LIST OF SOME BOOKS CONSULTED AND ABBREVIATIONS USED IN TEXT Albertus Magnus. De Animalibus. Ed. 1788. —— The Secrets of. London, 1617. Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales. 1841. ———— of Cambria. E. Williams. 1823. Anc. Ten., for Ancient Tenures of Land. By Thomas Blount. London, 1874. Andreae, E. C. A. Die Geschichte dey Jagd. Frankfurt, 1894. Archaeologia. Pub. by Soc. of Antiq. Beginning 1770. Arcussia, Ch. d’. La Conference des Fauconniers (Cab. de Venerte, vii.). 1880. Arkwright, for The Pointer and his predecessor. By William A. London, 1902. 4to. Arrow Release, The. By Ed.S. Morse. 1885. Aymon, for Le Roman des quatres fils Aymon. Edit. P. Tarbé. 1861. Bad. Lib. Hunt., for ‘‘ Badminton Library.’’ Volume on Hunting by the Duke of Beaufort and Mowbray Morris. Ed.7. London, 1901. —— vol. on The Poetry of Sport. London, 18096. Bangert, for ‘“‘Die Tiere des Altfranz. Epos.’’ Von Fried. Bangert. Marburg, 1885. Barriére-Flavy, C. Censier du pays de Foix. Toulouse, 1808. Barthold, F.W. Georg von Frundsberg. 1833. Bastard, A. de. Libraive du duc de Berry. Paris, 1834. Baudrillart, for Tvaite des Eaux et Foréts, Chasse et Péches. Pav M.B. Paris, 1834. Beckford, for Thoughts upon Have and Fox Hunting. By Peter B. London, 1796. Beltz, G.F. Memorials of the Garter. 1841. Berg, L. F. Freiherr. Gesch. dey deutschen Walder. Dresden 1871. Bertheleti, T., General collections of Statutes 1225-1546. London, 1543-51. Bib. Accip., for Bibliotheca Accipitvaria. By James Edm. Harting. London, 1891. Blancandin, ed. H. V. Michelant. 1867. Blane, for Cynegetica or Observations on Have Hunting. By W.B. London, 1788. Blaze, Elezear. Catalogue d’une Collection. Paris, 1852. —— Le Livre du Roy Modus. Paris, 1839. Blome, for The Gentleman’s fecreation. By Richard Blome. London, 1686. Blount, T. A Jaw dictionary and glossary. 1717. Bodl. MS. 546, for the MS. of the ‘‘ Master of Game ’’ in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. See ‘‘ Existing MSS. of the ‘Master of Game’ ”’’ in Bibliography. Borman, for Die Jagd in den Altfvanz. Artus und Abenteuer Romanen. Von Ernst Borman. Marburg, 1887. Boldon Book, for Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Iveland (vol. iii.). By Sir Th. Duffus-Hardy. London 1875. B. of St. Albans, for The Boke of St. Albans. Edit. by William Blades. London, 1881. “B. of C.’’ for Boke of Curtasye. 14th Cent. poem. Pub. by I. O. Halliwell. Percy Soc. vol. iv. Bonney, for Historic Notices on Fotheringhay, By Rev. H. K. B. Oundle, 1821. Borel, P. Dictionnaive des termes du vieux Frangois. 2vol. 1882. Bouton, Victor. L’ Auteur du Roy Modus. Paris, 1888. Brachet Ang. An Etymological dictionary of the French Language (Clarendon Press). 1866. Brehm, for B.’s Tierleben. 3. ed. Von Dr. Pechuel- Loesche. Leipzig & Wien, 1891. Brézé, Jacque de. La Chasse du grand Sénéchal de Normandye. Paris, between 1489 and 1494. Briére, L. dela. Livre de Pridves par Gaston Phébus (1385). Paris, 1893. Broebel, P. Die Fiihrte des Hivsches. Halle, 1854. Browne, for Pseudoxia Epidemica. By Sir Ths. B. 1650. Brut., for Le Roman de Brut. By Wace. Ed. by Le Roux de Lincy. Rouen, 1836-38. Budé. Traitte de la Venerie. Par B. Ed. H. Chevreul (Paris). 1861. Burrows, Montagu, Prof. The Family of Brocas. 1886. Caius, for Englishe Dogges. By Johannes Caius. Reprint of ed. of 1576. 1880. Camden, W. Britannia. 1586. Canterbury Tales, Chaucer’s. Ed. Furnivall. 1868. Castellamonte, A. di. La Venayvia veale. Torino, 1674. Catalogue of the Duke of Marlborough’s Library at White Knight. London, 1819. — London, 1881-83. Oxford, 1872. “Cecil,’’ for Records of the Chase. By ‘‘Cecil,’’ edit. London, 1877. Champgrand, for Tvaité de Venerie et Chasse. Pay Goury de C@. Paris; 1769. Champollion-Figeac, Aimi. Louis et Charles, ducs d’Ovleans. Paris, 1844. Charles d’Orleans, for Charles de Valois. Les poésies du duc Charles d’Ovleans. Edit. Champollion-Figeac. Paris 1842. — Chavrles of Orleans’ Poems. Roxburgh Club. Ed. G. W. Taylor. London, 1827. —— Edit. by Charles d’Héricault. Paris, 1874. Chassant, Alphonse. L’Awteur du Livre du Roy Modus. 1869. Chaucer, Minoy Poems. Ed. Furnivall. 1871. Chauffourt, Jacques de. Instructions. Paris, 1609. (2nd ed.) Chézelles, H. de. Vieille Vénerie. Paris, 1894. Chronique de la traison de Richard II. Eng. Hist. Soc. 1846. Cla., for Li Romans de Claris et Laris. Ed. by Dr. Alton. 1884. Clam. La Chasse du Loup. Par Jean de Clamorgan. Paris, 1566. Close Rolls, for Calendars of the Close Rolls preserved in the Pub. Rec. Office. Codorniu, J. Etude historique suy Gaston Phoebus. Floraux 1895. Cogho. Des Erstlings Geweih. Leipzig, 1886. Collyns, C. P. The Chase of the Wild Red Deer. London, 1862. Compleat Angler. See Walton. LIST OF SOME BOOKS CONSULTED Com. Sports., for The Complete Sportsman. By T. Fairfax. London. A : ee Corneli, R. Die Jagd. msterdam, 1884. : Gacment Ch. J. Shooting. Ed. by Horace G. Hutchinson. 2 vols. (Newnes). London, 1903. Cotgrave. Dictionary. 1679. Cotgrave and Sherwood’s Dictionary. eat —— 1673. Cox, Nich. The Gentleman’s Recreation. London, 1674. Cran. Ch., for Anecdotes and History of Cranbourne Chase. By Wm. Chafin. London, 1818. Culemann, L. Delineatio Venatus. Hanover, 1564. Cupples, George. Scotch Deerhounds and their Masters. London, 1894. : Curmer, L. Verure de J. Foncquet. Paris, 1866. Curtasye, Boke of. Ed. by Halliwell. Percy Soc., Pub. Vol. iv. Cynegetica. London, 1788. Dalton, Michael. The Country Justice. 1666. Daniel, W. B. Rural Sports. London, 1801. : D. et B., for Daurel et Beton. Ed. by Paul Meyer. Paris, 1880. Dalziel, for British Dogs. By Hugh Dalziel. 3 vols. London, 1887-96. Daurel et Beton. Ed. Paul Meyer. Paris, 1880. e Duc d’Aumale, for Recueil de la Philobiblion Society. Vol. il. London, 1855-56. k Delacourt, for Le Chasse a la Haie. Par Peigne Delacourt. Péronne, 1872. ; Delisle, L. Inventaive des MSS. de la Biblioth. Nationale. Paris, 1876, &c. De Noir., for Histoive de la Chasse. Pay le Baron Dunoyer de Noirmont. Paris, 1867. 3 vols. Dillon, Viscount. Fairholt’s Costumes in England. London, 1885. Ditschfield, R.H. Old English Sport. London, 1891. Doebel, H. W. Neueriffnete Jiger Practica. Leipzig, 1783. Dolopathos, for Li Romans de D. Ed. by Brunet et Mon- taiglon. 1856. Dombrowski, E. von. Die Lehre von dem Zeichen. 1886. Dombrowski, R. von. Allgemeine Encyklopadie, dey gesammter Forst und Jagd. Wissenschaft, Wien 1886. Domesday Book. By Henry Ellis (2 vol.). London, 1833. Drake, Francis. Eboracum. London, 1736. Dryden, Alice. Memorials of Old Northamptonshire. 1903. Dryden, Sir Henry. Twici’s Art of Hunting. Middle Hill Press. 1840. —— Daventry. 1843. —— Gaston III. Le livre dela Chasse. Daventry, 1844. Dudik. Kaiser Mavximilian’s II. Jagd ordnung. Wien, 1867. Du Fouil., for La Venevie. Pay Jacques du Fouilloux, Niort, 1864. Dugdale Bar, for The Bavonage of England. 1675. Eglamoure, for The Romance of E. of Avrtoys. Camden Soc. 1844. Ellis. See Domesday Book. Elyot, Sir Thomas. The Boke named the Governour. Ed. HHS Crotty. 1880: Emmanuel John, Infant of Spain. El libyo de la Caza. Edit. by G. Baist. Halle, 1880. Ency. of Sport, for Encyclopedia of Sport. London, 1897. Enslin, Th. Ch. Fr. Bibliotheck dey Forst and Jagdwissen- schaft. Leipzig, 1823. Essenwein, Augst. (Quellen zur Geschichte. dey Feuerwaffen. 1872-27. Estlander, T., for Pidces inmedites du Roman de Tristan. Ed. by C. G. E. Helsingfors. 1867. Evans, D.S. An English and Welsh Dict. 1852-8. Ex. Brit. An., for Extinct British Animals. By J. E. Harting. London, 1880. Excerpta Historica. London, 1831. Fleming, H. F. von. Dey volkommene Teutsche Jiiger. Leipzig, 1719. Fortescue, Hon. J. W. Records of the Stag-hunting on Exmoor. London, 1887. Recits de Chasseurs. Bruxelles, 1858. vetievs de France. Paris. August. Vindob. Foudras, Marquis de. Fourtier, A. Les grands Lou de Frederic II. Relique liborum Frederict It, 1590. , : Frunsberg, G. v. Schlacht ber Pavia. 1525. Gace de la Buigne. Bulletin du Bibliophile, 13 series. contains the Duc d’Aumale’s treatise on G. de la B., also in Philobiblion Society, Vol. II. London. Garin de Loh. Die Geste der Loherains. A. Feist. 1884. Garnier, P. Chasse du Sanglier. 1876. Gaucheraud, H. Histoire de C. de Foix. 1834. : Gawaine, A Collection of Ancient Romance Poems. Edit. by Sir Fred. Madden. 1839. me G. de F. stands for Joseph Lavallée’s edition of Gaston de Foix’s La Chasse de Gaston Phoebus. Paris, 1854. G. de P., for Roman de Guillaume de Palerne. Ed. H. Michelant. Paris, 1876. G. de St., for Gottfried von Strassburg. Ed. by P. A. Leh- mann. Hamburg, 1703. Gentleman’s Magazine. 1752. Gent. Recreation, for Gentleman’s Recreation. By Nicholas Cox. London, 1686. God. de Bouill., for Godefroi de Bouillon. C. Hippeau. Paris, 1877. 2 Goechhausen, H. F. von. Notabilia Venatoris. Weimar, Astle Coe de Champgrand. Traité de Venerie. Paris, 1769. Graesse, J.G.T. Jagerbrevier. Wien, 1869. —— Litevaturgeschichte. Dresden, 1845. Greyhounds. By A Sportsman, London, 1819. Halliwell, for J. O. H.’s A selection from the Minor Poems of Lydgate. Pub. by the Percy Society. Vol. 2, 1842. —— Carols. Pub. by the Percy Society. Vol. 4. 1842. —— Dictionary of Provincial and Aychaic Words. 1850. Hammer-Purgstall, Jos. von. Falkner Klee. Wien und Pest, 1840. Hard. de Font. G. Le Trésor de la Venerie. Pay Hardouin de Fontaines-Guérin. Ed. by Baron J. Pichon. Paris, 1855. —— Ed. by Michelant. Metz, 1856. Hardyng, for The Chronicles of John Hardyng. Ed. 1543. London. Harrison, for Harrison’ s Description of England (Holinshed). Edit. by F. J. Furnivall. London, 1877. Hartig, G. L. Lehrbuch fin Jiger. Tubingen, 1810. Harting, James Ed. Sce Bib. Accip. and Ex. Brit. An. —— Zoologist. 1878-1880. H. de B., for Huon de Bordeaux. Ed. by F. Guessard and C. Grandmaison. Paris, 1866. Harewood, H. A Dictionary of Sporvt. London, 1835. Hartopp, E.C.C. Sport in England. London, 1894. Hearne, T. Liber Niger Scaccartt. 1728. Heresbach, Conrad. Rei vustice libri quatuor . . . Item de Venatione... 1570. Historical Review. Jan. 1903. Hollinshed, R. (Harrison), Ed. F. G. Furnivall. London, 1877. Hore, J. P. History of the Buckhounds. 1893. Horn., for Das Anglonoymannische Lied vom Ritter Horn. Ed. by E. Stengel. Marburg, 1883. Houdedot, C. F. A. d’. Les Femmes Chasseresses. Paris, 1859. Jesse, for Reseayches into the History of the British Dog. By G. R. Jesse. 2 vols. London, 1866. Journal des Chasseurs. Vols. 27, 28, 29, and 30. Paris. Jubinal, Michel. Nouveau Recueil de Conte, &c. (La Chace dou Serf.) 1839. Jullien, E. LaChasse, son histoive et sa Législation. Paris (1868). —— LaChasse du Loup. Paris, 1881. Karajan, T.G. von. Kaiser Maximilian’s Geheimes Jagdbuch. Wien, 1858. Keller, for Thieve des Class. Alteythums. von Otto Keller. Innsbruck, 1887. Kennet, White. Parochial Antiquities. 1695. Kobell, F. von. Der Wildanger. Stuttgart. 1859.