[English translation] Pine tar unguent. Take 6 ounces each of rose oil, clean wax and thick pine tar, 4 ounces of turpentine, 1 ounce each of incense, mastic and galbanum and 2 ounces of honey. Put the galbanum, mastic and incense to soak in strong vinegar for one night. Then put these in a pot without the vinegar and put them dry on the embers until they are melted. Put in the tar to melt, then the oil, the turpentine and the honey and incorporate them very well with your spatula. Put in the wax, cut finely, and let it boil a very little. Remove it from the fire and strain it warm through bunting cloth and stir until it is cold and it will be made. It will serve your needs and bring you honor. Yellow unguent. Take 6 ounces of rose oil, 5 ounces of clean wax, 4 ounces of turpentine, 2 ounces of marsh mallow and 1 ounce each of incense, mastic, galbanum and opopanax gum. Put all the gums to soften in strong vinegar that barely covers them. Then remove them and liquify them alone in the pot, stirring until they are melted. Then put in the oil, turpentine and marsh mallow and incorporate them well and let it cook. Lastly put in the wax cut into little pieces and, as it melts, remove it from the fire and strain it still warm through bunting and stir until it is cold and it will be made, to use at your pleasure. Know that for all unguents it is necessary to stir until they are cold, using your stirring rod or spatula, and this rule holds in making all kinds of unguents. Digestive. Take 1 ounce of turpentine, the yolk of a fresh egg, rose oil, fresh barley flour, saffron and dried rock alum, each at your discretion, and a little rose honey. When these are heated, compound them together and it will be made. Then use it to treat at your pleasure and it will bring you honor. Protective. Take 3 ounces each of rose water and nightshade water, 2 ounces each of oil of roses and oil of myrtle, 1 ounce each of Armenian red clay and dragon's blood gum and 1 ½ ounces of white wax. Compound all of the above things on a slow fire, stirring continuously until it is cold, and it will be made. Use it and it will bring you honor. It has been tested. Caustic for afflicted flesh. Take fresh honey, skimmed, and put therein 1 ounce each of rock alum and verdigris, both pulverized, ½ ounce each of turpentine and rose oil and a little strong vinegar. Mix everything together on a little fire and it will be made. Use it as needed. Another escharotic. Take 2 ounces each of male pig lard and turpentine and ½ ounce of mercury and compound them in the usual way described above and add ½ ounce of clean wax. Then have prepared ash of grape vine and add as much ash as can be taken up by the unguent. Compound all these well and it will be made, pleasant and beneficial. To make troches of red lead in order to open sores. Take 4 ounces of white flour bread dough, uncooked and well risen, 1 ounce of red lead and ½ ounce of mercuric chloride, well ground, and compound everything with rose water. Then make your troches with care and dry them in a warm oven, but do not let them burn. You can form as many troches of different kinds as needed. A quick and very fine escharotic. Take ½ ounce each of saccharine alum, rock alum, litharge, white lead and mercury, 1 ounce of mercuric chloride and grind everything finely and rub them through a fine sieve. Then compound them with butter the size of a nut, and lastly put in the mercury and stir this with a stick until it is well incorporated with the other things. When you put it on the afflicted flesh, it breaks it open and it is good when this happens though cautery.... 111 ---------- [Italian transcript] Unguento raxino. Rx. olio roxato, cera nova e raxa di pino grassa, ana onze vj, trementina onze iiij, incenso, mastice e galbina, ana onza j, e mele onze ij. Et metterai a mole in aceto forte la galbina, el mastice et lo incenso per una notte. Poi li metterai inel tozzo senza aseto et metteli cosi asutti sopra ali brase tanto che siano destrutte. Poi li metterai drento la raxa a disfare, poi l’olio et la trementina, el mele et fali molto bene incorporare con la tua spatula. Poi li metterai la cera taliata minuta et lasselo bolire um pochetto. Poi lo leva dal foco et cosi caldo colelo con la stamigna et mestalo finche e fredo et sera fatto. Et serbalo ali bisogni et quale ti fara onore. Unguento citrino. Rx. olio roxato onze vj, cera nova onze v, trementina onze iiij, dialtea onze ij e incenso, mastice, galbina, opoponago, ana onza j. Et metterai tutte le gome a mole inel aceto forte che apeni le stiano coperte. Poi caveli fora et fale struggere da se sole inel tozo, mestandole fino che sono disfatte. Poi li metterai drento l’olio, la trementina e la dialtea et incorpora bene et lassa cosere et in ultima li meti la cera tagliata in pezeti et como la e distrutta, levelo dal foco et cosi caldo lo cola con la stamigna et mestavi drento finche li e fredo et sera fatto, et lo dopera a tuo piacere. Et sapi che in tutti li unguenti li vole sempre drento la sua mescola overo spatula perche vole essere sempre mestato e finche li e freddo et questo sie l’ordine che sia a tenere a fare tutte le sorte de li unguenti. Digestivo. Rx. trementina onza j, uno rosso d’ovo fresco, olio roxato, farina d’orzo frescha, zafferano, alume di roca brusata, ana a tua discretione, uno poco di mele roxato, che sia ben cotto et componilo insieme et sera fatto. Poi lo adopera a tuo piacere e ti fara onore. Difensivo. Rx. aqua roxa e di solatro, ana onze iij, olio roxato, olio mirtino, ana onze ij, bolarminio, sangue di drago, ana onza j, e cera bianca onze js. Et componi tutte le predette cose a lento foco sempre mestando finche e fredo et sera fatto. Et lo dopera e ti fara onore. E di provata. Corrosivo per carne trista. Rx. mele crudo schiumato et mettivi drento alume di rocha e verderame tutto spolverizato, ana onza j, trementina, olio roxato, ana onza s, et uno poco di aceto forte et componi ogni cosa insieme a uno picol foco et sera fatto. Et lo adopera a bisogni. Item corrosivo. Torai songia di porco maschio e trementina, ana onze ij, e argento vivo onza s et componi al solito modo ditto di sopra et agiongivi cera nova onza s. Poi averai haparechiato cenere de vite et vi agiongi in ditto unguento tanta dela ditta cenere quanta po tirare et componendo bene tutte le altre cose. El sera fatto, bello e bono e avantagiato. A fare trocis de minio per aprire piaghe. Rx. molena di pane non cotto e ben formentato onze iiij e minio onza j e solimato ben pesto onza s et ogni cosa componi con aqua roxa. Poi farai li tuo trocis con galanteria et secali in forno tiepido e fa che non siano arsi et ne potrai farne de piu sorte come pole acadera. Rottorio espedetivo molto nobile. Rx. alume zucarino, lume di rocha, letargirio, biacha, argento vivo, ana onza s, argento sulimato onza j, et ogni cosa pesta sutilmente passata per tamiso. Poi componi con buttiro quanto e una noce, et in ultima li metti il mercurio et per uno pezo lo dibati tanto che bene se incorpori con le altre cose. Et quando lo metterai sop[r]a ala carne trista, la fa cadere et la bona romperia quando acadesse overo per cauterio.