[Transcript for page 185] to a candy hight you must pare a way all o[f] whit from the pells and cut them in chips then put them in to the surope and let them boyle a litell and then set them by till an the next day and then boyle them againe and then lay them out one glas plats and lay them in a stove or in the sunne: let the pells be so tender at first that you may rune a straw thorow them after they are boyled in the water this is a good way it must be dubell refined suger the must be dune [?to?] [note: edge damage] To make quince caks looke with a fine glas and look sparkling or any other caks a very good way Take the purest whit suger candy that can be goten and beat it very fine and put it in to a pece of fine tifany and when you turne any caks out of your glases doe a litell over your caks thorow the tifany and then set them in to a stone and then doe them one the other side how To make Jumballs of barborys or of respres or of red curance or of: gosberys or of aprecoks or of any: frute you pleas they are a prety things Take the juce of any of the fruts and wet dubell: duball refined suger with the juce and make it in