[English translation] Oil of tartar, that is tasso, with some of its virtues. Take 5 or 6 lb. of tartar, that is lees from white or red wine, more or less according to what you have. Clean it and put it to heat, that is to calcine, in a kiln for pottery. When it is cold, remove it. Then put it in a large glass flask and also in a little sack of cloth pointed at the bottom. Put it in a humid place, fenced or underground, so animals or other bad things or air or wind cannot get to it and it will soon become wet and will yield the oil at the end of 20 to 30 days, sooner or later according to whether it is settled in a suitable place to receive humidity easily. Tie the sack in the air so it does not touch the glass on any side. Strain it into a glass flask and little by little empty it into a bottle. It will be clear and transparent and will look like clear water. Save this as something dear. When it will not give out more oil, take the substance that remains in the sack and reboil it in a a pot of water, that is with 3 lb. of water to 1 lb. of this material, and boil until it reduces 1/3. Wash all the body with this water and it will remove all itching and all dark or red marks or moles and it will make all your flesh white as it used to be. If you will wash the face and chest with it it will make the skin lustrous and clear and stretch out every wrinkle and it will make you appear younger than you are. If you add a little dried rock alum in this water and wash out a spot made by wine or ink, wherever and whatever it is it will soon be removed and will be seen no more. The virtues of the above-described oil of tartar. First, it is useful for removing all marks or the edges of wounds when it is rubbed on warm several times and it even removes all black marks on the body. Another. To remove spots made by ink on any cloth, wet the spots and let it stay a little until the oil has penetrated well. Then wash it with fresh water, rubbing it a little, and if the spot does not go away at first, do it two times and it will disappear, be the spot made from ink, wine or grease. If the spot is on cloth or fabric of silk, apply this oil 2 or 3 times but do not rub it and wash with clear water and it will go away. Another. This oil is powerful to brighten the painted figure, that is by bathing with a fine, clean sponge, otherwise with a soft brush. Put it on the drawing or other painting in the same way as a liquid varnish. You should know that this helps brighten all the colors and all the painting seems to be renewed as soon as it is dry. This has been tested many times. Another. It is powerful to aid all nerves which have been torn or retracted by any infirmity. When it is used very warm it soon helps and cures. I have tested this on my own hand twice, only the ointment was very cold and I am more than half cured. The alchemists use this oil often but they redistill it and make it into a solid. Then they make whitening and other things. This oil has many other virtues that I have not written but by using it you will discover them. Keep it always near you because the older it is, the more power it gains. When you want to calcine it, do nothing but leave it intact because it calcines better and when it is calcined, it is dark and can be made into fine powder. When you do it this way and keep to the above rules, it will work well for you. Do these tests and you will agree. ---------- [Italian transcript] Olio del tartaro cioe tasso con alcune dele sue virtu. Rx. tartaro, cioe greppola de vin bianco o nero, 5 o 6 lb. o piu o meno, secondo che tu ne poi avere e fa chel sia neto et metilo a brusare, cioe a calcina, in una fornace de bochalari et quando eli e fredo lo cava. Poi lo metti in un tazzone grande di vetro overamente in uno sachetto di tela aguzo in fondo et mettilo in loco humida in canova o sotto terra che non li vada animali overo altra bruttura o aria o vento e presto se inumidira e rendera l’olio in termine de 20 o 30 giorni o piu presto o piu tardi, secondo chel sera accomodato in loco atto a ricevere presto l’humido. Et legherai il sachetto in aria chel non tocha terra da niuna banda et cola in una tazza di vetro et de man in mano lo voterai in una ampolla il quale sera chiaro e lucido che parera aqua chiara et quello conserva come cosa cara. Et quando non destillera piu olio, piglia quel fondachio che e rimasto inel sachetto et fallo ribollire in uno caldaio di aqua, cioe con lb. iij di aqua e lb. j del ditto fondachio et falo bolire tanto chel cali un terzo. Et con la ditta aqua lavati tutta la persona e ti mandera via tutta la rogna et altri segni neri o rossi o nei et ti fara bianche tutte le tue carne. Usandola che pareranno una voglio. Et se con essa ti laverai il viso, il petto ti fara la pelle lustra e candida et distende ogni grinchia e ti fara parere giovine piu che non sei. Et se agiongerai in ditta aqua uno poco di lume di rocha brusata et laverai la machia fatta de vino o de inchiostro et sia dove e la si vole, presto la la manda via che piu non si vederano. Le virtu del sopra detto olio del tartaro. Prima vale a mandare via tutti li segni o margine dele ferrite, ongendosi piu volte e chel sia caldo et etiam altri segni neri super la persona. Item. Bagna la machia fatta de inchiostro et sia sun che panno si vole lassela stare um poco tanto che l’olio sia bene penetrato. Poi lo lava con aqua frescha, strapiciando al quanto et se la non va la prima, falo la 2 volta et andera via et sia che machia che si vole d’inchiostro, di vino o de grasso et se la fusse la machia sun un panno o drappo di seta, ongi col ditto olio 2 o 3 volte ma non lo stropiciare et lavela con aqua chiara e andera via. Item. Vale el ditto olio a luminare le figure depinte, cioe bagnerai una sponga fina e netta overamente un penello morbido et dallo sopra ale figure overo altre dipenture in modo di vernice liquida. Sappi che questo augumenta, aiutta, rilumina tutti li collori et pare tutta quella dipintura fatta di novo e presto si rassuga. E de piu volte aprobato. Item. Vale a confortare tutti li nervi li quali fusseno fracti o retirati per alcuna infermita et chel sia ben caldo presto li da zovamento e ne guarisse, e io lo provato ala mia mano 2 volte sole lo onta cosi affredo e sono piu di mezo guarito. Et il preditto olio li alchemisti molto lo adoperano ma lo fanno restillare et lo tornano in corpo. Poi ne fano bianchimento et altre sue faciende. Et el preditto olio a de molte altre virtu che io non scrivo ma operandolo le imparerai. Et fa sempre de averne apresso di te perche con piu eli e vechio conquista piu virtu. Et quando lo voi calcinare non accade afarli niente lasselo cosi intiera che meglio si calcina. Et quando egli e calcinato egli e nero e tutto fatto in polvere suttila. Et facendo tu a questo modo e tenendo l’ordine sopra ditto, tutto ti riussira bello o bono et ne farai quelle esperientie che a te parra non altre.