[English translation] S Orange peel, water of... 136 Deafness, remedy for... 6 Blood, urinating... 2 Blood, spitting... 27 To be corrupted during a dream... 61 Stomach, to make it good... 21 Stomach, coldness of... 23 Serpent, to make it come to you... 80 Deafness, not from birth, to cure... 5 Serious deafness... 5 Quinsy... 9 Stomach, illness of... 21 Scrofulas... 77 Stomach that does not retain food... 26 Sweating, etc... 150 Sciatica... 97 Incipient deafness... 5 Syphilis... 116 Stomach, coldness of the... 20, 51, 54 Blood, urinating... 154 Syphilis... 117, 119 Deafness... 5 Suppuration... 53, 76 Burns... 38 Syphilis, gargle for... 118 Scrofulas... 12 Syrup to preserve health... 125 To cure burns... 99, 100 ---------- [Italian transcript] S Scorze d’arancio, acqua di... 136 Sordo, rimedio per il... 6 Sangue, pisciare... 21 Sangue, sputar... 27 Sogno, corrompersi in... 61 Stomaco, a far bono lo... 21 Stomaco, freddura di... 23 Serpente, a far che venga a te... 80 Sordo non nato, per far guarire il... 5 Sordagine grossa... 5 Schinanzia... 9 Stomaco, male di... 21 Scrofole... 77 Stomaco, che non ritiene il cibo... 26 Sudare, etc... 150 Sciatica... 97 Sordita incipiente... 5 Sifillide... 116 Stomaco, friggidita di... 20, 51, 54 Sangue, chi pisciar... 154 Sifillide... 117, 119 Sordita... 5 Suppuratorio... 53, 76 Scottatura... 38 Sifillide, gargarismo per... 118 Scrofole... 12 Sanita, siroppo per conservare la... 125 Scottature, per guarire... 99, 100