[English translation] To mitigate the pain of gout and other pains. Take 3 ounces of olive oil, the oldest that every you can find because the older it is the better it is, 1 ounce of male incense, 3 drams of flowers of dill, ½ ounce of old lard from a male pig and 1 fresh egg white. The incense and dill should be made into very fine powder and the lard cut finely and everything mixed, barely warm, and hold it about an hour to incorporate and it will be made. Then wet therein some little linen cloths and put them several times on the pain of the gout or on other joint pains as well and soon it will lift a great part of the pain. Also, if you will rub the sore place of the gout with some cut-up cassia it will remove the pain quickly so you will not be aware of it. This has been tested. ---------- [Italian transcript] A mitigare il dolore dele gotte et altri dolori. Rx. olio de olivo del piu vecchio che mai tu possi trovare perche con piu egli e vecchio, meglio elli e, onze iij e incenso maschio onza j e fiori di aneto drame iij e lardo di porco maschio vecchio onza s et 1 chiaro d’ovo frescho et sia fatto in polvere sutilissima, el lardo ben pisto et ogni cosa sia bene incorporato tenendolo solamente caldo et stalli un ora intorno a incorporarlo et sera fatto. Poi bagnavi drento dele pezette line et meteli sul dolore dela gotta piu volte overo de altri dolore pure de congionture. E presto ti levera una gran parte del dolore. Et etiam se tu ongerai il loco doglioso dela gotta con dela cassia tratta, presto ti levera il do[lo]re dela gotta che non te ne avederai. E de aprobato.