[English translation] Unguent for every malady of the body. Take 2 ounces each of oil of violets and of sweet almonds, butter, chicken fat, fat from badger and goose and ox marrow and white wax, 1 ounce each of laurel oil, theriac and mutton fat, 1 ½ ounces each of oil of lavender, of dill, of camomile and of mastic, and 2 drams each of nutmeg, cloves, fine cinnamon and cubebs. Note that all the fats should be cut, melted and strained and then incorporated with the oils. Make all the other things into very fine powder. First put the oils and the fats on a slow fire, then the butter, theriac and the spices and last the wax and incorporate everything on a little fire for a half hour. Then remove it from the fire and continue to stir until it is cold, and it will be made. Hold it as something dear because the unguent is good for many illnesses, especially for nerves retracted by cold and for blows and bruises and stabs and other ailments of the body. When it is rubbed on it should be warm and soon you will have a cure. Another very worthy unguent for the legs. Take 1 ounce each of white lead and litharge, ½ ounce of white coral, 2 drams each of zinc oxide and camphor and 1 ½ ounces each of white wax, rose oil, strong white vinegar and plantain juice. Put the oil, vinegar and juice in a pot on the fire and boil it on a slow fire until the juice is consumed. Then put in the wax and as it melts, remove it from the fire and put therein, little by little, all the other things that were made into fine powder and incorporate them. Then stir continually until it is cold and it will be made. Save it for your needs and it will bring you honor. Another unguent for the legs. Take ½ ounce of chicken fat, 1 ounce each of butter, goat dung and oil of camomile, 3 ½ drams each of oil of St. John's wort and ground cinnabar, and some spider web. Incorporate everything on a slow fire and let it boil a little and it will be made. Strain it and save it and treat with it. Unguent for legs with hot humors. Take 4 ounces of washed turpentine, 2 ounces of thick pine tar, 3 ounces each of mallow and butter, 5 ounces of burnt lead, 2 ½ ounces of zinc oxide, 1 ½ ounces of white incense, 5 ½ ounces of white wax and 8 ounces each of rose oil and strong rose vinegar. Take the oil and the vinegar and put them in your pot and put in half a handful each of rue, celandine, elder and goat's rue and boil until it reduces 1/3. Then strain it and press the herbs well, extracting the substance. Put them back in the pot and put therein all the other things, little by little, stirring constantly. Remove it from the fire and incorporate things well, stirring until it is cold and it will be made. Use it at your pleasure. Another unguent for the legs. Take 8 ounces of fat of male goat, 3 drams of turpentine, 4 drams of rose honey, 2 ½ drams of clean wax, 1 dram each of sarcocol gum and incense and 2 ounces of rose oil. Compound everything on a slow fire, as you have made the above unguents. When you have medicated the leg, put on a linen cloth wet with warm red wine. Do this several times and you will have a rapid cure. Another, a noble unguent for many infirmities. Take 2 lb. of powdered human blood, 4 lb. of hepatic aloe, 6 ounces of sarcocol gum, 4 ounces each of juniper resin, gum ammoniac, galbanum, lard, pitch, mastic, bdellium, glue, tartar, incense, turpentine, Armenian red clay, dragon's blood gum, ordinary oil and clean wax. First clean the gums and make powder of those things that can be made into fine powder. Make the unguent on the fire in the usual way, incorporating well all the above things. When you remove it from the fire, stir until it is cold and it will be made. Use it at your pleasure. It will bring you honor when you use it because great effectiveness is in it and it will work well for you. ---------- [Italian transcript] Unguento ad ogni male dela persona. Rx olio violata e di mandole dolce, butiro, grasso di gallina e di tasso e di ocha e midolla di buo e cera bianca, ana onze ij, olio laurino, triacha, grasso di castrato, ana onza j, olio di spigo e d’aneto e di camomilla e di mastici, ana onze js, noce moschate, garoffani, canella fina, cubebe, ana drame ij. Nota che tutti li grassi vano tagliati e distrutti e colati. Poi incorporati con li olii. Et tutte le altre cose ne farai polvere sutilissima. Et prima metterai l’olio e li grassi al foco lento, poi il butiro, la triacha et le cose aromatiche et in ultimo la cera. Et incorpora ogni cosa a un picol foco per una mezora et levelo dal foco et sempre lo mesta finche e fredo et sera fatto. Et tienlo accaro perche el ditto unguento e bono a molto male e maxime in loco nervoso e ritratti per fredura et per botte e macature et ponture et altri mali dela persona. Et quando ongi fa chel sia caldo e presto guarirai. Item unguento per gambe molto nobile. Rx. biacha e litargirio, ana onza j, coralli bianchi onza s, tucia preparata e canphora, ana drame ij, cera bianca, olio roxato, aceto biancha forte e suco di piantagine, ana onze js. Et metti al foco l’olio, l’aceto, el suco inel tozo et falo bolire a lento foco tanto che consumi el suco. Poi li metti la cera et como la e distrutta, levelo dal foco et mettivi drento tutte le altre cose a poc a poco che siano fatte in polvere sutt[il]a et valli incorporando et sempre mestando finche gli e fredo et sera fatto. Et lo conserva a li tuoi bisogni e ti fara onore. Item unguento per gambe. Rx. grasso di gallina onza s, butiro, cacole di capra, olio di camomilla, ana onza j, olio di preforata e cinaprio pesto, ana drame iijs, et ragniatella di ragno et ogni cosa incorpora a lento foco et falo bolire um poco et sera fatto. Colalo et lo conserva, poi lo adopera. Unguento da ghambe per umori calidi. Rx. trementina lavata onze iiij, rasa di pino grassa onze ij, dialtea e butiro, ana onze iij, piombo arso onze v, tucia preparata onze ijs, incenso bianco onze js e cera bianca onze vs, olio roxato, aceto roxato forte, ana onze viij. Torai l’olio, l’aceto e meti nel tuo tozo et mettivi drento ruta, cilidonia, sambuco e capragine, ana m. ½, et tanto bolla che calli il terzo. Poi lo cola e premi bene l’erbe, cavene la sustantia et lo rimetti inel tozo et mettivi drento tutte le altre cose a poc a poco e sempre mestando et leve dal foco et bene lo incorpora, mestando finche e freddo et sera fatto et lo adopera a tuo piacere. Item unguento per gambe. Rx. sevo di becho onze viij, trementina drame iij, mel roxato drame iiij, cera nova drame ijs, seracolla e incenso, ana drama j, olio roxato onze ij. Et componerai ogni cosa a lento foco como tu ai fatto li altri sopra ditti unguenti. Et quando tu arai medicata la gamba, metti sopra una pezza lina bagnata il vino rosso e che la sia calda et falo piu volte e presto guarirai. Item unguento nobile a molte infermita. Rx. sangue humano in polvere lb. 2, aloe patico lb. 4, scariola onze vj, serapino, armoniaco, galbano, sevo, pece, mastice, bidelli, cole, tartarum, incenso, trementina, bolarmenio, sangue di drago, olio comune e cera nova, ana onze iiij. Et purgerai prima le gome et quelle cose che vano fatte in polvere siano suttile. Et farai l’unguento al foco al solito modo et incorporando bene tutte le predette cose. Et quando lo levi dal foco, mesta finche e fredo et sera fatto. Et lo adopera a tuo piacere il quale ti fara honore dove tu lo adopererai perche in se contiene di molte proprieta e ti fara bella opera.