[Transcript for page 5] A Recait To dry cherys Take a dosen pound of kight kentish cherys and stone the[?m?] [note: edge damage] take to every pound of chereys a quartern of suger and to every pound of suger a pint of water or sume what betar make your surope and put in your cherys and let them boyle very quick til they be tender let them stand in your preserving pan all night or in a silver bason close covered all night then lay them out upon sives put them in to and oven that is litell more then worme when they begin to dry turne them and put them one dry sives when [?th?]ey are halfe dry take them and wash them in hot waters one by one and wipe them one by one in dry cloths and lay them one sives till they be dry fit to be laid up and when th you put them in your boxe or great glass put betwene every laying of cherys a papar and so set them in your stofe::: A Recait To dry peare plumes Take your peare plumes and open them one the side and take out the stone to every pound of plumes ta[?ke?] halfe a pound of suger to every pound of suger a pint of water or betar when you have mad your surope put in your plumes let them be litell more then scalded and so cover them up in your preserving pan all night the next day boyle them very tender let them stand the nixt night covered then lay them out one sives keepe them turned if you wold have them faire take sume of the broke [?o?]nes and fill them when they be halfe dry wash them as you did your cherys and so lay them up