[English translation] To extend a nerve that has been retracted by illness. Take equal amounts of marsh mallow root, dried violets and flax seeds and boil everything with mild lye until it reduces 1/3. With this warm liquid bathe the painful place with a sponge several times and soon you will see improvement. More to make retracted nerves return. Take some marsh mallow flowers and put them in a glass ampule and fill it with ordinary oil, the oldest that you can find. Cork it well and put it in the sun for one month. Rub the painful place with this warm oil and you will cure it. Another unguent for retracted nerves. Take 2 ounces each of laurel oil, mineral oil, mastic oil, dill oil, oil of tartaric acid and badger fat. Incorporate everything together on a little fire with sufficient clean wax and make the unguent. Make it very warm and rub the painful place and soon you will cure it. It has been tested. Poultice to mature an abcess quickly. Take marsh mallow roots, white lily bulbs, butter, lard from a male pig, mallow, fenugreek flour, flour of flax seeds and saffron, the amounts of each at your discretion. Make a good poultice and put it on the sore very warm. Do this several times and you will cure it rapidly. This has been tested. Golden poultice, powerful for wounds. Take equal amounts of Greek pitch or colophony, which is the same thing, sulfur and white incense, all of which are well ground, and incorporate them with egg white. Rub a piece of parchment well with this mixture and press it on the wound tightly with the finger, cleaning out the blood well. Put on the little piece of parchment and bind it on with a bandage and the wound will heal most rapidly. This secret is from one who never wanted to teach it to anyone. By chance he was wounded and was constrained to teach it to one of his friends to treat his own wound, so he revealed it and soon he was cured. Poultice for a wound that may be infected with worms. Take 1 ounce each of bdellium and juniper gum, ½ ounce of musk and 2 ounces of turpentine. Dissolve the bedllium and the juniper gum in strong vinegar and strain this. Put in the turpentine and the musk. Then put in 2 ounces of oil of white lily. Cook this on a slow fire for a reasonable period, stirring continuously, and remove it from the fire. Thicken it with flour of lupins and of fenugreek and it will be made. Use it as you please and it will bring you honor. To cut a limb without pain to the patient. Take 3 ounces each of mercuric sublimate, arsenic, realgar and cinnabar and 4 ounces each of turpentine and naval pitch. Pulverize everything finely and distill them with a glass tube and extract water and save this. Then make a knife of dry olive wood, cut as thin as is possible. When you want to cut a limb, first wet the knife in this distilled water and the more often you wet the knife with the water, the better you will cut without great pain to the patient. This secret was used by Master Christopher from Norsia, renowned in such acts of surgery, and he was said to have made excellent cures.... 114 ---------- [Italian transcript] A fare distendere un nervo che fusse retirato per infermita. Rx. radice di malva vischio, viole seche et seme lino, ana, et farai bolire ogni cosa con ranno dolce tanto che calli il terzo. Et con la ditta bolitura calda bagna il loco doglioso con una sponga spesse volte et presto ne vedrai miglioramento. E piu fare ritornare li nervi retratti. Torai deli fiori de malva vischio et metteli in una ampolla di vetro et empila di olio comune del piu vechio che tu possi trovare et turela bene et metila al sole per un mese et con ditto olio ongi al foco il loco dolioso e guarirai. Item unguento per nervi retratti. Rx. olio laurino, olio petrolio, olio di mastice, olio de aneto, olio di tartaro e grasso di tasso, ana onze ij. Et incorpora ogni cosa insieme a un picol foco con cera nova asufficiencia et ne farai unguento et fa chel sia ben caldo et ongi il loco doglioso e presto ne guarirai. E de probato. Impiastro per maturare posteme e presto. Rx. radice di malva vischio e cipolla de gilli bianchi, butiro, songia di porcho maschio, malva, farina di fengreco e farina de seme lino et zafferano, e d’ogni cosa a tua discretione. Et farai bono impiastro et meti sul malore chel sia ben caldo. Falo piu volte e presto guarirai. E provato. Impiastro aureo, vale sopra ale ferrite. Rx. pece grecha o colofonio che e tutuna e solfo e incenso bianco, ana, et sutilmente siano ben pisti et incorporate con chiara d’ovo. Et con questa mistura ongeti bene un pezo di carta peccorina et strengeti la ferrita con le dita e netando bene il sangue et sopra vi poneti questa cartolina et li legate. Poi bene cosi la carta et sopra legatelo con una fassia et si sanera prestissimo. Et questo secreto l’aveva uno et non mai lo voleva insegnare a persona. Per sorte lui fue ferrito et fu constretta a insegarlo a uno suo amico per farsi medicare dela sua ferrita. Et cosi l’onsegno et lui presto ne fu guarito. Impiastro per una piagha che fusse verminosa. Rx. bedelio, serapino, ana onza j, castoreo onza s e trementina onze ij. Et sia disfatto el bedelio, el serapino in aceto forte e sia colato. Poi li metterai la termentina, el castoreo. Poi li meterai olio di gilio bianchi onze ij. Et falo cosere a lento foco onestamente et sempre mestando et levelo dal foco e spesselo con farina di lupini e di fiengrecho et sera fatto. Et lo adopera a tuo piacere e ti fara onore. A tagliare uno membra senza dolore del paciente. Rx. sulimato, arsenico, e risagallo e cinaprio, ana onze iij, e trementina e pece navale, ana onze iiij. Et siano tutte spolverizate sutile et falli stillare con piva di vetro et ne caverai aqua e quella serba. Poi farai uno cortello di legno secco di ulivo chel sia tagliente piu che sia posibile. Et quando vorai tagliare el ditto membro, prima bagna il cortello inela ditta aqua stillata et con piu spesso tu bagnerai il coltello con ditta aqua et tu lo taglierai piu presto senza gran dolore del paciente. Il quale secreto lo usava uno maestro christofeno da norsia valente in simile arte del tagliare e dice avere fatte di belle cure.