[English translation] Against gouty sciatica, lavage and ointment that will cure it rapidly. Take 1 ounce each of sage, tamarind, betony, burdock, valerian, burnet saxifrage, rue, holy thistle, wormwood, wild wormwood, mint, sweet balm, catmint, mountain mint, pennyroyal, artemisia, celery, creeping thyme, hyssop, box tree, fresh anise and laurel berries, all of good quality and collected at the right time. Boil all in 3 flasks of good and potent red wine until it reduces 1/3. Then strain the wine through linen cloth and press the herbs well and save them apart as you still have to use them. Put in the collation the fats written here, viz., 2 ounces each of donkey fat, fox fat, badger fat, old chicken fat and goose fat and 1 lb. of ordinary oil, the oldest you can possibly find, and 1 ounce each of rock rose gum, bdellium and myrrh. All these should be coarsely cut. Put everything together in the boiled liquid and put it again on the fire and boil it for one half hour or more. Then remove it from the fire and let it cool and collect all that fat on the top and save this in a glass bottle as something valuable. Put the herbs that you have boiled again into the wine and let them stay there as long as you wish. When you want to use this lavage with the herbs in it, warm it well and wash the thigh or the leg on the inflamed and painful place of the sciatica, wherever it is. Wash the place well so it becomes very warm. Dry it well with warm cloths. Then anoint it with the warm oil that you have saved. Wet stupes in this lavage, very warm, and put them on the ointment where it is painful. Cover them with warm cloths and wrap well. Do this 2 or 3 times a day, because the more times you do it, the sooner you will be cured. Continue this for at least 15 days. If you want to put some of these warm herbs on the sore place in the form of a poultice, it will help you when you are rewarming the stupes time after time. If you do this repeatedly, you will achieve a cure sooner for this lavage above all is comforting, restorative and drying. By keeping to the rules described above and by means of divine aid and with faith you will soon be cured. Watch what you eat. Do not eat things bad for you such as pork. One man was cured through God's grace who for 5 years had gone on 2 crutches with sciatica in both legs and he kept to the rules and was cured and freed expeditiously and walks joyously. Another, a beverage for sciatica. Take 1 ounce each of flowers of tamarind, of borage, of bugloss and of St. John's wort, picked at the right time and dried in the shade, 2 ounces of the herb St. John's wort, 2 drams each of mastic and turbith and 2 ½ drams of cinnamon. Boil all these things in 5 flasks of good white wine and boil it very slowly until it reduces 1/3. Then strain it carefully and let it stay in the sun for 4 days. In the evening when you go to sleep and in the morning before you get up, drink 3 ounces, warm. This will make you feel very youthful. When you strain it, be sure it is clear and save it in a glass flask, well sealed. Every morning say this prayer, viz. “ '+ Today you will be with me in paradise. My Lord why have you forsaken me? Mother behold your son.' Then you said, 'Disciples here is your mother. I thirst. I commend my spirit, Lord, into your hands. It is finished.' In the name of the Father, + Son + and Holy Spirit +. Amen. He who was freed from all iniquities to him, he is the one who heals all your infirmities. Amen.” ---------- [Italian transcript] Contra ala gotta sciaticha, bagnolo e ontione che presto la guarisse. Rx. salvia e tramarino, bertonicha, berbena, valeriana, pinpinella, ruta e cardo sancto, assentio e taneda, menta e melissa, niepita, calamento, pulegio, artimisia, appio, serpullo, ysopo e bosso, anesi crudi e robache di lauro, ana onza j et tutte elette e colte con bon modo. Et li farai bolire tutte in 3 fiaschi di vino rosso chel sia bono e potente tanti che cali il terzo. Poi cola el ditto vino con peza lina et preme le erbe al quanto et li serba da parta che anche li a adoperare et metterai questi grassi in ditta colatura que sotto scritti, vz. Grasso d’asino, grasso di volpe, grasso di tasso, grasso di galina vechia e grasso di ocha, ana onze ij, et olio comune del vechio piu che sia possibile a trovare lb. j e laudano, bedelio e mirra, ana onza j et tutte siano rotte di grosso. Et meterai ogni cosa insieme in ditta bolitura et rimettilo al foco et falo bolire per una meza ora o piu. Poi levelo dal foco et lasselo raffredare et riccoglierai tutto quello grasso di sopra et serbalo como cosa cara in alberello invitriato. Et quelle erbe che tu ai fatto bolire rimetteli inel ditto vino et lassaveli ivi stare quanto che a te pare. Et quando tu vorai adoperare el ditto bagno con le erbe drento fallo scaldare bene et lavati la cossa o la gamba del loco appassionato e dolorato dela siaticha et sia dove si voglia, lava bene il loco e chel sia ben caldo. Poi la sugherai bene con panni caldi. Et poi la ongerai bene col grasso che tu ai serbato chel sia caldo. Et poi bagnerai dele stoppe inel ditto bagno et che le siano ben calde et metteli sopra al onto dove e la doglia con sopra pezze calde et bene infassato. Et a questo modo farai 2 o 3 volte al giorno perche con piu volte lo fai piu presto tu guarirai. Et lo continua al manco de 15 giorni. Et se a te paresse di metere sopra al male dele ditte erbe calde a modo de impiastro, poi che tu averai onto, meglio ti giovera che le stoppe, facendole volta per volta riscaldare et con piu spesse volte tu la farai, piu presto guarirai per essere questo un bagno di tutte cose confortative, restretive e dissechative et tenendo l’ordine sopra detto et mediante lo adiutorio divino et con fede presto guarirai. Et conservati dela bocha e non mangiare cose contrarie, ne carne porcina. Et uno homo e guarito per dei gratia che 5 anni era andato con 2 crozole per avere la siaticha in tutti doi le scie et non a preterito l’ordine de niente e de guarito, libero e spedito e va galliardo. Item. Bevanda per la ditta siaticha. Torai fiore di tramarino e di boragine e di buglossa e di preforata e colti al tempo suo e fatti seccare al ombra, ana onza j, et del erba preforata onze ij, mastice e turbiti, ana drame ij, e cinamomo drame ijs. Et tutte queste sopra dette cose falle bolire in vino bianco bono fiaschi no. 5 et falo bolire pian piano tanto che cali il terzo. Poi lo cola sutilmente et lasselo stare 4 giorni al sole et la sera quando vai a dormire et la matina avanti che tu ti levi ne berai onze iij. E chel sia al quanto caldo il quale ti fara grandissimo giovamento. Et quando lo coli, fa chel sia chiaro et lo conserva in fiascho di vetro ben turrato. Et dirai ogni matina questa oratione, viz. “ ‘+ Hodie me cum eris in paradisum. Hely, hely, lama zabatani. Mulier ecce filius tuus.’ Deinde dicisti, ‘Discipulo ecce mater tua. Scicio. In manus tuas domine comendum spiritum meum. Consumatum est.’ In nomine Patris + et filii + et spiritus sancti + amen. Qui propiciatur omnibus iniquitatibus eius, qui sanat omnes infirmitates tuas, Amen +.”