[English translation] in the groin. Then have prepared some skin and fur of a rabbit cut and made into very fine powder and incorporated with powder of myrtle. Then so that you will have a very good, warm ointment, put on it some of this powder like a spice and spread the ointment to the thickness of half a finger. Put on warm cloths of wool or linen and on that the truss that should be tight, close and well fastened so the powder does not fall out. Stay in repose if you can for the action of the powder. Observe those things that have many times been said, not too much fatigue, do not eat things causing gas or chills and no women. By observing the rules of the treatment and with the guidance and your faith in God you will be cured because this oil by itself is sufficient to do the work but in a longer time. When all 4 are put together in one with the skin and fur and powder, they have greater force in that part of the illness that is due to relaxation. It makes a thick callous from inside out that is stronger than it was before. By the end of a month, more or less, if the person takes care and is medicated once every 2 or 3 days, you will cure him. The herb mouse ear to cure rupture in the scrotal sac or in the groin. Take the herb called mouse ear that grows in harsh and wild mountainous places. This is the true and real hawkweed which is very suitable for infirmities such as rupture. When the moon is waning, take the amount of the herb that you want, wash it and when it is clean, dry it in the shade. Then make it into very fine powder, passed through a sieve, and save this to give to the sick one who is ruptured into the scrotal sac or where the abdomen has broken into the groin or one who has a gassy, fleshy, irritated, watery or intestinal hernia. Give a spoonful of the powder early in the morning to drink warm with 2 fingers of vinegar in the form of a syrup and he should repose for an hour. In the evening make an infusion of it and continue this for a month or more, one evening yes, the other no. When you wish to start drinking this powder in the morning, the evening before put this plaster on the rupture in the groin, made in this way, viz. Take ½ ounce each of incense and mastic, 2 drams each of mummy and cypress nuts, 1 ½ ounces each of greater comfrey and naval pitch, 1 ounce each of myrtle, mouse ear, dragon's blood gum and clean wax and 1 ounce each of myrtle oil and oil of adder's tongue fern and of mastic. Put the oil on a slow fire and the wax and the ground root of comfrey. Put in the incense, mastic, cypress nuts, myrtle, mouse ear and dragon's blood gum, all made into fine powder. Add the pitch and the mummy, finely ground, and incorporate everything well and continue stirring until it is made firm enough. Then spread it on chamois and put it on the rupture on the side with pain in the groin, first shaving the hair well. Put on the truss well-fitted and tight and when the truss is put on, the patient should be on his back with the body upward so that the humors are drawn back in. You should do little strenuous activity for a month. Stay in repose if you can. Remember to do everything carefully and do not remove the truss either day or night. Continue every morning with the powder and do not miss a dose. Take care of yourself. Do not eat adverse things, nor cold, nor gas-causing, nor pork meat. If you help cure yourself, you will be cured as others have been in 50 days. They did penance and, through God's grace, they have been restored to health and no longer wear the brace because they do not feel the problem any more, through God's grace and they render glory to God omnipotent. ---------- [Italian transcript] sopra’l petenechio. Poi averai aparechiato del pele et la pelle di una levore tutto tagliato e fattone polvere sutilissima et polvere di mortella incorporata insieme. Et poi che tu averai onto bene bene e caldo, metteli sopra dela ditta polvere a modo di specie et mettela grossa ½ un dito. Poi metteli sopra panni caldi lani o lini et poi sopra’l suo cinto che li stia serrato e stretto e bene infassato che la polvere non caschi et starai in riposso se tu poi arispetto ala polvere. Et osserva quello che tante volte e statto detto, non tropo faticha, non mangiare cose ventose, ne frede, ne donna. Et osservando l’ordine dela ditta ontione et del governo et abia fede in dio che guarirai perche questi sopradetti olii ciasche d’un per se e bastante a fare l’opera ma con piu longo tempo e pero tutti 4 si mettano a uno col ditto pelo e pelle e polvere accio che abbiano magiore forza in quella parte inferma e relaxata et li fa per di drento via un ridoppiamento calloso che si fortifica piu che non nera prima in termine di un mese et piu e meno, secondo che la persona si fa conservare et medicherai ogni 2 o 3 di una volta, e guarirai. Erba pelosella per guarire il crepato inele borse overo sopra’l petenechio. Rx. l’erba ditta pelosella, la quale nasse in loco austero e salvatico e montuoso, et questa e la vera e perfetta pelosella, la quale e molta propicia a simile infirmita del crepato et torai dela ditta erba quella quantita che a te pare quando la luna discresse. Lavela e che la sia netta et fala secare al ombra et ne farai polvere sutilissima, passata pel tamiso et quella conserva per dare ha lo infermo che sia crepato inele borse overo se fusse sbogiato o rotto el miracco sopra’l petignone overo havesse qualche ergna ventosa, carnosa, nervosa, aquosa overo intestinale. Et dali uno chugiaro dela ditta polvere a bere con 2 dita di aceto la matina per tempo calda a modo de syropo et sopra se ripossa per un ora et la metterai la sera in infussione et questo lo continua per un mese o piu, una sera si e l’altra no. Et quando la matina vorai cominzare a bere ditta polvere la sera inanti tu metterai questo cirotto sun la rottura sopra’l petignone fatto a questo modo, vz. Rx. incenso, mastice, ana onza s, mumia, noce d’arcipresso, ana drame ij, consolida magiore e pece navale, ana onze js, mortella e pelosella e sangue di drago e cera nova, ana onza j, olio di mortella e olio di serpentina e di mastice, ana onza j. E metti l’olio al foco lento e la cera et la radice dela consolida pestela e mettila drento lo incenso, el mastice, noce del cipresso e mortella e la pelosella, el sangue di drago, tutte siano fatte in polvere suttile. Et le metterai drento e la pece et la mumia pesta suttile et ogni cosa incorpora sutilmente et sempre mestando tanto chel sia fatto al quanto duro. Poi lo distendi sul camozo et lo metterai sun la rottura dal lato dela doglia sul petignone e talia e peli bene. Et porta li sopra cinto ben serrato e stretto et quando metti il cirotto fa chel stia riverto col corpo al insuso accio che li omori se ritirano drento. Et farai poche fatiche per un mese tu starai in riposso se tu potrai se non aricordati a fare ogni cosa con destreza et non te lo cavare mai ne di ne notte. Et continua ogni matina la ditta polvere e non preterire et guardati del vivere, non mangiare cose contrarie, ne frede, ne ventose, ne carne porcina. Et se tu ti averai cura guarirai como anfatto li altri che per 50 giorni hanfatto questa penitentia et per dei gratia ne sono guariti sani et non portano piu il brachiere perche non sentano piu nulla, per dio gratia et rendano gloria a dio omnipotente.