[English translation] Confection for the upset stomach which comforts it greatly. Take 3 drams of cistus gum, 1 ounce each of nutmeg, cloves and wormwood, 3 ounces each of galingale and roses, 2 ½ ounces of the flowers of wild grape, ½ ounce each of red and white coral, 5 drams each of aloe wood, mastic and bedstraw and 1 ½ lb. of white sugar and make this powerful confection in the usual way. Take a dose early in the morning on an empty stomach. It will help you greatly to lighten the pain of the stomach and will give you a good appetite. Another for coldness of the stomach and distress in the chest and for dry cough and in flatulence and it improves the appetite. Take 1 dram each of peeled white ginger, cinnamon and basil, 2 ounces each of large dry figs and raisins and 1 ½ ounces of anise, and everything should be well ground. Boil all these things with very good vernaza or the best white wine until it is reduced one third. Make 4 jugs of it. Take 3 ounces of it early in the morning, tepid with a slice of toasted bread, making soup of it. Do this for several mornings and soon you will be cured. Another, an ointment for the upset stomach. Take 1 handful each of fine mint and young marjoram and grind them in a stone mortar and put them in a glass bottle and put therein 1 scruple each of ordinary oil, as old as you can find, powdered cloves and powdered mastic and cover it with parchment and leave it in the sun for 15 days. Then rub the top of the stomach with this composition, warm, and wrap it well with unwashed wool and this will cure you rapidly. Another for the seriously upset stomach. Take quicklime and the same amount of honey and make it in the form of a poultice and put this warm on the stomach and soon you will improve. Make juice from fine mint and drink it warm with powdered cloves and soon it will make a cure. Another for one whose stomach may not be able to digest and who may not have an appetite, put this salve on the stomach. Take 1 ounce of mastic, ½ ounce of bedstraw, 1 dram of a kind of aromatic rose and 1 scruple each of red sandalwood and ground coriander and make a salve with a little oil of mastic. Hold it on top of the stomach and it will help a great deal in digestion and in appetite. For one who may have severe coldness in the head. Take some ivy and prepare it and cook it in water and make lye of it and wash your head with it and do not wash too hard because you will make your head too warm and dried out. It makes the head warm rapidly and also takes away pain in the head. Put in a few ashes when you make this lye and soon you will be cured. Another to cure coldness of the head and every onset of catarrh. Take 2 ounces each of brandy and water from stalks of cabbage and incorporate them. Put a little in your hand and draw it up in the nose and do it 3 or 4 times a day and you will be cured. Then for 3 days in a row, once a day, take beet juice mixed with white hellebore so that it makes you sneeze. But before you do the above things, perfume your head with incense 3 times a week and you will be cured. Another for coldness of the stomach. Take hyssop, marjoram, sage and white wine and boil them in water. Then strain it and drink it warm and it will reduce the coldness. Another for tightness in the chest. Take one quatrino of root of good mistletoe and boil it well in water until it is well cooked and grind it and pass it through a sieve and with a pound of cleaned honey make an ordinary electuary. In the evening and morning take a spoonful of it and hold it in your mouth and it will dissolve and it will have a good effect. Lozenge for coldness of the stomach. Take 2 ½ ounces of the best cinnamon, 1 dram of galingale, ½ dram each of long pepper and ginger, 2 scruples of cardamon and mace, 3 drams of anise and 2 ounces of white sugar. Mix this and make a lozenge. For one who has the nose stopped up through coldness. Take flowers of rosemary and cook them and make perfume of it for the nose and soon you will be cured. Another. The water of fine marjoram drawn up in the nose is best. For the malady from the womb. Take berries of laurel and of ivy and make very fine powder and give it to drink with warm good white wine. She should stay in bed very warm to sweat and soon you will cure her. ---------- [Italian transcript] Confetto per lo stomaco indegnato, et molto lo conforta. Rx. laudani drame iij, nucis muscate, gariofilorum, abscenti, ana onza j, galange, rossarum, ana onze iij, florum lambrusce onze ijs, coralorum rubeorum et albarum, ana onza s, specie ligni aloes, masticis, galie muscate, ana drama v, et zuccari albi lb. js, et ne farai magistral confetto al solito modo per torne una presa la matina per tempo a stomaco digiuno, molto ti giovera et ligerisse la pena delo stomaco et renderati bono apetitto. Item per lo stomaco freddo et passione di petto et a tosse secca e a ventosita et fa bono apetitto. Rx. zenzero bianco mondato, cinamomo, basilico, ana drama j, fichi secchi grassi, uva passa, ana onze ij, anesi onze js et ogni cosa sia ben pesto. Et tutte queste cose siano fatte bolire con bonissima vernaza ut optimo vino bianco tanto che calli la terza parte et ne piglia 4 bocali. Et ne piglierai la matina per tempo onze iij chel sia al quanto tiepido con una fetta di pane brostolato, facendone suppa et fallo piu matine e presto guarirai. Item alo stomaco indegnato, ontione. Rx. menta fina e magiorana gentile, ana m. uno, et pestale in mortaio di pietra et mettali in una ampolla di vetro et mettivi drento olio comune del vechio piu che tu poi avere et polvere de garofani et polvere di mastice, ana scropulo j, et turela con carta et lassela al sole per 15 giorni. Poi con la ditta composicione calda ongiti la boccha delo stomaco et meti sopra lana suscida calda et bene infassato et presto ti fara guarire. Item alo stomaco forte indegnato. Torai calcina viva e mele, ana, et fallo a modo de impiastro et cosi caldo mettilo sun lo stomaco et presto piglierai miglioramento. Et farai succo di menta fina et dalo a bere caldo con polvere de garofani, e presto guarira. Item alo stomaco che non potesse smaltire et non li venisse apetitto, metteli sun lo stomaco questo cirotto. Rx. mastico onza j, gallia moscata onza s, specie di aromatico rosatto drama j, e sandali rossi e coriandoli preparati, ana scropulo j, et fiat cerottum cum medicum olei masticis et tientilo sun la boccha delo stomaco et molto ti zovera ala digestione et alo apetitto. A chi avesse grande frigidita inela testa. Rx. del edera et falla cosere et cosela inel acqua et fane lisciva et con essa ti lava la testa et non ti lava e tropo spesso perche te faria la testa troppo calida e tosto ti fara tornare la testa calida et anche tol via la doglia dela testa et metteli pocha cenere quando fai la ditta lisciva e presto guarirai. Item a sanare il fredore dela testa et ogni scesa di catarro. Rx. acqua vite e acqua di torsi di cavolo, ana onze ij, et incorpora et mettene uno poco sun la mano e tira sup el naso et falo 3 o 4 volti al di et sarai guarito. Dopoi piglia 3 di continui una volta el di lo suco dela bietola mescolato cum eleboro bianco tanto che ti facia stranutare ma inanti che tu faci le sopra dette cose, perfumati la testa di incenso 3 volte in una settimana e guarirai. Item per il fredore di stomacho. Rx. ysopo, maiorana, salvia, vino bianco e fa bolire in acqua. Poi la cola e bevela calda e lo maturera. Item per strettura di petto. Rx. uno quatrino di radice di bona vischio et fallo ben bolire et fale bolire in acqua che siano ben cotte e pistale et passale per i stamigna et con una liber di mele purgato ne farai lattuaria ordinario et la sera et la matina ne pilia uno chugiaro et dassi in bocha si rissolvera et fara bono efetto. Tragea per frigidita di stomaco. Rx. cinamomi electi onze ijs, galange drama j, piperis longi, zenziberis, ana drama s, cardamomi, macis, scropuli ij, anasi drame iij, zuchari albi onze ij, miscie et fiat tragea. A chi avesse stopato il naso per fredore. Rx.fiori di rosmarino et coceli et ne farai perfumo al naso et presto guarirai. Item. L’acqua di maiorana fina tirata sup el naso e di optima. A male di matrone. Rx. pomelle di lauro e di edera et fane polvere sutilissima et dalla a bere con bon vino caldo e bianco e sta in letto ben caldo per sudare e presto guarirai.