[English translation] For sickness of the spleen, a wonderful ointment that lifts the pain quickly. Take 2 ounces each of laurel oil and oil of capers. In the evening when you go to sleep, rub the afflicted spleen, standing with the body before the fire and with the oil very warm. Then take a stupe and soak it in urine and make it very warm. Heat it on the fire shovel and put it on the spleen and it will help you greatly. Another ointment for induration of the spleen. Take 6 drams each of mustard powder and rue, 2 ounces each of marsh mallow and laurel oil and 1 ounce of clean wax. Make an unguent on a slow fire. In the evening, facing toward the fire, rub yourself with it very warm and put on a very warm stupe and cloth. Do this several times and you will be cured. Keep your life well regulated and use water as little as you can. Another ointment for the spleen, as above. Take 4 glasses of the oldest ordinary oil that you can find. Otherwise use as much urine from a healthy child. Add 1 handful each of rue and rusty fern. Boil everything together in a pot and reduce it 2/3. Rub yourself with this when you go to sleep. It should be warm and put on a stupe and warm cloths, well wrapped. Use this ointment every evening. By keeping yourself from adverse things, you will be cured. Another ointment to heal the spleen. Take 2 drams of mucilage from fenugreek, 2 ounces of mucilage from linseed, 1 ½ drams of mucilage from marsh mallow, 2 ½ ounces of oil of camomile, of adder's tongue fern or rusty fern, 6 drams of turpentine and 3 ounces each of laurel oil and tercia mortiaton . Boil all these things together on a slow fire and add 3 ounces of clean wax and equal amounts of oil of capers and juice of cyclamen. Rub the patient by the fire so that he is very warm and put on a stupe and warm cloths, fastened tightly, and soon you will cure him. Poultices against hardness and inflammation of the spleen. Take 1 handful each of sweet clover, camomile, rusty fern, rue, fenugreek, cumin, anise and myrtle. Boil everything together in good white wine and when it has reduced 1/4 put therein 1 lb. of very strong vinegar and let it come to a boil. Then make the poultice in this way, take 2 pieces of felt or wool cloth, as large as the hand or 2 flat sponges and soak them in the decoction that is very warm. Press them out with the hand and with this as warm as one can stand, put one on the indurated spleen and let it stay until the greatest heat has gone away. Then put on the other one hot. Do this 4 or 5 times in the evening and in the morning and the malignant illness of the spleen will be dried up. Another poultice for pain of the spleen. Take 1 handful each of bark of capers and of ash tree, that is the inner layer, and the bark of tamarisk, black maiden hair fern, white maiden hair fern, rusty fern and spleenwort. Boil them in the best white wine and very strong vinegar because the stronger it is, the better it works. Then make the poultice in the way described above and the warmer, the better. To cure the pain of the spleen in 24 hours or more. Take the bark of the walnut tree as wide and as long as the painful area. Leave it for 3 days in very strong vinegar and put thereon powder of lesser spurge. Make it warm and put it on the painful spleen, wrapped thickly. If it burns you, tolerate it as much as you can because that is a good sign of a rapid cure. *Another, a syrup for the spleen. Take 1 handful each of bugloss, liverwort, sweet balm, agrimony, spleenwort and tamarisk, ½ ounce of sweet flag, 6 ounces each of raisins and licorice, 1 ounce each of Arabian lavender, borage flowers and bugloss, ½ handful of primula and 2 lb. of sugar and make a syrup. The dose is 3 ounces with water. ---------- [Italian transcript] Al male de milza. Ontione mirabile che leva la pena e presto. Rx. olio laurino e olio de cappari, ana onze ij, et la sera quado vai a dormire ongeti la milza adolorata stando col corpo verso al foco et chel olio sia ben caldo. Poi torai dela stoppa et insuppela inella orina et fala ben scaldare et mettila insu la milza et fala scaldare sopra ala paletta del foco e molto ti zovera. Item ontione per la durezza dela milza. Rx. polvere di senape e di ruta, ana drame vj, dialtea, olio laurino, ana onze ij, cera nova onza j et farai unguento a lento foco. Et la sera volto verso al foco, ongeti chel sia ben caldo et sopra li metti stoppa e pezze che siano ben calde. Et falo piu volte e guarirai. Conservandoti del vivere, rigulato e non manezare aqua manco che tu poi. Item ontione per la milza sopra detta. Rx. olio comune del vechio piu che tu poi trovare, 4 bichieri, et oltertanta orina di putto sano et ruta e cetracha, ana m. uno, et ogni cosa farai bolire insieme in pignata et fala calare li 2/3. Et ongiti quando vai a dormire e chel sia ben caldo et sopra stoppa e panni caldi e bene infassiato. Et questa oncione la farai ogni sera. Conservandoti del viver tuo dale cose contrarie, guararai. Item ontione per guarire la milza. Rx. mucilagine di fengrego drame ij, mucilagine di seme de lino onze ij, mucilagine di malva vischio onze js, olio di camomilla e di erba argentina overo erba dorata, ana onze ijs, trementina drame vj, olio laurino, tercia mortiaton, ana onze iij, et farai bolire tutte queste cose insieme a lento foco et agiongeli cera nova onze iij e olio de capperi e suco de pan porcino, ana. Et ongerai il paciente al foco chel sia ben caldo con sopra stoppa e panni caldi e bene infassato stretto. E presto guarirai. Pittime contra ala durezza e infiamamento dela milza. Rx. melilotto, camomilla, cetracha, ruta, fiengrego, comino, anasi, mortella, ana m. uno. Et farai bolire ogni cosa insieme in vino bianco bono et quando e calato il quarto, mettivi drento aceto fortissima lb. j et lassela levare il bolore. Poi farai le pittime a questo modo. Torai 2 pezzi di feltro o di panno lana larghe quanto e tutta la mano overo 2 sponghe piane et insuppali in ditta dicotione che la sia ben calda et premali al quanto con mano. Et cosi calde calde quanto lui pol patire, metteli insu la milza indurita et lassela stare tanto che li sia passato via quel gran caldo. Poi li rimetti l’altra calda et cosi farai 4 o 5 volte la sera e la matina. Et la milza se assuttiliera dela sua velenata malitia. Item un altra pittima per il dolore dela milza. Rx. scorze di cappare e di frassino, cioe dela seconda, e scorce di tamariso, adiante, pollitrico, citraccha, scolopendia, ana m. uno. Et fale bolire in vino bianco optimo et aceto fortissima, perche con piu la e forte, fa meglio operatione. Poi farai la pittima al modo ditto disopra et con piu la e fatta calda meglio. A guarire il dolore dela milza in 24 ore o piu. Rx. la scorza del arbore dela noce che sia tanta largha e longo quanto e il dolore. Et fala stare per 3 di inel aceto fortissima et mettivi sopra polvere de turtumaglio minore. Et fala scaldare et mettila sun la milza adolorata bene infassata e stretta. Et se la ti ‘ncende tollera piu che poi che e bon segno di presto guarirne.