[English translation] Another. The balky horse that does not want to enter the boat. Approach the horse gently and take the right ear and make the sign of the cross and say these words, 'Remember the Lord will provide and all gentleness is from him. Abraham holds you, + Isaac leads you, + Jacob guides you. + Move in the name of God and the Virgin Mary, my beast.' At once it will go forward. Do this test when you pass through any door and you will see the wonderful result, because this has been proved. Another for the horse that has lost a shoe through travel. Dismount and move aside and say 3 Pater Noster with 3 Ave Maria for the soul of someone whom you have known who has been executed or died a bad death. In your mind say, 'O [this person], take my horse that has lost a shoe into your care until I may go to a place where he can be shod.' Mount the horse and go your way safely until you find a ferrier. Then have the horse shod and he will have no problem. Then say 3 more Pater Noster for the soul of the person and recommend him to God. If you let your horse go out at night, commend him to this friend and the horse will carry nothing without your knowledge. This has been proved. To put some green spots on a white horse. Take 4 to 6 lb. of green capers and dry them in the shade and powder them. Then distill the powder in a glass still on the bain marie and redistill the water 2 times. Then with this water bathe the spot repeatedly that you want to make green and the hair will take on the green color. It will last for a while and it will be beautiful to see. Also take 2 or 3 lb. of verdigris and calcine it. Then wash it once in a pot and the second time distill it and use this to rub on the white hair. It will make the hair become a different green color. You can tint horses, dogs, cats and other animals and for a time it will make them beautiful to see. This is a good secret. Another, a similar secret to make a star on the forehead of a horse. Take a root of cyclamen and make an opening in the middle and put therein ordinary oil and put it in the hot ashes around a grill and let it cook thoroughly. Then shave where you want to make the star and with the very warm oil rub the shaved spot twice a day. If you touch the place with a little dark soap it will become white. So it has been said. Another to make a horse become lame in a quarter of an hour for a joke and make him recover quickly without any impediment. Take 2 or 3 horsehairs from the tail of the horse and bind one front leg above the knee as tightly as you can and let it stay. In a quarter of an hour the horse will go lame so that it appears that it is very sick. When you want to cure it, remove the horsehairs or cut them and give 2 rubs to the leg and it will soon be cured without impediment and it will go where you wish. Another joke similar to this, but I do not believe it unless I test it first. It is said that if one takes the leg of the black beetle that stays under stones and smells bad and binds it in a little piece of linen and puts under the middle of an exit as the horse passes over it, they say that at once the horse is lamed from that piece of linen and will be lame as long as the thing stays there. As soon as you remove it, the horse will be cured and free without injury. *For a stab wound of a horse as well as a man. Say, 'In the name of God and the Holy Trinity and the Virgin Mary. As Jesus Christ was wounded and the wound was washed and rubbed with ointment and it was cured by that washing and by that ointment, so may this cure this man or this horse of this wound.' + + + . ---------- [Italian transcript] Item cavallo restino che non volesse intrare in barcha. Acostati al cavallo belamente et piglia l’orecchia dritta et fali un segno di + et dilli queste parolle, ‘Memento domine davit et omnis mansuetudinis eius. + Abraam se ti piglia, + ysaac si te lega, + et jacobo te guida + e passa al nome de dio et dela virgine maria, bestia mia.’ Et subito andera inanti. Et fanne la esperientia quando tu passi alcun porto et vedrai lo effetto mirabile perche e provato. Item cavallo che si disferrasse per viaggio. Dismonta e tirati da parte et dirai 3 pater noster con 3 ave marie per l’anima di qualcuno che tu abbia conossuto che sia statto iusticiato o morto a mala morte et in mente tua dirai, ‘O tale A fa chel mio cavallo che e disferrato te sia raccomandato finche vadi in logo chel possa far ferrare.’ E monta suso e va per i fatti tuoi sicuramente per insino che tu trovi mariscalcho et allora fallo ferrare et non avera mai male niuno. Et dopoi tu li dirai 3 altri pater noster per l’anima sua et racomandarla a dio et se tu lasserai il tuo cavallo fora la notte a passere et raccomandelo al ditto amico e nuino non te lo porta tore senza tua saputa. E de provato. Cavallo bianco farlo venire con alcune machie verde. Rx. cappari verdi 4 o 6 lb. et falli seccare al ombra et fane polvere. Poi la farai stillare al lambico di vetro a bagno et poi farai destillare la 2 volta la preditta aqua. Poi con la ditta acqua bagna spesse volte dove tu vorai fare tal segno verde et quello pele pigliera la tinta verde e durera un tempo et fara bel vedere. Et etiam torai 2 o 3 lb. de verderame fallo calcinare. Poi cavene acqua alla bozza una volta et la 2 la farai distillare et quella adopera a ongere dove e il pele bianco. Et lo fara diventare di altro colore che tra al verde et cossi potrai tingere cavalli, cani et gatti et altri animali. Et per un tempo ti fara bel vedere. E de bel secreto. Item. Un altro simile secreto a fare una stella in fronte a uno cavallo. Rx. una radice di pan porcino et falli uno buco in mezo et mettivi drento olio comune et metilo in la cenere calda con dele brase intorno. Et lassele cosere bene. Poi radi dove tu voi fare la stella et con ditto olio chel sia ben caldo, ongi il loco raduto 2 volte al giorno. Et con uno poco de sapone nero et si tocherai in altro loco diventera bianco. Et cossi si dice. Item a fare diventare zoppo un cavallo in un quarto d’ora per una burla e presto farlo ritornare senza impedimento. Torai 2 o 3 setole di coda di cavallo et legali una gamba dinanti disopra del ginocchio piu stretto che tu poi et lasselo star fermo. Et per un quarto d’ora andera zoppo che parera chel abia un gran male. Et quando lo vorai farlo guarire, leva via le setole o tagliale et dalli 2 frega ala gamba et sera presto guarito et non avera impedimento e va dove tu voi. Anco si pol fare un altra burla simile a questa ma non lo credo se prima non lo provo. El si dice che chi tole una gamba di uno scaravazo che sta sotto ale pietre che puzano et legarla in una pezetta lina et meterla sotto al medal del usso et como passa sopra el ditto cavallo, dichano che presto se inzoppa da quella banda et tanto andera zoppo tanto quanto quella cosa stara li sotto et subito che la leverai via sera guarito e libero senza male. *Ad puntura acqui ut hominis. Dic, ‘Al nome de dio et dela santa trinita et dela virgine maria, m[onsigno]re yehsu christo si fu punto e fu lavato e si fu unto. Cosi como lo guari del punto per quel lavare et per quel unto, cosi guarischa questo homo ut cavallo di questo punto.’ + + + .