[English translation] The herb bonifacia, that is pagan tongue. Bonifacia is called by many 'pagan tongue' because it has a leaf in the shape of a little pointed tongue placed in the midst of the large leaf. For this it is said that it aids stutterers, those born in great numbers in the mountains of Genoa and in the Duchy of Urbino in the mountains. You should know that this herb is most powerful in sickness of the womb, especially in prolapse. Giving a spoonful of the powder to women to drink in warm broth or wine at the time of the displacement of the womb, rapidly relieves and cures the sickness of the womb. Also it is powerful and wonderful for those who have hernias in the scrotum or in the groin. Make a powder of its roots or of the herb or both mixed, and give a spoonful to the patient to drink in the morning at dawn with warm broth or wine in the form of a syrup and again in the evening. Continue this drinking for a month or more, until at the end you feel cured. It may seem to you that in the first days all the intestines want to come out of the body through that sick part and you are advised to put on a band or truss and wear it continually, day and night, with it thick and well-wrapped and tight. If you are able to stay a while in repose, you will be cured more quickly of the fissure or rupture. Watch what you eat and keep from adverse things and, with the aid of God, you will be cured quickly because this has been tested. For those who do not have fluent speech, holding some of the herb in the mouth and eating it helps greatly. For little children who do not have fluent language, placing these little leaves on the tongue will make the tongue flexible. This is very well tested and true. The herb adder's tongue fern or argentina that is ribless. This herb has different names in different locations, that is, adder's tongue fern or silverweed or ribless fern, because it does not have veins as have other leaves. This herb is well known in Lombardy and especially in the Piedmont. It is found beginning in the month of May and continues until the first half of June. Then it is no more to be seen. This herb is soft and flexible to touch and oily and its leaf is similar to plantain but smaller. It does not make a stalk and grows adventitiously in the meadows and it is very beautiful to see there. But it is more beautiful for its virtues because it has marvelous efficacy in healing wounds and especially new ones and also those made by stabs. You make oil from its leaves in this way. Take ordinary oil, the oldest that you have, and put it in a vessel with the herb. Cover the vessel well and leave it for a month or more in the sun. Then boil it for an hour on a water bath. In this way the herb is cooked and amplifies its power. Leave it in the sun for 8 to 10 days and it will be made. Save it as a treasure. This oil is powerful, when rubbed on warm, for all difficulties of the eyes and is especially powerful in fresh wounds and in all stabs where the wound is narrow. Put it on with a tent and soon it will heal without distress. It removes the pain and removes muscle spasms especially effectively in old wounds. The herb can be made into powder, otherwise the herb itself is eaten with a fresh egg or broth. Continuing it heals hernias marvelously when the rupture is rubbed with very warm oil. It is put on thickly and tied very tightly and carefully and, with care and with the aid of God, the rupture will be cured. Do this with confidence that this has been tested. It has many other virtues.... 125 ---------- [Italian transcript] Erba bonifatia, id est lingua pagana. Bonifacia erba e cossi chiamata et da molti si chiama lingua pagana perche a una foglietta posta inel mezo dela foglia magiore in forma di una lingua piccola e aguza et per questa si dice che molto la giova ali balbucienti di questa ne nasse gran copia nele montagne di genova et inel ducato di verbino nele montagne. Et sapi che questa erba preditta e molta valorosissima nele infermita dela matrice et maxime nela suffacatione, dando uno chugiaro dela ditta polvere a bere ala donna in brodo o vino caldo nel tempo dela profucatione di matrice, presto la libera e la guarisse del male di matre. Et etiam vale valentamente et maravigliosamente a quelli che sono crepati inele borse overo di sopra al petenechio. Farai polvere dela sue radice overo del erba o l’uno e l’altro mescolato et dane uno chugiaro a bere al paciente la matina avanti di con vino o brodo caldo a modo di syropo et anche la sera ne potrai pigliare. Et questa bevanda la continua per un mese o piu per insino ha tanto che tu ti senti guarito. Ma advertisse che ineli primi giorni ti parera che tutte le budella ti vogliano ussire fora del corpo per quella parte inferma et tu ne sia advertito metti il brachiero overo il cinto et lo porta continuamente di e notte col suo piu mazolo et bene infassiato e stretto. Et se tu potrai stare al quanto in riposso piu presto guarirai dela rottura o sbogiatura. Et conservati de i cibi et dele cose contrarie et, con lo aiutto de dio, presto ne guarirai perche ne sta fatto experientia. Et a coloro che non an[n]o la lingua spedita usino a tenere in bocha dela ditta erba e a mangiarne molto li zovera. Et ali fanciulini piccoli che non an[n]o la lingua spedita a parlare, pongeli sotto ala lingua con quella foglieta piccola, li fara la lingua spedita. Et questo e aprobatissimo e vero. Erba luciola overo argentina, id ist senza costa. Questa erba a questi nomi secundo li paesi, cioe erba luciola e chi argentina e chi senza costa e chi serpentina perche ella non a costa atacata como anno le altre foglie. E questa erba e molta conossata inela lombardia et maxime inel piemonte la quale comincia dal mezo magio per insino al mezo giugno. Poi non se ne vede piu per essere ella erba tenera overo molle inel toccarla e grassa et la sua foglia sie sun l’andare del piantagine ma piu piccola e non fa fusto et nasse voluntieri ineli prati e de molto bella inel vederla. Ma e de piu bella inele sue virtu perche a mirabile efficatia in sanare le ferrite e maxime le nove et etiam quelle fatte di pontura. Et farai del olio dele sue foglie a questo modo. Torai olio comune del vechio se tu ne poi avere et metterai in una inchistara l’erba inel olio. Coprila bene et lassela per un mese al sole o piu. Poi la farai bolire per un ora a bagno maria et a questo modo l’erba si viene a cosere e rende piu ampliamente la sua virtu. Poi la lassa per 8 o 10 giorni al sole et sera fatto. Et quello conserva como cosa cara, il quale olio vale ongendo caldo tutti il ochi condannati et maxime vale ale ferrite fresche et a tutte le ponture fatte che la piagha sia stretta farlo entrare per via di tosta e presto li salda senza passione. Et leva lo spasimo et maxime inele piaghe vechie opera valorosamente. Et se la ditta erba ne sera fatta polvere overamente l’erba propria mangiata con ovo fresco overamente brodo. Continuandola sana mirabilmente del crepato, ongendo col suo olio la rottura chel sia ben caldo col suo piu mazolo sopra e ligato ben stretto et conservandosi, con lo aiutto di dio, ne guarira. Et falo sicuramente che li e aprobato e a di molte altre virtu.