[English translation] For retracted nerves in the finger, a complete and good water. Take 1 ounce of rose water, 3 ounces of brandy distilled 3 times, 2 ounces each of water of cow dung and water made from bread. Mix these waters together and when you want to treat retracted nerves, make it very warm. It should be kept well stoppered. Then wet some pieces of fine linen and put these warm on the injury and put on other warm cloths and fasten them well. Do this in the morning and evening and you will cure it. To remove a wen quickly and heal it with facility. Take the yolk of an egg and some finely-ground salt, enough to make a paste of the yolk, and work it until it becomes like an unguent. Then spread it on cloth or chamois and put it on the wen, well-covered. Change it 2 times a day. Do this for 3 or 4 days in a row and all the wen will be broken down. But be warned that some are harder than others to remove so it may be better to follow the method given above for more days until the patient will feel the wen loosen. Then take old male pork lard and elder leaves and grind them well together and make it in the form of a poultice. Put it very warm on the wen 3 or 4 times in a day and the night and do this for 3 days in a row. When you have done this, take galbanum and spread it on chamois and put it on the wen in the form of a diachylon plaster. Have it cover all the wen and change it 2 times a day until the wen comes out. Then you will be confident of curing rapidly and soon the flesh will be cured. Do not use other medications because the galbanum breaks down the skin that is above the wen and it remains pure white and broken down. If you cannot remove it intact, draw it out in pieces, little by little, and the sick person will not feel it because all is deadened. Then continue with the galbanum as above until the flesh returns to its place without any other treatment and, through God's grace, you will be able to cure. This has been tested. Another to resolve a wen. Take 1 dram each of gum ammoniac, Roman pellitory and eyebright and 1 ½ scruples of saltpeter. Mix them together with wax and and a little strong vinegar to make a plaster and then put it on the wen. Another. Take a green lizard, large and alive, and put it in a flask with olive oil and put it before the fire and boil it until it is cooked and put therein 4 pellets of goat dung. Then remove it from the fire and put it in the sun for 15 to 20 days. Heat this oil well in an egg shell and rub the wen with it warm and put on very warm unwashed wool and other warm cloths and wrap well. By continuing this sequence, the wen will soon be resolved. But be warned that if it is too old it will not go away but when they are young they will go soon. Juice of the herb of Saint John, that is burdock, against a spasm. On the morning of Saint John's day, before the sun rises, gather the soft tips of burdock and fill a pot, pressing them in. Cover it well with parchment and leave it at the threshold of the room for 1 or 2 months and all will be converted to juice from its state without doing anything else. Then strain it and save this juice for these uses, viz. When you have a blow on the legs or they are bruised or on the shoulders or other injury with very great spasm and wounds with great suffering, wet some cloths in this juice and put them thickly on the blow or fracture or cut, especially in the beginning so the pain does not go to the heart. Also doing this for warm gout alleviates the pain. If you bathe the testicles with it, do not make use of women. This has been tested many, many times in all of the above conditions.... 129 ---------- [Italian transcript] A nervi retirati inele dita, aqua perfetta e bona. Rx. aqua roxa onza j, aqua vita di 3 cotte onze iij, aqua de mile erbe e aqua fatta di pane, ana onze ij. Et conponi queste aque insieme et quando vorai medicare li nervi retratti, fala ben scaldare e che la stia turata. Poi li bagna drento dele pezze line suttile et cossi calde metteli sopra al male et sopra li metti altre peze calde et bene infassato caldo et fala matina e sera e guarirai. A cavare una natta presto et con facilita saldarla. Rx. il torlo di uno ovo et tanto sale pesto sotile che sia assai de impastare el ditto rosso tanto chel diventa como unguento. Poi lo distendi sopra a una peza o camoze et mettilo sopra ala natta che bene la copri tutta et mutalo 2 volti al giorno et questo lo farai per 3 o 4 giorni continui. Et la natta tutta si vera a mortificare. Ma advertisse chel ne una piu dura del altra pero el ti convie seguitare piu giorni l’ordine sopra detto per insino a tanto chel paciente sentira la mortificatione. Poi torai songia di porcho maschio vechia e foglie di sambucho et pestali bene insieme et ne farai a modo di uno impiastro et caldo caldo mettilo sopra ala natta per 3 o 4 volte e tra’l di e la notte et questo farai per 3 giorni continui. Poi che averai fatto questo, torai galbina e stendila sopra’l camozo et mettila sopra ala natta a modo di cirotto de diaquilon e che la copra tutta la natta et la muterai ogni di 2 volte per insino che sera fora la natta. Et allora sarai sicuro di presto guarire e presto guarira la carne e non li fare altra medicina perche la galbina rompe la pelle che e sopra ala natta et la rimane schietta biancha e mortificata. Et alora se tu non la poi cavare intiera cavela in pezoli a poc a poco e l’amalato non la sentira perche la sera tutta mortificata. Et poi seguiterai con la galbina predetta che la carne tornera al loco suo senza alcuna altra manghagna e serai, per dei gratia, guarito. E di probata. Item a rissolvere una natta. Rx. armoniaco onze js, piretro, euforbio, ana drama j, sal nitro scropuli js. Ponentur simul cum cera et fiat cerottum con uno poco di aceto forte et postea pone ubi est natta. Item. Torai uno lusertone de que grossi verdi e vivo et mettilo in una ampolla con olio de oliva et metila dinanti al foco et fala bolire tanto chel sia cotto et mettivi drento 4 cachature di capra. Et poi levelo dal foco et mettilo al sole per 15 o 20 giorni. Poi farai scaldare bene el ditto olio in un gusso d’ovo et ongiti caldo la natta et metti suso lana susi[d]a ben calda et sopra altri panni caldi e bene infassata. Et questo ordine continuandolo presto se rissolvera la ditta natta. Ma advertisse che la non sia troppo vechia che staria assai andarsene ma quando sono giovane, presto se ne vanno. Suco di erba di san giovanni, cioe barbena, contra alo spasimo. La matina di san jone avanti che leva il sole, ricoglie dele cime piu tenere di berbena et ne empirai una inchistara calotta drento. Coprila con carta bene e tachela al solio dela camera per uno mese o 2 et tutta si convertira in suco da sua posta senza farli altro. Poi lo colerai et quello suco conserva per questi bisogni, vz. Quando avesti botta insun le gambe o mazata o sun le spalle o altro male con grandissimo spasimo e ferrita con gran passione, bagna dele pezze in ditto suco e spesso meti sun la macatura overo fractura o tagliatura et maxime inel principio tanto che la passione non vada al core. Et cosi farai sopra ale gotte calide leva il dolore. Et se tu ti bagni li testiculi non ti lassa ussare con donna. Et questo e aprobato tanto e tante volte a tutte le sopra dette cose.