[English translation] *The major cold seeds are four, viz. The four major cold seeds are those of melon, cucumber, cucurbit and citron. The four lesser cold seeds those of endive, lettuce, escarole and portulaca. Four grains are also seeds, that is endive, lettuce, plantain and portulaca and these are designated as the four common cold seeds. There are 5 common roots. They are fennel, celery, parsley, butcher's broom and asparagus. The common major warm seeds are these four: anise, fennel, caraway and bishop's weed. The four lesser warm seeds are parsley, cumin, watercress and celery. The crushed precious stones are these 5, sapphires, jacinths, rubies, emeralds and garnets.... 184 The dram is figured thus, , and weighs 6 little dinarii or 60 grains. The half dram is written, s or ½. Where you find a weight called an aureo , it weighs ½ dram.... 185 The scruple is figured thus, and weighs 20 grains of wheat. The dram is an eighth part of an ounce. The ounce is written thus, , or thus, oc or . The maniple [or handful] is written thus, m or M or a . The sazo weighs 30 grains, ½ dram. The ounce weighs 8 drams or 24 scruples. The pugil [or fistful] is a measure of 3 ounces. The aureus is 1 ½ drams or 1 dram in strong medicines. *Many remedies to cure the spleen in diverse ways. Take the juices of cyclamen and watercress, old olive oil and fresh butter, as much of one as the other and rub. *Another. Make it with 1/3 lavender oil. That is, if each of the above-described things is half a pound, the lavender oil is two ounces. *Another. Use as much clean wax as suffices to put all the above things together and boil them together on a slow fire until it reduces ¼. Rub the side of the spleen with this warm and put on a smooth warm cloth. Note that if you want to cure the pain of the spleen, one should watch out for the things written below. That is, every legume, vinegar, pork meat, new wine and raisins. *Another. Tamarisk leaves cooked in water and drunk. This water reduces the spleen. When the bark of tamarisk is cooked with wine, it relieves the hard spleen. A wine decoction of the ash tree, drunk on an empty stomach cures the spleen. This has been tested. *An ointment for the spleen. Rub the spleen with mallow and fresh butter with the patient in the sun or by the fire. The patient should be fasting. In another way, take wheat flour, barley flour, flax seed, fenugreek, dry figs and raisins soaked in vinegar, then boiled, rinsed and strained, with added wax and oil to make an unguent with which to rub the spleen. *Another. To soften the spleen, give this water to drink with wine or by itself. The best water is cooked from water of roots of fenugreek, celery, Roman pellitory, asparagus and butcher's broom, liverwort, maiden hair fern, wall rue fern, black maiden hair fern, rusty fern, spleenwort, dropwort and bark or tips of tamarisk. Give this by itself or with wine. If it is detestable to the patient, make a syrup with sugar. After purging, rub the spleen with honey with powdered mustard sprinkled over it. Then after 3 or 4 hours the large suction cup should be put on. This has been tested. *For blockage of the spleen and liver that comes from indigestion. Take dry cow dung, nettle juice, 3 eggs, old ordinary oil and sulfur and incorporate everything together and make a plaster and put it on the sore place. For sickness of the spleen and the liver and dropsy, hold to it as beyond understanding. It is a gift given by God. *For sickness of the spleen . Take the spleen of an ox and put it in a pot with 2 pails of water and cook it until almost all of the water is consumed. Then take the spleen as warm as one can stand and wrap it in a linen cloth and put it on the sick spleen. When it becomes cold, reheat it on the grill and put it on again. Do this 3 times and do it in the morning on an empty stomach and stay covered up in bed at once. Then take oil of capers and of laurel and rub them warm over the location of the sick spleen and put on warm cloths and in a few days it will be resolved. Give this beverage to drink. Take one handful each of fern, horehound, savin and tamarisk and boil them with good white wine. Make 9 glasses of this and take one glass every morning on an empty stomach and soon, with God's grace, you will be cured. This has been tested. ---------- [Italian transcript] *Quatuor semina maiora frigida sunt quatour. Vz. Mellonis, cucumeris, cucurbite, citruli. Quatuor sunt semina minora frigida, vz., endivie, lactuce, scariole, portulace. Quatuor grana i semina, vz., endivie, lactuce, plantaginis, portulace et vocantur quatuor semina comunia frigida. Quot sunt radices comunes sunt quinque, vz., feniculi, apii, petroselini, brusci, sparagi. Semina comunia calidiora et maiora vz., sunt ista quatuor ut anisi, feniculi, carvi, ameos. Semina comunia minora calida sunt ista quatour ut petroselini, cimini, nasturcii, apii. Fragmenta preciosiora sunt ista 5, zafiri, jacinti, rubini, smaraldi, granate. La dragma e figurata cosi e pesa dinari picholini sei over grani LX. Meza dragma se scrive cosi s over ½. Et dove troverai che dicha aureo he peso drama s. Lo scropulo se figura cose e pesa grani 20 di formento. La dragma e la octava parte de una onzia. L’onzia se scrive cosi ut cosi oc ut . Lo manipulo se scrive cosi m ut M ut a . El sazo pesa grani 30, dragma ½. Unzia est pondus viij drame ut xxiiij scropuli. Pugilus est mensur onzie iij. Aureus est drama js ut drama j in medicinis fortibus. *Molti rimedii per guarire la milza in divesi modi. Rx. suco di pan porcino, suco de cressoni, olio de oliva vechio, butiro fresco tanto del uno quanto del altro e ongi. *Item. Olio de spigo il terzo, cioe se ciascuna di queste cose sopra dette sia meza libra, lo olio di spigo sia due onze. *Item. Tanta cera nova che basti per potere a prendere ditte cose insieme et farai bolire tutte le sopra dette cose insieme con foco lento tanto che calino il quarto et con esso caldo ongiti il lato dela milza et poneli sopra un panno rosso caldo. La nota che se tu vorai guarire del dolore dela milza bisognia chel si guardi delle infra scritte cose, cioe da ogni ligumi, d’aceto, da carne porcina e da saba et da uva seccha. *Item. Foglia tamarise cotta in acqua et bibita ipsa acqua extenuat splen quando cortex tamarisii coquitur cum vino conforte spleni duro. Vinum decoctionis fraxini bibitum a ieiuno splen curat. Probatum est. *Unctiones per splene. Ungatur itaque splen ex dialtea et butiro recenti ad solem ut ad ignem patienti jeiuno. Aliter farina, ordei, seminis lini, fenugreci, ficus sicce, uve passe, temperentur in aceto, deinde buliantur, colentur, colatur e adetur cera et oleum et fiat unguentum qui splen inungatur. *Item. Molificatio splene detur ista acqua ad bibendum cum vino ut per se. Acqua optima decuoquatur in acqua radicum fenigreci, apii, piretri, sparagi et brusci, epatica, capillis veneris, politrici, adiantos, cetraccha, scolopendria, philipendula, cortices ut sumitates tamaricis et hec omnia ut per se ut cum vino detur si abominabilis patienti est calito zucharo fiat sirupus. Post mundificationem splenis inungatur splen melle et pulvis sinapis super aspergatur. Deinde post tres ut quatuor horas ventosa maxima super ponatur. Probatum est. *Ad opilationem splenis et epatis que procedit ex indigestionis. Rx. sterco di vacha secco et suco de ortica e ova no. 3 e olio comune del vecchio e solfaro et incorpora ogni cosa insieme et fane impiastro et mettilo nel locho del male. A mal de milza e di fegato e idropici et tene lo secreto, e dono datto da dio. *A male de milza. Torai una milza de bove et mettila in una caldaia con 2 sechii d’acqua et falla cocere et lassa consumare quasi tutta l’acqua. Poi piglia la milza cosi calda quanto poi patire involta in una pezza lina et mettila insu la milza inferma. Et quando sara fredda falla riscaldare sun la graticola et rimettila suso et cossi farai per 3 volte et questo farai la matina a digiuno senza intervallo stando coperto in letto. Doppoi piglierai olio de cappari e laurino et caldo ongi il loco della milza inferma et metteli sopra panni caldi et in brevi giorni si risolvera. Et li darai a bere questa bevanda. Rx. felese, marobio, savina e tamariso, ana m. uno, et falle bolire con bon vino bianco et fa che siano 9 bichieri et ogni matina ne piglia uno bichiere a ieiuno stomaco e presto, per dei gratia, guarirai. E de aprobata.