[English translation] To remove redness from the face and make it the way one wants. Take 1 ounce of native sulfur, 1 dram each of white incense and myrrh and ½ ounce of camphor. Powder everything very finely and mix it with ½ lb. of rose water and distill it in a little glass still. Preserve this water well-closed and bathe the face in the evening and morning with a sponge, rubbing well. Soon the redness of the face will disappear. This has been tested by many persons. Another to remove redness from the face quickly. Viz. Take equal amounts of rose oil, violet oil, white lead, vinegar and rose water and incorporate them together. Rub the face with this in the evening when you go to sleep and also in the morning and stay in the house. It will reduce the great redness for you until it will not be seen. If you wish to remove any kind of pimple on the face or on the body, take equal amounts of sulfur, rose oil and rose water and put everything together with a pinch of salt and the white of an egg. Incorporate everything well and in the evening rub the face where the pimples are and they will soon go away. This has been tested. For facial lepra.... 200 Take ½ dram each of starch, sarcocol gum, candied tragacanth gum, white lead, litharge and mastic, one fourth ounce each of white and yellow unguents, 1 ounce of dark unguent and sufficient rose water to incorporate everything in the form of an unguent. Pulverize those that can be pulverized. Rub the face in the evening and wash it in the morning with a decoction of coltsfoot. For the same. Take some quicklime and wash it four times in water and save the fourth water. Mix this with 2 parts of goat's milk and mix in the white of an egg. Make a smooth liniment and wash the face with this. For pimples and redness on the face. Take 1 dram of camphor, 2 drams of borax and 4 ounces of flour of red chick peas, well-ground, and confect them with juice of round onions and cleaned honey. In the evening anoint the face with this. In the morning wash with plain warm water and wipe the face clean. Do this for ten days. The value of juniper berries gathered between the festival of the assumption of the Virgin Mary and her birthday.... 201 Take 7 berries or 8 grains of the berries and eat them on an empty stomach. They strengthen the brain, repair the senses, support the vision, clean the chest, reduce flatulence, strengthen the stomach, digest undigested food, break stones, dissolve rheum and reduce strangury and difficult urination. They are powerful against poison and pains. They warm up the bone marrow. Then restore the abdomen. They are powerful against paralysis, improve bad breath and the stomach. They greatly protect in epilepsy and apoplexy. Another electuary of juniper berries. Viz. Take whatever quantity of juniper berries that you want and take a jug of good white wine and put it in a pot. When it begins to raise to a boil, then put in the berries and do not let them boil. Remove it at once from the fire and cover it well and let it cool. Then extract them as usual and dry them in the shade. Eat 10 to 15 of these early in the morning on an empty stomach and you will have a very good stomach, as described above. Likewise, you can make an electuary with sugar or honey. That is, take 1 ounce of berries made into fine powder and 3 ounces of sugar or honey. Make it as usual and take it in the usual way. *Oil of juniper is powerful for many things and has much value and is powerful for every sore, old or new, and in canker and fistula when they are rubbed repeatedly. *Viz. Very well tested ointment for all parts of the body. Take the roots of marsh mallow and of dwarf elder, seeds of St. John's wort and heads of lilies and cut everything finely and put it in olive oil for 5 days. Cook them in this oil and cook them well. Then strain this boiled liquid and again put it on the fire with 1 ounce of wax and 6 ounces of butter and the marrow of ass, of bear, of fox, of badger, of duck and of chicken. Make the ointment of everything in the usual way and use this warm. It will help you greatly. *To remove redness from the face. Take 2 ounces of yellow sulfur and 1 ounce each of Greek pitch and naval pitch and liquify them in a pot. Add male pork fat until an unguent is formed and the redness should be rubbed with that in the evening when one goes to sleep. In the morning the mouth should be washed with a mouthful of the water and soon the redness will be cured. *Another different way. Viz. Take 1 ounce each of sulfur and camphor, ½ ounce each of myrrh and incense and make very fine powder. Put it with 1 lb. of rose water in a carafe in the sun for 3 days, well-sealed. Wash yourself with this and soon the redness of the face will go away. ---------- [Italian transcript] A mandare via il rossore dela facia e sia che si vole. Rx. solpho vivo onza j, incenso biancho, mirra, ana drama j, canphora onza s et d’ogni cosa ne far[a]i polvere sutilissima et mescola con liber ½ di acqua rosa et distilla per lambico di vetro piccolo et ditta acqua conserva ben turata et bagnia il volto sera e matina con una sponga fregando bene. Et presto andera via il rossore del viso. E questo e aprobato da piu persone. Item a mandare via il rossore dela faza e presto. Vz. Rx. olio rosato, olio violato, biacha, aceto e acqua rosa, ana. Et incorpora ogni cosa insieme. Et con esso ongeti la facia la sera quando vai a dormire et etiam la matina stando in casa. Et ti smorzera quello gran rossore che tanto non si vedra. E piu se tu vorai mandare via d’ogni sorte broffole sul viso o sun la persona, torai solphero, olio rosato e acqua rosa, ana, et meterai ogni cosa insieme et uno pocheto di sale et uno chiaro d’ovo et ogni cosa sia bene incorporato. Et la sera ongiti quando vai a dormire il viso dove sono le broffole e presto anderano via. E de probata. Ad leprosos in facie. Rx. amidi, sarchacole, draganti glase, ceruse, litargirii, masticis, ana drama s, unguenti albi e citrini, ana quarto uno, unguenti fusci onza j, acqua rosa quantum suficit. Omnia incorporentur ad modum unguenti. Pulverizando que sunt pulverizanda et inunguenta facies sero et mane abluetur cum acqua decotionis farfaris ut sic. Ad idem. Rx. calcis vive quantum vis et abluatur in quatuor acquis et reservetur quarta acqua et misceatur cum duabus partibus lactis caprini et ibi disolvatur albumen ovi et fiat linimentum agitando et abluatur facies. Ad pustulas et ruborem facieii. Rx. canphore drama j, boracis drame ij, farine ciceris rubei bene tamisate onze iiij. Confice cum suco ceparum rotundarum, melle bene dispumato et in sero facies perungatur. Mane fomentetur cum acqua calida simplici et tergatur. Et hoc fiat per x dies. Virtus juniperii cuius grana coligenda sunt inter festum asumptionis verginis mariee matiuitatis eius. Rx. pipore no. vii ut viii grana ieiuno stomacho recipe et comede. Cerebrum confortant, sensus reparant, visum custodiunt, pectus mundificant, ventositatem repellunt, stomacum confortant, cibum indigestum digerunt, lapidem frangunt, reuma disolvunt, stranguriam et disuriam pellunt. Valent contra venenum et dolorem. Medulas calefaciunt. Annelatum bonum redunt. Valent contra paralisim, fetorem oris et stomaci emendant. Epillensie et apoplesie multum resistunt. Item lattovario de pomelle di ginepro. Vz. Rx. dele coccole di ginepro quella quantita che a te pare et toravi uno bochale di vino bianco bono e metilo in uno pigniato et quando comincia a levare il bollore, allora metteli drento et non lo lassare bollire. Subbito lo leva dal foco et coprilo bene et lassa raffredare. Poi le cava asute et fale secare al ombra. Et di quelle ne mangerai 10 o 15 la matina per tempuo a stomaco digiuno et ti fara bonissimo stomaco como e ditto disopra. Overamente tu ne farai lattovario con zuccharo o mele, cioe onza j pomelle fatte in polvere sutilissima e zucharo onze iij ut mele fatto secundo il solito et preso secundo il suo ordinario. *Olio del janepro vale a molte cose et ha de molte virtu e vale ad ogni piagha vechia e nova, a chancri, fistole ongendole spesso. *Vz. Ontione a tutte le parte del corpo, aprobatissime. Rx. radice de altea e de ebuli, seme de ipericon, capi de gilii et ogni cosa tagliata minutamente et siano messi in olio de oliva per 5 giorni. Et le coserai in ditto olio et lassele ben cosere. Poi colerai ditta bolitura et di novo lo rimetti al foco con onza j di cera et onze vj di buttiro e mirola d’asino et de orso e de volpe et di tasso e di anatra et di gallina. Et d’ogni cosa tu ne farai l’onto secundo l’ordinario et quello opera caldo e molta ti zovera. *A mandare via il rossore della facia. Rx. solpho giallo onze ij, pece greca, pece navale, ana onza j, et si liquefaciano in uno pignatino et le agionge grasso di porco mastio tanto che si facia unguento. Col queste la sera se unga il rossore quando si va a dormire et la matina si lava la bocha con una bocchata di acqua e presto guarira. *Item a un altro modo. Vz. Rx. solpho et canphora, ana onza j, mirra e incenso, ana onza s, et fane polvere sutilissima con lb. j di acqua rosa in una charaffa al sole per 3 giorni, turata bene. Et con essa ti lava et presto andera via il rossore dela facia.