[English translation] The virtues of this oil of the philosophers. First it is useful for all distress from cold or phlegm. Also it is valuable in all problems of the ears and kills worms in children when the wrists are bathed with it. Also it is useful in paralysis by drinking some of it and bathing the limbs of the patient. Also it is useful in cold sciatica by rubbing with it very warm. Also it is powerful for the spleen when prepared gum ammoniac is added. Then rubbing repeatedly with this oil very warm in a short time takes out distress and clears up the spleen quickly. Also it is useful to resolve all hard abcesses. Also it is effective in a seizure, placing some in the mouth or in the nose. Also it helps the memory when the fontanel of the head is rubbed with it. Also it is powerful to draw out a dead baby by putting this oil with wet cloths in the vagina and also on the private parts. It kills the worms inside. And also it has many other virtues that I do not write here through not having more knowledge, and this is enough. Prepared oil of yellow sulfur. Take some pieces of tiles or of flat tiles, paving tiles or curved tiles that have not touched water and make small pieces of them like chestnuts or beans. Bake them hot so they become very red. Then quench them in ordinary oil at least 2 times. Then grind them and make very fine powder. Put it in a retort in a large still and use it in the usual way and distill oil with a slow fire. This oil according to the philosophers is called plain olio laterino . Put this oil in a pan of iron or a frying pan and if the oil is up to one pound, add another pound of powered yellow sulfur and stir well together with a rod of wood until it becomes like honey and put this liquor on a marble slab. Cut it up as finely as the size of beans. Then put it back in the retort and let it putrefy for 3 days. Distill it with the retort of the still on ashes and first keep the fire low. Begin increasing the flames little by little until all has distilled and it will be made. Then distill it on a hot bath and in this way you will have oil of sulfur and at the bottom of the pot it will be ruby red. Distill it in the retort with a very hot fire and you will have oil of sulfur like a ruby in all its perfection. Another way to prepare oil of sulfur. Take 12 lb. of good quality salt and grind it finely and put it in a stone vessel and put thereon some warm water so it is all dissolved. Then pour it through felt until it becomes clear. Then thicken it on a slow fire and use enough fire so it precipitates. Then form it into a rod and grind it anew and make it into very fine powder. Again put it in a stone vessel and dissolve it in water and collect this in a glass vessel. Take powdered yellow sulfur and soak it 7 times in this water, mixing and drying it in the sun 7 times. Put this in a retort and distill it with a slow fire into a large receptacle. The first distillation will come out as clear water and does not have much power. Then the red oil will come out and you should increase the fire until all of this comes out and it will be made. But first put your distillation to age for 6 days and you will have prepared oil of sulfur. ---------- [Italian transcript] Le virtu del ditto olio filosophorum. Imprima vale a tutte le passione fredde e flematiche. Item, vale ale passione dele orechie et occidi vermi deli putti et bagnandone li polsi. Item, vale ala paralesia a berne aliquando et bagnandone il membro paciente. Item, vale ala siaticha frigida con esso ongendo ben caldo. Item, vale ala milza posto in ditto olio armoniaco preparato. Et poi ongersi spesso con esso olio ben caldo, in breve tempo la la dissecha et la rissolve presto e bene. Item, vale a rissolvere tutte le posteme dure. Item, vale al mal caducho posto ve ne in bocha overo inel naso. Item, vale ala memoria, ongendo con esso la fontanella del capo. Item, vale atrare una creatura morta, posto el ditto olio con pezze bagnate nela n[atur]a et etiam inel c[onn]o et li uccide li bachi drento. Et etiam a de molte altre virtu che qui non scrivo per non avere piu cognitione e questo basta. Olio del solfero gialo artificiato. Rx. deli pecci de mattone o de embrici matonelli o coppi li quali non abino tocho aqua et ne farai peci minuti como castegne o fave et fali a roventare che vengano ben rossi. Poi li smorcerai inel olio comune al manco per 2 volti. Poi li pesterai et ne farai polvere sutilissima. Poi la meti in una bozza al quanto storta et la comoderai secondo il suo ordinario et la farai stillare olio pur con foco lento. Et questo olio secondo li filosophi si chiama olio laterino semplice. Il quale olio tu lo meterai in una padela di ferro over tegame et se l’olio sera una libra, mettivi un altra lb. de solfero gialdo fato in polvere et lo mesta bene insieme con una stecha di legno tanto chel diventi come mele del qual liquore tu lo metterai sopra a una lastra di marmoro. Poi lo taglia minuto como fave. Poi lo rimeti in bozza et mettilo in putrefatione per 3 di. Poi lo destilla per cenere con bozza storta et prima li darai il foco lento. Poi andarai cressendo il foco galiardo a poc a poco tanto che tutta nescha e sera fatto. Poi lo destillerai per bagno forte et a questo modo tu averai l’olio del solphero et in fondo del orinale sera molto rubicondissimo. Poi lo retifica per bozza storta con foco fortissimo et averai olio del solfero come un rubino e in tutta perfetione bono. Item a farlo a un altro modo el ditto olio del solphero artificiato. Rx. del sale de sale degna lb. 12 e pestila sutila e metila in uno vaso di pietra et mettivi suso del aqua calda che tutta se distrugia. Poi la destilla per feltro tanto che la diventi chiara. Poi falla coagulare con lento foco. Poi li darai tanto foco che ella si fonda. Poi la buterai in una verga et poi di novo tu la ripesti et ne farai polvere sutilissima. Poi la metterai su una pietra a dissolvere in aqua et questa la ricoglie in vaso di vetro. Poi torai lo solfero giallo fato in polvere et inbibelo 7 volte in ditta aqua inbibendo et tridando dissicando sempre al sole per 7 volte. Et lo meterai in ritorta et destilla con lento foco con uno recipiente grande et prima veracano aqua chiara quel a non vale molto. Poi vera l’olio rosso e tu fortifica il foco tanto chel nesca tutto e sera fatto. Ma prima meterai la tua storta in putrefacione per 6 di et averai l’olio del solfero artificiato.