[English translation] 7. Another. If by chance there is one who has taken in any way a cold venom such as that of the scorpion or other animal, this brandy removes the poison by its fire and heat and removes the bad effects of the coldness and cures the poisoned man. 8. Another. If one drinks a little of this brandy, it at once strengthens all the limbs and makes them very vigorous. It cheers up the person and enlivens the heart and results in good breath. 9. Another. If one has cold in the head or in the stomach and suffers from a violent or occasional discharge from the head and has phlegm or melancholy, drinking a little at a time and repeatedly cleans the head and the eyes and the stomach, expands the chest and removes the humid cough, rewarms the body and cleanses it of phlegm and of any other coldness, by which it invigorates all the sick places of the body and rewarms all the cold. 10. Another. Drinking a little of this brandy restores every element of the body, external and internal, and improves the memory. When one drinks and smells it, the memory is well preserved. 11. Another. Drinking some and putting it on the eyes dispels, dries up and removes cloudiness and spots and cataract and haze and all other defects of the eyes externally and transforms all the described defects to good condition. It heals all the pains in the eyes, internally as well as externally and heals, supports and bestows the power of seeing and gives back health when it is drunk and used to bathe the eyes and especially when the distress has been caused by cold. Also, it dries up tears when the eye is rinsed out and a drop is put in the corner of the eye. It will dry the eye and support it and remove the tears. If the eyelids may be everted, it corrects that and reduces the irritation of the eyes. 12. Another. It is very powerful in mitigating toothache if that is caused by phlegmatic humor or if any worm developed there. One should know that the upper teeth are cured by way of the brain and the lower teeth are cured by way of the stomach. In a short time it will cure and will support the gums. 13. Another. This brandy is powerful to relax all contracted limbs and it supports and heals them, whether it is the feet or hands and even the movements of the tongue. 14. Another. It heals canker and the fistula which is called ' noli-me-tangere ' and similar infirmities and problems.... 188 15. Another. It is powerful in every illness of the raging gout caused by cold humor. 16. Another. It cures quartan malaria when it is drunk repeatedly on the day of the fever, a half hour before the onset. 17. Another. It cures chronic and stubborn scabies when the head is washed frequently. It cures ringworm. Wash repeatedly with tepid brandy. 18. Another. It cures dropsy when it is drunk repeatedly and the infirm should use food that is more dry than wet and well-salted and use enough cumin. The amount is half a glass or less each time and do not drink other water or broth. 19. Another. It cures the vitiated womb of the woman and strengthens it. It heals and consolidates putrid and non putrid wounds well. 20. Another. If you will put raw or cooked meat in this brandy and likewise raw or cooked fish, they will never be spoiled and will be preserved well. Beyond the things already mentioned through the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, it offers many other things useful for human nature. Note that the first distillation is good and the second better and the third is the best. If you wish to make the test, take a chicken plucked and cleaned inside and scalded so hot that it hurts the hand. Then wet it well with this brandy that is warm, inside and out, 3 or 4 times. Then leave it in the sun for 2 or 3 hours and it will be preserved for 10 years and never be spoiled. You can do the same with any other thing that is soon spoiled and it will always be preserved and good. ---------- [Italian transcript] 7. Item. Se per sorte fusse uno che avesse preso per qual si voglia modo il veleno freddo como e quello del scorpione o de altri animali questa preditta aqua ismorza il preditto veleno con il suo ardore et calore et li toglie il vitio dela sua frigidezza et rissana l’homo avelenato. 8. Item. Se uno bevera una pocha dela preditta aqua disubbito li conforta tutte le membra et li fa molto vigorosi e allegra la persona et piu ti rallegra il core et ti rende bono alito. 9. Item. Se uno fusse infredato inel capo overo inelo stomacho et pata di uno fluxo violente o occhasionato dala testa et tengha di flema o di malinchonia, bevendone um poco per volta e spesso ti purga la testa e li occhii e lo stomacho e albarga il petto e rimove la tosse humida et riscalda il corpo et lo purgha da quella flema et da ogni altra frigidezza la honde vivifica tutti i luoghi infermi del corpo et tutti li freddi li riscalda. 10. Item. Bevendo una pocha dela preditta aqua ella conforta tutti li elementi del corpo cossi publichi come privati et rende la memoria, bevendone et hodorandola et quella ben conserva. 11. Item. Bevendone al quanta et postavi sopra ali occhii schacia, dissecca et consuma la tela et quelle machie et le chataratte et la caligine et ogni altro manchamento deli occhii exterriori et riduce tutti li preditti difetti in bono stato. Et rissana tutte le passione deli occhii cossi interriori come exterriore et rissana et conforta et conferma la virtu del vedere et presto rende la sanita, usandola a bere e a bagnarsi et maxime quando la ditta passione procedesse per causa frigida. Et etiam rassugha le lachrime deli occhii, bagnandosi l’occhio di fora via et metine una giozza inel canto del occhio et presto la rassuga et lo conforta et consuma. Et se le palpebre fusserno rinversate le radriza e smorza il picicore deli occhii. 12. Item. Vale molto a mitigare il dolore deli denti se’l causasse per humore flematicho overo se’l vi fusse nato alcuno verme. Et qui e da sapere che li denti superiori si curano per via del cervello et li denti inferriori si curano per la via delo stomaco et in breve tempo se ne guarisse et confortando tutte le giengive. 13. Item. Vale la preditta aqua ha rimorbidare tutti li membri ratratti et molto li conforta et li rissana et sia di piedi o di mano et etiam il movere dela lingua. 14. Item. Sana il canchro et la fistula la quale dice noli me tangiere et a simile infermita et passione. 15. Item. Vale ad ogni male di gotta impetuosa causato per freddo humore. 16. Item. Sana la febre quartana, bevendone spesso pigliandone il di dela febre mezora inanti. 17. Item. Sana la scabbia tenera e dura et lavandosi spesso il capo. Sana dela tighna con la quale tiepida speso lavandosi. 18. Item. Sana la indropisia, bevendone spesso et che lo infermo usi cibi piu assutti che humidi e bene insalati et usi del cimino assai et la sua misura sera un mezo bichiere e manco per volta et non beva altra aqua ne brodo. 19. Item. Cura la matrice viciata dela donna et fortificha. Vulnera putrida et non putrida la rissana et consolida grandemente. 20. Item. Se tu ponerai in ditta aqua carne cruda o cotta et similmente pessi crudi o cotti mai non si marcisse anci si conservano bonissimi. Et oltra a queste cose gia sopra dette per la gratia del nostro signore yehsu christo et procura molte altre cose utile alla natura humana. Nota che la prima destillatione e bona e la seconda migliore et la terza ottima et se tu vorai farne la prova, torai uno polastro pelato e neto drento e scaldelo bene quanto poi patirlo in mano. Poi lo bagna bene con la ditta acqua che sia calda drento e di fora per 3 o 4 volte. Poi laselo al sole per 2 o 3 ore et lo conserverai per 10 anni che mai si corompera. Et il simile farai d’ogni altra cosa la quale presto si corrompe che sempre si conservera sana.