[English translation] Another. It is powerful to cure every sickness of pregnancy by giving the mother one scruple to drink with 2 fingers of waters of betony and feverfew. Another. It is powerful to cure irritation in the bladder by giving it with water of honey. It is also powerful for those who are not able to urinate when it is given as a drink with a decoction of garlic. Another. It is powerful in toothache. Put 8 drops with as much garlic juice and put it warm on the tooth that hurts. Another. It is powerful in cough. Give it with a wine decoction of mallow or of hyssop and of nettle seed. Another. It is useful for asthmatics when it is given with water of orris root and honey. It is effective in scrofulas when given to drink with a little water of scrophularia. Another. It is powerful to cure canker when given and mixed with water of the herb cancharina and this oil. If it is given to drink by mouth, it should be tempered until it has a sour taste and then it can be drunk. It cures the plague when 1 dram is given to drink with 3 ounces of water of burdock. Another virtue of this oil. It heals all sores, old and new in this way. Boil in wine all these things, that is, oak leaves, burnet saxifrage, root of greater centaury and of crushed greater comfrey. Sieve this and put in some of this oil and mix these carefully together. Take some fine white linen cloths and wet them in this composition and put them on the sores in the evening and morning and the wounds and sores will be gone quickly. This oil is used for drinking in medicine and in surgery. It is called the 'Green Lion.' When you want to make it, use all your diligence in preparing it. Grind the Roman vitriol finely and place it in the retort and make the fire very temperate and low. Learn to collect the distillate quickly so that you do not lose the gases which are easily exhaled. Learn to save it when you change receptacles and to be quick and keep it well covered. You have in it a cure that will bring you honor in all the above infirmities. It has been tested. Note that the first oil contains part of the elements of water and of fire, but the second which is reddish contains nothing of water because you have removed that first and have left all of the element of fire. The major virtue for all things is not in the first oil and you should be aware of this in treating with it. In hardening the red oil does not have equal and does its work quickly and effectively. This has been shown. Some say that if the fire is strengthened under the first retort, then the element of fire may come out in the first oil that is extracted, but the fire would need to be lively. I have not tested this and I leave it to you to research more about that. I have done all that I have said to you and have given the rules. We were 3 companions and we made this oil together. Oil of talc prepared for a white complexion. Take 6 lb. of talc and 6 ounces each of saltpeter and tartar from white wine made into fine powder. Put everything in a non-vitreous pot, making layer on layer of talc and the powder. Then put on the cover and tie it with iron wire and seal it on very well above and below. When it is dry put it to calcine in the furnace for bricks or the oven for calcining. When it is cold, remove it and grind the talc in a bronze mortar and make fine powder. Then put it on a marble slab and put it in a humid place where animals and wild beasts are not able to go and let it stand until it is converted to water. Then distill this water in a glass retort on a slow fire and the oil will come out. This will make you esteemed because its virtues are not all obvious but a great treasure is found in this oil. Men are rare who have such a secret. In all the beauties of the body and the hardening to which you put it, it will bring you honor.... 146 ---------- [Italian transcript] Item. Vale a sanare ogni male de madre dandone a bere uno scropulo con 2 dita de aqua di bertonicha et di matricharia. Item. Vale a sanare la scuriacione dela vissicha dandone con aqua di mele. Et etiam vale a chi non pole horinare dandone a bere con dicotione d’aglio. Item . Vale al dolore de li denti, messidandovi otto giocce con aloro tanto de suco di aglio, metendolo caldo insul dente che duole. Item. Vale ala tosse dandone con vino de dicotione di malva o di ysopo e di seme di ortica. Item. Vale ali asismattici, datta con aqua di irios e di mele. Et vale ale scrophole dandone a bere um poco con aqua de scrophularia. Item. Vale a sanare il cancro datto e misto con aqua di erba cancharina et del ditto olio. Se li da per bocha da bere et deba si temperare tanto che abia sapore de agresta e che si possa bere. Et sana la peste dattone da bere drama j con onze iij di aqua de barbena. Item la virtu del ditto olio. Sana tutte le piaghe vechie e nove in questo modo. Farai bolire in vino tutte queste cose, cioe folie di cerqua, pimpinella e radice di centaurea magiore e di consolida magiore de chianda amacata. Et in questa colatura ponvi del olio preditto et misto diligentamente insieme. Et piglia dele pezze bianche line suttile et bagnele in ditta composicione. Et mettele sopra ale piaghe sera e matina et guarira le ferrite e le piaghe e presto. Et questo olio vale tanto quanto loro potabile in fisicha et in cirusia. Et chiamasi leon verde. Et quando lo voi fare meteli tutta la tua diligentia in prepararlo. Inpestarlo suttile et accomodarlo in la bozza et darli il foco temperatissimo e lento et saperlo ricogliere e presto chel non perda li spiriti perche facilmente exalano. Et saperlo conservare quando lo adoperi et essere presto et tenerlo ben coperto. Et abine cura chel ti fara honore in tutte le sopra dette infermita per essere aprobato. Nota chel primo olio tiene parte delo elemento del aqua et del foco. Ma questo secundo il quale e rubbificato non tiene niente di aqua perche tu nel ai cavata da dosso de prima e de rimasto tutto in elemento di foco e pero a magiore virtu e possanza in tutte le cose che non ne il primo. Et pero inel adoperarli tu ne sia advertito. Et inel congelare questo rosso non a pari e presto fa l’opera sua valentamente senza tardare. E di provata. Alcuni dicano che se si rinforzasse il foco sotto ala prima bozza, poi che egli e cavato el primo olio chel ne ussirebe lo elemento del foco ma vorebe il foco galiardo. Questo io non lo provato et a voi lasso il ricircare piu in drento. Quello che io o fatto tutto vel o ditto et l’ordine che io o tenuto. Noi eravamo 3 compagni e femo arezzo el ditto olio. Olio del talcho composto per carnasone biancha. Rx. talcho lb. vj e sal nitro e tartaro de vin bianco, ana onze vj, fatto in polvere suttile et meterai ogni cosa in una pignata non vitriata et farai stratto sopra stratto col talcho e con le polvere. Poi la copri col suo coperchio et leghela con file di ferro et luttela bene tutta sotto e sopra e sutta che sera metila a calcinare in la fornace de mattoni o de calcina et quando la e freda tu la cavi et pesterai il talcho minuto inel bronzo et fane polvere suttile. Poi la meti sopra al marmoro et metila in loco humido che animali ne bruttura non li possi andare et lasselo stare tanto chel si converti in aqua. Poi destillerai questa aqua con bozza di vetro e a lento foco et ne ussira l’olio et de esso tene farai cunto, impero che le sue virtu non si possono manifestare per il gran tesoro che in esso olio se ritrova. Et li homini son rari che anno tal secreto et in tutte quelle beleze dela persona et congelatione che tu lo metterai el ti fara honore.