[English translation] To reduce the red discharge of excessive menstruation of women. Take these kinds of distilled waters: water of oak leaves, of sorb apples, of knot grass, of pine nuts, of liverwort, of cornelian cherry, of myrtle or rose water, each the same amount, and heat it and give 3 ounces of it to the sick person to drink, then 4 ounces, then 5 ounces and at the end give 6 ounces when the flow is so severe that it does not want to stop. Do all this 4 times in one day and you will see a marvelous effect. This beverage will reduce the red menstruation marvelously so that no more will come. It has been tested faithfully. If by chance the flow may not have stopped from the body, give it for 2 days and do the usual enema with oil of camomile. If she takes care of herself you will cure her soon, with the aid of God. Be sure of it. Another to stop the red menstruation of a woman. Take some hair from the sick one and bind it around any tree that you wish with a Pater Noster. Then make this beverage: take 3 ounces each of parched deer horn and fresh anise, both made into very fine powder and give one ounce of it to drink in the evening in warm red wine for 5 or 6 evenings and she will soon be cured and put in ½ ounce of broad beans. It has been proved that it stops the flow. Another to reduce red menstruation. Take linen fiber used for thread and cook it in the usual way, that is on the ashes, and in the evening when you go to sleep steam the vagina with the vapors and put one of these skeins as warm as you can bear on the pubis and the other opposite on the buttocks and wrap them well. Then go to sleep. Do this 2 or 3 evenings and soon you will be cured. Take care of yourself and you will be cured. Another to stop the red menstruation of a woman. Make a powder of deer horn and of her hair, ½ ounce each, and incorporate them with 3 drams each of powdered mastic and myrrh. In the morning give it to her to drink with 4 ounces of warm red wine in the form of a syrup for 4 or 5 mornings. Do not doubt that very soon you will cure her. For the rest you know how to care for her and it will bring you honor. Another to stop the red menstruation of a woman. Take 3 ounces of burdock juice, 2 ounces of plantain juice, 3 quatrini of powdered cloves and 2 ounces of endive water. It should be drunk cold early in the morning and should be done several more times. I tell you that soon you will cure her. She should not eat warming things. Another to stop menstruation. Take 4 ounces each of juice of plantain and of knot grass, 3 ounces of rose water, 2 ounces of myrtle water and boil them and add 2 drams of [ ] and 1 dram of fine powdered cinnamon and make it into a syrup. Give it early in the morning and in the evening when she goes to sleep. Do this for several days and soon you will cure her so that too much menstrual fluid will not come.... 89 Another to stop menstruation so that too much does not flow. Take 2 ounces of the stone hematite, crush it and grind it very finely on porphyry and mix it with 2 ounces of plantain juice. Add ¾ of a pound of tansy and divide it into 3 parts and have her take one of these parts every day for 3 days and soon she will be freed. If this medication does not please you, take ¼ of a pound of dragon's blood gum and shells of hazel nuts ground into powder, mix them together and give it to the sick one to drink with dry red wine and cover her well in bed and do this for 5 mornings and if she has not recovered, continue to the end of 9 mornings and she will be cured. She should be careful what she eats, not eating things that are cooling. *Also to the above, one can add roasted bark of pomegranate made into powder and give it to drink with mutton broth and it will stop the menstruation rapidly. It has been tested.... 90 To cure the vagina of the woman both inside and out. Take rose oil washed nine times with five pounds of fresh water, 2 drams of camphor and 1 dram of white wax. Melt the wax with the oil on a little fire and when you have removed it from the fire, put in the camphor, cut finely, and stir until it is cold and it will be made. With this rub the vagina and soon you will cure her. First wash it with rose water and fresh water. Another to cure it inside. Take 6 ounces each of mucilage of tragacanth and kernels of quince seeds, 2 ounces of flax seeds, 2 ounces of oil of sweet almonds and 1 ½ ounces each of oil of lilies, of camomile, of violets and butter and boil them on a low fire and you will have a soft unguent. Rub with this in the morning and evening and soon you will cure her. Another for this illness of the vagina. Take 1 handful of rue and grind it very finely and compound it with laurel oil and wet cloths in it and put them in the vagina and soon she will be cured. Otherwise you can use all three of these treatments together and they will do the work and quickly. She is not to eat warming things and you will cure her soon. It has been tested. ---------- [Italian transcript] A restringere il fluxo rosso del superchio mestruale ale donne. Rx. queste sorte aque stillate: aqua di foglie di querza, e di sorboli, e di corezola, e di pigna, e di fegatella, e di corngioli, e di mortella overo aqua roxa, ana, et fala scaldare et dane alla amalata a bere onze iij, poi onze iiij, poi onze v, fina in onze vj, quando chel fusse crudo chel non si volesse stagnare et dali tutti queste 4 volte a bere per tutto un giorno et tu vedrai effetto mirabile che questa bevanda lo restringera mirabilmente che piu non verra il mestruo rosso. E provata di fede. Et se per sorte non andasse del corpo, dali a 2 giorni fali uno serviciale comune con olio di camomilla et governasi bene che presto, con lo aiutto di dio, guarirai e stane sicura. Item a restringere il mestruo rosso alla donna. Torai deli suoi capelli dela ditta inferma et legali intorno a uno arbore qual tu voi con uno pater noster. Poi farai questa bevanda. Torai corno di cervo brusato e anesi crudi, ana onze iij, fatte in polvere sutilissime et dalla a bere onza j per sera in vino rosso caldo per 5 o 6 sere e presto guarira. Et metteli drento onza s di faba e questa e provata che stagna. Item al mestruo rosso a stringerlo. Torai filo crudo et falo cosere secondo il suo solito e ordinario, cioe con la cenere. Et la sera quando tu vai a dormire fumentati di sotto via la na[tura] et metterai una dele ditte matasse calda quanto poi patire sul petignone et l’altra drieto al dirimpetto sul cropone et infassale bene. Poi va a dormire e farai questo 2 o 3 sere et presto serai guarita. Conservati del vivere e guarirai. Item a restringere il mestruo rosso ala donna. Farai polvere di corno di cervo et deli suoi capelli, ana onza s, et polvere di mastici et mirra, ana drame iij. Ogni cosa incorpora et dane a bere la matine con onze 4 di vino rosso al quanto caldo a modo di syropo per 4 o 5 matine e presto, presto tu ne guarirai, e non dubitare. Et del resto sapiati conservare, et averai honore. Item a stagnare il rosso mest[r]uo dela donna. Torai suco di barbena onze iij e di piantagine onze ij con 3 quatrini di polvere di garoffani et onze ij di aqua di endiva bevto la matina per tempo cossi fredo, facendolo piu volte. Io te dico che presto guarirai. E non mangiare cose calide. Item a stagnare il mestruo. Torai suco di piantagine e di corezola, ana onze iiij, e aqua roxa onze iij e aqua di mortello onze ij et falle bolire et agiongelo drame ij di canella fina drama j fatte in polvere suttile et fane syropo et dalo la matina per tempo et la sera quando la va a dormire et farai cosi parechi giorni e presto guarira che non verra tanto. Item a stagnare il mestruo che tanto non gettera. Torai lapis emathitis onze ij, pestalo e masinelo sul porphido sutilissimamente et distemperato con onze ij di suco di pianatagine. Poi torai quarti 3 de athanasia et divide la in 3 parte et iene farai tore una di queste parte ogni 3 di una e presto sera liberata. Et se a te non ti piacesse tal medicina, torai uno quarto de polvere di sangue di drago et di gussi di nizoli ben triti in polvere et mesta insieme et dane a bere ala inferma con vino rosso garbo caldo la matina per tempo et coprila bene in letto et farai cosi fina a 5 matine et se ella non si sanasse seguita per insino a 9 matine e guarira. Conservasi dela bocha, non mangiare se non cose rinfreschativo. *Et le scorze de melingrano brusato e fatte in polvere date a bere con [bro]do o vino presto li ristrengera [il] mestruo. E pro[vato]. Per guarire la natura dela donna drento e fora. Rx. olio roxato lavato nove volti con aqua frescha chel sia lb. v e canfora drame ij e cera bianca onza j farai disfare la cera con l’olio a uno picol foco et come l’ai levato dal foco mettivi drento la canphora tagliata minuta et mesta finche li e fredo e sera fatto. Et con esso ongiti la natura e presto guarirai. Lavela prima con aqua roxa e aqua frescha. Item a guarila dentra. Torai mucilagine di draganti et di anime di cotogni, ana onze vj e seme di lino onze ij e olio di mandole dolce onze ij e olio di gillii e di camomilla e violato e butiro, ana onze js, et falo bolire a uno picolo foco et farai unguento tenero et con esso ongi matina e sera e presto guarirai. Item al preditto male di natura. Torai ruta m. uno e pistela minutissimamente et componila con olio laurino et bagnerai dele peze in esso et metti drento e presto guarirai, overamente li adopera tutti 3 insieme et ti farano operatione e presto. E non mangiare cose calide, e presto guarirai. E provato.