[English translation] *For pain in the testicles and other illnesses and swellings. Take the white of an egg and incorporate it with barley flour or bean flour and make a poultice. Put it on warm and soon your pain will be relieved. *Another for one who has swelling there. Take fresh celery and fry it in ordinary oil and rub the testicles with this and bind on the herb and soon you will be cured. *Another for the above. Take bean flour, violet juice, rose oil and bran and make a poultice and put it warm on the swollen testicles and soon they will be cured. If only one testicle is swollen, take equal amounts of goat, dog and dove dung and make a poultice of all these and put it warm on the testicle with a little oil of roses and you will cure it rapidly. *Another for the above. Take fenugreek and make powder of it and mallow and cook these and grind them with lard and butter and make a poultice. Put on some of this powder and put the warm poultice on the testicle and the pain from the swelling will soon disappear. Also take some parsnips and make a plaster and put it on warm and it will soon remove the pains. *Another in swelling of the testicles. Take oils of white lilies, of elder and of roses. Then take mashed beans cooked in wine or lye and fry them in a pan very well with the oils and then put this very warm on the sore places. *Another poultice for swollen testicles. Take turpentine, bran, fenugreek flour and powdered cumin, each the same amount, and incorporate them on a slow fire and put this warm on the sore place and you will certainly cure it. *For excoriation of the penis because of coitus or other overheating. Take 1 ½ lb. of cistern water in which is boiled 2 ounces each of wild pomegranate, cypress berries, myrtle leaves and house leek until half of this water is consumed. Then add 6 ounces of rose honey and boil this in the water again to half. Bathe the head of the penis in this water. Also human saliva and plain wine boiled together will have a similar effect. *For one who has a problem with the penis from overheating. Take 4 dinari of hepatic aloe, 1 scruple of zinc oxide and enough rose oil to make an unguent. Then spread this on a linen cloth and put it on the penis. When it is irritated inside add a little burnt rock alum. *Lavage for the penis swollen and excoriated within. Take half a glass of fine white wine and 1 handful each of pomegranate rind, ordinary rosemary and dry roses, a piece of rock alum the size of a nut, ½ handful of camomile, a little less than half a handful of sweet clover and 1 ounce of coarse sugar. Boil everything together. Then wash the outside of the penis. When the sickness is inside the penis, add a little fresh water to this boiled water and with a syringe or pump put it in the penis. *Another lavage. Take 4 ounces of barley water, 1 ounce of roses, 1 ounce of mother's milk or goat's milk and 1 dram of zinc oxide. Mix everything together and push it in the penis. *Bath for washing and strengthening the member. Take 3 drams of myrrh, 7 ounces of malvasia wine and ½ ounce of dried roses and make a lavage without boiling. *Powder for regrowing tissue in the member. Take 1 dram each of myrrh, aloe, incense, wild pomegranate, fine sugar and burnt rock alum. *Decoction for the same. Take 1 handful each of red roses and wild pomegranate, 2 handfuls each of myrtle leaves and olive leaves and 1 dram of verdigris. Grind everything together coarsely and boil it thoroughly in ordinary water. Take ½ ounce of sugar and 2 ounces each of verdigris and zinc carbonate and boil everything in a carafe of good wine until it reduces down the neck of the carafe. Then add 1 dram of verdigris and wash the penis. Then medicate it with the Apostles' unguent. Using a third of the decoction, put it warm on the swelling on the outside, so the member is washed.... 121 *Plaster for the swollen and infected penis. Take 1 handful of marsh mallow and enough ordinary violet oil and camomile and make the plaster with barley flour. First boil the mallow well and strain it well. Grind it and make the plaster of it as above. *Unguent for the ulcerated penis and infected tibias. Take 1 lb. each of lard from a red pig, pine tar, turpentine and Armenian red clay, 6 ounces of clean wax, 2 ounces of dragon's blood gum and 3 ounces of rose oil. First put the tar on the fire and melt it. Then add the wax, turpentine, the ground lard and the oil, then the powders. Incorporate them well on a slow fire for a quarter of an hour and it will be made and it is ready for use. ---------- [Italian transcript] *Al dolore di testiculi et altri mali e infiasoni. Rx. un bianco d’ovo et incorpora con farina d’orzo ut di fava et fane impiastro et caldo meti suso che presto te levera il dolore. *Item chi li avesse enfiati. Rx. appio fresco et fallo frigere in olio comune et con esso ongiti li testiculi et legati suso l’erba e presto guarirai. *Item al predetto. Torai farina di fava e suco di viole e olio rosato e semola et fane uno impiastro et caldo mettile sopra ali testiculi enfiati e presto guarira. Et se uno solo testiculo fusse enfiato, torai sterco di capra e di cane e di columbo, ana, et de tutti ne farai impiastro et caldo con un poco di olio rosato, metti sun lo testicolo e presto guarirai. *Item al predetto. Torai fengreco et fane polvere e malva et fala cosere et pestela con songia et butiro et fane impiastro et li metterai disopra di quella polvere et caldo mettilo sun lo testiculo et fallo piu volte et mandera via tutti li dolori dela infiasone. Et etiam torai delle pastinache et cosele et fane impiastro et metti suso caldo e presto ti levera via i dolori. *Item ala enfiasone di testiculi. Torai olio di gilii bianchi, olio di sambuo e olio rosato. Poi piglia fava infranta cotta in vino o lisciva et falla frigere nela padella molto bene con li ditti oleii et dopoi lo metterai sopra’l male chel sia ben caldo. *Item impiastro a testiculi enfiati. Torai termentina, remola, farina de fengreco, comino in polvere, ana, et incorpora a lento foco et caldo metti sopra’l male et del certo ne guarirai. *Ad excoriatione verghe pro[p]ter coitum ut aliam super calefationem. Rx. acqua cisterne lb. js in qua buliant balustiarum, pomorum, cipressi, fogliorum mirthe, sempre vive, ana onze ij, usque ad consumptionem medie libre ipsius acque. Postea acipe mellis rosato onze vj et fac bulire in illa acqua usque ad medietatem eius et ex dicta acqua lavater in di caput verghe. Et etiam torai saliva hominis et vinum purum si simul buliant ad consumptionem medietatis similiter operantur. *A chi avesse male al membre per troppo riscaldamento. Torai aloe patico dinari 4, tucia preparata scropulo j, olio rosato tanto quando basti a fare a modo di unguento. Poi lo stendi sopra a una peza lina et ponela sopra ala verga et quando li fusse drento taroli agiongi drento una poca di alume brusata di roca. *Lavanda per membre carolato et intus excoriato. Rx. vino bianco garbo mezo bochali e scorze di pomigranati, rosmarino modicum rose seche, ana m. uno, lume di roca quanto e una noce, camomilla m. ½, mililoto manco di mezo manipolo, zucaro grosso onza j. Fac bulire omnia simul e postea lava ab extrinseco e quando’l male fusse drento alla verga agionge la metta di acqua frescha alla detta acqua bulita et con la seringa ut gonfino et mandela dentro della verga. *Alia lavanda. Rx. acquarum ordei onze iiij, rosarum onza j, lac mulieris sive caprae onza j, tutie preparate drama j. Misse omnia simul et proice in verga. *Balneum pro lavando membre et confortando. Rx. mirra drame iij, vini malvatici onze vij, rosarum sicarum onza s et fiat balneum prius bullientur. *Pulveris ad incarnandum membrum. Rx. mirra, aloes, incensum, balaustiarum, zucari fini, haluminis roze usti, ana drama j. *Decotio ad idem. Rx. rosarum rubearum, balaustiarum, ana m. uno, foliorum mirte, foliorum olive, ana m. ij, viridis eris drama j. Omnia simul contundantur grosso modo et buliant in acqua comuni usque. Rx. zuccaro onza s, verderame, tutia, ana onze ij, e fa bolire ogni cosa insieme in una caraffa de bon vino tanto che cali tutto il collo. Poi li agiongi drama j di verderame e lava la verga. Poi medica con ungunto apostolorum ad consumptionis terza partis et calidum ponatur super carolum ab extra, id est lavetur membrum. *Emplastrum pro membro inflato et indignato. Torai malva vischio m. uno, olei violati, cam[omi]le ana quantum suficit. Con farina ordei fiat emplastrum. Primo fa bolire bene l’altea e laselo ben colare, pistalo e fane implastro ut supra. *Unguento pro membro ulcerato et pro tibiis coruptis. Torai lardo di porco rosso, rasa di pino, termentina, bonarminio, ana lb. j, cera nova onze vj, sangue di drago onze ij, oleo rosato onze iij. E prima meti al foco la rasa et fala purificare. Poi la cera, la termentina et lo lardo pisto et l’olio et poi le polvere et incorpora bene per uno quarto d’ora a foco lento et sara fatto et lo adopera.