’ai guadagnato et non li lassare bere acqua fredda e tienlo caldo con bona stalla et tienlo da parte da li altri animali che non pigliano il male perche presto se piglia. Et di questo piu volte ne fatto esperienza inele sopra dette bestie grosse. Et sopra’l tutto chomo tu vedi che l’animale non mangia suspetta simil male e presto falli rimedii dela sopra detta medicina perche como passa li 2 giorni chiari ve ne che possino scampare perche troppo li contamina il sangue. Et quello li va al core e presto lo fa morire. Et pero tiene sempre a cautella dela carne del lupo et dela volpe per tale infermita. -------- [Page 367] Item, il grasso del lupo. Se tu ongerai una bachetta di quello albero che si chiama agrifoglio col ditto grasso et metila la sera in mezo dela camera, tutti li pulci che vi sera drento salterano suso et quelli che starano suso apicate le potrai amazare e farne vendette. Item. L’osso del lupo il quale sta neli stinchi, cioe tra osso e osso, chel se adimanda nose et sia quale si vole et fa chel sia secco e ben lavato e netto et mettilo in uno caldaio che bolla al foco et fali sotto bon foco. Mai quel caldaio non andera sopra per virtu di quello osso. Item. Il sterco bianco del lupo vale contra alla passione colicha et etiam giova alla schilencia, datto con vino caldo. Item, il membro ut verga del lupo. Se tu la farai seccare inel forno et fane polvere sutila in tutti i modi et dane a bere un mezo cuchiaro in 2 o 3 dita di vino bianco caldo a una donna la qual patisse di mal di matre et presto sera guarita che no gli dara noia. Item. Deli peli del lupo, cioe dele palpebre deli occhii et deli peli che sono sotto alla barba et dela sopra ditta polvere dela verga, tutti abrussati et incorporate tutte le polvere et datte a mangiare a homo ut donna che non lo sappia, valet ad amorem. Item. La vessicha del lupo. Fala seccare et fane polvere et quella la incorpora con la caligine vero ragnatella que sta super fumum et rubeum ovi et ogni cosa incorpora con torlo d’ovo e acqua et farai a modo de unguento liquido et metene sopra alla facia et non serai conossuto. Item. La pelle del lupo giova molto ale donne che non possano partorire, metendo li e la adosso a carne nuda, cioe col pelo diffora, e presto partorira. Et chi la porta adosso, non ingenera mai pidochii. Item. La coda del lupo se tu la tacherai di drieto al usso dela stralla, mai non vi entrara drento il bestiamo per insino che non la levi via. Et etiam se tu tacherai la ditta coda in camera tua dinanti ut drento dela tua finestra che la stia in aria, mai non vi entrara drento mosche et in quel loco dove la sera suspesa. Et questo basta dele virtu del lupo. Cavallo o bovi o altri animali chi avesse il pissa sangue il quale sol venirea bestie bovine per riscaldamento et cibi contrarii. Principalmente quando tu vedi la bestia andare con passi lenti oltra al esser suo pone bene a mente inel suo pissare se’l pissa alcune sentille di sangue over gioze et se’l non mangia secondo il suo solito modo, avendo tu visto questi segni evidenti e manifesti, non essere lento se tu voi riccuperare il tuo cavallo o bove o vaccha o altri animali. Disubito falli questa medicina con le sotto scritte erbe et non preterire et massime dela solicitudine perche importa. Vz. Rx. marobio, assentio, ruta e cardo sancto, ana m. uno, et taglielo minuto et fallo bolire in 3 boccali di vino bianco tanto che calli il terzo. Et metteli drento a bolire 2 capi d’aglio chel sia amaccato et mezo scudelino de caligine fatto suttile et farai ogni cosa bolire. Poi lasselo al quanto raffredare et farai uno inbuto di corno et per forza lo buta gioso per la gola con l’erba tutto a un tratto. Et farai questa medicina matina e sera per 2 di et dali a 3 ori dalli a bere il beverone tiepido con um pugno di farina. Et per 3 di non li lassare toccare l’aqua fredda. Nota che questa medicina e quella la quale li viene a purificare il fele et lo rissana perche quella infermita non procede da altro salvo chel fele se li spande per il corpo et contamina tutte le viscere et l’enterriora per causa de alcune erbe che gli a mangiato, le quale li a fatto trabboccare il fele. Et per virtu dele dette erbe le quale sono contrarie a tale infermita et ogni cosa si rassetta con bona guardia e presto lo animale guarisse. -------- [Page 368] Nota chel ditto male del pissa sangue si chiama il male del anticore, il quale presto spedisse in capo ali 3 ut 4 giorni el se ne more. Et tu affare questa medicina non lassare passare per niente li 2 giorni perche tu sentaresti ariaverlo in sanita. Et sappi che questo secreto egli e raro tra li homini di villa, li quali a simil male li sogliano dare alcune bevande et pochi ve ne sono che scampino. Et se tu serai solecito a fali la sopra detta medicina, stane siccuro che ogni bestia che abia tal male presto ne guarisse per dei gratia perche piu e piu volte egli e statto aprobato. Et etiam in quel di medemo che egli a preso la medicina incomincie va a mandiare e a stare ritto in piedi e tienlo caldo e con bon letto et la stalla calda et disseparato da gli altri. Et con l’aiutto de dio, guarira et l’averai ricuperato. Item al cavallo o altra bestia che avesse l’anticore. Tu li dirai 3 matine continue questa oratione col pater noster et l’ave maria e 3 volte per matina et non li fare altro. Vz. ‘In nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +. Amen. Coniuro te per deum vivem, per deum verum, per deum sanctum, per sancta maria, mater domini nostri yehsu christi, che tu non staghi in questo animale che tu dissendi di osso in carne, et di carne in pelle, et di pelle in peli et che li peli caschino in terra et chel mare se apri che riceva questo male.’ Et fali sopra il segno dela santa croce, in nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +, Amen. Et lo tiene in bona stalla calda con bon letto sotto et la coperta adosso e con lo aiutto de dio, presto guarira. Cavallo o altra bestia che avesse li dolori colici overo aliaci. Torai 3 spighe di segala, cioe di paglia battuta, et meteli in croce a questo modo +, et tieneli in mano et fregherai ala bestia amalata parechie volti inanti e in drieto sotto al corpo cominciando apresso a tasticuli venendo fino ale gambe dinanti. Et questo farai drento alle speronaie et quando tu arai fatto da un lato lo farai dal altro et frega sopra ale vene piu grosse che tu senti. Et queste medesime freghe tali potrai fare a ogni bestia che si sentisse avere li dolori. Et menire che tu fara queste freghe, dirai il pater noster con l’ave maria. Poi dirai questo oratione 2 volte al giorno, matina e sera, per 3 di continui et con l’aiutto de dio presto guarira, perche e provata. Vz. ‘San martin per acat andava chi saloggi la massaia marito dolce e moglie amara, sacco molle e paglia rada. Fora di questo corpo questo mal vada. E prego dio e san martin che mi dia questa gratia che toccando questa bestia li dolori se ne vada et cosi sia.’ Et fali un seg[n]o de +. Io voglio che tu sapi questa oratione perche cossi e apropriata a dolori di cavallo. Essendo san martin in viagia e capito a casa di un contadino la sera ed era molto stanco e dimando da logiare. El contadino fu contento et la moglie barbottava. El contadino comando chel fusse messo a dormire in el letto e la moglie non volse et ella deti uno sacco ala sua massaia che lo desse a quello pelegrino e chel stesse in un canto a dormire et la serva si mosse a compassione lo misse a canto a un tino dove era al quanto di paglia e rada id est poca. Et lui cossi poveramente si colocho sopra a quella paglia et il sacco era al quanto molle et cossi si stette san martin. Et la matina il patrone vol cavalcare et vide il suo cavallo che sta aiacere con li dolori et cossi dismisse il suo andare et andando per casa trova questo pelegrino che tremava di freddo. Li dimanda la cagione et lui li disse il tutto et fue molto conturbato inverso alla sua donna et feceli ribuffo et il pelegrino lo conforto. Et liu li disse como il suo cavallo aveva li dolori et meno il pelegrino inela stalla et dimandoli del suo nome et di sua patria et tutto li disse. Et che lui dovesse tore 3 spighe di segale et chel dovesse fregare sotto al corpo al cavallo et dire, ‘San martin peracat andava chi salogi la massaia, marito dolce e moglie amara, saco mole e paglia rada fora di questo corpo questo mal vada,’ et ditto questo subito il cavallo salta in piede. El peligrino subito spari et questo tessoro rimasse a questo bon homo per bocca di san martino. -------- [Page 369] Item a cavallo che abbia li dolori in corpo. Rx. erba savina e fior di camomilla, ana m. uno, e comino pesto onze s et farai bolire ogni cosa in 2 bocali di vino bianco bono tanto che calli il terzo. Et l’erba sia tagliata minuta. Et quando sera tiepida, la getta gio per la gola con l’inbutto di corno per forza. Poi torai m. uno dela ditta erba savina tagliela minuta et dalla a mangiare con la semola et li darai da bere li beveroni caldi dali a 3 ore. Et tienlo caldo quanto tu poi. Poi torai del erba iva m. 2 et tagliela minuta et falla soffrigiere in la padella con olio comune. Poi l’acomoda cossi calda sopra ale rene e ali fianchi che la vi stia suso. Et cosi farai 2 volte al giorno e presto, per dei gratia, guarira. E de raro secreto e de statto piu volte esperimentato. Item a liberare presto una bestia che abia li dolori. Da a mangiare la radice del cocumero asinio al animale infermo et subito guarira. Et etia[m] se tu dirai queste parolle tocandoli il corpo overo inel orechia dritta per 3 volte subito guarira. Vz. ‘Quando christus natus fuit omnes dolor factus fuit. Fuge dolor, fuge dolor + quia dominus te perseguitur.’ Et presto, per dei gratia, il cavallo sera liberato. Item ali dolori che viene al cavallo per scaldare et raffredare. Nota per tutti li boni rispetti quando tu vai ala messa dela meza notte di natale la quale se dimanda la messa di sancta anastasia, + quando il prete dice il pater noster, dillo ancora tu conesso lui. Et quando vorai aiutare il cavallo, metteli le mane sopra al orechia dritta et dirai 3 pater noster con 3 ave marie et fali sopra 3 + a onore dela sancta trinita et di sancta anastasia con comemoratione di quella messa che tu udisti quella notte quando dicesti il pater noster col prete. Poi falli bon letto et non li mancare che presto guarira. Cavallo che avesse la tosse overo fusse infredato o bolso. Rx. dele radice di raffano no. 6 e botiro onze 6 et 4 capi d’aglio e pepi onza s. Et ogni cosa sia ben pisto minutamente et incorpora insieme. Et ogni matina di bon ora dagliene a mangiare tanta quanta e un ovo per spatio de 15 giorni. Et subito meteli il morso in bocca et lasselo cossi per 2 o 3 ore chel non mangi. Poi li darai il suo beverone e non molto e presto guarira. Et lo mantiene caldo in la stalla con la sua copertina. E questo e provato. Item. Cavallo bolso farlo guarire. Torai una prevenda d’orzo che sia netta di polvere e di terra et fallo bolire con assai acqua tanto chel creppi. Poi lo cola et premi fora l’orzo col torchietto et meti questa sustantia con la bolitura et metivi drento m. uno de orticha et m. 2 de erba savina, tagliata minuta et ritorna a fare bolire ogni cosa insieme per um poco. Poi col tuo ingnegno darai da bere questa bolitura al cavallo per 10 o 15 giorni et guarira. Et tienelo in calda et farai bolire con l’orzo meza libra di lardo di porco mastio giovine. Item. Cavallo che sia infredato, presto farlo guarire. Rx. agrimonia m. uno tagliata minuta et rubache di lauro m. ½ fatte in polvere suttile et dala a mangiare al tuo cavallo infredato. Poi dalli da bere acqua bianca, cioe beverone, et quando li darai da bere, metteli in bocca una pezza ritorta in modo di morso et che la sia onta con olio laurino. Poi che l’aveva bevto, falo passegiare per un pezzo con la sua coperta. Poi lo mena in stalla et chel stia caldo che presto guarira, avendone bono custodia como e ditto disopra. Chel tuo cavallo corera piu che tutti li altri e tutti li vincera inel corre et advertisse quando comincia acorrere, dirai queste parole et non dire altro. ‘Christus abiel. Christus abiel. Christus abieli.’ Et non dire altro et correre piu che tutte li altri. E questo e provato ineli barbari. -------- [Page 370] Cavallo o altra bestia chi avesse il male del vermo piccolo o grandeo temesse li vermi inel corpo, presto guarirlo. Rx. um pane biancho di formento taglielo in fette et fallo bene brostolare et torai onze vij o viij di sulimato et metti ogni cosa in mortaio di pietra et pesta ogni cosa insieme et fane polvere suttilissima et quella conserva ali bisogni. Et quella bestia che avera il male del verme facerte broffole per la persona et prima nasse sul petto, al collo, ale gambe dinanti e sotto al corpo et poi piglia tutta la persona et per volerlo presto guarire farai a questo modo. Piglia una de quelle cocchioli ut broffole con 2 dita et tagliale con la ponta del coltellino overo con la lancetta o altra ponta che taglia bene et primi fora bene quella ribalderia di marza chi ve drento. Poi mettivi drento di questa polvere con el tuo ingegno a tutte quante le buche che tu aprirai et se’l ne de aperte, premi ben fora quella marza verminata et metivi drento dela ditta polvere perche quella marza e tutta a velenata del vermo et li scorre tra carne e pelle et dare si ferma se li fa que botoncini et per questa via bisogna amazarlo. Et mettine in tutte le buche che tu aprirai et in quelle che sono aperte et sia che animale si vole che abia questo male del vermo et presto guarirano perche piu volte lo aprobato. Et questo secreto e venuto de alemagna, il quale erano tra le persone et chi a tale secreto lo tien per se il quale ti vende la polvere ma non il secreto et questo lo tien per secreto. Item al male del vermo a guarirlo in un altro modo et sia che bestia se vole. Va e cava una pianta de virgam pastoris, cioe de quelli garzi salvatichi che si garzano i pani, la matina avanti che leva il sole et a luna sema. Et fondila per il mezo et li troverai drento certi vermicelli deli quali tu ne piglierai 3 et metteli in una pezza lina et taccheli al collo alla bestia et dilli 3 pater noster con 3 ave marie. Poi torai 3 monete d’argento et tieneli in + in mano et valo segnando per tutto il male. Poi ne li + taccherai al collo et questo signare falo 3 matine continue avanti che leva il sole et farai dire sopra ale monete una messa di san job avanti che li tacchi al collo. Et le ditte monete in capo ali 3 di leveli via che non fa piu nulla, ma li vermicelli abenche li siano morti lasseli pur cossi atacati al collo per al quanti giorni. Et la bestia andera migliorando a poc a poco e sia che animal si vole che presto, con lo aiutto de dio, guarira. Et tienlo disseparato da li altri cavalli. Item a guarire cavalli o bovi o altre bestie del male del verme. Torai dele mater de viole zotte con la radice et metele in una pezeta m. ½ et fali dire sopra una messa di sant alo. Poi dirai 3 pater noster con 3 ave marie a onore e riverencia de dio et dela santa trinita et atacchela al collo dela animale con una carda di 3 fila rinforzata et fali sopra 3 nodi con 3 + e presto guarira del vermo. E provato. Item a guarire il mal del vermo al cavallo et sia che bestia si vole. Impara a mente o le scrive queste quatro parolle et con essa carta toccherai tutte quante quelle broffole del vermo a una per una dilla tutte et segnale como tu vedi. Et questo farai per 3 matine per tempo continue. Poi tacherai questa oratione al collo al cavallo et lassela cossi che presto el guarira. E de aprobato. Vz. ‘Al nome de dio et di m[onsigno]re sancto lotto + alubia + gio + distoria + etrinis.’ Et non li fare altro che questo ti basta. Item cavallo che tremesse li vermi in corpo. Rx. songia di porco maschio lb. 3, tagliela minuta, et falla distrugere. Poi li metti drento aloe patico in polvere onze ij et farina de lupini onze js et incorpora bene insieme. Et quando non ne tanto calda, farai con qualche ingegno che tu nela butti gioso per la gola adopera lo imbutto di corno fa che per amore o per forza la tolga et falo passegiare per un gran pezo et presto guarira deli vermi. Overamente farai a quest altro modo. Dalli questa medicina per bocca, cioe torai aloe patico et foglie di persico fatte in polvere, ana onze ij, suco de assentio e anime di persico, ana onze j ½…. -------- [Page 371] Et ogni cosa sia sutilmente spolverizate et meterai ogni cosa in una mezetta di vino bianco et falo scaldare et mettilo per bocca al cavallo con lo imbutto di corno et fallo passegiare. Ma prima tu li darai questa medicina, torai latte 2 scudelle overo aqua melata et dalla ha bere al cavallo per 3 matine con l’imbutto di corno. Et tutti li vermi che gli a inel corpo li vengano inelo stomaco. Poi l’altra matina tu li darai la sopra detta medicina, la quale trovera tutti li vermi vannati inelo stomaco et tutti morirano per questa medicina amara la quale e contraria ale 3 prime che gia erano pregni et ora tutti creperano per la qual cosa mentre che stano in quella quantita nel corpo del animale sempre lo tiene magro et mangia assai arispetto a questi vermi perche li mangiano tutta la substantia. Poi fugano dalo stomaco et vanno inela coda et dali picichore e poi la grattano inel muro o dove possono et come la rapreso le predette bevande presto se libererano di tale infermita et in breve verano grossi. E provato. Item a guarire il cavallo che abbia li preditti vermi in corpo. Torai scropulo j di solfero gialdo et fane polvere et dallo a mangiare con dela semola la matina di bon ora et non li dare a bere dali a 2 ore et questo fallo per 3 matine et questa racetta fala l’inverno se’l si po e non la stade per essere il solfero caldo et presto, per dei gratia, il cavallo guarira dali vermi. E provato. Cavallo che abia male sun la schiena o piaga sun la croce dinanti, a guarirlo. Rx. aloe patico e incenso, ana onza j, calcina viva onze ij et ogni cosa fatto in polvere suttile et torai agrimonia e scabiosa, ana m. uno, et fala seccare al ombra et fane polvere sutila et onza s di pepi pesto. Et torai tanto mele che tu possi impastare le predette polvere et fane balotine et falle seccare ma non al sole. Et le pesterai et fane polvere et quella conserva ali bisogni. Et quando il tuo cavallo avera alcuna guidaresco o male sun la crose dinanti lava la piaga bene con vino caldo che prima li sia bolito drento onza s di pepi pisto e onze ij di sale et con esso lava bene la piaga. Poi li metterai sopra dela predetta polvere et lassela cossi et diffendila che con la coda non la getti via. Et questo purga et tira la carne. Poi quando la carne e apresso che paregiata, fa di avere dele scarpe vecchie brusate, agrimonia e scabiosa um poco dela ditta polvere mescolata con 3 volte tanta con quella de scarpe. Et non metere piu dela prima polvere ma metti di questa che presto riffara la pelle e guarira. Et questa medicina e statta fatta piu volte. Overamente farai quest altra medicina quando’l male e insu le coste. Torai un pezo di lardo et fallo friggere in la padella et cossi intiero buttalo inel acieto fortissima et quando vorai medicare, farai scaldare l’acieto col lardo drento et piglialo cossi caldo in mano et ongi bene le ditte piaghe. Et fallo piu volte e presto guarira. Et etiam chel non li fusse rotto, ongi purre quello infiato o bugnoni molto bene e guarira. Cavallo che avesse le formelle intorno a calcagni e a piedi. Rx. draganti lb. j et metteli a mole in aceto fortissima coperti per 3 giorni in loco caldo. Poi li pesterai in mortaio tanto che diventano in modo de unguento. Et quelli li conserva in loco fresco et stiano al quanto liquidi. Poi matina e sera ongi il male dele formelle overo spinelle, strapiciandoli molto bene con le mane mentre che tu longi intorno ala menatura de calcagni. Et falo piu volte e presto guarira e de pochi giorni che tale racetta si adopero in un cavallo di gran valuta, che aveva le formelle doppie. -------- [Page 372] Cavallo che fusse rapperso per scaldare et raffredare o per troppa fatticha. Rx. rasa e pesa greca, ana lb. j, pegola e pesa navale, ana lb. js, trementina e comino, ana onze iij, e farina di seme lino onze ij. Et tutte queste cose vano insieme al foco bene incorporate in una pignata overo un tozetto. Prima chel cavallo sia tutto rapperso et si fa tutto in un pezzo et la pella li sta ataccata ali ossi che ella non si pole avere con le dita et non vole mangiare, subbito falti cavare sangue sotto alle speronaie et riccoglie quel sangue et mettilo inel ditto cirotto. Poi che tu averai conposto el ditto cirotto, cossi caldo caldo distendilo sopra alla croppa et insul petto et sopra ale spalle et di sopra alle gionture deli zinocchi. Et frega molto bene contra’l pele accio che’l si tacchi bene sun la pelle. Poi fallo passegiare piu che tu poi et dalli da mangiare dele fave e falli li beveroni matina e sera per 2 o 3 giorni. Et in capo a 20 o 30 giorni farai scaldare del lissivazo et lavelo bagna prima lo impiastro tanto che se immorbedisse. Poi lo leva con la striglia et averai guarito il tuo cavallo di cossi brutta infermita. Et sera bello polito como de prima. Cavallo che avesse le vidole drieto ale orechie, cioe sotto ale ganasse. Quando il tuo cavallo fusse amaloto chel non volesse mangiare et che la pelle li stesse atacchata tutta al dosso et avesse freddo le orechie, el naso et voluntieri stesse a giacere, allora tastali drieto ale ganasse sotto al orecchio inel congiontura del collo e del capo sotto ala giucca del capo et piglia con li tuoi 2 dita la pelle et quello che li seguita drieto et sentirai certi granelli sotto ali dita, allora et in quel loco tu li peli via um poco di pele. Poi con una tanaglia li piglia in quel loco la pelle ma non stringere che tu non la tagliasti et con la ponta del cortello che sia bene tagliente o altro ferro datto accio bene apontito forali la pelle tanto che tu li possi metere drento la ponta del dito et cava fora tutte quelle granella biancha che tu li vedi. Poi tu li averai ben cavati e nette, meteli drento um poco di sale pesto et ongi con um poco di olio di fora via et lassela cossi. Non li fare altro et se’l bisogna fallo da tutti 2 i lati. Poi li meterai in bocca um bastone di fico verde et fanelo mastichare per um poco. Poi dali a mangiare parechie fave o altri leghumi et fallo passegiare per 2 o 3 ore con la coperta adosso. Et tienlo caldo in stalla con bon letto et con beveroni et non tochi acqua fredda per 3 di et lasselo in riposso per 4 o 5 giorni et con lo aiutto de dio l’averai guadegnato et presto guarira dele vidole. Cavallo che avesse machia ineli occhii, presto guarirla. Rx. alume di rocha intiera onze iij et 2 bichieri di acieto forte et falla bolire in uno pignatino pian piano tanto che tutta l’acieto si consuma. Et torai quel fondo che e rimasto et fane polvere sutilissima et piglierai dela ditta polvere quanta e una lentichia et sopiela per un canello o penna inel ochio del cavallo dove egli a la maglia et falo 2 volte al di e presto guarira dela machia, la quale se rissolve a poc a poco. Et etiam questa polvere e de bona anche al huomo il quale avesse tal machia insun l’occhio o altra cosa nuvelosa che coprisse la luce e che fusse ap[p]arente sopiane drento quanta e neza lentichia. Questo e vero che la picicha um poco ma presto passa via et facendolo piu volte presto la la dissecchera et in breve tempo li vedrai. E questo e bel secreto. -------- [Page 373] Cavallo che non si lassi ferrare voluntieri o fusse restino. Lega strettamente il tuo cavallo et acostati a lui bellamente et di gli in el orechia dritta, ‘Memento domine davit et omnes mansuetu dinem eius +. Gaspar te prendi, + baldassare te liga, + marchion te mena, +, amen +. Pax eterna + ab eterna + sit pax huic. + Christus natus est, eque et ligatus +. Emifarme, emifarte pax. Fiat hodie +.’ Poi tali 3 segni di croce + + + et nel nome de dio si lassera ferrare et non fara molto strepito et averai gran contento. Et etiam il cavallo ti vora bene et dove anderai te seguitera. Et etiam se tu li dirai anche queste parolle inela ditta orechia, il cavallo stara umile et se lassera ferrare. Cioe, ‘Relin, relin, moysem ti tene, cavallo. Habraam ti prende, ysaach ti lega e jacob ti doma +.’ Et fali uno segno di + e stara molto mansueto. Et dilla 2 o 3 volte et vedrai lo efetto. Item. Cavallo che fusse statto inchiodato inadvertentemente Piglia il piede amalato et prima segna intorno al piede et caveli quel chiodo che tu poi pensare che li faza male e con destreza et non lassare il piede in terra ma sotto al dirimpetto di quella spalla farai in terra una + et in mezo dela linea pianta il ditto chiodo. Et dirai, ‘Oremus preceptis salutaribus moniti et divina institucione formati audimus dicere. Pater noster qui es in celis santificetur nomen tuum adveniat regnum tuum, fiat voluntas tua.’ Non passare et darai un colpo sul chiodo. Poi dirai un altro pater noster et dirai per insino, ‘Sicut in celo.’ Poi darai un altro colpo. Poi dirai un altro pater noster et dirai insino, ‘Et in terra.’ Et darai 3 colpi sul chiodo et fichalo tutto in terra al ultimo colpo. Et subbito il ditto cavallo andera come se non avesse mai auto male. Et averai contento assai andare per il tuo viaggio. Item al preditto male del inchiodato. Prima leveli il chiodo che li fa male et con medesimo chiodo segnali intorno al piede, possando in terra. Poi leva il piede et li farai una + in mezo al segno et in mezo al segno meteli il chiodo et dalli suso 3 colpi. Al primo colpo dirai, ‘Dulce lignum.’ E al 2, ‘Dulce clodo.’ Et al 3 colpo dirai, ‘Dulce pondus scutinet.’ Et fali sopra il segno di croce +. Et monta a cavallo et andera como se non avesse auto male. Et piu tu li potrai dire anche queste 3 parolle con uno segno di + et caminera, cioe, ‘Anter panter panter anter.’ Dilli un pater noster et anderai per li fatti tuoi. Et piu volte aprobato. Et questo farai per 3 volte continue et averai l’intento tuo. -------- [Page 374] Item cavallo restino che non volesse intrare in barcha. Acostati al cavallo belamente et piglia l’orecchia dritta et fali un segno di + et dilli queste parolle, ‘Memento domine davit et omnis mansuetudinis eius. + Abraam se ti piglia, + ysaac si te lega, + et jacobo te guida + e passa al nome de dio et dela virgine maria, bestia mia.’ Et subito andera inanti. Et fanne la esperientia quando tu passi alcun porto et vedrai lo effetto mirabile perche e provato. Item cavallo che si disferrasse per viaggio. Dismonta e tirati da parte et dirai 3 pater noster con 3 ave marie per l’anima di qualcuno che tu abbia conossuto che sia statto iusticiato o morto a mala morte et in mente tua dirai, ‘O tale A fa chel mio cavallo che e disferrato te sia raccomandato finche vadi in logo chel possa far ferrare.’ E monta suso e va per i fatti tuoi sicuramente per insino che tu trovi mariscalcho et allora fallo ferrare et non avera mai male niuno. Et dopoi tu li dirai 3 altri pater noster per l’anima sua et racomandarla a dio et se tu lasserai il tuo cavallo fora la notte a passere et raccomandelo al ditto amico e nuino non te lo porta tore senza tua saputa. E de provato. Cavallo bianco farlo venire con alcune machie verde. Rx. cappari verdi 4 o 6 lb. et falli seccare al ombra et fane polvere. Poi la farai stillare al lambico di vetro a bagno et poi farai destillare la 2 volta la preditta aqua. Poi con la ditta acqua bagna spesse volte dove tu vorai fare tal segno verde et quello pele pigliera la tinta verde e durera un tempo et fara bel vedere. Et etiam torai 2 o 3 lb. de verderame fallo calcinare. Poi cavene acqua alla bozza una volta et la 2 la farai distillare et quella adopera a ongere dove e il pele bianco. Et lo fara diventare di altro colore che tra al verde et cossi potrai tingere cavalli, cani et gatti et altri animali. Et per un tempo ti fara bel vedere. E de bel secreto. Item. Un altro simile secreto a fare una stella in fronte a uno cavallo. Rx. una radice di pan porcino et falli uno buco in mezo et mettivi drento olio comune et metilo in la cenere calda con dele brase intorno. Et lassele cosere bene. Poi radi dove tu voi fare la stella et con ditto olio chel sia ben caldo, ongi il loco raduto 2 volte al giorno. Et con uno poco de sapone nero et si tocherai in altro loco diventera bianco. Et cossi si dice. Item a fare diventare zoppo un cavallo in un quarto d’ora per una burla e presto farlo ritornare senza impedimento. Torai 2 o 3 setole di coda di cavallo et legali una gamba dinanti disopra del ginocchio piu stretto che tu poi et lasselo star fermo. Et per un quarto d’ora andera zoppo che parera chel abia un gran male. Et quando lo vorai farlo guarire, leva via le setole o tagliale et dalli 2 frega ala gamba et sera presto guarito et non avera impedimento e va dove tu voi. Anco si pol fare un altra burla simile a questa ma non lo credo se prima non lo provo. El si dice che chi tole una gamba di uno scaravazo che sta sotto ale pietre che puzano et legarla in una pezetta lina et meterla sotto al medal del usso et como passa sopra el ditto cavallo, dichano che presto se inzoppa da quella banda et tanto andera zoppo tanto quanto quella cosa stara li sotto et subito che la leverai via sera guarito e libero senza male. *Ad puntura acqui ut hominis. Dic, ‘Al nome de dio et dela santa trinita et dela virgine maria, m[onsigno]re yehsu christo si fu punto e fu lavato e si fu unto. Cosi como lo guari del punto per quel lavare et per quel unto, cosi guarischa questo homo ut cavallo di questo punto.’ + + + . -------- [Page 375] Acqua per guarire ferrite, fistole, canchri, malnassente e piaghe vechiepurche il male sia di fora. Prima torai acqua netta in una inchistara o altro vaso et la benedirai inel modo qui sotto scritto, la quale acqua vale per medicare le fistolo e cancheri et mali nassenti et tutte le piaghe vechie et tutte le tagliature ut ferrite, purche questi mali siano di fori. Bagnando dele fila et dele pezze et mettere sopra ali ditti mali non osservando tempi ne ori et questa iustamente si pol fare e perdonando all’offeso di bon core et ogni homo e bono da benedire l’acqua. Et prima dica il pater noster et l’ave maria, el confiteor deo patri et seguitare como tu trovi scritto et averai cura che non la vada per terra. Vz. 1. ‘Acqua, ego te exorzizo tibi que iubeo in nomine santissime trinitis, patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti, + amen, ut hoc vulnus per te rectem sanetur et optime consolidetur sicut dei precepto obedisti in principio mundi quando in locum tuum te contulisti. Amen.’ Et dirai uno pater noster per ogni oratione, vz., pater noster dictotum. 2. ‘Acqua, ego te exorcizo atque iubeo in nomine santissime trinitis, patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +, amen ut sicut archam sustinuisti cum omni natura humana eam quem integram et salvam servasti si istud vulnus per te recte sanetur et optime consolidetur. Amen.’ Pater noster con l’ave maria. 3. ‘Acqua, ego te exorcizo tibi que iubeo in nomine sanctissime trinitis, patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +, amen, santissimi que misterii quod in flumine jordane fuit operatum manibus gloriosi sancti jonnes baptiste ut recte sanes optime que consolides istud vulnus, amen.’ Pater noster, ave maria. 4. ‘Acqua, ego te exorcizo tibi que iubeo in nomine santissime trinitis, patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti, amen et per misterium santissimi convivii quando te in vinum convertisti et sicut acqua jordanis ad preceptum helysey mundavit et sanavit naaman syrum a lepra sua atque vulnus sanare et carnem restituere ad prestinam sanitatem ut sic recte optime que sanes istud vulnus, amen.’ Pater noster, ave maria. 5. ‘Acqua, ego te exorcizo tibi que iubeo in nomine santissime trinitis, patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti, amen. Ut sicut ex latere domini nostri, yehsu christi exivit sanguis et acqua et per probaticam piscinam que sanabat omnes infirmitates, sic per te istud vulnus recte sanetur optime que consolidetur, amen.’ Pater noster, ave maria. 6. ‘Bene + dico te acquam per yehsum christum filium dei unicum dominum nostrum qui in canna galilee signo ad mirabili sua que potentia te convertit in vinum qui cum pedibus suis super te ambulabit et a santo jonem baptista in jordane in te batizatus est + qui te una cum sanguine de latere suo produxit et dixit discipulis suis cura te omna vulnera in nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + amen.’ Pater noster, ave maria. 7. ‘In nomine santissime trinitis, patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +, amen, et omnium sanctorum et omnium virtutum celorum et in nomine sactissime noctis in qua sanctissima virgo peperit et christus natus est et postea mortuus est et sicut christus resurrexit et beata virgo et precepit ilis vulneribus ut essent bene firma et bene curata absque fetore, absque frigore, absque febre et sine sanguine et sine dolore et sine aliquo morbo. Christus imperavit et beata virgo +. Et sicut longinus hebreus domini nostri, yehsu christi, latus lancea perforavit et sicut dominus dictum vulnus sanavit et putredinem non duxit sic istud vulnus saniem et putredinem non ducat sed sanetur et caro in eo crescat in honorem sanctissime passionis domini nostri, yehsu christi et per septem verba que in cruce dixit deo patri: primo, Pater, ingnosce illis quia nesciunt quid faciunt. 2. Amen. Dico tibi quia hodie mecum eris im paradiso. 3. Mulier ecce filius tuus. Deinde discipulo ecce mater tua. 4. Sitio. 5. Consumatum est. 6. Hely, hely lama zabatani. 7. Pater in manus tuas, domini, comendum spiritum meum.’ Oremus. ‘Ita te domine mi yehsu christe rogo per illa et hec sanctissima verba que in cruce pendens dixisti ut inmittere digneris virtutem tuam in his linthea minibus et in hac acqua ut sanent hoc vulnus in nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + amen. Qui propitiatur omnibus iniquitatibus tuis qui sanat omnes infirmitates tuas, amen.’ Et quando benedirai l’aqua fa chel vi sia le peze presente et dirai tutte queste sopra scritte oratione a benedire l’acqua con le peze et sera sempre benedetta. Non altero. -------- [Page 376] A levare una voglia o sangue morto che fusse sul viso overo sun la persona. Rx. mucilagine di mela cotogne, gruogo et granella de zucche, ana a tua discretione, et siano fatte in polvere suttile et informate con dicotione di fengrego. Et con esso ti ongi il loco dela machia dove e il segno dela voglia overo il sangue morto et in pochi di sera ita via. Ancora potrai fare quest altra per mandare via la machia del sangue morto. Torai della belletta di fiume di acqua corrente et sapone bianco tagliato sutile, ana onze ij, et distempera il sapone con um poco di acqua calda. Poi mettivi drento la belletta et incorpora bene et la sera mettene sun la machia et la matina lavela gioso. Et questo fallo piu volte et andera via assai. Anco a mandare via il sangue morto ut ogni machia. Torai suco de appio et fiore di farina di grano et fane impiastro. Et la sera mettilo sul segno che voi mandare via et la matina lava et in pochi giorni ne vederai bella esperienza che non se vedera apeni dove era il segno. Anco a mandar via voglia o sangue morto. E di provata. Et se questa fusse una donna che avesse tal segno rosso o voglia o altro mancamento sun la sua persona, faccia amazare una porcha femina et se gli e maschio che abia tal segno facia amazare un porcho maschio. Et torai del suo grasso del petto o dela schiena o de rognoni over di quello che ti torna piu comodo. Et cossi caldo tu ne farai 3 ballotte di grosezza como e un ovo o piu o manco che questo non importa. Et fali cantare overamente dirli sopra quelle 3 messe del di di nattale et stiano coperte sotto alla tovaglia. Et quando tu li averai in tu liberta de piglierai una di quelle 3 pallotte et fane 3 de piccole et cossi farai dele altre 2 che in tutte serano poi 9 pallotine piccole. Poi piglia una di queste 9 pallotine la sera quando tu vai a dormire et frega ti bene bene sopra alla voglia overo sangue morto et non li fare altro. Et quella pocha di songia o assai che ti avanza in mano serbela como cosa cara. Et tutte queste avanzature serbali et in ultimo mettli tutte insieme et fane una balla tutta insieme o piccola o grande, non importa. Et quella la tiene sempre apresso di te et quando el more uno o una et che lo vogliano soppelire, meti la ditta pallotta la che tu ai fatta in la sua mano al ditto morto et con essa vada in sepoltura et quando quella balla sera disfatta et consumata, allora la tua voglia o machia andera via e non piu presto. Overamente tu butterai ditta balotta in un fiume di acqua corrente dove sia de pessi et quando quella sera disfatta e distrutta e consumata, subito serai guarita e sana et restera senza machia e senza segno et le tue carne serano polite e nette senza alcuna macula di segno. Fala che e aprobata da me. Acqua celestiale ut elesser vite, molto perfetto. Vz. Rx. garofani, noce moschate, zenzero, zedoaria, pepi longo et ritondo, ana drama j, cochole di ginepro et de alloro, scorze de aranci, fiori di salvia, basilicho, osmarino, maiorana, chalamo aromatico, sticados, camedrios, menta rottonda, pulegio, gienciana, chalamento, fiori di sambuco, ana drama j, seme de fiori de aneto et di matricharia, fichi sechi bono, uva passa oltramarina, polpe di dattoli, ana onza j, mandole dolce, pinochi di pino, mele bianco e netto, ana onze vj. Et dopoi piglia a peso tanto zuccharo fino quanto e queste composicione sopra scritte, cioe onze xxx di zucharo fino, e pestalo et incorpora ogni cosa bene insieme. Et mettivi drento a peso oltertanta di acqua vite dela piu fina che tu possi trovare e vorebe essere stillata al manco cinque volte accio che in se non avesse piu niente di corpo et sempre ricevendo la bona. Et incorpora ogni cosa bene insieme et mettila in una bozza ben serata per 2 di naturale. Et poi li meterai sopra il suo capello et distillerai la preditta composicione con sotto il suo recipiente….. -------- [Page 377] et sopra al tutto dassi il foco molto lento et ne ussira un acqua chiarissima et preciosa. Et continua il foco cosi lento tanto che tu vedi l’acqua a mutar colore, cioe la nessira bianchizza. Et alora sia presto a rimutarli un altro recipiente et quella riccogliere in modo rinservato tutte le commissure che da niuno lato ella possi respirare li spiriti. Et non dico tanto dela 2 ma si della prima et dela 3 perche quella importa, impero che questa 2 l’acqua e al quanto torbida quella non ne bona se non a fare la faccia bella et tutto il resto dela persona et leva ogni panno over lentigine et ogni altra machia e lassa la carnesone molta bianchissima e questo lo fa in termine de 15 giorni. Et questa acqua se dice essere bianchimento de signiori e principesse per avere proprieta de candedire la faccia et nettarla d’ogni qualunque macula. Et e molta hodoriffera et de hodore cordiale. Et nota che quella prima acqua chiara e lustra quella piglierai a peso et quella mescolarla con altra tanta acqua vite destillata per la serpa overo altra canna longa al manco 4 o 5 volte accio che tutta sia spirito et non abia niente di corpo in se. Et questa sara della perfetta, la quale acqua vite essendo messa in compagnia con la sopra detta prima acqua et bene incorporata, allora quella se dimanda Mel Balsimo. Et questa sorte acqua mettila in una boccia grande per 2 giorni continui e che la stia ben turata che niente possa refiatare. Dopoi li comoderai sopra il suo capello et sotto il suo recipiente con le commissure ben serrate come tu sai con peze e pasta. Et comoda la bozza prima in bagno maria che niente possa moversi et che la stia ferma et salda. Et falla distillare con pochissimo foco, dico poco, apeni che l’acqua si mantenghi calda. Et tu vederai a destillare una acqua chiarissima et molta hodoriffera e maravigliosa. Et quella risserba da per se sola. Et quando tu vederai chel lambicco mutera colore, cioe che nessera un acqua a modo di acqua piovana, allora sia presto e con destreza a rimutarli una altro recipiente et sia presto a turarli le congionture. Et questa 2 acqua lassela venire per insino a tanto che tu li vederai a mutare il colore, cioe che la 3 vera di color rosso. Et anche tu li muterai il 3 recipiente facendo ut supra et tutte queste 3 sorte de acque le meterai da per se et con bona costodia li terai ben serrate con suvero e ciera et tiene le care come giemme preciosa impero che in ditte acque se gli contiene la magior virtu che sia sopra alla terra, come intenderai im parte qui sotto scritte inel sue virtu. Vz. Queste sono le virtu dela sopra detta acqua celestiale ut l’esser vite, le quale sono aprobate. Vz. La prima virtu sie questa che se tu ne meterai una poca sopra a una ferrita frescha, sappi che non li bisogna altra medicina, purche ella non sia ferita mortale et questa la risanera in 24 ore. E ne fatta la esperienza. Item chi avesse piaga vecchia o cancro o fistula o lupa o peste. Si lavi il male con la preditta acqua et in 15 o 20 giorni o piu sera libero e guarito. Item. Se tu ne getti una gioza sopra a uno carboncello, dico che presto la lo amaza per spacio de 4 o 5 ore. Item. Se uno avesse il male dela pietra inelle rene overo inella vischa o inella verga, dalli da bere uno poco dela preditta acqua con um poco di bon vino caldo et in 3 ore o piu la ditta pietra sara rotta et la orinera a poco a poco et darali anche molestia inell ussire dela verga. E presto se liberera. -------- [Page 378] Item. Se alcuno avesse male de morise, bagni um po dove sono e presto sera guarito. Item. Se una donna avesse male di matrice, ne beva uno danaio a peso dela ditta acqua con bon brodo al quanto caldo et presto sera liberata. Item. Se tu avesti panicoli o carnosita o altro impedimento di lachrima ineli ochii, purche l’ochio non sia guasto, metti ogni 3 di una gioza dela ditta aqua inel ochio et in 4 o 5 di serai migliorato e presto guarirai. Item. Se tu avessi una doglia o machatura per essere caduto, ongi dove ti dole et in 3 di serai guarito che non sentirai la doglia. Item. Se tu avessi uno membro atratto o indurito, bagna per 3 di e presto serai guarito. In conclusione, questa acqua e de bona a tutte le infermita che possa venire a uno corpo humano. Sapi che la terza acqua che tu ai cavata con foco piu galliardo, la e molta preciosa la quale e di tal virtu che se l’huomo la usasse ogni di per 15 giorni solamente mezo cugiaro per volta, im breve la leva ogni lebra e ogni stiticho o intropico o asimo o hetico o paraletico et altre infermita. In termine di 2 mesi lo rissanera. Item. Questa preciosa acqua a tante virtu apropriate alla natura humana che se l’huomo ne usasse quanto 2 granelli di furmento e continuandola a bere con acqua de fiori di boragine stillata al lambico di vetro per spacio de uno anno, li ritornera il sangue, la carne et il pelo et sera piu galliardo che se avesse di manco anni x. Et etiam se una creatura fusse abandonato dali medici, metteli una o piu gioze inela bocca per spacio di 2 o 3 ore, ripigliera assai miglioramento et potrassi rissanare secondo la natura et la infermita. Et questo basta dele sue virtu. -------- [Page 379] Sonifero de piu sorte et secundo persone et la magior parte aprobate. Rx. giglii, seme di latucha, ameos, iusquiamo, papaveris nigri, ana drame iij, oppi, seminum cicute, ana drame ij, et ogni cosa sia rotto di grosso. Et tutte le predette polvere li metterai in doi lb. de vino greco overo optima malvasia et lassele stare infussione per 24 ore. Poi le destillerai al lambicco di vetro con foco lento et serberai la ditta acqua la quale sara perfetta per fare dormir. Et ne darai la sera quando va a dormire a bere drame iij e presto si dormentera et dormira tutta la notte e piu e meno secundo la quantita che tu ne farai a bere. Et quando lo vorai isvegiare li bagnerai li polsi e le nara del naso con aceto forte e subito si suegera e senza sbalordimento et niente li fara male. E questo egli e statto aprobato. Et piglia qual tu voi di seguenti. Item, un altro sonifero um poco galliardo. Rx. noce metela, oppio tebaico, iusquiamo, ana onze ij, fava inversa, papavero nigro e bianco, ana drama j, semente di latugha e di porcellana, ana onze iij, e acqua fatta de loii di quella semente cativa che nasse inel grano quando il se cominza amaturare allora se ne fa acqua al lambico. Et tanta ne piglia quanto che tutte le predette cose possano stare amoia et tutte siano rotte grossamente. Poi destillerai ogni cosa al lambico di vetro con lento foco. Et la distillatione tu la serberai per cosa molto accara massime per fare dormire. Et dane a bere la sera drame ij in mezo bichiere di vino quando va a dormire et dormira 6 anche 8 ore continue che mai non si suegera. Poi bagna li polsi con aceto forte e presto si suegera. Et se tu non la voi in acqua, falla im polvere e ti fara quelo effetto medemo, cioe farai quella composicione che tu ai fatta disopra et quando tu li ai messo drento l’acqua, lassela stare cosi tanto che la si secchi in loco arioso e non al sole. Et quando la sera secca, fane polvere sutilissima et conservela in sachetto di sovatto e stia in loco assutto. Et ne potrai dare dela ditta polvere drame ij e non piu, mescolata con altre speciarie, et ne potrai dare sopra ale vivande come a te parera et non potra far male perche sarano preparate con altre specie. Et presto presto li verra il sonno et manco di 6 ore non dormira. Etiam che dassi si suegia, bagnali purre li polsi, el naso con aceto acio che piu presto li passa via quello balordimento. Et sia chi si vole et piu non pensera a quella cosa. E questo si fa a chi a perso il sonno. E de bel secreto, probato. Et volendola usare a un altro modo piu breve, piglierai dela ditta compositione quella quantita che a te parera et leghela in una pezeta de lino sutila et ponila per um pezo a bolire drento alla sua minestra o brodo overo mettila in vino o acqua et lassela stare um pezo e cavatelo e premetilo bene sopra ci[b]o et usela a dare quando vai a dormire et fara il simile ut supra. Item. Un altro soniffero. Rx. vini fini hodorifferi onze viiij et pone in ampula. Posteam, Rx. lilii, iusquiami, papaveris nigri, opii, salis comunis, ciperis, legni aloes, nucis moschate, gallie muschate, ana drame ij, seminis latuce, papaveris albi, ana drame iiij, omnia terrantur subtiliter et pone dictam ampullam in dicto vino quam obturat fortiter et pone ad digerendum in balneum per 9 dies. Posteam accipe et evacua vinum suaviter ita gude fex non turbetur et dimitte clarificari et serva in ampullam et quando volueris eo uti pone tres guttas in vino ut in alio aliquo subicto et faciet dormire. E nota quidem quando volueris exicitare dormientem oportet lavare nares cum aceto et mitere in ore. Item. Un altro soniffero bello et fara dormire tutti quelli di casa. Prima scrive questi nomi in carta vergine et poneli sopra alla porta, et questi sono i nomi, vz. ‘Sompifer, somita, sandior, lapus, q[ui] p[lacidus] e[st], s[omnolentus] e[st].’ -------- [Page 380] Sonifferi aprobati. Rx. dele granelli del loglio che nasse tra le biade et somente di papavero nigro et semente di iusquiamo, ana a peso dinari sei, lo iusquiamo e de opio arabici uno dinaro e mezo et polverizate le preditte cose. Poi piglia lb. ½ di acqua et ponivi drento le sopra dette polvere et metteteli in lambico di vetro, il quale poni al foco lento che apeni solo si mantenga caldo et stia cosi 24 ore. Poi li crescerai il foco et falo distillare et quella conservela. Et se di questa acqua tu ne darai quanto e una scorza di nosella drento al vino o acqua, ella ti fara dormire sei ore. Et con l’aceto tu li bagnerai li polsi, el naso e presto ritornera, non avedendosi del suo dormire. Item un altro soniffero, um poco piu grave e non si suegia se non con forte aceto. Rx. un fele di una lepore et seccalo al fumo overo inel forno et fane polvere sutilissima. Et se tu voi che una persona dorma 6 ore, dagliene a mangiare o a bere meza ottava. Et se tu voi chel dorma 12 ore, dagliene una ottava et se tu voi chel si sueglia inanti al tempo, bagnali li polsi e le nara con aceto fortissima et presto ritornera. Item soniffero. Scrive queste parole in uno coltello che abbia la manicha biancha et cominciando a scrivere ala ponta. Et poi lo meti sotto al capo a chi ti pare di fare dormire et sempre dormira per insino che non li levi il coltello disotto al capuo. Hec sunt verba, ‘ + ras + risaos + + +.’ Item un altro soniffero Rx. onza j de garoffani, papaveri nigri e bianchi drame iij, opio tebaicho drama j et polveriza omnia et incorpora insieme et dalla a mangiare in scutella o in savore ma fa che non bola che perderia la sua virtu et non faresti nulla. Et di questa polvere dane 2 o 3 drame et presto si dormentera. Poi lo suegerai con aceto bianco fortissima. Item un altra soniffero. Rx. gillii gialdi di quelli che nascono inel paduli overo inele acque et fane polvere suttile et dane a bere a chi tu voi et presto si dormentera. Item. Torai la buba et la sua lingua e un dente di morto et metilo sotto al capo di colui che voi che dorma e tanto dormira finche li stara sotto al capuo. Et quando no voi che piu dorma e tu lo leva via. Item un altro soniffero bello e bono. Rx. somente di dente cavalino, oppio tebaicho, ana, et sia sutilmente spolverizato e bene incorporato. Et dane a chi tu voi che dorma drama j et presto si dormentera. Et se tu voi che manco dorma, dagliene manco, perche ogni 2 grani fa dormire un ora. E questo e molto breve secreto e probato. Item soniffero per fare dormire quelli che sono a tavola. Torai un ago con el quale abbia cosito li panni in dosso a un morto et quello ficcalo sotto alla tavola et finche li stara sempre dormirano. Item un altro soniffero. Rx. seme di porcellane e di papavero bianco e de latucha e di faba inversa et di zuccha salvaticha, ana, et fale tutte bolire in vino et dallo a bere in tutti i modi e presto si dormentera et dormira 24 ore. E piu torai faba inversa le radice et fane polvere sutilissima et dane a bere con bon vino caldo et presto dormira. E questo e bel secreto. -------- [Page 381] Pomo soniffero hodorandolo doppo il mangiare fa dormire. Rx. seme di iusquiamo onza j, scorza di mandragola onza s, oppio thebaico, seme de cicuta, sugo di sempre vivo, fumoterre, sugo de lais, ana onze ij, e una noce metella et ogni cosa siano ben peste et drame ij de papavero con gomma de draganti over siano statti a mole con li ditti suchi et col fele del lepore et con olio de mandragore. Poi farai la tua pasta et ne farai la tua balla over pomo. Et dopoi il mangiare la hodori spesso et vederai opera bella neli sani et etiam neli infermi. Et alcune volte ti fara dormire apresso ha xv ore. Et se tu la vorai nera di colore mettivi ossi di persico abrussati e sera fatta. Item soniffero molto perfetto. Scrive questo policino et mettilo sotto al suo capezale secretamente chel non sapia. Vz. ‘+ In monte celion requiescant vij dormientes, + malcus, + marianus, + maximiamis, + dionisius, + costantinus, + johannes, + et serapione, +. Sicut isti requiescunt divino vultu dei omnipotentis sic iste dei famulus(a), A, placito utatur somno ipso(a) adiuvante qui cum patre et spiritus sancto, + + + .’ Un altro debile. Metteli uno capo di nottola sotto al suo capo chel non sapia overo nelo darai a bere et dormira molto fixo. Item soniffero pro infirmis. Rx. mandragore, iusquiamo e papavero bianco, ana, et ogni cosa pesta sutilmente et con acqua tiepida ogni cosa incorpora insieme et di questa mistura ne meterai su una pezza lina al traverso della fronte che tenga in fina alle tempie. Et quando lo vorai suegiare, bagna una peza di lana in aceto forte et bagnali il naso et subito ritornera. Soniffero e raro. Rx. fele di lupo e di lepore et ongerai le nare dil naso di qua e di la e presto se indormentera et con lo aceto lo aiuterai. E de vero. Aliud soniffero aprobato. Rx. papaveri nigri et bianchi quando che anno il fiore et con uno agho li pongie i gambi lassandoli cossi in terra et per ongi pontura li ussira fora una lacrima et quando la sera al quanto secha a modo di gomma et tu la rachoglie in una foglia de vite et poi la serba in vaso di vetro. Et quando tu l’avorai adoperare, mettila in brodo o vino tanta quanto sia uno grano di furmento o piu. Et come la e disfatta, dalla a bere o a mangiare et ti fara dormire suavemente e senza altro strepito. E fallo che li e bonissimo. Aliud sonifferum pro infirmis et sanis. Rx. oppi optimi drame iij, seminis iusquiami drame js, radicum solatri mariori mezo quarto d’onza, croce drama j, muschio orientale grani ij et fiat pulvis suptilissime et conficiantu[r] cum acqua lachtuce et fiat pillule. Postea discecantur al solem et pulverizentur et dabis pro qualibet, cioe drame js. Ad idem. Torai una foglia di salvia et scriveli sopra queste 4 parole, vz., ‘Deus misit soporem in Adam.’ Et metila adosso o sopra a una persona et presto se indormentera. E de aprobate. Et adopera l’aceto rosata che sia forte in tutti li tuoi sonifferi et non dubitare de niente che l’opera tua te riussira a honore et a quella hora che tu vorai, perche sono probate. A fare che uno non potra dormire a suo modo. Torai erba bardana ut farfara et mettila sotto alla testa quando’l dorme che nisuno non sapia. Et non si suegera gia mai se non quando vorai tu con l’aceto sopra detto. E questo e bello. -------- [Page 382] Acqua di fiori di tramarino ha de molte excelente virtu. Vz. Rx. foglie e fiori di tramarino, ana m. ij, menta, lavanda, pulegio, origano, calamento, ana m. ½, et tutte le predette cose siano tagliate minute et siano messe in infussione per 4 o 5 giorni in acqua vite di 3 cotte e stia ben coperta et in loco caldo. Poi le destillerai per lambicho di vetro et quella che nesse serbela in vetro e ben turata con cera e tientela accara perche l’acqua in se fa mirabile operatione. Et li valenti medici dicano che nisuna medicina si ritrova in la quale sia magior calore e virtu e naturale confortativo che in questa acqua e chi ne usasse come debbe mai haverebbe malatia de importancia. Lattovario di fiori di tremarino. Rx. fiori di tremarino onze iij netti de ogni pipori et tagliali minutamente et metti per ogni onza di fiori metteli lb. j de mele bono et mettivi drento le fiori ben peste e coperti et lasseli stare in infussio per 3 di naturali e stia in loco caldo overo ogni giorno falo riscaldare. Et poi li coserai ala cotta del mele. Poi levelo dal foco et mettivi drento onza s di specie nere per lb. di conserva overamente zenzamo, pepi, canella, garofani, ana, e pepi vole essere poco et sera fatto. Questa e la misura, zenzamo benedi drame ij, canella drama j e uno dena[r]i a peso de garofani et sera fatto, lattovario bono e perfetto. Parte dele virtu dela sopra detta acqua di fiori di tremarino la quale fa di questi miraculi maravigliosi et se dela predetta acqua una volta alla setimana onze ij. Ne piglierai a bere overamente ne userai in salsa e ogni giorno te ne laverai il viso e le mani e il petto et dove vorai et la pelle tua si rinovera come di uno giovine e restiutirati le forze e le midolle se ti rinforzerano e farati bono ingiegno e tutte le arterie s’aprirano et li spiriti naturali s’indricerano et la vita ti augumentera et la vista persa ritornera et im perpetuo la conservera la quale virtu e valore non si pole exprimere e pare cosa dificile da credere se prima non ne experimentata. Et dichano che la Regina isabella con questa erba e acqua vite come disopra te o detto di 70 anni dicrepita e gottosa paraleticha che quasi in lei tutto lo spero era morto fu fatta in tutto sana e giovine che la si volse maritare a uno giovine di 40 anni. Item. Se la ditta erba sara composta con vino ha mirabile operacione e virtu e questa e uttile a tutte le fredure et ratificha e purga il sangue. Et quando con questa te ne laverai la bocca ti netera li denti da ogni putrefacione. Item. Il tremarino con li suoi fiori secco in forno quando ne sara cavato il pane overo quando ne drento il pane che e meglio et fane polvere sutila. Et prima lava la piaga con vino caldo e poi meterai la polvere sopra et sanara la piaga prestamente. Item. Farai bolire li suoi fiori legati in una peza lina fino che calli la meta, e presa per bocha vale ad ogni infermita dentro al corpo. Item. Li carboni fatti del legno suo e legatolo in panno lino e poi con questo fregarti li denti et se in quelli vi serano vermi morirano. Et conservati li denti da ogni dolore e amortati inel vino bianco. Item. Farai dela scorza sua fumo insu le bragie ardenti et quello fumo riceverai per il naso et se serai arogito o catarro, presto sarai sanato. Item. Farai bolire le soi radice con lo aceto et con quello lavati li piedi et farati li piedi fermi e forti et non patirai freddo ne cottura. Item. Farati spesso stuffa di questo et conserverati la tua gioventa. Et mangiando dele suoi fronde a stomaco digiuno con mele e pane, non avere paura che ti venghi postema ne cancro. -------- [Page 383] Item. Se le suoi foglie seran bolite in acqua et lavatene il capo, guarirai dela tosse. Et se del suo legno tu ne farai una barletta e il vino che vi meterai drento usalo continuamente e non avere paura di posteme ne di altri mali sopra il corpo tuo. Item. Se tu averai fluxo di ventre fuora del ordinarie, piglierai le suoi foglie et falle bolire con fortissima aceto et poi le meterai sopra a un panno lino e metilo sul corpo e presto guarira. Item. Se le gambe patisschano de infiascione, fa bolire le suoi foglie in acqua e quando sarano ben cotte mettele insu le gambe e legali con panno lino e presto sara liberato. Item. Se alcuno picichera di stolto hovero humore malinconico, piglia dele sue foglie i gran quantita et fale bolire in acqua di fonte. Et il paciente si bagni in quello bagno e sera liberato. Item. Se di questo ne farai fumo alla bucha dove serano serpe, subito ne ussirano overo morano dentro. Item. Se per ardore di stomaco patira o movimento o grande calore overamente per qual causa si voglia, patira sete intolerabile, siano bolite le foglie e quando sarano fredde, piglia di quella con vino de melingrani e sara sanato. Item. Quando l’huomo sara infiato o idropico, piglia deli suoi fiori e fa una panata con farina di grano e sia ben cotta e quella mangi . E poi abbi di bon vino optimo et in quello mettivi delli suoi fiori et copri bene il vaso dove sara quel vino. Et il paciente ne beva a pasto ma che a stomaco digiuno la matina ne piglia uno pien[o] bichiere et cosi la sera. E poi vadi spassegiando avanti che vadi a dormire. Cossi farai la matina e la sera e questa cura e certissima. Item. Se serano distillate le sue foglie et li fiori al vetro et usi quella acqua a stomaco digiuno a peso de onze ij e vale a donna sterile e faria venire atta a fare figlioli. Item. Mitiga ogni passione et dolori dele intestini e fa bello colore inela faccia et fortificha grandemente lo stomacho. Item. Se avera perso lo apetitto di mangiare farai bolire le suoi foglie inel acqua et di questa acqua ne temperi il vino et di quelli ne farai anche frittelle et recupera lo apetitto. Item. Se per tropa gran tosse alcuno sara agravato in tirare l’alito o per altra causa facci foco di rosmarino in uno forno et in quello li cuoci il pane e ben levato e mangi ne e sera liberato. Item. Pesterai li fiori del tremarino e sechali e fane polvere e messa sopra il cancro co[nsolid]a grande. Item. Questa e dele excelente virtu sue e de come la triacha, cioe il vino del tramarino e de contra ad ogni velenoso cibo e al veleno e grande difensione massime cosi in cibo come in bevanda. Item. Vale contra alla natura debilitata e molto l’aiutto. Item. La sua bevanda vale propriamenti a paraletici e a quelli che tremano e a quelli che anno li nervi relaxati et li giova grandemente. Item. Se farai lattovario de foglie e fiori di tremarino condutto come si fa il mel rosato, questo e mirabile a tutte le predette cose. Item. Piu volte sie experimentato questo per cosa certa che con acqua vite inela quale sara infusa ditta erba cura la flema salsa, rognia, cancro et fistola le sie siano incurabile e non si possano sanare. Se vi sara missa la ditta erba con li suoi fiori et questo ongerai le mani overo il membro paralitico frequentemente tanto che si riscaldi e guarirai. Item. Se tu meterai deli suoi fiori in i vaselli del vino te lo conserva che non diventa aceto e d’ogni cativo sapore. Item. Contra al vomito piglia li suoi fiori e pestali con suco de finochio e mangiane e presto sera sanato. Item. Se nele casse de panni sara misso il tremarino amazerano le tarme en conservali panni da guastarsi. Item. Aposteme del petto e dolore di stomaco beva suco di tramarino con zucaro e presto guarirai. -------- [Page 384] A mandare via il rossore dela facia e sia che si vole. Rx. solpho vivo onza j, incenso biancho, mirra, ana drama j, canphora onza s et d’ogni cosa ne far[a]i polvere sutilissima et mescola con liber ½ di acqua rosa et distilla per lambico di vetro piccolo et ditta acqua conserva ben turata et bagnia il volto sera e matina con una sponga fregando bene. Et presto andera via il rossore del viso. E questo e aprobato da piu persone. Item a mandare via il rossore dela faza e presto. Vz. Rx. olio rosato, olio violato, biacha, aceto e acqua rosa, ana. Et incorpora ogni cosa insieme. Et con esso ongeti la facia la sera quando vai a dormire et etiam la matina stando in casa. Et ti smorzera quello gran rossore che tanto non si vedra. E piu se tu vorai mandare via d’ogni sorte broffole sul viso o sun la persona, torai solphero, olio rosato e acqua rosa, ana, et meterai ogni cosa insieme et uno pocheto di sale et uno chiaro d’ovo et ogni cosa sia bene incorporato. Et la sera ongiti quando vai a dormire il viso dove sono le broffole e presto anderano via. E de probata. Ad leprosos in facie. Rx. amidi, sarchacole, draganti glase, ceruse, litargirii, masticis, ana drama s, unguenti albi e citrini, ana quarto uno, unguenti fusci onza j, acqua rosa quantum suficit. Omnia incorporentur ad modum unguenti. Pulverizando que sunt pulverizanda et inunguenta facies sero et mane abluetur cum acqua decotionis farfaris ut sic. Ad idem. Rx. calcis vive quantum vis et abluatur in quatuor acquis et reservetur quarta acqua et misceatur cum duabus partibus lactis caprini et ibi disolvatur albumen ovi et fiat linimentum agitando et abluatur facies. Ad pustulas et ruborem facieii. Rx. canphore drama j, boracis drame ij, farine ciceris rubei bene tamisate onze iiij. Confice cum suco ceparum rotundarum, melle bene dispumato et in sero facies perungatur. Mane fomentetur cum acqua calida simplici et tergatur. Et hoc fiat per x dies. Virtus juniperii cuius grana coligenda sunt inter festum asumptionis verginis mariee matiuitatis eius. Rx. pipore no. vii ut viii grana ieiuno stomacho recipe et comede. Cerebrum confortant, sensus reparant, visum custodiunt, pectus mundificant, ventositatem repellunt, stomacum confortant, cibum indigestum digerunt, lapidem frangunt, reuma disolvunt, stranguriam et disuriam pellunt. Valent contra venenum et dolorem. Medulas calefaciunt. Annelatum bonum redunt. Valent contra paralisim, fetorem oris et stomaci emendant. Epillensie et apoplesie multum resistunt. Item lattovario de pomelle di ginepro. Vz. Rx. dele coccole di ginepro quella quantita che a te pare et toravi uno bochale di vino bianco bono e metilo in uno pigniato et quando comincia a levare il bollore, allora metteli drento et non lo lassare bollire. Subbito lo leva dal foco et coprilo bene et lassa raffredare. Poi le cava asute et fale secare al ombra. Et di quelle ne mangerai 10 o 15 la matina per tempuo a stomaco digiuno et ti fara bonissimo stomaco como e ditto disopra. Overamente tu ne farai lattovario con zuccharo o mele, cioe onza j pomelle fatte in polvere sutilissima e zucharo onze iij ut mele fatto secundo il solito et preso secundo il suo ordinario. *Olio del janepro vale a molte cose et ha de molte virtu e vale ad ogni piagha vechia e nova, a chancri, fistole ongendole spesso. *Vz. Ontione a tutte le parte del corpo, aprobatissime. Rx. radice de altea e de ebuli, seme de ipericon, capi de gilii et ogni cosa tagliata minutamente et siano messi in olio de oliva per 5 giorni. Et le coserai in ditto olio et lassele ben cosere. Poi colerai ditta bolitura et di novo lo rimetti al foco con onza j di cera et onze vj di buttiro e mirola d’asino et de orso e de volpe et di tasso e di anatra et di gallina. Et d’ogni cosa tu ne farai l’onto secundo l’ordinario et quello opera caldo e molta ti zovera. *A mandare via il rossore della facia. Rx. solpho giallo onze ij, pece greca, pece navale, ana onza j, et si liquefaciano in uno pignatino et le agionge grasso di porco mastio tanto che si facia unguento. Col queste la sera se unga il rossore quando si va a dormire et la matina si lava la bocha con una bocchata di acqua e presto guarira. *Item a un altro modo. Vz. Rx. solpho et canphora, ana onza j, mirra e incenso, ana onza s, et fane polvere sutilissima con lb. j di acqua rosa in una charaffa al sole per 3 giorni, turata bene. Et con essa ti lava et presto andera via il rossore dela facia. -------- [Page 385] *A chi li venisse fora lo budelo culare. *Rx. unguento apostolorum e scaldalo et ongi il budelo fora ussito et aiuttalo a intrare dentro. Item a quel medemo. Torai una erba che si chiama virga de buove et fala seccare et fane polvere sutilissima et neta bene il budelo et metene suso a modo di specie. *Item a quel medemo . Torai aloe in polvere sutilissima et quando sei ito dal corpo nettalo et metterai suso della ditta polvere e aiutandolo andare suso et fallo tante volte che piu non torna fora. *Item a quel medemo. Torai de lupini et fane polvere sutilissima et meti suso fa chel budello non esse fora. *Item un altra polvere per fare andare drento il budelo. Rx. cerusa, balaustiarum, galarum, boliarmeni, terre sigilate, sanguis draconis, mirre, mumie, turris, masticis, ana scrupulum j, terrantur subtiliter et ponanantur intestinum. Prima unto cum oleo roxato onza j per ungere il budelo ussito. *A chi avesse il viso infochata ut lebra e pieno de brusche ut broffole et si fattebrutture per difetto della mala disposicione del fegato et delle stomacho. *Rx. legnio di frassino che sia verde e tagliato in pezetti minuti et metteli in una pigniatta che abbi molti buchi in fondo. Poi abbi una altra pignatta sana di quella grandeza o piu et fa che quella prima entra al manco mezo in quest altra pignatta et questa sana tu la sottererai quasi tutta in terra overo in rena et quel altra prima vi stia sopra per coperchio et che non vi entra drento niente di bruttura. Poi lutta la comissura tra l’una pignatta et l’altra con peze o terra creta overo con farina inpastata accio che niente non rifiata et al pignato disopra che a drento il legnio tagliato sia coperto col suo coperchio e ben turato intorno. Et chel ditto pignato stia piu di mezo sopra terra ma sia prima tutta luttata dintorno con bono lutto sapiencie et sutto che sara fali foco d’intorno de carboni accesi et cossi di sopra per i spacio de 2 ore o 3, secundo la grandeza del pignato e la quantita del legnio. Et in ultimo li dareti foco galliardo. et poi lo lassareti cossi raffredare. Poi cavareti le ditte pignatte destramente che bruttura non vi entra dentro. Et in fondo della ditta pignata vi troverai drento l’acqua e l’olio del ditto legno de frassino, il quale serbatelo molto caramente et in vaso vitreo e ben coperto. Et quando lo voleti adoperare al sopra detto male, cioe al rossore dela faccia et in 4 parte di esso mettetivi una parte de acqua de viole pavonaze et con essa ontione ongeti il viso piu volte et vederai operatione mirabile che presto guarirai. E de probato. *Olio de canphora che vale al rossore della faccia de etiam a piu cose. Vz. *Rx. uno mortaio di bronzo et piglia 6 o 8 mand[orl]e pelate et fregali col pistello intorno al fondo del mortaio tanto che l’onga tutto. Poi piglierai onza j o piu o manco como atte pare di canphora della natturale et pestela in ditto mortaio tanto suave che vengha impalpabile. Poi farai bon foco di carboni et volerai il fondo del mortaio inverso al foco et con la bocca penda al ingioso. Et sotto vi mettera una tozza per riccogliere l’olio che colera fora del mortaio. Et quello conserverai molto caramente et ben turato. Et a questo modo averai l’olio di canphora. Et questo olio et quello della biacca composti insieme e de ultimo a quelli che anno la morphea al viso et al naso et il viso rosso como quelli de san lazero. Et ongendo con questi olii matina e sera molto li giovera. *Olio di biacca per il viso ut supra. Rx. biacca et acceto stillato et cava la sua quinta essentia como si usa per bagnio maria. E si cavi l’aceto e restera la quinta essentia della biacca in liquore. Et piglierai lb. una del ditto liquore et onze iiij de acqua rosa et olio de canfora sopra detto onza j. Et metti in boccia et incorpora bene et metti al sole caldissimo per 30 di et stia ben turata col sugillo del solfo perche altrimente andarebe via et per viso fara bonissimo et fa biancho. *A chi a la facia leprosa e rossa piglia solpho. Vz. *Rx. solpho giallo onza s, zenzero benedi drame iij, pepi nero drama j e pomata onze ij et ogni cosa sia fatto in polver suttilissmima et incorpora bene insieme. Et la sera ongeti la facia et la matina ti lava con acqua tiepida e presto guarirai. -------- [Page 386] A mandare via una postema. Rx. dela sabba ut vin cotto bono questo a te piace et metilo in uno pignatino al foco et mettivi drento farina di furmento e olio comune et cosilo tanto che diventi spesso. Et questo metilo sopra alle aposteme e guarirai e medicha matina e sera et sempre e bono a riscaldarlo et agiongendo de ditte cose bisognando et non ne cosi gran male che in 8 di non rompa pura e netta et libera perfettamente. E de provato. Item. Ad carbonem mortificandum. Rx. pulveres ex fogliis rosmarini et pone super carbonem et statim morietur. Item implastrum. Rx. uve passule drama j, fichi sechi no. 4 et cotti in acqua et peste insieme cum butiro recenti et cum asungia di porcho, ana onze vj, et fac implastrum et super pone. Probatum est. A sanare ogni riscaldamento et mala dispositione di fegato et chi anno il viso come leproso et le gambe grosse et le mane infocate drento che paiano scabrose. Vz. Rx. farina d’orzo overo farina de amito et fatela bolire in acqua comune per una mezora. Poi colatela et metila in una altra pignata netta et con essa metetivi una pocha di malva, cicorea, lupoli, endivia et boragine et fatele bolire per meta. Poi li agiongeti onza j de sandali et poi lo ricolate. Poi abbiate in una pecetta di lino suttila tanta cassia noviter extrata quanta staria in 2 gussi di noce et legata et quando il pignatto sara caldo, mettetilo dentro et premetilo drento con le dita pian piano tante che li vada drento la sustantia. Poi mettetivi drento zucharo o peniti quanto che vi piace et sara bevanda molta agratissima. Et ne piliareti un di si et l’altro no onze iij a modo de syropo e caldo et state in del letto col corpo al ingioso et dormite vi sopra un ora se vi poteti. Poi vi levate et fate li fatti vestri et in pochi giorni sarete molto sanissimo. Et questa si vol fare la estate che e meglio. La virtu de l’acqua stillata delle fraule, cioe di frutto quando egli e maturo. Torai le fraule quando sono mature et metteli in uno canestro o altro vaso fatto de zonchi et lasseli stare tanto che si putrefacino et ricoglie quello licquore che cola per disotto et quella conserva come cosa cara in vaso netto et questa opererai et qui disotto intenderai parte delle sue virtu. Vz. Item. Sana le machie dele occhii fresche d’ogni qualunque humore la quale virtu e statta aprobata da uno valente maestro a una donna la quale aveva tutta la facia guasta e piena de pustule como specia di lebra per causa calida la quale solamente lavandosi il viso con questa acqua statim miracolosamente essere sanata. Et la sua virtu e cento volte migliore e piu eficace con l’acqua ardente che senza quella et molto piu con la quinta essentia et osserva questo et non potrai errare, se dio vorra, non haverai bisognio di usare opera de altri medici. Item. Questa sana de ogni sorte di rognia invechiata adosso et in sun le gambe, collo e bracia et per tutta la persona con certe aroste et cossi medesimamente i piedi se saranno offesi per tropo caminare. Leva via e cura spargendovi sopra tartaro calcinato, il quale a quella medesina possanza per essere di quella medesima posanza et materia. *Olio miracoloso per ferite, provato da piu persone. Rx. salvia, ruta, abrotane, ana m.1, tramarino m. ½, aloe epatico onze 4, olio comune onze 20 e miscia insieme. Boli a fuoco lento per un ora. Poi stacalo per forza per torchio e mettilo in vaso vetriato e la ficcia et fara. Abbi le cura per far piastello sopra le ferite et sana subbito le ferite, facendolo bollire con un bichiere e ottimo vino mexo. -------- [Page 387] A mazare li pidocchi, piattole, rosegoni et lendine et vale alle cimese. Rx. sapone nero onze vj e aloe patico in polvere onza j, solphero giallo pesto onza s e strafusario drame iij et ogni cosa sia bene incorporato. Poi ongi dove sono li pidocchi o lendene et tutti moriranno e presto et questo vale anche ale cimese. Item per le piattole a farle morire, vz. Rx. sapon nero onza j, solphero giallo in polvere onza s et argento vivo drame ij, amazaro con la saliva et incorpora ogni cosa insieme. Poi ongi dove sono le piattole et presto moriranno che piu non le sentirai. Item per amazare li rosegoni li quali guastano tutti li capelli et barba, vz. Rx. una scodella de lupini et metteli a mole in acqua. Poi la farai bolire et mettivi drento una mezza uncia di solphero giallo pesto, legato in uno botoncino in poco di pecetto, et farai bolire tanto che calli la metta. Facendone lissiva secondo l’ordinario, et con essa ti laverai il capo et ti faranno li capelli lustranti, longhi e belli et li rosegoni piu non li guasterano. E de probata. Item. A caciare pidocchi et lendine, vz. Rx. limatura di corno di cervio pesta et fatta sutilissima et la distempera con aceto forte et quella la bevi a digiuno stomaco la quale bevanda non lassa allignare ne stare, ne pidocchio, ne lendine nel corpo humano. Et molto piu ti giovera a ongerti con questo il corpo tuo et morirano. Et etiam se tu torai della salvia tritarla minutamente et incorporarla con olio comune et aceto forte et ongie li capelli et morirano le lendine tutte. Item a congregare tutti li pidocchi del dosso intorno alla cintura et tutti in un luogo, vz. Rx. argento vivo et amazalo bene con lo sputo a digiuno et con suco di porcellana et con questo ongi la tua cintura et cingela a carne nuda. Et tutti correrano intorno alla cintura et averai questo contento. Item contra a pidocchi di capo et a pediselli. Vz. Rx. cenere de sticados et ne farai lissiva et con essa ti lava la testa piu volte et non averai pidocchi in capo. Et se con questa lissiva ti laverai le mane mai non averai pediscelli. Et ancora torai polvere de strafusaria con olio et aceto et incorpora insieme a modo de unguento et onge dove sono li pidocchi et tutti morirano. Et questo medesimo unguento e bono a fare nascere le ongie. Ancora mangia ogni matina del pane insuppato inel olio et mai non ti verra pidocchi. Probato. Parte delle virtu del acqua fatta dele noce fresche como si vede a c[arta] 140. Di questa acqua pigliandone ogni matina 2 dita et mescolandovi uno poco di vino bianco et tanta polvere de tartaro quanta staria sopra uno dinaro et quella beva calda sana ogni idropesia continuandola una mese se la idropisia sara invechiata et maligna ma nela piu fresca e ligiere la sana in 10 o 15 di et e ancora bene a pigliarne quando vai a dormire. Item. Se di questa acqua senza il tartaro ma con uno poco di vino bianco como e ditto se ne beva uno pochetto ogni matina sana la epilepsia, la migrana, la vertigine et li occhi lacrimosi et fa tornare il latte alle donne, ha agumenta il seme al homo et li fa atti al ingenerare. Item. Lavandosi con essa la testa, cioe bagnandosi con essa acqua, poi stando uno pochetto et lavandosi con lissiva. Et poi di novo ribagniandosi con ditta acqua. Poi avolgere li capelli con lo assugatoiio et sugarla con esso como si fa, rissana ogni sorte di tignia. Item. Lavando le piaghe rissana ogni sorte de apostema mirabilmente. Et bevendone ogni matina una pochetta con uno poco di vino bianco non lassa che in quello corpo si possa generare ne alignare alcuna sorte de cativo humore o infermita incurabile. Item. Metendone una pocha in bocha la matina e la sera lavandosi le gengive enfiate et li denti presto li rissana. Item. Se alcuno si sente tocho da peste o che dubiti di averla si bene non ne certo, bevane subito uno mezo bichiere et stia digiuno per 2 o 3 ore et poi di novo ne beva oltertanta. Et poi mangi a suo piacere. Et non dubiti che sara sano, con lo aiuto di dio. Conservati del vivere e presto guarirai. -------- [Page 388] Lattovario de rosmarino. Rx. onze vj de rosmarino sutilmente pulverizato et lb. vj di mele purgato et quando a bolito un poco, mettivi drento queste sotto scritte polvere, vz. zenzero benedi onze ij, cinamomo, garoffani, noce moscate, pepi, amido, ana drama j, et componi bene le polvere col mele. Et li agiongerai uno poco di zaferano et lasselo bolire pian piano tanto chel sia cotto a modo di lattovario et sara fatto. Et conservelo in vaso vitreato e netto. Et ne piglierai la matina a stomaco digiuno onza j et la sera quando vai a dormire onza s, il quale ti conservera lo stomaco et li sensi mancanti et le forze naturale del corpo, aiutta et purifica il sangue et fa discorrere le vene opilate. Item. Vale ancora a dolori di fianco et al male di ranella e a dolor de madre divenne e fa orinare. Item . Vale contra al tosico et aiutta la debile memoria, alla obscurita deli occhii, a sangue commosso, a frigidita di membri, al dolore del parto et per confortare la madre et le rene allo umbelico caduto et al male delle morene. Et questo lattovario sopra detto lo potrai farlo piu galiardo o manco galliardo, secondo la tua complessione caldo o freddo. Unguento fatto di rosmarino. Rx. fusto, foglie e fiori di rosmarino tutto insieme et falo secare et fane polvere sutilissima et la incorpora con olio comune vechio e laurino e de mastice et de camomilla, ana onze ij, sevo di castrato e grassa di gallina, ana onze js, butiro fresco onza j e comino onza s et cera nova onza j. Et farai bolire ogni cosa insieme con lento foco et bene incorporado ogni cosa insieme et fatto secondo l’arte. Et questo unguento vale ad ogni doglia fredda e de perfettissimo a nervi retratti et infregidati. Vino de rosmarino il quale a de molte mirabile virtu che lingua humana non le potria dire et cossi del suo lattovario et del suo olio il quale e asimigliato al balsamo. Et come del detto vino se ne puo fare acqua vite. Et tutti questi secreti sono statti trovati da uno antiquissimo medico il quale non volse mai fino al ultimo dela sua vita mostrare questa virtu il quale vino si fa in questo modo. Vz. Rx. l’osmarino fusti, foglie e fiori et minuzali grosso modo. Poi piglia della ditta erba lb. j. Poi piglia mosto lb. 9 a rason de sechie et lo farai bolire insieme e schiumandolo bene et fallo bolire per un ora. Poi lo metterai inel suo bottiscello et lasselo schiarire et sara fatto. Et ne beverai la matina a stomaco digiuno uno dito overo 2 di misura in uno bichiere et ussando questo egli e bono a tutte le infermita frigido, cioe prima a chi avesse perso lo apetitto et e bono a raconzare ogni membro che avesse doglie e passione. Et chi avesse cativo fiato lavandosi spesso la boccha et fa bello il volto et il fiato odorifero. Et se tu ti laverai il capo con questo vino mai non ti cascherano li capelli anc[h]e ti cresserano. Et chi usera a bere di questo vino non abbia paura de fistula ne de intrace ne di morbo pestelinciale, il quale e bono contra alla malinconia et conforta il core. Et sappi che se tu de continuo usserai di questo vino, doppoi la morte tua il tuo corpo mai marcira. Et se con questo vino tu lavi fistola, antrace, cancro, overo altra piagha mai non potra infistolire il quale dissecha li humori et salda incontanente. Ancora se per alcuna infermita fusti venuto a grande debilita tu brostola um poco di pane et fane una suppa in ditto vino et quello mangia et in pochi di giorni ti fortifichera li membri e presto verai tu verai gallialdo come de prima, il quale canche bono ali tisichi et vale contra alla febre 4 et cotidiana et vale a chi sputa assai et a dissechare il catarro et vale al morbo caduco…. -------- [Page 389] et a chi non potesse ritenere il cibo et vale contra al flusso et chi fusse a velenato questo vino li scusa turiacha. Et vale al tremore de membri et a podagra et a ogni complessione humida. Et etiam vale a una donna che avesse guasta la matrice e augumenta l’ingenerare. Et etiam el ditto vino a de molte altre belle virtu. Et il suo lattovario si fa con le sue fiori proprie col mele spiumato a modo che si fa il mele rosato et questo lattovario e de bono a tutte li sopra dette infermita. Et se della sopra detta erba con li suoi fiori tu ne farai stuffa overo bagno et in questo bagno lavandosi l’homo alcuna volta, sappi che non ne cosa che mantenghi giovine e sano piu di questo bagno. E de provato. Item. A fare l’olio de fiori del sopra ditto osmarino el quale e assimiliato al balsamo artificiato, vz. Rx. uno vaso di vetro et eimpilo de fiori calcato de tramarino che siano nette et turalo bene con una pezza doppia incerata con uno poco di sovaro che niente possa respirare. Et la soterra per insino al collo inel sabione in loco caldo et lasselo stare per un mese o piu tanto che li fiori se disfacino et diventano in acqua. Poi ricoglierai la ditta acqua netta et mettila in una ampolla al sole et lassela stare per 40 giorni et la diventera spessa come olio. Poi levela che sara fatta. Et la preditta acqua vale a confortare il core e il cervello e tutto il corpo et conforta la debolezza de nervi et leva le panne et le machie della faccia et conserva la gioventa. Et se tu ne metterai una giozza in acqua subito l’andera al fondo et se tu meterai di questa inel occhio una gioza a digiuno te libera da ogni nassencia o chataratte o bolla o perla overo che altro male se sia che impedischa la vista. Et l’acqua vite fatta di questo vino libera perfettamente da ogni fistule, cancri, lepra e flema salsa, le quale infermita quasi sono incurabile che non si possono in acun modo guarire. Et se con questa ongerai il membro paraliticho, presto guarirai. E de tutte le sopra dette cose le sono quasi la magior parte aprobate. *Ricetta per chi fusse sfilato. Rx. seme di mela cotogne pignane onza 1 per tre matine, cioe con un poco di brodo, ma prima pesta bene le seme. Poi stenpera col dritto brodo e bevile una mattina si e l’altra no, per tre volte et onza j per volta che mai piu ti sfilerai. E provato. *Altro rimedio. Rx. radicie da mangiare e pestale tanto che tu ne cavi onze 2 di sugo e onze 2 sugo di limoni. Mescola insieme e bevilo quando vai a dormire. *Altro modo per l’asma. Rx. mele sciumati et radiche di altea, ana, stenpra, fiat latuario in buona forma et sumit di da onza ½ per chi avesse l’asma. E provato. -------- [Page 390] *Ricetta per chi fusse sfilato o buttasce sangue. Rx. sangue di drago e bonarminio e fanne cerotto con chiar d’ovo et aqua rosa. Poi atachalo sulle stiene per tre sera et vederai mirabil. Prova. *Ricetta per mal de fianco. Rx. cocoretti di pungetope no. 5 che siano rosso et pigliale a usanza de pillore la mattina a digiuno per 3 mattine. *Ricetta per guarire le scrofole. Rx. solatro minore, cioe coccole, e li e stata lo fra due pietre vive e poi fattone inpiastro, mutandolo 2 volte al giorno per due mesi, lo liberera. E di provato in piu persone. *Ricetta per amazare li vermi in corpo. Rx. ariento vivo onze 2. Mettilo in caraffe di vetro e falla meza d’aqua di pozo, di guaza la bene, e danne a bere a chi a vermi. Disubbito li amazera e buttera li per disotto. *Ricetta per la rogna. Piglia delle foglie di oleandro fresche e pestale bene in mortaro. Poi mettevi drento un pugno di sale e un poco di aceto forte e stenpera ugni cosa insieme. Poi piglia strutto di porco et strugilo in un tegame et mescola ugni cosa insieme tanto che si incorpori come uno unguento et ungieti. Che vederai mirabil, prova. *Per la rogna. >Rx. ritar gilio, quatri sei, mettilo infusione in aceto rosato per 12 ore. Poi mestarli bene con olio comune et sale et aceto tanto che incorpori bene come uno unguento. Poi ungieti ugni sera. Poi come tu sei guarito, lavati con bagno fatto di malva orto et diente cavallene. -------- [Page 391] *Ricetta per le morise. Rx. vino vermiglio buono et grana di tasso barbaso et rose vermiglie et le falli bolliata insieme con un poco di alume di rocca tanto che cali il terso e stiano sopra a quel fumo e bagni li quatro o sei volte il giorno et le rise et va in breve tempo. Over tendo il tasso sia del masti, componli bene a cio le morise et si lava soave e bene bene le bagni et sia caldo quanti piu puo supportare. *Ricetta per amazare le vermi in corpo de putti sensa pigliar cosa nessuna per bocca. Rx. mirra, aloe e incenzo, onza ½ per ciascuna sorte. Bene li polverizale et incartarle insieme con esse aqua rosa fina e un poco di farina fina et grane tanto che si tengli insieme. Poi fanne la piastrella in tela grossa sulla bocca delo stomaco et uno sul cuore e la scialo stare ataccati per sino sie tacha da se. Et vederai mirabil prova. -------- [Page 392] *Per cavalli, bovi, asini e altri animali che hanno enfiature tumori da sella o barto. Bagna il tumori con aqua vite buona e dopoi darli fuoco con una candela. Guarira. *Per conservare li cavalli et altri animali. Piglia un cane nato avanti beva latte e farlo secare in forno e con quella po[l]vere medica. Rimedi provato. -------- [Page 393] [Blank page]. -------- [Page 394] [Blank page]. -------- [Page 395] *Indice Generale A Angioli, acqua di... 135 Aristotile, acqua forte di... 101 Acqua comune stillata... 137 Asma, a chi avesse la... 23 Animale, per domesticare un... 73 Apostema... 163 Amputazione senza dolore... 76 Artridide o podagra... 95 -------- [Page 396] B Bocca, a chi avesse male in... 9 Budello, chi carcasse fuori il... 51 Bugnone, per fare scoppiare il... 51 Barba o capelli, per farli cadere... 19 Barba, acqua stillata per la... 28 Boganze di dietro al calcagni, per levare le... 77 Bocca, siccita di... 32 Bisce o serpenti, per prenderli... 80 Barba o capelli, per farli rinascere... 18 Barba o capelli, fare che di bianchi di venghino neri... 18 -------- [Page 397] C Colica per orina trattenuta... 36 Cancro... 38 Calli, acqua per i... 20 Cancri, acqua per li... 158 Celestiale acqua... 128 Capo, a chi tremasse il... 11 Cuore, tremezza di... 28 Carne, rottura di... 16 Capo, per il dolore del... 16 Corpo, impiastro perfetto per il dolore di... 34 Corpo, per astringere il flusso di... 36, 38 Corpo, flusso di... 36 Cane, a fare che amite il... 80 Capelli, a far belli i... 18 Capelli canuti, a far venir neri i... 19 Capelli, a far nasere i... 19 Capelli, acqua stillata per i... 28 Ciglia, acqua stillata per le... 28 Capo pelato, acqua per il... 28 Capitelli induriti alle tette, per far guarire i... 57 Carnosita della verga, per far guarire la... 60 Creste, per far guarire le... 61, 62 Crepato sopra il petenecchio, per guarire il... 83 -------- [Page 398] Crepato che discende nelle borse, per guarire il... 83 Crepato o pettima, per guarire il... 85 Capelli, per imbiancare all’ombra i... 18 Ciglia degli occhi, dolore delle... 1 Carne trista del naso, per levare la... 7 Catarro... 11 Callo de piedi... 150 -------- [Page 399] D Denti, acqua per farli bianchi... 9 Doglia de fianchi, acqua per la... 40 Dente, per cavare senza ferro un... 8 Denti, a chi squassasse i... 8 Dolori colici, rimedi de i... 39 Dolori colici, impiastro mirabile de i... 39 Doglie artetiche, per guarire le... 98 Dolore de i denti... 7 Denti allegati, per cose agre... 9 Dolore di carne crepata... 85 Denti ghiacciati... 96 De menza... 17 -------- [Page 400] E Ernia... 82 Edema delle gambe... 65 Emoragie, fermare le... 90 Emoroidi, stagnare il flusso delle... 48 Epilepsia... 14, 16 Epilepsia, cerotto, etc... 14 Ernia ventosa... 85 Epifora... 2 Erisipela, per guarire la... 68 Emoroidi... 62 Enfiagione di ginocchia e gambe... 76 -------- [Page 401] F Fegato, acqua per il... 26 Febbre quartana, acqua da bere per la... 29, 31 Ferite, acqua per mandar via i segni delle... 76 Fistole, acqua per guarire le... 158 Ferite, acqua per le... 158 Fiori di tramarino, acqua di... 161 Fiato, a chi puzza il... 10 Febbre, per curare la... 30 Ferite, per curare le... 30 Fiancho, dolori di... 40 Flusso di [sperma], per stringere il... 48 Fiato, a far buono il... 21 Fegato riscaldato... 28 Febbre quartana... 29, 34 Fichi, per guarire i... 60 Febbre freddo, della... 34 Fistola e cancro... 78, 89 Faccia, rossore di... 162 Freddo de piedi... 77 Ferita di capo... 13 Ferita di capo... 128 Flusso di corpo bianco, rosso... 38, 49, 50 -------- [Page 402] Faccia, giallore di... 26 Febbre... 37 Febbre, pillole contro... 34 Fegato, pittime contro... 27 -------- [Page 403] G Gola grossa, per far guarire la... 11 Gambe o sia le piaghe, per far guarire... 64 Giunture, doglie fredde delle... 99 Gotta friggida... 97 Gotta... 93 Gambe... 77 Gola, male di... 10 Gamba, grattatura di... 64 Gonorea... 48 Gotta... 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 Gambe, unguento per le... 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 -------- [Page 404] I Inguinaia, a far tornar indietro una... 51 Idropisia per causa della milza... 25 Idropisia... 25, 26 Idropica per milza... 115 Infermita incurabile, qualunque sia... 116 -------- [Page 405] L Labbra, setole delle... 77 Lupia... 80 Labbra, crepatura di... 7 Lattime... 17 -------- [Page 406] M Mal caduco, acqua di rondini mirabilissima per il... 15 Mani, a chi tremasse le... 11 Morso, chi fosse da cane rabbiato... 79 Matrice, per il dolore della... 28 Mogli quelli che non ponnosi pacificare colle sue... 52 Milza, per sminuire il dolore della... 28 Morise, per far rompere le... 63 Mal caduco, per far guarire il... 15 Membro dell uomo impiagato, per guarire... 59 Membro dell uomo, per far guarire il... 58 Membro che non possa si rincresciare... 59 Morise interne e esterne, per guarire le... 61 Morise in tutti i modi, per guarire le... 62, 63 Macchia degl’occhi, per levare la... 2 Madrone... 21 Milza, mali della... 113, 114, 115, 116 Mammalle, durezze e dolore delle... 57 Morso d’animale velenoso... 79 Melancolia... 101 Membra attratte, olio per le... 102 -------- [Page 407] N Noce fresche, acqua di... 140 Natta, per cavare una... 92 Nervo ritriato, per far distendere un... 76 Natura, riscaldamento di... 49 Nervi, stiramento di... 91, 92 Naso, rottura di... 7 Natta... 92 -------- [Page 408] O Occhi, acqua da... 1 Occhi torbidi, acqua da... 1 Occhi, acqua di cilidonia o rondinaria per il male dogli... 1 Occhi, acqua che pizzica per li... 3 Orinare, chi non puo... 42, 43 Orinare, chi stenta a... 42 Orina, a far ritenere... 41 Oppilazione... 26 Ombelico ernioso... 52 Occhi lipposi... 5 Occhi, orecchia, per i male di... 4 -------- [Page 409] P Peli, acqua per levare i... 20 Porri, acqua per levare i... 20 Pisciare, acqua da fare... 26 Pietra, acqua per la... 40 Petto, strettezza di... 23 Persona, per conoscere una... 139 Pietra, per spaccare la... 45 Petto, a far largo il... 21 Pietra, per far rompere nella vescica la... 45 Pietra, a far vino contro il male di... 46 Piaghe, per far aprire le... 74 Peli, per far cadere i... 19 Porri, per far guarire i...... 60 Posteme, per far guarire le... 60 Picicore d’intor a i testicoli, per far guarire il... 60 Putti piccoli, per farli guarire dell acque che gli vengano nella borsetta... 85 Partorire, dolore del... 54 Pena e doglia dei denti, per levare la... 10 Punta di petto... 23 Paralisi... 10 Panereccio... 79 Pidocchi, etc, ammazarli... 164 -------- [Page 410] Pelle, macchie, eccicatorci della... 73 Pace etc... 54 Pietra, rompere la... 44 Parto di maschio o femina... 55 Palpitazione di cuore... 27 Prole, per avere... 55 Purgatoso, unto... 34 Piaghe, per consolidare le... 75 Porri, per togliere i... 101, 150 Podagra fredda... 148 -------- [Page 411] R Rogna, acqua per la... 32 Regina Isabella, acqua della... 102 Reni, doglia delle... 41 Renella, a far pisciar la... 44, 48 Renelle e pietra... 44, 46 Reni, troppi calde... 25 Rogna... 27, 33, 34 -------- [Page 412] S Scorze d’arancio, acqua di... 136 Sordo, rimedio per il... 6 Sangue, pisciare... 21 Sangue, sputar... 27 Sogno, corrompersi in... 61 Stomaco, a far bono lo... 21 Stomaco, freddura di... 23 Serpente, a far che venga a te... 80 Sordo non nato, per far guarire il... 5 Sordagine grossa... 5 Schinanzia... 9 Stomaco, male di... 21 Scrofole... 77 Stomaco, che non ritiene il cibo... 26 Sudare, etc... 150 Sciatica... 97 Sordita incipiente... 5 Sifillide... 116 Stomaco, friggidita di... 20, 51, 54 Sangue, chi pisciar... 154 Sifillide... 117, 119 Sordita... 5 Suppuratorio... 53, 76 Scottatura... 38 Sifillide, gargarismo per... 118 Scrofole... 12 Sanita, siroppo per conservare la... 125 Scottature, per guarire... 99, 100 -------- [Page 413] T Tigna, acqua per la... 17 Tisichi, acqua per li... 27 Tempo delle donne, per provocare il... 50 Tette, per disfare la durezza delle... 56 Tempo cattivo, per fuggire il... 140 Tincone aperto aperto, per far risolvere il... 52 Tincone, a far venire a capo un... 52 Tigna sul capo, per far guarire la... 16 Tette rotte, per far guarire le... 57 Testicoli enfiati, per far guarire... 58 Taroli, per far guarire i... 60 Testicoli, dolore de... 79 Testa, dolore di... 13 Testa doglia, con febbre di... 13 Tosse grossa... 22 Tigna... 16, 17 Tosse secca... 22 Tosse incipiente... 25 Testa, ferita di... 69, 71 -------- [Page 414] U,V Volatiche, acqua per levare le... 20 Vene, acqua della oppilazione delle... 26 Verga, acqua da schizzare nella... 47 Vista, per clarificare la... 4 Voce, per far buona la... 139 Verga dell’ uomo aperta, per guarire la... 61 Voglia o sangue morto sul viso, per levare la... 158 Verga, corso bianco della... 48 Utero, dolore di... 24 Ugola, riscaldamento di... 9 Verga, bruciore di... 43 Utero, soffocazione delle... 24 Vermi... 37 Vespaio... 80 Veleno mangiato... 79 Utero frigido, per riscaldarlo... 25 Utero, per rolap[s]o delle... 49, 51 Unghie guaste... 150 Veleno, vermi, etc... 112 Vomito, contro al... 20 -------- [Page 415] Bianco.