[English translation] Another. It is powerful in asthma when given to drink with wine where agrimony has been cooked. Another. It gladdens the heart when it is drunk in a glass of 2 fingers of malvasia on an empty stomach, given each time with 6 drops of this oil. It preserves the natural humidity and augments and fortifies it. Another. It is powerful in lepra when given to drink with water of fumitory or of spiced cherry plums. It removes gray hair when given to drink with water of endive and of betony.... 143 Another. It cures every problem of the head and kills lice when used with water of marjoram. The lice will not return. Another. It cures every headache, migraine, dizziness and scolomia with water of bugloss and of sweet balm. It also cleans the swelling, called lethargy, that comes in the head. When given with water of purging lily, it purges the head. Another. It improves memory when given with water of fennel and and enhances the intellect and makes one sleep when given with water of the juice of white poppy. It removes melancholy when given to drink with water of borage or of bugloss. Another. It is powerful in apoplexy when given with brandy, first after the usual purgation. Another. It is powerful against weakness of the sight with water of fennel or bastard lovage. Another. It is powerful against vomiting with water of quince. If there is vomiting of blood, it is given with water of plantain and of shepherd's purse. Another. It is powerful in every venomous bite, given with water of wormwood. Another. It is powerful in piles and in other distress of the rear, with water of mullein or tansy. Another. It is powerful in all abcesses of the liver and in dropsy, with water of endive. It is more powerful for the spleen with water of tamarisk. Another. It is powerful in the illness of the stone and in kidney problems, with water of radish and of caltrop. Dropsy may be cured better when it is given with water of orris root and honey. Also this oil has many more virtues that are not named here. But note well that this oil is very valuable in the above-mentioned infirmities and it cures all kinds of fevers, quartan, continuous and quotidian and even all sores, ulcers and fistulas. It removes scrofulas and one can cut off swellings with this oil without a knife and also every bad growth. Note that when you wish to give this oil for quartan fever, dip a feather from a hen in it and rinse it in a glass of water of bugloss and give that to the sick person to drink before the paroxysm. But with the sores, they need to be bathed with a feather dipped in the oil. Then put on an unguent and it cures every sore rapidly. When you wish to rub for pain of the head, rub where it hurts with the tip of the finger and rub it as much as the patient can stand. Then give a dose of this oil on an empty stomach with good malvasia wine or with a water appropriate for headache. This is enough to have said, imparting some of the virtues of oil of sulfur which have been tested as true by worthy physicians. These are secrets that are not among the common people, so the profit is not removed for one who knows these secrets. However, if they are kept only in one little place, they are not of any value to you. *Another. To make teeth clean and white use one part of this with one part of water of mastic or of myrtle. ---------- [Italian transcript] Item. Vale contra allo hasmo, datto a bere con vino [d]ove sia cotta drento agrimonia. Item. Letifica il core bevto con malvasia a stomaco digiuno 2 dita per volta con sei giocce del ditto olio in un bichiere. Et conserva lo humido radicale et lo augumento e fortifica. Item. Vale ala lepra datto a bere con aqua di fumo terre o di mirabolani conditi. Et rinove li capelli canuti datto a bere con aqua de endivia o di bertonicha. Item. Guarisse a ogni difetto di testa e amarza li pidochi con aqua di magiorana et piu non tornerano. Item. Guarisse a ogni dolore di testa et de emigranea e vertigine et scolomia con aqua di buglossa et di melissa. Et etiam purga la postema ditta littargia che viene nel celebro, datto con aqua de gillio purgato, purgato il capo. Item. Coregie la memoria, datto con aqua de finochio et giova alo inteletto et fa dormire con aqua di suco di papavero bianco. Et rimove la malinconia datto ha bere con aqua di boragine overo di buglossa. Item. Vale ala apoplexia datto con aqua de vita, fata prima la purgatione ordinaria. Item. Vale contra ala debilita del vedere con aqua de finochio o de siler montano. Item. Vale contra al vomito con aqua citoniorum, et se fusse vomito con sangue li sia datto con aqua di piantagine et de borsa pastoris. Item. Vale ad ogni morso velenoso con aqua de assentio. Item. Vale ale morise et ad altre passione di sotto con aqua di tasso barbasso o de mile foglie. Item. Vale ad ogni appostematione del fegato et ala ydropsya con aqua de indivia e piu vale ala milza con aqua de tamariso. Item. Vale al male di pietra et passione de reni con aqua de raffano e de tribuli marini. E piu guarisse lo ydropico datto con aqua de irios e mele. Et etiam el sopra detto olio a de molte altre piu virtu, le quale non sono qui nominate. Ma notta bene chel ditto olio in fisicha molto vale ale sopra dette infermita et guarisse tutte le sorte febre, quartana, continua et cotidiana et etiam tutte le piaghe, canchri e fistole. E cavare scrophole et tagliare anguinallie con esso olio e senza ferro et etiam ogni mal nassente. Notta quando tu vorai dare dito olio per febre quartana intinge una penna di galina e lavela in uno bichiere di aqua de buglosa et dala a bere da malato avanti al parasismo. Ma ale piaghe vogliano essere bagnate con la penna tinta in ditto olio et poi si mette sopra lo unguento et guarisse presto ogni piagha. Et quando vorai ongere il dolore dela testa, onge dove ti dole con la ponta del dito te tanto li frega quanto il paciente pole sofferire. Poi li darai una presa del ditto olio con bona malvasia overo con aqua appropriata al male dela testa dato a stomaco digiuno. Et questo basta aver detto im parte dele virtu del olio del solfero le quale di i valenti medici sono statte experimentate vere e aprobate e questi sono secreti che non sono tra’l u’voglo accio chel non sia tolto il guadagno a chi sa tali secreti e pero si tengano in poco loco non altro valeti. *Item. A far li denti bianchi et netti, parte una di questo con parte una d’acqua de lentischio ho de mortella.