[English translation] To whiten hair in the shade without sun so it becomes white and lustrous as silver...... 18 For pain in the testicles and other illnesses and swellings... 79 Tor the pain that comes on the eyelashes of the eyes... 1 For pain of the teeth and every other distress caused by dryness or from the stomach..... 7 Best remedy for headache... 13 For the pain of parturition or one who has a dead baby in her body... 54 To remove any spot or cataract from the eyes... 2 To remove the bad flesh that grows in the nose, that is polyps... 7 To remove pain and misery from the teeth quickly... 10 For the swelling or mass that comes behind the heels... 77 Ointment for cold pains of the joints... 99 To remove a birthmark or a blood spot that is on the face or body... 158 For white discharge flowing from the penis of a man or from a woman... 48 For serious deafness... 5 For pain of the teeth after eating something sour... 9 Best remedy for the sore throat, that is quinsy that comes in the throat... 9 For headache with fever... 13 Best remedy for tightness in the chest and in thick cough... 22 Most approved remedy for pleurisy... 23 For the woman whom pregnancy has sickened and to restore her to health... 24 For the dropsy caused by the spleen... 25 Most approved remedy for one who is swollen with dropsy... 25 For blockage and swelling... 26 For dryness of the mouth caused by fever... 32 Strong poultice for intestinal rupture that miraculously cures it... 81 Very strong poultice for intestinal rupture... 81 Useful and tested poultice for intestinal rupture... 82 Poultice that rapidly cures recent intestinal rupture... 82 For coldness in the joints, that is in cold gout... 97 For the uvula that has fallen in the throat... 9 Wonderful water for catarrh... 11 Best remedy for dry cough... 22 For burning in the penis when urinating... 43 For the intestine that comes far out of the body... 52 For the intestine coming out of the body from damage... 52 Wonderful unguent for inflamed eyes... 2 For dropsy caused by the spleen... 115 Tested remedy for swelling of the legs... 65 For paralysis of the tongue, hand and other members... 10 In parturition and against quartan fever... 34 To rewarm the vagina... 49 To cure rapidly the deafness, ringing and hissing that comes in the ears... 5 Plaster for closing up the womb... 24 ---------- [Italian transcript] A imbianchire li capelli al ombra senza il sole che verano bianchi e lustri come argento... 18 Al dolore de testicule et altri mali e infiasoni... 79 Al dolore che viene sopra alli cillia deli occhii... 1 Al dolore di denti et d’ogni altra passione causato per sese overo dalo stomaco... 7 Al dolore di testa, optimo rimedio... 13 Al dolore del parturire o avesse creatura morta in corpo... 54 A levare dali occhi ogni machia o catharate... 2 A levare la carne trista che nasse inel naso, cioe polipodi... 7 A levare la pena et doglia de denti e presto... 10 A le boganze overo mule che viene drieto ali calcagni... 77 A le doglie fredde dele gionture, ontione... 99 A levare una voglia o sangue morto che fusse sul viso overo sun la persona... 158 Al corso biancho dela scholatione di verga a huomo et a donna... 48 Ala sordagine grossa... 5 Ala dentesone deli denti per avere mangiato cose agre... 9 Ala scarantia, cioe scquinantia che viene inela gola, optimo rimedio... 9 Ala doglia di testa con febre... 13 Ala strettura di petto et alla tosse grassa, rimedio optimo... 22 Ala ponta, rimedio aprobatissimo... 23 Ala donna chi la madre li fa male et li fara venire al quanto dele sue rasone... 24 Ala intropesia per causa dela milza... 25 Ala intropesia, cioe chi fusse bessenfio aprobatissimo... 25 Ala oppilatione et bessenfio... 26 Ala siccita di bocca causata per febre... 32 Ala rottura intestinale, cirotto forte et mirabilmente li guarisse... 81 Ala rottura intestinale, cirotto fortissimo... 81 Ala rottura intestinale, cirotto uttile e aprobato... 82 Ala rottura intestinale fatta di frescho, cirotto che presto guarisse... 82 Ala frigidita inele congionture, cioe a gotta frigida... 97 Al cascamento dela uvola in gola... 9 Al catarro, acqua mirabile... 11 Ala tosse secca, optimo rimedio... 22 Al brusore dela verga inel l’ussire del l’orina... 43 Al bonigolo ussito tropo fuora del corpo... 52 Al bonigolo ussito fuora del corpo per sinistro... 52 Ali occhi sgarbelati, unguento mirabile... 2 Ali idropici per causa dela milza... 115 Alo enfiato dele gambe, rimedio aprobato... 65 Al paraletico de lingua, mano et altri membri... 10 Al parturire et contra alla febre quartana... 34 Al riscaldamento della natura... 49 Al sordimento et businamento et sibilamento che viene nele orecchie, presto guarirlo... 5 Alla suffucatione della matrice, impiastro... 24