[English translation] Rose unguent to cool sore legs. Take 6 ounces of oil of roses, 1 ½ ounces of white lead, ½ ounce of white wax and make an unguent in the usual way. When it is cooked, wash it 4 times with rose water. Then add 4 ounces of yellow litharge and incorporate in the usual way and you will have a well-formed unguent. Treat every illness of the legs with this. You should know that in this illness you need to be careful of your eating. Do not eat harmful things and it will be cured. Another unguent for the above illness of the legs when they may be difficult to heal. Take male pork lard and grind it finely and melt it and take the same amount of turpentine and incorporate these together on a slow fire and it will be made. Rub the legs and the sore with this ointment as required and you will cure them rapidly. Make this powder for the above illness of the legs. Take hepatic aloe and betony and make very fine powder. Put this on the sores and soon it will cure them. It has been tested. Another unguent for the legs. Take 1 ounce each of litharge, burnt rock alum and burnt saccharine alum and incorporate them together with very good white wine. Add powder of plantain, of yarrow, of chervil and of hepatic aloe, the amounts at your discretion, and make the unguent. Use it for every illness of the leg and it will bring you much honor. It has been tested. For the above illness of the legs. Take the herb hound's tongue and boil it in good white wine and wash the sore place with this warm wine in the morning and the evening, if you can, and let it dry on it. Then put 3 or 4 leaves of this herb on the sore and you will cure it quickly if the leaves are green. Unguent for inflammation of every kind. Take 1 ounce each of white lead and burnt lead, 1 dram each of bone of deer horn, rock salt and dragon's blood gum and 1 ounce of violet oil and mix these well in the mortar until they are well incorporated. Then add 6 grains of camphor and incorporate well and make the unguent in the usual way. Use it to medicate. First wash the sore with a decoction of fumitory and snails. Rub the sore with this unguent and soon you will be cured. Be certain that this has been tested. Do not eat pork meat. Unguent of mummy for growing and consolidating flesh. It is good for every sore. Take 2 drams each of mummy, dragon's blood gum, fenugreek flour, mastic, tragacanth and gum arabic, 3 drams of yellow litharge, 1 lb. of rose oil and 1 ½ drams of clean wax. First dissolve the wax in the oil. Then remove it from the fire and put in the above powders, little by little, with a little rose water. If it needs it, return it to the fire briefly and continue stirring until it is cold and it will be made. Its effect will bring you honor. The virtues of the mummy. Mummy is warm and dry in the fourth degree and it helps considerably in a cold and phlegmatic abcess. It restores bone. It removes the internal pain from every blow. It is of great help for intestinal rupture by putting it between the thighs in the form of an unguent and binding it on tightly. It will cure rapidly. Complete the cure by taking a dose of one dram of syrup several times.... 113 To cleanse sores. Take 6 ounces of strained rose honey, enough fenugreek flour and barley flour to thicken, and with this treat the sores. This will bring you very wonderful honor. It has been tested. Another for cleansing. Take 1 ounce of strained rose honey, 1 dram of turpentine, 1 ½ drams of myrrh and barley flour to thicken. First mix the turpentine and rose honey on the fire and then put in the myrrh and thicken with the flour and it will be made, the best unguent to clean perfectly. By using it you will see the proof of this. Another for cleansing. Take 6 ounces of turpentine, 1 ounce of rose honey, 1 dram each of sarcocol gum, myrrh and fenugreek flour and enough rye flour. Make the unguent in the usual way and save this for your needs. When you use it, you will see its effect. ---------- [Italian transcript] Unguento roxato per gambe a rinfreschare. Rx. olio roxato onze vj e biacha onze js e onza s cera bianca et lo farai al solito modo et quando sera cotto, lavela 4 volte con aqua roxa. Poi li agiongi onze iiij litragirio d’oro et incorpora al solito modo et ne farai unguento in bona forma. Et quello adopera ad ogni mal di gamba et sapi che al dito male el ti bisogna riguardarti dala bocha a non mangiare cose cative e guarira. Item unguento a preditto male di gambe quando stentasseno a saldarsi. Rx. lardo di porco maschio e pestalo minuto et falo distrugere et termentina, ana, et incorpora insieme a lento foco et sera fatto. Et con esso onto ongeti le gambe et sia che piagha si vole, presto guarirai. Et per il preditto male di gambe, farai questa polvere. Rx. aloe patico e bertonicha et fane polvere sutilissima. Et metene inele piaghe presto li fa guarire. E de probato. Item unguento da gambe. Rx. litargirio e lume di rocha arso e lume sucharina arso, ana onza j, et le incorpora insieme con vino bianco bonissimo. Et li agiongirai polvere di piantagine e de mile foglio e di cerfoglio e de aloe patico, a tua discretione, et farai unguento et lo adopera ad ogni male de gamba et ti fara molto honore. E probato. Et per il preditto male di gambe. Torai del erba lingua canis et fala bolire in vino bianco bono et lavati il male con esso vino caldo matina e sera se si pole, et lassele assugare da se. Poi meterai sopra ala piagha dela dita erba 3 o 4 follie e presto guarirai che siano verde. Unguento per colera d’ogni sorte. Rx. biacho e p[i]ombo brusato, ana onza j, ruche di corno di cervo, sal gema, sangue di dragho, ana drama j, et onza j olio violato et mesta bene in mortaio tanto che sia bene incorporato. Poi li agiongirai canfora grani no. 6 et incorpora bene et farai unguento al solito modo et medicha. Et prima laverai la piaga con dicotione di fumoterre e de ciochiole, cioe lumache. Poi ti ongi col ditto unguento, et presto ne guarirai che gli e di provata e tienlo per certo. Guardati di carne porcina. Unguento di mumia incarnativo et consolidativo et in ogni piaga ben mondifica. Rx. mumia, sangue di drago, farina di fengreco, mastice, draganti, goma rabica, ana drame ij, e litragirio d’oro drame iij, olio roxato lb. j, cera nova drame js. Prima dissolvi la cera con l’olio. Poi levelo dal foco et poi li meterai drento le sopra dette polvere a poco a poco con uno poco di aqua roxa. Et se’l ti pare, ritornalo al foco ma poco et sempre mestando finche e fredo et sera fatto. Opera el ti fara honore. Le virtu dela mumia. Mumia sie calda e secha in quarto grado, et giova molto ala postema fredda e flecmaticha. Et restaura li ossi. Et rimove lo dolore di drento per ogni percussione. Et molto giova ala rottura intestinale, metendoli sopra di quella medema del femere in modo di unguento et legandolo suso stretto. Presto ne guarisse et ne fatta la prova et avendone preso j drama syropo contiui. Mondificativo per le piaghe. Rx. mele roxato colato onze vj, farina di fengreco e d’orzo, ana per ispessare, et con esso medica le piage, el ti fara onore molto mirabilmente. E di provato. Un altro mondificativo. Rx. mel roxato colato onza j, trementina drama j, mirra drame js, et farina d’orzo per ispessare. Et prima farai disfare la termentina, el mel roxato al foco et poi li meti la mirra et spessa con la farina et sera fatto, unguento per mondificare optimo e perfetto. Et operandolo ne vedrai la prova. Item un altro mondificativo. Torai trementina onze vj, mel roxato onza j, sarcocholla, mirra, farina di fengreco, ana drama j, et farina di segala quanto basta, et farai unguento al solito modo et quello lo conserva ali tuoi bisogni. Et operandolo ne vedrai lo effetto.