[English translation] Unguent to cool and heal every sore. Take 1 ounce of litharge, 1 ½ ounces of fresh white lead, one quatrino of male incense, 1 ½ drams of rock alum, 1 lb. of pork lard, 4 drams of the best turpentine, 1 dram of hard pine pitch and 3 ounces of clean wax. First cut up the lard and strain it. Then return it to the fire and put in the rock alum and dissolve it and put therein the turpentine, the pitch and the wax. Wait a little and put in the litharge, white lead and incense. Let this boil very slowly on a slow fire, stirring continuously so that it does not stick or burn. Then remove it from the fire and have ready a thin pointed sack and put it in so that it will strain out and with 2 sticks take the little bag and move your hands from here to there. Squeeze and pull downward and in this fashion you will make it come out by force. Do this quickly. When it has been pressed out, stir with your rod until it becomes cold and it will be made. Save it in a glass bottle and keep it in a cool place. It will keep for a long time and use it for your needs. Another unguent for general use. Take 1 ounce of ox marrow, 6 ounces of ordinary oil, 10 ounces of rose oil, 1 lb. of strong vinegar, 5 ounces each of litharge and white lead, 4 ounces each of turpentine and good pitch and 3 ounces of clean wax. Put the pot on a slow fire and put in the oil, wax, marrow, turpentine and pitch and leave them on the fire until they are melted and incorporated. Then remove this from the fire and strain with the pointed sack as described above. Put the empty pot back on the fire and put in the vinegar and rose oil and boil them a little. Put in the litharge and white lead and make it boil slowly, stirring continuously with your spatula so that it does not burn and let it boil until it is hardened so that you can make fine powder of it. Then return the first composition to the fire, that is to the pot, and when it begins to boil put in the powder that you have made above, little by little, incorporating it well with your spatula. Do this for a quarter of an hour. Then remove it from the fire and make medallions of it. Note that if you want, you can make a plaster, unguent or medicated cloths with it as you wish. This unguent is for cleaning sores because it cools, breaks down, draws down and joins sores and is universally the first choice of everyone who treats patients. It is very well tested. Another unguent for every sore. Take 3 ounces each of white wax, pine pitch and turpentine, 1 ounce each of incense, mastic, Syrian storax, and round birthwort, 2 ounces of elemi gum, 6 ounces each of juice of betony and of tansy and fresh rose oil. First put in the pot the oil, juices and wax and incorporate them. Then put in all the other things, made into powder in the usual way, little by little and incorporate well with your rod so it does not burn and let it boil enough so that you know it is cooked. Remove it from the fire and continue stirring while it cools and it will be made and perfect. Another unguent for sores. Take equal amounts of celery, rosemary, sage, rue, tansy, plantain, lorenzana , marigold, wormwood and honeysuckle and make juice of all and take as much of each one as the other and put them together and take 2 lb. of olive oil and incorporate with the juices and before you put it on the fire, put in 2 drams of galbanum gum and 1 ounce of verdigris. Then put it on the fire and boil it a little with care and put in 6 ounces of clean wax. Remove it from the fire and continue to stir until it is cold and it will be made, a very worthy unguent that will bring you honor. ---------- [Italian transcript] Unguento da rinfreschare et saldare ogni piagha. Rx. litargirio onza j, biacha frescha onze js, incenso maschio uno quatrino, alume di rocha drame js, songia di porco lb. j, trementina bella drame iiij, raxa di pino soda drama j, e cera nova drame iij. Prima tagliarai la songia et colela. Poi ritornila al foco et mettivi drento l’alume di rocha e fala distrugere. Poi li metti drento la trementina, la raxa, la cera et starai um poco et mettivi el litragirio, la biacha e l’incenso. Poi lassa cossi bolire pian piano con lento foco et sempre mestando che non si apichi et non sentano di brussato. Poi lo leva dal foco et abia aparichiato uno sachetto rado apontito et buttavelo drento che colera fora et con 2 bastoni piglia il ditto sachettino con le mane di qua e di la e stringe e tira al ingiu et a questo modo lo farai ussire per forza et farai presto. Poi chel sera colato, mestavi drento con la tua stecha tanto chel diventa freddo et sera fatto. Poi lo conserva in alberello vitriato drento et tienlo in loco fresco che longo tempo si mantera et lo adopererai ali tuoi bisogni. Item unguento del giudeo universale. Rx. mirolla di buo onza j, olio comune onze vj, olio roxato onze x, aceto forte lb. j, litargirio e biacha, ana onze v, trementina, rasa bella, ana onze iiij, cera nova onze iij. Poi metti el tozzo a foco lento et mettivi drento l’olio, la cera, el mirollo, la trementina, la rasa et lasseli con foco tanto che siano bene disfatte et incorporate insieme. Poi levelo dal foco et colalo con lo sachetto aguzo ditto di sopra. Poi rimetti il tozzo al foco et mettivi drento l’aceto e l’olio roxato et fallo al quanto bolire. Poi mettivi drento el litargirio e la biacha et fallo lentamente bolire et sempre mestando con la tua spatula chel non ti brusasse et lasselo tanto bolire che tutto si rassughi tanto che tu ne possi farne polvere suttila. Poi ritorna al foco, cioe inel tozo la prima composicione, et quando comincia a volere bolire, tu li metti drento la preditta polvere che tu ai fatta a poc a poco et bene incorporandola con la tua spatula e facendo questo per uno quarto d’ora. Poi levelo dal foco et fane magdalion. Ma nota che se tu vorai tu ne potrai farne cerotto, unguento e pezze lavorate, como tu vorai. Et sappi che questo unguento e per purgare una piagha, impero chel rinfrescha, el rissolve et tira essalda et e molto universale inanti ad ogni persona del arte. E di molto aprobato. Item unguento per ogni piagha. Rx. cera bianca, rasa di pino, trementina, ana onze iij, incenso, mastice, storace calamitta, strologia rotonda, ana onza j, goma elami onze ij, suco di bertonicha et de mili foglio e olio roxato frescho, ana onze vj. Prima metti inel tozo l’olio e i suchi e la cera et fala incorporare. Poi li metterai drento tutte le altre cose a poc a poco et che siano fatte in polvere secondo il solito modo et fali bene incorporare con la tua stecha che non brusano. Et lasselo al quanto bolire tanto che tu cognossi chel possa essere cotto. Alora levelo dal foco et per un pezo va mestando tan[to] chel si sori et sera fatto e perfetto. Item unguento per piaghe. Rx. appio, osmarino, salvia, ruta, mile foglie, piantagine, erba lorenzana, fior d’ogni mese, assentio, mater selva, ana, et de tutte ne farai suco et ne torai tanto del uno quanto del altro e meteli insieme et torai olio di oliva lb. ij et lo incorpo con li ditti suchi et inanti che tu li metti al foco, mettivi drento gabine drame ij e verderame drama j. Poi mettilo al foco et fallo al quanto bolire con diligentia et mettivi drento cera nova onze vj. Poi lo leva dal foco et sempre lo mesto finche e fredo et sera fatto, unguento molto degno il quale ti fara onore.