[English translation] For illness from stone and gravel in the kidneys or in the bladder, to urinate it rapidly. Take as much chervil as the fresh herb as you wish, grind it and extract juice and let it clear. Give 4 ounces of it to the patient with stone or gravel to drink with a little sugar and it should be warm. Give it in the evening when he goes to sleep and he should eat little, that is lightly. Then cook 1 handful of this herb in water of hops and when it has just begun to boil, remove it from the fire and put it warm in the form of a plaster on the pubic area, fastened on for the night, and in the morning you will see a good effect and it is cleansing. Do this at least 4 to 6 times and be confident that soon he will get better. Make this powder: take some snails without a shell, especially those that stay in fields, and dry them and make very fine powder of them and give 2 drams to the patient when he goes to sleep with 4 ounces of good white wine with sugar in it and it should be tepid. He should take these beverages on alternate evenings so that each evening he takes one beverage. In a few days, through God's grace, he will feel such improvement that he will be able to wake up cured and will urinate freely and without distress because the gravel will be pushed out and the stone will be turned to nothing, that is it will be broken and shattered and be urinated little by little without harming the patient and he will be freed. It has been tested. Another to break up gravel. Take 2 drams each of water distilled from lemons, from pods of broad beans and from radishes and 2 ½ drams of seeds of climbing ivy picked during the half-moon of January, 1 dram each of seed of fox tail grass, of broom and of gromwell and make very fine powder and incorporate all together and mix these powders with 5 ounces of the above boiled liquid of chervil. Take ½ ounce of this beverage early in the morning in the form of a warm syrup for 15 days and soon, with God's grace, you will feel no more pain from gravel and less from stone and you will urinate freely. Another for the above-described pain of stone or gravel. Take 2 lb. of the herb saxifrage, 1 lb. each of tansy and parsley, 9 lemons cut finely and 8 lb. of very strong white vinegar and put everything together and distill it in a glass still with a slow fire. Save this water in a glass vessel, well stoppered, for your needs. Give 1 ounce to the patient to drink in the evening and morning, warm, in the form of a syrup. In the evening he should eat little and keep the stomach warm so that it can digest well. When you feel that the stone may bother you in exiting in the urine, take one glass of distilled water of Alexandrine celery, warm with sugar. Know that very soon the pain will lift from you and you will urinate freely. This has been tested. Another to cure the pain of gravel quickly. Say 3 Pater Noster with 3 Ave Maria and then say these holy words, touching with your hand the kidneys of the patient. These are, “In the name of the Father + Son + and Holy Spirit + Amen. + Jesus. I invoke you, stone, by him who first said, 'I am the stone. + I am dead and wrapped and buried in stone. +' As by his death the stone is broken, + so these stones that are in these kidneys must break and splinter so nothing remains, neither stones nor gravel to give the infirm one more pain +. So be it. + Amen. + Atta .” Repeat these words in the evening and morning and soon you will see a result. Through the grace of God and your good actions he will feel no more pain. Another to cause urination with much gravel. Take seed of nettle and boil it in oil of camomile and white vinegar until it reduces one third. Then in the evening when you go to bed, make it very warm and rub the pubic area and all the penis and bind it with warm cloths and soon you will urinate a great deal of gravel. This preparation is also effective in women. It will bring you much honor. ---------- [Italian transcript] Al male di pietra e ala ranella inele rene over nela vissicha, presto farla pissare. Rx. cerfoglio in erba quanto tu voi, pestalo et cavane suco et poi lo lassa schiarire et dane a bere al paciente di pietra o ranella onze iiij con un poco di zucharo e chel sia caldo et dalo la sera quando va a dormire et mangi poco, cioe ligermente. Poi farai cosere dela dita erba m. uno in aqua di luppoli et quando a levato il primo bolore, levela dal foco et cosi calda a modo di empiastro e metila sul petignone legata che la stia suso la notte et vedrai bella operatione et la matina ti netta et farai cosi al manco 4 o 6 volte e sta sicure che presto riceverai miglioramento, facendo questa polvere: torai dele lumache senza’l gusso et maxime di quelle che stano drento alli sechiaii et falle sechare et fane polvere sutilissima et dala a bere al paciente quando va a dormire drame ij, con vino biancho bono onze iiij, con zucharo drento e chel sia al quanto tiepido. Et queste bevande li potrai fare una sera l’una et l’altra sera l’altra, tanto che ogni sera farai una bevanda. Et in pochi de giorni, per dei gratia, tu sentirai tal miglioramento che ti potrai chiamare guarito et pisserai largamente e senza passione impero che la ranella sera spinta e la pietra sera ita in niente, cioe sera rotta e infranta e sera pissata a poc a poco senza lesione del paciente et serai libero, e di provata. Item a rompere la ranella. Rx. aqua stillata di limoni e di buccie di fave e di ravanelli, ana drame ij, e granelli di edera arborea colti a luna sema di genaio, drame ijs, e somenta di coda ulpina e di ginestra et grana solis, ana drama j, et fane polvere sutilissima et le incorpora tutte insieme et distempera queste polvere con onze v dela bolitura sopra detta del cerfoglio et dela ditta polvere ne torai onza s et questa bevanda la pilierai la matina per tempo calda a modo di syropo per 15 matini e presto, per dei gratia, non sentirai piu dolore di ranella e manco di pietra et largamente pisserai. Item al sopra detto dolore di pietra o di ranella. Torai erba saxifragia, lb. ij, mile follio, petrosemine, ana lb. j, limoni no. 9 tagliati sutili et aceto bianco fortissima, lb. viij, et metti ogni cosa insieme et farai destillare al lambicho di vetro con lento foco et serberai la ditta aqua in vaso di vetro e ben turata ali tuoi bisogni. Poi ne darai a bere al paciente onza j la sera e la matina calda a modo di syropo e mangia la sera poco e stia caldo con lo stomaco acio che facia bona digestione. Et quando tu sentisti la pietra che anche ti molestasse inel ussire del orina, beverai uno bichiere de aqua stillata di appio lixandrino con zucaro drento e calda. Sapi che presto, presto te ligerisse del dolore et pisserai abondantemente. Et questa e aprobata. Item al dolore dela ranella, presto guarirla. Dirai 3 pater noster con 3 ave marie et poi li dirai sopra queste sancte parole, tocando con la tua mano le sue rene del paciente, cioe, “In nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + amen. + Jesus. Io ti scongiuro pietra per quello che prima disse, ‘I son pietra, + morto son e ligato e sepelito in pietra.’ + Cosi nela sua morte si rompi la pietra, + cossi debia rompere e spezzare quelle pietre che sono in quelle rene + che non li rimangha ne pietre ne ranelle + ne alo infermo darli piu pena. + Fiat. + Amen + Atta.” Et dilla spesse volte sera e la matina e presto vedrai opera mediante la gratia di dio et la tua bona intentione che piu dolore non sentirai. Item a fare orinare di molta ranella. Torai somenta di orticha et fala bolire in olio di camomilla e aceto bianco tanto che calli un terzo. Poi la sera quando vai a dormire fallo ben scaldare et ongiti el petignone e tutta la verga et infassalo con peze calde et presto orinerai di molta ranella et farai questa ontione anche ala donna, et averai honore.