[English translation] Another. It is powerful for pains of the uterus in women. In whatever condition they are, either healthy or sick, they are soon cured. Another. It is powerful in coldness of the uterus because anointing with it and drinking it causes menstruation at its normal time. Another. It is powerful in prolapse of the uterus caused by coldness. If the uterus is rubbed with cotton wool many times it will be retained and cured. Another. It is powerful in kidney pain and backache in any person or animal when the place is rubbed with the oil and when a poultice is made by adding ammonium chloride to the oil and some warming herbs, flowers and roots, such as male wormwood, hyssop, creeping thyme, southernwood, mint, sage, flowers of pennyroyal, laurel, gentian root and basil seed. Another. It is powerful in fistulas or abcesses that do not come to a head, by adding roots of white lily, rue, egg yolk and white onions cooked under the ashes and incorporated as a liquid. It rapidly helps them and may cure. Another. It is powerful in spenetics, that is those who have hardening of the spleen through too much coldness, because it increases humidity and reheats the spleen gently when it is rubbed and the warm oil is drunk. Another. It is powerful in congestion of the head and nose caused by coldness wherever there is impediment and if the eyes are watering and the nares are full of thick matter. The patient should be rubbed and should drink the oil. If the patient eats a great deal of salt without anything else, little by little, and afterwards drinks this oil, soon he will be freed. If the patient sneezes when eating the salt or if he simply eats it, he will be cured. It is better if the salt is drunk with theriac. This is tested and true. Another. It is powerful in coldness of the head. Rubbing the head with the oil wonderfully rewarms the brain and comforts it. Another. It is powerful in amnesia. The lost memory is recovered if the oil is rubbed directly on the parts of the head where the power of memory is located. If you first put a little rose vinegar with this oil, it is said that it is more powerful but it must be rubbed before and after the vinegar is added. Another. It is powerful against toothache in all ways because the pain is given up through its heating when the gums are rubbed with this. Another. It is powerful in congestion of the lungs because it purges the congestion that causes the chest cough. It helps the person who is coughing, whether it is a dry or soft cough, so one should drink this oil and rub the chest with it very warm. Another. It is powerful in the dry or soft cough in what is called stricture of the chest. Therefore it helps wonderfully in such distress because if enough of this oil is drunk tepid, it resolves the congested humors and comforts the interior parts and opens the channels of the lungs very effectively. Another. It is powerful in tearing of the eyes. Rubbing the eyelids with it dries them. It is more powerful in swelling of the eyes and the pain and redness through swelling and excess of blood. Another. It aids the eyesight of every person or other animal, either old or young. Mix this oil with some bastard lovage and fennel seed and drink it repeatedly and soon you will have good eyesight. Another. It is powerful against scrofulas by rubbing it on warm. If they are broken open, press this oil therein. Another. It is powerful against every poisonous bite, that is of scorpions, wasps, bees or spiders. Rub the bite with the warm oil. Another. It is powerful against syncope, that is against the weakness of the heart and stomach, if it is drunk, although in this distress one may want theriac and good wine. Another. It is useful for fishermen who fish in the sea, pond, lake or rivers, if the nets are rubbed with the oil with a little musk because as they smell such a sweet odor many fish will be taken. Another. It is powerful for those who have dysentery with diarrhea. Drink some of it and eat it with knot grass mixed with flour and cooked on the grill or in a pan. It is powerful for those who spit blood and urinate it and for those where the blood is collected in the head because of an abcess or blow. The place should be rubbed well with warm oil. Another. It is powerful for blood which has come in the eye. Put juice of dill with the oil and rub both temples and on the head where through too much coldness the brain has lost the power to see from the eyes and they are tearing heavily. Therefore, who drinks this is known to have a good head that is warm and dry and not humid with excess coldness. Another. It is powerful against cracks and fissures when it is applied frequently to the place. Also it is very powerful as a poultice with juice of dill. Another. It is powerful against the dry itch. Rubbing with warm oil sends it away rapidly. Another. It is powerful against sores or scabs in men or women. By rubbing with the warm oil in the morning and evening you will soon be cured. Be careful what you eat. ---------- [Italian transcript] Item. Vale ali dolori dela matrice a donne in qualunque etta siano o sane o inferme presto guarischano. Item . Vale ala frigidita dela matrice perche provoca il mestruo per se ritenuto inanti al tempo suo naturale per la untione e beverne. Item. Vale al dissendere dela matrice per causa frigida e sia onta con bambaso sia lei ritenuta per molte volte e guarira. Item. Vale al dolore dele rene e del fil dela schiena di ciascuna persona overo animale, onde li loco e da essere onto et fattoli uno impiastro agingendo al dito olio, sale armoniaco et dele erbe e fiori e radice calide como e di assentio maschio, ysopo, serpillo, abrotano, menta, salvia, fiori di pulegio, lauro, radice di gentiana e seme di basilico. Item. Vale a fistule o posteme che non fussino mature, agiongendovi radice di gillio bianco, ruta, rosso d’ovo, cipolla bianca cotta sotto ala cenere e incorporato e liquido presto li giova e lo guarisse. Item. Vale ali splenetici, cioe a quelli che anno la dureza dela milza per tropa frigidita perche presto la fa humido et suuavemente la riscalda, ongendola et bevendo del ditto olio caldo. Item. Vale ala oppilacione del cervello e naso per causa frigida et venga dove si voglia lo impedimento et a chi li lacrimasse li ochi o che le narise siano piene di volagine filvente per untione et bibitione et se esso paciente mangia molto del sale senza altro a poc a poco se dopo lo bevere di questo modo di tale olio presto sera liberato o che lo paciente stranuda lo sale mangiando simplizamente mangiando sera liberato et e meglio che triacha bevta questo del sale. E provata e vero. Item. Vale ala frigidita del capo, ongendo con dito olio sopra’l cervello e mirabilmente riscalda il cervello e lo conforta. Item. Vale ala oblivione, ricuperando la memoria perduta se con ditto olio se ongera le parte dritto del capo dove e la virtu dele memoria et se con esso olio meterai una poco di aceto roxata si dice che piu vale, ma inanti e dipoi si debe confrigare. Item. Vale contra al dolore di dente in tutti i modi perche si da il dolore per la sua calefatione, ongendo con esso le giengive. Item. Vale ala oppilatione del polmone perche lo purga dela quale oppilatione ne causa la tosse nel petto che giova al homo tossendo o sia la tosse seche o molle onde si debe bevere di esso olio e ongere il petto ben caldo. Item. Vale ala tosse secha o molle la quale e a dimandata strectura di petto. Onde mirabilmente soviene a tale passione impero che se di esso olio ne sia assa[i] bevto tiepido rissolve li humori congelati e conforta le parte interriore e apre i canali di esso polmone molto valorosamente. Item. Vale ale lachrime deli occhii, ongendo le palpebre e molto li rassuga et piu vale ale infiasone deli occhii et loro dolori et ala rosseza per infiasone et per la abondantia del loro sangue. Item. Vale ala vista di ciascuna persona o de altro animale o vechio o giovine se con esso olio li mescolerai del siler montano e seme di finochio et ne bevi spesso et in breve ti fara bona vista. Item. Vale contra ale scroffule, ongendole caldo et se sono rotte buttavi drento del ditto olio. Item. Vale contra ad ogni morso velenoso, cioe de scropioni, vespe, api o ragno, ongendo col ditto olio e caldo. Item. Vale contra ala sincope, cioe contra ala debilita del core e stomaco se di esso ne bevi abenche a tale passione voglia la triacha e bon vino. Item. Vale ali pescatori che pescano in mare, stagno, lago o fiumi se le reti serano onti con ditto olio mescolatovi in prima um poco di muscho perche como sentano tale suave odore, molti pessi preanderano. Item. Vale a quelli che anno il pondo con la ussita, bevtone al quanto et mangiane con corezola impastata con farina cotta ala braxa overo in padella. E vale a quelli che sputano sangue e a quelli che lo pissano et a chi il sangue egli e calliato in la testa per causa di postema o percossa e pero il loco sia bene onto e caldo. Item. Vale al sangue il quale e venito inel ochio, metendovi drento del ditto olio con suco di aneto et se seranno onte tutte 2 le tempie et sopra il cervello quando per tropa frigidita di cervello e distemperamento se la virtu del vedere deli occhii et essi spesso lachrimano. Onde chi beve questo si cognosse chi a bono cervello, cioe calido e seco conveniente et in esso non abonda et in esso non humidita con superfluita frigida. Item. Vale ali crepati e sgonfiati et per frequente ontione sopra’l loco. Etiam con impiastro e suco di aneto molto vale. Item. Vale contra ala rogna secca, ongendo con lo ditto olio e caldo presto la manda via. Item. Vale contra ale morise overo creste a homo over donna, ongendo con lo ditto olio caldo matina e sera. Conservandoti dela bocha, presto guarirai.