[English translation] Electuary for the pain of gout and arthritis. Take 5 drams of scammony, 4 drams of fine turbith, 2 drams of autumn crocus, 3 drams each of rhubarb, cinnamon, cloves, frankincense and spikenard and 1 scruple each of anise, rock salt and lesser centaury. Mix the above with 1 lb of honey and make the electuary. It ought to be taken in the morning in the amount of 1 nut in a glass of tepid water. During the morning the patient must watch himself carefully while this electuary does its work. Say this prayer, viz. “O greatest wisdom, O eternal light, O creator of heaven and earth, O you who saved human nature and were placed on the cross for our sins to save us when you said on the cross, ' Hely, hely, lama zabatani. Hoc est corpus meus.' Agios, agios, agios, ischiros, atanathos, adonay. So you, Lord, were freed from the wound in your side with the most holy cross which you bore to Mount Calvary and so you, Lord, were wrapped in white cloth and this wound did not bleed nor become inflamed nor infected. So this illness will not cause pain if it please God and his Son. May the suffering of Christ remove this pain. May the suffering of Christ free him. In the name of the Father, + Son, + and Holy Spirit, + Amen.” Say this over the pain at your chosen time and then take a bit of a man's shirt and place it in the form of a cross on his pain and at once he will be freed. Against the pain of the gouts, a tested cure with water of guaiac. Take some guaiac wood, carefully turned into shavings, and soak it in 33 lb. of cistern water in a clean pot with a cover that has a hole in the middle and let it soak for 24 hours. Then boil it very slowly until it reduces 1/3 and the cover should be well sealed so that no gases can escape except through the hole in the cover. When it is well cooked, remove it from the fire and let it cool. Strain it finely and save this in a glass flask. Then put other water over the boiled wood and reboil it as above to reduce 1/3 and strain it and save it in a vitreous vessel. Take as much of the first water as the second and mix them and drink these waters at all meals and before meals and do not drink any wine until you are cured of gout or other infirmity. Be careful about other harmful things as is said above and, with the aid of God, soon you will be cured. This is a modern and rare secret among men.... 132 Prayer against the gouts to say every morning and carry it with you. 'This is the name of the great power, my Lord God, El, Eloy, Ely, Sabaoth, Elyon, Ele, Adonay, Iathetagramaton, Saday. + Father, Son and Holy Spirit, + Amen. Holy Trinity, one God, have pity, have pity on us. Agyos oteos, agios yschiros, agyos atanatos, eleyson, imas. God be gracious to me a sinner. God incline your ear to me and hear me. Open your eyes and see my trials, pains and infirmities and save me in your mercy. Help me and aid me in my necessity through the reverence and love of the most holy name of your most holy Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ, and by the reverence and love and intercession of the most holy Virgin Mary, his mother, and all your holy saints who live and reign in the world. Amen. Et iot es uau tetagramaton . Lord God save me from the pain of gout and pity me and free me from all my anguish and infirmities, in the name of God the Father, + Son, + and Holy Spirit +, Amen.' Say this in the morning with a Pater Noster. ---------- [Italian transcript] Lattovario a mal di podagra et arteticha. Rx. diagridi drame v, turbiti fini drame iiij, ermodattilorum drame ij, reubarberi, cinamomi, garoffani, olibani, spica nardi, ana drame iij, anasi, sal geme, centaurea minore, ana scropulo j. Et omnia supra dicta conficiantur cum una lb. melis et fiat elettuarium. Debente sumi in ora matutini in quantitate unius nucis in uno ciato cum aliquantulum acque tepide. Et de mane debet homo se bene custodire quousque ipsum electuarium facit suuam operationem. + Et dic ista oratio, vz. “O summa sapientia, O eterna luce, O creator del cielo e dela terra, O tu il quale recuperasti l’humana natura e fusti posto in croce per noi peccatori per salvarci, riccordati signore quando dicesti in + ‘Hely, hely, lama zabatani. Hoc est corpus meum.’ Agios, agios, agios, ischiros, atanathos, adonay. Et sicut tu, domine, liberasti de v[u]lnere lateris tui cum sanctissime + quam tu portasti ad montem calvarium et sic tu, Domine, involutus fuisti in tela alba et sicut plage ille non emisserunt sanguinem, nec ardorem, nec fetorem ita non amittantur dolor iste ita placeant deo et nativitate sue. Passio christi liberet istum. Passio christi liberet eum. In nomine Patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +, amen.” Et dicas super dolor cum hore tuo et postea pone modicum de camisa hominis et pone in modo + super dolor eius et cito liberabitur +. Contra al dolore dele gotte, a guarirle con l’aqua del legno sancto, aprobatum. Rx. del legno sancto tornito sutilmente et metilo a mole in una pignata nova col suo coperchio che abia il buco inel mezo con aqua di cisterna lb. 33 et lasselo a mole 24 ore. Poi lo farai bolire pian piano tanto che calli il terzo et chel coperchio li sia ben turato intorno che niente possa riffiatare salvo per il buco che e inel coperchio. Poi che sera cotto levelo dal foco et lassela cossi freddare. Poi la colerai sutilmente et questa conserva in fiasco di vetro. Poi meterai del altra aqua oltertanta al ditto legno bolito et lo farai ribolire ut supra che cali il terzo et la cola e la conserva in vaso vitreato. Et piglierai tanta dela prima aqua quanto dela secunda et la mescola insieme et dela preditta aqua tu ne berai a tutto pasto et for di pasto et non berai altro vino per insino a tanto che tu serai guarito dele gotte overo de altra infirmita. Et guardati da le altre cose contrarie, como e ditto di sopra et, con lo aiutto di dio, presto guarirai. E di secreto moderno e rado tra l’hiomini. Oratione contra ale gotte da dire ogni matina et porta tecum. ‘Ista est nomina de magna virtutte, Domine deus meus, el eloy, ely, sabaoth, elyon ele adonay, iathetagramaton, saday. + Pater et filius et spiritus sanctus + Amen. Sancta trinitas, unus deus miserere, miserere nobis. Agyos oteos, agios yschiros, agyos atanatos, eleyson imas. Deus propitius esto michi peccatori. Inchlina deus meus aurem tuam et audi. Aperi oculos tuos et vide tribulationem, amfretatem et infirmitatem meam et misericorditer. Sucurre michi et adiuva me in necessitatibus meis, per rivertentiam et amorem et sanctissimi nomen sanctissimi filii tui Domine nostri, yehsu christi, et per riverentiam et amorem et intercessionem sanctissime virginis marie, matris eius, et omnium sanctorum et sanctarum tuarum qui vivis et regnat in secula seculorum, amen. Et iot es uau tetagramaton. Domine deus adiuva me de dolore gutte et miserere mei et libera me de omni angusti et infirmitate mea. In nomine dei patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +, amen.’ Et dilla la matina col pater noster.