[English translation] Another for ringing and roaring in the ears. Take fresh sweet almond oil and heat it well and wet some cottonwool in the oil and put it in the ear. Do this several times in this way and it will help you greatly with the roaring. For one who may have ringing and blowing enough that he would seem to have a windmill turning in the ears. Take a vessel for oil, that is a jug or pot where oil has been standing for a long time. Take 2 ounces of fresh coriander and grind it and put it in the vessel of oil. Then put the vessel on warm ashes, which vessel has nothing in the oil except the powder of coriander and make it very warm. Then put the ear to the mouth of the vessel so all that warmth is received in your sick ear or receive the fomentation in one ear after the other, each time at least a half hour. Do this for 4 or 5 days and it will help you greatly as you will see at the end of 4 days. If you are not freed, do this other best remedy, that is, take coriander and make juice according to our method and put therein 3 quatrini of tinting saffron. Then make it very warm and wet cottonwool in it and put this warm in the ear and in this way, through God's grace, you will be cured. Fomentation for the ears to remove the roaring caused by illness. Take one handful each of wormwood, good mint, marjoram and camomile and cook them in good wine. Then put a smooth stone in the middle, that is on the pan, but not in the wine. Place yourself with the bad ear on the stone that is very warm and take the fomentation in the ear so that it is well heated inside. Put in 3 drops of oil of rue or of bitter almond and put them on a little dry cottonwool, several times, and soon you will be cured. Another for sickness in the ears. Take juice of rue, of white onions, of leeks and of wormwood and woman's milk, each the same amount, and ordinary oil and boil everything together until it reduces one-fourth. Then rub from the ears to the wrists and also put a little in the ear with cottonwool. Do this for 3 days in a row and soon you will be cured. Put the juice of mallow in a little pot and cover it with a very dry crust of bread with an opening in the middle and boil it slowly and hold your bad ear over the opening of the pot until it is very warm and do it several times and you will be cured. For one who has lost his hearing. Take a squash that has been standing for a long time in oil and roast it and collect the oil that is extracted and put the shed skin of a snake in it and boil it. Put the warm oil in the ear with a little cottonwool and keep it warm. By continuing this, you will be cured. Wash your head with water in which has been cooked roses, camomile, laurel leaves and sweet clover, and when you have washed and dried your head, take bitter almond oil distilled in a glass still and one ounce each of muscardine oil and beaver marrow and put everything together and put some of this warm oil in the ear with piled up cottonwool and soon your deafness will be helped. Another for problems with the ears. Know that when the spiral of the ear is too full of wax, the result is tinnitus and ringing. At this time one wants to take a loaf of white bread that is just removed from the oven and open it in half and put this on the ear, warm, and then take oil of bitter almonds and warm it and put it in the ear with a stupe or cottonwool and it will be cured. Another if the ear has boils inside. Put therein wool dipped in the said oil and it will bring out the boil. ---------- [Italian transcript] Item al businamento et tonitruo dele orecchie. Torai olio di mandole dolce che sia fresco e falo scaldare bene et bagna dela bambasa in ditto olio e metilo inel orechia et a questo modo farai parechie volte et ti zovera assai al tonitruo. Et chi avesse businamento e vento assai che li paresse avere un molino di venta inel orechie. Torai un vaso inolliato, cioe un bochale o pignata dove longo tempo vi sia statto drento del olio, et torai onze ij di coriandoli crudi e pestali e mettali inel ditto vaso di olio. Poi meti il vaso sun le cenere calde, il quale vaso non abia drento olio niente salvo la ditta polvere di coriandoli et falo ben scaldare. Poi li starai sopra con la orechia ala bocca del vaso che tutto quel caldo lo ricevi con la tua orechia adolorata overo lo farai al una poi al altra la ditta fumentatione per spacio al manco volta per volta una mezora continuando, et questo farai per 4 o 5 giorni e zoverati assai e starai a vedere se intermine di 4 giorni e se non serai liberato, tu li farai quest altro ultimo rimedio, cioe torai coriandoli et fane fare del suco dali speciali et mettivi drento 3 quatrini di zafferano tintiero. Poi falo scaldare bene et bagnavi drento la bambasa et cosi calda tu la metti nele orechie et a questo modo tu farai piu volte et, per dei gratia, guarirai. Fumentacione ale orechie per rimovere la sordagine causata per infirmita. Rx. ascentio, menta fina e magiorana e camomilla, ana m. uno, et coseli in bon vino. Poi metterai una pietra rossa che stia in mezo, cioe sopra’l caldaro et che ella non tocha el vino. Poi ti comoda con la orecchia inferma sopra ala ditta pietra che la si rischalda bene et la riceva quella fumentacione al orechia e che la si riscalda bene di dentro. Poi mettivi drento 3 gioci di olio di ruta overo di mandole amare et sopra li metti un poco di bambaso chel stia ben serato drento falo piu volte e presto guarirai. Item alla infirmita dele orecchie. Torai suco di ruta, e di cipolla biancha, e de porri, e di assentio, e latte di donna, ana, e olio comune et farai bolire ogni cosa insieme tanto che cali il quarto. Poi ongeti li polsi del sonno di fora via et anche ne meti uno poco inel orechia et faralo con la bambasa et questo farai per 3 giorni continui e presto guarirai. El suco di malva e messo in uno pignatino et il suo coperchio sia una crosta di pane ben serrato intorno col suo buco inel mezo e fatto bolire lentamente et tiene la tua orechia amalata sopra al dito buco tanto che ella si riscalda, et falo piu volte e guarirai. Item a chi avesse perso lo audito. Torai una zucha dove sia statto longo tempo drento del olio e brusela et ricoglie quel olio che ne cola et metteli drento la scorza di uno bisso et fala al quanto bolire. Et con ditto olio metene inele orechie chel sia caldo con uno poco di bambaso e tienlo caldo et continuandolo guarirai. Et ti laverai il capo de aqua dove sia cotto drento roxe, camomilla, foglie di lauro e melilotto et lavato et sutto che averai il capo, torai olio di mandole amare destillate al lambicho di vetro e olio muscardino, medulla di castoreo, ana onza j, et ogni cosa metti insieme et del preditto olio caldo mettene nele orechie con la bambasa amuschiata et presto ti zovera ala sordagine. Item al male dele orechie. Sapi quando lo vermo e tropo ingrassato in la orechia quello rasona e tintina e busina et in quella volta si vole tore uno pan biancho che sia allora tratto dal forno e aprilo per mezo e ponilo cosi caldo sun l’orechia e poi togli olio de mandole amare e scaldalo e metine inela orechia con stopa o bambaso, e guarira. Item se nela orechia fusse pulice entrata. Metivi drento lana intinta in ditto oleo et ussira fora la pulice.