[English translation] Unguent which heals hemorrhoids quickly. Take 2 drams of zinc oxide, ½ dram of saffron, 1 ounce of rose honey and 2 ounces of rose water. Make all these things into an unguent carefully with a slow fire and save it for your needs. When you wish to treat with it, warm it and rub gently with cotton wool on the outside. If they are inside, make a little tent and put it on. You will soon be cured if you will watch what you eat, do not drink wine or eat things salty and especially things brined, and take a cooling purging enema or a cooling laxative and you will be cured rapidly. Another to heal hemorrhoids in several ways. Take a quantity of kernels of peach stones and clean them so that they are white and grind them very finely. Then compound them with old, washed butter. Heat this and rub with it several times and you will be cured. Further, take roots of celandine, washed with white wine, and make fine powder of them. Wash the hemorrhoids with warm white wine and put on some of this powder and you will be cured quickly. It is said that the herb knotgrass, ground between 2 stones and put on the back, holds back the hemorrhoids so they do not come out and do not hurt. Again, take mature nettles and make powder of them. Take a spoonful with wine or warm broth in the form of a syrup for 9 mornings and you will be cured quickly. Another, a fomentation for hemorrhoids. Take some nettles and the core from the center of a cabbage and cook these well in the water from the blacksmith. Take that fomentation by itself in the rear end and the hemorrhoids disappear. Another to cure hemorrhoids. Take clean roots of the herb pilewort in which the roots seem precisely like the top of a row of piles stuck together. Cook these very well in rose oil. Then distemper them with this rose oil and a little butter and make this in the form of an unguent. Rub yourself with this warm, several times and soon you will be cured. Another to cure hemorrhoids well and quickly. Take old butter, 2 cockroaches and enough rose oil and boil it very slowly until nearly one-half remains. Rub with this very warm and soon it will lift your pain and you will be cured. It is said that one should take 3 lb. of verjuice and 1 lb. of copper sulfate and boil this until it reduces 1/3 and wash repeatedly with this as a warm bath and soon the hemorrhoids shrink and are cured. Another to reduce the bleeding from hemorrhoids. Take oil of mastic and boil it a little and anoint with this and put on powdered oak galls. Another to cure hemorrhoids. Take 1 lb. of rose oil and put it in a little pot on the fire and put therein absinthe, horehound and southernwood, each the same amount, and boil this a little. Then at warm temperature, put these herbs on the hemorrhoids in the form of a plaster. Do this 3 or 4 times a day and put on a warm stupe. Do it several times and you will cure them rapidly. Also take some marrow from the shin bone of veal, an equal amount of butter and some mallow and incorporate these together with powdered incense. Rub the hemorrhoids with this and soon you will lift the pain and you will be cured. Also take some purslane and grind it between 2 stones and put it on the hemorrhoids that exude blood. It stops this soon, removes the pain and cures them. Another to cure hemorrhoids in several ways. Take raw honey and the same amount of liquid varnish and incorporate these on a slow fire and when it is tepid, rub the hemorrhoids inside and out with a feather and soon your distress will cease and you will be cured. Take care of yourself and do not eat warming things but all things cooling and you will be cured. *Another to cure hemorrhoids quickly, remove the pain and break the blisters and then heal them. Take 2 ounces each of fresh white lead and yellow litharge and mix them with rose and violet oils. Grind this finely and make it very warm and rub the hemorrhoids several times and you will be cured. ---------- [Italian transcript] Unguento che guarisse le morise e presto. Rx. tucia preparata drame ij, zafferano drama s, mele roxato onza j e aqua roxa onze ij. Et tutte le predette cose fane unguento e sutile con lente [foco] et fatto che sera consevelo ali tuoi bisogni. Et quando lo vorai adoperare fa chel sia caldo et con bambaso ongerai ligermente di fuora via. Et se le serano drento farai dele taste et metteli drento. Et presto tu guarirai se tu ti guarderai dela bocha a non bere vino e non mangiare cose sallate et maxime insalata. Et pigliera purgasone rinfrescativa per di drento overo una cassia rinfrescativa e presto guarirai. Item a guarire le morise in piu modi. Torai una quantita di anime di persico e mondale che siano bianche et pestale molto sutilmente. Poi le componni con buttiro vecchio lavato. Poi falo scaldare et con quello ongi spesse volte e guarirai. Et piu torai radice di cilidonia lavate con vino bianco e fattone polvere sutile et lava le morise con vino bianco caldo et meti sopra dela ditta polvere e presto guarirai. L’erba corezola pesta tra 2 pietre et messa sun la schiena se dice che ritiene che le morice non vengano fora e non dolgano. Anco torai l’orticha matura et fane polvere. Et pigliane uno chugiaro con vino o brodo al quanto caldo al modo di syropo per 9 matine et presto guarirai. Item fumentacione ale morise. Tora del ortica et il garzolo da mezo del cavolo et cosale inel aqua di fabri bene et ricevi quella fumentacione per se’l etta al culo e van va. Item a guarire le morise. Torai le radice nette del erba morisaia che le sue radice paiano a punto un ciepo di morise apicate insieme. Et quelle cosale inel olio roxato molto bene. Poi le distempera con ditto olio roxato e uno poco di buttiro et fallo a modo di unguento et con esso caldo ongiti piu volte e presto guarirai. Item a guarire le morise bene e presto. Torai butiro vechio, 2 scarafaci e olio roxato quantum sufficit et fali bolire pian piano che rimangano apresso ala metta et con esso ongi chel sia ben caldo e presto ti levera via il dolore e guarirai. Et piu se dice che chi tora agresta lb. 3 e vitriolo romano lb. j et farlo bolire tanto che cali il terzo et con esso bagno caldo spesse volte bagnare presto le se restringono e guarisse. Item a restringere il sangue dela morise. Rx. olio di mastice et fallo al quanto bolire et con esso onge caldo et meti suso polvere di galla. Item a guarire le morise. Torai lb. j di olio roxato et mettilo in uno pignatino al foco et mettivi drento assentio, marobio e abrottano, ana, et fallo un po poco bolire. Po a caldo temperato mette le ditte erbe a modo di empiastro sun le morene et fallo 3 o 4 volte el giorno metendo sopra una faldella di stopa. Falo piu volte e presto guarirai. Et etiam torai del mirollo di stinchi di vitello e buttiro, ana, et dialtea et incorpora insieme con polvere di incenso et ongirai le morise e presto te levera via il dolore e guarirai. Et torai dele porcelane et pestale tra 2 pietre et mettele sun le morise che mena il sangue presto lo stagna et leva il dolore e presto le guarisse. Item a guarire le morise in piu modi. Torai mele crudo et vernice liquida, ana, et incorpora con lento foco et quando sera tepido onge le morene con una penna drento e di fora. Et presto ti cessera la passione et ne guarirai. Conservandoti del vivere et non mangiare cose calide ma tutte cose rinfrescative et guarirai. *Item a guarire presto le morise e leva il dolore et rompele vessiche e poi le salda. Rx. biacha cruda e litrigerio d’oro, ana onze ij, et distempera con olio roxato e violato e masinato sutilmente et falo ben scaldare e ongii piu volte e guarirai.