[English translation] Very precious unguent for the legs. Take 3 drams each of yellow litharge and white lead, 1 dram each of Armenian red clay and clay from Lemnos, 2 drams each of white wax, nightshade juice and strong white vinegar, 1 ½ drams of camphor and 1 ounce of fresh rose oil. All these things should be made into very fine powder. Incorporate them together with the oil, vinegar, wax, white lead, Armenian clay, litharge, clay from Lemnos and the juice. Let it cook until it is perfected, stirring constantly. Then remove it from the fire and put in the camphor and stir until it is cold and it will be made, a perfect unguent to cure any illness of the leg. You will cure with it rapidly. To cure the legs where there are sores. Take 6 ounces of twice-distilled brandy and 1 ounce of finely cut camphor and put them in an ampule, well stoppered, and melt the camphor in the sun or on the fire, keeping it well stoppered with cotton wool and parchment. When the camphor is melted, wet a little linen cloth in this water and bathe around the sore very gently and clean it inside well. Then wet another little cloth in this water and press it out and put it on the sore. Put on a poultice of powdered lead, large enough so the sore is covered. When you medicate, clean the sore well inside and out and you will soon cure it. Another to cure the legs. Take 2 ounces of oil of egg yolk, 2 drams of active sulfur and 1 ounce of pork lard and incorporate everything together in the form of an unguent and put it on the sores and you will cure them. If the sores are old, take 1 ounce each of hops, betony, scabiosa, cinquefoil, greater and lesser comfrey and old wine or strong vinegar and grind everything together and put it on warm in the form of a poultice. By doing this several times you will cure the leg. Put on this unguent: take 4 ounces of clean wax, ½ ounce of turpentine, 3 drams of incense, 2 drams of white lead and 2 ounces each of oil of roses and of violets and ordinary oil. Incorporate these with a slow fire and you will have made the unguent. Treat with this and you will cure. If the sore or wound may or may not be fatal, say and have the patient say 5 Pater Noster with the Ave Maria. Take some fine linen cloth and make it in the sign of a cross on the sick place and say these holy words, 'In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. Christ was born the night of the virgin birth. Christ was lost. Christ was found. Jesus Christ died and was resurrected. Lord Jesus Christ, heal this sore so that it cannot putrefy nor increase. As were the wounds that were made in his precious leg and in that precious side, so may mine be delivered from any fever.' In praise and reverence, make the sign of the cross. 'In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.' Do this twice a day until it is cured. Another for a developing sore breaking open with pain. Take 1 handful each of mallow, sweet violets, leaves of elder, rue and plantain. Make juice of these herbs and put it in a pot and cook it on the fire and strain it carefully. Then put in 1 ounce of new rose oil, 4 drams each of mallow, turpentine and white tar, 1 dram of saffron and as much wheat flour as needed with a little melted lard to make a poultice. Put this warm on the developing sore on the leg or on the body wherever it is. Change it frequently and very soon your pain will be relieved and you will stay free of it and healthy. Another for sickness in the leg. Take a flask of sweet white wine, half a flask of lye and a bowl of husked and clean barley and put these in a pot and boil until it is reduced 2/3. Then strain it and mash the barley and mix it together. Put therein 2 ounces of ground rock alum and 2 drams of camphor mixed with almond oil. That is, take 3 or 4 almonds, blanch them and grind them between 2 stones and press them. Extract as much oil as you will require to mix it because if you were to use more oil, the camphor would go up in fumes and be lost. When you want to treat, warm it and wet cloths and put them on the sore place. Do this several times and soon the legs will be cured. ---------- [Italian transcript] Unguento per gambe molto precioso. Rx. litargirio d’oro e biacha, ana drame iij, bolarminio e terra sigilata, ana drama j, cera bianca e suco di solatro e aceto bianco forte, ana drame ij, e canphora drame js e olio roxato del novo drama j. Et tutte le ditte cose ne sia fatta polvere sutilissima. Et incorpora le ditte cose insieme con l’olio e l’aceto, la cera, la biaca, el bolorminio, el litargierio e terra sigillata, el suco. Et lasselo al quanto cosere ala sua perfetione, sempre mestandolo. Poi levelo dal foco et mettivi drento la canfora et mesta sempre finche e freddo, et sera fatto, unguento perfecto per guarire ogni malore di gamba. Et presto ne guarirai. A guarire le gambe o sia di piaghe. Rx. aqua vite di 2 cotte onze vj et canphora onza j tagliata minutamente et messa in ditta ampolla e ben turrata et falla disfare al sole overo al foco et che sempre la stia ben turrata con bambaso e carta peccora et quando la canphora sera disfatta, bagnerai una pezetta lina in ditta aqua et bagna la piagha intorno pian piano et poi di drento la netti bene. Poi bagnerai un altra pezetta in ditta aqua e premila et mettila sun la piaghe. Poi mettivi sopra una piastra di piombo suttila largo quanto el male e infassata sopra. Et quando tu medichi netta bene la piagha drento e fora, et presto ne guarirai. Item a guarire le gambe. Torai olio di rossumi de ovi onze ij, solfo vivo drame ij e songia di porco onza j, et ogni cosa incorpora insieme a modo di unguento et metti sopra ale piaghe e guarirai. Et se le piaghe fusseno vechie, torai de luppatorio, bertonicha, schabiosa, pentafilon, consolida magiore e minore, con vino vechio o aceto forte et pesterai ogni cosa insieme et metterai suso caldo a modo di empiastro e guarirai fallo piu volte. Et metterai sopra questo unguento, torai cera nova onze iiij, trementina onza s, incenso drame iij, cerusa drame ij e olio roxato e violato e olio comune, ana onze ij, et incorpora con lento foco et farai unguento. Et con esso medica e guarirai. Et se la piaga o ferrita che fusse et che non fusse mortale, dirai et farai dire al paciente 5 pater noster con l’ave maria et torai dele peze line sottile et con esse segnarai in + il male et dirai queste sancte parolle, ‘In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Christo nasse la notte di natale di virginita. Christo si perdi, Christo si trovo, yehsu christo mori e risuscito. M[onsignore] yehsu christo sana questo piagha che la non possa marcire, ne menare, cossi como fece le piage le quale a lui furno fatte in quelle sua preciose membra et in quello precioso costato et si lo deliberi a ogni febre,’ ad laude et sua riverentia. Et fali il segno di +. ‘[In nomine] patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen.’ Et farai cosi 2 volte al giorno finche e guarito. A mal nassente per rompere el dolire. Rx. malva e viole mamole, foglie di sanbucho, ruta e piantagine, ana m. uno, dele quale erbe tu ne farai suco et mettilo in una pignata et fallo purgare al foco et colalo sutilmente. Poi mettivi drento olio roxato del novo onza j, dialtea, trementina, rasa biancha, ana drame iiij, zafferano drama j e farina comune quanta basta con um poco di songia di porco strutta et fane impiastro. Et caldo mettilo sul male nassente sun gamba o super la persona dove egli e. Et mutalo spesso e presto presto ti levera il dolore et resterai libero e sano. Item al mal di gamba. Torai uno fiasco di vino bianco amabile e mezo di lisiazo e una scotella di orzo mondo e netto e meti in pignata e fa bolire che calli li 2/3. Poi colelo e stroca l’orzo e meti insieme. Poi metivi drento alume di roca trito onze ij et canphora masinata con olio di mandole drame ij, cioe torai 3 o 4 mandole e fale bianche e pestale tra 2 pietre e premali, ne caverai tanto olio che ti bastera a masinarla et se altro adoperasti l’anderebe in fumo e si perdiria. Et quando l’avorai adoperare, fa che la sia calda et bagna le peze e meteli sul male et falo piu volte e presto guarirai dele gambe.