[English translation] Pulverize everything finely and put it in about a pint of white wine. Heat it and put it down the mouth of the horse and make it walk. But before you give this medicine, take 2 bowls of milk or water sweetened with honey and give it to the horse to drink in the morning using the horn funnel. All the worms in the body will go into the stomach. Then the next morning give the above medicine after which you will find all the worms knotted in the stomach and all dead because this bitter medicine opposes the first liquid with which the worms were soaked and now they all burst. When they are in such quantity in the body of the animal, it is always thin even though it eats enough because the worms eat all the substance. Then they leave the stomach and go in the tail and it makes the animals itch and they scratch on the wall or wherever they can. As the above beverages coagulate the worms, the animal will be freed of this infirmity and in a short time will grow fat. This has been tested. Another to cure the horse that has the above worms in the body. Take one scruple of yellow sulfur and make it into powder and give it with bran to eat early in the morning and do not give anything to drink for 2 hours. Do this for 3 mornings. Give this prescription in the winter if you can and not in summer when the sulfur is warming. Soon, with God's grace, the horse will be cured of worms. This has been tested. To cure the horse that has a sickness on the back or sore on the front shoulder. Take 1 ounce each of hepatic aloe and incense, and 2 ounces of quicklime and make these into fine powder. Take 1 handful each of agrimony and scabiosa and dry them in the shade and make fine powder and ½ ounce of ground pepper. Take as much honey as you need to mix up the powders to make little balls. Dry them but not in the sun. Then grind them into powder and save this for your needs. When your horse has any galls on the back or abcess in the shoulder, wash the sore well with warm wine in which has been boiled ½ ounce of ground pepper and 2 ounces of salt and wash the sore well. Then put on the above powder and leave it and protect it so the tail does not swat it. This cleans and draws the flesh together. Then when the flesh is nearly drawn together, take some old shoes that have been baked and a little of the powdered agrimony and scabiosa mixed with 3 times as much powder of the old shoes. Do not put on more of the first powder but put on this which soon makes new skin and the horse will be cured. This medicine has been used many times. Alternatively, make this other medicine when the illness is on the ribs. Take a piece of lard and fry it in a pan and drop it in very strong vinegar. When you want to medicate, warm the vinegar and lard and take this warm in your hand and rub the sore well. Do this several times and it will soon be cured. Also if it is not split open, rub the swelling or cyst very well and it will be cured. The horse that has swelling around the ankles and in the feet. Take 1 lb. of tragacanth and put it to soak in very strong vinegar, covered, for 3 days in a warm place. Then grind it in a mortar until it becomes in the form of an unguent and save it in a cool place. It will be somewhat liquid. Then in the morning and evening, rub the sore swelling or spine, pulling it well with the hands while you rub around the pastern of the ankle. Do this several times and it will soon be cured, as was a horse of great value that had swelling of both pasterns and was treated with this remedy. ---------- [Italian transcript] Et ogni cosa sia sutilmente spolverizate et meterai ogni cosa in una mezetta di vino bianco et falo scaldare et mettilo per bocca al cavallo con lo imbutto di corno et fallo passegiare. Ma prima tu li darai questa medicina, torai latte 2 scudelle overo aqua melata et dalla ha bere al cavallo per 3 matine con l’imbutto di corno. Et tutti li vermi che gli a inel corpo li vengano inelo stomaco. Poi l’altra matina tu li darai la sopra detta medicina, la quale trovera tutti li vermi vannati inelo stomaco et tutti morirano per questa medicina amara la quale e contraria ale 3 prime che gia erano pregni et ora tutti creperano per la qual cosa mentre che stano in quella quantita nel corpo del animale sempre lo tiene magro et mangia assai arispetto a questi vermi perche li mangiano tutta la substantia. Poi fugano dalo stomaco et vanno inela coda et dali picichore e poi la grattano inel muro o dove possono et come la rapreso le predette bevande presto se libererano di tale infermita et in breve verano grossi. E provato. Item a guarire il cavallo che abbia li preditti vermi in corpo. Torai scropulo j di solfero gialdo et fane polvere et dallo a mangiare con dela semola la matina di bon ora et non li dare a bere dali a 2 ore et questo fallo per 3 matine et questa racetta fala l’inverno se’l si po e non la stade per essere il solfero caldo et presto, per dei gratia, il cavallo guarira dali vermi. E provato. Cavallo che abia male sun la schiena o piaga sun la croce dinanti, a guarirlo. Rx. aloe patico e incenso, ana onza j, calcina viva onze ij et ogni cosa fatto in polvere suttile et torai agrimonia e scabiosa, ana m. uno, et fala seccare al ombra et fane polvere sutila et onza s di pepi pesto. Et torai tanto mele che tu possi impastare le predette polvere et fane balotine et falle seccare ma non al sole. Et le pesterai et fane polvere et quella conserva ali bisogni. Et quando il tuo cavallo avera alcuna guidaresco o male sun la crose dinanti lava la piaga bene con vino caldo che prima li sia bolito drento onza s di pepi pisto e onze ij di sale et con esso lava bene la piaga. Poi li metterai sopra dela predetta polvere et lassela cossi et diffendila che con la coda non la getti via. Et questo purga et tira la carne. Poi quando la carne e apresso che paregiata, fa di avere dele scarpe vecchie brusate, agrimonia e scabiosa um poco dela ditta polvere mescolata con 3 volte tanta con quella de scarpe. Et non metere piu dela prima polvere ma metti di questa che presto riffara la pelle e guarira. Et questa medicina e statta fatta piu volte. Overamente farai quest altra medicina quando’l male e insu le coste. Torai un pezo di lardo et fallo friggere in la padella et cossi intiero buttalo inel acieto fortissima et quando vorai medicare, farai scaldare l’acieto col lardo drento et piglialo cossi caldo in mano et ongi bene le ditte piaghe. Et fallo piu volte e presto guarira. Et etiam chel non li fusse rotto, ongi purre quello infiato o bugnoni molto bene e guarira. Cavallo che avesse le formelle intorno a calcagni e a piedi. Rx. draganti lb. j et metteli a mole in aceto fortissima coperti per 3 giorni in loco caldo. Poi li pesterai in mortaio tanto che diventano in modo de unguento. Et quelli li conserva in loco fresco et stiano al quanto liquidi. Poi matina e sera ongi il male dele formelle overo spinelle, strapiciandoli molto bene con le mane mentre che tu longi intorno ala menatura de calcagni. Et falo piu volte e presto guarira e de pochi giorni che tale racetta si adopero in un cavallo di gran valuta, che aveva le formelle doppie.