[English translation] The virtues of some distilled waters. First we will speak of water of couch grass which, when drunk in quantity, has the property of making worms burst and die. It opens blockage of the spleen, of the liver and of the lungs and stimulates urine when a glass is given to drink in the form of a syrup early in the morning. It has many other virtues and is especially advantageous to use for little children with worms and fever. Another. Water of absinthe cleans the stomach, removes every fever and kills worms when it is drunk warm in the morning. Another. Water of borage removes every problem of the head, clears up mucous discharge, makes the blood good, strengthens the heart and is very powerful in this when it is drunk early in the morning on an empty stomach. Another. Water of violets removes every problem in the head, clears up mucous discharge, makes the blood good, eases the heart and aids the nerves when drunk with wine in the morning or any time. Another. Water of fennel, drunk in the morning, soothes the stomach, clears the mind and removes flatulence. It takes away the pain and tearing and every cloudiness of the eyes when they are washed with this and when it is drunk in the morning. Another. Water of eyebright opens the visual system and improves the sight, clears away any humors that come, cleanses the liver, the kidneys, the bladder and the intestine, improves the stomach when it is taken in the morning on an empty stomach and when the eyes are washed with it. Another. Water of scabiosa opens the chest and removes distress and breaks up the abcesses within. It aids the strength of all the body, makes a good stomach, improves the liver, the spleen and the lungs. It helps in cough, catarrh and joint pain and helps remove fever when one glass is drunk tepid in the morning as a syrup. Another. Water of agrimony removes every problem of the stomach, soothes the nerves, improves the spirits, helps the liver, removes every distress of the heart and soothes the mind when one glass of it is drunk tepid early in the morning with very good wine. Another. Water of saxifrage soothes the stomach, opens the exits of the kidney, cleanses the liver, improves the lungs, opens the passage for urine and breaks up stone in the kidneys and the bladder and pushes out the stone, when it is drunk with good warm wine early in the morning. Another. Water of lemon balm cleanses the liver, the stomach, the lungs and the swollen spleen, strengthens the heart, removes bad odor from the mouth and the gums and removes every trouble of the stomach and cleanses it, when it is drunk on an empty stomach. Another. Water of hyssop when it is drunk warm is good against cough and cold in the head and the stomach. It dries up every mucous discharge from the head and the gums and the mouth. It should be drunk in the evening and morning. Another. Water of rue is powerful against every spot in the eye by washing the eye with it and it wonderfully aids the vision and reduces tears when the eye is washed with it early in the morning. Another. Water of plantain reduces diarrhea and relieves constipation, removes inflammation in the lungs and the spleen, cures dropsy and removes every inflammation or swelling inside, when it is drunk warm with wine early in the morning in the form of a syrup. Another. Water of nightshade is effective in the overheated liver and it is cooling when it is drunk with wine in the morning on an empty stomach. Another. Water of knot grass or polygonum removes any distress of the heart, dries the spleen, the liver and the lungs and relieves the abdomen. It antagonizes a venomous bite when it is drunk warm at that time or in the morning. It modifies the putrefaction of wounds and the dripping of semen. Another. Water of potentilla, that is cinquefoil, is able to cause urination to remove gravel and is of considerable help in quartan fever. This has been tested. It is drunk warm. ---------- [Italian transcript] Le virtu de alcune aque stillate. Et prima diremo dela acqua di gramigna la quale ha questa proprieta di fare crepare et morire li vermi, bevendone in quantita. Et apre le oppilatione dela milza, del fegato et del polmone et provocha l’orina, datta a bere la matina per tempo un bichiero a modo de syropo. Et a de molte altre virtu et maxime e propicia ale creature piccole per bachi et febre. Item. L’aqua di absintio purga lo stomacho, leva ogni colera, occide li vermi, bevta la matina e calda. Item. L’aqua di boragine leva ogni alteration di testa, purga la reuma e fa bon sangue e conforta il core e quello vale grando, bevta la matina per tempo a digiuno stomaco. Item. L’aqua di viole leva ogni alteratione di testa, purga la reuma e fan bon sangue et allegra il core e conforta i nervi, bevta con vino la matino overo d’ogn’ ora. Item. L’aqua di finochio bevta la matina conforta lo stomacho, purga il celebro, leva la ventosita e tole il dolore et le lachrime et ogni obscurita de occhii, lavandosi con essa et bevta la matina. Item. L’aqua di eufragia apre la via deli occhii e conforta la veduta et purga lo humore che puo venire et purga lo fegato e le rene, la vissicha et le intestine, mondifica lo stomaco, presa la matina a stomaco digiuno et lavandosi li occhii. Item. L’aqua dela schabiosa appre lo petto et rimove la passione e rompe la postema di drento. Haiutta la virtu di tutto il corpo, fa bon stomaco, mondifica lo fegato e la milza e il polmone et zova ala tosse, al catarro et al dolore dele arterie et aiutta mandare fuori, bevta la matina tiepida a modo de syropo uno bichiere. Item. L’aqua di agrimonia leva ogni debilita di stomacho e conforta li nervi e aiutta lo spirito e mondifica lo fegato e tole ogni passione del core et conforta lo celabro, bevta con bonissimo vino uno bichiero la matina per tempo al quanto tiepida. Item. L’aqua di sassifragia conforta lo stomacho, apre le vie dele rene et purga lo fegato et mondificha lo polmone et appre la via de l’orina et rompe la pietra inele rene et nella vissicha la spinge fora, bevta con bon vino calda la matina per tempo. Item. L’aqua di melissa purga lo fegato e lo stomacho, el polmone et la durezza dela milza et conforta il core e tole la puza dela boccha et dele zenzive e leva ogni fastidio delo stomacho et lo purga, bevta da digiuno. Item. L’aqua di ysopo bevta calda e bona contra ala tosse et ala frigidita dela testa e delo stomacho. E suga ongi reuma del capuo e dele zenzive et dela boccha, bevta sera e matina. Item. L’aqua di ruta vale contra ad ogni machia deli occhii, lavandosi con essa et mirabilmente conforta la vista et strenge le lachrime, lavandosi la matina per tempo. Item. L’aqua di piantagine stringe lo fluxo del ventre e stiticha e leva. E leva la inflamatione del polmone e dela milza e guarisse li ydropici e leva ogni inflamation overo inflation di drento, bevta calda con vino la matina per tempo a modo de syropo. Item. L’aqua di solatro vale al riscaldamento di fegato et rinfregierativa, bevta con vino la matina a digiuno stomaco. Item. L’aqua di corezola ut centonodi tole ogni passione del core e rassuga la milza, il fegato e il polmone e stringe lo ventre e de contra morso velenoso, bevta al suo tempo la matina calda. Et mondifica le putredine dele piaghe et per la scolation della sperma. Item. L’aqua di pantafilon, id est i cinque foglie, vale a provochare l’orina et la materia dela ravanella et molto zova alla febre quartana. E di provata bevta calda.