[English translation] Unguents of several kinds to draw out iron, wood or spines from the flesh. Take 6 drams each of yeast from frumenty and honey and 1 dram each of mistletoe from oak and ammonium chloride and dissolve everything in water and add 2 drams of fenugreek flour and enough old oil and incorporate everything together on a little fire and make the unguent. With this, warm, rub the sore place in the morning and evening and it will draw out the material that is inside or will put it forth with pus at the same time and you will cure quickly. Another for the above illness. Take some leaves of heliotrope and grind them between 2 stones and put them on the afflicted places and it will help you remove the discomfort rapidly. Another for the above illness from iron, wood or spines thrust in the flesh. Take roots of marsh mallow, washed and very clean, cut them finely and boil them in ordinary oil in a pot until they become dark. Then strain them and press them through cloth and put therein 2 ounces of clean wax and 3 ounces of turpentine and incorporate everything together close by the fire and stir until it is cold and it will be made. Treat with this, warm, and soon you will cure. Another for the above illness. Take the roots of giant reed and powder of mountain mint and incorporate them well, grinding everything together with a little honey and yeast from frumenty and some galbanum. Then put this on the sore place several times, warm, and soon it will draw out the splinter and you will cure. Another to make flesh grow rapidly in the wounds . Take powder of Florentine iris and incorporate it with the white of an egg. Then dry it and make very fine powder and put it on the wound. If iron is in the wound, put on agrimony mixed warm with ground lard and soon it will draw out the splinter. Do this several times. It has been tested. Another to withdraw iron that may be fixed in the flesh. First say, with reverence, a Pater Noster and an Ave Maria. See if it possible for you to touch the iron with 2 fingers where it is in the flesh or with the tip of the finger, and as you feel it, say with reverence, 'Longino was a Hebrew, son of a Pharisee, who wounded Jesus Christ and wounded him in the right side. We beseech Jesus Christ just as the iron wounded him, so may this iron that I touch come forth from here.' Say this 3 times in a row, touching it with your fingers, and say a Pater Noster and soon the iron will come out and you will cure it, with God's grace. Another, a water to treat and cure the above wounds. Take clear and clean water and bless it three times in a row. Say the Pater Noster first each time and say it without deadly sin and without a weapon on you and when you treat the patient he should have forgiven the offense and have said the Pater Noster and the Ave Maria. Wet some cloths in this water and put it on the wound in the form of a cross and treat it twice a day until it is cured. This is the prayer that is said over the water, viz., 'In the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. In the name of God and the Holy Trinity and by that holy night when the glorious Virgin Mary gave birth to the blessed Jesus Christ. Christ was born, died and was resurrected and ordered that all these wounds should be well healed and well cured without cold, without heat, without blood, without pus, without cut nerves, without rotted bones, without fever, without death and without any other illness. So the glorious Virgin Mary ordered for this pure water and for every water which makes every liquor and precious unguent which may have been used as did Jesus Christ and his sweet mother, the Virgin Mary. By these and those words that you have said over the wood of the holy cross, so the true power will come from Jesus Christ in this blessed water that should cure your servant (name), in the name of the Father + , Son and Holy Spirit, Amen + + +.' Do not change the orders said above and save this water that is always good to cure any wound or cut, through the power of Jesus Christ. It is tested. *Another to draw out a thorn from the flesh. Take fresh roots of giant reed and lard and grind them together and put this warm on the puncture and the thorn will come forth onto the plaster. Do this several times. It has been tested. ---------- [Italian transcript] Unguenti de piu sorte per cavare ferro, legno o spine fora dela carne. Rx. lievito di furmento e mele, ana drame vj, e vischio quercino e armoniacho, ana drama j, et rissolvi ogni cosa in aqua et farina di fengrego drame ij et olio vechio tanto che sia assai et ogni cosa incorpora insieme a un piccol foco et farai unguento et con esso ogni chel sia caldo il loco adolorato matina e sera e tirera fora la materia che e drento overo la mandera fora in tanta putrefacione e presto ne guarirai. Item al preditto male. Torai dele foglie del mirasole, pestela tra 2 pietre e metteli insul malore adolorato et presto ti zovera a levarti la passione. Item al preditto male di ferro, legno o spine fitte inela carne. Rx. radice di malva vischio, lavate e ben nette e tagliate minute et fatte bolire in olio comune in una pignata tanto che diventano nere. Poi le cola et premali con peza et mettivi drento cera nova onze ij e trementina onze iij et bene ogni cosa incorpora apresso al foco et mestavi drento tanto chel sia fredo et sera fato. Et con esso caldo medica che presto guarirai. Item al preditto male ditto di sopra. Torai radice di canna e polvere di calamitta et incorpora bene, pestando ogni cosa insieme con uno poco di mele e lievito di furmento e galbina. Poi metti sul male piu volte chel sia caldo e presto tirera fora e guarirai. Item a farli cressere la carne presto in ditta ferrita. Rx. polvere di irios et la incorpora con chiara d’ovo. Poi falla seccare et fane polvere sutilissima et ne metterai inela ferrita. Et se’l ferro fusse inela ferrita, mettivi suso agrimonia con songia pesta e calda e presto lo tirera fora. Et fala piu volte che eli e aprobato. Item a cavare ferro che fusse fitto inela carne. Prima dirai un pater noster et una ave maria divotamente et vedi se gli e possibile se tu tocare con li tuoi 2 dita il ferro che e drento inela carne overo con la punta del dito et como lo senti, divotamente dirai, ‘Longino fue ehbreo, filiolo d’un fariseo, et quale ferrie yehsu christo e lo ferrie dal lato ritto e pregaremo yehsu christo cossi como lo ferri questo ferro che lo toco escha de qui.’ Et dilla 3 volte ala fila col pater noster e presto il ferro vera fora, tocandolo con li tuoi dita et presto guarirai, per dei gratia. Item aqua per medicare et guarire le predette ferrite. Torai aqua chiara e netta et benedissela 3 volte ala fila et dirai prima il pater noster per ogni volta e fa di essere senza peccato m[ortal]e e senza arme adosso et quando medicherai chel paciente abia perdonato al offeso et dica il pater noster et l’ave maria et bagnerai le pezze in ditta aqua et metti sun la ferrita in + et medica 2 volti al giorno finche li e guarito. Et questa e l’oratione che si dire sopra al aqua, vz., ‘In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. + Al nome di dio e dela sancta trinita et per quella santa notte che la gloriosa vergine maria partori yehsu christo benedetto. Christo naque, mori et resuscito, et comando a tutte quelle ferrite che fussino ben salde et ben guarite senza freddo, senza caldo, senza sangue, senza marza et senza nervo tagliato e senza osso maghagnato, senza febre e senza morte et senza vera un altra malatia et cossi comando la gloriosa vergine maria. Aqua chiara et a ogni aqua che generi ogni liquore et precioso unguento che ci entrasse come feci yehsu christo et la sua dolce madre vergine maria. Et per queste e quelle parolle che tu dicesti insul legno dela sancta + cossi poniate la virtu v[ost]ra yehsu christo in questa benedetta aqua che guarischa il famulo ut famula tua A, in nomine del P[adre] + et del filiolo et delo sp[irit]o + santo, amen + + +.’ Et non preterire l’ordine bono ditto di sopra et questa aqua conservela che la e sempre bona per guarire ogni ferrita o taglio inla virtu di jesu christo. E di provata. Item a cavare uno spino fora dela carne. Torai radice di canna verde e lardo, ana, et pesta insieme et caldo meti sun la pontura e vera fora sun lo enpiastro e falo piu volte. E di probato.