[English translation] Distress from serious vomiting from the stomach. Take 3 drams each of fine mint, wormwood, laurel leaves, nettle, myrtle, dry roses, cypress berries, cumin and sandalwood, and 1 dram each of powdered coral, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, saffron, mastic and nutmeg, and ½ dram each of myrrh, lavender and sedge. All these things should be finely pulverized. Then take a slice of bread and toast it and dip this warm into 4 ounces of very strong white rose vinegar. Add 1 ounce each of oil of roses, of mastic and of citron and enough barley flour to thicken all of the above things and make a good plaster and put it as warm as can be borne on top of the stomach. Keep it there very warm and, through God's grace, soon the stomach will be cured. Unguent against vomiting and discharge from the stomach. Take 1 ounce each of mastic, oil of roses and oil of mint, ½ dram of frankincense, and ½ scruple each of fine dry mint, red coral, acacia, clay from Lemnos, and red roses. They should be cut so that all are chopped up and with wax make an unguent on the fire following the usual method and rub it warm on the stomach one hour before the meal. It will help greatly to retain food. Decoction against debility of the cold stomach. Take 1 handful each of wormwood, fine dry mint and pennyroyal, ½ dram each of lavender and camels' hay, 1 dram each of powdered cloves, galingale, cinnamon, mace and nutmeg and make a decoction in 8 lb. of pure water so that it is reduced in half. Then wet a sponge in this warm decoction and apply the expressed sponge very warm to the stomach. Do this several times to take away much of the cold so the stomach will be well restored. An ointment for the cold stomach. Take 1 ounce each of wormwood oil and lavender oil, 1 ounce of camomile oil and 4 grains by weight of powdered cloves, galingale, mace and nutmeg. Pulverize those that can be pulverized and with a little wax make an unguent with which the cold stomach should be rubbed one hour before the meal. Aromatic sachet to put on the cold stomach. Take 1 scruple each of fine dry mint, marjoram, rose and wormwood, and 6 grains each by weight of powdered cloves, nutmeg and bedstraw. Mix and pulverize coarsely and make a little sack which should be sprinkled with water of wormwood. This is applied tepid on the stomach. Keep it warm and it should continually touch the flesh. Usually all these 3 remedies are made for one who has great debility of the stomach through cold so that he retains food with difficulty. These remedies are very powerful. Another for vomiting from the stomach that spurns food. Take Armenian red clay and egg white and a little very strong vinegar and make a plaster of it. Then put it warm on top of the stomach and soon it will be comforted and will retain food. It makes the stomach good and makes it digest. Another to make a bad stomach good. Take 1 handful each of southernwood, rue, pennyroyal and fine mint, and a little honey and boil them in good white wine until they are well cooked. Then strain it and save it in a glass vessel for your needs. When in the morning you feel you have a bad stomach, drink 2 or 3 fingers of it warm which comforts the nerves greatly, clarifies and comforts the stomach and purges it. It also helps much in gout since one who eats this herb before and after a meal will not feel pain in the body during that day. It prevents swelling. This is true and tested. ---------- [Italian transcript] Passione al vomito grande delo stomacho. Rx. dela menta fina, assentio, foglie di lauro, orticha, mortella, roxe seche, noce di arcipresso, e cimini, e sandali, ana drame iij, e polvere di corali, e di garofani, cinamomo, zenzero, zafferano, mastice, noce moscata, ana drama j, mirre, spice, ciperi, ana drama s, et che le ditte cose siano tutte sutilmente spolverizate. Poi torai una fetta di pane e fala brostolare et cosi calda atuffela in aceto roxata fortissima biancha, onze iiij, che la sia. Poi torai olio roxato e di mastice e olio citoniorum, ana onza j, et tanta farina di orzo quanta che basti a inpastare tutte le sopra dette cose et farne uno bono impiastro e meterlo caldo piu che pol patire sun la bocca delo stomacho et ne lo mantieni suso ben caldo et, per dei gratia, presto guarira. Unguento contra’l vomito et relaxatione di stomacho. Rx. mastice, olio roxato, olio di menta, ana onza j, olibano drama s, menta fina seccha, corali rossi, acatia, terra sigillata, rose rosse, ana scropulo s, et siano tritte tutte quelle che sono da tritare et con cera sia fatto unguento al foco secondo il suo ordinario et ongerai il stomaco e caldo avanti pasto di un ora et molto lo confortera a ritenere il cibo. Epithima contra ala debilita delo stomacho freddo. Rx. abscintio, menta fina secha, pulegio, ana m. uno, spica, squinanto, ana drama s, pulvere gariofilato, galanga, cinamomo, macis, nuce muschata, ana drama j, et sia fatta dicoctione in lb. viij di aqua fina a consumptione dela metta et dopoi in la ditta dicoctione calda sia bagnata una sponga et dopoi la expressione sia applicata alo stomacho e ben calda et falla piu volte e pigliera al quanto di rifrigerio che se ripossera al quanto bene. Una ontione al ditto stomacho freddo. Rx. olio di abscintio, olio di spica, ana onza j, olio di camomilla onza j, polvere garofilato, galanga, macis, nuce muschata, description di mesue grani 4 et sia pulverizato le cose che sono da essere pulverizate et con uno poco di cera sia fatto unguento con il quale sia onto lo stomacho freddo un ora avanti pasto. Sachetto aromaticho per mettere sun lo stomacho freddo. Rx. menta fina secca, magiorana, assentio, ana scropulo uno, polvere di garofali, nuce muschata, gallia muschata, discreptione di mesue, ana grani vj, miscia et pulveriza grossamente et sia fatto, un sachettino il quale sia sparso de aqua di assentio et cosi tiepido sia aplicato sun lo stomacho et mantientelo suso caldo che sempre tochi la carne. Et tutti questi 3 remedii si suole fare a uno che avesse gran debilita di stomacho et per fredda causa che con faticha potesse ritenere il cibo. E questi rimedi molto vale. Item al vomito per stomacho disdegnato. Torai bolo arminio e chiara d’ovo e una pocha di aceto fortissima et fane impiastro. Poi metilo sun la bocha delo stomacho chel sia caldo e presto si confortera et retinera il cibo e fara bono stomacho e fa paidire. Item a chi a cativo stomacho farlo bono. Rx. abrotano, ruta, polezolo, menta fina, ana m. uno, e uno poco di mele et fale bolire in vino biancho bono tanto che siano ben cotte. Poi lo cola et serbalo in vaso vitriato ali tuo bisogni. Et quando la matina tu ti senti avere cativo stomacho ne beverai 2 o 3 dita e chel sia caldo, il quale conforta molto li nervi, clarifica et conforta il stomacho e si lo purga. Et zova molto ale gotte dele anche a chi mangia dela ditta erba inanti e dopo il pasto et in quello giorno non sentirai dolore di corpo et non lo lassa enfiare. E di vero e aprobato.