[English translation] Against the pain of the gouts, warm and cold. Take 2 lb. of the herb swallow wort, or celandine, early in the morning when it has the dew on it, during the half moon, and cut it minutely and take 1 lb. of clarified honey and put them together in a vessel and seal it well. Put it under warm horse manure for 20 to 30 days. Then remove it and pour out carefully the little water that is in the vessel and save it. It is good for fistulas and cankers. Wet some cloths and put them on the sores, but first wash the sores and then put on some brutto bon ointment, that is the dark diachylon , and you will cure this sickness. Then take the remainder that is in the vessel and distill it in a glass flask on the bain marie with a slow fire and extract from it limpid and clear water and save this. Wet fine linen cloths in this water and put them on the painful place with the warm or cold gout. By continuing to put on wet cloths the pain is greatly reduced. After this you can give the patient his meal which should be moderate. He should be conservative in everything and not disorderly and, with the aid of God, the pain from gout will soon cease. In this way you will cure gout or fistula or canker. Another to mitigate the pain of gout. Take 1 handful each of elder leaves and leaves of the herb that is called 'Christ's eye' and boil them in good white wine. Put this warm on the painful place of gout in the form of a poultice and keep it as warm as you can, changing it several times and soon you will lift the pain of gout wherever it is. Another. It is said that if you take 3 sprouts of elder and 3 of nettle and the same amount of horsemint and cut them up and make a pancake and give it to drink or eat with very good white wine, you will help greatly in the pain of gout. Another. If you drink a glass of betony juice, in that day you will not feel gouty pain. The best beverage against the pain of gout, especially when the gout is hot in nature. Take 3 pounds of each of the following: water distilled from fumitory, from endive and from bugloss, and 3 ounces of hepatic aloe. Put the waters in a clean pot with its cover well-sealed so that nothing escapes and boil it very slowly until it is reduced in half or more. Then strain it through a fine sieve and save it for your needs. When the pain of gout comes, give 3 ounces of it to drink warm early in the morning in the form of a syrup. Give it each morning as long as the pain of gout lasts and for those other pains that will come later. Do this little by little and, with the aid of God, soon one will be freed so no more pains will come and one will not be crippled. Against the pain of gout, the best and perfect laxative. Take ½ dram of good quality turbith, 1 dram each of colchicum and ginger, 3 drams of dwarf elder and 1 lb. of sugar. Dissolve everything together and reduce it to the form of a confection or electuary. If you want it to be more laxative, add 1 dram of purging bindweed. Take about 3 drams of this in the evening or in the morning. It will make you go easily and without discomfort. Also you know from this that it will help you greatly. Note. To lift the pain of gout take the green wood of willow and put it in the fire and collect with care the water or foam that comes out of the head of the stick. Rub the sore place, that is where it is red, and soon it will lift the pain of gout. This has been tested.... 131 ---------- [Italian transcript] Contra al dolore dele gotte calide e frigide. Rx. erba rondinaria ut cilidonia la matina per tempo che l’abia suso la roxata in luna sema e sia lb. ij et tagliela minutamente et torai lb. j di mele purificato et meterai ogni cosa insieme in una inchistata et turela bene. Poi la meti sotto al litame caldo di cavallo per 20 o 30 giorni. Poi la cava et voterai ligermente quella pocha aqua che sera drento inela inchistara et la serva la quale e bona da medicare fistule e cancri, bagnando drento dele pezze e meterle sun le piaghe, ma che prima siano lavate. Et sopra li meterai brutto bon, cioe diaquilon il quale e negro, e guarirai del dito male. Poi torai il fondachio che e rimasto inela inchistara et falo distillare in una bozza di vetro al bagno maria con lento foco et ne caverai aqua limpa e chiara et quela conserva. Et in la ditta aqua li bagnerai drento le pezze line suttile et mettele sopra al dolore dele gotte calide ut frigide, mitiga abondato il dolore, continuandoli le pezze sopra bagnate. Et dopoi a questo li potrai dare il suo cibo il quale sua temperato et conservarsi in ogni cosa, a non fare dissordine et, con l’aiutto di dio, presto cessera il dolore dele gotte et dela fistula ut cancro, guarirai. Item a mitigare il dolore dele gotte. Torai foglie di sanbuco e foglie de erba che si chiama oculis christi ut domine, ana m. uno, et fale bolire in vino bianco bono et cose calde a modo de impiastro mettali sul dolore dela gotta e tienlo caldo piu che tu poi, mutandolo alcune volte e presto ti levera il dolore dele gotte e sia dove si voglia. Item. Si dice che se tu torai 3 coresini di sambuco e 3 di orticha e di mentastro, ana, et farle ben tagliarle e farne una fritella et darla a bere o a mangiare con bonissimo vino bianco et molto li zovera al dolore dele gotte. Item. Se tu beverai uno bichiere di suco di bertonica, in quello giorno non sentirai dolore di gotte. Contra al dolore dele gotte, bevanda optima et maxime quando sono calide di natura. Rx. queste acque stillate di fumoterre, di indivia e di buglosa, ana lb. iij, et aloe patico onze iij et mettilo in ditta aqua in una pignata nova col suo coperchio ben turato intorno che non riffiata et fala bolire pian piano tanto che si consumi la metta o piu. Poi la colerai sutilmente et la conserva ali tuoi bisogni. Et quando li viene il dolore dele gotte, dagliene a bere la matina per tempo onze iij calda a modo de syropo et dane ogni matina tanto che li dura il dolore dele gotte che queli altri dolori che averano avenire tarderano un tempo et cossi farai di man in mano et, con lo aiuto di dio, presto se ne liberera che piu dolori non li verra purche’l non sia tutto stropiato. Contra al dolore dele gotte, solutivo optimo e perfetto. Rx. turbiti eletti drama s, ermodatilorum, zinziberis, ana drama j, ezule drame iij, zuchari lb. j. Dissolvantur omnia simul et reducatur in forma confectionis sive lettuario. Et se tu lo vorai piu solutivo, agiongeli diagridi drama j et ne potrai tore la sera overo la matina intorno a drame iij, il quale ti fara andare suavemente e senza mordacita et etiam conosserai dati i stesso che molto ti giovera. Nota. A levare il dolore dele gotte, torai del legno verde di salese e metilo insul foco et quella aqua overo stiuma chel gettera fora dal capo deli sticci ricogliela con diligentia et con essa calda ongi il loco adolorato, cioe dove e il rosso. E presto ti levera il dolore dela gotta. E di provato.