[English translation] Oil made of rosemary flowers with its tested virtues. Take the oldest olive oil that you can find in whatever amount you have and take as many rosemary flowers as you have and put them in the oil and let them stay for 2 days in a warm place or in the sun in a covered vessel. Then take some pieces of brick or of earthenware jars that are new and have not touched water and heat them very hot. Put them to cool down in the oil with the flowers. Then remove them from the oil and grind them finely in a mortar so that nothing is lost. Put everything together, the powdered brick, the flowers and what is left of the oil. Distill everything on a slow fire into a glass flask, following the usual method, and do this with skill. Save this blessed liquor in glass, well stoppered, and cherish it because we will say below some of its virtues, viz. The virtues of the oil made with rosemary flowers. Here we will deal with some virtues of the oil of rosemary made with flowers as you should have learned to make it above. First it is powerful to remove cold from all the members chilled through some accident to the head, the hands, the feet and the chest, if the place is rubbed with the very warm oil. Another. It is powerful for all the cracks in the feet and hands caused by cold, especially for use in the wintertime when they usually come. Another. It is powerful to heal all the sores of the flesh in every place on the body, even for any animal, by rubbing with very warm oil. Another. It is effective in rewarming every chilled nerve in whichever place on the human body or of other animals, through cold gout or other causes of cold. One of the many powers that it has is that the tremor of the hands or head that occurs through great coldness is diminished by the heat it develops. It is very powerful against cold. Another. It is very powerful for those who have lost hands or feet through cold who have not been helped very well, that is to say for those who have damaged the neck and the nerves of any limb through cutting or bad medication. Another. It is powerful for those who have gout, who are not able to walk because of this infirmity or are not able to support themselves on their feet when this has happened through chilling of the nerves. Another. It is powerful for those who have a stiff neck or sore throat and who, through natural causes, are not able to turn the head well. Another. It is powerful against kidney and bladder stones, By drinking the oil and rubbing it warm on the neighboring parts, it corrodes them and breaks them, turning them into gravel which is purged through the meatus in the usual way. It is powerful for cleaning the bladder inside and out. You should know that when the gravel moves, it stings. . Another. It is powerful when urine flow is suppressed. Drinking a little of it provokes a great quantity of urine in one in whom it is reduced by stricture of the meatus and in one who is able to urinate only with much difficulty. Another. It is powerful for each inflamed and swollen limb or head or forehead, that is for one who has what is called the French sickness or by other names. Another. It is powerful for every distress in hearing, which comes from every kind of great coldness and flux of these bad humors with sharp pains and deafness. Another. It is powerful against worms in the ears that bite or do not bite and against the cracks from these and from every other malady. Another. It is powerful in paralysis and in every joint pain including the joints of the fingers, hands and feet. Another. It is powerful for torsion of the mouth caused by plague when it is used as an ointment and also when it is drunk. Another. It is powerful for every ache in the abdomen which is a sharp pain, because it mitigates and draws up all such pains by warming and heating the interior of the abdomen. ---------- [Italian transcript] Olio fatto de fiori de osmarino con le sue virtu aprobate. Rx. olio di oliva del piu vechio che tu possi trovare, quella quantita che a te pare. Et torai dele fiori di osmarino quante ne poi avere et mettelo in ditto olio et lasseli stare drento 2 giorni in loco caldo overo al sole e col vaso coperto. Poi torai de pezzi di mattoni o de copi che sianovi che non abiano tocco aqua et falli roventare e bene infocare. Poi li meterai a smorzare inel ditto olio cossi con li fiori drento. Poi li cava dal olio e pestali in mortaio minutamente che niente se ne perda. Poi metterai ogni cosa insieme, la polvere e li fiori e l’olio se’l ne avanzato et metterai ogni cosa a destillare con lento foco et a bozza di vetro, secundo l’ordinario et cavelo tutto e con destrezza. Et quello liquore benedetto conserva in vetro e ben turrato. E tientelo accaro, impero che qui di sotto diremo dele sue virtu. Le virtu del olio fatto con fiori di osmarino. Qui trataremo dele virtu del olio di osmarino fatto con fiori como tu ai inteso e fatto di sopra. Prima vale a rimovere il freddo da tutti li membri infrigidati per qualche accidente como e in el capo, ne le mane e piedi e in el petto, se il loco si onge col ditto olio e ben caldo. Item. Vale a tutte le crepature de piede e dele mane per causa fredda et maxime inel tempo delo inverno como per usanza suole venire. Item. Vale a solidare tutte le piaghe dela carne in ogni loco dela persona et etiam ad ogni animale, ongendo col ditto olio e chel sia ben caldo. Item. Vale a riscaldare ogni nervo infrigidito di qualunque loco del corpo humano overo di altro animale overo per gotta fredda o per altra causa fredda. Unde vale molto a quelli che li tremano le mane o la testa, la quale accade per grande frigidita diminuito gia il calore naturale per frigidita e abondante. Item. Vale grandemente a quelli che anno perse le mane o li piedi per frigidita, li quali non si possono tropo bene aiuttare. Et cossi sia a dire di quelli che anno indegnato il collo et li nervi di alcuno membro per causa di taglio o di male medicare. Item. Vale a queli li quali hanno le podagre, li quali non possono andare per causa dela infirmita ne non si possono sonstentare in piede la qual cosa accade per frigidezza de nervi. Item. Vale a quelli che anno il collo incordato o golla dolente che non possono ben voltare il capo per causa di natura. Item. Vale contra ale pietre dele rene et dela vessicha et la la corompe et la corrode convertendola in ranella et per li suoi meati e via ordinaria si purga, bevendo del ditto olio et ongendo le parte propinque chel sia caldo. Et vale ala scoriacione dela vessicha di drento e di fora et la si cognosse quando morde a moverla. Item. Vale ala suffucatione del orina et bevtone um poco la provocha largamente a colui che e subtracto per causa di strettura del suo meato et a colui alo quale con molta durezza tardo lo manda hurinando. Item. Vale a ciascheduno membro indegnato et infiato como e inela testa, inela fronte, cioe a quelli che il mal francese e altre apellatione. Item. Vale ad ogni passione d’orichiella quale per ogni modo da grande frigidita e ponture e sordita et fluxo de suoi mali humori. Item. Vale contra ali vermi dele orecchie che li stano vivi mordenti et non mordenti et contra le crepature di esse et per ogni altra sua egritudine. Item. Vale ali paralesi et ad ogni dolore di gionture et nodi dele dita, dele mane et deli piedi. Item. Vale ala torcione dela bocha cossi per la causa del morbo quanto del presente per untione et etiam beverne. Item. Vale ad ogni dolore di ventre per ponture acutue perche mitiga e scatia tutti tali dolori, calefaciendo, scaldando l’enterriora del ventre.