[English translation] Unguent of lead, cooling and drying, for infected legs. Take 1 ounce each of burnt lead, antimony and litharge, 1 dram each of zinc oxide and camphor, 3 ounces of rose oil, 6 ounces of long plantain juice and 2 ounces each of butter and clean wax. First take the oil, the juice, the butter and the wax and boil it a little. Then put in the lead, antimony, litharge and zinc oxide and let it boil until it is thickened, stirring repeatedly. Remove it from the fire and put therein the camphor, cut minutely, and stir continuously until it becomes cold, and it will be made, a very cooling and drying unguent of lead for sore legs. It will bring you honor. Another, an unguent for old sores of the leg. Take 4 ounces of old lard from a male pig, 3 ounces of brown laundry soap, 1 ounce of very fine white sulfur, 2 ½ ounces of raw honey and 1 ounce of clean wax. First take the lard and melt it and put in the soap, the honey, the wax and the sulfur and incorporate everything together well on a low fire and stir continuously for a half hour. Then remove it from the fire and strain it through coarse cloth and it will be made. First wash the sore with warm wine in which is boiled rose and sage and dry it. Then medicate it and soon you will cure. Over it say this prayer. First make the sign of the cross. Say, ' + Christ conquers, + Christ rules, + Christ orders +. Christ defend you from all ills. God in his name may save you and in his compassion free you. From the side of our Lord Jesus Christ came blood and water. I entreat you, blood and wound, by the side and spear with which the side of our Lord Jesus Christ was pierced, that blood may not go forth and it may be stopped. + Agios + Sanctus fortis + Sanctus immortalis + Otheos + Yschiros + Athanatos + Eleyson + Imas. Sanctus dominus + Sanctus fortis + et Sanctus immortalis + Thetragramaton + . O, may the Son, Jesus Christ, have compassion and clean and heal the side, who well may do it. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, + Amen.' Say the Pater Noster and soon it will be healed. It has been tested. Another for infected legs. Put the herb smart weed on the sore leg but first wash it with white wine in which has been boiled some of this herb. Wash it with the warm wine and dry it carefully and bind on some of the leaves of the herb. Treat it 2 times a day and soon you will cure. Also put the leaf of milk vetch, ground between two lodestones, on the cut or other malady of the leg or on the body. Treat 2 times a day and soon it will heal because this has been tested. Also for old sores. Put on the sore place the back of the leaf of the wild cucumber and you will cure it rapidly, first washing the sore with warm white wine, as described above. Also to dry up sores. Take 1 ounce or more each of rose honey and powder of white lead, according to the size of the malady, and incorporate them well together and put it on the sore place, simply with some yarn, and soon you will cure it. Another unguent for the legs. Take 6 ounces of olive oil, 2 ounces of turpentine, 1 ounce each of red lead, white lead and white litharge and ½ ounce of aloe. Make everything in very fine powder. Put in the oil, turpentine and ½ ounce of clean wax. As it begins to boil on a slow fire, put in the powders, little by little, always stirring with your wooden spatula. When it appears to you that it is cooked, according to the rules, remove it from the fire and it will be made perfect. You can use it to treat at your pleasure. Another, a white unguent for the legs or other sores. Take 6 ounces each of oil of roses and violets, 1 ½ ounces of white wax and newly-slaked lime washed with clear water. Dry the lime and make 2 ounces of very fine powder from it. Boil the oil and wax until it is well melted and stirred together. Then remove it from the fire and put therein the powdered lime and stir until it becomes cold and it will be made to serve your needs. It will bring you honor in every sore of the leg and even on the body. Doctors often use this for treating. ---------- [Italian transcript] Unguento di piombo fresco e seco per gambe guaste. Rx. piombo arso, antimonio, litargirio, ana onza j, tucia preparata e canphora, ana drama j, olio roxato onze iij, suco di piantagine longa onze vj, butiro e cera nova, ana onze ij. Metti prima l’olio, el suco, el butiro e la cera a farlo bolire um poco. Poi metterai il piombo, l’antimonio, el litargirio e la tucia et lasselo al quanto bolire tanto che venghi cotto, mestandolo spesso. Poi lo leva dal foco et mettivi drento la canphora tagliata minuta et mesta sempre finche’l divien freddo et sera fatto, unguento di piombo molto rinfrescativo e diseccativo per gambe guaste. E ti fara onore. Item unguento per piaghe vechie di gamba. Rx. sungia vechia di porco maschio onze iiij, sapon nero da panno onze iij, solfero incanna ben suttile onza j, mele crudo onze ijs, cera nova onza j. Prima taglia la sungia et falla distrugere et mettivi drento il sapone, el mele, la cera, el solfo et ogni cosa incorpora bene insieme con lento foco, et sempre mestando per mezora. Poi lo leva dal foco et colalo con stamegnia rada et sera fatto. Et prima lava la piaga con vino caldo dove li sia bolito drento roxe e salvia et la rassuga. Poi la medica et presto guarirai. Et li dirai sopra questa oratione et fali prima un segno di + e dirai, ‘+ Christus vincit, + Christus regnat, + Christus imperat, + Christus ab omni malo te difendat. Deus, in nomine suo salvuum te faciat et in virtute tua libera + te a latere domini nostri, yehsu christi, exivit sanguis et aqua. Conjuro te sanguis et vulnus per latus et lanceam in qua fuit perforatus latus domini nostri, yehsu christi, ne exeat sanguis neque extinguatur. + Agios + sanctus fortis + et sanctus immortalis + otheos + yschiros + athanatos + eleyson + imas + sanctus dominus + sanctus fortis + et sanctus immortalis + thetragramaton + o filii davit miserere + et purgare et saldare la facia yehsu christo che ben lo puo fare. In nomine patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti +, Amen.’ Et dirai il pater noster et presto guarira. E provata. Item a gambe impiegate. Metterai sopra’l male dela gamba erba persecharia. Ma prima la lavi con vino bianco dove sia sfatta bolita drento dela ditta erba et quando la lavi fa che sia caldo et sughela ligermente et legherai sopra dele dette foglio et usa a medicarti 2 volti al giorno, presto guarirai. Et etiam la foglia del mililotto, machata tra 2 pietre vive, mettila sun taglio o altro malore di gamba o super la persona e medica 2 volte al giorno e presto ne guarira, perche e aprobata. Et etiam a piaghe vechie. Metterai sopra male la foglia del cochomero assinino da rinverso e presto guarirai, lavandoti prima la piaga con vino bianco caldo como e ditto di sopra. Et etiam a rassugare le piaghe. Torai mele roxato e polvere di biacha, ana onza j o piu secundo il male, et incorpora bene insieme et metti sul male simplicemente con dele fila e presto guarirai. Item unguento da gambe. Rx. olio di oliva onze vj e trementina onze ij e minio e biacha e litargirio d’argento, ana onza j, e aloe onza s. Et ogni cosa sia fatto in polvere sutilissima et metterai l’olio, la termentina et onza s di cera nova et como incomincia a bolire con lento foco, mettivi drento le dette polvere a poc a poco, sempre mestando con la tua spatula di legno. Et quando ti pare cotto, secondo l’arte, levelo dal foco et sera fatto perfetto. Et lo potrai adoperare a tuo piacere. Item unguento bianco per gambe overo altre piaghe. Rx. olio roxato e violato, ana onze vj, cera bianca onze js et calcina nova lavata bene con aqua chiara. Poi fatta seccare et fattone polvere molto suttila onze ij et farai bolire l’olio e la cera tanto che la sia ben disfatta e mestavi drento. Poi levela dal foco et mettivi drento la polvere dela calcina et mesta tanto chel diventa freddo et sera fatto. E serbalo ali tuoi bisogni il quale ti fara onore in ogni piagha di gamba et etiam super la persona del quale e ne molto adoperato dali medici.