[English translation] Special oil against venoms, similar to that above,and also powerful in illness of the hip. Take some of the above oil and strain it through clean muslin and put it in a glass pot and heat it on the bain marie. Then put in the things listed below, that is, 1 dram each of lavender, hepatic aloe, myrrh, gentian, tormentil and white dittany, 2 drams of fine rhubarb and 4 drams of fine theriac. All these things should be pulverized very finely. Then let the pot stay, well stoppered, for 8 hours on the water bath with a very slow fire. Then draw it forth and put it in the sun in the clear air for not less than 40 days and every day mix it upside down so that the material comes to be incorporated well and the substances there are purified. The way you use this oil against poisoning is that you want to rub this oil on the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet and along the spine. In truth, this oil is precious and unique in all of the above infirmities. This oil is also powerful in those who have pain in the hips. The way you use this remedy is to rub with the oil, very warm, where the pain is felt and do this several times. In many persons it has helped greatly and it has freed them from hip pain. This oil was much used by a most Reverend Cardinal in Rome in many serious illnesses. He used it warm and treated many worthy and learned men.... 155 Oil of scorpions which Saint Bernard used against poisons. Take old olive oil as described above, 2 lb. more or less, according to how much you want to make from scorpions taken in the month of August when the moon is in the sign of the scorpion. There should be at least 200 because each ounce of oil requires at least 10 to 12 scorpions. Put them in a large barber's basin and with a little stick annoy them so they eject out their venom. At once put them in a vessel in which the oil is boiling. Cover it well and boil it on a bain marie for at least 24 hours so that the scorpions have fallen apart. Then when it is cold, strain it through muslin, first wet in white wine. Press that material well because that holds the virtue and it will be made, perfect and good. Put it in a well-stoppered glass bottle and let it stay in the sun for at least a month. Then keep it in a secure place for your needs. Here we will speak in part of its straight-forward virtues. First, it is powerful against plague. Rub it on the heart and then around the sores and around the pulses of the head, the sternum and on the stomach. It should be very warm. Another. It is powerful against poisonous drinks when this oil is drunk and rubbed warm around the heart. Another. It is powerful against worms in anyone, by drinking a drop of it and rubbing all the pulses, the nose and around the heart. Another. It is powerful against the bite of serpents, rubbed warm around the heart and the bite, as long as the oil does not touch the puncture or the patient will die. Another. It is powerful against the bite of a rabid dog when it is rubbed as described above. Another. It is powerful against abcesses, rubbing them with very warm oil. Another. It is powerful against ulcers when they are not open and when it is rubbed very warm. Another. It is powerful against the illness of stone. Rub the pubic area and the kidneys with the very warm oil and rub well with the hands so it penetrates. Another. It is powerful against illness of the ribs, rubbing the sore place. It should be very warm. Another. It is powerful against pain in the ears. It should be warm. Rub around the ears and put a little in and soon you will cure the pain. I do not speak of other uses, but study these well. ---------- [Italian transcript] Olio contra veneno simile a quel disopra, artificiatoet etiam vale al male di fiancho. Torai del sopra detto olio. Poi che tu l’averai colato con la stamigna nova et mettilo in una bozza di vetro et mettilo a scaldare al bagno maria. Poi li metterai drento le sotto scritte cose, cioe spigo, aloe patico, mirra, gentiana, tormentilla, dittamo bianco, ana drama j, e reubarbero eletto drame ij e triacha fina drame iiij. Et tutte queste cose siano spolverizate sutilissimamente. Poi lassa stare la ditta bozza per otto ore inel ditto bagno con lentissimo foco et che la sia ben turrata. Poi la caverai fora et mettila al sole e al sereno non mancho di 40 giorni et ogni giorno la mesta sotto sopra accio che bene si venga a incorporare le materie e composicione che vi sono drento e si purifichi. Et piu che voi fareti col ditto olio contra aveleno sie che voi con questo olio se li ongie le palme dele mane et le sole deli piede et il filo dela schena. Et in vero el ditto olio e precioso e unico a tutte le sopra dette infermita. Et etiam questo olio vale a uno chi avesse il dolore di fianco che in nissun modo li trovasse rimedio, ongeli col ditto olio ben caldo dove a lui si sente la doglia et questo lo farai piu volte perche a molte persone li a molto zovato e liberati dal dolore de fianchi. Et questo olio molto lo frequentava uno R[everendissi]mo cardinale in roma a molte infermita velenose et caldo lo operava et lo adoperava a persone degne e homini dotti. Olio de scropioni il quale usava santo Bernardino contra al veleno. Rx. olio de oliva del vechio como e ditto disopra lb. ij o piu o meno secundo che tu ne voi fare e scropioni presi del mese di agosto quando la luna e inel segno de scorpione et siano al manco no. 200 perche ogni onza d’olio vole al manco 10 o 12 scorpioni. Et metteli in uno baccino grande de barbiere et con uno legneto fali bene isticcire accio che buttano fora il veleno. Et subito li meti inel vaso del olio il quale sia ben bolito et turalo bene et falo bolire a bagno maria al manco 24 ore acio che li scorpioni siano ben disfatti. Poi che sera freddo lo colerai con la stamigna prima bagnata in vino bianco et premerai bene quel fondachio perche egli e la virtu et sera fatto perfetto e bono. Et mettilo in vaso di vetro e ben turato et lasselo stare al sole al manco un mese. Et poi lo riponni in loco siccuro ali bisogni toi. Et qua diremo im parte dele sue semplice virtu. Et im prima vale contra ala peste, ongendo di sopra al core e poi intorno al male e li polsi dela testa et la forcella delo stomaco et sopra alo stomaco e chel sia ben caldo. Item. Vale contra al tossico bevto, bevendo del ditto olio e ongendo intorno al core caldo. Item. Vale contra ali vermi d’ogni persona, bevendone un giozo et ongendo tutti li polsi, el naso e intorno al core. Item. Vale contra al morso del serpe. Caldo onto intorno al core e al morso purche l’olio non tocha la piaga che morria. Item. Vale contra al morso del cane rabioso, ongendo como e ditto disopra. Item. Vale contra ale postemacione, ongendo con lo ditto olio ben caldo. Item. Vale contra al cancro, ongendolo e chel sia ben caldo quando non ne aperto. Item. Vale contra al male dela pietra, ongendo ben caldo el petenechio e le rene et con le mane fregando ben che penetri. Item. Vale contra al male di costa, ongendo il loco adolorato e chel sia ben caldo. Item. Vale contra al dolore de orecchie e chel sia caldo e ongi intorno e mettine drento um poco e presto guarirai. Altro non dico ma studia ben queste.